Inside Ashburton May - June 2014

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Ashburton MAY–JULY 2014

Onslow airport project taking flight The Onslow airport, the largest project ever undertaken by the Shire of Ashburton, continues to make progress. Although this complex project has had some challenges along the way, Shire President Kerry White, said she was excited by the achievements to date. “This airport will be a wonderful asset well into the future for both business and the local community once completed,” Cr White said. “At the moment Onslow residents must travel three hours to the nearest airport in Karratha. “Although it is hard to put an exact time on when the terminal is likely to be open for regular passenger transport (RPT), we are aiming for December 2014 or early in the new year. “We are in the process of awarding key packages of work which will bring us one step closer to applying for necessary approvals. “The terminal must first be completed though before the right approvals can be granted for RPT, such as having screening facilities in place. The approval process can take time too, up to three months,” Cr White explained. As part of its $250 million social and critical infrastructure package, Chevron Australia committed $30 million to the new airport. Whilst the cost of the estimated $47million project, including runway, terminal, parking areas, access road and provision of services, will exceed the original budget by a substantial

Four planes on the airport at once in March 2014 is a great achievement for all involved.

amount Cr White acknowledged, negotiations are in the final stages to secure additional funds. “I consider it to be unlikely though, that there will be any direct impact on the ratepayers of the Shire of Ashburton. It is a matter that Council is carefully considering, but has not yet made a decision on. Options include seeking additional state government or Chevron support, borrowing funds, changing other programs and/or utilising future Onslow Airport revenue streams. “Despite the cost being higher than initially thought, this will be a great asset for the Onslow community built at a fraction of the cost it might have been if the Shire was trying to build an airport on its own without Chevron’s very generous financial input.”

The Council, Chevron and Department of State Development (DSD) are working in collaboration on the airport to bring it to fruition.

Runway • The new 1900m runway was completed in mid-2013. The first charter Fokker100 jet landed in August, transporting a full flight of Wheatstone Project workforce staff from Perth to Onslow to begin their shifts. • Many challenges were overcome in the construction of the runway, including the lack of fresh water to compact the runway, which meant saltwater had to be used. This meant a different – more expensive – style of construction. Also, armour rock was used to reinforce the runway which wasn’t initially budgeted for. • The milestone was also achieved using some local businesses.


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Latest Solomon Hub stage completed......................................... 4 Three young swimmers bring home medals for Paraburdoo..................... 7 Nameless Festival a ‘Carnivale of Colours’............................................ 8

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Next steps • The Shire to complete design and tendering processes for outstanding work scopes (access road to the terminal, footpath, fencing, car park and storage facilities). • The Shire to finalise an Operations Plan for use of the airport and terminal and secure outstanding funding. • Once the terminal building is complete, the Shire will submit a Transport Security Plan to the Office of Transport Security. • Once the Shire has received formal approval from aviation authorities, a commercial decision by the airlines can be made regarding RPT flights.

The Onslow airport late 2013 showing the runway.

Share your story of belonging in Paraburdoo What does ‘belonging’ in Paraburdoo mean to you? Last year Rio Tinto, together with Disability in the Arts, Disadvantage in the Arts Australia and the Mental Health Commission, launched the community arts project ‘FIVE’, in Paraburdoo. Paraburdoo residents are encouraged to get involved in the digital portraits component of FIVE. To create these portraits, renowned digital artist Craig Walsh will set up a camera and sound equipment at several locations around town. In a casual setting, residents are invited to drop in and share a story, experience or idea around the project’s broad theme of ‘belonging’. Stories can be long, or a simple sentence or two. They can be about work, family, the land, or anything else of interest. You can participate alone, or with a family member or friend. The idea is to share your experience, and be part of an extraordinary project for the town. The project is open to everyone in the community and there is no cost to take part.

WHY TAKE PART? • Be part of an exciting statewide digital project that will screen nationally and internationally • Work with one of Australia’s most sought-after digital artists on a unique WA project • Tell your story about family, work or other interests that are part of life in Paraburdoo • Share experiences that others want to hear about – and might benefit from • Join family and friends for the final community celebration that will include projections of all the digital stories filmed during the project.

