SAhopping newS S eRVing o VeR 38,000 h oMeS
of Lancaster County
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wedNesdAY, APrIl 6, 2016 • VoluMe l, No. 52 • reAd THe Full Issue oN THe weB:
In This Issue!
• Student Spotlight • Spring Makeover Pages In • Bridal this Guide
week’s issue:
Ephrata High School Students Excel At Science Fair
Makeover Pages Around Town Also see our complete calendar of events in The Bulletin Board, in this section!
Look in this week’s Things To Do section beginning on page 18A for more events, including: • Bowmansville Fire Company Chicken Pie or Oyster Pie Dinner • Schoeneck Fire Company All You Can Eat Seafood Night • Zion’s U.C.C. Church Beef Pot Pie Dinner • Gehmans Mennonite School Chicken BBQ, Bake Sale & Yard Sale
SATURDAY, APRIL 9 Clay Elementary School will hold their Annual Spelling Bee at 6:00 p.m. Food stand opens at 5:00 p.m. Admission is free. There are six different age/grade categories. This is a community event sponsored by the Clay Elementary PTO.
Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese The following Ephrata High School students received a Superior rating at the Ephrata High School Science Fair held on Saturday, February 6. Shown in the photo, from left to right, are (first row) Kiersten Miller, Anna Brubaker, Carly Snyder, Sarah Johnson, Samantha Borry; (second row) Molly Kamide, Callie Dydo, Faith Dalavai, Kennedy Root, Jordan Welsh, Chelsea Brubaker, Amber Dietrich; (third row) Jeremy Reiff, Dylan Fritz, Philip Wenger, Nic Wiest, Ellis Vogt, Grace Fertenbaugh, Micah Martin; and (fourth row) Pierce Martin, Dustin Fisher, Nicole Eberly, Abby Burkholder, Eliza Mull, Brianne Balmer, Sean O’Hanlon. Missing from the photo is Lauren Moyer and Annie Vogt.
Adamstown Library Programs
The following events are happ ening at the Adamstown Area Library, 3000 North Reading Road, Route 272, Adamstown. To register for any of the events, call the library at 7174844200. • Family Place Parent-Child
Workshops – The second series of five-week workshops continues every Thursday evening and Fri day morning through April 29. All workshops will be held at Peace United Church of Christ, 37 East Swartzville Road. (Route 897), Denver. Dates and times of each workshop are as follows: Thurs days, April 7, 14, 21 and 28 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.; and Fri days, April 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Family Place™ is a center for
early childhood information, par ent education, early literacy, socialization and family support. Each Family Place™ workshop session features art, blocks, books, puzzles, a storytime, puppets and more! Since an integral part of the project is the collaboration be tween community agencies and the library, there will be resource people from the community on hand to informally answer parent ing questions and concerns. It is recommended that parents and
children try to attend all five morning or evening sessions. Funding for the Adamstown Area Library’s Family Place™ is made possible by a Library Serv ices and Technology Act (LSTA) grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as admin istered by Pennsylvania Depart ment of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf, Gover (Continued On Page 2A)
Quilters Work Diligently For Fairmount Homes Benefit Auction
WEDNESDAYS, APRIL 13 & 20 Martindale Fire Company will hold a Donation and Baked Goods Sale at 6:30 p.m. (inside & outside). Kitchen opens at 5:00 p.m. For more information, call 7174457100 or 717445 9905.
SATURDAY, APRIL 16 The Akron Fire Company, 1229 Main Street, Akron, will hold a Chicken BBQ, from 10:00 a.m. until sold out. Halves and dinners will be sold. There is a cost. For more information, call 7178591351.
SATURDAY, APRIL 16 Fivepointville Fire Company, 1087 Dry Tavern Road, Route 897, Denver, will hold an All You Can Eat Breakfast Buffet, from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. There is a cost.
Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese Over 200 quilters helped over three days at Fairmount Homes to completely quilt 12 tops and they made great progress on three more, which will be finished by Fairmount resident quilters in the near future. They had a lot of community people helping and all the quilts are being made for Fairmount’s Annual Benefit Auction, which will be held on Saturday, September 10. Lunch and snacks were prepared for the quilters by the wives of Fairmount’s Board members. Shown quilting, from left to right, are Edna Stoltzfus, Alverta Martin, Martha Engel, Gladys Martin, Anna Wenger and Martha Beyer.
2A - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
SHOPPING NEWS of Lancaster County
Hocking Printing Co., Inc.
Shopping News Co-Founders - John and Janie Hocking
Thirty Year Service Pin Awarded
President and Publisher - Julie A. Hocking
General Manager - Harold Wenger
Office Manager - Pam Boyer
615 E. Main Street, P.O. Box 456, Ephrata, PA 17522 • Phone 717-738-1151 • Fax 717-733-3900
Web Site:
The Shopping News of Lancaster County is published every week. The Shopping News of Lancaster County reserves the right to reject any advertisement. All the information contained herein is accurate to the best of our knowledge. We regret any errors or omissions. The information and advertisements found in The Shopping News do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Shopping News or any of its staff members. We encourage fraternal and civic groups, schools, churches, scouts and other local organizations to submit news releases of general interest. Related photographs of good quality are also accepted. Complete picture identification must be included. All articles will be used as space permits and are not guaranteed to be published. Every news release submitted MUST have a complete contact name, address and phone number. News information can be mailed, dropped at our office, emailed or faxed. DEADLINES: (Subject to change during holidays) DISPLAY ADS with proof - Thursday 12 noon DISPLAY ADS - Monday 8 a.m. CLASSIFIED ADS - Monday 9 a.m. NEWS COPY - Thursday 9 a.m. Photos must be submitted through email as jpegs or tiffs at least 5” wide and 300DPI or higher OR through the mail as a processed photo.
(Due to space limitations, news copy is not guaranteed to be published.)
Now Open For Season
April 4-16
40 Groffdale Church Rd. Leola, PA • 717-656-6826 • Closed Sunday
SALE PRICE Fe at ur ing Playsafer Rubber Mulch Premium Black Mulch . $28.00 • Won’t fade, rot, or attract termites • Environmentally friendly • Great for playgrounds • Realistic appearance • 5 colors
Jumbo Del Monte
Nutritious Whole
Snow White
(A Type of Sweet Cantaloupe)
5 lb. bag
Romaine Hearts
3 pk.
Sweet, Juicy Seedless California
Navel Oranges
New Crop Florida Baby White or Yukon Gold
69¢ 4/$2.00 59¢
Bulk Food GORP
Trail Mix
$4.89 lb.
Gluten Free Mighty Tasty
Hot Cereal Ho H Cere Ce real
$2.09 lb.
$21.50 case/56 ct.
$2.99 1 lb. box
Organic Gala
Super Select
Zesty Red, White or Spanish
$1.99 2/$1.59 Mushrooms 89¢ Cucumbers each
$1.79 8 oz.
Ad Effective April 5-11
(717) 721-9277
New Crop Carolina
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 to 6, Sat., 8 to 4
225 Wood Corner Rd., Lititz
From Lititz, 322 East, right on Wood Corner Rd. & From Ephrata, 322 West, left on Wood Corner Rd. (light at Horst Auction)
We are a “Lancaster County Best Kept Secrets Tour” stop
April 7-23, 2016!
Not responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right to limit quantities. All prices effective while supplies last.
month at 6:30 p.m. at the Udder Choice Restaurant on Route 322. Lions Clubs are groups of men and women who identify needs within the community and work together to fill those needs. For more information about
the Baron Stiegel Lions Club, please contact Steve Brown at 717-466-6233.
caregiver. Please register. • Boomers and Beyond – Tuesday, April 5, from 10:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. They will play “Pink Bingo!” All prizes will be pink. • Magic Tree House Book Club – First and third Tuesdays, April 5 and 19 at 6:30 p.m. Join the library as they “travel” with Jack & Annie in the Magic Tree House adventure series by
Mary Pope Osborne. Learn some fun facts while enjoy ing a themed activity and snack. Please register. • Technology Night – Wed nesday, April 6 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. This monthly program will be dedicated to helping our patrons cope with the everchanging world of com puters, mobile devices, and technology. Each Tech nology Night will be divided into two parts. Registration is required. • Lapsit Program - every Thursday at 10:00 a.m. Simple stories, rhymes, songs and fingerplays for babies up to age two with parent or other adult caregiver. Please register. • Toddler Storytime – ev ery Thursday at 10:30 a.m. Stories, songs and finger plays, followed by an easy
• Comprehensive Hearing Evaluations • Hearing Aids - All Makes & Models • Easy Access and Parking
Hardwood Mulch ........ $23.00
Fancy Medium
(Continued From Page 1A)
nor. • Preschool Storytime every Tuesday and Wed nesday at 10:00 a.m. Stories and an easy craft for ages two to six with adult
Colored Mulch ..............$27.00
Delivery Available
9 Adamstown Library Programs
Premium Bark Mulch ...$27.00
Mushroom Mulch ........... $9.00
Crisp, Sweet Red or White Seedless
At a recent meeting, the Baron Stiegel Lions Club presented member Roy Estes, of Lititz, with a Thirty Year Service Pin. He was awarded the pin by Lions Clubs International in recognition of his 30 years of dedication to Lions Club principles and to community service. Roy has previously received the Melvin Jones Fellowship and the Lion of the Year Award. He is also the immediate Past President of the Baron Stiegel Lions Club. In addition to spending time with his extended family, being an active member of his church congregation and managing Roy’s Body Shop in Lititz, Roy has found the time to sponsor five new members of the Lions Club in the last three years. He can always be found at Lions Club food drives and is an ever-present worker at Baron Stiegel winter breakfast and summer barbeque fundraisers. The Baron Stiegel Lions Club has 30-plus members and meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of the
Dr. Wendy K. Stafford Audiologist
3 Cardinal Drive Stevens, PA 17578
Mon., Tues., Thurs. 9am-3pm Wed. 9am-1pm Closed Fri.
Shown in the photo, from left to right, are club president Vernon Klopp presenting the pin to Roy.
Divorce Hurts. Find Help at DivorceCare. DivorceCare is a special weekly seminar and support group for people who are separated or divorced. It’s a place where you can be around people who understand what you are feeling. It’s a place where you can hear valuable information about ways to heal from the hurt of divorce. DivorceCare groups meet every Tuesday night, February 9 through May 3, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Ephrata Church of the Brethren, 201 Crescent Ave., Ephrata (enter through side portico door). Meet in Room 108. Call 717-733-1229 for more information. Childcare will be provided for free. No cost to attend. Directions: From Rt. 272, 322W, left on Crescent Ave.
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - 3A
craft. For two and threeyear-olds with parent or other adult caregiver. Please register. • Free Valuable College Financial Planning Work shop – Saturday, April 9 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. This workshop is developed for parents of high school students. Spon sored by the Susquehanna Foundation. • After-School Baseball Program For Kids – Tuesday, April 12 at 4:00 p.m. Have a chance to win some Reading Fightin Phils tickets. For kids of all ages. Please reg ister. • Readers Café – Second and fourth Tuesdays, April 12 and 26 at 7:00 p.m. Join them in reading and discussing childhood class ics while eating delicious snacks. Get a chance to “secretly” pick the next book and become the “teacher for the night.” Please register. • Bedtime Stories – Second and fourth Wednesdays, April 13 and 27 at 6:30 p.m. Join Miss Jess for stories, craft and snack. Don’t forget to wear your pajamas!! Please register. • Library Board of Trustees Meeting – Wednesday, April 13 at 6:30 p.m. • Genealogy Interest Group – Thursday, April 14 at 6:30 p.m. The group will be led by genealogy re searcher Ken McCrea. For older students and adults. Registration is required. • Walk-In Craft - Children may stop in at the library any time between 9:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 15 to make and take home a seasonal craft. No regis tration needed. • Rumspringa 1/2 Mara thon! Saturday, April 16 at 8:00 a.m. Start/finish and Beer Garden at German Plaza at Stoudtburg Village. There is a cost. Events
benefit the Adamstown Area Library. Sign up to run at: www.uberendurance-sports. com. To sponsor this event, contact Kerry Wolfe at 717575-5041 or kwolfe2006@ • Friends Annual Used Book Sale – Wednesday, April 20 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (There is a cost for Early Bird Admission); Thursday and Friday, April 21 and 22, from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.; and Saturday, April 23 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The sale will be held at Peace United Church of Christ, 37 East Swartzville Road, Denver.
• Page Turners Book Dis cussion Group – Wednesday, April 20 at 6:30 p.m. April’s book title is “House of Silk” by Anthony Horowitz. • History Uncut: The Philadelphia Phillies 1st 100 Years -1883 to 1983 - Two Thursdays in a row: Thurs day, April 21 - Part 1: 1883 to WWII; and Thurs day, April 28 – Part 2: Post WWII to 1983 – at 7:00 p.m. A view of the Phillies’ first 100 years, known and forgotten, with a focus on the franchise’s colorful events and personalities. Regis tration is required. • Join the library on Friday,
Yukon Gold Potatoes
1.99 59
Honey Dews
Dozen Donuts
Fresh California Roll
Bartlett Pears
2/ 5
all var.
12 pk.
Flat Iron Roasts
Fresh, Boneless Beef,
Fresh, Boneless Beef
21/25 EZ Peel
Shoulder Bolar Roast
Shady Maple, Fresh
Maple Pork Sausage
Shady Maple
Pork Sausage Links
1.99 2.99
Shady Maple Hickory Smoked
Baby Hams
sel. var.
6 or 8 rolls
sel. var.
2.49 4.99 4.99
Supreme Pizza
Turkey Sandwich
per lb.
per lb.
Macaroni Salad
per lb.
Shrimp with Angel Hair Spaghetti
Don’s Deep Sea Delight
Seafood Salad
per lb.
per lb.
John F. Martin
Cheese Shreds
2/ 4
59 oz.
Menno Tea
Provolone Cheese
Bottled Drinks
Cheese Bars
2.79 $3.99
32 oz.
per lb.
per lb.
2/ 7
8 oz.
16 oz.
Cooked Ham
Pickles P
per lb.
Walnut Creek
Ricotta Cheese
Orange Juice
8 oz.
Essential Everyday
per lb lb. b
Butterscotch Drops
B.B. Seasoning per lb.
16 oz. bags
5 oz.-5.9 oz. 10.25 oz.-16 oz. asst. var. asst. var.
99¢ 99
Gluten Free, All Purpose
per lb.
Sauces & Marinades BUY 1 AT $4.69, GET 1
Head & Shoulders
Shampoo 13.5 oz., sel. var.
4.99 Old Spice
3-3.25 oz., sel. var. lb.
2/ 5 $
Corn Flakes or Corn Bursts per lb.
11 A.M.-3 P.M. DAILY
8 oz., 4 var. & Wild Garden
Fresh Batter Dipped Cod Fish Sandwich
Pita Chips
w/Chips, Pickle & Drink
Hummus Dip
Aisle #17
Hot Dogs
1.5 qts.
2/ 6 2/$6
Ice Cream
reg. $5.89 House of Tsang
Meadow Brook
Ground Turkey
Organic Mayonnaise
Shady Maple Shady Maple Hickory Smoked (Reg., Cheese, Garlic Jalapeno Cheese) Chicken value pk.
2/ 4 $
Stone Ridge
Boston Market
Pizza For One
& Carrots • Green Peas Dinners • Peas• Super Sweet Corn 7 oz.-10.6 oz. • Cut Green Beans • French Beans asst. var. • Mixed. Veg. • Sliced Carrots
Fresh, Extra Lean
$ 1.79 3/ 5
Kid Cuisine
Spare Ribs
5.25 oz.-6.8 oz. asst. var.
•Toast-6 pk. & • Sticks-16 pk.
per lb.
Fresh, Boneless Country Style
Essential Everyday
Aunt Jemima
Breakfast Entrees
150 Wissler Road
Instant Oatmeals
Shoulder Steak
Turkey Thighs
Fresh, Boneless, Skinless
Aunt Jemima
per lb.
2 lb. bag
Angel Soft
Bath Sparkle Tissue Paper 24 regular rolls 12 or 16 oz., 10.9 to 18 oz., Towels or 12 double
Tilapia Fillets
4.4 oz.
Fresh, Boneless, Center Cut
Dinners To Go
Pink Shrimp
Roast Beef
Five Cup Salad
Fresh, Boneless Beef,
Flat Iron Roast or Chicken Steak
24 oz., sel. var.
24 to 35 oz., sel. var.
Flat Iron Steak
per lb.
Fresh, Boneless, Beef
Baked Lima Beans
Yogurt Item
(Great on the Grill)
6.99 $ 2 liters 4/ 5
Aunt Jemima
Pancake Mix or Syrup
French Toast & Sticks
(Cut Free)
3.49 $2.99
Fresh, Whole, Boneless Beef
11.5 to 14.5 oz., sel. var.
Toasted Coconut Bread
Carrot Delight Oatmeal Gourmet Cake Cookies
24-12 oz. cans
8.25 oz., 3 pk., sel. var.
4/ 5
2.99 $ 5.49 $ 6.99
Quaker Life, Captain Crunch or Oatmeal Squares
Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mt Dew, Dr. Pepper
5.5 or 7.25 oz., sel. var.
Black Angus
or Roast
Pork Chops
Hours: Mon.-Fri, 8am-8pm; Sat, 8am-5pm; Sun. Closed
Celebrate National Pecan Month!
(Reg., Thick, Stuffed)
Rt. 322, 2 miles west of Ephrata, left onto Wissler Rd., 1/2 mile on right
Across from Soup & Salad Dept.
Ocean Spray
Pecan Pie
Fresh Boneless, Center Cut
Act II Cranberry Kraft Hunt’s San Giorgio Cocktail Macaroni Microwave Spaghetti or Ronzoni Pastas Sauce & Cheese Popcorn Blends
Cleanup of properties on a one time or short-term service. Weekly and biweekly services available up to closing.
Early Flower & Vegetable Plants
22 to 24 oz., sel. var.
1.99 2/$4
64 oz., sel. flavors
2/ 4
5 W. Main Street, Ephrata • 733-8800
Farm House Breads
5 to 9 oz., sel. var.
2/$5 89¢ Lemons $ Cantaloupes 11/ 2 Navel Orangess $ 11/$2
We offer many services that other companies don’t.
Pepperidge Farm
Cheese Curls or Popcorn
8 to 9.5 oz., original or kettle cooked
Green Squash
Potato Chips
Prices and Quality that make you say WOW!
Mutsu Crispen Apples
Horseradish Root
Red Peppers
5 lb. bag
Mowing, Trimming, Edging, Mulch & Much More!!
We are paying top prices for your
Are You Going On Vacation Or Plan To Be Away For An Extended Period Of Time? We Can Maintain Your Yard While You Are Away!
Specials Effective April 6th thru April 12th, 2016
served. Please register. The building is located at 110 East Main Street in Adams town (next to the Post Office).
1324 Main Street, East Earl, PA 17519 Now Available in Our Store, Open Monday-Saturday, 7am-9pm Made While You Watch
the spaces and items inside the building. Don’t miss the chance to be part of this project from the beginning. Refreshments will be 1-800-238-7363 • 717-354-4981
April 29 from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the VFW for the Before Party and Capital Campaign Kickoff. They are so excited to announce that one day, sometime in 2017, this 7,500 square feet of space will be their new library facility. Join the excitement by dropping by to see the new space before it’s renovated. Learn about the Capital Campaign Kickoff. Use this opportunity to contribute or take away information for future giving. Everyone will also get a chance to offer up their name or family name for many of
6.99 Plus Tax
10.74 oz., 3 var.
THE SNACK SHACK Hot Ham and Cheese
Pain Reliever 20 ct., • Film Coated Tablets or Caplets • Liqui-Gels • Migraine Liqui-Gels
Baby Wipes
168-216 ct., sel. var.
chips and a drink
2.99 Plus Tax
Garlic and Herb Pretzel
BULK CANDY Goji Organic Berry Peanut Butter Health Mix
per lb.
per lb.
5.19 7.99 $
Beet Chips
per lb.
4A - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
social notes women’s news
Local Senior Centers List Activities
Daily Activities Include: Wednesday, April 6: 8:30 a.m., Continental Breakfast and News; 9:00 a.m., Blood Pressure Check; Crafts with Lana; 10:00 a.m., Bingo for Paper Goods and Personal Care Items; 12:00 Noon, Lunch. Thursday, April 7: 8:30 a.m., Continental Breakfast and News; 9:00 a.m., Bible Study; 10:00 a.m., Speaker Amy HollandHeart; 12:00 Noon, Lunch. Friday, April 8: 8:30 a.m., Continental Breakfast and News; 9:00 a.m., Hot Potato; 10:00 a.m., Music with Les Bower; 12:00 Noon, Lunch. Monday, April 11: 8:30 a.m., Continental Breakfast and News; 9:00 a.m., PO KENO; 10:00 a.m., Stories out of a bag!; 12:00 Noon, Lunch. Tuesday, April 12: 8:30 a.m., Continental Breakfast and News; 9:00 a.m., Balloon Paddle; 10:00 a.m., Out to eat at Gus’s; 12:00 Noon, Lunch. Lititz Senior Center The Lancaster County Off
The following listing is for the Cocalico and Lititz Senior Centers. Activities will be listed according to each Center. Menus are the same at each location. Cocalico Senior Center The Cocalico Senior Cen ter, 156 West Main Street, Reinholds, welcomes all seniors, age 60 and over. The Center is handicapped accessible and is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Transportation is provided for those living in Ephrata, Akron, Clay, Denver, East or West Cocalico, Brecknock Township and Adamstown (Lancaster County only). Other residents living in surrounding areas are wel come, but transportation is not available. Reservations for lunch and transportation must be made by 11:00 a.m. one day in advance by calling the Center at 717 3367489.
All Natural Weight Loss Program
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck and Beverly Lightcap, Denver, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Lindsay Nicole Lightcap, Denver, to Mr. Matthew Ryan Snyder, Ashley, son of Mr. and Mrs. William and Betty Snyder, Ashley. The brideelect is a graduate of Cocalico High School and West Chester University with a B.S. in Health and Physical Education. She is employed by West Chester YMCA, West Chester. Mr. Snyder is a graduate of Hanover Area Jr./Sr. High School and Widener University with a B.S. in Hospitality Management. He is employed by Spring Valley YMCA, Limerick. A July 2016 wedding is being planned.
