Shire of Ashburton Corporate Business Plan

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2013 - 2017


Prepared with the assistance of

CONTENTS Message from the Shire President and Acting Chief Executive Officer Introduction

2 3

Key points of the plan Western Australia Local Government Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework

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Strategic DIrection


Vision Community Goals

6 6

How we contribute to the Strategic Community Plan Shire’s roles Council decision-making criteria Assumptions Our services at a glance Funded strategic capital projects “Active pursuit” strategic capital projects “Opportunistic” strategic capital projects “Advocacy” strategic capital projects Council’s Focus Areas Financial Profile Shire of Ashburton organisational structure Roles and Priorities Overview Summary of our Department Service Plans

How We Test Our Efficiency and Effectiveness Summary of our Workforce Plan Summary of our Asset Management Plans Strategic Risk Management How Will We Know if the Plan is Succeeding

7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 18 35 36 37

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Living Life - Making it Happen

MESSAGE FROM THE SHIRE PRESIDENT AND ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER We are pleased to present the Shire of Ashburton’s first Corporate Business Plan under Western Australia’s new Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework. It is the culmination of a significant effort to create a realistic four year work program that meets the aspirations of Living Life, our Strategic Community Plan. In developing this Plan, we have been mindful of the needs across the Shire and have taken care to take a fair and balanced approach to meeting those needs. We have also taken a long term view to ensure we are establishing a legacy for the ongoing prosperity of Ashburton which will endure beyond the current high levels of resource sector activity. We have a number of key partners in this, especially within the resources sector and State Government. These partnerships and our relationships with the community are acknowledged in the Plan. We will be continuing to strengthen our ability to achieve more for the community by joining forces with others for common goals. The Plan highlights the uncertainties we are facing over the coming years, particularly in regard to our capital program. We have clearly distinguished between what is funded; what is being “actively pursued”; the opportunities we are open to; and what we are advocating for (within the primary responsibility of other parties). There are a number of areas where we wish to undertake further analysis and consideration. For this reason, and to align the planning cycle with the electoral cycle, we will begin our first strategic review after the election in October 2013. This will enable us to improve the robustness of the Plan at an early stage as we set the compass for successful delivery of Living Life.

Kerry White Shire President

Frank Ludovico Acting Chief Executive Officer Page 2 of 114

Living Life - Making it Happen

INTRODUCTION Welcome to the Shire of Ashburton Corporate Business Plan. The plan was adopted at an ordinary meeting of the Council on 21st August 2013. It will be updated on an annual basis and reviewed in conjunction with the strategic review of the IPR every two years, with every second review being a major review (see planning cycle diagram on page 5). On a one off basis, the first strategic review will be undertaken in 2013/14. This will enable further work on the informing strategies to be incorporated at the earliest opportunity and alignment with the electoral cycle.

Key points of the plan The Corporate Business Plan shows the first four years of implementing Living Life, the Strategic Community Plan. The theme of the next four years is “community building – now and for the future”. This reflects the challenges and opportunities facing the Shire over the medium term. In the context of both temporary and permanent growth associated particularly with the resources sector, it is critical to build a legacy for the future, while addressing today’s pressing needs. The Corporate Business Plan has developed priorities in six theme areas as shown below. The Plan shows how these priorities will be progressed in the context of a comprehensive approach to service delivery and asset management. COMMUNITY INCLUSION AND PARTICIPATION    

Developing the “whole of Shire” community in all its diversity – geographic, age, culture, employment arrangements etc – in a challenging context of rapid and fluctuating growth, uncertainty and risk Community capacity building (eg strengthening community groups and clubs) Improved ways of engaging the community around meaningful options Supporting volunteerism


Community assets (direct provision and/or facilitating provision by others) in priority areas including sport and recreation, aged care and medical services; and childcare Complete Town Centre Revitalisations Drainage investigations and upgrading drainage in Paraburdoo and Tom Price Implementing bike plan Page 3 of 114

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Land development - industrial and residential Accommodation/housing (visitor, service worker, and residential expansion) Tourism development Improved support for local business community


Quality of communication from Elected Members to community Setting clear direction through integrated planning and reporting Reflecting on regional issues and collaborating with our neighbouring Shires for the benefit of the regional community


Productive relationship between elected Council and Administration Stakeholder relationships (government and business) and advocacy Customer service


Staff housing Policies and procedures and records management

The Plan is open about the uncertainties in the capital program over the coming years. In order to deal with this, while all high priority projects are included in the Plan, the four year budget (and Long Term Financial Plan) only includes capital projects where the funding is secure, whether committed from Shire funds, funding agencies, the resources sector or any combination of those sources.

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Western Australia Local Government Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework The Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework is shown in the diagram below. The Strategic Community Plan is a ten year plan and serves as the foundation document for the whole Framework, from which all other plans and strategies must take direction. Detailed implementation for the next four years is covered in the Corporate Business Plan. The Informing Strategies set out how the plans will be managed and resourced. The Strategic Community Plan is not fixed for ten years; rather it is a “rolling� plan which is reviewed every two years as shown in the right hand diagram. The two yearly strategic reviews alternate between a mini review (updating as needed) and a major review (going through the steps again). As noted in the introduction, on a one off basis, the first strategic review will be undertaken in 2013/14. The plan is continuously looking ahead, so each review keeps a ten year horizon. This is to ensure that the best decisions are made in the short to medium term. The Corporate Business Plan is reviewed annually. The Western Australia Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework Vision

Strategic Community Plan

10+ years

Corporate Business Plan

Annual Report

1-4 years

Review 2, 4 yrs

Long Term Financial Plan Asset Management Plans Workforce Plan

Annual Budget

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“The Shire of Ashburton will be a vibrant and prosperous place for work, leisure and living”

Community Goals These are the goals and objectives that the community has identified to meet the vision for Ashburton

Vibrant and Active Communities  Connected, caring and engaged communities  Active people, clubs and associations  Quality education, healthcare, childcare, aged care and youth services  A rich cultural life


 

Economic Prosperity Strong local economies Enduring partnerships with industry and government Well-managed tourism

  

Unique Heritage and Environment Flourishing natural environments Leading regional sustainability Celebration of history and heritage

Inspiring Governance Community ownership Council leadership

  

Distinctive and Wellserviced Places Quality public infrastructure Accessible and safe towns Well-planned towns

Exemplary team and work environment

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HOW WE CONTRIBUTE TO THE STRATEGIC COMMUNITY PLAN Shire’s roles Local governments operate under Statute but also with some discretion. The five primary roles the Council has are: Delivery of facilities and services This includes delivery of facilities such as parks and gardens, roads, footpaths, drainage, waste management, recreation and cultural facilities, events and social services such as childcare. Some services are based on infrastructure, such as parks and playgrounds, roads and buildings. Maintenance and renewal of infrastructure assets is a vital part of the Shire’s service delivery role. Some services are non-asset based, such as provision of events.

Regulation Local governments have specific regulatory responsibilities that are vital for community wellbeing. For example, they have a regulatory and enforcement role in public health (e.g. licensing and monitoring food premises), the appropriateness and safety of new buildings, and the use of land. These areas are subject to regulation to ensure a minimum standard is adhered to, as well as to minimise the potential to impose costs or adverse effects on others (e.g. food poisoning, injuries or hazardous activities too close to population). In many cases the rights of those wishing to operate and the rights of those who may be affected or consider themselves to be affected is a delicate balancing act. That is why local democracy is involved in deciding such matters.

Enabling/Facilitation In some cases, the Shire enables or facilitates services to be provided by others or in partnership with the Shire rather than directly provide or fund the service. This includes support for community care efforts (for example through grants programs and volunteer support programs).

Education The Shire has a role in providing information and educational campaigns that assist the community identify the healthiest, sustainable and more economical choices. Cyclone preparedness is a good example of this.

Civic Leadership and Advocacy The Council performs civic leadership with a broad and deep view of relevant trends and issues. It engages with and leads the community in its development, and undertakes wise stewardship of community assets. Influencing the decisions of others who affect community wellbeing in Ashburton is an important role. Advocacy to State Government for recognition, funding, or policy support is a good example of this role.

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Council decision-making criteria The following table sets out the criteria Council takes into account when considering significant issues. They reflect the decision-making approach applied to developing this plan and will continue to be applied as it is implemented. Category


Impact on Long Term Financial Plan

Whole of Life costs to Shire of Ashburton (as applicable): construction, operations (including workforce implications), maintenance, renewal; non-rates revenue

Vibrant and active communities

Economic prosperity

Unique heritage and environment

Distinctive and well-serviced places

Inspiring governance

How we will monitor and report the impact

Distribution of costs and/or benefits across the community/population now and over time (including permanent versus temporary; community members outside main towns)

Regional impact

Impact on wider regional outcomes

Community views

Community feedback


Assessments of risks against risk tolerance

Assessing our service delivery methods

Efficiency and effectiveness

Impacts on community goals

Balancing needs

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Assumptions The following table shows the assumptions Council have made in developing this Plan and the strategic directions, priorities and actions set out within it. These will be reviewed on a periodic basis to ensure Council is working from up-to-date and relevant assumptions. Item

Assumption 

Currently approx. 12,000

Projected increase of approx. 5% pa over next 10 years (note that population changes are likely to vary considerably from town to town, with the highest percentage change anticipated to be increasing population in Onslow)

Land availability will enable population growth

Full demographic spectrum in Aboriginal communities and Onslow. Other towns tend towards working age/families.

Pilbara Local Government Cost Index average, 5% per annum

Payroll growth rate (excluding impact of workforce increase), 5% per annum

Utilities cost factor, 5% per annum

The resources sector will continue to be the mainstay of the local economy, with unpredictable fluctuations

Dramatic climate events will continue

Accommodation and service pressures will continue

Population Growth

Financial Assumptions



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Our services at a glance The Council provides a range of services that contribute towards the achievement of the vision and goals, which are outlined below. Many of the services contribute to more than one goal; indeed the goals themselves are inter-related. The Council is very mindful of this and actively seeks to achieve multiple goals where possible. CEO

Technical Services TS1 TS2 TS3 TS4 TS5 TS6 TS7 TS8 TS9

Engineering Services Project Management Asset Management Ranger Services Emergency Management Building Services Environmental Health Services Aboriginal Health Services Planning

CE1 CE2 CE3 CE4 Strategic and Economic Development SE1 Economic Development Direction SE2 Local Business Stimulation SE3 Commercial Management SE4 Heritage SE5 Strategic Direction and Planning SE6 Revitalisation Partnerships SE7 Project Governance Office SE8 Tourism SE9 Land Development

Office of CEO Organisational Development Business Improvement Media and Communications Operations OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 OP8

Capital Works Road Maintenance Building Maintenance Waste Operations Private Works Fleet Camps Towns, Parks and Gardens

Corporate Services CS1 CS2


Finance Services Information and Communication Technology Administration

Community Development CD1 CD2 CD3 CD4 CD5

Community Development Facilities Community Services (East and West) Library Services Club Development

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Funded strategic capital projects These projects are included in this Corporate Business Plan. Funding has been confirmed for these projects and they are therefore also included in the four year budget. Capital budget references are given in brackets for ease of reference.                      

Paraburdoo Childcare Centre (228) Paraburdoo Town Centre Revitalisation (260) Paraburdoo shaded playground for under 8’s (026) Paraburdoo library renewal (number tba) Tom Price Area W Revitalisation (076) Onslow basketball courts and skate park (224) Tom Price completion of sports Pavilion (AA) Onslow Ian Blair Memorial Boardwalk upgrade (079) Onslow Four Mile Creek upgrade (222) Paraburdoo paths (REBGT) Paraburdoo and Onslow landfill rehabilitation (see 236, 237, 238, 239, 241, 252 for all capital expenditure related to Paraburdoo and Onslow waste management facilities) Paraburdoo, Tom Price and Onslow drainage investigations and improvement program (240, 261) Staff housing as determined (194) All towns improved street lighting (250) All towns playground safety upgrade (003) Tom Price residential and industrial land development (number for residential tba, 231) Onslow aerodrome construction (220) Onslow ring road scope and design (243) Onslow upgrade Ocean View Caravan Park (225) Banjima Drive seal (259) Onslow administration building (number tba) Knowledge management system (AIMS) (081)

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“Active pursuit” strategic capital projects These projects are included in this Corporate Business Plan. They are under active pursuit which means that there is a firm intention to make them happen. Effort is being applied to develop the project and secure funding. They are not yet in the budget as the associated external funding is not yet secured. As soon as funding is secured, an active pursuit project will be entered into the financial forecasts. Council will then consider any consequential adjustments required to the Corporate Business Plan, Four Year Budget and Long Term Financial Plan.                 

Paraburdoo Additional Hub Facilities (neighbourhood centre, club rooms and storage, indoor sports court, upgrades to Ashburton Hall) Paraburdoo ANZAC Memorial Onslow Recreational Precinct - Swimming Pool Onslow Town Centre Revitalisation and Foreshore Development Onslow Commercial Centre including Shire Office/Visitors Center and Library Onslow Business Incubators Onslow Caravan Park Upgrade Onslow Industrial Land Development Onslow Waste Site Tom Price Residential Land Development Golf Club - South/East Subdivision Tom Price Industrial Land Development Tom Price Peace Park (ANZAC and Memorial to the Elders) Tom Price RFDS Airstrip Tom Price Nintirri Childcare redevelopment Tom Price town centre revitalisation completion (library, village green, amphitheatre, Shire office, new visitors’ centre) Affordable Housing Entry Statements for Tom Price, Paraburdoo and Onslow

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“Opportunistic” strategic capital projects These projects would only happen if the funding was offered and undertaking the work would not affect a higher priority. Effort is not being applied to develop the project or secure funding.          

Tom Price Business Incubator Centre Paraburdoo Waste Transfer Station Tom Price second caravan park Tom Price toilets on eastern side of Clem Thompson Oval Tom Price Karratha Road (30kms) Tom Price RV Dump facilities (Tom Price) Aging in Place Housing Old Onslow Revitalisation and Restoration Onslow St Nicolas Church Restoration and Heritage Listing Paraburdoo Camp road solar lighting

“Advocacy” strategic capital projects These projects fall within the responsibility of other parties and are not in the Corporate Business Plan. They would only happen if the relevant agency undertook them. Effort is being applied to advocate to the relevant agency.     

Remainder of Tom Price Karratha Road Onslow Wharf/Marina and boat ramp upgrade Tom Price aged care facility Tom Price hostel for aboriginal students (adjacent to Tom Price High School) Pannawonica safe house for victims of domestic violence and family breakups

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Council’s Focus Areas The Council has identified six Focus Areas for prioritisation over the four year duration of this Corporate Business Plan. The strategic priorities and key actions that will contribute to delivering these six Focus Areas are outlined below. Strategic Priorities

Key Actions 2013/14 – 2016/17

1 Community inclusion and participation


Developing the “whole of Shire” community in all its diversity – geographic, age, culture, employment arrangements etc. – in a challenging context of rapid and fluctuating growth, uncertainty and risk

       

Disability Access and Inclusion Multi-purpose community complexes in Tom Price, Paraburdoo, Onslow Leased premises for groups and clubs Community gardens in Onslow (existing), Tom Price (proposed support) and Paraburdoo (proposed support) Events and cultural activities Youth services and programs; family services and programs; general programs Leaping Lizards (expanded to broader community participation) Community Sustainability (new)


Community capacity building (e.g. strengthening community groups and clubs)

 Club development (new)  Leased premises for groups and clubs  Community Sustainability (new)


Improved ways of engaging the community around meaningful options

 Community engagement in strategy development; integrated planning and reporting  External communication and public relations (incl. social media strategy)


Supporting volunteerism

 Volunteer Hubs in Paraburdoo, Onslow and Tom Price  Club development

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Strategic Priorities

Key Actions 2013/14 – 2016/17

2 Provision of Infrastructure that enables economic and social vitality


Community assets (direct provision and/or facilitating provision by others):  Sport and recreation  Aged care and medical services  Childcare

            


Complete Town Centre Revitalisations

 Paraburdoo, Onslow, Tom Price


Drainage investigations and upgrading drainage in Paraburdoo and Tom Price

 Drainage investigations Paraburdoo, Tom Price, Onslow  Drainage upgrades Paraburdoo (highest priority) and Tom Price


Implementing bike plan

 Progressive implementation of bike path program

Swimming Pools Tom Price, Paraburdoo (+ new playground) and Onslow (active pursuit) Water spray park Paraburdoo (new) Courts (netball, basketball, tennis) Tom Price, Paraburdoo and Onslow Useable cricket pitch and nets in Paraburdoo (new) Outdoor basketball courts in Onslow (new) Skate parks Paraburdoo (upgrade), Tom Price and Onslow (upgrade) Recreation/multi-purpose centres in Tom Price, Onslow and Paraburdoo (new) Ovals in Paraburdoo (upgrade), Tom Price (upgrade) and Onslow Playgrounds (progressive upgrades) Leased premises Aged care services Onslow (expanded) Childcare Paraburdoo (new), Tom Price (expanded) Early Years Program Onslow (new)

3 Economic strength and development


Land development - industrial and residential

   

Land development plan (new) and identification of available land Deconstraining of available land Onslow: Industrial Subdivision – 55 lots of serviced industrial land at lot 16 Onslow Rd Tom Price: Stage 2 Boonderoo Rd Industrial Subdivision – 10 lots of serviced industrial land at Southern end of Boonderoo Rd  Further residential land development Tom Price and industrial land development Onslow and Tom Price (active pursuit)

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Strategic Priorities 3.2


Accommodation/housing (visitor, service worker, and residential expansion)

Tourism development

Key Actions 2013/14 – 2016/17  Affordable housing (active pursuit)  Housing strategy (new)  Caravan park Onslow (improve) and Tom Price  Caravan park Onslow (improve) and Tom Price  Tourist Centre Tom Price (enhance)  Review and refresh a clear vision for Tourism (facilitation of enhanced tourism offering and

promotion)  Facilitate partnerships with tourism industry and business professionals (more targeted approach)  Heritage Tourism (enhance)


Improved support for local business community

 Marketing strategy – place to live, work and do business; “buy local”  Relationship building (improved understanding of business issues and needs)  Business showcase (minimum of 2 forums/expos per year in Tom Price and Onslow and 1 per year

in Paraburdoo)  Support business sustainability (enhance support and advocacy to address issues)  Facilitate access to land (enhance support to navigate requirements)  Business incubators (four factory units in Onslow as an initial priority) – active pursuit

