GOAL 7 Affordable and Clean Energy
Sustainable Development Goal 7 has five targets and seven indicators that address the growing energy demand and an urgent need to mitigate climate change. The underlying focus of the goal is to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all.
At Shiv Nadar University, energy is one of the priority research areas. We contribute to SDG 7 through teaching and research related to clean energy, outlining policies on energy use, and promoting energy efficiency in the broader community through partnerships.
The year started with efforts to achieve specific targets around our campus, including quadrupling our solar energy generation, planting a total of 20,000 trees, further reducing Scope 1-3 emissions, achieving a 100% increase in recycling of paper (87% achieved this year); and expanding our ‘Campus as a Living Lab’ program where students find solutions for campus sustainability to name a few.
We are taking significant steps on campus towards clean energy initiatives, waste management practices, and energy conservation measures that positively impact the local community and work with stakeholders to advance this goal.
Teaching and Learning
We offer many courses on new and alternate sources of energy. The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers a course on the Fundamentals of hydrogen fuel cell technology (MED 324). It addresses the need to understand the hydrogen economy and its importance as an alternative energy source. The School of Natural Sciences and the School of Engineering offer courses like non-conventional energy resources (MED 311), Energy conversion technology and energy management (MED 413), Green chemistry and sustainability (CHY 554), Solar energy (MED 403), and Green energy studies (MED 508). Undergraduate students are offered compulsory courses, such as Energy for Sustainable Future (CCC 614), Use of Energy in Our Daily Life (CCC 624), and Green Energy Technologies (CCC613).
Student research - Solar drying system with heat storage
Ajay Pratap Singh is working on solar drying system through a Solar Pond. This technology combines solar energy collection and heat storage principles. Consisting of three layers: the lower convective zone (LCZ), non-convective zone (NCZ), and upper convective zone (UCZ), it allows to trap and store solar energy for various applications such as power generation, water heating, solar drying or industrial processes. Introducing a heat storage material in the solar pond can enhance overall energy system sustainability due to absorbing heat during sunny hours and releasing heat during non-sunshine hours.

The PVT-TEC air collector integrated mixed-mode greenhouse dryer with heat storage material (PCM) is a hybrid system that integrates photovoltaic (PV), thermoelectric cooler (TEC), and thermal technologies to generate electricity and produce heat for drying applications. The product kept in the tray is heated by direct energy, which comes from the sun, and indirect energy, which comes from the PVT-TEC air collector, and then convective and evaporative heat loss takes place, and the product is dry. The heat storage material (PCM) is provided inside the drying cabin, stores heat during the day, and releases heat during non-shine hours. Heat storage material (PCM) integrated with a solar dryer makes the hybrid system sustainable and maintains zero carbon emissions.

Fig. 1 Solar Pond with heat storage
Fig. 2 PVT-TEC air collector integrated mixed-mode greenhouse dryer with heat storage material
Our faculty – Spearheading research on clean and affordable energy
Imperative need for advancements in solar cell technologies
Dr. Samarendra Pratap Singh, Professor, Department of Physics, in an article, sheds light on the imperative need for advancements in solar cell technologies to combat climate change effectively.
Highlighting the pressing challenge of climate change, Dr. Singh emphasizes the detrimental impact of fossil fuel-based electricity generation on the environment, attributing it to the alarming increase in carbon dioxide emissions. He underscores the significance of transitioning to renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind turbines to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change. Tracing the evolution of photovoltaic (PV) technologies from their inception in the 19th century to the present day, Dr. Singh underscores the critical role of research and innovation in advancing solar cell technologies to meet the escalating demand for clean energy and address the challenges posed by climate change.

Dr. Harpreet Singh Grewal’s research featured in India Today
Dr. Harpreet Singh Grewal, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, has been undertaking innovative research that has the potential to harness clean energy and conserve it. Along with his team, Dr. Grewal has developed eco-friendly superhydrophobic films that promise to enhance the efficiency and longevity of engineering systems. The research addresses the performance limitations imposed by atmospheric contamination, which often leads to a loss of functionality in these systems. What makes the films especially remarkable is that they were developed through a simple and eco-friendly biofuel-based flame treatment. The research, published in the Chemical Engineering Journal, has been featured in an article in India Today.

