Weight management with weight loss diet can keep you healthy and fit

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Weight Management With Weight Loss Diet Can Keep You Healthy And Fit There are various weight loss programs that will help you to control your weight. Taking care of your health is important. For a healthy and attractive physique, there are several ways to effective weight management. Weight loss programs vary from person to person, depending on their body type and body mass index (BMI). The BMI of a person determines whether he/she is underweight or overweight. In such a case a registered dietician or an exercise expert can help you to understand the total amount of fat that exists in your body. The body fat in men and women is always different. A woman with more than 30 % of fat is considered to be an obese. For men it should be between 13 to 17.4% and the man who has more than 25% body weight is considered obese. It is with the help of the BMI it can be determined the risk for acquiring certain disease, mainly like diabetes and hypertension. The two words obesity and overweight does not mean same. For overweight people it is recommended to have physical exercise regularly with the proper food control. The amount of calories that can be consumed by an obese should not be more that 10 calories per pound of desirable body weight. If the person is highly active with regular exercise can have about 18 calories pp of body weight. And moderate active person can have about 15 calories per pound of body weight. Weight management can be done in different ways like control in food intake, eating healthy diet, doing regular exercise having proper sleep and keeping your bowels clean can make you healthy fit and free from being obese. Different weight loss diet advertisement claims amazing weight loss, with the help of hundreds of different diet plans. Some of the diets do work well if followed strictly, but some has a bad effect on the body and at times the matters get worst. No one can exactly say that this particular food will surely reduce the weight. Some of the crazy freaks go out for supplements for weight loss, which is not at all advisable, as there were no evidence of proof. It is found that wrong eating of food makes you obese along with bad postures. That is the reason you should eat healthy food and do exercise only that your body requires not excess which is another risk factor. With the help of a dietician you can start with your food diet and simultaneously the right exercise should be performed to balance with the right food. Eat food which is healthy and never full you stomach while eating which tends to increase your food intake. Develop a new style to eat only nutritious food and fill only 2/3 with food and water and the other 1/3 should be left to allow other functions to perform. Exercise is the next crucial thing that needs to be performed that too regularly, and never forget to do cardio and weight lifting program will help in losing weight. Losing weight is a challenge, however with the help of nutritious and healthy weight loss diet and proper exercise, motivation and support can help a person to lose weight in a right way.

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