Portfolio 2022_Alena Shlyakhovaya

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Alena Shlyakhovaya

Portfolio 2022 Interdisciplinary expert Urban planning, Architecture, Media, Design





2 / A. Shlyakhovaya /
Key projects: Additional:ZIL-South. Redevelopement strategy Soft
Educational project for architects Dvorulitsa. Urban
project Public programms producing • Time and place • Architecture as landscape • Architecture in theory Educational design and teaching • Architectural graphic • Research and academic writing Architectural illustrations 3 9 16 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

ZIL-South redevelopment strategy

Place: Time: Role:

Citymakers, Moscow, Russia May 2021 — August 2022 Creative Director / Content lead Responsible for:

concepts and design proposals for “Street design”, “Design-code and city navigation” chapters of the Strategy

project presentation




ZIL-South is a southern part (109 ha) of the former ZIL-factory, lo cated in Moscow, Russia. By 2035 the territory is planned to become a new residential district named Shagal. e masterplan of the territory was designed by KCAP in 2020. e redevelopment Strategy aims to complement the master plan in order to sharpen its concepts and ensure their achievability.

ZIL-South Strategy is a comprehensive guide for the future project phases as well as for construction documents design. It consists of 6 chapters with detailed design concepts and proposals: “Logistics”, “Functional program”, “Street design”, “Design-code and city navigation”, “Activation”, “Sustainable solutions”.


Apart from the the Citymakers’ team, there were over 13 teams of contractors from multiple areas and 20 invited experts involved in this project.

3 / A. Shlyakhovaya / ZIL
4 / A.
ZIL Masterplan of the territory redesigned as a result of collaborative work of multiple contractors in accordance with the Strategy

Street design 12

Core idea:

Concepts of multi-mobility and 15-minute city were already suggested by KCAP and embedded into the masterplan of the new district. Along with the desire to make the environment of Shagal as comfortable and safe as possible, we wished to make people’s life here interesting, exciting and involving.

On the level of urban design this idea is expressed in an attempt to turn everyday walking routes into a journey — to design each street as a unique and remarkable emotional experience.

We developed precise and illustrative briefs for each street and main public spaces of Shagal and then split them between 4 teams of architects and urban designers we had hired to make detailed design proposals.

My role:

• developed an approach and overall concept of street design in Shagal

• hired and briefed contractors (architects and urban designers)

• supervised contractors during the project (from regular design proposals review to providing templates for schemes and presentations)

unique street design-codes

4 architectural teams

5 / A. Shlyakhovaya / ZIL Улица Театрального модерна Улица Будущего Третье место Московский проспект Зеленый променад Даунтаун Игровой бульвар Кольцо Шагала Индустриальная улица Эталон × 30Citymakers
10 11 Схема улиц района Тechnopark ZIL
Scheme of various street design types elaborated by me. Street design and visualisations made by contractors in accordance with the brief

Core Idea:

e approach behind the navigational element design was aimed:

to strengthen the idea of a journey under lying the street design

to highlight the public spaces and separate them from private areas

to develop the identity and general image of the district

to integrate the new elements with con ventional city navigation system

One of the most convenient ways to meet all these conditions was to develop a system of symbols for each street and residential block and make the overall design system modular. We hired 2 design o ces specialise in branding and city navigation to develop proposals of design-code of navigational elements, their types and placement on the territory in accordance with the common spaces hierarchy.

My role:

developed the overall concept and princi ples of navigational elements placement

supervised contractors (graphic and product designers) during the project, reviewed their work

6 / A. Shlyakhovaya / ZIL 290291 : Shagal’ :
286 Навигация287 Московский Бульвар40/2 8 Строение Зеленый променад Уютная зеленая улица с широкими тротуарами Место для общения с соседями отдыха в гамаке в летний день Улица Игровой Бульвар 250м 500м Детская площадка 250м Улица Даунтаун Соседский сад Улица 3 2 Строение 4 3 Строение Детская площадка 10/2 3 Строение РЕЧНЫЕ КВАРТАЛЫ 9130–178 Подъезд Квартиры m2 �е�но�а�� Tekhnopark ���о�о� �����а� Igrovoy Bulvar �нд�ст�иа��на� Industrialnaya �оседс�и� сад Sosedskiy Sad Информационноенаполнение. Расположение (1 очередь) Наш дизайн код позволяет спроектировать любой носитель в единой стилистике, будь это уличный указатель, инфо стенд, карта или же книга, плакат или билборд Такая пластичность инструментария важна для района, состоящего из пространств с разными характерами — всегда можно «настроить» информацию, исходя из ее функции Дарья Зудина, арт директор дизайн бюро «Щука» Пример разметки велодорожек City navigation design developed by contractors in accordance to the brief Design-code and city navigation 12 streets identities 4 private yards identities 2 design teams

