support the

grow and prosper " M r B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער ב המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב 14

Greater Toronto and for the same reason
allow it
Bais Yaakov
and it is incumbent on us
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15 "The community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper " M r . B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער בו המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב

"The community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper

" M r B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער ב המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב 16

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in support of the Mosdos Bobov of Toronto דובכה םאונ Please join us for our עשוהי ׳ר ןואגה ברה א״טילש רערהיפ Parlour Meeting MR. & MRS. MOTTI SEIDENFELD AT THE HOME OF OUR DEAR FRIENDS 97 HILLMOUNT AVENUEAnnual תוחילסד 'ג םוי לולא ד"כ SEPT. 20/22 8:45 PMlooking fowardtoseeyou An ofislandlightinspiration...&FOROVER40YEARS

25 "The community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper " M r . B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער בו המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב 15Reserve Your Yom Tov Ads Now! Call 647-435-3716 ROSHDdlneHASHANASept7 DdlneSUCCOSSept 21 IS CANADA REVENUE AGENCY WEIGHING YOU DOWN? david@fenigtax com 249 444 0254 Have you recieved an incorrect CRA tax assessment? Are you overwhelmed with penalties and interest? Do you simply need more time to pay? STOP RUNNING | START LIVING Visit us at FenigTaxServices.com Tax Relief Services Tax Payment Arrangements Object to Assessments

"The community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper " M r B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער ב המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב 26 With the approach of הנשה שאר The Ladies’Auxiliary of Yeshivas Nachalas Zvi takes pleasure in inviting you to its Evening Reception Sunday, September 18 ב”פשת לולא ב”כ 9:00 PM at the home of our gracious hostess Mrs. Shani Goldner ’יחת 532 Coldstream Avenue, Toronto תוררועתה ירבד Rabbi Rafael Shmulewitz א”טילש Inspirational melodies for the ןוצר ימי Special moving video presentation OUR PART - איה הלש Reception 8:30 PM Program 9:00 PM Looking forward to greeting you and your friends ד”סב Couvert by Donation הבוט המיתחו הביתכ

27 "The community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper " M r . B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער בו המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב

"The community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper " M r B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער ב המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב 28 Miriam Rivky Fuhrer Call /Text: (647) 713-3449 Email: miriamrivkystudio@gmail.com ~ Cutting & Styling ~ ~ Hair & Wigs for all occasions ~ *Please Note* Latest wig drop off before Yom Tov: Tuesday-Sept. 20th Latest Wig & Hair appointments: Thursday– Sept. 22nd

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"The community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper " M r B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער ב המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב 36

37 "The community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper " M r . B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער בו המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב

NEW PODCAST LAUNCHING ON SEPTEMBER 29 Be inspired by Chai Lifeline stories of resilience, determination, love and hope. NEW EPISODES EVERY WEEK! Your hosts: Rabbi Mordechai Rothman and Bryan Strasberg. Rabbi Simcha Scholar, CEO, Chai Lifeline International LISTEN TO ON AIR WITH CHAI on Spotify, Apple, Google, Amazon or wherever you listen to podcasts. Episode 1: SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE chailifelinecanada.org

"The community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper " M r B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער ב המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב 40 Reserve Your Yom Tov Ads Now! Call 647-435-3716 ROSHDdlneHASHANASept7 DdlneSUCCOSSept 2158 Reserve Your Yom Tov Ads Now! Call 647-435-3716 BACK 2 SCHOOL Ddlne Aug 25 ROSHDdlneHASHANASept7 SUCCOS Ddlne Sept 2136 Reserve Your Yom Tov Ads Now! Call 647-435-3716 9 DAYS Ddlne July 20 BACK 2 SCHOOL Ddlne Aug 25 ROSHDdlneHASHANASept7 SUCCOS Ddlne Sept 2142 35 INTERIOR SELECTIONS 647-989-8781

45 "The community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper " M r . B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער בו המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרבReserve Your Yom Tov Ads Now! Call 647-435-3716 ROSHDdlneHASHANASept7 DdlneSUCCOSSept 2116 15Reserve Your Yom Tov Ads Now! Call 647-435-3716 BACK 2 SCHOOL Ddlne Aug 25 ROSHDdlneHASHANASept7 SUCCOS Ddlne Sept 21 PSW/Caregiver/Companion Male & Frum Eli Newman 437-990-2254 eli.newman.toronto@gmail.com A caregiver to ensure that they are safe when moving around in their home and in the community A companion who provides social support and a helping hand A PSW to assist with activities of daily living such as dressing, using the toilet or bathing Would your loved one benefit from… Certified PSW Enjoys helping those who need assistance and companionship He is warm, friendly, and caring Speaks English, Hebrew and French Eli Newman

community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper " M r B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער ב המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב 46




Mr. Ami Frankel cordially invites you to a reception to benefit Greetings from Rabbi Eliezer Breitowitz ROSH YESHIVA, א"טילש SeptemberThursday29, 2022 8:30 pm 29 Viewmount Avenue h educating the future leaders of the jewish community

ClarityKeysto IN THE SHIDDUCH PROCESS PRESENTED BY All women and girls of the community are invited to hear from Mrs. Rochel Goldbaum THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 I 8:00PM BAIS YAAKOV ELEMENTARY SCHOOL I 15 SARANAC BLVD Mrs. Rochel Goldbaum is an educator and mentor for Jewish Women around the world. She is the author of several books and resource materials, conducts a private Dating Mentor Training Program, and has an active private practice as a dating and marriage mentor. CHANGE OF DATE

Thank you!
Wishing the entire community a Gut G’Bentcht Yur, filled with Simcha, B’racha and Nachas

Mrs. Malky Balter Mrs. Joely Bernstein Mrs. Sara Bitterman Mrs. Ilana Brown Mrs. Batsheva Friedman Mrs. Ruth Galet Mrs. Shani Goldner
Rabbi Rafi Greenspan
Mrs. Evelyn Grubner Mrs. Rivky Nadoff Mrs. Yael Rosen Mrs. Nechama Stern Mrs. Julie Kaplan Mrs. Ruchi Weinles Mrs. Deborah Zrihen
Thank you to the dedicated Shadchanim of Toronto for their endless effort which has resulted in sending out over 250 local girls on dates, this year alone.
3797 Bathurst St., Toronto (Next to Aroma and No Frills Parking) Chazon Ish, Moroccan and Yanover Etrogim Deri Lulavim | Hadassim | Livluv Aravot | Schach Large Assortment of Decorations NEW LOCATION! (Formerly Regency on the Ravine) Rabbi Ovadia Y. Haboucha 437.239.8641