“After 20 years of yo-yo diets, I found something healthy, easy, fast and affordable. Lost 20 lbs. 27 in. Did not regain.” B.K., age 53
with Metabolism Booster
Pain Free with Liquid Nutrition Chronic upper back and neck pain gone in 5 months with liquid vitamins and minerals
$$$$ FABRICS & MORE $$$$ Country Rose • Tights • Crepes Stockings • Crinkles • Pampers Tropical Breezes • Underwear Flannels • Gift Items • Cottons Fleeces - Plain & Printed
Free shipping on first-time orders 3 months guaranteed
Family Dentistry of Ephrata
Dr. Cha • Dr. Kim 1065 Sharp Ave., Ephrata, PA 17522
Walk-ins Welcome
*Spring Fling*
Medical Equipment
Years! 23 April 5, 6, 7, 9
ice of Aging, Lititz Senior Citizens Center, Lititz Unit ed Methodist Church, Lititz, is open Wednesday, Thurs day and Monday, from 8:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m., with
Coffee and Chat Time at 9:00 a.m. and Lunch served at noon. The Center serves Lan caster County residents of Ephrata, Rothsville, Akron, Neffsville and Lititz areas. Ephrata is also served by van service. Reservations for lunch and transportation need to be made by 11:00 a.m., one day in advance by calling the Center at 717 6262800. Daily Activities Include: Wednesday, April 6: 9:00 a.m., Walkers; 10:00 a.m., Trivia with Bob; April Birthday Celebrations; 12:00 Noon, Lunch. Thursday, April 7: 9:15 a.m., Exercise with Kathy; 10:15 a.m., Music and Dancing by Leslie Bower; 12:00 Noon, Lunch. Monday, April 11: 9:00 a.m., Walkers; 10:00 a.m., Is it worth to gamble with Maricelle, Compass Mark; 11:00 a.m., Volunteer Rec ognition*; 12:00 Noon, Lunch. Senior Center Menu Wednesday, April 6: Penne pasta with meatballs, pasta, 1/2 c. marinara, tossed salad with tomato, carrots, cabb age and dressing, Italian bread, warm sliced apples. Thursday, April 7: Sloppy Joe sandwich, homemade vegetable soup with crack
Hats, Bonnets & Coverings
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615 East Main Street, Ephrata
(717) 738-0124 •
717-445-1792 •
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - 5A
Martins Celebrate 60th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Dale and Ethel Martin, of Ephrata, would like to announce their 60th anniversary. They were married on March 24, 1956 at a residence in East Earl by Bishop Simon Bucher. Mr. Martin co-owned Zimmerman Manufacturing. Mrs. Martin was a child caregiver. Their hobbies include met al detecting, reading and they are members of Hinkle town Mennonite Church. They are celebrating by going out to dinner with family. They are the parents of Wendy Means, wife of Paul Means, Jr.; Donna Martin;
ers, 3 bean salad, sandwich roll, sliced peaches. Friday, April 8: Baked chicken supreme over brown rice, broccoli, whole wheat bread, mandarin salad. Monday, April 11: Mock BBQ spare ribs, seasoned new potatoes, glazed carrots, sandwich roll, pineapple tid bits. Tuesday, April 12: Beef and cheese lasagna with marinara sauce, tossed salad with tomato, carrots, red cabbage and dressing, fruit juice, garlic bread stick, cookie. Milk and bread served with all meals.
and Terry Martin. They are the grandparents of Sherri Stoltzfus; Terri Scarle, wife of Jim Scarle; and Paul
Wellness Classes Offered
WellSpan Ephrata Comm unity Hospital is offering babysitting training, a gro cery store tour, diabetes classes and other wellness classes. Unless noted, all classes will be held at WellSpan Cocalico Health Center, 63 West Church Street, Stevens. Call 717-721-8790 to register for any class. The Babysitter Training will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday, April 23. Designed for those “To put your ideas into ac- ages 11 to 14, the course tion is the most difficult includes babysitting skills, thing in the world.” CPR techniques, injury ~ Johann Wolfgang von prevention and other topics. Goethe There is a fee. The Grocery store tour will
Means, III. Their greatgrandchildren are Tyler, Cheyenne, Nicole, Kyle, Dallas and Jordyn.
be held from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Monday, April 11 at Yoder’s Country Market, 14 South Tower Road, New Holland. A dietitian will lead the tour, providing information on food labels and comparison shopping. There is a cost that includes handouts. The “A Healthy You” class will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays, April
12 to April 26 and May 3 and May 31. The free course will provide guidance on losing weight, eating healthy and being active. The WellSpan Bariatric Surgery Informational Meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. Thursday, April 21. The meeting will provide a free overview of the WellSpan bariatric surgery program, including preoperative education, surgical procedures, medical weight management and patient outcomes. The “Taking Charge of Your Diabetes” class will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Thursdays, April 7 to May 12 at Garden Spot Village, 433 South Kinzer Road, New Holland. The program includes an assessment with a dietitian and registered nurse, and 10 hours of group instruction. The program is covered in part by Medicare and most health insurance plans. The “Taking Charge of Your Diabetes Review” class will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. Mondays, April 18 and April 25. It is covered in part by Medicare and most health insurance plans.
Design & Installation Pond Building Supplies Pumps Child Safe Water Features
Or By Phone
Monday-Saturday 8 a.m. til Dusk
Phone: 717-859-2765 •
We reserve the right to limit quantities. No sales to dealers please. Not responsible for typographical errors. Shown for illustration purposes only and do not represent items offered for sale.
Prices Effective Apr. 4 - Apr. 10, 2016
MEAT Whole Boneless
Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-6; Fri. 9-5; Sat. 8-4; Sun. Closed
Pork Loin (Cut Free Into Roasts or Chops) ..... $1.88 lb. Boneless Center Cut
Pork Loin Roasts ...................................... $2.29 lb. Boneless Center Cut
Pork Chops ............................................... $2.49 lb. Boneless Country Style
Spare Ribs ................................................ $2.69 lb. Boneless
New York Strip Steaks ............................. $6.99 lb.
Miniature Garden Seminar When: April 9th • 11:00 A.M.
By: Keith Phelps (Who has 32 years of floral experience) Strawberry & Onion Plants
e Everyon e! Welcom
Seed Potatoes • Asparagus Roots Full Line of Vegetable Garden Seeds Sun & Shade Easy Grow
Reg. $16.99
$10.99 Perennials By The 1000’s $2.99 & Up Grass Repair Kit
lack Creek Greenhouses, LLC April Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-8; Sat. 8-5 2 Miles South of Bowmansville, 4 Miles North of Rt. 23 off Rt. 625, turn East on Black Creek Road, half mile. (717) 445-5046
Make the “Weiser Cho ice!”
OPEN: Monday-Saturday, 7AM-9PM; Sunday 8AM-5PM
Flagstone & Wallstone Sand We Stock 3 to 5 Sizes of All Bulk Stone
Hilltop Greenhouse
330 Akron Rd., Ephrata, PA
805 Main Street, Akron, PA 17501
Driveway Stone 3 Colors Crushed Stone
Order Online
Ground Cover • Pachysandra Myrtle • English Ivy
((717) 7 587-7487
Colored Brown 4 Colors Decorative Gravel All Natural Wood Mulch Boulders Play Ground Mulch Compost We Carry High Quality Fine Ground Mulches Made Locally
Onion Sets • Early Vegetable Plants Potted Annuals • Garden Seeds Seed Potatoes • Bubble Gum Petunias
Water Mulch Stone
Homes, 1001 East Oregon Road, Lititz, on Saturday, April 9 at 10:00 a.m. The Revival Fellowship began in this area as a result of missionaries from various denominations returning from East Africa with renewed faith. For more information, please call Paul Burkholder at 717-5813964.
Buying: Gold • Sterling Costume Jewelry Vintage Watches
Pure Bark Colored Black
You are cordially invited to hear Christopher Ndege, the Bishop of Serengeti Diocese of the Mennonite Church in Tanzania. He will be speaking in the West Bethany Chapel of Landis
We Make House Calls!
Relax by a Beautiful, Peaceful, Stream or Pond We Do Pond Maintenance
Revival Fellowship Meeting
Boneless Top Round
London Broil............................................. $3.88 lb. 85% Lean
Ground Beef ............................................. $3.99 lb. Boneless & Skinless
Chicken Breast ........................................ $2.49 lb. Perdue Short Cuts Breast Tenders ............................. 9 oz. pkg. $3.49 Perdue Ground Chicken Breast .............................. 1 lb. pkg. $4.99 Shady Brook Fresh 99% Fat Free Turkey Breast Cutlets ............................... $4.99 lb. Best Yet Ham Steaks .................................. 8 oz. pkg. $1.99 Best Yet Sliced Bacon.................................. 1 lb. pkg. $3.99 Best Yet Meat Franks ................................ 15 oz. pkg. $1.29 Godshall's Turkey Bacon .............................. 12 oz. pkg. $3.79
Kunzler Lebanon Bologna (Reg. or Sweet) .. $4.99 lb. Kunzler Black Forest Turkey Ham ............ $4.99 lb. Tavern Ham .............................................. $4.99 lb. White American Cheese........................... $3.99 lb. Weiser's Potato Salad.............................. $2.99 lb. Weiser's Chicken Salad ........................... $4.99 lb. Ham & Cheese Sandwich ............................. $1.25
Sat., April 9th • 10AM-2PM Hamburger & Drink $
GROCERY Florida's Natural Premium OJ ....... 59 oz. 2/$5.00 Gatorade Thirst Quencher (Asst. Variety) ........................................................ 32 oz. 5/$5.00 Best Yet Apple Juice ...................... 48 oz. 2/$3.00 Best Yet Spring Water .......... 24 pk, 16.9 oz. $2.99 Hanover Beans (Asst. Variety) .. 15.5-16 oz. 5/$5.00 Best Yet Vegetable Oil ............... 24 oz. 1/2 PRICE Best Yet Tomato or Chicken Noodle Soup ..... 10.5-10.75 oz. 3/$2.00
BAKERY 8" Single Layer Decorated Cake ............. $6.59 ea. 5" Coconut Cream Pie .................................. $2.19 Iced Sugar Cookies .......................... $3.691/2 doz. Assorted Sliced Cheesecake ........................ $3.29
PRODUCE Green Giant Idaho Potatoes ......... 10 lb. bag $2.88 Medium Size Cooking Onions........ 2 lb. bag $1.29 Steamables Potatoes .............. 1.5 lb. bag 2/$5.00 Cut & Peeled Baby Carrots ....1 lb. bag 1/2 PRICE Fresh Express Garden Salad ......... 12 oz. 2/$3.00 Cluster Tomatoes on the Vine .................. $1.79 lb. Grape Tomatoes ................................. pint 2/$3.00 Certified Organic Romaine Hearts ....... 3 ct. $2.99 Red, Yellow or Orange Peppers ............... $2.99 lb. Fresh Limes............................................... 3/$2.00 California Jumbo Navel Oranges.............. 5/$5.00 Blackberries or Raspberries ............... 6 oz. $3.99
6A - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
Obituaries Desiree A. Gable, 48, Ephrata, died Friday, March 18. She is survived by her mother, Ruby (Harman) Clair; a son, Jonathan Michael Sikorski, Reading; two
daughters: Britney Spears, Pine Grove, and Sierra Hicks, North Carolina; a brother, Dennis Lee Lam bert, Jr., Reading; and a sister, Tammy Kay Spiese, Reading.
Catharine “Kay” (English) Kipe, 92, Manheim, died Friday, March 18. She was the wife of the late Edward “Ted” Kipe, Sr. She is survived by a daughter, Susan Fuller, wife of Larry; two grandchildren; and two greatgrandchildren. She was preceded in death by a son, Edward Kipe, Jr.
Michael P. O’Neill, 46, East Earl, died Monday, March 21. He is survived by a son, Tyler T. O’Neill; a daughter, Madison P. O’Neill; two brothers: Thomas O’Neill, husband of Carla (Castagna), East Earl, and Shawn O’Neill, husband of Kelly (Radford), Newmanstown; and four sisters: Claire
Shop North America’s Leading Children’s and Maternity Consignment Sales Event!™
APRIL 14 -16
Lanco Fieldhouse | 1901 Miller Road 17520 Thurs 9am-8pm; Fri 9am-7pm & Sat 8am-3pm
Many items 1/2 OFF Saturday! Thousands of items...all in one location! go to “Lancaster” event page
Miller, wife of Wolfe, Morgantown; Constance Dunn, wife of Richard, Morgantown; Kathleen Murphy, Reamstown; and Tricia Monaghan, wife of George, Birdsboro. Gregory N. Dotter, 51, husband of Sandra “Sandy” L. Glaus Dotter, Ephrata, died Tuesday, March 22. Besides his wife, he is survived by his parents, Richard L. and Dorothy R. Reed Dotter, Lancaster; a brother, Steven R., husband of Renee Dotter, Lititz; and two sisters: Beverly, wife of Kris Lonkani, Woodville, Florida, and Barbara Elk, Havana, Florida. Patricia A. Zerphey, 59, Wernersville, formerly of Ephrata, died Tuesday, March 22. She is survived by her
parents, Mack C. and Janet A. (Althouse) Fisher, Eph rata; and two sons: David H. Zerphey, Hershey, and Michael D. Zerphey, Lan caster. Nancy H. (Heistand) Hessemer, 88, wife of Paul B. Hessemer, New Holland, died Wednesday, March 23. Besides her husband, she is survived by four daughters: Pamela Givens, Essington; Amy Carr, wife of John, West Grove; Barbara Speer, wife of Steven, Midlothian, Vir ginia; and Rebecca Owston, Morrison, Colorado; ten grandchildren; and three greatgrandchildren. Mae Elizabeth “Liz” Hevener, 86, Lititz, died Wednesday, March 23. (Continued On Page 11A)
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Be a V.I.P. If you have both Medicare & Medicaid, join the plan that treats you like a V.I.P. 1-855-241-3648 7 days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Oct. 1-Feb. 14); Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Feb. 15-Sept. 30) AmeriHealth VIP Care is a HMO-SNP plan with a Medicare contract and a contract with the Pennsylvania Medicaid program. Enrollment in AmeriHealth VIP Care depends on Medicare contract renewal. This plan is available to anyone who has both Medical Assistance from the State and Medicare. Y0093_PRA_963_Accepted_10232014
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - 7A
Thurs., April 7th 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.
1717 West Main Street, Ephrata
Hours: Mon.-Sat. 7am-9pm; Closed Sunday
Phone Orders Accepted Until Noon, Wed., Apr. 6, 2016 • Pre-Orders Only Accepted On Items Marked With
85% Lean
Whole 12-15 lb.
Ground Beef
Bottom Rounds*
Pork Loins* Cut Free into Roasts & Chops
3 lb. Pack
3 lb. Pack
Sold in 5 lb. Block
Whole (Delmonico)
Chicken Thighs
Chicken Breasts
8-11 Lb. Pack
Sold in 5 lb. Packs
Boneless & Skinless
Whole Boneless
John F. Martin • American
John F. Martin
Cut Free into Roasts & Steaks
Sold in 10 lb. Bags
12-16 Lb.
Rib Eyes* Cut Free into Steaks
8-11 Lb.
10-12 Lb.
4-6 Lb.
Cut Free into Roasts & Steaks
Cut Free into Steaks
Cut Free into Roasts or Steaks
Farmers Sirloin Tips* NY Strips* Eye Rounds* Cheese
John F. Martin
John F. Martin
John F. Martin
Pork Roll
Lebanon or Sweet
Deli Sliced
Quick Oats
Gourmet Size!
“Russet” Potatoes
3 lb. bag
99 lb.
Best Yet
Apple Juice ¢
64 oz.
Iced Homemade
Cake Bars
99 ea.
Cooked Ham
Scrapple 1 lb. Pack
1 lb. Pack
John F. Martin • Reg. or Turkey
1 lb. Pack
11 90 Pollock Fillets 19 00 Shrimp 9 Claw
Crab Meat
4 lb. Roll
1 lb. Can
10 lb. Box
Wild Caught USA Medium 41/50 Count
2 lb. Bag
Best Yet
Peas or French Green Beans
Martin’s Country Market reserves the right to limit quantities.
¢ 16 o oz.
8A - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
Spring Makeover
It’s time for a
Seven Steps To Making Your Makeup Look Great Help Read the following seven steps to help guide you through proper makeup application. 1. Avoid wearing too much Makeup is meant to enhance features, not bring negative attention to you. That’s what wearing too much makeup will do; it will bring you unwanted attention. Don’t wear too much of anything such as: a) Eyeliner: dark, thick eyeliner will make you look overdone and will ruin the rest of your makeup. b) Mascara: too much mascara looks fake and will flake. It looks especially bad if worn with thick eyeliner or dark blue eye shadow. c) Foundation: Make sure your foundation is the same color as your skin. Found ation is meant to protect and give the face a smooth look. The magic word is blend. d) Powder: The same holds true for powder, not too much. Also, be sure to blend your makeup so there are no obvious lines. 2. Lips Apply lip liner to com
pletely cover the lips, add color and your lipstick will stay on much longer. Make sure your lip liner doesn’t show. Also, your lip color should match your skin tone; wear cool colors if you have cool coloring and warm colors if you have warm coloring. If you want to make your lips look smaller, keep your liner on the inside of your lips. However, if you decide to make your lips look larger, going outside the natural outline of you lips is a
mistake. This can look quite messy and unnatural. 3. Appropriate makeup Wear makeup that is appropriate for the occasion. If you are going to the beach you shouldn’t wear the same or as much makeup as you would if you were going dancing. Also, when you are in daylight your makeup should be lighter than when you are out for the evening. 4. Too little or no makeup Some women don’t wear makeup because they are not sure how to use it and are afraid of being overdone. If you are unsure, start with light colors in your shade. Start slowly and add one product at a time. Maybe start with foundation, add mascara, blush or lipstick. If you are not used to wearing makeup, using a lot at first may be a little too much for you, so start slowly. The bottom line is a little is better than none. If you are still unsure, seek pro fessional advice. 5. Overall look When your makeup is completed, it should look
natural. That means avoid ing colors that clash. If you have dark skin and hair, you will look better in darker shades; light colors will make you look washed out. If your hair and skin tone are light, light colors will look better on you. Dark makeup will make you look older and harsh. If you have oily skin, first use oil control moisturizer and foundation. Then be sure to wear loose powder, keeping pressed powder with you for touch ups. 6. Hair color Your hair color should also be in harmony with your skin. If you have dark hair and you want to add color, keep it close to the same shade. If you have light hair, use light colors. As you age your skin will lighten, so should your hair color. One last thing about hair color, if you do color you hair, be sure you keep it up, don’t let your roots show. 7. One last thing Keep makeup looking fresh all day by doing regular touch ups. Don’t let your makeup fade or crease.
Keep Skin Moisturized
With so much attention being paid today about new technologies used in cell phones, video games and music downloading, it is surprising that there hasn’t been enough written about the newest approach to maintaining proper skin hydration. Your skin is the largest organ of your body. It protects you from bacteria and viruses that can cause infections. It also helps your body sense the outside world, such as whether it is hot or cold, wet or dry. And yes, your skin regulates your body temperature. Just about everyone, at one time or another has skin that reacts to factors in the environment: germs, chemicals, harsh weather, animals, poor air quality, stress related irritations and sleep deprivation. Con ditions that stress, clog or inflame your skin can cause symptoms such as redness, swelling, burning and itching. Allergies, irri tants, genetic makeup, cer tain diseases and immune system disorders can cause dermatitis, hives and other
skin conditions. Proper care of the skin is a vital part of total body maintenance. As we grow older, our skin begins to dry out and lose elasticity. This dehydration process eventually causes skin to become so dry that it begins to crack and develop lines and age spots. While there are literally thousands of different types of skin moisturizing products sold throughout the world today, almost all of them are based on an old technology known as “barrier” technology. The idea behind this technology was to cover the skin with a thin coating and protect it from the elements. This was the standard approach to skin care products for the past few hundred years. While it was better than no treatment at all, many of these barrier products can clog the pores of the skin, which results in stress, and it can impair the natural skin breathing process. When your skin isn’t breathing properly, it can become inflamed and worse. Also, any benefits these products had were washed away as soon as the skin came in contact with water. Fortunately about a dozen or so years ago, a team of
Miguel’s Hair Design
814 Dawn Ave., Ephrata
Precision Cutting • Styling • Coloring • Perms • Waxing Offering Quality Hair Care Products & Colors • Redken & Kendra
Walk-Ins Welcome • Appointments Appreciated
20% OFF
Chemical Services Miguel Luna, Owner/Stylist
Exp. 6/6/16. New clients only.
10% OFF Hair Cuts Exp. 6/6/16. New clients only.
517 E. Main Street, Ephrata (Next to Ephrata Car Wash) Tues.-Thurs. 11am-6pm; Fri & Sat. 11am-3pm; Closed Sunday & Monday • 733-0035
FREE $10 Add-On With a 60 or 90 minute service. *Not valid with any other discounts.
Summer’s right around the corner don’t put this off any longer! Why Electrolysis? Massage Specials Heated Stone or Aroma Therapy Only $65.00
Mother’s day Makeover Contest For Contest Rules Go to Deadline For Entries is April 23rd
762 Lititz Pike, Lititz, PA • (717) 626-0054
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Day & Evening Classes Ask about our scholarships For gainful employment disclosures, go to
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Any Hair or Nail Service Lancaster School of Cosmetology • 717.299.0200 Discount taken off highest price service. Not valid with any other offers or prior services. With this coupon. Cannot be used toward the purchase of gift certificates.
Kirsten Bai ley Massage Therapist
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Offer expires 5.31.16.
Esthetician & Brazilian Certified Waxer • Like us on Facebook
Call 859.4766 for an appointment • 4246 Oregon Pike, Brownstown
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - 9A
Spring Makeover
It’s time for a
Exercise And Your Hair
dermatologists and scientists from around the world began to work together on a project to develop a skin moisturizing system to help the millions of people who work outdoors and as a result were prone to having very dry and unhealthy skin. This group working together and sharing their discoveries, led to the creation of a new generation of skin moist urizing products which when applied to the skin become completely absorbed into the skin and leave no greasy film. The ingredients used in these products combine botanicals, vitamins and minerals, and they actually stimulate the body to moist urize it naturally. The daily use results in skin that appears to be younger looking, firmer and healthier looking.