WHEN AND WHERE? Filming for the digital portraits will take place from 17 to 28 May 2014 at the following venues: • Paraburdoo mine site: 18, 19 and 26 May • Karingal Neighbourhood Centre: 21 and 22 May (10am – 12 noon both days) • Paraburdoo Youth Centre: 24 May (3pm – 5pm) • Para Men’s Shed: 17 (11am – 1pm) and 22 May (6.30pm – 8.30pm) • SEOC room: 28 May (11am and 4pm)

SCREENING: The digital arts projection of interviews will screen 7 June.

For additional information on the project visit, email or call (08) 9430 6616.

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Latest Solomon Hub stage completed Kings Valley, the latest stage of the Fortescue Metals Group’s Solomon Hub, was officially opened by the WA Governor General Malcom McCusker in March. President Kerry White attended and represented the Shire of Ashburton.

A total of 175 Aboriginal people work at the Solomon Hub for Fortescue and its contracting partners.

FMG Chairman and Founder Andrew Forrest at the celebration marking the opening of Kings Valley.

The picturesque site is located in the Hamersley Ranges 60 km north of Tom Price. The celebration marked the completion of Fortescue’s US $10-billion expansion of its Pilbara operations. FMG Chairman and Founder Andrew Forrest said the celebration was an important milestone in Fortescue’s history for the thousands of people who worked on the projects. “We announced a major expansion of our port, rail and mining operations in November 2010 and set ourselves the ambitious target of completing the projects by June 2014,” he said. Fortescue Chief Executive Officer Nev Power said the Solomon Hub represents a valuable new source of low cost production for Fortescue with its low strip ratios playing an important in role in reducing the company’s overall operating costs. “The Firetail and Kings Valley projects have evolved Fortescue’s product mix. Channel Iron Deposit (CID) ore produced from Kings Valley will become a new stand-alone product while ore from Firetail is blended with Chichester ores to create the wellreceived Fortescue Blend.”

Mr Power said Fortescue’s support for local industry and jobs was evident with 86 per cent of the money spent on the Kings Valley project going to Australian suppliers. “An integral feature of the success at Solomon is the way we have integrated employment and sustainable business opportunities for Aboriginal people to break the cycle of disadvantage. Fortescue and its contracting partners have awarded 22 contracts and sub-contracts at Solomon to Aboriginal owned businesses worth a combined value of $583 million. A total of 175 Aboriginal people work at the Solomon Hub for Fortescue and its contracting partners.

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Council rebuild efforts on-track in Onslow Community consultation has been carried out and initial concept plans are under review as the Shire of Ashburton continues its efforts to rebuild Onslow’s Shire offices, town hall and library as quickly as possible. The Shire’s project team, including both Shire President Kerry White and Councillor Ann Eyre, is collaborating with nominated architects Gresley Abas to progress towards a swift project completion while ensuring that the current and future needs of the community and council are met.

The estimated cost of the new building is $9.5 million. $4.2 million was received from the insurance settlement in March and is being held in reserve, leaving the Shire seeking $5.3 million in additional funds to complete the project. Cost efficiency continues to be a key consideration for all involved.

“Architects Gresley Abas came to Onslow in late January to meet with our Shire’s project team,” informed Cr White. “As part of their visit, they reviewed the site and conducted community consultation, gathering the information necessary to draft the initial concept plans, which we are currently reviewing.”

“The architect’s design reflects the prudent use of Shire funds in both the initial construction outlay and ongoing running and maintenance costs of the new building,” said Cr White.

The seven members of the community who attended the consultation meeting expressed a shared desire to closely recreate the former facilities. According to Cr White, current and future space requirements of the building have also been taken into consideration, such as incresing the size of the library.

“Upon Council informally reviewing and agreeing to the concept plans, the proposal will proceed to Council for formal acceptance, budget allocation and the development of a Design & Construct tender to turn the concept into reality. “Feedback received to date has been very positive and we look forward to the proposed building becoming a landmark for the Shire and its Onslow community.”

“While the community feedback is certainly being incorporated, we are also looking at ways to improve on the design layout and sustainability, essentially ‘future proofing’ the building so that it will meet our needs today and into the future,” explained Cr White.

