Take advantage of the extra time you have during the nine days and allow yourself to attend these stimulating, thought provoking and uplifting classes. They will give meaning to THE NINE DAYS!
Monday August 5 – ד' אב
Tuesday August 6 – ה' אב
Wednesday August 7 – ו' אב
Thursday August 8 – ז' אב
10:00 – 10:45
10:00 – 10:45
10:00 – 10:45
10:00 – 10:45
A משגיחfor the בית המקדש
Saying Goodbye to גלות
נָּרוּצָ המָ ְשׁ ֵכנִי אַחֲ רֶ י
שנאת חנם It’s all about perspective
Rabbi T. Heber
Mrs. D.C. Weisswasser
Rabbi P. Moldaver
Mrs. C.L. Rapoport
11:00 – 11:45
11:00 – 11:45
11:00 11:00 – 11:45
11:00 – 11:45
A Holocaust Survivor tells her Personal Experience
Mourning with Meaning
שנאת חנם... Rational or Irrational?
The world of קרבנות: Appreciating the בית המקדש
Mrs. L. Hochman
Rabbi A. Kahn
Rabbi O. Haboucha
Rabbi E. Breitowitz
אמונה & בטחון
ALL CLASSES CLASSES TO BE HELD AT ZICHRON SHNEUR - 2801 BATHURST STREET. (NEAR GLENCAIRN) Come for one class or come for all the classes.
Please be prompt.
For women and young ladies of the community.
לעילוי נשמת צבי דוב בן חיים יעקב לעילוי נשמת יהודית בת יעקב לעילוי נשמת חיה לאה בת חיים יעקב Please note:
Shaarei Shomayim now charges $5 (cash) to park in their parking lot.
Agudah of Toronto 129 McGillivray Ave 2:45 PM A 4:45 PM B Ateres Mordechai 230 Arnold Avenue 3:00 PM, 6:00 PM A 4:30 PM B Beth Avraham Yoseph of Toronto Cong. (BAYT) 613 Clark Ave. West Thornhill 2:45 PM B Bnai Torah 465 Patricia Ave. Call for times 416-226-3700
Forest Hill Jewish Center 360 Spadina Road 12:30 PM A 7:15 PM B
Kol Torah 1 Promenade Circle 4:00 PM A Followed by program B
Hebrew Community Centre of Jacksons Points 21122 Dalton Road 5:00 PM
Magen David Sephardic Cong. 10 McAllister 11:00 AM B 6:30 PM A
JEP 2939 Bathurst Street 3:30 PM A 5:30 PM B Kehillat Shaarei Torah of Toronto 2640 Bayview Avenue 6:00 PM B
Ohr Yosef Learning Center 601 Clark Avenue West Thornhill 5:30 pm Petach Tikva 20 Danby Avenue 4:30 PM B 6:00 PM A
Shaarei Tefillah Congregation 3600 Bathurst Street 3:00 PM A 6:00 PM B Shomrai Shabbos Chevra Mishnayos 583 Glengrove Ave. West 1:30 PM A 5:45 PM B The Village Shul Aish Hatorah 1072 Eglington Ave. West 3:00 PM B 5:00 PM A
Torath Emeth Cong. 1 Viewmount Ave 2:30 PM A 5:00 PM B Thornhill Comm. Shul 949 Clark Avenue West 3:00 PM A 4:45 PM B Wasaga Beach Jewish Community Center Westmount Shul and Learning Center 10 Disera Drive TBA