• If you wear your hair in a straight style, wrapping it up with a breathable hair net may be best. This keeps your hair in place while letting perspiration and heat escape. Keep your hair tied up until your scalp has fully dried. • If you wear a curlier style, pin curling your hair while you exercise and leaving the pins in place until your scalp dries can help your curls’ durability. • If you work out in ponytails, move the position of the ponytail around. Keeping your ponytail in the same spot may cause breakage over time. • If you wear hair extensions, thoroughly rinse and shampoo your hair on the last day of your weekly workout. It’s important to note that the base of your hair extensions should be completely dry before styling in any manner. • If you wear your hair natural but pressed, tie a two-inch-wide satin band around your hairline while working out and leave it in place until the hairline dries. This can help keep that area smooth. Accessories: Hats, scarves, headbands, ponytail holders, barrettes and clips can rescue and update your style after a workout.
While exercising is great for your health, it may not be so great for your hair. So to keep you looking fabulous while you get fit, here are a few tips: Dry Idea: If you sweat a lot, don’t work out with your hair under a scarf or hat. That only locks in moisture, leaving your hair wet. Cotton scarves, hats, headbands and so on can cause friction on your hairline, which over time can lead to breakage. If you use something to hold your hair in place, make sure it’s made of satin or silk, which are materials better suited for your hair. Style That Works: Sched ule a session with a salon hair care professional to create a style that works for your life and your workout schedule. Make this appointment on the last day of your workout week so the stylist can see your hair at its worst. Once you find your style, try these tactics to help maintain it through even the most vigorous workouts (you may need additional professional hair care prod ucts and styling tools to help maintain it over time).
Tips For Styling Your Hair Safely
Before you break out the hair dryer, straightener and curling iron, remember that any electrical appliance should be used with caution to prevent accidents. CSA Group, a leader in public safety and product testing and certification, offers the following tips for safe styling: Do: • Look for the CSA Group mark or similar certification mark when buying a new styling device. A certification mark shows it’s been tested to the applicable electrical standard for safety and performance. Cheap, unmarked alternatives might be missing safety features and may not comply with provincial laws.
• Style your hair in the same room where the device is plugged in. Never run a cord through a doorway as it runs the risk of getting damaged. • Use an outlet with a ground fault circuit interpreter switch that will trip if it senses an electrical leak issue, such as contact with water.
Don’t: • Use a styling device if the cord is worn or damaged, as it can be unsafe. • Use any electrical styling device near water; you risk electrocution. • Leave the device plugged in when you’re done. Unplug the unit and give it time to cool down before putting it away.
Valid at JMX Hair Studio.
24 South Church Street (behind Gravenor Funeral Home)
Ephrata, PA 17522 Hours: Tues.-Fri. 9-7; Sat. 9-4 Walk-Ins Are Welcome.
Liana, Jamie & Jen (formerly from Smart Style)
Hot Pack Ultrasound Therapeutic Touch • Neuromuscular
1st Visit to New Location (Behind Old Kauffman Building)
New Location!
Great Prices, Experienced Service!
Theraflex Massage 207 East Main St. New Holland
For First Hour
Old or new clients. Must have coupon. Offer expires 6/30/16. Theraflex Massage 717-615-3126
By Appointment Only Owner Ruth Carey Hench LPN, LMT
17 Years Experience Sessions are paid at the time of service Cash & Check Only.
Warm Up Your Spring with
$5.00 OFF
Any Color Service!
922 North Reading ding Road 1752 522 2 Ephrata, PA 17 17522 5299 (717) 336-5299
Hair’s What’s Happening
Muddy Creek Shoppes 2350 N. Reading Rd., Shop #7, Denver, PA 17517
Mon.-Fri. 8am-8pm, Sat. 8am-1pm
Introductory Offer!
2 Weeks Unlimited Yoga for $25! New Studentss Only.
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Make your appointment today!
Match Competitors Prices
Pictured (L-R): (front) Pam, Alex, Tara; (back) Chris, Michelle & Cozy
Acne Treatments
w/coupon each treatment buy 3
Expires May 11, 2016
Micro Dermabrasion
w/coupon each treatment buy 3
Expires May 11, 2016
Rothsville Medical Center • 2320 Rothsville Road, Suite 105B • Lititz • (717) 627-1567
733-7272 • 738-4141
3 Dutchland Ave., Ephrata (Barn behind Pizza Hut)
10A - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
Visit and look for “Bridal Guide” to find links to the businesses on this page!
Conssult tthese Consult hese bridal professionals for f the th very best b t in i personalized li d service. i They will help make your special day a day to remember... forever.
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This month’s feature advertisers..
Twice Upon A Bride
Twice Upon A Bride’s owners, Krista Pelletier and Jen Bergman, came together to fulfill a fun passion for working with people to help celebrate in their special day. Whether it is a wedding, a celebration or a special event, Krista and Jen’s dedication is to your celebration.
615 E. Main Street, Ephrata, PA 17522 • 738-1151
The Most Beautiful Ballroom in Lancaster County
...and our superb cuisine will make your reception
Cloister Post #429 of the
perfect! Call us today at
American Legion
(717) 733-2576
to schedule a tour.
located adjacent to Ephrata Park
The shop strives to make your Dream Wedding affordable and stress free. They are a one-stop shop that works exclusively with professional vendors in the area to make sure that your day is perfect. They offer event wear, gowns, photography, event planning, cakes and more. Customers are always given undivided attention and plenty of time to ask any questions.
With a large selection of dresses, you will be sure to find that perfect look for your day. They welcome you to privately try on your gown with your family and friends, making it an event that you will always remember.
Making Dreams Affordable
Custom Invitations and Programs
Your One-Stop Shop for all your Bridal Needs! Call and make an appointment today!
626-0017 46 E. Main St., Rear Lititz, PA 17543
~ New & Gently Used Bridal Gowns ~ Mothers’ Dresses ~ Accessories ~ Also offering cakes, photography and event planning at affordable and budget-friendly prices
Always open by appointment
Offering 50/50 Consignment
Friday, May 13 • Celebrate Our One Year Anniversary! Light Refreshments, Raffles & Giveaways!
As they come upon their one year anniversary in business together, Krista and Jen would love to help you prepare for your special day. Stop by on Friday, May 13 (Second Friday) to help them celebrate their anniversary with light refreshments, raffles and giveaways. Twice Upon A Bride is always open by appointment and they have limited open hours. They are located at 46 East Main Street, Lititz in the rear, located behind Days Gone By and Matthew 25.
For more information, please call today, 717-627-0017. You may also find them on Facebook at Twice Upon A Bride LLC.
Waver’ Bnquet Fcility
Advertise your business in pp g News The Shopping
guide 717.738.1151
Ask for Greg (x208), Eric (x206) or Debbie (x225)
per month
Buffet, Platter & Family-Style Meals for Wedding Receptions • Holiday Banquets • Company Dinners Customizing Banquets Since 1992
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Located at the intersection of Rts. 272 & 897 in Adamstown WWW.WEAVERMARKETS.COM/BANQUET
Weaver’s Banquet Facility
Weaver’s Banquet Facility is located at the intersection of Routes 272 and 897, approximately one mile from the Denver exit of the Pennsylvania Turnpike, just off of Route 222. We specialize in creating beautiful and elegant memories for your functions. We have hosted thousands of banquets, including wedding receptions, formal parties, birthday and anniversary parties, school and business functions, and many other special occasions. The banquet facility was established in 1992, and features a multitude of delicious, home cooked foods in large portions to select from. All food is prepared fresh and on site. Our bakery staff specializes in custom cakes for all occasions. Internet and Power Point is available.
The facility can seat groups of 25 to 300 persons and can be customized to fit your individual needs. Please call 717484-4302 with questions or to set up an appointment with our Banquet Coordinator!
Yoder’s Banquet Center ...
The Perfect Choice For Your Perfect Wedding Featuring Custom Menu Selections Offering Buffet, Platter Or Family Style
1832 NORTH READING ROAD • STEVENS, PA • 717.419.2119
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Bridal Party & Mother’s Dresses with the purchase of your bridal gown.
Accommodating Outdoor
Many dates still available for 2016!
Weddings, Receptions & Events for 15 to 250 Guests
Our spacious manicured grounds include stately evergreen, walnut and chestnut trees overlooking a small stream.
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Seating from 30 to 800 Guests. Beautifully Decorated Rooms. Efficient Staff Dedicated to Providing Excellent Service. Easily Located on Rt. 23 with Plenty of Parking. Wedding Cake Included with Banquet Meal. * Contact Our Banquet Coordinator For Full Details.
Banquet Facilities 717-354-4748 14 S. Tower Road New Holland (Opposite Garden Spot High School)
From Traditional to Contemporary, Our Weddings are Beautiful! Custom Floral Design To Suit Every Budget!
Evening Appointments Available
717-354-2430 12 S. Tower Road, New Holland
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - 11A
Obituaries (Continued From Page 6A)
She was the wife of the late Jack R. Hevener. She is survived by a son, Barry D. Hevener, com panion of Lisa Friday, Lititz; two grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; a brother, Donald, husband of Joan Eshleman, Lititz; and two sisters: Marion, wife of Ross Weaver, Lancaster, and Dorothy Fritsch, Mountville. L. Ruth Knauer, 98, Unit ed Zion Retirement Comm unity, Lititz, died Wednesday, March 23. She was the wife of the late David Y. Knauer. She is survived by two sons: Ronald L. Knauer, Robesonia, and David E., husband of Anna F. Knauer, Robesonia; one grandchild; and two brothers: I. Homer Martin, Stevens, and J. Wilmer Martin, Ephrata. Kathleen L. Leininger, 61, wife of William M. Leininger, Denver, died Wednesday, March 23. Besides her husband, she is survived by three sons: Bryan, husband of April Leininger, Philadelphia; Erick Leininger, husband of Bonita Mohamed, Grand Rapids, Michigan; and Steven Leininger, at home; a daughter, Kelly Leininger, Denver; two grandchildren; and a brother, Joseph M., husband of Kathy (Zuch owski) Roland, Sinking Spring. Ruth C. Spangler, 87,
Lititz, died Wednesday, March 23. She was the wife of the late Clyde G. Spangler. She is survived by a son, Carl Spangler, East Peters burg; three daughters: Barb ara Nisley, Denver; Norma Denlinger, wife of Bryan, Morgantown; and Ruth Ann Spangler, Ephrata; two stepsons: Norman Spangler, Red Lion, and Clyde Spang ler, Jr., husband of Jennifer, Lititz; and a sister, Edna Sheaffer, Ephrata. She was preceded in death by a stepson, Larry Spangler. Irene M. Weaver, 78, wife of Henry E. Weaver, Reinholds, died Wednesday, March 23. Besides her husband, she is survived by three sons:
Dale L. Weaver, Reinholds; Dean A., husband of Lori K. (Whitacre) Weaver, Akron; and Derek M., husband of Jody (Witmer) Weaver, Eph rata; two daughters: Donna F., wife of Dean Youndt, Reamstown, and Dawn Alison, wife of Randy Long, Myerstown; 11 grand children; six great-grand children; and three brothers: Edwin Sweigart, Akron; Ronald Moyer, Ephrata; and Daniel Moyer, Jr., Ephrata. She was preceded in death by a son, David W. Weaver. J. Clyde Root, 87, husband of LaVerne (Shenk) Root, Landis Homes, Lititz, died Thursday, March 24. Besides his wife, he is survived by four sons: Douglas C., husband of
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Raymond C. Bollinger, 65, husband of Sharon F. (Musser) Bollinger, Ephrata, died Friday, March 25. Besides his wife, he is survived by two sons: Jeffrey R., husband of Deb (Keffer) Bollinger, Rein holds, and Keith D. Bollinger, Man heim; six grandchildren; two brothers: Glenn, husband of Edna (Bollinger) Bollinger, Eph rata, and James, husband of Gerry (Bollinger) Bollinger, Ephrata; and a sister, Mar tha, wife of Glenn Summy, Ephrata.
late George I. Schmidt. She is survived by her parents, Chessie Faye and Ernest Clark; two daughters: Elise and Tabitha Schmidt; four grandchildren; and a sister, Lisa, wife of Paul Herrmann, Bowmansville. Margaret E. Bitler, 71, Akron, died Friday, March 25. She is survived by five sisters: Henrietta (Theda) Gonzalez; Anna Habecker; Dorothy Messner; Jeannette Risser; and Debra (Debbie) Kohl.
WO O D F O O D N E L Fruits & Produce, Groceries, S
Apples ................... 3
Barbara (Weber) Root, Harrisonburg, Virginia; David K., husband of Marcia (Rohrer) Root, Man heim; Dale E. Root, Man heim; and Dwight L., hus band of Mardelle (Weaver) Root, Manheim; a daughter, Dawn M., wife of Larry J. Zook, Manheim; nine grand children; two great-grand children; and a sister, Marian Root, wife of Clarence Shenk, Lancaster. Tammy L. Schmidt, 57, Bowmansville, died Thurs day, March 24. She was the wife of the
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12A - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
Obituaries (Continued From Page 11A)
He was preceded in death by a son, Jerry R. Bollinger. Carole P. Buch, 80, Ephrata, died Friday, March 25. She was the wife of the late Stephen W. Buch, Jr. She is survived by three sons: Michael L. Graves, Lancaster; Jeffrey L. Buch, husband of LuCinda, Mil roy; and Timothy E. Buch, husband of Tracy, Lancaster; a daughter, Lori Ann Rauch, Ephrata; eight grandchildren; 15 greatgrandchildren; one greatgreatgrandchild; and a sister, Vivian M. Ebersole, Hanover.
Grace E. Horst, 92, New Holland, died Friday, March 25. She was the wife of the late Raymond S. Horst. She is survived by a son, Gerald R., husband of Linda (Benner) Horst, New Hol land; two daughters: Melba R., wife of Leon Eshleman, Manheim, and Joyce L., wife of Ronald Leaman, Lancaster; ten grandchildren; 16 greatgrandchildren; and a brother, Wilmer G., husband of Jane Sensenig, New Holland. Helen S. Mayer, 93, Lititz, died Friday, March 25. She was the wife of the late Oscar C. Mayer, Jr. She is survived by a son, Larry C., husband of June Engle Mayer, Lititz; two daughters: Holly S., wife of
Lynn Mearig, Brunnerville, and Pattie, wife of Jeffrey Graffius, Sinking Spring; ten grandchildren; 13 great grandchildren; and one greatgreatgrandchild. She was preceded in death by two sons: Oscar C. “Ozzie” Mayer III and Michael R. Mayer, and a greatgrandchild. Robert Eugene Fassnacht, 58, husband of Patty A. (Moyer) Fassnacht, Den ver, died Saturday, March 26. Besides his wife, he is survived by his mother, Shirley A. (Fromm) Fass nacht, Denver; a son, Bradley S. Fassnacht, at home; a daughter, Valerie J., wife of Daniel Kulp, Stev ens; two brothers: Clifford Fassnacht, Bellefonte, and
W. Scott Fassnacht, New Cumberland; and a sister, Darla, wife of Jamey Kissinger, Denver. Enos A. Hoffer, 87, husband of Peggy Anne Buch Hoffer, Ephrata Man or, formerly of Manheim, died Saturday, March 26. Besides his wife, he is survived by a son, David J. Hoffer, York; two daughters: Janet Lynn, wife of John Lehman, Hopeland, and Susan M., wife of Pete Ringer, Lampeter; six grandchildren; six great grandchildren; and a sister, Anna Mary Youtz, Manheim. Betty Mae McGee, 68, Akron, died Monday, March 28. She was the wife of the late Edwin A. McGee. She is survived by a son,
WellSpan HealthTalks Your goal is better health. We’ll help you get there. Like Mother, Not Entirely Like Daughter: Good Gynecological Practices Tuesday, April 19, 6 – 7 p.m. Ephrata Public Library 550 S. Reading Road, Ephrata Speaker: Cost: Register:
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Dwane, husband of Jennifer (Orris) McGee, Bradford; two grandchildren; four brothers: Sam, husband of Georgia (Lefever) Martin, Lancaster; Charles, husband of Joyce (Weaver) Martin, Ephrata; Rev. Wilmer, husband of Barbara A. (Eberly) Martin, Lancaster; and Richard, husband of Ann (Gingrich) Martin, Mount Joy; and two sisters: Millie, wife of Jim Hertzler, New Holland, and Norma J., wife of Bruce Stauffer, Akron. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Diane McGee. Joseph Zerfass Meck, 90, husband of Sara Anne (Neff) Meck, Ephrata, died Mon day, March 28. Besides his wife, he is survived by three sons: David L., husband of Dale (Champlin) Meck, Hyde Park, New York; William S.
Meck, Reinholds; and Daniel J., husband of Clarita (Nacar) Meck, Lancaster; a daughter, Karen K. Meck, Millersville; nine grand children; and five greatgrandchildren. He was preceded in death by a son, James Andrew Meck, and a grandchild. Rosann “Iris” Caverly, 73, wife of John T. Caverly, Sr., Ephrata, died Tuesday, March 29. Besides her husband, she is survived by two sons: John T. Caverly, Jr. and Patrick Caverly; three daughters: Donna M. Rocka fellow; Denise Kodym; and Doreen Kiapokas; 15 grandchildren; three great grandchildren; and two brothers: Bob, husband of Connie Nicholas, and Char lie, husband of Ginny Nich olas.
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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - 13A
National Merit Scholarship Finalist Community
Blood Drive Planned
Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese The National Merit Schol arship Corporation recently announced that Kayla Logar, a senior at Cocalico High School, was named as a Finalist in the 61st National Merit Scholarship Program based upon her scores on the PSAT in October of 2014, her SAT scores, an essay she had submitted, her high school accomplishments and extracurricular activities. As a Finalist she is in the running to win a National Merit Scholarship, earning the Merit Scholar title. Kayla joins current Cocalico High School English Teacher Lindsay Sigman as the only other known Finalist from Cocalico. National Merit Scholarship winners of 2016 will be announced in four nationwide news releases beginning in April and con cluding in July. These scholarship recipients will join more than 315,000 other distinguished young people who have earned the Merit Scholar title. Kayla is the daughter of Dave and Justine Logar of Denver.
Fairmount Homes Retire ment Community in Ephrata will host the Central PA Blood Bank for a Community Blood Drive on Thursday, April 14, from 11:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. The blood drive will be held in the Farm Crest Community Room at 1100 Farm Crest Drive on the east side of the Fairmount campus. Please take this opportunity to donate blood. It is a wonderful gift to those in need from all walks of life, as there is no substitute for human blood; donors are the only source. Every two seconds, someone needs blood, and the demand for
blood continues to increase, but only five percent of the population donates. In Cen tral Pennsylvania, 275 to 300 units of blood and blood products are needed at area hospitals daily. An adequate supply is crucial to the survival of cancer patients, accident victims, children with blood disorders and
many others. Donors will receive a Papa John’s coupon for a free large pizza with the purchase of a large pizza and a two liter Pepsi product. You may schedule an appointment by calling 18007710059, but walkins are also welcome until 6:00 p.m.
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Te l l M o m y o u L OV E h e r. . . f o r F R E E i n o u r s p e c i a l
s ’ r e h t o M y a D t upplemen 17th Annual
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14A - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
Friendship Community’s Fest And Auction You are invited to attend Friendship Community’s 23rd Annual Fest and Auction held Friday, May 13, and Saturday, May 14, at the Friendship Community corporate grounds, 1149 East Oregon Road, Lititz. Admission and parking are free. A popular feature of this event is the Plant Tent. Hundreds of plants and shrubs will be available for purchase beginning on Friday at 4:00 p.m., along with a large selection of homemade baked goods. Be sure to pick up a chicken BBQ dinner for a cost at the drive-thru service or stay a while at the eat-in area and listen to Friendship’s Got Talent, featuring the talents of several Individuals at Friendship Community, at the Friday night free concert beginning at 7:00 p.m.
Following their acts, One Man Band, Nick DiSanto, will perform with his eclectic contraption featuring several instruments he plays at the same time. He is a wellknown, local and engaging performer, loved by all ages. As well as the chicken BBQ dinner, the Food Tent will offer ice cream and hotdogs on Friday night, in addition to everything from fruit salad to fries, Ethiopian food, pork BBQ, subs and walking tacos on Saturday. On Saturday, a delicious pancake and sausage breakfast will be served from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. There is a cost. Cherry Crest Adventure Farm will feature their famous chick hatch, huge Flemish rabbits and a mini hay bail maze from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., and kids can also get their face painted, play in the bounce house and join in on several activities throughout the day. The large country Auction will also begin at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday. Some items for bidding include vacation packages, tickets to sporting events, themed gift baskets
Freedom Ranger Broiler Chicks delivered to your door!
Next Chick Day -April 20 1-15 $2.35 each 16-24 $2.25 each 25-49 $2.00 each 50-99 $1.60 each 100+ $1.20 each
$10 delivery charge-any size order, anywhere in Lancaster County Orders must be placed in advance, don’t delay!
To order call 717-340-1034 or orders can be placed online at ChickensDirect.NET
No minimum order Freedom Ranger Broiler Chicks delivered to your door! CALL TODAY!
On Site Next Chick Day -April 20 Water Testing! 1-15 $2.35 each $10•delivery charge-any size • PH Hardness 16-24 $2.25 each order, anywhere in Lancaster TDS • Iron County 25-49•$2.00 each 50-99 $1.60 each 100+ $1.20 each
Orders must be placed in advance, don’t delay!
and adventures at many local attractions. Additionally, unique artwork by Friendship Heart Gallery Artists will be for sale. Since beginning 23 years ago, this event attracts over 2,000 guests annually and has become a significant fundraiser for Friendship Community, a Christian ministry cultivating the capabilities of adults with developmental disabilities in Lancaster and Lebanon counties. To celebrate the 23 years, Friendship is asking the community to donate to fund one of three needs at Friendship Community, like summer camp for Residents who cannot afford the registration fee, or a repaved parking lot for Residents to navigate safely. Friendship Community is currently accepting don ations for the auction, as well as sponsorships which include signage and pro motion at the Fest, on social media and the Friendship Community website. In addition, volunteers are needed in many areas and can sign up at Friend
Es Pennsilfaanisch Deitsch Eck
C. Richard Beam 406 Spring Drive Millersville, PA 17551
Der Abril John Birmelin Abril - un die Amschle sin do! Was singe sie mariyets so froh! Sie schpringe un huppse (hop) Un zoppe un zuppse (poke) Un gehne de Reggewaerm no. Abrilkalb muss emol sei, Dabbt immer am Erschde do rei; Sie schicke uns anne, by find Nix hinne, nix vanne, ing the “Fest & Auction” No lache die Schpitzbuwe (pranksters) glei. link under the “Events” tab. For more details, contact Abril is der Munet fer Ziehge (to move), the Events Coordinator at Fer Wasser im Keller zu griege, 717-656-2466 ext. 1101 or Deel ziehge mit Schulde, eventscoordinator@friend Mer muss sich gedulde, Ball duhn sie en Annrer (another) bedriege.