In March, Janey Meek from LGIS presented an insurance cheque to CEO Neil Hartley.

The proposed layout of the new building will create a contemporary yet traditional presence on the main street of Onslow. Public spaces will occupy the ground floor while the second level will house the Shire’s office staff. “The scale of the building is designed to be welcoming to all and instil a strong sense of community pride,” affirmed Cr White.

An artist’s impression of the proposed new council building on Second Avenue, Onslow.

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Paraburdoo COMMUNITY NEWS Improved services for Paraburdoo On 24 February, the Paraburdoo library and administration services were merged as part of a Shire of Ashburton strategy aiming to provide the community with enhanced services.

Paraburdoo Men’s Shed growing Exciting times for the Paraburdoo Men’s Shed, who recently moved to a larger premises. Growing from six members to 53 since it opened in 2010, the Shed has become a valuable resource in the town, involving themselves in many community events as well as hosting a few of their own.

Kylie Pettit reading a story at the Paraburdoo library.

Staff from Corporate Services and Community Development worked to merge the services after Paraburdoo councillors asked if the access and availability of the Paraburdoo administration office to the community could be enhanced.

We have received amazing support from community members as well as positive feedback.

Library hours have been extended, with library staff now trained to handle all administration services at the library counter.

Not only can people come in to complete their hire administration enquiry, but while there, they are able to browse for a DVD or book, or children can complete a craft while they wait for mum or dad.”

The Shire expects this more efficient use of staff and space will save money and free up much needed office accommodation. Shire Library Manager, Cindy Derschow, said the community would benefit from having more services in the one place. “The service the Shire is providing the Paraburdoo community has increased with the library now opening on Wednesday and the administration services being offered on Saturday mornings,” she said. “We have received amazing support from community members as well as positive feedback.

Ms Derschow said the team was looking forward to continuing this enhanced service. “Leanne Daveson, Karen Howarth and Kylie Pettit are really enjoying the diversity the amalgamation has brought and are excited to provide the town of Paraburdoo the dual service as it continues into the future,” she said. CEO Neil Hartley highlighted that it was the staff themselves who had been responsible for taking on the challenge of ‘finding a better way’ to deliver their services to the Paraburdoo community and that he was very pleased with the outcome.

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Men’s Sheds are important in any community, promoting health, well-being and social inclusion. Member Daryll Gnezdiloff says it’s about bringing people together in an alcohol-free venue and to provide an alternative to going to the Hotel or sitting at home with nothing to do. We provide space and tools to work on whatever project members want to undertake, also to learn new skills from other people and pass on their own expertise. The new premises are located beside the Paraburdoo service station, and to celebrate the move, an open day was held 22 February 2014. The event kicked off with a Welcome to Country speech by a local Indigenous elder and was followed by a BBQ dinner with special guest Jason Akermanis, who spoke about growing up and his career as an AFL footballer. Afterwards Jason kindly stuck around to sign autographs and speak to the guests. Several items of Australian memorabilia were auctioned off on the night, to raise money for the Royal Flying Doctors.

New members are always welcome – find them on

Scott Wilkinson Rio general manager Greater Paraburdoo Operations, Paramedic Melinda Parker and Justin Fonte, St John’s ambulance operations manager.

New paramedic for Paraburdoo St John’s ambulance St. John’s ambulance has recently opened a depot in Paraburdoo and it needs your help. Community Paramedic Melinda Parker – who moved to Paraburdoo in January from Perth – says the service is vital to the health of the community. Melinda, who has been with St. John’s Ambulance since 2007, said that without at least eight to ten dedicated volunteers, the service will be impossible to run. “Volunteer ambulance officers are the backbone of the Country Ambulance Service in regional WA and are needed to keep this vital service running,” Melinda explained. “Volunteers receive the highest quality training which equips them with the essential basic and intermediate life support skills to assist them in stabilising patients en route to hospital.

