Urban Arts Partnership advances the intellectual, social, and artistic development of underserved public school students through arts-integrated education programs to close the achievement gap. Urban Arts Partnership achieved this mission in 2012 by...
10/11 12/13
...Using the arts and creative, critical thinking to prepare public school students for long-term success. The Challenge & The Solution
...Equipping teachers with the tools they need to cultivate creative and culturally relevant classrooms. Professional Development
...Serving more than 9,000 at-risk students. Our Students
...Reaching students and teachers at 109 schools across New York City. Our Schools
...Harnessing the efforts of Teaching Artists, parents, and Urban Arts alumni to engage young people in their education. How We Do It
...Integrating the arts into academics to empower young people to excel as students, leaders, and activists. Our Programs
14/15 16/17 18/19 ...Establishing exciting new partnerships with Adobe Youth Voices and Manhattan New Music Project. New Partners
...Working with our Board of Directors and Artistic Board to strengthen our organization. Our Boards
20/21 22 ...Rallying support for arts education at events that featured the talent of both Hollywood actors and UAP students. Events
...Awarding the Nagler College Scholarship to Devin Mojica, who is now attending New York University. The Nagler Scholar
...dedicating 82% of our budget to programs that close the achievement gap. Supporters & Financial Review
...employing a team of dedicated and talented professionals. Staff
Photo cover: UAP student Janessa Terry performs at the 24 Hour Plays on Broadway
One of our alumni, Genesis Urena— currently studying arts management at SUNY Purchase—recently interviewed me for a class assignment. She asked what I thought had been Urban Arts Partnership’s greatest accomplishment to date. I answered that our biggest accomplishment is how we have proven that the arts are the best way to engage young people in their education. That, in an environment where arts programming is being cut in public schools, Urban Arts Partnership’s programs have grown. In partnership with our supporters, we have grown because of our unwavering focus on results. We place our focus there because that’s where you see how the arts change lives. Successfully retaking a Regents exam for a previously failing student means they can graduate high school and pursue a college degree. Excelling on an English language test means a young immigrant has the confidence she needs in her mastery of the language to tell her own story, raise her hand in history class, or join a debate on an issue she feels passionate about. A standing ovation means the performers on stage realize that they have just revealed the greatness UAP has always expected of them. Despite barriers of language and poverty, learning disabilities and overcrowded classrooms, the young people we serve continue to defy expectations. When
given a real opportunity at learning, they flourish as both artists and students. Because along with the academic results are the incredible pieces of art that students create: films and songs that bring awareness to a pressing social issue, dances performed with passion and urgency, and poems infused with images both gritty and beautiful. From these results we have attracted a community of supporters who recognize the importance of bringing creativity into the classroom and who know that it works. Our longstanding partnership with the New York City Department of Education has been the foundation for our growth, and has brought long-term investments from dedicated foundations like Robin Hood, Heckscher, JPMorgan Chase, Tiger, and Travelers. Our corporate patrons have been led by Montblanc, now sponsoring The 24 Hour Plays® benefits on two coasts. Partnerships like the one we have with Adobe, which leverages one of the world’s most innovative companies, has elevated our programming as we join forces to train teachers and bring cutting edge software to underserved classrooms. Or our recent strategic partnership with Manhattan New Music Project where, by uniting, we are able to continue providing their innovative programs, but at a lower cost. Our burgeoning partnership with the L.A. Unified School District is positioned to grow, and we are excited to work
citywide bringing the arts to every Los Angeles classroom. These partners, along with others too numerous to name, have enabled us to thrive as one of New York’s largest arts education organizations. Since I was appointed Executive Director in 2003, I have been privileged to watch UAP grow from a $400,000 program to a nearly $6 million presence in our city’s public schools. This year alone, we are reaching more than 100 schools, 9,000 students, and 450 teachers; our professional development programs are being disseminated nationwide; and we have entered our second year of direct programming in Los Angeles. All of this because our generous partners recognize the incredible results that come about when you harness the power of the arts in education. During my last ten years leading this organization, I have witnessed children overcome unbelievable obstacles to step into their greatness. I’m thankful for the partnerships that made this success possible and eager to see what the next ten years bring.
