2.19.20 issue

Page 1



SAhopping newS S eRVing o VeR 38,000 h oMeS

of Lancaster County

20¢ per Copy

wedNesdAY, FeBruArY 19, 2019 • VoluMe lIV, No. 45 • reAd THe dIGITAl edITIoN oN THe weB:

In This Week’s Issue:

Supporting local businesses and sharing the good news from our community.


Reinholds VFW Makes Donation Supporting Keystone Military Families

Section A

Do You Know...? Page 9A Biblical Message ............. 14A Featuring: Ephrata United Zion Church Births.................................... 15A Crossword Puzzle......... 12A “Happy Birthday”.......... 15A Obituaries ............................3A Professor Beam’s “Deitsch Eck”................... 10A Things To Do ................... 12A

Section B

Who’s Hiring in Construction/ Mechanical

Student Spotlight Hinkletown Mennonite School Matthew Smoker Ephrata Mennonite School Tiersha Martin

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese The Reinholds VFW Post #6759 recently presented a check in the amount of $15,000 to the Stockings for Soldiers/Keystone Military Families Organization. Shown in the photo, from left to right, are Britta Stuart, Scott Fisher, Larry Rutt, Pat McQuate, Nancy McQuate, LuAnn Fisher and Danielle Shumate.

Cool Sculptures At Fire And Ice Festival Warm The Heart In Lititz

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese The 15th Annual Lititz Fire and Ice Festival was held this past weekend and thousands of visitors turned out to see 70 dazzling ice sculptures created by the DiMartino Ice Company, a pyrotechnic show by Stray Production Services, a chili cook­off, kids carnival and vendor fair, which all made for a wonderful weekend. Mother nature provided the cold temperatures to help preserve these amazing creations. Shown are several kids trying to stay warm while watching Jared McAlister work on a beautiful ice dragon.

2A - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”




Ephrata Cloister Toastmasters Club

Jude Oniskey is the Eph­ rata Cloister Toastmasters of Lancaster County Club’s best speaker. Oniskey’s speech, “Change the PUBLISHED BY Hocking Printing Co., Inc. World,” won first place in Shopping News Co-Founders - John and Janie Hocking President and Publisher - Julie A. Hocking the club’s annual InterGeneral Manager - Harold Wenger Office Manager - Pam Boyer national Speech Contest 615 E. Main Street, P.O. Box 456, Ephrata, PA 17522 • Phone 717-738-1151 • Fax 717-733-3900 held Monday, January 27. He will next compete as the Email: snews@ptd.net Web Site: http://www.snews.com club’s representative in an The Shopping News of Lancaster County is published every week. area­wide contest on Sat­ The Shopping News of Lancaster County reserves the right to reject any advertisement. urday, February 22 from All the information contained herein is accurate to the best of our knowledge. We regret any errors or 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the omissions. The information and advertisements found in The Shopping News do not necessarily reflect the Manheim Township Public opinions of The Shopping News or any of its staff members. Library, 595 Granite Run Drive, Lancaster. The public We encourage fraternal and civic groups, schools, churches, scouts and other local organizations to submit is welcome and invited to news releases of general interest. Related photographs of good quality are also accepted. Complete picture identification must be included. All articles will be used as space permits and are not guaranteed to be attend. published. Every news release submitted MUST have a complete contact name, address and phone number. The Ephrata Cloister News information can be mailed, dropped at our office, emailed or faxed. Toastmasters Club is one of 358,000 Toastmasters clubs DEADLINES: in 143 countries around the (Subject to change during holidays) world. Every spring, DISPLAY ADS with proof - Thursday 12 noon members compete in club­ DISPLAY ADS - Monday 8 a.m. CLASSIFIED ADS - Monday 9 a.m. level speech contests. NEWS COPY - Thursday 9 a.m. Through competition in the Photos must be submitted through email as jpegs or area, division, district and tiffs at least 5” wide and 300DPI or higher semi-final levels, nine OR through the mail as a processed photo. (Due to space limitations, news copy is not guaranteed to be published.) contestants will vie for the title of “World Champion of MEMBER OF EPHRATA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Public Speaking.” The Ephrata Cloister Club library, call 717­354­0525, movement activities, or a meets every second and or register online. craft while building language fourth Monday at 6:15 p.m. • Readers’ Roundtable and literacy skills. Book Discussion ­ Monday, • Teen Tuesdays - Tues- imaginative play, develop March 2 at 6:30 p.m. Adult days, March 3, 10, 17, 24 spatial awareness and event. The Readers’ Round- and 31 from 3:00 p.m. to express themselves. The Eastern Lancaster table meets in the downstairs 5:00 p.m. For grades 6 to 12. • 1, 2, 3 Play with Me! County Library is located at board room of the Elanco Teens are invited to chill out, 11 Chestnut Drive, New Library. In March, the title is hang out and geek out in the Wednesdays, March 4, 11, 18 and 25 at 6:30 p.m. Holland. Their hours are “The Only Woman in the library. Thursdays, March 5, 12, 19 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Room” by Marie Benedict. • Parachute Play - WedMonday, Wednesday and Everyone is invited to join nesdays, March 4, 11, 18 and and 26 at 10:30 a.m. Ages 1 to 3 and their caregivers. Thursday, and 10:00 a.m. to them! 25 at 10:30 a.m. For ages 1 Each week offers oppor­ 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Friday • Preschool Storytime - to 3. They will be playing tunities for children to play and Saturday. Tuesdays, March 3, 10, 17, with parachutes, singing with developmentally­ Most events are free, but 24 and 31 at 10:30 a.m. For songs, and having fun! Para­ appropriate toys in a require advance registration. ages 3 to 5. Preschoolers are chute Play helps children playgroup atmosphere. To register, stop by the invited to enjoy themed develop gross motor skills, Parents will have the chance circulation desk at the books, songs, rhymes, learn to work together, have to meet and question comm­ SERVING OVER 38,000 HOMES





Elanco Library Events


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Thursday Evenings, 7-8:30 p.m. February 27 - May 21 Petra Church • Room N132 Enter at the North Entrance Grief Share is intended to help people who have experienced deep losses, especially through the death of a family member or friend. Come for:  Helpful DVD teachings on grief and recovery  Interaction with others who have experienced loss  A free workbook for personal study and reflection GriefShare groups meet weekly at Petra for 13 weeks. Each session is self-contained, so you may join at any time. Register online at www.petra.church/registration or contact Pastor Titus Kauffman at titusk@petra.church or 717-354-5394. Walk-ins are welcome. There is no cost to participate.

565 Airport Rd, New Holland, PA 17557 www.petra.church | 717-354 -5394

unity experts in the areas of child development, nutrition, and other areas. • Dungeons and Dragons Club ­ Thursdays, March 5 and 19 at 6:30 p.m. For ages 10 and up. This is a club for people who love to play this tabletop role­playing game! Never played before? You’re welcome to join them and find out more about D&D. • Friday Frolic for Toddlers ­ Fridays, March 6, 13, 20 and 27 at 10:30 a.m. For walking toddlers ages 1 to 3 with a caregiver. Get ready to move! Toddlers will dance, zoom, scoot and hop between stories selected to promote language develop­ ment. All adults are expected to participate and encourage

the children to join in the fun. • Stay and Play - Fridays, March 6, 13, 20 and 27 at 11:00 a.m. For toddlers and preschoolers. A few minutes after the Friday Frolic for Toddlers ends, they’ll bring out the big box of toys! Stay and play with them until lunchtime! • Therapy Dogs Visits the Library ­ Saturday, March 7 at 10:30 a.m. Family event for all ages. Kids are invited to improve their reading skills and make a new friend by reading aloud to a therapy dog. The dogs and handlers are from K­Pets. • Lego Creation Club -



(Continued On Page 11A)



Find help at GriefShare.

a complimentary intro­ ductory meeting. For more information, please call 717­ 715­9234.


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It hurts to lose someone.

at the Wellspan Ephrata Community Hospital. Inter­ ested individuals are en­ couraged to join the club for

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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News� - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - 3A

by a son, Todd B. Mitchell. Marie E. “Nan� Ranck, 98, Ephrata Manor, passed away on Friday, February 7. She was the wife of the late George L. Ranck. She is survived by two daughters: Donna, wife of Dennis Gehr, Stevens, and Sandy L. Brill, Lancaster; three grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. Sharon S. (Meckley) Finkey, 77, Ephrata, passed away on Saturday, February 8. She is survived by a daughter, Trudy L. Fritz, wife of Todd A., Stevens; two grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and a brother. Lois Elaine Shirk Hollinger, 90, Landis Homes, formerly of Lititz, passed away on Sunday, February 9. She was the wife of the



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Mary Gonzalez; Pauline Ludwig; and Arlene Hart­ ranft. Alice L. White, 91, Maple Farm, Akron, passed away on Thursday, February 6. She was the wife of the late Robert Eugene “Geneâ€? White. She is survived by a son, Dale E., husband of Linda White, Manheim; eight grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Donna Stout. Patricia Ann Maser, 85, New Holland, formerly of Leola, passed away on Friday, February 7. She was the wife of the late Bennie H. Maser. She is survived by a son, Andrew, husband of Shelly Maser, Stevens; two daughters: Beth, wife of Floyd Kurtz, Fleetwood, and

Bounty Essentials

Paper Towels

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husband of Pamela (Wetzler) Mitchell, Mountville; two daughters: Cynthia, wife of Ronald E. Spotts, Beaver­ town, and Jackie, wife of Bruce Rudolph, East Earl; six grandchildren; six greatgrandchildren; and two sisters: Barbara Ann, wife of Henry Martin, Reinholds, and Rachel Martin, Stevens. He was preceded in death

(Continued On Page 8A)

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Diane Vidzicki, Leola; eight grandchildren; 13 greatgrandchildren; a brother, Ken, husband of Darla Car­ penter, Ephrata; and two sisters: Carole, wife of Jay Buch, Brownstown, and Sharon Ruhl, Ephrata. Owen S. Mitchell, 91, husband of Evelyn D. (Gable) Mitchell, Terre Hill, passed away on Friday, February 7. Besides his wife, he is survived by a son, Steve,

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Andrew T. “Skipâ€? Walt­ on, 31, companion of Donna L. Miller, Lititz, passed away on Friday, January 3. Besides his companion, he is survived by his parents: Gerald P. Walton Sr., and Tracy Mowery Angelo, wife of Kurt A. Angelo; a son, Adam C.P. Thsudy; a daughter, Skye Riley Maree Walton; three brothers: Gerald P. Walton Jr.; Michael S. Walton; and Shadoe A. Angelo; and a sister, Chey­ enne R. Angelo. Ezra Lincoln Stegeman, infant son of Joshua Lee and Erika Marie (Monroe) Stegeman, Lititz, passed away on Sunday, February 2. Besides his parents, he is survived by grandparents: Terry and Laura Stegeman, Denver; Kathi, wife of Matthew Weaver, Denver; and Eric Monroe, Werners­ ville; and great-grandfather, Philip, husband of Carol Zahn. Edward Vidzicki Sr., 82, husband of Alice Marie (Hall) Vidzicki, Auburn, formerly of Leola, passed away on Monday, February 3. Besides his wife, he is survived by a son, Ed, husband of Sue Vidzicki, Auburn; a daughter, Connie, wife of Jeffrey Martin, Leola; three grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; and a sister, Victoria Davine, Orwigsburg. Larry R. Pfautz, 74, Ephrata, passed away on Wednesday, February 5. He was the husband of the late Fern A. (Hartranft) Pfautz. He is survived by two brothers: Clyde Pfautz Jr., and John R. Pfautz; and four sisters: Thelma Weaver;

late J. Clair Hollinger. She is survived by three sons: Jeryl, husband of Mary Hurst Hollinger, Kalispell, Montana; John, husband of Grace Garber Hollinger, Quarryville; and Joseph, husband of Cheryl Sell Hollinger, Lancaster; nine grandchildren; and 15 greatgrandchildren. Arlene S. Martin, 87, Terre Hill, passed away on Sunday, February 9. She was the wife of the late William Z. Martin. She is survived by three sons: Ervin, husband of Ruth (Burkholder) Martin, Den­ ver; Laurence, husband of Mary Ann (Newswanger) Martin, Holtwood; and James, husband of Karen (Burkholder) Martin, Stev­ ens; seven daughters: Mary Ellen Garman, Terre Hill; Lena, wife of Ezra Hoover, Ephrata; Esther Mae, wife of

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“The Shopping News� Say You Saw It In March 13, 2019 22 - Wednesday,


AGE & USE HERTZOG’S GAR located at

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They have rs with quality homes. process y that provides custome the building Alden Homes is a companthat handles everything throughout on forward thinking staff prides themselves a highly experienced the to building. Alden Homes character. They are members of from drafting/design and -up for the 2018 have functionality design elements that n Builders Association and were runners Lancaster and Lebano Award. in Place at Cornwall Parade of Homes Fulton e communities: Alden Meadows in Mount cted three separat in constru Mounta and have Joy They at Elm Tree in Mount Lebanon, The Gables It for adults 55 and older. Aetna. planned community vaulted as master a is such ll details Alden Place at Cornwa n of distinctive home designs with red for easy and kitchens enginee is set along features a wide selectio suites, exquisite foyers e property ceilings, airy master Alden Place has it all. The 270-acr A s. amenitie in the best living and entertaining. ts are also offered ointed club room farmlands. Residen rolling hills and quiet center and exercise classes, a well-appa social center for and state-of-the-art ďŹ tness cafĂŠ, spacious pool active adult beauty shop, library, the perfect place for with pool tables, a Alden ns. Alden Place is contact can occasio you special retirement living, gatherings and g your options for at 100 Freeman Drive, their model homes living. If you’re explorin p.m. and Sunday, 717-376-1199 or visit 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 Place at Cornwall at Monday through Friday, Lebanon. Hours are an-style homes. 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. n Design of Craftsm Tree offers the America every corner of the homes. The into The Gables at Elm on built are and quality with an emphasis and smarter living Handcrafted charm d to reect smaller homes are bright colored community is designe tion square footage. The features rather than saving. For more informa space and form, function and gy both in technolo ntative at 717-376 with many smart features appointment, call their sales represe on-site blesatelmtree.com. or to schedule an their website at www.ga Aetna. The ďŹ rst 1199 or you may visit in Meadows in Mount offer exciting, nity being built is Mounta nity will Their newest commu constructed in January. The commu on scenic lots. being model home was quality craftsmanship family homes with tion on any of their newly designed single -8911 for more informa Homes at 717-272 Alden call Please communities.






of the family, and Pets are an extension a check-up, you or need when they are sick the best possible care. want them to have y Hospital, the At New Holland Veterinar to are eager to cater doctors and staff your pet by providing the varied needs of possible medical, them with the best care. surgical and dental in New working Doctor Harris began purchased the and Holland in 2003, He has been practicing business in 2009. for 35 years. Working veterinary medicine in the practice are along with Dr. Harris Hospital Dr. Christopher New Holland Veterinary Dr. Grace Amicone, Dr. Diane Harris Doctors and Staff of and of course, Sicuranza, and daughter, practice also recently 23 employees enjoys meeting new people Tomaskovich. The of G’Sullivan. The staff Brian Dr. and reptiles! welcomed diagnostic dogs, cats, small mammals facility with improved their pets, including center and Harris equipped the Dr. grooming a hospital, a new also added tives, In addition to building t to help extend your pet’s life. He and heartworm preventa along with ea, tick technology and equipmen a variety of pet foods, hours a retail area that stocks assorted pet supplies. New Holland. Business collars, leashes and at 700 East Main Street, to 5:30 p.m.; and Saturday, y Hospital is located Friday, 8:00 a.m. p.m.; about the 7:30 New Holland Veterinar to details of complete listing Thursday, 8:00 a.m. on on Sundays. For a are Monday through tsuite.com or like them The ofďŹ ce is closed ospital.ve a.m. terinaryh 11:30 to hollandve 8:00 a.m. their website at www.new practice, please see Facebook.


...all for one low price. THE

SHOPPING NEWS of Lancaster County

Contact us for more information:

717-738-1151 snews@ptd.net www.snews.com

4A - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

social notes women’s news

Lititz Senior Center Lists Activities

The following listing is for the Lititz Senior Center, located at Lititz United Methodist Church, 201 East Market Street, Lititz. *Note: The Cocalico Senior Center is closed and people will be transferred to the Lititz Senior Center. Lititz Senior Center The Lancaster County Office of Aging, Lititz Senior Citizens Center, Lititz United Methodist Church, Lititz, is open Wednesday, Thursday and Monday, from 8:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m., with Coffee and Chat Time at 9:00 a.m. and Lunch served at noon. The Center serves Lancaster County residents of Ephrata, Rothsville, Akron, Neffsville and Lititz areas. Ephrata is also served by van service. Reservations for lunch and transportation need to be made by 11:00 a.m., one day in advance by calling the Center at 717626-2800. Daily Activities Include: Wednesday, February

19: Hot Breakfast (signups only); 9:00 a.m., Tai Chi with Kathy; 9:30 a.m., Celebrating the Life of Betty Luckenbill; 10:30 a.m., Regular Bingo; Ukulele; 12:00 Noon, Lunch. Thursday, February 20: 9:15 a.m., Exercise with Kathy; 10:00 a.m., GeriFit; 10:15 a.m., Music and Dancing with Clyde Spangler; 12:00 Noon, Lunch. Monday, February 24: 9:15 a.m., Exercise with Kathy; 9:30 a.m., Shopping; 10:00 a.m., Geri-Fit; 11:00 a.m., Bible Study; 12:00 Noon, Lunch. Senior Center Menu Wednesday, February 19: Warm ham and cheese sandwich, 1 cup creamy tomato bisque with crackers, sandwich roll, fresh fruit. Thursday, February 20: Pulled turkey and stuffing with gravy, 1/2 cup whipped potatoes, 1/2 cup carrots, 1/2 cup applesauce. Monday, February 24: Country fried chicken with 2 oz. creamy gravy, 1/2 cup whipped potatoes with chives, 1/2 cup mixed vegetables, wheat bread, fresh fruit.

Recently Wed

PreKindergarten Workshops


The marriage of Rachel Joy Wenger, Pittsburgh, daughter of J. Michael and Josephine Wenger, East Earl, to Trey Bradley Sullivan, Pittsburgh, son of Warren and Tracy Sullivan, Hermitage, was solemnized on Monday, December 30 at 1:00 p.m. in Asheville, North Carolina, with Pastor Warren Sullivan officiating. The bride was given in marriage by her parents. The bride is a 2009 graduate of Garden Spot High School, a 2012 graduate of Eastern University and a 2018 graduate of Duquesne University School of Law. She is employed as an Associate Attorney at Cozen graduate of homeschool, O’Connor, Pittsburgh. a 2010 graduate of Hunt­ Mr. Wenger is a 2007 ington University and a 2017 graduate of Trinity Milk and bread served Evangelical Divinity School with a Masters of Theological with all meals.

Studies. He is employed as a Worship Pastor at Riverside Community Church, Oak­ “Search others for their vir­ tues, thyself for thy vices.” mont. ~ Benjamin Franklin The couple resides in Pittsburgh.

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Have you been wondering how to prepare your child for Kindergarten? If so, please attend the free handson learning workshops for all Cocalico School District residents with a child who will be attending Kindergarten in the fall of 2020. Parents and 2020 Kindergarten students should attend together. Sessions are led by Cocalico School District Reading Specialists, Kindergarten Teachers and Administrators. The next workshop is fast approaching! It will be held on Thursday, February 20 at 6:00 p.m. at Adamstown Elementary School. This workshop will focus on mathematics for kindergartners. Space is limited. Please pre-register by emailing Kristin Slovik at kristin_slovik@cocalico. org or call 717-336-1412.

9 9

Also Payroll & Accounting Services Located in Ephrata Call Russ: 717-336-6052 or 717-733-6960 Email: rellcacountant@gmail.com I will pickup & deliver at no additional charge in Lancaster County and surrounding areas. OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE • COMPETITIVE PRICES


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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - 5A

Grand ReOpening Of Rainbow Room

The Cloister American Legion, Ephrata Post 429 is pleased to announce the grand re­opening of the Rainbow Room on Saturday, February 22 with doors opening at 6:00 p.m. featur­ ing the band Easily Amused playing at 8:00 p.m. The celebration will be open to the public and will be free of charge. There will also be representatives from all departments of the American Legion on hand to have questions about membership answered as well as an opportunity to sign up on site. There will be food and drink specials available throughout the night. The Rainbow Room is the large downstairs bar that had suffered water damage years ago when air infiltration from deteriorated windows cracked water lines in the ceiling. About four years ago the Sons of the American Legion Squadron began the lengthy project of replacing windows, replacing water and sewer lines and reno­ vating the room and upstairs restrooms. In December 2018, the American Legion Riders Charter was started at the Ephrata Post and the Legion Riders began to lend a hand as well as a few other members of the Legion with

Five Generations Celebrated

February Student Of The Month Brownstown Elementary School, sponsored by the West Earl Lions Club, has chosen their February “Student of the Month.” Second grade student Jude Katzenmoyer, son of Colleen and Ryan Katzen­ moyer, and student of Ms. Lori Dupuis, received this coveted award. Ms. Dupuis considers Jude a model student, always kind, thoughtful and respectful to all, going out of his way to help others. Jude is the go­to com­ puter expert and teacher helper. He will quietly help a classmate and follow class rules. Ms. Dupuis

feels that Jude is a natural leader. Jude comes to school with a smile, ready to take on the day. He has a knack for getting Ms.

Dupuis’ corny jokes when others do not! He’s quick with a high five, a fist bump or handshake, but through his joy of life comes a serious effort and respect for learning and doing his best every day. The West Earl Lions congratulate Jude and his parents. The West Earl Lions are also looking for men and women to lead and serve those less fortunate. They welcome guests to their meeting. If you are interested in joining, call Lion Kathy Ridder at 717­ 314­2029.

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The family of Cecelia Weaver celebrates five generations. Shown in the photo, from left to right, are (back row) Cecelia Weaver (great­great­grandmother), Angi Groff (great­grandmother), Sheena Hall (grandmother); (front) Dylan Garrity (father) holding Savannah Mae Garrity.


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some of the remaining up­ grades. Ephrata American Legion is a smoke­free facility and is located at 300 Cocalico Street, Ephrata. Call 717­ 733­2576 with any questions.

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6A - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

Estate Planning Seminar

An Estate Planning Seminar will be held at Fairmount in Ephrata on Wednesday, February 26, at 1:30 p.m. The seminar will take place in the Crest View Gathering Room at 1100 Crest View Drive on the east side of the Fairmount campus. The presenter will be Nevin Beiler, an attorney licensed to practice law in Pennsylvania. He owns his own law practice and works primarily in the areas of wills and trusts, settling estates, business formations and agreements, and nonprofit organizations. Nevin also

enjoys speaking and writing about issues related to his areas of law practice. Topics covered will include: the basics of wills, including common misconceptions; why a will isn’t enough and why you also need Powers of Attorney; whether you should have a revocable living trust; and if you should be doing Medical Assistance planning. The public is cordially invited to attend, so please feel free to invite your friends and family to come. While this is a free event, anyone planning to attend should reserve a seat by signing up at the Crest View front desk or calling 717­ 354­1893.

Lititz Library Programs

The following programs are happening at the Lititz Public Library, 651 Kissel Hill Road, Lititz, in March. For more information on any of the following pro­ grams, please call 717­626­ 2255 or email register@ lititzlibrary.org. • Friends Used and Vintage Jewelry Sale ­ Saturday, March 28, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and Monday, March 30, 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. • Knitting Club - Mondays, March 2 and 16 at 10:00 a.m. Knitting Club meets every first and third Monday of the month from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon. Knitting Club is

for people who knit and like to share the craft. This is not a class or instruction, just a friendly gathering to knit and work on projects. Must bring all your own supplies. Crocheters also welcome. • Very Beginners Knitting Class ­ Tuesdays, March 3, 10, 17 and 31 at 6:00 p.m. Come learn the basics of knitting in this hands­on class. Class is limited to ten people. Sign­up in person only. You will be given a list of class materials when you sign­up. • Astronomy Enthusiasts of Lancaster County ­ Wednes­ day, March 4, 6:30 p.m. All are welcome to meet and learn with the Astronomy Enthusiasts of Lancaster County. Find out what to look for in the monthly sky and more! 615 E. Newport Rd., Lititz One mile east of Rt. 501 (717) 627-4090




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Specials for February 17-22 Roast Beef ............................................................................. lb. $4.99 Black Forest Ham ......................................................... lb. $2.99 Provolone.............................................................................. lb. $3.49 Baby Swiss chunks............................................................ lb. $2.99 John F. Martin Butter Quarters ................. 2 lb. $5.00 Sadie’s Macaroni Salad .......................................... lb. $2.99 Animal Crackers ............................................ 16 oz. 2/$3.00 Yogurt Strawberry, Blueberry & Peach ....4 oz. 18 pk. $3.99 Harvestland Chicken Tenderloins

.....................................................................................10 lb. case, lb.

