Blue Beret October 2013

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October 2013

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Flying Cloud! Bunk/twin/queen floorplans available.

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President’s Corner I am pleased that the Florida Unit is sponsoring the “New” Florida State Rally, which is scheduled for April 2-7, 2014 in the Florida Keys. The Directors are Tom Maciejczyk and Dan Maciejczyk. A rally fee of $260.00 includes parking and 5 point hook-up. Tom and Dan plan to move the rally from South Florida to North Florida every other year. Sandy and I are looking forward to attending this rally next April. There is much to see and do in the Florida Keys. One of our fondest memories of the Keys is riding in an air boat in the Everglades. I hope that many of you will attend our 57th International Rally next year in Gillette, Wyoming. We will honor all veterans, American and Canadian, who attend this rally. Every attending veteran will receive a special ribbon to attach to his or her badge with “Veteran” on it. This is our way of thanking each veteran for their service to these great countries – America and Canada. Norm Beu will present a special program on MIAs at Gillette. June 27th will be Wounded Warrior night with Janie Haddaway as Chairman. We have some great entertainment lined up for your enjoyment. The Scott Woods Band will perform as the featured entertainment on July 1st, Canada Day. The city of Gillette and Campbell County residents are looking forward to our return to their area. Wishing you safe travels and many blessings,

BLUE BERET is the official publication of the Wally Byam Caravan Club International, Inc. (WBCCI), the recreational vehicle club of Airstream owners. BLUE BERET welcomes contributions of articles, photographs, news items and advertising. However, their publication in the BLUE BERET does not constitute endorsement. The opinions of the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of either the BLUE BERET or WBCCI. The products and claims of advertisers are their own and, too, do not necessarily represent endorsement by either BLUE BERET or WBCCI.


Blue Beret / October 2013

BLUE BERET (USPS 669-270; ISSN 0744-5601) is published monthly except December and July. Periodical mail postage paid at Jackson Center, OH and additional mailing offices. Canada Publications Mail Agreement #41295545. Canada Post Returns: 7289 Torbram Road, Mississauga, ON L4T 1G8. Notification of address change is the responsibility of the member or recipient and should be received at least two months in advance to avoid delays in forwarding. Re-mailing of back issues is at recipient expense.

John & Sandy Stumpf

Address corrections, suggestions, stories, art, photos, advertising and paid mail subscriptions ($25/year, included in members’ dues) may be mailed to: BLUE BERET/WBCCI, P.O. Box 612, 803 E. Pike Street, Jackson Center, OH 45334, Phone 937/596-5211, Fax 937/596-5542, email: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: BLUE BERET/ WBCCI, P.O. Box 612, 803 E. Pike Street, Jackson Center, OH 45334.

Wally Byam Caravan Club International, Inc. 803 E. Pike Street Jackson Center, OH 45334-0612 Phone 937-596-5211 FAX 937-596-5542

INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President..........................................John Stumpf 1st Vice President.......................... Joe Perryman 2nd Vice President.................. Jim Schwerdfeger 3rd Vice President........................ Richard Girard Recording Secretary.....................Louise Humble Treasurer............................................ Ron Gordy Past President............................... John Boutwell


Region 1...........................................Ray Richard Region 2....................................... Pat McFadden Region 3....................................... Jay Thompson Region 4..........................................Marjorie Lotz Region 5............................................... Barry Bell Region 6........................................ Lonnie Carver Region 7..............................................Linda Agre Region 8....................................Leonard Sullivan Region 9.........................................Linda Knezek Region 10............................................Carol Ortiz Region 11........................................ Roger Pruter Region 12.................................Robert Stansbury Parliamentarian...............................Dona Garner


Blue Beret................................Cecelia Stansbury Budget.................................................June Ryan Caravan.............................................Chuck Kiple Community Service.........................Janet Kendig Constitution & Bylaws.........................Don Shafer Electronic Communications............ Damon Beals Ethics & Grievance..................... Karin Kurkowski Family & Youth..................................Linda Amme Historian........................................... Marla Brady Int’l. Relations................................. Jim Elmlinger Legislative........................................Richard Jirus Lifetime Membership.................... Richard Girard Marketing................................... Fred Richardson Membership............................... Helen Bourgeois National/Special Events............ Carolyn Florence Nominating.................................... John Boutwell Planning Guides/Merit Awards... Roy MacDonald Public Relations........................Rhonda Coleman Rally Promotions......................Rhonda Coleman Technical.................................. Howard Lefkowitz

What’s Inside... Vol. 49

October 2013

Issue No. 9

President’s Corner.....................................2 Club News...................................................6

Welcome New Members.........................................................................................6 Membership.............................................................................................................8 Region 7 “Tall Ships Rally” - A Cooool Time!.....................................................10 Inspiration 101.......................................................................................................13 Headquarters Notes...............................................................................................15 Oregon Unit WBCCI Airstream Club in 1859 Magazine.....................................17 Airstream Tech Help Group..................................................................................22 Helpful Ideas for ALL Airstreamers . ...................................................................26 WBCCI Kids Page................................................................................................27 In Memoriam.........................................................................................................50

International Rally....................................29 Caravans...................................................30

Let’s Talk About Short Caravans...........................................................................30

National Rallies.........................................32

33rd Hobo Rally....................................................................................................32

Intra Clubs.................................................33

Classic Airstream Club..........................................................................................33 Vintage Airstream Club.........................................................................................33

Region News.............................................34 Airstream • 937-596-6111.........................38

Schu’s News..........................................................................................................38

Event Schedule.........................................44 Classifieds................................................51 Coupons....................................................52


Corporate Manager and Blue Beret Managing Editor............... Cindy Reed Blue Beret Copy Editor........................ Deb Sailor Membership Director........................... Deb Mann Member Services ..........................Julie Rethman


Region 1...........................................J. Rick Cipot Region 2............................................Kathy Blake Region 3.......................................Joan Anderson Region 4............................................Nancy Brett Region 5........................................Patsy Marston Region 6........................................ Lonnie Carver Region 7................................ Region 7 Members Region 8....................... Betty & Leonard Sullivan Region 9..........................................Andy Selking Region 10......................................... Mona Heath Region 11............................................ L. Lawson Region 12..............................Kia Kelley-Johnson

on the cover... Cover provided by Airstream, Inc.

Explore the Live Riveted lifestyle & get inspired by the Airstream community! Visit and find out how. “AIRSTREAM” is a registered trademark used under license.

Copy Deadline for the February issue is December 15. Blue Beret / October 2013



Blue Beret / October 2013 

Blue Beret / October 2013


Blue Beret / October 2013



- AChuck COOOOL TIME! Cabalka #6464 Airstream RV’s arrived at Buffalo Valley Resort on Wednesday, July 24th, and opening ceremonies were held that evening, following a potluck supper. At the ceremonies, a check from SkyMed, in the amount of $5,000, was presented to the “Hands of Peace” project. Thursday was the first of several fantastic days. Following a breakfast of egg, cheese and ham on an English muffin, we boarded shuttle buses for the 30-minute ride to the Duluth harbor area. This was the day we boarded an excursion boat to sail out onto Lake Superior to meet the tall ships as they sailed in. After all 110 caravaners were there, we boarded the Vista Star for our cruise out onto the lake, where we spent nearly 2 hours watching the tall ships sail past and into the harbor. There was a lift bridge that the ships had to pass under and, since pedestrians and vehicular traffic needed some time to transit the bridge, the tall ships had to enter in groups of three to allow the occasional lowering of the bridge to accommodate the “land lubbers”. This permitted everyone on the Vista Star to get some really nice photos of the ships as they sailed past. There were nine “tall ships”, ranging from rather small ones (58 feet long) to some very large ones (210 feet long). One ship was missing,

Norwegian Ship Sorlandet Approaching Duluth


Blue Beret / October 2013

however. It seems that a couple of days previous, lightning had struck a mast on that ship, starting a fire. It was quickly put out, without loss of life or major damage, but there was sufficient loss to prevent it from joining the rest in the parade and the festival. Rain had been forecast but, fortunately, it held off until we were nearly back to the campground, when it really broke loose. While we were indoors enjoying our picnic supper of hotdogs, potato or macaroni salad, baked beans and watermelon, the skies simply opened up. Nonetheless, we had a wonderful day to enjoy seeing the tall ships sail into port. What a sight!! It was cloudy and foggy on Friday, as we were again transported via shuttle to the festival site at the harbor area in Duluth. The community was expecting a third of a million visitors due to the Tall Ships Festival and the crowds reflected that. Not even inclement weather (it rained three times during the day) prevented long lines to board and walk the decks of several of the moored ships. The four most popular ships were the 157’ schooner Pride of Baltimore, the 150’ barquentine Peacemaker, the brig Niagara and the 210’ full-rigged ship Sorlandet. The Peacemaker was accompanied by a greatly modified bus, both of which are owned and manned by a religious group that promotes commune-style living. The Sorlandet was a Norwegian training ship that has now been converted to a sailing classroom for high school juniors and seniors. The Sorlandet was part of the Norwegian venue at the 1933 World’s Fair in Chicago and hadn’t been back to the US since. That made it a really special attraction at the festival. There were three of the sailing ships that were taking passengers out for a short sail (for money, of course) and they were fully booked. After visiting one ship each and in light of the long waiting lines, many

in our group decided “one was enough”, so, it was on to find something to kill time until the shuttles returned to pick us up at 3:30 PM. One place to spend some very interesting time was a self-guided tour of the retired iron ore carrier SS William A. Irvin, which has been converted into a museum in the harbor area. It was retired in 1978 since, even at 611 feet long, it had become too small to continue in use. The tour through the ship covered the engine room, crew quarters, galleys, captain’s quarters and the lodgings for eight passengers. US Steel, owners of the ship when in operation, would invite moneyed people to travel (free of charge) on the 7-day round trip, with an eye to securing their financial support. Needless to say, those “guest” facilities were pretty plush. Check out the website SS William A. Irvin for more interesting information about the ship. Back at the campground, nearly everyone enjoyed an “all you can eat” fish fry supper at the Buffalo House Restaurant, bringing

Pride of Baltimore Approaching Harbor

to an end another tiring, but very enjoyable day at the Tall Ships Festival Rally. Mother Nature sent us clouds, rain and winds that caused many plans for Saturday to be modified. There were a few hearty souls who ventured back to the festival area in Duluth to tour more ships and visit shops, but many of the rally attendees either remained in their rigs and rested up, drove into town to do some shopping or visited a nearby casino for lunch and some “fun”. Rain and a day’s high temperature of 56 degrees caused cancellation of a planned social hour and campfire, but no one seemed to mind that too much. Following a continental breakfast and informal worship service on Sunday morning, the rally attendees boarded two very nice Prevost buses for a tour of Duluth. After stopping in downtown Duluth to pick up tour guides, the buses made their way around the city, with stops at Enger and Leif Erikson Parks before crossing the St. Louis River into Superior, WI, to visit an accordion museum. As we traveled, our guides informed us of the history of the city, as well as explained the areas and buildings we passed. Enger City Park was atop the bluffs overlooking Duluth and Lake Superior. Although it was cloudy, it was not raining and the view looking down on the city and the lake was great. There was also a stone tower atop the hill in the park and many caravaners climbed the 82 steps to the top of the tower for an even more elevated view. The stop at Leif Erikson City Park provided a walk through a beautiful rose garden, with over 1,300 rose bushes and trees. The fragrance from the blossoms made the stop even more enjoyable. In addition to the beautiful flowers, we were also able to look out over Lake Superior. By that time the sun had come out and we saw two of the tall masted sailing ships out on the lake with paying passengers, as well as an empty iron ore carrier returning to port for another load. Our final stop for the day was at the Harrington Arts Center in Superior, WI, where a very accomplished accordion and piano player (Helmi Strahl Harrington) explained the developmental progression of accordions, while playing various models to demonstrate their sound qualities. Ms.

Harrington had established the museum nearly 25 years ago and had collected over 1,300 accordions in her “ex-church” museum. After arriving back at the campground about 4:00 PM, we barely had time to organize carpools to drive to the Spirit Mountain Chalet, where many caravaners rode the chairlift to the top of Spirit Mountain and back down. Following supper, an auction of donated items was held with the more than $1,300 in proceeds going to the Hands of Peace Project. Drawing the highest price and most spirited bidding was a beautiful matching quilt, pillow shams and table cover that fetched $300 to the fund. All in all, it was another great day and, to top it off, the blue skies had returned by the time we got back to the campground. Hallelujah!!! Sunshine and cool weather greeted us on the final day of the Tall Ships Region 7 Rally. The first stop on this day of touring was at the Glensheen Mansion in Duluth. This 27,000 sq. ft., 3-story mansion was built by Chester and Clara Congdon in the early 1900’s and donated to the University of Minnesota in 1968. The tour showed how wealthy people lived about 75-100 years ago. Congdon made his money in the buying and selling of land containing low grade iron ore deposits, as well as other endeavors in Arizona and Washington states. Our tour guide informed us that nearly everything in the mansion was original, since the last surviving Congdon daughter willed everything to the university before she died. A beautiful formal garden was located between the structure and Lake Superior, providing a fantastic view of ships passing on the lake. After touring Glensheen, our buses took us about 45 miles northeast to Split Rock Lighthouse State Park. There we toured the last operational lighthouse on Lake Superior. We visited the lighthouse, one of the three residences and the maintenance shop. The lighthouse, although standing only 54 feet in height, was atop a 90-foot cliff, so its light was visible from 22 miles away. It was not only built of materials hoisted to the top of the cliff from barges, but was also supplied from the water for many years. It only functioned during the shipping season (April through November)

and was closed during the winter. The rally’s final evening was highlighted by a catered dinner featuring prime rib and BBQ’d short ribs. A 4-piece combo provided music for listening and dancing and drawings were held for door prizes. As the saying goes, “All good things must come to an end”. So it was for the Region 7 “Tall Ships” Rally as the attendees gathered for the last time on Tuesday morning, July 30, to enjoy an excellent breakfast served by the region officers. Amid the wishes for safe trips, there were numerous THANK YOU’s to Linda Agre and her team for organizing and hosting a GREAT rally! If you were there, you know what that means. If you were not there, you have no idea what you missed. Thank you, Linda and team. YOU DONE GREAT!!

Part of Rose Garden at Leif Erikson Park

Glensheen Mansion

Split Rock Lighthouse

Blue Beret / October 2013



Blue Beret / October 2013 

Dr. Harold Kingdon, WBCCI #14383 International Chaplain What would you do if life dealt you a hand like this? You are born into a well-to-do family and grow up as a normal young person, completing your grade schooling and graduating from college. Following your heart and your love of the arts, you decide to become a poet. Life is good. Soon, the magic happens and you find the love of your life. You take the next logical step and propose. She accepts; now you are engaged to be married. But then, disaster strikes. The very night before the wedding, your fiancée tragically dies in a drowning accident. Determined to escape from the sad memories of heartbreak and grief, and leave them as far behind as possible, you decide to begin a new life in a totally new location. Abandoning your native country of Ireland, you cross the Atlantic and settle in Canada. It works. The future is bright. Romance blossoms as, once again, you find a young woman with whom to spend the rest of your life. However, just before the wedding is scheduled to take place, your bride-to-be suddenly contracts pneumonia and dies. Then, to add insult to injury, you receive word that the only other important woman in your life is terribly ill, but you are totally helpless to be of any assistance because your mother is thousands of miles away, back home in Ireland. What to do? That is the tragic, but true, life-story of one Joseph M. Scriven. And, here is how he played the hand he was dealt. He never married. Who could blame him? He served God wholeheartedly, by sharing his faith through preaching and by devoting himself to a life of service to others. He gave his

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time, money, and even the clothes off his back, to help the less fortunate. It was the year 1855 when he received the news from Ireland that his mother was desperately ill. His immediate response was to write a poem to comfort and encourage her. The poem he composed and sent to her was titled, “Pray Without Ceasing.” This brief biographical account of the unfortunate circumstances in the life of Joseph Scriven could end right here, and we would come away inspired by his courage, commitment, and determination. He did not become bitter; he did not turn his back on God; he did not squander his wealth in self-indulgence. Instead, he left us a role model worth emulating. However, the story does not end there, because Joseph Scriven left us with much, much more than that. His poem, “Pray Without Ceasing” which he penned for his ailing mother, was subsequently published in a newspaper. A musician by the name of Charles C. Converse composed music to accompany the lyrics and re-named the finished work, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.” It was not long until it was picked up by internationally known song leader musician Ira D. Sankey and included in one of his books of hymns. Today, Joseph Scriven’s hymn, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus,” can be found in virtually every hymnbook, and its words have become a source of comfort and hope for millions around the world, including many Airstreamers. Here are words, not only worth singing and remembering, but worth acting upon: “Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged: Take it to the Lord in prayer.”


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Blue Beret / October 2013 

hqHeadQuarters Notes Cindy Reed, Corporate Manager

...Have you paid your 2014 dues?

The deadline for payment of dues to your Unit is November 1st in order to be listed in the 2014 Membership Directory. If you have not received a dues renewal notice from your Unit, contact your Treasurer immediately. Members at Large must send payment to Headquarters.

...Courtesy Parking

Do you have Courtesy Parking? If so, please make sure the Courtesy Parking box is checked on your dues receipt in order to be listed in the 2014 Membership Directory.

...Email Address

Email addresses on file at headquarters on December 1, 2013, will be published in the 2014 Membership Directory. Any member who does NOT wish their email address to be published must notify headquarters.

...Unit Treasurers

Please send new member applications and dues to headquarters immediately upon receipt. This will enable headquarters to process their membership quickly.

...Unit 1st Vice Presidents The New Officer Reporting Forms are due at headquarters for inclusion in the 2014 Directory.

Please welcome our newest Dealer Sponsor! Chilhowee RV Center Alcoa,TN

Note their full page ad on page 9. When you are in their area, be sure to stop in and welcome them to the WBCCI family.

2014 Membership Directory Mailing The 2014 Membership Directory will be sent by periodical mail, the same as the monthly Blue Berets. If you prefer the directory be sent first class, please fill out the coupon below and send the payment and coupon to headquarters by December 1st.

