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Community Events:
YOUTH ART DAY April 1, 2023 11:00 AM - 3:30 pm at West Perry High School Website: http://www.perrycountyarts.org/youth-art-day/ - Youth Art Day is an annual showcase of visual art, literary and performance talent from Perry County students or residents in kindergarten through 12th grade, made possible through generous sponsorships and donations by local businesses and members of the Perry County Council of the Arts Board of Directors. Event attendees can usually enjoy an expansive youth art exhibition, artist demonstrations, readings of award-winning student literature and an awards ceremony.
SATURDAY, APRIL 1st - PA Trapppers Association District #8 8th Annual Spring Sportsmans Sow 7am to 4pm (rain or shine) at Blain Picnic Grounds, 532 Picnic Grove Rd. Blain, PA 17006. Gate Admission, $5 - 12 and under FREE. Guns, knives, traps, calls, decoys, ammo, archery, fishing and hunting items. Trapping supplies, Sporting collections and much more!
FRIDAY, APRIL 7th -Spring Bake Sale, 9:00 am - until sold out. www.facebook.com/LynnSheafferDumPark Friends of Spring Township Spring Bake Sale Homemade desserts and treats just in time for Easter Sunday! All proceeds benefit the Lynn Sheaffer Dum Memorial Park at Bank of Landisburg, 100 N. Carlisle Street, Landisburg
SATURDAY, APRIL 8th -The Fremont Ladies Auxiliary will be hosting a Community Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 8th at 10 AM at the Fremont Social Hall 299 Millrace Rd. Mt. Pleasant Mills. Bring your own basket. Questions or if you would like to contribute candy call 717-543-7281
SATURDAY, APRIL 8th -The Fremont Fire Department will be having an AYCE Ham & Chicken Pot Pie Dinner on Saturday, April 8th from 4 PM till 6 PM? at the Fremont Social Hall 299 Millrace Rd. Mount Pleasant Mills. The meal includes Ham or Chicken Pot Pie, Harvard Beets, Coleslaw, Applesauce, Dessert & Drink. Adults $12, Chil- dren 5-11 $6. All You Can Eat or Takeout. All proceeds benefit the Fremont Fire Department.
SATURDAY, April 15th - The Newport High School class of 1973 is having a 50 year reunion at Newport Firehouse. Happy hour is at 4pm; dinner at 5:30 Cost is $35 per person. For information readers may call Brenda (Fleisher) Cox at 717-979-8984.
SATURDAY, April 15th -The Fremont Fire Department will be having a Rabies Clinic on Saturday, April 15th from 1-3 PM at the Fremont Fire Station 8641 Route 104 Mt. Pleasant Mills. Only Rabies vaccines are available for $12 each. Provided by the Furry Friends Animal Clinic. Benefits the Fremont QRS
YARD SALE: April 28th and 29th. Rain date May 5th and 6th. Friday 7am-4pm, Saturday 7am- noon. Wood furniture, desk, chairs, bookshelf, craft and sewing items, housewares, utensils, canning jars, antiques and collectibles. Women’s clothing size 8-24. Children’s books, Encyclopedias, History books, Dictionary. Countryside magazines, Seasonal, a little bit of everything, something for everyone. 94 Linton Hill Rd., Duncannon PA.