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• Lititz Garden Club – Being Better Stewards of the Land ­ Thursday, March 5, 6:30 p.m. Join the Lititz Garden Club and Barry Witmer from Donegal Trout Unlimited as they present a program about being better stewards of our land and waterways. • Scrabble Meet-Ups Monday, March 9, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and Tuesday, March 24, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. BYOB (Bring Your Own Board) and meet up with others for casual games of Scrabble on the second Monday and fourth Tuesday of the month. • History Book Club Monday, March 9, 6:30 p.m. The History Book Club will be discussing: A Brief His­ tory of Indonesia by Tim Hannigan. • Painting Club - Wednesday, March 11 and 25 at 12:30 p.m. Meet the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Bring your own painting supplies. Get together with others to paint and socialize. • Great Decisions Discussion Group ­ Wednesday, March 11, 6:30 p.m. If you have an interest in foreign affairs, join the library for this moderated, non­partisan discussion group. No special FREE!

Savings Include an American Standard Right Height Toilet FREE! ($500 Value)

knowledge is required for this informal discussion for­ um, just an inquiring mind. • Lancaster Civil War Roundtable ­ Thursday, March 12, 6:30 p.m. Gettys­ burg Peach Orchard by Jim Hessler. • Technology Workshop Friday, March 13, 10:00 a.m. and Tuesday, March 24 at 6:00 p.m. Learn what Libby is, how it works, and all the benefits of enjoying your books electronically at the Getting Started With Libby workshop. Bring your device to this first-time workshop and they can help you load the Libby app on your device. Whether you need help with e­books and e­audiobooks, tablets, basic skills, etc. the library is hoping to offer something of use to you. • Lititz Historical Foundation: Unchartered Lan­ caster ­ Saturday, March 14, 1:30 p.m. Adam Zurn will discuss his local history based game and website called Unchartered Lan­ caster. • Jane Austen Society Tuesday, March 17, 6:30 p.m. Come enjoy a cup of tea and discuss all things Austen. • Buckhill Sleuths Book (Continued On Page 9A)

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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - 7A



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8A - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”


60TH YEAR! 1959-2019

(Continued From Page 3A)



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James Hurst, Osage, Iowa; Luella, wife of Aaron Martin Jr., Narvon; Jane Martin, Hobart, New York; Linda Martin, Lititz; and Pauline, wife of Edward Zimmerman, Narvon; 33 grandchildren; 35 great­grandchildren; two brothers: Franklin, husband of Esther (Garman) Hoover, New Holland, and J. Aaron, husband of Anna (Zimmer­ man) Hoover, Denver; and a sister, Mary Eberly, New Enterprise. She was preceded in death by a son, Edwin Martin, and three grandchildren. Clifford L. Martin, 72, husband of Betty L. (Martin) Martin, Ephrata, passed away on Sunday, February 9. Besides his wife, he is survived by two sons: Brent, husband of Lisa Martin, and Brock, husband of Rebecca Martin; two daughters: Cathie Kershner, and Cherie, wife of Tim Cryer; nine grandchildren; one great­ grandchild; five sisters: Nancy, wife of Bruce Heim­

bach; Linda, wife of Smokey Fasnacht; Carolyn, wife of Daniel Kopp; Lois Stout; and Cynthia, wife of Lynn Weaver; and his step­father, Clarence Stoner. He was preceded in death by an infant son, Jessie Martin. Robert J. Fesko, 92, husband of Carol, Pleasant View Retirement Comm­ unity, Manheim, formerly of Lititz, passed away on Monday, February 10. Besides his wife, he is survived by two sons: Gregory, husband of Linda, Billings, Montana, and Jeffrey, husband of Roxanne, Maumee, Ohio; a stepson, Scott Reeder; two step­ daughters: Heidi Gardner, wife of Kurt, and Heather Reeder; 11 grandchildren; three great­grandchildren; and a sister, Shirlee Carr, Indianapolis, Indiana. L. Lucille Groff, 75, Keystone Villa, Ephrata, passed away on Tuesday, February 11. She was the wife of the late Larry L. Groff. She is survived by three sons: Kevin, husband of Sheila (Brubaker) Groff, Bradford; Philip, husband of Sharon (Gehman) Groff,

New Holland; and Elvin, husband of Jennifer (Stauff­ er) Groff, Stevens; two daughters: Marilyn, wife of Lloyd Martin, Talmage, and Margaret, wife of Brian Martin, Denver; 20 grandchildren; 13 great­ grandchildren; three broth­ ers: J. Nevin, husband of Ruthie (Bowman) Martin, Terre Hill; E. Gary, husband of Jean (Lentz) Martin, Bowmansville; and Lauren, husband of Kim (Weaver) Martin, Colorado; and two sisters: Thelma, wife of Ron Riley, Florida, and Susan, wife of Michael Eby, Terre Hill. She was preceded in death by two grandchildren. Madalyn L. Kovalchik, 94, Lititz, passed away on Tuesday, February 11. She was the wife of the late Steve Kovalchik. She is survived by three daughters: Carol, wife of James Dufrene, Lake Charles, Louisiana; Marcy Waltos, Windber; and Lisa, wife of Bruce Sullenberger, Pequea; three grandchildren; four great­grandchildren; one great­great­grandchild; and a brother, James Chicarell, Johnstown.

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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - 9A

Lititz Library Programs (Continued From Page 6A)

Club – Meeting in New Holland Library - Monday, March 23, 2:00 p.m. Discussing - “Life We Bury” by Allen Eskens. • Concert: Fire in the Glen - Thursday, March 26, 6:30 p.m. Focusing on the beautiful sounds of Irish, Scottish and Maritime music as well as their own brand of “Celtic eclectic,” this performance of fiddle tunes and soulful ballads will prove to be a special celebration of music. Please pre-register. • Lititz Art Association Tuesday, March 31, 6:30 p.m. Painting People with Light and Color by Katriel Srebnik. Children/Families • Mini Chef Creations Friday, March 6, 10:00 a.m. Kilene Knitter, GIANT Food Stores Nutritionist, is coming to the Lititz Public Library for free kids cooking classes! These classes provide kids with basic skills needed to create a balanced snack. Geared for ages 5 and under. Limit: 15 kids per class. Registration is required for all classes. • Paws to READ.edu - Sat­ urday, March 14 and 28 at 10:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. The Reading

Education Assistance Dogs (READ) love to have kids read to them and they love to be pet! Bring a favorite story or pick a book to read to them. Sign up for a half-hour slot. It’s a great way to encourage early readers. • Junior Chef Creations Monday, March 16, 4:00 p.m. Kilene Knitter, GIANT Food Stores Nutritionist, is coming to the Lititz Public Library for free kids cooking classes! These classes provide kids with basic skills needed to create a balanced snack. Geared for ages 6 to 9. Limit: 15 kids per class. Registration is required for all classes. • Spanish Story Time Saturday, March 21 at 10:00 a.m. Hear stories, learn songs, and do fingerplays… all in Spanish. Presented by the Warwick High School Spanish Honor Society. Geared for ages 3 to 9. Limit is 30 participants. Please register by stopping by the library or calling 717-6262255. • Cruise into Kindergarten - Monday, March 23, 6:30 p.m. This Pennsylvania early literacy program is based on the national ‘Every Child Ready to Read’ program. After hearing a story, the child and caregiver will visit different stations that will help with skills needed to start school. They will make learning fun! Program will be held monthly. Geared for ages 3 to 6.

The Historical Society of the Cocalico Valley, located at 237-249 West Main Street (Route 322), Ephrata, needs your help! They are hoping that Shopping News readers can provide information regarding this photo. Shown in the photo are unidentified workers preparing patient trays in the kitchen at Ephrata Community Hospital If you are able to provide more details about this picture or identify any of the people shown, call The Historical Society of the Cocalico Valley at 717-7331616 or email cjmarquet@ gmail.com. Future “Do You Know…” photos will be published in upcoming Shopping News issues. If a photo is identified, the information will be published. Regarding the photo published in the Wednesday, January 29 issue depicting the Lincoln Elementary School third grade class (1948-1949), Carol (Ibach) Maxwell has identified the following students (from left to right): (first row) unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, Ed Sensenig, Stanley Bouder, unknown, Elvin Ressler, Jerry Fasnacht, Barry Crowther; (second row) Teacher Catherine M. Tyson, Edith Eichelberger, unknown, unknown, unknown, Tom Schreck, unknown, unknown,

Do You Know…?

unknown, unknown, Vic Sensenig, Bob Seibel; (third row) Joanne Kreider, Betsy Ann Good, Jackie Fry, Nancy Wechter, unknown, unknown, Carol Ibach, unknown, unknown and unknown. Regarding the photo published in the Wednesday, February 5 issue depicting hospital cafeteria workers, Marcia Mummert identified

Beulah (Mrs. Vernon) Kline as the woman on the right. Thank you both for these identifications! The Historical Society of the Cocalico Valley is dedicated to discovering, gathering and preserving materials and data relative to the community known as the Cocalico Valley. For more information on the Museum

and the Library, please visit their website at www. cocalicovalleyhs.org or call 717-733-1616. To see all published “Do You Know” photos, please like our Facebook page (The Shopping News of Lancaster County) and view the album titled “Do You Know?” Photos will be updated with information as it is received.

Love Your Heart

Where in the world ...Do you read the shopping news?

Are you going on vacation or traveling somewhere unique? Make sure you bring along your Shopping News and a camera! Once a month one random entry will be chosen to win a


50 gift card Drop off (or email) your entry to: THE

SHOPPING NEWS of Lancaster County

615 E. Main St., Ephrata, PA 17522 comp@snews.com

Where in the world ...Do you read the shopping news?

Name:____________________________________ Address: _________________________________ _________________________________________________

Home Phone: _____________________________ Email: ___________________________________ Brief description of where your photograph was taken: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

contest criteria:

_________________________________________________ • Photo must clearly show an issue of The Shopping News being read at a recognizable landmark. (Example: near a sign indicating a location, near a statue or monument, etc.) • Winners will choose any regular Shopping News advertiser from which they will receive their $50 gift card. • Please do not try to take photographs in an unauthorized area or on private property. • Photographs may not be altered or “photoshopped.” • Limit one entry per month, per household. You can only win one prize per year. • Photos will not be returned unless a self-addressed stamped envelope is supplied.

By submitting a photograph, you grant us permission to publish your photo, name and town in The Shopping News as well as on our website and Facebook page.

Celebrate Heart Month with this FREE Event!

Saturday, February 29 9:00 a.m. – Noon Ephrata Health Pavilion 175 Martin Ave., Ephrata

Go to WellSpan.org/LYHEphrata for details and registration. 9:00 - 9:15 a.m. Registration & Welcome Take the Leap to Beat Heart Disease Lisa Lesko, BSN, RN, Director Clinical Services, Cardiovascular Services, Imaging & Respiratory 9:15 – 9:45 a.m. Moving for Better Health Linda Woods Huber, M.S., Health Educator, Community Health & Wellness How important is physical activity for improving your health? How much is enough … or too much? Learn the most up-to-date information on safely increasing physical activity in your busy life. 9:45 – 10:15 a.m. Visit with exhibitors for health information and free blood pressure screenings.

11:00 a.m.– Noon Cooking Demo: American Heart Association’s “Cooking in Color” Zack Buchmoyer, Manager of Food Service at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital, and Fran Hadley, RD, LDN, CDE, Clinical Dietitian, Community Health & Wellness How can you prepare a hearthealthy meal that is delicious, nutritious and low-sodium? Our hospital food service manager, Zack, and clinical dietitian, Fran, will demonstrate healthy options that can help you lower your salt intake. You’ll leave with healthy recipes that everyone will enjoy.

10:15 – 11:00 a.m. Heart Disease and Prevention Umesh Mishra, MD, WellSpan Cardiology Coronary heart disease is the most common cause of death for women in the United States. Dr. Mishra will review what steps you can take to reduce the risk and how to adjust your lifestyle to fit it.

0093 FC 01/20

Registration is required for this free event. Call (855) 237-4222 or visit WellSpan.org/LYHEphrata

10A - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

kommen vielleicht fuenf ins erste Schuljahr.

Es Pennsilfaanisch Deitsch Eck

Wir haben Spass, wann wir alle zusammenspielen an unserer Schule. Eva H. Hoover, Age 14, Grade 8

By: The Late C. Richard Beam


A collection of “Deitsch Eck” columns from past issues of The Shopping News honoring the late C. Richard Beam.

II Unsere Schule steht am Eck von Zwei Wegen, Es ist ein kleines, weisses Schulhaus mit einem Schulhof. Achtzehn Schueler gehen in die Schule, neun Knaben und neun Maedchen.

(Originally published in the July 21, 1982 issue of The Shopping News)

Auf dem Schulhof sind drei Baume und ein Schwung (swing). An dem Schulhof ist ein weisser Zaun. Wir haben viel Spass auf dem Schulhof.

Unsere Schule West Terre Hill School I Der Namen vun unsere Schule ist West Terre Hill Schule. Das Schulhaus ist weiss mit einer Tuer und 16 Fenstern.

In dem Schulhaus sind Bilder an der Wand. Ein Tisch steht neben dem schwartzen Brett. Die Bibliothek ist im Eck von dem Schulhaus. Wir lernen viel un unsere Schule. Ivan R. Sauder, Age 13, Grade 7 ***

Es gehen 18 Schueler in unsere Schule, 9 Knaben und 9 Maegdlein.


April Soon! April15th 15thIsIsComing Coming Soon!

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April 15th Soon! April 15thIsIsComing Coming Soon!

April 15th Coming Soon! Soon! April 15th Is Is Coming


April 15th Coming Soon! Soon! April 15th Is Is Coming

Unsere Schule ist eine kleine, weisse Schule mit einem Die Faecher, die wir haben, sind Buchstabieren, grossen Schulhof, wo jedermann spielt, wann das Wetter Arithmetik, Erdkunde, Englisch, Natur, Deutsch, Lesen und schoen ist. Gesundheit. Jeden Donnerstag haben wir Kunst. In unserer Schule haben wir 47 kleine Pulte und einen Wir gehen in die Schule alle morgen, Samstag und grossen Schreibtisch in der Mitte. Wir haben sechs Lichter Sonntag ausgenommen, an die acht Uhr. Wir gehen heim und eine grosse Wandtafel. Es steht eine Bibliothek in eins an die drei Uhr. von der vier Ecken. Wir haben keine Schueler im ersten Grad. Naechstes Jahr Es gehen 18 Schueler in die West Terre Hill Schule. Wir lernen Arithmetik, Geographie, Englisch, Deutsch, April 15th Is IsComing Coming Soon! Soon! April 15th Is IsComing Coming Soon! April 15th April 15th Buchstabieren und Gesundheit. Wir lesen das Lesebuch. GOODVILLE NOTARY Die kleinen Kinder haben noch andere Lektionen. Wir tun Sealed bids will be received in the

Cocalico School District, Business Office 800 S. Fourth Street, P.O. Box 800 Denver, PA 17517 until March 11, 2020 at 11:00 A.M. for the following:

District Supplies District Technology Supplies District Janitorial Supplies Fall Sports Bid specifications and forms can be obtained by visiting our website at: https://www.cocalico.org/district/business_ office/rfp_bid_information or from the Business Office.

manchmal Bilder und Landkarten zeichnen. Wir haben Spass in unsere Schule. Lucy Horst Hoover, Age 13, Grade 7 *** On March 14, 1980, Miss Ada Martin, the teacher in the West Terre Hill Old Order Mennonite Parochial School, sent us three descriptions of Unsere Schule (Our School), which we share with you this week. In view of the fact that these three accounts are closer to Standard German then to Pennsylvania German, we hesitated to use them at first. However, we are sure that some of our Old Order readers will enjoy them. We have applied a mild editorial hand here and there, but we did not want to make them too perfect, for it is important that these young Dutch folks be encouraged in their efforts to learn to write Hochdeutsch. Even though they are not in session this time of the year, our hat is off to Miss Ada Martin, the teacher and to Misses Hoover and Mr. Sauder. We look forward to another “batch’ of stories from the West Terre Hill School. Perhaps, they will be able to write them In Der Mudderschprooch the next time. July 21, 1982 Es Bischli­Gnippli hinnich sei Schreibmaschine Fresh Baked Bread & Rolls


internet address DIRECTORY

For more info., call


View business bios shown below, visit www.snews.com and click on Special Features - Local Businesses

A.B. Martin Roofing Supply, LLC AFP Advanced Food Products LLC Art Pannebecker & Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. Benjamin F.D. Chikes, D.D.S. Berlanco Insurance Agency, Inc. Buehler Family Dental C&S Furniture Choice Windows, Doors & More, Inc. Clay Book Store C.L. Fritz & Son Electrical Contractor Cocalico Plumbing & Heating Colliflower, Inc. County Line Mechanical DC Eager Emergency Services LLC Eagle Building Solutions LLC Enck’s Gun Barn Ephrata National Bank Ephrata Re-Uzit Stores Fairmount First Citizens Community Bank Fox Country Sheds George J. Grove & Son, Inc. Georgelis Orthodontics, PC Gingrich Builders Good’s Lawn Care Hampton Inn & Suites Heritage Design Interiors

Hertzog’s Garage & Used Cars Hornberger’s Auto Body Huber’s Auto Group Jeffrey R. Eby, D.M.D. Kingsway Realty Kreider’s Canvas Service, Inc. Lancaster BBQ Supply Lancaster School of Cosmetology & Therapeutic Bodywork Leid, Lorah & Company, P.C. Luke Martin Siding & Exteriors Mountain Top Financial Advisors New Holland Veterinary Hospital Raber’s Tire Ray and Randy’s Auto & Truck Repair Ressler & Mateer Robert M. Lombard Hyperbaric Oxygenation Medical Center, Inc. Russell, Krafft & Gruber LLP Schwanger Brothers & Co., Inc. Signal Control Garage Door Co. Tom B. Morrissey TV & Appliances Weaver Eye Associates Weaver’s Garage, Inc. Weaver’s Store, Inc. William E. Poole Family Dentistry Zimmerman, Pfannebecker, Nuffort & Albert, LLP

Fruit Specials

tastic Feb. 18 - 24

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discount every Monday

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ReUzit On State 1054 S. State St., Ephrata 717-733-4934

Clothing, Housewares, Furniture & Books All Under One Roof!! February 17 - February 22, 2020

Yellow Tagged Items

50% OFF Monday 50% OFF Tuesday 60% OFF Wednesday 70% OFF Thursday 80% OFF Friday 90% OFF Saturday Monday-Thursday: 9-5; Friday: 9-8; Saturday: 9-5 We’re always gratefully accepting donations of gently used clothing, housewares, books and furniture. Furniture pickup is available.

*Convenient Drive-Thru For Donations


7 Network Stores in Lancaster County Benefiting the work of Mennonite Central Committee

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - 11A

Elanco Library Events

• Teen Art Club - Monday, March 9 at 6:30 p.m. For grades 6 to 12. Each month, they will be working with a different medium. Bring your own sketchbook, but they will have supplies ready for you. This month, they are going to make scratch art. • Librarian Training Thursday, March 12 at 6:30 p.m. Family event for all ages. Do you think you have what it takes to become a librarian? Come find out! They will talk about books, the Dewey Decimal System and more! • Wee Build - Saturday, March 14 at 10:30 a.m. Ages 0 to 6. Bring your children to hands-on playtime with developmentally-appro­ priate toys. Build, talk, explore and create together. Building develops a child’s math and science skills, and

(Continued From Page 2A)

Monday, March 9 at 6:30 p.m. Family event for ages three and up. Join the Lego® Design Team! Once a month, they’ll build creations out of Lego® Bricks that will be displayed in the Library. • Hooks & Needles: Yarn Crafting Club - Monday, March 9 at 6:30 p.m. All ages welcome. The knitting club is open to all knitters and crocheters in all skill levels…even absolute beginners! Their experts can teach you how to start your first project. Bring your own projects, tips, and ideas to share.

provides lots of fun. The Elanco Library recently received materials from the Office of Commonwealth Libraries to implement a series of Wee Build pro­ grams. • Succulent Workshop Adult event - ages 13+. Young children may attend with an adult helper. Note: This event has a base materials fee. Students from the Garden Spot High School Grassland FFA will be at the Elanco Library to help you create a potted succulent. The materials fee includes all supplies needed; additional plants and larger pots will be available for an additional fee. Stop by anytime between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. • Galentine’s Day - Mon­ day, March 16 at 6:30 p.m. For grades K to 6. A day

when women celebrate women! They are going to talk about different import­ ant women in history, including yourself! They will also talk about self-care and make a bath bomb and a face mask. • Block Party - Preschool STEM Event - Thursday, March 19 at 6:30 p.m. For ages 3 to 6. Come build with wooden blocks! Wooden blocks teach math and engineering skills –even to preschoolers! • Buckhill Sleuths Book Discussion - Monday, March 23 at 2:00 p.m. Adult event. This book club meets the fourth Monday of the month at 2:00 p.m., unless other­ wise noted. Note: The location alternates between the Elanco Library and the Lititz Public Library. In March, they’ll be discussing


for up to

With approved credit, see store for details.


Friendly Horseman’s Club

TACK & TAILGATE SALE Sunday, April 19 • 9AM FHC 260 Kline Rd., Stevens, PA 17578

Horse Or Home Related Items Are Welcome. Examples Include Saddles, Tack, Harnesses, Supplies, Carts, Barn Items and Household Items.

Vendors $5/Space Buyers And Browsers No Admittance Fees Food Stand Will Be Open Held In Conjunction With PAHA Horse Show





on select iComfort by Serta® Mattress Sets*

This event will be advertised on Facebook yard sale/tack swap sites. Additionally, it will be advertised in local newspapers and flyers at various local business.

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Queen Mattress Only







Below is a list of convenient locations where you can pick up your weekly issue if you are not in our regular hand-delivered area. AKRON

• Weiser’s Market BOWMANSVILLE

Queen Mattress Only Queen Mattress Only Mattress image used for illustration purpose only. The factory select quilt design and cover will vary on the actual mattress. © 2019 Serta, Inc. †Furniture Today Top U.S. Bedding Producers, June 2018. **Based on total number of 5 star product reviews on Serta.com from 2012-2018.




SET-UP • REMOVAL see store for details


• Horst Outdoor Power & Equip. • King’s Snack Food • Ranck’s Family Restaurant BRICKERVILLE

• The Pretzel Hut BROWNSTOWN

NEW 2020 Models Are Now In Our Showroom!

• Little Mermaid Storytime - Saturday, March 28 at 10:30 a.m. Family event for all ages. Cast members from GSPA’s production of “The Little Mermaid” will be visiting the library for an under the sea storytime! They’ll listen to books, create a simple craft, and hear songs from the play! • Game On! - Monday, March 30 at 6:30 p.m. For ages 10+. Each month they will explore a different card or board game. Board games teach critical thinking, strategic skills, offer social opportunities for partici­ pants, keep minds sharp and are just plain fun!

For information or to reserve your spot, contact Jeanne Griswold at: 717-673-4090



“Life We Bury” by Allen Eskens at the Elanco Library. • Explore to Learn Women in STEM - Monday, March 23 at 6:30 p.m. Grades K to 6. Explore to Learn is their series of STEM programs. Because of Women History Month, they will be talking about women in STEM and do some coding, space and other themed activities. • Cocoa Club - Thursday, March 26 at 6:30 p.m. For all ages. Bring your own mugs, find a spot and settle into a story! Ms. Carla will pick a chapter book to read for about 45 minutes. This month, they’ll start reading “Matilda.”

