My personal Technology ‘Upgrade’, taking a message and growing from the pandemic
Here are some suggested Kabbalos that this is one of the major things question is “how?” Pinpoint your master. Dream big; plan realistically.
I will only access email on my device which is filtered for email only by a Jewish company filter
I will not possess a device that has internet access
I will Not bring internet into my home
I will only use internet which has a ‘white list’ filter by a Jewish company
I will NOT use Generative AI which is unfiltered internet (including by phone)
I will only use internet which is properly filtered by a Jewish company with the basic settings
I will only use internet which is properly filtered by a Jewish company with a minimum standard of image filtering, and no access to secular news, sports, streaming media on non-Jewish websites, & gaming websites
I will not use the internet for entertainment (even Kosher)
I will not let my children go online
I will only use the internet on a desktop or laptop that is filtered with a Jewish company, with the supervision/in the presence of _____________.
I will only use the internet for ________________________
I will not use the internet for__________________________
I will only use the internet for a time limit of _______ at a time.
I will only possess a Kosher Flip phone with talk only and a hechsher
I will only possess a flip phone that has been blocked by a Jewish company for everything besides talk and text
I will remove the video player from my 4G flip phone
Kabbalos in the area of technology, as many Gedolim are telling us things to work on and is the nisayon hador. We all want to grow. The your area of struggle and then choose a manageable stretch to realistically. Remember - each step to the right is infinitely precious.
I will not look at the screen of a non-kosher phone
I will not use a smartphone
I will not possess a smartphone
I will use a tablet/computer for my internet needs outside of home, and a flip-phone for my calls, and will never use a smartphone
My smartphone will be blocked from everything besides talk/text
I will only possess a smartphone which is originally kashred with limited apps and no web browser, and can’t be changed
I will not use Whatsapp, or other similar Messaging apps
I will not use any Social Media
I will have a kosher flip phone for personal use, and the smartphone for business purposes only
I will only use my smartphone in the office or on business trips
I will not bring my smartphone home
I will not use Smartphones/computers until after my kids are sleeping
I will not let my children use my smartphone/or show them anything on it
I will not bring my phone into Shul or Bais medrash
I will ask a Rav for hadracha when technology questions arise
I will not use my phone as an alarm clock
I will not check my phone before davening
I will not read anything online that I would not bring into my house in print
My own Kabbalah
for us all to merit Brochos & Simchos only!
When you send Rosh Hashanah cards from Chai Lifeline Canada, you also send a message of compassion and support to children and families impacted by illness in our community.
Cards are $20/package of 10 Available at:
Chai Lifeline Canada (Toronto)
Israeli Source (Thornhill)
Israel's Judaica (Thornhill)
Holy Land Judaica (Thornhill)
Lollicakes (Toronto)
E-cards are also available, $3/card
mini honey dishes
apple napkins
many designs to choose from!
you have been waiting for!
1.6 and 3.5 qt.
• Wills and Estate s
Jason Berger receivedhis Juris Doctor from the University ofOttawa in 2012 after which he spent several years working for a tax and corporate law firm in Toronto where he gainedexperience in complex tax planning, corporate reorganizations for high net worth individuals and corporate/commercial law. In 2016, he founded Berger Law in the Promenade Mall and focuses his practice on Tax and Business Law. Visit www.bergerlaw.ca to read his full bio and see a sample of the work he is doing.
Many COR establishments make their own delicious salad croutons. These croutons are made by taking stale bread or bagels, cutting them
into bite-size pieces, adding oil and spices and then re-baking them into a crunchy, toast-like croutons. Sometimes these pieces are larger than a kazayis although most of the time, they are not. The bracha on salad croutons is Hamotzee.
Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim (168:10) describes a similar product called “Chavitza” which, in one scenario, is described as bread that is cut into pieces and mixed with honey or soup. The Shulchan Aruch paskens that if the pieces are larger than a kazayis the bracha is surely hamotzee. However, if the pieces are smaller than a kazayis then their bracha depends on their appearancewhether they still resemble the original appearance of bread “to’ar lechem”. In the case of our homemade salad croutons, the pieces, even if smaller than a kazayis, certainly resemble bread and the bracha remains hamotzee.