Philip Courtney, Chief Executive Officer
the challenge | U r B A N A R T S P A R T N E R S H I P
The success of tomorrow’s leaders depends on what’s happening in classrooms now. Unfortunately, we hear too often that schools today aren’t preparing students for success in the 21st century.
18 % 15 %
of elementary schools and
of middle and high schools provide dance, music, theater, and visual arts classes to all grades. –N YC Department of Education Annual Arts in Schools Report, 2011 – 2012
“ % 50
Persistently high dropout rates (reaching
or more in some areas) are evidence that many schools are no longer able to engage and motivate their students.” –P resident’s Committee on the Arts & Humanities
“ 1 4
Closing the achievement gap and closing the opportunity gap is the civil rights issue of our generation. out of
U.S. high school students drop out or fail to graduate on time. almost
students leave our schools for the streets each year. That is economically unsustainable and morally unacceptable.” – U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan
U r B A N A R T S P A R T N E R S H I P | the solution
The life-changing moments that Urban Arts Partnership makes possible are born from our belief that creativity is the key to engaging and inspiring our young people. Whether it’s a first-grader with autism making eye contact for the first time, a fifth-grader sharing his recent immigration story and new American Dream with an audience of applauding classmates, or a high school senior dashing across the stage to claim her diploma, Urban Arts Partnership is proving, child by child, that the arts are our most powerful tool for closing the achievement gap.
our students | U r B A N A R T S P A R T N E R S H I P
latino/ hispanic
native american
african american
free or reduced lunch
english language learners
students with disabilities
Jessica began this semester as the quietest girl in the music class. But since she began playing the violin, she has become involved and has really excelled. She’s motivated, often arrives early to class, and is brave about sharing her work.” – Teaching Artist Erika Kapin, Choir Academy of Harlem P.S. 469
Scarline never lets her limited English skills get in the way of communicating. When she doesn’t know the word, she sketches it out. She is a quiet girl, but speaks loudly through her incredible sketches and photography.” – Teaching Artist Jazzman Johnson, Michael J. Buczek School P.S. 48
Qiao shows great enthusiasm and diligence in class. Having arts integrated in our curriculum gives her an avenue to develop her social skills as she is provided a stage to work collaboratively with other students.” – Classroom Teacher, Manhattan Academy for Arts & Language
Teaching Artists Our staff of 90 Teaching Artists bring a combination of professional arts and education experience to the classroom. Working with in-school teachers, they infuse the arts into traditional subject matter classes, like math, reading, and science, and bring in-school themes into after-school studios.
Parents We see parents as critical partners to ensure students’ success, and engage them at every opportunity, inviting families to workshops and student performances, or listening to their concerns at PTA meetings. For many, language or cultural barriers prevent them from taking an active role in their children’s education, so we focus our workshops on literacy and hands-on activities. This improves their fluency, and also encourages them to feel more comfortable in the school.
Alumni For proof that UAP inspires a lasting commitment to arts education, look to our alumni program. While attending college, graduates of UAP are trained to teach classes and mentor current students, serving as accessible role models and gaining valuable experience for their own resumes.
expanding our reach: professional development | U r B A N A R T S P A R T N E R S H I P
How do we reach as many students as possible? When principals and educators see the success that UAP Teaching Artists have using the arts to help kids engage and excel in subjects like math, reading, or social studies, they take notice. Encouraged by the stellar results of these non-traditional classrooms, they are eager to master our methodology for themselves. To equip even more teachers with our proven arts-based strategies, we began offering professional development in addition to our direct, in-class services. All of UAP’s professional development models are informed by our successful direct services.
1 2 3
Evaluate results from direct service programs to determine which practices are the most effective at engaging students and improving academic performance.
Gather feedback from teachers and administrators to identify areas that need strengthening. For example, teachers tell us they feel pressure to “teach to the test� while principals say they would like to see more project-based learning.
synthesize our results and insights to design professional development models that equip teachers with the tools they need to integrate the arts and youth culture into culturally relevant lesson plans.