Training is conducted to a level at which the volunteer will feel comfortable, confident and ready for the road and an ongoing skills maintenance program for volunteers is also provided to maintain and continue to develop the volunteers’ skills and confidence.” Rio Tinto has generously donated approximately $250,000 towards the project, providing a new ambulance, volunteer uniforms and training equipment. General Manager of Rio Tinto Greater Paraburdoo mining operations, Scott Wilkinson, said, “this is a valuable service to the community and we are very pleased to have been able to support St. John’s Ambulance to expand their operations in this area.” Page 6 | Inside Ashburton | May–July 2014

Volunteer ambulance officers are the backbone of the Country Ambulance Service in regional WA … If you are interested in volunteering for this very important service, please contact Melinda Parker on 0418307971.

Paraburdoo COMMUNITY NEWS Three young swimmers bring home medals for Paraburdoo Three young swimmers from Paraburdoo competed at the 55th Annual Country Pennants in York in March bringing home 10 gold medals and two silvers. The efforts of Hannah Carr (age 9), Emma Carr (age 11) and Lucy Rimmer (age 11), who represented the Paraburdoo Amateur Swimming Club, certainly did their club proud. Next year’s country pennants is in Exmouth and the club is hoping to take a much larger squad.

Emma and Hannah Carr, with Lucy Rimmer showing their swimming medals.

Onslow welcomes new residents with a BBQ Over 50 Onslow residents old and new came together 27 March for the first Welcome Barbeque of the year, which took place at the Onslow community garden. As well as a wonderful night of socialising and sharing local information, the Department of Fisheries gave a presentation about fishing in the region. The Onslow Volunteer Marine Rescue provided information on boating in Onslow, and children and adults alike were delighted to have the chance to jump on board and check out the rescue boat they brought along with them. There were also door prizes up for grabs, including a BBQ and picnic set, which was won by Drew Taylor and Lily Shen. As always, the Shire provided welcome packs and giveaways, while informing newcomers about events and programs which it runs in the town.

These barbeques are a fantastic way of welcoming new residents to the community, allowing them to make new friends while gathering useful information about their new town. Community Development Officer Kaylah Lloyd, who helped organise the event, said welcome barbeques were run three times a year and were very helpful for new residents. “We like to welcome newcomers to our town, to help them get to know people,” Kaylah said. A big thank you to Chevron for its generous sponsorship, the Shire of Ashburton staff for organising the event, as well as the Onslow Volunteer Marine Rescue members for cooking the wood fire pizzas and hamburgers.

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We like to welcome newcomers to our town, to help them get to know people …

Nameless Festival a ‘Carnivale of Colours’ The Nameless Jarndunmunha Festival Committee has announced that the Festival will be going ahead in 2014, with the theme a ‘Carnivale of Colours’.

FESTIVAL PROGRAM The 2014 Festival kicks off on Saturday 2 August with the ‘Nameless Jarndunmunha Casino Royale Gala’. The Gala will take place at the Tom Price Recreation Centre. Dress code is formal. Entertainment is by ‘Good Face for Radio’. Wednesday 6 August the Festival continues with the ‘Airing of the Quilts’ in Doug Talbot Park. We will also be hosting a fashion parade of the Wearable Creationz entries and live entertainment on this night. Thursday 7 August the Festival will be hosting the Art Exhibition Awards at the Tom Price Community Centre (invitation only).

The Nameless Jarndunmunha Festival relies on the good will of sponsors, such as government and local business, to help keep the festival financial and bring outstanding performers to the Tom Price and Paraburdoo community. Rio Tinto and the Shire of Ashburton are proud supporters of the 2014 Nameless Jarndunmunha Festival, alongside many local Tom Price and Paraburdoo businesses. If your company is interested in sponsorship please visit

Friday 8 August the Festival weekend begins – officially kicking off at 5pm. Friday night is family night. Festival rides, food and stalls will be open for festival-goers. This evening will feature live entertainment by The Mic Maks, Tom Price Has Got Talent (Adult Edition), Polka Dot Company, Sophie and the Chilly Bin Boys, Shannon Noll and of course, Fireworks! Saturday 9 August the Festival hits overdrive – be there for the annual Nameless Jarndunmunha Festival Street Parade, rides, food and stalls, a circus challenge, face painting as well as local entertainment including Tom Price Has Got Talent (Youth Edition) and entertainment by The Mic Maks and Polka Dot Company. Saturday night features Sophie and the Chilly Bin Boys, The Wolfe Brothers and The Potbelleez. There will be a licenced bar operating on both the Friday and Saturday nights.