Freedom Ranger Broiler Chicks delivered to your door!
Where’s Bella? Next Chick Day -April 20 Rules and Regulations
1) One entry per person per week. One winner per household per 90 days. 1-15 $2.35 each $10 delivery charge-any size Winners must be age 18 or older. 16-24 $2.25 order, anywhere Lancaster 2) Two winnerseach will be selected weekly in a randomin drawing from all eligible entries received. Winners will beCounty notified by phone. 25-49 $2.00 each Orders must be in advance, 3) Winners will receive 4 field box tickets* to aplaced 2016 Lancaster 50-99 $1.60 each don’t delay! Barnstormers baseball game during their regular season. The Shopping or theeach Lancaster Barnstormers will not be responsible for lost or 100+News $1.20 stolen tickets. To call 717-340-1034 4) order Prize must be picked up at The Shopping News office within 2 weeks of winning. Photo ID will be required. or orders can be placed 5) Deadline for entries will be one week from the publication date in which theonline photo appeared. The winner’s name will be published in the at issue following the drawing. 6) ChickensDirect.NET How to submit entry forms (photo copies not accepted): • Mail to The Shopping News, P.O. Box 456, Ephrata, PA 17522 • Drop off during business hours at 615 East Main Street, Ephrata, or place in the 24-hour drop box • Fax to 717-733-3900 Freedom Broiler Chicks delivered • E-mail Ranger to (e-mail entries must contain entrant’s name, address, city, telephone, description of Bella’s location, and to your door! the date of the Shopping News [found at the top of page]) 7) Telephone and Facebook entries will not be accepted. 8) All prizes must be accepted as awarded.
No minimum order
Next Chick Day -April 20
* Excludes All Star Game.
Entry form requires the following 1-15 $2.35 each $10information: delivery charge-any size 16-24 $2.25 each order, anywhere in Lancaster County Name $2.00 _________________________________________________ 25-49 each Orders must be placed in advance, 50-99 $1.60 each don’t delay! Address _______________________________________________ 100+ $1.20 each
City _______________________ Telephone __________________
To order call 717-340-1034 or orders can be placed online at Ephrata ChickensDirect.NET
717-733-7730 No minimum order
To order call 717-340-1034 Email _________________________________________________ or orders can be placed Description ofonline Bella’s Location _____________________________ at ChickensDirect.NET _______________________________________________________
No minimum order
_______________________________________________________ Bella Promotion
The Shopping News
Issue Date: 4/6/16
Freedom Ranger Broiler Chicks delivered to your door!
Freedom Ranger Broiler Chicks delivered to your door!
Next Chick Day -April 20
Next Chick Day -April 20
1-15 $2.35 each 16-24 $2.25 each 25-49 $2.00 each 50-99 $1.60 each 100+ $1.20 each
Nau macht mer des Gaardesach (vegetables) naus. Noh butzt mer im Hof un am Haus; Un Schauers, die kumme, Do waxe die Blumme, Mer heert aa der Piewie datt drauss. *********************************************** Again we feature a poem by our Pennsylvania German poet laureate. *********************************************** April 6, 2016 Yuscht en Bischli-Gnippli, as reddi is fer Friehyaahr
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EastErn MEnnonitE Publications bookstorE 40 Wood Corner Road, Ephrata, PA, 17522 / Phone: (717) 733-7998 Store Hours: Mon.–Thurs. 9–5; Fri. 9–8:30; Sat. 9–3
1. Is the Book of Matthew in the Old or New Testament or neither? 2. From Exodus 34, who was frightened of a man who came down a mountain with a shining face? Laban, Stephen, Aaron, Cornelius 3. At what city’s public bonfire were books worth 50,000 pieces of silver burned? Ephesus, Derbe, Perga, Lystra 4. From Acts 5, who fell dead after lying about a property deal? Nehemiah, Shimei, Levi, Ananias 5. Who lost all his horse-drawn chariots in a sea? Ornan, Balaam, Pharaoh, Benaiah 6. Where did Lot meet angels? City gate, Field, Temple, Oak tree ANSWERS: 1) New; 2) Aaron; 3) Ephesus; 4) Ananias; 5) Pharaoh; 6) City gate Comments? More Trivia? Visit © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - 15A
A Conversation With Ryan Aument PA State Senator 36th State Senate District
A Resolution Worth Making Each legislative session, thousands of resolutions are introduced in the House of Representatives and Senate that designate certain days, offer congratulations to a particular organization or group, or highlight a cause important to a member of the General Assembly. These resolutions, called simple resolutions, do not have the effect of law. Instead, they are a statement, or expression, of the legislative chamber. Most are voted unanimously and shuffled through at the end of a legislative session day. While I support many simple resolutions, I recently introduced a resolution amending the Senate Rules that would limit the number of simple resolutions each Senator could introduce in a two-year session to ten per cycle. The reason I am seeking to do this is because, while simple resolutions are important, they take away from the important function of actually passing bills and they add additional cost to the legislature. Simple resolutions are nice, but I believe we need to focus on enacting laws that promote economic opportunity for the people of Lancaster County and Pennsylvania. Instead of symbolically naming days of the week or months of the year, my constituents expect me to spend my legislative time promoting higher performing schools, enacting bills to encourage the free enterprise system and support policies that will strengthen our families and communities. Change is difficult in Harrisburg, so I do not know if my resolution to limit simple resolutions will be considered. But reforming how we do the peoples’ business in the Senate is important if we want to demonstrate our priorities and show that we really do care about the cost of the legislature. Certainly, this does not mean that there are not resolutions worth offering. For example, Senator Smucker and I are currently encouraging members of the Senate to support a simple resolution we are introducing that expresses the support of the Senate for the Make-A-Wish Foundation and encouraging this important non-profit organization in its efforts to grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions. Founded in 1980, the Make-A-Wish Foundation has enriched the lives of more than 226,000 We Hope You Stop By and Check Out Our
Cage Free Brown Eggs dozen ONLY 99¢
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children with life-threatening medical conditions. The goal of the Make-A-Wish program is simple and was inspired by Chris Greicius, a young boy who suffered from leukemia. During his brave fight with cancer, Chris had a heartfelt wish to be a police officer. Make-A-Wish helped make that happen. Since then, hundreds of thousands of children with very serious medical issues have had their wishes granted through Make-A-Wish. In 2014 alone, 14,000 wishes were granted, which was, on average, one wish every 38 minutes. For those who have been touched by the Make-A-Wish program, they understand that the benefits go well beyond creating a memorable experience for suffering children. Families, referral sources, donors, sponsors and entire communities are enriched through the spirit of giving. In fact, a network of 25,000 volunteers for the Make-AWish Foundation serve as wish granters, fundraisers, special events assistants and in numerous other capacities. Each year, Lancaster County experiences the unique power of the Make-A-Wish effort. In 1990, a young man requested a wish to ride in an 18-wheeler and speak to his sister on a CB radio. Over 40 trucks and drivers showed up to grant the wish and the Lancaster County Mother’s Day Truck Convoy was born. This year, for the 27th time - and always on Mother’s Day - the Make-A-Wish Foundation will hold an annual fundraiser to grant wishes to children with severe medical conditions at Burle Industries, 1000 New Holland Avenue (Route 23), which includes an auction, games, clowns, delicious local food and terrific entertainment. Of course, the highlight of the annual tradition that over 5,000 come to see is the awesome truck convoy, which includes over 400 trucks carrying messages of hope and inspiration, as well as a few wish-children who enjoy waving to the cheers of supporters and blowing the air horns in the trucks. After departing from Burle Industries, the spectacular convoy travels north on Route 222 to Denver, then returns. Thousands of people watch from the roadways and overpasses and for many, this event has become a Mother’s Day tradition. While admission to the Mother’s Day event is free, all monies raised at this event go directly to granting children’s wishes and remains locally, in our communities. At a time when so many issues divide our society, the Make-A-Wish Foundation is a great reminder of how we can celebrate and
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help children who face struggles greater than most of us will personally experience. I encourage you to visit the Mother’s Day Make-A-Wish convoy, which will be held on Sunday, May 8. The event begins at 8:30 a.m. and the convoy will depart promptly at 1:30 p.m. Seeing a struggling child smile and watching families enjoy a carefree day when medical issues are temporarily forgotten is a rewarding, enriching experience. This is precisely why, notwithstanding my efforts to reduce the number of simple resolutions, I am supporting the MakeA-Wish Foundation resolution. To me, this is a resolution worth making.
Below is a list of convenient locations where you can pick up your weekly issue if you are not in our regular hand-delivered area.
• Turkey Hill (903 S. State Street) • Turkey Hill (3585 Rothsville Road) • Two Cousins • Wawa • Weis Markets
• Weaver’s Store LEOLA
• Giant • Weaver’s Hardware LITITZ
• Oregon Dairy Restaurant • PaulB
• Eby’s Store • Turkey Hill
• Dutch-Way • • • • • • •
Grocery Outlet Garden Spot Village J .B. Zimmerman National Penn Bank New Holland Restaurant The Pub Yoder’s Country Market
• A-1 Repair
• Redner’s Quick Shoppe • Getty Mart • Redner’s Quick Shoppe ROTHSVILLE
• Getty Mart
• BB’s Grocery Outlet • Dutch-Way • Good’s Store WOMELSDORF
• Fred’s Auction
16A - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
College News Millersville University Dean’s List
The following students from the local area have been named to Millersville University of Pennsylvania’s Dean’s List for the fall 2015 semester. • Serena Jones of Akron • Richard Kreiser of Akron • Nathaniel Lapp of Akron • Kimleng Mai of Akron • Jason Zimmerman of Akron • Nicole Guy of Brownstown
• Luke Haldeman of Brownstown • Bradley Auker of Denver • Emily Bartlett of Denver • Rebecca Grube of Denver • Amanda King of Denver • Ashley Landers of Denver • Cameron Martzall of Denver • Ashley Plaisance of Denver • Brian Selman of Denver • Joshua Smucker of Denver • Justine Weaver of Denver • Joshua Hackel of East Earl
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Nolts Propane Connections, LLC 676 N. Shirk Road, New Holland, PA 17557 Ph# 717.354.5691, option 1 • 866-602-5645 Open Monday-Friday, 7am-5pm; Saturday, 7am-11am; Sunday Rest & Worship God
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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - 17A
Garden Spot Honors Two Students Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese Garden Spot High School’s Students of the Month for March were named recently. Laurel Hubbard (left) and Ryan Foose (right) were chosen for this honor. Laurel Hubbard is the daughter of Mr. Frank Hubb ard and Ms. Jenny Becher, Morgantown. Laurel has been involved with the following: Took Honors and AP courses; Member, Nat ional Honor Society (1012); Member, Track and Field (11); Member, Soccer (11); Member, Field Hockey (9); Play, Ice Hockey (9); Member, Lacrosse (9, 10, 12); Member, Chorus (9); Member, Drama (9); Spartan Tribute (11); Volunteer, Cat Angel Network (11, 12); Marathon (11); Horse Trainer (912); and enjoys horseback riding. Ryan Foose is the son of Mr. Michael Foose and Mrs. Debbie Foose, Denver. Ryan has been involved with the following: Took Honors and AP courses; Member, National Honor Society (11 12); Member, Golf (912);
ens • Karina Russell of Stevens • Amber Smith of Stevens • Natalie Sukanick of Stevens • Kayla Ditzler of Talmage (Continued From Page 16A) • Zachary Mansfield of • Elizabeth Pratt of Narvon Talmage • Aaren Davis of New • Hunter Miller of Terre Holland Hill • Cara Discavage of New Holland • Erica Gay of New Holland • Sheldon King of New Holland • Andrea Newswanger of The following students New Holland from the local area were • Heather Aldrich of Reinnamed to the Albright holds College Dean’s List for the • Emily Cuthbert of Rein- 2015 fall semester. holds • Alexa Derr, a junior • Dana DeBalko of Reinbusiness administration/ holds marketing major from • Cody Gooden of Rein- Reinholds holds • Lyndsey Dundon, a • Kameron Page of Reinfreshman undecided major holds • Lauren Stricker of Rein- from Leola • Gabrielle Jeremiah, a holds • Trevor Stauffer of Ronks senior fashion major from • Derek Ness of Salunga • Gregory Gillis of Stevens • Kathleen Martin of Stevens • Brandon Miller of Stevens • Wesley Rathman of Stev-
College News
9 Albright College Dean’s List
Letters, Golf (11, 12); Captain, Golf (12); Spart acus, Golf (12); Member, Pine Grove Church (912); Work, Hawk Valley Golf Course (1012); Future
goals: to attend Cedarville University, walkon for Cedarville University Golf Team and pursuing a career as a Mechanical Engineer.
New Holland • Kylie Johnston, a sophomore music industry studies major from Ephrata • Elina Opalko, a sophomore business administration major from Ephrata Albright students had to attain at least a 3.75 term grade point average to be named to the list.
9 Parsons Named To Dean’s List
Kylee Parsons, an International Studies major from Akron, has been named to the fall 2015 Dean’s List for excellence in academics at Georgia Southern Uni versity. To be eligible for the Dean’s List, a student must have at least a 3.5 grade point average and carry a minimum of 12 hours for the semester.
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Food Stamps
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18A - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
hings to do... and PLACES TO GO Lancaster County Bird Club will meet at the Farm and Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster, at 7:30 p.m. A short business meet ing will precede the program. The public is invited to attend free of charge. For more info., call 717-3932546 or 717-984-2738. SAT., APR. 9 - The Bow mansville Fire Company, 146 West Maple Grove Road, Bowmansville, will hold a Chicken or Oyster Pie Dinner, from 3:00 p.m. until sold out. There is a cost. For more info., call 717-4456293. SAT., APR. 9 - The Vine mont Church Softball Team will hold a Breakfast Buffet at 1278 Fritztown Road, Reinholds, from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. There is a cost. For more info., call Jason at 717-989-8450 or the church at 610-670-1141. Takeouts are available. SAT., APR. 9 - St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 80 East
Bulletin Board
WED., APR. 6 - The Liv ing With Loss Support Group will meet at Garden Spot Village, 433 South Kinzer Avenue, New Hol land, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The program is free and open to the public. For more info., call Karen Horning at 717-355-6010. THURS., APR. 7 - Beth any United Church of Christ, 140 East Main Street, Eph rata, will host a Free Com munity Meal. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Serving at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. For more info., call 717733-4134. THURS., APR. 7 - The
Shopping News Crossword Puzzle
Bingo Y Let’s PLA
Ephrata American at Legion
Main Street, Adamstown, will hold their 57th SemiAnnual Free Community Outgrown Exchange from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Everyone is welcome. For more info., call 717-4844885. SAT., APR. 9 - Clay Ele mentary School will hold their Annual Spelling Bee at 6:00 p.m. Food stand opens at 5:00 p.m. Admission is free. There are six different age/grade categories. This is a community event spon sored by the Clay Elementary PTO. SAT., APR. 9 - Delaware Valley Golden Retriever Rescue will hold its monthly “Meet and Greet the Gold ens” from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at 60 Vera Cruz Road, Reinholds. No ad mission charge. For more info., call Inza Adams at 717-484-4799. SUN., APR. 10 - Hinkle town Mennonite Church, 2031 Division Highway, Ephrata, will host The Skyline Boys in Concert at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is in vited. For more info., call 717-354-5213.
Cloister Restaurant, Inc.
Great Place - Great Games Great Food Ephrata Park • 733-2576
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Join u the fus for n!
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All-U-Can Eat
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Sat., April 16th 6 to 10 AM AT FIVEPOINTVILLE
Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Scrapple, Hash Browns, Sausage Gravy, Pancakes, Toast, Fresh Fruit, Donuts, Juice, Chocolate Milk & Coffee
6 FREE Take Outs Available for $900
Adults $ 00
1087 DRY TAVERN RD. (RT. 897), DENVER, PA 17517
BEEF Pot Pie
April 9 • 11am-?
Zion’s UCC Church
1356 Apple St. (Lincoln) Ephrata
Major Credit Cards Accepted
Children 5-12 $ 00
4 and Under
Dinners $10 • Quarts $10
...Include 2 Vegetables or 1 Vegetable & All You Can Eat Salad Bar (on Fridays & Saturdays only), Club 429’s Famous Onion Butter & Crackers Served While You Wait
Wednesday & Thursday, April 6 & 7
Wings $7.00 dozen (Eat In Only - No Takeouts) • Burger Basket w/Fries $7.75
Friday & Saturday, April 8 & 9
Baked Stuffed Shrimp with Crabmeat..$18.95
Dining Room Hours Wed.-Sat. 5pm-9pm OPEN for Lunch Wednesdays & Fridays starting at 11am Bar Hours Wed., Thurs., Sat. 5pm-10pm; Fri. 4pm-10pm; Sun., Mon. & Tues. Closed
Ephrata Park, Ephrata, PA
Call For Dinner Reservations or Information on Banquets
Broccoli & Cheese Omelet w/Homefries - $4.95 Egg Sandwich w/Fruit Cup - $4.25
Breakfast Breakfast Includes:
SUN., APR. 10 - A Winn er’s Choice Vendor Bingo will be held at the American Legion, 300 Cocalico Drive, Ephrata. Doors open at 12:30 p.m. Bingo begins at 2:00 p.m. There is a cost. For more info., call Nadia at 717-419-3058. MON., APR. 11 - The Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver’s Support Group will meet at Garden Spot Village, 433 South Kinzer Avenue, New Holland, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. For more info., call Joanne Mor ton at 717-355-6076. WED., APR. 13 - The Conestoga Herb Guild will meet at 7:00 p.m. at the
Take Out Only
Saturday, April 16 • 3-7pm Schoeneck Fire Co.
COST: Adults - $25.00 Age 6-10 - $6 5 & Under - Free For tickets, call 336-6767. No tickets sold at door. Last day for advanced tickets is Tuesday, April 12.
Saturday 4/9 Baked Haddock Beef Cubes over Noodles Chicken Tenders Sunday 4/10 Roast Chicken w/Filling Filled Chicken Breast Monday 4/11 Grilled Ham Steak Filled Chicken Breast Roast Chicken w/Filling Tuesday 4/12 Shepherd’s Pie Chuckwagon Steak Chicken Livers
Bowmansville Bowman nsville Fi Fire ire C Company ompany
n P e k ie or c i h C
Oyste r Pie Dinner Saturday, April 9, 2016 3PM until Sold Out
Oyster Pie Dinners - $1100 Chicken Pie Dinners - $1000 Oyster Pies Only - $600 Chicken Pies Only - $500 Children’s Dinners - $500 Any questions, please call 717-445-6293
West Maple Grove Road, Bowmansville, PA
hings to do...
Guess “Where’s Bella?” And Barnstorm The “Where’s Bella?” con
test continues with a new photo and location. Shopp ing News readers have the opportunity to win four field box tickets to a 2016 Lancaster Barnstormers baseball game during their regular season. By correctly identifying the location in which Bella, the black lab, is photo graphed, your entry will be entered to win a weekly random drawing. Two winners will be selected each week. This week, the contest entry form, rules and regulations can be found on page 14A. Remember to check back weekly for a new chance to win! Bella was recently added to the K-9 Who’s Who of Great Wildlife Photo graphers by Shutter Pooch her photography, but she is shown in the photo with Magazine. Bella is primarily doesn’t let daylight shooting her telephoto as she leads a a night owl when it comes to ruffle her feathers either. She photo meet-up lecture with
ens Fire Company, 91 Stev ens Road, Stevens, will hold an All You Can Eat Chicken Pot Pie Dinner, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (or until sold out). There is a cost. For more info., call 717-3366360. SAT., APR. 16 - The Akron Fire Company, 1229 Main Street, Akron, will hold a Chicken BBQ, from 10:00 a.m. until sold out. Halves and dinners will be
sold. There is a cost. For more info., call 717-8591351. SAT., APR. 16 - Gehmans Mennonite School will hold a Chicken BBQ and Bake Sale, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Gehmans Mennonite School, Route 897, Denver, and at Weaver’s Store, Route 897, Fivepointville. A MultiFamily Yard sale will also be held at Gehmans Mennonite School only.
Gehmans Mennonite School (Rt. 897, Denver)
SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2016 10:00 AM - Sold Out es Halv
1025 S. Sta
• 738-1177
Lunch Specials
Buy any Chicken Dinner at Regular Price and get the Second one for 50 Cents Eat-in Only, Monday-Friday (Less expensive dinner will be 50 Cents) (Every Day) Chicken - 12 pieces,
Every Sunday
tub of French fries, quart of slaw, pepper cabbage or macaroni salad Add $4.50 for every additional 4 pieces
Only $20.99
Chicken Only Takeout
12 pieces - $13.95 16 pieces - $17.95 20 pieces - $21.95 24 pieces - $25.95
Your independent restaurant, serving good food to the fine people of the Ephrata area for over 55 years. Celebrating our 50 year Anniversary at this location.
(Includes Free Beverages)
Family Chicken Meal
(Half of Chicken, Baked Potato, Applesauce, Roll, Cupcake & Drink)
T N A R U A T S E R S ’ T H G I R B 2, Ephrata St. & Rt. 27
Fire Hall (rear)
7 ló
Sunday, 12pm-10pm; Monda y, 11am-10pm; Tuesday & Wednesday, 11am-10pm; Thursday, 11am-12:30am;
New Menu featuring...