Dr. Sanjeev Yadav’s work on thermochemical conversion of biomass
Dr. Sanjeev Yadav, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, has been working on the thermochemical conversion of biomass. His research utilizes food waste to produce bioenergy using thermochemical conversion processes like torrefaction, pyrolysis, and gasification. It not only solves the problem of food waste management but also produces energy in all three forms, i.e., solid (bio-char), liquid (bio-oil), and gases (syngas or pyrogens).
Depending on the process conditions, any of these energy products can be produced as main products. Dr. Yadav’s recent studies have targeted syngas production with a very high fraction of Hydrogen (>70%) via steam gasification of food waste. Hydrogen (H2) is a clean fuel and is one of the focus areas of the current Govt under the Hydrogen mission scheme. If provided with sufficient financial support, this research work can be extended to produce H2 at a commercial scale. It can contribute significantly to the requirement for clean energy in our country.

Dr. Sanjeev Yadav

Patents successfully granted
1. Gaucrete: A composite of cow dung, clay, and hydrated lime
Patent Number- 405766 Indian
Team: Dr. Shiv Darshan Malik, Dr. Ravinder Kumar Sahdev, Dr. Deepak Chhabra, Dr. Sumit Tiwari, Dr. Mahesh Kumar, Mr. Ravin, Ms. Pinki, Mr. Dinesh, Dr. Ramesh Kumar Garg, Mrs. Vani Goyal
2. Solar Adsorption Cooling System and A Method of Operation Thereof
Patent Number- 518582
Team: Sumit Tiwari, Manigandan Sidhareddy, Harender, Harpreet Singh Arora
3. A Physiochemical system for developing Non-fluorinated self-cleaning surface and method thereof
Patent Number – 45264
Team: Dr. Harpreet Singh Arora, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
In this invention, we developed a simple, straightforward, and costeffective process through which wetting characteristics of the surface can be easily controlled. The process involves a simple physiochemical process through which the surface morphology of the commonly used Poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) (also known as an acrylic sheet) can be easily modulated at both the micro and nanoscale. In the present invention a simple, single-step, and economical manufacturing process was devised for realizing the non-fluorinated self-cleaning surface. The use of self-cleaning surfaces can be readily useful for various structural applications, resulting in significant energy and water conservation. Simultaneously, self-removal of the dust particles reduces the maintainability issues of structures along with increasing their aesthetic appeal.
Dedicated Laboratories
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Research Lab

Dr. Harender Sinhmar, Associate Professor, and Dr. Sumit Tiwari, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, are working in the field of clean energy. The renewable and sustainable energy lab is hosted in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. It has been created with a focus to work on developing desalination processes to produce clean water using solar energy, as well as solar drying systems for food preservation.
Solar radiation is one of the most sustainable and enduring energy resources available on Earth. In the modern era, advanced technologies allow for the conversion of solar energy into electricity, heating systems for water and space heating, cooking, desalination, food drying, air conditioning, and refrigeration. The growing demand for cooling applications has sparked increased interest in harnessing solar energy as a power source. The research focuses on cooling systems, which are classified as absorption and adsorption systems, both of which can utilize solar thermal energy and low-grade exhaust heat from industrial processes.

Energy and Environmental Sustainability Lab
Hosted in the Department of Chemical Engineering, this lab is dedicated to utilizing the agro-industrial solid waste and food waste obtained from food messes, restaurants, etc., for various purposes, such as bio-oil production using thermochemical conversion methods and wastewater treatment. Bio-oil is upgraded to biodiesel and value-added chemicals to make it refined for direct use.

Solar Energy UG Lab
This lab provides knowledge on the importance of available solar energy and its capabilities for various applications. Equipment like flat plate collectors, evacuated tube collectors, and solar cookers are used to train undergraduate students. The research aims to develop and achieve self-sustainable, eco-friendly solar energy systems for various applications. Research on solar integrated cooling, Solar Desalination, Thermal Energy Storage, and Solar drying is carried out.
Sustainability & Polymer Laboratory
Research activities in this lab are broadly aligned to address global climate challenges. The ‘sustainability’ objective focuses on reducing the carbon footprint of industries (a) By developing high entropy materials to improve the efficiency and lifetime of machinery that undergo multiple cycles of heating to high temperatures and cooling to atmospheric conditions and (b) By developing
superior and green absorbents and adsorbents for pre- and post-combustion carbon dioxide capture. The ‘polymer’ objective focuses on developing next-generation biodegradable films for food packaging applications from biodegradable polymers and additives.