Project presentation and communication

At the di erent stages of the project we had to repeatedly present ideas and results to various client representatives, professional community and city authorities. Such work ow meant that we had to be exible in adapting the general project narrative and updating presentation materials.

My role:

• developed the approach to project pres entation and narrative of booklets

• led the preparation of slides and booklets (from brie ng editors and designers to writing, editing and designing layouts myself)

• presented the project on public events, moderated related discussions

of the

for Archmoscow

7 / A. Shlyakhovaya / ZIL
Strategy designed
festival. Graphic materials made by contractors, layouts designed by me Стратегия развития территори района Shagal Мастер план Логистика Функциональная программа Благоустройство Дизайн код и навигация Активация Экология Разделы стратегии 13 команд работали над стратегией 7 блоков — тематических направлений стратегии 1 год шла работа над стратегией >20 экспертов консультировали при разработке решений Эталон Citymakers Мастер план Логистика Функции Благоустройство Дизайн код и навигация Активация Экология Мотивировать жителей проводить больше времени в районе Обеспечить устойчивое развитие района и города Сделать больше чем привыкли ожидать от девелопера Как спроектировать комфортную среду для всех , если каждый понимает комфорт по-своему? Основной принцип стратегии — дать территории больше чем забираем Эталон 13Citymakers

Work on the book

Core Idea:

e publication of the book was supposed to be the nal stage of our work.

e book contains a summary and detailed description of all the main aspects of the Strategy. It ought not only to promote the Shagal district among future tenants, but primarily to be the rst openly published redevelopment strategy in Russia. It also aims to x and save the project vision for the client to use as a reference during the fu ture construction stages.

Moreover, it was important for us to make the book clear and interesting both for pro fessionals and non-professionals. erefore, it was designed in a form of a conversation about the city we all dreamed to live in.

My role:

• developed the general narrative and struc ture of the book

• collected the content and prepared it for design and layout

• hired and briefed editors and designers, supervised and managed their work


8 / A. Shlyakhovaya / ZIL
Book cover and design code elaborated by Maria Kosareva
Незаметная забота как новая норма Стратегия развития территории ЗИЛ Юг Эталон × Citymakers


9 / A. Shlyakhovaya / So Kultura So Kultura, Moscow, Russia 2019 — Present Editor in Chief / Creative Director Responsible for: • brand-media development • social networks, PR and communications • advertising strategy and creative content production • design and art-direction So Kultura is one of the most in uential Russian speaking educa tional project for architects and interior designers with audience from all of the CIS countries. From 2015 to 2022 we have conducted hundreds of short-term courses in contemporary digital tools, practical and so skills for professionals, developed an online-magazine dedicated to the culture of professional work ow and build a diverse and lively community of our alumni.
Kultura Place: Time: Role: Summary:

Brand media all the CIS readers geography

In 2019 we in So Kultura started an online magazine about the culture of professional work ow of architects and interior designers. e magazine is dedicated to everything we nd useful for development of professional consciousness, daily work and career: inter views with established professionals and beginners, instructions, tips and tricks, reviews and resources for self-education.

3 publications weekly

monthly brand media website visits increase within 2 years

share of organic internet-traffc

My role:

Led the opening and further development of So Kultura’s brand media:

• developed an overall concept of the media: set of themes and formats, tone of voice and design code

• hired a creative/editorial team of 5 per manent employees

• set up the content production work ow (texts, videos, graphic materials, onlineevents)

• made briefs for publications, managed content plan and distribution of publica tions

• searched for experts, authors and collabo rators

• managed nances, analysed editorial met rics (Yandex. Metrika, Google Analytics)

Brand media’s homepage and example of the article

11 / A.
11 000 → 85 000
> 50%

Social networks and communications 6

e work on the project social networks included the gradual transformation of the project public image. e goal of this trans formation was to increase the share of educational and involving content and sub sequently expand the media auditorium.