Even when the croutons are placed into a salad, the bracha on the croutons is hamotzee. The only time bread loses its bracha and becomes a tafel to another food is when it is eaten with salty fish. In that unique case, the bread is not desired at all. He merely eats the bread to soothe the burning sensation in his mouth which was created by the salty fish; thereby making the bread a tafel to the fish. However, in any case where the bread is eaten for its taste, the bracha is hamotzee. In our salads, the homemade croutons are eaten for their taste and are not a tafel. A hamotzee should be recited on the croutons and the rest of the salad can be eaten without an additional bracha.
Some establishments cook pieces of bagels in oil (deep fry) and call them bagel chips. In those cases, if, and only if, the pieces are smaller than a kazayis, then the bracha is mezonos even when they retain the appearance of the original bread. If even one of the pieces is larger than a kazayis, then the bracha on that specific piece is hamotzee. In such a situation, the consumer should wash, recite hamotzee, eat the large piece and the rest of the pieces will also be covered by the hamotzee that was recited.
Short term apartment rental for one woman. Bathurst/Wilson. Email 121244k@gmail.com
Bathurst/Wilson - one bedroom bsmt apartment for rent, kitchen, 3 pc washroom, close to shuls, shopping, transit. Utilities & wifi included. Call 647-272-9873.
Great basement apartment. Steps to BAYT & bus. 2 bedroom, bright, newly renovated, 4pc bath, separate entrance, LH&W, internet & ignite TV included. Available now. Parking TBD $1899. BAYT_APT@hotmail.com 647-883-7704.
Long term apartment for rent in 3000 Bathurst St. for chosson &kallah. Email st5065201@gmail.com
Room for rent - only kosher/shomer shabbos. Free internet, everything incl. laundry, close to shuls, shopping, transit. Call Shmuel 905-882-8265 Close to Clark & Bathurst
Seeking frum male roommate for a 2 bdrm condo. Bathurst/Centre. Close to many shuls, shopping, groceries. Utilities & internet included. 647-878-9613.
Do you have a few minutes to check in on someone or engage in a brief friendly chat? Looking for female volunteers. Call Chana Kalter for info. 416-785-5657
Lilui nishmas Faiga Tzippora bas Dovid Aryeh
If you would like to receive zmanim & updates for The Boat Shul please email zmanim@theboatshul.com
6:45am Shachrit minyan at Maon Noam, 910 Rutherford Rd. (& Bathurst). Mon-Thurs. For info Rʼ Hirsch Rabinski 647-236-7700, Rʼ Yisroel Feldman 416-996-0411.
7:45 am daily minyan Monday-Friday
2pm Mincha at Westmount Shul#250 - 10 Disera Dr. (1 block west of Bathurst, north of Ctr). Mon-Thurs in winter. 905-881-7485. www.westmountshul.com
1:00pm Mon-Thurs Finch 400/Weston/Islington Dana Trading Co 40 Penn Drive 416-747-7778
1:00pm Winter, 2:00pm Summer Mincha at Yonge & Bloor 175 Bloor St, East tower suite 601 Call 416-323-3773 x337 email abessin@allseniorscare.com
1:00pm winter, 2:00pm summer Mincha Hwy 7 & Woodbine Yogen Fruz head office, 210 Shields Court. Contact: Volvi Bergman wbergman@officecentral.com
2:00pm daily mincha Mon-Thurs Aden Earthworks 147A Bentworth.
8am Sunday, Shabbos Shachris 9am Chevra Shas - 3545 Bathurst St opposite Baycrest Hospital 416-782-3420.
2pm Mincha at 197 Spadina Ave. Suite 500 (n/e corner of Phoebe & Spadina, north of Queen, east side of Spadina) please email shelagh@yad.ca
Long term, luxury apartment for rent. Sunny Isles Beach, Florida. 3 bedroom, 2.5 baths, 2300 sf, all amenities, close to shul, shopping & transit. 647-210-5752.
8:00am Weekday morning minyan at Clanton Park shul upstairs. On Sundays & official holidays we daven at 9:00am. 416-838-9965.
8:00am minyan in ThornhillAteres Mordechai 230 Arnold Ave. 905-597-3157 email: info@ateresmordechai.com
1:40pm Olympia Tile 15 Dufflaw Rd. 2nd flr. Mon-Thurs Tzvi Hess 416-785-9555 x217.
2:00pm 5255 Yonge Street Suite 901 please text 647-574-3659 for info.