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• Weaver’s Store LEOLA

• A Step In Time Antique • Giant Center • Weaver’s Hardware • Deer Country LITITZ • Fulton Bank (Denver) • Bomberger’s Store • Red Roof Inn • Giant • Turkey Hill (300 Main Street) • Lititz Family Cupboard • Turkey Hill • Oregon Dairy Restaurant (2501 N . Reading Rd.) • PaulB • Weaver Markets (Adamstown & Blainsport) • Weiser’s Market EAST EARL

• • • • •

Good’s Store Horst Farm Market Martin’s Trailside Express Shady Maple Smorgasbord Shady Maple Farm Market


• Eby’s Store MORGANTOWN

• Turkey Hill MYERSTOWN

• Dutch-Way



• Elm Post Office

• • • • •


reg. $599

• Royer Pharmacy, Sharp Ave. • Sharp Shopper • Turkey Hill (4 Hahnstown Road) • Turkey Hill (903 S. State Street) • Turkey Hill (1010 Sharp Avenue) • Turkey Hill (3585 Rothsville Road) • Wawa • Weis Markets

• Ebenezer Groceries • Ephrata Area Chamber of Commerce • Friendly Mini Mart • Glenwood Foods • Good’s Store • Green Dragon • Gus’s Keystone Family Restaurant • Key Aid/Ace Hardware • Martins’ Country Market • Next Door Food Store • Redner’s Warehouse Markets

Fix My Computer Please Grocery Outlet Garden Spot Village J .B. Zimmerman Yoder’s Country Market


• Redner’s Quick Shoppe REINHOLDS



• BB’s Grocery Outlet • Dutch-Way • Good’s Store


12A - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

hings to do... and PLACES TO GO


Bulletin Board

WED., FEBRUARY 19 The Historical Society of the Cocalico Valley’s program “Presenting Our Past” will be held at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 167 East Main St., Ephrata, at 7:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-733-1616. THURS., FEBRUARY 20 - A Free Community Meal will be held at First United Methodist Church, 68 North Church St., Eph­ rata. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Serving at 6:00 p.m. Every­ one is welcome. For more info., call 717-733-6646. No meal will be served if Ephrata Schools are dis­ missed early or cancelled due to weather. THURS., FEBRUARY 20 - Fairmount Homes, 1100 Farm Crest Dr., Ephrata, will host a Gospel Concert featur­ing the Roland Zimm­ erman Family in the Farm Crest Gathering Room at 6:30 p.m. For more info., call 717-354-6804. THURS., FEBRUARY 20 - A Meeting for Widows will be held at Gus’s Family Restaurant, 3687 Rothsville

Rd., Ephrata. Eat at 6:00 p.m. with meeting to follow. All widows welcome. If inclement weather, the meeting will be cancelled. SAT., FEBRUARY 22 & SAT., FEBRUARY 29 City Gate, 100 East Main St., Ephrata, will hold a Free Lunch, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. SAT., FEBRUARY 22 Mt. Zion Baptist Church will hold a Sportsman’s Dinner at the Ephrata Business Center, 400 West Main St., Ephrata. Talk with vendors at 4:00 p.m. Dinner at 5:00 p.m. Free admission. For more info., call 717-3365553. SAT., FEBRUARY 22 - A Basket/Quilt Auction for Veterans will be held at the Upper Leacock Township War Memorial Building, Leola. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. Auction begins at 1:00 p.m. There is a donation cost, which includes food and drink. For more info., call 484-888-3772. SAT., FEBRUARY 22 The West Earl Fire Company, 14 School Lane Ave., Brownstown, will hold an All You Can Eat Breakfast, from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. There is a cost. SUN., FEBRUARY 23 The Reamstown Fire Com­ pany, 12 West Church St., Reamstown, will have a Breakfast Buffet, from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. This event is by donation. For more

Shopping News Crossword Puzzle

Ephrata Lions Club


Saturday, February 22, 2020 Noon to 7:30 PM

Indoor Yard Sale at 21 Cloister Ave., Ephrata

Food Available

(old location of The Style Studio)

Kitchen Opens at 11:00 AM

Saturday, February 22, 2020 • 7am-1pm

Proceeds Benefit Ephrata Ambulance, Lincoln Fire Company & Pioneer Fire Company

Sale items include: Styling Stations, Chairs, Mirrors, Shampoo Bowls, Reception Desks, Retail Shelving, Storage Containers, Misc. Items

For information, contact 717-733-8492 or eberly@ptd.net




...Include 2 Vegetables or 1 Vegetable & All You Can Eat Salad Bar, Club 429’s Famous Onion Butter & Crackers Served While You Wait

Wednesday & Thursday, February 19 & 20 (Eat In Only - No Takeouts)

Wings $7.25 dozen • Burger Basket w/Fries $7.75 Steamed Clams $6.50 doz.

Friday & Saturday, February 21 & 22 Veal Cordon Blue...$21.95

with guest speaker Mike Farris •FREE admission •Vendors and delicious food •Fabulous door prizes including $300 gift card to Mussers Outdoor and 2 $100 gift cards for youth •Big Buck Contest (Harvested 2019) mtziondenverpa.com

Talk with vendors at 4:00. Dinner at 5:00. Saturday, February 22, 2020 Ephrata Business Center 400 W. Main Street, Ephrata 17522

Call 717-336-5553 for more information & contest details

The 2nd Annual Denver Fair Benefit Auction will be held at the Denver Fire Company, 425 Locust St., Denver, at 4:00 p.m. Doors open at 2:00 p.m. Food and beverages will be available for pur­ chase. Snow date is Saturday, March 7. SUN., MARCH 1 - The Reamstown Fire Company, 12 West Church St., Reams­ town, will host a Designer Purse and Cash Prize Bingo Extravaganza from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The doors open at 12:00 p.m. There is a cost. For more info. or to purchase tickets, email bingo@reamstownfire.com. MON., MARCH 2 Fairmount Homes Retire­ ment Community is holding a Ham and Cheese Sandwich Fundraiser. There is a cost. Orders may be placed by calling 717-354-1800 by Monday, March 2. Sand­ wiches will be available for pickup on Saturday, March 28, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. MON., MARCH 2 - The Ephrata Area Garden Club will meet at the Udder Choice Restaurant, 1812 West Main St., Ephrata. There is a cost for nonmembers. Everyone is welcome to join. SAT., MARCH 7 - The

Salon Moving Sale!

Ephrata Recreation Center

Meat Tray & Cash Bingo

Mt. Zion Baptist Church’s

info., call 717-288-7552. TUES., FEBRUARY 25 Landis Homes, 1001 East Oregon Rd., Lititz, will hold a Memory Loss Support Group at 7:00 p.m. The public is invited. For more info., call 717-581-3939. THURS., FEBRUARY 27 - A Free Community Meal will be held at First United Methodist Church, 68 North Church St., Eph­ rata. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Serving at 6:00 p.m. Every­ one is welcome. For more info., call 717-733-6646. No meal will be served if Ephrata Schools are dis­ missed early or cancelled due to weather. THURS., FEBRUARY 27 - Wiest UM Methodist Church, 48 North King St., Schoeneck, will hold a Community Dinner, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Fun, fellowship and food. SAT., FEBRUARY 29 Ephrata Mennonite School, 598 Stevens Rd., Ephrata, will hold a Spelling Bee Event. Food stand opens at 5:00 p.m. Spelling Bee begins at 6:00 p.m. No admission fee. For more info., call 717-738-4266. SAT., FEBRUARY 29 The Reinholds Fire Com­ pany, 156 West Main St., Reinholds, will hold a Chicken and Waffle Dinner, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. There is a cost. SAT., FEBRUARY 29 The Ephrata Knights of Columbus Annual Spaghetti Dinner will be held at Our Mother of Perpetual Help, 320 Church Ave., Ephrata, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (unless sold out before). There is a cost. Takeouts available. SAT., FEBRUARY 29 -

Veal Cutlets Stuffed with Ham and Swiss Cheese, Served with a Wild Mushroom Sauce


Kitchen Hours Closed Sun., Mon. & Tues. Wed. 5-8 p.m., Bar till 9 p.m.; Thurs. 5-8 p.m., Bar till 9 p.m.; Fri. 11 a.m. 9:00 p.m., Lunch at Bar till 5 p.m., Dinner 5-8 p.m., Bar till 9 p.m.; Sat. 4-8 p.m., Bar till 9 p.m.; Bar Open till 11 p.m. Daily

Ephrata Park, Ephrata, PA

Call For Dinner Reservations or Information on Banquets


Low Prices!

*Must bring own tools to remove furniture and fixed items.

Bingo Y Let’s PLA

Ephrata American at Legion

Great Place - Great Games Great Food Ephrata Park • 717-733-2576

Every Wednesday

Join u the fus for n!

Doors Open at 5:00 P.M. M. Early Bird Special Games Start at 6:45 P.M.

Indoor Yard Sales

at the Ephrata Rec Center 130 S. Academy Dr., Ephrata, PA

Saturday, March 7th 6:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon $25 per table or $40 for 2 tables


Snack Bar Available

hings to do...



rata Amvets Ladies Auxiliary will host a Cash Bingo in the Banquet Hall, 614 South State St., Ephrata. Doors open at 2:00 p.m. Bingo starts at 3:00 p.m. WED., MARCH 11 - A class for widows will be held at Lititz Church of the Brethren entitled, “An Under­standing Heart, Journey­ing Through Widow­ hood” from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. It is a ten-week class. For more info., call Belinda Hess at 717-6264276. WED., MARCH 11 Weaverland Anabaptist Community, 210 Weaverland Valley Rd., East Earl, will host a Community Meal, from 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Registration is not required. THURS., MARCH 12 & FRI., MARCH 13 - A Sportsmen’s Banquet will be held at Yoder’s Restaurant, Route 23, New Holland. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Dinner at 6:15 p.m. There is a cost. For more info., call 717-738-0963. SAT., MARCH 14 - The Fivepointville Fire Com­ pany, 1087 Dry Tavern Rd., Denver, will hold an All You Can Eat Breakfast Buffet, from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. There is a cost. SAT., MARCH 14 -

Reamstown Fire Company, 12 West Church St., Reams­ town, will hold a Craft Show, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Soup and hamburger BBQ available. For more info. or advanced orders, call Shirley at 717-336-4172. SAT., MARCH 14 - St. Paul’s E.C. Church, 46 East Church St., Reamstown, will hold a Chicken Pot Pie Supper, from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. There is a cost. SAT., MARCH 14 - The Schoeneck Fire Company, 125 North King St., Denver, will host Gospel Singing. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-3366767. THURS., MARCH 19 - A Meeting for Widows will be

held at Gus’s Family Restaurant, 3687 Rothsville Rd., Ephrata. Eat at 6:00 p.m. with meeting to follow. All widows welcome. If inclement weather, the meeting will be cancelled. SAT., MARCH 21 Caernarvon Fire Company, 2145 Main St., Narvon, will hold a Fundraiser Turkey Supper, from 1:00 p.m. to ? There is a cost. Takeouts available. For more info., call 717-445-7310. SAT., MARCH 21 - The Schoeneck Fire Company, 125 North King St., Denver, will hold an All You Can Eat


Sandra at 717-587-0456 or June at 717-336-2791. SUN., MARCH 29 - The Loyal Christian Benefit Associations is holding a Fundraiser Gift Card Bingo at the Ephrata VFW. Doors open at 12:00 noon. Bingo starts at 1:30 p.m. For more info. or tickets, call Edie at 717-989-4555. SAT., APRIL 4 - The Reinholds Fire Company, 156 West Main St., Rein­ holds, will host a bluegrass concert with Seth Mulder and Midnight Run. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. and music starts at 6:00 p.m. There is a cost.

Reinholds Fire Company Banquet Hall


Food Specials?

(Continued On Page 16A)


THE SHOPPING NEWS 615 E. Main St., Ephrata, PA 17522


156 W. Main St., Reinholds

Saturday, February 29 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Adults: $11.00 Children 6-12: $5.00 Children Under 6: Free

Fundraising Banquet

Featuring: John Schmid

Yoderʼs Restaurant • 14 South Tower Road, New Holland, PA 17557

Saturday evening, March 7, 2020

West Earl Fire Co .

Doors open at 4:30pm • Dinner served at 5:30pm

For reservations, call by March 2 • Jane 717-656-8530 or Diane 717-304-6424



T N A R U A T S E R S ’ T H G I R B


14 School Lane Ave., Brownstown, PA

Us Co t e L , s e i d a L




Petite Prime Rib, Chicken Chesapeake, Baby Back Ribs, Crab Cake, or Chicken and Rib Combo - $9.99

SAT., FEB. 22

ALSO 4-Closing: Prime Rib Special; Plus Our Featured $9.99 Special

Broasted Chicken - 12 pieces, tub of French fries, quart of slaw, pepper cabbage or macaroni salad. Feeds 3 to 5. Always More Value For Your Dollar! Your independent restaurant, serving good food to the fine people of the Ephrata area for over 60 years.


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Family Chicken Meal - 23.25

Saturday February 22 $10 Adults/$5 Children (5-10) Under 5 FREE

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Breakfast, from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Cost is by donation. For more info., call 717-336-6767. SAT., MARCH 21 - The Smokestown Fire Company, 860 Smokestown Rd., Denver, will hold a Haus and Pinochle Card Party at 7:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-336-2687. THURS., MARCH 26 Wiest UM Methodist Church, 48 North King St., Schoeneck, will hold a Community Dinner, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Fun, fellowship and food. FRI., MARCH 27 Farmersville Fire Company, 74 East Farmersville Road, Ephrata, will hold their 45th Annual Community Sale starting at 4:30 p.m. For more info., call 717354-5094 or 717-4904487. SAT., MARCH 28 - The Denver Fire Hall, 25 Locust St., Denver, will hold a Cabin Fever Dance, from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. There is a cost for tickets. Proceeds benefit the Women’s Club of Denver Contributions Fund. For more info. or tickets, call

Chicken & Waffle Dinner

Reserved Seating Required

Upper Leacock Township War Memorial Association will sponsor its monthly Indoor Flea Market/Garage Sale at 54 West Main St., Leola, from 6:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. There is no admission charge. For more info., call 717-656-6154. SAT., MARCH 7 Martin­dale Mennonite Fellow­ ship Center, 352 Martindale Rd., Ephrata, will hold the 32nd Annual Meeting of Olive Branch Mennonite Missions at 6:30 p.m. SAT., MARCH 7 - The Baron Stiegel Lions Club of Clay and Elizabeth Town­ ships will hold a Dinner In The Dark, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Brickerville Fire Hall, located on Hopeland Rd. at Route 322. There is a cost. For more info., call Stan at 717-8757736 or Cindy at 717-9406927. SAT., MARCH 7 - The East Cocalico Lions Club will hold a Spring Dinner from 3:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Reamstown Fire Hall, 12 West Church St., Reamstown. There is a cost. Takeouts are available. All proceeds given back to the community. For more info., call 717-336-5311. SAT., MARCH 7 - The Reinholds Fire Company, 156 West Main St., Rein­ holds, will host a bluegrass concert with The Feinberg Brothers. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. and music starts at 6:00 p.m. There is a cost. SAT., MARCH 7 - The Bareville Fire Company, 211 East Main St., Leola, will hold an All You Can Eat Breakfast and Chicken Corn Soup Sale, from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. There is a cost. SAT., MARCH 7 - The Smokestown Fire Company, 860 Smokestown Rd., Den­ ver, will hold a Haus and Pinochle Card Party at 7:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-336-2687. SUN., MARCH 8 - Eph­

Offering received to benefit PA Relief Sale/ Mennonite Central Committee


Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - 13A


Garden Spot Fire Rescue New Holland Station

339 E. Main St., New Holland, PA 17557

9AM-4PM New, Retro & Vintage Toys!!! Free admission Plenty Plen Pl len enty ty of of parking park pa rking rkin ingg available avai av a laabl aila bblee For Show Info, Contact:

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14A - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”


Biblical Message

Who do you trust? Author: Wenger Scripture: Jeremiah 17:5 “Thus says the Lord; cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, who’s heart departs from the Lord.” These stinging words from Jeremiah were written to Judah (the northern

kingdom) because they turned from the true God to worship idols. The nation became as the other pagan nations around them. Jeremiah isn’t describing a salvation they had and lost… they lost the very WAY of salvation and trusted in the flesh. How did they turn? Little by little they allowed the world around them to shape their beliefs until they began to worship on “the high hills, by the green trees, and at wooden images” described in verse two of this chapter. Asherah are carved wooden images affixed to the top of a pole. Asherah can also be carved poles or stone pillars. There are various forms of the similar idols. Just like the tower

of Babel when the nations built a tower to worship a god of their own making. In the twenty-first century we are more sophisticated than this, but we do the very same thing…How you say; by believing any of the following: God will accept me on my own merit; I am not a bad person; my good works will outweigh the bad; I have Christian parents; I go to church; success is about money; I am an educated person; and I trust in science. The Bible says, “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” (Jesus Christ) (Acts 4:12) It’s only by acknowledging

our sin and placing our faith in Christ and his finished work on the cross as atonement for our sin that secures salvation. All religions lead to the same path ­ destruction. There will be more religious people in hell than any other type. “Enter through the narrow gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and many are on it but narrow is the gate and narrow is the way which leads to life, and few there be that find it.”(Matthew 7:13, 14). I am talking about a relationship which we can have with God through Christ alone. The difference between religion and this relationship are four letters ­ DONE ­ all religions are



Ephrata United Zion Church 408 E. Fulton St., Ephrata • 717-733-1661 Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. Worship: 10:00 a.m. Pastor Melvin Horst

Bible Study, Prayer Meeting and Kids’ Program held on Wednesday Evenings

Listen to our sermons online at


Reamstown Church of God Arthur T. Karick, Sr. Pastor “Empowered to bring Jesus’ love, healing, and hope to the world” www.petra.church Sunday worship services at 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. 565 Airport Road • New Holland (717) 354-5394 Senior Pastors Lester & Erma Zimmerman

400 Pfautz Hill Rd. P.O. Box 98 Stevens, PA 17578


Bible Baptist Church 45 S. Ninth Street Akron, PA 17501 717-859-8771 Pastor George Frantz Sunday School - 9:30am Church Service - 10:30am Sunday Night - 6:00pm Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting - 7:00pm


515 West Metzler Road, Ephrata, PA 17522 Church Voicemail

717-723-9839 Sunday School: 9:00am Worship: 10:00am www.metzlerchurch.org

47 Cindia Lane, Ephrata 717-733-0396 Pastor Jim Taylor

Assoc. Pastor Keith MacDougall

18 Hahnstown Rd. Ephrata, PA



Kevin Sylvester, Pastor Sunday Worship: 10am HighpointKids, Nursery

Parkview Mennonite Church Reamstown, PA


Sunday Worship: 9:00am Sunday School: 10:00am

Fr. Alexander Goussetis

Sunday Schedule:


Kinzers, PA 17535



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Tuesday Bible Study: 2:00 PM

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This page sponsored by these area businesses:

Home for Funerals, Inc.


Sunday Worship: 9:00 AM Sunday School: 10:30 AM All Ages

Sunday School 9:30 AM Sun. Worship 10:30 AM & 6:00 PM Wed. Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM Thurs. Bible Study 6:30 PM


Sunday Services 10:00 AM, 6 PM Sunday School - 9:00 AM Wednesday Night - 7:00 PM

Ephrata, PA 17522

80 Gockley Road Stevens, PA 17578 Pastor - Timothy Craven

26 Copperfield Circle Lititz, PA 17543


Ephrata, PA 17522

Old Hymns - KJV Traditional Services

Mellingers Evangelical Lutheran Church

Orthodox Christian

Paul L.

333 Wheat Ridge Dr.

Liberty Baptist

be like a shrub in the desert and not see good but inhabit a parched place barren not inhabitable land.” Following Jesus Christ yields in a very different life; Verses seven through eight describe the results of blessings that follow a right relationship with the God of the universe through His Son Jesus Christ. “For he will be like a tree planted by the water that extends its roots by a stream and will not fear when the heat comes; but its leaves will be green and it will not be anxious in a year of drought nor cease to yield fruit.” Don’t trust in man or the flesh departing from the Lord. Believe in the Lord and be saved.



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about DOING and you’re never sure if you did enough. Christianity is Done and it’s His (Christ’s work) and it’s completely done. But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God (Hebrews 10:12). The associated judgment on Judah for “trusting in the flesh” is enumerated in verses one through four of this chapter. Because they turned from the true God to false worship they lost their freedom and went into captivity under Babylon ­ “you will serve your enemies.” They lost their wealth ­ “I will give as plunder your wealth.” Verse six says this person who trusts in man or flesh “shall

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(717) 445-6791


(Blainsport) Reinholds (717) 336-3868


Denver Leola

(717) 556-0791 Spring Mills

(814) 349-2650

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - 15A


Lititz Art Association Meeting

The Lititz Art Association’s next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 25 at 6:30 p.m. at the Lititz Public Library. Jeff Schaller will present a program entitled “Bringing a Studio Tour to Lancaster County.” Jeff has a real passion for art, and it is the reason why he chose one of the oldest mediums to paint with: encaustic. Jeff likes to dive into his subject matter, deciphering the voices in his head and then make them into art. This approach is very clear for Jeff and by the end of his presentation he hopes you will feel the same. Jeff will talk about some of his big breaks, from being on the hit TV show “Friends” and painting murals for Iron Hill Brewery, along with the pitfalls and how things change. In 2008, when the econ­


omy faltered, art sales began to disappear, and Jeff and his fellow artists became dis­ couraged. Jeff decided to change the narrative and so he developed the Studio Tour as a way for artists to sell art, Jeff included. The Studio Tour is a way to crowd­source with artists. They get to share their art with the community, and Jeff decided the county line made a good place to stop the tour. The idea proved successful and he has developed three County Studio Tours, including Chester, Montgomery and Delaware counties. The program is free and open to the public. The purpose of the Lititz Art Association is to foster fine arts and to cooperate with other associations having similar purposes. Membership is open to all interested persons 18 years of age or older. Meetings are held the last Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the Lititz Public Library, 651 Kissel Hill Road, Lititz.

ALLEN, Nickolas J. and Meredith (White), Ephrata, a daughter, at WellSpan Eph­ rata Community Hospital. BEILER, John and Eliza­ beth (Miller), Narvon, a son, at Birth Care and Family Health Services, Bart. BLEVINS, Garrett and Jennifer (Shirey), Lititz, a daughter, at UPMC Lititz. BRENNEMAN, Chad and Miriam (Sensenig), Reinholds, a daughter, at Reading Hospital. BULLARD, Amanda, East Earl, a daughter, at Women & Babies Hospital. BURKHOLDER, Wesley E. and Jolene Z. (Zimmer­ man), Terre Hill, a daughter, at Parochial Medical Center. BUSHONG, Robert and Mande, Lititz, a daughter, at UPMC Lititz. ECKERT, Isiah J. and Lauren (Schlegel), Akron, a son, at Women & Babies Hospital. GERHART, Lester S. Jr. and Hayley (Wilson), Eph­ rata, a son, at WellSpan Eph­ rata Community Hospital. HORNING, Anthony B. and Jody (Good), Akron, a daughter, at WellSpan Eph­ rata Community Hospital. HORST, Jethro Lee and Roxanna, Akron, a son, at Women & Babies Hospital. HOUSE, Aaron and Emily (Douglass), Akron, a son, at home. MALETTEN, Jennifer, and Hugo A. Vargas, Eph­

WO O D F O O D N E L Fruits & Produce, Groceries, S Bulk Foods, Meat & Cheese

Phone (717) 738-9086 1614 DIVISION HWY., EPHRATA, PA 17522

Mon.-Wed. 8:00-6:00; Thurs. & Fri. 8:00-8:30; Sat. 8:00-5:00; Closed Sunday Dreyers Oregon Black Cherry Ice Cream .................... 48 oz.


Outshine Black Cherry or Peach Frozen Yogurt Bars..4 ct. Strawberry Cream Cheese Croissant Dough ........ lb. Cornerstone

Fajita Blend .................. 32



$1.69 $1.89

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Jimmy Dean Meat Lovers

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Tyson Fully Cooked

Crispy Chicken Strips ......................................................40 oz.


1/3 Less Fat Philadelphia Cream Cheese .......... 8 oz.



Cottage Cheese ..........16



Smoked Bacon...........4





Hillshire Farms

Variety Ham............. 48


Crescent Valley Sliced Swiss Cheese............24 oz.



Hershey’s Dark Chocolate/Coconut Bark Thins .................. 20 oz. $3.99 Kellogg’s Low Fat Granola ........................................ lb. 54¢ Nature Valley Sweet & Salty

Granola Bars

........................variety pack, 22 oz. $3.99 Triscuit Combo Pack ............. 34 oz. $4.99 Assorted Flavors Royal Gelatins.. 1.4 oz. 2/$1.00 Mother’s Maid

Blueberry Pie Filling

.....................................................21 oz. $2.99 Best Yet Elbow Macaroni.........16 oz. 69¢ Grocers Garden Ranch or Italian Dressing..........................16 oz. $1.49 Extra Virgin Olive Oil ........................ 34 oz. $4.89


rata, a son, at Women & Babies Hospital. MARTIN, Dale A. and Mary Ann (Hoover), Denver, a son, at home. MARTIN, Jason W. and Susan (Reiff), Ephrata, a daughter, at WellSpan Eph­ rata Community Hospital. MARTIN, Randall and Lucia, East Earl, a daughter, at home. REED, Shaun R. and Jenna, Leola, a daughter, at Women & Babies Hospital. REIFF, John J. and Nancy H. (Martin), Lititz, a son, at home. REYES, Miguel A. and Maria (Millisock), Ephrata, a daughter, at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hos­ pital.

RIEHL, Jonathan L. and Marian F. (Miller), New Holland, a son, at home. RUSSELL, Daniel P. and Joelene (Museousky), Leola, a son, at Women & Babies Hospital. SAYRES, Christopher D. and Elizabeth (Brossman), Ephrata, a son, at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hos­ pital. SENSENIG, Ivan and Ada Mae (Shirk), East Earl, a son, at home. STOLTZFUS, Mervin Ray and Amber (Huber), Lititz, a daughter, at Well­ Span Ephrata Community Hospital. STOLTZFUS, Steve and Sarah Lynn (Smucker), New Holland, a daughter, at UPMC Lititz. UMBLE, Kody M. and Ashley (Fritz), New Holland, a son, at Women & Babies Hospital.

WEAVER, Derek A. and Martina G. (Sensenig), New Holland, a son, at home. WEAVER, Merlin R. and Emily, Lititz, a daughter, at Women & Babies Hospital. ZIMMERMAN, Harold Ray and Marian N. (Burk­ holder), East Earl, a daughter, at home.

Watch for your friends’ names every week! This service is free - all you need to do is provide the required information.

February 19

Grace R. Martin, 3, daughter of Evan and Anna Martin, New Holland. Jackson Isaiah Martin, 8, son of Chris and Roná Martin, Terre Hill. Dane Elliot Zimmerman, 8, son of Sheldon and Maribeth Zimmerman, Ephrata.

February 20

Kadric Paul Martin, 3, son of James and Rosalyn Martin, Lititz. Reuben H. Martin, 12, son of Jesse and Esther Martin, Denver.

