DAE’s Report Clearly States That VV Minerals Not Part of Thorium Scam
Introduction: A collector from a village in Tamil Nadu brought to light an alleged thorium scam which was pegged to be the doing of VV Minerals, India. However, during a DAE probe into the working of the forerunning mining company it was made clear that VV Minerals has no machinery o5r processes to extract thorium. Yet, the name of the mining company and the owner continue to be strewn in thorium scam related reports. When the possibility of a thorium scam was brought to the attention of the mining authorities the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) was asked to look into the matter. Following protocol the DAE officials ran a thorough check of the VV Minerals set up in various states. VV Minerals and S Vaikundarajan were extremely co-operative during the entire process. When the DAE probe was finished it was declared that VV Minerals, India have no form of machinery or mining process in place to facilitate the extraction of thorium Thus, it is only natural that VV Minerals and its owner S Vaikundarajan expect that their names not be included in reports regarding the alleged thorium scam.
However, the name of Vv Minerals and S Vaikundarajan continue to be mentioned in the reports about thorium scam despite the clearance from the DAE. The DAE is an official authority and yet their probe is not being taken seriously and the media continues to disregard this crucial outcome. However, S Vaikundarajan is confident that considering this a farce started by his industry rivals, his and his company’s name will soon be cleared out of the thorium scam.
Check the original source link online at https://vvmineral.wordpress.com/2015/06/08/daes-reportclearly-states-that-vv-minerals-not-part-of-thorium-scam/ Vaikundarajan Blogs: http://vvmineralblog.wordpress.com http://vvmineral.wordpress.com http://vvmineralmining.wordpress.com http://vvmineral-mining.blogspot.in http://vvmineralmining.blogspot.in
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