4 Staying ahead of the game 4.1

Quality of communication from Elected Members to community

 Revitalisation Plans  Community engagement in strategy development; integrated planning and reporting  Media, external communication and public relations (incl. social media strategy)


Setting clear direction through integrated planning and reporting

 Integrated Planning and Reporting (Council on a continuous improvement path)  Integrated strategic projects reporting


Reflecting on regional issues and collaborating with our neighbouring Shires for the benefit of the regional community (PRC)

   

Economic development strategy Strategy development and implementation Consideration of regional impact in decision-making criteria Harness local and regional resources and opportunities to stimulate tourism activity

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Strategic Priorities

Key Actions 2013/14 – 2016/17

5 Governance


Productive relationship between elected Council and Administration

    


Stakeholder relationships (government and business) and advocacy

 Partnership development – resources sector  Facilitate partnerships with tourism industry and business professionals  Advocacy for strategic capital projects and to address barriers to land release

Customer service

 Customer service – reception, phone, bookings, enquiries etc.  Customer action requests  Customer service charter (for investigation)


Effective communication between CEO and Shire President and Councillors Induction Professional development Councillor support Policies and procedures

6 Organisational Stability 6.1

Staff housing


Policies and procedures and records management

 Staff housing (additional accommodation provided)  Knowledge management (complete set up and maintain a fully integrated workflow and

knowledge management system)  Maintain accessible, up to date human resources and financial policies and procedures

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Living Life - Making it Happen

Financial Profile The following table sets out the base year and forecast budget for the four year period of this Corporate Business Plan. Description 10 – OFFICE OF CEO 100 - Office of CEO 1000 + Office of CEO Operating Expenditure Operating Income 105 - Councillor Support 1051 + Members Of Council Operating Expenditure 1052 + Other Governance Operating Expenditure Operating Income 110 - Organisational Development & Human Resources 1101 + Human Resources Operating Expenditure Operating Income 1102 + Staff Housing Operating Expenditure Operating Income Capital Expenditure Capital Income Asset Renewal Asset New

2012/13 Budget 6,109,894 -87,710 -87,710 517,290 -605,000 1,889,461 731,023 731,023 1,158,438 1,438,438 -280,000 3,904,983 -5,320 9,680 -15,000 3,910,303 365,290 -22,400 1,746,913 -300,000 480,500 1,640,000

2012/13 Actuals 6,224,771 449,798 449,798 449,798 0 2,732,102 880,269 880,269 1,851,833 1,901,240 -49,408 2,621,469 113,475 137,997 -24,522 2,507,994 548,873 -276,771 1,846,913 0 361,942 27,037

13/14 Forecast 4,841,080 561,152 561,152 561,152 0 2,736,819 1,057,501 1,057,501 1,679,318 1,693,252 -13,934 881,258 -2,760 36,090 -38,850 884,018 524,209 -752,365 811,674 -2,100,000 300,500 2,100,000

14/15 Forecast 5,210,119 618,151 618,151 618,151 0 2,743,062 1,061,540 1,061,540 1,681,523 1,696,153 -14,630 1,156,923 -2,840 37,952 -40,793 1,159,763 480,669 -242,454 277,316 0 644,232 0

15/16 Forecast 6,148,757 648,975 648,975 648,975 0 2,886,672 1,126,628 1,126,628 1,760,044 1,775,406 -15,362 2,201,665 -3,240 39,592 -42,832 2,204,906 488,174 -254,717 766,977 0 1,204,471 0

16/17 Forecast 8,784,328 681,341 681,341 681,341 0 2,993,041 1,152,877 1,152,877 1,840,164 1,856,294 -16,130 4,678,011 -2,430 42,543 -44,974 4,680,441 492,516 -267,389 765,344 0 1,189,970 2,500,000

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2012/13 Budget

115 - Business Improvement 1151 + Business Improvement Operating Expenditure Asset New 120 - Media 1201 + Media Operating Expenditure Operating Income 20 – COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 200 - Community Development 2000 + Office of EM of Community Development Operating Expenditure Operating Income 2052 + Care Of Families And Children Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset New 205 - Community Services (East) 2053 + Cultural Activities (East) Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset New 2101 + Youth Services (East) Operating Expenditure Operating Income

181,190 181,190 181,190 0 221,970 221,970 276,970 -55,000 10,186,967 819,381 744,471 779,471 -35,000 74,910 74,910 0 0 124,050 137,660 1,060,840 -943,180 20,000 -13,610 91,390 -105,000

2012/13 Actuals 213,324 213,324 213,324 0 208,079 208,079 211,933 -3,855 9,871,896 448,103 390,668 390,668 0 57,434 57,434 0 0 369,689 284,349 398,510 -133,386 19,224 85,340 85,340 0

13/14 Forecast

14/15 Forecast

464,577 464,577 176,077 288,500 197,274 197,274 202,162 -4,888 9,595,334 590,077 567,873 567,873 0 22,204 22,204 -1,500,000 1,500,000 627,970 536,700 753,875 -234,175 17,000 91,270 91,270 0

484,880 484,880 184,880 300,000 207,102 207,102 212,234 -5,132 9,401,871 602,511 579,197 579,197 0 23,314 23,314 -2,969,702 2,969,702 662,549 567,999 767,982 -234,984 35,000 94,550 94,550 0

15/16 Forecast 194,125 194,125 194,125 0 217,321 217,321 222,709 -5,389 9,861,084 630,376 605,896 605,896 0 24,480 24,480 0 0 689,689 590,674 791,506 -235,832 35,000 99,015 99,015 0

16/17 Forecast 203,831 203,831 203,831 0 228,105 228,105 233,763 -5,658 10,039,188 644,638 618,934 618,934 0 25,704 25,704 0 0 717,852 614,376 816,100 -236,725 35,000 103,476 103,476 0

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Description 210 - Community Services (West) 2102 + Youth Services (West) Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset New 2103 + Maternal And Infant Health Operating Expenditure 2104 + Cultural Activities (West) Operating Expenditure Operating Income 215 - Community Facilities 2151 + Public Halls - Civic Centres, Pavilions Operating Expenditure Operating Income Capital Income Asset Renewal 2152 + Swimming Pool – Tom Price Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset Renewal Asset New 2153 + Foreshore Areas - Onslow Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset Renewal Asset New

2012/13 Budget 519,571 -190,219 509,781 -700,000 0 53,210 53,210 656,580 888,580 -232,000 5,178,235 469,277 419,277 -61,000 -31,000 142,000 592,161 512,561 -80,400 80,000 80,000 111,104 109,004 -500,000 2,100 500,000

2012/13 Actuals 545,716 225,617 352,060 -190,307 63,864 52,124 52,124 267,974 502,861 -234,887 5,702,075 547,850 509,642 -80,312 -31,000 149,520 540,976 484,852 -99,878 74,843 81,160 -164,085 89,344 -467,170 2,637 211,104

13/14 Forecast 560,396 99,312 435,312 -336,000 0 0 0 461,085 638,085 -177,000 4,807,504 611,238 465,352 -75,468 0 221,355 555,733 612,939 -94,575 37,369 0 141,552 141,552 -704,800 500,000 204,800

14/15 Forecast 649,349 104,530 457,338 -352,808 0 0 0 544,819 826,619 -281,800 4,333,876 501,946 483,825 -78,879 0 97,000 542,854 641,862 -99,208 200 0 126,913 126,913 0 0 0

15/16 Forecast 616,690 109,498 479,942 -370,444 0 0 0 507,192 698,933 -191,741 4,621,877 469,544 530,003 -82,459 0 22,000 614,728 673,602 -104,074 200 45,000 133,092 133,093 0 0 0

16/17 Forecast 712,408 114,540 503,443 -388,904 0 0 0 597,869 891,697 -293,828 5,060,532 504,183 568,402 -86,219 0 22,000 597,841 706,824 -109,183 200 0 139,542 139,542 0 0 0

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Description 2154 + Swimming Pool - Paraburdoo Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset Renewal Asset Expansion/Upgrade 2155 + Rec Centre Tom Price Operating Expenditure Operating Income Capital Expenditure 2156 + Onslow MPC Operating Expenditure Operating Income 2157 + Other Recreation & Sport Operating Expenditure Operating Income Capital Expenditure Capital Income Asset Renewal Asset Expansion/Upgrade Asset New 2158 + Public Toilets Operating Expenditure Asset Renewal Asset Expansion/Upgrade

2012/13 Budget

2012/13 Actuals

13/14 Forecast

490,247 469,707 -52,460 18,000 55,000 93,070 81,089 -16,500 28,481 178,669 227,819 -49,150 2,842,274 1,471,306 -4,789,032 1,511,158 -4,288,000 173,842 3,618,000 5,145,000 87,804 75,804 0 12,000

526,542 538,143 -57,219 13,500 32,119 58,471 50,675 -20,685 28,481 134,758 189,684 -54,926 4,805,388 1,286,277 -15,803 1,511,158 -4,776,493 108,348 116,644 6,575,257 83,941 75,400 0 8,541

471,302 529,710 -60,713 2,305 0 88,914 76,076 -17,325 30,162 181,771 216,421 -34,650 275,061 1,482,535 -4,006,292 0 -972,538 224,080 99,775 3,447,500 85,004 85,004 0 0

14/15 Forecast 691,152 554,375 -63,223 0 200,000 89,265 75,512 -18,191 31,944 188,935 225,318 -36,383 1,750,622 1,517,229 -6,606 0 0 130,001 109,999 -1 134,255 89,255 45,000 0

15/16 Forecast 516,471 581,646 -65,175 0 0 91,391 76,662 -19,101 33,830 209,716 247,918 -38,202 2,170,054 1,591,991 -6,937 0 0 585,000 0 0 93,717 93,717 0 0

16/17 Forecast 541,908 610,181 -68,273 0 0 93,583 77,812 -20,056 35,827 207,921 248,033 -40,112 2,538,036 1,670,319 -7,283 0 0 875,000 0 0 98,403 98,403 0 0

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Description 2159 + Malls Operating Expenditure Operating Income Capital Expenditure Capital Income Asset Expansion/Upgrade Asset New 2160 + Other Community Amenities Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset Expansion/Upgrade Asset New 220 - Parks & Ovals 2201 + Parks Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset Renewal Asset Expansion/Upgrade Asset New 2202 + Ovals Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset Renewal Asset Expansion/Upgrade

2012/13 Budget

2012/13 Actuals

131,199 218,299 -1,137,100 0 -2,100,000 2,850,000 300,000 182,430 36,430 -1,000 40,000 107,000 2,537,505 1,836,699 600,199 -600,000 394,000 154,000 1,288,500 700,806 594,006 -14,700 15,000 106,500

-907,581 253,495 -1,856,428 0 -228,593 923,945 0 75,816 35,388 0 0 40,428 2,040,669 1,433,165 722,568 -536,145 393,507 19,904 833,331 607,505 574,426 -22,407 16,003 39,483

13/14 Forecast 2,234,203 225,876 -285,000 684,000 -30,000 1,589,326 50,000 162,726 39,226 0 20,000 103,500 2,163,662 1,487,914 750,414 -100,000 55,000 252,500 530,000 675,748 667,332 -21,584 30,000 0

14/15 Forecast

15/16 Forecast

268,671 237,170 0 0 0 1 31,500 39,263 39,264 0 0 0 2,231,666 1,553,395 788,271 -2,000,000 0 205,124 2,560,000 678,271 701,034 -22,763 0 0

282,104 249,029 0 0 0 1 33,075 41,059 41,060 0 -1 0 2,369,524 1,465,503 827,621 -1,350,000 1 247,882 1,739,999 904,021 736,022 -24,001 12,000 180,000

16/17 Forecast 296,207 261,480 0 0 0 -1 34,729 42,907 42,907 0 0 0 1,847,045 1,039,650 868,875 0 0 160,774 10,000 807,395 772,697 -25,301 0 60,000

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Description 225 - Libraries 2251 + Library - Tom Price Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset Renewal 2252 + Library - Onslow Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset Renewal 2253 + Library - Paraburdoo Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset Renewal 2254 + Library - Pannawonica Operating Expenditure Operating Income 235 - Aged Care 2351 + Other Housing Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset Renewal 240 - Community Liaison 2401 + Community Liaison Operating Expenditure Operating Expenditure Operating Income

2012/13 Budget 696,179 167,632 149,682 -1,050 19,000 162,187 148,487 -300 14,000 242,884 228,134 -1,250 16,000 123,476 124,026 -550 84,215 84,215 68,215 -20,000 36,000 81,500 81,500 81,500 0 0

2012/13 Actuals 526,580 133,186 126,004 -3,994 11,176 65,663 65,852 -188 0 216,417 205,711 -1,996 12,702 111,314 111,575 -261 52,195 52,195 54,581 -19,196 16,809 59,031 59,031 59,031 0 0

13/14 Forecast 675,403 176,663 171,947 -3,134 7,850 115,182 115,386 -205 0 239,964 216,805 -964 24,123 143,595 143,703 -108 63,700 63,700 82,700 -19,000 0 0 0 0 200,000 -200,000

14/15 Forecast 700,648 188,788 192,079 -3,291 0 117,475 117,690 -215 0 247,057 239,540 -1,012 8,529 147,329 147,442 -114 90,911 90,911 84,911 -19,000 25,000 0 0 0 0 0

15/16 Forecast 722,787 192,131 185,587 -3,456 10,000 123,003 123,229 -225 0 253,313 235,421 -1,063 18,955 154,338 154,458 -119 94,489 94,489 88,991 -19,501 25,000 0 0 0 0 0

16/17 Forecast 836,376 190,848 194,477 -3,628 0 128,763 129,001 -237 0 355,089 246,801 -1,116 109,403 161,675 161,801 -125 99,235 99,235 93,234 -18,999 25,000 0 0 0 0 0

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Description 520 - Visitor Centre 5201 + Visitors Centre – Tom Price Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset Expansion/Upgrade 30 – CORPORATE SERVICES 300 - Corporate Services 3000 + Office of EM of Corporate Services Operating Expenditure 305 - Financial 3051 + Rate Revenue Operating Income 3052 + Other General Purpose Funding Operating Expenditure Operating Income Capital Expenditure 3053 + Salaries And Wages Operating Expenditure Operating Income 3054 + Materials In Store Operating Expenditure 310 - Administration 3101 + Admin General - Tom Price and Paraburdoo Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset Renewal

2012/13 Budget 146,331 146,331 337,431 -226,100 35,000 -30,796,190 319,935 319,935 319,935 -11,553,075 -13,352,915 -13,352,915 1,799,840 156,140 -2,606,300 4,250,000 0 0 0 0 0 -87,276 -173,793 -207,093 -94,700 10,000

2012/13 Actuals 127,839 127,839 321,852 -223,847 29,834 -22,059,203 273,984 273,984 273,984 -13,452,739 -12,778,342 -12,778,342 -665,020 176,026 -4,742,118 3,901,072 -31,970 -510 -31,459 22,593 22,593 -426,838 -654,905 -611,611 -76,816 2,367

13/14 Forecast 106,621 106,621 347,776 -241,155 0 -30,044,435 257,032 257,032 257,032 -18,033,232 -15,649,466 -15,649,466 -2,383,766 148,180 -2,731,946 200,000 0 23,319 -23,319 0 0 -660,092 -762,922 -728,326 -75,096 3,000

14/15 Forecast 130,362 130,362 363,575 -253,212 20,000 -30,732,394 267,146 267,146 267,146 -19,005,670 -16,995,514 -16,995,514 -2,010,155 148,140 -2,401,351 243,056 0 23,532 -23,533 0 0 -724,634 -832,971 -798,897 -76,149 3,000

15/16 Forecast 115,651 115,651 381,524 -265,873 0 -30,823,930 278,403 278,403 278,403 -20,173,048 -18,064,136 -18,064,136 -2,108,912 154,595 -2,518,715 255,209 0 23,873 -23,874 0 0 -760,350 -874,104 -839,627 -78,206 3,000

16/17 Forecast 121,101 121,101 400,268 -279,167 0 -32,375,990 289,992 289,992 289,992 -21,527,709 -19,315,415 -19,315,415 -2,212,293 161,079 -2,641,341 267,969 0 24,942 -24,942 0 0 -790,784 -910,226 -875,325 -80,367 3,000

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Description Asset Expansion/Upgrade Asset New 3102 + Western Operations Administration Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset Renewal Asset Expansion/Upgrade Asset New 3103 + Cemeteries Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset Expansion/Upgrade 315 - ICT 3151 + Information Technology Operating Expenditure Asset New 900 - Balance Sheet 9001 + Current Assets Assets 9002 + Current Liabilities Liabilities 9003 + Non-Current Assets Assets 9004 + Non-Current Liabilities Liabilities

2012/13 Budget 6,000 112,000 15,550 -3,550 -5,000 3,500 6,600 14,000 70,967 34,267 -3,300 40,000 588,960 588,960 43,960 545,000 -20,064,734 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2012/13 Actuals 0 31,154 143,445 40,116 -282,294 373,870 0 11,752 84,622 34,167 -5,465 55,921 281,085 281,085 -10,750 291,835 -8,734,695 7,538,844 7,538,844 -7,509,173 -7,509,173 -7,857,440 -7,857,440 974,218 974,218

13/14 Forecast 0 37,500 74,784 74,111 -360,562 361,235 0 0 28,047 33,139 -5,093 0 47,240 47,240 -2,760 50,000 -11,655,383 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

14/15 Forecast 0 39,075 78,888 79,224 -335 0 0 0 29,449 34,796 -5,347 0 47,159 47,159 -2,840 50,000 -11,316,396 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

15/16 Forecast 0 40,729 82,833 83,177 -344 0 0 0 30,921 36,536 -5,614 0 46,560 46,560 -3,440 50,000 -10,215,495 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

16/17 Forecast 0 42,465 86,975 87,328 -353 0 0 0 32,467 38,363 -5,895 0 47,780 47,780 -2,220 50,000 -10,395,269 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Description 9006 + Reserve Accumulation Account Capital Expenditure Capital Income 9050 + Chameleon Budget Balancing Assets 9101 + Trust Function Liabilities Assets Capital Expenditure 40 - OPERATIONS 405 - Depots 4051 + Depots Operating Expenditure Asset Expansion/Upgrade 410 - Road Plant 4101 + Road Plant Purchases Operating Expenditure Operating Income Capital Expenditure Capital Income Asset Renewal Asset New 420 - Private Works 4201 + Private Works Operating Expenditure Operating Income

