Roots Booklet

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Roots Prana Vinyasa Visvamitrasana Wave Sequence

Visvamitrasana Hip Opening Peak Asana Pronunciation: VISH-VAH-MEE-TRA-SUNAH Meaning: In honor of sage Visvamitra Three-Part Vinyasa Bhava: Side-Waist Prana Flow Pulsation TCFKCPV GZRCPUKXG GORQYGTKPI CEVKXCVKPI UQNCT GCTVJ YCVGT Ć‚ TG UTKPICTC QT XKTC FGRGPFKPI on variation. Samana-Vyana Leg Body Prana Flow Five Movements of Prana: Apana - vasistha pada of supporting foot pressing from ball to heel into the earth, tailbone points to the heel of supporting leg, hasta banda in the hand under the shoulder. Samana - uddiyana bandha in the navel coils in and up, supporting the spine while spiraling the torso to the side, and, stabilizing the asana, scapula draw down the back. Vyana - extension through arms and legs, equal length through the side waists, spine extends from crown to tail, collarbones broaden through the chest, crown reaches away from sacrum as natural extension of spine. Udana - feel earth energy rise up the inner supporting leg and arm, quadriceps rise up the femur of rooted leg, buoyant pelvis, draw the bottom side waist up. Prana - cobra action in chest, sternum revolves skyward, energy rises from the pubic bone to heart. Vinyasa Krama - Lower lunge in anjaneyasana with both elbows and forearms on the earth (both inside the foot) for hip opening. - Knee on the ground. - Grounding leg extended in vashista pada. #UCPC $GPGĆ‚ VU - Develops sense of creating balance with a smaller base - Strengthens and opens opposing sides of body simultaneously - Strengthens the arms, belly, and legs - Stretches and strengthens the wrists - Stretches the backs of the legs

Related Asana: Vasisthasana Eka Pada Tadasana Parighasana Uppa Vistakonasana Eka Pada Kandinyasana Bhujapidasana

Bending the knee, coiling then straighten the leg, extend.

Bhujapidasana - Peak Asana Pronunciation: (BOO-JAH-PEED-AH-SUN-AH) Meaning: Bhuja = shoulder; Pida = pressing Three Part Vinyasa: Bhava: grounding, balancing, empowering, activating, dynamic, inner power, solar, earth, YCVGT Ć‚ TG XKTC Five Movements of Prana: Apana - tailbone points to the heels, Hasta Banda in the hands shoulder width on the earth. Samana - adductors press into shoulders activating Mula Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha in the navel coils in and up rounding the spine, scapula engage down the back. Vyana - extend arms into earth, collarbones broaden through the chest, energy EKTEWNCVGU VJTQWIJ Ć‚ PIGTU CPF VQGU Prana - sternum is expanding forward. Udana - buoyant hips, latched ankles stretch forward and up, energy rises up arms from the earth. Vinyasa Krama -Low Malasana - Preparation in Uttanasana, hands hold ing the ankles with pulsation - Blocks under hands - Bhujapidasana with feet latched on earth - Lift one foot - Both feet off the earth - Lifting one foot at a time, practicing transferring the weight - Bhujapidasana - Tittibhasana #UCPC $GPGĆ‚ VU - Strengthens the arms and wrists - Strengthens the abductors and inner thighs - Tones the belly - Improves balance - Tones and awakens mula bandha Related Asana: low malasana high malasana tittibhasana visvamitrasana baddhakonasana astavakrasana eka pada koundinyasana

Prana Flow Vinyasa Mula Bandha Pulsation Prana - Apana Prana Flow Pulsation Body Prana Flow Samana- Vyana Leg Body Prana Flow Rhythmic Prana Flow Bhujapidasana - Ardha Tittibhasana Rhythmic Prana Flow Bhujapidasana- Astavakrasana Rhythmic Prana Flow

Roots Prana Vinyasa Visvamitrasana Sequence earth/bhumi Prana-Apana Mudra Vinyasa [5+ minutes opening movement meditation]

Rythmic Vinyasa A

Rythmic Vinyasa B [3-part Vinyasa] (according to your choice)

4 mov. of lunge

4 mov. of lunge

Dancing Warrior 1 [repeat 1-6 times]

Hip Opening Core Sequence [repeat 10+ times]






Beginning Vinyasa

Middle Vinyasa

End Vinyasa


Solar Wave 1 dhanurasana without holding the ankles


connecting vinyasa

side standing malasana bhujapidasana padahastana waist anahatasana opening (support at waist)

virabhadrasana II

parsva vira II

parsva vira II- trikonasana Rythmic Prana Flow x3

trikonasana Body Prana Flow with top arm scanning the horizen

ardha hanumanasana

low lunge

kramas of eka pada koundinyasana

*Adho mukha svanasana connecting vinyasa then lift left leg and complete left side from the middle wave. Once both sides are complete- step or jump forward to uttanasana to begin next wave

Middle - Right Side

Solar Wave 2


dhanurasana hold inner ankle

prasarita padottanasana

Middle - Left Side


side standing malasana bhujapidasana waist anahatasana prep in opening uttanasana (clasp wrist)


prasarita padottanasana

malasana side waist Op.

(repeat this sequence going deeper)




connecting vinyasa

prasarita padottanasana

prasarita padottanasana

parivrtta malasana

ardha hanumanasana


hip opening in lunge

eka pada sirsasana in lunge

eka pada koundinyasana

*Adho mukha svanasana connecting vinyasa then lift left leg and complete left side from the middle wave. Once both sides are complete- step or jump forward to begin next wave.

Solar Wave 3 anahatasana

dhanurasana hold outer ankle pranam

standing visvamitrasana prep in anahatasana uttanasana

standing visvamitrasana *do both sides

standing anahatasana



connecting vinyasa

parighasana BV

parighasana BV

ustrasana in parighasana

low lunge ardha visvamitrasana ardha hanumanasana with pulsation

full eka pada seated visvamitrasana koundinyasana visvamitrasana

*Adho mukha svanasana connecting vinyasa then lift left leg and complete left side from the middle wave. Once both sides are complete- step or jump forward to uttanasana to begin next wave

Opening Movement Meditation Prana-Apana Mudra Vinyasa This meditation connects you with the two primary movements of prana, the grounding force (apana) and the rising force (prana), which helps you integrate the vertical alignment of your heart with your brain and belly as well as heaven and earth. Feel your roots as you exhale down into your pelvis (if sitting) or feet (if standing). As you inhale, sweep your arms overhead, either bringing your hands together or keeping the palms open and receptive. As you exhale, slowly draw your hands down the centerline of your body, connecting with the energy centers of the chakras on the way down from your forehead to the base of your spine. #U [QW KPJCNG DGIKP VJG E[ENG CICKP #NNQY VJG Ćƒ QY QH VJKU OQXGOGPV VQ TGFKUVTKDWVG [QWT energy between the upper and lower poles, brain and heart, heart and belly, belly and roots.