SATURDAY, APRIL 29th -The 15th Annual Fremont & Port Trevorton Fire Companies Consignment Auction will be held on Saturday, April 29th at the Snyder County Produce Auction 6130 Susquehanna Trail Port Trevorton. Consignments and donations accepted Friday, April 28th 8 AM - 8 PM. Benefits the Fremont & Port Trevorton Fire Companies and Christian Aid Ministries. For more info or to list something on the sale bill call 570-374-0201. Sale bill advertising deadline is March 20th. For a full sale bill when it becomes available visit fremontfd.com
NIGHT- 6:30pm - 8:00pm Meet the candidates for the following county races: Auditor, Commissioner, Coroner,
District Attorney, Judges, Prothonotary, Treasurer, Recorder of Deeds. A Meet & Greet will be held from 6:30 - 7 PM followed by a Question & Answer period from 7 - 8 PM. at Family Life Center, 27 W. Shortcut Road, Newport. Contact Information: 717-582-4523.
YARD SALE: May 5th & 6th, 8am to 3pm. 8 families behind Mexico Market. Home decor, collectibles, Jewelry, Women & kids clothes, all sizes. Toys, Jeans, Free boxes and much more.
SATURDAY, MAY 20th - GIFT CARD BINGO Tickets will go on sale on April 1st for the 1st Annual Fremont Gift Card Bingo to be held on Saturday, May 20th. Event will be held at the Fremont Fire Station 8641 Route 104 Mount Pleasant Mills. Doors open at 3PM and Bingo will begin at 5PM. Tickets are $20 each and include 20 regular games. Only 300 tickets will be sold. Over $2,500 in prizes including Gift Cards, Cash, and Door Prizes! There will also be 4 special games and side raffles running throughout the evening. Message us on Facebook (facebook.com/fremontfire100) or visit our website (fremontfd.com) or call 570-539-8230 for tickets. All proceeds benefit the Fremont Fire Department.
The Millerstown Community Pool is sorry to announce that we will not continue to have our annual Sip ‘N’ Dip Wine/Beer fundraiser at the Perry County Fairgrounds. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that participated in this event in the past. Millerstown Community Pool will host the FALL FESTIVAL. We will be having our Fall Festival on Saturday, October 7 at the Millerstown Community Park from 11:00 until 4:00. Anyone wishing to be a vendor please contact Mary Kissinger at 717-636-1935 or George Moore at 717-444-3367. If you would like to donate a basket or gift card for our raffle, please contact Tessa Hinterliter 717-247-6353. More information on this event will be forthcoming. Thank you for supporting the Millerstown Pool.
EDITOR’S NOTE: I want to apologize for any typos or wrong phone numbers. Sometimes it is hard to read the hand writing of some people and sometimes I just reverse numbers or hit a wrong key stroke. If I get your ad wrong, please call and I will try to get it correct in the following issue. THANK YOU for reading and submitting ads and using The Shopper’s Remedy. The Shopper’s Remedy is brought to you by the businesses that pay for Display ads. Please support them and tell them, “ I saw your ad in The Shopper’s Remedy.” THANK YOU!
REAL ESTATE APPRAISALS: Ken Shull Appraisals, LLC for all your domestic Appraisal needs’ Purchases, Estates, Assessment, Refinance, Divorce, Acquisitions & Assemblages. 1 to 4 units any monetary amount. Servicing Perry, Juniata, Snyder, Dauphin, Cumberland, York, Lancaster and Lebanon Counties since 1996; born and live in Perry County. 223-2376932. (March 23).
WANTED: Vintage Snowmobiles, Motorcycles or Quads. running or not. Cash Paid 717-525-2256, Loysville. ufn.