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Sept 2 Issue 374 Back 2 Scl/RH Ddlne Aug 19 Issue 373 9 Days Ddlne June 29 Issue DdlneSummer/Camp372June15 45Reserve Your Ads Now! Call 647-435-3716 IssueSuccos375 Ddlne Sept 2 Issue 374 Back 2 Scl/RH Ddlne Aug 19 Issue 373 9 Days Ddlne June 29 Issue DdlneSummer/Camp372June15Issue Summer/Camp371DdlneJune1 3625 15USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416.782.8585 | usedbooks613@gmail.com SEFORIM WAREHOUSE 69USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416.782.8585 | usedbooks613@gmail.com SEFORIM WAREHOUSE 43Yom Tov Deadlines - Reserve Now! Call 647-435-3716 IssueSuccos355 Ddlne Sept 15 Issue 354 RoshDdlneHashanaSept1 Issue 353 Back 2 School Ddlne Aug 20 24 13USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES! 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416-782-8585 | seforimwarehouse2837@gmail.com Frumela’s may have closed it’s store location doors but it’s not over keep following us on instagram @frumelas and our website www.frumelas.com Lots of exciting things are coming your way.......... 1549USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES! 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416-782-8585 | seforimwarehouse2837@gmail.com 43 B E R G E R L A W *Tax and Business Law Firm* Ja son Berger * Phone: 905-597-6262 Fax: 416-391-6086 www. bergerlaw.ca jason@bergerlaw.ca 1 Pr omenade Circle, Suite 310 (Upper level Promenade Mall) Th ornhill, Ontario L4J 4P8 *Practicing as a Professional Corporation Practice Areas: • Tax Planning and Disputes • Corporate Structuring and Reorganizations • Purchases and Sales of Businesses • Estate/Wealth Planning and Family Trusts • Corporate/Commercial and Real Estate Law • Wills and Estate s Jason Berger receivedhis Juris Doctor from the University ofOttawa in 2012 after which he spent several years working for a tax and corporate law firm in Toronto where he gainedexperience in complex tax planning, corporate reorganizations for high net worth individuals and corporate/commercial law. In 2016, he founded Berger Law in the Promenade Mall and focuses his practice on Tax and Business Law. Visit www.bergerlaw.ca to read his full bio and see a sample of the work he is doing.
75 "The community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper " M r . B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער בו המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב Reserve Your Yom Tov Ads Now! Call 647-435-3716 BACK 2 SCHOOL Ddlne Aug 25 ROSHDdlneHASHANASept7 SUCCOS Ddlne Sept 21 9 DAYS Ddlne July 2052 28168245 Reserve Your Yom Tov Ads Now! Call 647-435-3716 PESACH #1 Ddlne Mar 16 PESACH #2 Ddlne Mar 3086 Reserve Your Yom Tov Ads Now! Call 647-435-3716 PURIM #1 Ddlne Feb 17 PURIM #2 Ddlne Mar 2 PESACH #1 Ddlne Mar 16 PESACH #1 Ddlne Mar 3028 Reserve Your Ads Now! Call 647-435-3716 IssueSuccos375


"The community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper " M r B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער ב המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב 76 95 "The community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper." M r . B e n t z i o n H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m a n seed today see tomorrow ךער בו המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב 21Reserve Your Yom Tov Ads Now! Call 647-435-3716 ROSHDdlneHASHANASept7 DdlneSUCCOSSept 21 61Reserve Your Yom Tov Ads Now! Call 647-435-3716 BACK 2 SCHOOL Ddlne Aug 25 ROSHDdlneHASHANASept7 SUCCOS Ddlne Sept 2160 65

81 "The community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper " M r . B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער בו המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרבUSED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416.782.8585 | usedbooks613@gmail.com SEFORIM WAREHOUSE68 USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416.782.8585 | usedbooks613@gmail.com SEFORIM WAREHOUSE78 33USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416.782.8585 | usedbooks613@gmail.com SEFORIM WAREHOUSE44 58 USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES! 182 CARIBOU ROAD SUNDAY - THURSDAY 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416-782-8585 | SEFORIMWAREHOUSE2837@GMAIL.COM Graphicab_designs@sympatico.caDesign647.999.0049 ad adpublicationsbrochuresdesigndesign For all your creative needs... corporatemenusflyerspkgs

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89 "The community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper " M r . B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער בו המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב 99 732 7077949 l a ke w ood h os t s@g mail co m l a ke w ood h os t s co mLAKEWOOD? Coming to Lakewood Hosts is the ultimate Kosher Apartment Rental in Lakewood. FIND MISSINGTHELINK! A drawing of a LINK is hidden somewhere in ever y issue of our publication. It can be hidden anywhere, in a picture, in a margin or in aThisletter.isan example of the LINK you are looking for. It can be any size but it is alone (not on this page & not par t of the logo). You Can Be A Winner! If you find the LINK, THIS ISSUE you could WIN $25! Mail us immediately & tell us which page it is on. The first 25 people will be entered into a drawing to win $25. Winners will be printed in the next issue of The Community Link. HURRY!! Drop off at Find The Missing Link 79 BAYCREST AVENUE Toronto, ON By Monday, September 19, 2022. FIND MISSINGTHELINK! Good Luck! Last Issue Winner Last issue The Missing Link was on the Fenig Tax ad on page 15. Last Issue Winner Yehuda Belsky Contact The Link to claim your $25