2014 Membership Directory Name____________________________________________________________ WBCCI #_______________ Street_________________________________________________________________________________ City____________________________________________ St/Prov._______________Zip__________________ 1st Class Mail Service for the 2014 Membership Directory: $3.50 $__________ Mail coupon and check to: WBCCI Headquarters (must be received by December 1) P.O. Box 612 Jackson Center, OH 45334

Blue Beret / October 2013



Blue Beret / October 2013 

Oregon Unit WBCCI Airstream Club in 1859 Magazine by Rhonda Coleman Early this spring I reached out to 1859 (the magazine named for the year Oregon became a state) and pitched the WBCCI Oregon Unit as the subject for an article. “In an intelligent and beautiful format, 1859 explores the landscapes, the personalities, the movers and shakers, the history and the architecture that is the jewel of the Pacific Northwest,” states their website. We were thrilled (I think, mostly) to learn that the Oregon Wally Club would be featured in the July/August 2013 issue. For those of you who ended up on the cutting room floor, following is the complete story. (As a fellow 16-footer, I can relate to one of Bambi-owner Boomer’s priceless quotes: “The closet has room for ten Hawaiian shirts and a sweatshirt.”)

Airstream Style....... “When you knock on someone’s Airstream door and say ‘Hey, can I look inside your trailer?’, people not only open their door and say ‘Sure, come on in,’ they say ‘We’re cooking breakfast, how do you like your eggs?’” That’s Brad Taylor, Airstream owner and one of a group of friends - Oregonians of all ages and backgrounds - who might never have met without their common love of aluminum. Specifically, their aluminum Airstream trailers. “Trailer people just are friendly,” Taylor said. “Welcoming and inviting. Particularly in the Airstream club.” The friends are all members of the “Oregon Wally Club”, the Oregon Unit of the Wally Byam Caravan Club International (WBCCI), the official association for “owners of the world’s finest RV” and named for Wally Byam, inventor of the Airstream, who introduced glamour to trailer travel nearly sixty years ago. Members gallivant about the state, playing hard and glamping in their gleaming rolling homes, and attend theme weekend club rallies surrounding seafood, sandcastles and kayaking at the Coast, dark sky stargazing in Summer Lake, watching old movies at the defunct drive-in theater in Sutherlin, and celebrating the fall colors (and Oregon wines) near Champoeg State Park. The annual Let ‘er Buck Rally at the Pendleton Roundup is an Oregon Unit tradition that has attracted Airstreamers across the country and Canada for nearly fifty years. In April, photographer Dave Bassett spent a sunny afternoon with the Oregon Unit and their silver ‘streams at a rally in Harrisburg, where he discovered that the trailers cared for by club members are as varied as their owners.

The Oregon Airstreams range from squeeworthy, award winning vintage trailers to sleek high tech models fresh from the dealerships. All are welcome and the camaraderie is contagious. “When new members come to an event, they soak up stories and knowledge from the others; super-secret tricks on how to fix this or protect that,” said club president Mona Heath, an Airstream serial-owner. She and her husband Doug own five - count ‘em - five Airstreams. The flagship of their fleet, rescued several years ago from the Vernonia flood, is a 25-foot 1969 Tradewind that recently bagged the People’s Choice award at Modernism Week in Palm Springs after an extensive two-plus year remodel. The Mid Century Modern decor - an extension of the Heath’s home aesthetic - includes a kidney shaped couch and long countertop bar for meals and enter-

taining. “We’ve had eight, ten people in there,” said Heath. “It works.” Outside, the Heath trailer proudly wears her “Big Red Numbers”, the designation affixed to the front and rear shells of the Airstreams owned by more than 12,000 members of the WBCCI. A practice adopted by Wally Byam himself during the early Airstream caravans of the 1950s, WBCCI members continue to use the numbers - cross referenced in the annual directory - to identify one another. “I’ve never belonged to a club in my life,” said Heath, “but belonging to the WBCCI and having the big red numbers are synonymous to me with the heritage of the Airstream. I think you need to continue to show that.” So, why an Airstream? “I always thought they were hip,” explained one member. “My husband said, ‘I only want an Airstream, it can’t be anything but continued on page 18 Blue Beret / October 2013


Airstream Style continued from page 17 an Airstream’,” said another. “It’s the cool factor,” say Airstreamers across the nation. Airstream is but a tiny, shiny star in the RV universe, and RV choice is an interesting phenomenon. Those whose primary desire is to camp or see America shop for something to do that with, and, for a variety of reasons, will likely choose a “White Box” trailer or an S.O.B. (“some other brand” in silver trailer-speak). Airstream owners want an Airstream. “People love them,” said Oregon WBCCI past president Teresa Taylor. “It’s not just a travel trailer for them to go camping somewhere. They want an Airstream. And now they can go camping.” After eighty years, more than sixty percent of all the Airstreams manufactured are still on the road, and the 2013 models roll out of the factory in Ohio every day. The binary decision becomes, vintage or new? “The vintage life is a different life, it’s not always as simple,” said Heath, whose trailers date from 1958 to 2011. “We learned a lot having a vintage first. I love having the shower,” she said of her newer models, “I love having plumbing, and I love the sinks and the storage. But even with the oldest vintage model you’re certainly not sleeping on the ground. That’s a huge thing for me. I’ve only camped in a tent once in my life.” Heath is a self-identified glamper - glamour camper - and her 2011 International bears the license plate Glampr. “Doug says it sucks the manhood out of him every time he pulls it,” she laughed. Brad and Susan Taylor work around the lack of indoor plumbing in their popular “park model” 19-foot 1953 Flying Cloud. “It’s very primitive compared to newer Airstreams,” said Brad Taylor. “What makes owning a vintage wonderful is everyone sees you coming, and they come up and talk to you.” The Taylors have appointed their trailer with period collectibles unearthed at the estate sales, old barns, and storage units that Taylor scours as part of his work as a “horse trader - I buy and sell things. And I never retail shop, ever,” he said. Outside, amid the pink flamingos, the Taylors display pink vintage parking meters (that once


Blue Beret / October 2013

lined the streets in Eugene), mid-century Schwinn bikes, and a rare pink Coleman cooler. Every Airstream owner, even those towing the latest models, faces a common challenge: space management. Tom Griffin and Katy Hurley recently upgraded to a luxurious 27-foot 2012 Serenity International and replaced the shabby-chic cowgirl kitsch in their former trailer with colorful Southwest decor that suits their relaxed lifestyle. Though the new trailer is “actually larger than what we had, storage is always a challenge,” said Hurley. “I always take more than I should. There are lessons to be learned about thinking small, thinking simple.” Mona Heath agrees. “The living space is definitely a challenge,” she said. “What it makes you do is make choices of what you bring with you. I overloaded our first trailer, and then started editing. I learned to get things that collapse so they are space saving, and things that are multipurpose.” Living in an aluminum pod poses other problems. “Doug sleeps next to the wall and when he snores it kind of bounces off the wall,” Heath said. “It’s like this acoustical amplification. And Mellie, our hound dog snores! I can’t just get up and sleep on the couch because it’s only two feet away.” “The key to living in a Bambi is plastic tubs,” said Greg “Boomer” Boam, a former surfer living fulltime in his 16foot 2006 trailer surrounded by tie-dye, peace signs and lava lamps. “The closet has room for ten Hawaiian shirts and a sweatshirt,” he said of the tiny floorplan, the smallest offered by Airstream. “I look at it like I got an east wing and a west wing and I open the door and that’s my living room,” Boam said during breakfast in the large meeting room overlooking the river, where the Oregon Unit assembled during the spring rally at Riverbend Resort. “Look at us,” Boam said, gesturing to the gathering. “It’s a buzz in here. And the community is so diverse. I mean you see people twice my age and

half my age. It’s really opened up to the younger generation and the enthusiasm that group has brought really reflects in the Oregon club.” “Everybody is so very outgoing,” said Panamerica owner Steve Prokop. “It’s that brotherhood of Airstream. You flash your brights at each other and wave when you see another on the road, and you always talk to each other at the rallies and see if each other needs help. You don’t see the other types of trailer people out visiting with each other.” “When you go into a campground, you drive around and look for other Airstreams,” agrees Brad Taylor. “Obviously this club has given us a wealth of friends. Probably the best part of the WBCCI Oregon Unit is it’s a very socio-economically diverse group. We have people from all sorts of spectrums of society. The common thread is people like to get out and experience things.” “This club has become family to me,” said Mona Heath. “Without having an Airstream, I would never have had an opportunity to meet all these people I can’t imagine not knowing now. It has completely changed our life.” “You have a whole different circle of friends,” said Teresa Taylor, a former interior designer who owns an awardwinning vintage model with her husband Glenn, a former city planner. “You have your Airstream friends, and then you have your other friends. We seem to do more with our Airstream friends! We have so much in common, because they are looking for something more aesthetic, more artistic. Or like Glenn, they are people who are interested more in quality of workmanship and engineering. People who are thinking outside the box.” Literally, outside the White Box.

OPEN HOUSE INVITATION October 20-22, 2013, enjoy 3 nights FREE parking, FREE Wi-Fi, four FREE meals, FREE tours of our available lots, metal villas, & full brick homes. Deep discounts on Park-owned lots during Open House. See what Texas casual living is all about at the newest, most modern, year-round Airstream Park, just off I-35 in historic Hillsboro, near Dallas-Ft. Worth, & Waco. Directions & more: Reserve a full hookup Terraport site email: or call Pat at: 254-582-5566

’New’ WBCCI Dutch Oven Site ( We’ve noticed a growing number of our members talking about, sharing pictures, and exchanging recipes based on dutch oven cooking. Along with the non-Airstream world, the love and fascination of cast iron cooking has returned in full force. Your Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) thought it’d be fun to launch a place to collect and share our favorite recipes and resources. Check out (and contribute!) member recipes at

Blue Beret / October 2013



Blue Beret / October 2013 

Blue Beret / October 2013



Howard Lefkowitz, #6077 Chairman Chuck Helwig, #2868 Safety Officer Phil Broomall, #2654 Jim Cooper, #1967 Jamie King, #804

This group, part of the WBCCI Technical Standing Committee, has been established to help the membership with any of their technical RV problems. Examples of questions that might be of interest to many members will be published in the Blue Beret. We will respond directly to you, in response to your email or letter describing a problem you are having. We hope you will find this new service of value in the care and feeding of your RV. You may contact us as follows: techhelp@ or by mail: Howard Lefkowitz, 11508 Colt Terrace, Silver Spring, MD 20902

Problem: When my 2001, 350 XL motorhome is in a campground for an extended period, I usually have to use my “Aux switch” to get the engine started. As I understand it, this combines the coach and engine batteries together for more starting power. I usually have shore power plugged in all of the time, which should be keeping all of my batteries charged. What is wrong? Answer: The early gas motorhomes (both 350 and Land Yacht models) did not provide any charging capability for the engine battery. I believe this was for 2001 and earlier RV’s. The early diesel units incorporated a special module, which provided the circuits necessary to charge both battery systems regardless of the power source. I believe in the 2002 models all of the Airstream motorhomes included a similar electronic module which provided this dual battery system charging capability. Your unit will also not provide a charge for the engine battery when the generator is running. The only, built in, available charge capability for this battery is the engine alternator. This is not a problem for your automobile, which can sometimes sit for months while you are on vacation and then start right up when you come home. In the motorhome, there can be high current draws from the engine battery when parked with the engine off. For example, the electric steps are hooked to the engine battery through a 25-amp circuit breaker. Therefore, if the steps are set to pull in every time you close the door you can run down the engine battery. Your RV uses a 130-amp isolator to hook the alternator to both battery systems for charging. When you are using the 12-volt appliances, lights and other equipment, the engine battery must be isolated from the coach batteries. This is accomplished, inside the isolator, by using two high capacity diodes from the alternator terminal to each battery system which prevents coach loads from discharging the engine start battery. To test your charging system and confirm that this is the problem follow these steps: 1. Hook up 110 VAC shore power 2. Measure the DC voltage on both battery systems 3. The battery is being charged if the voltage measurement is over 13 volts 4. The battery is not being charged if the voltage measurement is around 12.6 volts. Figure (1) is a schematic of your 12-volt system. You can see the isolator in the lower right hand side. The 55-amp converter near the top center is the battery charger, which is only connected to the coach batteries. The converter (converts 110 VAC to 12 volts DC) and is powered by 110 VAC, which comes from either shore power or the generator. The connection from the coach batteries to the generator, on the far lower left, provides the power to start the generator and operate the circuit boards. When you press the momentary “Aux Start Switch”, you are powering on the AUX Start Solenoid (to the left of the isolator) and effectively connecting both battery systems together. This gives you three batteries for starting the engine as long as you hold on the AUX start switch. If we held this momentary switch on, with the RV connected to shore power, we would be charging the engine battery as well as the coach batteries. One possible solution to this problem is to obtain a second charger and hook it up to the engine battery whenever you are on shore power or are running the generator. A trickle charger is not very effective for a low engine battery, which has to supply hundreds of amps for a short time, so you will need at least a 10 or 15 amp charger. A much better solution is to


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convert the charging system so that it will operate, just like the diesel and later model gas motorhomes, and automatically charge both battery systems regardless of how the RV is powered. Figure (2) illustrates an Intellitec 53-00362-100 Bi-Directional Isolator Relay (BIRD) that provides a signal for a solenoid (isolator relay Intellitec 77-90000-110) that can hook the two battery systems together. The BIRD monitors both battery systems and if either one is higher than 13.1 volts, for more than 2.5 minutes, it sends a signal to the isolator relay which will stay on until the voltage drops below 12.6 volts. When this relay is on both battery systems are connected together and being charged by the 55 amp converter. Reference (1) provides the following description of the BIRD operation.

Engine Alternator Charging the Batteries When the ignition switch is turned on and the engine is running, the system senses the level of voltage on the chassis 12-volt system. When this voltage goes above 13.1 volts for approximately 2.5 minutes, as happens when the engine is running normally (normal alternator output voltage of a cold engine is approximately 14.4 volts), it will close the isolator relay providing charging current to the coach battery. This delay allows a cold engine an opportunity to start and warm up before having the heavy load of a discharged coach battery placed on it. If the voltage should fall below 12 volts for more than about 1 minute, the relay will drop out to feed all the alternators available output to the chassis (engine) battery to keep the engine running. This might happen when the alternator is not able to supply sufficient current to all of the loads and charge the coach battery at the same time. When the chassis voltage goes to 13.1 volts again, the relay will again close in about 2.5 minutes to retry to charge the chassis battery. The resultant flickering of lights would alert the driver of the system overload.

Converter Charging the Batteries When the coach is plugged into shore power and the ignition is off, the unit senses the voltage on the coach batteries. When this voltage goes above 13.1 volts for approximately 2.5 minutes, as happens when the converter is not heavily loaded, it will close the isolator relay providing charging current to the engine battery. If the voltage should fall below 12.6 volts for more than about 1 minute, the relay will drop out to prevent the coach loads from discharging the chassis battery. This might happen when coach loads heavily load the converter. When the coach battery voltage goes above 13.1 volts again, the relay will again close in about 2.5 minutes to retry to charge the engine battery. The isolator relay, Figure (3) is designed for continuous operation at 100 amps. It will handle a short-term load of 500 amps. While operating it draws less than one amp. This relay is used as a replacement for the “AUX. Start Solenoid” that came with your Airstream and does not have the capability of handling the duty cycle or current requirements. It will also serve as the AUX start relay to parallel all the battery systems and can be operated with the existing switch and wiring. Figure (4) illustrates the typical installation diagram for the BIRD and isolator relay. The 350 XL and gas Land Yachts usually did not have a chassis battery disconnect relay although the Classic gas motorhomes did have both coach and chassis disconnect relays. The disconnect relays are retained with their existing wiring. Figure (5) illustrates the new 12-volt wiring schematic with the dual battery charging system installed. This system will work with your Generator as well as shore power to keep both of your battery systems fully charged. It is completely automatic and will easily operate with your 55-amp converter. Another advantage is that in an emergency, if both of your battery systems get low, on an extended camping trip, you will have the generator output voltage as a back-up source to help run the engine.

