VV Minerals Has Gained Licenses Through Years Of Hardwork And Not Malpractices

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VV Minerals Has Gained Licenses Through Years Of Hardwork And Not Malpractices

The licenses that seem to be the cause of concern not just for industry rivals of VV Mineral but also the government have been issued to them much earlier than other companies since VV Minerals India has been active in the mining industry way before all others.


VV Minerals India is over two decades old and since it has been under the scanner for alleged illegal beach mining, so have been their licenses.

The licenses that VV Minerals have obtained through hardwork and consistently being the forerunner of the Indian mining industry has now become a cause of envy for its rivals and grounds for suspicion for the probing government.

However, S Vaikundarajan of VVM Group clears the air, “We have procured all our licenses, rare or common, with utmost honesty and hardwork. We are not people exploiting our privileges but are people rising from scratch and always staying on the top of our game�

In a recent landmark judgment from the High Court in Tamil Nadu the company and other companies have won a case against the state for a blanket ban on mining.

VV Minerals and S Vaikundarajan are urging the government to re-assess their outdated mining laws and subsidiaries.

Illegal beach mining is a concept concocted in the minds of the officials of a government that does not have a http://vvmineral.com

concrete timeline on hands for the modifications of lack thereof the mining related laws.

S Vaikundarajan is determined to change the scenario of mining in the country since we are sitting on beneficial export-grade heavy minerals.

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