2012/13 Budget 0 0 0 -20,064,734 -20,064,734 0 0 0 0 2,308,296 515,044 515,044 254,004 261,040 3,307,280 3,307,280 14,500 0 400,000 -480,000 2,053,880 1,318,900 -1,104,671 -1,104,671 12,228,669 -13,333,340

2012/13 Actuals -1,881,144 5,531,086 -7,412,230 0 0 -0 34,480 1,463 -35,944 -3,284,227 404,386 404,386 210,825 193,562 2,251,195 2,251,195 62,530 -103,232 400,000 -480,000 1,208,845 1,163,052 -3,743,229 -3,743,229 7,279,796 -8,109,538

13/14 Forecast 0 0 0 -11,655,383 -11,655,383 0 0 0 0 1,302,720 259,082 259,082 217,737 41,345 1,571,575 1,571,575 71,661 -60,564 0 0 1,385,479 175,000 -1,081,972 -1,081,972 9,171,102 -11,418,470

14/15 Forecast 0 0 0 -11,316,396 -11,316,396 0 0 0 0 2,750,498 228,625 228,625 228,624 0 2,464,559 2,464,559 19,559 0 0 0 2,444,999 0 -1,039,929 -1,039,929 8,725,070 -10,930,394

15/16 Forecast 0 0 0 -10,215,495 -10,215,495 0 0 0 0 296,990 240,056 240,056 240,056 0 1,826,617 1,826,617 20,537 0 473,080 0 1,333,000 -1 -1,733,205 -1,733,205 9,161,323 -11,477,226

16/17 Forecast 0 0 0 -10,395,269 -10,395,269 0 0 0 0 -1,500,683 252,058 252,058 252,058 0 1,148,440 1,148,440 21,564 0 453,877 0 673,000 -1 -2,432,009 -2,432,009 9,619,388 -12,051,397

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2012/13 Budget

2012/13 Actuals

13/14 Forecast

14/15 Forecast

15/16 Forecast

16/17 Forecast

Capital Expenditure Capital Income 430 - Public Works Over head 4301 + Public Works Over Head Operating Expenditure Asset Renewal 435 - Plant Operations Cost 4351 + Plant Operation Costs Operating Expenditure Operating Income 640 - Sanitation 6401 + Sanitation General Refuse Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset Renewal Asset Expansion/Upgrade Asset New 6402 + Sanitation Commercial Operating Expenditure Operating Income 50 – STRATEGIC AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 230 - Heritage 2301 + Heritage Operating Expenditure Operating Income

0 0 12,000 12,000 0 12,000 -106,243 -106,243 -21,243 -85,000 -315,114 -275,722 2,566,778 -3,638,500 6,000 540,000 250,000 -39,392 580,608 -620,000 1,771,777 0 0 10,000 -10,000

582,698 -3,496,184 -839,600 -839,600 -842,363 2,763 -134,595 -134,595 400,697 -535,292 -1,222,385 -1,199,928 2,472,141 -3,792,659 3,950 92,708 23,931 -22,456 477,908 -500,364 -1,695,478 0 0 0 0

1,165,396 0 0 0 0 0 -294,000 -294,000 72,987 -366,987 848,034 865,856 2,918,189 -3,171,084 8,750 950,000 160,000 -17,822 507,178 -525,000 2,506,645 0 0 120,000 -120,000

1,165,396 0 16,636 16,636 16,636 0 94,926 94,926 480,262 -385,336 985,681 1,010,927 2,989,065 -3,328,138 0 950,000 400,000 -25,246 526,004 -551,250 1,001,719 100,000 100,000 200,000 -100,000

582,698 0 24,638 24,638 24,639 0 99,574 99,574 504,177 -404,603 -160,691 -133,919 2,759,126 -3,493,045 0 500,000 100,000 -26,772 552,041 -578,813 822,004 -50,000 -50,000 50,000 -100,000

0 0 25,754 25,754 25,753 0 104,395 104,395 529,228 -424,833 -599,321 -570,722 2,895,476 -3,666,198 0 200,000 0 -28,599 579,154 -607,753 1,038,603 0 0 100,000 -100,000

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Description 500 - Strategic Services 5000 + Office of EM Strategic & Econ. Development Operating Expenditure 505 - Area Promotion 5051 + Tourism & Area Promotion Eastern Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset New 5052 + Tourism & Area Promotion - Onslow Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset Renewal 5053 + Tourism & Area Promotion - Pannawonica Operating Expenditure Operating Income 5054 + Museums Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset Renewal 5055 + Old Onslow Operating Expenditure Operating Income 5056 + Area Promotion - General Operating Expenditure Operating Income

2012/13 Budget 514,160 514,160 514,160 693,525 152,249 97,249 -50,000 105,000 16,779 109,779 -100,000 7,000 3,600 5,600 -2,000 9,995 24,995 -20,000 5,000 0 50,000 -50,000 47,060 72,060 -25,000

2012/13 Actuals 447,466 447,466 447,466 -92,930 28,980 48,342 -28,806 9,443 73,246 111,307 -47,365 9,304 846 3,531 -2,685 21,241 15,688 0 5,552 -11,605 44,050 -55,654 6,481 17,990 -11,509

13/14 Forecast 512,011 512,011 512,011 322,099 171,255 88,486 -37,231 120,000 29,663 139,662 -110,000 0 1,098 4,248 -3,150 7,376 7,377 -100,000 100,000 0 60,000 -60,000 28,138 42,838 -14,700

14/15 Forecast 532,994 532,994 532,994 210,420 46,655 87,160 -40,504 0 84,874 164,875 -100,000 20,000 1,303 4,610 -3,308 7,746 7,746 0 0 0 60,000 -60,000 22,503 37,938 -15,435

15/16 Forecast 547,610 547,610 547,610 281,225 48,488 91,018 -42,530 0 46,687 156,687 -110,000 0 1,508 4,981 -3,473 8,133 8,133 0 0 0 60,000 -60,000 28,209 44,416 -16,207

16/17 Forecast 573,446 573,446 573,446 -170,792 49,512 95,069 -45,556 0 63,834 183,834 -120,000 0 1,713 5,359 -3,647 8,540 8,539 0 1 0 60,000 -60,000 23,925 40,942 -17,017

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Description 5057 + Ocean View Caravan Park Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset Expansion/Upgrade 510 - Land Development 5101 + Tom Price Industrial Land Development Operating Expenditure Capital Income Asset New 5102 + Onslow Residential Development Operating Income 5103 + Tom Price Residential Land Development Operating Expenditure Operating Income Capital Income Asset New 5104 + Onslow Industrial Development Operating Expenditure Capital Income Asset New 5105 + Land Sales Other Operating Expenditure Operating Income Capital Expenditure

2012/13 Budget

2012/13 Actuals

13/14 Forecast

14/15 Forecast

15/16 Forecast

16/17 Forecast

463,842 650,842 -792,000 605,000 161,090 132,910 132,910 -1,150,000 1,150,000 0 0 28,180 28,180 0 -650,000 650,000 0 0 -240,000 240,000 0 0 0 0

-212,119 651,702 -1,044,860 181,039 -5,335,965 -2,370,706 102,255 -2,611,395 138,433 -3,846 -3,846 -3,078,392 35,885 -3,160,071 0 45,794 116,979 0 0 116,979 0 0 0 0

84,569 799,005 -957,886 243,450 695,094 222,002 222,002 -931,500 931,500 0 0 41,370 41,370 0 -650,000 650,000 77,000 30,000 -240,000 287,000 354,722 13,350 -4,158,628 4,500,000

47,338 832,618 -1,005,780 220,500 587,885 204,516 204,516 0 0 0 0 233,370 73,370 0 0 160,000 150,000 10,000 0 140,000 0 0 0 0

148,200 804,270 -1,056,069 400,000 422,898 177,410 177,409 0 0 0 0 235,489 75,490 -1 0 160,001 10,000 10,000 0 -1 0 0 0 0

-318,316 790,557 -1,108,873 0 243,314 185,693 185,693 0 0 0 0 47,621 47,620 1 0 0 10,000 10,000 0 -1 0 0 0 0

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Description 515 - Economic Development 5152 + Television & Radio Rebroadcasting Operating Expenditure Operating Income Capital Income Asset Renewal 5153 + Economic Development - General Operating Expenditure 525 - Airports 5251 + Onslow Airport Operating Expenditure Operating Income Capital Expenditure Asset New 530 - Rural Services 5301 + Rural Services Operating Expenditure Operating Income 535 - Major Projects 5351 + Major Projects Operating Expenditure 5352 + Town Site Revitalisation - Eastern Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset New

2012/13 Budget 65,530 40,530 41,530 -1,000 -118,000 118,000 25,000 25,000 -943,668 -943,668 616,977 -35,088,641 57,490 33,470,506 11,030 11,030 41,030 -30,000 1,026,610 421,610 421,610 605,000 506,000 0 99,000

2012/13 Actuals 149,631 139,968 33,280 -1,200 0 107,887 9,664 9,664 2,586,238 2,586,238 572,740 -24,593,425 57,490 26,549,433 7,877 7,877 27,835 -19,958 363,425 419,415 419,415 -55,990 153,673 -302,500 92,838

13/14 Forecast 49,712 23,347 24,607 -1,260 0 0 26,365 26,365 280,985 280,985 1,356,125 -16,362,718 61,457 15,226,121 -1,225 -1,225 9,275 -10,500 537,042 558,122 558,122 -21,080 496,339 -552,419 35,000

14/15 Forecast

15/16 Forecast

16/17 Forecast

46,197 24,515 25,838 -1,323 0 0 21,683 21,683 -1,125,690 -1,125,690 1,024,373 -3,715,762 65,699 1,500,000 -1,265 -1,265 9,760 -11,025 560,953 584,675 584,675 -23,722 526,318 -555,291 5,250

52,758 25,740 27,129 -1,389 0 0 27,018 27,018 -1,103,326 -1,103,326 904,380 -2,077,941 70,234 1 -1,339 -1,339 10,237 -11,576 577,444 602,583 602,583 -25,139 553,904 -584,555 5,513

49,395 27,027 28,486 -1,459 0 0 22,368 22,368 -359,966 -359,966 935,340 -1,370,387 75,081 0 -1,400 -1,400 10,755 -12,155 605,135 631,862 631,862 -26,727 581,191 -613,706 5,788

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2012/13 Budget

2012/13 Actuals

13/14 Forecast

14/15 Forecast

15/16 Forecast

16/17 Forecast

540 - Strategic Planning 5401 + Strategic Planning Operating Expenditure 545 - Risk Management 5451 + Risk Management Operating Expenditure 60 – TECHNICAL SERVICES 415 - Parking Facilities 4151 + Parking Facilities Operating Expenditure 600 - Technical Services 6000 + Office of EM Technical Services Operating Expenditure 605 - Emergencies Services 6051 + Fire Prevention Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset New 6052 + Fire Brigades Operating Expenditure Operating Income 6053 + State Emergency Services Operating Expenditure Operating Income

223,500 223,500 223,500 20,000 20,000 20,000 10,664,263 62,300 62,300 62,300 333,085 333,085 333,085 146,343 144,090 137,590 -4,000 10,500 -2,312 18,268 -20,580 4,565 34,055 -29,490

167,008 167,008 167,008 11,771 11,771 11,771 10,942,241 67,412 67,412 67,412 339,073 339,073 339,073 130,935 127,770 127,770 0 0 -4,413 16,167 -20,580 7,578 37,068 -29,490

90,177 90,177 90,177 20,750 20,750 20,750 11,798,656 70,949 70,949 70,949 502,214 502,214 502,214 155,709 146,312 146,417 -105 0 2,777 22,487 -19,710 6,620 35,420 -28,800

68,435 68,435 68,435 21,788 21,788 21,788 12,368,188 74,496 74,496 74,496 525,434 525,434 525,434 156,173 146,308 146,418 -110 0 2,915 23,611 -20,696 6,951 37,190 -30,240

71,857 71,857 71,857 22,877 22,877 22,877 13,695,096 78,221 78,221 78,221 551,848 551,848 551,848 163,710 153,360 153,475 -116 0 3,061 24,791 -21,730 7,290 39,050 -31,760

75,451 75,451 75,451 24,021 24,021 24,021 14,014,553 82,132 82,132 82,132 579,540 579,540 579,540 171,415 160,538 160,660 -122 0 3,214 26,031 -22,817 7,662 41,003 -33,340

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Description 610 - Ranger Services 6101 + Animal Control Eastern Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset Expansion/Upgrade 6102 + Animal Control Western Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset Expansion/Upgrade 6103 + Other Law, Order, Public Safety Operating Expenditure Operating Income Capital Expenditure 615 - Statutory Services 6151 + Health Inspection & Administration Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset Renewal 6152 + Health - Aboriginal Health Operating Expenditure Operating Income Capital Income Asset Renewal 6153 + Health - Pest Control Operating Expenditure

2012/13 Budget 708,797 243,404 295,404 -60,000 8,000 195,788 198,288 -2,500 0 269,605 239,597 -6,000 36,008 -175,208 457,167 522,167 -67,000 2,000 13,772 180,772 -167,000 0 0 61,987 61,987

2012/13 Actuals 698,430 187,082 236,567 -52,342 2,857 180,963 181,421 -458 0 330,384 294,489 -650 36,546 444,558 390,621 475,100 -84,479 0 135,946 190,511 -87,030 -15,000 47,465 21,231 21,231

13/14 Forecast 805,165 107,418 163,243 -61,225 5,400 316,029 208,054 -2,025 110,000 381,718 345,277 -1,785 38,226 -244,798 470,455 588,460 -118,006 0 54,391 174,391 -120,000 0 0 34,554 34,554

14/15 Forecast 684,631 111,982 172,811 -66,649 5,820 214,486 216,691 -2,205 0 358,163 360,037 -1,874 0 -246,819 506,288 603,834 -97,547 0 55,399 181,398 -126,000 0 0 36,282 36,282

15/16 Forecast 717,498 117,348 181,068 -69,981 6,261 224,138 226,453 -2,315 0 376,012 377,980 -1,968 0 -262,015 531,160 633,584 -102,424 0 57,812 190,113 -132,300 0 0 38,096 38,096

16/17 Forecast 751,727 122,894 189,651 -73,481 6,724 234,189 236,620 -2,431 0 394,644 396,710 -2,066 0 -279,660 557,147 664,692 -107,545 0 60,253 199,168 -138,915 0 0 40,000 40,000

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Description 6154 + Building Control Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset Renewal 6155 + Town Planning / Regional Development Operating Expenditure Operating Income 620 - Drainage 6201 + Urban Stormwater Drainage Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset Renewal Asset New 625 - Roads 6251 + Construction Streets, Roads, Bridges, Depots Operating Expenditure Operating Income Capital Expenditure Asset Renewal Asset Expansion/Upgrade Asset New 6252 + Maintenance Streets, Roads, Bridges, Depots Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset Renewal

2012/13 Budget

2012/13 Actuals

13/14 Forecast

14/15 Forecast

15/16 Forecast

16/17 Forecast

-568,128 441,272 -1,013,400 4,000 -140,006 762,094 -902,100 1,134,849 1,134,849 324,849 -50,000 600,000 260,000 7,486,705 7,991,960 4,877,460 0 0 414,500 2,500,000 200,000 -505,255 1,860,570 -2,365,825 0

-530,271 491,719 -1,022,392 401 427,031 920,584 -493,553 504,053 504,053 252,241 0 199,149 52,662 8,045,368 7,928,506 5,288,621 0 0 80,654 2,518,724 40,506 116,863 2,075,330 -1,958,468 0

-1,082,751 453,981 -1,536,732 0 278,553 981,144 -702,591 963,601 963,601 293,601 0 670,000 0 8,623,889 9,021,329 5,583,737 -500,000 0 470,000 2,787,592 680,000 -397,439 2,419,220 -2,826,660 10,000

-1,140,224 473,344 -1,613,567 -1 295,437 1,023,157 -727,720 1,447,374 1,447,374 297,374 0 1,150,000 0 8,727,282 9,088,605 5,860,742 -15,000 0 489,999 2,552,865 199,999 -361,323 2,188,846 -2,550,169 0

-1,198,350 495,897 -1,694,247 0 309,267 863,374 -554,106 1,762,242 1,762,242 312,243 0 1,450,000 -1 9,647,959 10,051,332 6,153,554 -20,000 473,080 673,000 2,571,699 199,999 -403,373 2,275,587 -2,678,960 0

-1,259,513 519,447 -1,778,959 -1 322,452 904,263 -581,811 1,777,853 1,777,853 327,855 0 1,450,000 -1 9,858,427 10,267,625 6,460,884 0 453,877 600,000 2,552,865 199,999 -409,197 2,404,994 -2,814,191 0

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Description 630 - Boat Ramps 6301 + Water Transport Facilities Operating Expenditure 645 - Protection of Environment 6451 + Protection of Environment Operating Expenditure Operating Income 650 - Footpaths 6501 + Footpaths Operating Expenditure Operating Income Asset New 655 - Asset Management 6551 + Asset Management Operating Expenditure

2012/13 Budget 47,800 47,800 47,800 0 0 0 0 298,582 298,582 165,392 -1,029,580 1,162,770 621,010 621,010 621,010

2012/13 Actuals 53,687 53,687 53,687 -50,000 -50,000 0 -50,000 211,936 211,936 211,936 0 0 496,789 496,789 496,789

13/14 Forecast 56,270 56,270 56,270 0 0 150,000 -150,000 324,584 324,584 191,394 -1,029,580 1,162,770 541,074 541,074 541,074

14/15 Forecast 59,083 59,083 59,083 0 0 0 0 384,097 384,097 165,598 -31,500 249,999 556,438 556,438 556,438

15/16 Forecast 62,037 62,037 62,037 0 0 0 0 390,802 390,802 173,878 -33,075 249,999 582,794 582,794 582,794

16/17 Forecast 65,139 65,139 65,139 0 0 0 0 397,845 397,845 182,571 -34,729 250,002 610,136 610,136 610,136

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Shire of Ashburton organisational structure

Note that the structure is in transition and subject to review upon commencement of the new permanent CEO Page 35 of 114

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Roles and Priorities Overview

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Summary of our Department Service Plans STRATEGIC AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT         

Economic Development Direction Local Business Stimulation Commercial Management Heritage Strategic Direction and Planning Revitalisation Partnerships Project Governance Office Tourism Land Development

4 Year Strategic Priorities

No. SE1

SE 1.1

4.1 4.3


Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

SE 1.2

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

Economic Development Direction

Analysis of local economy To undertake analysis of the local economy.