Installation 1. Before you do any work on the 12-volt system, you must disconnect the battery ground terminal wires on each battery. Be sure to remove all of the wires and dress them back so they connect make contact with the terminals. 2. Locate the “130A isolator” and the “AUX Start Solenoid”. The isolator is usually mounted on the firewall under the front hood. The start solenoid is usually located close to the battery compartment. 3. On the 130A isolator disconnect the center terminal wire (alternator) and hook it to the engine battery terminal (on the 350 XL this wire is red). Verify that you have the correct battery terminal. You can leave the (black) coach battery wire hooked up since the 130A isolator is no longer functional. 4. Replace the “AUX Start Solenoid” with the new isolator relay. Wiring is the same with the large heavy-duty wires going to the large terminal screws. continued on page 24

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continued from page 23

5. Mount the BIRD on the firewall or near the new relay in a position protected from the weather. The wires do not have to be heavy duty since they are for the electronic voltage sensors in the BIRD. You are monitoring the coach battery voltage and the engine battery voltage (through the ignition switch). Be sure and provide a good ground for the BIRD and a wire to the isolator relay coil circuit. 6. Find a 12-volt source from the ignition circuit to connect to the BIRD “Ignition” terminal that will be used to monitor the engine battery voltage when you start the engine. Check out your wiring and installation before reconnecting the battery ground wires. Both batteries should be charging and have the same voltage regardless of which power source you are using (engine, generator or shore power). Reference (1) has a Trouble Shooting section which can help in finding any problems. I frequently get questions about whether an installed solar system is actually working. With the engine and generator off and no shore power simply measure the voltage across the coach batteries. If it is above 13 volts then the solar panels are charging the batteries. Always make sure there is no surface charge before making these measurements. Simply turn on a bunch of lights for a minute or two, turn them off and then make the measurement. The Intellitec BIRD and isolator relay (solenoid) cost about $125 for both. Reference (2) lists several companies that sell both components. They may also be available on ebay. Reference (1), Bi-directional Isolator Relay Delay Service Manual:

Reference (2), Sources for purchase of the BIRD and isolator relay:


Figure (1)


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Figure (2)

Figure (4) Figure (3)

Figure (5)

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Let’s Talk

About Short Carvavans

Marion Pember, Chairman, WBCCI Caravan Promotions Some of you are going to say I have written about this before and am rehashing old stuff. Some of you are going to say why write about short caravans when we don’t have any. And I am going to say I will write about them until we get them then I will report on them. I have written some about short caravans before, and

is especially true for people who are still employed. I am concerned because Airstreamers want more short caravans. I am concerned because unit caravans are sometimes cancelled when not enough people sign up. Caravanning is the heart of WBCCI and short caravans are a part of what

keeps that heart beating. The powers that be recognized short caravans need to be encouraged. That was part of what drove the change in number of rigs and number of nights necessary to qualify for a number. That was a valiant effort and I hope it pays results. Of course, you all know my feelings about that. If getting a number is the only reason for having a unit caravan something is missing. Just as a reminder, if your caravan has been approved, you are covered by insurance and are eligible for merit points. Have you ever taken off with two or three other Airstreamers for some impromptu camping? I know a lot of people do that. You probably did at least some advance planning about when and where. Did you know if you bring it before your unit and get it approved, you have just set up a short unit caravan? You don’t need seven rigs. And you get merit points. What I want to get across is that although there is not much in the way of short national caravans there are many short caravans available nationally. Ev-

Sit around and do nothing.

have even written some up as articles for the Blue Beret. I also believe that out of sight is out of mind. How many of you can tell me what I have written before about short caravans? I am hoping to have a reminder about short caravans in each issue of the Blue Beret. Sometimes it becomes an issue of defining a short caravan. Much of my task is to promote national caravans and quite frankly, we are in short supply of short national caravans. If my task is to promote national caravans and we don’t have short ones, why am I concerned with promoting short caravans that don’t exist? I am concerned because more people have time to go on short caravans than have time to go on long caravans. This


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Sign them up, line them up and go!

ery unit or region caravan could be considered a short caravan and considered available nationally. Certainly unit or region members would have first chance at signing up. I would venture a guess that most of these short caravans would have room for a few more. A few more might even fill the unit or region caravan out to a better size. Presently I think the most prevalent manner of attracting some more to sign up is to sit and wish for them. From what I hear that isn’t too successful. What is needed is a way of publicizing what is available. There is actually in place right now a method of publicizing your short unit or region caravan. I have written before about the web site It is continually being improved. Something over a year ago, a “Short Caravans” section was added. Last year I received input for several short caravans being offered. This year not so many were available. It is an educational process to get members tuned to checking out the web site. If you still haven’t looked at it closely, go there and check it out. It is fantastic the amount of information available. It would be great if every caravan planner at unit or region level would send in information on their caravan once it is planned. Send it to me at happihart2@ and I will get it on the site. Will you get dozens of people swarming


Is your unit or region planning a short caravan?

Would you be willing to open it up for others outside your unit/region to attend?

We are constantly asked about the availability of short caravans. The WBCCI website even has a section with information on available short caravans. We will help publicize your short caravan, numbered or unnumbered. The only requirement is for it to be authorized by your unit/region. Send information, including when, where, and a contact person’s name with phone, and/or email address to Marion Pember,, phone 913-268-5938. It will be posted on the WBCCI website.

you to go on your short caravan? In all honesty probably not. I know some of the short caravans offered last year did pick up some from outside their unit or region. Someone will probably not go from New York to California for a short caravan. Too much travel for a short time. Someone from Montana might attend. What we would be doing is increasing the number of short caravans available nationally even if it is not a national

caravan. Does it make sense? I shouldn’t ask that but I think it does or I wouldn’t be writing about it. Getting the short caravans listed is only half the task. The second half is educating our members to check wbcci. org for short caravans they might like to attend. Maybe someday it will happen. Progress is often slow. I also know if nothing is ventured nothing is gained.

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Blue Beret / October 2013


33rd Hobo Rally

Florida State Rally

Hosted by Region 12 Blythe, California February 3 - 9, 2014

- New Location -

By Tom Smithson You’re invited to the 54th Hobo Rally, sponsored by Region 12 (California & Nevada). This annual event will be held at the Colorado River Fairgrounds located in Blythe, California. This year is the last Hobo rally at this location; it is time for the Hobos to move on. Join us for the Memorial Rally for this location. Quartzite, AZ, the largest flea market in the U.S., is only 20 miles east of the rally. Other area attractions are Joshua Tree National Monument, Salton Sea, London Bridge and General Patton Museum. Within 100-200 miles are the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument and Laughlin, NV. Six days of rally events include seminars, photo contest, games, tours, food and entertainment. Other activities include a Pet Show and SwapN-Sell. Golf is also nearby. Bring your most fashionable hobo attire and parade your stuff. Guys grow a beard beginning January 1st and you might win the best beard contest. The highlights of the rally occur on Saturday with the Hobo parade followed by the crowning of the 2014 Hobo King and Queen, and then the famous Hobo Stew will be served. The Rally fee includes six nights of parking, 3 amp power, water, an arrival night dinner, 2 breakfasts, the famous Hobo Stew, and all the fun and fellowship you can handle. The weather is usually very pleasant, with temperatures in the 60’s and 70’s. To register for this Memorial rally, use the coupon in this issue of the Blue Beret, go to or contact the rally chairman, Tom Smithson at 916-802-0443 or email him at


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Sunshine Key Resort, South Florida (Route 1, Mile Marker 39) April 2 - 7, 2014 By Daniel Maciejczyk Welcome to the resurrected and all new Florida State Rally. This year starts a new era for Florida’s longest running Rally. Florida has always been the Riviera of America. This year’s location of the Florida State Rally will be held in the Florida Keys in South Florida and next year in St. Augustine in North Florida, representing the oldest cities of Florida’s Riviera (alternating every other year from North & South Florida). We will be starting fresh and everything will be new. The Florida State Rally attendees will enjoy the historic sites and old charm of Key West. A trolley tour will get you around the most southern city of Key West. Airstreaming seminars, flea market, dinner and entertainment await your return back to camp at mile marker 39. Sunshine Key Resort (an Encore park) has 360 views of tropical island life. There are amenities such as a swimming pool, tennis court, game room, fishing pier and a café on the grounds. Boat slips at the marina await your fishing adventure, also kayaking and canoe tours are a great way to see what island birds and sea creatures inhabit the Florida Keys (charters and tours are available at extra cost). The cost for this rally will be $260.00 based on 2 people per unit (one person $221.00, no extras). Included in the Rally Fee: 5 nights in the Florida Keys, parking with 5 point hook up (water, 50 amp electric, sewer, cable and Wi-Fi), use of trolley, seminars, a dinner and entertainment. We will be limited this year to 120 full service sites, so this will be first come, first serve. For those wishing to come early or wishing to stay later, an extra day’s fee at Sunshine Key Resort will be $30.00 per night. Also note that those traveling from a distance will get reduced parking at Land Yacht Harbor by showing their receipt. Land Yacht Harbor (Passport America Park) located in Melbourne, FL, has lowered the rate for attendees to $20.00 a night, naturally less for Passport America (reservations required). The FSR will be held one year in the Keys - South Florida, and one year in St. Augustine - North Florida. This gives Airstreamers all the opportunity to explore and see the whole state of Florida by participating in the Florida State Rally.

Classic Airstream Club

Vintage Airstream Club

Bettie Jones, President

Bob Herman

Here we are off to another year of meeting friends along the way in our travels. While you are out there, be on the lookout for your new officers: 1st Vice President: Joel Ware #7727, sort of a Santa Claus looking fellow - beard included - very tech-savvy, eager to get going with club activities. Recording Secretary: Vicki Buttleman #9691, seasoned caravaner and a volunteer for the secretary’s job. Love those volunteers. Treasurer: Myron Fischer #345, and a genuine SAINT in the treasurer’s job - untold hours dealing with dues past and present. His wife Kathryn deserves a STAR also. She and I spent a lot of registration table time together. Webmaster and Newsletter: David McCall #5382, has taken on this challenge with enthusiasm and knowledge. He’ll be looking for your article and a picture - should you feel inclined - telling of your travels and post it to the website or newsletter. Ed Efira did the Website and Marie Efira did the newsletter for about 7 years - there was a lot of information disbursed -

Contributing Editor VINTAGE RALLY: National Texas Vintage Rally, October 3-7, 2013, Gonzales, TX, contact Fred or Judy Hazen, or 512-261-0122 Bob Herman, 407-810-5579 or email:

and thank goodness we had that DYNAMIC DUO - MANY THANKS and a tip of the hat for their efforts. Kay Corder has been a really “right hand” gal and I do appreciate all her help. Lastly I should tell you that I will be your President - again for the 2013-2014 year. If there is something on your mind - we’d like to know - contact us.



Fowler Interiors PO Box 91 Symsonia, KY 42082 (270) 851-3257

Blue Beret / October 2013



J. Rick Cipot, Contributing Editor REGION

Happy Halloween and falling leaves to all Region One members. What a great time of year to be up here in New England and the Canadian Provinces. The leaves are falling and the nights getting chilly as we get ready for our special fall holidays. I am happy to report that there has been a flurry of activity for the region’s Special Event Rally, Columbus Day – Canadian Thanksgiving out in Provincetown, MA. Another large crowd is expected and a special job well done to the hosts and all their helpers. For the rest of us, some are heading south to meet up with their winter friends, some of us may be winterizing and then there are the hearty folks who just won’t stop camping. There are a few campgrounds in the area that do stay open year round but if you are like Sandi and I, we like finding new places and doing different things. That usually brings us down south a bit to Pennsylvania or a little further to Delaware or the Carolina’s. There is just something special about waking up in your Airstream some late fall morning and finding snow on the ground. By now you have all had your fall business meetings and are aware of the issues we are having with our region rally. We really do need every member to pitch in and offer just a little help. What makes region rallies so much fun? It’s all about the members. Working up front organizing, working in the background making sure the little details are not overlooked and just pitching in when needed. With so many options for the region rally, I feel that we need to gather the troops, save the date and come one, come all. Take a look at the schedule and take note of the dates and please do try to join your fellow Airstreamers for four days of good food, good times and great folks. Enjoy the rest of the season, join your fellow unit members at your annual holiday party and please keep safe.


Kathy Blake, Contributing Editor REGION

It’s hard to believe that I am writing this in August for the October issue of the Blue Beret while caravanning around Lake Superior with the Ontario Canada Unit. We have run across quite a few members from other Units as well as a number of “baldies”. One of the special times ahead on this Caravan will be meeting up with the Wisconsin Unit during one of their Unit rallies. Caravans rock!! Here and now in Northern Minnesota, it certainly feels like autumn and I am reminded that good fall camping is coming up soon. Truly, in most of Region 2, fall is the best time to be travelling and camping. No bugs, less competition for great sites, gorgeous colours, crisp mornings, and perfect campfire evenings! The Canadian Thanksgiving holiday - the second Monday of October - will soon be upon us. At that time some of us will start to put our rigs to bed for the winter, while the rest of us start packing them for a winter in the south. But, during October, there’ll be a lot of WBCCI action throughout


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our Region with end-of-season gatherings, including officer installation ceremonies. President Pat hopes that, in the next issue of the Blue Beret, he’ll be able to report that all 17 Units comprising Region 2 have a full slate of officers. For the moment recruitment for vacancies continues, including for a 2nd Vice-President of Region 2. Looking ahead to 2014 when two of our Units - Delmarva and Ontario - celebrate their 50th anniversaries, there is a whole lot of party-planning going on. Our whole Region is excited about these celebrations and look forward to hearing about these momentous occasions! As a reminder to us all, we get a lot more out of something when we put in, and there are many ways to participate. Think about what you can offer and say, “I’ll do it!”


Joan Anderson, Contributing Editor REGION

Demographics of recreational vehicle sales have changed over the last few years. Fifty-one percent of the folks purchasing new Airstreams are between 40 and 59 years old and 67 percent of the new RV owners are still employed with both spouses working. That makes caravans, long rallies and joining a camping club a real juggle of time for these younger working people. Jay Thompson and Matt Hackney have exciting news about Region 3’s answer to the problem of getting and sustaining new members. A new unit is being formed - the Southeastern Camping Unit. Region 3 has provided it with a provisional charter! Jay says that this unit was organized to try to fill the wishes of many folks still working, those buying Airstreams for the first time and those who enjoy “camping out” in their Airstreams on an informal basis. This new WBCCI unit would hold rallies and other activities, primarily during weekends, in national, state and local parks in South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. The Unit’s founding members have already met the requirements in the WBCCI International Constitution of a minimum of ten members and provisional officers. Beth Hackney is serving as treasurer and membership chairman for the provisional unit. Matt said that a group of fourteen members from different units in Region 3 decided to explore new venues - rallies will feature outdoor activities and “planned” potluck meals. He also said that communications will be primarily electronic and you can inquire about joining electronically, as well. One person new to WBCCI has already joined and several have requested information. Please contact Beth for more information at Congratulations to the new Southeastern Camping Unit and its members who are out-of-the box thinkers and the future of WBCCI!


Nancy Brett, Contributing Editor REGION

Greetings from Region 4! As the 51st Swiss Festival National Rally winds down, it is time to thank the Land-O-Lakes Unit, the Akron Unit and all the affiliates, who have worked so hard to make this rally a success. Thanks are also in order for Larry Kurkowski, who spearheaded the completion of the new shelter in July while Tom Losasso and Ron Swan made sure that supplies were on hand for the working crew. If you didn’t attend this year, make sure you save the last week in September in 2014 - it is a fun filled week. The 52nd Swiss National Rally Chairmen will be Larry & Karin Kurkowski. With a blink of an eye, another summer season has passed. Did you travel far and wide? Did you stay close to home? Will you head south for the winter? Or will you begin to plan for the 2014 season? Our Region President reminds us to support our Units by planning to attend the Unit Installation Luncheon or Rally. This is also the time for Past Presidents to fill out the Unit Merit Award Program Application. The form is online and can be filled out and saved. Community Service Chairman, Janet Kendig, reports that in addition to collecting personal sized items for the women’s abuse shelter, knit hats, scarves and gloves, yarn, gently used children’s books and stuffed animals, used eye glasses will also be collected for the Lions Club in Gillette, Wyoming. Dates to Remember: January 5-11, 2014 - IBT Rally, Rayne, Louisiana May 19-25, 2014 - Region 4 Rally, Allen County Fairgrounds, Lima, Ohio June 28-July 4, 2014 – International Rally/Convention, Gillette, Wyoming August 20-24, 2014 – Michigan State Rally, St. Louis, MI Safe travels – see you down the road!


Patsy Marston, Contributing Editor REGION

October in Region 5 means cool mornings, sunny days, and glorious color in the trees. This is the perfect time of year for camping adventures in our Airstreams. The bugs are gone, and even a little rain and cool weather can’t dampen our spirits. Region President Barry Bell and First Lady Karen want to thank all the members who volunteered hours of their time to help make our Region 5 Rally at General Butler State Park in Kentucky such a great success. It can’t be done without lots of help from dedicated members. The Region Rally is over, but units have planned fun-filled outings to cap the season. Six of the seven Region 5 units have rallies or caravans planned for October. Unit caravans and rallies are really the heart of WBCCI. This is where life-long friendships are forged, and those memories are made that remain long after camping days are over. Please check out the scheduled activities listed elsewhere in this issue. You’ll have a good time visiting at any one of this region’s unit functions. It’s fun to see what other units are doing at their rallies, and you’ll get great ideas for your home unit. Central Indiana and Southern Indiana Units are both planning caravans. Central Indiana’s will be the

“Banks of the Wabash Caravan” which will run from October 4 through October 13 and follow the Wabash from Lafayette to Vincennes. You can join it for part or all; just notify Ann Newman at 317-850-6402. Southern Indiana’s caravan will be to the “Old Time Fiddlers Rally” at Athens, AL. Notify John Hays at 270-877-6298. This caravan runs from September 30 through October 6. It’s always good to remember that we are the Wally Byam CARAVAN Club. If you haven’t been on a unit caravan, you’re missing a great time. Congratulations to our new Region 1st Vice-President Monte Barksdale. Monte is the president of the Illinois Lincolnland Unit. He has accepted the task of guiding Region 5 following the term of President Barry Bell. I’m sure he will have the support and help of all our members. The best way to enjoy and get the full benefit from your membership is to get involved. Volunteer, or if you’re asked, accept. Our club only survives with the “volunteer spirit.” Point to Ponder: Household (or Airstream) Hint Best way to get rid of kitchen odors. Eat Out. ..................................................................Phyllis Diller


Linda Agre, Contributing Editor .....................................................................Phyllis Diller REGION

The following are highlights from the thoughts of a “First Timer” who attended the International Rally in Huron, SD, and who are also brand-spanking new members. This was their very first rally. I quote: “Please accept this in the spirit intended, i.e., honest feedback to hard-working, committed leaders. We suffer from past experience, as consultants and volunteers to national organizations. The challenge we see is adapting to a younger owner base while respecting our WBCCI history and the needs/expectations of long-term members.” Here are some of their suggestions: Invite all members to participate in a “Parade of Homes” to showcase their remodeling, decorating, restorations. Not just VAC rigs. Award prizes, ribbons. Make it a social, fun event. Refreshments during the day. Friendship Center should have some of these to foster camaraderie, draw folks together, “feed” vendor displays. Sponsor get-togethers among owner groups (similar to VAC). Bambi owners, B-van owners, Classics, to share info, solve common problems, and build friendships. Reception/Mixer. Appetizers/beverages/meet and greet as opposed to chair-based entertainment. Great way to meet/ mingle. How about new member/first timer mixer/ breakfast/ coffee? First timer’s ribbons. Everyone greeted us and made us feel very welcome. What a great reception from members. Rally dates. Timing, aka 4th of July. The schedule was a near “deal beaker” for us. This is a traditional family holiday and we are unlikely to attend in the future due to this single fact. Most of our unit is leaving early to rejoin family at home. Please make it easier to attend in the future. Wi-Fi is essential. Buyer demographics suggest many are still employed and just need connectivity to be able to leverage their time. Blue Beret / October 2013


Great ideas from new members. Do we need to change the International Rally dates? Maybe? This has been mentioned for years. Can we? Are we willing to change?


