Government Is Doing Its Best To Curb Illegal Mining Activities, Says Vaikundarajan The recent rise in the illegal mining activities has put the government on its toes. Several measures are being taken by the government to curb the illegal activities. “Recently, the government announced the launch of new technology to help officials track the illegal mining activities,” says Vaikundarajan, founder of VV Minerals India. In another incident surrounding the illegal activities, some activists in Tamil Nadu have filed a complaint with a video to support the claims. “The site in question is a quarry on the banks of Cauvery river in Karur licensed by the state government. The activists have claimed that the quarry is being used over its assigned capacity,” informs Vaikundarajan. The activists have been in action since June 2016 having started a movement called Tamil Nadu Environmental Protection Movement. The complaint has been filed with the collector’s office, District Revenue Officer and the mining department. According to the video, several trucks are seen carrying the sand every day from the banks of the river. The activists claim that the government has permitted sand up to one metre but the trucks have been taking about 7 to 8 metres. “The concern of local is justified as in Karur, a lot of chemicals from various industries have plagued the rivers. The Noyyal river has been declared dead and if the illegal mining activities continue, soon the Cauvery could also face the same fate,” explains Vaikundarajan. Over 30,000 people are dependent on the river for drinking water. Illegal activities can hamper the irrigation facilities of farmers. Vaikundarajan suggests, “Government is taking this matter seriously and has put up a plan in place under the Digital India Programme. The locals and activists should put their faith in the government till the plan is put to effect.”