Loaded Potato Skins Bacon Chicken Quesadil las Penguin Fried Chicken Sa lad Twice Glazed BBQ Chick en Burgers, Wraps, Paninis Karaoke Thursday & Sat
Banquet Hall 614 S. State Street Doors open at 2:00 P.M. Game starts at 3:00 P.M. Last Game - Jackpot
at the Akron
ch Road, Steve
Ephrata Amvets
Sunday, April 10, 2016
717-445-7100 or 717-445-9905
Excellent Food by the Ladies Auxiliary
Sale Items Include:
Multi-Family Yard Sale (6AM-1PM)
ary s r e v i n n A 50 Year for April • 1966-2016 Specials
Check The PETS & ANIMALS Section Of The Classifieds
Kitchen Opens at 5 p.m.
The Fire Co. has the right to reject any or all items. Not responsible for accidents.
Benefits: Gehmans Mennonite School
1215 N. Reading Rd., Stevens • 717.336.8888
Wednesday, April 13th & 20th @ 6:30 p.m. Outside & Inside
Donations may be dropped off at the fire station or for pickup, call
Gehmans Mennonite School
Saturday, April 16th
Choose from Meat or Cheese Ravioli, Stuffed Shells or Lasagna. Includes House Salad & Homemade Garlic Bread.
Annual Donation & Baked Goods Sale
(Rt. 897, Denver)
One Location:
Baked Goods; Quilts; Gift Certificates from Various Businesses; Toys; Household Items; Various Items too Numerous to List.
Weaver’s Store (Rt. 897, Fivepointville)
Only $15.99
Chicken BBQ (9AM-1PM) & Bake Sale (9AM-1PM)
Two Locations:
SAT., APR. 16 Emmanuel United Methodist Church, 11 North Church Street, Brownstown, will have a Free Clothing Give away from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Refreshments will be provided. SAT., APR. 16 - The Schoeneck Fire Company, 125 North King Street, Denver, will hold an All You Can Eat Seafood Night, from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
hall at 717-336-6767. SAT., APR. 16 - Five pointville Fire Com pany, 1087 Dry Tavern Road, Route 897, Denver, will hold an All You Can Eat Breakfast Buffet, from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. There is a cost. SAT., APR. 16 - Hopeland United Methodist Church Youth Group, 295 N. Clay Rd., Lititz, will host a Yard Sale, from 7:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. For more info., call Russ Eberly at 717-7381444. SAT., APR. 16 - The Smokestown Fire Company, 860 Smokestown Road, Denver, will hold a Haus and Pinochle Card Party at 7:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-336-2687 or 717-4139938. SAT., APR. 16 - 2nd Annual Race to benefit A Tail To Tell, Inc. Puppy Mill several other photographers. Rescue will be held at Do you know where she is Elizabeth Township Comm photographing her subject? unity Park, 116 E. 28th Division Highway, Bricker ville. 5K Run begins at 8:30 There is a cost. Dine-in only a.m. and the 1 Mile Walk For more info., call the fire (Continued On Page 20A)
Upper Leacock Township War Memorial Building, 54 West Main Street, Leola. There is a fee for guests. For more info. or to register, call Deirdre at 717-288-2126. THURS., APR. 14 Bethany United Church of Christ, 140 East Main Street, Ephrata, will host a Free Community Meal. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Serving at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. For more info., call 717-733-4134. THURS., APR. 14 - The Low Vision Support Group will meet at Garden Spot Village, 433 South Kinzer Avenue, New Holland, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The program is free and open to the public. For more info., call Karen Horning at 717355-6010. THURS., APR. 14 - The New Holland Woman’s Club will host their annual Spring Fashion Show at the Shady Maple Banquet Room. Doors open at 11:00 a.m. Luncheon at 12:00 noon. Fashions at 1:00 p.m. There is a cost for tickets. For more info. or reservations, call 717-354-4838. FRI., APR. 15 - The Annual MOMs Auction will be held at Forest Hills Mennonite Church. Supper will be served at 5:00 p.m. Auction will begin at 6:30 p.m. For more info., call Carolyn Beyer at 717-8591028. SAT., APR. 16 - The Stev
The P
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - 19A
20A - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
Births AKIMOV, Joseph and Angelina (Shkurko), New Holland, a son, at home. BURKHOLDER, Bren don L. and Amber (High), Ephrata, a son, at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hos pital. FISHER, Henry Z. and Gayle Kaci (Myers), Leola, a daughter, at Women & Babies Hospital. GOOD, Jason R. and Jessica (Lawrence), Stevens, a son, at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital. HOOVER, Daniel Z. and Rosalyn M., Ephrata, a son, at Heart of Lancaster Reg ional Medical Center, Lititz. KING, Nathan and Wanita (Yatay), Narvon, a daughter, at Women & Babies Hos pital. LLOYD, Steve J. and Ashley (Shank), Ephrata, a son, at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital.
MARTIN, Nathaniel and Katelyn, East Earl, a daught er, at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital. SANTOS, Stephen A. and Shandi (Tosten), Akron, a son, at Women & Babies Hospital. WENGER, John and Ros alyn (Weaver), Georgetown, Ohio, a daughter, at home. Grandparents are Ivan and Virginia Weaver, New Hol land, and Paul and Grace Wenger, Leola. WILLIAMS, Jasper and Racheal, Denver, a son, at Heart of Lancaster Regional Medical Center, Lititz. ZIMMERMAN, Jeffrey L. and Jennifer D. (Zimm erman), New Holland, a son, at home. ZIMMERMAN, Norman S. and Marian S. (Hurst), East Earl, a son, at Reading Hospital.
Bulletin Board (Continued From Page 19A)
begins at 9:30 a.m. For more info., email Karin Weinert at SUN., APR. 17 - The Friendship Community Worship Team will present a program at New Beginnings Church, 409 North State Street, Ephrata, at 10:00 a.m. For more info., call 717-656-2466. SUN., APR. 17 - The Ephrata American Legion, 300 Cocalico Drive, Ephrata, will host “The Velaires for Veterans” classic rock concert from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. There is a cost for tickets. For more info., call the Legion at 717-733-2576.
Spring Mulch Sale April 1st to 16th
Online at:
Martindale • (717) 445-4212 STORE HOURS: Mon., Thurs. & Fri. 7am-8pm; Tues., Wed. 7am-6pm; Sat. 7am-5pm Check out our website!
FEATURES! Best Yet Granulated
4 lb. $2.19 40 lb. bale
Best Yet
Spring Water
24 pk. $2.99
“Our Own” Sweet or Hot
Italian Sausage
lb. $2.99
Call: 717-336-1906
Meat Loaf ....2 lb. tin $7.99 Eby’s
Baked Beans ....... lb. $2.99 Eby’s
Pork BBQ ............ lb. $3.79 Eby’s
Broccoli Cheese Soup ...................... lb. $3.49
Grace Celebrates 103 Years
Mrs. Grace E. McCoy celebrated her 103rd birthday on Monday, February 15 at Fairmount Homes in Ephrata, where she lives. In her younger years, Grace worked as a Registered Nurse at Lancaster General Hospital, from which she graduated in 1934. She worked there until she got married and had a son, which she says, “was the best thing that ever happened to me.” When asked if she has a secret for a long life, Grace replies, “I have no secrets, I am just satisfied with the life I have lived and I have no further ambitions.”
Happy Birthday
Ham $2.99.....lg. $5.00
This service is free - all you need to do is provide the required information.
Southwest Salad .................................................................... $4.79
April 5
- MEAT -
- Deli -
Eby’s Fresh Top Round London Broil....... lb. $4.29 Eby’s Fresh Top Round Roasts .................... lb. $3.99 Eby’s Fresh Top Round Steaks..................... lb. $4.49 Eby’s Fresh
Kunzler Sweet or Lebanon Bologna ..................... lb. $4.89 Kunzler Black Forest Turkey Ham ............ lb. $5.79 John F. Martin Cooked Ham ........... lb. $3.89 Kretschmar Low Sodium Turkey Breast ......... lb. $8.29 1893 Best Yet American Cheese $3.99 Land O’Lakes 4 Cheese Italian Blend ........... lb. $5.99 John. F. Martin Farmers’ Cheese .... lb. $4.29 ....................... whole roll, lb. $2.99
New York Strip Steaks
.................. value pack, lb. $8.79 .............lesser amounts, lb. $8.99 Eby’s Fresh
Cubed Steaks
...................... value pack, lb. $4.79 .................lesser amounts, lb. $4.99 Eby’s Fresh Lean
Ground Round
...................... value pack, lb. $3.99 .................lesser amounts, lb. $4.19 Fresh Whole Boneless Pork Loin .....(cut free) lb. $1.89 Boneless Center Cut Chops......... value pack, lb. $2.49 .................lesser amounts, lb. $2.69 Boneless Stuffed Pork Chops .............. lb. $3.49 Boneless Country Style Spare Ribs ...value pack, lb. $2.69 ....................lesser amounts, lb. $2.89 Fresh Tray Pack Chicken Thighs .......... lb. 89¢ Fresh Tray Pack Chicken Drumsticks 69¢ Best Yet Vac Pack Sliced Bacon ...................... 1 lb. $3.99 John F. Martin Scrapple ............1 lb. pk. $2.29 Banquet Brown & Serve
Links from jane’s kitchen Sausage .......................... 6.4 oz. 4/$5.00
Stop in and Talk to Us: 2355 N Reading Rd Denver, PA 17517
SUN., APR. 17 - The Hahnstown United Zion Church, located on the corner of Glenwood Drive and Frysville Road, will host a concert with the Joyful Hearts Chorus at 7:00 p.m. For more info., call 717572-8394 or 717-381-8878. TUES., APR. 19 - Good Life Ministries will hold a banquet at Shady Maple. Singing begins at 6:00 p.m. Meal served at 6:30 p.m. For more info. or reservations, call Melanie Nissley at 717405-9112 or Marta Martin at 484-638-1270 by Tuesday, April 5. THURS., APR. 21 Bethany United Church of Christ, 140 East Main Street, Ephrata, will host a Free Community Meal. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Serving at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. For more info., call 717-733-4134. THURS., APR. 21 - A meeting for widows will be held at the Udder Choice, 1812 West Main Street, Ephrata. Meal at 6:00 p.m. with meeting to follow. All widows welcome. FRI., APR. 22 - The Ephrata Mounts Baseball Team and the American Cancer Society will hold a Passionately Pink Game at the War Memorial Field, Ephrata, at 7:00 p.m. All proceeds will be donated to help fund programs in Lancaster County.
Wing Ding Breaded
Chicken Tenders
.......................... 5 lb. bag $20.95
- Dairy -
Florida Natural
Orange Juice ...59 oz. 2/$5.00
- Grocery Best Yet Pasta .......................... 16 oz. 99¢ Ragu Pasta Sauce ... 45 oz. 2/$5.00 Hanover Beans............ 15.5 oz. 5/$5.00 Best Yet Tomato or Chicken Noodle Soup .......................... 3/$2.00 Lance Crackers ......... 8 pks. 2/$5.00 Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts .... 14.7 oz. 3/$5.00
Gatorade........ 32 oz. 5/$5.00 Best Yet
Apple Juice ... 48 oz. 2/$3.00 Bugles
Buy 1 at $2.49, Get 1 Snacks ................7.5 oz. FREE Chex Buy 1 at $2.79, Get 1 Snack Mix ...... 8.75 oz. FREE Arm & Hammer Liquid Buy 1 at $5.79, Get 1 Detergent...........50 oz. FREE Best Yet Bleach ............. 96 oz. 2/$3.00
TO YOU! Watch for your friends’ names every week!
Loren M. Shirk, 9, son of Mahlon and Annetta Shirk, New Holland.
April 6
Matthew Kole Nolt, 1, son of Delton and Norma Nolt, Ephrata. Kayla Elaine Zimmerman, 9, daughter of Luke Ray and Lorene Zimmerman, Ephrata.
April 7
Cree Daytona Johnson, 12, daughter of Michael and Melanie Johnson, Lancaster, granddaughter of Sandy Jansson, Lititz.
April 9
Carissa Leann Wike, 9, daughter of Penny Greenly and Kerry Wike, Denver. Briana Rose Zimmerman, 10, daughter of Jonathan and Rochelle Zimmerman, Denver.
April 10
Skyler Takoda Humphries, 8, daughter of Wayne Jr. and Crystal Humphries, Ephrata.
April 11
Leona Grace Allgyer, 1, daughter of Ryan and Amanda Allgyer, Womelsdorf, great-granddaugther of Raymond and Anna Mary Wenger, Lititz. Kaden Reed Reiff, 5, son of Derlyn and Lorraine Reiff, Denver. Vera Grace Roth, 8, daughter of Matthew and Mandy Roth, Lititz. Brayden Kole Sensenig, 1, son of Eric and Darlene Sensenig, Newmanstown.
April 12
Leanne Renae Stauffer, 9, daughter of Melvin and Ellen Stauffer, New Holland.
1. In order to have your child’s name in the list of birthdays, simply complete the form below and mail to: THE SHOPPING NEWS, P.O. Box 456, 615 E. Main Street, Ephrata, PA 17522 or it may be dropped off at the office. 2. NO NAMES will be accepted over the phone. 3. This service is provided for local children and their parents. Exception: If grandparents are local and child is out of the area, then local grandparents’ names will also appear. 4. Limited to ages 1 through 12.
~ Cut Here ~
PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Deadline is 3 weeks prior to birthday. Age limit 12. Child’s Name ________________________________________________ Age ________ (First)
Birth Date __________________________________________________ Gender _____ (Month)
City ___________________________________________________________________
Parent’s Name____________________________________________________________
- Frozen Yuengling’s Premium Ice Cream ........... 32 oz. $3.99
Local Grandparents’ Names, City, State (ONLY if child is out of the area):
Seven Layer Salad...................... lb. $3.49 Cole Slaw ............ lb. $2.29 Cherry Cheese Dessert ................. lb. $3.29
Best Yet
Greek Yogurt ........ 5.3 oz. 69¢ Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies ................. 8 pk. $3.89
Bagel Bites ......7 oz. 2/$4.00
Red Velvet Cake .................... singles $1.99 Vanilla Pie.................... $6.49 *All prices subject to availability
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - 21A
Lapp Is Student Of The Month Recently the Ephrata Lions Club recognized Ephrata High School Senior Abigail Lapp as their Student of the Month for February. She is the daughter of Melissa and Paul Lapp. Shown in the photo, from left to right, is Gary Snavely, Ephrata Lions Club; Abigail, Paul and Melissa Lapp. Abigail is a senior at Ephrata High School and has spent many hours over the past years helping Project Ephrata, where she has helped families fix and clean up their homes and cleaning up the community of Ephrata in general. She has also helped during the summer as a volunteer at the Ephrata Public Library. In addition, Abigail has helped with the children’s ministry at her church. She has also helped in the past with refereeing the annual Dodge Ball tournament at the middle school. Abigail has been the sports advisor for the school yearbook and enjoys photography. She works part time and has played on the school Messiah College and pursue soccer and softball teams in a Bachelor of Science in the past. After high school, Nursing. Abigail plans to attend The Ephrata Lions Club
“Arrowheads, Artifacts And Old Bottles” For the past 40 years, retired history teacher Don Boyer has been collecting arrowheads, Native Amer ican artifacts and old bottles. His collection at one time topped 1,000 items, many gleaned from farmers’ plowed fields or excavated from garbage dumps. In his years of teaching, Don delighted in taking groups of students on some of his excursions and sharing his
enthusiasm for collecting old relics. On Thursday, April 14 at 2:00 p.m., Don will be sharing his story and displaying some of his artifacts at Fairmount Homes in Ephrata. The event will be held in the Crest View Gathering Room at 1100 Farm Crest Drive, and is free and open to the public. Come and hear about his collection adventures. Learn how to tell the difference between machine-made and handblown glass bottles, or where you can find arrowheads,
Native American artifacts and old bottles. Make plans to come and invite your friends to join you. Fairmount Homes is a nonprofit continuing care retirement community lo cated at 333 Wheat Ridge Drive, Ephrata.
“Beauty can get a woman what she wants: love and money. But when beauty leaves you, so can the things it brought.” ~ Paulina Porizkova
WEBER® Q™ 2,000
acknowledges students each month of the school year for their contributions in community service.
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SPIRIT® E-310™
WEBER® Q™ 1,000
APRIL 1 - 14
e on Cooper Tire $70 Rebat Set of 4 Tires
Town & Country CENTER
(717) 445-6726
953 Beam Rd., Denver, PA 17517 •
Prices From $199-$2,699 • Free Assembly
Delivery Available
1731 W. Main St., Ephrata
$10 OFF Front End Alignment with Purchase of 4 Cooper Tires.
(717) 733-6593
Your Yard, Garden and Pet Place™
Mon.-Fri. 7:30am - 7pm; Sat. 7:30am - 4pm the Greenhouse
Great Selection of
in Bloom
99¢ Vegetable Plants Cool Weather
SHOPPING NEWS of Lancaster County
4 pk.
Onion Sets • Strawberry Plants Seed Potatoes • Garden Seeds
y In! Now thru Hurr eek For April 9 W . Last lch Sale u M Pay Now - Pick Up or Have Delivered As Needed
Premium Mulch .................... Sale $26.95 cu. yd. Reg. $28.95 Dyed Mulch (Black & Brown).... Sale $26.95 cu. yd. Reg. $28.95 Nature Blend Mulch ........... Sale $22.95 cu. yd. Reg. $24.95 Mushroom Soil ......................... Sale $9.95 cu. yd. Reg. $10.95 the Produce Apples
Tasty Green
Jonagold, Cameo, Golden Del.
Crisp Head Lettuce
2 bunches
$1.50 99¢
79¢ lb.
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-8; Sat. 8-4 FARM MARKET est 1988
2902 Rothsville Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522
Weaver’s Store, Inc. has been supplying the needs of families for over 56 years. We carry a large selection of shoes, fabric, clothing, housewares, hardware, toys and archery. We acknowledge it is a blessing of the Lord to provide this service with a very supportive team of employees. The Shopping News has been an excellent newspaper to advertise our weekly specials. Friendly customer service, a quality product and a fair price are qualities both Weaver’s and The Shopping News consider important. Watch for our weekly ads, Fall Sale in October, monthly inserts, Year End Sale, March Baby Week Sale, July Archery Expo and the August Anniversary Sale. We look forward to a long, profitable business relationship with our sales rep., Debbie, and The Shopping News.
The Weaver Family
Weaver’s Store, Inc. is located on Rt. 897 in Fivepointville Second location - Leola, PA - Specializing in Hardware Third location in Spring Mills, PA (State College area)
TEAMING UP For Advertising Results
22A - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
ON BEING “TAKEN-IN” Background Luke 7:36-50. Devotional Psalms 13.
Scripture: Reading:
I have found that some people mistakenly assume that the woman who washed and anointed the feet of Jesus in Luke 7:37-39 was Mary Magdalene. Why? Well, there are six different
women in the life of Jesus who bore the name of “Mary,” starting with his mother. There was also the sister of Lazarus, Mary of Bethany, who sat listening to Jesus, while her sister, Martha, was busy preparing hospitality for him (Lk. 10:38,39). Some time after the death and raising of Lazarus, Mary anointed the feet of Jesus when he came to Bethany to share a meal with her, and Martha and their brother, the resurrected Lazarus (John 12:1). In Luke 7:37-40 Jesus is invited by Simon the Pharisee to share a meal in his home. It was there that the “woman of the city, who was a sinner” came to Jesus to wash his feet with her
tears and dry them with her unbound hair as an act of reverence and gratitude. Witnessing this, Simon exclaimed, “If this man were a prophet, he would have known who and what sort of woman this is who is touching him” (Luke 7:39). We do not know why Simon invited Jesus to his house. Maybe he was truly intrigued by Jesus and was considering being a follower of the Naz arene. Or maybe he wanted to hear more from Jesus so that he could judge him. At any rate, he quickly revealed himself as one who depended upon the law to separate the sheep from the goats, the sinners from the saints. Pharisees had the ways and means of deciding “what
sort of people” were “in” and which kind were “out.” We are told that Jesus cast out “seven demons” from Mary Magdalen. Jesus did not just identify the afflictions, but he cast them out! What were the “dem ons” in this passage? All we know is that they afflicted Mary’s wellbeing: physical, mental and spiritual. Be cause of Jesus, Mary from Magdala became a whole person! But it is most unlikely that the woman in Simon’s house was that Mary. “FALLEN” So why has Mary Mag dalen remained a symbol of “the fallen woman”? First, because people, then and now, operate on the principle
Join Us inWorship Cornerstone Baptist Church
Ephrata United Zion Church
Evangel Assembly
(Across from WaWa on State St.)
622 Lauschtown Road, Denver, PA 17517
408 E. Fulton St., Ephrata
Sunday Worship - 10am & 7pm Wednesday Bible Study - 7pm
“Teaching & Preaching the Doctrines of Grace
Pastor Jay Showalter Asst. Pastor Melvin Horst
Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. Worship: 10:00 a.m.
Mohn’s Hill
Parkview Mennonite Church
E. C. Church
708 Mohn’s Hill Road Spring Township, 19608 610-775-3667 • Sunday: Worship - 10:30am Sunday School (infant - adult) - 9:00am Missions Night 2nd Sunday each month - 7:00pm Young Adults: Sunday 9:15am From Adamstown: 272N, L Bowmansville Rd. up Mohn’s Hill, L Vinemont, R Mohn’s Hill Rd.
Reamstown, PA
Sunday Worship: 9:00am Sunday School: 10:00am
939 Linden Rd. Ephrata, PA
Kevin Sylvester, Pastor Sunday Worship: 10am Clubhouse Kids, Nursery Wednesday Activities: 7pm Momentum Youth
Liberty Baptist 47 Cindia Lane, Ephrata 733-0396
Mellingers Evangelical Lutheran Church
675 Lincoln Garden Road, Ephrata, PA 17522
(717) 733-6114
Old Hymns - KJV Sun. 9:30, 10:30 AM Sun. & Wed. 7:00 PM
Sunday Worship: 9:00 AM Sunday School: 10:30 AM All Ages
Lead Pastor
Transportation Available
Tuesday Bible Study: 7:00 PM
Independent - Fundamental Soul Winning
Arthur T. Karick, Sr. Pastor 400 Pfautz Hill Rd. P.O. Box 98 Stevens, PA 17578
717-336-2147 Sunday Services 10:00 AM, 6 PM Sunday School - 9:00 AM Wednesday Night - 7:00 PM
Zion’s UCC 1356 Apple Street, Ephrata
Rev. Bob Peiffer Worship - 8:45am
150 W. Fulton Street Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 738-4901
This page sponsored by these area businesses:
Office Hours By Appointment
Home for Funerals, Inc.