This is a new service (encompassing some existing activities) to provide a robust knowledge base to underpin the economic development strategy and its implementation.


Analysis of the local economy of sufficient quality to support economic development strategy and its implementation.


Economic development strategy being implemented and regularly reviewed and refreshed.

Economic Development Strategy

1.3 3.2

Service Description

Current Level of Service

To support Council to develop an Economic Development Strategy, including land development plan and affordable housing strategy.

This is a new service to support Council to set the course for its economic development efforts in partnership with relevant stakeholders.

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description Legacy development

SE 1.3

To support Council to establish an environment for legacy development over short term transportable, interim investment measures. Marketing Strategy



SE 1.4

To support Council to develop a strategy to market the Shire as a positive place to live and do business.

SE 2

Local Business Stimulation

SE 2.1

Relationship Building To listen and understand needs of local businesses.

Current Level of Service (2012/13) Work with a host of public and private partners to encourage large scale redevelopment projects that transform our neighbourhoods, create jobs for local residents, and stimulate economic activity that benefits the State of WA.

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs



SE 2.3


SE 2.4

To facilitate Industry Forums/ business expo's to help local business showcase their ability and resources.

This is a new service to market the Shire more effectively as positive place to live and develop a business and to encourage "buy local".


High quality marketing collateral and a "buy local" strategy in conjunction with business groups/ Chamber.

Establish lines of communication and two-way feedback to be able to hear the needs of the business community.


Strong alliance with local business groups and Chamber of Commerce.


A minimum of 2 forums/ Expos a year in Tom Price, Onslow and 1 a year in Paraburdoo.


Business community receive valued support from the Shire to address issues and challenges that are within the scope of its influence.


Potential investors receive valued support from the Shire to navigate requirements.

Facilitate Industry Forums / business expo's to help local business showcase their ability and resources.

Ad hoc support.

Facilitate access to land To support / help businesses to navigate approvals, community consultation, access land to be able to invest in region.

(2013/14 - 2016/17)

All large-scale development is legacy development.

Support Business Sustainability To support and lobby for businesses to overcome challenges and issues.

over 4 years


Business Showcase SE 2.2

Level of Service Change

Ad hoc support.

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Business incubators 3.4

SE 2.5

To support small business to access premises at an affordable rate to establish themselves (given the current land environment in Pilbara).

SE 3

Commercial Management Aerodrome Operations To manage the Onslow Aerodrome to meet the needs of the community and provide a return to Council.

SE 3.1

Commercial Leases

SE 3.2

To ensure statutory compliance and appropriate returns to Council whilst stimulating development in the Shire.

This is a new service to provide business incubators.

Charter service to meet resource sector and RFDS needs. RPT Terminal facilities, low level general aviation area and hangerage. Aircraft type restrictions due to airport classification Undergoing $32 million development to allow Jet Services and community RPT access. Business planning to be able to operate a regional aerodrome that can process 100 passenger seat Jet Services.

Assist in the provision of commercial opportunities for local business. Provide an industry standard commercial service to local business. Manage commercial leases: - Sun Chalets

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)


Development of four factory units in Onslow to support local small business (initial priority).


Code 3C aerodrome servicing minimum 7 planes a week. RPT capable airport with passenger screening equipment and departure baggage conveyor system. General aviation area accommodating light to medium aircraft includes sealed/ unsealed apron, aviation support facilities and hangerage.


Improved social and financial return on commercial leases.

- Tom Price Caravan Park - Paraburdoo offices.

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

SE 3.3

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)


The Community Development team currently run the Tourist Centre. It is planned during 2014 to incorporate the business into the Tourism Strategy area under the Strategic and Economic development department.


Centralised booking agent, comprehensive and interactive tourist centre. Facilitates product development and works with local tourism providers to market products and Shire’s Tourism strategy.

To support Council to develop a Heritage Strategy for the preservation and appropriate use/re-use of buildings and areas of heritage significance throughout the Shire of Ashburton.

This is a new service to support Council to set the course for its heritage efforts in partnership with relevant stakeholders.


Heritage strategy being implemented and regularly reviewed and refreshed.

Education, promotion and access

This is a new service to increase the value and appreciation of heritage in conjunction with key stakeholders in accordance with the new strategy, once developed.


Effective education, promotion and access to heritage.

To manage the Ocean View Caravan Park to support local tourism, meet the needs of the community and provide a return to Council.

Tourist Centre 3.3


Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Council operates a 4 Star Caravan park that has a high standard of amenity, is compliant with the caravan and camping act and maintains 73% occupancy.

Caravan Park 3.3

Current Level of Service

SE 3.4

To manage the Tom Price Tourism Centre to support local tourism and provide a return to council.

SE 4


Maintain tourism services for the peak winter tourist season. Support the community and affordable housing in the community by maintaining 40 permanent bays. Provide clean and tidy services.

Heritage Strategy 1.3


SE 4.1

SE 4.2

To promote the Shire's Aboriginal and European heritage and facilitate increased access for the local community and tourism.

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Current Level of Service

Level of Service Change


Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Limited service currently


Expanded service that maximises funding opportunities.


Council able to work through a program of strategic policy development to set direction and priorities.

over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

Old Onslow Listed Heritage Site SE 4.3

To manage the site to meet the needs of the community, ensure appropriate conservation and interpretation in conjunction with Key stakeholders.

SE 5

Strategic Direction and Planning Strategy development and implementation

1.3 4.3

SE 5.1

To support Council to develop key strategies and policy to articulate direction and determine priorities.

Limited service currently – schedule to be agreed with Council

Integrated Planning and Reporting 1.3 4.2

SE 5.2

SE 5.3 SE 6

To support Council to progress its standard of Integrated Planning and Reporting (IPR) in accordance with the Department’s practice standards.

This is a new service to continue implementation of the new IPR framework


Council on a continuous improvement path for high quality planning and reporting.

Strategic Risk Management

This is a new service to continually improve strategic risk management as part of implementation of the IPR framework


Improved strategic risk identification and mitigation

Establishment phase


Maturing partnerships

To lead the Shire in planning, monitoring and reporting strategic risks. Revitalisation Partnership Partnership development


SE 6.1

To work with the key resource companies partnering with the Shire to revitalise its communities to ensure consistent vision and a clear understanding of outcomes.

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Revitalisation plans 1.3 4.1

SE 6.2

To lead the development of master plans and work with the communities to understand needs and vision.

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

Revitalisation plans in progress


Developing plans, implementation mechanisms and communication

Significant focus on this



Support delivery of projects through sound project management


Continuous improvement (see SE7)


Document transparent and consistent business processes for high quality and trusted project delivery


Document transparent and consistent business processes for high quality and trusted project delivery

Leverage funding for revitalisation projects SE 6.3

SE 6.4

SE 7

To establish funding sources, work with identified funders to secure funding for key strategic projects. Project manage selected Revitalisation Projects To manage and deliver selected projects through to operations Project Governance Office Project methodology

SE 7.1

To establish clear project processes, documentation and guidelines to standardise project delivery in the Shire. (Note this includes working with departments to ensure appropriate marketing, communication, recognition of funders and political platform are considered in all media/communications)

New service to establish business processes

Allocate project responsibilities SE 7.2

To ensure clear responsibilities and well managed handovers etc through the lifecycle of major strategic projects

New service to establish a robust process for clear allocation of project responsibilities

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


SE 7.3

Service Description Establish and ongoing support governance committee To facilitate the development of the committee, establish terms of reference and provide executive support

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs


To establish the framework and linkages to IPR framework and report regularly to Council and the community, ensuring consistency across all projects.

SE 8


over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)


Document transparent and consistent business processes for high quality and trusted project delivery

New service to establish effective and transparent reporting


Document transparent and consistent business processes for high quality and trusted project delivery

Current vision requiring review


Tourism vision being pursued and regularly reviewed and refreshed


Targeted approach to working with stakeholders to better use collective resources


High quality tourism marketing approach followed by all concerned to maximise impact.

New service to establish appropriate internal governance oversight

Integrated Strategic Projects Reporting SE 7.4

Level of Service Change

Establish a clear vision for Tourism 1.3 3.3

3.3 3.4 5.2

SE 8.1

SE 8.2

To support the Council to review and refresh its vision and priorities for tourism development, working with business and State Government to align strategic priorities and opportunities for tourism Facilitate partnerships with tourism industry and business professionals To harness local and regional resources and opportunities to stimulate tourism activity.

Current approach ad-hoc

Tourism Marketing Strategy 1.3 3.3

SE 8.3

Make the Shire of Ashburton a tourist destination using the accommodation, tour operators, islands, Karijini, aboriginal art etc (in conjunction with SE 1.4)

Current approach ad-hoc

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Current Level of Service

Level of Service Change


Service Level Change - 4 Yrs



Facilitation of enhanced tourism offering and promotion

Ongoing efforts to identify land development needs and opportunities and engage with the community and key stakeholders to realise those opportunities.



over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

Heritage Tourism 3.3

SE 8.4

To work with Tourism operators to identify heritage products that enhances visitation and engages the local business, traditional owners and the community as a whole

SE 9

Land Development Identification of available land

SE 9.1

To work with State and local communities to understand and identify land development needs and opportunities.

Deconstraining of available land SE 9.2

SE 9.3

To work to deconstrain land and unlock future opportunities in an effort to achieve affordable accommodation and have land delivered to the market.

Project management of in-house land development To take responsibility where required to steer projects through to development.

Facilitate land release actively or through advocacy, encourage and lobby for adequate servicing to enable increased industrial and residential land availability.


Support delivery through sound project management


Onslow: Onslow Industrial Subdivision – design, development, subdivision and sale of approx 55 lots of serviced industrial land at lot 16 Onslow Road Tom Price: Stage 2 Boonderoo Road Industrial Subdivision – development and sale of 10 lots of serviced industrial land at Southern end of Boonderoo Road. Continuous improvement (see SE7)

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


SE 9.4

Service Description

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Effective management provided


Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

Management of Shire Land Management of Shire owned freehold land and Reserve Management Orders.


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Living Life - Making it Happen


Community Development Facilities Community Services (East and West) Library Services Club Development

4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description


Community Development

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

To develop and maintain quality public art that reflects the culture, history and spirit of local communities and environments.

No service currently in place


New entry statement signage that welcomes visitors and residents, and reflects the culture, history and spirit of local communities and surrounding environment.

Disability Access and Inclusion

This Plan is required under the Disability Services Act. It is reported on annually and reviewed every 5 years. This Plan will be reviewed in 13/14. All new buildings and significant upgrades will have appropriate planning and/or modifications to ensure their accessibility and usability for those with disabilities.




Paraburdoo Install a playground for children under 8 years of age, secured by a “child proof” fence with a “soft fall’ type surface, covered by a shade structure which

Public Art CD 1.1


CD 1.2

To ensure that the needs of people with disabilities, their families and carers, are addressed with respect to the facilities, functions and services provided by the Shire.


Facilities Swimming Pool - Tom Price Swimming Pools and Aquatic Facilities


CD 2.1

To provide pool and facilities that are operated to high health and safety standards for use by patrons

The centre has a fully functional learn to swim area, beach walk in entry and water features in the babies pool. It also has a playground, park volleyball area and basketball hoop shooting space. The babies pool is completely covered by shade sails and the main pool is covered from the shallow end to the mid section.

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Open from 1 October to 30 April, hours of operation are: 8am to 8pm Swimming Pool - Paraburdoo The centre has a six lane 50m pool ranging from 1.1m deep at the shallow end to 1.8m at the deep end and a substantial baby pool with a uniform depth of 150mm. A sunshade covers the baby pool and half the main pool. Open from 1 October to 30 April, hours of operation are: 8am to 8pm

Tom Price  Community Centre can fit 200 people into its hall and has a stage area  Sports Pavilion is currently being redeveloped and is scheduled for opening in September 2013  The Civic Centre can fit 262 people and has a soft floor suitable for playgroups, gymnastics, boxing etc Public Halls, Civic Centres and Pavilions CD 2.2

To provide venues which are appropriately cleaned and maintained for each individual booking

Paraburdoo  Ashburton Hall can fit a capacity of 300 people. It has a stage area and an outdoor area with BBQ facilities and toilets. Inside the hall there are also kitchen facilities that are available  Lesser Hall is situated inside the Ashburton Hall and has its own separate entrance and air conditioner. The room can hold 77 people and is used for smaller functions such as meetings and conferences  The Sports Pavilion can hold 73 people in the main hall area with a maximum capacity of 25 people in a meeting sized room.

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17) blocks out at least 85% of the UV light floodlit by LED lights. It will allow children to run and play in safety as the playground will be of a “free range” type rather than a constrictive modular multi-purpose single unit of play equipment. Onslow (Active Pursuit) New Swimming Pool (2016) Tom Price Completion of Sports Pavilion which will include 4 club and 4 storage rooms. Onslow New Shire Hall/Function Centre at Onslow (part of commercial centre)


Paraburdoo Upgrades will include new/replaced airconditioning, new BBQ structure in rear courtyard, new seating and shade structures in rear courtyard and upgraded electrical wiring.

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Courts and Other Playground Surfaces 2.1

CD 2.3

To provide courts and other playground surfaces which are well maintained and clean in accordance with sporting requirements.

Current Level of Service (2012/13) Tom Price  Netball/Basketball Courts contain 3 full size courts. The courts are lined for Netball and Basketball. The lights are on a timer system and will only be turned on for bookings made through the Shire Office.  Tennis Courts are operated by the Tom Price Tennis Association and keys can be obtained from the club. The lights are operated by a coin box. Paraburdoo  The Courts can be used for basketball, netball and tennis. The basketball/netball lights are on a timer system and will only be turned on for bookings made through the Shire Office. Bookings need to be made 7 days in advance and during Shire Office hours. The Tennis Courts lights turn on using a coin operated system.  The Enclosed Cricket Pitch is currently unusable, however plans are underway to redevelop the area in the 2013/14 financial year. Onslow  The Courts have interchangeable goals and are marked to accommodate both basketball and netball. There are adjacent change rooms and toilets. The change rooms/toilets are locked and a key can be obtained from the Shire Office upon hiring the courts. The lights will be turned on for bookings made through the Shire office  The Shire manages the tennis courts and keys can be obtained from there. The lights are operated by a coin box. One of the courts is synthetic and the other is paved.

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs


Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

Paraburdoo Cricket pitch near the Oval Change Rooms with useable nets, suitable playing surface and lighting allowing for night training. Onslow Provision of 3 outdoor basketball courts and skate park (part of the Sporting Precinct Upgrade).

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


CD 2.4

Service Description

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Onslow Foreshore Areas

 Onslow "front" beach with BBQ and outdoor gym facilities

To ensure beach front areas are clean and tidy to facilitate access by the community

 Onslow "back" beach with Boardwalk, BBQ facilities and public toilet

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17) 4 Mile Creek to have BBQ facilities, seating and shade structures, fish cleaning facilities and public toilets


 4 Mile Creek with fishing facilities

Upgrade of Ian Blair Memorial Boardwalk; replacement of wooden boards, with integrated shade and interpretive panels highlighting native fauna in partnership with Thalanjyi-Onslow. Paraburdoo

Tom Price Community Recreation Centre Recreation and Sporting Venues 1.1 2.1

CD 2.5

CD 2.6

To provide venues which are appropriately cleaned and maintained for each individual booking

Malls, Town Centres and Surrounds To ensure facilities are well maintained, clean and tidy (rubbish free)

Featuring a performing arts theatre, green room, meeting room, commercial kitchen, multipurpose sports hall and a crèche room Onslow Multi Purpose Centre


Featuring an indoor multi-purpose sports hall, commercial kitchen, meeting rooms, gym and day care centre.

A multi-user community complex that offers a variety of sport, recreation, neighbourhood, meeting rooms, function centres, community support services to the community. Onslow Rock Climbing Wall (Active Pursuit).

Tom Price Town Centre

Tom Price

Newly developed walkways, water play area, seating and shade structures. A new Exeloo toilet is also situated at the end of the shopping area.

To include an amphitheatre, village green, new Library, Visitors Centre and Shire Office.


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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Paraburdoo Town Centre A small playground and some grassed areas. Extensive car parking with little or no landscaping and poor public amenity

Resurfacing of car parking and the introduction of shade structures and landscaping, dog exercise area, water play area and new skate park

Tom Price Clem Thompson Memorial Oval: A full sized football stadium, lights on a timer system booked through the Shire office. The oval includes a cricket pitch and cricket practice nets. The oval is often used for large scale events such as festivals.

Ovals and Training Fields 2.1

CD 2.7

To provide ovals and training fields that are serviced in accordance with sporting requirements

Tjiluna Oval: A smaller size oval consisting of a diamond and a permanent safety fence around the diamond. These features make it particularly attractive for softball and baseball through the year. Lights are on a timer system booked through the Shire Office. Lights at both ovals are only turned on for bookings made through the Council Office. Minna Oval: The oval has a cement path around the outside and this path is classed as an off lead dog area for Tom Price residents. Dogs are not allowed to walk on the oval itself. As the oval has no lighting towers it is primarily used for sports which do not require evening games such as cricket, tee ball and soccer.

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17) Paraburdoo


Tom Price Clem Thompson Oval –  Oval substantially completed by September 2013. Upgraded amenities include new reticulation and turf, a practice field, new goal posts and cricket nets, fencing, car parking, lighting, seating and shade structures Area W Oval  Concept plan still to be finalised but likely to include a playground (suitable 12-15yrs), BBQ, shaded areas, chilled water unit, lighting around picnic area, walking paths, exercise areas. Improved aesthetics and flood prevention - a parklike area

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Paraburdoo Peter Sutherland Oval: The oval is used by football and softball. There are four large light towers which allow night games. These are on a timer system, which is programmed to come on if bookings are made through the Customer Service Officer at the Shire Office. Top Oval: The top oval is not a full size oval and is used by groups such as tee ball. This oval is used for day games, as there is no lighting available. Bookings must be made through the Shire Office. Onslow Thalanyji Oval: The oval is reticulated and includes light towers which are token operated. Tokens are purchased at the Shire Office. There are goalposts, a cricket pitch, children's playground and a BBQ area. The oval will include a cricket net practice area during 2014

CD 2.8

Parks and Public Amenities To provide public amenities that are clean, safe and well maintained for public use

Tom Price  Doug Talbot Park includes a small playground and is situated across from the local hotel/motel. The area consists of a BBQ, tables and public toilets.  Lions Park is fully fences and includes are large playground, BBQ facilities and chilled water fountain. The playground, BBQ and seating area are under light during the evenings for night time use of the area. The playground is sheltered by a large metal roof with public toilets also available.  Dog Park is an enclosed off-leash dog exercise area. 40% of the area is reticulated and includes a small shade canopy, LED lighting, dog watering tap and bowl.  Anzac Park is a reticulated war memorial area.

