How Small Businesses Operate
Learn To Get Started
The Number One Reason
67% Personal passion 21% A way to pay the bills 8% In between jobs
quick Statistics Businesses spend
h o u r s a we e k c o n d u c t i n g e ve r y t h i n g r e l a te d to b u s i n e s s s e r v i c e .
6 h o u r s a w e e k a r e s p e n t a t t r a c t i n g a n d r et a i n i n g c u s to m e r s . 5 h o u r s a r e s p e n t o n c o m m u n i c a t i o n - p h o n e c a l l s , e m a i l s , te x t m e s s a g e s .
3 hours on managing finances
O n l y 3 h o u r s a r e d e d i c a te d to We b M a rket i n g . This includes social media, company website, and blogs.
2 h o u r s a r e s p e n t o n c o n t a c t m a n a g e a n d 2 h o u r s a r e s p e n t o n e m p l oye e m a n a g e m e n t such as recruiting and hiring.
Time spent a week managing a business
21 hours are spent in the office -
keeping organized, suc h as utilizing various desk supplies is key to higher productivity!
12 hours are spent managing the business “On the go�
Where work is done 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Office/ Place of Business
In the Car
Intuit Small Business Survey
How to get started Think about starting a business?
Number one question. Do you know enough about the industry you are going into? For example: if you are going into the business of selling office supplies look into who are the major competitors? What products are they offering? What is their branding campaign?
10 Steps to starting a business 1) Write a Business Plan 2) Get business assistance and training
3) Chose a business location 4) Finance your business 5) Determine the legal structure of your business 6) Register a business name 7) Get a tax identification number 8) Register for space and local taxes 9) Obtain business licenses and permits
Continued.. 10) Lease an of fice space & go shopping! When you star t purchasing the supplies your business needs fir st and foremost MAKE A LIST.
Here is a list of the basics: Copy Paper Ball pens, Pencils, & Marker s File cabinets for organization and storage Presentation boards Electronics and Technical Supplies
About the author Shoplet is the leading purely online office supply retailer. Founded in 1994, Shoplet is one of the original e-marketplaces.
Our specialties include office supplies, Ink and Toner Supplies, and Cleaning and Maintenance Equipment.
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