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V Place and interaction


Place & Interaction


The history of Kilburn engraved on a metal tile inserted into the pavements of the walkway.

One method of enhancing the value of ‘place’ is to emphasize or bring back the history of the site. Kilburn High street has had a long history, however little of this is shown in the actual place. One moment of which this is shown is a metal tile that has the date of the first kilburn bridge engraved on it and inserted into the pavement of the pedestrian walkway. However, there is only very little of such hints of Kilburn’s history.

This idea is carried on further by translating the visuals of kilburn, into a set of abstracted tile, on which programs inspired by the history of the site is reintroduced into the masterplan - the present and the pass amalgamating into a new future.

Refer to : ‘Inclusive Mobility’, ‘The Principles of Inclusive Design’ and ‘Guidance on the Use of Tactile Paving Surfaces (1999)’

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