Leukotape K - 2”(5cm) x 5.5 yrd (5m) medical tape for knee arthritis to sell or give away. 416-783-4000
Shabbos Vasikin minyan in Thornhill - Ateres Mordechai. Davening 45min. before Neitz. Kiddush following. 230 Arnold Ave. 905-597-3157 info@ateresmordechai.com
Mincha/Maariv 15 min before Plag at 309 Pennsylvania Ave in Vaughan Mon-Thurs in the winter. Please email dastern321@gmail.com with any questions.
2:00pm Mincha Dufferin/Glencairn
2778 Dufferin Street Main Floor
Meirʼs Office Shteible. Cholent served every Thursday.
2:00pm Yonge/Finch mincha. Xerox tower 5650 Yonge St. Ste 1700. Questrade Inc. Come join or contact tasher@questrade.com
1:00 pm Mincha in Mississauga 25 Eglinton Ave E. (N/E corner Dixie & Eglinton) to join email list to confirm minyan call 905-268-4432 or email info@jewishmississauga.org
2:00pm Plazacorp Investments
Mon-Thurs. 10 Wanless Ave. Ste. 201 416-481-2222 x244.
2:00pm Cambridge Mercantile Mon-Thurs, 4th floor boardroom212 King St. W.
2:00pm Mincha Mon-Thurs Concord - 140 Cidermill Bldg A Hwy 7/Jane 905-660-7716.
Shabbos Mincha Gedola - 2:00pm at 35 Stormont 416-782-3328.
2:00pm New year round mincha minyan. 333 Wilson Ave Suite 201 entrance thru west stairwell
2:15pm Yeshivas Mishkan Hatorah 3452 Bathurst St. (opposite Grodzinskis) enter from rear entrance 416-800-9089 Maariv 9:00 pm winter, 9:30pm summer.
3:30pm Mincha Mon-Thurs
265 Rimrock Rd Suite 265 Allen & Sheppard) Jeff 647-930-3038.
3:15pm Mincha, 6pm Arvit
10 McAllister Road. 2 blocks south of Sheppard. For more info please contact 647-857-6600.
3:15pm Mon-Thurs - Friedberg
Mercantile 220 Bay St. 6th floor corner of Bay/Wellington 416-364-1171.
Yeshiva Gedola Zichron Shmaryahu (Mesivta) Shachris 7:30am, Mincha 3:00, 3:30 Maariv 9:30, 10:00 70 Faiholme Ave.
Daily minyanim in Kollel Yismach Moshe 4116 Bathurst St. Shachris: 6:55 am Mon-Fri, Sun 7:30am Arvit: 9:15pm
10:15pm Maariv in The Thornhill Kollel Ohr Yosef every weeknight 601 Clark Ave.
If you are in need of someone to say KADDISH after the loss of a loved one, wesaykaddish.com can help. 416-451-6543.
If you know someone in hospital who could use a visit or specific support please call Bikur Cholim office 416-783-7983.
Wheelchair available without charge. Solid adult wheelchair available in excellent condition. Please call for info or pics. Barbara Reid 416-993-0677
Shabbos Meal Connectionif you are new in town or are single & need a shabbos meal call Leah Gabay & she will set you up with hosts in your area. 416-789-5812.
Daily mens general email group. Great if youʼre looking for info on events, recommendations for services or to buy or sell something. To join please email gta-yidden+subscribe@googlegroups.com
Tzion of A Tzaddik - there is a tzion of a tzaddik Rʼ Naftali Zvi Horowitz zt”l where many people have merited yeshuos. His kever is at the Roselawn Cemetary at Bathurst/Roselawn.
Inspire By Wire - Bnos Melochimʼs 24hr inspiration line. Call 718-906-6451 to hear personal stories of triumph, fascinating interviews hundreds of beautiful lectures on the topics of modesty, self esteem, parenting, shalom bayis, shabbos etc & special tznius teleconferences.
Daily Niflaos HaBoreh Shiur
1-2 min. Shiur calls you (choice of EST 8:45am, 1:15pm, 2:15pm, 6:15pm, 7:45pm, 9:15pm) Also available on Whatsapp. To join: call/text: 313-NIFLAOS (313-643-5267) Sample: 908-809-8673.
Attn Teens: This One is for you! Call 347-498-8353 for Bnos
Melochimʼs extraordinary “Tele-Teen” A hotline featuring teen triumphs, school spotlights, Q&A roundtable, intriguing interviews & a daily lesson.
