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French Curve Beetle
Artist: Shoosty® Year: 2022
Medium: Duplex Printed Ink / 18mm Silk Twill
Size: 36” x 36”
Beetles are the most prolific species on the planet, consisting of about 8 million types. They have evolved in every way imaginable with incredible dexterity and determination to survive, social skills, and language based on smells. They are small, but they are mighty. We exist on earth together with them. They are crucial to our well-being and sometimes our demise.
I was inspired by the antennae of this creature. Seeking a theme I reached for math and the beauty of French curves with their acute and obtuse shapes. Drawing each slight turn of the curve in an act of love and patience.
In Shoosty’s work of ink and silk, A beetle’s antennae inspire, With curves both acute and obtuse, Drawn with love and patience entire.
The French curve, a tool of the trade, Guides the artist’s hand with grace, As golden proportions are laid, In each turn and twist of the space.
Leonardo, master of old, Knew well the power of this rule, In his art, proportions unfold, With harmony as guiding tool.
As beetles thrive in every way, So too does art with math entwine, In curves both subtle and bold, A beauty that forever shines.