93 "Th munit owing and it is incumbent on us to support the h of T n ater Toronto and for the s e reason support Bais Y of Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper " M r . B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער בו המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרבReserve Your Yom Tov Ads Now! Call 647-435-3716 ROSHDdlneHASHANASept7 DdlneSUCCOSSept 2164 Reserve Your Yom Tov Ads Now! Call 647-435-3716 BACK 2 SCHOOL Ddlne Aug 25 ROSHDdlneHASHANASept7 SUCCOS Ddlne Sept 2160 61 5657 15Reserve Your Yom Tov Ads Now! Call 647-435-3716 PESACH #1 Ddlne Mar 16 PESACH #2 Ddlne Mar 30 57Reserve Your Yom Tov Ads Now! Call 647-435-3716 PURIM #1 Ddlne Feb 17 PURIM #2 Ddlne Mar 2 PESACH #1 Ddlne Mar 16 PESACH #1 Ddlne Mar 30 Stay Informed With THE DAILY LINK UBSCRIBE at: whatsnew@thedailylink.ca WhatsApp 647-435-3716or 16 Stay Informed With THE DAILY LINK UBSCRIBE at: whatsnew@thedailylink.ca WhatsApp 647-435-3716or 68 7435 76 60 61 71 77Reserve Your Ads Now! Call 647-435-3716 IssueSuccos375 Ddlne Sept 2 Issue 374 Back 2 Scl/RH Ddlne Aug 19 Issue 373 9 Days Ddlne June 29 65Reserve Your Ads Now! Call 647-435-3716 Issue DdlneSummer/Camp372June15Reserve Your Ads Now! Call 647-435-3716 IssueSuccos375 Ddlne Sept 2 Issue 374 Back 2 Scl/RH Ddlne Aug 19 Issue 373 9 Days Ddlne June 29 Issue DdlneSummer/Camp372June15Issue Summer/Camp371DdlneJune160 74 65 49 77USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416.782.8585 | usedbooks613@gmail.com SEFORIM WAREHOUSE USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416.782.8585 | usedbooks613@gmail.com SEFORIM WAREHOUSE USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416.782.8585 | usedbooks613@gmail.com SEFORIM WAREHOUSE USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416.782.8585 | usedbooks613@gmail.com SEFORIM WAREHOUSE56 15USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416.782.8585 | usedbooks613@gmail.com SEFORIM WAREHOUSE 59USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416.782.8585 | usedbooks613@gmail.com SEFORIM WAREHOUSE USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416.782.8585 | usedbooks613@gmail.com SEFORIM WAREHOUSE16 67Yom Tov Deadlines - Reserve Now! Call 647-435-3716 IssueSuccos355 Ddlne Sept 15 Issue 354 RoshDdlneHashanaSept1 Issue 353 Back 2 School Ddlne Aug 20 Special Promo On Now! Call 647-435-3716 IssueSuccos355 Ddlne Sept 15 Issue 354 RoshDdlneHashanaSept1 Issue 353 Back 2 School Ddlne Aug 20 Issue 352 9 days Ddlne July 14 48 65USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416.782.8585 | usedbooks613@gmail.com SEFORIM WAREHOUSE USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416.782.8585 | usedbooks613@gmail.com SEFORIM WAREHOUSE 37USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES 182 Caribou Rd. - 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416.782.8585 | usedbooks613@gmail.com SEFORIM WAREHOUSE USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES! 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416-782-8585 | seforimwarehouse2837@gmail.com 63 subscribe a tsnew@thedailylink ca 126 USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES! 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416-782-8585 | seforimwarehouse2837@gmail.com 90 81USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES! 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416-782-8585 | seforimwarehouse2837@gmail.com 120 Wishing The Community A Next Deadline: May 2 647-435-371688 Last Deadline Before Pesach! 647-435-3716 Deadline: April 3 Issue Date: April 891USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES! 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416-782-8585 | seforimwarehouse2837@gmail.com 82 Yom Tov Ad Deadlines! 647-435-3716 Purim #2 Deadline Mar 5 Issue Mar 11 Pesach #1 Deadline Mar 19 Issue Mar 26 Pesach #2 Deadline Apr 3 Issue Apr 8 78 NANNIES • ELDER CAREGIVERS • CLEANERS TheNannyPages.ca 416-897-0770 YourPostJob&Hire 63Yom Tov Ad Deadlines! 647-435-3716 Purim Deadline#1Feb 19 Issue Feb 26 Purim Deadline#2 Mar 5 Issue Mar 11 Pesach #1 Deadline Mar 19 Issue Mar 26 Pesach #2 Deadline Apr 3 Issue Apr 8 73USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS CHEAP 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM | seforimwarehouse2837@gmail.com 78 71 USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES! 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416-782-8585 | seforimwarehouse2837@gmail.com 7567 USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES! 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416-782-8585 | seforimwarehouse2837@gmail.com 103 USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES! 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416-782-8585 | seforimwarehouse2837@gmail.com 85 USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES! 182 CARIBOU ROAD SUNDAY - THURSDAY 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416-782-8585 | SEFORIMWAREHOUSE2837@GMAIL.COM 71 USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES! 182 CARIBOU ROAD SUNDAY - THURSDAY 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416-782-8585 | SEFORIMWAREHOUSE2837@GMAIL.COM 69Book Your YOM TOV Ads! 647-435-3716 ISSUE #309 BACK TO SCHOOL Deadline August 9 Issue August 14 ISSUE #310 ROSH HASHANA Deadline Aug 22 Issue Aug 28 ISSUE #311 SUCCOS Deadline Sept 5 Issue Sept 9 81@thedailylink1 FOLLOW US to keep you “Linked” to daily events, specials, sales, pics, announcements happening now in Jewish Toronto - On the day they are happening! 79Book Your SUMMER LINK Ads! 647-435-3716 ISSUE Deadline#307 June 19 Issue June 26 ISSUE Deadline#308 July 3 Issue July 10 40 subscribe at: whatsnew@thedailylink ca 36353783 732.707.7949 lakewoodhosts.comlakewoodhosts@gmail.comLAKEWOOD? Coming to Lakewood Hosts is the ultimate Kosher Apartment Rental in Lakewood. ד"סב 28 subscribe at: whatsnew@thedailylink ca 46 Next Deadline - Issue 291 Thursday, October 19, 2017 publisher@thecommunitylink.ca647-435-3716 47 732.707.7949 lakewoodhosts.comlakewoodhosts@gmail.comLAKEWOOD? Coming to Lakewood Hosts is the ultimate Kosher Apartment Rental in Lakewood. ד"סב 35


community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper " M r B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער ב המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב 94

would like to extend wishes of a shana tova and chag same’ach to the entire Jewish Community of the GTA.
COR – Kashruth Council of Canada &

The Rabbinical Vaad Hakashruth (RVH)
Rabbi Tsvi Heber, Director, Community Kashrus Rabbi Dovid Rosen, Kashrus Administrator, Industrial Rabbi Moshe Biller, Rav HaMachshir, Shechita Richard Rabkin, Managing Director Jay Spitzer, Director of Operations Moshe Sigler, Chairman, Kashruth Council
Yacov Felder, Chairman, RVH
95 "The community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper " M r . B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער בו המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Reb Shloime Smilowitz and the Community Link for providing us with a medium through which to communicate our bi-weekly kosher updates.Rabbi
We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere hakaros hatov to our dedicated staff of Rabbonim, Shochtim and Mashgichim for their dedication in maintaining the highest standards of kashrus for the community and for all Jewish communities across Canada and throughout the entire world where COR certified products are readily available. Their unwavering commitment to kashrus through the immense challenges of the past year is much appreciated.
The community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in G ter T nto and for the sa e reason upport Bais Yaakov of T rnhill and allow it to grow d prosper " M r B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער ב המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב 96 Reserve Your Yom Tov Ads Now! Call 647-435-3716 ROSHDdlneHASHANASept7 DdlneSUCCOSSept 2168 69Reserve Your Yom Tov Ads Now! Call 647-435-3716 BACK 2 SCHOOL Ddlne Aug 25 ROSHDdlneHASHANASept7 SUCCOS Ddlne Sept 21 55Reserve Your Yom Tov Ads Now! Call 647-435-3716 9 DAYS Ddlne July 20 BACK 2 SCHOOL Ddlne Aug 25 ROSHDdlneHASHANASept7 SUCCOS Ddlne Sept 2162 69Stay Informed With THE DAILY LINK SUBSCRIBE at: whatsnew@thedailylink.ca WhatsApp 647-435-3716or 65 4477 54 74 66 77Reserve Your Ads Now! Call 647-435-3716 IssueSuccos375 Ddlne Sept 2 Issue 374 Back 2 Scl/RH Ddlne Aug 19 Issue 373 9 Days Ddlne June 29 Issue DdlneSummer/Camp372June15Issue Summer/Camp371DdlneJune1 79 6769 81USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416.782.8585 | usedbooks613@gmail.com SEFORIM WAREHOUSE74 USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416.782.8585 | usedbooks613@gmail.com SEFORIM WAREHOUSE 77USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416.782.8585 | usedbooks613@gmail.com SEFORIM WAREHOUSE USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416.782.8585 | usedbooks613@gmail.com SEFORIM WAREHOUSE50 59USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416.782.8585 | usedbooks613@gmail.com SEFORIM WAREHOUSE 61USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES Caribou Rd. Sunday Thursday 416.782.8585 | usedbooks613@gmail.com SEFORIM WAREHOUSE CHEAP 12:00 USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416.782.8585 | usedbooks613@gmail.com SEFORIM WAREHOUSE78 58 Yom Tov Deadlines - Reserve Now! Call 647-435-3716 IssueSuccos355 Ddlne Sept 15 Issue 354 RoshDdlneHashanaSept1 Issue 353 Back 2 School Ddlne Aug 20 63Special Promo On Now! Call 647-435-3716 IssueSuccos355 Ddlne Sept 15 Issue 354 RoshDdlneHashanaSept1 Issue 353 Back 2 School Ddlne Aug 20 Issue 352 9 days Ddlne July 14 63Special Promo On Now! Call 647-435-3716 IssueSuccos355 Ddlne Sept 15 Issue 354 RoshDdlneHashanaSept1 Issue 353 Back 2 School Ddlne Aug 20 Issue 352 9 days Ddlne July 14 IssueSummer351 Ddlne June 30 3857 5040 USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES 182 Caribou Rd. - 4:00 416.782.8585 | usedbooks613@gmail.com SEFORIM WAREHOUSE62 USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416.782.8585 | usedbooks613@gmail.com SEFORIM WAREHOUSE78 USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416.782.8585 | usedbooks613@gmail.com SEFORIM WAREHOUSE70 4267 8467 74 65USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES! 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416-782-8585 | seforimwarehouse2837@gmail.com 89USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES! 182 Caribou Rd. Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416-782-8585 | seforimwarehouse2837@gmail.com 54 USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES! 182 CARIBOU ROAD SUNDAY - THURSDAY 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416-782-8585 | SEFORIMWAREHOUSE2837@GMAIL.COM 51 USED SEFORIM AND BOOKS FOR CHEAP PRICES! 182 CARIBOU ROAD SUNDAY - THURSDAY 12:00 - 4:00 PM 416-782-8585 | SEFORIMWAREHOUSE2837@GMAIL.COM 52 Book Your YOM TOV Ads! 647-435-3716 ISSUE #309 BACK TO SCHOOL Deadline August 9 Issue August 14 ISSUE #310 ROSH HASHANA Deadline Aug 22 Issue Aug 28 ISSUE #311 SUCCOS Deadline Sept 5 Issue Sept 9 51@thedailylink1 FOLLOW US to keep you “Linked” to daily events, specials, sales, pics, announcements happening now in Jewish Toronto - On the day they are happening! 52 Book Your SUMMER LINK Ads! 647-435-3716 ISSUE Deadline#307 June 19 Issue June 26 ISSUE Deadline#308 July 3 Issue July 10 81Book Your SUMMER LINK Ads! 647-435-3716 ISSUE Deadline#306 June 5 Issue June 12 ISSUE Deadline#307 June 19 Issue June 26 ISSUE Deadline#308 July 3 Issue July 10 33@thedailylink1 FOLLOW US daily events, announcements happening in Jewish Toronto - On day they are happening!

