Inside Ashburton January 2013

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Ashburton JANuary 2013

Storms, fire and dust kick off 2013 Although we’re only into the first few weeks of 2013, there have been many significant events for the Onslow community. Extraordinary pictures of an unusual dust storm off the Onslow coast have made their way around the world. Tug boat worker Brett Martin captured some amazing images while working off our coast and said visibility was reduced to 100 metres. Brett and his colleagues were west of False Island when the thunderstorm passed over Onslow and headed toward the Indian Ocean. The Bureau of Meteorology said the red wave was created as wind and rain caused the storm to dump the sand and dust it had taken from the land.

in this issue New Year’s Greetings from the Shire of Ashburton............................ 2

Photo by Brett Martin/

Spectacular displays in the Pilbara.... 5 Brendon Grylls officially opens Revitalised Tom Price Town Centre... 7 Australia Day Celebrations !!!............10 Early Childhood Initiative..................15

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After the dust storm it was time for thunderstorms, with Severe Tropical Cyclone Narelle dumping some wind and rain on the town. But that wasn’t all for Onslow. A fire devastatingly gutted the Shire offices and town hall on the evening of Sunday January 13. Shire of Ashburton Acting Chief Executive Officer Frank Ludovico said the fire started around 7:30pm and the damage is extensive. Fire fighters and local emergency services volunteers worked together to put out the fire by midnight, however the fire reignited around 3am before it was completely extinguished by 6am. Police are investigating the incident. The Staff of the Shire of Ashburton would like to thank the fire brigade, local emergency service volunteers, Police

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and local businesses in Onslow for their extensive efforts in trying to save the offices, library and town hall. The town hall has a wonderful history and held many memories for locals. Dawn McAullay is Onslow’s local historian and has many fond memories of the town hall but is worried a lot of the town’s historical memorabilia has been lost forever. “The town hall and Council offices contained history such as wartime memorabilia, paintings and the roll of honour that was displayed in the foyer. The hall also contained photographs of all the Shire of Ashburton’s past presidents,” said Dawn. The building was originally built in 1912 in old Onslow and was called the Mechanics Institute. Continued on page 3

New Year’s Greetings from the Shire of Ashburton The community can have confidence in the Shire of Ashburton as we progress forward and witness the many exciting projects already taking shape in our community.

Frank Ludovico, Acting CEO: “Keep calm and carry on”.

Message from Frank Ludovico, Acting CEO As the organisation experiences major changes, staff will continue to focus on the Shire’s vision to be a vibrant and prosperous place for work, leisure and living. As Acting CEO, I’ve thought about our direction for 2013, and my focus is maintaining stability for the organisation and providing quality Local Government services. Recently, Council engaged the Department of Local Government to undertake a probity audit which looked at the Shire of Ashburton’s processes to ensure it complied with regulations. As a result, former CEO Jeff Breen has left the organisation. We acknowledge that Jeff Breen had accomplished great things for the region during his time as CEO and we can build on his achievements as we progress into the future. In December 2012, the Minister of Local Government suspended the Councillors for six months in order to undertake governance training with a focus on statutory compliance duties.

Commissioner Ronald Yuryevich has been appointed to take on the role of council. He is the Mayor of KalgoorlieBoulder and will visit the Shire of Ashburton the day before a Council meeting and the day after. I will be in the chair for at least six months until the Council returns and proceed with recruiting a new CEO. We want to improve the competency of our councillors and the administrative practices by our staff, and this is the path to doing things better. There are some exciting projects upcoming for 2013 which are good for our communities and as a region, we can look forward to. Our towns will benefit from partnerships with major resource companies such as Rio Tinto, Chevron and BHP who will contribute significantly to improving community infrastructure.

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Rio Tinto and Pilbara Development Commission have invested in constructing the Tom Price Sports Pavillion and plans continue to progress for the Paraburdoo town site redevelopment including playground equipment, a child care centre and a sports facility. The Shire is also building a $30 million airport at Onslow in partnership with Chevron. We are committed to these projects and will ensure they come to completion. They are fantastic contributions to building a long term, sustainable infrastructure to the community. In the meantime, the community can still count on the fundamental services being provided such as the parks and streets being maintained, efficient waste management, library services and local community events. The mission that I have in my time as Acting CEO is to embed new practices and procedures into the organisation and providing the best Local Government to the community. The community can have confidence in the Shire of Ashburton as we progress forward and witness the many exciting projects already taking shape in our community. Happy New Year. Frank Ludovico Acting CEO, Shire of Ashburton

Storms, fire and dust kick off 2013 (continued)

6 at the Mushroom Ball, 195

Onslow Town Hall

… the saddest part is losing the hall itself and the beautiful floorboards. It’s a huge loss for the town.

In 1926 the hall was relocated to its current location. In 1934 the hall was demolished after a cyclone but the original floorboards were restored and used in the new building.

Anzac parades were every year through the street, finishing at the town hall where the community would have the service. “That hall holds lots of memories,” said Dawn.

“If those floorboards could talk they could tell many a story!” laughed Dawn.