Logan James Koch, 5, son of Ryan and Audrey Koch, Front Royal, Virginia, grandson of Jon and Marcy Koch, Adamstown, and Ed and Dolores Mckito, Denver. Chase Nicholas Ruhl, 1, son of Nick and Marianna Ruhl, Lititz. Christopher S. Hoover, 6, son of Wayne and Erla Hoover, Narvon. Michelle Hoover Martin, 4, daughter of Andrew and Martha Martin, Denver. Carrie LaRuth Shirk, 11, daughter of Davin and Lavina Shirk, Denver.

February 23

February 24

Bethany Rose Horning, 1, daughter of Harvey and Darla Jean Horning, East Earl. Jaxton Riley Nolt, 3, son of Kevin and Janelle Nolt, Lititz.

Sierra Michelle Brubacher, 3, daughter of Lavon and Carolyn Brubacher, Ephrata. Jonathan N. Leid, 9, son of Mervin and Wilma Leid, Ephrata. Darryl Sauder Newswanger, 6, son of David and RuthAnn Newswanger, Denver. Miranda Jane Weaver, 3, daughter of Clair and Linda Weaver, Ephrata.

Tanner A. Gantz, 7, son of Staci J. Tobias and Troy A. Gantz, Reinholds.

Luanna N. Leid, 6, daughter of Mervin and Wilma Leid, Ephrata.

February 21

February 22

February 25

1. In order to have your child’s name in the list of birthdays, simply complete the form below and mail to: THE SHOPPING NEWS, P.O. Box 456, 615 E. Main Street, Ephrata, PA 17522 or it may be dropped off at the office. 2. NO NAMES will be accepted over the phone. 3. This service is provided for local children and their parents. Exception: If grandparents are local and child is out of the area, then local grandparents’ names will also appear. Local is defined as The Shopping News distribution area. 4. Limited to ages 1 through 12.




White American Cheese ............................................................ lb. $3.49 Hatfield

Honey Ham ....................... lb. $2.89 Hormel

Sliced Pepperoni ........ lb. $4.59

Deadline is 3 weeks prior to birthday. Age limit 12. Child’s Name ________________________________________________ Age _______ (First)



Birth Date __________________________________________________ Gender _____ (Month)



City ___________________________________________________________________ Honeycrisp Apples......................................3 lb.

Onions.......................................... 3 lb. 99¢ California Asparagus................................. lb. $1.99 Navels ...................................... 8 Cabbage .....................................head 99¢ Potatoes ............................... 10

lb. lb.

$2.49 $2.99 $1.99


Phone _________________________________________________________________ Parent’s Name __________________________________________________________ Local Grandparents’ Names & City (ONLY if child is out of the area): _______________________________________________________________________

16A - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”


Bulletin Board (Continued From Page 13A)

SAT., APRIL 4 - The Bareville Fire Company, 211 East Main St., Leola, will hold an All You Can Eat Breakfast and Chicken Corn


Soup Sale, from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. There is a cost. SAT., APRIL 4 - The Smokestown Fire Company, 860 Smokestown Rd., Den­ ver, will hold a Haus and Pinochle Card Party at 7:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-336-2687. SAT., APRIL 6 - The Upper Leacock Township War Memorial Association will sponsor its monthly

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Indoor Flea Market/Garage Sale at 54 West Main St., Leola, from 6:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. There is no admission charge. For more info., call 717-656-6154. THURS., APRIL 9 Revelations of Freedom Ministries will hold a banquet at Shady Maple Banquet Center, 129 Toddy Dr., East Earl. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Dinner at 6:00

H Y• R E N

SHOP ONLINE at goodsstores.com






p.m. There is a cost. For more info., RSVP by Friday, April 3. Call 717-351-5680 ext. 5. SAT., APRIL 18 - The Schoeneck Fire Company, 125 North King St., Denver, will hold a Mud Sale and Quilt Auction, from 9:00 a.m. to ? Quilt auction at 11:00 a.m. For more info., call 717-336-6767. SAT., APRIL 18 - The


Smokestown Fire Company, 860 Smokestown Rd., Denver, will hold a Haus and Pinochle Card Party at 7:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-336-2687. SUN., APRIL 19 - Ephrata Amvets Ladies Auxiliary will host a Cash Bingo in the Banquet Hall, 614 South State St., Ephrata. Doors open at 2:00 p.m. Bingo starts at 3:00 p.m.





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Store Hours: Weekdays, 8 a.m.-9 p.m. • Saturday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. • Closed Sunday

SAT., APRIL 25 - The Bareville Fire Company, 211 East Main St., Leola, will hold an All You Can Eat Chicken Pot Pie Dinner, from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Purchase by the quart from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. There is a cost. SAT., MAY 2 - The Schoeneck Fire Company, 125 North King St., Denver, will hold a Yard Sale, from 7:00 a.m. to ? There is a cost. For more info., call 717336-6767. SAT., MAY 2 - The Schoeneck Fire Company, 125 North King St., Denver, will hold a Big John Nolt Chicken BBQ Dinner, from 9:00 a.m. to ? There is a cost. For more info., call 717336-6767. SUN., MAY 3 - Ephrata Amvets Ladies Auxiliary will host a Cash Bingo in the Banquet Hall, 614 South State St., Ephrata. Doors open at 2:00 p.m. Bingo starts at 3:00 p.m. WED., MAY 13 - Salem Lutheran Church will host a Bus Trip to Brandywine Valley including a tour of Henry du Pont’s home Winterthur, lunch at Brandywine Prime and wine tasting at Chaddsford Winery. Reservations are due on Tuesday, April 7. Call Stephanie Frymyer at 717733-6057. WED., MAY 13 Weaverland Anabaptist Community, 210 Weaverland Valley Rd., East Earl, will host a Community Meal, from 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Registration is not required. SAT., MAY 16 - The Schoeneck Fire Company, 125 North King St., Denver, will hold an All You Can Eat Seafood Night, from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Advanced tickets only available until Saturday, May 9 (or sold out). Dine in only. For more info. or tickets, call 717336-6767. SUN., JUNE 14 - Ephrata Amvets Ladies Auxiliary will host a Cash Bingo in the Banquet Hall, 614 South State St., Ephrata. Doors open at 2:00 p.m. Bingo starts at 3:00 p.m.

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1. LITERATURE: Which novel introduced the character of Lisbeth Salander? 2. MOVIES: What was the name of Bill Murray’s character in the 1984 “Ghostbusters” film? 3. HISTORY: Roughly how many people migrated from drought-stricken Dust Bowl states in the United States in the 1930s? 4. ENTERTAINMENT: What was the title of the first arcade video game? 5. FAMOUS QUOTATIONS: Which American humorist once observed, “In the spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours”? 6. MUSIC: Which 1980s movie featured the theme song “Don’t You (Forget About Me)” by Simple Minds? 7. TELEVISION: What was the name of Michael Knight’s car on the series “Knight Rider”? 8. GEOGRAPHY: Which country lies between India and China? 9. PSYCHOLOGY: What fear is represented in the condition called “heliophobia”? 10. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name of the pound sign on a keyboard? Answers 1. “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” 2. Dr. Peter Venkman 3. About 2.5 million 4. Pong 5. Mark Twain 6. “The Breakfast Club” 7. KITT (Knight Industries Two Thousand) 8. Nepal 9. Fear of the sun 10. Octothorpe © 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.


• On February 22, 1732, George Washington is born in Westmoreland County, Virginia. As leader of the Continental Army in the American Revolution, his success was due in part to his shrewd use of the “un­ gentlemanly,” but effective, tactic of guerrilla warfare against British armies used to close-formation battleline warfare. • On February 19, 1878, the technology that made possible the modern music business comes into exis­ tence in a New Jersey lab­ oratory as Thomas Edison creates the first device to both record sound and play it back: the phonograph. • On February 18, 1885, Mark Twain publishes his famous -- and famously controversial -- novel “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.” Twain first introduced Huck Finn as the best friend of Tom Sawyer, hero of his novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” (1876). • On February 17, 1947, with the words, “Hello! This is New York calling,” the United States Voice of America begins transmitting its radio broadcasts into the Soviet Union. The VOA began in 1942 as a radio program designed to explain America’s policies during World War II and to bolster the morale of its allies. • On February 23, 1958, Formula One champion Juan Manuel Fangio of Argentina is kidnapped in Cuba by a group of Fidel Castro’s rebels. Fangio was taken from his Havana hotel the day before the Cuba Grand Prix and was released unharmed after the race ended. • On February 21, 1970, national security adviser Henry Kissinger begins secret peace talks with North Vietnamese representative Le Duc Tho at a villa outside Paris. The North Vietnamese were demanding an unconditional United States withdrawal on a fixed date. • On February 20, 1998, American Tara Lipinski wins the gold medal in women’s figure skating at the Olympic Winter Games in Nagano, Japan, becoming the sport’s youngest gold medalist at age 15.



SHOPPING NEWS of Lancaster County


Wednesday, February 19, 2020 • Volume LIV, No. 45

Hinkletown Mennonite To Present Classic Story From C.S. Lewis

Hinkletown Mennonite School (HMS) middle school students will present “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” on Friday, February 28 and Saturday, February 29 at the school

campus. This classic story from C.S. Lewis draws the audience into the world of Narnia with Aslan, the great lion, in his struggle with the White Witch, and four siblings who

wander through an old wardrobe into this story of faith, forgiveness and redemption. Performances include a dinner theater at 5:30 p.m. on Friday, February 28, followed

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese by two performances on works hard, knows their Saturday, February 29 at lines and gets into character, 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. it really comes alive.” “We have a great cast,” Director Becky Degan shares eighth grader Isabelle agrees, “There are so many Stauffer. “When everyone (Continued On Page 2B)

Elementary Schools Celebrate 100th Day With Inspiring Activities

9 Spiritual Renewal Services

The Mohler Church of the Brethren is holding Spiritual Renewal Services beginning Sunday morning, March 1 at 10:10 a.m. through Tuesday evening, March 3. Evening services begin at 7:00 p.m. The guest speaker is Rev. J. Eric Brubaker, a team-pastor of the Middle Creek Church of the Brethren. The sermon titles are: • Sunday a.m. - The Power of Faith • Sunday p.m. - The Glori­ ous State of the Church • Monday p.m. - The Promise of Hope • Tuesday p.m. - The Perm­ anence of Love The Mohler Church is located at 21 East Mohler Church Road in Ephrata. All are invited to these services.

Elementary students dis­ trict wide participate in a variety of learning activities inspired by their 100th day of school every year. This year, Highland and Fulton Elementary School kinder­ garten students expanded upon the concept and

created special 100-themed projects. They also hosted a “100th Day Museum” where classmates, teachers, and District administrators viewed all projects on display and interacted with the students to learn more about each project.

There was a high level of student enthusiasm and creativity among projects that utilized 100 of the same materials to craft anything of students’ choosing, in­ cluding a toothpick sailboat, popsicle stick cabin, Swed­ ish Fish bowl and much

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese more. Not only did the and critical thinking. projects help students with Shown in the photo, from math concepts, including left to right, are Maleia counting to 100, it also Rachor, Christopher Scheir­ utilized their 4Cs skills by er, Aiden Lytle and Alex­ encouraging collaboration, communication, creativity ander Black.

2B - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

Hinkletown Mennonite Play (Continued From Page 1B)

different parts of the story that come together in the characters. It is really great to see the students bring the story to life as they discover it.” Mrs. Degan returns for the third year as director for HMS middle school. She also directed “Anne of Green Gables” in 2018 and “Twain’s Tales” in 2019. Mrs. Degan is the Associate Pastor of Worship and Christian Education at Forest Hills Mennonite Church in Leola. All middle school students participate in the production in some way, whether through acting, tech crew, props, set construction, or service at the dinner theater. “It’s about teamwork,” shares Mr. Jeremy Horning, Middle School Coordinator. “We all have different gifts. In this type of project, students can use their unique gifting to work as a team and glorify God. They can

recognize other people’s strengths and that there are things that you can’t do alone—you need a team.” A Student Tech Team handles sound and lighting with support from HMS parents. Other teams gather, organize and prepare props for the show and handle promotions. The students and director are supported by current and former par­ ents, faculty and staff, handling everything from backstage management, and prop and set design and creation, to student logistics, sound and lighting oversight and meal preparation. HMS has offered drama pro­ ductions to the local community since 1988. For details and reser­ vations, call 717-354-7100. There is a cost to attend either performance. Hinkle­ town Mennonite School is located at 272 Wanner Road, one-half mile north of route 322 in Hinkletown. Shown in the photo, from left to right, are Nicole Martin (7th grade), Melina Beidler (7th grade), Jason Cassel (7th grade) and Matthew Degan (7th grade).

Foundation Receives Donation

Two Fulton Bank Cocalico Office employees recently visited the Cocalico School District Administration Office to present a generous donation to the Cocalico Education Foundation (CEF). Steven DeRise, Vice President/Group Manager, and Laurie Sauder, Financial Center Supervisor, presented the $5,000 check to Lesley Stricker, CEF Treasurer. The money, donated as

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part of The Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program (EITC), will be used to help fund initiatives focused on cultural experiences, the arts and literacy. The CEF manages the donations and awards money to deserving programs that are not funded by the district and the local tax base. Thus, thanks to Fulton Bank and

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AFCP has tried to verify the authenticity of all the ads listed in the PennCanNetwork, but has found this almost impossible. We suggest before making any kind of financial commitment you contact the local Better Business Bureau and under NO circumstances send any money in advance.

On Wednesday, February 19, the Historical Society of the Cocalico Valley will sponsor “Presenting Our Past,” an illustrated program exploring the history of the Society’s Moore Connell Mansion and its builders, members of the Connell and Konigmacher families. Presenter Jean Sweigart will weave genealogy and history to relate the ways in which the families associated with the Mansion (which now houses the Society’s museum) influenced the development of Ephrata and the surrounding community. The changing technology, economy, industry and social customs of the periods reviewed are integrated into the presentation, which will also touch upon the founding of the Historical Society. “Presenting Our Past” will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church, 167 East Main Street, Ephrata, at 7:00 p.m. Admission is free, and everyone interested is invited to attend. For more information, please contact the Society at 717-7331616, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday.

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other local businesses, additional opportunities that encourage more productive, motivated students are possible. The Cocalico Education Foundation is a 501(c) (3) charitable organization managed by a board of trustees, which includes local school and civic leaders. For more information, please call 717-336-1413.

Historical Society Program

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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News� - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - 3B

Akron Elementary School Year-End Mountaineers Named

Community Blood Drive To Be Held

The Central PA Blood Bank is planning a Comm­ unity Blood Drive at Fairmount in Ephrata on Thursday, February 20, from 11:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. The blood drive will be held in the Farm Crest Community Room at 1100 Farm Crest Drive on the east side of the Fairmount campus. You may schedule an appointment by calling 1-800-771-0059, but walkins are also welcome until 6:00 p.m. Please bring a photo ID with you when you come to donate. All donors will receive a certificate for a buy-one-get-one-free breakfast or lunch at Shady Maple. Please take this opportunity to donate blood. Since there is no substitute for human blood and donors are the only source, this is a wonderful gift to those in need from all walks of life. Every two seconds, someone needs blood, and the demand for blood continues to increase. In Central Penn­ sylvania, 275 to 300 units of blood and blood products are needed at area hospitals daily. An adequate supply is crucial to the survival of cancer patients, accident victims, children with blood disorders, and many others. Your donation helps to save and enhance the lives of these people, as just one pint of your blood can save as many as four lives.

Akron Elementary School wrapped up the year with the selection of the Mountaineer Slip winners for December. Shown in the photo are, from left to right, (first row) Madeline Jasinski, Aurora Buchter, Jacob Horting, Lucas Heft, Braydon Trimble, Parker Gehman, Marquise Bland­ ing; (second row) Misty Zook, Chloe Wisniewski, Lexi Williams, Isabella Spohn, Paul May, Marcus Bedoya, Macyn Andes, Emma Hubbard; (third row) Skyla Baker, Jacob Will, Max Newlin, Kendall Lawson, Maria Martin, Owen Carvell, Evan Gaddini, Bryce Schmidt; (fourth row) Elexa Teel, Evan Castaneda, Andrew Schnettler, Liam Sawyer, Maddox Shirk, Kierra Peters and Grant Goeke. From Minor Tune-Ups to Major Repairs!

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese

Missing from the photo is Philip Shkurko.


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4B - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

Everybody’s Marketplace FOR SALE: New wooden painted porch rocker, some with distressed edges. $200 a set with free s/table. Hoover, 773 Lauschtown, Denver, PA FOR SALE: New 24” Crafts-­ 17517. man snow blower. Call 717336-7611. FOR SALE: Compact Ellipti-­ cal exercise equipment Stam-­ Need some extra cash? Call ina Inmotion E3000, new our office at 717-738-1151 to sell your unwanted items paid $125, sell $70 OBO. 717-803-9430. in The Shopping News!

For Sale

FOR SALE: Black laptop shoulder bag, brand new, $20 OBO. 717-803-9430. FOR SALE: Reject OSB 4x8 sheeting, 5/8”, $9.57. 7/16”, $7.73. Reject plywood 3/4”, $13.40 each. 5/8”, $11.60, 1/2”, $8. Call for full unit discounts. 717-445-5222.

FOR SALE: Custom built re-­ placement windows and doors. Professional installa-­ tion. Call Ronafa Window & Door, 717-733-7534 or visit our showroom at 400 W. Main St, Ephrata in the Eph-­ rata Business Complex. Thank You!

FOR SALE: New sliding patio door, Anderson 100 series, FOR SALE: New Nike Phila-­ Bronze 6’ wide 8’ wide hight, delphia Eagles shirt, men’s $350. Pre-hung entrance size medium, $20. 717-803- doors starting at $180. Slate 9430. Road, 717-445-5222.

Employees must be able to stand, reach, bend, pull, push or lift more than 50 lbs. for an extended period of time. Starting hourly wage is $10.00. Immediate paid holidays. After 30 days employees are eligible to participate in our Health, Dental & Vision Insurances and after 60 days with our 401K plan. Stop by between 8am and 4pm, Monday through Thursday or Friday until 2pm at our location:

FOR SALE: Shower units, 60”W x 78”H, $298. Water heaters, A O Smith electric 50 gal. 5500W, $329. 36 gal,. $305, 30 gal., $279. Slate Road, 717-445-5222.

FOR SALE: Wheelchair, 450lbs., 22” seat. Brand new, $125. Call 717-371-5064. FOR SALE: New Philadelphia Eagles men’s size medium shirt, $10. 717-803-9430.


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Full Time Employees Hatchery & Cleaning Crew

SALE: Bariatric FOR SALE: Sparrow trap, FOR $60; Starling/Sparrow re-­electric patient lift, DRIVE sistant suet feeder, $12; model, #13244, 600lb. ca-­ sparrow resistant bluebird pacity, excellent condition, house, $13; Suet log feeder, brand new batteries which attracts bluebirds, $10; Pur-­ plug into wall to recharge, 2 body slings included. $650. ple Martin House, $300. 717717-445-0112. 733-2030.


Office Help/ Truck Dispatch Email resume to:


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No phone calls.

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FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000000-0000.

FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000000-0000.

FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000000-0000.

FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000-000-0000.

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Boxes can be added at a rate of $2.00 per week.

FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000000-0000. FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000-000-0000.

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Pets & Animals Produce/Edibles Real Estate/Mobile Homes Recreation/Sporting Goods RVs/Campers Seasonal

� 200 � 210 � 220 � 230

NOTICE Misc. Garage Sale Announcements Lost and Found

� 300 � 310 � 320 � 330

HELP OFFERED � 350 HELP WANTED Misc. � 360 BUSINESS Childcare/Babysitting OPPORTUNITIES Cleaning Services WANTED Home & Lawn � 400 Misc. � 410 To Buy

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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - 5B

FOR SALE: Flags, flag-­ poles, bunting, flag cases, lapel pins, hats, garden FOR SALE: Antique 3 piece flags, eagles, brackets, bedroom suite, make offer. etc. American Flag Electric scooter chair, like Shoppe, near Adamstown. new, $1,000 OBO. 717-949Our American flags are 4226. made in America! 717FOR SALE: Full size box-­ 484-1183.

FOR SALE: Firewood, sea-­ son/dry, mixed hardwood, $130/cord. 3 old wooden pane windows, 4’5”x4’8”. 717-733-6713, Ephrata.

FOR SALE: Good used sheds, all sizes, $150-$850, no Sun-­ day calls. 717-673-2303.

spring, mattress, sheets, comforter, $250. New, never used. Call 717-341-4214.

FOR SALE: Oil fired boiler burner unit furnace, ten years old, good condition, $500 OBO. Call 717-3719855.

FOR SALE: ISO Insulation, 4’x 8’ rejects 1/2”, $8, 2.50” R15, $25. 3” R15.6, $27, 1.50” with OSB, $20.50/ each, 12 oz window & door foam, $3.99 skid lot, $2 each. 717-445-5222.

FOR SALE: Matco toolbox, model 1220, 9 drawer, $600. Briggs Stratton 8HP engine, $125. Craftsman gas pressure washer, 2,000PSI, 5HP, new pump, $200. 717-445-8574.

FOR SALE: Older manuals & parts for Ford & Chrysler products. Also, some cycle items. 717-330-2899.

FOR SALE: PartyLite can-­ dle products. All-natural ingredients, Scentstix, Scentblends are 2 for $25. Catalog sent on request. 717-351-0413.

FOR SALE: Heavy duty land-­ scape trailer, 15” wheels, like new, 6x12, 3,000lb capacity, $1050. 717-587-3081.

FOR SALE: Endura battery powered trolling motor, $115. Aluminum 40’ exten-­ sion ladder, slightly used, FOR SALE: Mouse for com-­ puter, great condition, $5. garage kept, $249. 610-777- 717-803-9430. 1072. FOR SALE: 2 woooden snow FOR SALE: Stained glass sleds, bowling ball and bag, sheets, all colors, starting $25 each, golf clubs and bag, $35. 717-587-3081. at $5. Call 717-341-4214. It’s easy to place a classified ad! Visit our office at 615 E. Main St., Ephrata, or submit your ad at www.snews.com!

FOR SALE: Pet cages, XL PVC coated folding w/floor tray, 48” L.32”W.36”H. $79.95. Black standing seam job pack, $1.25 sq.ft. 717-4455222.

Career Opportunities Pine Hill Trailers is a custom trailer and truck body manufacturer in search of career-oriented individuals for the following positions:


Constructing and welding trailers in our manufacturing facility. Preference given to those with experience in welding aluminum and steel.


Setting up, operating, and maintaining a variety of machine tools to produce precision parts and instruments.


Material selection, loading and unloading with overhead cranes, quality control and documentation, and working within a tight production schedule. While previous experience is preferred for the above positions, we are willing to train the right people. All positions are full-time and require 45-50 hours a week. Benefits include competitive wages, paid holidays and vacation, health insurance, and a retirement savings plan. Please apply in person or send your resume to: 125 King Court New Holland, PA 17557 HR@PineHillTrailers.com

Experience is preferred, but not required. We will train the right people. If you are willing to work hard, exceed customer expectations and be rewarded for your efforts, Gus’s will be a great fit for you. Apply in person at the restaurant.



3687 R Rothsville th ill Rd., Rd Ephrata (717) 738-7381 1050 W. Main St., Mount Joy (717) 653-2140

HELP WANTED • Construction/Driver • Driver w/CDL

Full-time opportunity with competitive wages & benefits.

DML Poured Walls

Gordonville, PA • 717-768-0743

FOR SALE: Whirlpool front loading washer, $350. Maytag dryer, $350. Both in great condition. 717-2010915.

Auto/Truck FOR SALE: 2008 Ford F150, 160K, white, V8, ext. cab., new battery, minor rust, topper, $4,500. Well maint. 4x4. Please call 717484-4964.


FOR SALE: 2004 Avalanche truck, cap, 114,000 miles, good condition. $9,499 OBO. 717-917-1189.

FOR SALE: Side by side re-­ frigerator. Ice and water through door, 22.4 cubic feet, white. Very good condi-­ tion. $400 OBO. 610-6852002.

FOR SALE: 2000 VW Jetta, gas manual, 175K, current inspection, serviced, new battery, needs minor body work. Great work car, $795 OBO. 717-572-1037.


Construction/ Mechanical?

See our special section on

Page 8B


Local Trash and Recycle Company seeking Drivers. Normal work week Monday through Friday. Requirements: Must be 21 years of age. Air Brake endorsement. Position offers a competitive salary and a full benefits package. Send resume or apply in person: Eagle Disposal Human Resources 1245 Eagles Way PO Box 288 • East Earl, PA 17519

Help Wanted Part Time Bus Person

Your Custom Countertop Company

Apply in Person

Janitor Part-Time Immediate opening for a 2nd Shift Janitor.

Manufacturing Techs

Monday-Friday, 1:00-4:00 p.m. (Hours may vary)

CounterTek Inc. is a fast-growing company that manufactures quality custom countertops for the kitchen and bath industry. We are looking for motivated individuals that want the opportunity to join our team! We are looking for a few good people with great work ethic and attitudes. You will have an opportunity to work with the best people in the countertop industry. We are a family-oriented company with great benefits.