Tom Price residents are also encouraged to support this year’s fundraising events so all Festival events, including our Gala event, can go ahead in 2014. To help with fundraising, don’t miss the performance by the Black Swan Theatre Company at the Tom Price Community Centre on Saturday 14 June. Further information regarding all Festival events is available by visiting: • webpage • Facebook • Twitter @NamelessFestTP or using the hashtag #NamelessFestival

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Nintirri Centre Pop Up Op Shop opens in Tom Price The much anticipated Nintirri Pop Up Op Shop opened in the former bakery in Tom Price on 24 March after over a month of preparation by dedicated staff and volunteers. The Op Shop is filled to capacity with donated pre-loved items of clothing, books, toys, bric-a-brac and baby items and has proved hugely popular. New items are unpacked every day and money raised from sales is reinvested into the non-for-profit organisation to continue to provide community services for the residents of Tom Price and surrounds. The Nintirri Pop Up Op Shop will operate from this location indefinitely and is open from 9am to 12pm Monday to Friday.

Bright lights shine on Tom Price skate park Bright lights will shine in the cool of the night at Tom Price Skate Park thanks to a partnership between the Shire of Ashburton and Rio Tinto. Six light towers were commissioned in late March to allow the skate park to be enjoyed by young people once the hot days have cooled off. The lights are operated by a push button system – one press of the button turns the light on for an hour (between 6pm-10pm). For security purposes one light tower is operational from dawn till dusk. Rio Tinto superintendent Communities and Partnerships Inland Shannara Sewell said the project was one of many to be delivered by the Community Infrastructure and Services Partnership between Rio Tinto and the Shire of Ashburton. “We are really excited to be working together with the Shire of Ashburton on a number of community projects like this,” Mrs Sewell said. “The new lights ensure that young people can utilise the park to its full potential into the evening.”

The new lights ensure that young people can utilise the park to its full potential into the evening.

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This project is the latest significant piece of community infrastructure as the Shire of Ashburton and Rio Tinto continue to work together to improve community wellbeing.

Our communities enjoy some mind-bending fun Pannawonica, Paraburdoo and Onslow audiences were treated to some mind-bending fun in March when Matthew Hale’s ‘Get Hypnotised’ show hit the Pilbara.

Presented by Country Arts WA and mental health promoters Act-BelongCommit, the show toured WA during February and March, travelling from Broome to Esperance and everywhere in between. The Pannawonica show took place 4 March and was a great success, with 45 audience members showing up for the popular comedy hypnosis act. Pannawonica resident Sarah Bell said it was a great night out full of laughs and appealed to all ages.

Rather than embarrassing his volunteers, he aims to unlock their hidden talents, and they may find themselves doing anything from speaking an alien language to participating in a bizarre car journey; no two shows are alike.

The following night the show hit Onslow with 79 people coming along, including 15 very eager volunteers who couldn’t wait to get up on stage and submit to Matthew’s hypnotic powers. Matthew Hale is one of Australia’s finest stage hypnotists and brings a modern approach to the art, combining total audience participation with incredible mental abilities, and turns the traditional stage hypnosis show completely on its head.

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The aim of the shows is to bring communities together, keeping people connected.

Take care at the Tom Price tip

Pet Profile

Tom Price residents using the tip are reminded to please dispose of their rubbish carefully and make sure it is placed in the correct location. The tip is set up into designated rubbish and plant waste disposal areas. This is done so that we know what waste naturally break downs which is important when it comes to doing burn offs safely. If you are unsure of which area you need to use, please ask the staff at the gate as you come in who will be happy to help.

What’s New to Pannawonica Library Chinaman Written by Shehan Karunatilaka and winner of the DSC Prize for South Asian Literature in 2012, Chinaman is the story of a modern day Sri Lanka and its most cherished sport, Cricket. An original and funny account of WG Kuranasena, a dying cricket journalist and his attempt to write a book and make a documentary about Pradeep Mathew, a talented Sri Lankan Spin Bowler who has mysteriously disappeared.

