Five Simple Tips to Help Keep Your Office Green! Customers, companies, and organizations are becoming more conscious of the cost and potential scarcity of our natural resources. Going green is not just good for the environment, but also for your business as a whole, there are plenty of benefits that come with going green. Start following these tips today!
1) Reusable Mugs > Disposable Cups a. While it is easy to use the disposable cups next to the coffee maker it is far from ecofriendly. b. Make sure all break room supplies are of recycled materials. c. Did you know that if you use just one disposable coffee cup every day, you’ll end up contributing about 23 lbs of waste per year? 2) Clean Green a. Green cleaning supplies are great for a multitude of reasons. b. They reduce our carbon footprint, they also decreases our overall exposure to toxic chemicals, reducing asthma-related attacks and sickness. c. For these reasons, is especially encouraged that family households and schools switch their cleaning products to eco-oriented products! 3) LED Bulbs a. The life span of an LED light bulb is 50,000 hours. b. The lifespan of an incandescent light bulb is 1,200 hours. End of story. c. Speaking of light, don’t turn your lights on at all! Situate your desk near a window to work by daylight. 4) Recycle Everything a. Recycle EVERYTHING and shop recycled products b. You can recycle anything from aerosol cans, to glue, to even holiday cards! For full details click here: http://bit.ly/19hTM6J c. Recycling is easy it’s economical and it comes with a series of benefits.