New learning opportunity - Join an early morning kollel. Add inspiration & success to your day. For details call 647-893-8950 Shmuel stipends available
Toronto Grapevine - email group for frum women of any age and stage of life. Find out whatʼs going on in the community at large. Itʼs free. Just send an email to tgvmembership@yahoo.com Service provided by FrumToronto.com
Amazing Emunah & Bitachon hotline! Your life will never be the same! 732-719-3898.
Young Wives &/or Young Mothersjoin our Meet N Greet email group created just for you. Find out about stuff going on in the community & stay connected with others in your area. Send an email to MNGToronto@yahoo.com
Celebrating a Bar/Bat Mitzvah? How will you be marking this milestone? Ask about Chai Lifeline Programs & brochure. Help be the difference in the life of a sick kid. Contact skaplan@chailifeline.org
Do you know any women or girls who are in need of a place for shabbos? Contact Yana 437-990-7944 and I would be more than happy to host them.
We are here to assist you with all your travel plans. Specifically we offer low prices for flights From Toronto to New York & Montreal. We also sell cheap sim cards for Israel. Please email traveldonebest@gmail.com or call 514-553-2069
LʻChaim Cancer Support Group for Jewish Women - our volunteers are Jewish women cancer survivors who provide confidential peer support to Jewish women with cancer. (A project of National Council of LʼChaim hotline) 416-630-0203.
Torah based 13 step program of recovery or codependency. For more info call hotline. 845-286-1006
Toronto for Shabbos every Thursday luxury door to door service. Return to NY area after shabbos. Private hire welcome contact Boruchschlanger@gmail.com or 647-474-0177
Amudim provides confidential resources & assistance to individuals impacted by abuse, neglect, addiction, mental health & crisis related matters. 647-517-0222, 647-951-9385, info@amudim.org
Do you have a senior female relative who lives alone? Kind compassionate shomer shabbos woman available to sleep in so you can have peace of mind. Avoid high agency fees & contact me slaz4227@gmail.com to discuss your needs. References available.
Bicycle Repairs by a shomer shabbos yid. Call Shimon 647-852-3075
If you have leftover food from a simcha or event and want to donate it please contact danielle.morris@rogers.com will make sure thaat it goes to people who are food insecure. Tizku Lʼmitzvot
Small Wonders - supporting Jewish couples experiencing infertility. Medically, emotionally, halachically, financially. 24hr helpline.416-742-0090 confidential.
Chai Lifeline Canada - providing support & services to Jewish families & kids affected by life threatening & life long illness. Strictly confidential 647-430-5933
Clothing donation drop offs to benefit Jewish schools. Yeshiva Yesodei Hatorah 77 Glen Rush box next to garbage bins SE side of lot. Bobov Cheder 44 Champlain Blvd Green bin located north of the front entrance. To add a bin to your school, fundraisers call 416-220-7073.
Jewish Senior Circle pairs volunteers with lonely seniors in their places of residence - private homes, nursing or retirement homes. To sign up a senior in need contact Jewish Senior Circle 647-770-9870
levi@jewishseniorcircle.com www.jewishseniorcircle.com
MORTGAGE FUNDS - Private funds available for 2nd mortgage loans on qualifying residential property. Reasonable rates. Heter Iska. Call Myer at 416-256-9823 or email mb@mblegal.ca
Pushka pickup - replacement service if you have a ChaiLifeline, KCC or JHF Pushka - email with your address. thetzedakacanman@gmail.com
If, on Motzei Shabbos you need to be picked up from any hospital in downtown Toronto; after spending Shabbos with a loved one (patient), call the following number for a free ride (647) 552 3699. Call us anytime before Shabbos to prepare your ride. This service is available to any of our Jewish Families in the GTA on a weekly basis. You can also contact us at sysilver36@gmail.com
Looking for a fun activity to do at a birthday party or event?
Try Acrylic Pouring! Itʼs easy, messy (doesnʼt leave a mess) & lots of fun for all ages. For more info or to book your event. Text, call or Whatsapp Sara Eisenberg 332-214-1266
Gemach Ateres Malkacrown & veils for brides. Call Judy 647-992-5839 for an appt. Located in Thornhill. accepting donations of crowns & veils in perfect condition only.
Gemach for plastic serving bowls, platters, spoons & forks. Mirror ties & vases for centerpieces. Lilui nishmas Meir Shimshon Hacohen ben Eliezer Litman and Tamar bas Yosef. 647-778-0076 (Michal)
Miriamʼs Closet - beautiful sheva brachos outfits for kallah & her mother. Shani & Bracha 416-828-6462, 647-217-2259
Cake Gemach - Simcha to Simcha to donate items left from your simcha & enhance someone elseʼs simcha please call Mrs. Susie Bierbrier 416-875-5686 or Mrs. Ruth Galet 416-523-7082 we will be happy to pick up your cookies, petit-fours, cakes, chocolate, nuts & candy.