Apply in person to:

Standard work week: Monday through Friday, 6am-2:30pm plus overtime

FOR SALE: A portable dish-­ washer, $300 OBO. Works great, must sell. Has a butch-­ er block on top. Call 717335-2060.

Bright’s Restaurant

Your Independent Restaurant for over 59 Years

1025 S. State Street & Rt. 272, Ephrata


MGS, Inc. 178 Muddy Creek Church Road Denver, PA 17517 jobs@mgsmail.com


Skills/Qualifications: • • • • •

Must be able to use measuring tools and apply basic math skills Must be able to lift and/or move up to 50 lbs. Pay attention to detail and accuracy Team player No experience necessary. WE WILL TRAIN!

Employees of CounterTek are offered the following compensation and benefits: • • • • •

$12-$15 per hour based on work experience 100% paid employee health insurance 100% paid long term disability insurance Competitive paid vacation policy and paid holidays 4% 401K match

Ephrata & Akron Routes Available Employment Opportunities

FT 3rd Shift Resident Care Aide FT Household Team:

If you are a team player that is willing to learn, consider CounterTek!

Housekeeping & Activities Duties

Applications may be submitted Monday through Friday, 8am-4pm

1215 Ridge Avenue, Ephrata, PA 17522



Will train the right individual.

PT Household Team:

Online Applications Available:


Stop in to complete an application at 2587 Valley View Road, Morgantown, PA 19543 610-286-5000 ext. 124

CounterTek is an Equal Opportunity Employer

The Perfect Opportunity to Make a Difference

Fax: 717-336-2381

Carriers have flexible delivery times. Route salary plus mileage paid bi-weekly. Requirements

• 18 years or older • Have own transportation, valid Driver’s License and motor vehicle insurance • Able to lift up to 35 lb. newspaper bags into vehicle • Abilit y to follow written driving directions and carrier route maps


Applications are available at

SHOPPING NEWS of Lancaster County

615 East Main Street, Ephrata (Monday, 7:30am-4:30pm; Tuesday-Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm; Saturday, 8:00am-12:00pm

Or application can be downloaded from our website at: www.snews.com (Click on forms - Carrier Employment Application)

6B - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” FOR SALE: 1999 Dodge Durango, 227,000 miles, 4x4, runs good, inspected till 9/ 20, $950. 717-392-9138. FOR SALE: 2004 Buick LeSabre Limited, absolutely beautiful, tan w/gold interior, every option, runs good, inspected til 8/20. $3,500 OBO. Serious buyers please. Call 717-5725379.

Household/Furniture FOR SALE: Custom built replacement windows and doors. Professional installation. Call Ronafa Window & Door, 717-733-7534, or visit our showroom at 400 W. Main St, Ephrata in the Ephrata Business Center. Thank You!

Shirt Pressing Machine Operator Flexible hours for the parent that needs to get their kids off to school and then back when they come home. Modern Cleaners Inc. in Ephrata needs to fill a position due to retirement. Approximately 6 hours of work per day (Mon. thru Fri.) Vacation and holiday pay based on hours worked. $11.00/hour. Apply in person at: Modern Cleaners, Inc.

254 W. Fulton St., Ephrata, PA 17522 Call 717-733-2504 if you have any questions.

FOR SALE: Brown chenille couch, good condition, $350. 717-2010915. FOR SALE: Discount Mattresses, Sealy, Stearn and Foster, Spring Air brands, king, queen, full and twin sizes, pillow top memory foam models. Large selection 50% to 75% off retail. 114 Hurst Rd., Ephrata. 717-445-9153.

Lawn & Garden FOR SALE: I move sheds. Unwanted shed? Need shed delivered? Large or small moved. Call 717405-6733. FOR SALE: Think spring. Check out our selection of used riding mowers/lawn mowers. 717-445-5090.

Grounds Maintenance No experience needed. These are year-round positions. Excellent compensation plans. Seeking FT team members who can maintain the appearance/upkeep of our Lancaster-area residential communities. Work involves mowing, trimming, pruning, planting, snow removal and other related outdoor tasks. These positions are year-round. Qualified individuals will possess a PA driver’s license, HS/GED, familiarity with lawn care equipment and the ability to work in a team

environment with limited supervision. Great pay rates, full benefits and more. Will train! Apply at:

www.high.net/careers EEO M/F/Disability/Vet

Motorcycles/ATV’s FOR SALE: Instant cash paid for motorcycles & ATVs. Call John, 610-637-9447.

Pets & Animals FOR SALE: AKC Champion bloodline English Labrador Retrievers, vet checked, dewormed and vaccinated. 5 females, 1 male, $1,500. 717468-7156, ready Feb. 14. FOR SALE: 2 AKC registered English Bulldog puppies, call for details. 717445-8443. FOR SALE: Jug puppies, shots, dewormed, vet checked. $600. Call 717342-7979. FOR SALE: Cockapoo puppies, family raised, dewormed, UTD on shots. Buff colored, 12 weeks, $495. 717-278-7101.

FOR SALE: AKC German Shorthair puppies. Tails docked, dewclaws removed, up to date on shots. Will come with all paperwork. Ready 3/2020. Text/call 717-575-6731 for pics/info. Puppies handled by adults/ children daily, reside in our home. White/brown/roan/ tick color. 5 males, 2 females available. $950. Lititz.

FOR SALE: German shorthaired pointer/Standard Poodle puppies, black, family raised, health charts, friendly disposition, ready to go, $250. 717-269-9139. FOR SALE: Patterdale terrier/pug mix puppies. White with black spots and 1 tan/ brindle. Will have first shots & wormed. Available 2/24, claim now, $200. 717-4901868. FOR SALE: Jack Russell Shihtzu mix puppies, 2 females, very cute and playful. Born 11/12/19, had 1st shots and dewormed, ready for a new playmate. Call 717821-5485.

FOR SALE: Bernadoodle puppies, vet checked and up to date on shots. Ready now, $500 OBO. 717-7218185. FOR SALE: Golden Retriever puppies, AKC, PennHIP certified line, family raised, vet checked, shots/wormed, ready 2/29. $800. 717-3802273. FOR SALE: Jack Russell mix puppies, very friendly and energetic, UTD on shots and wormer. Ready now, $350. Call now to reserve, 717-4459727.

Produce/Edibles FOR SALE: 100% Grassfed Angus beef, no hormones or antiobiotics. 1/4, 1/2 or whole. Nelson Nolt, Leola. 717-556-0701. Read your ad the first week it appears! This publication will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement.

W JOB OPPORTUNITIES W • WELDER FABRICATOR • ELECTRICIAN • INSTALLATION / SERVICE TECH Experience preferred for these positions, but we will train a qualified candidate. Offering competitive wages and benefits. If you desire to work in a wholesome and friendly environment, please send us your resumé! 608 E. Evergreen Rd. Email to vernonm@afsproducts.com or mail to:

Automatic Farm Systems

Lebanon, PA 17042 717-274-5333 ext. 105

Come Join Our Team!

Protective Services Case Aide Senior The Lancaster County Office of Aging is currently looking for a qualified individual to provide support services for the Protective Services Casework team. This individual will conduct reassessments of older adults to confirm the risk has been addressed, perform data entry in consumer records, establish care plans, service orders, service authorizations, run consumer errands and transport consumers to appointments as needed. Minimum Requirements: • One year Aging Case Aide 1, OR 2 years public contact work including 1 year in a Human Service program, OR any equivalent combination of experience and training For detailed information and to apply, go to our website at www.co.lancaster.pa.us “Job Opportunities” look for position 2321, or visit our Human Resources Office, in the Lancaster County Government Building, 150 North Queen Street, Suite 312, Lancaster. EOE

NOW HIRING! Smucker’s Hardscaping is looking for a motivated individual to join our team. Driver’s License Required

“Creating the Backyard of Your Dreams” PA124260

Paver & Flagstone Patios Retaining Walls Stone Veneering • Masonry PA I D H O L I D AY S & B E N E F I T S C O M P E T I T I V E WA G E S OV E R T I M E Contact Melvin Smucker 717.940.2376


is now hiring

Apply within:

325 N. Reading Rd., Ephrata

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - 7B

Real Estate


FOR SALE: By owner. 76 Muddy Creek Church Road, Denver. 2 story townhouse, 1300 sq. ft., finished plus full unfinished basement, 2BR, 1-1/2BA, hardwood floors, 2 car detached gar-­ age, CA, oil heat, $149,000. 717-587-6543.

NOTICE: Quilt Preview, March 5-7. Shop hand-­ made rugs, quilting sup-­ plies, books and see 100+ heirloom quilts. Free ad-­ mission. Thursday & Fri-­ day, 9am-8pm. Saturday, 9am-3pm. Material Re-­ sources Center, 517 West Trout Run Road, Ephra-­ ta. Info., call 717-7332847.

NOTICE: Fishing char-­ ters on Lake Ontario/St. Lawrence River. Bass, perch, pike, salmon, walleye. Email marinecrafts@tds.net or text 717-376-7595 for prices.

NOTICE: Moving Sale, Saturday, 2/22, 8am. In-­ side, rain or shine. Household items, fur-­ niture, artwork. 237-B Grant Street, Ephrata.

NOTICE: Huge Garage Sale, Friday, 2/21, 9am-1pm. Pampered Chef, lots of NOTICE: Custom built re-­ books, shoes, shirts, dresses, FOR SALE: Wooded lot .84 placement windows and jars, and lots more. 174 Na-­ acres, camping, hunting, log-­ doors. Professional installa-­ pierville Rd., Ephrata. ging. Boating 1/2 mile to Pe-­ tion. Call Ronafa Window & NOTICE: Huge Yard Sale, quea, public boat launch. Door, 717-733-7534, or visit 532 Bridgevalley Rd. Pequea, NOTICE: We accept brush, our showroom at 400 W. Feb. 20-22. Thur. afternoon $20,000. 717-715-5751. trimmings, grass clippings, Main St, Ephrata in the Eph-­ 3pm-8pm, Fri. morning trees and stumps for a small rata Business Center. Thank 7am-1pm, Sat. 7am-? So much childrens clothing, fee. Call Martin Mulch for You! infant through size 8 some information. 717-733larger, shoes, girls dresses, 1602. few cape dresses, misc. housewares, etc., Norwex NOTICE: Piano lessons. Su-­ products. Come check it FOR SALE: Oak firewood. san Lambert, lessons for all out. 214 Hahnstown Rd., Sat unsplit 2 years. Re-­ ages. 717-371-4742, 11 Ephrata. cently split. 1/2 cord, $40. Brookfield Drive, Ephrata, 717-949-4082. PA.

Sporting Goods

Garage Sale



No Experience Needed, Ability to Learn

Multiple Jobs


• Competitive Wages and Benefits • Valid Driver’s License Required

SIGN ON BONUS UP TO $2,500 TO THE RIGHT CANDIDATE! We are looking for an individual with a minumum two years’ experience installing/servicing Security, Fire, CCTV and Access Control Systems.


A clean driving record and criminal background check is a MUST!


We offer a company paid health plan, competitive wage, 4 day work week, company vehicle and retirement plan.

Entry level position loading trash and recycle for residential customers. Position offers a competitive salary and a full benefits package.

Please email robin@alwinesecurity.com.

Please apply in person:

Eagle Disposal

1245 Eagles Way, East Earl, PA 17519

NOTICE: Indoor Multi-Fami-­ ly Garage Sale, Saturday, 2/ 22, 6am-? Household, kitch-­ en, men’s items, health & beauty, cool vintage clothing, boots (Sorel, Frye, Justin+), dress fabric, women’s cloth-­ ing in a range of sizes and lots more. Many items are new. $1 bin and free pile. 771 Wallace Road, New Holland. NOTICE: Multi-Family Gar-­ age Sale, Saturday, February 22, 6:30 am. Clothes, NBadult, lots of boy & girl clothes, NB-12 months, baby swing, car seat, jumper & ac-­ tivity table. Keuring, house-­ wares, country & farmhouse decor. 2902 Rothsville Road, Ephrata (in market). Advertise your unwanted items in The Shopping News! Call our office at 717-738-1151.

NOTICE: 10 Family Base-­ ment Sale, Friday, Feb. 21, 2:30-6pm, Saturday, 7am11. Like new baby furniture, Graco forever car seat, swing, jogging stroller, lots of cloth-­ ing and housewares, honey-­ comb window shade, new, 100 dresses, many like new. 114 Pool Rd., Ephrata.

NOTICE: Garage Sale, February 29, 7am-3pm. Most items new. Mili-­ tary, kitchen items, hunting, camping, clean-­ ing supplies, ammo., cast iron, mats, household, shoes, boots, much more. Lots of dollar items. Brecknock Town-­ ship Fire Hall, 1153 Kurtz Mill Road, Mohn-­ ton.


Plumbing & HVAC Service Tech • Medical Insurance • Vacation • Holidays • 401K • On Call Pay Local Work. Drug Screening required. E.O.E. M/F Valid Driver’s License required. Apply in person or email application to jandj@jandj.net Download employee application from the “Contact Us” page on our website www.jandj.net 136 KELLER AVENUE, LANCASTER

E.O.E. M/F



Full-time position available for an

Assistant Director

to work in our Christian Child Care Center. Requirements include B.S. in Education or a related human services field. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY!


3rd Shift Openings Sunday – Thursday, 6:00 p.m. – 2:30 a.m. Are you a night owl and like your weekends? Then we have a job for you! Painters: Spray surfaces of heavy steel and casting fabrications with protective prime and top coat paints per customer requirements. Previous industrial painting experience preferred, but will train. Ability to perform moderate to heavy lifting required.

We offer competitive wages, medical, dental, vision, life insurance, 401(k) with company match, profit sharing, paid holidays and vacations.



Paint Prep: Perform required prep work of heavy steel and casting fabrications. 3rd Shift Press & Shear Operator: Operator will learn to set up a variety of equipment as they build metalworking skills. You will use your experience to fabricate parts running brake presses, shears, saw and other metal forming equipment. Fabricating knowledge and machine set-up a plus. Able to lift up to 50 pounds. Tow motor experience a plus.


•KITCHEN FOOD PREP •SNACK BAR RESTAURANT Morning, Lunch & Dinner Hours Available.

FT positions include Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, Disability, Discount card, Vacation options PT & FT include 401k w/Company Match

Apply to:

MGS, Inc.


178 Muddy Creek Church Road Denver, PA 17517 jobs@mgsmail.com www.mgsincorporated.com

Applications may be placed at Weaver Markets - Adamstown. Questions regarding the positions should be directed to Mark at 717-484-4302.

*All applicants must support the mission & values of Fairmount*

333 Wheat Ridge Dr. Ephrata, PA 17522


We’d Love To Have You Join Our Team! Cer�fied Nursing Assistant

RN and LPN

Full Time and Part Time - days, evenings or nights; includes every other weekend plus PRN

Unit Secretary

Part Time - 16 hours/week; includes day and evening hours plus PRN

Part Time - days or evenings; includes every other weekend


Part Time - Maintenance/Security; 1 weekend/month

Dining Server

Part Time - 16-24 hours/week plus PRN, includes every other weekend

Comprehensive Benefits Packages are available. Interested applicants can stop by or apply at www.FairmountHomes.org

Contact Sue at (717) 859-2032 ext. 223 Applications accepted through Friday, February 21, 2020 Located on Rt. 272 & Fulton Streets, Akron Akron Grace E.C. Church


Elite Coach Is Currently Hiring Full-Time and Part-Time Drivers

• Drive First Class Equipment on Private Charters • Professional Hospitality and Tourism Environment • Flexible Scheduling • Clean Driving Record and Class B CDL License Required • Training Available

For more information, and to apply, visit:


Truck Driver (Class A CDL) Kreider Farms in Manheim, PA is looking for Truck Drivers to join our transportation team. Kreider Farms drivers deliver fresh milk, eggs, and ice cream to customers throughout the Northeast. Qualified candidates will have a valid Class A CDL driver’s license and the ability to complete paperwork and comply with all DOT regulations. Drivers must be friendly, customer service oriented, organized, and reliable. Drivers may be responsible for the loading/unloading of all products at certain locations. 50+ hours per week. Weekend and holiday work as needed. Hours may vary based on routes. Eligible for quarterly $500 Safety Bonus. Kreider Farms offers all team members excellent benefits including health insurance and 401K retirement plan after 60 days, vacation, holiday pay, uniforms, and shoe allowances. To apply, please stop by the Kreider Farms Welcome Center, which is located at 1463 Lancaster Road, Manheim, PA 17545 or apply online to jobs@kreiderfarms.com.

8B - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

Announcements NOTICE: Bus Trips. Miami Key West, April 18-26, $990. Branson Show Trip, July 25August 2, $925. Call Gail, 717-383-3587 or Gerry at 717-679-2848 or 717-8667809.


Come work for the #1 voted alarm company in Lancaster county over 15 years running! Dependability is a must. Electronics background, troubleshooting skills, CCTV, DMP, Honeywell, Firelite, Bosch, GE-EST/I-O systems, NICET certification a plus. WILL TRAIN. We offer competitive wages, paid medical & life insurance, 401k, vacation & holiday benefits. Salary/wages dependent on experience. Clean background check/ driving record is required.


Apply within or send resume to jreigner@yarnellsecurity.com

Help Offered

HELP OFFERED: Basic med trained caregiver is looking to care for your loved one in their home. 18 years experi-­ ence, will provide light cook-­ ing, cleaning and transpor-­ tation. References upon re-­ quest. 717-681-5314.

HELP OFFERED: New shin-­ gles, roofs, rubber roofing systems, roof repairs, com-­ posite flooring systems, in-­ terior 1/2 bath, trim, dry-­ wall repairs, fully insured. OFFERED: Cory’s Free estimates, call Jim HELP 717-305-0385. Handyman Service is looking to fix those things around the HELP OFFERED: Experi-­ enced electrician and han-­ house in need of repair, so dyman services, licensed you don’t have to. No job too and insured. Free esti-­small. So call, 717-723mates. Call Jim, 717-575- 0277. Reasonable rates/in-­ 2147. sured. PA#103368.



Class 8 Parts, Inc., a heavy duty truck parts distributor, is looking for friendly, positive, reliable and dedicated people to join our growing company.

FULL-TIME Warehouse Associate

Qualified person must possess the following: Ability to multi-task, detail oriented, positive attitude, self motivated, basic computer skills, and the ability to provide excellent service to our customers. We are willing to train an enthusiastic individual. *Some heavy lifting is required* Benefits Include: Health Ins./Eye/Dental, Vacation, 401k Plan

HELP OFFERED: Light tree trimming, debris removal, hedge trim-­ ming, mulching and gutter cleaning. Great prices, free estimates. Call Tim at 717-8242831. HELP OFFERED: Deb’s Dog Grooming, worked for Dean and Lisa Martin at kennel 16 years. For appointment call, 717-917-1851. HELP OFFERED: House sit-­ ting while you are away. Ref-­ erences. 717-875-8899.

HELP OFFERED: Expert home repairs, remodeling, improvements. 40+ years ex-­ perience. Call Rick, 717-7338331. PA008632.

Cleaning Services HELP OFFERED: Are you tired? 30 years ex-­ perience cleaning homes and offices, in-­ sured, references avail-­ able. Carol, 717-2036886.

HELP OFFERED: I clean homes, apartments spot-­ less. Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly. Low rates, refer-­ ences, reliable. Call 717271-1220.

Applications are now being accepted for:

Cocalico School District Bus Aides Part-Time, 4-4.5 Hours Per Day, Excellent Wages, 401(k) Program. Perfect for stay-at-home moms and retirees, etc.

Stop by the Service Center to complete an application, call the Transportation Dept. at 717-336-1573 with any questions, or apply at www.brightbilltransportation.com.

E-mail resume to: tara.zimmerman@truckpro.com OR Send resume to: Class 8 Parts, Inc. 220 Orlan Rd., New Holland, PA 17557 Attn: Tara Zimmerman


HELP OFFERED: A-Clean Hometown Services, spe-­ cializing in offices, apt. turnovers, move ins and move outs, churches, daycares, and banks. Serving Lancaster County for 25 years. Call 717-3364854.

Construction/ Mechanical


For information on placing your help wanted ad on our Who’s Hiring page, call The Shopping News at



Due to growth, we have an opportunity for year-round work, for experienced, full-time Painters to join our team on Commercial and Residential Projects. Overtime opportunities available. Candidates must be proficient with trade tools and skills. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY. Must have a valid driver’s license. Full-time – benefits include competitive hourly wage, health, life and disability insurances, 401(k)/Profit Sharing Retirement Plan, paid time off & holidays. Hursh Painting Company is a family-owned, award-winning Painting Contractor serving southeastern PA for 40 years.

Interested persons call Julie at 717-859-9590 or email info@hurshpainting.com Acceptable drug screen and background check are a condition of employment.

JOIN OUR TEAM! If you are an ambitious, hardworking individual looking for a great place to work, apply in person from 8am-4pm at

ns Hohl o y L Site Contractors & Paving Lyons & Hohl Paving is seeking:

• Grading Laborer/CDL Driver • Paving Laborers We offer competitive wages and benefits including med/dental/401K/profit sharing plan/paid vacation & holidays. An Equal Opportunity Employer

1315 Sheephill Road East Earl, PA 717-355-9219


ROOFERS with General

Construction Experience Needed. Starting Rate

20+//hour hour


plus overtime, travel, holiday pay and paid vacation To Apply, Qualified Candidates Can Call

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - 9B

Help Wanted

Home & Lawn Care HELP OFFERED: We do mulching, edging, planting, trimming, pruning, and hardscaping. Call ZJ’s Es-­ tate Maintenance at 717381-5055 or visit landsca-­ pinglancasterpa.com.

HELP WANTED: Residential and commercial cleaning company looking for hard-­ working, dedicated individu-­ als to join our team. We have both PT and FT available. Please contact Christy Ma-­ dara, 717-823-1900 or email, mahalocleaningpa @gmail.com.

HELP OFFERED: New concrete or replacement, sidewalks, patios, drive-­ ways, garage floors, any concrete pads. Licensed & fully insured. Free esti-­ mates 717-468-5253.

HELP WANTED: Drivers - We have the best hometime in the industry. Great pay and competitive benefits. Perfor-­ mance, fuel and productivity bonuses. Premium pay for Hazmat/Team Driving. D.M. Bowman, 1-800-609-0033.

Now Accepting Applications For

Line Cooks

>> Apply Online - Hiring Code 101 www.myapplebeesjob.com



is looking back...

of Lancaster County


HELP WANTED: Full-time or part-time cake decora-­ tor, some cake decorating experience necessary. PT retail, includes Saturdays. Apply within: Achenbach Pastries Inc. 375 E. Main Street, Leola. EOE.

HELP WANTED: Full-time, Part-time front desk, must be available weekends. Apply at Red Roof Inn, 2017 N. Read-­ ing Road, Denver. HELP WANTED: Good’s Chips seeking part-time packer. 12-18 hours per week. Apply at 306 E. Main Street, Adamstown.

HELP WANTED: Now hir-­ ing cashiers at Charlies Fuel & Deli, 1634 West Main, $11.00 hour, 36 hours week. Call 717-6298907. Your job openings can reach 38,000 homes in The Shopping News

HELP WANTED: Non-smok-­ ing person needed for 2 hours (mornings) to help a nurse dress & bathe dis-­ abled man. Akron. $12.49. 717-951-5159. HELP WANTED: Now hiring PT general help, including maintenance and laundry, must work weekends. Apply at Red Roof Inn, 2017 N. Reading Rd., Denver, PA 17517.

Grow with us as we provide top-notch services

and superior experiences to contractors, manufacturers, farmers, and homeowners in southeastern PA.

CURRENT OPENINGS IN LEBANON AND STEVENS: Full-Time Equipment Service Technician Full-Time Event Delivery & Set-Up

Part-Time & Saturday Equip. Maintenance COMPETITIVE PAY, BENEFITS, AND GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES FOR FULL-TIME & PART-TIME POSITIONS Please contact/submit resume to Delbert at delbert@eaglerentalcenter.com or apply in person at either location: Stevens - 1327 N. Reading Rd., Stevens, PA 17578 Lebanon - 2530 Quentin Rd., Lebanon, PA 17042

WORK at one of the COOLEST places in town! WE ARE LOOKING FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE:


• Friendly and outgoing • Dependable and responsible • Self-motivated • Energetic • Available to work EVENINGS and WEEKENDS OR available to work DAYTIME

• Competitive hourly pay • On-the-job training • Advancement opportunities • Flexible part-time schedules In sports?

We can work around activities!

Stay at home mom?

Possible summers off!

• Friendly co-workers • Fun and fast-paced environment • Merit increases • Leadership Training & Opportunity Please download an application at

dqephrata.com (or visit our store to pick one up) and return it in person to:

Dairy Queen® of Ephrata, Inc.

181 South Reading Road All trademarks owned by Am. D.Q. Corp. ©2020

Maintenance Mechanic

*These pages are re-run for entertainment purposes only. Advertised prices, locations, names and phone numbers are not intended for use or solicitation.

