BMR Calculator Available for Women BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate suggest the amount of energy required or used up by our body to perform normal basic functions like breathing, beating of hearts, brain functioning, breaking down of food particles into simpler substances and other such internal body functions etc when we are not doing any kind of external physical activity. Gender, Age, Height, Body Weight daily physical activities like day-today tasks or some forms of exercises etc all have an influence on the BMR reading of an individual. Needless to say it differs from person to person. It is also dependant on the amount of body tissue that leads to our overall body mass. Basal Metabolic Rate is boosted on increasing our external bodily functions like exercises or doing more work. BMR Calculators for women are available to help them get their BMR reading accurately and at ease so that they can take better care of their health. With the availability of such calculating devices for both men and women it is now easier to take control of one’s own health by themselves. Importance BMR readings show the amount of calories being used up by a human body at the state of complete rest like sleeping or relaxing on a couch and doing nothing. It is known to all that even when we do nothing like when we sleep our body is actually using some energy to get the internal functional done smoothly which gets displayed in the BMR calculators. Height, Weight and Gender are crucial factors while determining or calculating Basal Metabolic Rate. In order to be able to calculate the basal metabolic rate of a human being, be it man or a woman, one needs to chose either a Metric calculator or Imperil Calculator. The calculation is done according to Harris-Benedict Equation. This formula helps to get a fair idea of the daily calorie burn depending on the physical activity one does. Java script is required to be in the Internet browser so that the BMR calculation can be done correctly and efficiently using the above mentioned formula. After saying all these it should be kept in mind that the readings displayed by the BMR Calculator for men or women should always be observed, followed and maintained as a guide only and not taken as substitute for medical advices rendered by doctors under any given situation. Practical Implication As already told BMR calculators for women and men may look same but very much differ as their formulas, basic required body weight differs. BMR Calculators are available at reputed medical stores where one just needs to input valid necessary information and get the result accurately within shortest possible time period. Further using online BMR Calculator is very easy where you do not need to buy the thing out of your pocket and also get the correct result within seconds only. Still, if one wants to get the calculation done then the formula that will help them to get the result in their correct form is as below: BMR= 66+ (6.23 * WEIGHT IN POUNDS) + (12.7 * HEIGHT IN INCHES) - (6.8 * AGE OF THE PERSON IN YEARS)