6 Five-year Implementation Plan The following section contains the action plan for the fiveyear Esperance Tourism Strategy. Each action is aligned to a strategic priority area described in Section 5 and 6 of this strategy. Delivering the actions is aimed at achieving the outcome described in the strategic directions chapter. Each priority area outcomes are repeated above the action tables for that area for simplicity and ease of reference.
Actions •
Actions are generally prioritised as Very High, High or Medium.
Timeframes Time frames for actions are provided as follows: •
Short-term (within 1-2 years)
Medium-term (within 3-4 years)
Long-term (within 5+ years).
Measurement Annual reporting on the implementation of this plan will occur and be tabled in Council. Tourism Research Australia data will provide the basis of outcome reporting each year. Increase in spend per visitor, increase in overnight stay and increase in visitor numbers are all measures that will provide KPI’s for Council.