EAST EARL 717-354-4026 EPHRATA 717-733-7356 SCHAEFFERSTOWN 717-949-2663 QUARRYVILLE 717-786-9028
201 Church Ave., Ephrata 733-2472 30 North Ninth St., Akron 859-1230
533 Walnut St., Denver 336-6531
Exceptional service, affordably priced. John A. Leonhard Licensed Supervisor Paul Andrew Leonhard Licensed Funeral Director Funeral Pre-Planning, Traditional & Alternative Services, Cremations & Memorial Services 100 West Main Street, Ephrata
Heating & Air Conditioning Installation & Service Bioheating Oil Diesel Fuel Gasoline Solar Electric & Hot Water 144 Church Rd., Lititz 717-626-7169
HIGH’S AUTO SERVICE 1603 Rothsville Rd. Lititz, PA 17543
200 Brimmer Ave. NEW HOLLAND 717-354-4321
Rt. 897 & 272, Adamstown (717) 484-4302
(717) 445-6791
and (Blainsport) Reinholds (717) 336-3868
Church Voicemail
Nevin S. Horning Sunday School: 9:00am Worship: 10:00am
List your church on this page for as little as
For information, or to become a sponsor, call 738-1151
Dedicated to Faith, Family & Community 333 Wheat Ridge Dr. Ephrata, PA 17522 717.354.1800
1120 S. State St. EPHRATA, PA 717-733-2241
45 S. Ninth Street Akron, PA 17501 859-8771 Pastor George Frantz Sunday School - 9:30am Church Service - 10:30am Sunday Night - 6:00pm Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting - 7:00pm
Sunday Worship 10am & 6pm Wednesday Bible Study 7pm
Practice Limited To Orthodontics
Paul L.
Bible Baptist Church
515 West Metzler Road, Ephrata, PA 17522
Assoc. Pastor Keith MacDougall
“Empowered to bring Jesus’ love, healing, and hope to the world”
565 Airport Road • New Holland (717) 354-5394 Senior Pastors Lester & Erma Zimmerman
“Church The Way It Used To Be” Independent - Conservative Family Values Pastor Kelly Allen Sensenig
So how did Mary, the resurrection witness become Mary Magdalene, Mary of Bethany, and the penitent prostitute? In 591 AD Pope Gregory I (“the Great”) decided there were too many Mary’s to keep straight in the believer’s mind, so he identified Mary Magdalene as the penitent prostitute, assigning her the role as Patron Saint of Repentant Wayward Women. Churches, asylums, hospitals, various ministries and even boul evards bear her name. Also, the term “maudlin,” inferring “excessive emotion” origin ated from a transliteration of Mary’s name. Some writers have suggested or claimed that Mary Magdalene was either
80 Gockley Road Stevens, PA 17578 Pastor - Timothy Craven
Pastor Jim Taylor
Reamstown Church of God Sunday worship services at 9:00 & 11:00 a.m.
that a person “once-fallen” was always a “fallen” one! Secondly, Mary came from Magdala, a “fallen town,” mostly inhabited by Gen tiles. Rabbis later attributed its reputation to “licentious ness.” This was the rep utation imputed to Mary Magdalen for the rest of her life, as well as throughout the history of Western Christianity. But not EasternOrthodox (Greek) Chris tianity, where her disciple ship has always been honored and the “fallen woman” identity been denied. In the Gospels Mary was first to experience the risen Christ and is present in more of the resurrection appearances than any other disciples.
50 Wood Corner Rd. Lititz, PA 17543 (717) 738-7350
Denver Leola
(717) 556-0791 Spring Mills
(814) 349-2650
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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - 23A
the wife of Jesus or his consort, but there has been no evidence to substantiate that claim. However, there seems to be ample reason to believe that Mary Magdalene was a powerful influence in early Christianity. At this point you could justifiably ask: “Interesting, but what has this to do with me?”(I thought you’d never ask!) For one thing, the demon izing of people is in itself a demonic practice, which has plagued Christianity all too often. Where and when Jesus demolished the traditional and societal barriers, Chris tians often have worked feverishly to restore them. And all too frequently, it has been “in the name of Christ,” but not in his spirit, that it is demonstrated again and again in the four Gospels, especially in Luke 7:36-50; 10:30-37; 17:11-19. The problem for Pharisees such as Simon was that they saw themselves as “good,” and in no need of forgiveness or love. The pharisaic is a good intention perverted by pride. HOURS
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NO NEED, NO LOVE William Barclay says: “Simon was conscious of no need and therefore felt no love, and so received no forgiveness. Simon’s im pression of himself was that he was a good man in the sight of others and of God… It is true to say that the greatest of sins is to be conscious of no sin; but a sense of need will open the door to the forgiveness of God, because God is love, and love’s greatest glory is to be needed.” “Then, turning toward the woman Jesus said to Simon, ‘Do you see this woman? I entered your house, you gave me no water for my feet, but she has wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You gave me no kiss, but from the time I came in she has not ceased to kiss my feet. You did not anoint my head with oil, but she has anointed my head with oil. Therefore, I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little, loves little.” The water for the guest’s feet, the kiss of peace and the ointment for the guest’s feet were the common signs of respect for the guest. This “sort of woman” whose sins were “many,” responded to Jesus in a manner that the selfsufficient Pharisee did not. Thus, Edwin Markham writes of the Pharisaic mind: He drew a circle that shut me out— Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout. But love and I had the wit to win: We drew a circle and took him in !”
Lacrosse Team Thanks Athletic Association
The Cocalico Girls La crosse Team would like to thank the Reamstown Ath letic Association for their continued support during this 2016 season. The Reamstown Athletic Assoc iation has generously don ated funds, which were used to purchase team backpacks. The backpacks were em broidered with the team logo and player numbers. The Cocalico Girls Lacrosse team is very grateful for the support given by the Reamstown Athletic Assoc iation. Shown in the photo, from left to right, are (back) Katie Diciano, Hanah Greenly, Samantha Klumpp, Lyndsay Engle, Sydney Costanza,
Alyiha Price, Jess Fullerton, Maddie Vanaskie, Dona Feirick, Aliyah Young, Shel by White, Adeline Landis, Kendall Marte; (middle row) Izzy Zahm, Allyson Hirneisen, Alexyss Cobb,
Aly Diciano, Lindsay Caiazzo, Katie Heck, Kara Diciano, Savannah Bus cavage, Kara Haldeman, Danielle Witmer, Corrie Lescoe, Emma Sand herr, Taylor Horn berger; (front)
Brei Powers, Sierra Cortes, Casey Sawyer, Jasa Lorah and Amber Janetti. Missing from the photo is Jale Mustafa, Paxton Steffey and Lacee Martin.
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24A - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
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• On April 5, 1614, Pocahontas, daughter of the chief of the Pow hatan Indian confederacy, marries English tobacco planter John Rolfe in Jamestown, Virginia. Their marriage brought peace between the English colonists and the Powhatans. • On April 6, 1776, the Contin ental Congress takes the first step toward American independence by announcing its decision to open all American ports to international trade with any part of the world not under British rule. It was the first act of independence by the Continental Congress. • On April 9, 1865, at Appo mattox, Virginia, Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrenders his 28,000 troops to Union Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, effectively ending the Civil War. Forced to abandon the Confederate capital of Richmond, Lee had no other option. • On April 10, 1879, Sandor Herz - the future John Hertz, the man behind what will one day be the world’s largest car-rental company - is born in present-day Slovakia. In 1923, Hertz bought a fleet of used Ford Model Ts and named the business Hertz DriveUr-Self Corporation. • On April 7, 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower coins one of the most famous Cold War phrases when he suggests the fall of French Indochina to the communists could create a “domino” effect in Southeast Asia. He predicted that this would lead to the “loss of Indochina, of Burma, of Thailand, of the Peninsula, and Indonesia following.” • On April 4, 1975, childhood friends Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded the computer software company Microsoft. In 1987, the 31-year-old Gates became the world’s youngest billionaire. Today, Microsoft is the world’s largest software maker. • On April 8, 1990, “Who killed Laura Palmer?” was the question on everyone’s lips when David Lynch’s surreal television drama “Twin Peaks” premiered on ABC. Shot in and around the logging town of Snoqualmie, Washington, “Twin Peaks” starred Kyle MacLachlan as relentlessly quirky FBI agent Dale Cooper.
of Lancaster County
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Wednesday, April 6, 2016 • Volume L, No. 52
Adamstown Library Friends Annual Contribution
Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese The Friends of the Adamstown Area Library presented a financial contribution of $25,000 to the Library Board of Trustees and Library Director Kathy Thren. These funds help add to the library’s collections and bring educational and entertaining programs to the library. The Friends have several fundraisers scheduled for 2016, beginning with the annual “Glance at Romance” Valentine Bag Sale in February. The ever-popular Basket Bingo (Margaret Harting, chair) will be held at the Reamstown Fire Hall on Sunday, March 20. This event features Bingo prizes of filled Longaberger baskets, and the afternoon is sure to chase away anyone’s winter blues. The Spring Book Sale (Carole Evans, chair) will be held on Thursday, April 21 through Saturday, April 23, with the early bird sale on Wednesday, April 20 at Peace U.C.C. Church. The annual “Bucks for Books” Dinner and Auction (Ann Roseboro and Joy Maier, co-chairs) will be held on Saturday, November 12 at Foxchase Golf Course. This is the Friends’ most successful fundraiser and always proves to be a fun and entertaining evening for everyone who attends. The Friends extend a thank you to those who invest in their community by volunteering their time and expertise at the fundraisers, to businesses and individuals who donate to the events and to those who contribute by attending these functions. The library is located at 3000 North Reading Road, Route 272, in Adamstown. Shown in the photo, from left to right, are Margaret Harting, Kathy Thren, Joy Maier and Carole Evans.
Denver Women’s Club Meeting The Denver Women’s Club will
hold its April meeting on Wednesday, April 20 at the First United Lutheran Church in Den ver beginning at 7:00 p.m. The scheduled program is “Organize, Declutter and Be Happy” with Bonnie Griener. De
votions will be read by Mary Stewart; table display by Doris Rauch; hospitality by RoxAnn Klein and Mary Stewart; and hostesses are Jane Lesher and Susan Means. Nedra Bearinger will have her bear collection on
display. The food favorite for the month is citrus. Anyone interested in either attending or becoming a member of the Denver Women’s Club may do so by calling 717-484-0518.
Ephrata Mennonite School Annual Academic Fair Highlights
Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese Ephrata Mennonite School held their Annual Academic Fair recently for fellow students and parents. Students researched famous people from past and present and a great learning experience was had by all. Shown are Jordanna Musser portraying Lucille Ball, Jenna Stauffer, who researched William Shakespeare, and Hans Burkholder, who presented a display on Venezuela.
2B - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
Education Foundation Approved Venture Grants Evangelical The Ephrata Area Edu cation Foundation Board of Directors approved 15 Ven ture Grant proposals valued at nearly $44,000 for the 2016-2017 school year. All teachers, groups of teachers, departments and professional employees within the Ephrata Area School District were en couraged to submit grant proposals. Individual prop osals were eligible for up to $5,000 per year. The 15 approved grants aligned with the mission of the Ephrata Area Education Foundation, which is ded icated to inspiring achieve ment, supporting innovation and offering opportunities for all children in the District. The Foundation is a non-profit organization that
One million, nine hundred seventy-six thousand. That’s how many copies of your message go out every year when you advertise in THE
Health Programs U.M. Church New Schedule Hosted
supports enhancing edu 721-1598. cational experiences for Shown in the photo, from students in the Ephrata Area School District. For more left to right, are (back row): information, please call 717- Dr. Jacy Clugston Hess, Ann
Grown with Integrated Pest Management
Vegetables & Herbs
Marie Haus, Chris Weber, John Porter, Dr. Brian Troop, Sarah McBee; (front row): Connie Kirby, Aaron Groff, Dr. William Funk, Larry Sollenberger, Mark Thomp son and Gil Sager. Missing from the photo are Phil Hess, Dean Hoover, Barry Miller and Kristee Reichard.
Butterfly Attracting Perennials
& Shrubs Large Selection of Natives
Schmuck’s Painting & Powerwashing John C. Schmuck
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AFCP has tried to verify the authenticity of all the ads listed in the PennCanNetwork, but has found this almost impossible. We suggest before making any kind of financial commitment you contact the local Better Business Bureau and under NO circumstances send any money in advance.
Evangelical United Methodist Church, 276 West Main Street, New Holland, have recently begun their new Worship Schedule. The schedule is as follows: Sunday • 8:30 a.m. - Devotional Worship Service - An informal 30 minute time of prayer, devotion, meditation and worship in the Chapel. • 9:15 a.m. - Sunday School for All Ages - A variety of classes for every age and style. • 10:00 a.m. - Fellowship Time • 10:30 a.m. - Main Worship Service - One United Worship Service in the Main Sanctuary, featuring all kinds of music and both a choir and a praise team. Thursday • 7:00 p.m. - Evening Prayer Meeting - This worship service will feature a variety of speaker/teachers, a simple format and a strong focus on prayer.
WellSpan Ephrata Comm unity Hospital is hosting a program about gynecological health practices for teens in April. “Like Mother, Not Entirely Like Daughter: Good Gyne cological Practices” will be held from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 19 at the Ephrata Public Library, 550 South Reading Road, Ephrata. The program will discuss when a teenage girl should first visit an obstetrician/ gynecologist, as well as good gynecological health practices for teens. For more information, call 717-738-3556. Press 1, then 2.
Childbirth Classes Offered The Family Maternity Unit of WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital will offer childbirth education classes. Childbirth classes will be held from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Tuesdays, April 12 to May 17, at the WellSpan Brossman Health Center, 136 Lake Street, Ephrata. There is a fee for the class. The classes include a Baby Tips class and car seat check, which do not require separate registration. To register, call the Health Source line at 800-8405905.
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MACnet has tried to verify the authenticity of all the ads listed in the PennCanNetwork, but has found this almost impossible. We suggest before making any kind of financial commitment you contact the local Better Business Bureau and under NO circumstances send any money in advance.
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - 3B
* It was Nobel Peace Prizewinning philosopher Albert Schweitzer who made the following sage observation: “The great secret of success
is to go through life as a man who never gets used up. That is possible for him who never argues and strives with men and facts, but in all experience relies upon himself, and looks for the ultimate cause of things in himself.”
* In the United Kingdom it is illegal to deface paper money, but it’s perfectly legal to burn it. * Gene Cernan was the 12th -- and last -- human to walk on the moon, in December 1972. While he was there, he scratched his
daughter’s initials onto the lunar surface. Those initials, “TDC,” are likely to remain there for tens of thousands of years. * According to the folklore of Wales, fairies prefer traveling on the backs of corgis to any other mode of
transport. * You may be surprised to learn that most Greek and Roman statuary and architecture weren’t origin ally the pristine white we see today. Archaeologists have found evidence that these structures and sculptures
were brightly painted in ancient times; the paint has just worn off in the intervening centuries. * Most muppeteers are right-handed and use their dominant hand to operate their puppets’ heads; so most muppets are left-handed.
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Call these businesses for the finest
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Jonathan Martin
1658 Center Church Rd. East Earl, PA 17519
Denver, PA 17517
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Phone: 717-445-6487 Fax: 717-445-7029
Quality - Experience
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Free Estimates 1613 Dry Tavern Road Denver, PA
Steve Hildebrand (717) 484-0218
PA 120244
3164 Oregon Pike Leola, PA 17540
717•656•4300 (v) 717•656•7769 (f)
The Stump Grinder Since 1985
717-335-2400 Denver, PA
Are you still mowing around that stump in your yard? We offer grinding of any size stump also clean up and filling in with top soil and seeding. Call for a conservative estimate. Mid Atlantic Stump and Tree Service
Equipter For Rent Need a helping hand on your next construction or home owner project? Projects that can be made easy with an Equipter: Roofing • Windows • Hauling Dirt Trimming Trees • Etc.
Anytime you need a helping hand, the Equipter can help with its small wheel base and 12 ft. lift! Call 717-324-4497
Ephrata Location HIC#PA120486
Run Buil n a de g r o
Roofing • Siding • Garages • Decks • Additions Licensed & Insured • PA041253
You Dream It... We Build It!
We can help in more ways than one! 17 17 E. E. Mohler Mohler Church Church Rd., Rd., Ephrata, Ephrata, PA Pa 17522 17522 (Phone) (Phone) 717-738-2838 717-738-2838 || (Fax) (Fax) 717-738-0704 717-738-0704 (E-mail) | PA012283 (E-Mail)
Buy, Sell, Renovate or Need Advice? Ask Sure Lock!
Ph: 717-745-8601
1676 N. Reading Rd. Stevens, PA 17578
4B - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
Everybody’s Marketplace FOR SALE: Small square FOR SALE: Custom built re- FOR SALE: Decorative duck FOR SALE: 55 steel burn straw bales, delivery pos- placement windows and decoys and prints and prints FOR SALE: Flags, flag- barrels, $25; four 6x36 wood sible. 717-203-5359. doors. Professional installa- poles, bunting, flag cases, tables with steel folding legs, tion. Call Ronafa Window & of Eastern Shore maps and great for yard sales or flea FOR SALE: 49 blue Ball can- Door, 717-733-7534 or visit maps of Chesapeake, mint lapel pins, hats, garden markets, $25 each. About condition. 717-314-6796. ning jars, circa 1923-1933, flags, eagles, brackets, (15) 3/8 black pipes with tees FOR SALE: FUJI racer, large $5 each, take all cheaper. our showroom at 400 W. connectors w/60x100 aluminum frame, $250. 717- Singer Fashionmate 7256 Main St, Ephrata in the Eph- American Flag and rata Business Complex. blue tarp, good for a big tent. FOR SALE: Black and Decker etc. 661-7637. sewing machine, like new, Thank You! wallpaper remover, good con- Shoppe, near Adamstown. $100. Call Joe, 717-733$75. 717-733-2948. 4309. FOR SALE: 14x24 utility FOR SALE: 1986 Refur-dition, paid $50, sell $15 Our American flags are storage shed, fair condition. FOR SALE: Romance novels, bished Airstream camper, OBO. 717-431-0626. made in America! 717- FOR SALE: Stun Guns, Pep- You move it, $400. New Hol- box of 100, 25 cents each. $8,000 or best offer. Also for per Sprays, Key-Chain Self land area. 717-286-8646. 717-431-0626. 484-1183. sale, three pinball machines, Defense items, Personal Teed-Off, StarGate, 8 Ball FOR SALE: Power lift reclin- Alarms for children and Deluxe, $4,000 or best offer. er, $250, normally $799 new, FOR SALE: Closeout Deck- adults and more. Robin’s For pictures, call 717-738- less than a year old. 717ing, good quality, 6 colors, This-N-That Shop, Green 738-0574. 1429. solid & slotted, 12’, 16’ & 20’ Dragon Market Building #1. robinsthisnthatshop@gmai length, $1.79 LF. Close out Your safety is up to windows and doors. Slate you, protect what matters Road Supply, 717-445-5222. most!
For Sale
Garden Eden
Need Just a Few Hours Out of the House?
PT CDL Class A or B
BREAKFAST HOSTESS 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., 2-3 days per week.
Are You a Neat Freak?
Driver/Warehouse Worker
Full-time and part-time HOUSEKEEPING positions available, includes some weekends. Competitive hourly wage and hotel travel benefits. Apply in person at 380 E. Main Street, Ephrata, PA 17522 or email resume to
Position Available
MARK LINE INDUSTRIES in Ephrata is looking for qualified individuals for Electric Dept., Plumbing Dept., Framing/Exterior Dept., Rough Carpenter. All positions are full-time and have benefits, insurance and 401K available. Apply in person:
502 Alexander Drive, Ephrata, PA 17522 Between 8am-4pm, Mon.-Fri.
Five Ways To Place Your Classified Ads! By Phone 717-738-1151 Talk to customer service during business hours. Charge to your MasterCard, Visa or Discover. A phone charge of $1.00 per ad will be added to the price of each ad.
By Fax 717-733-3900 Charge to your MasterCard, Visa or Discover.
615 E. MAIN ST., P.O. BOX 456, EPHRATA, PA
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THE SHOPPING NEWS P.O. Box 456, 615 E. Main St.
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15 words or less, $5.75 per week. 20¢ each word over 15 words. COMMERCIAL RATE: $7.75 first 15 words + 20¢ each additional word.
FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000000-0000.
FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000000-0000.
FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000000-0000.
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CHECK ONE OF THESE CATEGORIES: � 100 � 105 � 110 � 115 � 120 � 125
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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - 5B FOR SALE: Never used MPV5 FOR SALE: Huge selec- FOR SALE: 2001 Volvo S40 Turbo, 1.9 liter, 178,000 Hoveround with cup holder, tion of blemished freezers miles, silver, good condi- 300 lb. weight capacity, $700 OBO. Also, 1970’s Cub Cadet and misc. closeout appli- tion, recently replaced rear with mower deck, snow-ances. Many with full war- brake pads, struts, 4 tires, blower and snow plow, ranties. Free delivery. Fi- $1,800. Call 717-445-5749. $1000. Call 717-336-7027. nancing available. Martin FOR SALE: Tag, title trans- 1717 West fers. Reasonable. 384 Rein- FOR SALE: 75th Anniversary Appliance, Sale, April 4-9, 10% off & Main, Ephrata. 717-733- holds Road. Hours vary, call for an appointment. 717Free Soft Ice Cream. 7730. 371-5652. www.sensenig-har dwar e. com. 717-445-5383. FOR SALE: Mercedes CLK500, convertible, 2006, 61,000 miles, $11,000. 717669-1095.
FOR SALE: 2014 Mer- cedes S550, 4-door, black exterior, black/ brown leather interior, includes all options, 28,000 miles, one-own- er, excellent condition, still under factory war- ranty, $75,000. On Brooks Motor’s lot, 3242 Oregon Pike. Or call 717-656-4038.
FOR SALE: Allis Chamers B, like new rubber and paint, $950. Call 717-336-6462.
Appliances Read your ad the first week it appears! This publication will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement.
