Vayikra: Metaparsha: David Wolfe-Blank z"l Unknottings

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Vayikra: Coming Closer Translation

Levitius 1:1-2

It called to Moshe HaShem spoke to him from the tent of meeting saying:

Speak to the children of Israel and say to them: A human when he or she brings from among you a sacrifice to HaShem from the animals from the cattle, or from the flock shall you bring your offering

‫וַ יִ ְק ָ ֖רא‬ ‫ֶאל־מ ֶ ֹ֑שה‬ ‫וַ יְ ַד ֵ ֤בר יְ הוָ ֙ה ֵא ֔ ָליו‬ ‫מֹועד‬ ֖ ֵ ‫א ֶהל‬ ֹ ֥ ‫ֵמ‬ ‫מר׃‬ ֹ ֽ ‫ֵלא‬ ֙‫ל־ב ֵנ֤י יִ ְש ָר ֵאל‬ ְ ‫ַד ֵ֞בר ֶא‬ ‫וְ ָא ַמ ְר ָ ֣ת ֲא ֵל ֶ֔הם‬ ‫ָא ָ ֗דם‬ ‫ִ ֽכי־יַ ְק ִ ֥ריב‬ ‫ִמ ֶכ֛ם‬ ‫יהו֑ה‬ ָ ‫ָק ְר ָ ֖בן ַ ֽל‬ ‫ן־ה ְב ֵה ָ֗מה‬ ַ ‫ִמ‬ ‫ן־ה ָב ָק ֙ר‬ ַ ‫ִמ‬ ‫ן־ה ֔צ ֹאן‬ ַ ‫ּומ‬ ִ ‫ת־ק ְר ַבנְ ֶ ֽכם׃‬ ָ ‫ַת ְק ִ ֖ריבּו ֶא‬


The Transcendent initiated communication from the Holy of Holies to the guide within each of us And Beingness spoke from above from a transitory place of God’s presence. In words the communication may be translated as follows: Speak with all the parts of yourself and speak again with them: A human being when wishing to draw close to the Divine it is from you yourself that a drawing closer to God must come; draw out nearness from your animal soul whether your nature is bullish or sheepish— that is the source of your drawing close to God.

Concept and translations by Rabbi David Wolfe-Blank in 1998, Layout and editing by Shir Yaakov Feit in 2015,

Vayikra: Coming Closer

1:1 from the Holy of Holies From the beginning of Leviticus until Leviticus 25:1, all the commands were given to Moses in the Holy of Holies within the Mishkan. Some appearances of the Divine to a human are like a revelation, like that on Mt. Sinai; some are like a vision, like that of the burning bush; and some are like a calling, like those here, in Vayikra. After experiencing a calling, it is up to the human to respond. One of the ways of responding is to verbally answer; another way is to draw nearer to the Divine, which may take several forms. This sedrah deals solely with one form of drawing close to the Divine — the bringing of sacrifices — and it is interesting to note that there is no command uttered. This first parshah and the next six deal with the entirely voluntary mode of responding to the Divine call. Based on Bedibur Echad: Thoughts on the Unity of the Weekly Sidrah by R. Asher Ben-Zion Buchman 1:2 It is from you yourself- mikem ... Rebbe Schneur Zalman of Liadi in Lekutei Torah. Otherwise, the word mikem should have been placed right after Adam — Adam mikem ki yakriv — when a person of you comes to offer.... Why does the verse instead say, “When a person comes to offer from you”? It tells us that the offering must be from the self. 1:2 a drawing closer karban ibid. korban, ‫קרבן‬, sacrifice comes from the word ‫ קרוב‬meaning to be close. 1:2 from you animal soul... min hab’hayma ibid. 1:2 bullish or sheepish... min habakar umin hatzon ibid. meaning, having the flaws of insensitivity and anger, and the desire for power or hyper-sensitivity and the desire for pleasure

Concept and translations by Rabbi David Wolfe-Blank in 1998, Layout and editing by Shir Yaakov Feit in 2015,

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