U r B A N A R T S P A R T N E R S H I P | expanding our reach: professional development
90 Teaching Artists arrive at schools every day to implement UAP programs.
additionally, UAP offers professional development to staff and administrators to infuse their curricula with the arts and strengthen their schools.
Expanded reach of UAP transforms more public school classrooms into incubators for creativity and instruction.
our schools | U r B A N A R T S P A R T N E R S H I P
uap schools Benjamin Banneker Academy Boys & Girls High School Ditmas School Edna Cohen School Frederick Douglas Academy IV Secondary School Herbert S. Eisenberg School High School for Enterprise, Business & Technology High School for Medical Professions It Takes a Village Academy Joseph B. Cavallero School Kurt Hahn Expedientiary Learning School Metropolitan Diploma Plus High School Middle School for Arts & Philosophy The Montauk The Science and Medicine Middle School Urban Assembly Institute of Math & Science for Young Women Urban Assembly School for Criminal Justice Andrew Draper Anna Silver Arthur Tappan Bea Fuller Rodgers School Booker T. Washington Middle School Broome St. Academy Charter School Choir Academy of Harlem Community Action School
Esperanza Prepatory Academy Global Neighborhood Secondary School Gregorio Luperon High School for Science & Mathematics Harvey Milk School High School for Excellence and Innovation Louis D. Brandeis High School M.S. 131 Manhattan Academy for Arts & Language Manhattan Business Academy Michael J. Buczek New Design High School Renaissance Charter High School for Innovation Renaissance Leadership Academy Richard R. Green High School of Teaching Samuel Stern The College Academy The Facing History School The Heritage School Urban Assembly for Media Studies Urban Assembly Gateway School for Technology William J. O’Shea William Paca
UAP Schools in Special Education District 75 P017X @ P043X P017X @ P161X P176X @ P178X P176X @ P153X P176X @ P498X P723X @ Astor Child Guidance P723X @ Cornerstone Academy For Social Action P723X @ 338X P723X @ P218X P053K @ P104K P053K @ P384K P053K @ I296K P141K @ P380K P141K @ P035K P141K @ I002K P141K @ P354K P231K @ P180K
P231K @ P215K P231K @ P238K P231K @ P264K P094M @ P015M P094M @ P276M P094M @ Children’s Workshop School P255Q @ P151Q P255Q @ P154Q P255Q @ P307Q P255Q @ P007Q P004Q @ P179Q P004Q @ P213Q P004Q @ P270Q P004Q @ Skillman H.S. P373R @ P861R P373R @ Robert Randall School P373R @ P058R P373R @ College of Staten Island
America’s School of Heroes Dutch Kills Edward Bleeker School I.S. 192 I.S. 237 Jean Nuzzi Intermediate School Joseph Pulitzer School Long Island City High School Newcomers High School Samuel Huntington Sunrise Susan B. Anthony Academy The Linden The Steinway Vernam School William Wordsworth Bronx Haven High School Fannie Lou Hamer Freedom High School Leadership & Community Service School P.S. 277 P.S. 89 Paul L. Dunbar School Samuel Gompers Career & Technical Education High School School for Environmental Citizenship Sedgwick School Seton Falls West Bronx Academy for the Future
U r B A N A R T S P A R T N E R S H I P | our schools
Every day, thousands of New York City public school students experience the power of the arts through UAP programs.
Paper Airplanes
‘Who can tell me what TEMPO is?’ asked Teaching Artist Martin Urbach. None of his percussion class students raised a hand. Seconds after he posed the question, though, a small, white paper airplane glided to where Martin was standing in the front of the room. Written across the plane’s fuselage was the correct response: ‘Tempo = the speed of music.’” – 21st Century at PS 112, 3rd grade
While some teachers might not tolerate paper airplanes in the classroom, Martin immediately recognized the opportunity to build off the student’s unorthodox alternative to raising hands. He developed a lesson plan in which students created their own paper airplanes, incorporating principles of physics and geometry, and then flew them across the room to land in a large model of a musical scale, to explore how rhythm can be affected by chaos.