“It was the hub of the town. Before TV came to Onslow you had to go find your own fun and the hall was part of that because we had lots of dances and we used to even hold the pictures there.”

“Not only did the community love spending their weekends dancing, rollerblading or having birthday parties at the town hall, but famous musicians also spent their time there.” Slim Dusty performed at the hall as well as Buddy Williams, Chad Hall, ballet troupes, the Salvation Army Band and many other accomplished performers.

“For me, the saddest part is losing the hall itself and the beautiful floorboards. It’s a huge loss for the town.”

“When I came as a child I used to go play badminton in the hall,” said Dawn. “And we used to have dances there in the good old days before TV. There was lots of dances.” In 1968 the Council offices were added to the hall, which held a stunning painting of the jetty, acquired by the Shire to commemorate the centenary year in 1983. Dawn said the fire has destroyed a lot of fond memories too. Cabaret, Onslow Town Hall, 1967

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Damage to the historic Town Hall, library and Shire offices are severe.

Cracker of a storm on New Years Day

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Spectacular displays in the Pilbara This stunning image was taken by Mike Edmondson on New Year’s Day. The start of The Wet is always a dynamic weather period in the Pilbara. Thunder, lightning, rain, dust storms and bushfires are the norm ‌ just ask the people of Onslow. In the Christmas-New year period they had it all. Lightning strike fires on surrounding stations were soon doused by rain, but the denuded savannahs were then susceptible to the wind of approaching storms. After several nights of spectacular lightning storms and fires, Onslow was hit by a dust storm on January 3, immediately followed by another thunderstorm and rain.

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Planting our Future The Planting Our Future project was launched at Wakathuni and Bellary communities last month and will provide residents of the communities with various fruit and vegetables they cultivate themselves. As part of the project, a pergola, barbecue area, kangaroo pit and vegetable garden have been built in the communities and about 40 large trees were planted to provide shade. Project manager Cecilia Fernandez said it was a success with local men from the communities playing an integral role in building the different amenities. “They built the fences, they built the kangaroo pit, they built the barbecue area and they planted all barbecue area and they planted all the trees,” she said. “It was hard work but it is really something we are proud of.” Mrs Fernandez said three of the men gained their Certificate III in Aboriginal and environmental health in the process of the construction of the project. Mrs Fernandez said the project had secured the future for other projects to come in the community. “They have planted ownership, they have planted pride of themselves, they have planted hope for things to come better, they have planted employment opportunities,” she said.

The garden and kangaroo pit at Bellary Springs

“It is an ongoing development process, starting from this project.” Mrs Fernandez said the project demonstrated how the food could be grown locally and how the residents of the communities could take ownership and responsibility for their own projects and community. by Cameron Myles

Balloons are released to commemorate ‘Planting our Future’.

…the project had secured the future for other projects to come in the community.

Cecilia Fernandez thanks Abel Dickerson for his outstanding commitment to the project.

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Brendon Grylls officially opens Revitalised Tom Price Town Centre Heavy Pilbara rain graced the Official opening of Tom Price’s revitalised Town Centre last month. Regional Development Minister Brendon Grylls attended the event to celebrate the completion of Stage 1 of the town centre.

I am quite excited about the potential of a partnership between the Shire, the Government, Industry and Gumula,… “You have one of the prettiest towns in Western Australia, the infrastructure didn’t keep up with the attractiveness of your community or the economic drive delivered from the community.

Minister Brendon Grylls and Vince Catania officially open the revitalised town centre. Local children cheered as Jorja Gubbins cuts the ribbon.

The Shire of Ashburton delivered the project with $10million of funding provided by the State Government’s Royalties for Regions initiative, through the Pilbara Cities Community Development. The new upgrade opened with a ribbon cutting ceremony and Minister Grylls said it was a perfect start for the renewal of the Tom Price community.

“Hopefully that will start to catch that up and we hope we can keep Royalties for Regions going so that Stage 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are all possible.

Stage one works included an upgrade of utilities, redevelopment of the town mall, new street-scaping, improved public open spaces and community facilities and facilities and amenities for tourists.

“I would hope that as we build the CBD and the industry grows that more and more families decide that living in Tom Price has better options than dad flying to Tom Price to work and then flying home again.”

“I am quite excited about the potential of a partnership between the Shire, the Government, Industry and Gumula,” said Minister Grylls.

The ceremony ended with local kids running forward to help Minister Grylls cut the ribbon that officially opened Tom Price’s new town centre.

“Western Australia is strong in economic sense and it allows us to do things like put extra money into a non-profit centre and to build stuff because of the work being done in Tom Price which is driving the State and National Economy,” said Minister Grylls. “Without you it doesn’t work for us. It is only fair that the Tom Price community starts to look like you are the epicentre of State and National Economic Development and this is a really nice start and I congratulate you all for that.”

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Christmas lights in Tom Price…

Tom Price was once again dazzled by Christmas Light displays in the front yards of local residents in 2012.

