2 minute read
From the Board
When times change – like they have the last two years – it is important to question lifestyles, business strategies and decisions. At the Association, we took some key decisions over the past year including bringing control and management of the Association home by appointing a new Chief Operating Officer and taking back the communication channels of the Association.
Risky decisions in tough times, especially since the Association has also been under pressure and finances are tight all around. This necessitated that we also have conversations about our relevance, not only as an Association but also as an industry.
From paper shortages to fuel pricing, from political unrest and energy shortages to a war far out with a devastating impact on some of our members – everything was happening. So where are we as an Association and as an industry? Are we being threatened by digitalisation? Are we forced in a direction that will eventually see some of our oldest and most loyal members leave business?
We have reached the conclusion that this industry is indeed still relevant. People need paper – whether for education or litigation – and with that you need a pen, a punch, a file, a shredder and a change in how we present ourselves to the market.
The end-user must be told about the benefits of using traditional stationery. The complete paper cycle, from manufacturing to recycling and re-use, brings new opportunities. And as an industry, we must take hands again, support each other and rebuild relationships of trust and co-operation. The benefit for one can be a benefit for all!
We are optimistic about the next few months as we see movement in the market. We see competitors who emerged during the pandemic, slowing withdrawing from our space. We believe that the pandemic has confirmed man’s connection to the meaning of life – those things that give us happiness and value, those things that make us free. And this is obtained when we lead a simple life. No fancy devices, just a notebook and pen. No screen time, but rather page time. No buying online but rather visiting a shop for supplies, using craft to relax.
We are in a new era and we need to change our message to the market. We are essential to business and life because what stationery and office products bring is a link to a safe time in our history. And if all we achieve is to rebuild a nation’s confidence to live again, I think we can feel proud!
Looking forward to meeting in person again with members at various events happening around the country, catching up on how you implemented resilience in your company! �