Requirements Must be able to work OT and On Call rotating schedule Must be able to push, pull and lift up to 50 pounds Knowledge/Experience as Maintenance Technician What are your main tasks and responsibilities? • Building/Mechanical repairs & maintenance consistent with OSHA standards • Perform maintenance of electrical systems • Repair small machinery, and assist drivers with minor repairs of equipment • Maintain heating and plumbing systems • Inspect alarm systems and schedule needed repairs • Assist in setup of ventilation, refrigeration and other systems Your profile • HVAC certifications or relative work experience-PLUS • Certified Maint. & Reliability Professional-DESIRED • Must have reliable transportation • Detail oriented • Ability to troubleshoot problems in critical situations This job is located in Ephrata, Pennsylvania, United States If you have questions about this recruitment or would like to apply, please stop by in person:

621 Stevens Road, Ephrata, PA 17522

10B - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”


Wanted WANTED: Highest cash paid for junk or good cars. Li-­ censed professional. 717278-9539. WANTED: Like new or slightly used digital hear-­ ing aids. Call 717-2036521.

To Buy

WANTED: $100-$2,000 paid for unwanted and junk vehi-­ cles. Local, insured and bonded dealer. Free removal. Call anytime, 717-350-1208.

RENT: Building in the WANTED: Vinyl records & FOR Denver area, 64x31 ft. Small musical instruments: Pay-­ pasture could be available. ing cash. Top dollar paid 717-335-2400. for your vinyl records- all FOR RENT: Office Space, 24 WANTED: All trains, HO, Li-­ styles and genres, 33s, Orange St., Ephrata. 2-3 of-­ onel, Thomas the Train, LE-­ GOs, old toys, sportscards 45s & 78s. Guitars, amps, fices, large meeting room, before 1980. Paying cash. clarinets, trumpets, any-­ two bathrooms, closet/ storage space, lobby/vesti-­ Please call Steve at 717thing music! We love it all. bule area. Off-street parking 341-4214. Call or stop by today, Li-­ for 5-6 vehicles. Includes heat, water/sewer and WANTED: $50-$500 paid for titz Music Company, 47 S. trash. $830 per month plus junk autos. Free removal. Broad Street in Lititz. 717- security deposit and credit Call anytime, licensed, in-­ sured, bonded. All paper-­ 627-4929. www.lititzmusic check. 717-738-1151. work taken care of legally. .com. FOR RENT: 607 East Main 717-989-6980.

WANTED: Costume jewelry, vintage Christmas decora-­ Make your ads stand out! tions, doll clothes, clothing Boxed classified ads button collections, post-­ available for as little cards, other small antiques. as $2.00 extra! Stella 717-875-7884.

For Rent






Street, Ephrata. First floor office space with off-street parking, water/sewer, electric and trash included. $310 per month. One-year lease, security deposit and credit check required. 717738-1151.

FOR RENT: Business build-­ ing, 1,500 sq. ft. along Ore-­ gon Pike, Brownstown. 2 large overhead garage doors, oil heat, public water and sewer. 717-354-9560.

FOR RENT: Twin Pine Storage Units, 24hr. ac-­ cess, $20.00/month and up. 717-733-6549. 1932 W. Main, Ephrata. Tuesday & Thursday, 9am-5pm, Mon-­ day, Wednesday & Friday, 9am-12:00pm, Sat., by ap-­ pointment. Up to


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FOR RENT: Rooms available with kitchenette, weekly or monthly at Econo Lodge Inn and Suites, Denver/ RT272, near Dunkin Donuts and Red Roof Inn. No pets. Call 717336-7000. FOR RENT: 1-2BR apt., W/ S/T incl., Main St., Denver, PA. Call 717-283-9139.


FOR RENT: Stone house on Farmersville Fire Com­ dairy farm, looking for some-­ pany invites quilting en­ one with farming back-­ thusiasts to its February ground. No smoking, no pets. Quilting Days to be held on Manheim area. 717-665Tuesday, February 25, 7734. FOR RENT: 4BR farm-­ house outside Lititz, 11/2 bath, finished base-­ ment, detached garage, $1,200. Call Randy, 717538-1420.


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Farmersville Quilting Days

Wednesday, February 26 and Thursday, February 27, at Fairmount Homes, in the Farm Crest Community Room at 1100 Farm Crest Drive in Ephrata. The quilts produced during the quilting days will be sold at Farmersville Fire Com­ pany’s annual community sale to be held on Friday, March 27, with all proceeds

30 Years of Excellence!

2006 Chevy Cobalt

$80 a Week

2003 Dodge Stratus

$65 a Week

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$75 a Week

Hours: Monday-Friday 9-6; Saturday 9-2; Sunday Closed

1. Kendrys Morales set a Toronto Blue Jays record in 2018 by homering in seven consecutive games. Who had held the franchise mark? 2. How many consecutive seasons did Boston’s Wade Boggs have 200 or more hits? 3. Who was the first offensive lineman to twice finish in the top 10 of Heisman Trophy balloting? 4. Name the first woman to coach a championship-winning team in the WNBA. 5. Who was the oldest player to win the Conn Smythe Trophy as the NHL playoff MVP? 6. Jill Ellis set a record in 2019 for most games coached with the U.S. women’s national soccer team (132). Who had held the mark? 7. From whom did boxer James J. Braddock win the heavyweight title from in 1935, and who beat him for it in 1937? Answers 1. Jose Cruz Jr., with six consecutive games in 2001. 2. Seven consecutive years (1983-89). 3. Pittsburgh’s Bill Fralic (1983 and ‘84). 4. Anne Donovan, with Seattle in 2004. 5. Boston goalie Tim Thomas was 37 when he won the award in 2011. 6. April Heinrichs, with 124 games coached. 7. He won the title from Max Baer and lost it to Joe Louis. © 2020 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - 11B

excellence for the fall 2019 semester. A total of 1,678 undergraduate students achieved the criteria required for WPI’s fall 2019 Dean’s List. The criteria for the WPI Dean’s List differs from that of most other universities as WPI does not compute a grade point average (GPA). Instead, WPI defines the McDaniel College Dean’s List by the amount announces its Fall 2019 of work completed at the A Dean’s List, recognizing level in courses and projects. full-time undergraduate students for outstanding academic achievement. Highest honors are earned for a semester grade point average of 3.90 or higher, high honors for a grade point Over 2,100 high-achieving average of 3.70-3.89, and honors for a 3.50-3.69 grade students have been named to the Dean’s List for the fall point average. Local students named to semester at Northampton Community College. The the Dean’s List are: honor is reserved for students • Evan Frees of Denver who have completed a with High Honors minimum of 6 credits and • Timothy Griest of Lititz achieved at least a 3.5 grade with Highest Honors point average on a 4.0 scale • Carly Ludwig of Ephrata in the Fall 2019 semester. with Highest Honors Local students named to the Dean’s List are: • Jody Hoover of Ephrata • Carla Landis of Reinholds • Kristy Sensenig of Stevens • Carey Weber of New Worcester Polytechnic Holland Institute (WPI) has announced that Griffin Roth with an Associate of Applied earned a Bachelor of Science of Denver, a member of the Science in diagnostic in Biomedical Engineering class of 2020 majoring in medical sonography robotics engineering, was from the Georgia Institute of • Danielle Ham of Ephrata Technology in Atlanta. named to the university’s with an Associate of Arts in Dean’s List for academic Bush was among approxi­ Over 630 graduates communication studies received associate degrees, mately 4,200 undergraduate benefitting the fire company. specialized diplomas, and graduate students who certificates from During the quilting days, and received degrees during quilts will be set up and Northampton Community Georgia Tech’s 258th College (NCC) at the Winter ready for volunteers to quilt Commencement exercises in in the community room. The Commencement ceremony doors will open at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, January 25. December at the McCamish each day, and quilting will • Brianna Bair of Ephrata Jenna Bush of Lititz, has Pavilion. continue through the afternoon. The doors are also open Wednesday evening from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Donations of quilts, quilt tops or funds to cover the cost of quilt ANY SERVICE OR REPAIR over $50* supplies will be welcomed. *Expires 2/29/20. Refreshments and lunch will One coupon per visit. be served to the quilting Cannot be combined volunteers each day by the STATE with other offers. Farmersville Fire Company INSPECTION Auxiliary. If you will be Oil Change Center AND GENERAL staying for lunch, please Featuring Mobil1® Synthetic Motor Oils REPAIRS bring a cold dish to share. For more information, 2292 N. Reading Road, Denver • 717-336-7236 interested persons may call 717-354-9182.

College News


McDaniel College Dean’s List


Northampton College Dean’s List

9 Roth Named To Dean’s List


Northampton College Graduates



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9 Widener University Dean’s List

Widener University has announced students named to the fall 2019 Dean’s List. They include: • Annika Colon of Lititz. Colon is majoring in

9 Le Named To Dean’s List

Nancy Le of Leola, has been named to the fall 2019 quarter Dean’s List at Palmer College of Chiropractic’s Florida campus in Port Orange, Florida.

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205-70-15 ............... $89.00

Congratulations to the following local students named to the Dean’s List at Muhlenberg College for the Fall 2019 semester: • Amber Dietrich of Eph­ rata • Kyle Lando of Lititz • Cheyanne Leid of New Holland • Emily Plowright of Eph­ rata Students with a term GPA of 3.50 or higher were recognized for this academic achievement.

Biology. • Alexis Driendl of Lititz. Driendl is majoring in Criminal Justice. • Nathaniel Beard of Lititz. Beard is majoring in Chemical Engineering. • Huy Nguyen of Lititz. Nguyen is majoring in Civil Engineering. • Bradley Strickler of Leola. Strickler is majoring in Civil Engineering. • Melanie Shirk of Ephrata. Shirk is majoring in Accounting. • Angela Hatter of Narvon. Hatter is majoring in Nursing.


e b r a RT I R E S ’s


9 Muhlenberg College Dean’s List



195-70-14 $

Sheridan Schreyer, New Holland, was named to the Dean’s List for the fall 2019 semester at the University of Hartford.


Bush Receives Degree


Schreyer Named To Dean’s List


LT 265-75-16 10pl .



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12B - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

* It was Samuel West, the founder and curator of Sweden’s Museum of Failure (which showcases disasters in design and innovation), who made the following sage observation: “Each failure is uniquely spectacular, while success is nauseatingly repetitive.” * Those who study such things say that the earth is more flattened at the South Pole than the North Pole. The weight of all that ice is to blame. * Clams can live for more than 200 years. * You know what a mortgage is, but do you know how the word came to the English language? The “mort” should give you a clue. The roots trace all the way back to a Latin term meaning “death pledge.” * The reason for the correlation is not clear, but some studies suggest that

hay fever is more common among people who are shy. * Judge Roy Bean was a justice of the peace in Texas in the 1800s -- he called himself “The Law West of the Pecos.” It’s interesting to note, though, that his earlier endeavors included rustling cattle in Mexico. * A famous and oft-quoted line from Sherlock Holmes is “How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?” However, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle didn’t come up with that one himself; he took it from a story by Edgar Allan Poe, another pioneer of the detective genre. * According to historians, basic training in the legions of ancient Rome could take three or four years. * If you know someone who, for some reason, is overly fond of sneezing, your friend is a steruphiliac. * It was nonviolent Indian activist Mahatma Gandhi who made the following


sage observation: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” * In 1905, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the Sherlock Holmes stories, became one of the first people ever to be fined for speeding. * Appropriately, the patron saint of bankers is St. Meingold. * Ever wonder how BVDs came to be called that? From the names of the men who originally manufactured them: Bradley, Voorhies and

Day. * Less than half the people in the world use a spoon, fork and knife to eat. The rest use chopsticks, just a knife or their hands. * In Babylon 4,000 years ago, it was accepted practice that for a month after the wedding, the bride’s father would supply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink. Mead is a honey beer, and so that time became known as the honey month -- what we know today as the honeymoon. * People who pick chili



MAYTOWN, PA 2 BR Apartments

Rents start $857 & $990 includes ALL utilities (heat/hot water/sewer/ trash/electric). On-site laundry, off-street parking. No Pets. Minimum income $20,568 required. Section 8 accepted & waives minimum income.

At the Square. Rent $925 includes ALL utilities (heat/hot water/sewer/trash/ electricity). NO PETS. Minimum income $18,888 required. Section 8 accepted & waives the minimum income.

Call today 717-351-0855 Equal Housing Opportunity

Call today 717-517-9257 Equal Housing Opportunity

OPEN HOUSE SUN., FEB. 23 • 1-3 PM 15 Overlook Dr., Ephrata

Well cared for single home with many updates. 2-3 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, large rear yard, 1-car attached garage. $210,000

SHERRY BERGMAN 610-670-0667

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t,, artmen s a BR ap includes ENT: 1 r, FOR Rta, 2nd floo ve, heat,, / No r, sto ng. Ephra edroom One b ments, refrigerato parkin plus apart s. off-street pets, $500eposit. house d single r are- smoking/ security , ve . n/Den friend- utilities7-859-1392 pet 71 Some 33-7 7988, Call 717-7

peppers in Costa Rica have to wear special suits to avoid getting blisters just from coming into contact with them. * The Pledge of Allegiance was published in 1892 in celebration of the 400th anniversary of Columbus’ voyage to the New World. It didn’t contain the words “under God,” though, until 1954, when they were added by an act of Congress in an attempt to check the creeping advance of “Godless Communism.” * Abraham Lincoln was the only American president to witness battle firsthand while in office. * A caterpillar has 4,000 muscles. * It was American humorist Evan Esar who came up the following definition: “Statistics: The only science that enables different experts using the same figures to draw different conclusions.” * The Emperor Charle­ magne, who conquered much of Western and Central Europe during the first century, had an unusual relationship with his daughters. He refused to allow them to get married, but he evidently had no objections to their forming, shall we say, less formal relationships. He doted on his illegitimate grand­ children and even gave money and gifts to their fathers. * If you look at a list of the names of the 50 states, you’ll find every letter of the alphabet except Q.

sta g d y The do name from the n as star ’s brig w r th, no get thheiir mmonly kno cient Earth co an s, In iu ” addition Sir r. ta ts S h g g li j the “Do hen artificial s, peo- in coonju times, wbscure the star as a in the did not oked to the sky and belliieve n ple loo of inspiratio thheyy eevenn m tioons in. cr e ti c eeattiin source to ques pla s ex er t o ciallly answ uld n wise co stars known as Tha otherw d to s of g se u in e p r u da e er w Gro rieess anea lations” stori e t w “ccoonstelieess, annd thhese lklore . re. ri o fo t st n dog tell t of aancieioon prroomi- owe were parconst steellllat summer 7 1 e 7 e Siiri On no. rinng thnis Major, dir zer pia . uri Wurrlit 826-7321 a nent d is Can ar s st i FREE: 25, 717-8 t h s g h ri t , l 0 ll,, yful, mon ncludes a b ncient on te, pla ille. r mova - 626-6 e junk re ns, cu mansvill s ” A this tth which in “Siriius. reee ju storow E: Kitte that FREE: Fnt, garage,n-outs, FliRttEer trained.4.B named surmised th t e s 71 le p l basem o u eo y clea if p -445-5 t


1433 West Main St., Ephrata, PA 17522 • 717-733-4158 See Website For Complete Listings www.hauensteinagency.com 3 BR Semi, 195 Galen Hall Rd., Reinholds. $895, 1-car garage, septic/ trash, stove, refrig. NO PETS OR SMKG. 3 BR 2nd fl. Apt., 401 S. State St., Ephrata. $775, stove, refrig. NO PETS OR SMKG. 2 BR Cottage, 41 Kurtz Rd., #5, Denver. $850, trash, stove, refrig., pet welcome. NO SMKG. 2 BR 2nd fl. Apt., 1216 Dawn Ave., Ephrata. $825, w/s/t, stove, refrig., d/w, w/d. NO PETS OR SMKG. 2 BR Lower Lvl. Apt., 247 Park Ave, Apt. #5., Ephrata. $795, heat, w/s/t, stove, refrig., coin laundry. NO PETS OR SMKG. 2 BR 2 story Apt., 141 N. State St., Apt. #1, Ephrata. $725, trash, stove, refrig. NO PETS OR SMKG.



Top producing real estate agents understand the value of an effective advertising tool. FO ILDING Houses

BR, rata, 1 T: Ephin walking With owntown d to e t, hea udes d reI cllu In s ove an no wer, st pets,, th. o N . on r. s 490/m g. $ /refference . k c eck -738--1151 ch 7 d. 71

/2 R, 1-1 ice 3B area. No ENT: N n FOR Rme in Akro and backBA ho ng. Credit . $825/ smoki d check tra. 717groun , pets ex th mon 695. S. 5 336-5 , 219 ory Akron st RENT: BR, 2-1/2 te y. ly el t 3 FOR ia . t ed ee e imm in clud9th Sttr, available es nc house recent updat /month 5 , 2 n 7 w $ y rm rm rr.. msto k- Man eau proopert moval. 717- 717 ort teet ttral ai . sho s, be o : Rea ns 717ten pe s. age, es e ing cen re RENT /dryer ho iin . Call : Kit g no y den- plus utiliiti ok ing, r/ k e FREE gs, friendly h g, pliiance ty n it as sm i ri k w par kin - lease. No secu ealty, ap w ar . d 8 et lo m 1 d an p re 1 11 R fff--st ity ri - 468-7 and 7995. 461-8 ads ! l-- Applicationiired. Eby d d qual wing , pllu us uttiil siiffied s.c om i l len milies or rine s mo onth h l class : Wil s, posit requ w co ets new am i w al www.sn 3800. Ju FREE Vie to fa 495/ m rity, no p k. 717-948-3 w unttil -3 n, 2BR ing horses tiie 6at w 3 cu s ec e ow 3 e to h n se s c li 7 i 2 on cil and , 71 Ream s, $375/ fa redit e : C T an g N J g. E - in Call FOR Rouse. No petrity mokin 62. . 717 2015. h cu ty. 72 314-7 , 1/2 s plus se 5798. k , 2BR eek , wee phrata stove 8. e e 0 E v 6 il : b -0 T o 5 N m udes: sher, R RE r, 33 t New a r. Incl s, quies. ENT: d floo tor, dishwal a aiirrr,, FOR R BR, 2 bathno pe et g, a friigera ryer, centr c y, home, 2 sm king rata o n h o m p co s E al d o . b h - pa asher/ storage, ark. N 95/month 9390. -9 ash/rre side o +55, $6 lll 717-733 ing, tr uts al t park owing. N C e ee . tr ea ff-s $620/ ar and m yclling o smoking. ty and N securi ) 717pets. plus 183-B). th n ( (1 o m k. eck it chec credit free 151. l away R, 738-1 ill haumetal, wash ta, 2B es H ap Ephra EE: W ROUG ENT: pt, includ / FR wanted scra ove, refrigerrs, E TH PANY R R M LABL a st FO un her eate s, AVAIGAGE CO AT as h er w oor er ry fl r, CING NE RT m ato at- ers, d eezers, wat rts, farm er 1st FINAN p N MOMARIA KLI27 ig O , IC fr LT ge 83 FD . U re a FU fr ra . CALL 10) 898- er. Member stove, outside sto ing and tors, ces, car p batteries.t (6 Lend k a d rtunity all Oppo dryer, -street par o smok- furn ment an Call Mike atEqua n ip . ff es u al o s, m met til- eq pet io, g. No plus u & Anything 706, leave -9 mowin 95/month 7-721 eposit 5 ing. $ security d 17-738- 71ge. 7 sa s, . itie check credit (138-A) 1151.


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1 B/R OPEN NOW 55 & Older only. Accessible apartments. Rents $715 includes most utilities, resident pays electric only, heat is provided. No Pets. Minimum income $16,000. Section 8 accepted & waives minimum income.

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144333 W

(717) 7 w

The Cambridge at $254,900

Dir.: Rt. 272N, between Ephrata & Reamstown, turn west on Wabash Rd. at Four Seasons Produce. For GPS enter 400 Wabash Road, Ephrata.


Eden East of Rt. 23, m plus 2,50 o ro w h, sho one hig docks, rad d. Upg include Gas fu l A/C. Centra


The Cambridge’s kitchen, dining and living room are wide open creating a feeling of spaciousness & flexibility. A covered rear porch extends entertaining to the outdoors. Expandable walk-out basement. A 2-car garage enters from alley. 14 Pacific Blvd., Ephrata Cocalico Schools.

* For reasons unknown, a law in New Jersey forbids the sale of cabbage on Sunday. * You won’t be surprised to learn that the most dangerous device that is common in the modern world is the automobile. You might be surprised to learn, though, that the second most dangerous is the stair step. * You’ve probably never heard of Countess Rosa Branicka, but she accomplished an amazing feat. In the mid-19th century, at the age of 63, the wealthy Polish noblewoman became ill. The diagnosis given by experts in Germany was breast cancer, and immediate surgery was recommended. For reasons unknown, the countess declined the treatment, then set about purchasing her own surgical instruments. Once all the tools were assembled, Branicka checked into a hotel in Paris and removed the tumor herself. Reports indicate that she healed well and quickly, and lived to the ripe old age of 82. * The only chemical element that is not a solid at a temperature of absolute zero is helium; it remains a liquid. *** Thought for the Day: “One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years. To read is to voyage through time. -Carl Sagan


2 BR APT. OPEN NOW Rent $857 includes heat. Only $100 security deposit. Residents pay electric and Borough charges. No pets. Minimum income $20,560 required. Section 8 accepted & waives minimum income.

Call today 717-351-0855 Equal Housing Opportunity

vin Kev



Loop rstown Strickle

ow wmansst ew Road, N

anon rn Leb me with a large in Easte n ho d 9+

bi es de 9+ Acr , 2 full bath, log catiful, mostly woooonne fifireau n.. A stto ’ ppole bedroomsitting on a be Mountaiin 3 g 6’ in tion South Charm ayy 28’x36 ho ouutt nst the om addi rch, 2 ba great ro stled up agai rap around po with trailss througities. ne w g t , lo m on al plan y amen gs acre an or in m flo fl ld e ui of th o outb e open y other o place, l a few g: are only d man owin barn an s of woodland y for a sh 4-6193 re 30 Call toda the 7 ac 771 ALE at r.com CALL D Longenecke y t Reoawltn, PA Dale@D d n a r B d E. manst Richeathr any Rd., New B 3 East

Street st Main e in 123 Ea 2 bath hom r level oom, Lowe 3 bedr ol District. en and Scho d kitch 00 Ephrata oom, update atio. $229,9 r p family r yard with a 4 re 123 -1 private 17-738 Call 7


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4 733-4 86 BIG! 345-38 S AV E 1-877O W,

For advertising information, call 717-738-1151 BUY


JEC STORAGE SELF STORAGE Rt. 272 South, Behind Bright’s Restaurant


Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - 13B


Public Sales

Blue Ball Lions Candy Making

The Blue Ball Area Lioness Club would like to thank those in the community that helped them in making Easter candy last year. It is Candy time again! So order your peanut butter, coconut and mixed boxes of eggs this year. Orders have to be in by Sunday, March 1. Come out to help on Saturday, March 21 and Sunday, March 22 to make candy. They will begin at 9:00 a.m. They can’t do it without your help. The Lions made 1,365 pounds in 23 hours last year. Their records show the first egg making was in 1987 at Vera Gordon’s house and they made 138 pounds by hand and dipped the eggs in crockpots of chocolate. In 1994 it moved from homes of Lioness members to the Blue Ball Fire Hall making 286 pounds of candy. The Lions now have a candy-coating machine

thanks to Carl Hilt for getting a coating machine donated to the Lions by Hershey. He puts many hours of prep into getting ready for candy making and long hours coating and clean up. When you come and help roll eggs you can also watch how they get coated. This is a group effort and a big thanks to committee leader Linda Simmons for all the hard work she puts into getting this organized each year. If you would like to know more about the Blue Ball Area Lioness Club, they have their meeting the first Wednesday of each month at Garden Spot Fire and Rescue Hall (in the Community Room behind Town Hall Restaurant, Blue Ball) and the meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. The Lions are looking for new members and would like to welcome you to the group. Their fundraisers help numerous organizations and individuals in the Lancaster County area including CrossNet, Make a




LOCATION: 316 Good Rd., East Earl (Bowmansville/Fivepointville). Rt. 625 N. of Rt. 23 towards Bowmansville. Left Pleasant Valley Rd. Right Good Rd. to auction on right. (Brecknock Twp., Lanc. Co.)


Wish, Water Street Ministry, Welsh Mountain Home and many others. They also have a Scholarship Fund each year for an Eastern Lancaster County School District graduate. If you would like to place a candy order (there is a cost), have any questions or are interested in becoming a Lioness, please contact Daenett Shivery at 717-5720789.

! Y L ON

WED., FEB. 19 - 1:00 p.m. - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Antiques, collect­ ibles, household goods, tools, 2005 Honda Civic sedan. Car at 6:30 p.m. Horst Auctioneers. THURS., FEB. 20 - 12:00 Noon - Horst Auction Cen­ ter, Ephrata. 327 lots of coins and currency. Horst Auctioneers. FRI., FEB. 21 - 9:00 a.m. - Cadsco Co., 1296 Loop Rd., Lancaster. Power tools, equipment, shelving, office equipment, toilet partitions, hardware, key equipment and pins. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., FEB. 22 - 10:00 a.m. - Roy R. and Twila

Zimmerman, 531 Panorama Dr., Denver. 1 story 2 bed­ room stone/brick rancher, 2 car garage, large shop/ garage/barn, 24’x32’ shop/ garage, 2.5 acres. Tim Weaver Auction Service LLC. MON., FEB. 24 - 10:00 a.m. - Renningers Antique Market, 2500 N. Reading Rd., Denver. Antiques and personal property. Art Pannebecker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. WED., FEB. 26 - 1:00 p.m. - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Antiques, collect­ ibles, household goods, tools, SUV. SUV at 6:30 p.m. Horst Auctioneers. SAT., FEB. 29 - 9:00 a.m. - George and Martha Horst, 2011 West Main St., Ephrata. Farm equipment, shop tools,

Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-445-4309 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956

James E. & Diane L. Burkholder 717-951-3464

AUCTIONEERS www.klinekreidergood.com







(Sale Will Be Held Regardless Of The Weather!!)