FOR SALE: 2000 Toyota Tundra, runs great, 4x4, top- per, 180,000 miles, $5,500. 609-661-8304. FOR SALE: Good cars cheap. Hail damage. 2012 VW Jetta SE, black, 60,000 miles, only $6,999, 2011 Nissan Sentra, dark blue, 49,000 miles, $6,995, 2005 Subaru Legacy Outback, black, only 19,000 miles, $6,995. All inspected and ready to go with warran- ties available. Call 717-8217810. See pictures at auto-
FOR SALE: 1998 Isuzu Ro- deo, 5-speed, inspected un- til 10/16, runs well, $1,200 OBO. 717-725-6480.
FOR SALE: 1995 BMW M3 convertible, 107,100 miles, $1,800; also 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee, 198,000 miles, $1,800. Call 717445-6445.
Hornberger’s Auto Body is seeking an Auto Body Tech/ Paint Prepper Attention to detail a must. Excellent pay and benefits.
German Trading Post
2152 North Reading Road, Denver, PA 17517
(717) 336-8447
TRUCK DRIVERS (Class A) Full-Time & Part-Time
John F. Martin & Sons, Inc. seeks Truck Drivers for its subsidiary company JFM Logistics, LLC. Various routes (80% home same day/20% OTR). No weekends. Involves hands-on delivery of product. Must have solid employment history w/good driving record & customer skills. Competitive wages/benefits w/safety bonus opportunity. Please apply at:
123 E. Church St., Stevens
FOR SALE: 3 brown stack- able tables, 16x16, good con- dition, $10. 717-431-0626.
FOR SALE: Custom built re- placement windows and doors. Professional installa- tion. Call Ronafa Window & Door, 717-733-7534, or visit FOR SALE: Hay, leafy or- our showroom at 400 W. chard grass, good for cows, Main St, Ephrata in the Eph- sheep, goats, $250 a ton. rata Business Center. Thank 717-445-7422. You!
HELP WANTED PT Housekeepers Weekends a Must. Please apply in person. The Black Horse Lodge 2180 N. Reading Rd.
28 hours per week, including Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and every other Saturday morning.
Hiring Pickers & Packers All Shifts
Apply Within
e includ ilities ents, b i s n Respo g appointm nd ulin ng a h sc ed , dispensi are g t n billi g patien c in al provid profession er. Send resume to: a in mann y l d Dr. Dennis Reddig n ie and fr ill train. Dr. Michael Reddig W 32 Hummer Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522
348 N. Reading Rd., Ephrata (717) 336-5959 •
HIRING PT Truck Washers No experience necessary. Must be 18 years old. NEW APPLICANTS ONLY Interested applicants please call
Risser’s Poultry, Inc. 717-626-5466 Between 8am-5pm
55 Lower Hillside Road • Stevens, PA 17578 or mail resume to: P.O. Box 137, Stevens, PA 17578 or fax (717) 336-0538 or email
Hornberger’s Auto Body
PT Sales Clerk Apply at
FOR SALE: 1994 BMW R1100RSL, $3,750, 64,500 miles, many extras. Call weekdays before 2pm and anytime on the weekends. 717-598-9791.
Security Position Available
Hours Are As Follows: Tues. 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM, Wed. & Fri. 10:00 PM - 4:00 AM, Sat. & Sun. 11:00 PM - 7:00 AM Stop by to fill out an application at:
1605 Apple Street, Ephrata Or call 717-738-7900 (No Tuesday Phone Calls or Applications)
A busy and well-established automotive repair shop in Denver, PA is looking for an experienced and highly motivated
FT Automotive Technician PA Inspection/Emission License required. ASE Certifications preferred. Minimum 2 years’ experience. To join a great organization with a team-oriented environment, please email resume to
John F. Martin & Sons, Inc., a manufacturer & distributor of quality meat & cheese products, is expanding its third generation family-owned business & is hiring Warehouse Receivers & Order Pickers for 2nd shift at its Stevens plant. High motivation/attention to detail is required. Refrigerated environment. Frequent lifting, order picking, operate RF scanners/electric jacks & loading/unloading trucks. Competitive wages & benefits available. 4 day work week. No weekends. Please apply at:
55 Lower Hillside Road • Stevens, PA 17578 or mail resume to: P.O. Box 137, Stevens, PA 17578 or fax (717) 336-0538 or email
Appliance Service Technician Seeking motivated self-starter with good people skills. Experience preferred. Great benefits package, valid PA license a must, willing to train. Apply in person, online, or send resume to:
880 E. Main Street, New Holland, PA 17557
CDL-A Drivers
We Are Growing And Looking For Safety Minded Drivers To Join Our Family. Our Drivers Enjoy: Exc. Pay and Benefits Assigned Tractors Being Home Often Sign-On Bonus After 90 Days If you have 3 yrs. recent CDL-A exp. & 3 yr. clean driving record, Stop in, call or email Steve at: Summers Trucking 40 Garden Spot Rd. Ephrata, PA 717-733-6556 E.O.E.
Excellent career opportunities for the right individuals in a rapidly growing organization. Pine Hill Manufacturing has positions available for both the operation and management of a new blast and paint facility in New Holland. Pine Hill is a leading custom trailer and truck body manufacturer committed to providing outstanding service to its customers and growth opportunities to its employees.
Ideal Candidates should possess: Operational understanding of blast & spray equipment as well as EPA requirements A high level of Integrity & Energy Ability to adhere to project schedules An Enthusiastic Attitude & Desire to Learn Communication skills with customers and staff Ability to quote and schedule jobs Ability to Oversee and Inspect work to ensure high standards of quality and workmanship Qualities listed below under Labor
Labor Ideal Candidates should possess: Proficiency in operating blast & spray equipment A Dedication to Quality Workmanship A strong work ethic and dependability Physically cable of repetitive loading/lifting Willingness to perform a diversity of tasks Benefits include competitive wages, paid holiday and vacation time, group health insurance, and a company match retirement plan. Jobs Located At: 125 King Court, New Holland Mail Resume To:
2969 Lincoln Hwy E. Gordonville, PA 17529 Or Email to: Or Drop-Off In Person At Address Above
6B - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” FOR SALE: Sofa and swivel chair and living room console table, very good condition. 717-738-3863. FOR SALE: Electric refrigerator, Amana w/side door, freezer. Water pump, water heater, working, $100/ each. Offer. 717-733-2117.
FOR SALE: Automatic Whole House Generator. Certified Generac installation/repair. Visit our shop for new/used portable generators or schedule a free consultation. 610-6786653. www.MonyerElectric. com.
Facility Cleaning Crew 11.50 hr. to start
Lancaster and Reamstown area. General cleaning Mon.-Fri. - 20 hrs. a week and Mon.-Wed. and Fri - 15 hrs. a week. Great part time job. Paid time off provided. Apply online: EOE and Drug Free Workplace
Deli Clerk PT/FT Must be 18. Weekends required. Contact us via:
Lancasters Specialty
AIRLINE CAREERS Get FAA approved maintenance training at campuses coast to coast. Job placement assistance. Financial Aid for qualifying students. Military friendly. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance
3rd Shift
Material Handlers Denver & Ephrata
1st & 3rd Shift
Lawn & Garden FOR SALE: Reconditioned Royal handheld leaf blower. Used one season. $75. Please call 717-445-7348 after 4:00 pm.
FOR SALE: Cub Cadet model 106 riding mowers, real good condition, $525; Hahn lawn mowers, ready to mow, push and self propelled. 717-3542341, 717-715-5981.
FOR SALE: Snapper 21” walk behind mower, like new, $250. 717-661-7637.
FOR SALE: 2005 HD Softtail, 18,000 miles, lots chrome, upgrades, inspected, blue, 88cc, $7,500 OBO. 717-7333792.
FOR SALE: Used lawn mowers, many brand names. Also some rototillers. 717-4455090.
FOR SALE: Cash paid for motorcycles and ATV’s. Will pick-up. Ask for John, 610637-9447.
RARE INSIDE SALES OPPORTUNITY An established manufacturer of livestock equipment is looking to expand its inside sales department. Duties include serving existing customers and expanding the customer base.
The qualified candidate will possess high ethical standards and bring an enthusiastic approach to the position. Call, fax or email resume.
Phone (717) 445-0510 Fax (717) 445-0511 Email
544 Gristmill Road, Ephrata, PA 17522
Spring Into A New Job at
Lancaster Packers • Machine Operators • Banquet Servers (training provided) CSR - Call Center • Sales Rep - Farm Industry • Container Unloader AP/AR • Assemblers - All Shifts • Experienced Landscapers Shipping/Receiving Clerk • FT/PT Housekeepers Material Handler - All Shifts
Kountry Kra� is currently seeking applicants for an experienced Es�mator/Dra�ing posi�on to support our Sales Department. Ideal candidates must possess the following skills & experience: � High-end custom cabinetry design � CAD/Kitchen Design So�ware � Advanced computer skills � Ability to read blueprints � Excellent communica�on skills � Detail oriented, quality minded Benefits include: health insurance, short-term disability, life insurance, voluntary insurance op�ons, paid vaca�on & holidays, and a 401(k) plan. Complete an applica�on in person at: Kountry Kra�, Inc., 291 South Sheridan Road, Newmanstown, PA 17073; or send your résumé via email to: nancyk@kountrykra�.com Kountry Kra� is an equal opportunity employer (EOE).
FOR SALE: Babydoll lambs, two white, one rare black w/ white spots. Also, mini donkeys, choco. color, 10mo old and 3-year old Jennies. 717336-7587.
FOR SALE: AKC Purebred Beagle pups, wormed and first vaccines. Ready to go by March 30th. 717-335-3677.
FOR SALE: Registered Border Collie puppies, family raised, excellent farm dogs, $450. Call 717-329-6510.
FOR SALE: Horse stuff. Oster clippers w/case, Stubben metal stirrups, spurs, bits, stall guard, rope reins, lead rope, new Navaho pad, buckets, Bute, fly spray, etc. Call 610-927-1779, evenings. FOR SALE: 2 female Mini Dachshund dogs, 1 is AKC Dapple, 1 ACA red, asking $200 each. If interested contact Calvin at 717-606-8931.
Real Estate FOR SALE: 2002 Redman 14x70 mobile home, 3BR, 2BA, split floor plan, all appliances included, located in Victoria Manor Estates, Ephrata. Asking $20,500. Available immediately. Please call Jon at 717-3929219.
Looking for a Rewarding Career? Now Hiring Caregivers for all hours. We offer: • Competitive hourly wage • Flexible hours & clients within 30 minutes of your home • Workers Compensation & liability insurance • 401K retirement plan • Continuing education/training programs •Paid Senior Gems & Parkinson’s Care Training Program • Recognition and Reward Program Call Today 717-738-0588 or apply online at *Must have driver’s license and reliable car*
Production - All Shifts • All Shift Picker/Packer Housekeeping • Laundry • PT Kitchen Help • FT Billing/AP/AR Medical Device Assembler • 2nd Shift Sanitation Banquet Serving • 1st Envelope Stuffers • 2nd Shift Mold Tech 1st Shift Soldering/Exp. a Must • FT Shipping/Receiving
West Earl Township, a township of the second class located in Lancaster County, is seeking a Road Crewman II. The Road Crewman II is responsible for performing the manual tasks that are required to properly construct/maintain the township streets, drainage structures, culverts, buildings and properties. This position requires light and physical labor, indoor and outdoor work. This individual is also responsible for operating power tools and vehicular equipment incidental to routine operations. Road Crewman II is on call for all snow and ice removal operations and emergency situations. Minimum qualifications include CDL license, accident free driving record, negative drug and alcohol testing, passing physical and experience in operation of medium and heavy equipment. Welding and vehicle mechanical experience a plus. This is a full time position with a competitive salary and an excellent benefits package. Resumes will be accepted until April 15th, 2016. Please send resume to:
LOCAL NEW COMPANY LOOKING TO DIRECT HIRE Welders • Blasters • Machine Operators • Lining Technicians
Lebanon Exp. Forklift Operator 2nd Shift • Accounting Assistant w/Excel Order Selector 2nd Shift • Quality Control Mgr. Dispatcher with Transportation Exp. • Maintenance Mechanic Banquet Servers • Sales Manager • A/R with collections Bilingual Receptionist/Office Assistant • Exp. Production Operators Lancaster Office
(717) 945-6601
Ephrata Office
(717) 336-5959
Lebanon Office
(717) 272-4243
West Reading Office (610) 376-1771
West Earl Township
Attn: Candie Johnson 157 W. Metzler Road, PO Box 787 Brownstown, PA 17508 West Earl Township is an equal opportunity employer.
Construction Equipment Parts Sales ESTIMATOR/DRAFTING
FOR SALE: Custom small animal houses, pick your color and size or chose one in stock. $210 and up. Call 717-354-6675, 6pm-8pm.
• No high pressure tactics - customer support • Willing to apply product knowledge to educate and inform potential customers • Research and gather information to help launch new products • Believes customer service is one of the keys to success
If interested, please fill out application in person at: 485 Wenger Drive, Ephrata, PA 17522 or 1656 Dry Tavern Road, Denver, PA 17517 Email your resume to:
Pets & Animals
FOR SALE: Fox Terrier puppy, 3 months old, very friendly, $100 OBO. 717-3552772.
We are looking for a qualified person to work in our construction parts sales division selling used and aftermarket parts. If you are comfortable in a sales environment, enjoy talking with others, have experience reading and interpreting parts manuals and have a positive attitude, we would like to talk with you. Hours of work are Monday - Friday, 8:00 - 5:00 and a rotating Saturday AM schedule. This position offers hourly wage, monthly sales commission and benefits.
Tractor Parts Dismantling Mechanic We are looking for a dismantling mechanic to teardown farm tractors for salvageable parts. If you are mechanically inclined, have tools and a positive attitude, we would like to meet you. Hours of work are Monday - Friday, 7:30 - 5:00. This position offers an hourly wage and benefits. Background check and drug screen are required for all positions. Resumes may be submitted to: Applications may be completed at Wengers of Myerstown - Construction Division 831 S. College St., Myerstown, PA 17067 Visit our website at
Experienced Countertop Fabricators Delivery Driver We are looking for good people with great attitudes and work ethic.
CounterTek manufactures custom countertops for the kitchen and bath industry. There is a preemployment drug screening required. We are looking for experienced countertop fabricators, but will train the right candidates. CounterTek offers a great starting wage $12.00 to $18.00 per hour depending on experience and productivity. We also offer 100% paid employee health insurance, paid vacation, holidays and a matching 4% 401K plan. We are a young fast-growing company that is looking for people that want to grow with us. We are located at
1215 Ridge Avenue, Ephrata, PA 17522
CounterTek is a team-oriented company with many things to offer.
We look forward to meeting & talking with you. Please come in and fill out an application.
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News� - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - 7B
FOR SALE: 14’ by 70’ mo- bile home, good condi- Sporting Goods tion, AC, new furnace and roof. Call anytime, 717- FOR SALE: Men’s Schwinn World 10 speed bike, cork 201-2786. FOR SALE: 2014 double wide, 3BR, 2BA, laundry area, excellent condition, wasn’t occupied until 6/15, $50,000, located in Bow- mansville area. For details call, 717-721-9524. FOR SALE: Cabin. 3BR, 1BA in Perry Co. on leased land, near state forest, $30,000. 717-380-5001.
wrapped handle bars, new seat, new tires and tubes, no rust. Great condition, $140 OBO. 717-431-0626. FOR SALE: True M30 ellipti- cal trainer, bought local, less than 2 years old. Excellent condition. $1,000 OBO. 717598-6647. FOR SALE: New and used bi- cycles, sales and service. Jack’s Bike Shop, 717-7336042, Open Mon., Wed, and Friday, 6-8p.m., Saturday, 9-5p.m.
FOR SALE: Good investment opportunity, three bedroom, two bath, tenant occupied. New Holland house. 717327-0610. FOR SALE: Mobile home, 14x70, adult community, 2BR, 2 full baths, tilt in win-Â dows, C/A, in great shape, Ephrata/Clay area. 270 Clay School Road, Lot 19, in Clay School Acres. Pets allowed. Call anytime 717-201-0088.
RV’s & Campers FOR SALE: 2002 Sandpiper 25-RLSS 5th wheel, slide out, well maintained. 717-7337060.
FOR SALE: RV Value Mart of Lititz and Manheim is having a huge open house April 14-16. Low, low prices. Stop in for free refreshments and door prizes. FOR SALE: 1991 Motor Home Winnebago LeSharo, 50,000 miles, new tires, 717336-3781.
EARN UP TO $100 A DAY *! Seasonal Help Needed for the Spring Holidays
Lancaster Asphalt Systems, Inc. Seeks
NOTICE: We accept brush, NOTICE: Estate Yard Sale, trimmings, grass clippings, April 16, 7am-? Furniture, trees and stumps for a small clothing, kitchen items, some fee. Call Martin Mulch for Pampered Chef, and much information. 717-733- more. Will also be childrens NOTICE: We weld plastic fuel and water tanks, trac- 1602. items. Posting on Craigslist tor hoods, canoes, kayaks, also. 329 Spring Glen Dr, NOTICE: Custom built re- basically anything that’s windows and Ephrata. made of plastic. Please call placement us to see if we can help you. doors. Professional installa- tion. Call Ronafa Window & NOTICE: Terre Hill Neigh- 717-445-7031. Door, 717-733-7534, or visit borhood Yard Sales, April 8. NOTICE: A special thanks to our showroom at 400 W. Rain or shine. BBQ chicken the gracious red-haired lady Main St, Ephrata in the Eph- and lots of clothing, all siz- who paid our bill at Gus’s rata Business Center. Thank es. Centerville Road and Keystone Family Restaurant. You! neighboring streets. C.Hoppman, Denver.
NOTICE: 30+ Stand Yard Sale, Saturday, 4/9, 7amnoon. Food. Denver Ele-Â mentary Parking Lot.
NOTICE: Chain saws and mower blades sharpening. Reasonable rates. 717-4459607.
Garage Sale
PT/FT OPENINGS & 3rd shift hours also available. Caring for our Clients in their Homes. Background Clearance & Reliable Transportation Required. Starting at $9/hr. with opportunity for pay increase after 90 days. Call 717-4642006 or www.
Great Opportunity
Construction Laborer/Driver
An expanding company based in Bowmansville area - specializing in framing and pole buildings throughout Central PA. Must be 17 or older, with Driver’s License. Experience preferred, but willing to train.
Local residential/agricultural building company is seeking qualified individual for immediate opening. Must be 18 years or older and have a valid PA driver’s license. Local work and steady hours.
To apply call 717-725-2530
Pine Tree Builders
In General Construction
Call 610-780-0354 to apply.
Bring your smile to us – and to our customers! Seasonal help is needed to work during the upcoming spring holidays.
Full Time
Asphalt Laborer
*Based on availability (8+ hours per day): 2-3 weeks in late April/early May
Shady Maple has the following employment opportunity available.
Interested? Please apply at:
165 S. Reading Road, Ephrata (717) 733-6588
Payroll/HRIS Supervisor
The ideal candidate will be responsible for the day to day management of the HRIS system, along with the administration of payroll. The individual must be able to effectively communicate and respond to payroll questions. This position will include providing administrative support to the Human Resource Department.
Full Time - 3pm-11:30pm
Requirements: Prior payroll and HRIS experience, minimum of 3 years. Experience with ADP Workforce Now, Payroll/Time and Attendance. Proficient knowledge of Wage and Hour law. Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications. Strong administrative and data management skills. General knowledge of Human Resource laws. Excellent interpersonal skills to work and communicate effectively with people. Proven ability to work independently.
Valid PA Driver’s License & prior experience required.
Laundry Aides
Interested candidates may apply via our online application, or you may email your resume to:
1st Shift - 8am-4:30pm & 5:30am-2pm • 2nd Shift - 4pm-12:30am Both require alternating weekends & holidays.
Diane Adamczyk, Chief Human Resource Officer, 717-354-4981, ext. 640 or to
Food Service/ Activities - FT 11:30am-8pm • Various PT Positions
Estelle Aponte, HR Manager, 717-354-4981, ext. 644
Unique opportunity to develop close relationships with residents thru mealtime & one-on-one activities.
Shady Maple offers excellent benefits; health/dental/vision, 401K/matching contribution, paid vacations, holidays, employee discounts.
Mennonite Home Communities seeks candidates with a genuine love for the elderly and a stable job history. We offer competitive wages and a smoke-free atmosphere.
Apply in person or send resume to:
Attn: Recruiter 1520 Harrisburg Pike Lancaster, PA 17601 •
It’s Your Time!
Estimator - Residential Construction
Berks Homes has been building homes for over 40 years. We aspire to build houses that people want to call home. One of our Core Values is to “Hire People, Passionate About Our Business.â€? This passion is what motivates us to be innovative and work hard to stay at the forefront of our industry. Our goal is to surround ourselves with people who feel the same way! We are currently seeking a full time Estimator to join our team. This position is ideal for someone who has attained a competent level of estimating experience and is ready to take their career to the next level. As our Estimator you will utilize estimating protocols to create detailed estimates of standard model bid plans and custom home plans, as well as custom and standardized structural options. You will also troubleshoot estimate discrepancies and review compiled job data prior to the start of construction. Qualifications: • High School Diploma/GED • Strong understanding of residential construction and/or experience required. • Estimating experience in the home building industry beneficial. • Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously. • Aptitude for detail-oriented work. • Must be comfortable working with and presenting to all levels of management. • Strong ability to work independently and in a team environment. • Must be competent in the use of most programs in Microsoft Office. Interested qualified candidates may submit resume by no later than April 13, 2016 to: Berks Homes, P.O. Box 7, Mohnton, PA 19540 or email to: or fax to: 888-315-0102. M/F/D/V EEOC
� � • • • • • • •
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Stop by and apply in person ƒƒ‡‡ � Ž ‘’ƒŽ’‘’Ž’‹“‰ ” •
Apply ApplyOnline OnlineAnytime Anytime
NOTICE: Yard Sale, 4/16, 6am-? Antique tools, Mon- key wrenches, wood hand planes, hand saws, new and used hand tools. Camping items, household items and more. 1356 Lincoln Heights Ave, Ephrata.
NOTICE: Indoor Yard Sale, Friday, 4/8, Saturday, 4/9, 8am-12noon. New items monthly, hot dogs and baked goods available. At Trinity United Methodist Church, 420 Main Street, Denver.