Recent developments on photovoltaic thermal drying systems: a clean energy production
With the increase in population globally, a big problem has been raised: food supply. A remedy to this problem is using an ancient sun-drying practice to preserve harvests, vegetables, and fruits. Several types of dryers are being developed for drying agricultural commodities. They do, however, demand much energy, which is typically obtained from polluting fossil fuels. Producers and researchers are encouraged to look for alternate options because of environmental issues and the risk of fossil fuel depletion. Continual solar energy can help dry applications because it is widely available in most parts of the world.
Solar dryers come in various sizes and designs and may be used to dry a wide range of products. Farmers will find a variety of driers available to meet their demands.
A thorough examination of the various designs, methods of construction, and operating ideologies of the numerous sun-drying devices mentioned previously is provided. This study emphasizes the hybrid photovoltaic thermal solar dryer because of its high electrical and thermal efficiency and sound mitigation of carbon dioxide levels, giving a good product with a high drying rate and less payback time.
Manisha, Sumit Tiwari, Deepak Chhabra, Meena Kumari, Prabhakar Tiwari, and Ravinder Kumar Sahdev. “Recent developments on photovoltaic thermal drying systems: a clean energy production.” Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 25, no. 7 (2023): 2099-2122.
Modulation of Delayed Fluorescence Guided by Conformational Effect-Mediated Thermally Enhanced Phosphorescence in PhenothiazinesQuinoline-Cl Conjugates
Triplet energy harvesting via thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) from pure organic systems has attracted great attention in organic light-emitting diodes, sensing, and photocatalysis. However, the realization of thermally enhanced phosphorescence (TEP)-guided efficient TADF with a high rate of reverse intersystem crossing (kRISC) still needs to be discovered.
The research reports two phenothiazine-quinoline conjugates (P2QC, P2QMC) comprising two phenothiazine donors covalently attached to the chlorine-substituted quinolinyl acceptor. This study provides a sustainable guideline for developing efficient TADF emitters via conformation effects and energy transfer mechanisms.
Dey, Suvendu, Arun K. Pal, Manoj Upadhyay, Ayan Datta, and Debdas Ray. “Modulation of Delayed Fluorescence Guided by Conformational Effect-Mediated Thermally Enhanced Phosphorescence in Phenothiazines–Quinoline–Cl Conjugates.” The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 127, no. 45 (2023): 9833-9840.
Optimizing the efficiency of triboelectric nanogenerators by surface nano architectonics of graphene-based electrodes: A review
Since the discovery of triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs), a significant body of research has been undertaken to modify material properties to enhance their efficiency. These efforts have focused on judicious materials choice (large differences in work functions), enhanced charge-exchange density via hybridization (plasmonic, photoenhancement, piezoelectric effect), enhanced contact area via nanostructuring, and new device architectures. Whilst these efforts have led to a significant increase in the power density, the rudimentary choice of metal electrode selection and subsequent charge transfer mechanism still demand attention. As such, low-dimensional carbon nanomaterials, particularly graphene and its derivatives, have been explored in the literature to overcome some of the drawbacks of conventional metallic electrodes, including fatigue and corrosion, especially in high-humidity environments. Graphene, with its exceptionally high surface area, high electrical conductivity, and flexibility, makes itself an excellent material for enabling wearable electronics. In this review, we discuss the impact of graphene, graphene-based composite electrodes, doped graphene electrodes, and laser-induced graphene (LIG) electrodes on improving the performance of TENGs. Also, the basic mechanism of charge transfer between different electrodes of the TENG device has been explained. Among all graphene-based electrodes for TENG, laser-induced graphene electrodes show excellent performance owing to output power density 240 times higher than that of pristine graphene and 120 times more than graphene-based composite electrodes. Using functionalized graphene electrodes establishes new steps toward realizing flexible and transparent triboelectric nanogenerators. © 2023 Elsevier Ltd