In practice it was achieved by combining the So Culture educational platform with the brand media content. e number of courses announcements was reduced and the share of educational and involving content was increased.

Telegram Facebook VKontakte


My role:

• rede ned the project’s tone of voice in accordance to the brand-media strategy

• rede ned and constantly updated designcode for posts and publications

• set up a work ow of content production (texts, videos, online-events, graphic ma terials)

• managed content-plan, briefed, super vised the creative/editorial team

• searched for collaborators and advertising customers



12 / A. Shlyakhovaya / So Kultura
Examples of content for Soft Kultura’s social networks produced by creative team under my supervision
social networks: Instagram
5 000 → 25 000 people in Instagram 7 000 → 21 200 people in VK increase in engagement 2-3 posts daily > 8 offers
advertisers and HRs monthly


Apart from the development of project’s brand media and social networks, So Kul tura’s editorial team was responsible for designing promotional scenarios for all the products (courses) and also for advertise ment production.


individually designed promotional scenarios for courses and brand

cross-integrations of products into content, and content into educational programs

My role

• worked closely with product and market ing teams to develop marketing funnels and promotional scenarios for educational products, publications and events

• supervised and actively participated in the creative production process — either with in-house creative/editorial team or with outsources

• searched for channels, accounts and media to collaborate in content or advertisement production

13 / A.
Examples of announcements and advertisements produced by creative team under my supervision

Website and product landings

e So Kultura’s editorial team also worked on the content for the project’s web-site and constantly make small updates to it’s design.

For bigger design-tasks such as full redesign of particular pages we preferred to hire other design teams. In 2021 we hired the newpur ple studio to redesign the template of courses landing pages.

My role:

• briefed and supervised in-house designers and editors to make changes to the home page, product landings or blog web pages, both for mobile and desktop website ver sions

• briefed and supervised outsource designers and copywriters

• changed the general positioning of some products

14 / A. Shlyakhovaya / So
1 4 2 A 1 1
Examples of advertisement in brand media’s articles designed by inhouse designer Example of landing page redesign suggested by newpurple studio

Project presentation and communication

As one of So Kultura’s leaders I had to present the school and participate in nu merous events dedicated to architectural education and applied skills.

Among events I participated in:

• Zodchestvo festival (Voronezh, Russia)

• ArchMoscow festival (Moscow, Russia)

• Discussions of the Project Russia magazine (Moscow, Russia)

My role:

• presented So Kultura at conferences and festivals

• participated in public events and discus sions as an invited expert or speaker

15 / A.
Examples of events I participated in as a Soft Kultura’s lead and expert

Dvorulitsa (Yardstreet)

Place: Time: Role:

dvorulitsa.moscow, Moscow, Russia

2016 — 2019

Co-founder / Producer Responsible for:

• research and concept development

project’s strategy

design, promotion, communications

non-commercial projects (educational activities, media collaborations etc.)

commercial projects (urban design and planning)


Dvorulitsa is a project dedicated to the preservation and develop ment of the residential environment of post-Soviet cities.

I launched the project as an individual urban research in 2016 as part of the research program at “Meganom” (Moscow based archi tectural practice). During the next 3 years I managed to develop the research into a commercial project and nancially independent architectural consultancy practice.

By 2019, the philosophy and values put forward by Dvorulitsa became widespread and accepted in the professional architectural community in Russia. e project was also hired to design alterna tive pedestrian networks for residential districts in Moscow on a commercial basis. Together with the project’s team we succeeded in conducting the research and developing conceptual design proposals for 17 districts (up to 1000 ha) in an extremely short time.

16 / A. Shlyakhovaya / Dvorulitsa
Project’s website designed by me and Polina Sokolova

and concept

Dvorulitsa concept was designed as a part of my graduate thesis project at Moscow Architectural University. en in 2016 I continued to work on it and deepened the research within the educational program of Meganom, Moscow based architectural practice.

e co-founder of the project is Yuri Grigo ryan, Meganom founder and lead architect.

My role:

• created Dvorulitsa (Yardstreet) concept and urban design approach

• conducted the research and wrote articles

• prepared lectures and presentations about the research and the project

Please nd out more about the research and the full list of publications on the website.

