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Reserve Your PESACH Ads Now! Call 647-435-3716
Deadline Mar 8
Deadline Mar 22
Multiples Gemach - for families expecting multiples. Clothing, diapers, various toys, sleeping & feeding items. Please email gtmultiplesgemach@gmail.com or whatsapp 416-804-4600.
Sukkah Gemach Do you have/need a sukkah or equipment? contact us & we will try to connect those who need with those who want to give away. Lʼilui nishmas Rʼ
Naftoli Tzvi Ben Harav Yosef Chaim Avrohom z”l. Email sukkahgemach@gmail.com lʼilui nishmas Tamara Taube bas Ephraim.
Doula Gemach - get prenatal, labour & postpartum support for reassurance, comfort & guidance as well as positive birth experience. Have a fulfilling birth memory while paying what you can for a trained/experienced doula. Please call Batsheva at 647-766-5425.
Crutches Gemach Refael David - short term loan of crutches.
Lʼzchus Refael Dovid ben Bracha lʼrefuah shelaima. Please call 416-567-5656
Natural Cleaning Product Gemach. Free cleaning spray to introduce inexpensive homemade alternatives to harsh chemicals. 647-458-1524.
INTRODUCING: The new CHA-LOVE Formula Gemach
To request or donate safety sealed, non expired formula, coupons or sterile water for mixing, please contact 416-880-7417 or email chaloveformula@gmail.com
Are you or your child laid up in bed? is someone you know recuperating for whatever reason? Would it help to have educating, inspiring & kosher entertainment available on hand? Please call 416-726-4969.
Do you bake 5lbs of Challah on Thursday night or Friday? Please join our Gemach & daven for others. Call 416-CHALLAH (416-242-5524)
Mezuzah Gemach - long or short term. Lʼilui nishmas Esther Berocho bas Eliezer a”h. Please call or email ben@eichornrealty.com 416-666-0242.
ChallosRUs is making challahs with proceeds going to people who need it. Contact challosrus@gmail.com Challah is taken. All ingredients yoshon. Challah baked by Sarah Chaya Basser. References samples available upon request.
Baal Tashchis Gemach - are you making a simcha/party or gathering? Call us anytime & we will pick up the groceries/ leftovers. 416-780-1333 Cooked items will need some hechsher. All food goes respectfully to families in need.
Remote control adjustable beds for post surgery & rehab patients. Available for long term loans. bryskine@gmail.com
Gemach Zichron Esther Bracha we provide assistance in coordinating all shiva needs Bentzy 416-666-0242 or Tzvi 647-862-8501.
New Chair Gemach - white garden chairs. Pickup in Thornhill. Call 416-729-4598 to reserve.
High Prescription Drug Costs?Gemach to help access government program that can assist with the cost of prescription drugs. Contact Yitzchak 416-256-7507.
Liven Up Your Simcha do you or anyone you know want some extra excitement at a wedding? Bais Yaakov type girls are happily ready to liven up your simcha. Call 416-616-9218
Crutches Gemach Refael David - short term loan of crutches. Lʼzchus Refael Dovid ben Bracha lʼrefuah shelaima. Please call 416-567-5656
Travel Adapters - Traveling to Israel or Europe? If you need an adapter to charge your devices, call Rivki at 416-356-4966. short term loans free.
Diaper Gemach - if you have any unopened box/packages of diapers or are a family in need, please email TOdiapergemach@gmail.com or text 416-939-9390. Confidential
Pushka Pickup - pickup service for Rʼ Meir Baal Hanes, Bikur Cholim, BYES, Ashreinu 416-781-5372 gelbfamily1234@gmail.com
No time to cook? Bring it & Iʼll cook it for you. Please call Rina
Liʼilui nishmat Rivka bat Chai.
Be Seen & Be Safe Reflective Safety Gemach. armbands, belts, tape etc. Do you or a loved one walk at night? Be safe at night & help others be safe. Email or text to arrange pickup willowbrookstoronto@gmail.com 647-708-8201 pickup in Thornhill. In loving memory of Bracha bas Mini donations of reflective items also welcome.
We reserve the right to select ads & pictures to be published. We are not responsible for typographical errors, kashrus, availability or quality of products or services advertised.
Chaya Gemach - Lʼilui nishmat
Chaya bat Moshe (N”Y)
Helping to get information for Hebrew schools, Hachnosas Orchim, kosher food in the Jewish community. Call Esther Lipovenko 437-221-6585
GPS Gemach - available for short term rentals at no charge. Please call 416-890-8944.
Mezuzah Gemach - Lʼilui nishmas
Chaya Faiga Mirel bas Yechiel
Ephraim Fishel. Call Devora & leave a message 416-831-4718.
Short term
Winter Gloves GemachMeshulochim & visitors in temporary need of winter gloves & scarves. 416-789-1515 if no answer, leave a message.
Tefillin Gemach - tefillin available for short term loans (both right & left).
Lʼiluui nishmas Rʼ Simcha ben Binyomin Felsenburg a”h. Please contact Kahan Family 416-782-8766.
Pidyon Haben Gemach
Items for pidyon haben, coins to purchase, list of kohanim, packages of garlic & sugar, pillow & clothing.
Liʼilui nishmas Mrs. Ester Eichorn Contact Ben at ben@eichornrealty.com 416-666-0242.
Menucha Simcha Gemach - Lʼilui Mrs. M.S. Bat Shimon AʼH. Lice check/ Shaboss/Weekday cooking bring it & Iʼll cook it for you! Please call E. Lipovenko 437-221-6585.
New! Gorgeous Bracha Acharona (& Kiddusha Raba) Cards for your Kiddush. Designed for any occasion & comes with nice stands. Please call for pick up & drop off. M Wachsman 647-741-1336
Doula Gemach - get prenatal, labour & postpartum support for reassurance, comfort & guidance as well as positive birth experience. Have a fulfilling birth memory while paying what you can for a trained/experienced doula. Please call Batsheva at 647-766-5425. lʼilui nishmas Tamara Taube bas Ephraim.
Beautifully Illustrated Tribute Cards -available “in honour of” or “in memory of”. Proceeds go to Eim Habonim Smecha, an organization for over 500 single parent families in Israel. Call 416-638-3366.
Liven Up Your Simcha do you or anyone you know want some extra excitement at a wedding? Bais Yaakov type girls are happily ready to liven up your simcha. Call 416-616-9218
High Prescription Drug Costs?Gemach to help access government program that can assist with the cost of prescription drugs. Contact Yitzchak 416-256-7507.
New Baby Equipment Gemach in Thornhill. Lʼilui nishmas my father, Moshe ben Alexander. To donate or borrow strollers, exersaucers, car seats, booster seats etc please contact Sara Plonka at srplonka@gmail.com
Notary Public Available - evenings in the Bathurst/Lawrence area. Free service for seminary/yeshiva students, cross border travel etc. 416-782-5219, 416-749-4092 or dbotnick@rogers.com
CHALLAH GEMACH - Bathurst/ Lawrence. We will bake fresh (amazing) challahs weekly for those in need. Pay what you can, all proceeds to Tomchai Shabbos. For pickup only. Text 647-531-5024 latest by Thurstday night
Looking for a PLATE to break at the wedding? We are happy to provide. Lilui nishmas Rosa Barna 416-824-4135.
NEW! Need to borrow (short term) a Pack n Play or Air Mattress? Text Dianna at 416-662-1551
Reserve Your PESACH Ads Now! Call 647-435-3716
Deadline Mar 8
Fax Submission Form
Deadline Mar 22
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• Classified Ad deadline is Monday, March 6, 2023.
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