Deepak, Deepak, Navneet Soin, and Susanta Sinha Roy. “Optimizing the efficiency of triboelectric nanogenerators by surface nanoarchitectonics of graphene-based electrodes: A review.” Materials Today Communications 34 (2023): 105412.
A critical review on nanotechnological advancement in biogas production from organic waste
The fast depletion of fossil fuel reserves (coal, oil, natural gas) with increased environmental pollution has enforced the need for an alternate energy source. A novel, sustainable approach with the implementation of a zero-waste discharge policy is an urgent need of the hour. The review summarizes various reports on nanotechnological advancement in biogas production while highlighting the knowledge gaps. The incorporation of nanoparticles in AD aids in the enhancement of biogas yield, increment in methane content, improvement of effluent quality, and reduction in H2S production. These nanoparticles act as the supplier of essential nutrients for synthesizing enzymes and co-factors in anaerobic microorganisms, further stimulating their activity for higher biogas yield.
Dikshit, Pritam Kumar, Susant Kumar Padhi, Lopa Pattanaik, Ariba Khan, Aastha Ranjan, and Soumi Sadhu. “A critical review on nanotechnological advancement in biogas production from organic waste.” Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (2023): 1-23.
Ocean Renewable Energy: A Comparative Study of Indian and Global Collaborative Research for Sustainability and Policy Implications
To combat the effects of climate change and meet the need for clean energy, the global power sector has undergone a significant transformation over the past few decades, for which all possible renewable energy sources are currently being utilized. To achieve sustainable growth, India, like many other countries, is also in the energy transition process, aiming to shift to renewable energy-based power generation. In this transition, research in Ocean Renewable Energy (ORE) technologies is rising to rapid prominence. This study examines the state of ORE research in India. It compares it with global research activities in this field using a graph-theoretical framework for collaboration co-authorship networks in ORE. It uses bibliometric data on published scholarly articles indexed in two well-known electronic databases covering two 10-year windows: 1999-2008 and 2009-2018, inclusive.
Kshitij, Avinash, and Jaideep Ghosh. “Ocean Renewable Energy: A Comparative Study of Indian and Global Collaborative Research for Sustainability and Policy Implications.” Journal of Scientometric Research 12, no. 2 (2023): 357-371.
Generation and characterization of bio-oil obtained from the slow pyrolysis of cooked food waste at various temperatures
Bio-oil was generated from slow pyrolysis of cooked food waste (CFW) at various temperatures (300–500 °C). Then NMR analysis was used as a qualitative means to characterize the bio-oil for its nature (aliphatic or aromatic). Then, the compounds were confirmed and quantified using the GC–MS. This analysis indicated that the pyrolysis at low temperature (300 °C) mainly generated carbonyl compounds (Aldehydes, Ketones, Esters, and Oxo groups), Levoglucosans, and Furans (17%, 24%, and 38%, respectively) considered as typical pyrolysis chemicals. Similarly, the pyrolysis at medium temperature (400 °C) generated other compounds that were present in significant quantity, including sugars, aliphatic compounds, nitrogen compounds, acids, phenolic compounds, and alcohols. However, their fraction decreased with an increase in pyrolysis temperature to 500 °C, and the fraction of aromatics increased significantly (>60%). This aromatics fraction was much more than that in a bio-oil from typical biomass, which can be attributed to distinctively different chemical characteristics of CFW due to the presence of additional compounds such as starch, proteins, waxes, and oils in CFW. Moreover, the composition of the aromatic fraction was better because a very high percentage of aromatic ethers (>58%), e.g., Benzene, 1,3-bis (3-phenoxyphenoxy), was found at 500 °C which can be converted into aliphatic alkanes, aliphatic alcohols, aromatic derivatives, and platform chemicals by means of catalyst addition. © 2023 Elsevier Ltd
Modak, Sourodipto, Priyanka Katiyar, Sanjeev Yadav, Siddharth Jain, Bappaditya Gole, and Dhrubajyoti Talukdar. “Generation and characterization of bio-oil obtained from the slow pyrolysis of cooked food waste at various temperatures.” Waste Management 158 (2023): 23-36.
Conversations on Campus

