3 minute read
Community Events:
TUESDAY, AUGUST 1st - Greenwood Community Band performing at Fayette Community Carnival, McAlisterville, 7pm
We Invite One & All to come join us to worship the Lord Our God in Spirit and In Truth every Sunday at 9:30 am - ? at 510 New Bloomfield Road, Duncannon, PA 17020
COMMUNITY YARD SALE: Saturday, August 5th Liverpool Square, free set up, come and join us. 9am-?.
AUGUST 3rd thru 6th - Friends of NPL Used Book Sale at Newport Public Library, 10am-6pm. All 3 days. Saturday is bag day and barbecue lunch sale provided by Duncannon Cub Scout pack 64 from 11am-2pm in the new parking lot behind the library.
Saturday, August 5th Reward UMC Old-fashioned picnic, 11am-4pm Millerstown Community Park W. Juniata Parkway. Takeout available. Entertainment, homemade ice cream and food.
EVENT: 116th ANNUAL Path Valley Picnic & Homecoming Free Admission and parking - Bingo Nightly August 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 2023 Hammond’s Grove, Route 75, North of Spring Run, PA sponsored by Fannett-Metal Volunteer Fire & Ambulance Company. Featuring music by Ted Casper, Chris Woodward & Shindiggin and Ragged Edge.
BLAIN ANNUAL COMMUNITY YARD SALE: August 11th & 12th, 8am-? Household goods, clothing, antiques, lots of bargains. Food and baked goods. Follow Rte 274 or Route 17 West in Perry County.
2023 PERRY COUNTY FAIR, August 15th - 19th. Go to www.pecofairpa.com for more information.
EVENT: Izaak Walton Summer Gun Show, Saturday August 19, 2023, At The Greencastle Sportsmans Assoc. , 3260 Sportsmans Club Rd,. Greencastle, Pa; Exit #5 Off I-81; 8Am-3Pm, Admission: $6.00 Adults. Info: 717-977-9240.
EVENT: PA Trapper’s District 8 Fur Takers of America - Affiliate 6B A 501-C5 Organization 45th Annual Sportsman Show at Newville Lions Club Fairgrounds 433 Shippensburg Road, Newville, PA 17241, September 9th, 2023 (The Old Marysville show” We have it all!!
GUN BINGO; The Fremont Fire Department is hosting their 6th Annual Gun Bingo on Saturday, September 9th at the Fremont Fire Station 8641 Route 104 Mount Pleasant Mills. Doors open at 3:00 PM and games begin at 5:00 PM. Tickets are going on sale on August 5th for $40 each including the meal. Over $8,000 in prizes! Guns, cash, crossbows, door prizes, 50/50, rip tickets and side raffles! Purchase your tickets online at fremontfd.com or contact us on facebook.com/fremontfire100 or call 570539-8230. All proceeds benefit the Fremont Fire Department.
COMING: October 21, at the Millerstown Community Park, there will be the Parktoberfest event as their great fundraiser. We are now looking for great Craft Vendors to join us and should contact us quickly before all of the spaces are taken and you will get more information. Call 717-5893598.

NOTE from the

It’s been awhile since I wrote a Note but thought it would be appropriate, as this is one of our largest issues in a long time, and I am very thankful to all of our Display advertisers, and those who submit the Free classifieds, and to all of you who pick up the Shopper’s Remedy in a local business and read and use it every month. It takes all of us working together to make any business successful. There seems to be more energy out there in the local businesses to encourage more customers to come in and take advantage of all they have to offer. There are more and more businesses opening up throughout Perry and Juniata Counties as residents of the area come up with ideas to enhance the local shopping experience. Please go through our pages and be sure to support our local businesses before heading out of the area or shopping on line, even though shopping on line is convenient and we do have a new advertiser, Good’s Store, located in Lancaster County that is giving you that opportunity. I’ve been in their store in Ephrata and it is really a unique and neat store. Similar stores in the area include Whispering Pines and Keystone Kountry Store in McAlisterville. Schlegel’s Grocery and Hardware in Thompsontown is a really neat store as well. So many great places to shop. I made up a couple of hamburgers tonight from Love 2 Eat and they were delicious. Very, very tasty. Yes, I like to buy local as often as I can as they are the ones that keep The Shopper’s Remedy alive.
So if you like having The Shopper’s Remedy be sure to tell our advertisers that you saw their ad in The Shopper’s Remedy and be sure to buy something from them. (smile).

I would also like to thank Jesus for showing me great favor and helping me everyday of my life by giving me a peace that truly does surpass all understanding. He is so good to me and gives me new insight and wisdom on a regular basis. Jesus has had my back for over 40 years from the time I asked him for help. He told me that night, “I got your back Robin,” and held me in his arms. I woke up the next day and started a spiritual journey that has not yet ended but I do know that someday he will complete the good work that He has begun. HALLELUJAH!!
Have a great month and THANK YOU again for reading and supporting our amazing local businesses. Give me a call if you want a display ad or if you want to run a Free classified ad. I’m it: secretary, ad sales, classified department, paper delivery, bookkeeper, complaint dept. etc. 717.444.2423! — Robin