Namaskar Wave Namaskar Wave is a movement meditation that is the essence of namaskar (to bow, to honor or to realize) through classical namaskars or Prana Flow Namskars; serves as the “warm-upâ€? of both the inner and outer. Choose your opening to the practice from the Classical Namaskars (Classical, Surya A & B) or Rhythmic Vinyasa A or Rhythmic Vinyasa B for 1 to 3 rounds. Dancing Warrior 1 is the continuous circulation of the inner core of Surya Namaskar B. It begins from the downward dog of your last opening namaskar. You ECP DTGCM FQYP VJG Ć‚ TUV TQWPF QH VJCV &CPEKPI 9CTTKQT YKVJ VJG RCTV XKP[CUC CPF VJGP EKTEWNCVG TQWPFU CU OQXKPI OGFKVCVKQPU

Rythmic Vinyasa A

Rythmic Vinyasa B 1 time

Dancing Warrior 1 1 - 6 times

Hip Opening Core Sequence Supta Malasana

Supta Malasana to Straight Legs

Ardha Malasana


Water Wheel

Main Part of Class Solar Wave 1 Beginning Wave

Middle Wave

virabhadrasana II side waist opening

standing anahatasana

End Wave

ardha hanumanasana

low lunge

(support at waist)

parsva vira II malasana bhujapidasana bhujapidasana prep. in uttanasana



hip opening lunge


dhanurasana without holding

eka pada sirsasana in lunge

parsva vira II- trikonasana Rythmic Prana Flow x3

adho mukha svanasa hip opening variation for connecting vinyasa. Lift left leg to repeat middle and end wave on the left side.

trikonasana Body Prana Flow with top arm scanning the horizen connecting vinyasa

*Adho mukha svanasana connecting vinyasa then lift left leg and complete left side from the middle wave. Once both sides are complete- step or jump forward to uttanasana begin next wave.

Main Part of Class Solar Wave 2 Middle Wave

Beginning Wave

End Wave

Middle - Right Side

prasarita padottanasana side waist opening

standing anahatasana

ardha hanumanasana



(support at waist)

malasana side waist Op. hip opening lunge

bhujapidasana bhujapidasana tittibhassana padahastana prep. in uttanasana

prasarita padottanasana

Middle Wave - Left Side



dhanurasana hold inner ankle

eka pada sirsasana in lunge

eka pada koundinyasana

prasarita padottanasana

adho mukha svanasa hip opening variation for connecting vinyasa. Lift left leg to repeat middle and end wave on the left side. parivrtta malasana


*Adho mukha svanasana connecting vinyasa then lift left leg and complete left side from the middle wave.

connecting vinyasa prasarita padottanasana

Once both sides are complete- step or jump forward to uttanasana to begin next wave

Main Part of Class Solar Wave 3 Beginning Wave

Middle Wave

End Wave

ardha hanumanasana standing anahatasana

visvamitrasana prep. in uttanasana

standing visvamitrasana -do both sides

low lunge

side waist pulsation - opening shoulder and arm to the sky keeping arm next to the ear

ardha visvamitrasana with pulsation

standing anahatasana

hip opening in low lunge

full visvamitrasana

uttanasana parighasana to ardha parghasana TJ[VJOKE RTCPC Ćƒ QY Z eka pada koundinyasana



seated visvamitrasana


ustrasana in parighasana

*Adho mukha svanasana connecting vinyasa then lift left leg and complete left side from the middle wave. pranam

connecting vinyasa

Once both sides are complete- step or jump forward to uttanasana to begin next wave

Lunar Arts

Backbending Vinyasa

setu bandhasana

urdhva dhanurasana

Inner Arts choose from any of these four possibilites


purna chandrasana

Lunar Supine Twist

Forward bend baddha khanasana








Sequence Questions What are the most important bandhas for bhujapidasana arm-balance?

How is the action of the peak asana – visvamitrasana mirrored in 1) bhujapidasana and 2) eka pada sirsana in lunge?

7 >Ì >Ài V Ã> } i Ìà > ` ÃÌÀÕVÌÕÀ> ­> >Ì V> ® ` vwVÕ Ì iÃ Õ >« `>Ã> >¶

What are the contraindications (who is this asana NOT for in terms of injuries, tweaks or physical limitations) for BhujapidasanaVisvamitrasana?

7 >Ì >Ài V Ã> } i Ìà > ` ÃÌÀÕVÌÕÀ> ­> >Ì V> ® ` vwVÕ Ì ià *À> > 6 Þ>Ã> 6 ÃÛ> ÌÀ>Ã> > >ÀÌ -iµÕi Vi¶

-iµÕi V } q *À> > 6 Þ>Ã> 6 ÃÛ> ÌÀ>Ã> > Õ `>Ì >ÀÌ -iµÕi Vi Peak asana family: what is the primary opening and strengthening with anatomical language (eg. opens hamstrings, etc)?

7À Ìi Þ ÕÀ «i } Ì >Ì Ü Õ ` «Ài«>Ài Þ ÕÀ ÃÌÕ`i Ìà > ` Û i Ì i µÕ> Ì ià v Õ >« `>Ã> > q 6 ÃÛ> ÌÀ>Ã> >¶

Namaskars – Teach the namaskar with 3-part vinyasa variations for each of the primary asanas below, emphasizing the calm }À Õ ` } µÕ> ÌÞ v Ì i i>ÀÌ ° - Utkatasana

- Uttanasana

- Four-Movements of Lunge

- Virabhadrasana I

- Adho Mukha Svanasana

Ài -iµÕi Vi q Ü ` iÃ Ì i *À> > 6 Þ>Ã> VÀi>Ì Ûi V Ài Ài >Ìi Ì Ì i «i> >Ã> >¶

Main Body of the practice Write the Cues for the key actions of the asanas and/or three rounds of the 3 part vinyasa of the following: Beginning Wave – Bujapidasana/Tittibhasana – key action and cues

Middle Wave – Parsva Vira 2 to Trikonasana – Key actions and cues for the Rhythmic Prana Flow

Middle Wave – Malasana Body Prana Flow

End Wave – What are the Vinyasa Kramas of Visvamitrasana?