Grants from the Department of Science and Technology, GoI
Grant to conduct research on producing bioenergy from waste
The Department of Chemical Engineering, Shiv Nadar University, was awarded a grant from the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India, under the scheme of FIST (Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure). This grant for 1.11 crores is towards conducting research on the production of bioenergy and biomaterial from different kinds of waste, including industrial, food, and other kinds of municipal waste. Headed by Dr. Sanjeev Yadav as Principal Investigator, the Project Implementation Group includes faculty members - Dr. V.M. Rajesh, Dr. Karan Gupta, Dr. Priyanka, and Dr. Yamini Sistla from the Department of Chemical Engineering.
DST-INSPIRE Faculty Fellowship Grant from the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India
Dr. Atri Nath, Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Shiv Nadar University, has been awarded the prestigious DST-INSPIRE Faculty Fellowship Grant from the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India. He received a five-year research grant for his project proposal entitled ‘Simulation of Cyclic-plastic Response of Additively Manufactured Materials.’
Dr. Nath aims to study the fracture-fatigue behavior of additively manufactured metallic materials to promote the safe and durable design of 3D-printed components. His work will help develop design guidelines for the use of additively manufactured components in safety-critical applications, such as bio-prosthetics, biomedical devices, and the nuclear and gas pipeline industries. In this regard, Dr. Nath has proposed a series of experiments supported by numerical modeling based on damage-tolerant design philosophy.
University Operations
At Shiv Nadar, we are taking measures to conserve energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We have set policies to ensure all new infrastructure follows energy standards. This includes a comprehensive Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) policy and ISO 14001:2015 accreditations since 2019. All planning and development policies for sustainable campus operations and processes flow from EHS policy, thus minimizing any adverse environmental impact and complying with relevant legislation.
Through our energy consumption and conservation analysis we upgrade our existing building to higher efficiency. The university has been awarded ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 accreditation for the last three years without any non-conformance or observation.
Here, we highlight some key initiatives:
Technology Integration on Campus
• Energy Optimization Monitors in our LEED and IGBC-certified building with integrated sensors, IoT devices, and automation systems for optimized energy use and reduced overall environmental impact
• Effective electric vehicle infrastructure on campus to transition 50% of the car fleet to electric vehicles, increase mobility on campus, and reduce carbon footprint and dependency on fossil fuels.
• Modular sewage treatment plant technology installed on campus has a capacity of 734 KLD. The STP treats 550 KLD water from the entire campus, including campus housing.
• Monitoring platforms installed to track energy usage, waste generation, water consumption, and other sustainability metrics to enable informed decisions for continuous improvement
• Extensive solar panels 1.1 MW of solar power installed on campus across academic and residential blocks to transition from complete captive power and generate clean, sustainable energy on campus
• Energy-saving policy embraced, replacing 11KV grid power with 33 KV grid power supply and removing the need for running standby power through diesel generators.
Energy-efficient appliances
We are committed to transitioning to green/ clean energy initiatives. To achieve this, strategic initiatives have been undertaken with the support of university management to transition to ‘clean power’ and reduce the dependence on ‘fossil fuel’.
• We have installed 1.1 MW of solar power on campus, which caters to 26% of campus energy needs.
• 85 % of our buildings are certified by the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC)1 and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)2 for smart building controls and extensive water conservation processes.
• LPG (liquid petroleum gas) has been replaced with Pressurized Natural Gas (PNG) for the campus-wide cooking facilities
• Motion sensors are installed in toilets in academic and hostel blocks along with battery-operated urinal sensors converted to electrically operated sensors
• Heat Pump has been installed in hostel clusters to avoid wastage of hot water and effective control of electrical energy
1 IGBC has mandatory requirements for energy efficiency, including ozone-depleting substances and minimum energy efficiency. Shiv Nadar IoE IGBC Gold Certification and meets all requirements.
2 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), requires measures to address carbon, energy, water, waste, transportation, materials, health, and indoor environmental quality.
LEED certified.
At Shiv Nadar IoE buildings are
Energy review and analysis
• We calculate the Carbon Footprint (CFP) annually, covering Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 emissions.
• We conduct a careful review, analysis, and refurbishment of laboratories for the safety of operations and environmental conservation
• Each year, we conduct tree plantation drives both in-house and through our service provider, Green O Tech, as part of the recycling process.
Travel less and wisely.
• Students and most of our faculty stay on campus. A well-planned transport system is in place for those who travel to work and for weekly needs
• Within the campus, students and staff use bicycles to commute
• We are committed to transitioning 50% of the car fleet to electric vehicles. The University currently has 60% CNG, 30% petrol, and 10% diesel cars
The University has a comprehensive Energy consumption analysis and conservation plan that helps us to continually review our energy use and identify opportunities for improvement, thus helping in judicious energy usage and optimization through energy-efficient practices in campus operations.
Shiv Nadar University is selected as one of the 75 institutions for the National Movement of Net Zero University Campuses.
On the occasion of 75 years of Independence, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, and Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. Antonio Guterres, launched U75 - The National Movement of Net Zero on University Campuses, to be led by 75 universities across India.
Shiv Nadar University is selected as one of the 75 institutions for the National Movement of Net Zero University Campuses.