our programs | U r B A N A R T S P A R T N E R S H I P
fresh prep
71% of previously
Fresh Prep harnesses the power of Hip-Hop music and culture to help students who have failed the Regents Exam beat the test.
failing students successfully retook the Regents and passed, increasing their scores by an average of 19 points.
story studio
82% of English
Story Studio promotes literacy through the power of storytelling for English Language Learners.
iconnect iCONNECT employs peer mentoring to empower students who are struggling with attendance to become leaders within their schools.
everyday arts for special education EASE provides multiple entry points to learning for students with autism spectrum disorders and multiple disabilities to advance their communication, socialization, and academic learning goals.
The academy The Academy is a state-of-the-art facility that instills artistic, leadership, and academic excellence within high schoolers, positioning them as agents of change in their communities and preparing them for their next step in life, be it college or career.
Language Learners demonstrated increased knowledge of new vocabulary.
In my 20 years’ experience as an educator, I’ve found that teens tend to listen to their peers more than they’ll listen to us. There’s no better way to promote academic growth than to connect kids to other kids who are successful.”
more than of teachers were able to use arts-based instruction to bolster academic achievement and arts proficiency among special education students.
of Academy seniors graduated high school.
90% are in
700 10 30
800 15 42
60 3 6
1,620 10 120
150 40 50
U r B A N A R T S P A R T N E R S H I P | our programs
Creating Minds Creating Minds uses a whole school approach to increase student engagement, improve attendance, and keep students on track to graduate.
Adobe Youth voices AYV trains and supports a community of educators to use technology in their classrooms, empowering students to become media makers and active global citizens.
graduation rates at Creating Minds schools are
22% higher than NYC DOE peer horizon schools.
I love how my students are part of a broad spectrum of youth making media projects—even on an international level. It gives them a sense of other young people around the globe who share their goals.”
80% of
iDESIGN creates a youth-driven, safe space within the high school setting where students with a history of absenteeism can reengage in school and develop their socio-emotional, academic, and intellectual selves.
chronically absent and under-credited students are back on track to graduate.
expanded learning
43% of regular
Expanded Learning meets schools’ unique needs through an Extended Learning Time model that includes standards-aligned studio residencies, professional development for teachers, and parent engagement activities.
Urban arts LA Urban Arts Los Angeles partners with the L.A. Unified School District to fulfill its mission of bringing the arts to every classroom by integrating visual art and digital media into core academic subjects.
attendees improved their math grades;
increased their reading grades.
Art has definitely influenced my school life. I can pay attention more because of my art class. I get way better grades, too: from a 70 to an 85!”
1,175 5 70
815 20 50
50 1 4
3,000 45 67
900 5 30
new partners | U r B A N A R T S P A R T N E R S H I P
Program Spotlight: Adobe Youth Voices In 2012, Urban Arts Partnership became Adobe Youth Voices’ (AYV) strategic educational partner for New York City. AYV is Adobe Foundation’s global philanthropy program that empowers underserved youth to use technology to explore and express their ideas on issues that directly impact their communities. UAP trains and coaches educators— both teachers and teaching artists—to help students create original media projects such as films, photo essays, animations, websites, and podcasts. Adobe also provides licenses and software to all participating schools, so that all their students can benefit from the cutting edge technology. Becoming an AYV provider has enabled us to equip our teachers with new strategies to leverage the arts, technology, and youth culture in their classrooms. It has also given our students access to even more careeroriented tools and resources, such as pre-professional design skills training, job panels, and portfolio development. Taken together, the program provides further proof of how creativity is a powerful tool for learning.