www.hearingsolutions.ca Call us to book your in-clinic or in-home hearing test. Lawrence Plaza 1-888-441-7175 Spring MarketplaceFarm 1-888-439-1162 PERCENTZERO FINANCING z 90 DAY PERIODTRIAL z MemoriesPricelessMomentsSimple The new Styletto X. It’s more than just a hearing aid. It’s your personalized hearing experience. SOUTH LOCATION NORTH LOCATION

JUDAICA Israeli Source 38 Pardes Seforim 43

PHOTO Exclusive Video .............. 90
Hoffman .............................
Renewal .............................

HOSIERY Sox Spot 70,71
FEATURES & EVENTS Missing Link 89 Brain Teasers..................... 94 Fax Submission Form .. 111 Beit Yosef 22
MT Plumbers 104 National Heating 47 Perfect Locksmith ........... 93 Pest Control Plus ...... 21,83
WOMENS WEAR JODI ................................... 57 Mementos ...................
Deck Home & Patio 5
MORTGAGE Mortgage Maven 80

Avi’s Art 42,86 Baths Only 29
Hearing Solutions 101 Maxi Health ................ 32,91 Rachels Skin Spa 96
JUDAICA, 12,99 Box 51
JEWELLERY Collette 9 Moshe Fine Jewel..... 79,114
Caregiver 45 FEG 48,49
Arista Air ........................... 98
WIGS/HAIR Cut Above 28 Cameo Wigs 33,97 By Ellie 36,37 Shullys Wigs 56 68,69
TRAVEL 76 Rides To Fly 67 Rite 73

Garbage Buddy ................ 20 Interior Selections........... 40 Interiors To Be 46 Mastercraft Blinds 77
LAW Berger Law ...................... 75 MAKEUP Makeup by Shira 44 MENSWEAR Hat
Little Shoe Palace 112,113
"The community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper " M r B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער ב המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב 102 ACCOUNTING Fenig Tax .......................... 25 CHILDREN (see also gifts) Bonus Kids .................. 34,35 Orange Square ........... 78,92 Sugar N Spice 84,100 CLEANERS York Downs Cleaners 13 CONFECTIONARY Chocolate Moose 18 Kosher Natural 72,85 COUNSELLING Relief Resources ......... 117 DENTAL Dr. Axelrod 74 EMPLOYMENT JVS Employment 59 FINANCIAL Discount Cheques 1 Lighthouse Credit Unin 54 FOOD Bubby’s Tacos ...................... 7 Kosher City Plus ............. 2,3 Downsouth Smokehs 41 Savours ........................... 119 Slice & Bites ...................... 58 Yosef Mokir Shabbos 17 FURNITURE Sleep Well Mattresses 16 GIFTS Kitchen Art ................ 52,53 GRAPHICS BP Graphics 87 Gemini 30

Bais Yaakov Thornhill 8 Darchei ............................ 55 TTEC................................ 27
Sox Spot 70,71
Bobov Parlour 23 Chai Lifeline Podcast 39 COR 95 DANI 115 Efrat 31 Eruv 50 Kaparos 4 Machzikei Hashekel 24 Philip Davidovits 14 Project Inspire 10 66 Shuvu 118 TBG 116 TTEC 27 60,61
BP Graphics ...................... 87 Gemini 30
SILVER Doron ........................

Any Height Trees 63 Haskel Zionce Esrog ....... 11 Keep it Kleen ................... 15 Leiters Sukkah 6 Lulav Esrog Centre 62 MaTov Esrogim BC Sukkah Centre 1 Sukkah Decors 88 Sukkah Builder 64 Travis Esrogim 65 Yitzi’s Esrog 19
I need a full size floor shtender as soon as possible. Please call Reuven at my home number & talk to me or leave a message. 905-886-5666.
7:45 am daily minyan Monday-Friday 8am Sunday, Shabbos Shachris 9am Chevra Shas - 3545 Bathurst St opposite Baycrest
8:00am Weekday morning minyan at Clanton Park shul upstairs. On Sundays & official holidays we daven at 9:00am. 416-838-9965.
1:00pm Mon-Thurs 400/Weston/IslingtonFinchDanaTradingCo 40 Penn Drive 416-747-7778
103 "The community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper " M r . B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער בו המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב

3000 Bathurst St - 2 bedroom + sunroom east facing, includes 5 appliances, cable TV, internet, heating, a/c, locker, indoor garage, shabbat elevator, exercise rm, 24/7 security, excellent location, avail from Oct. 20. For details 647-345-3552.
Short term apartment for rent in 3000 Bathurst St. Reply to &st5065201@gmail.comemailincludephonenumber.
- Ateres Mordechai. Davening 45min. before Neitz. Kiddush following. 230 Arnold Ave. 2pminfo@ateresmordechai.com905-597-3157MinchaatWestmountShul -