Project Urja - Commitment towards fostering a greener planet and empowering the future generation.
Embarking on a visionary journey towards a sustainable future, Dr. Santanu Mitra, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering at the School of Engineering, alongside a dedicated research group, has taken a pivotal step to mentor students from Shiv Nadar School, Noida. This knowledgesharing initiative aims to enlighten younger minds about the crucial aspects of energy conservation, the technical intricacies of wind turbines, and the fundamental physics behind their operation, a practical understanding of energy audit, thus offering students a holistic view of the sustainable energy landscape. The students get hands-on experience fabricating a wind turbine, encouraging them to contribute to the sustainable energy landscape actively.

Pyrolysis of oil-extracted spice waste and up-gradation of bio-diesel using novel catalysts
Dr. Priyanka, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, along with her Co-PI
Dr. V. M. Rajesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, are working on a project funded by the Council of Science and Technology, UP (CST-UP)
This project is focused on efficient waste management and sustainable energy development. The goal is to extract oil from spice waste and subject it to pyrolysis for bio-diesel production. The research will also explore innovative catalysts to enhance the bio-diesel production process. The initiative combines waste management and renewable energy principles, offering a potential contribution to sustainable energy solutions.

Industry-Academia partnership to drive sustainable technological advancements
Shiv Nadar University, in partnership with Bharat Petroleum’s Corporate Research & Development Centre (CRDC), is a significant stride towards advancing sustainable chemical processing technologies. By focusing on process intensification for highly exothermic reactions, the project aims to develop novel reactor designs that enhance energy efficiency and reduce waste. This initiative aligns with several critical sustainable development goals, including Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure - By fostering sustainable industrial innovation and infrastructure development through advanced reactor designs. Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production – By emphasizing efficient heat management and reducing the environmental impact of chemical processes. Goals 7 and 13: By enhancing energy efficiency and minimizing waste, our collaboration contributes to efforts to mitigate climate change impacts. This partnership exemplifies how industry-academia collaborations can drive sustainable technological advancements, aligning with India’s commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This partnership project is going to have a positive impact on industry standards and environmental sustainability.

Dr. Priyanka Katiyar Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering
Department of Physics hosted a four-day international conference on Sustainable Nanomaterials Integration & Organisation for Energy & Environment
The Department of Physics at Shiv Nadar University, in partnership with UNSW Sydney, Australia, and KTH-Sweden, organized the International Conference on Sustainable Nanomaterials Integration & Organization for Energy and Environment (iSNIOE2-2024).
With over 250 participants from India and abroad, this conference brought together researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and research laboratories, facilitating the dissemination of groundbreaking knowledge in sustainable nanomaterials and their innovative applications in renewable energy and environmental conservation.
During the four-day event, the conference featured parallel symposia dedicated to both experimental and theoretical research on sustainable nanomaterials, nanoscience, and miniaturized, as well as flexible devices for energy and environmental applications. The conference showcased a total of 183 presentations, comprising 11 Plenary Speakers, 20 keynote speakers, 47 invited speakers, 46 oral presentations, and 59 poster presentations, providing valuable insights and fostering collaborations among participants.