Brit Yitzchak Gemach - copies of sefer “Brit Olam” with the special learning seder for leil habrit available for Sephardim to borrow. 416-518-8177.
"Gemach Glickel Chana" A selection of gowns for your next simcha. Located in Thornhill. Sunday & Weekday appointments only. No evenings.
L'zecher Nishmas Glickel Chana Bas Chaim. To book appointment email Thornhillgowngemach@gmail.com
Chuppah Tefillah Card Gemach Making a wedding? Beautiful tefillah cards available for loan. Please contact Rachel at 647-710-8767 or email chuppahcardstoronto@gmail.com
On The House Tablecloth Gemachlarge array of beautiful tablecloths for your simcha. Also some centrepieces avail. Call Fraidy 416-789-4273.
Petals & Lace Gown Rentalchildren-preteen 416-787-9817
42 Dufflaw Rd. CALL FOR HRS
Wedding Shtick Gemach - all proceeds go to Hachnosas Kallah of Toronto. Please call Michal 416-782-3366 evenings.
Gowns for Mother-of-the-Bride & family - Call Suri 416-783-7465.
Boys Simcha Outfits - Hachnosas Kallah sizes 18mths - 6x. 416-789-2320.
Kallah Sneakers Gemach
Please text 416-450-8699
167 McMorran Cresc, Thornhill
The Toronto Women's Clothing Gemach. Accepting donations in excellent condition, current styles. Call or text 416-726-1726 for drop off locations & hours to shop. Proceeds go to local Kollel.
Place Cards - we have place cards that include 2-4 line poems to encourage Shmiras Halashon at a simcha. Avail. in cream & white colours. Free of charge. Lʼillui nishmas Rebbetzin P. Weinberg a”h. Please call Esther Rochel 416-787-6780.
Bris Card Gemach - tefillah for mother, father, guest attending bris & the nusach of bris. Please call 416-789-9745.
Bris/Pidyon Haben Gemach
Zichron Pessy - beautiful bris outfits, poya, pillow cover & tray. Call/text Chaya Goldstein 647-470-7816
Petticoat/Crinolin Gemach
Lots of stock - women & girls
Come any time the Perfect Fit is open. cheque deposit per petticoat. 416-782-8378 donations welcome
Bencher Gemach - lʼilui nishmas HaRav Yitzchak Gamliel ben HaRav Noach HaLevi Witty zt”l. 905-709-6445.
Hachnosas Orchim Gemach - quilts, pillows, linen, towels, hot plates, heaters, urns, negel vasser sets available for short term loan. Call Mrs. Leah Esther Fuhrer 416-787-2234 or Mrs. Frumie DʼAncona 416-780-1312.
Simcha Gemach - items such as salad bowls, serving pieces, trays, kiddush cups, challah knives, salt shakers, chafing dishes, hot water urns, baskets, chocolate fountain, centrepieces. A few coat racks & some tablecloths. Call Sori 416-787-9582.
Gemach Gifts - have unwanted new gifts that newlyweds can use? Donate them. Kitchen, judaic, linens, hair coverings. North & South location drop offs. Call 647-832-7479 or email gemachgifts@gmail.com
Simcha Vases (25) - 24” tall clear glass “Pilsner” vases for arrangements either in vase or on top Brand new. $6 rental each. Partial proceeds to Chai Lifeline. 905-881-6340.
Maternity Gown Gemach - now carrying full length gowns & 2 pieces that are appropriate for family weddings. Call for an appointment. Miri Kaufman 416-932-6632.
Gorgeous chuppa cards with tefillos for the Chosson & Kallah available to use. Contact M. Wachsman 647-741-1336 markitgraphicdesign@gmail.com
Lucite Chuppa Cards with Tefillos to say at the time of the chuppa. Available to borrow for your next simcha. Please call/text Esti 416-835-8942.
Bris Gemach - Beautiful pillow & outfit to use for bris milah. Lʼilui nishmas Rʼ Aryeh Ben Nesanel Lemberger. 647-349-8166
Beautiful cards with tefillos for before the Chuppah available to be borrowed. Mrs. D. Jakubowitz 416-789-9745.
