Bloody Amily Copyright, ,by Alison Wang, Anna Lin, Tenya Tseng, Tina Huang, Viona Lin Published by Sky Education English School
Bloody Amily
There was a big old abandoned house in the middle of the dark forest. There was a little girl who lived in the house before, a long time ago, 20 years before any new died to buy the house. Her name was Amily. Amily was an angry girl, her heart was full of hate. But it was not for her teacher or her friends. Because Amily didn’t have any friends and she didn’t go to school.
Amily was a secret. No one could know that she existed, except her parents. Amily’s parents were not good people. Amily’s mom was not loving. She always used Amily to do dangerous things, she always made Amily to pick up branches in the misty forest. One dark and misty night, Amily’s dad was drunk. He used a long creepy whip to hit Amily. She cried with pain, screamed with anger, her blood gushed from her body until finally she could take no
more pain. With one last scream the life left her body. Amily was dead.
Amily’s heart was still full of hate. That made her become a vengeful ghost. After 20 years, a new family moved into the house. They were kind to others. Amily only felt jealous. She wanted to make them crazy, and as angry as she was in her heart.
First, she moved their furniture to scare them. She wanted them to know that she was there. Next, she wanted to make the parents distrust there child. So, she scared their child again and again. Every time, the child went to tell his parents. But, his parents never believe him. After a few months, this family was totally cracked. Amily saw everything, she wanted to kill all of them.
One day, the child was playing outside. Amily took a sharp and pointed knife. She wanted to kill the child. The child saw her, he yelled. A head fell. The child’s dad saw everything. Now he believed his
child. The dad pick up the knife, stab on Amily. Red and fresh blood pull on the grass.
by Alison
Wang , Anna Lin, Tenya Tseng, Tina Huang, Viona Lin