What else is new on our shelves…

Name: Dusty Looking for: A home with another dog for company or someone home most of day Age: 9 months Likes: Other dogs and people Dislikes: being left in yard alone all day Appearance: Small size with slender build, 10kg, Staffy colour brindle cross Kelpie Other pets: Loves other dogs, not tested with cats

New items arriving each month! Come in and check them out. STORYTIME BOOKCLUB FOR ADULTS Tuesdays & Thursdays 10am DURING SCHOOL Register you interest at the Pannawonica Library or email TERMS. Bring the children down to read a story and practice their craft skills. AND INTRODUCING RHYMETIME! Tuesdays & Thursdays at 11 am Catering for 0-2 year olds Rhymetime will be a fun session filled with Nursey Rhymes

Opening Hours Mon 10am – 4pm, Tues 10am – 4pm, 6.30pm – 8.30pm, Wed 10am – 4pm Thurs 10am – 4pm, Fri 10am – 4pm


Phone: 9184 1038


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Relationship status: Dusty is a great little girl. Loves to play in water and is a social dog. She is happiest when its play time or walk time. She loves people and is very friendly. Needs daily exercise and attention to be a happy dog. To view Dusty and other pets locally needing homes contact SAFE Tom Price on 0437 511 692 or email Follow us on Facebook by joining SAFE Tom Price/Paraburdoo

Upcoming Events Date



Wed 21 May, 1pm

Council meeting

Onslow MPC

Sat 24 May

5th Muzzy’s Annual Community Fundraiser

Tom Price

Sun 25 May, 8.45am

Fish to Feed

Meet at Onslow MPC

Fri 30 May, 7.30pm

Black Swan Theatre

Onslow MPC

Sat 31 May, 7.30pm

Movie night

Onslow Town Oval

Wed 4 June

Seniors ‘Keepers’ morning tea

Onslow MPC

Sat 7 June

Screening of digital arts interviews


Sat 14 June

Black Swan Theatre Company

Tom Price Community Centre

Wed 18 June, 1pm

Council meeting

Ashburton Hall, Paraburdoo

Sun 22 June, 9.30am-11.30am

Welcome pancake breakfast

Onslow Tourist Centre

Sun 29 June, 8.45am

Fish to Feed

Meet at Onslow MPC

Wed 2 July

Seniors ‘Keepers’ morning tea

Onslow Community Garden

Sat 5 – Sun 20 July

School holiday activities

All four towns

Sun 6 – Sun 13 July


All four towns

Wed 16 July, 1pm

Council meeting

Clem Thompson Sports Pavilion, Tom Price




All previous editions of Inside Ashburton are available from the publications section at Inside Ashburton Publication is produced by the Shire of Ashburton Editor: Kylie Hartley Feature Writers: Lydia Evans, Claire Calvey Contributors: Sarah Kemp, Eleanor Lukale, Susan Rimmer, Carla Steele, Peter Foster, Chevron, Rio Tinto, FMG Designer: Linkletters If you have a story for the next ‘Inside Ashburton’ contact:

Disclaimer This newsletter is for general information purposes only. The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Shire of Ashburton. The Shire has taken all measures to ensure the contents in this publication is correct, however it accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or the completeness of the material. Readers are advised not to rely solely on this information when making any decision. The Shire of Ashburton reserves the right to change the publication as it sees fit. The Shire of Ashburton disclaims any responsibility or duty of care towards any person for loss or damage suffered as a result of this newsletter. Copyright The contents of this newsletter are subject to copyright under the laws of Australia. The copyright in materials in this newsletter as a whole is owned by the Shire of Ashburton. Third parties may own the copyright in some materials incorporated into this newsletter. In reference to the Copyright Act 1968, please feel free to reproduce parts of this newsletter for personal, educational or any other non-commercial purposes, provided that the Shire is aware of this.

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ADMINISTRATION CENTRE Poinciana Street, Tom Price WA 6751 (PO Box 567) T: 08 9188 4444 – F:08 9189 2252 E: W:

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