WANTED: Any denomination 1837 Perry County obsolete script paper money. Also old us coins. Call Harry 717-834-9081.
FOR SALE: Hardwood slab wood and log cut-offs for Firewood, Quantity discounts! Also saw dust and hemlock rough-sawn framing lumber, siding and custom sawing. Call Daniel at WILDWOOD LUMBER 717-438-3967. (Mar. 23)

FOR SALE: Spring car die cast cars, Hoyt box with case and accessories, Game Commission patches; one unopened box of Desert Storm cards. A lot of Nascar stuff - Earnhardt, Allison, Ivan, Some Winross trucks. Call, leave message 717243-3973.
FOR SALE: 20 Baseball albums, 1981-2004, Topps, Don Russ, Fleer and Upper Deck, over 10,000 all for $50; 1989 Fleer and Upper Deck sets with Ken Griffey Jr. Rookies in Screw Downs, both for $100; 1993-1997 Action packed Racing cards, 190 cards of Dale Earnhardt, $125. Call 717-877-9776.

Road, Friday 9am-3pm and Saturday 9am-1pm. Our 37th Year, if you never shopped here you’re missing Bargains! New Inventory added each week.
FOR SALE: 6 Chairs and table, $250; China Cabinet, $350; Dry sink, $150; Gun Cabinet, $100; Cedar Chest, $100; Coffee table and 2 end tables all for $300; Hospital bed & mattress, $250; 3 foot flat screen TV, $250; 34 inch flat screen $200; Large TV cabinet $50; Early 1900’s and up record player, $350; Box 50 to 75 (78 rpm) records, $150; 4 lamps $50; Glider Rocker, $25; Lots of records and CDs. Call 717543-8043
FOR SALE: Angel Steins, small to large; American In- dians (small to large) Multiple steins (small to large) 570-539-8316. ufn
FOR SALE: Two real old French doors; (one) wide 31.50 inches x length 82 inches, the other 36 inches x 82 inches 570-374-9634, Freeburg (ufn)
WANTED: Blown up, non running Stihl chainsaws 717-250-0623.

FOR SALE Complete heating system for ’55 Chevy; heater core motor, defroster with all cables, painted, like new . Went to Vintage Air; Upper/ lower control arms with new bruising and ball joints, like new, painted black other ’55 Chevy parts.
570-374-9634, Freeburg

Call 717-444-2423 and place your FREE Classified today.
BUYING: Collectibles, House Lots, Estates, Storage Units, Furniture, Coins etc. You have items to sell, give us a call, we may have interest. 717-789-4264.

WANTED: Local collector looking to buy old or vintage fishing lures. Will buy one or whole collections. Heddon, Creek Chub and South Bend are just some of the companies I buy. Call or text Brian at 717-320-3088 or email alfredmag75@yahoo.com
WANTED: Video games, Game cube, Nintendo, Sega, Game Boy, Super Nintendo, N-64, Play Station 1-2-3-4 Games, Switch plus Xbox Games. 717-319-0909.
TRADING! All Sports arts; baseball, football, basketball, hockey and more. Call 717-580-5939, leave message.

WANTED: Sewage crank for camper, Free or priced low. Call 717-589-7595 or 717-582-1881 (ufn)
WANTED TO BUY: Hand tools, large or small amounts, 717-438-3178

WANTED: Vintage women’s and children clothing and accessories from the 1930’s, 1940’s and 1950’s. Men’s work wear/farm wear/denim 1900s to the 1950s. Clothing can be in ANY condition —stains, holes, or wear are OK! Please no furs, wedding gowns, or military uniforms. Call or text 814-3865763.
FOR SALE: Custom made Patio furniture. 717-8344930.
WANTED: To purchase Woodland in Perry County with flowing stream, 30 plus acres. Call 717-6362656 (ufn)
WANTED: Maytag Wringer Washer and also Treadle Sewing machine in working condition. Contact 717-5355926, ext. 6 (ufn)
WANTED: Hobby garage builder LOOKING FOR PARTS for Auto projects; Need V.W. Bug motor, need not run; Reduction box transaxle; front end; 5 lug wheels; also looking for After Market parts; Embi pre 1972, timid, Bugpak, Bosche - Hella - Lights, Jackman wheels, Trevlaft, race trim, Autohaus, John Johnson racing adapters Weber, Zenith and Solex carbs. Call for more info, Dave 610-223-3892

FOR SALE: 100 plus bird houses. All sizes and shapes, $8 to $20. 717-436-9382 or 717-513-5643, Mifflintown.