Bathurst/Lawrence, bright, spacious, 1 bedroom basement apt. Close to shuls, stores & TTC. Fantastic location. Please contact Bracha 416-782-3571.
Bathurst/Steeles - Clark - 4 bdrm, 2 full bathrooms, laundry on 2nd floor, kitchen, meat & dairy sink 416-451-9443.
2 bedroom basement apt for rent. Walk-in closet, living/dining room, kitchen, 3pc bathroom, partially furnished, parking space. Close to shuls, shopping & transit. Shared laundry. Free internet & everything included. No smoking, no pets, only kosher, shomer shabbos. $1400/mth Call Shmuel 905-882-8265.
Do you have a few minutes to check in on someone or engage in a brief friendly chat? Looking for female volunteers. Call Chana Kalter for info. 416-785-5657
Recently renovate 2 bedroom apartment on Meadowbrook Rd. for rent. Great building. For more info please call 416-256-5953.
HATZOLOH 416-256-1000 CHAVEIRIM 416-831-4583
Bochur looking to rent space. Iʼm looking to rent aa place near Lubavitch Yeshiva. My name is Michael Yaraslavsky frum bochur & 25 years old. Please contact me at yarmisha@gmail.com or 929-559-9274.

If you would like to receive zmanim & updates for The Boat Shul please email zmanim@theboatshul.com


Lilui nishmas Faiga Tzippora bas Dovid Aryeh
International company based in Toronto looking for a graphics & general office person for full time. Includes print ads, packaging design & website updating. Must be punctual & professional, able to use Adobe Suite & Excel. Quickbooks an asset but will train. Pay rate negotiable based on ability. Email resume to kosherjob@gmail.com

Bathurst/Steeles - Clark - 2 bdrm bsmt apt, living rm, kitchen, washroom, laundry area, storage 416-451-9443.
Rʼ Hirsch Rabinski 647-236-7700, Rʼ Yisroel Feldman

#250 - 10 Disera Dr. (1 block west of Bathurst, north of Ctr). Mon-Thurs in winter. www.westmountshul.com905-881-7485.

1:00pm Winter, 2:00pm Summer Mincha at Yonge & Bloor 175 Bloor St, East tower suite 601 Call 416-323-3773 x337 email1:00pmabessin@allseniorscare.comwinter,2:00pmsummerMinchaHwy7&WoodbineYogenFruzheadoffice,210ShieldsCourt.Contact:VolviBergmanwbergman@officecentral.com
One room in a condo townhouse is available for short term stays. 3pc private bathroom, fridge, coffee maker, & desk. ideal for out of town guests/ short term transitional moving. Ladies only. Located in East Thornhill (Yonge/Clark) Guests must be tripple vaccinated. Please call/text 416-457-1556
1:40pm Olympia Tile 15 Dufflaw Rd. 2nd flr. Mon-Thurs Tzvi Hess 416-785-9555 x217.
3:30pm Mincha Mon-Thurs 265 Rimrock Rd Suite 265 Allen & Sheppard) Jeff 647-930-3038.
2pm Mincha at 197 Spadina Ave. Suite 500 (n/e corner of Phoebe & Spadina, north of Queen, east side of Spadina) please email shelagh@yad.ca
2:00pm 5255 Yonge Street Suite 901 please text 647-574-3659 for info.
2:15pm Yeshivas Mishkan Hatorah 3452 Bathurst St. (opposite Grodzinskis) enter from rear entrance 416-800-9089 Maariv 9:00 pm winter, 9:30pm summer.
Yeshiva Gedola Zichron Shmaryahu (Mesivta) Shachris 7:30am, Mincha 3:00, 3:30 Maariv 9:30, 10:00 70 Faiholme Ave. 10:15pm Maariv in The Thornhill Kollel Ohr Yosef every weeknight 601 Clark Ave. 3:15pm Mincha, 6pm Arvit 10 McAllister Road. 2 blocks south of Sheppard. For more info please contact 647-857-6600.
2:00pm Cambridge Mercantile Mon-Thurs, 4th floor boardroom212 King St. W.
Tzion of A Tzaddik - there is a tzion of a tzaddik Rʼ Naftali Zvi Horowitz zt”l where many people have merited yeshuos. His kever is at the Roselawn Cemetary at Bathurst/Roselawn.

Shabbos Mincha Gedola - 2:00pm at 35 Stormont 416-782-3328.

3:15pm Mon-Thurs - Friedberg Mercantile 220 Bay St. 6th floor corner of 416-364-1171.Bay/Wellington
grow and prosper " M r B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער ב המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב 104

Daily mens general email group. Great if youʼre looking for info on events, recommendations for services or to buy or sell something. To join please gta-yidden+subscribe@googlegroups.comemail

2:00pm Plazacorp Investments Mon-Thurs. 10 Wanless Ave. Ste. 201 416-481-2222 x244.
If you know someone in hospital who could use a visit or specific support please call Bikur Cholim office 416-783-7983.
Menachem Tzvi Tehillim Group for ladies meets every Wedensday night at 7:45pm in Clanton Park neighborhood. Newcomers very welcome.Please call Susan at 416-635-7010 or Gitta at 416-633-5376.
Mincha/Arvit daily 20min before shkiah in Kollel Yismach Moshe 10 Bainbridge (across Earl Bales). Regular minyanim 7:15 am shachris (Hodu), 6:00pm mincha, 9:45 arvit, Sunday 7:15am, 8:15am
2:00pm Mincha Mon-Thurs Concord - 140 Cidermill Bldg A Hwy 7/Jane 905-660-7716.
2:00pm New year round mincha minyan. 333 Wilson Ave Suite 201 entrance thru west Bathurst/Wilsonstairwell
Shabbos Meal Connectionif you are new in town or are single & need a shabbos meal call Leah Gabay & she will set you up with hosts in your area. 416-789-5812.
If you are in need of someone to say KADDISH after the loss of a loved one, wesaykaddish.com can help. 416-451-6543.

2:00pm Yonge/Finch mincha. Xerox tower 5650 Yonge St. Ste 1700. Questrade Inc. Come join or contact tasher@questrade.com
2:00pm Mincha Dufferin/Glencairn 2778 Dufferin Street Main Floor Meirʼs Office Shteible. Cholent served every Thursday.
Inspire By Wire - Bnos Melochimʼs 24hr inspiration line. Call 718-906-6451 to hear personal stories of triumph, fascinating interviews hundreds of beautiful lectures on the topics of modesty, self esteem, parenting, shalom bayis, shabbos etc & special tznius teleconferences.
CHAVEIRIM 416-831-4583
1:00 pm Mincha in Mississauga 25 Eglinton Ave E. (N/E corner Dixie & Eglinton) to join email list to confirm minyan call 905-268-4432 or info@jewishmississauga.orgemail
"The community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to

HATZOLOH 416-256-1000

offs to benefit Jewish schools. Yeshiva Yesodei Hatorah 77 Glen Rush box next to garbage bins SE side of lot. Bobov Cheder 44 Champlain Blvd Green bin located north of the front entrance. To add a bin to your school, fundraisers call 416-220-7073.
join our Meet N Greet email group created just for you. Find out about stuff going on in the community & stay connected with others in your area. Send an email MNGToronto@yahoo.comto
105 "The community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper " M r . B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער בו המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב
Small Wonders - supporting Jewish couples experiencing infertility. Medically, emotionally, halachically, financially. 24hr helpline.416-742-0090 confidential.
Toronto Grapevine - email group for frum women of any age and stage of life. Find out whatʼs going on in the community at large. Itʼs free. Just send an email Servicetgvmembership@yahoo.comtoprovidedbyFrumToronto.comYoungWives&/orYoungMothers -