Research and Development of Agrivotaics
The School of Mechanical Engineering has collaborated with Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur, to create a solution for the future needs of food and energy, such that both crops and electricity can be produced in a single land use system. Funded by the Council of Science and Technology, U.P. (CST, U.P.), the project is developing an agrivoltaic-photovoltaic array for power generation and crop cultivation. The significance of agrivoltaic is that while one can farm and produce electricity on the same land, it also leads to benefits such as water used during farming, cooling the solar panel, and increasing its efficiency, thus generating more electricity. At the same time, crops will require less water due to solar panels, which will reduce radiative heat loss between the crop and the panel.

Adsorption Freezer Box to Preserve Vaccines/fisheries/milk products
Dr. Sumit Tiwari, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, is a principal investigator in a grant of ₹28,00,000/-. The project grant will run until April 2027. It proposes a technology that will eliminate the need for electricity and associated greenhouse gas emissions and instead provide cooling inexpensively using widely available solar thermal energy.
In the realm of sustainable technology, adsorption cooling systems are emerging as a potential technology for generating sustainable cooling. A vital feature of these systems is their ability to utilize waste heat from diverse sources, including automobile exhaust gases, solar energy, and industrial waste heat. Developing and implementing adsorption-based technologies can be used for various applications like cooling, heating, and power generation, contributing significantly to the advancement of sustainable energy technologies. To attain sustainable cooling, the multiple challenges in developing the adsorption system should be addressed to achieve a highly efficient system. Some main drawbacks are low cop, intermittent cycle, low thermal conductivity and adsorption capacity of adsorbents, increased regeneration time, pressure loss, etc.

According to the International Energy Agency, by 2050, India will have the second-highest number of installed air conditioners in the world, thus greatly increasing demands on the already fragile electricity grid. Farmers, business owners, and consumers require cooling to deliver their products to the market, store them for later consumption, and cool their homes and buildings. Vaccines are an excellent example of a product that requires refrigeration, yet the lack of reliable, inexpensive electricity in parts of India makes this difficult to achieve.
Experimental investigation for enhancing the thermal conductivity of Adsorbent for Adsorption cooling applications.
Solar integrated adsorption cooling coupled with Thermal energy storage
Extended view of vacuum-integrated adsorbent regeneration process
Solvated Ionic Liquid-based sacrificial SulfonAmide assisted Na-ion Capacitor (SILSACap)
Dr. Binson Babu, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, has received a grant from the Science and Engineering Research Board (SRG). This grant for INR 28,03,785.00 supports the project SILSACap for two years.
The “SILSACap” project aims to develop a safe, high-power, and energy
Sodium ion Capacitor (NIC) with a target of cycling stability of > 15,000 cycles with > 90% capacity retention at the practical level through a holistic approach with systematic innovations of the electrode, electrolytes, and evaluation of the storage interfaces.
The successful development of the ‘SILSACap’ concept will contribute to the advancement of sustainable high-power/energy Na-storage devices, which is an essential requirement of the future post-lithium era. Its accomplishment will likely have a major impact on fundamental sciences in general and strengthen interdisciplinary research activities. Moreover, the success of the project has an economic and technological impact by creating novel storage products, services, and business processes. It has also had a social impact by contributing long-term to India’s decarbonization policy (e.g., COP27 climate summit) and aligning with the sustainable development goals (SDG).

Industrial collaboration - services for energy efficiency and waste management
The Department of Chemical Engineering has collaborated nationally and internationally on the issue of waste management and alternative use of clean energy relevant to Sustainable Development Goals 7, 12, and 13. Assuming the responsibility to support the industry in finding a resolution to their perpetual problems while working to impact the Environment positively, the Department of Chemical Engineering established collaboration with nearby industries, such as Kawatra paper mills, Dadri, Kings International Ltd, Unnao (Leather industry), and nearby restaurants to help them not only find an eco-friendly and sustainable solution to the waste management but also to help convert the waste into energy
Dr. Binson Babu, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics,

Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence is fully committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We have embraced a four-pronged strategy for SDGs through teaching, research, our core institutional practices, and partnerships.
Deepa Hazrati
Sr. Manager, Office of the Vice-Chancellor deepa.hazrati@snu.edu.in
Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India www.snu.edu.in/home