Roots Prana Vinyasa Eka Pada Rajkapotasana Wave Sequence

Peak Asana - Eka Pada Rajkapotasana Pronunciation: (EK-AH PAH-DAH RAH-JAH-KAH-POH-TAH- SUN-AH) Meaning: Eka = one; Pada = foot; Raja = king; Kapota = pigeon Bhava:

Three part Vinyasa:

grounding, deepening, centering, introspective, uplifting, solar or lunar, earth, water, shanti, sringara depending on variation

Backbend Heart Prana Flow Pulsation Eka Pada Rajkapotasana Backbend - Hip-Opening Rhythmic Prana Flow

Five Movements of Prana: Apana - toes of back foot press into earth rolling back thigh under into internal rotation, front foot Ćƒ GZGF VQ RTQVGEV VJG MPGG RTGUUGU FQYP VQ FTCY HTQPV JKR ETGCUG DCEM CPF FQYP VCKNDQPG CPF ischial tuberosities release towards the earth. Samana - lift up through Mula Bandha taking the weight out of the base, Uddiyana Bandha subtly engages in and up supporting the natural curvature of the spine, scapula retract down the back, triceps revolve arms in towards ears. Vyana - DCEM HQQV RTGUUGU WR CPF DCEM KPVQ JCPFU QT UVTCR GZVGPF VJG VJTGG TKXGTU QH VJG URKPG from navel to heart (central channel - lengthen from pubic bone to naval to sternum to crown; second and third rivers - side waist from top of pelvis to armpits), collarbones broaden through the chest. Udana - GCTVJ GPGTI[ TKUGU WR HTQO VJG DCUG UMWNN TGCEJGU WR CPF QWV CU CP GZVGPUKQP QH VJG URKPG Prana - UVGTPWO NKHVU WR CPF DCEM EQDTC CEVKQP KP VJG EJGUV GZRCPFU HTQO [QWT RWDKE DQPG VQ [QWT heart center. Vinyasa Krama: %CVEJKPI VJG DCEM HQQV JQNFKPI YKVJ QPG JCPF UCOG HQQV UCOG JCPF WUKPI VJG RTCPC Ćƒ QY RWNUCVKQP CPF DQF[ RTCPC Ćƒ QY VQ QRGP VJG SWCFTKEGRU - Catching the back foot and holding it with both hands - pushing the back foot back like in dhanurasana - Strap between hand and foot - Holding the back foot with one or two hands with “pincha mayurasana armsâ€? for the full GZRTGUUKQP QH VJG CUCPC #UCPC $GPGĆ‚ VU - Stretches the thighs, groins, psoas, abdomen, chest, shoulders and neck - Stimulates the abdominals organs - Opens the shoulders and chest - A great preparation and krama for Natarajasana Related Asanas: radha-krishna-asana natarajasana padangusthasana dhanurasana

Roots Prana Vinyasa Eka Pada Rajkapotasana Sequence Samudra Mudra Vinyasa [5+ minutes opening movement meditation]

Rhythmic Vinyasa B

One round with the three part vinyasa method

4 movements of lunge

Dancing Warrior 1 1 to 3 rounds

Dancing Warrior Side Opening 3 to 6 rounds

Core Cultivation for this sadhana is integrated into the beginning waves

4 movements of lunge

Middle Vinyasa

Beginning Vinyasa

End Vinyasa

Solar Wave 1:

parsva pincha mayurasana FCPFCUCPC DQF[ RTCPC Ćƒ QY with top arm - do both sides


pincha mayurasana with pulsation

ardha bhekasana dhanurasana *do both legs


connecting vinyasa

Vira I Crescent variation with pulsations

parivrtta arjaneyasana ganesh trunk XKP[CUC Z

ardha anjaneyasana hanumanasana with pulsation with shoulder upper body op. gamukasana kramas

ardha dhanurasana as connecting vinyasa. Right leg Ć‚ TUV VJGP .GHV NGI

* Ardha danurasana as connecting vinyasa then lift Left leg and complete Left side from the middle wave.

Solar Wave 2:

URJKPZCUCPC Parsva pincha pincha mayurasana salabhasana mayurasana krama in dandasana body mandala body prana Ćƒ QY YKVJ top arm - do both sides


at the end come to anahata to begin solar wave 2.


dhanurasana CV

vira I crescent variation with hands clasping behind

body prana parivrtta Ćƒ QY VKOGU parsvakonasana towards the twist

hanumanasana ardha BV hanumanasana pulsation with upper body

eka pada rajkapotasana kramas

lunar or solar eka pada rajkapotasana option

*Adho mukha svanasana connecting vinyasa then lift Left leg and complete Left side from the middle wave. Once both sides are complete go to anahata and ekapada dhanurasana kramas


eka padangusthasana dhanurasana


Opening Movement Meditation Samudra Vinyasa The wave creates a natural feeling of the ocean (Samudra) washing over you. As you inhale, draw your hands straight up to the sky. #U [QW GZJCNG TGNGCUG [QWT URKPG CPF [QWT CTOU NKMG VJG ETGUV QH C YCXG across the shore; bend your elbows and draw your open arms forward along with your entire spine toward the earth. Inhale, and draw your spine and your arms back and up like a wave coiling from the shore. Continue these movements in an undulating rhythm.

Namaskar Wave

Rhythmic Vinyasa B One round with the three part vinyasa method

4 movements of lunge

Dancing Warrior 1 1 to 3 rounds

Dancing Warrior Side 3 to 6rounds

4 movements of lunge

Main Part of Class Solar Wave 1 Beginning Wave

Middle Wave


End Wave

ardha hanumanasana pulsation with upper body Vira I crescent variation with pulsations

pincha mayurasana with pulsation

Parsva pincha mayurasana in dandasana body prana Ćƒ QY YKVJ VQR CTO FQ DQVJ UKFGU

ardha bhekasana *do both legs


anjaneyasana with shoulder op. gamukasana kramas

parivrtta anjaneyasana ganesh trunk XKP[CUC Z

ardha dhanurasana as connecting XKP[CUC 4KIJV NGI Ć‚ TUV VJGP NGHV NGI


connecting vinyasa

* Ardha danurasana as connecting vinyasa then lift Left leg and complete Left side from the middle wave. at the end come to anahata to begin solar wave 2.

Main Part of Class Solar Wave 2 Beginning Wave

Middle Wave

End Wave

anahatasana ardha hanumanasana pulsation with upper body

vira I crescent variation with hands clasping behind pincha mayurasana krama

hanumanasana BV

full pincha mayurasana

eka pada rajkapotasana kramas


lunar or solar eka pada rajkapotasana option

k.1 quad opening pulsation holding the ankle k.2 holding ankle with both hands in dhanurasana variation k.3 holding ankle with pinchamayurasana arms


*Adho mukha svanasana connecting vinyasa then lift Left leg and complete Left side from the middle wave.


parivrtta parsvakonasana

Once both sides are complete go to anahata and ekapada dhanurasana kramas

connecting vinyasa anahatasana

eka padangusthasana dhanurasana


Lunar Arts

Backbending Vinyasa

setu bhandasana

urdhva dhanurasana

Inner Arts choose from any of these four possibilites


Lunar Twists

Forward Bends

baddha konasana with forward bend or other forward bend of your choice





Sequence Questions Prana Vinyasa Eka Pada Rajkapotasana Foundation Water Sequence 7 >Ì >Ài V Ã> } i Ìà > ` ÃÌÀÕVÌÕÀ> ­> >Ì V> ® ` vwVÕ Ì ià > *>`> ,> >« Ì>Ã> >¶

What are the contraindications (who is this asana NOT for in terms of injuries, tweaks or physical limitations) for the eka pada rajkapotasana v> Þ¶

Sequencing – Prana Vinyasa Eka Pada Rajkapotasana Foundation Water Sequence *i> >Ã> > v> Þ\ Ü >Ì Ã Ì i «À >ÀÞ «i } > ` ÃÌÀi }Ì i } Ü Ì > >Ì V> > }Õ>}i¶

Write your opening that would prepare your students and invoke the qualities of Eka Pada Rajkapotasana.