Leonard & Betty Sullivan, REGION  Contributing Editors,

This October column is being written during the rainy season of August. Holy Moly, who would have thought that it could rain so much in portions of Region 8 in August - it certainly puts a damper on camping. We sure hope no one has had to live in their Airstream because of the flooding and no one has experienced a significant loss. This is installation time and your Region Officers are enjoying their visits to your units and the installation of your new officers. The officers are there to assist you with issues so please take advantage of this opportunity. This is a good time for the Unit officers to use the Planning Guide for ideas for the next year. Also a good time for the current officers to review and record the past year’s accomplishments, such as member awards won at recent Region and International Rallies, caravans, joint rallies, special items published in the Blue Beret, and unusual activities worthy of additional points. The Planning Guide has the total list and is easier done when the memories are fresh. This was a proud year as all units in 2012 received their Superior Merit Award ribbons at the Region 8 Rally in Hutchinson. We are currently in Kirksville, MO, arranging details for the Region 8 Rally April 29-May 4, 2014. I have discovered for those who have a license and wish to fish for trout, they can do this within the city limits at Spur Pond stocked in October for fishing the following spring. We are planning enough time for this activity along with many interesting tours in the area. For the arrowhead aficionado, we found The Wooden Nickel Restaurant has a wall dedicated to collections of arrowheads and tomahawk heads dating back a few thousand years. Just imagine trying to stop a mastodon with a six inch stone spearhead. This will not be on the tour list but on the eating out list! We are delighted that the Region has added a number of new members. The Region Officers look forward to meeting you at the fall rallies. Do place a note on your calendar for the Region 8 Rally next April 29-May 4, 2014. We plan to see you all “Streamin’ to Missouri’s North Star” Kirksville, MO.


Andy Selking, 1st Vice President REGION

As I write this, I can tell it is autumn by the beautiful color of the leaves on the trees in Texas and Oklahoma. The weather has cooled down and it’s a perfect time to get out and travel. There are many great places to go and see in an Airstream. I am also reminded that it is football season. We will be taking our Airstream to the OU home football games again this year as we have done in the past. Tailgating in an Airstream is lots of fun. Many people come by just to see an Airstream and


Blue Beret / October 2013

look inside. They always ask, “Do they still make these and what year is yours?” Our answer always is, “Yes, they still make them and ours is almost new.” It is an opportunity to tell others about the great WBCCI club we belong to and the fun that we have caravanning and going to club gatherings. Unit installations have started and will continue through December. Thanks to all who have stepped up to fill a Unit position. We could not do it without you! Barb and I love visiting with all the various units and look forward to being at several installations. We have two Airstream Parks in Region 9, TAHI in Zavalla, TX, and NTAC in Hillsboro, TX. We would love for you to visit both of them. You have a great opportunity to visit North Texas Airstream Community in late October during their Open House. See the following information about this event.

C’mon Down, Y’all!

Welcome! Bring your Airstream to our Second Annual Open House Celebration at the North Texas Airstream Community, October 20-22, 2013. Enjoy three nights FREE parking, FREE Wi-Fi, four FREE meals, FREE guided tours of our available lots, metal villas, and full brick homes. Prices deeply discounted on park-owned lots during Open House. Come see what Texas casual living is all about at the most modern, open-all-year Airstream Park, easily reached just off I-35 in historic Hillsboro, the county seat of Hill County, near Dallas-Ft. Worth, & Waco. See directions & more at: For reservations in our modern 24 site terraport, email: or call Office Manager Pat at 254582-5566. See you down the road!


Mona Heath, Contributing Editor REGION

“To encourage clubs and rallies that provide an endless source of friendships, travel fun and personal expressions.”

excerpt from Wally’s Creed

As the newly-installed Unit leadership teams settled into their roles, plenty of focus will be on the development of a robust, creative and fun list of rallies for 2014. Plenty of work has already gone into planning the Region 10 rally on the Oregon Coast from July 16–20. From sandcastles to shipwrecks, saltwater taffy and fresh seafood, there’s plenty to explore. Plan on packing your bikes, kayaks, hiking shoes and cameras and mark these dates on your calendars - we look forward to seeing you there. Safe travels


L. Lawson, Contributing Editor REGION

October is when night guzzles up the orange sherbet sunset and sends the day to bed before supper . . . ~ Bobbi Katz Arizona Unit Caravan to International Balloon Fiesta Albuquerque, NM, September 29 - October 3 Leaders: Pat & Babs Cahalan 4CU, Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta Rally,Albuquerque, NM, October 4 - 8 Previous registration required. Contact Host: Ken Johansen, Region 11 Rally, Camp Verde, AZ, October 10 - 13 Held at the Distant Drums RV Resort, right off of I-17. The Arizona Unit annual meeting to be held at this rally! Contact Hosts: Roger Pruter & Barbara Vaughn, 719-4758899 or 719-332-9051, New Mexico Unit, Thanksgiving Warm-Up Rally Caballo Lake SP, NM, October 24 - 27 NM Unit Annual Meeting & Installation to be held at this rally! Contact Hosts: Bob & Anne Werth, 505-331-7226, If you are hosting an upcoming Airstream rally or event in Region 11 that you would like to promote in this section of the Blue Beret, please send details to Region11BB@gmail. com 55 days before the first of that month’s issue!



Kia Kelley-Johnson, Contributing Editor

By the time you read this, our Region Rally “Silver Among the Vines” will be a sweet memory of fall colors reflected on aluminum. Everyone did their best to make this an enjoyable rally for you to attend. I’m a big believer in feedback loops that can provide useful information on what works and what didn’t work. Send your comments to Region President Bob Stansbury []. We want to make the next rally even better. Tell him what was great; good, bad and ugly and let’s make the next Region Rally one great affair. Of course, any profuse and flowery accolades are gladly accepted. Everyone in our Region is a tremendous source of skills and talents - please consider helping out at the 2014 Rally. Plan to attend these events in 2014 - all information is on the Region 12’s website: 125th Rose Parade is on December 28, 2013 to January 1, 2014. This year’s theme is “Dreams Come True”. 33rd National Hobo Rally February 3-9, 2014. There will be lots of events and activities to experience. Region 12 Rally October 14-20, 2014. Checkout the website for a list of what the area has to offer. Bet there is something for everyone. I want to add my flowery gratitude to the rally workers Job well done!

Fourth of July Parade at Huron, SD Euna Ridenour #4064 Mardi Gras is one of the best times of the year in Louisiana, but it never fails that the Greater New Orleans Unit has a wonderful time at the International Rally when they do their sashaying into the parade each 4th of July!! This year was no exception. We handed out many beads, boas, masks and small umbrellas. There were two adorable granddaughters at the parade this year. Hugh Ridenour gave Alicia Ruef, the granddaughter of Cecil Hoosier, a beautiful foil umbrella. She enjoyed twirling it as much as the rest of the group! Lonnie Carver then gave Alicia’s friend at the International Rally, Jordyn Nuss, the granddaughter of Tom Richardson, an umbrella so she could join in on the fun too, and they continued to enjoy the parade, even after it was over, with their boas, beads and umbrellas. We hope to see them back next year to get in on the fun!!

Blue Beret / October 2013


Dave Schumann, General Manager Customer Relations Group

October is here and if you are living in the northern parts of the country you are probably squeezing in a few more trips before the cold weather sets in, enjoy. With the colder weather, you start thinking about storing your Airstream for the winter and with that comes questions to Customer Support. Here are some questions and reminders for winter storage. Should I remove my batteries from my Airstream for the winter? Batteries will last longer if kept charged, and having the battery stored in a garage or workshop makes monitoring and charging the battery/batteries easier. Removing the battery also gives you the opportunity to have your battery tested (load tested at battery supplier) and inspected for any damage to the battery case (leaking fluid or bulging sides).You will also want to check fluid levels and fill as necessary with distilled water so top of plates are covered. It is also a good time to inspect battery terminals and cable ends for corrosion. Clean them with a wire brush and apply a protective coating to battery posts and cable ends. You can leave the batteries in your Airstream when storing if you keep them charged; this will require plugging unit in or hooking up to a charger at least monthly. Batteries should be fully charged when placed in storage and maintained to keep batteries from freezing. Airstream does not recommend leaving unit plugged in when in storage. Some quick winter storage reminders Shut off the propane at the tank/tanks. Make sure that your tires are properly inflated, clean and covered to protect from UV rays. Sun and air pollutants can also cause deterioration of the rubber compound, causing dry-rot in your tires. Apply dielectric grease to 7 way cord connections to prevent corrosion while in storage. Remove any water filters before winterizing and install filter plug or by-pass line. You will not be able to remove all of the water from the filter when using air to winterize and you do not want them full of RV antifreeze if you are using it to fill and protect water lines. If your water heater is gas and electric, make sure the electric heating element is turned off. This will protect the element if the unit is plugged in while being stored or before water is put back into system next spring. Leave the fridge and freezer doors open. To help dry out the refrigerator and freezer compartments prior to storage, crumple up newspaper and put in freezer and lower refrigerator compartment for 24 to 48 hours to absorb moisture and then remove papers. Remove all food items, paper and cardboard from closets and cabinets. We don’t want to encourage winter guests (rodents). Leave cabinet, closet and cabinet doors open when storing for better circulation and humidity control. Wash your Airstream before storing, especially the roof. Washing the roof will let you inspect for any water leaks, loose or cracked sealants or any damage to AC covers or vents. If you see anything damaged or looks questionable, get it corrected before putting in storage. Lubricate all joints, pivot points and gears on your steps and stabilizer jacks. Flo-Jet macerator Model series 18550-300C Winterization of the Flo-Jet macerator pump and flexible drain hose used in our Airstream NCV3 Interstate van. Winterization: It will take an approximate 2 gallons of RV antifreeze for the winterization of your plumbing drain lines, your macerator and the flexible discharge line. Step one: Pour 1 gallon of antifreeze into the sinks in bath and galley of your Interstate. This will provide protection for any water left in drain lines as well as the dump valve. Step two: Pour 1 gallon of antifreeze into the black tank through the toilet bowl.


Blue Beret / October 2013

Schu’s News

Step three: Pull the flexible dump hose out and open the valve to allow the antifreeze to come out when pump is activated. Step four: Open the black dump valve, then turn on the macerator pump and let run until you have a flow of antifreeze coming out the drain hose. Turn off macerator pump, then close the black tank drain valve and the valve at end of the flexible drain hose. Step five: Open grey tank dump valve to verify you have antifreeze in the valve then close again. By using the two gallons of antifreeze, you are assuring that the drain lines and valves have been protected. Reminder: do you have your membership number handy? Coach-Net Membership Plan Airstream offers free 24/7 assistance on all 2012 and newer model year trailers provided by Coach-Net Membership Plans. This two-year service covers both your Airstream van or travel trailer and tow vehicle that is attached to the trailer. Not only does this service provide emergency roadside service should you have a breakdown, but Coach-Net Membership Plans also provide technical service for your Airstream after hours should you have any questions. Contact Coach-Net at or 855-879-4091. RV lifestyle remains as strong as ever Research, conducted by Dr. Richard Curtin, RV industry analyst and director of consumer surveys at the University of Michigan, reveals the number of RV-owning households has grown to a new peak of 8.9 million households, up from 7.9 million in 2005. According to the report, 8.5% of U.S. households now own RVs, up from 8.0% in 2005. At the pearly gates, St. Peter greeted a minister and congressman and gave them their room assignments. “Pastor, here are the keys to one of our nicest efficiency units. And for you, Mr. Congressman, the keys to our finest penthouse suite.” “This is unfair!” cried the minister. “Listen,” St. Peter said, “ministers are a dime a dozen up here, but this is the first congressman we’ve ever seen.” Have a great month and we will see you on down the road! If you have a topic for this column, please send your suggestions to: Dave Schumann, Airstream, Inc., 419 W. Pike Street, Jackson Center, OH 45334

If your topic is published, you will receive a “Schu’s News” t-shirt!

Blue Beret / October 2013




Short Sleeve Happy Airstream Camper Pacific Blue

Long Sleeve Holiday Airstream Avocado Green

New Styles and Colors Now Available at and participating dealers.

Short Sleeve Airstream Wander SUV Heather Gray

Short Sleeve Happy Airstream Camper Retro Green

7413 40

Blue Beret / October 2013 

Long Sleeve Airstream Lakeside Snow Sunset Coral

Short Sleeve Holiday Airstream Cherry Red

Blue Beret / October 2013



Blue Beret / October 2013 

Blue Beret / October 2013


International Convention/Rally 2014 Jan 5-11 Jun 28-Jul 4

IBT Rally, Rayne, Louisiana 2014 International Convention/Rally, Gillette, Wyoming

National rallies Oct 3-7 Oct 4-8

TX Vintage Rally, Gonzales, TX Balloon Fiesta, Albuquerque, NM

SPECIAL EVENT RALLIES Oct Oct 3-7 Oct 4-8 Oct 10-14 Oct 12-20 Dec 28Jan 1, 2014

No Tall Stacks & Turkey till 2014 Cincinnati, OH & Brookville, IN Storytelling Festival Rally, Jonesborough, TN Balloon Fiesta, Albuquerque, NM Canadian Thanksgiving & Columbus Day Rally Provincetown, MA Sun Valley Jazz Festival, Ketchum, ID Rose Parade Rally, Pasadena, CA

National Caravans 2013 Aug 22-Oct 14 N-42-E1 Aug 26-Oct 20 N-42-E2 Oct 20-Nov 15 N-42-I 2014 Feb-Mar N-43-K Mar-Apr N-43-M Mar 11-25 N-43-Q

Southwest Adventure - Leaders: Thompson Ph. 850-766-0036 / Montague Ph. 850-212-3726 Southwest Adventure - Leader: Glassey Ph. 206-605-2986 STANDBY ONLY Where Da Heck is Chokoloskee? Leader: Courtney Ph. 513-325-0219

Florida Fantasy - Leader: Skipper Ph. 850-528-0437 Georgia Plantations - Leaders: Thompson Ph. 850-766-0036/Montague Ph. 850-212-3726 Cajun Country Caravan - Leaders: Boudreaux Ph. 985-209-0376/985-688-3467/985-446-1931 Apr 24-May 15 N-43-A STANDBY ONLY Springtime in Kentucky Leader: Wilson Ph. 270-782-6554 or 270-792-3814 Jun 2-22 N-43-N Taste of the Blue Ridge - Leader: Matkovich Ph. 708-246-8309 or 708-567-4686 Jul 6-Aug 22 N-43-C STANDBY ONLY National Landmarks West Leader: Glassey Ph. 360-459-5608 Jul 10-Aug 14 N-43-P Nor by Nor’ East Caravan - Leaders: Walbridge Ph. 781-254-6399 Jul 12-Sep 12 N-43-G STANDBY ONLY Alyeska, the Great Land Leader: Johnjulio Ph. 216-533-1752 or 216-533-1752 Aug 25-Oct 15 N-43-J STANDBY ONLY Southwest Adventure Leader: Glassey Ph. 360-459-5608 Sep 7-Oct 5 N-43-I Watch it Made in the USA - Leader: Hilton Ph. 352-205-9928 Sep 10-Oct 10 N-43-B The Great River Road - Leader: Andrzejewski Ph. 603-770-1609


Blue Beret / October 2013

Sep 22-Oct 25 N-43-L Oct 7-Nov 15 N-43-D Oct 19-Nov 14 N-43-O 2015 N-44-A N-44-B N-44-C N-44-D N-44-E N-44-F N-44-G

Gone to Texas - Leaders: Snow Ph. 832-2174508 / Kindle Ph. 713-907-4624 Southeast Coast Spectacular - Leader: Carnein Ph. 623-974-4762 Where Da Heck is Chokoloskee? - Leader: Courtney Ph. 513-325-0219

Viking Trail Caravan - Leader: Hilton Ph. 352-205-9928 Golf-N-Around - Leader: Skipper Ph. 850-528-0437 Canadian Rocky Mountains - Leader: Leach Ph. 281-536-6185 Rocky Mountain High USA - Leader: Leach Ph. 281-536-6185 Southwest Adventure - Leader: Glassey Ph. 206-605-2986 Lewis & Clark Trail - Leader: Bernd Ph. 360-970-7245 Fly, Drive Alaska - Leader: Matkovich Ph. 708-567-4686

unit Caravans Sep 14-Oct 5


Autumn with the Anasazi - Leader: Collins, Idaho Unit

REGION  1 Region 1 Website: Oct 10-14

Canadian Thanksgiving & Columbus Day Rally, Provincetown, MA

Cape Cod Massachusetts Unit - Oct 10-14

Nov 9

Columbus Day & Canadian Thanksgiving Special Event Rally, Coastal Acres Camping Ct., 76R Bayberry Ave., Provincetown, MA, from end of Rte. 6, continue on Rte. 6A to Bradford St., L into CG at Coastal Acres sign, Mary Rosenbach 508-246-3210, email: streaminpilgrim Walbridge 781-248-8116, email: Pre-Holiday Luncheon 1 PM, Fins & Tales, Rte. 131, Southbridge, MA, Larry Lamontagne 413-245-9941, email:

Charter Oak Connecticut Unit - Nov 3

Installation Dinner Noon, Manchester Country Club, 305 S Main St., Manchester, CT, Bob Sandall 860-649-0480, email:

Hudson-Mohawk New York Unit - Oct 3-5 Nov 10

Rally, Turning Stone RV Park, Geoff Whittle 518-783-1606, email: Luncheon Noon, Moscatiello’s Italian Rest., 99 N. Greenbush Rd., Troy, NY, Steve Brown 518-462-1412/518429-0270

Keystone Pennsylvania Unit - Oct 11-13 Nov 16

“Do Your Own Thing” Rally, Delaware Seashore State Park, 130 Hwy. One, Rehoboth, DE, Tim Bell 610-4461768, email: Fall Fling Luncheon Noon, Kushto’s, 114 Flagstaff Rd., Philadelphia, PA, Will Kushto, 215-677-5079, email:

Metropolitan New York Unit - Oct TBA

Halloween Rally, Indian Island Cty Park, Riverhead, NY, Kenneth Scheublein, email:

Mid-Atlantic Unit - Oct 4-8 Oct 25-27

Caravan to National Storytelling Rally, Jonesborough, TN, Robert Blom 410-643-8550 Business Meeting/Installation Rally, Crisfield, MD, Phil Wade 410-820-7882

New England Unit -

New Jersey Unit

Oct 4-6

Oct 18-20

Oct 25-27

Rally, TBA, Rich Collins 802-442-6862, email: cxrcollins@ Halloween Rally-Scarestream III, Winter Island CG, Salem, MA, J. Rick Cipot 203-743-7664, email:

Quebec Canada Unit - White Mountains New Hampshire Unit - Sep 30-Oct 3 Fryeburg Fair Rendezvous (extension of caravan), Fryeburg, ME, Jerry Carruba 802-485-3792, email:

REGION  2 Region 2 Website: Al-Mon-O Pennsylvania Unit Berkshire New York Unit Oct TBA Nov TBA

Anna Kelly 845-778-1845

Central Maryland Unit – Oct 4-6

Business Meeting/Installation Rally, Tom’s Little CG, 23717 Hollywood Rd., Leonardtown, MD, Tom Potter 301-9970423, email:

Central Pennsylvania Unit – Oct TBA

Conservation Rally, Little Buffalo State Park, Newport, PA

Delaware Valley New Jersey Unit – Oct TBA Nov TBA

Victorian Days Rally, Cape May, NJ

Delmarva Unit - Oct 10-13

Installation Rally, 4-H Park, Centreville, MD, Mary Ann Parks 302-584-3215, email:

Halloween/Election Rally, Jersey Shore Haven, South Seaville, NJ, Judy Coupe 267-261-1392, email:

New York Finger Lakes Unit - Ontario Canada Unit - Oct 4-6

“Chili Out” Milton Falls Rendezvous, Milton Heights CG, 8690 Tremaine Rd., Milton, ON, Kathy Blake 905-3990784, email:

Penn Lehigh Unit – Sep 27-Oct 5 PA US Rte 6 Caravan, Glen Lippincott Oct TBA Conservation/Volunteer Joint Rally w/Central PA Unit, Little Buffalo State Park, 1579 State Park Rd., Newport PA, Rt. 81, Newport Exit, (at Harrisburg) take PA Rt. 322 W, follow PA Rt. 34 S thru Newport, John Bates 717-507-7277, email: Nov 9 Installation Luncheon 2 PM, TBA, Glen Lippincott

Pennsylvania Unit - Oct 4-6

Silver Leaf Rally, Penn Wood CG, Jason Smeed 814-7646448, email:

Washington DC Unit - Oct 24-27

Installation Rally, George Washington Birthplace National Monument, Colonial Beach, VA, see web for details, Harley Muse 804-466-0974, email:

Watchung New Jersey Unit - Oct TBA Nov TBA

Buddy Rally/Annual Business Meeting, Richard Short 609693-5986 Luncheon, Ed Brunner 908-362-6097

REGION  3 Region 3 Website: Oct 16-20

Carolinas State Rally, Cleveland, SC

Big Bend Florida Unit - Oct 18-20 Nov 8-10

Rally, Kolomoki Mounds State Park, Blakely, GA, TBA Installation Rally, Live Oak Landing RV Park, Freeport, FL, Gayle Duncan 850-638-4908

Blue Beret / October 2013


Carolinas Unit of North Carolina - Oct 3-6 Nov 7-10

Buddy Rally, Mayberry CG, 114 Bunker Rd., Mt. Airy, NC 336-789-6199, Kenneth Dorn 919-630-6999, email: Rally, Ocean Lakes Family CG, 6001 S. Kings Hwy., Myrtle Beach, SC 877-510-1413, Kenneth Dorn 919-630-6999, email:

Coastal Georgia - Oct 17-20

Installation Rally, Skidaway Island State Park, Savannah

Eastern North Carolina Unit - Oct 16-20 Nov 16-18

Rally, Carolinas Mountain Jamboree, Palmetto Cove RV Park, 521 Table Rock Rd., Cleveland, SC, David Winterhalter 910-253-4110, email: Rally, Smithfield KOA, Four Oaks, NC, I-95 exit 90, Eric Nelson 910-754-7527, email:

Everglades Florida Unit - Oct 21-25 Nov 18-22

W.P. Franklin Locks, Chuck Bergman 239-772-7130/239281-4337 Rally, Koreshan State Park, Chuck Bergman 239-7727130/239-281-4337

Florida Unit Oct 24-27

Rally/Business Meeting, KOA, Port Orange, FL, Larry Scovotto 386-405-0160, email:

Florida Springs Unit - Florida Suncoast Unit - Florida Treasure Coast Unit - Nov 7-10

Installation Rally, Travelers Rest RV Resort, 29129 Johnston Rd., Dade City, FL, Sandy Poast 937-609-5143

Georgia Unit - Oct 23-27

Installation Rally, Top of GA Airstream Park, Helen, GA, Steve Rosenthal 770-842-4652, email: airstreemer@gmail. com

Shenandoah Valley of Virginia Unit South Carolina Coastal Unit - Oct 4-6

Nov 1-3

South Florida Unit Southeastern Camping Unit Tidewater Virginia Unit - Virginia Unit - Oct 4-6

Nov 15-17

Fall Foliage Rally, Candy Hill KOA, Winchester, VA, from Washington Beltway (I-495) take SR-7 (Leesburg Pike) NW to Winchester, VA, continue through downtown & pick-up US 50 W, continue past the SR-37 overpass & turn L on Ward Ave. to CG, Edgar Simmons 540-421-1756, email: Entertainment Rally, Fort Belvoir Family CG, Fort Belvoir, VA, from I-95 S of DC, take exit 266A, Newington/Ft. Belvoir, drive E on SR 286 to US 1, turn L on US 1 & drive to next traffic light, turn R on Pohick Rd. into Fort Belvoir, pass security, turn R at 1st traffic light (Theote Rd.), turn R on Warren Rd. and descend to river area, turn L at tee and proceed to CG, Lew Brodsky 703-451-0122, email:

Palmetto State South Carolina Unit Oct 12-14 Oct 16-20 Nov 9-11

Fall Celebration Rally, Palmetto Cove RV Park, 521 Table Rock Rd., Cleveland, SC 864-836-6221, Ken Whitman 864415-5944, email: Carolinas Mountain Jamboree, Palmetto Cove RV Park, 521 Table Rock Rd., Cleveland, SC 864-836-6221 Thanksgiving Rally, Palmetto Cove RV Park, 521 Table Rock Rd., Cleveland, SC 864-836-6221, Ken Whitman 864415-5944, email:

Piedmont North Carolina Unit - Oct 10-13 Nov 7-10


Rally (Dry Camp), Lu Mil Vineyards, 438 Suggs-Taylor Rd., Dublin, NC, Schradie 919-967-5586, email: mjschradie@ Installation Rally, NC State FG, 1025 Blue Ridge Rd., Raleigh, NC, Stewart 919-696-4128, email: betsyehs@

Blue Beret / October 2013

Rally, Virginia Highland Haven Airstream RV Park, Copper Hill, VA, directions at, Doug Doberer 540-631-6322, email:

Western North Carolina Unit - Oct 16-20

Jamboree/Installation Rally, Palmetto Cove RV Park, Cleveland, SC, Dan McIntyre 828-712-3298

REGION  4 Region 4 Website: Akron Ohio Unit - Oct 17-20 Nov 13

Northern Virginia Unit - Oct 18-20

Beach & Bike Rally, Edisto State Park, Live Oak Section, or reserve America; make reservations w/CG, Kate Tyminski 843-757-9210, email: Installation & Turkey Fry, Wigwam in the Woods, John Tanner, email: for directions, Kate Tyminski 843-757-9210, email:

Installation/Buddy Rally, Meadow Lake Park, 8970 Canaan Center Rd., Wooster, OH, Gary Auman 330-882-6340, email: Thanksgiving Luncheon 11:30 AM, Waterloo Rest., 423 E. Waterloo Rd., Akron, OH, Gene Hill 330-896-7050, email:

Appalachian Unit of West Virginia Oct 10-13

Installation Rally, Piney Flats, TN, David Milhorn 423-5385282

Auglaize Valley Ohio Unit Oct 26

Luncheon Noon, Henry’s Rest., 810 N. Locust St., Ottawa, OH, Tom Richardson 419-221-2626

Cincinnati Ohio Unit - Oct 3-6

Nov 9

Turkey Rally, Franklin Cty 4-H Park, Brookville, IN, on S end of Brookville, from US 52, turn W on Blue Creek Rd., park will be on R, Sonny Thompson 937-545-8356, email: Harvest Brunch 9 AM, Golden Corral, Fairfield, OH, take I-275 exit 39, turn R onto Winton Rd. then R onto Kolb Rd., rest. will be on L, Mark Kennedy 937-609-9415, email:

Cleveland Ohio Unit - Columbus Ohio Unit - email: Land-O-Lakes of Ohio Unit Oct TBA


Mahoning Valley Ohio Unit - Oct 13

Installation Luncheon 2 PM, Geneva State Park Lodge, Rick Richardson 440-964-2723, email: rickelainehq@

Metro Detroit Michigan Unit Nov TBA

Oct 2-5

Luncheon, Al Miller 248-625-3513

Miami Valley Unit of Ohio 1st Wed each month Breakfast 9 AM, Roush’s Rest., 405 W. Main St., Fairborn, OH, Ralph Reboulet 937-433-0632, email: r.reboulet@

Northern Illinois Unit - Oct 11-13

Michigan Unit Oct 3-7

Installation Rally, Grand Rapids, MI, Norm Kiel 616-4571989, email:

Mid-Eastern Michigan Unit Oct 17-20

Rally, McCurdy’s Orchard, 3840 Hunter’s Creek Rd., Metamora, MI, take I-69 to Exit 163, Lake Pleasant Rd., go S on Lake Pleasant 1 1/4 mi. to Hunter’s Creek Rd., go W 1 1/4 mi. to 3840 Hunter’s Creek, call ahead, early parking on Thursday, Sam Earl 989-673-4572

Mohican Valley Ohio Unit Oct 5

Installation Luncheon 11:30 AM, Legends Rest., 63 W. Main St., Shelby, OH, Steve Rhodes 419-896-3276, email: Dinner 5 PM, Steve’s Dakota Grill, 3101 Park Ave. W, Ontario, OH, Mike Pierce 419-884-3931, email: rp53tch@

Nov 7

Northern Ohio Virtual Airstream Unit -

REGION  5 Region 5 Website: Central Indiana Unit - www.centralind. Oct 4-13 Nov 30

Banks of the Wabash In and Out Caravan Part 2, along Wabash River from Lafayette, IN south, Ann Newman 317850-6402, email: Christmas Luncheon, TBA, Dan Kachele 317-372-2907, email:

Illinois Lincolnland Unit - Oct 11-14

Joint Rally w/Southern IL Unit, Cty FG, Salem, IL, Susan Swearingen 217-648-5085, email: smsflyfisher@hotmail. com

Indiana Unit - 1st Mon each month except December Dinner 5 PM, Golden Corral (formerly Ryans Bldg.), 6315 S. Scatterfield Rd., Anderson, IN, S of exit 226 (old no. 26) I-69 & Scatterfield Rd. (109 By-Pass), Robert Green 765644-5289, email: 1st Thur each month except December Luncheon 11:30 AM, Golden Corral, Lima Rd., Ft. Wayne, IN, S from I-69 on Lima Rd. approx. 2 blocks, Fred Bennett 260-244-4507

Installation Rally, Pride Park, Taylor Mill, KY, from Louisville, take I-71 N toward Cincinnati, 89.5 mi., take exit 185 to merge onto I-275 E, 5 mi., take exit 79 to Taylor Mill/ Covington, .5 mi. then R onto Taylor Mill Rd., destination on R (dry camping), Larry Spaulding 859-653-1936, email: Installation/Thanksgiving Rally, Lee Cty 4-H FG, 1100 Franklin Rd., Amboy, IL, Brian McFarland 773-248-3735, email:

Southern Illinois Unit - Oct 11-13


Installation/Joint Rally w/IL Lincolnland Unit, Marion Cty FG, Salem, IL, approx. 1 mi. S of town square on Rte. 37, on E side of hwy., Carol White 618-319-0523, email: Free Rally, Jim Hutchens 618-528-3009, email:

Southern Indiana Unit - Sep 30-Oct 5 Installation/Rolling Rally, Vine Grove Optomist CG, Vine Grove, KY, leave Oct 2, return Oct 6, Ishmal Miller 270521-7591/270-869-5572

REGION  6 Oct 3-7 Oct 22-27 Nov 14-17

Storytelling Festival, Jonesborough, TN, Harry & Teresa Herrmann Region 6 Rally, Gadsden, AL Alabama State Rally, Foley, AL

Alabama Unit 1st Sat each month Luncheon 1 PM, TBA, Birmingham, AL, call for directions, Maxine Fikes 205-798-1735 2nd Sat each month Luncheon 11:30 AM, TBA, Tuscaloosa, AL, call for directions, Ruth Hollingsworth 205-345-6077, email: 2nd Mon each month Dinner 6 PM, TBA, Montgomery, AL, call for directions, Paul Aehnlich 334-277-9647, email: Oct 22-27 Nov 14-17

Region 6 Rally, River Country CG, 1 River Rd., Gadsden, AL 256-543-7111 Rally, Anchors Aweigh RV Resort, 19814 Cty. Rd. 20 S., Foley, AL 251-971-6644

Arkansas Razorback Unit 1st Thurs bi-monthly Starting Feb-Luncheon 11:30 AM, TBA, Carole Barton 479890-6116, email: Oct 22-27

Region 6 Rally, Gadsden, AL

East Tennessee Unit Oct 3-7 Nov 9

Storytelling Special Event Rally, Appalachian FG, Gray, TN, early parking Sep 29, Harry Herrmann 865-300-7551, email: Luncheon Noon, Ryan’s, Hwy. 129, Alcoa, Melroe Phillips 865-984-3732, email:

Kentucky Unit -

Greater New Orleans Louisiana Unit

2nd Tues each month except December Dinner, 6 PM, Jane Miller, 502-777-4363, email:

Oct 21 Oct 22-27 Nov TBA

Installation/Business Meeting, River Country RV Park, Gadsden, AL, Lonnie Carver 504-957-9362, email: carver. Region 6 Rally, Gadsden, AL, Lonnie Carver 504-9579362, email: Luncheon, Selma Evans 504-682-3002, email: evans.

Blue Beret / October 2013


Louisiana Acadiana Unit Oct 22-27 Nov 7-10

Region 6 Rally, River Country CG, Gadsden, AL, Lonnie Carver 504-957-9362, email: Thanksgiving Rally, Lagneaux’s CG, Lafayette, LA, exit #97 on I-10 S to LA Hwy. 93 for 3/4 mi., turn R on US 90 W for 2 mi., turn L to LA Hwy. 724 (Fieldspan) for 4 mi., look to L after stop sign for Lagneaux’s CG sign to CG on L

Nov 9

Greater St. Louis Missouri Unit - Oct 17-20 TBA

Memphis Tennessee Unit - Oct 18-20

Oct 22-27 Nov 8-10

Pre-Rally to Region 6 (no host), Trace State Park, Pontotoc, MS, 9 mi. W of Tupelo, MS & 8 mi. E of Pontotoc, MS, on MS Hwy 6, signs on MS Hwy 6, park is approx. 2 mi. off of MS Hwy 6 on Faulkner Rd. in Pontotoc County, Jessie Vest 901-550-7928, email: vestcathy@ Region 6 Rally, Gadsden, AL, Lonnie Carver, email: Fall Rally, Reelfoot State Park, Tiptonville, TN, from Memphis take Hwy. 51 N to Dyersburg, turn L onto TN 78 N and go 23 mi., turn R onto Church St/TN 21/TN 22, follow signs to CG just past spillway

Mississippi Unit

Nov-Apr 1st Thurs each month Luncheon 11:45 AM, Golden Corral Rest., 1868 N. Power Rd., Mesa, AZ, Doris Jean Cabalka 480-216-8096 Oct 10-14 Nov 9

Oct 5

Oct 16-19

Nov 2

Oct 22-27 Nov 1-3

Region 6 Rally, Gadsden, AL Fall Foliage Rally, TCPS, Crossville, TN, Tommy Shepherd 931-647-0034, email:

Pensacola Florida Unit Nov 15-17

Thanksgiving Rally, Mystic Springs Cove, 591 Mystic Springs Rd., McDavid, FL, located approx. 27 mi. N of Pensacola, FL, Henry Foster 850-266-4665, email:

Tennessee Unit - Oct 22-27

Region 6 Rally, Gadsden, AL

REGION  7 Region 7 Website:

Installation Rally, Birmingham, IA, Paul Ryan 641-4559444, email: Luncheon 11:30 AM, Ryan’s Steakhouse, 130 Collins Rd., Cedar Rapids, IA, Marilyn Mulbrook 319-329-6627, email:

Kansas City Missouri Unit -

Oct 15-17

Nashville Music City Tennessee Unit

Installation Rally, Landing Point RV Park, Cape Girardeau, MO, Dale Hofstetter 573-893-6259, email: ltlchip@ Shepard 314-550-8672 Holiday Luncheon, Our Lady of the Snows, Belleville, IL, Hugh Bartlett 314-578-0435, email:

Iowa Unit -

1st Tue of each month Luncheon 11:30 AM, members will be notified by email for location, Harriette Warren 601-942-3085, email: Election Rally, Lake Tiak-O’Khata, Louisville, MS, SR 25 1 mi. S SR 15 intersection, J.C. Prather 662-210-0458/Ethel Grisham 662-837-3320

Holiday Luncheon 11:30 AM, TBA, Leon Foster 620-3317459, email:

Luncheon 11:30 AM, Jack Stack BBQ, 13441 Holmes Rd., Martin City, MO 816-942-9141, Ben Corder 816-565-1722, email: Campout Rally, Bennett Springs State Park, CG 1, Lebanon, MO 877-422-6766, Ben Corder 816-565-1722, email: Luncheon 11 AM, Home Town Buffet, 40 Hwy. & Noland Rd., Independence, MO, Gary Ball 816-210-8388

