International Community Psychology
From the contents: - Introduction.- - The diversity of CP internationally.- - I. - The Americas.- The History and Theories of Community Psychology in Canada- .- History and Theory of Community Psychology: An International Perspective of Community Psychology in the US: Returning to Political, Critical and Ecological Roots.- Latin American Community Psychology: Development, Implications, and Challenges within a Social Change Agenda.- Community Psychology in the River Plate Region (Argentina-Uruguay).- II.- Asia-Pacific.- So far and yet so near? Community Psychology in Australia.- Community Psychology in Aotearoa/New Zealand: Me tiro whakamuri a kia hangai whakamua.- Historical and Theoretical Orientations of Community Psychology.- Practice and Research in Japan.- History and Theory of Community Psychology: An international perspective.- Community Psychology in a Borrowed Place With Borrowed Time: The Case of Hong Kong.- - III. - Europe and Middle East.- Community Psychology in Britain.- Community Psychology between Attitude and Clinical Practice - the German Way.- Community Psychology in Italy: Past Developments and Future Perspectives.- Community psychology in a Scandinavian welfare society: The case of Norway.- -Community Psychology in Spain: Realities, expectations and desires.- Community psychology in Portugal: From "revolution" to empowered citizenship.- Community Psychology in Israel.- Emerging Areas in Europe.- Community Psychology in Poland.-Moving but not Yet Talking: Community Psychology in Turkey.- Community Psychology Initiatives in Greece.- - IV. - Africa... EAN/ISBN : 9780387495002 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin, Springer US
Discussed keywords: Gemeindepsychologie Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Reich, Stephanie
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