Namaskars – Teach the namaskar with 3-part vinyasa variations for each of the primary asanas below, emphasizing the quality of water.

- Utkatasana

- Uttanasana

- Four-Movements of Lunge

- Vira II – to Parsva Vira II – to utthita parsvakonasana vinyasa

- Adho Mukha Svanasana

Core Sequence - How does the Prana Vinyasa creative core relate to the peak asana?

Main Body of the practice - Write the kramas for Eka Pada Rajkapotasana

Roots Prana Vinyasa Bakasana Wave Sequence

Peak Asana - Bakasana Pronunciation: (BAHK-AH-SUN-AH) Meaning: Baka = crane Bhava: ITQWPFKPI DCNCPEKPI GORQYGTKPI CEVKXCVKPI F[PCOKE ENCTKH[KPI UQNCT GCTVJ Æ‚ TG XKTC Five Movements of Prana

Three Part Vinyasa: Prana Flow Pulsation Mula Bandha Pulsation

Apana - tailbone points to the heels, Hasta Banda in the hands shoulder width on the GCTVJ UJKPU RTGUU FQYP KPVQ WRRGT CTOU Samana - feet press into each other, Uddiyana Bandha in the navel coils in and up TQWPFKPI VJG URKPG UECRWNC GPICIG FQYP VJG DCEM Vyana - extend arms from the earth, collarbones broaden through the chest, energy EKTEWNCVGU VJTQWIJ Æ‚ PIGTU CPF VQGU CPF KP XCTKCVKQPU NGIU TCFKCVG KP HWNN GZVGPUKQP Udana - JGGNU NKHV VQ VJG VCKNDQPG GPGTI[ TKUGU WR CTOU HTQO VJG GCTVJ Prana UVGTPWO KU GZRCPFKPI HQTYCTF

Bent-Arm Prana Pulsation

Body Prana Flow Samana-Viana Leg Body Prana Flow Rythmic Prana Flow Bakasana - Eka Pada Bakasana Rhythmic Prana Flow

Vinyasa Krama:

Bakasana - Tripod Headstand Rhythmic Prana Flow

- Low Malasana - Raising one foot - Bakasana - Eka Pada Bakasana #UCPC $GPGÆ‚ VU

- Whole body mudra through samana vayu to awaken symmetrical balancing power - Core activation and balance elements encourage personal empowerment and mental clarity - Strengthens arms and wrists - Stretches the upper back - Strengthens the core Related Asanas: l low malasana lolasana galavasana parsva bakasana marjariasana-rounded

Roots Prana Vinyasa Bakasana Sequence Samana-Vyana Arms Mudra Vinyasa [5+ minutes opening movement meditation]

Rhythmic Vinyasa B [3-part Vinyasa] (according to your choice)

Dancing Warrior1 [repeat 1-3 times]

Dancing Warrior-Hip Opening [repeat 1-3 times]

1. Core Sequence [repeat 10+ times]




Beginning Vinyasa

Middle Vinyasa

End Vinyasa

Solar Wave 1:


tadasana utkatasana malasana bakasana padahastasana jump to to with dandasana malasana pulsation with agni mudra

trikonasana - parsva vira II Rythmic Prana Flow

trikonasana Body Prana Flow

trikonasana ardha chandrasana

ardha hanumanasana

eka pada bakasana prep put knee to tricep and coil in

*Connecting vinyasa lift Left leg in downward dog and complete left side HTQO VJG OKFFNG YCXG 1PEG DQVJ UKFGU CTG EQORNGVG UVGR QT LWOR VQ WVVCPCUCPC HQT PGZV YCXG

Solar Wave 2:

tadasana utkatasana malasana to malasana with agni mudra

bakasana kramas bakasana kramas


connecting vinyasa

M DCMCUCPC RWNUCVKQP k.2 - eka pada bakasana bring one knee between the arms

vira I crescent variation Rhythmic Prana Flow towards the twist x3

parivritta parsvakonasana

ardha hanumanasana hanumanasana

QRV DCFJC parivritta parsvakonasana

eka pada bakasana krama

eka pada connecting bakasana vinyasa

*Connecting vinyasa lift Left leg in downward dog and complete left side HTQO VJG OKFFNG YCXG 1PEG DQVJ UKFGU CTG EQORNGVG UVGR QT LWOR VQ WVVCPCUCPC HQT PGZV YCXG

Solar Wave 3:


padahastasana parsva utkatasna Body Prana Flow bakasana with legs extended *do both legs

connecting vinyasa


parivrtta trikasana ganesh’s trunk vinyasa with upper arm x3

parivrtta ardha chandrasana

ardha hanumanasana

ardha matsyendrasana

dwi pada koundinyasana

standing split in connecting vinyasa * do both legs

*step feet together in uttanasana and then step the 4KIJV HQQV DCEM Once both sides are complete go to lunar end wave

Opening Movement Meditation Samana-Vyana Mudra Vinyasa This meditation cultivates the awareness of the core pulsation—inward (samana) and outward (vyana)— that connects us with the rhythm of life in GXGT[ EGNN CPF JGCTVDGCV

Namaskar Wave

Rythmic Vinyasa B 1x

4 movements of lunge

Dancing Warrior 1 1-3x

Dancing Warrior Hip Opening 1-3x

4 movements of lunge

Arm Balance Core Sequence

Main Part of Class Solar Wave 1 Beginning Wave

Middle Wave

End Wave

trikonasana tadasana utkatasana towards malasana with agni mudra

bakasana krama

malasana with pulsation

ardha hanumanasana

trikonasana - parsva vira II Rythmic Prana Flow padahastasana eka pada DCMCUCPC RTGR put knee on tricep and coil in


jump to dandasana

trikonasana Body Prana Flow

*Connecting vinyasa lift Left leg in downward dog and EQORNGVG NGHV UKFG HTQO VJG OKFFNG YCXG

connecting vinyasa

ardha chandrasana


Once both sides are complete step or jump to WVVCPCUCPC HQT PGZV YCXG

Main Part of Class Solar Wave 2 Beginning Wave

tadasana to malasane with agni mudra


Middle Wave

End Wave

ardha hanumanasana



vira 1 crescent variation À ÞÌ V «À> > y Ü Ì Ü>À`Ã Ì i ÌÜ ÃÌ Ý Î

eka pada bakasana krama bakasana kramas bakasana kramas M DCMCUCPC RWNUCVKQP


eka pada bakasana

parivrtta parsvakonasana

k.2 - eka pada bakasana bring one knee between the arms

connecting vinyasa QRV DCFJC RCTKXTVVC parsvakonasana connecting vinyasa

*Connecting vinyasa lift Left leg in downward dog and EQORNGVG NGHV UKFG HTQO VJG OKFFNG YCXG Once both sides are complete step or jump to WVVCPCUCPC HQT PGZV YCXG