Bris Gemach - lʼilui nishmas Harav Raphael ben David Ohayon z”l Beautiful bris pillow & white knit outfit with a blanket to use for bris milah. Starter kit includes gauze pads, vaseline & antibiotics ointment. Call/text Shani Kanner 416-801-9397 pidyon haben tray available too.
Zichron Yehudit Bridal Jewellery Gemach - for more information please call Barbara at 416-837-1710
Free lending gemach for books that strengthen emunah & bitachon. “The Secret To Miraculous Salvation”, “Living with Emunah” & others. Please text 416-826-1281.
Chumashim & Siddurim Gemach we carry chumashim, siddurim, bentchers & challah covers. Lʼillui nishmas Rivka Chana bas Yaakov. 416-785-1169
Emunah book & CD Gemach - many titles available for loan. All on the topic of emunah & bitachon. Call 416-887-7672 & leave a message.
Lʼillui nishmas Harav Zachariah Mines zt”l.
Bais Yaakov High School Uniform Gemach- uniforms available by appt. 416-782-2417.
The Shaitel Gemach of Toronto is now offering haircut services for children and women. Very affordable. Please call Elisheva for an appointment 647-770-7462.
Bnos Bais Yaakov Uniform Gemachuniforms available & to drop off call R. Tauber. 416-256-1694.
NEW MATERNITY GEMACH for weekday & shabbos is open at 97 Roberta Dr. Text/call 647-822-9757 Anyone looking to donate maternity clothes please leave on front porch of 97 Roberta Dr. or text me. If youʼd like to sell an expensive item please include your contact info & a price. Otherwise all gemach items are free.
Shaitel Gemacher - have a wig not right for you? Let someone else enjoy it! Call Shully Feigenbaum 416-785-5133.
Drop-off of used clothing at 91 Glen Rush Blvd. Funds go towards outfitting disadvantaged bar mitzvah bochurim in our community.
Shabbos hats for men needed for gemach. Drop off is 77 Sultana Ave. email walkincloset1@gmail.com for info
Bais Yaakov Elementary School Uniform Gemach is now located at 137 Caribou Rd. Please drop off any like-new uniforms you are no longer using at the front door. For appointments to take from our beautiful selection of free uniforms please call/text Chavi Woldiger 416-988-9153.
Toronto Shaitel Gemach is offering haircuts, hair colour, hair/wig treatments, wash, blowdry & style at my place. Bathurst/Lawrence. Enquire for FREE haircuts. Very affordable. Call Mrs. Kaplan 647-809-8673.
Mens & Boys Gemach - featuring suits, white shirts, dark pants, dressy shoes, leather belts, coats size 10 kids to adults.
$5-$25 Charles, Tyrwhitt, Canali, Boss, Zegna, Strellson, Brooks Bros etc. For appt or to drop off donation call 416-780-1333 or email walkincloset1@gmail.com
Tznisdik Hospital Gowns - available to borrow. 416-256-4350.
New Dressy Clothes Gmach in Thornhill! Tznius dressy clothing available! Come try on and keep whatever works for you. It is for the community, so no charge! I am currently collecting donations of Shabbos, Yontif, Sheva Brochos type clothing for women and teens. To donate please contact me, Chani Abrams at 647 687 0447 or chanirosenberg@gmail.com
Thornhill Ladies Clothing Gemach. 18 Rodeo Drive. 647-406-9196 sherrylynnsolomon@gmail.com
9am-9pm daily. No appt necessary to browse but appts appreciated for dropping off items.
Tznius Awareness - CDs now available from the kinus lʼilui nishmas Mrs. S. Konigsberg a”h. Also available: EZ necklastic kits & knee covers. Min. charge to cover costs. Please call 416-398-5785.
Car/Booster Seat Gemach - short or long term. Call Rhona Wunsch. 416-783-9323.
Chap-A-Ride to your out of town destination - Need a ride? Offering one? Sending a peckel? 416-782-7141.
Car Booster Seats available for short term use. Call Batya 416-256-7507.
Hachnosas Orchim for out of towners coming to Toronto to date (Shidduchim related) Need a place with privacy? Total confidentiality. No need to stay in a hotel. Call us, itʼs our pleasure. 416-633-1749.
