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Hello 2023!
As we start a brand-new year, there are signs that this year may be an improvement on the preceding two years.
The results of Q3 and Q4 look promising and indicates some financial recovery. Hopefully this will spill over and we will all be able to pull back our shoulders and take on the challenges of this year. Because we know for sure that 2023 will have its fair share…..the good thing is that we don’t know what will happen in the next 12 months.
For now, let us focus on being healthier, being more environmentally conscious and make sure that we are prepared. Getting back into the rhythm of commuting and doing the usually things is difficult after you have had a break – we have some ideas this month on how to cope, eat better and remain sane as you prepare for the new school year.
With technology making further inroads in our lives and AI, metaverse and bots becoming part of our world one has to ponder the thought…..with the continued energy crisis in South Africa, Africa and indeed large parts of the world, will the importance of pen and paper not increase? At least by writing on paper and slipping a note to someone, we can still communicate and get notes from discussions circulated.
We are excited about the year ahead – SHOP-SA’s planned themes for 2023 is listed to help you plan ahead. We have a few events on the calendar – a conference and exhibition, an awards evening, a sports day and monthly socials.
Hope to meet up at one of these soon!
Stay well, until next month

1 & 2 September 2023