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17) Paraburdoo Peter Sutherland Oval  Upgrade to be specified, community request for walking tracks and outdoor exercise equipment

Tom Price


Upgraded Anzac Memorial Park will include walkways, a memorial alter with a water feature and 15 meter memorial structures, Aboriginal medicine garden, entry gates and fencing

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Current Level of Service (2012/13) Paraburdoo

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17) Paraburdoo

 Meeka Park is fully fenced, reticulated and includes a single unisex toilet, bbq facilities and playground. The playground has lights for evening use of the facility.

Upgraded Anzac Memorial Park and public meeting space

 Lions Park is on the edge of Peter Sutherland Oval. It consists of a large playground with two playground areas suited for younger and older children.

Passive family recreation area


 Anzac Park is a beautiful, reticulated war memorial park. Onslow  Onslow Foreshore is the beached area in the centre of Onslow. It includes a boat ramp, bbq facilities, exercise equipment and a beautiful sand beach.  Ian Blair Boardwalk connects Onslow Foreshore and Anzac Memorial to Sunset Beach.  Sunset Beach is a small park area with a beautiful sandy beach. It contains a bbq area and a unisex toilet. The area is used to water the Onslow Salt loading the larging ships for export.  4 Mile Creek is a bbq area located 16kms from Onslow town centre. The area is under redevelopment and will be open to the public during 2013/14 financial year.  Beadon Creek consists of a dirt car park, fish filleting bench and offal trap. Other - All 3 towns All dry parks, reserves and verges are included in this area.

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Living Life - Making it Happen

4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description Water Spray Park


CD 2.9

To ensure water spray park is operated to high health and safety standards for use by patrons

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Onslow Onslow Water Spray Park is located on the edge of Thalanyji Oval. It is operational 24 hours per day all year round. The water spray park water fountains, water guns and other water play equipment.

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17) Paraburdoo


Addition of water play area, timeframe, location and facilities yet to be decided

Tom Price  Lions Park Playground is the largest of playgrounds in Tom Price and is fully fenced to increase the safety of the children.  Doug Talbot Park Playground is a smaller playground which is also utilised by families when hiring the Community Centre as the playground is located at the rear of the building  Tjiluna Oval Playground is located near the oval club rooms and toilets. It consists of a swing and rocker. 2.1

CD 2.10

Playgrounds To provide playgrounds which are safe in accordance with the Australia Standards

 Vic Hayton Memorial Swimming Pool Playground is located within the swimming pool complex. It is heavily used by patrons using the babies pool and for children birthday parties.  Town Mall Playground is a small rope design to entertain young children whilst in the town centre. It is located next to the water play area.


Compliance with Australian Standards for playgrounds with regards to height of fall, choking points and hazards, compliant soft fall zones and distance away from hazards

 Clem Thompson Oval Playground has recently been removed due to the redevelopment of the oval. In future years the Shire aims to install a new one. Paraburdoo  Lions Park/Peter Sutherland Oval Playground is located on the edge of the oval. It is the largest playground in Paraburdoo and is used frequently by

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

spectators and sporting events, birthday parties and general trips to the park.  Meeka Park Playground is located on the edge of the township of Paraburdoo and is covered by lovely Poinciana trees.  Town Centre Playground is at the entrance of Paraburdoo Shopping Centre. It is a small hut sized playground suitable for young children. Onslow  Thalanyji Oval playground is used extensively by the youth of Onslow and is the largest play area in town. The Onslow Water Spray Park is also in the same area.  Foreshore Exercise Equipment is located on the main beach area in Onslow. It is used for those that wish to undertake a exercise in the form of a strength training circuit.  The Day Care Centre Playground at the Multi Purpose Centre has a small outside playground area for sole use by the day care.


CD 2.11

Skate Parks To provide skate parks which are cleaned as required to meet user expectations

Tom Price


The facility is now regarded as one of the best Skate Parks in WA by Skateboarding Australia. It has a variety of ramps and skate areas to cater to different skill levels and has unrestricted access

Various skill level skate ramps and jumps, seating with shade structures, and water fountain (possible lighting, softfall and bbq areas; this is dependent on overall funding obtained as to what final structure can include)


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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Paraburdoo The skate park is located next to the Enclosed Cricket Nets and the Netball/Basketball Courts. The skate park has a chilled water fountain located close by. The park has been earmarked for redevelopment over the next year.

1.1 1.2

CD 2.12


Leased Premises (bowling clubs, sports clubs, gyms, BMX etc.) To ensure Shire leased facilities are maintained and cleaned to an appropriate standard

Aged Care Services (Onslow) 2.1

CD 2.13

To ensure housing is maintained at a safe and reasonable standard, suitable for the elderly and those with disabilities

The Shire of Ashburton leases a number of buildings, facilities and reserves to community groups to increase community sustainability and connectedness. The groups are required to ensure that facility is appropriately cleaned and maintained and must be available for all residents and visitors to the Shire.

Various skill level skate ramps and jumps, seating with shade structures, water fountain (Possible lighting, softfall and bbq areas; this is dependent on overall funding obtained as to what final structure can include). The Shire will support Men's Sheds through the provision of lease over a suitable parcel of land (if required) Increase

Onslow Ten subsidised housing units available for rental by elderly community members with disabilities.

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17) Paraburdoo


Community Gardens in Paraburdoo and Tom Price, supply of leased land to enable Community to design, construct and build a community garden New housing units (as part of Aged Care Strategy) incorporating high and low care - combination of private and Shire run (final details to be developed)

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4 Year Strategic Priorities

No. CD 3

1.1 1.2

CD 3.1

Service Description

CD 3.2

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)


New programs will be offered as external funding becomes available/ accessible for these and/or as community groups pick up and run some of the current program enabling the Shire to provide events that are not currently being offered. Events may change from year to year but overall seeking to develop more programs and events, and/or enlarge the events currently provided

Community Services (East and West)

Events and Cultural Activities To provide cultural opportunities that are accessible to all

Youth services and programs 1.2

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

To provide youth specific programs that engage the young people across the Shire of Ashburton and connect them with the wider community

The Shire manages, executes and forms partnerships to ensure a minimum of 7 cultural activities occur in each of its townships. These include, but are not limited to official national holidays and cultural days of recognition such as; Anzac Day, Australia Day, NAIDOC Week. In addition, the Shire also manages several large scale festivals and sporting events with annually or bi-annually and seeks external Grants to fund these events. All activities and events aim promote community relationships and economic prosperity and are inclusive of all members of the community including; residents, FIFO, Aboriginal, tourists and local business A variety of youth programs are offered across the Shire. They are tailored to meet specific needs in each town. School Holiday Activities are facilitated by professional external facilitators such as dancers, circus performers and athletes or sports professionals to ensure the programs are high quality and offer participants to opportunity to increase skills. After school program in Onslow Funded by the Department of Child Protection, available for all children, activities offered 1-2 days a week after school hours throughout the year, various hours of operation and number of children dependent on the facilitator.

Tom Price Expanded childcare, youth centre and parent support facility with increased capacity, quality, services and programs Increase

Onslow Proposed after hours youth centre run by VSwans (the old "Powerhouse" building in Second Ave). The Shire is currently negotiating with VSwans to run an after-

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Note: the youth centre in Paraburdoo is provided by Rio Tinto

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17) hours drop in centre until the new youth centre is built as part of recreation and aquatic centre) Plans for a custom built youth centre as part of Onslow Aquatic and Recreational precinct (the operating model is yet to be finalised)

Onslow Family Services and Programs 1.1 2.1

CD 3.3

To provide family orientated programs that engage families contribute to a sense of community within the Shire of Ashburton

General Programs 1.1

CD 3.4

To provide an innovative and diverse range of one off and regular programs that engage the wider community, including FIFO and temporary workers, that enhance lifestyle and wellbeing Leaping Lizards Program


CD 3.5

To engage young people in Onslow through healthy eating and lifestyle programs to increase community and individual health outcomes

Early Learning Centre - capacity for 19 children, 4 places for children under the age of 2 years - Monday to Friday 8am to 4.30pm. Delivered by a private provider (CSSU). The Shire provides the building on a lease basis. The Shire maintains close partnerships and relationships in other towns with organisations such as Nintirri, Karingal and local schools to promote and support programs for children's and families. The Shire seeks to support local groups in their activities (not to compete against them), such activities as; Men's Health Week, Mothers’ Day, Fathers’ Day, Great Australian Clean Up, local triathlons, Movember etc. The Shire manages the Onslow Leaping Lizards program which is to improve the health and wellbeing of people within the community both physically and emotionally. The School Garden is a primary focus which brings children, teachers and families together to plant, grow, harvest and cook. The garden



Purpose built Childcare Centre with 74 places including after-school care (the management model to be finalised i.e. Shire run or private organisation)




Expanded beyond current major focus on the school and school garden - more community type activities and events e.g. adult cooking classes

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)




New service in 2013. Volunteer Hubs in each town to allow the Shire and local not-for-profit/ community organisations to recruit local volunteers. Likely to be based in local libraries. Groups will be able to upload current volunteer vacancies to allow those looking for volunteer week to have a central location to access volunteering opportunities in each town.

promotes good nutrition and healthy weight. The Leaping Lizards Program includes the school breakfast program ensuring that all students start the day with good nutrition; the Fish 2 Feed Program held every month. This includes children and families coming together to fish; clean and cook their catch. This program also leads into an end of year reward camp and students must have attended school for 80% of the time. All events and activities encourage active participation, sun smart messages, healthy eating and lifestyles and sustainability Visitor Centre - Tom Price 3.3


CD 3.6

CD 3.7

To provide a professional, courteous and accurate information service for the residents of and visitors to Tom Price

The Visitors Centre in Tom Price provides information, brochures and souvenirs for tourists and local residents about local attractions and tours. The visitors centre also offers a booking service for Karijini and Tom Price Mine Tours and provides education and passes for the Karratha-Tom Price Access Road.

Volunteer Hubs To increase community connectedness and sense of wellbeing through volunteerism

No service currently in place

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)


The Early Years Program is to provide resources and information to help educate and build strong foundations for effective parenting/caring. To provide equal access to the above for all families and caregivers. Strategies are to provide some centre based activities but also outreach program (one single centre can exclude others) e.g.: workshops; playgroups; playgrounds; front lawns; Bindi Bindi Community; community garden etc. The program will include: Nutrition and health; drug and alcohol education; effective parenting skills; homemaker education; encouraging play; numeracy and literacy. Establish solid relationships with other key stakeholders and engage in program delivery


To allow sustainable community development practices to be integrated across the Shire and the community, the roles will

Early Years Program (from 2013 in Onslow) 2.1

CD 3.8

To improve literacy, numeracy and lifestyle factors for (primarily but not exclusively) Aboriginal children and families in the Onslow area, through the use of structured and unstructured play and peer mentors.

No service currently in place

Community Sustainability (2013/14) 1.1 1.2

CD 3.9

To actively engage the local community and build their capacity and sustainability to create towns with long and prosperous lives

No service currently in place

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description


Library Services

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17) undertake activates and events to integrate new and existing residents, including FIFO and tourists into the towns. They will be responsible for shaping and focusing the community culture in each town to create a forward thinking, solution focused culture of inclusivity and sustainability. They will work closely with the Club Development and Community Services Teams to achieve these outcomes.

 Membership of the libraries is free.  6 items per person, includes 3 videos per household items are loaned for 2 weeks. Tom Price Library CD 4.1

To provide innovative and community orientated library programs, including books clubs, seniors programs, story time and book launches

 Increase Indigenous sections of the libraries

 Inter-library loan service that is available to order from the State Library or other libraries in WA.  Foreign literature books are available.  All libraries have a collection of reference material  All donations from the community are welcome Opening times are as follows:  Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri

9.00am to 4.00pm

 Saturday

9.00am to 12.00 noon


 Increase local history area of libraries  Review all programs annually and revise/develop 2 new programs per year

 Weds/Sun/Public Hols Closed

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

In addition the following services are available:  Photocopying  Laminating  Internet Access - $3.00 0-15 mins/ $5.00 15-30min / $8.00 30- 1hr  DVD Cleaning  Council meeting minutes available on request  Story time session - Mon and Fri morning at 11.00am  Book Club meets once a month  Membership of the libraries is free.  6 items per person, includes 3 videos per household items are loaned for 2 weeks.  Inter-library loan service that is available to order from the State Library or other libraries in WA.  Foreign literature books are available. Paraburdoo Library CD 4.2

To provide innovative and community orientated library programs, including books clubs, seniors programs, story time and book launches

 Increase Indigenous sections of the libraries

 All libraries have a collection of reference material  All donations from the community are welcome Opening times are as follows:  Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri

9.00am to 4.00pm

 Saturday

9.00am to 12.00 noon

 Weds/Sun/Public Hols



 Increase local history area of libraries  Review all programs annually and revise/develop 2 new programs per year

The library has a collection of approximately 6000 items, including adult and junior fiction and nonfiction books, audio cassettes language tapes, DVDS and videos. The library also has internet access, photocopying, laminating and faxing facilities for a small charge.

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

An area of the room provides the perfect nook and cranny for kids who want to colour in or watch a movie on the TV as parents browse the library shelves. Story-time provides a great introduction to the library for young children. Come along. Story time sessions – Tuesday at 9.00am and Thursday at 10.00am Book Club meets once a month. The Paraburdoo Library has two book clubs In addition the following services are available:  Photocopying  Laminating  Internet Access - $3.00 0-15 mins/ $5.00 15-30min / $8.00 30- 1hr  DVD Cleaning  Council meeting minutes available on request  Membership of the libraries is free.  6 items per person, includes 3 videos per household items are loaned for 2 weeks. Onslow Library CD 4.3

To provide innovative and community orientated library programs, including books clubs, seniors programs, story time and book launches

 Increase Indigenous sections of the libraries

 Inter-library loan service that is available to order from the State Library or other libraries in WA.  Foreign literature books are available.  All libraries have a collection of reference material  All donations from the community are welcome Opening times are as follows:  Monday - Friday


 Increase local history area of libraries  Review all programs annually and revise/develop 2 new programs per year

9.00am to 4.00pm

 Saturday and Sunday Closed

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

In addition the following services are available:    

Photocopying Laminating DVD Cleaning Council meeting minutes available on request

Membership of the libraries is free.  6 items per person, includes 3 DVDs per household items are loaned for 2 weeks.  Inter-library loan service that is available to order from the State Library or other libraries in WA.  Foreign literature books are available.  All libraries have a collection of reference material  All donations from the community are welcome

 Increase Indigenous sections of the libraries

Opening times are as follows:

CD 4.4

Pannawonica Library

 Monday

10:00am to 4:00pm

To provide innovative and community orientated library programs, including books clubs, seniors programs, story time and book launches

 Tuesday

10:00am to 4:00pm 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm

 Wednesday/Thursday 1:00pm to 4:00pm  Friday

10:00am to 1:00pm

 Weekends/Public Hols Closed


 Increase local history area of libraries  Review all programs annually and revise/develop 2 new programs per year

Story time – Tuesdays at 10.00am and 10.30am Book club – meets once a month In addition the following services are available:  Photocopying  Faxing  Laminating  Internet Access - $3.00 0-15 mins/ $5.00 15-30min / $8.00 30- 1hr

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Current Level of Service (2012/13)       


Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)


Contribution to development and sustainability of community groups and sporting clubs through professional advice and support such as professional services to assist with governance and other support functions. Develop, or assist clubs to develop and/or expand, the leisure, recreation and sporting activities available to meet community needs

Dog registrations Building applications Caravan park bookings Tourist information Council meeting minutes available on request Issuing of Pilbara Rail Permits for Rail Access Roads Road condition reports

Club Development

Club Development (2013/14) 1.2 1.4

CD 5.1

To encourage community sustainability through the support of local clubs and associations

No service currently in place

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Living Life - Making it Happen

TECHNICAL SERVICES         

Engineering Services Project Management Asset Management Rangers Emergency Management Building Services Environmental Health Services Aboriginal Health Services Planning

4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description


Engineering Services

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)


Construct Onslow Ring Road. Reseals are completed as per financial plan. 10 - 20SLK of Banjima drive is sealed. Rural roads maintained from a forward planning maintenance plan.


Additional footpaths in all towns and improved maintenance and upgrade program will deliver improved standard of existing footpaths, including implementation of the Bike Plan path programme

Roads TS 1.1

To assess the existing condition of Council's road network, plan the maintenance and upgrade work to improve the quality of roads and implement new road links as and when required.

Roads are safe, accessible and provide year round access and are maintained to provide a good reliable condition. CAR forms are responded to in a timely manner.

Footpaths 2.4

TS 1.2

To develop and provide an integrated path network designed to make travelling safer. To provide a quality path network that improves connectivity to town facilities.

The current footpath network is in fair to good condition to meet community needs and expectations, especially in high pedestrian areas.

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Drainage 2.3

TS 1.3

To install and maintain safe, efficient and purpose built effective drains that are designed to minimise flooding and flood damage, and the risk of water pollution.

TS 1.4

Bridges To provide functional, safe, reliable bridges. Parking Facilities

TS 1.5

To provide adequate parking facilities to service community amenities, town parking and tourist parking areas for safe and serviceable parking.

Crossovers TS 1.6

To process applications and make inspections of works to ensure they meet Council's approved standards.

Street Lighting TS 1.7

To maintain and improve existing lighting, public lighting and increase coverage where appropriate.

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

Current condition of drainage is unsatisfactory and failing in many areas. Currently providing more of a reactive maintenance service. Though some new drainage has been implemented.


Undertake drainage investigations in all towns to establish capacity and condition of drainage system to enable prioritisation of maintenance/ replacement program to deliver a fully functional drainage providing sufficient capacity to prevent flooding.

Maintained and inspected to provide safe and reliable bridge facilities to MRWA standards.