FOR SALE: Miniature Tea Pots, shot glasses, advertising pens and pencils; Harley Davidson telephone; Harley
Davidson 1.8 scale model motorcycles; Cap collection; Right hand golf clubs with bag and 15 clubs with bag of accessories and a pack of new club covers; Igloo Water cooler. Call 570374-2108.
1. Atomic mass unit
4. Criticize mightily
7. Sino-Soviet block (abbr.)
10. Stand in for
11. Everyone has one
12. Brew
13. Rectify
15. Popular Dodge truck model
16. Beef or chicken intestine
19. Satisfy
21. Of a particular people or localized region
23. Movements in quick tempos
24. Able to pay one’s debts
25. Fleshy bird beak covering
26. Dueling sword
27. Helps
30. Court is in it
34. Touch lightly
35. Airborne (abbr.)
36. Of one
41. Baked good
45. Jai __, sport
46. About aviation
47. Low oval mound
50. Rugged mountain ranges
54. Compel to do something
55. A way to carve
56. Sao __, city in Brazil
57. Mustachioed actor Elliott
59. American Idol runner-up Clay
60. A way to soak
61. Car mechanics group
62. Born of 63. Time zone 64. Sea eagle
65. Even’s opposite
1. Sharp mountain ridge
2. Thin, fibrous cartilages
3. Provides new details
4. Muscular weaknesses
5. Ottoman military title
6. Banes
7. Horse-riding seats
8. Arms of a shirt
9. Narrow path along a road edge
13. Viper
14. Disfigure
17. Variety of Chinese language
18. Portray in a show
20. Wrongful act
22. No (slang)
27. State of agitation
28. __ Diego
29. One point east of due south
31. 007’s creator
32. The NBA’s Toppin
33. Midway between north and northeast
37. Examples
38. __ Gould, actor
39. The habitat of wild animals
40. Artful subtlety
41. Infielders
42. Keep under control
43. Herb
44. Distressed
47. A way to go down
48. Type of acid
49. Take by force
51. Collected fallen leaves
52. Shout of welcome or farewell
53. Monetary unit
58. Swiss river

Sole Proprietorship & In charge of all things
Ad Sales, Graphic Design, Accountant, Delivery, Complaint Department etc.
Website - by Rachel “Rocks” Boob
Assistant to Robin at times: Josh Noll
DEADLINE for Classifieds is 20th of each preceding month.

For Display Advertising Rates call... 717.444.2423
The Shopper’s Remedy, PO Box 362, Millerstown, PA 17062 reserves the right to exercise its discretion in the acceptance of all advertisements and to edit or condense any ad based on its standards of publication. Although extreme care is taken in checking ad copy for accuracy, The Shopper’s Remedy and all Advertisers are not responisble for compostion errors, mistakes or misprints and disclaims any warranty,, expressed or implied of any item published within. Printed Circulation
7,000 Copies ®2023 The Shopper’s Remedy
FOR SALE: Ariens model 524 Snow blower, electric start, great condition, $300; Craftsman 9 H.P. eclectic start, 29 inch cut, $200; Bouw mag plate tamper, tuns, needs carb cleaned, 717-319-0909.
FOR SALE: Remington 1100-12 ga V/R, $650; Mauser 98 shotgun, 2 shot, bolt action, $400; Remington 760- 30-06 carbine,
$1,200; Remington 7600 , 270 cal. New in box $1,400; Winchester 94-32 ? with 44 scope, $1,000. Call for details 717-319-0909.
FOR SALE: Sun Joe heavy duty garden cart, 7 cubic foot used six times, paid $159, selling for $75. Phone 717-536-3425.
FOR SALE: 1916 Gibson Mndolin, a model with
case, very good appraised at $1,200. Pictures on request, will deliver or pay shipping to settle estate. *14-7656401 or 814-761-0028.

FOR SALE: Truck Bed cover, fits 2020 or newer HD Chevy/GMC, 6-1/2’ bed, like new, $250 call 717-734-3673
FOR SALE: Longaberger 1987 picnic basket, w/red & blue on it. $150 call 717734-3673
FOR SALE: Solid cherry table with 4 boards and 4 chairs, $250 call 717-7343673.
FOR SALE: Custom made Patio Furniture. All made with pressure treated lumber. 717-582-1637.