U r B A N A R T S P A R T N E R S H I P | New partners
Program Spotlight: Everyday Arts for Special Education We are proud to announce that in October 2012, Urban Arts Partnership acquired Manhattan New Music Project (MNMP). Earlier in the year, we had identified working with special needs children as a potential new area of programming. By acquiring MNMP, we have secured an important new arts-based tool to engage special education students: MNMP’s Everyday Arts for Special Education program (EASE), which is funded by a U.S. Department of Education i3 Investing in Innovation grant. The new partnership ensures that the important EASE initiative will continue to serve students with a range of abilities and challenges, including emotional disturbances, autism, and intellectual disabilities—and do so at a much lower cost, saving more than 20% of expenses per child served. We have already raised new funds from the Kennedy Center to bring EASE to the Los Angeles Unified School District, bolstering our programming on the west coast and helping L.A. fulfill its goal of bringing the arts to every public school classroom. We would like to thank Sea Change Capital Partners, New York Community Trust, and the Robin Hood Foundation for supporting this compelling, strategic partnership.
board of directors | U r B A N A R T S P A R T N E R S H I P
Our Board is comprised of men and women who are deeply committed to closing the achievement gap.
Taylor Kushner | Co-Chair, Treasurer TPG Capital
Judd Grossman Grossman LLP
Richard Shinder Perella Weinberg Partners
Neel Parekh | Co-Chair Tiger Consumer Management
Tina Imm Time, Inc.
Nathan Smith Visa, Inc.
Lindsey Cashman Creative Management Company
Peter Lurie No current affiliation
Andrew Stern Aurify brands
Kevin Chinoy Freestyle
Niclas Nagler Nagler Productions
Christy Turner Wells Fargo Advisors
James Del Favero Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Leslie Russo Conde Nast
Josh Ufberg Atalaya Capital Management
Susan Ellis Nord/LB
Harjot Sandhu Educator
Philip Courtney | CEO Urban Arts Partnership
6.5 YEARS 100
of Board members contributed financially in addition to donating their time and effort to strengthen Urban Arts Partnership.
U r B A N A R T S P A R T N E R S H I P | artistic board
Led by Rosie Perez, our Artistic Board is a dynamic group of visionary artists who lend their time and talent to support our students by leading Master Class workshops and participating in our marquee events. Rosie Perez | Chair, Puerto Rican Icon Sway Calloway, VJ, Reporter, Executive Reporter Dres, Hip- Hop Artist Michael Ealy, Actor America Ferrara, Actor Sarah Jones, Playright, Actor Anthony Mackie, Actor Aasif Mandvi, Actor, Writer, Reporter Darryl “DMC” McDaniels, Hip-Hop Artist Pharoahe Monch, Hip-Hop Artist Diane Neal, Actor Ramon Rodriguez, Actor Sadat X, Hip-Hop Artist Sophia Coppola, Writer, Director Tracie Thoms, Actor Michael Kenneth Williams, Actor
I got hooked through Rosie, but I’ll tell you what keeps me hooked: it’s working with the students... It’s incredibly inspiring to see these kids and the work they create when they’re provided with an opportunity.” – Ramon Rodriguez
I’m here because I was one of these kids.” – Rosie Perez
Our Artistic Board members were busy in 2012, inspiring students and lending their time and talents: Diane Neal, Rosie Perez, Ramon Rodriguez, and Tracie Thoms provided feedback to students in UAP LA who were competing for the chance to open The 24 Hour Plays: LA.
Sway Calloway welcomed Rosie to his Sirius radio show to share the impact UAP makes in NYC public schools.
Rosie, Ramon, and Dres introduced student performances at the annual Urban Arts Festival.
Michael Kenneth Williams and Rosie tapped into their networks to grow the Fresh Prep program.
America Ferrera, Anthony Mackie, Michael Ealy, Diane, Rosie, Ramon, and Tracie participated in The 24 Hour Plays benefits.