Christmas Lights in the Pilbara

Christmas lights in Paraburdoo … On the balmy evening of Friday 14th December Jacquie Price, Linton Rumble and Lisa Rickert made their way around the streets of Paraburdoo, seeking the most creative and imaginative Christmas light displays. Particularly looking for which home best captured the spirit of Christmas. Many hours must have been spent by families planning and installing the wonderful displays of Christmas lights. There were a variety of different styles and designs, some with the added touch of Christmas music playing, making the judges decisions very difficult.

Our town’s community spirit and pride was evident, with many residents enjoying the company of family and friends outdoors and walking or driving around town to view the decorations and soak up the Christmas atmosphere, Pilbara style. The judges were sure they were being followed by Santa’s helpers with Christmas sparkles and elf bells being seen and heard everywhere they visited.

Despite the stormy weather trying to snuff out the Christmas dazzle around town, the judges were awed by the thoughtful and artistic displays, which truly reflected the amount of time and effort that local resident’s go to when placing their lights each year. Lighting displays were judged not only the amount of lights strung up in the yard, but also on the opportunity for the community to engage with the display. As the judges discovered, walking through a display of lights can have an amazing effect transporting you to another, very Christmassy world. Another highlight was speaking with all the other revealers also traipsing about Tom Price in search of the Christmas Spirit which, we discovered, is well and truly alive and well in our town! Entrants into the competition all remarked that they do it year after year not to win, but for the joy they know they bring to the Tom Price community.

After enjoying a delicious supper kindly donated by Deb Bennet, the judges decided on our winners for 2012.

Christmas Lights Competition Winners: Pannawonica All the beautiful lights of Panna have been judged and it is our pleasure to announce the winners for 2012: 1st Place: Kath Collins & Tony Evans 2nd Place: Kylie & Frosty Otley 3rd Place: Eileen & Arthur (Ma & Pa) Hall And an extra special award this year goes to the ‘Best Decorated Street’ for 2012: ‘Peedamulla Way’ Pannawonnica winner

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Christmas Lights Competition Winners: Onslow The winners for the Christmas Lights Competition in Onslow are: 1st Clarke St (Mr. & Mrs. Elliot) 2nd Maunsell Crt (K. Tapper) 3rd Goods Museum Shed (D. McAullay) 4th Ponderosa (Mr. & Mrs. Boyd) 5th McGrath Ave (P. Howell) 6th Caravan Park (D. Wiren)

Christmas lights in Onslow

Paraburdoo Congratulations to our winners who will be awarded their prizes of cash and vouchers kindly donated by Rio Tinto, Muzzy’s Hardware and Fabmech on Australia Day Saturday 26th January 2013. Myvanwy & Justin Reading 67 Whaleback Ave Petula Clarke 590 King St. Jody & Wayne Blair 919 Weano Crescent

Tom Price Paraburdoo entrants Wayne & Jody Blair

The Judges were in no way swayed by the lollypops and sweets handed out at some displays and are pleased to announce the following winners: Phillip Young, 29 Mungarra Street Kingsley & Liain Cooper, 503 Sirus Street Shari & Jamie Callum, 487 Coolibah Street Nerreda Picks, 218 Frangipani Street Kolleene Kunkel, 1218 Wilgerup Place Tom Price Computers. Congratulations and thank you for making Christmas in Tom Price special for all its residents. A special thank you must also go the local businesses who sponsored this year’s competition: Muzzys Hardware, Sinewave, Passive Lighting, Fabmech and Rio Tinto.

Paraburdoo entrants, Sullivan Family

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Australia Day Celebrations !!! Saturday 26th January Get ready to celebrate Australia Day in your community with events and activities planned throughout the region.





Ridgy-didge Aussie Day Brekkie and Beaut Boat Regatta, 8.30 – 11.30am at Vic Hayton Memorial Swimming Pool.

Ridgy-didge Aussie Day Brekkie and Beaut Boat Regatta, 8.30 – 11.30am at Paraburdoo Pool.

Australia Day Celebrations at the front beach 11.30am – 3.30pm including Onslow’s Man Made Boat Regatta.

Contact the local library for information about Australia Day Celebrations in Panna.

Free entry and BBQ breakfast, Best dressed Aussie competition, Beaut Oz made pool boat regatta, water games and lifesaving races for the ankle biters.

Everything has to be man made from the hull to the oars, NO Outboards, $1000 Cash Prize for fastest boat in the ocean, Aussie BBQ (gold coin donation), Beach Games.

Free entry and BBQ breakfast, Best dressed Aussie competition, Beaut Oz made pool boat regatta, water games and lifesaving races for the ankle biters.

Registration forms to be returned to Shire Office or call 9181 3303 to register by 24th January.

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It’s back in 2013… 100% Ozzie made beaut boat regatta!

