
The tour will cover the most important attractions at the campus, which are suggested on the map with the yellow pins and can be tracked by following the red broken lines Find yourself in the lap of nature and wonderful flora in the Botanic Garden. Try the scrumptious dosas and rolls at A&B and C&D Need a bit of peace and quiet? Try the amazing view from our lakeside. Enjoy the various attractions and we hope to find you back here soon!
BOTANIC garden
Designed and established by Dr. Jyoti K Sharma, the Thematic Botanic Garden is the first of its kind in North India. It has more than 600 plant species, including rare species from mountains and humid areas, which are difficult to grow in the warm tropical climate of NCR. The conceptualisation of the park is unique. It assembles a particular group/theme/category of plants in one place, which otherwise is impossible in a classical Botanic Garden. For example, rare fruit plants no longer found in markets, including fruits of Barhal, Khirnee, or Kaith, can be observed in the Fruit Plants

indoor sports
The state-of-the-art Indoor Sports Complex has won NDTV’s Design and Architecture Awards in 2017. The building has table tennis, basketball, and badminton courts on the ground floor. It is equipped with a unisex gym, four squash courts, and a 200meter-long indoor running track on the first floor. Additional activities include wall climbing, billiards, foosball, chess, and playing carrom while relaxing on bean bags.

The campus lake is part of the Dadri wetlands, also called the Bil Akbarpur wildlife habitat. The lake was almost dried up when the University was founded. Its immediate revival has allowed a rich number of fish and aquatic plants to thrive in it, such as Nitella, Chara, and Hydrilla. The lake attracts resident and migratory birds mostly in winters.

Located near the Dargah on the eastern side of the campus, this Date Palm Grove consists of 900 individuals covering an area of 0.75 hectares. According to the elders of Chithara village, these are 300-400 years old, relics from Mughal invaders who came from West and camped here in the wetland area. The seeds of date left along their camping trail, which later grew into date palm trees, spreads across through North India, including Shiv Nadar University’s campus.

The library houses 40,000 academic resources and textbooks, and has a light reading section to encourage the habit of reading among students. Its facilities include discussion rooms, 24/7 study room, wi-fi access, and a digital database that provides access to e-books, periodicals, and dissertations made available from various national and international archives.

Located in the basement of E Block, The Shiv Nadar AIC was established in August 2017 with the support of AIM NITI Aayog, Government of India. It serves as an active catalyst for the development of promising entrepreneurs by providing them with a comprehensive and integrated range of support, including incubator space, mentorship, business support services, high-end technology, infrastructure, investment platform, and networking opportunities.

A relatively new edition to the SNIoE campus, Arcade comprises of stores ranging from Stationery and Pharmacy to Tailor's Shop. Students can also buy grocery and other essential things from here. Additionally, it provides an option to chill at live music shows and gather around on the marble benches.

CENTRAL vistas
These lawns facing the academic blocks are peppered with flowers of vibrant varieties, along with benches and elegant streetlights. A favorite place of students to come sit while taking study breaks.

GOLF course
T h e g o l f c o u r s e i s a u n i q u e
f a c i l i t y a v a i l a b l e o n o u r c a m p u s ,
u n l i k e o t h e r u n i v e r s i t i e s . T h e
c o u r s e h a s 1 8 h o l e s . A l s o , g o l f
c l a s s e s a r e p r o v i d e d t o a n y
e n t h u s i a s t i c s t u d e n t o n e a c h
S u n d a y .

B u i l t o n t h e h e l i p a d ( p r e v i o u s l y
u s e d ) , t h i s n e w r e s t a u r a n t i s a
s p o t f o r e x t r a v a g a n t f o o d , l i g h t s ,

a n d a m b i e n c e . I t i s f r e q u e n t e d b y
s t u d e n t s a f t e r i t s o p e n i n g a t
n i g h t . T h e d e s i g n o f t h e
r e s t a u r a n t a l o n g w i t h t h e n i g h t
h o u r m a k e s f o r a l o v e l y d i n i n g
e x p e r i e n c e .
a&b c&d
AnB provides the perfect blend of all the tastes to the residents of SNIoE. From the flavorsome taste of dosas and idlis to the finger-licking crunchy waffles. A&B has it all! It features two astounding stalls- 'Quench' and 'Anna's Cafe'. With outdoor seating facility, it serves as a perfect hanging out spot for the students of SNIoE.
Almost always teeming with students grabbing their late meals or relaxing in between a hectic lecture/life over Naveen's assortment of drinks. A cup of chai, in most cases.

Campus Checklist
Had Naveen Bhaiya ki SpecialiTeaVisited the Ancient 100 years old Palm Trees Grove
Pictures clicked at all the campus hotspots
Heard the whistling of the bird, Whistling Teal
Tried Dosa at Anna's Cafe
Went cycling around the campus
Enjoyed a golf cart ride
Met the resident Sultan in the stables?