supporters | U r B A N A R T S P A R T N E R S H I P
We are grateful to the foundations, corporations, and individuals whose generosity makes our work possible. Organizations $250,000+ 21st Century Learning Community Centers Montblanc North America U.S. Department of Education $100,000+ Adobe Foundation Heckscher Foundation for Children Robin Hood Tiger Foundation Peapod/Entertainment Industry/ Adobe Foundations $50,000+ JPMorgan Chase Foundation Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP National Endowment for the Arts New York Community Trust $25,000+ Department of Cultural Affairs, NYC Kevyn Aucoin NBC Universal Foundation Travelers Foundation $10,000+ Citibank, N.A. Converse Crate & Barrel Home Grossman LLP HBO N.Y.S. Council on the Arts Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom William Morris Endeavor ZBI Employee Allocated Gift Fund
INDIVIDUALS $10,000+ Nick Cannon James Del Favero Niclas Nagler Neel and Jillian Parekh Jot Sandhu and Sanjay Valvani $5,000+ Scott Eichel Taylor Kushner and Nessia Sloane Jesse Maffei Kevin and Abbey Maltz Ron Noy, MD Barbra Sachs Osher Edward Paige Andrew Stern
$1,000+ Jay Austin Kristin and Peter Becker Jason Biggs Ken Cacciatore Lindsey Cashman Bernard and Joyce Cooney Philip and Christine Courtney Julie Darmody Theresa Davis Isabel Davis Carrie Distler Barry and Jill Edinburg Susan Ellis Hilary Evans and Salvatore Graziano Joanna Freedman Lee Gabay Manoj and Ashmi Garg Simone Genatt Haft and James Haft Paul and Jen Germain Randal I. Goldstein and Tamara Rosenthal Marvin and Linda Goldstein Judd Grossman Ellen Harris Jason and Jillian Hirsch Amy Holzman Tina Imm Michael A. Jackson Julie Kellner David Krumholtz Allan Loeb Peter Lurie Matt Maitland Mike and Christine Maloney David and Lisa Maris Mark and Andrea McCardle Heather Moosnick Lisa Perfetti Andrew and Aimee Polland Shibu Punnoose Joseph Riccardo, Jr. Richard Shinder Nathan and Jennifer Smith Howard Stern Josh Ufberg Laurie Walters Matisse Williams Peter Wysong $500+ David and Ileana Angelo Kelly Ann Beene Ron Belldegrun Leslie Bibb Josh and Kelly Brown Rebecca Budig Isabel Butrymowicz
Marta Calle and Joseph Gryzlak Melissa Chesman Kaya Chwals and Walter Lee Neetu Dhaliwal Jocelyn Diaz Michael Ealy Anna May Feige Jason Feuerstein Linda Fienberg Richard Frank Lisa Goldman Carol Goll Mark Gustawes Anna Hahn Ross Halperin Jane and Peter King Hunsinger Ramee Jaber Christopher Jacob Katherine Jacobs Jamal Jimoh Heather Kamins Lesley Kelly Jocelyn Kessler Alexis Knopp Robert and Karen Kushner Jill Macklem Shibani Malhotra Frank Mancuso Susan Medollo Nigel Meiojas Melissa Meister Lynda Montgomery Shannon Murphy Gary Nachman Perry Nagin Stacy Nelson Lincy Punnoose Andy Rafal Shawn Saunders Diane Schroder Yvonne Shear Amy Smart and Carter Oosterhouse Douglas Smith Jennifer Stevenson Margaret Strom Alexander Taubman Stephanie Teicher Jon Turteltaub Jason Wagoner Jon Weber Laurie Weltz Jocelyn and Annabel White Tia Wong Angela Zablo Cary Ziegler
U r B A N A R T S P A R T N E R S H I P | financial review
82% of our budget was spent directly on programs. In FY 2012 Urban Arts Partnership continued to diversify its revenue, and we were able to maintain government support in an increasingly competitive environment. Over the past three years, our growth has been propelled by an 82% increase in private support due in large part to our focus on results and cultivating strategic partnerships. We dedicated 82% of our total expenditures to program services.
Cash and other current assets
Investment in marketable securities
Grant and contributions receivable
Prepaid expenses
Property and equipment (net)
Security deposits
Total assets
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Total Liabilities
Temporarily Restricted
Total assets
Total liabilities and net assets
interest & dividend income
Special events (net)
STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES For the years ended July 31, 2012 and 2011
realized/ unrealized gain on investment
government grants
27 %
Government grants
Program fees
Special events (net)
Interest and dividend income
Realized/Unrealized gain on investment
Total revenues
Program services
Management and general
Total expenses
Change in net assests
Net assets–beginning of year
Net assets–end of year
program fees
management & General
program services
Dinowitz and Bove, Certified Public Accountants, PC, audited our Annual Financial Statements and issued unqualified opinions for the years ending July 31, 2012 and 2011. For a complete copy of our audited financial statements, please visit our website or call us at (212) 966-5881.