Get a head start on your boat at the January school holiday boat building workshops on 23 & 25 January 2013

START COLLECTING YOUR MAT ERIALS FOR YOUR BOAT NOW! Register your boat on the day at the pool Enquiries: Contact Mel May: 9188 0804 or 0408 238661

Brendon Grylls MLA and Vince Catania MLA delivering Royalties for Regions to the North West

The Nationals WA set to upgrade Tom Price and Paraburdoo Hospital

The Liberal and Labor parties cannot be trusted to deliver for regional WA. They had 60 years to do so, but didn’t. They said Royalties for Regions couldn’t work, but we delivered. Only The Nationals can guarantee the future of Royalties for Regions. Our plan to deliver better health services to Tom Price and Paraburdoo is available at THE NATIONALS WA HAVE DELIVERED... • Tom Price Town Centre Revitalisation • Increase in District Allowance • Upgrades at Clem Thomson Oval and Sports Pavilion in Tom Price • Wakuthuni and Bellary Community Garden • Pilbara Cities • Country Aged Pension Fuel Card • Royal Flying Doctor Service Jet and much, much more.... For more information visit

ONLY THE NATIONALS WA WILL DELIVER... • Upgrades to the Tom Price and Paraburdoo hospitals • New childcare facilities for Paraburdoo and Tom Price • New sporting and community hub in Paraburdoo • Nintirri Women’s and Youth health and domestic violence centre • Access to more housing for Tom Price and Paraburdoo • Emergency volunteer fuel card and much, much more...

a billion reasons to support

Wakuthuni and Bellary Open Day.

p: (08) 9941 2999

Starting work at the Sports Pavilion in Tom Price.

e: Authorised by Margaret Day, 9 North West Coastal Highway Carnarvon WA 6701.


Tom Price Town Centre Revitalisation.


Ranger’s Ramblings

Pet Profile

Name: Henry Looking for: Home with another dog. Age: 10mnths old

Likes: Loves other dogs to play with and for company during day Dislikes: Sitting in backyard alone Appearance: Blue Heeler X, long legs, slender body

Happy New Year! The New Year is a time to reflect on the changes we want or need to make. Resolutions are made, and for many, top of the list is often to lose weight, exercise more or finish building the garden shed (from 3 years ago). Or… perhaps you could promise to be (or continue to be) a responsible dog owner to your list! Providing your dog with enough exercise and play is an important responsibility for dog owners. It is also part of the fun of owning a dog. Exercise is good for your dog’s health, and can prevent some behaviour problems. Here are some ideas you (and your pet) can benefit from by adding it to your New Year’s Resolution list: • Exercise is not only fun with a pet, it also provides stimulation and can help prevent behavioural problems caused by boredom or built up energy. Why not go for a walk, socialize your dog with others in the new dog park! • Dogs need to exercise their minds as well as their bodies. Keep your friend happy with safe entertaining toys that encourage them to think, play and stay active.

• It is your responsibility to ensure your dog is currently registered and displays contact details of ownership on your dog’s collar. This provides vital identification to ensure your pet is returned safely back home if needed. • Provide nutritious foods, shelter and water for your pets. With the warm weather we experience in the Pilbara dogs left outside must be able to rest in a shaded area and have access to water 24 hours a day. Dogs should NEVER be left in cars, even if windows are down. Enjoy your pet’s company, they are wonderful loyal friends and deserve to be treated with your friendship, love and respect. Be a responsible dog owner. Look after your pet. Sammy Jay, Relief Shire Ranger

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Other Pets: Great with another dog any size, any age. Good with cats. Relationship status: Lovely Henry has been with SAFE since a young puppy. He did find a home locally but had no other dog as companion and even with children around he got bored in backyard. He has been living inside/outside, and has recently learnt to not jump up at people. He is a smart dog, lovely gentle nature, walks great on a lead, sociable, used to children of all ages. He is a medium-large dog and is young so likes attention and to play and run with another dog. He is already desexed, C3 Vaccinated and microchipped. Adoption fee is low to find him a home soon. Contact SAFE Tom Price on 0437 511 692 or email Follow us on Facebook by joining SAFE Tom Price/ Paraburdoo

Shortcuts Project CHOOSE YOUR OWN PATH…AND BROADCAST IT TO THE WORLD! Calling all budding West Australian filmmakers – the 2013 Perth Festival wants you to share your special part of the world with us. The ShortCuts Project is a chance for young people from all corners of WA to make their very own artistic contribution to the 2013 Perth Festival. Using a phone or digital camera we ask you to film your favourite local shortcut, be it a pathway, a walkway, a track, an avenue, a lane. A professional editor will then use each submission to create one extraordinary film that connects young people across the state through artistic collaboration. The ShortCuts Project is part of the 2013 Rio Tinto Education Program and the final film will be broadcast to the world via the web from early February

and also screened in various Perth Festival venues throughout the 2013 Perth Festival. Perth Festival Education Officer Jemma Gurney said at the centre of the Perth Festival’s Education Program was the desire to place art into the hands of West Australian young people from all over the State. “We seek to recognise young people as an audience and as artists in their own right and provide a platform by

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which they can share their unique perspectives. The ShortCuts Project gives us the opportunity to do this on a much larger scale,” she said. If you would like to make your own contribution to the project, you can find more details on the 2013 Perth Festival Website: Learning/Shortcuts-Film-Project/ Submission closes 7th February 2013