Saturday February 29, 2020 • 8AM-4PM 1932 New St., East Petersburg, Pa. 17520

Furniture, Tea Pot Collections, Cups & Saucers, Glassware, Coca-Cola Items, Doll Collections, Vinyl Records, Cookbooks, Sewing Machines, HAM Radio Equipment, Riding Mower, Tools, Household Items, Etc.





MON., FEB. 24, 2020 SALE AT 10:00 A.M.

To be held at Renningers Antique Market, 2500 N. Reading Rd., Denver (Rt. 272, near Adamstown) This Week, Our Entire Auction Will Be Outside, Under The Pavilion. We Will Be Full With Lots Of Quality Items! For pictures, visit www.auctionzip.com (Auctioneer ID#1536) weekend prior to auction date. 10% buyer’s premium. Cash, credit card or good PA check accepted as payment. No out of state checks without bank letter or prior approval. All items sold as-is, where-is. Food & restrooms available. All announcements made day of sale take precedence over prior advertisement.

Lic. #AU001476-L Lic. #AU005308-L 717-336-6983 www.pannebeckerwolf.com


SALE AT 6:00 P.M.

Located at 9 East Lancaster Ave., Denver (Denver Boro., Lanc. Co.) From redlight in Denver, take 4th St. south. Bear left at “y” onto Lancaster Ave. Property will be on left.

Real estate consists of a 1½ story, brick dwelling, built in 1955, containing an eat-in kitchen; dining room; spacious living room; two bedrooms; a full bath; and the laundry room all on the main level. The upstairs contains one large bedroom as well as a half bath and attic storage. There is approx. 1,715 sq. ft. of finished living space throughout this beautiful home. Full basement below. Oil hot water heat. Public water and sewer. This solid and well-maintained dwelling is situated on a 0.33 (+/-) acre lot along with a covered side porch, an attached two car garage, and a detached block workshop to the rear. This home is larger than it appears from the street! Ideally located, you will not want to miss this excellent opportunity! Open Houses to be held Sun., Mar. 15 and Sat., Mar. 21 from 1-3PM, or by appointment, contact auctioneer at (717) 371-9603. 10% down day of sale, balance due at settlement. J. Goss, Att’y Terms By:


Lic. #AU001476-L Lic. #AU005308-L 717-336-6983 www.pannebeckerwolf.com


4 BR, 31/2 Bath House on 0.9 Acres, 36’x36’ Shop Building, Trailers, Concrete & Construction Tools, Lawn/Garden & Misc.

Saturday, March 28, 2019 @ 10:00 A.M. Real Estate @ 12:00 Noon 121 N. 9th St., Akron, PA 17501 - Lancaster County From Route 272 in Akron, go South on N. 9th St. to property on left.

1874 & 1876 Turkey Hill Rd., East Earl. RT. 23 from Goodville to Churchtown. Left Churchtown Rd. Straight Hammertown Rd. Left Turkey Hill Rd. OR from East Earl area Rt. 625 N. Right Union Grove Rd. Left Brown Rd. Right Turkey Hill Rd. to properties on right. (Caernarvon Twp., Lanc. Co.)


THURS., MARCH 26, 2020

(Continued On Page 14B)


EVERYTHING MUST GO! NOTE: Auction to begin at 9 AM w/sm. tools followed by larger equipment followed by truck, trailer, skid loader & ponies. Terms are cash, PA check or credit card w/3% service fee. Benefit Food Stand. See website for more photos.

guns, JLG Lift. BeilerCampbell Auction Services. SAT., FEB. 29 - 11:00 a.m. - Alfred P. Ernesto Liv­ ing Trust, 1053 Brownsville Rd., Wernersville. Tract #1 21-1/2 acre farm with stream. Tract #2 - 1 acre building lot. Art Pannebecker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. SAT., FEB. 29 - 10:00 a.m. - Steven C. and Deb­ orah J. Clark, 132 Edgewood Dr., New Holland. Country 1 story 3 bedroom rancher, 2 car garage, utility building, 4/10 acre lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., MARCH 5 12:00 Noon - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. 313 lots of coins and currency. Horst Auctioneers.

1876 Turkey Hill Rd. 1874 Turkey Hill Rd. #1 REAL ESTATE: 1876 Turkey Hill Rd., East Earl. 2½ sty. frame/vinyl w/2090 SF finished area, country eat-in kitchen w/oak raised panel cabinets, pantry & French door to 2-tier deck area., great rm. w/cathedral ceiling w/exposed beams, brick fireplace, slide door to rear deck & pool area, built-in oak hutch & cabinets, tile floor & bow window, 4 bdrms. (1st floor master bdrm. w/corner brick hearth), 2 full baths, large walk-in closet/storage rm., stained oak Colonial trim thru out, laundry, attic, daylight bsmt., propane gas heat, central AC, low maintenance exterior w/covered soffit & fascia, insulated/tilt windows, rear deck area w/pool & privacy fence. Outbldgs: 2 sty. masonry barn/garage 30x32 w/garage bay, (2) additional rms., water & elec., 2 sty. masonry/frame shop/garage 40x80 w/1st floor showroom 40x38 w/ cathedral ceiling, fireplace & hearth, office w/Corian counter, lavatory, 40x30 work area & additional 40x12 bonus area. Both showroom & work rms. are insulated w/heat, central AC & 400amp elec. Known as Turkey Hill Wildlife. All on 2.1 ACRES country lot w/plenty of parking, professional landscaping, garden & lawn, mature shade trees & shrubbery, on-site well & septic. #2 REAL ESTATE: 1874 Turkey Hill Rd., East Earl. Masonry shop/garage 40x70 w/(2) 12’x14’ overhead doors, 200amp service. Upgrades in 2013: garage doors, ceiling & wiring. Good solid bldg. formally a truck garage. 2 sty. fame dwl. w/1 bdrm., elec. Has not been lived in for many years. All on 1.1 ACRES w/on-site well, mature shade trees & lots of potential for different uses. NOTE: Owners have purchased acreage property & relocating business & residence! Ideally located acreage properties w/abundant shop/garage area. A “must see” to appreciate. Two separately deed properties to be sold separately. Convenient location, minutes to Terre Hill, East Earl & Churchtown w/easy access to Rts. 625, 23 & 322. Personal inspection by appointment or open house March 7, 14 & 21 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood.com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-7331006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Glen N. & Roy E. Good, Jr. Marlene S. Aaron Z. Nolt Zimmerman Curvin M. Horning 717-445-9803 or 717-445-4309 717-803-6154 AUCTIONEERS Lic. #499, #2116, www.klinekreidergood.com #5064, #3956

Property Descrip�on: 4 bedroom, 3½ bath built in 2009 (2250 sq. �.) plus finished basement w/gas fireplaces on each floor. Public sewer & water, 200 Amp service w/electric heat pump (forced air), electric water heater & central air. 16’x16’ deck w/maintenance free decking & vinyl railing. 1st Floor: kitchen, foyer, living rm., dining rm., w/(hardwood floors) painted oak kitchen cabinets & ½ bath. 2nd Floor: 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths w/one bath off master bedroom. Finished basement w/full bath. Also, 36’x36’ shop building built in 2009 w/vinyl siding, metal roof. Property is nestled on 9/10th of an acre in a quiet neighborhood & borders a small stream w/trees, very well maintained. Open House Date: Tues., Feb. 18, 5-7:30 pm or call Wilmer Mar�n 717-333-4881 for private showing. Terms: Down payment of $15,000.00 required day of auc�on. Se�lement on or before May 28, 2020. Transfer taxes to be paid by buyer. Real Estate taxes shall be prorated. Annual Taxes: $6,012.00 +/-. A�en�on Realtors: 1% Broker Par�cipa�on being offered to Realtors who preregister with their buyers and who become the successful bidder on day of auc�on. Personal Property: Heavy Equipment & Trailers: John Deere “15”mini excavator 1989 hrs. Yanmar Diesel with steel tracks; 14’ Pequea (10,000 gvw.) flatbed trailer; Ringo (5,000 gvw.) dump trailer; flatbed trailer (7,000 gvw.) w/winch; 2018 Atlas 6’x12’x6’ (5,000 gvw.) box trailer. Concrete Tools: Stow 14”concrete cu�ng saw; Husqvarna 14”portable concrete saw; concrete electric floor grinder/polisher; Mikasa plate tamper; Bosch electric jack hammer w/heavy cords; Whitman/Honda 24” concrete finishing floor edger; bull float; concrete hand tools; Forma drain; orange cones. Lawn & Garden: Honda 36” riding mower; Husqvarna 22” 7hp lawn mower; Lawn Boy 21” commercial mower; leaf blower; B&S overseeder; lawn tools; B&S hydraulic wood spli�er. Tools & Misc.: Metal/plas�c toolboxes; 12” DeWalt miter saw; Senco framing nailer; Bosch electric plainer; Bosch laser level; Cra�sman belt sander; Milwaukee 7-1/4 saw; Cra�sman table saw; Rolling Kobalt toolbox; light tower; Reddy kero portable heater; Coleman gas grill/camp stove; gas cans; hydraulic floor jacks; Porter Cable air compressor/hoses; jumper cables; metal/plas�c toolboxes/misc. mechanical tool; adjustable-folding medal ladder; Honda (3,000) psi. 2.7 max gpm. pressure washer; 8’x8’ portable storage shed; 55-gal steel drum, new 6’ pa�o French door; outhouse; high capacity waterless Sunmar compost toilet; Canadian peat moss bale & 30-30 Winchester rifle w/scope. For more informa�on, pictures and forms, go to: www.beiler-campbellauc�ons.com, www.auc�onzip.com & www.GoToAuc�on.com

Seller: Lloyd & Karen Zeiset

A�orney: Kling & Deibler, Patrick Deibler (717) 354-7700


AY# 002026

www.beiler-campbellauctions.com • 888-209-6160

Auctioneers: Wilmer Martin 717-333-4881 AA#019644 J. Meryl Stoltzfus 717-629-6036 AU#005403

14B - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

SALES REGISTER (Continued From Page 13B)

FRI., MARCH 6 - 10:00 a.m. - Willis S. and Margaret B. Nolt, 433 Black Barren Rd., Peach Bottom. John Deere, Farmall and Mc­ Cormick tractors, farm equip­ ment, skid loader, trucks, trailers, VW Bug and Bus. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. FRI., MARCH 6 - 4:00 p.m. - Nelson and Lucy Horst, 320 Clay School Rd., Ephrata. 9-1/2 acre produce/

crop farmette, 2-1/2 story, 4 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath dwell­ ing with 2 car garage and 60’x80’ workshop. BeilerCampbell Auction Services. SAT., MARCH 7 - 9:00 a.m. - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Outstanding fire­ arms, hunting, fishing and military collectibles and accessories. Horst Auction­ eers. SAT., MARCH 7 - 10:00 a.m. - McCreary Farm LLC, 41 Chandlee Rd., Rising Sun, Maryland. Farm equip­ ment, JD tractor, JD com­ bine, Peterbilt truck, dump truck, trailers, grain bins. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., MARCH 7 - 11:00

(Terre Hill Borough)


MON., MAR. 16, 2020 at 6 PM

Located at: 218 E. Main St., Terre Hill, Pa., Lancaster Co., ELANCO Schools Directions: From Rt. 897 N. to Terre Hill, turn left onto Main St. to home on right opposite Terre Hill Restaurant. Real Estate: Consists of a 1,418 sq. ft. semi-detached conventional 2-story vinylsided frame dwelling on a .11-ac lot. Main floor features an 11’x18’ living room; dining room w/open staircase; eat-in style kitchen w/oak cabinetry & appliances; 8’x8’ mud room/½ bath/laundry; upper level includes 3 bdrms & full bath; attic storage; insulated windows; nice wraparound covered porch; rear covered porch storage rm; basement is unimproved w/oil furnace; central AC; public water & sewer; annual taxes: $2,700; parking & rear alley access on Watt St. fenced back yard; 8’x10’ utility shed. OPEN HOUSE: FEB. 29 & MARCH 7 from 1-3 PM; for info call auctioneer @ (717) 371-3333. Terms: 10% down day of sale, balance on or before 60 days. Attorney: Kling & Deibler (717) 354-7700. Note: Nice clean semi-detached 3-bdrm 2-story home located along Main St. Excellent starter home or valuable investment property; move in condition; low taxes; desirable ELANCO schools. For photos & complete listing visit www.martinandrutt.com

Auction By: Michael J. Martin 717-371-3333 John J. Rutt II 717-587-8906 AY-2189-L

Auction For:


(610) 908-4976


Member of PA & National Auctioneers Assoc.




SAT., FEB. 29, 2020 SALE AT 11:00 A.M.

Located at 1053 Brownsville Rd., Wernersville (L. Heidelberg Twp., Berks Co.) From Rt. 422 in Wernersville, take N. Church Rd. to a left on Brownsville Rd. Property will be on right OR from Rt. 183 just south of Bernville, turn onto N. Heidelberg Rd., and continue to follow to a left on Brownsville Rd. Property will be on left OR from Spring Ridge exit of Rt. 222, turn right on Paper Mill Rd. Follow Paper Mill Rd. to a left on Rebers Bridge Rd. (which becomes Brownsville Rd).

a.m. - Mervin and Priscilla Beiler, 20 South Groffdale Rd., Leola. 2-1/2 story 4 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath house, barn and garage, 3,360 sq. ft. workshop, Zoned Industrial. Beiler-Campbell Auction Services. WED., MARCH 11 - 9:00 a.m. - James E. and Diane L. Burkholder, 316 Good Rd., East Earl. ’03 Ford truck, trailer, CAT skidloader, con­ crete pump, tow motor, shop tools, welder, Scag mower, (5) ponies, household, furni­ ture. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., MARCH 12 6:00 p.m. - Martha E. Faucett Estate, 216 Geist Rd., Lancaster. Vinyl sided ranch style dwelling with detached vinyl sided 2 car garage, covered open-air pavilion and 2 vinyl sided

sheds on a 1 acre lot. Horst Auctioneers. FRI., MARCH 13 - 2:00 p.m. - Bonita (Martin) Miller, 605 Schaeffer Rd., Lebanon. 113 acre dairy farm, 2-1/2 story 4 bedroom house, bank barn, dairy barn, heifer barn, tobacco barn, slurry store, 4 silos, skidloader, mixer, ExMark mower, PTO generator, feed cart. Tim Weaver Auction Service LLC. MON., MARCH 16 6:00 p.m. - Justin D. and Sarah C. Kolb, 218 East Main St., Terre Hill. 3 bedroom semi-detached 2 story dwelling, 1.5 baths, utility shed, .11 acre lot. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. TUES., MARCH 17 9:00 a.m. - Garden Spot Fire Hall, 339 East Main St.,

- Fivepointville/Bowmansville Area -


1 Sty., 2 Bdrm. Stone/Brick Rancher - 2 Car Garage Large Shop/Garage/Barn - 24’x32’ Shop/Garage

21/2 ACRES

Saturday, February 22, 2020 at 10:00 A.M.

Location: 531 Panorama Drive, Denver, PA 17517 (Brecknock Twp., Lancaster Co.) Directions: Rt. 897 North of Fivepointville, turn right onto Panorama Drive. Property on right.

New Holland. Quilt auction. Hometowne Auction LLC. WED., MARCH 18 - 4:00 p.m. - Mark A. and Audrey Martin, 146 Ebersole Rd., Ephrata. 3-4 bedroom, 3 bath brick rancher with 2 car garage, 1.05 acre lot, custom kitchen, finished daylight basement, heat pump/AC. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. THURS., MARCH 19 4:00 p.m. - Mildred E. and the late Harold H. Martin, 32 Cocalico Creek Rd., Ephrata. 3 bedroom 1.5 story dwell­ ing, 1.06 acre zoned indus­ trial, 2 story barn with 2 bay garage, pasture/garden area. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. FRI., MARCH 20 - 10:00 a.m. - Richard K. and Donna L. Burkhart, 778 Maple Grove Rd., Mohnton. Farm equipment, JD and Ford tractors, wood-mizer port­ able saw mill, oak, poplar, maple and pine lumber. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. FRI., MARCH 20 - 4:00 p.m. - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Catalogued Antique Auction from the collection of Jim and Nan Tshudy. Horst Auctioneers.

SAT., MARCH 21 - 8:00 a.m. - 32nd Annual West Earl Fire Company Auction, 14 School Lane Ave., Brownstown. Quilts, baked goods, nursery stock, plants, flowers, pre-cast concrete, sheds, furniture, housewares and much more. Quilts at 11:00 a.m. SAT., MARCH 21 - 9:00 a.m. - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Catalogued Antique Auction from the collection of Jim and Nan Tshudy. Horst Auctioneers. MON., MARCH 23 5:00 p.m. - Brandon M. and Jenny R. Weaver, 34 North 9th St., Akron. 2 unit residential apartment, clean, off-street parking, 3 and 2 bedroom, nice updates. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. WED., MARCH 25 - 5:00 p.m. - Glen N. and Marlene S. Zimmerman, 1874 & 1876 Turkey Hill Rd., East Earl. #1 - 2-1/2 story 4 bedroom dwelling, 2 story barn/garage 30x32, 2 story shop 40x80 with studio and work rms. (known as Turkey Hill Wildlife), 2.1 acre country lot. #2 - Masonry shop/garage 40x70, 2 story

(Ephrata/Reamstown Area)



WED., MAR. 18, 2020 at 4:00 PM Located at: 146 Ebersole Rd., Ephrata, Pa. E. Cocalico Twp. Lancaster Co.


2½ Acres w/ stone/brick rancher, barn and shop. 1 sty. Atglen stone & brick rancher w/2254 sq. ft., kitchen, dining rm., living rm. w/bay window & stone fireplace, 2 bdrms., 2 baths, 1st flr. laundry, sun porch, attached 2 car heated garage. Full basement (finished) w/family rm. & brick fireplace. Oil/forced air heat, central AC. Central Vac. Outbuildings: 18’x50’ shop w/26’x40’ barn addition w/horse stalls and 24’x32’ shop/ garage. All on 2½ Acres w/lawn, garden, mature shade trees, macadam drive, on site well & septic. Zoned AG, Brecknock Twp. Elanco Schools. Taxes: $3,693.80 NOTE: The Zimmerman’s are relocating to Missouri and serious to sell. Unique small acreage property, along quiet, low traffic road w/farmland view. Easy access to Rts. 897, 272, 222 and PA Turnpike. TERMS: 10% down, settlement on or before April 22, 2020. Kling & Deibler, Attys. Inspection by appointment. Contact auctioneer @ (717) 354-9524 w/any questions. Offering 1% Broker Participation. Contact auctioneer for details.

See more at Auctionzip.com ID #25403

Auction for: Roy R. and Twila Zimmerman (717) 445-5462

Auctioneers: Tim Weaver, Dave Stoltzfus & Steve Schuler Lic. # AY2109 Phone: 717-354-9524


9.5 Acre +/- Farmette w/21/2 Story, 4 BR, 21/2 BA Home 60’x80’ Workshop, 2-Car Garage

Friday, March 6, 2020 @ 4:00 P.M.

320 Clay School Road, Ephrata, PA 17522 - Lancaster County

Directions: From Rt. 322 (Main St.) Ephrata take Ridge Ave. N. 3 mi. to left on Ebersole Rd. to home on right or from Reamstown E. Church St. take Ridge Ave. S. 1 mi. to right on Ebersole Rd. Real Estate: Consists of a solid brick 1,456 sq. ft. brick rancher w/2-car garage on a 1.05 ac. lot. Main floor features a modern custom raised-panel cabinet kitchen w/range, DW & microwave; 10’x14’ dining area; foyer; 18’x14’ formal living room w/bay window; full bath; 3 bdrms, master bdrm w/private full bath; 2-car garage; composite deck/patio w/PVC fencing; finished daylight lower level includes a 14’x24’ family room w/brick FP, door to 12’x18’ rear patio; laundry/office w/built-in cabinets & exit door; bdrm #4; storage room or bdrm #5; full bath; utility room w/electric heat pump/AC; water heater & Kinetico water treatment system; on-site well & septic; new insulated windows; annual taxes: $5,279; 10’x14 garden shed. OPEN HOUSE: SAT. FEB. 29 & MARCH 7 from 1-3 PM; for info call auctioneer @ (717) 371-3333 Terms: 10% down day of sale, balance on or before 60 days. Attorney: Kling & Deibler (717) 354-7700. Note: Well maintained all brick rancher on 1.05 ac. rural lot borders farmland; offers convenient 1-floor living, home is in move in condition w/ tasteful décor throughout; quiet country setting yet easy access to Rt. 222, 322 & 272. For photos & listing visit www.martinandrutt.com

Auction By: Michael J. Martin 717-371-3333 John J. Rutt II 717-587-8906 AY-2189-L

Auction For:



(717) 314-9239

Member of PA & National Auctioneers Assoc.

(Ephrata/Akron Area)



THURS. MARCH 19, 2020 at 4:00 PM Tract #1 – Real estate consists of a circa 1800, 2½ story dwelling containing an eat-in kitchen w/pantry; dining room; formal living room; family room; master bedroom; two full baths; laundry room; and a mud room all on the main level. There are four additional bedrooms upstairs, with a 2nd floor loft above the addition. There is approx. 2,716 sq. ft. of finished living space. Attic storage. Partial basement. 200Amp electric. Electric heat. Well & septic onsite. This solid dwelling, with side patio and rear deck, is situated on a magnificent 21.54 (+/-) acres along with a 48’x36’ bank barn, a two car frame garage, and an equipment run-in. There are 10-12 acres currently tillable, which have been farmed, organic certified, for a number of years. (The potential for more tillable land also exists). There is a stream running through the property (with land owned on both sides), and the rear of the property is bordered by PA state game land #280. Located in Wilson School District, this property is zoned R-1 Residential. This is a marvelous farm, nestled in a prime rural location, yet conveniently located to many major routes (422, 222, & 183) as well as the Blue Marsh National Recreation Area. Tract #2 – Real estate consists of a 1.01 (+/-) acre vacant lot adjacent to tract #1. With 147’ of road frontage, this lot would serve as an ideal building lot or addition to the farm. Also zoned R-1 Residential, please contact Lower Heidelberg Township with any questions regarding building requirements or restrictions. Open House to be held Sat., Feb. 22 from 1-3PM, or by appointment, contact Auctioneer at (717) 371-9603. 10% Down day of sale, balance due at settlement. Auctioneer’s Note: This property is still occupied. Please respect their privacy and enter by appointment, or during open house, only. After many years of this farm being in the family, the time has come to liquidate. Owners are motivated to sell, and you will not want to miss this rare opportunity! All announcements day of sale take precedence over prior advertisements. Jeff Dorko, Att’y Terms By:


Lic. #AU001476-L Lic. #AU005308-L 717-336-6983 www.pannebeckerwolf.com

Direc�ons: From Ephrata, Rt. 322 West, right on Durlach Rd., le� on Clay School Rd., to property on right. Property Descrip�on: Beau�ful 9.5-acre country property featuring 2650 sq. �. home (new in 2014) w/4 bedrooms & 2.5 bath & 2-car garage. 1st floor has spacious 20’x13’ eat-in kitchen w/custom cabinets & walk in pantry, 19’x 5’ living room w/large bay window. Also, parlor & sewing rm. 1st floor laundry & full bath in breezeway w/radiant floor heat. Par�al open stairway to 2nd story w/4 bedrooms including 15’x16’ master bedroom & full bath. Lots of closet space, ceiling fans & central vac. Full basement w/outside entrance. Also, half bath, cold cellar & coal furnace. U�lity rm. w/RO, UV & water so�ener systems. 26’x26’ garage w/9’ OH doors. Covered front & side porches & 12’x8’ deck. 60’x80’ shop building w/16’ height (new 2012) w/(3) 16’x14’ overhead doors w/openers. 30’x40’ finished area w/mezzanine. 20’x30’ lawn & garden area w/insulated 2nd floor lounge. Onsite sep�c & well w/100 gpm. capacity. Open House: Thurs., Feb 20, 4-7 pm or contact sellers or auc�oneers for private showing. Terms: Down payment of $50,000.00 required day of auc�on. Se�lement on or before April 30, 2020. Transfer taxes to be paid by buyer. Real Estate taxes shall be prorated. In Act 319 Clean & Green & is not in ag preserva�on. Annual Taxes: $8,082.00 +/-. A�en�on Realtors: 1% Broker Par�cipa�on being offered to Realtors who preregister with their buyers and who become the successful bidder on day of auc�on. Auc�oneers’ Notes: An excellent opportunity to purchase a Farme�e in Lancaster Co. w/almost new buildings. Great loca�on for retail or wholesale produce opera�on w/established 2+ acres strawberries. Underground irriga�on pipes & 8000 gal. water storage tank. Also, business poten�al w/large workshop w/par�al 2nd floor. Be sure to check out this rare find being offered at auc�on by mo�vated sellers. Sellers reserve right to harvest and market 2020 strawberry crop. 32’x150’ greenhouse is excluded from sale however, buyer has first right of refusal to purchase. Call Auc�oneers or seller with ques�ons. For forms & addi�onal pictures go to: www.beiler-campbellauc�ons.com or www.auc�onzip.com or www.GoToAuc�on.com.