Events: The 24 Hour Plays ® Presented by Montblanc | U r B A N A R T S P A R T N E R S H I P
The 24 Hour Plays on Broadway has been one of New York’s hottest theater tickets for 12 years running, and this year was no exception. 2012 also saw the return of the Plays in Los Angeles after its successful west coast inaugural performance in 2011. ®
Both events support UAP’s work to close the achievement gap—and both feature a hectic, exhilarating, and inspiring creative process.
10 pm
8 am
The creative process begins at 10pm the night before the show, when a group of six writers, six directors, 24 actors, a musical act, and the production staff gather at the theater. Everyone shares a prop, a costume, their special skills, and their stage dreams with their fellow cast and crew.
After the writers stay up all night to each compose a ten-minute play, the casts meet for the first time at 8am and quickly get to work rehearsing. Tech rehearsals run from 5pm to 7pm—just hours before curtain call.
At 8 pm, ink barely dry, the curtain opens: six new plays interspersed with six musical acts are performed for a live audience. Among the plays is one written by a UAP alum Maynor Alas, who is now perfecting his craft at HB Studios.
Participating actors across both events included: Jason Biggs, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Billy Crudup, Brooklyn Decker, Rachel Dratch, Ashley Fink, Gina Gershon, Seth Green, Ashley Greene, Amber Heard, Simon Helberg, Vanessa Hudgens, Joshua Jackson,
Gillian Jacobs , Taran Killam, David Krumholtz, Justin Long, Alexander Ludwig, Zosia Mamet Jack McBrayer, Lamorne Morris, Vincent Piazza, Sam Rockwell, Kristen Schaal, Gabourey Sidibe, Amber Tamblyn, Wilmer Valderrama, and Olivia Wilde.
U r B A N A R T S P A R T N E R S H I P | events: urban arts festival
Urban Arts Festival Every year, we host a day-long festival to showcase and celebrate the accomplishments of our students in Urban Arts Partnership programs across New York City. More than 575 young people from kindergarten through 12th grade passed through the doors of the 92Y Tribeca on May 7, 2012 to perform, create, and support one another. At the Urban Arts Festival, it’s not uncommon to hear a student exclaiming, “This is the best day ever!” or even, “I want to live here.” In the evening, we invited our supporters and friends to join us for the Evening Friendraiser. Executive Director Philip Courtney and Artistic Board Chair Rosie Perez kicked off an inspiring live program. Artistic Board members Dres and Ramon Rodriguez shared their passion for UAP and introduced a play by our Life Stories Youth Ensemble; a live performance of a song created in Digital Music Production; Media Lab’s documentary short Undocumented and Unafraid; and a roof-shaking performance by the Academy dance crew, A Fresh Collection.