“First of a Kind” Early Childhood Initiative gets Govt Stamp of Approval A ground breaking initiative, given the increasing awareness of the significance of early childhood education in setting children’s learning trajectories and closing the education gap…

Nelita reading to Jaidah

WA Education Minister Peter Collier has signed a partnership agreement between Tom Price-based Gumala Aboriginal Corporation and Tom Price Primary School for the 3A (Abecedarian Approach Australia) Project”, Gumala’s innovative Early Childhood initiative at the Wakuthuni community. In announcing the agreement, which was signed in late December, Minister Collier said: “I want to congratulate the Gumala Aboriginal Corporation and the Department of Education, through Tom Price Primary School, for entering into a partnership to deliver a program that is designed to improve children’s oral language, social and emotional skills and wellbeing. The program is about strengthening links between the community and the school and will be run in a purpose-built early learning studio in the Wakuthuni community with fully qualified early childhood teachers.” One of the first early childhood centres in Australia to implement the 3A Approach, the project is a partnership between Gumala Aboriginal Corporation, The University of Melbourne and Tom Price Primary School. It represents a pioneering model of early childhood education that has been specifically created for this Aboriginal community living in their remote homeland in the Pilbara.

The 3A Project involved the design and construction of the early childhood education facility in Wakuthuni, which is located between Tom Price and Paraburdoo. Gumala then collaborated with University of Melbourne Graduate School of Education and Tom Price Primary School in order to establish the 3A education program. This partnership will allow Gumala to continue to focus on education being a key developmental tool for the Traditional Owners, especially in the early childhood years. A ground breaking initiative, given the increasing awareness of the significance of early childhood education in setting children’s learning trajectories and closing the education gap, the 3A Approach uses learning strategies which incorporate educational games, conversational reading and enriched care giving. The approach also assists parents by educating them about appropriate care-giving and learning activities for their children.

Gumala Chairman had this to say when Minister Collier announced the signing of the partnership agreement: “This is an exciting development in the life of the Wakuthuni early childhood centre’s development. The project was commissioned at the request of the local community, who identified a need to improve the educational and developmental outcomes of their children. Education is an exceptionally important issue for Gumala because the Traditional Owners constantly remind us that the future of the Banyjima, Innawonga and Nyiyaparli peoples lies in the future of their children, their children’s children, and future generations.” The partnership agreement signed by the State Government means that resources for the Welcome Centre for Aboriginal students at Tom Price Primary School will also be provided. The Welcome Centre helps students with access to uniforms, food and basic care before, during and after school. Gumala Aboriginal Corporation wishes to acknowledge the West Pilbara Communities for Children for its support of the 3A Project. By Gumala Aboriginal Corporation CEO Steve Mav

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Tom Price Community News Community Carols Night in Tom Price Looming storm clouds and frequent drizzle did not dampen the spirits of the large group of people that gathered for the Combined Churches Community Carol Service at the Tom Price Primary School on Sunday night the 9th December.

The venue was perfect with shelter inside and room on the lawn and we were very thankful to the school staff for their kindness in allowing us to use their premises and the assistance they gave in publicity. Both local primary schools performed three songs each and we were delighted with their singing and enthusiasm. We even learnt that Santa has a new truck from one of the songs. The choir and musicians performed beautifully and were made up from the combined churches and the Choir of Hard Rocks. They gave a wonderful lead to the singing – and hit some of the high notes that were out of the reach for many others. The Catholic choir inspired us with their singing. Mark Hayes from the Baptist Church led the event beautifully and thoughtfully.

Many people embraced the Christmas spirit by putting presents under the Christmas tree,… Pastor Chris Turk from the Baptist Church reminded us of the timeless story of the Three Wise Men. “Some gifts we give at Christmas are beyond monetary value – mending a quarrel, forgiving someone, telling someone you love them, reaching out to someone who is alone this Christmas,” he said. The beautiful sway of glow light candles across the group brought life and vitality. The enjoyment of singing both traditional carols and some new ones was a constant joy. People opened up their hearts to an offering to help the work of World Vision. The offering will help support a teacher on the Indian sub – continent and provide three fresh water pumps for villages in Africa. “Many people embraced the Christmas spirit by putting presents under the Christmas tree,” said Pastor Chris Turk. “These gifts will bring joy to disadvantaged children through Vincent de Paul. The Cadets from the High School were major contributors to the presents. They were also outstanding in their efforts with Samaritan’s Purse Christmas boxes,” he said.

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Around 190 boxes filled with toys donated by members of our community were sent to Perth and will be distributed to nearby countries such as New Guinea, Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam. “This just validates that the Tom Price community has a heart for others who are less fortunate,” said Pastor Chris Turk.

