How small business operate3

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How Small Businesses Operate

Learn To Get Started

The Number One Reason

67% Personal passion 21% A way to pay the bills 8% In between jobs

quick Statistics  Businesses spend


h o u r s a we e k c o n d u c t i n g e ve r y t h i n g r e l a te d to b u s i n e s s s e r v i c e .

 6 h o u r s a w e e k a r e s p e n t a t t r a c t i n g a n d r et a i n i n g c u s to m e r s .  5 h o u r s a r e s p e n t o n c o m m u n i c a t i o n - p h o n e c a l l s , e m a i l s , te x t m e s s a g e s .

 3 hours on managing finances

 O n l y 3 h o u r s a r e d e d i c a te d to We b M a rket i n g .  This includes social media, company website, and blogs.

 2 h o u r s a r e s p e n t o n c o n t a c t m a n a g e a n d 2 h o u r s a r e s p e n t o n e m p l oye e m a n a g e m e n t such as recruiting and hiring.

Time spent a week managing a business

21 hours are spent in the office -

keeping organized, suc h as utilizing various desk supplies is key to higher productivity!

12 hours are spent managing the business “On the go�

Where work is done 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Office/ Place of Business

In the Car

Intuit Small Business Survey

How to get started Think about starting a business?

 Number one question.  Do you know enough about the industry you are going into?  For example: if you are going into the business of selling office supplies look into who are the major competitors?  What products are they offering?  What is their branding campaign?

10 Steps to starting a business  1) Write a Business Plan  2) Get business assistance and training 

 3) Chose a business location  4) Finance your business  5) Determine the legal structure of your business  6) Register a business name  7) Get a tax identification number  8) Register for space and local taxes  9) Obtain business licenses and permits

Continued..  10) Lease an of fice space & go shopping! When you star t purchasing the supplies your business needs fir st and foremost MAKE A LIST.

Here is a list of the basics:  Copy Paper  Ball pens, Pencils, & Marker s  File cabinets for organization and storage  Presentation boards  Electronics and Technical Supplies

About the author Shoplet is the leading purely online office supply retailer. Founded in 1994, Shoplet is one of the original e-marketplaces.

Our specialties include office supplies, Ink and Toner Supplies, and Cleaning and Maintenance Equipment.


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