Missouri Greater Ozark Unit Oct 24-27

Fall Fest Rally, Wanderlust RV Park, Eureka Springs, AR, Gary Rush 573-345-3727, email:

Nebraska Unit - 2nd Mon each month Luncheon Noon, Old Country Buffet, 144th & West Center Rd., Omaha, NE, Dan Hoyt 712-642-2927, email: Psf3dh@ Oct 3-6

Rally, Valley Cty FG, Ord, NE, Ron Vanneman 402-3761717, email:

North Iowa Unit - Oct 3-6

Installation Rally, FG, Albert Lee, MN, Ted Holmen 507282-9103, email:


Minnesota Unit

Region 9 Website:

North Dakota Peace Garden Unit -

Oct 3-7

Wisconsin Unit -

East Texas Lakes Unit

Oct 4-6

Rally/Meeting, Snyder Park, Clark Co., WI, take Hwy. 10 to Cty. Rd. B to Snyder Park entrance on Arndt Rd., Steve Piotrowski 608-255-3953, email:

REGION  8 Region 8 Website: Greater Kansas Unit Oct 17-30


Back to School Installation Rally, Community Center, Abbyville, KS, Frank Solomon 316-788-0167, email:

Blue Beret / October 2013

Oct 4-6

National Texas Vintage Rally, Gonzales, TX Rally, North Texas Airstream Community, 200 Walnut Hill Ave., Hillsboro, TX, Paula Boyd 972-287-5690, email:

Heart of Texas Camping Unit TBA

Monthly Activities TBA, please visit our website

North Texas Unit - Oct 3-7 Nov 8-10

Vintage Rally, J.B. Wells FG, Gonzales, TX Installation Rally, NTAC, Hillsboro, TX, Andy Selking 817879-5866, email:

Oklahoma Unit Oct 14-19

Rally, Cedar Valley Golf Course, Guthrie, W of Guthrie on Hwy. 33

Texas Alamo Unit -


1st Sat each month Dinner 5 PM, Las Carretas Rest., 3975 Perrin Central, San Antonio, TX, call for directions, Roseann Wood 210-3163172, email:

Region 10 Website:

Oct 3-7

Oct 12-20

Special Interest Rally - Vintage Rally, J.B. Wells Park & Arena, Gonzales, TX, Roseann Wood, 210-316-3172, email: Oct 24-27 Halloween Rally, Miller Creek RV Park, 5618 US Hwy. 281 S, Johnson City, TX, call for directions, Roseann Wood, 210-316-3172, email: Nov 27-Dec 1 Thanksgiving/Christmas Rally, Alamo Fiesta RV Resort, 33000 IH-10 W., Boerne, TX, call for directions, Roseann Wood, 210-316-3172, email:

Texas Coastal Plains Unit - Oct 10-13 Nov 14-17

Family/Buddy Rally, Brazos Bend State Park, 21901 FM 762, Needville, TX, Tom Bundy 281-679-6319, email: Fall Foliage Rally, Country Place RV Park, 3043 Waukegan Rd., Cut-N-Shoot, TX, Tom Bundy 281-679-6319, email:

Texas Gulf Coast Unit - Oct 10-13 Nov 7-10

Watch for Spooks Rally, Texas Airstream Harbor, 5 mi. E of Zavalla, TX, on Hwy. 147, Paul Bevering, 936-465-6458, email: Thanksgiving Ahead Rally, Texas Airstream Harbor, 5 mi. E of Zavalla, TX, on Hwy. 147, Paul Bevering, 936-465-6458, email:

Texas Highland Lakes Unit - Oct 1 Oct 3-7 Oct 6-20 Nov 5 Nov 7-10

Luncheon 12:45 PM, Luby’s, 5200 Brodie Ln., Austin, TX, Jimmy Mooney 254-967-5689, email: “Cradle of History” Vintage Rally, J.B. Wells Park, Gonzales, TX, Fred Hazen 512-261-0122, email: jfhazen@ Louisiana Fall Festivals Caravan, E. Harvey Craig 512633-0380, email: Luncheon 12:45 PM, Luby’s, 5200 Brodie Lane, Austin, TX, Jimmy Mooney 254-967-5689, email: “Back to the Future” Rally, Buckhorn RV Resort, Kerrville, TX, Myron Fischer 512-266-3488, email: fisch963@

Texas Hill Country Unit - Oct 3-7 Nov 6-10

8th Texas Vintage Rally (sponsored by THCU), J.B. Wells Park & Arena, Gonzales, TX, Gayle Ketchum 210-8658136, email: Thanksgiving Installation Rally, Lone Star RV Park, 7009 S. IH 35, Austin, TX, Gayle Ketchum 210-865-8136, email:

Sun Valley Jazz Festival, Ketchum, ID

Alberta-Saskatchewan Unit British Columbia Unit - Idaho Unit - 2nd Sat each month Breakfast 8:30 AM, Golden Corral, 8460 W. Emerald St., Boise, ID, Peggy Campbell 208-853-6243 Oct 16-20 Nov 9

Rally, Jazz Festival, Sun Valley, ID Harvest Dinner, TBA, Mim Davidson 208-336-8325

Montana Unit - North Cascade Washington Unit Oregon Unit - 1st Sat each month Breakfast 9 AM, Mark Rest., 9900 SW Canyon Rd., Portland, OR, Bill Leppo 503-647-5710, email: Bill@Leppo. com Oct 18-20

Annual Meeting Rally, Champoeg State Park, Butteville, OR (about 20 mi. S of Portland, OR), Tony Starbird 503645-0767, email:

Washington Unit


Lacey, WA, Bob Legg 360-705-4374, email:

Region 11 Website: Oct 4-8 Oct 10-13

Balloon Fiesta, Albuquerque, NM Region 11 Rally, Camp Verde, AZ

Arizona Unit -

Texas Plains Unit -

Denver Colorado Unit -

1st Sat each month Luncheon 11:30 AM, Furr’s Family Dining, 6001 Slide Rd., Lubbock, TX, Ellene Osburn 806-829-2165, email:

Nov 9

1st Wed each month Luncheon 1 PM, Cattle Baron Steaks & Seafood, 418 W. Wadley Ave., Midland,TX, Georgia Summers 432-4134191 1st Sat each month Luncheon 11 AM, Wonderland RV Resort, US 87 & 24th St., Amarillo, TX, Don Goforth 806-356-0077 ea Thur

Balloon Volleyball 1 PM, (meal follows at various locations) 2001 19th St., Lubbock, TX, Sam Spence 806-773-6863

Oct 23-27

Blair Bluegrass Festival Rally, Quartz Mtn. State Park, 43393 Scissortail Rd., Lone Wolf, OK, Marvin Essary 806351-0198 Wonderland Wonders’ Luncheon, Wonderland RV Park Resort Rally Room, US 87 & 24th St., Amarillo, TX, Don Goforth 806-356-0077

Nov 16

Oct 19

Luncheon/Annual Business Meeting 11:30 AM, Table Mountain Inn, 1310 Washington Ave., Golden, CO, Susan Tiegs 303-549-4800, email: Luncheon 11:30 AM, Fort Collins Brewery, 1020 E. Lincoln Ave., Fort Collins, CO, Joe Bent 970-221-2902, email: joe.

Four Corners Unit of New Mexico Oct 4-8

Balloon Fiesta, I-25 N Balloon Fiesta Park, Albuquerque, NM, Ken Johansen, email:

New Mexico Unit - Oct 10-13 Oct 24-27

Region 11 Rally, Camp Verde, AZ, Richard Girard/Roger Pruter/Barbara Vaughn “Thanksgiving Warm-up” Meeting/Installation Rally, Caballo Lake RV State Park, Caballo, NM (call state park reservations website or first come, first serve), Bob Werth 505-331-7226, email:

Wyoming Unit -

Blue Beret / October 2013


REGION 12 Region 12 Website: Oct 4-8 Balloon Fiesta, Albuquerque, NM Oct 10-15 Region 12 Rally, Lodi, CA Dec 28, 2013Jan 1, 2014 Annual Rose Parade Special Event Rally, Pasadena, CA

Central Coast California Unit Oct 3-9 Nov 8-10

Balloon Fiesta w/Four Corners Unit, John Thornton 805226-9990, email: Annual Business Meeting/Rally, Pismo Coast Village, Pismo, CA, John Thornton 805-226-9990, email:

El Camino Real California Unit - Oct 16-20 Nov13-17

Rally, Tehachapi, CA, Jay Nordgren 714-898-5769, email: Rally, Chula Vista RV Resort, Mike Behan/Fred Delaney

Santa Clara California Unit - Oct 10-15 Nov 7-11

Region 12 Rally, 413 E. Lockeford St., Lodi, CA, NorCal Unit Installation/Buddy Rally w/San Joaquin CA Unit, Wine Country RV Resort, 2500 Airport Blvd., Paso Robles, CA, San Joaquin Unit

Sierra Nevada Unit - Oct 10-13 Nov 16 Nov TBA

Rally, Crocker, Beckwourth, CA, off Hwy. 70, NFS CG, Diane Leipper 775-972-5011, email: hq@ Luncheon 11:30 AM, Carolina Kitchens, Sparks, NV, off N Mccarran on Glendale, Diane Leipper 775-972-5011, email: Rally, Death Valley Mesquite CG, N end of Death Valley near Scotties Castle, Diane Leipper 775-972-5011, email:

South Coast California Unit - Oct 4-6 Nov 1-3

Rally, Tucalota Springs, Scott Weddle 714-323-9368, email: Rally, Golden Village Palms, Scott Weddle 714-323-9368, email:

Golden West California Unit - Oct 10-15 Nov 7-11

Region Rally, Lodi FG, 413 E. Lockeford St., Lodi, CA, Norcal Unit Installation Rally, Wine Country RV Resort, 2500 Airport Blvd., Paso Robles, CA, Ross Bauer, email: golfervp@

Long Beach California Unit - Oct 3-7 Oct 7-9 Oct 10-15 Nov 21-25

Rally, Golden Shores RV Park, Long Beach, CA, Marlene Bowman 760-249-5753, email: Caravan to Region Rally, Long Beach to Lodi, CA, Marlene Bowman 760-249-5753, email: Region 12 Rally “Silver Among the Vines”, Lodi, CA, Marlene Bowman 760-249-5753, email: wwbowmans@ Buddy/Joint Rally w/San Fernando Valley CA Unit, Camp Pendleton RV Park, Camp Pendleton, CA, Leah Newport 909-797-0858

Nevada Unit - 1st Sat each month Breakfast 8 AM, Egg Works, 2490 E. Sunset Rd., Las Vegas, NV, 702-873-3447, Diane Hancock 702-521-4720, email:

Northern California Unit - Oct 10-15 Nov 6-10

Region 12 Rally “Silver Among the Vines”, Lodi Grape Festival Grounds, Lodi, CA, Gregg Ayer 707-578-1290, email: Rally, Betabel RV, San Juan Bautista, CA, Larry Larsen 925-944-4739, email:

San Diego California Unit - Oct 10-15 Nov 15-17

Region 12 Rally, Lodi, CA Thanksgiving Rally, Jojoba Hills SKP Resort, 45120 Hwy. 79 S, Aguanga, CA, from I-15 to Hwy 79 S (Temecula Pkwy/Exit 58) E approx. 17.2 mi, watch for park sign on L and L turn lane to SKP Resort, Bev Kuhn 951-415-6705, email: Auchter 760-6300070, email:

San Fernando Valley California Unit Oct 10-15 Nov 21-25

Region 12 Rally, Lodi, CA Joint Rally w/Long Beach CA Unit, Camp Pendleton Marine Base, Bobbi Kingsland 949-689-4378, email:

San Joaquin California Unit - Nov 7-11


Installation/Buddy Rally, Wine Country RV Resort, 2500 Airport Blvd., Paso Robles, CA, Ross Bauer 559-297-2233

Blue Beret / October 2013

In Memoriam The officers and members of Wally Byam Caravan Club International, Inc. express their sympathy to the families and friends of these departed members.

Beitz, Tom (091-NJ)......................................#6760 Compton, Norman (099-TX).......................#26125 Garrison, Esther (084-OH)...........................#1133 Hovey, David (032-GA).................................#5006 Klinkel, Gwen (112-WA)................................#6380 PFL Washington Unit Lahr, Joan (116-WI).........................................#223 Standing Comm. Chairman, PP Region 7 Lynch, Billie E. (138-WA)............................#13728 PP North Cascade Washington Unit Mogge, John (000-AL)..................................#3890 Mouton, J. Carrol (128-LA).........................#14047 PP Louisiana Acadiana Unit Read, Edgar (176-IL)...................................#14053 PP Illinois Lincolnland Unit Reynolds, Carl (098-TX)...............................#2149 Rommel, Jerry (000-OK)..............................#2986 Simpson, Don (000-TN)................................#6075 PP Tennessee Unit Smith, Johanna “Josie” (027-FL)................#6782 PFL Florida Unit Steltenpohl, Joyce (162-FL)...........................#534 PP Florida Treasure Coast Unit Stratton, C. Wayne (112-WA).......................#2877 Wood, Mabel (099-TX)..................................#8064


Miscellaneous FLAG POLE HOLDER All aluminum with 2 machined brackets for quick, easy installation. 3 pole holder $160, 5 pole holder $185. Includes shipping in U.S. Contact: John@ or call 803-684-5651 for more information. WBCCI #3892 DOMETIC THERMOSTAT EXCHANGE, PART #310 6463.007 four button thermostat rebuilt & repaired to like new condition. Send your thermostat for repair or exchange, normal one day turn around - $110.00. Visit website @ or call 303809-6006, Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm FOR SALE - TWO ISLAND LOTS, ST. GEORGE ISLAND, FL, beautiful waterfront bay lot situated on 2nd largest estuary in USA; Gulf side beach lot adjoining 10 miles of pristine pink sandy beach protected as Florida State Park, world famous Apalachicola oysters/fishing/crabbing, historic, quiet, small airport, minimal commercial enterprises, near international airport, major shopping, desirable building sites, excellent investment, well maintained island, new causeway. Greatly reduced. 229-881-1958 or 229-436-5395

Airstream Parks RETIRED? FULL TIMER? SNOW BIRD? RALLY PLANNER? CARAVAN LEADER? The North Texas Airstream Community can meet all your needs. We are located on I-35 exit 368A, in the heart of the Dallas/Ft. Worth/ Waco triangle in historic Hillsboro, Texas. Stay “For a Night or a Lifetime.” Our clubhouse seats 200 for dinner, new laundry facilities, free WiFi, mail forwarding service. 100% Airstream community. Call 254-582-5566 or visit TAHI, TEXAS AIRSTREAM HARBOR, INC. Is located in NE Texas on beautiful Lake Sam Rayburn is known for Bass fishing. A haven for bird watchers. Daily $15. Come visit or stay with us. 5 miles NE Zavalla on Hwy. 147. Contact: TAHI, 714 Angelina, Zavalla, TX 75980, Ph. 936-897-3686. www.

PENN WOOD AIRSTREAM PARK - Traveling I-80 thru western Pennsylvania or looking for a quiet, all Airstream, summer home for a few weeks or all season? We’re the perfect stop! Full hookups with cable TV & WI-FI. Reasonable rates, area attractions and site of Autumn Leaf National Rally. Near Clarion, PA - four miles south of I-80, Exit 64 on SR 66; Ph. 814-764-8963; Open 5/1 to 10/15. MYSTIC SPRINGS COVE is an Airstream only park located 25 mi. N of Pensacola, FL, on US 29, between I-10 and I-65 on the banks of the Escambia River. Just 30 minutes to white sand beaches, shopping, museums and a casino. Owned and operated by Unit 29. Open all year with full hookups at $11per day 30 amp/$13 per day 50 amp. Pets welcome and washer/dryer are available. Host opportunities. Now have Wi-Fi. Ph. 850-256-3280. LAND YACHT HARBOR: Florida’s Best Kept Secret!!! Located off I-95 between Exits 183 & 180, miles to Disney 65, beach 10, Cape 30, leases available to Airstreams, overnight rentals available. Visit us at www. or phone 321-254-6398. NO PETS. TOP OF GEORGIA, 7 miles north of Helen, GA on State Road 75 in beautiful North Georgia mountains. Full hookups, cable TV. Free Limited Wi-Fi. $8.00/night, $210.00 monthly. During Rally weeks Rally fees will be an additional charge. Open year around. No reservations. WBCCI members only. No dry camping. Ph. 706-878-3590. www. ENJOY THE SOUNDS OF NATURE AT JERSEY SHORE HAVEN. Located mid-way between Atlantic City and Cape May, JSH is a quaint Airstream park with wooded sites, 4-point hook-ups, and more. Convenient to beautiful beaches, casinos with shows, amusements, boardwalks, shopping, etc. Lots to do and see in the area. Jersey Shore Haven, 728 Dennisville Road, P.O. Box 99, S. Seaville, NJ 08246. Ph. 609-861-2293, website: VIRGINIA HIGHLAND HAVEN AIRSTREAM PARK is the place to enjoy cool mountain top breezes and beautiful sunsets, just 5 miles from the Blue Ridge Parkway, 25 miles south of Roanoke, Virginia. Full hookups, free WiFi, clubhouse with laundry, host sponsored activities, hiking trails and a waterfall. Enjoy bluegrass music at the Friday Night Jamboree in nearby Floyd. Located at 6517 Highland Haven Road, NE, Copper Hill, VA 24079. Open May 1 to October 15. Call 540-651-9050 or visit

TENNESSEE CUMBERLAND PLATEAU CAMPGROUND – Crossville, TN. An Airstream only campground on 376 wooded acres, 132 member sites with six visitor lots. Full hookups, 5,000 sq. ft. clubhouse, free wifi, video library, kitchen and bathrooms with showers. Laundry facilities, hiking trails, no license required fishing lake. Rates $18 per night. Open April-October. Visit our website: for directions and more details. 865-471-8272

For Sale Trailers/ Motorhomes 1989 - CLASSIC AIRSTREAM MOTORHOME 370LE, 40,691 miles, Gallig Chassis, 450 Ford engine, C-6 transmission, air/hydraulic brakes, air ride/park/level, 6.5 generator, aluminum wheels, oak cabinets, Corian counters, hardwood floors, shower/ split bath, queen island bed, sofa and dinette sleepers, two furnaces, two rooftop AC’s, antenna with booster, two awnings. Asking $34,900, email: or 937-593-3655 for photos or information (Bellefontaine, OH) 2003 - AIRSTREAM 28’ CLASSIC TRAVEL TRAILER, rear twin beds, solar panel, no pets or smokers, very good condition. Asking $24,900. Call 614-440-4785 (Columbus, OH) 2005 - AIRSTREAM LAND YACHT MOTORHOME, original owner, 32,000 miles, $48,000, pictures & specs., email: seahawk@, Phone 352-637-3867 (Florida) 2007 - AIRSTREAM 25’ CLASSIC, twin beds, 2 solar panels, NEW vinyl floor, NEW batteries, NEW tires, 1 owner, email:, 804-769-3452 (Aylette, VA, near Richmond) 2007 - 30’ AIRSTREAM CLASSIC LIMITED with slide, always stored, one trip, many exceptional extras, upgrades, recently serviced, NEW tires with long stems and full monitoring system, immaculate, gorgeous interior in new condition, no pets or smoke, Hensley hitch. $60,000. 229-881-1958 or 229-886-5809 before 5:00 (Georgia)

Blue Beret / October 2013


PERMANENT ADDRESS CHANGE PLEASE NOTE: Address on file 12/1 will be printed in Directory. Address change as of______________ (date) WBCCI#____________

WBCCI NUMBERS & DECALS $9.50 per set, includes front and back; $10.25 for Ohio residents. Make check payable to: WBCCI






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I Need a: five year additional set  or complete replacement set .