Currently maintained at a good serviceable level with sufficient parking for the town mall in Tom Price. Paraburdoo town centre parking is being upgraded and will offer an excellent facilities. Some facilities need more parking allocations.




Improved application/bond process and works assessment will enable faster processing of crossover applications. Online applications process and information to be available.


Improved community safety and public amenity through additional lighting in blackspot areas and areas of high pedestrian activity.

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Inspections are made during laydown and cement pours and on completion. Bond administration is completed on approval of final inspection.

Street lighting is currently owned by Rio Tinto in Tom Price and Paraburdoo. Discussion of ownership has been initiated. There is demand for an increase of street lighting especially in high pedestrian areas.

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description


Project Management

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

Tenders are advertised and placed online. Contracts are written. Enquiries are addressed and relevant information is given as required. Other departmental queries are responded to.



Projects are inspected through the works procedure until completion to ensure they are up to standard and tender contract obligations are met. Budgets are monitored and acquitted to ensure costs are kept within budget. Consultancy for other projects is offered when required.




Improved asset management processes to ensure capture of all works data, which in turn improves the reliability of the asset management data register

Tender/Contract Management/Consultancy TS 2.1

To manage the tendering and contract process and ensure compliance with legislative requirements and Council policy, and to act as a consultant for the Shire for tenders and contract administration. Construction Project Management/Consultancy

TS 2.2


To manage projects owned by Technical Services to ensure they are completed on time and within budget to a desired standard, and monitor works undertaken by contractors to ensure compliance with specifications.

Asset Management Asset Data Management

TS 3.1

To manage and update the asset database to capture changes to the management and or value of assets to enable accurate and timely reporting into associated plans (eg Asset Management Plans and Long Term Financial Plan).

Asset register updated daily and within 6 monthly audits. Draft documents have been produced for the Asset Management Plans status. Asset Management Strategy is being developed in coordination with the Corporation Business Plan and Integrated Planning requirements.

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)


GIS used Shire-wide to improve knowledge and response times to queries and enquiries, specifically for development plans. Improve level of mapping providing.

This is a new service to develop asset management strategy and capability.


Improve asset data management processes and staff training to improve forward planning and understanding of assets

On receipt of complaints, Ranger Services visit the dog's owners and explain the problem. The regulations have clear provisions for non-compliance and Rangers make judgment calls for imposing penalties on individual basis. Rangers can declare dogs as dangerous and give restrictions/regulations to owners. They can also impose further restrictions, such as requiring the dog be kept on a leash when in dog exercise areas or that it be excluded from specified areas. Patrols of all areas of the district are made on a regular basis and where appropriate impound dogs and cats, issue warning and infringement notices on offending dog and cat owners, investigate dog and cat attacks on persons and other animals, and any other matters under the Dog Act 1976 and Local Law relating to the control of cats.


Administer and enforce the new Cat Act and proposed changes to the Dog Act

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

GIS TS 3.2

To provide integrated mapping system that link to Council's rating and asset data to deliver ready available, relevant and updated information.

Currently rolling out Council’s GIS mapping system, updating information and adding new data and photos

Coordination of implementation of asset management Shire-wide TS 3.3

To facilitate the internal Asset Management Working Group and work with the asset custodians to implement asset management.



Animal Control

TS 4.1

To serve as an authorised pound officer and perform pound keeping duties as required; including the day to day operations of the dog and cat pound, the release or destruction of impounded dogs and cats, and the collection of pound and registration fees where appropriate

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

Dog attacks are taken very seriously and are investigated as soon as possible after being reported. Town patrols are made on a daily basis. Impounded dogs/cat owners are contacted as soon as identification is made. The Ranger is an authorised officer under the Animal Welfare Act 2002 who is able to act on information received and can investigate reports of sick or injured and neglected animals and commence court action against the offender. Onslow

TS 4.2

Boarding Kennel (Dogs) To provide a kennelling facility to the community

Ensure that the pound and kennels are kept in a clean and tidy state that all animals are provided for in a fit and healthy manner. Open from 9am-10am, 4pm to 5pm seven days a week and serviced twice daily. Bookings are made from Tom Price Shire main offices.


6 new kennels with concrete floors, appropriate drainage, self-watering system and an exercise area. To be used for boarding purposes for the community and tourists. The kennel facility will include a storage shed for pound consumables and other ranger products like cat and dog traps. Paraburdoo Upgrade pound, erect shade

Parking TS 4.3

To manage parking to maximise parking availability and maintain street amenity and safety. Initiate legal proceedings for breach of relevant laws and Local Laws under the direction of a supervisory officer. Give evidence in Court as required.

Regular town patrols are made and infringements are made for offences. Reported offences are investigated. Disputes are dealt with in a timely manner.



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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

Depending on what time/type of complaints are received immediately - 24 hrs.



Remove illegal campers upon notification.



Depending on what time/type of complaints are received immediately - 24 hours depending on priority and ranger availability



Proactively organises Shire's activities associated with the prevention, preparedness, response and recovery of emergencies and natural disasters including but not exclusively cyclones, wildfires and floods. Manages Council's obligations with respect to community safety particularly having regard to the State and Local Laws. Promotes and develops Council Risk Management Plans.



Off road vehicles TS 4.4

To serve as an authorised Officer to investigate any complaints relating to offroad vehicles and to take the necessary action (i.e. infringement notices, etc.) in accordance with the relevant Act. Caravan and Camping

TS 4.5

To initiate legal proceedings for the breach of relevant laws and Local Laws under the direction of a supervisory officer and attend Court to give evidence as required. Litter

TS 4.6

To serve as an authorised Officer under the Litter Act 1979 and issue warnings and infringement notices to offending persons as and when the need arises.


Emergency Management Emergency Management

TS 5.1

To comply with legislation involving the Council’s role in emergency management. Initiate, prepare, implement and maintain emergency management documentation, with particular emphasis on tropical cyclones, wildfires and floods; Educate staff and the community on their roles in relation to emergency management. Represent Council at Local Emergency

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

Firebreaks and property inspections carried out from October to April. Sec 33 Notice issued. Grandfather Tom fire Prevention education Program. Send out to pastoralists and Camps Prepare Act Survive information and Bush fire Management Plan prior to Fire Season (Oct)





Management Advisory Committees (LEMAC’s) and District Emergency Management Advisory Committees (DEMC). Ensure where possible Council’s operations contribute towards emergency prevention, preparedness as well as emergency response and recovery. Assume a leadership role in emergencies to effect control of emergency situations unless control is legislated to another authority. Be the Chief Bush Fire Control Officer for the Shire of Ashburton.

TS 5.2

Firebreak Management To liaise with the Volunteer Fire Brigades and Department of Conservation and Land Management in the control, suppression and extinguishing of bush fires.

TS 5.3

Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade To ensure equipment is adequately serviced and prepared for use and there is sufficient provisions for use. To comply with legislation involving the Shire’s role in fire prevention. To ensure the fire brigades area is well resourced and runs efficiently to provide a high level of service to the communities within the Shire. To plan and review the Brigades ESL Operating budget which is used to purchase maintain equipment

The Shire of Ashburton has restricted burning all year round. The community receives a well-trained, fully equipped bush fire brigade. Tom Price Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade is located in Tom Price at Boonderoo Rd and services the whole Shire

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

Community receives a skilled, well-equipped, funded and competent State Emergency Service



An average of forty-two (42) Building/Demolition Permit applications are received and processed a month while an average of thirty-seven (37) Building/Demolition Permits issued a month since the new Building Act commenced in April 2012.



There is no mandatory time frame set by legislation, however the Shire endeavours to provide a CBC as quickly as our current resources will allow. Four (4) CBC's have been issued since the new Building Act commenced in April 2012.



State Emergency Services (SES) TS 5.4


To make grant applications for SES, to plan and review budget for grant allocations Acquits SES grants for funding for emergency services, and to use the grant money to purchase and maintain/service equipment.

Building Services Building / Demolition Permits

TS 6.1

To assess Building/Demolition Permit applications within regulatory and mandatory time frames - a certified application within ten (10) business days, an uncertified application within twenty five (25) business days Issue of Certificates (CBC) BA18

TS 6.2

To inspect existing buildings or unauthorised buildings (ADHOC) against the BCA and any related associated Australian Standards, with the aim of issuing a Certificate of Building Compliance, which accompanies an application for a Building Approval Certificate or an Occupancy Permit. The Certificate of Building Compliance confirms that there are no obvious departures from the original building approval, and that it is safe to occupy.

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

There is no mandatory time frame set by legislation, however the Shire endeavours to provide a CCC as quickly as our current resources will allow



An average of twenty-six (26) CDC's are issued a month since the new Building Act commenced in April 2012. There is no mandatory time frame set by legislation, however the Shire endeavours to provide a CDC as quickly as our resources will allow



Certificates of Construction Compliance (CCC) BA17

TS 6.3

To inspect newly completed buildings against the BCA and any related associated Australian Standards, with the aim of issuing a Certificate of Construction Compliance, which accompanies an application for an Occupancy Permit for a Class 2 to 9 building but can can also accompany an application for a Building Approval Certificate for new Class 1 and 10 buildings. The CCC certifies that the building has been constructed in accordance with the Certificate of Design Compliance, the Building Permit, all associated plans, specifications and conditions and that the building is safe to occupy, and certifies that all tests and inspections have been undertaken. Certificates of Design Compliance (CDC) BA3

TS 6.4

The Shire provides applicants with a Certificate of Design Compliance after completing a Building Code of Australia (BCA) assessment of finalised plans and further documents that detail compliance with the Building Code of Australia. A Certificate of Design Compliance is required as part of the Building application approval process

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

An average of three (3) Occupancy Permits applications are issued a month since the new Building Act commenced in April 2012.



700 pools/spas in the Shire. Mandatory Inspections are carried out every four (4) years. Private swimming pool/spa owners are contacted to arrange inspections before due dates. Swimming pool/spa Information including regulatory requirements and inspections, is readily available on the shires website



Food premises are inspected and there is a current lack of inspections for food stalls at events.


Undertake inspections of food stalls at events

Occupancy Permits

TS 6.5

To assess Occupancy Permit applications with the aim of issuing permits in accordance with regulatory and mandatory time frames. An Occupancy Permit is required to be obtained by an owner of all Class 2 to 9 buildings as defined under the BCA, before occupancy can occur. The Shire has twenty five business days (25) to either issue or refuse an application for an Occupancy Permit of which we are meeting. Private swimming pool and spa inspections

TS 6.6


All private swimming pools, above ground pools and spas require a building permit before commencement of construction. Legislation requires that the pool be adequately fenced including self-closing and latching gates. Mandatory four yearly inspections are carried out on all private residential swimming pools/spa pools in compliance with Australian Standards

Environmental Health Services Food safety

TS 7.1

To undertake inspections of food premises to determine the compliance with the Health Act and relevant regulations and local laws, issues rectification notices when necessary

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

Swimming pools inspected monthly when operational.



To monitor and respond to activities which cause environmental pollution to minimise the impact on the environment

Regular inspections are undertaken. Quick response to complaints depending on their urgency.




Council has a stringent asbestos policy in place that establishes a framework for the safe removal and disposal of asbestos within the Shire area, in line with industry standards and community expectations. Advice is given in respect of asbestos removal.



Blood samples are obtained from the Shires flock of chickens fortnightly and analysed for the presence of Murray Valley Encephalitis and Kunjin Virus. Should any positive results occur, the Department of Health issues media releases warning both residents and visitors to the region of the presence of the disease and reminders to reduce exposure. The Shire's environmental health


Service Description To ensure that plans and building applications for food premises, public buildings, dwellings and other buildings comply with provisions of the Health Act and relevant regulations and local laws Public swimming pool inspections

TS 7.2

To ensure all Shire swimming pool centres are regularly inspected. Councils environmental health officer rendomly tests pools to ensure water quality is in compliance with the prescribed levels providing a facility that is of a high standard, safe, hygienic and enjoyable for the users Environmental Pollution

TS 7.3

TS 7.4

TS 7.5

To ensure the safe removal and disposal of asbestos within the Shire to protect the health of the Community

Mosquito Monitoring Control To minimise mosquito breeding through monitoring and treatment program

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Service Description

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

service participates in the Sentinel Chicken Bleeding program which is part of a state wide program administered by the Department of Health and UWA. The Shire surveys and treats mosquito breeding areas on a regular basis. The Shire has a proactive mosquito control program which involves pre-treating areas which may become inundated during rainfall events. Where possible, the Shire applies target specific products which have minimal effect on the environment. Pest Control TS 7.6

TS 7.7

To reduce and minimise the risk of pest outbreaks across the Shire, identify pest problem and notify public/agencies.

Environmental Health Officers provide prompt expert advice and experience.



Effluent Disposal Applications and Regulations

Tanks are inspected and approved at time of installation. A Hazardous Waste Disposal Permit must be issued for all hazardous waste which is available from the Shire. Sewerage systems are owned and operated by Rio Tinto. The Shire acts as an advisory and checking service and responds promptly to complaints ensuring proper measurements are taken.



Permits are issued on application compliance and inspections are made when stalls/traders are in the Shire areas.



Permits and inspections are given when applications are received.



To assess, approve and inspect effluent disposal systems and ensure waste management meets the relevant laws and is to health standards. Issue health permits / approvals

TS 7.8

- Stallholders / Traders To ensure that premises have obtained all necessary local government planning and health approvals. Public Buildings and Events

TS 7.9

To enable the recognition of health risks associated with, and reduce the risks to public health from Public Buildings.

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

TS 7.10

Noise Regulation and Complaints

TS 7.11

To investigate, regulate and manage noise Infectious Disease Notifications and Investigations To work with other agencies as requested/ advised to minimise spread of reportable diseases.

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

Complaints are dealt with promptly and investigated.



Act as agency/contact in cases of reportable diseases and carry out investigations as required.



Annual inspections and licencing are undertaken.





Caravan and Camping Grounds Regulation TS 7.12

To cover approvals of all types of temporary accommodation, which includes back packers, caravan parks, hotel and motels, construction camps, and short stay apartments. These premises are routinely inspected and licensed annually by Environmental Health Services.

Samples of water from private sources are sometimes taken to determine suitability for human consumption. Non scheme water supplies used by the public are monitored to ensure they are safe for human consumption (includes roadhouses and National Parks). TS 7.13

Water Sampling To ensure water efficiencies and quality is to health standards.

Sewage effluent is sampled and tested to ensure that the effluent is in accordance with Health Department criteria for utilisation schemes. Samples may also be taken to establish origin and makeup of water source. Water used in the Shires' public swimming pools, (including holiday accommodation such as motels and caravan parks), is tested on a regular basis for chemical, bacterial and amoebic levels.

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description


Aboriginal Health Services

TS 8.1

TS 8.2

TS 8.3

Water To ensure water efficiencies and quality is to health standards.

Waste To ensure waste management meets the relevant laws and is to health standards.

Housing To ensure housing facilites are to health and safety standards.

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

Water quality and chemical survey testing is completed twice a year at each community. This service is provided as a backup to the water service provider. Responds to all complaints received within 24hours. Conduct tests and inspections on water supplies, include pump condition, seals around pipes, storage tanks condition, infrastructure security, water chemistry, microbial quality, palatability, treatment process and apparatus maintenance.



Waste is collected weekly at Bellary and Whakathuni. A garbage collection survey is completed at each community three times a year. There is a community clean up twice a year at each community. Solid waste pits are checked at each community monthly. Sewage and effluent surveys are completed three times a year at each community. Sewage inspections include septic tank conditions, leach of drains, grey water disposal. Garbage disposal inspections include condition of bins.



House maintenance survey is completed four times a year at each community. Minor maintenance to housing is completed three times a year to each community. House hygiene surveys are completed twice a year at each community. Housing inspections include structural maintenance, toilets, showers, hot water, kitchens, electrical, fire requirements, disability requirements, access and landings, single men's units



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4 Year Strategic Priorities

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

Disease control investigations are conducted twice a year at each community and include investigations, referrals and contact control. Dust control surveys three times a year at each community. Health education programmes are delivered every month at each community plus a twice yearly radio broadcast health programme. Health education includes household education, group health education, public including radio and school education literature distributed. Food health and safety inspections at communities, including food preparation, storage, preservation, hygiene and nutrition. Other community areas that are inspected during visits are play areas, power generators, power security, emergency awareness and infrastructure planning.



TS 8.5

Dog Health Ensure dog health meets the relevant laws and standards.

A dog health programme is delivered four times a year and a dog population count three times a year at each community. Animal management includes dog population, culling, euthanasia, rehoming, desexing and dog drenching/dosing with cydectine and covinan.



TS 8.6

Pests Ensure pest control is to relevant laws and health standards.

Pest controls four times a year at each community and include dwellings treated, cockroach, fly, rodent, bed bugs, lice, ticks, ants and mosquito infection level control





TS 9.1

Development Application To encourage the orderly economic development of the Shire in accordance with accepted town planning practices, the relevant Town Planning Schemes and the Council’s controls, policies and practices

Process up to 5% of planning applications within 20 days. Process 95% of planning applications within statutory time frames being 90 days for advertised planning applications and 60 days for planning applications not requiring advertising.


Process more applications within the 20 day timeframe.


TS 8.4

Service Description

Community Safety To ensure the safety of the communities to meet relevant legislative requirements.

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Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

Maintain Town Planning Scheme No. 7 as changes are approved. Progress the town planning scheme within the Shire. Review of policies and strategic planning is ongoing. Currently reactive response to state government initiatives. Subdivision processing within 42 days and Scheme Amendment applications within 42 days.


Process applications faster

Currently maintain a heritage inventory, which needs to be updated.


Update Heritage inventory annually and review every two years thereafter

To maintain and enhance the Shire’s character through good planning and managed environmental protection services.

Currently delivering services in accordance with the Shire's standards.



State Land Services Notifications To manage current practices and procedures relating to Crown Land.

Currently delivering within the State Lands Acts and regulations. Planning applications are referred to SLS regularly.



Assessment of Department of Mines and Petroleum Clearance Applications To promote environmental management practices by delivering environmental regulatory policies to maximise the development of the States' mineral and petroleum resources.

Environmental approvals are granted in accordance with the Mining Act 1978 (WA), Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources (Environment) Regulations 2012 (WA), Petroleum Pipelines (Environment) Regulations 2012 (WA) and Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Environment) Regulations 2012 (WA).