One of explanatory presentations about the research fully elaborated and designed by me

18 / A.
2020ДВОРУЛИЦА Проект суперблоков» для района Эшампле Барселона 1990-е н в 2020ДВОРУЛИЦА Насыщенность выше концентрация и интенсивность пешеходных потоков внутри кварталов концентрация спроса на дворулице стимул развитию малого бизнеса 2020ДВОРУЛИЦА

Identity and promotion

e project philosophy aimed to shi from the traditional way of presenting an urban research and turn it into a fascinating story architects and urban planners can tell a wider audience. Our goal was to develop a bright and recognisable visual language as well as simple and clear tone of voice. Its was aimed to turn an architectural concept into a brand.

My role:

• hired, briefed and supervised graphic designers to develop project’s identity and website

• developed tone of voice and design-code of the project, prepared texts and images for publications

• managed project’s social networks and advertisement

Dvorulitsa’s dynamic logo and illustrations designed by ESH gruppa for the project’s frst website

19 / A.
Динамический логотип ( продолжение ) 4esh gruppa Примеры фирменной графики 8esh gruppa
The frst website version designed by ESH gruppa The last website version designed by me and Polina Sokolova

Educational activity

Large part of the project was devoted to lec tures about the spatial organization of post-Soviet cities and workshops on how to carefully change and develop their residen tial environment while maintaining its identity.

Among our collaborators:

• Moscow Architectural Institute

• Politecnico di Milano

• e Moscow City Committee for Archi tecture and Urban Planning

My role:

• developed a program of workshops and prepared working materials

• managed workshops promotion process and selection of participants

• participated as a leading tutor

20 / A.
Photos of some workshos of 2019

Collaborative projects

In 2017 Dvorulitsa designed an interactive map together with the Urbica Design. e map shows all potential Yardstreets in Mos cow, the changes to them the project puts forward, as well as allows users to comment on them and suggest route changes. e map release was followed up by a publi cation of a detailed story in where we shared our work process. e English ver sion of the text is unfortunately not available yet.

My role:

• initiated the project

• prepared data for further map develop ment (QGis les)

• made briefs for graphic designers and map developers

• supervised the design of the map, made graphic style samples (Mapbox)

• prepared a publication about the project

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Interactive map designed by me and Taya Lavrivenko in accordance to projects identity

Collaborative projects

In 2018 we organized a 2-day conference “Dvorulitsa (Yardstreet): A New Look at the Urban Periphery” in collaboration with In Liberty educational project. Its aim was not only to talk about the Dvorulitsa project but also to raise the central issues of the urban environment development. Among them: social, economic and political aspects of the city life, the role of the street art in the city, etc.

Among speakers were: Grigory Revzin (Strelka KB), Alexei Novikov (Habidatum), Yuri Grigoryan (Meganom), Yuri Saprykin, Maxim Trudolyubov, Grigory Yudin, Ekate rina Schulmann and many others.

My role:

• initiated the conference

• actively participated in design of the pro gram and list of speakers, producing and promotion of events

22 / A.
Schedule and photo of the conference

Scaling of the approach

In 2019 Dvorulitsa was hired to design alter native pedestrian networks for residential districts in Moscow on a commercial basis. e main goal of our work was to illustrate the potential of the peripheral territories of the city. Together with the project’s team we succeeded in conducting the research and developing conceptual design proposals for 17 of them in an extremely short time (≈4 months).

My role:

hired contractors and in-house team of architects

taught them to work in accordance with Dvorulitsa’s methodology

supervised urban design and planning, preparation of presentational materials

managed documents and

communicated with clients

detailed presentations of these projects on the website.