the naglar scholar | U r B A N A R T S P A R T N E R S H I P
Devin exemplifies the kind of student that The Nagler Scholarship seeks out: independent, motivated, intelligent, and eager to take initiative.” – Niclas Nagler
This July I started at New York University Tisch School of the Arts. NYU, the college known around the world for its renowned and successful alumni, contains incredible and seemingly boundless opportunities like study abroad programs, internships, and creating your own major. I chose NYU because I knew that I would be challenged there, and my first semester has proved just that. I want to reach my greatest potential in life. The people in my family don’t usually strive for the best because we don’t think we deserve it or could ever get it. I wanted to break that way of thinking for myself and the ones that come after me. I did that by applying to a prestigious college—to show it is important to dream, and to work hard in order to achieve that dream. I want to be an example to my nieces and nephews
who will see me, and now hopefully think that they too can strive for something greater. Growing up, I found comfort in films and television shows and later, plays. There is this creative release I get from performing that I simply need to have. It’s like the exhaust pipe on the top of an eighteen wheeler truck with the lid on it. Every time life becomes unbearably stressful, acting opens up that lid to alleviate the stress. Through Urban Arts Partnership I learned that my career doesn’t begin and stop at acting. I can use what I learned to start my own production company, direct my own shows, and start my own programs, similar to Urban Arts itself. In fact, I am starting a small production called King of Spades. With all of the incredible skills I have acquired and have had the opportunity
to experience, I feel most blessed to have been a part of an ensemble of young people. The amount of talent that radiates from the our ensemble is inspiring and enduring. At Urban Arts Partnership you don’t make friends for the moment; you make friends for life. Because of them I have learned that my hopes and dreams actually matter and can absolutely become reality if I work hard, because there are people out there who believe in me and everything I stand for. I am the luckiest person in the world to have found them at Urban Arts. And even luckier to have met and be mentored by Niclas Nagler who believed in me, championed me and provided me with a scholarship which is making this dream a reality. Devin Mojica, 2012 Nagler Scholar
U r B A N A R T S P A R T N E R S H I P | staff
Thank you to our staff for all their hard work. Chief Executive Officer Phillip Courtney
Chief Operating Officer Elizabeth Santiso
Operations Manager Hillary Deutsch Operations Coordinator Delia Denson Full Charge Bookkeeper Sarah Cordova
Vice President, Programs Jennifer DiFiglia
Fresh Prep Michael Wiggins, Manager Milan Wiley, Coordinator Expanded Learning Katrena Perou, Manager Laurie Krupp, Coordinator Juan Manzo, Coordinator Creating Minds Keith Kaminski, Manager The Academy Armando Somoza, Manager Manny Minaya, Coordinator Frank Turiano, Coordinator Adobe Youth Voices Alice Proujansky, Staff Developer
Expanded Learning Alexey Gorokholinskiy Bradley Valentin Brendan Boland Brian Womack Chenits Petigrew Edwin Burks Emily Rooney Erika Kapin Farrah Bell Georgia Wall Habibah Ahmad Harold Akyeampong Jenny Efremova Jessica Kaire Joshua Melvin Kate Johnson Katherine Toukhy Kathy Fleurissaint Kimani Fowlin Laura Easley Martin Urbach Michelle Slonim Mike Jones
Pia Murray Sandra Perez Sasha Van’t Hul Shola Ajayi Vesta Walker Victor Sanchez Yahoteh Kokayi Yoni Gordon Zawadi Noel creating minds Beatrice Anderson Daniel Heffernan Monique Schubert Tatyana Fazlalizadeh Tiffany Jones Yarrow Lutz EASE Alejandra Duque Anne Pasquale Anneka Fagundes Annie Levy Cassagnol Lafontant
EASE Sita Frederick, Manager K’idar Miller, Coordinator Laura Easley, Assistant Story Studio Greg Ayres, Manager; Adobe Youth Voices & Urban Arts LA Kaya Chwals, Manager; Expanded Learning
Director of Development Michael Eaton
Director of Special Events & Projects Anna Strout Events & Communications Manager Sage Young Grant Writer Maire O’Malley
iDesign Sarah J. Bowie, Manager Ariana F. Allensworth, Coordinator Nicole L. Smith, Expanded S uccess Initiative Coordinator
Erica Rooney Erin Ronder Greg Paul Jenna Gabriel Joan Merwyn Kevin Ray Kyla McHale LeeAnet Noble Lisa Dove Lynn Marlowe Matt Bogdanow Melanie Goodreaux Melissa House Nancy Volante Noemy Hernandez Nysheva-Starr Pat Russell Peter Hoyle Shellie Bransford Susan Oetgen T. Scott Lilly Tim Fielder Vanessa Ramirez
Fresh prep Eleanor Tannis Jamel Mims James Miles Jidenna Mobisson Kanene Ayo Holder Milan Wiley Mo Beasley story studio Carla Repice Claire Tunkel Heather Acs Jessica Maffia Rosemary Taylor The academy Fabian Saucedo Julia Grob Kahlil Almustafa Karamba Sise Michelle Seabreeze Mike Cordero
Urban Arts Partnership 21 Howard Street, Floor 5 New York, NY 10013 212.966.5881