Service Description

Statutory Planning TS 9.2

To ensure that the provision of a wellfunctioning, natural and built environment are compliant with statutory regulations. Municipal Inventory of Historic Places

TS 9.3

To protect heritage through relevant strategies and update of the Municipal Inventory. Environment Protection Authority referrals

TS 9.4

TS 9.5

TS 9.6

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Service Description

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

Give local public notice in district and state newspapers. Give written notice to each land owner/occupier likely to be affected by the proposal to close such road. Invite public comment. Road closures are made effective by the Minister at the request of the Shire.



Permanent road closures

TS 9.7

To allow Council to practice its rights and obligations to close, and subsequently reopen any road under its responsibility in accordance with provisions of the Local Government Act 1995, and the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996.

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OPERATIONS        

Capital Works Road Maintenance Building Maintenance Waste Operations Private Works Fleet Camps Towns, Parks and Gardens

4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description


Capital Works

OP 1.1 OP 1.2 2.4

Sealed Road Construction To improve road conditions and lower the life cycle costs of maintenance

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

To construct to AusRoads rural roads standards (Tech services specification)



Tech services specification



Tech services specification



Tech services specification



Tech services specification



Unsealed Road Construction To improve road conditions and improve safety and rideability

OP 1.3

Footpath Construction

OP 1.4

Kerb Construction

OP 1.5

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

5 year capital footpath program 5 yr capital kerb program Carpark Construction Associated with projects such as town centre upgrades, sports facilities etc.

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OP 1.6

Service Description Oval Construction Associated with projects e.g. town centre upgrades, sports facilities etc.

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

WAFL or External Consultant specifications adopted (Community Development specification)



Determined on an individual basis



Roads are driveable, safe and provide continuous access, requests reported as a safety issue in urban areas will be inspected within 5 working hours (potholes, pavement surface, cracked edging, drainage/kerb cleaning, service pit covers, signage, guard rails, vegetation obscuring sight lines, and kerbing). Assessed high priority items will be made safe between 1 - 30 days



Roads are driveable, safe and provide access, reported potholes assessed as high priority (affecting vehicle rideability) made safe with 5 days and repaired within 10-40 days



Footpaths are smooth, safe and accessible



Special projects OP 1.7


Includes projects such as Onslow social infrastructure program, waste transfer stations, Private works Great Northern Highway, aerodrome construction, project management (contract supervision)

Road Maintenance Sealed Roads

OP 2.1

To maintain roads to an acceptable level of safety and accessibility generally in accordance with Austroads design guidelines

Unsealed Roads OP 2.2

To maintain roads to an acceptable level of safety and accessibility generally in accordance with Austroads design guidelines Footpaths


OP 2.3

To maintain roads to an acceptable level of safety and accessibility generally in accordance with Austroads design guidelines

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

Kerbs are safe and well maintained



Car parks are safe and accessible with wellmaintained surfaces



Urban roads are well maintained and free of debris



Roads maintained to an acceptable level of safety and accessibility in accordance Austroads traffic management guidelines



To maintain staff houses to a suitable standard, including upgrading some facilities as required. Prompt response to any maintenance issues and CAR forms that arise.


Trailer mounted accommodation unit including fuel and water storage facilities for works in remote areas

To maintain community facilities to a suitable standard, including upgrading some facilities as required. Prompt response to any maintenance issues and CAR forms that arise.



Kerbs OP 2.4

To maintain roads to an acceptable level of safety and accessibility generally in accordance with Austroads design guidelines Carpark Maintenance

OP 2.5

To maintain roads to an acceptable level of safety and accessibility generally in accordance with Austroads design guidelines Street Sweeping

OP 2.6

To maintain roads to an acceptable level of safety and accessibility generally in accordance with Austroads design guidelines Traffic Management

OP 2.7

To maintain roads to an acceptable level of safety and accessibility generally in accordance with Austroads design guidelines


Building Maintenance Staff housing


OP 3.1


OP 3.2

To undertake upgrades, renewals and preventative maintenance works on all Shire buildings Community facilities (current and new) To undertake upgrades, renewals and preventative maintenance works on all Shire buildings

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description Workshops, depots, offices

OP 3.3

To undertake upgrades, renewals and preventative maintenance works on all Shire buildings


Waste Operations

OP 4.1

OP 4.3

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

To maintain workshops, depots and offices to a suitable standard, including upgrading some facilities as required. Prompt response to any maintenance issues and CAR forms that arise.











Waste Site - Tom Price

Monday: Closed

To provide domestic, commercial and street waste collections. Recycling . Wastesites, waste transfer stations and liquid waste facilities operations.

Tues – Sat: 7.30am to 3.30pm

Collections (Domestic, Commercial and Street) - Tom Price OP 4.2

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Sunday: 7.30am to 12.30pm Closed Public Holidays

Town, every Wednesday

To provide domestic, commercial and street waste collections. Recycling . Wastesites, waste transfer stations and liquid waste facilities operations.

North Rd, Every Thursday

Waste Site – Paraburdoo

Monday: Closed

To provide domestic, commercial and street waste collections. Recycling . Wastesites, waste transfer stations and liquid waste facilities operations.

Tues – Sat: 7.30am to 3.30pm

Area W, Every Thursday

Sunday: 7.30am to 12.30pm Closed Public Holidays

Collections (Domestic, Commercial and Street) – Paraburdoo OP 4.4

To provide domestic, commercial and street waste collections. Recycling . Wastesites, waste transfer stations and liquid waste facilities operations.

All houses, every Tuesday

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Service Description

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)



All areas, every Tuesday



All hours







Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Waste Site – Onslow OP 4.5

To provide domestic, commercial and street waste collections. Recycling . Wastesites, waste transfer stations and liquid waste facilities operations.

Monday – Saturday 8.00am to 3.00pm Closed Sundays and Public Holidays

Collections (Domestic, Commercial and Street) – Onslow OP 4.6

To provide domestic, commercial and street waste collections. Recycling . Wastesites, waste transfer stations and liquid waste facilities operations. Waste Site – Pannawonica

OP 4.7

To provide domestic, commercial and street waste collections. Recycling. Waste sites, waste transfer stations and liquid waste facilities operations. Collections (Domestic, Commercial and Street) – Pannawonica

OP 4.8

To provide domestic, commercial and street waste collections. Recycling . Wastesites, waste transfer stations and liquid waste facilities operations. Recycling

OP 4.9

To provide domestic, commercial and street waste collections. Recycling . Wastesites, waste transfer stations and liquid waste facilities operations.

East – Every Monday West – Every Tuesday

Tom Price "E- Pod" - Willow Road (Collected Monday, Wednesday and Friday) Paraburdoo "E-Pod" - Shopping Centre, Ashburton Ave (Collected Tuesday and Thursday) These facilities can recycle cardboard and paper; plastics; aluminium and steel cans; glass

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description


Private Works

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)


Upgrade of intersection Great Northern Highway / Coondewanna (BHP Billiton Iron Ore) - 2013









Private works OP 5.1

To undertake private works on behalf of major commercial clients. Can be Shire assets funded by private clients or on client owned assets.

Undertaken to customers specifications

Limited automotive private works. OP6 OP 6.1

OP 6.2

OP 6.3 OP7

Fleet Maintenance To manage and maintain plant, equipment and vehicles to meet operational needs Repairs To manage and maintain plant, equipment and vehicles to meet operational needs Capital Renewal / Fleet Management To manage and maintain plant, equipment and vehicles to meet operational needs

Scheduled maintenance of plant and equipment Response maintenance Timeframe for repairs varies and is dependent on work schedules, operational requirements and part availability. Optimal timeframe for light vehicle repairs is 1-2 working days. Light vehicles - 80k or 3 years Heavy Plant 7,000 hours or maximum of 10 years

Camps Bookings and Client Liaison

OP 7.1

To manage worker and contractor accommodation including client liaison and enquiries, bookings, requisitions, purchase orders

A high level of service in terms of prompt and professional response to enquiries, emails and booking requests.

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description Cleaning and General Maintenance

OP 7.2

To manage worker and contractor accommodation including cleaning and maintenance


Towns, Parks and Gardens

OP 8.1

OP 8.2

OP 8.3 OP 8.4

Litter To provide safe, well-maintained and useable Towns, parks and gardens and public spaces Gardening To provide safe, well-maintained and useable gardens areas in public spaces Irrigation To provide safe, well-maintained and useable Towns, parks, gardens and public spaces Turf management To provide safe, well-maintained and useable grassed and garden areas in public spaces Weeds management

OP 8.5

OP 8.6

To provide safe, well-maintained and useable Towns, parks and gardens areas also manage remote areas including national parks Pruning To provide safe, well-maintained and useable Towns, parks, gardens and public spaces

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

A high level of service in terms of unit and camp cleanliness and standard of facilities. Prompt and professional check in service and response to customer requests or maintenance requests



Remove rubbish from parks and garden bins within the set schedule Monday-Friday and also reactively remove any rubbish that may be seen in any public spaces on a daily basis.



Provide safe and weed free garden areas that are fit to be used by the public for recreational usage and provide a focal point for the community and visitors to utilise.



Provide adequate and even water application to grassed and garden areas in public spaces to ensure safe and green public spaces.



Provide clean and safe well-manicured turfed areas for both open spaces and playing surfaces for general public and team sports to utilise.



Proactively manage known weeds to public areas (especially parks and gardens) and also research weeds and set management procedures and controls for introduced weed species that may invade the shire boundaries.



Inspect trees annually pre-storm season and prune as required to maintain healthy structure and also remove dead or dying branches and limbs as required.



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OP 8.7

OP 8.8

OP 8.9

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

To provide safe, well-maintained and useable verges

Provide safe, clean and clear open areas.



Open drains

Keep open drains clean, safe and clear of debris so that proper water flow can be maintained during rain and storm events to help prevent flooding or water surges.



Provide labour and machinery for emergency responses as deemed required.



Service Description Verges

To provide safe, well-maintained and useable open drains through drainage corridors Emergency response To provide safe, well-maintained public spaces

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Living Life - Making it Happen


Office of the CEO Organisational Development Business Improvement Media and Communication

4 Year Strategic Priorities



Service Description


Office of the CEO

CE 1.1

CE 1.2

Elected Members To maintain effective communication with Shire President and Councillors and serve as the principal point of contact between the elected members and organisation.

Organisation Leadership Engage with internal stakeholders; lead, influence and mentor staff to achieve the Shire's vision for the future; ensure business excellence, integrity, corporate governance and accountability.

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

The CEO is the principal point of contact between the elected and the organisation, to ensure that elected members have the information they need to fulfill their governance role and that issues and questions are responded to in a timely way. 1. The CEO is the Shire's principal negotiator with external stakeholder (Govt., resource industry, local business, and community groups including Aboriginal community) 2. The CEO provides leadership and mentorship to the whole organisation promoting the Shire's vision as set out in the Strategic Community Plan

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs



Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

Election cycle will mean training and inducting new Councillors Opportunities exist for Councillors to engage in professional development


3. The CEO ensures the highest level of business excellence, integrity, corporate governance and accountability, which is demonstrated within an environment of transparency, trust, openness, honesty and fairness for all.

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

CE 1.3

Executive and Administration Support To provide co-ordination and executive support to CEO and liaison with business units

Ensures clear communications are maintained with external stakeholders and business units. Ensures CEO's activities are highly organised and that time frames are met.



CE 1.4

Councillor Support To support Councillors and Council Meeting process through accurate and timely management of agendas, minutes, workshops, forums and briefings

Advice / information provided accurately in a timely manner through agendas, minutes, workshops, forums, briefings. This includes administrative support of elected members as required. Councillors have been provided with up-to-date technology to assist communications in a geographically spread Shire.



CE 1.5

Special Projects Manages Wittenoom and other Legal Claims, Native Title Claims and Annual Audit

The CEO responds to legal and Native Title claims as they arise.


The potential for legal claims is ever increasing.


Organisational Development To develop and maintain the HR framework that supports the organisation, including the workforce plan, organisation development practices and industrial relations

Developing the HR framework that supports the organisation and its employees; includes a strategic approach to recruitment and retention



Operational Human Resources

Recruitment and Induction: Timely recruitment and induction supported by formal clear specification of jobs and formal handover processes




Strategic Human Resources CE 2.1

CE 2.2

To support the workforce in recruitment, induction, performance management, policy development, employee/industrial relationships and workforce training and development

Performance Management: Formal online performance management system supported by dedicated training, coordination and

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)


Additional accommodation provided

reporting Policy Development:  Annual review of all OD related policies and procedures  Ensuring legislative compliance and consistency with modern OD trends  Roll out and communication to ensure employee awareness Employee / Industrial Relations: Ensure awards and agreements are kept up to date and undertake negotiations accordingly Workforce Training and Development: Recognising training and development needs of the organisation and individuals in it, identify training opportunities to meet needs, developing individual training and development plans for employees linked to PDs and performance system Staff Housing


CE 2.3

To manage Councils housing assets in line with the workforce needs of the organisation ensuring that suitable housing is provided to staff now and in the future, and includes planning for additional accommodation to meet needs.

 Suitable housing is provided to staff  Advise on upgrade, renewal, expansion and disposal of housing stock  Houses are inspected biannually

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Safety and Wellbeing CE 2.4

To safeguard health and wellbeing of employees through the development and management of an effectively fully compliant health and safety system

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)





 Management of the Health and Safety system including OSH Committee and workers compensation program.  Employees receive annual skin checks, physicals and education regarding health and safety.  Safety month run annually  5% of OD budget allocated to safety training and initiatives


Business Improvement Business Improvement

CE 3.1

To support the continuous process of identifying and implementing process and practice changes to improve our efficiency and effectiveness, including the identification, management and delivery of business improvement projects

Knowledge Management 6.2

CE 3.2

To capture and maintain knowledge and information across the organisation enabling sharing and collaboration

To assist with the continuous improvement process, responsible for the identification and delivery of projects to improve business processes and knowledge management including workflow processes Beginning the process of identifying and capturing institutional knowledge of the organisation. Project managing the design, development and delivery of an integrated workflow and Knowledge Management system. Completion of the AIMS project to provide a centralized single point of truth for Shire wide information, document and record management and enables all staff to collaborate and access accurate and current information in a timely way.


Captures, protects and makes available the institutional knowledge of the organisation. Ongoing maintenance of a fully integrated workflow and Knowledge Management system.

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4 Year Strategic Priorities



Service Description

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

Media communication, production and advice provided in a timely manner



Media and Communication Media


CE 4.1

To be the point of contact and liaison for press and media. Produce media releases and develop media strategies, consultation and support to departments where required. Production of Shire wide publications such as the 'Inside Ashburton', and oversee the quality control and function of the Shire's website.

Develop creative media content to communicate more effectively to the community.

External Communication


CE 4.2

Monitor and produce information and content on a regional level, to be distributed and communicated to the public. Using resources and digital media platforms such as the website, social media and print publications such as the 'Inside Ashburton' Information and content checked and edited for appropriate media platform and distributed to the community in a professional manner.

Information and content checked and edited for appropriate media platform and distributed to the community in a professional manner. Monitor the standards and provide support to the community officers in producing communication and marketing materials for the public including leaflets and posters.


Examples include developing video content, engaging and being more interactive with the community; utilising online and digital resources, including social media and mobile phone technologies. Develop in-house design and marketing facilities to assist the community development staff in promoting the shire events and services.

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description

Internal Communications CE 4.3

To provide timely and clear communication to all stakeholders and to identify communication needs and respond accordingly

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

Identifying the inter-departmental communication needs and develop internal communication strategies and facilitation to address the needs and requirements (under development).


Improved internal communication


Media department to only supply artwork and check the correct technical use of the Reef to Range logo.


Initiate and project manage the development of the Marketing Strategy and associated campaign(s)


Integrated media strategies in place, utilising digital media to strengthen the Shire's communication with the public; encourage participation in collective leadership and decisionmaking for the future, including the Community Strategic Plan.

Corporate Image and Brand Management

CE 4.4

Ensure all official articles, media releases, marketing and advertising are checked to ensure consistency of corporate identity, adhere to professional standards and organisational stability.

Standardised and consistent corporate identity and communication material.

Includes the usage of the Reef to Range logo and consistency of corporate identity. Marketing CE 4.5

To develop a marketing campaign in support of department needs and broaden positive coverage of the Shire of Ashburton

Marketing strategy and campaign to be developed

In development: Public Relations 1.3 4.1

CE 4.6

To develop, establish and maintain positive Public Relations (PR) with the community, local organisations, and to strengthen the channels of communication

1) Engaging media and communications intiatives and strategies. Includes Social Media Strategy, and digital media integration. Better Content Management so the public has easy access to information. Not yet developed: 2) Statewide coverage and exposure to support and promote the community, major project initiatives and developments of the Shire of Ashburton e as one of WA's leading local government organisations.

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Living Life - Making it Happen


Finance Services Information Communication Technology Administration

4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description


Finance Services Internal Controls

CS 1.1

To ensure financial processes are compliant, current and documented for all elected members and staff.

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Finance Policies and procedures are regularly reviewed, updated when necessary and disseminated to elected members and staff

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)


The Shire will have a stronger focus on compliance issues and a better platform to keep all elected members and staff informed (AIMS).


Develop a timetable for input and review to ensure processes in place to provide timely reporting


Develop a timetable for input and review to ensure processes in place to provide timely reporting

Compliance and Statutory Reporting – Strategic CS 1.2

To ensure the appropriate staff fully understand and are accountable for the various areas that integrate into the Long Term Financial Plan and act as the coordinating department.

Finance staff assist the Executive Team in preparation and management of Strategic Reports

Compliance and Statutory Reporting – Management CS 1.3

To ensure the appropriate staff fully understand and are accountable for the various areas that integrate into the Long Term Financial Plan and act as the coordinating department.

Finance staff assist the Executive Team in preparation and management of Management Reports

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

Provide high level support to the Executive Team and assist and coordinate Directorates input into budget. Review and workshop with EMT and Council for adoption of Budget in June each year in conjunction with CBP process



Timely and accurate raising and collection of Rates for the whole Shire



To manage the timely and accurate payment of staff salaries

Salaries are paid to all staff fortnightly




Finance staff work collaboratively with all sections to ensure creditors are paid and debtors invoices raised on a weekly basis.



Finance staff assist staff involved in grants to ensure accurate information and reporting is provided to assist with the acquittal process.



Finance staff respond to requests for financial information. Staff are able to request financial information and reports as required.