23 / A. Shlyakhovaya / Dvorulitsa 18 Комплексное исследование районов города Москвы предложение перспективного развития Район Бибирево Перспективное видение Межквартальные доминанты у �ле�еева ул �ри� и�а ул Ко��� ул Л а Бибирево A 22,5 га площадь объекта 2 3 Автомойка кафе гостевой автостоянкой объектом торгово бытового назначения Универсам Пятёрочка Почта Отделение банка Кафе Диана продуктовый Руслан М Продуктовый магазин Альтаир Универсам Пятёрочка Метро Остановки общественного дома Нежилые Границы участка Существующая Пешеходные переходы Заборы Схема движения транспорта Территория парка Планируемое благоустройство Активный уличный фронт Магазины услуги Max. Min. 20 Комплексное районов города Москвы предложение перспективного развития Район Бибирево Перспективное Межквартальные ул �ле�еева ул �ри�в �а ул Ко���кова у Лескова Бибирево A A A A Метро Остановки общественного Жилые дома Нежилые Парковка Границы Пешеходные переходы Пешеходный маршрут Схема Проезд специализированной Проезд автомобилей пешеходной улице (shared space) общественные функции Пешеходный транзит Летние террасы кафе ресторанов Гибридное пространство Приватная зона Дополнительные функции Арт объект Фонтан Скульптура Киоски кафе Зона отдыха Детская Воркаут Активный уличный Max. Гибридное пространство территория насыщенная благоустройства предусматривающая Социальный центр Павильон кафе терраса Спортивно оздоровительный центр 22,5 га площадь объекта 2 3 Автомойка магазином кафе объектом торгово бытового Универсам Почта Отделение банка ВТБ Кафе Диана и продуктовый магазин Руслан М Продуктовый Альтаир Универсам Пятёрочка 22 Комплексное районов Москвы Район Бибирево Перспективное Формирование района Предложение Формирование центра района ул Плещеева А А А М Рубжный ООПТ Крыл ские олмы еребряноборс Центральная больница Лесопарк Лесопарк Бер АкадемикаПа лова бульвар Крыл ские олмы Рублевс ое Би Ахм овой Храм ждества Прес ородицы Крыл Спо рочище орная Страна ТЦ лёвский Площадь Защитни ский БЦ Крыл СК Крыл ский Пар Крыл ские олмы Рублевс ое Осенний Маршала Осенняяимошен ТЦ Западный Заброшенные сады Заброшенные Крыл ские олмы ДВОРУЛИЦА Москва р Крылатское -- 2020 Положение в контексте города Здания Метро Остановки общественного Маршруты общественного транспорта Граница озелененной Входы парк Паркинг аттракторы 70,65 га микрорайона Территория проекта Крылатские холмы Осенним бежным проездом Главные особенности расположения примыкает особо ной территории Крылатские восточной границе латские Холмы расположено входов на территорию примыкает к зоне западной границе бульваре расположены ции Крыласткое»; примыкает территории тегии развития общественных странств района Крылатское Следствия расположение мой стратегии необходимо организовать удобные пешеходные транзиты подключить общественных ственных пространств организовать пешеходную ную связь рассматриваемой соседний участком Территория частистратегии 5мин 10мин 15мин 20мин ДВОРУЛИЦА Москва р Крылатское Элемент 2. Улица Крылатские Холмы Схема предлагаемых решений Основные решения создать непрерывный пешеходный и ве лосипедный маршруты вдоль всей улицы организовать безопасные переходы через улицу тротуаров рожек заездами внутрь оборудовать зоны для риев времяпрепровождения ства для пеших и вело бежек прогулок игр → обустроить видовые для остановки и отдыха более удачных видовых ООПТ Крылатские Холмы → реорганизовать щадь сцены 7,24 га преобразований Здания Активный уличный фронт Max Вход здание Служебный въезд здание Пешеходный транзит Пространство Зона Озеленение территории насыщенные благоустройства Проезд приоритетом (Sh red sp ce) Плоскостная парковка Многоуровневый паркинг Проезды въезд Регулярные внутриквартальные проезды Измененные Проезд (shared space), для досуга подростков Зона Скейтпарк Видовая площадка Велопрокат Велодорожка Дорожки оборудованные для выгула общ транспорта Площадки оборудованные людей Детская ДВОРУЛИЦА Москва р Крылатское -- 2020 Элемент 2. Улица Крылатские Холмы Возможные решения по благоустройству Для прогулочной зоны беговых дорожек Для видовых точек на ООПТ Крылатские Холмы Для площади и зоны ожидания перед куль турным центром Для велопарковок Для велодорожек
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СТРАТЕГИЯ РАЗВИТИЯ ВНУТРИКВАРТАЛЬНЫХ ТЕРРИТОРИЙДВОРУЛИЦА МОСКВА р АЭРОПОРТ 2019 Территория новых пешеходных маршрутов 458 га территория района 29.5 га общая территория маршрутов ЦССВ Петровский Парк Лесная Российского университета Московской сельскохозяйственной им А Тимирязева Музей истории евреев Стадион Арена Цен тральный стадион Динамо Центральный дом авиации Надземный пешеходный реход ФГБОУ ВО МАДИ Кинотеатр Баку НИИ общей патологии патофизиологии ТЦ Алмазный Российская открытая акаде транспорта Паровозное депо на стан ции Подмосковная Пешеходный Петровский путевой ТСЖ Городок Художников на Масловке Спортивный парк Динамо направлении Чапаевско парка Граница района Парки Новая Перспективные маршруты маршрутов Форма собственности объектов Собственность публично форма Смешанная форма собственности Форма собственности не указана Аэропорт станция Красный Балтиец МЦД станция Гражданская МЦД Динамо Петровский парк Сокол СТРАТЕГИЯ РАЗВИТИЯ ВНУТРИКВАРТАЛЬНЫХ ТЕРРИТОРИЙДВОРУЛИЦА г МОСКВА р АЭРОПОРТ 2019 Детская Детская площадка Торговые Летний кинотеатр Коворкинг Спортивная амфитеатром отдыха Детская Ярмарочная Вид квартала после развития сети новых пешеходных маршрутов 26 га территория квартала 6.3 га территория маршрутов СТРАТЕГИЯ РАЗВИТИЯ ВНУТРИКВАРТАЛЬНЫХ ТЕРРИТОРИЙДВОРУЛИЦА г МОСКВА р АЭРОПОРТ 2019 Вид квартала после развития сети новых пешеходных маршрутов Examples of the projects made on order of the “My Rayon” program. All schemes and visualisations were designed by my team and outsource architects 17 districts redesigned using a potential of unbuilt space 4 teams hired and trained to work with Dvorulitsa’s approach 4 months of highly intense work

