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Emeritus Trustees: Fall 2020 Bob McElroy ’49 James Hogg ’56 Norm Bednarek ’59 Joseph Prueher ’64 Skip Dittmann ’67 John Padgett ’69 Dick Young ’69 Skid Heyworth ’70
Spring 2021 Taylor Keith ’59 Lyman Perry ’60 Sted Garber ’65 Dennis Haley ’67 Randy Bogle ’68
During our virtual Fall A&SP meeting the Awards Committee selected Men’s Gymnastics Coach Kip Simons as the Coach of the Year for Fall 2020 for his outstanding performance in leading his team. This recognition included a monetary award and a trophy. Congratulations to this great coach! Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 there were no Coaches Awards for Spring 2020.
We have traveled a difficult road with all that has occurred in the last 19 months but as evidenced by the record-setting year and the amazing campaign result the Navy spirit is alive and well. The road may be long, and that means there are opportunities to get better and continue our proud legacy of athletic excellence and developing young men and women of character. GO NAVY, BEAT Army!
Rear Admiral Thomas C. Lynch ’64, USN (Ret.) Chairman
“We develop our character muscles by overcoming challenges and obstacles,” said Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. I see that as a reminder that life and relationships come with many trials and tribulations, but those CAPT DON HUGHES ’88, experiences are exactly what makes USN (RET.) us who we are.
It’s amazing to think how fast 2020 went from a typical year to complete and utter confusion with almost every aspect of our lives. The new normal had us going in different directions and getting used to being uncomfortable. In typical fashion, throughout 2020 and into 2021, we adjusted the way(s) we did business and continue to deal with COVID.
We adapted to this evolving threat and learned that we could communicate effectively through the combination of video teleconferencing, phone calls and emails. I don’t believe anyone would say this means of communicating is better than face-to-face and having the social interaction but, under the circumstances, our ship continues to sail in the right direction.
Our Athletic and Scholarship Programs had an outstanding year by any measure. As Admiral Lynch mentioned, we had a record year and we closed our very successful Called to Serve, Daring to Lead Campaign with significant contributions from our A&SP Trustees and many others. Our team of Trustees, the A&SP staff, the USNA Alumni Association and Foundation, the USNA Admissions staff, the Naval Academy Athletic Association, our partner prep schools, our Foundation scholarship students and their families displayed dedication, professionalism and energy every step of the way.
Collectively, we will continue to weather the storm and demonstrate what resiliency truly is. To say I am proud and grateful to stand alongside such a strong group of people would be an understatement.
SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM I had the great fortune to work with an amazing group of young men and women, as well as their parents, as we all navigated schedules with remote, in-person and hybrid learning options. Each of our Foundation-sponsored prep school students made the best of a unique situation and worked extremely hard to gain their appointments to the Naval Academy with the Class of 2025.
There were 46 that started and 42 (33 men and 11 women) earned their appointments for an outstanding 91 percent matriculation rate. Four of our students did not matriculate for various reasons including academics, medical and PRT issues. One of our students was injured after receiving her appointment. I’m happy to report she
will go through rehab and continue her pursuit of an appointment with the Class of 2026.
So, we have 41 who became midshipmen on Induction Day. If our track record continues, 94 percent of our Foundation students will graduate in four years! The Class of 2026 Foundation-sponsored prep students are all set to go, and we have 45 (26 men and 19 women) students enrolled at 11 of our 16 affiliated prep schools for the 2021-22 academic year. I’m excited for all our students and am reminded of what my predecessor Captain Ed Wallace ’72, USN (Ret.), told me: “Our program is a win-win for our students and the Naval Academy.”
PHYSICAL MISSION SUPPORT I have only been on the job for two years and most of it during COVID, but it has been intuitively obvious that the ever-increasing financial support our Trustees, alumni, friends and parents provide in support of the physical mission and Navy athletic programs is a critical part of the Naval Academy’s efforts to develop these young men and women. Due to the challenges with COVID we weren’t sure how our donors would respond, and as Admiral Lynch shared, we raised a record $3.68 million. We never lost sight of the impact we can have on our midshipmen and our Naval Academy family; we just adjusted our sails due to the unforeseen winds and carried on!
That support has resulted in tangible results with the following notable achievements: 13-7 Army-Navy record, 11 Conference Championships, 21 All-Americans, 24 Academic All-Americans, three Patriot League ScholarAthletes of the Year, 12 national or conference Coaches of the Year, 10 national or conference Athletes of the Year and three conference Rookies of the Year.
Navy captured its seventh-consecutive Patriot League Presidents’ Cup. Navy’s first varsity eight Lightweight Crew was the 2021 IRA National Champions and the 2021 IRA Lightweight Crew of the Year. Considering the COVID challenges, these achievements are truly remarkable. We can all take great pride in our scholar-athletes and our generous support of Naval Academy athletics. As Chet Gladchuk always says, “EXPECT TO WIN!”
The following prep school scholarships have been established in the past year: • The Admiral William D. Smith ’55, USN (Ret.), Memorial Scholarship, established by his wife Sabra H. Smith. • The Captain William P. Donnelly, Sr. USN (Ret.), Class of 1965 Memorial Scholarship, established by his classmates, teammates and friends. • The Major Matthew M. Weigand, USMC, USNA ’08 Memorial Scholarship, established by his parents, Captain Roy A. Wiegand ’73, USN (Ret.), and Margaret A. Wiegand.
If you are interested in learning more about contributions or establishing a permanent USNA Foundation Scholarship, please contact our office.
The unbridled passion for the Naval Academy from our Trustees, NAAA, our Naval Academy Foundation staff, alumni, parents and friends is a force multiplier. That enables us to continue providing the margin of excellence required to help ensure the Naval Academy is developing the type of quality young men and women that will lead our country.
Thank you does not convey the appreciation I have for everyone that helps make our team successful! I’d be remiss if I didn’t specifically thank the chairman of Athletic and Scholarship Programs, Rear Admiral Tom Lynch ’64, USN (Ret.), and Alumni Association and Foundation President and CEO Byron Marchant ’78, for their support and leadership. Also, my sincere thanks to the backbone of A&SP, Chris Knott, Tracey Cook and Mariola Baker, who do the heavy lifting and make sure everything is on track.
If you have any questions or desire to know more about supporting our programs, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Call us, email us, check us out on the web, send us a letter or better yet, come visit us at 25 Maryland Ave., Annapolis, MD. We look forward to working with you! Our office phone is 410-295-4095, our email is aspfoundation@usna.com, and our web address is www.usna.com/asp.