Main Part of Class Solar Wave 3 Beginning Wave

Middle Wave

End Wave

ardha hanumanasana

utkatasna Body Prana Flow


parsvottanasa body prana Ćƒ QY YKVJ WRRGT DQF[ ardha matsyendrasana

parsva bakasana

parsva padahastasana bakasana with legs extended

parivrtta trikonasana ganesh truck vinyasa with upper arm x 3

dwi pada koundinyasana

*do both legs

parivrtta ardha chandrasana connecting vinyasa

standing split as connecting vinyasa *do both legs *step feet together in uttanasana and then step VJG 4KIJV HQQV DCEM Once both sides are complete go to lunar end wave

Lunar Arts

Inner Arts choose from any of these four possibilites

Backbending Vinyasa

supine lunar twist

Begin Inner Arts


Lunar Twists

stimbasana (seated double pigeon) with a forward bend

Forward Bends

ardha matsyendrasana

ardha matsyendrasana on the other side





Sequence Questions Prana Vinyasa Bakasana Foundation Fire Sequence What are the most important bandhas for this arm-balance?

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Sequencing – Prana Vinyasa Bakasana Foundation Fire Sequence Peak asana family: what is the primary opening and strengthening with anatomical language?

Write your opening that would prepare your students and invoke the qualities of “bakasana”.

> >Ã >ÀÃ q /i>V Ì i > >Ã >À Ü Ì Î «>ÀÌ Û Þ>Ã> Û>À >Ì Ã v À i>V v Ì i «À >ÀÞ >Ã> >Ã Li Ü] i « >Ã â } Ì i µÕ> ÌÞ v wÀi° - Utkatasana

- Uttanasana

- Four-Movements of Lunge

- Virabhadrasana 1

- Adho Mukha Svanasana

Core Sequence – How does the Prana Vinyasa creative core relate to the peak asana?

Main Body of the practice - Write the kramas for bakasana.

Elemental Prana Vinyasa Natarajasana Wave Sequence

Peak Asana - Natarajasana Pronunciation: (NAH-TAH-RAHJ-AH-SUN-AH) Meaning: Nata = dancer; Nataraj - another name for Shiva, Lord of the dance Bhava: ITQWPFKPI WRNKHVKPI DCNCPEKPI GZRCPUKXG F[PCOKE CNN GPEQORCUUKPI UQNCT Ć‚ TG CKT XKTC Five Movements of Prana: Apana - Pada Bandha grounds down through four corners of standing foot, tailbone grounds down towards supporting heel elongating lumbar curve, scapula retract down the back, glutes relax away from sacrum. Samana – Uddiyana Bandha engages in and up supporting the spine, pelvis becomes the centerpoint from the vyana vayu of the backbend; elbows hug towards one another.. Vyana - lifted foot presses up and back into hands or strap, extend the three rivers of the spine from navel to heart (central channel - lengthen from pubic bone to naval to sternum to crown; second and third rivers - side waist from top of pelvis to armpits), collarbones broaden through the chest. Udana - earth energy rises up standing leg, quadriceps rise up femur pressing thigh back, skull reaches up and out as an extension of the spine. Prana - sternum lifts up and back, cobra action in the chest expands from your pubic bone to your heart center Vinyasa Krama: - All backbends will open and prepare for Natarajasana as a peak pose. - Vira III with quad opening: holding the back foot with both hands, pushing back and opening like in dhanurasa. - Strap between foot and hands. #UCPC $GPGĆ‚ VU - Opens the heart and shoulders ‡ -ĂŒĂ€iĂŒVÂ…iĂƒ ĂŒÂ…i Â…ÂˆÂŤ y iĂ?ÂœĂ€Ăƒ] ¾Õ>`Ăƒ ‡ -ĂŒĂ€i˜}ĂŒÂ…i˜ ĂŒÂ…i ĂƒÂŤÂˆÂ˜i] Â?i}Ăƒ >˜` >˜ŽÂ?iĂƒ - Improves sacred balance ‡ Ć‚Ăœ>ÂŽiÂ˜Ăƒ vÂœVĂ•Ăƒ ‡ /i˜`Ăƒ ĂŒÂ…i Ăƒ>VĂ€i` w Ă€i Âœv ĂŒÂ…i ˆ˜˜iĂ€ Â…i>Ă€ĂŒ Reated Asanas: viparita dandasana solar eka pada rajkapotasana lunge padangusthasana dhanurasana ardha dhanurasana in marjariasana ardha dhanurasana in standing splits

Roots Prana Vinyasa Natarajasana Sequence Anahata Mudra Vinyasa [5+ minutes opening movement meditation]

Rythmic Vinyasa B Do once with three part vinyasa

Dancing Warrior 1 [repeat 1-3 times]

Dancing Warrior Backbending [repeat 3 - 6 times]

Backbending Core Sequence [repeat 10+ times]

pincha mayurasana in dandasana core pulsation

Beginning Vinyasa

Middle Vinyasa

End Vinyasa

Solar Wave 1


anahatasana pinchamayurasana pinchamayurasana prep


connecting vinyasa

trikenasana single arm BV

ardha chandrasana

quad op. parsva virabhadrasana II

ardha hanumanasana

anjaneyasana quad. op. var.

connecting vinyasa

* Ardha danurasana as connecting vinyasa then lift Left leg and complete Left side from the middle wave.

choose from these standing asanas combination

Solar Wave 2 parvottanasana parsvottanasana towards the with foward backbend with bend anahata mudra vinyasa


anahatasana pinchamayurasana prep

pinchamayurasana pandaghusta pranam chandurasana

connecting vinyasa


parivrtta parivrtta trikonasana trikonasana Body Prana Flow

vira III - Vira III with quad opening - Parsvottanasana

parivrtta ardha chandrasana

Once both sides are complete go to standing splits

standing split

standing split standing split with µÕ>` «i } ­ ` } v Ì Ü Ì opposite hand)

*standing split as connecting vinyasa, do middle wave on the left side

standing splits with pulsation do both legs


*Once natarajasana is done on both sides go to lunar end wave

Opening Movement Meditation Anahata Mudra Vinyasa Bring your hand to your heart, either with open palms or in anjali mudra. Integrate the heart gaze and feel its effects deepen your awareness as you open your heart. To integrate chanting with the mudra, circulate the chant as you exhale and the hands come through your heart in offering. On an inhale, slowly draw your hands in front of your heart. As you exhale, begin to offer the vowel sounds of om ahhh ohhhh mmmmnggg, or any mantra from your spiritual tradition, or just primal sound as you extend your arms open and feel the emanation of the radiance in your heart. When you reach the full extension, inhale and wrap your hands behind your back, as if drawing and integrating a deep, core truth within yourself. Circulate this movement for several rounds.