Electric & manual pump gemach. New! Many Medela pumps avail for up to a year. Spectra Pumps also available. Email elishevakest@gmail.com
If you are pregnant & need help with suppers: Volunteers bring suppers for 4 weeks to me to be picked up anonymously. To volunteer/get help email anonymousbutnotalone toronto@gmail.com
Moving? Need boxes? Come to the back of Kitchen Art (2821 Bathurst St) & help yourself from the brown bin at the right of the door. Call 416-787-9326 to check availability.
Mezzuzah Gemach - moving? in between homes/apartments? checking yours? Short term loans available. Please call 905-889-9970. Lʼillui nishmas Frimshe bas Shraga Feivish a”h.
Kosher Ipad for short hospital stays. If someone you know is going to the hospital overnight (r”l) call for a new ipad preloaded ONLY with koshergames (more options avail on request) 647-261-7775.
Bikur Cholim 416-783-7983
Want to congratulate or mark a special anniversary? Recognize a friend or acquaintance? Want to remember a loved one? Nichum Aveilim? All of these can be tastefully done with our cards. New design & price.
MEDICAL EQUIPMENT - to borrow or donate medical equipment
Please call the Bikur Cholim office 416-783-7983
Clubfoot/Develpmental Hip Dysplasia - was your newborn just diagnosed? Maybe we can help. 647-300-4168.
Be Seen & Be Safe Reflective Safety Gemach. armbands, belts, tape etc. Do you or a loved one walk at night? Be safe at night & help others be safe. Email or text to arrange pickup willowbrookstoronto@gmail.com 647-708-8201 pickup in Thornhill. In loving memory of Bracha bas Mini donations of reflective items also welcome.
Sukkah Gemach Do you have/need a sukkah or equipment? contact us & we will try to connect those who need with those who want to give away. Lʼilui nishmas Rʼ Naftoli Tzvi Ben Harav Yosef Chaim Avrohom z”l. Email sukkahgemach@gmail.com
Multiples Gemach - for families expecting multiples. Clothing, diapers, various toys, sleeping & feeding items. Please email youngalona@gmail.com or whatsapp 416-804-4600.
Pidyon Haben Gemach
Items for pidyon haben, coins to purchase, list of kohanim, packages of garlic & sugar, pillow & clothing.
Liʼilui nishmas Mrs. Ester Eichorn Contact Ben at ben@eichornrealty.com 416-666-0242.
Doula Gemach - get prenatal, labour & postpartum support for reassurance, comfort & guidance as well as positive birth experience. Have a fulfilling birth memory while paying what you can for a trained/experienced doula. Please call Batsheva at 647-766-5425.
lʼilui nishmas Tamara Taube bas Ephraim.
Crutches Gemach Refael David - short term loan of crutches. Lʼzchus Refael Dovid ben Bracha lʼrefuah shelaima. Please call 416-567-5656
Natural Cleaning Product Gemach. Free cleaning spray to introduce inexpensive homemade alternatives to harsh chemicals. 647-458-1524.
INTRODUCING: The new CHA-LOVE Formula Gemach
To request or donate safety sealed, non expired formula, coupons or sterile water for mixing, please contact 416-880-7417 or email chaloveformula@gmail.com
Are you or your child laid up in bed? is someone you know recuperating for whatever reason? Would it help to have educating, inspiring & kosher entertainment available on hand? Please call 416-726-4969.
Do you bake 5lbs of Challah on Thursday night or Friday? Please join our Gemach & daven for others. Call 416-CHALLAH (416-242-5524)
Mezuzah Gemach - long or short term. Lʼilui nishmas Esther Berocho bas Eliezer a”h. Please call or email ben@eichornrealty.com 416-666-0242.
ChallosRUs is making challahs with proceeds going to people who need it. Contact challosrus@gmail.com Challah is taken. All ingredients yoshon. Challah baked by Sarah Chaya Basser. References samples available upon request.
Baal Tashchis Gemach - are you making a simcha/party or gathering? Call us anytime & we will pick up the groceries/ leftovers. 416-780-1333 Cooked items will need some hechsher. All food goes respectfully to families in need.
Remote control adjustable beds for post surgery & rehab patients. Available for long term loans. bryskine@gmail.com
Gemach Zichron Esther Bracha we provide assistance in coordinating all shiva needs Bentzy 416-666-0242 or Tzvi 647-862-8501.
New Chair Gemach - white garden chairs. Pickup in Thornhill. Call 416-729-4598 to reserve.
High Prescription Drug Costs?Gemach to help access government program that can assist with the cost of prescription drugs. Contact Yitzchak 416-256-7507.