Finance staff will work collaboratively with Asset Manager to ensure the Asset Register is kept current at all times



Service Description Budgeting

CS 1.4

To co-ordinate and prepare the Annual Budget for incorporation in the CBP, including detailed statutory financial requirements Rating

CS 1.5

CS 1.6

CS 1.7

CS 1.8

CS 1.9

To review and model rates on an annual basis and assist in making recommendations for rate setting. Payroll

To co-ordinate the weekly payment of creditors and issue of invoices for debtors. Grants Acquittals To assist grants and acquittals process by providing account codes and reporting. Financial Information and Assistance to Departments To provide current financial information to relevant staff when requested. Asset Register

CS 1.10

To maintain the Asset Register in consultation with Asset Managers to ensure correct depreciation costs can be calculated.

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4 Year Strategic Priorities

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

IT staff make themselves available for project planning meetings and research IT solutions whenever required



IT staff maintain a list of hardware currently used and keep themselves up to date on current hardware trends for future use



IT staff purchase software in accordance with user needs and also maintain current software licenses



IT staff monitor the IT infrastructure and make changes/upgrades as necessary to maintain/improve proper functioning of equipment/network



To maintain communications between Shire sites and constantly look at ways to improve speed and reliability

IT staff stay abreast of changes in communications to take advantage of any possible improvements




IT staff utilise help desk software to stay informed of and track user's problems, ensuring that issues are given the proper priority levels an acted on accordingly




Service Description


Information Communication Technology Planning and Consultancy

CS 2.1

CS 2.2

CS 2.3

To assist departments with IT infrastructure planning and implementation for major projects Computer Hardware To supply shire employees with the IT equipment necessary for their roles Software Licencing To ensure necessary software is available and licensed properly Network and IT Infrastructure

CS 2.4

To develop and maintain the IT infrastructure necessary to allow all IT systems to perform at their peak Communications

Cs 2.5

CS 2.6

To help Shire employees with any and all issues in regards to their use of the IT systems

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


Service Description



Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

Reception Facilities operate Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm at all centres



Administration staff are the primary contact points for internal and external Customer Action Requests and provide reporting to Executive Manager Corporate Services



The current level of service responds to requests; in Onslow this is approximately 4 funerals per year and in Tom Price approximately 2 funerals per year.



To ensure all staff understand and respect the priority of compliance in all areas of operations



Oversight of Administration Offices, including maintenance, office allocations to various departments, minor refurbishments and replacement/new office furniture and fittings.



Current travel bookings are made on an ad hoc basis in each individual department, with no centralised system and few controls.



Customer Service 5.3

CS 3.1

To provide front counter and telephone customer service to residents, ratepayers and other stakeholders Complaints System


CS 3.2

To enter all Customer Action Requests into Assetic system and provide regular monitoring reports to the Executive Manager Corporate Services Cemeteries

CS 3.3

To oversee the arrangement of funerals and management of cemeteries in Tom Price and Onslow Policies and Procedures


CS 3.4

CS 3.5

To manage the underlying framework (policies and delegations) and ensure that all staff understand and respect the priority of compliance in all areas of operations Management of Administration Offices To oversee the Administration Offices Travel Management

CS 3.6

To arrange travel for Shire staff and contractors, and manage a system for cost effective business travel.

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4 Year Strategic Priorities


CS 3.7

Service Description Business Continuity Planning To ensure the Shire has plans in place in the event of an emergency. Records

CS 3.8

To provide recordkeeping and mail processing to aid delivery of services, and provide assistance, training and advice to all staff on records management.

Current Level of Service (2012/13)

Service Level Change - 4 Yrs

Level of Service Change over 4 years (2013/14 - 2016/17)

To develop plans in collaboration with the Executive Team to ensure the Shire



All incoming mail is processed into Records and distributed from Central Records in Tom Price. Records staff provide assistance, training, advice to all staff.



Annual review of the Shire's insurance schedules and day-to-day management of insurance claims



These services are vital to enable the Annual Compliance Audit Return to be completed.



Insurance CS 3.9

To manage the Shire’s insurance schedules and insurance claims to ensure best outcomes Statutory Services

CS 3.10

To manage the tenders registration process, contracts register and statutory management of delegations to ensure full compliance.

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Significantly enhanced community services Improved responsiveness to customer complaints Enhanced customer service eg Corporate Services and Community Development worked together to streamline facility bookings into a single point process (from a dual point process), improving the customer experience Information technology and communication investments to improve efficiency (cheaper telecommunications) and effectiveness (video rather than telephone for remote communication) Improved workplace productivity eg optimising workstation layout, job sharing and flexible hours, opportunities for work review and staff input


AIMS and smarter handovers when new staff come on board Asset management improvement plan Project and contract management Improved practices and compliance as a local government Better information and support for Elected Members in their decision-making and communication with the community Utilise staff across boundaries within the organisation (eg utilise cleaning staff for activities and events)


Economic development Tourism Heritage Customer service charter Methods of community engagement, including online engagement

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SUMMARY OF OUR WORKFORCE PLAN The Shire of Ashburton had substantially completed its Workforce Plan (WFP) 2013-2017 at the time of adopting this Corporate Business Plan. The WFP outlines the current organisational structure, describes the profile of the organisation in terms of staff turnover and workforce diversity and outlines the Shire’s approach to training and development and data management. It has been developed in conjunction with the Shire’s Integrated Planning suite of plans. The tables in the Corporate Business Plan detail the services delivered by the Shire, per Directorate, in support of the vision and goals set out in the Strategic Community Plan, along with the service level changes that will be delivered over the next four years. The proposed workforce changes to deliver the Plan are summarised at a Directorate level in the table below. These changes have been costed and incorporated into the Long Term Financial Plan and the Four Year Budget that forms part of this Corporate Business Plan. Note that the focus for this Corporate Business Plan is on known changes beginning in 2013/14. Changes in the outyears are subject to uncertainty relating to external funding (for capital expenditure with workforce implications and/or staff costs for programs) and have therefore not been included in the four year budget at this stage.

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PROPOSED WORKFORCE CHANGES (2013-2017) Department CEO DEPT Media and Communications Officer Total CORPORATE Travel Coordinator Governance and Policy Development Officer Total COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Activities Officer Paraburdoo Cleaner Onslow Facilities Officer ( Tom Price) Cleaner (Tom Price) Pool Lifeguard (TP) Pool Lifeguard (PARA) Library Officer (Onslow) Community Development positions Total STRATEGIC Economic Development and Tourism Manager Aerodrome Manager

FTE 1 1 0.75 0.75 1.5 0.5 0.75 0.5 0.375 0.875 0.875 0.5 -0.5 1.9 1 1

Security Officer Security Officer/Airport Reporting Officer Airport Reporting Officer Ground Handing Cleaner Aerodrome Administration Assistant Administration Assistant (Revitalisation West) Revitalisation Manager West Cleaner Caravan Park Total TECHNICAL Engineering Manager Compliance Officer Cadet Building Surveyor

3 1 2 1.5 1 1 1 1 0.5 14

Total OPERATIONS Town Maintenance Officer – Tom Price Aerodrome Camp Maintenance Groundsman Total OVERALL TOTAL


1 1 1

1 1 2 23.4

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The Shire will implement a number of strategies and activities to fill the gaps and further develop capability of the workforce to deliver the Corporate Business Plan programs as summarised below. Note: Some of these positions are dependent on external funding and will only go ahead if the funding is obtained. Strategy

Key Elements

Strategy 1 – Acquiring desired workforce

Housing Strategy

Integrated Workforce Plan

Staff housing leases

Recruitment and Retention strategies

Health and Wellbeing Program

Performance Management Project - Salmac 21

Induction process review and relaunch


Strategy 3 – Create a learning organisation

Training and development

Strategy 4 – Facilitate cultural change

Supervisor development

Review of current Safety System

Formal safety investigation procedure and training

Exit interviews

Annual Staff surveys

Organisational Health

Strategy 2 – Engage the workforce

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SUMMARY OF OUR ASSET MANAGEMENT PLANS ASSET MANAGEMENT STATUS – POLICY, STRATEGY AND PLANS Council adopted an Asset Management Policy on 17 August 2011, to guide the development of its asset management practices to a level that would be recognised as contemporary ‘best practice’. This means supporting the provision, maintenance and renewal of its assets in an optimal, cost effective manner, that satisfies the service needs of the community. The Shire of Ashburton recognises asset management as a core activity and accordingly every Department of the shire is either directly or indirectly involved in the managing of the Shire’s assets. The policy also ensures that when Council attains a new asset, it is taken into account the full cost of acquisition, operation, maintenance, renewals and disposal over the asset’s life cycle. An Asset Management Strategy is currently under development in-house, which includes the Asset Management Improvement Plan. This gives a clear snapshot of the current position of Asset Management within the Shire of Ashburton and also clear direction on the way forward to implement and improve asset management processes shire wide (see below). Asset Management Plans are being developed for the following categories:  Roads  Drainage  Footpaths  Buildings (including Publicly Accessed and Staff Housing)  Fleet  Public Open Space

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SUMMARY OF STATE OF ASSETS The following table gives an outline of the current state of our assets and what they will be like at the end of 4 years. Location

Current State

Future State (at planned expenditure over next 4 yrs)

Critical Uncertainties/Comments

Roads - Sealed Tom Price

Sealed Roads in Tom Price have remained in reasonable condition for Remain the same the past 2 years (since last lot of reseals). Majority of Tom Price sealed roads would rate approx. condition 2*. Recent modelling indicates that current expenditure will enable the roads to remain in the current state for the next 4 years.

Heavy rainfall and extreme heat in summer period may affect the condition of roads more rapidly. 3 yearly revaluation/ condition audits are planned.


Sealed Roads in Paraburdoo have remained in reasonable condition Remain the same for the past 2 years (since the last lot of reseals). Majority of Paraburdoo sealed roads would rate approx. condition 2*. Recent modelling indicates that current expenditure will enable the roads to remain in the current state for the next 4 years.

Heavy rainfall and extreme heat in summer period may affect the condition of roads more rapidly. 3 yearly revaluation/ condition audits are planned.


Sealed Roads in Onslow have remained in a reasonable condition for Remain the same the past 2 years (since the last lot of reseals). Majority of Onslow sealed roads would rate approx. condition 2*. Recent modelling indicates that current expenditure will enable the roads to remain in the current state for the next 4 years.

Heavy rainfall and extreme weather conditions during the cyclone season may affect the condition of the roads more rapidly. 3 yearly revaluation/ condition audits are planned.

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Current State

Future State (at planned expenditure over next 4 yrs)

Critical Uncertainties/Comments

Roads - Unsealed All Towns

The average condition of the unsealed road network is fair. Modelling Slight increase in average has indicated that if current funding is distributed slightly differently condition (increase % on renewals and slightly decrease % on maintenance) then it will be possible to achieve a small improvement in average condition. Reactive maintenance occurs following heavy rainfalls which cause flooding of some roads.

Heavy rainfalls and flood damage increasing required maintenance. Increase in mine operations resulting in increasing vehicle access to mine sites.

Footpaths All Towns

Generally the condition of the footpaths across all towns are very good with over 75% of the footpath area being assessed as near new/good. Continuation of the current maintenance program will ensure the paths are kept at a similar state. The Bike Plan outlines future proposed footpaths to improve safety and accessibility to town amenities and promote the use of shared paths.

Condition of existing assets 4 yearly condition audits and remain the same, with new paths revaluations are planned. to improve safety and accessibility

Tom Price

The condition of the Tom Price stormwater drainage system is uncertain but given its age, is likely to be quite poor. Drainage investigations will be undertaken to determine capacity and condition of the network and plan renewal and maintenance programs.


The Paraburdoo stormwater drainage system is understood to be in rather poor condition based on its age and recent failures in the network. Drainage investigations will be undertaken to determine capacity and condition of the network and plan renewal and maintenance programs.

Council has budgeted capital The uncertainty of the actual renewals on the drainage network condition of the Shire's drainage for the next 4 years, therefore network is a concern. improving the state of its drainage assets dramatically. The results of the drainage investigations will also give Council a clearer picture on the renewals requirements for years 4-10.


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Location Onslow

Current State

Future State (at planned expenditure over next 4 yrs)

Critical Uncertainties/Comments

The current state of Onslow stormwater drainage system is also uncertain. Based on age and climatic conditions it is assumed the majority of this network would be in fair to poor condition. Drainage investigations will be undertaken to establish capacity and condition of the network and plan renewal and maintenance programs.

Buildings – publicly accessed All Towns

160 publicly accessed buildings: Libraries, Council offices and depots, Remain the same. community halls and sporting pavilions. These were recently assessed at component level (e.g floors, walls, roof, floor coverings, air conditioning). 70% of were rated as new, near new or in good condition; 23% as fair; and a small percentage as requiring action. Recent modelling has shown that planned expenditure will maintain the current condition for the coming years.

Demand for facilities will fluctuate with population, which is highly dependent on the fortunes of the resources sector. 3-4 yearly condition audits and revaluations are planned.

Buildings – staff housing All Towns

41 residences across all 3 towns, used to provide senior Staff members with housing as part of their renumeration to facilitate attraction and retention of locally based staff. Almost 40% have been rated as fair. The plan sees a significant portion of the housing portfolio upgraded over the next few years to ensure these buildings meet modern expectations and functionality.

Staff housing is expected to be at a very good standard as a result of the planned upgrades. It is also expected that maintenance costs will reduce as a result.

There is some uncertainty regarding the standard of housing that will be acceptable in the job market. 3-4 yearly condition audits and revaluations are planned.

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Current State

Future State (at planned expenditure over next 4 yrs)

Critical Uncertainties/Comments

Rise to condition level 2 with current 4 year plan capital upgrades and renewals, including playground upgrades.

Seasonal and unseasonable weather condition play a constant variation to ground condition and maintenace requirements. Upgrading maintenance equipment with new technolegy will greatly lift the level of service and reduce labour cost.

Public Open Space Tom Price

Fair to average facilities. Minna oval suffering short term adverse impacts due to current capital works upgrades at Clem Thompson Oval.


Fair to average condition faciltiies. Turf on both sports fields require renovations and a capital upgrade is also required to the netball/basketball courts.


Limited range of recreation facilities in a fair condition.

Significant increase to services due to completion of foreshore and sports precinct, including playground upgrades.

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STRATEGIC RISK MANAGEMENT Risk Category (where risk arises)

Risk Description


Increased capital costs above assumption


Employee cost rises above assumption


Reduction in external funding – government and/or industry*


Core changes to Local Government - rating powers

Human Resources

Lack of available skilled staff

Human Resources

Lack of available skilled contractors/suppliers

Human Resources

Lack of volunteers for key service delivery

Political / Management Interface

Breakdown in relationship between governance and management

Controls LTFP and budget process Asset Management Plans Rigour of project management LTFP Workforce Plan (WFP) Operational reviews LTFP Budget process Advocacy and partnership development Evaluation / accreditation Integrated Planning and Reporting Communication Plan Long Term Financial Plan Advocacy Community Engagement Strategy Workforce Plan (including staff housing provision) Tender and Procurement Process Workforce Plan Workforce Plan Volunteer recruitment, support and recognition Regular meetings CEO / Shire President CEO performance review process Code of Conduct and relevant policies Councilor training and induction Page 110 of 114

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Risk Category (where risk arises)

Risk Description


Pandemic/flu outbreaks

Property and Systems

Loss of Administration Centre functions


Natural/man-made disaster – cyclone (Coastal) and fire (Coastal or inland)


Major economic downturn (*note potential link)

Controls Local Emergency Management Arrangements Business Continuity Plan Local Health Plan Business Continuity Plan Insurance Corporate Business Plan Asset Management Plan Local Emergency Management Arrangements Business Continuity Plan Local Health Plan Long Term Financial Plan

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HOW WILL WE KNOW IF THE PLAN IS SUCCEEDING The following measures will be used to monitor the success of the Plan. Progress will be monitored in the Annual Report. LIVING LIFE AND CORPORATE BUSINESS PLAN KEY PROGRAMME/ SERVICE INDICATORS Success measures from Living Life 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Conduct an annual community survey tracking progress of desired outcomes and community satisfaction (in services delivered) Conduct stakeholder and community review workshops to evaluate and revise the ‘Living Life’ plan biannually Track the delivery of operational projects, asset management projects and infrastructure projects Tracking the level of delivery and costs for community services Embed the community goals in the integrated plans and budgeting processes. Performance Measures


Desired Trend

Progress toward strategic outcomes Annual community survey tracking progress of desired outcomes



Community satisfaction Annual community survey tracking satisfaction with services delivered



Major operational projects completed on time and within budget


Target met

Major asset management projects completed on time and within budget


Target met

Major infrastructure projects completed on time and within budget


Target met

Delivery and costs of community services % of community services delivered at agreed service levels


Target met

Delivery of operational, asset management and infrastructure projects

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Performance Measures


Desired Trend

Cost of delivering community services is monitored and within budget


Target met

Drainage % of drainage in a 'satisfactory' condition



New pathways program implementation


Target met

Street Lighting Additional street lighting installed


Target met

Land Development Number of residential and industrial lots released meets annual target


Target met

Footpaths and Cycleways

FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Financial Management Indicators

Desired Trend/Target

Operating Surplus Ratio The extent to which revenues raised cover operational expense only or are available for capital funding purposes.

10% or greater

Current Ratio The liquidity position of a local government that has arisen from the past years transactions.

1:1 or greater

Debt Service Cover Ratio The ratio of cash available for debt servicing to interest, principal and lease payments.

2 or greater

Own Source Revenue Coverage Ratio An indicator of a local government’s ability to cover its costs through its own revenue efforts.

Between 40% and 60%

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ASSET MANAGEMENT Asset Management Indicators

Desired Trend/Target

Asset Consumption Ratio The ratio highlights the aged condition of the local government’s stock of physical assets.

50% or greater

Asset Sustainability Ratio This measures the extent to which assets managed by the local government are being replaced as they reach the end of their useful lives.

90% or greater

Asset Renewal Funding Ratio This indicates whether the local government has the financial capacity to fund asset renewal as required, and can continue to provide existing levels of services in future, without: - additional operating income; - reductions in operating expenses; or - increase in net financial liabilities above that currently projected.

Between 75% - 95%.

WORKFORCE MANAGEMENT Workforce/ HR Management Indicators

Desired Trend/Target

Length of service


Loss time incidents


Recruitment turnover times


Staff satisfaction


Take up staff wellbeing initiatives

Target met

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