Tom Price Community News Rio Tinto Sponsor Pool Covers for Vic Hayton Memorial Swimming Pool The MacBall Heat Saver Pool Blankets, sponsored by Rio Tinto, have now arrived at the Vic Hayton Memorial Swimming Pool. The tough, tear resistant laminate blankets cover the length and width of the main and babies’ pools and will maintain the water temperature which is well known for being chilly, at a comfortable 26 degrees. Tom Price’s new Pool Manager Jon Tapper says that the blankets are a ‘welcomed addition’ to the pool with many users commenting on the now “perfect water temperature”. He adds that: “Not only do the blankets maintain the pool temperature, but they help to keep debris out of the pool in the evenings, making the pool cleaner for patrons”. Facilities Manager, Mabel Gough, extends a huge thank you on behalf of the Tom Price Community to Rio Tinto: “The Shire of Ashburton and the community of Tom Price are grateful for Rio Tinto’s generous support in sponsoring the pool blankets. The temperature of the pool water was always a little too cold to enjoy a swim on a hot summers day, however the pool blankets have stabilised the water temperature making a swim at the pool much more pleasant”.

Muzzy’s Hardware gives Christmas Spirit Muzzy’s Hardware in Tom Price has again shown that they truly understand the meaning of Christmas. Santa and his helpers were active in December, with a nominal photo charge of $5.00, many took up the opportunity to get a snap with Santa. Funds raised by Santa totalling $1,200 will be donated to the local Royal Flying Doctors. In addition, funds raised from the Hire of Muzzy’s Bouncy Castle, again totalling $1,200 will be donated to Tom Price Fire and Emergency Services. Muzzy’s would like to make a special Thank You to Santa and his trusted helpers for donating their time to be with us at the very busy time of Christmas. If you have not already collected your pictures, please come in and collect them ASAP. Hamburgers were the order of the day when the Tom Price BMX Club ran Muzzy’s December fundraising BBQ and despite the mass exodus of town folk, they raised $2,000 for their club. The winner of the $1,000 Price Hamper, also donated by Muzzy’s Hardware was taken out by Tom Price resident known as “Sticky”. Muzzy’s Hardware hold monthly fundraising BBQ’s for Community Groups and will donate everything needed on the day. What you make on the day is what your Club takes home. Tom Price and Paraburdoo Community groups interested in running a fundraising BBQ in 2013 are now being asked to contact Suzanne Edwards of Muzzy’s Hardware on 9189 1023.

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Tom Price Community News Community Welcome Breakfast for 2013

Hot Donuts Back In Tom Price The Welcome to Tom Price programme will commence in 2013 and feature three community events throughout the year. The aim of the Welcome Programme is two-fold; firstly it aims to welcome new residents to Tom Price and secondly it offers existing residents the opportunity to welcome new comers and re-familarise themselves with the services, organisations, community and sporting groups that exist in Tom Price.

The first welcome event will be a breakfast held at the Community Hall and Gardens, off Tamarind Street, on the 17 February 2013, commencing at 9am. The breakfast, and events that proceed it, will provide the opportunity for representatives from local businesses, organisations, community and sporting groups to meet and greet new and existing residents and promote their club, group or business. The 2013 Welcome Programme is proudly managed by the Shire of Ashburton, and in partnership with Rio Tinto.

Attention all Tom Price Businesses, Community and Sporting Groups! The Tom Price Welcome Breakfast need you! The Welcome to Tom Price Breakfast provides a great opportunity for you to promote your group or business and recruit new members. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be involved. To register your business or groups intention to attend the breakfast please contact Mel May by phone on 9188 0804 or 0418 238 661 or email Melissa.

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With the Tom Price bakery now closed, Hot Donuts were a hit for the Tom Price BMX Club when Muzzy’s Hardware ran a community fundraiser on the 5th January with Suzanne Edwards from Muzzy’s giving the club a brief training and demonstration session on cooking donuts, the BMX Club were up and frying. Whilst numbers of local town folk were down, the club still managed to raise $700 on the Day. If you are interested in Joining the Tom Price BMX Club you can contact the Club President, Jamie Callum on 0418 886 864 or check out their facebook page.

Onslow Community News Onslow UFOs There have been some strange unidentified flying objects sighted in Onslow recently. But closer inspection of the weird, coloured shapes hovering above the Front Beach shows them to be nylon kites depicting various large sea animals.

I just find it very relaxing to sit and watch them, and it’s a great way to meet the locals, too,”…

The kites belong to Greyhound bus supervisor Daryl Caesar, who works in Onslow on a FIFO roster for Chevron’s Wheatstone Project. A former Treasurer of the Queensland Kite Fliers Society, Daryl is a keen flier himself and says his unusual hobby is a rewarding way to while away a few hours on a sunny day. The kites have attracted a lot of curious townsfolk who frequently wander down to the foreshore to admire them and chat to Daryl. “I just find it very relaxing to sit and watch them, and it’s a great way to meet the locals, too,” Daryl said.