Liven Up Your Simcha
do you or anyone you know want some extra excitement at a wedding? Bais Yaakov type girls are happily ready to liven up your simcha. Call 416-616-9218
Crutches Gemach Refael David - short term loan of crutches.
Lʼzchus Refael Dovid ben Bracha lʼrefuah shelaima. Please call 416-567-5656
Diaper Gemach - if you have any unopened box/packages of diapers or are a family in need, please email TOdiapergemach@gmail.com or text 416-939-9390. Confidential
Pushka Pickup - pickup service for Rʼ Meir Baal Hanes, Bikur Cholim, BYES, Ashreinu
No time to cook? Bring it & Iʼll cook it for you. Please call Rina 416-209-0406
Liʼilui nishmat Rivka bat Chai.
Chaya Gemach - Lʼilui nishmat
Chaya bat Moshe (N”Y)
Helping to get information for Hebrew schools, Hachnosas Orchim, kosher food in the Jewish community. Call Esther Lipovenko 437-221-6585
We reserve the right to select ads & pictures to be published. We are not responsible for typographical errors, kashrus, availability or quality of products or services advertised.
GPS Gemach - available for short term rentals at no charge. Please call 416-890-8944.
Mezuzah Gemach - Lʼilui nishmas
Chaya Faiga Mirel bas Yechiel Ephraim Fishel. Call Devora & leave a message 416-831-4718.
Short term
Winter Gloves GemachMeshulochim & visitors in temporary need of winter gloves & scarves. 416-789-1515 if no answer, leave a message.
Tefillin Gemach - tefillin available for short term loans (both right & left).
Lʼiluui nishmas Rʼ Simcha ben Binyomin Felsenburg a”h. Please contact Kahan Family 416-782-8766.
NEW! Need to borrow (short term) a Pack n Play or Air Mattress? Text Dianna at 416-662-1551
Looking for a PLATE to break at the wedding? We are happy to provide. Lilui nishmas Rosa Barna 416-824-4135.
Menucha Simcha Gemach - Lʼilui Mrs. M.S. Bat Shimon AʼH. Lice check/ Shaboss/Weekday cooking bring it & Iʼll cook it for you! Please call E. Lipovenko 437-221-6585.
New! Gorgeous Bracha Acharona (& Kiddusha Raba) Cards for your Kiddush. Designed for any occasion & comes with nice stands. Please call for pick up & drop off. M Wachsman 647-741-1336
Doula Gemach - get prenatal, labour & postpartum support for reassurance, comfort & guidance as well as positive birth experience. Have a fulfilling birth memory while paying what you can for a trained/experienced doula. Please call Batsheva at 647-766-5425. lʼilui nishmas Tamara Taube bas Ephraim.
Beautifully Illustrated Tribute Cards -available “in honour of” or “in memory of”. Proceeds go to Eim Habonim Smecha, an organization for over 500 single parent families in Israel. Call 416-638-3366.
Liven Up Your Simcha do you or anyone you know want some extra excitement at a wedding? Bais Yaakov type girls are happily ready to liven up your simcha. Call 416-616-9218
High Prescription Drug Costs?Gemach to help access government program that can assist with the cost of prescription drugs. Contact Yitzchak 416-256-7507.
New medical equipment gemach in Thornhill. To borrow boots, walkers, crutches, wheelchairs etc please contact Sara Plonka at srplonka@gmail.com
Notary Public Available - evenings in the Bathurst/Lawrence area. Free service for seminary/yeshiva students, cross border travel etc. 416-782-5219, 416-749-4092 or dbotnick@rogers.com
CHALLAH GEMACH - Bathurst/ Lawrence. We will bake fresh (amazing) challahs weekly for those in need. Pay what you can, all proceeds to Tomchai Shabbos. For pickup only. Text 647-531-5024 latest by Thurstday night
Kosher Cleaning For Pesach
Gemach - book ahead of time Call Chaya Elisheva Kaplan 647-809-8673
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Am I more connected to my phone than to my family or spouse?
Can I daven or learn without getting distracted?
Am I able to ignore my phone during a conversation with a friend?
Am I safe from the pitfalls of technology? Is my family?
How much time do I spend on technology?
Am I addicted to technology?
Am I able to put away my devices when trying to connect to Hashem?
Do I harbor guilty feelings that destroy my םייחה תחמש?
Do my gadgets leave me time to think?
Thursday September 21, 2023 8:30 pm 14 Madoc Drive