1 minute read
REMEDY July, 2023
JULY 19th thru 22nd Ickesburg Carnival see flyer on page 20.
See Flyer on page 23.

PERRY COUNTY SAILORS ASSOCIATION meeting at 7pm first Tuesday of month at Newport VFW. Merchant Marines, Coast Guard and Navy, paast and presenet welcome tojoin. annual membership dues, $10.
TOPS 1494 Marysville meeting at Bethel Independent Church, 3535 Griver Point Road, Tuesdays 9-10 am. Readers may call Janice 717-766-0566, or Mary Ann 717-9573187 for information.
WATER AEROBIC CLASSES at Millerstown Pool, running through June and July on Mondays and Wednesdays
7-8pm For information readers may call Debbi at 717-5823583

COMING: October 21st, at the Millerstown Community Park, there will be the Parktoberfest event as their great fundraiser. We are now looking for great Craft Vendors to join us and should contact us quickly before all of the spaces are taken and you will get more information. Call 717-589-3598.
DEADLINE for August 2023 issue, July 19th!