Attn Teens: This One is for you! Call 347-498-8353 for Bnos Melochimʼs extraordinary “Tele-Teen” A hotline featuring teen triumphs, school spotlights, Q&A roundtable, intriguing interviews & a daily lesson.
Torah based 13 step program of recovery or codependency. For more info call hotline. 845-286-1006
New learning opportunity - Join an early morning kollel. Add inspiration & success to your day. For details call 647-893-8950 Shmuel stipends available
Amudim provides confidential resources & assistance to individuals impacted by abuse, neglect, addiction, mental health & crisis related matters. 647-517-0222, 647-951-9385, info@amudim.org

MT Plumbing Service. Installation & Repairs drains, emergency service. Call Mike 416-722-5225.
Chai Lifeline Canada - providing support & services to Jewish families & kids affected by life threatening & life long illness. Strictly 647-430-5933confidential
Do you know any women or girls who are in need of a place for shabbos? Contact Yana 437-990-7944 and I would be more than happy to host them.
Do you have a senior female relative who lives alone? Do you worry about her being all alone at night? Kind compassionate shomer shabbos woman available to sleep in so you can have peace of mind. Avoid high agency fees & contact me slaz4227@gmail.com to discuss your needs. References available.
Woman policeman from Ukraine will help with any questions. Whatsapp 416-712-4912
HATZOLOH 416-256-1000 CHAVEIRIM 416-831-4583

Bicycle Repairs by a shomer shabbos yid. Call Shimon shmeely@msn.com647-852-3075
Feeling isolated? Would you like a volunteer to check in on you? Need a friendly chat? “Buddy 2 Buddy” - free phone program for women. Contact Chana Kalter 416-785-5657.

If you have leftover food from a simcha or event and want to donate it please danielle.morris@rogers.comcontact will make sure thaat it goes to people who are food insecure. Tizku Lʼmitzvot
Jewish Senior Circle pairs volunteers with lonely seniors in their places of residence - private homes, nursing or retirement homes. To sign up a senior in need contact Jewish Senior Circle www.jewishseniorcircle.comlevi@jewishseniorcircle.com647-770-9870
Amazing Emunah & Bitachon hotline! Your life will never be the same! 732-719-3898.
EXPRESSSERVICE.CAdelivery/courier no late Friday or Saturday serviceClothing647-244-1822donationdrop

LʻChaim Cancer Support Group for Jewish Women - our volunteers are Jewish women cancer survivors who provide confidential peer support to Jewish women with cancer. (A project of National Council of LʼChaim hotline) 416-630-0203.
Celebrating a Bar/Bat Mitzvah? How will you be marking this milestone? Ask about Chai Lifeline Programs & brochure. Help be the difference in the life of a sick kid. Contact skaplan@chailifeline.org
Bris/Pidyon Haben Gemach
Miriamʼs Closet - beautiful sheva brachos outfits for kallah & her mother. Shani & Bracha 416-828-6462, 647-217-2259
Zichron Pessy - beautiful bris outfits, poya, pillow cover & tray. Call/text Chaya 647-470-7816Goldstein
Gowns for Mother-of-the-Bride & family - Call Suri 416-783-7465.
Simcha Baskets - fully stocked toiletries baskets for the ladies room at your simcha. $20 Call Rivki 416-356-4966.
crown & veils for brides. Call Judy 647-992-5839 for an appt. Located in Thornhill. accepting donations of crowns & veils in perfect condition only.
Place Cards - we have place cards that include 2-4 line poems to encourage Shmiras Halashon at a simcha. Avail. in cream & white colours. Free of charge. Lʼillui nishmas Rebbetzin P. Weinberg a”h. Please call Esther Rochel 416-787-6780.
On The House Tablecloth Gemachlarge array of beautiful tablecloths for your simcha. Also some centrepieces avail. Call Fraidy 416-789-4273.
Wedding Shtick Gemach - all proceeds go to Hachnosas Kallah of Toronto. Please call Michal 416-782-3366 evenings.
Boys Simcha Outfits - Hachnosas Kallah sizes 18mths - 6x. 416-789-2320.
Gemach for plastic serving bowls, platters, spoons & forks. Mirror ties & vases for centerpieces. Lilui nishmas Meir Shimshon Hacohen ben Eliezer Litman and Tamar bas Yosef. 647-778-0076 (Michal)

Bris Card Gemach - tefillah for mother, father, guest attending bris & the nusach of bris. Please call 416-789-9745.

Bris Pillow & Outfit GemachLʼilui nishmot Chaim ben Zvi & Chaya Tzina bat 485167Kallah905-731-6336.Nissan.SneakersGemachPleasetext416-450-8699McMorranCresc,ThornhillNEWGirlsSimchaGownGemachsizeinfantto12yrs.2locationstodropoffcurrentgowns:SpringGateBlvd.&127DellParkForinquiriespleasetextShoshanaLevy416-275-3677.
Lʼilui nishmas Rochel bas Refoel Menachem
Cake Gemach - Simcha to Simcha to donate items left from your simcha & enhance someone elseʼs simcha please call Mrs. Susie Bierbrier 416-875-5686 or Mrs. Ruth Galet 416-523-7082 we will be happy to pick up your cookies, petit-fours, cakes, chocolate, nuts & candy.
" M r B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער ב המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב 106

Petticoat/Crinolin Gemach Lots of stock - women & girls Come any time the Perfect Fit is open. $50 cheque deposit per petticoat. 416-782-8378 donations welcome
Petals & Lace Gown Rentalchildren-preteen 416-787-9817 42 Dufflaw Rd. CALL FOR HRS
"The community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper

"Gemach Glickel Chana" A selection of gowns for your next simcha. Located in Thornhill. Sunday & Weekday appointments only. No evenings. L'zecher Nishmas Glickel Chana Bas Chaim. To book appointment cardsMakingThornhillgowngemach@gmail.comemailChuppahTefillahCardGemachawedding?Beautifultefillahavailableforloan.PleasecontactRachelat647-710-8767oremailchuppahcardstoronto@gmail.com

Bais Yaakov Elementary School Uniform Gemach has moved to 37 Shelborne Ave. Please drop off uniforms in good condition in front of the garage. Getting uniforms will be by appt only. Call 416-988-9153 cwoldiger@gmail.comor
Tznius Gemach - tznius-size your wardrobe as befits a Bas Yisroel. A minimal flat rate charge applies to cover materials. This service does not include major alterations. Lʼillui nishmas Shprintza bas Chana. 416-781-1787.
Simcha Vases (25) - 24” tall clear glass “Pilsner” vases for arrangements either in vase or on top Brand new. $6 rental each. Partial proceeds to Chai Lifeline. 905-881-6340.
Free Tape Lending GemachRʼ Pesach Krohn, Rʼ Yankel Horowitz & more. Call R. Magid EmunahbentchersChumashim416-785-6096.&SiddurimGemachwecarrychumashim,siddurim,&challahcovers.LʼilluinishmasRivkaChanabasYaakov.416-785-1169book&CDGemach-manytitlesavailableforloan.Allonthetopicofemunah&bitachon.Call416-887-7672&leaveamessage.LʼilluinishmasHaravZachariahMineszt”l.
and it is incumbent on us to support the