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Payment for a classified ad in the “Blue Beret” includes an ad on the WBCCI website ( ) ...with as many as 30,000 visits per month! FOR INFORMATION, CALL 937/596-5211 or email Rates for Classified Advertising are $50 up to 35 words, $60 for 36-65 words. Payment in full must be received with the ad copy. BLUE BERET reserves the right to reject advertising not suitable for inclusion. The publisher reserves the right of approval of all advertising. BLUE BERET is not responsible for advertiser’s representations or performance. For more information on display ad costs, contact WBCCI. For your convenience, you may use the coupon below. Please type ad. Count words and determine cost as indicated above. Make check payable to “WBCCI” and mail with completed coupon to: WBCCI, P.O. Box 612, Jackson Center, OH 45334 Name____________________________________________________Address ______________________________________________________ City_____________________________________________________St/Prov.____________________________________Zip________________ Classified Ad: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Location of trailer/motorhome:______________________________________________________________________________ Deadline: Classified Ads for February must be received with payment no later than January 1. NOTICE: Advertisement should be typewritten. The Blue Beret is not responsible for the accuracy of handwritten submissions. Refund Policy: No refund after the 7th of month prior to publication.


Blue Beret / October 2013

2013 WBCCI National Caravans 2013


The 2013 Southwest Adventure Caravan will be in August, September and October capturing the awesome beauty of the fall landscapes. Begining in Durango, you will visit the higher vistas first, before traveling on to lower altitudes hoping to escape early snow. You will discover regions of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and Colorado that the casual tourist doesn’t see.Taking the roads less traveled you will visit Indian pueblos, festivals, cultural centers and museums. Native American guides will help you to understand their language, customs, and ancient rituals. You will enjoy touring Albuquerque then Santa Fe by trolley finding wonderful shopping and dining in both. A half-day boat trip on Lake Powell takes you to Rainbow Bridge while a narrow gauge railway delivers you to Silverton from Durango. In Arizona, splash through Canyon de Chelly, then stroll through Antelope Canyon. Keep that camera handy for around every bend there is a new picture opportunity. Raft down the Colorado River and tour Monument Valley, then proceed to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Come prepared for all kinds of weather as you travel at high and lower altitudes – cold to warmer temperatures. America the Beautiful passes – formerly called the Golden Age Pass will save you money for entrances into the many parks we explore including Zion, Bryce, North Rim of the Grand Canyon, Arches, Canyonlands and Capitol Reef. Plans are to attend the Balloon Festival near Albuquerque and conclude with a final banquet in Santa Fe. Come prepared to have fun with your fellow caravanners and leaders. Co-Leaders: Jay & Elna Thompson WBCCI #7293, Ph. 850-766-0036, Email:, Address: 9163 McDougal Ct, Tallahassee, FL 32312. Co-Leaders: Winston & Carol Montague WBCCI #5274, Ph. 850- 212-3726, Email:, Address: 3958 Meandering Lane,Tallahassee, FL 32308. Kitty Fee w/2 $4000, Kitty Fee w/1 $2900, Guests: $1350, Deposit: $200, Payments due: 2/1/13 (50%), 4/1/13 (50%), Cancellation fee: At the discretion of the leaders. Max. RV’s - 32 Southwest Adventure Caravan has added a second section under the leadership of Margie & Phil Glassey. Traveling a few days behind Section One, you will see and enjoy the same sights, meeting with us at intervals. We are excited the Glasseys have agreed to lead this and know you will enjoy being with them. Kitty Fee w/2 $4000, Kitty Fee w/1 $2900, Guests: $1350, Deposit: $200.

N-42-I WHERE DA HECK IS CHOKOLOSKEE? - standby only START: McDAVID, FL 10/20-11/15/2013 STOP: EVERGLADES CITY/CHOKOLOSKEE, FL We begin in McDavid, Florida, where we will visit the Battleship Alabama in Mobile, Alabama, and the Naval Museum in Pensacola, Florida. We will start our travels by visiting the white sand beaches of Panama City Beach. Then travel the “Forgotten Coast” of Old Florida to Apalachicola and Carrabelle where we will camp just a few yards from the beach. We will see how oysters are harvested--plus eat a few--cruise scenic rivers; kayak & hike. We will take a walking tour of historic Apalachicola. You will see manatees in the wild and maybe an optional horseback ride on the beach. On we will go to Cedar Key for clams and eat the Two-Year-InA-Row-International-Award-Winning- Champion Clam Chowder. When we get to Homosassa Spring/Tarpon Springs there will be more wildlife, great meals, sponge harvesting tour and some of the best shrimp ever. Moving on to Ft. Myers Beach for the Edison/Ford Tour and a high speed catamaran boat trip to KEY WEST for the day. While in Key West, you will be able to visit Hemingway’s favorite spot for beverage at Sloppy Joes. We will take a guided Conch Train tour of the island with some time left for you to explore the island on your own. We’ll move to Bonita Springs and explore Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary a gentle pristine wilderness that dates back more than 500 years. Here we will walk a 2.25 mile boardwalk meandering through pine flatwoods, open prairie, and into the largest forest of ancient bald cypress in North America. Nearly 200 bird species are permanent or temporary residents and Corkscrew is world renowned for supporting the largest colony of nesting Woodstorks in the U.S. We will travel on to Everglades City and Chokoloskee seeing lots of alligators, a

boat trip through the 10,000 islands, kayak the Everglades, eat stone crab. How about an airboat ride? Ok! You got it. There will be more boardwalks with incredible views and wildlife in Shark Valley. Of course, our final banquet that will be followed by a sunset cruise to the 10,000 islands in Everglades National Park. We hope you will join us for this action packed caravan. How else could you see the World’s Smallest Police Station and the World’s Smallest Post office in one trip; or get to the southern most point in the continental US and the southern most point of paved road on the west coast of Florida? This caravan is active and has some long days away from your rig. Leaders: Jim & Vickie Courtney WBCCI #2804, Ph. 513-325-0219, Email:, Address: 200 Walnut Hill Avenue #62, Hillsboro,TX 76645, Limit 20 RVs, Kitty Fee w/2 $3600; Kitty fee w/1 $2650; Guest $950. Due to vendor payment requirements, we must receive your $500 deposit no later than October 2012. Cancellation: Leaders discretion. Total Number of Nights: 26, Number of Stops: 9. Maximum RVs W/Leaders: 21, Balance Due: $3100.



4/24-5/15/2014 STOP: RENFRO VALLEY, KY

Beautiful horses, lush green rolling hills, and home of the Corvette: these are just a few of the words to describe the beautiful state of Kentucky. Kentucky has something for everyone! For the first time, we will begin the 3 week caravan in the Bowling Green area, home of the Corvette, and from there we will travel to 7 different areas, each with its own history, geography and culture. You will have an opportunity to spend a day at the races at the famous Churchill Downs, learn about the bourbon industry, visit a horse farm, spend a morning at My Old Kentucky Home, and visit the childhood home of Loretta Lynn. We will end our journey at Renfro Valley, a mecca of bluegrass music that predates The Grand Ole Opry, and Berea, known as the Art Capital of the State. In every area we will sample the southern style “home cooking” without you having to do the cooking. And these are just a few of the many places of interest you will explore! We can’t wait to welcome you to Kentucky, where hospitality is the rule, not the exception! Leaders: Larry & Shala Wilson, WBCCI #10298, Ph. 270-782-6554 or 270-792-3814, Email:, Address: 1122 Old Main Street, Hartford, KY 42347, Total Number of Nights: 22, Number of Stops: 6, Maximum RV Units/With Leader: 25, Kitty Fee w/2: $2,300, Kitty Fee w/1: $1,700, Guest: TBA, Deposit: $200, Date Balance Due: November 15, 2013, Cancellation Fee: $50 prior to 11/15/13, after this date – leaders’ discretion


The longest National Scenic Byway in the United States is the Great River Road which starts in Minnesota and begins at the headwaters of the great Mississippi River in Itasca State Park. Come with us for an opportunity to explore the many scenic, historic and recreational attractions along the mighty Mississippi as it winds 2,552 miles to the Gulf of Mexico. The Great River Road is the backbone for our journey from Bemidji, MN to West Memphis, AR. Enjoy the sights and sounds as North America’s largest river turns from a babbling brook in the tall pines to a mighty highway of commerce. We will crisscross the states of Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas and Tennessee as we enjoy the old river towns and the modern cities that have played such an important part in the history of our great country. There will be boat trips, bus & trolley tours, dinners and entertainment including an evening with Mark Twain Himself. Join us for this great 31 day trek as we meander through countryside that provided Tom Sawyer and his friends their boyhood adventures. Leaders: Dave & Linda Andrzejewski, WBCCI #811, Ph. 603-770-1609, Email: mrsa811@, Address: 196 Rainbow Drive # 9616, Livingston, TX 773991096, Limit: 25 RVs, Kitty Fee w/2: TBD, Kitty Fee w/1: TBD, Guest: TBD, Deposit: $250, Cancellation: $100 plus non-refundable deposits before 4/1/14, Leaders discretion after.

Blue Beret / October 2013



7/6-8/22/2014 STOP: ARCATA, CA

Join us for the natural beauty of the Northwest after the International Rally in Gillette, WY, as we visit our National Parks, discover other significant landmarks and learn some of the geology, culture, and history as we travel through these six states. We begin in Cody, WY, and travel to Yellowstone National Park to be immersed in the natural wonders of the Rocky Mountains. We explore the expanse of Montana’s “Big Sky” country to Glacier National Park and continue on to Olympia, WA, for visits to Mt. Rainier and Mt. St. Helens. Our encounters on the Olympic peninsula include Olympic National Park, the Hoh Rainforest, Victoria, BC and the Pacific Ocean where we will sample oysters and salmon and fly kites on Long Beach. After enjoying the Columbia River Gorge, we will find high desert in central Oregon on the way to Crater Lake. The Rogue River Valley is a shady change on our route back to the Pacific Ocean. Here we will see huge sand dunes and some of the oldest Redwoods in the country. We end our adventure on Humboldt Bay with a visit to the Giant Redwoods and final banquet. In all, we will include 19 National Forests, 11 National Parks or Monuments, several state parks, and many interpretive centers. We will savor cookouts, banquets or catered meals at most of our stops. Come join us for tours, boat rides, entertainment and, of course, great fun and fellowship along the way. Leaders: Phil & Margie Glassey, WBCCI #5328, Ph. 360-459-5608, Email:, Address: 9101-69 Steilacoom Rd. SE, Olympia, WA 98513-6127. Limit 30 rigs. Estimated kitty fee w/2: $4,100.00; w/1: $3,200.00, Guest $950.00. Registration deposit: $250.00. Cancellation fee is $50 before 2/1/2014 plus non-refundable deposits. Leaders’ discretion after.


START: REHOBOTH BEACH, DE STOP: JEKYLL ISLAND, GA If you love seafood and want to explore the historic southeast coast of the United States, this is the caravan for you. We’ll visit an historic U.S. Lifesaving Service Station (predecessor to the Coast Guard) in Delaware, eat seafood, spend a day at the Chincoteague Oyster Festival in Virginia, visit countless museums, lighthouses and beaches, eat seafood and see the sights in the historic southeast. Did we mention that we’re going to eat seafood? We’ll also attend Morning Colors and graduation ceremonies at the U.S. Marine Corps Recruit Depot at Parris Island. The caravan will travel about six weeks starting at the Delaware Seashore State Park (south of Rehoboth Beach) and traveling through coastal Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and ending at the Georgia Sea Islands. The kitty fee includes campgrounds, most with full hookups, many meals, boat, carriage and bus tours, museum admissions and much more! Leaders: Ron & Cyndi Carnein, WBCCI #9424, Ph. 623-974-4762, Email:, Address: 3700 S. Westport Ave. #1704, Sioux Falls, SD 57106, Total Number of Nights: 39, Number of Stops: 11, Maximum RV Units/With Leader: 20, Kitty Fee w/2: $3,725, Kitty Fee w/1: $2,950, Guest: $775, Deposit: $250, Date Balance Due: 2 installments, 4/1/14 & 7/1/14, Cancellation Fee: $50 before 4/1/14; Leaders’ discretion after.


7/12-9/12/2014 STOP: PRINCE GEORGE, BC

“The Land of the Midnight Sun”- The Alaska Caravan will start in Dawson Creek, BC, where the Alaska Highway begins at Mile Post 0 and travel for 1,500 miles to Fairbanks, AK. We will be travelling through Yukon Territory to Whitehorse, where we will turn North and travel up to Dawson City, YT where we will ferry across the Yukon River and drive the famous “Top of The World Highway,” to the town of Chicken, AK and then an optional visit to Eagle (pop. 15). It should be noted that the Top of The World Highway could be dusty or muddy. As we continue our journey, we will experience many activities such as “Klondike Kate’s,” Laird River Hotsprings, take the River Boat Discovery in Fairbanks, and experience a real Alaska Salmon Bake and Dinner Show. We will see many glaciers, visit Denali National


Blue Beret / October 2013

Park, Mount McKinley, Juneau, pan for gold, travel along the famous Alaska Pipeline, and visit the North Pole, (home of the real Santa Claus). On our return south, we will drive the Cassiar Highway through British Columbia and back into Alaska, stopping at Hyder, AK (the last Frontier) and end the Caravan at Prince George, BC. You will enjoy unprecedented wildlife viewing opportunities, world class fishing, and astonishing scenery on this “Once in a Lifetime Adventure!” Leaders: Bill (JJ) & Sandy Johnjulio, WBCCI #242, Ph. 814-484-7221, Cell 216-533-1752, Email: flintlocksbyjj@, Address: 6193 Althom Road, Tidioute, PA 16351, Limit: 35 Units, Kitty Fee w/2: $6,500, Kitty Fee w/1: $4,800, Guest: $1,700, Deposit: $500, Cancellation: $50 before 01/15/2014, leaders’ discretion after that date.


During this WBCCI National Caravan, we are going to have the opportunity to see people and machines make some of the products that are very familiar to us, such as the new Chevrolet Corvette, Harley Davidson motorcycles, Mack trucks, Kentucky Bourbon whiskey, baseball bats, Hershey chocolate, money at the U.S. National Mint, and more. You will learn how these products are made, and learn the history of what these companies did to grow and prosper. Many companies have a museum and company store that we will visit as well. After completing this educational and fascinating journey, you will marvel at the behind the scenes processes involved in manufacturing these products. And you will be proud of the hardworking American people and companies that make it all possible. This is the second in the series of Watch It Made in the U.S.A. WBCCI National Caravans. Each caravan in this series is unique and will never be repeated. In other words, if this caravan is of interest to you, then you should consider signing up now - because it will never be done again. Leaders: George & Sharon Hilton, WBCCI #7009, Ph. 352-205-9928, Email:, Address: 214 Rainbow Drive #11436, Livingston, TX 77399, Maximum RV Units/With Leader: 20/21, Total Number of Nights: 28, Number of Stops: 10, Kitty Fee w/2: $2,800.00, Kitty Fee w/1: $1,960.00, Guest: $840.00, Deposit: $500.00, Date Balance Due: July 1, 2014, Cancellation Fee: $100.00 before May 1, 2014. Caravan Leaders discretion after May 1, 2014.


8/25-10/15/2014 STOP: POJOAQUE, NM

The 2014 Southwest Adventure Caravan will be in August, September and October capturing the awesome beauty of the fall landscapes. Beginning in Durango, we will visit the higher vistas first, before traveling on to lower altitudes hoping to escape early snows. Bring clothes for all climates! We will find what’s around the corner in this four-corners region of CO, UT, AZ, and NM, that tourists may not usually see visiting Indian pueblos, reservations and learning about their cultures from Native guides. The grandeur of the scenery will amaze us as we ride the train up the mountain to Silverton, CO, hike to the “Palace” in Mesa Verde, or bounce into Monument Valley (seen in car commercials and movies). Moab, UT offers gorgeous views in the surrounding National Parks and excitement with “slick-rock riding” in the ultimate jeep. Whether using a camera at Capitol Reef National Park or riding a mule into Bryce Canyon, the parks will captivate us. After seeing the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, we’ll spend a relaxing 5 days beside Lake Powell and enjoy a ½ day boat trip, a raft float trip and a tour through the unusual Antelope Canyon. Our final 2 weeks will take us to NM exploring Gallup, Albuquerque, and Santa Fe, where we will be a part of the Hot Air Balloon Festival, we will trolley through town, we will savor local cuisine and we will visit Taos. America the Beautiful passes (formerly Golden Age Pass) will save you $ for fees in Zion, Bryce, Capitol Reef, Arches, Canyon lands and North Rim Grand Canyon National Parks. Come prepared to have fun with your fellow caravaners and leaders! Leaders: Phil & Margie Glassey, WBCCI #5328, Ph. 360-459-5608, Email:, Address: 9101-69 Steilacoom Rd. SE, Olympia, WA 98513-6127, Limit 30 rigs, Estimated kitty fee w/2: $4,300.00; w/1: $3,300.00, Guest $1,2500.00, Registration deposit: $200.00, Cancellation fee is $50 before 2/1/2014 plus non-refundable deposits. Leaders’ discretion after.