Public speaking and publications

As a co-founder and leader of the project, I had to constantly present Dvorulitsa and conduct lectures on the research and related topics, as well as prepare publications for not only Russian, but also in international media.

Among the events I participated in:

• Moscow Urban Forum (Moscow, Russia)

• Public program of the Milan Triennale Museum (online)

• Congress for the New Urbanism (Seattle, USA)

Among publications about the project:

• article for CanActions magazine

• interview for ArchDaily

• paper for Urban Studies and Practices (HSE magazine)

My role:

• wrote articles

• presented the research on festivals, conferences and during the interviews

• prepared presentations, adapted them to be presented to di erent audiences

Please nd more about events and publica tions on the website.

Am dst e�orts to revita ze and improve urban centers, the peripheral areas of c ties are o�en gnored or forgot en The intense focus on he downtown core means, n terms o land use that only a relat ve y smal area receives the major ty of des gners’ attention "Dvoru tsa" (l teral y "Yardstreet" in Russian) s an urban deve opmen strategy proposed by Russ an arch tecture irm

Meganom aiming to sh � that focus Tak ng the idea of the “superpark” from the 2013 study "Archaeology o the Per phery " the yardstreet project p esents an alternat ve method of view ng the periphery o a post soviet c ty

The project currently focuses on Moscow but he dea is that it could be w dely adaptab e and appl cab e to any urban area Dvoru tsa would create cohesion and cons stent deve opmen wi h n Moscow s periphera res dentia districts 95% of Moscow’s tota area s considered to be part of this periphery, which s also home to 90% of the c ty s res dents Uti z ng he ex st ng space between arge apartment blocks the yardstreet takes th s empty, uncared or area and creates a comfortab e purpose ul space

Not sole y a place of trans t the yardstreet becomes

Examples of interviews and publications

24 / A.
a dest nat on n tsel , br nging the distr ct together nto a cohesive who e Each yardstreet adapts to its unique neighborhood context and needs, whi e the broader network created by these ind vidua yards reets enab es a arger scale mpact on the c ty The proposed process for ach ev ng the pro ect s re erred to as “thaw ng ”
Dvorulitsa Project by Meganom Proposes Reinvesting in Cities' Peripheries to Improve Urban Environments Wr t en by Megan Sch res Ap i 26 2019 Share MOR Future o Afr can C ties: An nterv ew w th Matri Archi MOS PRO
Home Pro ect Produc s Folder

Additional materials

25 / A. Shlyakhovaya / Additional
26 / A. Shlyakhovaya / Additional Public programms Various projects, Moscow, Russia 2017 — 2021 All-in-one producer, moderator Place: Time: Role:

Time and place

Public program for the exhibition of Alex ander Gronsky photography.