Simcha Gemach - items such as salad bowls, serving pieces, trays, kiddush cups, challah knives, salt shakers, chafing dishes, hot water urns, baskets, chocolate fountain, centrepieces. A few coat racks & some tablecloths. Call Sori 416-787-9582.
Maternity Gown Gemach - now carrying full length gowns & 2 pieces that are appropriate for family weddings. Call for an appointment. Miri 416-932-6632.Kaufman
Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper " M r . B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער בו המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב

Bris Gemach - Beautiful pillow & outfit to use for bris milah. Lʼilui nishmas Rʼ Aryeh Ben Nesanel Lemberger. 647-349-8166

Beautiful cards with tefillos for before the Chuppah available to be borrowed.
Greater Toronto and for the same reason
Gemach Gifts - have unwanted new gifts that newlyweds can use? Donate them. Kitchen, judaic, linens, hair coverings. North & South location drop offs. Call 647-832-7479 or email gemachgifts@gmail.com
NEW MATERNITY GEMACH for weekday & shabbos is open at 97 Roberta Dr. Text/call 647-822-9757 Anyone looking to donate maternity clothes please leave on front porch of 97 Roberta Dr. or text me. If youʼd like to sell an expensive item please include your contact info & a price. Otherwise all gemach items are free.
Brit Yitzchak Gemach - copies of sefer “Brit Olam” with the special learning seder for leil habrit available for Sephardim to borrow. 416-518-8177.
Bnos Bais Yaakov Uniform Gemachuniforms available & to drop off call R. Tauber. 416-256-1694.

Mrs. D. Jakubowitz 416-789-9745.
The Shaitel Gemach of Toronto is now offering haircut services for children and women. Very affordable. Please call Elisheva for an walkincloset1@gmail.comneededShabbos647-770-7462.appointmenthatsformenforgemach.Dropoffis77SultanaAve.emailforinfoBaisYaakovHighSchoolUniformGemach-uniformsavailablebyappt.416-782-2417.
HATZOLOH 416-256-1000 CHAVEIRIM 416-831-4583
"The is growing growth of in support Yaakov of

Bencher Gemach - lʼilui nishmas HaRav Yitzchak Gamliel ben HaRav Noach HaLevi Witty zt”l. 905-709-6445.

Shaitel Gemach - Zichron Rʼ Y.A. Sibony B. Meir a”h. Carries now The Hat Fall (Band It) New in Toronto Same day Wash & Set $20. Call E. Lipovenko 437-221-6585 (61 Fairholme)
Hachnosas Orchim Gemach - quilts, pillows, linen, towels, hot plates, heaters, urns, negel vasser sets available for short term loan. Call Mrs. Leah Esther Fuhrer 416-787-2234 or Mrs. Frumie DʼAncona 416-780-1312.
Gorgeous chuppa cards with tefillos for the Chosson & Kallah available to use. Contact M. Wachsman markitgraphicdesign@gmail.com647-741-1336
Zichron Yehudit Bridal Jewellery Gemach - for more information please call Barbara at 416-837-1710
Lucite Chuppa Cards with Tefillos to say at the time of the chuppa. Available to borrow for your next simcha. Please call/text Esti 416-835-8942.
Thornhill Ladies Clothing Gemach. 18 Rodeo Drive. 9am-7pmsherrylynnsolomon@gmail.com647-406-9196daily.Noapptnecessary
Kosher Ipad for short hospital stays. If someone you know is going to the hospital overnight (r”l) call for a new ipad preloaded ONLY with koshergames (more options avail on request) 647-261-7775.
Hachnosas Orchim for out of towners coming to Toronto to date (Shidduchim related) Need a place with privacy? Total confidentiality. No need to stay in a hotel. Call us, itʼs our pleasure. 416-633-1749.
Chap-A-Ride to your out of town destination - Need a ride? Offering one? Sending a peckel? 416-782-7141.

$5-$25 Charles, Tyrwhitt, Canali, Boss, Zegna, Strellson, Brooks Bros etc. For appt or to drop off donation call 416-780-1333 or
Car Booster Seats available for short term use. Call Batya 416-256-7507.

If you are pregnant & need help with suppers: Volunteers bring suppers for 4 weeks to me to be picked up anonymously. To volunteer/get help email diapers,Multiplestoronto@gmail.comanonymousbutnotaloneGemach-forfamiliesexpectingmultiples.Clothing,varioustoys,sleeping&feedingitems.Pleaseemailgtmultiplesgemach@gmail.comorwhatsapp416-804-4600.
MEDICAL EQUIPMENT - to borrow or donate medical equipment
Tznius Awareness - CDs now available from the kinus lʼilui nishmas Mrs. S. Konigsberg a”h. Also available: EZ necklastic kits & knee covers. Min. charge to cover costs. Please call 416-398-5785.
Mens & Boys Gemach - featuring suits, white shirts, dark pants, dressy shoes, leather belts, coats size 10 kids to adults.

"The community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper
Shaitel Gemacher - have a wig not right for you? Let someone else enjoy it! Call Shully 416-785-5133.Feigenbaum

Electric & manual pump gemach. New! Many Medela pumps avail for up to a year. Spectra Pumps also available. elishevakest@gmail.comEmail
MezzuzahMISCELLANEOUS416-783-9323.Gemach-moving? in betweenloanscheckinghomes/apartments?yours?Shorttermavailable.Pleasecall 905-889-9970. Lʼillui nishmas Frimshe bas Shraga Feivish a”h.

" M r B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער ב המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב 108


Moving? Need boxes? 416-787-9326
Please call the Bikur Cholim office 416-783-7983
Want to congratulate or mark a special anniversary? Recognize a friend or acquaintance? Want to remember a loved one? Nichum Aveilim? All of these can be tastefully done with our cards. New design & price.
Gemach - short or long term. Call Rhona Wunsch.
Bikur Cholim 416-783-7983
New Chair Gemach - white garden chairs. Pickup in Thornhill. Call 416-729-4598 to reserve.
Natural Cleaning Product Gemach. Free cleaning spray to introduce inexpensive homemade alternatives to harsh chemicals.
High Prescription Drug Costs?Gemach to help access government program that can assist with the cost of prescription drugs. Contact Yitzchak 416-256-7507.