Namaskar Wave

Rythmic Vinyasa B Do once with three part vinyasa

Dancing Warrior 1 1 - 3 times

> V } 7>ÀÀ À >V Li ` } 3 - 6 times

Backbending Core Sequence

Main Part of Class Solar Wave 1 Beginning Wave

End Wave

Middle Wave

anahatasana trikenasana single arm BV

pinchamayurasana prep

anjaneyasana quad. op.


ardha chandrasana


ardha hanumanasana

dhanurasana pulsation and chanting

quad op.


parsva virabhadrasana

connecting vinyasa

Adho mukha svanasana as connecting vinyasa to do the left side starting at the middle wave.

Once both sides are complete go to anahata to start solar wave two.

Main Part of Class Solar Wave 2 Beginning Wave

Middle Wave

End Wave

choose from these standing asanas combination

anahatasana parvottanasana towards the backbend with anahata mudra vinyasa

parsvottanasana with foward bend

standing split

standing split with µÕ>` «i } ­ ` } v Ì Ü Ì opposite hand)

vira III - Vira III with quad opening - Parsvottanasana pinchamayurasana prep

pinchamayurasana standing split as connecting vinyasa, do middle wave on the left side

Once both sides are complete go to standing splits

parsvottanasana anahatasana

pandaghusta dhanurasana

parivrtta trikonasana Body Prana Flow

standing splits with pulsation do both leg


connecting vinyasa

parivrtta trikonasana

parivrtta ardha chandrasana


once natarajasana is done on both sides go to lunar end wave

Lunar Arts Setu bandhasana Urdhva dhanurasana With dwi pada pida vinyasa

Vaparita dandasana

Inner Arts choose from any of these four variations


Lunar Twists

Forward Bends

ardha matsyendrasana

paschimottanasana Begin Inner Arts


Supine Lunar Twist






Write your opening that would prepare your students and invoke the qualities of Natarajasana.

Teach with 3-part vinyasa variations for each of the primary asanas below, emphasizing the quality of air. - Four-Movements of Lunge

- Cobra/Urdhva mukha svanasana

- Virabhadrasana 1 crescent variation with hands clasp behind


Main Body of the practice - Write the kramas for parsvottanasana

- Write the kramas for standing splits

- Write the kramas for pandaghusta dhanurasana

- Write the kramas for Natarajasana



EARTH ROOTS - LUNAR VISVAMITRASANA - E-FLOW Peak asanas : eka pada rajakapotasana - seated visvamitrasana Opening movement meditation : tadasana to malasana – rhythmic vinyasa 3 x with Om Namaskar : Lunar prep. Wave (rhythmic vin. B) or solar + Dancing warrior 1 and/or hip opening variation

Beginning Wave ① Low Malasana (pulsation x 3)

Connecting Vinyasa ② Svanasana (All four)

LUNAR WAVE 1 Middle wave ③⑥ Ardha hanumanasana To Anjaneyasana (rhythmic vinyasa) 3 x Keeping hands to the earth and back knee on the earth

End wave ④⑦ Kapotasana

Connecting Vinyasa ⑤ Right to eka pada adho mukha svanasana

Janu Sirsasana

Uttanasana Hands together in the back (pulsation with the legs)

Repeat wave on left side

And/or Adho mukha svanasana

k.1 Krounchasana k.2 Parivrtta krounchasana

⑧ When both sides are finished Anahata

Eka pada adho mukha svanasana Option: Dual leg lifting with hip opening

k.1 Kapotasana k.2 Kapotasana quad opening (pulsation vin. x 3)

Dhanurasana (pulsation vin . 3 x) (Hands inside the ankles) Pranam Urdhva mukha svanasana or cobra to Lunar wave 2

© - Shiva Rea - Samudra




② Svanasana (all four)

Low Malasana with twist do both sides

Uttanasana (Pulsation)

And/or Adho mukha svanasana

Eka pada adho mukha svanasana (with hip opening)

③⑥ Anjaneyasana (rhythmic vinyasa) - ardha hanumanasana (rhythmic vinyasa) 3 x Complete circles with arms

End Wave

Connecting Vinyasa

④⑦ Kapotasana (with twisting) (with shoulder opening)

⑤ Right leg back directly to eka pada adho mukha svanasana

Parighasana/parivrtta janu sirsasana (pulsation)

Repeat wave on left side ______________________ ⑧ When left side complete go to Lunar end wave.

Visvamistrasana sitting k.1 Hip opening k.2 complete opening


© - Shiva Rea - Samudra




LUNAR END WAVE K.1 Baddha konasana with Om K.2 Upavistha konasana

Setu bandhasana Dwi pada pida vinyasa (with arms)


Jathara parivarttanasana


Closing meditation: Nadi shodana Mantra: Om Gan Ganapataye Namaha

© - Shiva Rea - Samudra




WATER ROOTS SEQUENCE - EFLOW – LUNAR EKA PADA RAJKAPOTASANA Peak asana : eka pada rajkapotasana Opening meditation : sukasana - samudra vinyasa - marjariasana - to balasana with Om Namaskar: chandra namaskar or Lunar backbend dancing warrior (C.V. anahata - pincha - cobra - pranam - Urdhva mukha svanasana) Transition/core activation: supta eka pada raja kapotasana (laying on your back) LUNAR WAVE 1 Beginning Connecting vinyasa Middle wave End wave Connecting vinyasa ① Double pigeon/gomukhasana Shoulders opening: garuda Yogic cross Side waist lateral opening

② Bring the left leg back. Or Ardha Dhanurasana k.1. (without taking the foot) or k.2 Ardha Dhanurasana (both sides)

Left first, then right Turn around to switch side. Repeat the beginning wave on the other side.

③⑥ Eka pada rajakapotasana with quadriceps opening (Pulsation V.3x ) (same foot – same hand)

④⑦ Eka pada rajakapotasana with shoulder opening on the earth

⑤ Adho mukha svanasana (hip opening variation) Right leg directly back

or Eka pada rajakapotasana With twist (Pulsation V 3x )

Then left leg to the sky to repeat the core wave on the left side.

------------------------------------⑧ Adho mukha svanasana Left leg directly back

Put the right foot in front When left side is completed, finish in adho mukha svanasana to go to the next wave

© - Shiva Rea - Samudra



① Double pigeon/gomukhasana Shoulder opening: garuda

Connecting vinyasa ② Left leg to the back

Left first, than right

Reverse Namasté

- Turn around to switch side. Repeat the beginning wave on the other side.

