Electronic Health Record to Help You Electronic Health record as the very name suggest is the proper recording of health records of patients in their electronic form in an organized manner. It is in simple words a digital version of the patient’s paper chart. These records are maintained and stored by the authorized medical practioners or the medical employees of a medical establishment systematically in their electronic form so that they can be tracked down as and when needed to consult. These are done by the medical staff. Inter facilities have modernized everything in our society and so medical institutions too are taking benefits by installing suitable software systems to help them store important health records of various patients electronically. It constitutes the treatment that the patient is undergoing and each and every minute detail of the patient’s medical history that may come quite handy while dealing with the health issues of the patient by the doctors. In this sway the loads of important medical documents of the patients in a medical institute can be reduced and stored in their electronic form in a much more orderly ways. Highlights Electronic Health Records contain significant medical history and developments from time to time of a patient in an organized way. It contains medical history, diagnoses, medicines prescribed from time to time, immunizations and vaccinations, plan for further treatments, allergies if any, radiology images like X ray reports or Ultrasonography reports, and other forms of laboratory or test results etc. All these and other pertaining to the health issues of a patient or even a number of various patients can be stored and recorded through Electronic Health Record System. This can be upgraded from time to time also. These records of important documentation regarding the health matters of a particular patient helps a doctor or such medical practioners to take right decisions and make future treatment plans depending on such valid information. The major highlight or the greatest advantage of Electronic Health Record is that the documentation updated, stored or maintained in this format cab be shared with other doctors or medical person across more than one health care unit. This are primarily built to share and discuss this with other medical practioners or health care providers of some other medical organizations. Laboratories, Medical imaging units, Pharmacies, Emergency units etc can be shared with such important documents. Electronic Health Records improves accuracy and reliability of diagnosis and health outcomes, enhances health care co-ordination, and also boosts quality of health care services being provided to the patients. It further provides limited access to such important documents regarding a patient to only authorized healthcare providers only, thus it maintains privacy and security of such significant records. In short it is a patient-centered and evidence-based system of organizing and keeping health records. Family Medical Health Record is a software system that can be installed in one’s personal computer or laptop to help them keeping an organized record of several important health related documents and information of one’s family. Anything and everything require remembering or take care of from health point of view can be stored and recorded here.