PennLab gallery, Moscow, 2021


4 lectures and public talks were brought together around the main artistic devices used in the exhibition — repetitions, same ness and distinctions in the urban environment. Topics:

• the culture of standards, the evolution of norms and the con ict between urban and natural

• the aesthetics of new buildings, desola tion and repetition in the international artistic context

• urban scenarios, their design and the for mation of human experience in public spaces

• whether “typical” is possible in an urban environment, and if so, what does this word actually mean

My role:

• developed an the program and briefs for each event

• found speakers and communicated with them during the program

• promoted and moderated events

27 / A. Shlyakhovaya / Additional
Photos and record of events

Architecture as landscape

Public program for e New Landscape exhibition of с ontemporary Russian pho tography.

Ekaterina Foundation, Moscow, 2019


3 public talks were dedicated to perception of urban landscapes:

• on the persuasive power of images, urban polympsests and the limits of aesthetici zation

• on the architect’s responsibility and limits of in uence, and whether it is possible for an architect not to be an artist

• on landscape as a re ection of collective experiences and reproduction of cultural codes and on the opposition between culture and nature

My role:

• developed the program and briefs for each event

• found speakers and communicated with them during the program

• prepared and published articles based on lecture transcripts (in Russian and English)

28 / A. Shlyakhovaya / Additional
Photos and transcripts of events

Architecture in theory

Public program organized by Sklad Uma , an online project dedicated to the most important pieces of architectural theory. Moscow Museum, Moscow, 2017


5 lectures and public talks were organised to present read-lists of 5 architectural o ces we have recently published on project’s website. each o ce was represented by a speaker, each of them talked about the meaning of reading for their practice as well as about their favorite books.

My role:

• developed the program and briefs for each events

• found speakers and partners, communi cated with them during the program

• developed a promotional company

• moderated events

29 / A. Shlyakhovaya / Additional
Photos and landing page of the programm
30 / A. Shlyakhovaya / Additional Educational design & teaching Various schools, Moscow / online, Russia 2015 — 2019 Teacher, course author and curator Place: Time: Role:

Architectural graphic and presentation

In 2015 — 2019 I was a teacher and curator of educational programs in Adobe Photo shop, Illustrator, InDesign, SketchUp, architectural graphic and representation at So Kultura , one of the most in uential Russianspeaking educational projects for architects and interior designers.

My role:

• developed several programs of short-term online- and o ine- courses

• prepared educational materials: texts for educational online-platform, images, ex ercises etc.

• prepared numerous lectures in theory of art, architectural collage, drawings and visualization

• conducted courses (average group ca. 15 attendees), hired and briefed successive tutors

• managed tutors and the overall course production process

• prepared promotional materials: texts and images for landings, social networks, ad vertisements

31 / A. Shlyakhovaya / Additional
Example of lecture in architectural collage fully elaborated and designed by me

Research and writing

In 2016 — 2018 I was a teacher in Critical & Contextual Studies, ВА3: Dissertation mod ule (Architecture and Urbanism) at Moscow School of Architecture.

My role:

participated in program design

helped students to formulate their theses, conduct research and write the nal essay

32 / A. Shlyakhovaya / Additional
My profle on school’s website
33 / A. Shlyakhovaya / Additional Architectural illustration Various projects, Moscow, Russia 2015 — present Freelance illustrator Place: Time: Role:

I make collages and illustrations either for my personal projects or by request for other architectural o ces. Please nd more examples on Behance.

34 / A. Shlyakhovaya / Additional
Concept of reconstruction of Danilovsky market, Moscow. Illustrations made by order of Dima Barbanel 35 / A. Shlyakhovaya / Additional Illustration made for my diploma project Dvorulitsa (Yardstreet)
/ A. Shlyakhovaya / Additional Concept of Reki village. Illustrations made by order of Dima Barbanel

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