Greyhound bus driver Daryl Caesar with his colourful kites.Photograph by Mike Edmondson

Onslow Christmas If Santa Clause is coming to town, what better way to arrive than with a parade? Onslow’s annual Christmas Parade, on December 1, was a great way to bring the big fella in red into town where he gave out presents to the local kids at the Carols by Candlelight celebration. About a dozen floats took part in the parade, which heralded the start of the evening’s festivities. The locals then moved to the Onslow school for the kids to receive their presents from Santa before the carols began. The annual event is organised by the Shire of Ashburton with sponsorship and assistance from a number of local companies.

The winning parade entry from the Onslow Playgroup. Photographs by Mike Edmondson

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Parade prize winners.

Paraburdoo Community News Paraburdoo’s Special Welcome Breakfast Our final welcome breakfast for the year was held at Paraburdoo swimming pool at 8.30am on 11th November 2012. Karen Howarth from Paraburdoo library supervised a shady table for our future artists to express themselves with a variety of wonderful art and craft activities. While Denise Wright from Leaping Lizards travelled all the way from Onslow, conducting several Yoga sessions on the green grassed area. For many children the sessions were an introduction to yoga and by the smiles & laughter, Denise’s Yoga was a big hit. Throughout the day, attendees looked on while Lisa Johnson, swimming instructor from Little Fish Swim School was teaching our youngsters water skills and how to swim.

A bright and sunny, perfect Pilbara morning, set the scene for our community to enjoy free admission and a delicious barbecue breakfast by our pristine pool. Bacon, eggs and sausages were expertly cooked by St Teresa’ Catholic Church and served on fresh bread rolls. Yoghurt, cereals and scrumptious fruit platters were on the menu with fruit juice and ice water for refreshment. The Cuppa Van from Tom Price found a shady position in the car park providing an irresistible diversion for coffee lovers. Eliza’s bubble wands and Willi’s face painting delighted children and adults alike with plenty of giggles and fun. Willi donated hours of her time and creativeness, patiently painting works of art onto many faces and forearms of the crowd.

Rio Tinto and the Shire of Ashburton, who work in collaboration for Welcome Events, shared an information table. Jacquie Price and Cheril Anderson Smith provided surveys, pamphlets and free giveaways such as welcome packs, 40th Anniversary magazines and lollypops. The Pilbara Regiment, B Troop’s Warrant Officer Grover, travelled from Tom Price, accompanied by Lieutenant Brown and Corporal Hunter to conduct Remembrance Day formalities. A number of B Troop’s army reserves reside in Paraburdoo and WO Officer Grover was available to provide information and enquiries from our community. The army vehicle on display proved to be popular, particularly with males in the crowd.

Devil to Angel Dog trainer, Tegan Young and The Paraburdoo Scout’s Jo & Steve Hudson and Jess Davis were on hand and happy to provide membership forms and share information regarding services they provide to the community.

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A bright and sunny, perfect Pilbara morning, set the scene for our community to enjoy free admission and a delicious barbecue breakfast by our pristine pool.

Paraburdoo Community News

Cr Rumble began the Remembrance Day Service introducing Lieutenant Brown, who conducted a moving speech and one minutes silence at 11am, concluding the Welcome Breakfast event. The Pilbara Regiment’s presence and contribution to the day was very much appreciated. By the end of the day, 457 community members attended and some very positive feedback was received. Attendees enjoyed being able to eat breakfast and socialise with friends, family and new faces to town. We would like to thank the hard working volunteers, community groups and attending residents who contributed greatly to the success of this event. By Lisa Rickert, Event Organiser

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Pannawonica Community News ‘Kilo’s For Kili’ Final Chapter…… By Pannawonica resident, Kirrily Donoghoe

Well after nearly 12 months in the planning, the 15th November FINALLY arrived and Rochelle & I took off for our ‘trip of a lifetime’ to AFRICA!!! “Oh that child has been unsuccessful at reading so they will be going home with a letter of non-acceptance”. My heart nearly broke, but they were only the first of many that day that were not accepted. The teachers may see over 300 children every Saturday from August to December in the hope of accepting 150 new students into Standard 1 and each of these students need to be sponsored. So far this year they have not made their 150 students.

We arrived at the school after midnight so when we awoke the next morning we had to pinch ourselves that we were actually in AFRICA! A dream I have had since childhood. Soon after breakfast we were met by the very vibrant Deputy Director of St Judes, Kim Saville. Who, on finding out who we were, welcomed us both with huge hugs & thanked us profusely for our very generous $10,000 donation. As it was Saturday morning, we were surprised to hear the sound of children and we tried to contain our excitement as we made our way to the front of the school to witness hundreds of kids lining up to be assessed for entrance into St Jude’s for next year. Each child must

be already performing in the top 10% of their Government school in Standard 1(Year 1) so they can cope with learning English at a young age & have a better chance of academic success. The children go through a series of brief academic assessments & if they pass they will be asked to return with all appropriate documentation to assess that they are the correct age & academic level & then they are assessed at home to see that they really do legitimately come from an underprivileged background. While watching the children being assessed on reading, I noticed they were then going to the right for a writing test. But then I saw a child get sent to the left so I asked why?