© - Shiva Rea - Samudra

And/or with quadriceps opening (pulsation V. 3x ) (hand on the oposite foot) (radha krishna vinyasa)

Side waist lateral opening Ardha matsyendrasana

③⑥ Eka pada rajakapotasana (with twist)

Or k.2 Ardha Dhanurasana (both sides)

Yogic cross gomukhasana

LUNAR WAVE 2 Middle wave

End wave

Connecting vinyasa

④⑦ K.1 eka pada rajakoptasana (one hand on the foot)

⑤ Adho mukha svanasana (hip opening variation) Right leg directly back

K.2 eka pada rajakapotasana (both hands on the foot)

Then left leg to the sky to repeat the core wave on the left side.

K.3 eka pada rajakapotasana (with full opening) ------------------------------------⑧ Adho mukha svanasana Left leg directly back

Right foot in the front

When left side is completed, finish in adho mukha svanasana towards the next wave



END WAVE Setu bandhasana Urdhva dhanurasana

Supta eka pada rajakapotasana (with the lower leg bent)

Salamba sarvangasana (feet crossed) Supta padangusthasana


Supta Parivrtta padangusthasana

Halasana – one leg at a time Legs in bada konasana or lotus


© - Shiva Rea - Samudra


Nadi shodana in lotus or half lotus


Mantra Om Hrim Or heart mantra of your choice



ROOTS LUNAR FIRE SEQUENCE E-FLOW BAKASANA OPENING MEDITATION : Vjrasana to balasana - prana to jai mudra – down to the central channel with OM NAMASKAR: lunar rhythmic vinyasa A or B and/or Solar + Dancing warrior 1 + dancing warrior hip opening variation. or Surya Namaskar CORE ACTIVATION: Navasana prep. Seated pulsation (feet hips wide, hands together) + Navasana var. upavistha konasana (Urdhva dristi): k.1 .badakonasana take the big toe one leg at a time uttana padasana prep. k.2. both legs + badakonasana pulsation with Om LUNAR WAVE 1 BEGINNING MIDDLE WAVE END Connecting vinyasa ① Malasana (pulsation vin.) Uttanasana

②⑤ Ardha hanumanasana (pulsation vin. With upper body 3 to 5 times)

③ ⑥ Janu sirsasana

Supta ardha virasana and/or Anjaneyasana/ Solar Kapotasana

(big step back with left leg)

Ardha Dhanurasana K.1. without holding the foot Or k.2 hold the foot Adho mukha svanasana ---------⑦ Malasana Towards the next wave

LUNAR WAVE 2 BEGINNING ① Malasana (pulsation vin.)

MIDDLE WAVE ②⑤ Parivrtta Ardha hanumanasana and/or hanumanasana

END ③⑥ Supta ardha virasana and/or

Uttanasana Parivrtta Janu sirsasana And/or

(big step back with left leg)

Supta hasta padangusthasana Supta Parivrtta padangusthasana

and/or Krounchasana

© - Shiva Rea - Samudra

Connecting vinyasa ④⑦ Ardha dhanurasana Right foot, than left foot. Keep left foot up towards the core wave on the left side. ---------------------------⑧ When both sides are finished Anahata Dhanurasana (3 pulsations) Pranamasana



LUNAR WAVE Badakonasana Pasasana (seated twisting)

Navasana Var. upavistha konasana k.1 one leg at a time K.2 both legs

Uttana padasana / var. Navasana var. en Paschimottanasana

Upavistha konasana with forward bend

To upavistha konasana Salamba sarvangasana

Halasana With open leg to the earth and/or lotus position Hands in yoga mudra

Matsyasana With legs in lotus position

Nadi shodana (lotus or half-lotus)

Shavasana Apanasana Meditation: Om Glaum Gan Ganapataye swaha

Š - Shiva Rea - Samudra



ROOTS AIR – PRANA VINYASA EFLOW – LUNAR NATARAJASANA Peak asana: Eka pada rajakapotasana Opening meditation: Om anahata mudra vinyasa to hasta mudra in Virasana Namaskar: rhythmic vinyasa B/lunar prep wave and lunar backbend dancing warrior (V.C. anahata - cobra) or chandra namaskar Transition: pranam - shoulder opening on the earth

Beginning ① Vjrasana or sukasana Flow – Shoulder opening:

Connecting vinyasa

LUNAR WAVE 1 middle wave


Adho mukha svanasana (Var. hip opening)

RV x.3: Anjaneyasana to Ardha hanumanasana

End wave

Connecting vinyasa

④⑦ Eka pada rajakapotasana with quadriceps opening (pulsation v. 3x ) (same footsame hand) with OM

⑤ Directly to eka pada adho mukha svanasana (var. hip opening)

Eka pada rajakapotasana With twisting Shoulder opening to the floor in twisting

Repeat on the left side; From core wave.

Garuda Yogic cross Gomukasana Side waist/lateral opening

Rythmic Vinyasa x3 Ustrasana to anahata

Double pigeon Or gomukasana Flow – Shoulder opening

Kapotasana with back bend

© - Shiva Rea - Samudra

------------------⑧ When left side is completed go to adho mukha svanasana and walk to the back of the mat with the hands to uttanasana towards the next wave.



Connecting vinyasa

Anahata debout to Uttanasana Rythmic Vin X3

Adho mukha svanasana

Anahata Parivrtta anahata (pulsation Vin.)

Rythmic Vin. 3x: ustrasana to anahata

K.1 Ardha ustrasana: Flex feet with one hand behind the neck (do both hands) K.2 Ustrasana K.3 Laghuvajrasana Balasana

© - Shiva Rea - Samudra

LUNAR WAVE 2 Middle wave ③⑥ Anjaneyasana with hands on the lower back or with blocks B.V. 3 x


End wave ④⑦ K.1 eka pada rajakoptasana (one hand on the foot) K.2 eka pada rajakapotasana (both hands on the back foot)

Connecting vinyasa ⑤ Ardha dhanurasana to eka pada adho mukha svanasana (hip opening var)

K.3 eka pada rajakapotasana (with full opening) K.1 – Ardha hanumanasana with twist

Repeat on the left side; Go to the next wave. ----------------⑧ When left side is completed go to lunar end wave.