02 - 03/2014 STOP: Mile Marker 39 (Key West, FL)

This caravan begins in Tallahassee where we will tour the Capital of Florida (3 days). Tour the Dudley Farm Historic Park in Alachua (2 days). Visit with the Manatees in Crystal River (2 days). Attend Alumaflamingo in Sarasota (8 days) (included in the Kitty Fee). Go to Busch Gardens and have a luncheon cruise in Seffner/Tampa Bay (4 days). In Titusville, our stay includes the 7 night/8 day cruise (base price of cruise included in the Kitty Fee, upgrades available). While in the Titusville area, we will take a bus to the Kennedy Space Center and to “Epcot” at Disney World in Orlando (13 days). From Titusville we will travel to Palatka to see Historic St. Augustine on the Red Train Tour and cruise on the Matanzas River (4 days). Our travels then take us to Umatilla in Central Florida (4 days). In Stuart (3 days), we will take a swamp tour. In Florida City we will visit the Everglades National Park and take an air boat ride to see alligators. Our final stop will be at Mile Marker 39 in Big Pine Key in the Florida Keys (5 days). We will travel by bus to Key West; tour Key West by the Old Town Trolley, see the “End of the Road” Mile Marker 1 and Tour the Hemingway House. This caravan is very active and has some long days away from your rig. Leaders: Jim & Sheila Skipper, WBCCI #3178, Ph. 850-877-1729 (home), Cell 850-528-0437 or 850-519-1976, Email: sskipper813@gmail. com, Address: 9150 Seafair Lane, Tallahassee, FL 32317, Maximum RV Units W/Leader: 26, Total Number of Nights: 50, Number of Stops: 10, Kitty Fee w/2: TBD, Kitty Fee w/1: TBD, Guest: TBD, Deposit: $250.00, 1st Payment: October 1, 2013, Balance due: November 1, 2013, Cancellation: $50 plus non-refundable deposit prior to November 1, 2013. Leaders’ discretion after November 1, 2013.


9/22-10/25/2014 STOP: KERRVILLE, TX

The letters GTT were familiar in the United States during the early 1800’s. They meant GONE TO TEXAS. Come with us and see why it was the place to be as we travel from Hillsboro just south of Fort Worth, “Where The West Begins”, to the beautiful Texas Hill country west of San Antonio. Along the way we will visit Buffalo country, Indian Country, Oil Patches, Carlsbad Caverns, Texas Salt Flats, Old Missions, Cavalry Forts, travel along the United States/Mexico border, A PASSPORT WOULD BE REQUIRED FOR ANY TRAVEL INTO MEXICO. (NOT A CARAVAN ACTIVITY) A World Famous Observatory, Mystery Lights at Marfa, Big Bend National Park, The “Hanging Judge,” The Alamo, an Exotic Game Ranch, a Dude Ranch, and much more. Leave a message for your friends - GTT. Moderate hiking may be required on some events. Leaders: Lyle & Peggy Snow, WBCCI #7358, Ph. 832-217-4508, Email: lyles5@, Address: 20935 Jessica Rose Ln., Spring TX 77379, CoLeaders: Bill & Dorma Kindle, WBCCI#4126, Ph. 713-907-4624, Email:, Total Number of Nights: 34, Number of Stops: 14, Maximum RV Units/With Leader: 20, Kitty Fee w/2: $2,000.00, Kitty Fee w/1: $1,650.00, Guest: $450.00, Deposit: $250.00, Date Balance Due: 5/1/2014, Cancellation Fee: $50.00 prior to 5/1/14, Leaders’ discretion after 5/1/14.

N-43-M GEORGIA PLANTATIONS AND MORE 03 – 04/14 TBD START: TALLAHASSEE, FL STOP: WASHINGTON, GA This new, shorter caravan will explore the plantations of Georgia and also North Florida around Tallahassee, but it will also have much more to offer. Plans are still underway but include an opportunity to visit 3 or 4 plantations, an 1880’s village, Callaway Gardens and Butterfly House, not to mention eating at a number of “Southern” establishments. Spring will be a colorful time to visit the area and enjoy the beauty of the South. Co-Leaders: Winston & Carol Montague, WBCCI #5274, Ph. 850-878-1281, Cells 850-212-3726 or 850-491-7444, Email:, Address: 3958 Meandering Lane, Tallahassee, FL 32308. Co-Leaders: Jay & Elna Thompson, WBCCI #7293, Cells 850-212-4719 or 850-766-0036, Email:, Address: 9163 McDougal Court, Tallahassee, FL 32312, Total Number of Nights: 18, Number of Stops: 6, Maximum RV Units/With Leaders: 22, Kitty Fee w/2: $1,600, Kitty Fee w/1: $1,300, Guest: TBD, Deposit: $200, Date Balance Due: TBD, Cancellation Fee: At the discretion of the leaders.


Come with us as we travel the Blue Ridge Parkway from end to end. It will be a 500 mile adventure as we explore the history of the area. Enjoy the scenery, listen to the mountain music, and soak up the beauty of this unique roadway and the surrounding area. The driving route will cover the entire Parkway and our stops will allow us to experience things like train excursions, Early American history, the biggest private home in the U.S.A, some Civil War history, a winery or two, mountain crafts, and much, much more. A word of caution: The Blue Ridge Parkway is a winding 2 lane scenic road with a speed limit of 45 mph (you should drive slower than that to take maximum advantage of the scenery). It extends for about 500 miles through the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina and Virginia. The road goes up and down and around the mountains - often - and the elevation varies from 650 to 4900 ft. Our longest travel day will be about 140 miles. If you think this adventure is for you, your equipment should be in top shape. Leaders: Jim & Bobbie Matkovich, WBCCI #1790, Ph. 708-246-8309, Cell 708-567-4686, Email:, Address: 5823 Harvey, LaGrange, IL 60525, Limit: 20 RVs, Kitty Fee w/2: TBD, Kitty Fee w/1: TBD, Guest: TBD, Deposit: $250, Cancellation: $100 before January 4, 2014. Leaders’ discretion after Jan. 4, 2014.

N-43-O WHERE DA HECK IS CHOKOLOSKEE? 10/19-11/14/2014 START: McDAVID, FL STOP: EVERGLADES CITY, FL We begin in McDavid, Florida, where we will visit the Battleship Alabama in Mobile, Alabama, and the Naval Museum in Pensacola, Florida. We will start our travels by visiting the white sand beaches of Panama City Beach. Then travel the “Forgotten Coast” of Old Florida to Apalachicola and Carrabelle where we will camp just a few yards from the beach. We will see how oysters are harvested--plus eat a few--cruise scenic rivers; kayak & hike. We will take a walking tour of historic Apalachicola. You will see manatees in the wild and maybe an optional horseback ride on the beach. On we will go to Cedar Key for clams and eat the Two-Year-InA-Row-International-Award-Winning- Champion Clam Chowder. When we get to Homosassa Spring/Tarpon Springs there will be more wildlife, great meals, sponge harvesting tour and some of the best shrimp ever. Moving on to Ft. Myers Beach for the Edison/Ford Tour and a high speed catamaran boat trip to KEY WEST for the day. While in Key West, you will be able to visit Hemingway’s favorite spot for beverage at Sloppy Joes. We will take a guided Conch Train tour of the island with some time left for you to explore the island on your own. We’ll move to Bonita Springs and explore Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary a gentle pristine wilderness that dates back more than 500 years. Here we will walk a 2.25 mile boardwalk meandering through pine flatwoods, open prairie, and into the largest forest of ancient bald cypress in North America. Nearly 200 bird species are permanent or temporary residents and Corkscrew is world renowned for supporting the largest colony of nesting Woodstorks in the U.S. We will travel on to Everglades City and Chokoloskee seeing lots of alligators, a boat trip through the 10,000 islands, kayak the Everglades, eat stone crab. How about an airboat ride? Ok! You got it. There will be more boardwalks with incredible views and wildlife in Shark Valley. Of course, our final banquet which will be followed by a sunset cruise to the 10,000 islands in Everglades National Park. We hope you will join us for this action packed caravan. How else could you see the World’s Smallest Police Station and the World’s Smallest Post office in one trip; or get to the southern most point in the continental U.S. and the southern most point of paved road on the west coast of Florida? This caravan is very active and has some long days away from your rig. Leaders: Jim & Vickie Courtney, WBCCI #2804, Ph. 513-325-0219, Email:, Address: 200 Walnut Hill Avenue #62, Hillsboro,TX 76645. Limit 20 RVs. Kitty fee w/2 TBD; Kitty fee w/1 TBD; Guest TBD. Due to vendor payment requirements, we must receive your $500 deposit no later than October 2013. Cancellation: Leaders discretion. This is a preliminary schedule, things may change somewhat. Price to be determined. Approximate travel will be 27 days, 9 stops, 745 miles, but again, this may change. Please contact us if you are interested in this caravan.

Blue Beret / October 2013



The Nor By Nor’East National Caravan will begin in southern New England and end in Prince Edward Island, Canada. We begin the caravan in RI and visit nearby Mystic Seaport, CT and Newport, RI. Plymouth, of course is steeped in history; the Plimouth Plantation, Plymouth Rock, Mayflower II, Jenny Museum are among the places we’ll visit. Boston’s stop is a busy one with 2 days of bus rides from Topsfield into the Capitol. All those sites you’ve read about in history books will be part of our journey. JFK Library, Bunker Hill, USS Constitution, Freedom Trail, Faneuil Hall, etc. are just part of what we’ll see. Continuing up the coastline to an ocean-side campsite in Searsport, ME and then nearby Bar Harbor in Ellsworth will make you a firm believer that Maine is indeed, beautiful. We’ll enjoy the Penobscot Marine Museum, Fort Knox and the Penobscot Narrows Observatory and yet another lobster bake…”Down East Style”. We’ll camp nearby FDR’s retreat at Campobello Island in NB, Canada and then up the road to St. Martins with another seaside campsite right on the Bay of Fundy. Nova Scotia’s 3 stops include campsites that will be home bases so we can travel to Lunenburg, Peggy’s Cove, Halifax, Louisbourg, Baddeck and of course the Cabot Trail. We intend on being in NS for 11 days and we will see everything and continue to eat too! A short trip across to Prince Edward Island on a ferry and you will think you’re in Heaven. We have plenty of time here for exploring and enjoying some entertainment in Charlottetown, the warm waters along some of the most beautiful beaches as well as seafood-PEI style. We will have our Farewell Banquet in Charlottetown. Leaders: Rich & Dottie Walbridge, WBCCI #3371, Ph. 781-254-6399, Email:, Address: 15 Edgewood Road, Scituate, MA 02066-4021, Co-Leaders: Trevor & Gale Lake, WBCCI #4688, Total Number of Nights: 36, Number of Stops: 11, Maximum RV Units/With Leader: 25, Kitty Fee w/2: $3,850, Kitty Fee w/1: $2,850, Guest: $975, Deposit: $200 by October 1, 2013, Date Balance Due: June 1, 2014, Cancellation Fee: $25


The Cajun Country Caravan takes you through cypress swamps and sugar cane fields of Southeast Louisiana, and through rice fields and crawfish farms in Southwest Louisiana. You will experience Cajun culture at its roots. Enjoy Cajun food, like gumbo, jambalaya, etouffe, beignets, red beans and rice and the freshest seafood ever. Dance the Cajun two-step on a Louisiana Saturday night. Walk onto an actual offshore oil drilling platform and see its inner workings. Dance to Zydeco music while a live Cajun radio program is being broadcast. Learn how a Cajun Squeeze Box (accordion) is made. Ride with a crawfish farmer as he harvests his crawfish. Visit Avery Island Jungle Gardens, and tour the world famous Tabasco Sauce factory. Take a boat ride through the Atchafalaya swamp and see alligators and eagles in their natural habitat. Enjoy a bus ride to Baton Rouge for a tour of the Governor’s Mansion and the tallest State Capital building in the United States. Visit the oldest operating rice mill in Louisiana. Tour Petroleum Helicopters Inc. Lafayette, LA plant; watch helicopters being serviced and learn how important these aircraft are to the offshore oil industry. Leaders: Larry & Judy Boudreaux, WBCCI #6534, Ph. 985-209-0376 (Larry), 985-688-3467 (Judy), 985-446-1931 (home), Email:,, Address: 206 Parkside Drive, Thibodaux, LA 70301, Kitty Fee w/2 TBD, Kitty Fee w/1 TBD, Guest TBD, Deposit $200, Cancellation $50 plus any non-refundable deposits before 12/1/13, leaders discretion after.


(please type or print clearly - every blank must be filled in) Caravan #__________________ Caravan Name__________________________________________________________________________ Last Name________________________ First______________________Spouse_____________________WBCCI#_____________________ Summer Address___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone # _______________________________EMail___________ Winter Address:

From:________ To:______________________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone #________________________________Email_____________________________________________________________________ # of Adults__________Children_________Pets_________Ham #___________________MH/T_________ft. Handicapped? Amount Enclosed: (US$)________________________Check #________________

Make checks payable to: WBCCI National Caravan Mail to: Caravan Leader


Blue Beret / October 2013

54th HOBO RALLY - 33rd NATIONAL HOBO RALLY Colorado River Fairgrounds Blythe, California February 3 - 9, 2014

REGION 9 COMPUTER RALLY North Texas Airstream Community Hillsboro, Texas February 18 - 22, 2014


WBCCI #: ___________ Unit Name: ___________________________


Name: _________________________ Spouse: __________________

City__________________________State/Prov______Zip_________ WBCCI #_____________________ Phone _____________________ Email ___________________________________________________ Check any below that apply:

Address: _________________________________________________ City: _________________________ State: _____ Zip: _____________ Phone: __________________ E-mail: __________________________ Rally Fee: $20.00 per person

First Timer ________ Vintage Club _______ Classic Club _______

Terraport Parking: WBCCI - $15.00 / Non WBCCI - $20.00 PC ­­­­­________________________ MAC

Committee Member _______ Chair _______ Early Worker_______ Name of Committee _____________________________________ Adults # _______ Children #_______Handicap Parking _______ Yes, I will bring a NEW TOY to donate locally (unwrapped, for a child ages 8 - 16) RALLY FEES Airstream with 2 adults @ $228 = Airstream with 1 adult @ $211 = Adult guest (15+ years) # _____ X $50 =

$ ________ $ ________ $ ________

Early Bird Fun SAVER Special Must be postmarked before December 31, 2013: YES, We/I want to SAVE $5/person by registering EARLY: Deduct $5 per person =

Total Amount Due

$ (________) $ _________

(Computer should be wi-fi capable) At this computer rally, I am really interested in: There will be a wide variety of subjects covered such as online internet security, social networking and video chatting. Also word processing, slide/ movie presentations and spreadsheets. There will be an emphasis on Tablets and Smart Phones along with the many Apps that are available. Tuesday evening - potluck Wednesday - Saturday (Instruction) Saturday evening - Celebration Dinner Make check payable to: Region 9 Computer Rally Mail to: North Texas Airstream Community Attn: Donna Scott 200 Walnut Hill Ave., Hillsboro, TX 76645 254-205-0507 / 254-582-5566

Make your check payable to: Region 12 Hobo Rally Mail check with coupon to: Hobo Rally Registrar 733 Dartmouth Place Woodland, CA 95695

FLORIDA STATE RALLY Sunshine Key Resort, MM 39, South Florida April 2 - 7, 2014 Name (s)_________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________ City_________________State/Prov_________Code______________ Telephone: _______________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________ WBCCI # _________ Trailer ________ MH ________ Size _______

Rally Fee: Airstream w/2 adults $260.00 $__________ Airstream w/1 adult $221.00 $__________ Addt’l Guest(s) $ 39.00 pp $__________ # of people attending ________ Total $__________ Welcome to the Florida State Rally. Included in your rally fee is parking at a 5 star Encore park with 5 point hook up including 50 amp electric, trolley usage in Key West, seminars and a dinner. Please enclose a selfaddressed stamped envelope or we cannot return a receipt. Make check payable to WBCCI Florida Unit Mail to: Daniel Maciejczyk 34 Mango Manor Drive, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 Email:

Blue Beret / October 2013


Welcome to the Airstream Owners Association

J o i n To d a y !

Affordable Adventure is now yours! To join, contact Deb Mann, Membership Director, or go to and join online!

2014 International Dues - $65.00 plus unit dues


Blue Beret / October 2013 

If you have pictures depicting WBCCI caravans and rallies, please share them with us. These pictures may be used for promotional material, the Membership Directory, “Blue Beret” cover, or published in “Club Scenes”. Pictures should be of rally/caravan activities. When choosing a photo, consider the potential member and what would entice him/her to join the club. Please include a description of the picture, member names, specific rally/caravan, dates, etc. and send to or WBCCI, PO Box 612, Jackson Center, OH 45334. NOTE: Original photos or .jpg file formats are preferred.

Andy Neumann and David Brendel at the Michigan State “Little Bavaria” Rally -submitted by Rachel Bates, #8314

Louisiana Acadiana Beach Combers at Cameron, LA -submitted by Nettie Simoneaux, #1695

A stop at the Kanawha State Forest near Charleston, WV after the Civil War Caravan -photo by Fred Hazen, #2347

Restored 1965 28’ Ambassador and a rebuilt 1955 Chevrolet truck owned and submitted by Don Frits, #5379

Louisiana Acadiana Rolling Rally to Poverty Point and Vicksburg -submitted by Patty Fontenot, #7557

WBCCI Dance Band at the Huron International Rally -submitted by John Landry, #5882

Blue Beret / October 2013


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