Seller: Nelson & Lucy Horst (717) 723-1217 A�orney: Sam Goodley (610) 998-1000


Auctioneers: Harold Martin 717-738-4228 AA#0019488 Christ Taylor 717-371-1915 AU#005421 www.beiler-campbellauctions.com • 888-209-6160 J. Meryl Stoltzfus 717-629-6036 AU#005403


AY# 002026

Located at: 32 Cocalico Creek Rd., Ephrata, Pa. W. Earl Twp. Lancaster Co.

Directions: From Rt. 272 ½ mi. south of Akron turn right onto Cocalico Creek Rd. to home on left. Real Estate: Consists of a 1,248 sq. ft. 3 bdrm 1.5 story frame dwelling (needs interior cosmetic TLC) & 2-story barn w/attached 2-bay garage on a level 1.06 ac. lot. Main floor features a wood cabinet kitchen w/fridge & range; 12’x13’ dining room; 13’x20’ living room; open staircase; covered front porch; enclosed rear porch/mud room w/upright freezer & sink; upper level includes 3 bedrooms & full bath; basement is unimproved w/walk-out door; oil furnace HW heat w/275 gallon fuel tank; laundry hook-up w/washer & dryer; shower stall; on-site well & public sewer; recent asphalt shingle roof; vinyl siding & insulated windows throughout; annual taxes: $2,857. Outbuildings: a 24’x30’ frame 2-story barn/shop w/horse stall; attached 20’x24’ open front garage/shed; large pasture/garden area. OPEN HOUSE: SAT. FEB. 22 & 29 from 1-3 PM; for info call auctioneer @ (717) 371-3333. Terms: 10% down day of sale, balance on or before 60 days. Attorney: Kling & Deibler (717) 354-7700. Note: Charming cottage style dwelling offers maintenance free exterior but needs some interior cosmetic TLC; nice level lot w/barn & garage; easy access to Rt. 272 & 222; valuable Industrial zoning; low taxes; CV schools. For photos & listing visit www.martinandrutt.com

Auction By: Michael J. Martin 717-371-3333 John J. Rutt II 717-587-8906 AY-2189-L

NEW HOLLAND, PA Member of PA & National Auctioneers Assoc.

Auction For:


Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - 15B

dwelling, 1.1 acre country lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., MARCH 26 6:00 p.m. - Audrey T. Grill, 9 East Lancaster Ave., Denver. 1-1/2 story dwelling, 2 car garage, 1/3 acre lot. Art Pannebecker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. FRI., MARCH 27 - 2:00 p.m. - Neil L. and Sherry L. Martin, Rock Rd., Pine Grove. 56.8 acre farm, 50x128 pole barn building. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., MARCH 28 - 9:00 a.m. - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Fine antiques, primitives, collectibles, household goods and tools for Leo Grant estate. Horst Auctioneers.

SAT., MARCH 28 10:00 a.m. - Lloyd and Karen Zeiset, 121 North 9th St., Akron. 4 bedroom, 3-1/2 bath house on 0.9 acres, 36’x36’ shop build­ ing. Real estate at 12:00 p.m. Trailers, con­crete and construction tools, lawn/ garden and misc. BeilerCampbell Auction Services. SAT., MARCH 28 10:00 a.m. - Earl W. and Nancy M. Potts, 900 Smokestown Rd., Denver. Country 1 story 3 bedroom rancher, 2 car garage, 1 car garage, 3.8 acres with stream. Kline, Kreider and Good Auction­eers. SAT., MARCH 28 - 1:00 p.m. - Vincent E. Spahr Estate, 49 Sego Sago Rd., Manheim. Rural 2-1/2 story 4 bedroom dwelling, 2 separate 2 car garages, 4 bay garage/shop building 24x50, 1.6 acres, partial wooded. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., MARCH 28 - 2:00 p.m. - Christina L. Seymour, 1275 Girl Scout Rd., Denver. 5 bedroom, 1.5 bath bi-level, 3/4 acre lot. Art Pannebecker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. THURS., APRIL 2 - 6:00 p.m. - Kenneth G. Nauman Estate, 338 Lake St., Eph­ rata. Brick and aluminum sided bi-level dwelling with lower level oversized one car garage and framed storage shed. Horst Auction­ eers. FRI., APRIL 3 - 8:00 a.m. - Esther Garman, 247 Bridgeville Rd., East Earl. 1 owner’s personal collection, iron bells, antiques, collect­ ibles, nice furniture. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. FRI., APRIL 3 - 5:00


Farm Equipment, Tractors, Cat Crawler, Skidloader, JD 5200 Chopper, JLG 60’ Lift, Shop Tools, Guns

p.m. - Kent A. and Sandra K. Unruh, 246 W. Maple Grove Rd., Denver. #1 Custom 1 story stone 4 bedroom rancher, attached 2 car garage, in-ground pool, 8/10 acre rural level lot. #2 - 1.04 acre level building lot. #3 - 3/4 acre wooded build­ing lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. TUES., APRIL 14 - 5:00 p.m. - Glenn W. Leininger, 95 North Cocalico Rd., Den­ ver. 10 acre farmette with stream, 1 story 3 bedroom rancher, 2 car garage, 12x30 shop/garage. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., APRIL 16 6:00 p.m. - Leo R. Grant Estate, 4527 New Holland Rd., Mohnton. Colonial brick and aluminum sided two story dwelling with attached 2 car garage on a 1.3 acre wooded lot. Horst Auctioneers.

SAT., APRIL 18 Schoeneck Fire Company 8th Annual Mud Sale. Household goods, furniture, lawn and garden items, quilts, gift certificates, crafts, collectibles, flowers and shrubbery. Quilts at 11:00 a.m. MON., APRIL 20 - 6:30 p.m. - Melvin M. Martin, 332 Linden Grove Rd., Ephrata. 2.5 story Colonial house with 4 bedrooms, .47 acre lot, several garages and shops, nice. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. TUES., APRIL 21 - 9:00 a.m. - D&M Concrete, Inc. Liquidation - Fivepointville Fire Hall, 1087 Dry Tavern Rd., Denver. Concrete and masonry equipment, New Holland skid loaders, trucks, trailers, Proline 22’ fishing boat, storage box. Kline, Kreider and Good Auction­eers. SAT., APRIL 25 - 9:00


WEDNESDAY, FEB. 26, 2020 AT 1:00 P.M. SUV AT 6:30 P.M.

Preview Times - Tuesday, February 25 from 2:00 P.M. thru 5:00 P.M. and Wednesday, February 26 from 8:00 A.M. *The following is just a very general list of items to be sold. Photos representing the entire auction will be posted on our website www.horstauction.com on Tuesday, February 25. Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center, 50 Durlach Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522 (The corner of Rt. 322 & Durlach Rd., approx. 21/2 miles west of Ephrata) FURNITURE - Antique, Vintage, Reproduction & Modern Incl. Bedroom, Dining Room, Living Room, Family Room, Kitchen, Office & Patio (Sets & Individual Pcs.); APPLIANCES; KITCHENWARE; CLOCKS & LAMPS; SILVER; COPPER & BRASS; CAST IRON; GRAY AGATE; TINWARE; PEWTER; WOODENWARE; CHINA & GLASSWARE; POTTERY; LINENS & TEXTILES; BOOKS & PAPER; ESTATE & COSTUME JEWELRY; ARTWORK; CHRISTMAS & SEASONAL DECORATIONS; TOYS; TOOLS; LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT; 2011 KIA SORENTO LX 4-DOOR SEDAN; BOX LOTS & MANY OTHER ITEMS TO BE SOLD! Accepted Payments: Cash or PA Check. Visa, MasterCard, Discover & Debit Card with 3% fee. No out of state checks without prior approval.

Sale For:


From Route 222, take Route 322 West, 5 miles to auction on right.



AY# 002026

SAT., FEB. 22, 2020 at 11 AM

Located at 1651 Main St., East Earl, Pa. (Goodville) East Earl Twp., Lancaster Co. Directions: From Shady Maple Complex East Earl take Rt. 23 E. 1.5 miles to property on left. Real Estate: Consists of a 1,224 sq. ft. 1.5 story brick 3 bdrm. 1.5 bath dwelling; detached 2-car garage w/heated shop, 2-story poultry barn & modular home rental pad on a rural 1.1-acre tract. Main floor features a galley style kitchen w/appliances; 12’x14’ dining room w/2 built-in corner cupboards; 12’x17’ living room; ½ bath & bedroom; 2nd floor includes 2 bedrooms w/closets & full bath; basement utility room w/laundry hook-up & shower; cold cellar; slate roof; oil furnace HW heat; on site well & septic for each dwelling; 2019 taxes approx. $2,500; Outbuildings: An 800 sq. ft. 2-car garage w/attached 340 sq. ft. shop w/heat & water; a 2-story 24’x30’ masonry block poultry barn & modular home rental pad income $325/mo.! OPEN HOUSE: For info call auctioneer @ (717) 371-3333. Terms: 10% down day of sale, balance on or before 60 days. Attorney: Kling & Deibler (717) 354-7700. Note: Charming one-owner home located just east of Goodville; large level lot w/2-car garage/shop; barn & room for garden or pasture, horses OK; low taxes; desirable ELANCO schools! Income generating property! For photos & listing visit www.martinandrutt.com Auction For:


Member of PA & National Auctioneers Assoc.


Auctioneers: EILER AMPBELL Harold Martin 717-738-4228 AU#019488 AU C T I O N S E RV I C E S Noah Shirk 717-354-0192 AU#005928 www.beiler-campbellauctions.com • 888-209-6160 Christ Taylor 717-371-1915 AU#005421



Auction By: Michael J. Martin 717-371-3333 John J. Rutt II 717-587-8906 AY-2189-L

2011 W. Main Street, Ephrata, PA 17522 - Lancaster County

Seller: George & Martha Horst (717) 721-5003

detached garage/shop, 1.9 acres. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. WED., MAY 20 - 5:00 p.m. - John H. and Karen I. Eby, 667 Wide Hollow Rd., East Earl. Country 2 story 3 bedroom dwelling, 2 car garage, utility buildings, 1.2 acres m/l. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. FRI., MAY 29 - 4:00 p.m. - Allen S. Hoover, 163 Cul­ bertson Run Rd., Coatesville. Country cus­ tom 1 story 4 bedroom rancher, 2 car garage, 32x50 shop/garage, 22-1/2 acres with stream. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. FRI., JUNE 5 - 5:00 p.m. - Martin W. and Kimberly A. Kampen, 200 Evans Rd., Lititz. Country 1-1/2 story 4 bedroom dwelling, 23x38 2 car garage/shop, 20x20 pavilion, 8.5 acres with stream. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers.

(East Earl/Goodville Area)

“Horst Auction Center” PUBLIC SALE

Saturday, February 29th, 2020 @ 9:00 A.M.

Tractors, Cat Crawler, Skidloader, Chopper, Uni System & JLG LI�: JD 2355 tractor on steel belt wheels, 2 remotes 8743 hours; Same Buffalo 130 4-WD tractor on steel belt wheels 540 & 1000 PTO; JD 5200 4-WD chopper on steel belt wheels 750 hours on engine overhaul, w/4 row JD head; (2) 3-row JD heads; rims & �res for JD & Same tractors & JD chopper; Case 1845B skidloader on steel belt wheels; Cat D-4 ag crawler tractor, good under carriage w/18” tracks, remotes; JLG 60H man li� w/60’ boom & Ingersoll Rand engine; NI 709 4-WD Uni System on steel belt wheels w/737 husking bed & 744N 4-row head. Farm Equipment: Glencoe 7 tooth soil saver; 15’ Sunflower 1211 disk w/hyd. li�; Brillion 10’ cul�packer w/(2) 4 �. pups; NI 214 tandem axle manure spreader w/ end gate; Arts-Way 16’ forage wagon on tandem gear; Arts-Way & Heston forage wagons; IH 56 forage blower; White 5100 Seed Boss 4 row air planter; JD 494A 4-row planter; JD 8350 grain drill; (3) gravity bin wagons; 8”x51’ grain auger; Zimmerman 36’ elevator; Snowco 3’x6’ grain cleaner; tandem axle fer�lizer spreader; Pequea 3PT fert. spreader; Farmhand F85A grinder mixer; 18’ poly & 16’ wood bed flat wagons; JM Shirk L500 plas�c li�er; Marlo 3” irriga�on PTO pump; Kipco 2”x250’ traveler w/extra Komet gun; 650 �. 2” plas�c irriga�on pipes w/extra fi�ngs; Zimmerman 300 gal. trailer sprayer w/30’ boom; Hardi 130 gal. air blast sprayer; 50 gal. sprayer w/16’ booms; Stauffer 2-row transplanter; water wheel transplanter w/12” & 24” wheels; 4’ plas�c layer; 7’x10’ trailer w/�tle 3K w/surge brakes; 8’x16’ tri-axle & 7’x11’ farm trailers; Brady 12’ flail chopper; Goosen PTO bale chopper; screw compressor w/Con�nental gas engine; 4-row s-�ne cul�vator; 12’ rotary hoe; tobacco cul�vator w/Kohler engine; 3PT 5-wheel rake; 3PT cul�vator & tool bar; 5’ bush hog; 900 RPM generator; buck saw; misc. weights. Guns & Spor�ng Goods: 12 ga. Win. model 1200 pump 3” chamber & 30” barrel; Rem. 870 Magnum w/slug barrel & Burris scope; Harrington Richardson 20 ga. single shot; 303 Bri�sh Enfield B/A w/scope; Steven Savage model 325A B/A 3030; Marlin Glenfield model 25 .22 cal. w/Weaver scope; Mossberg model 21 single shot .22; CVA .50 cal. inline; CVA .50 cal. inline w/Bushnell scope; Wolf Mag .50 cal. inline w/Tradi�ons scope; Thompson .45 cal. flintlock; CVA .50 cal. flintlock; Cabelas .54 cal. flintlock; Remington & Gamo pellet guns w/scopes; Daisy & (2) Crossman air guns; (9) scopes including Simmons, Tasco, Deerfield & Catseye; 3006 or .270 clips; knives; tree stand; lots of ammuni�on including 12 & 20 Ga., 12 ga. slugs, 30-30, 30-06, 303, & .22 bullets; primers, flints & powders. Misc.: Aluminum cab wagon w/lights & hyd. brakes; alum. express wagon w/sides; (3) 275 gal. fuel tanks; 1500 gal. poly tank; (6) shopping carts; Lincoln 225 welder & auto helmet; narrow pallet jack; lots shop tools as wrenches & socket sets including 3/4”, drill press & bits, grinders, compressor, clamps, band saw, jacks & stands, chain saw, taps & dies, lots equipment parts; woodworking tools as Grizzly jointer, Makita 14” chop saw, table saw, Cra�sman lathe, router & arm saw, scroll saw, belt sander, lots misc. building materials as 6 1/2”x12”x 22’ I-beam, concrete forms, new & used porch posts, porch swing, boxes siding & flashing, new & used doors & windows, rubber flooring & roofing, cooler panels, ceiling & box fans, old barn hinges, bolts & fasteners, chains; misc. flex augers & pipes; small animal feeders; nes�ng box; galv. canner & much more too numerous to men�on. Auc�oneers’ Note: Seller re�red from farming & all items must go. Star�ng with small, farm related & tools. Guns & ammo. appx. 11:30 am., larger equipment appx. 12:30 pm. For more informa�on, pictures and forms, go to: www.beiler-campbellauc�ons.com or www.auc�onzip.com or www.GoToAuc�on.com

a.m. - J. Richard Myer Estate, 578 West Sun Hill Rd., Manheim. 5 bedroom, 3.5 bath custom brick Cape Cod, 1.07 acre lot, attached 2 car garage, 3 bay brick truck garage/shop, JD 455 tractor, Hustler mower, BriMar trailer, guns, wood­ working equipment, tools, furniture, antiques, etc. Martin and Rutt Auction­ eers. SAT., APRIL 25 - 10:00 a.m. - Henry K. and Emma Mae Stoltzfus, 6151 Lime­ ville Rd., Parkesburg. Cus­ tom 2-1/2 story 5 bedroom dwelling, 2 car garage, 3 stall horse barn, run-in barn, country 2 acres. Kline, Kreider and Good Auction­ eers. THURS., MAY 14 - 6:00 p.m. - J. Marlin and Nancy E. Becker, 1047 Mountain Rd., Manheim. Country 3 bedroom split foyer dwell­ ing, 2 car garage, 24x30

21/2 Story, 4 BR, 21/2 Bath Dwelling on 1.2 +/- Acres 40’x60’ Barn/Garage, 30’x32’ Shop/Storage 3,360 Sq. Ft. 2nd Story Workshop Area Zoned - Industrial

Saturday, March 7, 2020 @ 11:00 A.M. 20 S. Groffdale Rd., Leola, PA 17540 - Lancaster County

From New Holland, Route 23 West to left onto S. Groffdale Rd. to property on right.

ALMA R. & (the late MELVIN) BRENDLE (Dorothy (717) 475-1368)

- Schaefferstown/Buffalo Springs Area -


21/2 Sty. 4 Bdrm. House - Bank Barn - Dairy Barn Heifer Barn - Tob. Barn - Slurry Store - 4 Silos Skidloader - Mixer - ExMark Mower PTO Generator - Feed Cart

Friday, March 13, 2020 at 2:00 P.M.

Location: 605 Schaeffer Rd, Lebanon PA 17042 (S. Lebanon Twp., Lebanon Co.) Directions: Follow Rt. 419 South of Schaefferstown for 2 miles to farm on right.

Property Descrip�on: Featuring spacious 2875 sq. �. dwelling w/4 bedrooms & 2½ bath. 1st floor has 15’x 15’ laundry/mudroom w/½ bath also kitchen cabinets (2) walk-in closets. Large kitchen w/custom cabinets, dining & family room. 22’x14’ living room w/brick hearth. Sewing room w/open stairway. 2nd floor master suite w/vaulted ceiling, skylight & window seat. Master bath w/double vanity, deep tub & walk-in shower. 3 addi�onal bedrooms w/closets. Also, full bath. House has lots of closets, hardwood & linoleum floors & vinyl windows. Basement w/ outside entrance & large cold cellar/can goods room. Coal fired hot water heat w/CI radiators. Wrap around covered front porch. Public sewer & private well. 40’x60’ 2-story barn w/horse box stalls & feed storage. Oversized garage area w/ kitchen cabinets. 30’x32’ shop/storage building (new in 2017). Connec�ng 2nd stories for almost 3400 sq. �. work area w/scissor truss for 13’ ceiling. 16’x14’ office/showroom building w/heat, electric & laminate flooring. (2) 1000 gal. LP tanks & (1) 1000 gal. air tank. Open House Dates: Saturdays Feb 22 & 29, 1-3 P.M. or contact sellers or auc�oneers for private showing. Terms: Down payment of $30,000.00 required day of auc�on. Se�lement on or before May 6, 2020. Transfer taxes to be paid by buyer. Real Estate taxes shall be prorated. Annual Taxes: $5,500.00 +/A�en�on Realtors: 1% Broker Par�cipa�on being offered to Realtors who preregister with their buyers and who become the successful bidder on day of auc�on. Auc�oneers Note: Excellent opportunity to purchase country property w/ beau�ful house in great condi�on, move in ready. Mature pine trees offering lots of privacy. Appealing landscaping & brickwork w/covered picnic area. Garden & fenced pastures. Zoned Industrial w/lots of business poten�al. Has large shop area currently used for wood working. Paved parking & driveway. For more informa�on, pictures and forms, go to: www.beiler-campbellauc�ons.com or www.GoToAuc�on.com or www.auc�onzip.com

Seller: Mervin & Priscilla Beiler (717) 656-9170 A�orney: Ed Miller (717) 299-1100


AY# 002026

www.beiler-campbellauctions.com • 888-209-6160

Auctioneers: Harold Martin 717-738-4228 AA#19488 Christ Taylor 717-371-1915 AU#005421

- Real Estate -

113 acre dairy farm w/stone farmhouse, bank barn, dairy barn, heifer barn, 4 silos, slurry store, tobacco barn and garage. 2½ sty. stone farmhouse (circa 1824) w/3064 sq. ft. Eat-in kitchen, living rm., parlor, laundry/mud rm., 4 bdrms., 3 full baths, basement, attic, porch. Oil/HW heat. Outbuildings: Stone/frame bank barn (36’x88’) w/dry cow housing. 1 sty. frame/masonry dairy barn (40’x200’) w/89 tie stalls, tunnel ventilation, pipeline, and Mueller 2700 gal. tank. Heifer free stall barn (56’x110’) w/slatted flr. & pit below. Slurrystore (42’x19’). 4 silos: 20’x80’ poured concrete; 16’x70’ stave; 17’x50’ Harvestore; 20’x50’ Harvestore. Tobacco barn (32’x60’) w/cellar. 3 car masonry garage (30’x32’). Land: 113 acres +/- w/approx. 102 acres tillable - soils: Duffield, Clarksburg, Melvin & Nolin silt/loam. Balance fenced pastures. Small stream. Zoned AG S. Lebanon Twp. Annual Taxes: $9070.36. NOTE: Rare opportunity to purchase dairy farm at ABSOLUTE AUCTION, no minimum or reserve, will be sold to the highest bidder. Prepare now to buy. Frontage on Rt 419, Rexmont & Fonderwhite Rds. Conveniently located along Rt. 419, minutes to Schaefferstown, Myerstown Lebanon, etc. Farm is in Clean & Green and AG Preserve. TERMS: 10% down, settlement on or before May 12, 2020. Kling & Deibler, Attys. 717354-7700. Inspection by appointment or OPEN HOUSE: Feb. 22 & 29; 1-3 PM Contact auctioneer @ (717) 354-9524 w/any questions or to schedule a private showing. The following items will be sold immediately following Real Estate: Gehl 4240 skidloader w/5’ bucket-4470 hrs.; Patz V200 stationary mixer; E. Rissler 643 SS feedcart; Tiger Power PTO75 1 ph./75 kw PTO generator; NI 279 flail shredder; ExMark Radius ZTR lawn mower w/52” deck - 1 owner! Only 113 hrs! Terms on above items: Cash or good check - paid in full. See more at Auctionzip.com ID #25403 Auctioneers: Tim Weaver, Dave Stoltzfus & Steve Schuler Lic. # AY2109 Phone: 717-354-9524

Auction for: Bonita (Martin) Miller

16B - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

Student Spotlight $

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Award Winning Auction Service

www.martinandrutt.com Michael J. Martin New Holland, PA 17557 717-371-3333

John J. Rutt, II Ephrata, PA 17522 717-587-8906

Specializing In Real Estate Auctions

Matthew Smoker 7th Grade If there is ever a question about history, there is no doubt that Matthew Smoker would be the first to step up and help. During the weekend Matthew attends New Joy Fellowship Church with his parents Tom and Robin Smoker and his four older siblings, but during the weekdays Matthew goes to Hinkletown Mennonite School as an eighth grader who loves taking history class there. Matthew loves everything about history, and that is why he would love to be a park ranger when he grows up. Becoming a park ranger would be a dream come true for Matthew Smoker. One of the main reasons that he would love to become a park ranger is that he could be around everything that he loves. Another reason is that he would get to go to places that are very significant in history, and that is very important to him. He hopes to go to Gettysburg or Geneva College so he can pursue his dream. He loves to show people around different places and tell them information about each place. He likes to share his knowledge with others, so that they can learn as well. At the end of the day, it all comes down to the fact that Matthew Smoker loves anything and everything about history. Written by: Maddie Stauffer



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Ephrata Mennonite Tiersha Martin



8th Grade This week, prepare yourself as Miss Tiersha Martin steps into the student spotlight. In her spare time, Tiersha enjoys a wide variety of hobbies, including listening to music, playing with her dogs, singing, being outside, hanging with friends, riding fourwheeler, and swimming. However, because she is an 8th grader at Ephrata Mennonite School, Tiersha spends most of her time studying at school. What she likes most about school is being with her friends and being in math class. Math is also her favorite subject because “Mr. Oberholtzer makes it interesting and fun.” After she graduates from EMS, Tiersha hopes to possibly go to E.B.I. for a semester. E.B.I. stands for Elnora Bible Institute and is located in Elnora, Indiana. The institute’s purpose states, “We strive to teach our students how to grow and thrive in the sea of ideas present in this modern age.” At one point, Tiersha participated in “Born to be Different” plays, but she doesn’t currently. She is involved in a local church called Cornerstone Mennonite Fellowship. If Tiersha could change something in the world today, it would be to make it that there is no abortion. “I believe that babies’ lives are important, and it goes against what the Bible teaches.” When asked who she admires, Tiersha answers with Lauren Daigle because she appreciates her Christian music and how she lives to please God in everything she does. Written by: Alia Summy

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