K.2 – Hanumanasana With quad opening




Parivrtta Paschimottanasana or Ardha baddha padmasana


Setu bandhasana

Salamba sarvangasana ( crossed feet)

Halasana - 1 leg at a time Legs in bada konasana or lotus

Matsyendrasana With legs in lotus

Š - Shiva Rea - Samudra


Supta parivrtta padangusthasana


Meditation - Mantra OM Shrim Hrim Klim



LUNAR INTEGRATION ROOTS SEQUENCE - SPACE - E-FLOW Peak asanas : upavistha konasana – Supta Padangusthasana Opening meditation: sitting position - prana mudra – anjeli mudra to jai mudra to prana mudra – Marjariasana - r.v. to balasana Namaskar : All dancing warriors (of your choice one or more in order): dancing warrior 1 + hip opening + Back bend + Side opening Pranayama (end of sadhana) : Nadi shodana – Mantra – Long Ganesh mantra

Beginning wave ① Malasana low (pulsation x 3)

Connecting vinyasa ② Step back with left leg to middle wave

LUNAR WAVE 1 Middle wave ③⑥ K.1 Ardha hanumanasana K.2. Hanumanasana

End wave ④⑦ Right side:

Connecting vinyasa ⑤⑧ Malasana

Bada konasana

Upavistha konasana With forward bends

Eka pada raja kapotasana Left side: Uptavistha konasana with side opening and forward bends (both sides)

© - Shiva Rea - Samudra

_________________ ⑨ Once the wave is completed on the Left side go to malasana towards the next wave



LUNARE INTEGRATION SEQUENCE ROOTS - SPACE - E-FLOW LUNAR WAVE 2 Beginning wave Connecting vinyasa Middle wave

① Malasana low with twisting

② Step back with right leg to middle wave

③⑥ K.1. Ardha hanumanasana K.2. Hanumanasana

End wave ④⑦ Supta rajakapotasana

Connecting vinyasa ⑤⑧ Lie on the earth to switch leg

Supta padangusthasana (with or without strap)

Parivrtta supta Padangusthasana

Eka pada raja kapotasana with twisting

© - Shiva Rea - Samudra





Halasana Purna chandrasana (badha konasana var.) Feet together Salamba sarvangasana Variation with legs: Upavistha konasana Badha konasana Lotus


Shavasana And/or

Completion meditation: Nadi shodana

Mantra : Long Ganesh mantra with chakras Mudra: Anjeli mudra to jai mudra to prana mudra

Long Ganesh mantra: (each sentence: 3 to 9 times per chakra) Om swaha Om shrim swaha Om shrim hrim klim swaha Om gan ganapataye swaha Om glaum gan ganapataye swaha Om shrim hrim klim glaum gan ganapataye swaha

Š - Shiva Rea - Samudra


OVERVIEW OF ADAPTING A SEQUENCE - RESUME OF THE ART OF MULTI DIMENSIONAL WAVE SEQUENCING The art of sequencing within Vinyasa Yoga reflects the organic evolutionary pattern in nature. Just as all of life is infused with cycles and stages, a well-planned class offers the same evolution. In order to teach vinyasa as an expression of our living yoga and offer students a tangible format that they can relate to, Prana Vinyasa Flow® sequencing formats asanas accordingly. Throughout the class there is a seamless flow with an inherent rising and falling, solar and lunar current that allows students to literally ride each sequencing wave as it unfolds from simple to complex. ADAPTING A SEQUENCE As a teacher, we have choices to make. As with a recipe, it is important to know which ingredients (or elements) to include and which ones can be left out. When we want to experience vinyasa, the flow, in our daily life or in the sequence of a class, we ask ourselves: “Where do I want to go? What is my goal? Where am I now? What is essential?” Our answers to these questions will help us build up the steps to get there... When the sequence has more than one wave you have the following choices: - Adapting the different kramas of asanas according to the level of the class, take out some asanas or add if needed. - Choose the peak asana according to the level of the class - Change or adapt the connecting vinyasa according to the bhava (solar or lunar) and level of the class - Use the three part vinyasa method of your choice in the asanas to add creativity, fluidity and alignment in the flow - Keep only one wave or more following the pattern:  Opening meditation + namaskar + wave 1 + lunar end wave  Opening meditation + namaskar + wave 1 + wave 2 + lunar end wave  Opening meditation + namaskar + wave 1 + wave 3 + lunar end wave - Option of keeping the middle wave only (standing asanas combinations) Opening movement meditation + namaskar + middle wave of the two or three waves put together + lunar end wave

© SHIVA REA - Samudra

THE KRAMAS OF WAVE SEQUENCING  The rhythmic vinyasa done once before the namaskar, or your first round of the namaskar will include variations of the three part vinyasa method and can be either solar or lunar, depending on the sequence and will also include variations according to the elements.  The namaskars are usually repeated a minimum of 3 times for beginners, and up to 9 times or more for an intermediate class. (right leg - left leg counts for one round).  The core cultivation wave is optional, it can be taken out according to the time you have. 

When teaching beginners, only the namaskar or, only the namaskar and the first wave can be plenty.

Always build the progression from simple to complex in both kramas of asanas and in the succession of waves supporting and building on one another.

Keep in mind that each wave leads to the next. One feeds the other. There is a relationship between all of the waves vertically and horizontally

One wave can end with only the beginning wave of the next one which often includes peak asanas before going to the lunar end wave.

Asanas from wave 2 and 3 can be inserted into wave 1 while remaining attentive to the kramas.

When adding an asana, keep in mind the position of the hips (closed vs. open) symmetrical/asymmetrical to support a seamless flow.

When offering a different version of an asana with the three part vinyasa method, or adding asanas, be aware of not putting too many standing poses on one leg in a row, particularly weight bearing balance poses. It is advised to link 2-3 asanas maximum with full attention and integrity and creative pulsations, with the body prana flow, and rhythmic prana flow then putting too many asanas. Most students do not have the stamina to maintain more than three standing asanas in a row with integrity unless they have a more advanced practice.

WORKING WITH YOUR SEQUENCE BOOKLET AND YOGA ALCHEMY VIDEOS ONLINE SCHOOL Relying on these points mentioned above and the overview of adapting a sequence, the sequences filmed on yoga alchemy show only one version of each sequence. Your sequence booklet may include more variations, choices and extra asanas for you to choose from to help you adapt the sequence when needed. All these options are not always shown in the online version of each sequence. If a sequence in your manual is not yet available on the online school, rely on all the tools you have learned in your teacher training to anchor the three part vinyasa method, the asana kramas, key actions and cues, to nourish the sequence in your self-practice and in your teaching and transmission of the sequences. More resources and videos will be offered to you as the online platforms grows. Thank you for your patience in the birthing and growing or our online school and thank you for embracing the immense creativity of Prana Vinyasa. © SHIVA REA - Samudra

Thank you in advance for the way you embody, honor and transmit what you have learned in our Prana Vinyasa Evolutionary Teacher Training. Please share with the world what you have learned in all forms of yoga with respect. Please practice a namaskar at least 40 days and integrate into your embodiment before teaching. The teachings unfold in direct experience. A namaskar is not a “move� and is are refined offering that changes and evolves but can be passed on for the benefits it embodies. Please honor the roots Namaskars of Chandra (from the Bihar School) and Classical Surya Namaskar (from Bihar /Krishnamacharya lineages). Thank you for CLEARLY IDENTIFYING PRANA FLOW MUDRA VINYASAS, PRANA FLOW NAMASKARS or Prana Flow Mandala Namaskar PRANA FLOW THREE PART Method. What we offer has been refined over 15 years of teaching. This is a small respect we show to any school or style of yoga that we integrate with permission into our teaching. Thank you for your respect. This is all an offering to you. With mutual respect and patience, all is given with blessings.

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