Doula Gemach - get prenatal, labour & postpartum support for reassurance, comfort & guidance as well as positive birth experience. Have a fulfilling birth memory while paying what you can for a trained/experienced doula. Please call Batsheva at 647-766-5425. lʼilui nishmas Tamara Taube bas Ephraim.
ChallosRUs is making challahs with proceeds going to people who need it. Contact challosrus@gmail.com Challah is taken. All ingredients yoshon. Challah baked by Sarah Chaya Basser. References samples available upon request.Crutches Gemach Refael David - short term loan of crutches. Lʼzchus Refael Dovid ben Bracha lʼrefuah shelaima. Please call 416-567-5656
Gemach Zichron Esther Bracha we provide assistance in coordinating all shiva needs Bentzy 416-666-0242 or Tzvi 647-862-8501.
Pushka Pickup - pickup service for Rʼ Meir Baal Hanes, Bikur Cholim, BYES, orunopenedDiapergelbfamily1234@gmail.com416-781-5372AshreinuGemach-ifyouhaveanybox/packagesofdiapersareafamilyinneed,pleaseemail
"The growth
TOdiapergemach@gmail.com or text 416-939-9390. Confidential
Remote control adjustable beds for post surgery & rehab patients. Available for long term bryskine@gmail.comloans.
No time to cook? Bring it & Iʼll cook it for you. Please call Rina 416-209-0406
Travel Adapters - Traveling to Israel or Europe? If you need an adapter to charge your devices, call Rivki at 416-356-4966. short term loans free.
INTRODUCING: The new CHA-LOVE Formula Gemach To request or donate safety sealed, non expired formula, coupons or sterile water for mixing, please contact 416-880-7417 or email chaloveformula@gmail.com

of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper " M r . B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער בו המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב
Baal Tashchis Gemach - are you making a simcha/party or gathering? Call us anytime & we will pick up the groceries/ leftovers. 416-780-1333 Cooked items will need some hechsher. All food goes respectfully to families in need.
Do you bake 5lbs of Challah on Thursday night or Friday? Please join our Gemach & daven for others. Call 416-CHALLAH (416-242-5524)
Liven Up Your Simcha do you or anyone you know want some extra excitement at a wedding? Bais Yaakov type girls are happily ready to liven up your simcha. Call 416-616-9218
the right to select ads & pictures to be published. We are not responsible for typographical errors, kashrus, availability or quality of products or services advertised.
Clubfoot/Develpmental Hip Dysplasia - was your newborn just Maybediagnosed?wecanhelp.647-300-4168.

Mezuzah Gemach - long or short term. Lʼilui nishmas Esther Berocho bas Eliezer a”h. Please call or email 416-666-0242.ben@eichornrealty.com

Crutches Gemach Refael David - short term loan of crutches. Lʼzchus Refael Dovid ben Bracha lʼrefuah shelaima. Please call 416-567-5656
Liʼilui nishmat Rivka bat Chai.
Are you or your child laid up in bed? is someone you know recuperating for whatever reason? Would it help to have educating, inspiring & kosher entertainment available on hand? Please call 416-726-4969.
Sukkah Gemach Do you have/need a sukkah or equipment? contact us & we will try to connect those who need with those who want to give away. Lʼilui nishmas Rʼ Naftoli Tzvi Ben Harav Yosef Chaim Avrohom z”l. sukkahgemach@gmail.comEmail
community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the

Helping to get information for Hebrew schools, Hachnosas Orchim, kosher food in the Jewish community. Call Esther Lipovenko 437-221-6585
Notary Public Available - evenings in the Bathurst/Lawrence area. Free service for seminary/yeshiva students, cross border travel etc. 416-782-5219, 416-749-4092 or (shortNEW!dbotnick@rogers.comNeedtoborrowterm)aPacknPlay or Air Mattress? Text Dianna at 416-662-1551

and prosper " M r B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער ב המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב 110

Chaya Gemach - Lʼilui nishmat Chaya bat Moshe (N”Y)

"The community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to grow
New! Gorgeous Bracha Acharona (& Kiddusha Raba) Cards for your Kiddush. Designed for any occasion & comes with nice stands. Please call for pick up & drop off. M Wachsman 647-741-1336
GPS Gemach - available for short term rentals at no charge. Please call 416-890-8944.

Short term
New Baby Equipment Gemach in Thornhill. Lʼilui nishmas my father, Moshe ben Alexander. To donate or borrow strollers, exersaucers, car seats, booster seats etc please contact Sara Plonka at srplonka@gmail.com
Liven Up Your Simcha do you or anyone you know want some extra excitement at a wedding? Bais Yaakov type girls are happily ready to liven up your simcha. Call 416-616-9218
Beautifully Illustrated Tribute Cards -available “in honour of” or “in memory of”. Proceeds go to Eim Habonim Smecha, an organization for over 500 single parent families in Israel. Call 416-638-3366.
CHALLAH GEMACH - Bathurst/ Lawrence. We will bake fresh (amazing) challahs weekly for those in need. Pay what you can, all proceeds to Tomchai Shabbos. For pickup only. Text 647-531-5024 latest by Thurstday night
Pidyon Haben Gemach Items for pidyon haben, coins to purchase, list of kohanim, packages of garlic & sugar, pillow & clothing. Liʼilui nishmas Mrs. Ester Eichorn Contact Ben at 416-666-0242.ben@eichornrealty.com
Menucha Simcha Gemach - Lʼilui Mrs. M.S. Bat Shimon AʼH. Lice check/ Shaboss/Weekday cooking bring it & Iʼll cook it for you! Please call E. Lipovenko 437-221-6585.
Mezuzah Gemach - Lʼilui nishmas Chaya Faiga Mirel bas Yechiel Ephraim Fishel. Call Devora & leave a message 416-831-4718.

Tefillin Gemach - tefillin available for short term loans (both right & left). Lʼiluui nishmas Rʼ Simcha ben Binyomin Felsenburg a”h. Please contact Kahan Family 416-782-8766.
Doula Gemach - get prenatal, labour & postpartum support for reassurance, comfort & guidance as well as positive birth experience. Have a fulfilling birth memory while paying what you can for a trained/experienced doula. Please call Batsheva at 647-766-5425. lʼilui nishmas Tamara Taube bas Ephraim.
Looking for a PLATE to break at the wedding? We are happy to provide. Lilui nishmas Rosa Barna 416-824-4135.

High Prescription Drug Costs?Gemach to help access government program that can assist with the cost of prescription drugs. Contact Yitzchak 416-256-7507.
Winter Gloves GemachMeshulochim & visitors in temporary need of winter gloves & scarves. 416-789-1515 if no answer, leave a message.
• Classified ads can be to publisher@thecommunitylink.ca or Whatsapp to 647-435-3716

111 "The community is growing and it is incumbent on us to support the growth of Torah in Greater Toronto and for the same reason support Bais Yaakov of Thornhill and allow it to grow and prosper " M r . B e n t z i o H e i t n e r C a m p a i g n C h a i r m seed today see tomorrow ךער בו המדאה ת חפשמ לכ ךב כרב

Select A Category: For Rent/Sale For Sale (items) Looking For Notices Lost & Found Job Opportunities Services Gemachs Comments Tel.Title Please fill out this form to send in a Classified Ad. • Classified Ad deadline is Monday, September 19, 2022. FAX SUBMISSION FORM For Business Classifieds Only: Credit Card No. AmountExpiry$Signature
• We do not reenter classifieds from one issue to the next. If you want your ad to run more than once please note it on the fax. (Max. 2 times/free ad)
• Write in clear readable BLOCK letters.

• Please don’t use more than the allotted space in the following form (max. 150 characters)

• We insert classified ads FREE of charge - for business related ads there will be a $25 + 13% HST prepaid (credit cards only)

Store hours: Sun. Sept. 18. - Fri. Sept. 23. 10 AM - 3 PM 401 Magnetic Dr. #25 Toronto ProceedsavailableDelivery support educational, recreational and vocational programs for adults with a disability. Order online: www.dani-toronto.com 905-889-3264