Addis Evans (the elf)

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What unfolded over the next two and a half weeks can only be summed up as “WOW”!!!!!!! Meeting the gorgeous ‘always smiling’ kids of St Jude’s was very special. Playing in the playground with them or accidently sitting on the detention table with them was all fantastic! Then the Tanzanian and Volunteer were all the most awesome people that were an absolute pleasure to meet and get to know. We also met the rest of the group who were going to climb Mt Kilimanjaro and they were also a great bunch of people that we instantly connected with. During our stay we got to soak up the atmosphere and way of life in Africa, visiting orphanages, ‘The Plaster House’ (a rehabilitation place for the underprivileged), Masai markets, riding on overcrowded local transport, visited traditional Masai Boma’s (the family groupings of hand-made mud huts), going to visit one of the school kids in their home, meeting & having a

Pannawonica Community News great chat with founder of ‘St Judes’ – Gemma Sisia, and finally finishing with the ‘must do’ Safari in the Serengetti! All in all, this is just a snapshot of what really was an AMAZING experience and all I can say is WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! It felt like we had been in Africa for a lot longer and the friendships we made will stay with us for a long time. I felt a strong pang of sadness in missing it all when eventually it was our time to leave. However, being true to our promise to help as much as we can back here in Australia, I will continue to spread the word of the FANTASTIC things they are doing at St Jude’s and it is clear that all the monies donated really does go into everything that benefits the kids. Kim Saville will be touring Australia in April this year and will be coming as close as Geraldton. She considered visiting Pannawonica but unfortunately the distances were just too far to fit into her tight schedule. So I will be meeting up with her in Perth instead.

change in our tins, buying a coffee from our very casual ‘Panna Perk Café’, buying our shirts, attending our fundraising dinner, fun run team, bike ride & triathlon) have all contributed to our massive (and updated).

GRAND TOTAL effort of $12,000!!!!!!!!!!! THANKYOU!!

I do urge anyone who believes that any small donation CAN make a difference, please consider donating to the ‘School of St Jude’. And I would again like to thank EVERYONE in Pannawonica because so many small acts (spare

Rio Tinto Christmas Party 2012 Rio Tinto Christmas Party was a great night for the people of Pannawonica. Children (young and old) lined the streets for the Annual Lolly Run and later in the afternoon they headed down to “The Rocks” for fun and festivities, and of course the visit from the Big Red Man, Santa himself! From bouncy castles, giant slides, circus performers and yummy food to Darren Reid and the Soul city groove. There was something for everyone to enjoy and celebrate the festive season.

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Photographs by Scott Weir

We are commissioning you, young people from every corner of our enormous state, to make an artistic contribution to the 2013 Perth Festival. We would like you to show the world the special relationship you have with where you live by making a film starring your favourite shortcut. Share your chosen shortcut, whether it is a pathway, a walkway, a track, an avenue, a lane or … and use your creativity to connect with your peers across Western Australia.

Here’s what you have to do: 1. Grab your phone or digital camera. 2. Head out to your favourite shortcut – where you live – and take a 20-second landscape video moving through that shortcut. You’re the director – be CREATIVE! 3. Write a few lines that express your relationship to that place (these will appear as a caption on your film). Use your imagination and make it poetic! 4. Send your video, your caption and the address, or whereabouts, of the location you have filmed along with your name, age and contact details to:

And here are a few useful tips to help you get the best footage: – Keep the camera as steady as you can (as you move along your chosen path). – Make sure you film in landscape (like the picture shown). – Try to avoid filming other people’s faces. – Make sure the video file is no larger than 2MB. The selected submissions will then be cut together by a professional editor, set to music and unleashed on the world via the web and on the big screen at various 2013 Perth Festival venues. Any questions? Ask our Education Officer Jemma Gurney! Call 08 6488 8636 or email Submissions close 7 February 2013 Family and Education Program Partner RIO TINTO

Supported by the Department of Education

Inside Ashburton Publication is produced by the Shire of Ashburton Editor: Julie Glover Contributors: Mike Edmondson, Tamara Binamat, Melissa May, Lisa Rickert , Kirrily Donoghoe, Suzanne Edwards, Chris Turk, Mabel Gough Special thanks to Dawn McAullay and Pearse Herbert Designer: Linkletters If you have an article or story you would like considered for the Inside Ashburton please contact

Disclaimer This newsletter is for general information purposes only. The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Shire of Ashburton. The Shire has taken all measures to ensure the contents in this publication is correct, however it accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or the completeness of the material. Readers are advised not to rely solely on this information when making any decision. The Shire of Ashburton reserves the right to change the publication as it sees fit. The Shire of Ashburton disclaims any responsibility or duty of care towards any person for loss or damage suffered as a result of this newsletter. Copyright The contents of this newsletter are subject to copyright under the laws of Australia. The copyright in materials in this newsletter as a whole is owned by the Shire of Ashburton. Third parties may own the copyright in some materials incorporated into this newsletter. In reference to the Copyright Act 1968, please feel free to reproduce parts of this newsletter for personal, educational or any other non-commercial purposes, provided that the Shire is aware of this.

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