NOTICE: Yard Sale, Satur- day, April 9, 7am-2pm. Na- tional Geographics, storage containers, furniture, cloth- ing, military, Avon, Barring- ton Bears and much more. 38 North Ninth St, Akron.
NOTICE: Indoor/Outdoor Tag Sale, Sat. April 9, 7am11am. Home/garden, tent, camping/sport, art/craft supplies, prints, artwork, collectibles (inc. Star Trek/ Wars), books, CDs, DVDs, puzzles, games, some antiques. Free items while they last. 133 E. Main St, Lititz.
NOTICE: Multi-Family Yard Sale, 4/7, 11am-4pm, 4/8, 7am-noon. Lots of name brand kids clothes, strol- lers, household, etc. 148 NOTICE: Annual Spring Sale, Brick Church Rd, Leola. Sat. April 9, 7am. Girls (5-7), NOTICE: Huge Indoor Yard teen boys, and adult cloth- Sale, Friday/Saturday, 8am. ing, toys, books, dresser, Household items, rubber queen bed frame, household stamps, plus much more! items, and much more. 21 Knollwood Dr, Lititz. 203 E. Main, Terre Hill.
Help Wanted
PT WAITRESS Evenings & Weekends Apply in Person
Bright’s Restaurant
Your Independent Restaurant for over 45 Years
1025 S. State Street & Rt. 272, Ephrata
Welsh Mountain Home, a Personal Care Home in New Holland, PA, is seeking:
NOTICE: Pole Barn, Sat- urday, 4/9. Let’s try again, originally Truman Drive, Hopeland United Methodist Church Youth Group At Hopeland UMC Youth Center, 295 N. Clay Rd., Lititz Ephrata, sale moving in- side. Redecorate with home decor, floral ar- rangements, canvas, can- dles, rugs, wall decor, teen guys/girls clothes, 7am-12:30pm lots of Vera Bradley, Thir- ty One, tools, truck tool LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE box, 1836 Cub Cadet, Contact Russ Eberly at 717-738-1444 for More Information. many new items. 410 In- diantown Road, Ephrata. NOTICE: Huge Garage Sale, 4/8, 6:00am. Items from 10+ families. 599 Red Run Road. Also, more in Wide Hollow area. NOTICE: Multi-Family Yard Sale, April 9, 7am. House- holds, kitchenware, toys, books, boy and girl infant size 8, clothing, maternity, adult clothing, shoes, etc. 1006 Broad Street, Akron.
NOTICE: Saturday, April 9, 7:00-1:00. Purses, women’s clothing, household items, fishing and hunting gear, compound bow, DVDs, books, Nintendo Wii gaming system, tools. 1168 Marie Ave., Ephrata. NOTICE: Multi-Family, April 9, 6am-? Children and adult’s clothes, oak hutch, HH and much more. 143 Newport Road, Leola area.
or we will train. Night Shift.
Front Counter Position
Apply: 222 Dutch Lanes Akron, PA
M-F 9am-4pm • Submit resume to
Rental Associate
Part-time position working primarily evenings & every other Saturday; some morning hours possible. Position responsible for assisting customers with wide variety of rental equipment, including explaining/demonstrating use and features. Also responsible for maintaining/cleaning equipment; using computer to reserve equipment and create rental contracts and delivering rentals to customers’ homes. Position involves some counter work - some shop work. Outstanding customer service skills are required. In addition, qualified candidates must be at least 18 years of age; have basic computer skills; equipment knowledge or mechanical aptitude and desire to learn; ability to regularly lift/move up to 50 lbs. and occasionally lift/move up to 100 lbs. A valid PA Driver’s License is necessary to drive/deliver equipment using 17’ trailer and ability to obtain a Medical Examiner’s Certificate. Apply at Customer Service Desk or visit for an application. No phone calls please.
Bomberger’s Store Inc. 555 Furnace Hills Pike (Rt. 501) Lititz, PA 17543 EOE M/F
from 8AM-1PM
NOTICE: Spring Fling Ba- zaar, Saturday, April 16th, 9am-1pm at Mt. Zion UMC in Akron, 105 N. Eleventh Street. Variety of vendors. Limited spaces still avail- able, $20/table. Breakfast, lunch & baked goods will be sold by church. Please call Deb at 717-487-0112 for more info.
NOTICE: Garage Sale, Sat. April 9, 6:30am-? Name brand girls clothing 12-14, some teen, boys teen clothing small & med, womens, Amer- ican girl doll clothing, alot of Barbie stuff, toys, other misc. items. 232 Jennifer Lane, Ephrata.
Line Cooks
Hours vary, weekend/holiday availability required. Wages are commensurate with skill & experience.
from 8AM-4PM
Saturday, April 16
Now Accepting Applications For
Apply within.
Contact Melody Jacobs at 717-355-9522 ext. 102 or visit EOE
Call to schedule interview & screening test
Friday, April 15
Certified Med Tech
222 Dutch Lanes is seeking an energetic front counter person who likes to work with the public. This position is easy to learn, fun to do & will keep you in the middle of the action at our 40 lane center. Duties include service to guests, computer skills & a list of daily tasks.
• Good comprehension & composition skills • Minimum typing skills 40 WPM • Offering 25-30 hours per week • Second Shift Some weekend work required
Route 897 (Heidelberg Ave.) in Schaefferstown
CNA and/or experience preferred. 2nd shift. Weekends required. Must have a High School Diploma, GED or CNA Certification.
Needed: Inbound call center telephone operator
at Schaefferstown Zion United Methodist Church
NOTICE: Yard Sale, 4/8-4/ 9. Going out of business. Construction hand tools, FOR SALE: Garage Sale, 4/9 nail guns, generators, air NOTICE: Moving Sale, Sat- & 4/16, 8am-2pm. Ladies compressors, propane heat- urday, April 9th, 7am-1:00- NOTICE: Multi-Family Yard ? Many nice household Sale, 6am-1pm at Gehman’s clothes, household items, ers. Too much to mention. items. 112 Reagan Drive, Mennonite School, 650 Geh- much more. 1412 Brunner- 1341 Forest Hill Road, Ste- ville Road, Lititz. vens. man School Road, Denver. Ephrata.
an affiliate of Landis Communities
Join the team at Weaver’s, helping our business and professional clients create “A friendly voice at the end of the line”
Saturday, April 16
2015 N. Reading Road, Denver, PA 17517
PT Personal Care Aide
Rummage Sale Includes: Clothing, Housewares, Books, Soups, Sandwiches & Desserts
8B - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
>> Apply Online - Hiring Code 101
& Finisher
Will Train • Hours Monday-Friday, 7-5 Apply at:
Martin Custom Cabinetry
30 Stauffer Lane, Ephrata, PA 17522 721-1859
NOW HIRING Full Time Hatchery Employees
Employees must be able to stand, reach, bend, pull, push or lift more than 50 lbs. for an extended period of time. Starting hourly wage is $9.00. Immediate paid holidays. After 60 days employees are eligible to participate in our Health, Dental & Vision Insurances along with our 401K plan. Stop by between 8am and 4:30pm, Monday through Thursday or Friday until 2pm at our location: 621 Stevens Road, Ephrata, PA 17522 *Absolutely NO phone calls, please!
Part-Time Bartender Evenings, need flexible days of week. Stop in to fill out application.
The Comfort Inn of Lancaster County North 1 Denver Road Denver, PA 17517
NOW HIRING! We are currently hiring in the Ephrata, Denver, Leola and New Holland areas: Production Workers Machine Operators Solderers
Due to continued growth and expansion, Sauder Fuel, Inc., a local fuel delivery company, is looking for full-time and parttime drivers to deliver to our local tri county areas of Lancaster, Lebanon, and Berks counties. We are especially looking for drivers in the Lancaster/Lititz area for new delivery routes in these local areas. The prospective candidates should have a CDL Class B or above license with HAZMAT endorsement being a plus. Drivers are home every evening.
Shipping Clerks
Other benefits include Major medical w/no waiting period, IRA retirement plan w/matching contributions, weekly direct deposit, paid personal day, paid holidays, paid vacation and more. Apply in person or send resume to:
And Many More!!!
Apply Online: 717-299-6828
P.O. Box 518 • 1976 Bowmansville Rd. Adamstown, PA 19501 EOE
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - 9B
Multi-Family Yard Sale Sat., April 9
Consignment Sale! Lanco Fieldhouse
1901 Miller Rd., East Petersburg
April 14-16
Thursday, 4/14, 9am-8pm Friday, 4/15, 9am-7pm Saturday, 4/16, 8am-3pm Saturday, many items are an additional 50% off!
Brand Name Clothes, InfantAdult. Racks are full! Toys, Books, Games, Housewares.
Just Between Friends
11 Landis Rd., Ephrata
(New merchandise arrives Friday)
Spring/Summer Sales Event
Children/teens/maternity clothing, shoes, accessories, changing tables, swings, port-a-cribs, strollers, toys, bassinets, high chairs, DVDs, exersaucers/walkers, books, maternity/ nursing items & so much more!
$3 Admission
Get in free with this ad!
NOTICE: 7-Family Garage Sale, 4/9, 6:30am-? HH, namebrand clothes, boys 6,7,8, teen, ladies small, toys, plants, baked goods, hot dogs, walking tacos. At 2305 Laurel Road, between Bowmansville/Churchtown.
NOTICE: Huge Multi-Fam- ily/Neighborhood Garage Sale, Friday April 8, 7am. Name brand clothing galore! Girls 4T-14, boys youth, misses thru plus, mens L-2X, household items, decor, books, toys, jewelry. 1058 Valley View Rd, New Holland (Terre Hill area).
NOTICE: Garage Sale, Fri- day and Saturday, April 8 and 9, 7am. Household items, king bed frame, chil- dren’s clothes, toys, etc. 411 Holly Drive, Ephrata.
NOTICE: Yard Sales, 4/8-9, 7am. Brand name clothing, toys, books, furniture, HH items, homemade PB eggs. Rain/shine. Grant Road, Adamstown and surrounding area. Follow signs from 222/ Develop- 897.
NOTICE: Huge ment Garage Sale, April 9, 7am-12pm, rain or shine. Take 501 N thru Lititz, first road to right past High Sports, May Development.
NOTICE: Yard Sale, April 9th, 7am-12pm. Crafts, stroller, comic books, kid’s/adult clothes, toys, DVDs, household items, fax machine, kid’s train table. 80 N. King Street, Schoe- neck.
Automotive section
NOTICE: Multi-Family Gar- age Sale, Saturday, 4/9, 7am-1pm. Glassware, books, clothing, puzzles, Huge Multi-Family toys, infant & toddler NOTICE: Garage Sale, Friday, 4/8. clothing, baked goods, Cards, puzzles, printer, end baby items, more. Pro- tables, children thru adult Graco baby swing, 2 ceeds benefit local family clothing, single bed bedroom suites, with medical costs. 21 more. 576 Red Run Road, West Mohler Church East Earl. Road, Ephrata. NOTICE: Yard Sale, April 9,
7am-? Twin baby boy’s NOTICE: 6+ Family Sale, 4/ clothes & items, (NB-6mo.), 8, 1pm-7pm, 4/9, 7am-3pm. NOTICE: Everyday Mission household items, children’s Parking Lot Yard Sale, Sat- NB-? girl/boy Carter’s, Gym- books. 740 S. Cocalico Children’s Place Road, Denver. 717-336urday, 5/21, 7am-1pm at boree, Mt. Zion UMC in Akron, 105 clothes, girls dresses 0-7, 5720. Rain date, April 16. N. Eleventh Street. Rain or womens cape dresses, mens shine, (if rains, move to Fel- solid dress shirts/pants, lowship Hall indoors) Park- playpen, exersaucer, walker, ing lot space, $20. Proceeds highchair, commercial out- benefit local missions and door baby swing, double Hands of Hope Homeless stroller, roll top desk, new team. Call Sylvia, 717-733- Thirty One, more! 515 E. 28th Div. Hwy, Lititz. 9460 for further info.
NOTICE: Garage Sale, April 8/9, Antiques, tools, scroll saw, new wheelbarrow, gen- erator, clothing, boy’s 0-6, kitchen items. 583 Red Run Road, East Earl. NOTICE: Big Multi-Family Yard Sale, 4/9, 7am-? Name brand mens and womens clothing size S-L, HH, girls clothes. 6 Cordell Dr, Ste- vens.
2014 Mercedes S550
4-Door, Black Exterior, Black/Brown Leather Interior, Includes All Options, 28,000 Miles, One-Owner, Excellent Condition, Still Under Factory Warranty. $75,000 Rocky Ridge Auto is looking for an Automotive Technician/Foreman. Must have at least 7+ years of mechanical experience and own tools. Job Responsibilities Include: Service and repair vehicles efficiently • Bill out repair orders Managing the shop • Ordering parts Very competitive pay (based on experience).
(717) 733-8985
Brickerville House Family Restaurant
FT & PT PM & Weekend
Hostess AM Weekdays PT/FT Dishwashers
Apply within:
2 E. 28th Division Highway Lititz
Production Metal Fabricator
Seeking an individual for light gauge metal fabrication. Various positions available. Setup and production.
Call 717-445-0510.
Raytec Manufacturing 3340 Division Hwy., New Holland, PA 17557
Diesel Repair Technician
Heavy-Duty Truck Dealership facility in Ephrata, PA, has an immediate opening for a Diesel Repair Technician. Hours would be 9:30am-6:00pm Monday-Friday. Position requires quality workmanship and proven work history. PA State Inspection license and CDL are preferred, but not required. CDL training program is available. Excellent benefits include 401K, Health, Dental, Vision, Accident, Life, Employee Purchase Program, Vacation and Competitive Pay. U.S. Veteran Wheeled Vehicle Mechanics encouraged to apply. Cumberland Truck Equipment Company is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer. Drug-free candidates with a clean driving record may apply at:
889 East Main Street, Ephrata, PA 17522
Questions? Please contact Dale Summers at 717-738-2444 or
Shady Maple has the following employment opportunities available in the following departments.
On Brooks Motors Lot 3242 Oregon Pike or Call 717-656-4038
April Specials
Dining Room - Supervisor - Full Time Grill Cook - (Saturdays Only) Buffet Attendant - (Saturdays Only) Dessert Bar - Full Time Cook - Full Time Customer Service - Part Time Salad Bar - Full Time Beverage Bar - (Saturdays Only) Janitor - Full Time Broaster/Fryer Cook - Full Time & Part Time
Dish Room
Supervisor - Full Time Dishwashers - Part Time/Full Time
Farm Market
‘99 Malibu, 91k.............. $2,995 ‘02 Eclipse Cp ................. $2,995 ‘99 Buick Century, 62k ...$3,295 ‘03 Grand Prix................ $2,995 ‘99 Mustang ...................$4,495 ‘04 Cavalier Cp .............. $3,695 ‘00 Malibu, 80k ............. $3,295 ‘06 Impala........................$4,495 ‘01 Olds Alero, 67k...... $3,995 ‘07 Lacrosse.................... $5,495
Bob’s American
Warranty on all cars in ad.
Rt. 272, Ephrata, PA • 733-7890
Looking to sell your vehicle fast? Get a competitive offer and free towing nationwide.
Checkout - Full Time & Part Time Pharmacy Tech & Stocker - Full Time
Soup & Salad
Cook - Full Time & Part Time Clerk - Full Time
Full Time Manager
Garden Spot Equipment Auction Auto Sales 4412 Oregon Pike (Rt. 272), Ephrata, PA
3-5 Years Experience in Seafood Retail
Clerk - Full Time
‘08 Ford Focus
General Maintenance - Part Time
Dutchette Grill -
Part Time
‘04 Mitsubishi Lancer
Market Café
Grill - Part Time Dishwasher - Part Time Cook - Full Time Interested candidates may apply in person or online.
‘08 Infiniti FX $
‘05 Toyota Minivan $
Shady Maple
Route 23, East Earl, PA 17519 Questions may be directed to: Diane Adamczyk at 717-354-4981, ext. 640 or Estelle Aponte at 717-354-4981, ext. 644 Shady Maple offers excellent benefits; health/dental/vision, 401K/matching contribution, paid vacations, holidays, employee discounts.
‘07 Chevy Suburban
‘12 Hyundai Elantra
10B - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” NOTICE: Garage Sale, Sat- NOTICE: Garage Sale, Sat- urday, 4/9, 8-12. House- urday, 4/9, starts 7am. Mov- hold, collectibles, three ing. Kitchenware, furniture, wheeled bike, furniture, collectibles, jewelry, clothing, books, belt buckles, Akron artwork, books. 42 Rebecca Cat’s Meow, dolls, Hess Drive, Denver. trucks, Winross. 415 South 9th Street, Akron. NOTICE: Moving Sale and NOTICE: Multi-Family Gar- Going Out of Staging Busi- age Sale, 4/8, 2pm, 4/9, ness, 4/8-4/9. Furniture, 7am. 2 AC units, stainless accessories, tons of stuff. steel microwave, fish pond, 1341 Forest Hill Road, Ste- fabric, books, Tupperware, vens. decor, scrapbook supplies, adult ladies/men clothes, NOTICE: Yard Sale, 4/8, girl’s up to 2T, boy’s up to 4T. 7am. Porch swing, vintage 1091 W. Main Street, New formica table, cedar ward- Holland. robe, tools, Schwinn bike, NOTICE: Garage Sale, Fri- BMX bike, portable basket- day, 4/8, 4-7pm, Saturday, ball net, young mens cloth- 4/9, 6am-12. Men’s clothes, ing. Other houses partici- Winross, military, car, gun pating. 158 Willow St, Adam- books, toys. 101 Keener stown (off Route 272 at diner). Road, Brickerville. NOTICE: Garage Sale, 4/8, 4/9, 7am. Adult, children’s clothing, housewares, cook- books, other books, plants, 1960s Barbie with case, clothing, HO scale train cars, tracks, games, bikes, heated pet house, gas pow- ered RC cars, GMC 6-1/2’ bed cover, LED tail lights, cargo basket, more! 622 White Oak Road, New Hol- land (Martindale). NOTICE: Garage Sale, 4/84/9, 7am-12. Clothing, household items, estate items, decorations. 840 Douglas Drive, Lititz.
HELP OFFERED: Handy man services including: electrical, light plumbing, light carpentry, pressure washing, painting, odd jobs. Renovations. Call Roger at 717-419-1628.
HELP OFFERED: Cory’s HELP OFFERED: Concrete Handyman Service is looking walks, patios, porches, to fix those things around the steps. Quality work, rea- house in need of repair, so sonable rates, insured. Call you don’t have to. No job too Lloyd. 717-330-2886. small. So call, 717-7230277. Reasonable rates/in- HELP OFFERED: sured. PA#103368. Schmuck’s Painting. Pow- erwashing. Free estimates, reasonable rates. Estab- lished 1980. 717-625-1102.
Cleaning Services
NOTICE: Garage Sale, Fri- day, April 8, 7am-1pm. NOTICE: Keystone Record Housewares, collectibles. Collectors Music Expo., Something for everyone. Sunday, 04/10, 9am-3pm, 920 May Road, Lititz. Continental Inn, 2285 Lin- coln Highway East (US RT30) Lancaster. Next to Dutch Wonderland. Dealers buy, sell, trade albums, 45s, CDs, DVDs. Reasonably priced. All music styles. NOTICE: Family Fund Rais- Free admission. Info. please er, April 15/16/17, 11am610-932-7852. 4pm. Collectible, house-call, hold, lots more. Annie’s Antique Shop, 436 W Main St, New Holland. Make your ads stand out! Boxed classified ads available for as little as $2.00 extra!
Garden Spot Equipment Auction Auto Sales 519 W. Main St., Ephrata
‘09 Jeep Liberty
‘04 Dodge Durango
‘08 BMW 135i Convertible
185-65-14 $
195-60-15 $
HELP OFFERED: Local handyman, 45 years ex- Help Offered perience. Minor repairs and painting. Power washing mobile homes HELP OFFERED: Groff Painting. Clean, quality (spring special), $90. No work. Call today for a free job too small. All work estimate. PA118129, Eph- guaranteed. Free esti- mates. Call 717-465-8249. rata, 717-466-6382.
e b r a ’ RT I R E S s “Big And Small, We Do Them All”
HT Tires P 235-70-16 .............. $119.00 P 245-70-16 .............. $119.00 P 265-70-16 .............. $129.00 P 255-70-16 .............. $129.00
235-75-15 $
P 265-70-17 .............. $147.00
235-70-16 $
LT 265-75-16 10pl ....
‘11 Jeep Compass
HELP OFFERED: Jason’s Tree Service, 20 years ex- HELP OFFERED: Spring perience, insured, free esti- cleaning, monthly, weekly, mates, reasonable prices. bi-weekly. Hard worker, ref- Emergency service avail- erences, trustworthy, reli- able. Call or text, 717-598- able. Low rates. Call 7176826. 733-5124 or 717-271-1220, Tammy. HELP OFFERED: Handy- man services, most types of HELP OFFERED: Cleaning repairs done. No job too tailored to your needs. Esti- small. Free estimates. Call mates and references avail- Jim, 717-445-9395. able free. Please leave mes- sage, 717-419-5213.
69.00 69.00
‘05 Dodge Caravan
NOTICE: Truly Nolen Pest Control Grand Opening, April 7th-9th. Free hot dogs, soda and promo items. 135 East Main Street, New Holland. 717435-5171.
215-70-15 $
195-65-15 $
‘06 Lexus RX330
HELP OFFERED: Do you need help with doing your taxes? I do income taxes, both personal and business. I come to you and drop back off at no additional charge. I have over 20 years experi- ence. Call Russ, 717-3366052.
LT 265-75-16 8pl .....
LT 245-75-16 10pl ... $157.00 $
LT 285-75-16 8pl ..... $175.00
Touring 65,000 mi. 215-70-15 ......................$82.00 205-70-15 .....................$82.00 215-60-15 ......................$82.00 195-65-15 ......................$82.00 205-60-16 .....................$82.00 195-60-15 ......................$82.50 215-65-15 ......................$82.50 205-65-15 .....................$83.00 215-65-16 ......................$89.50 225-60-16 .....................$89.50
245-65-17 $
215-60-16 ......................$89.50
• Mounting • Balancing • Valve Stems
205-55-16 .....................$94.00
Mention this ad at time of service! Avid Ascend 85,000 Miles 195-60-15 ......................$89.00 195-65-15 ......................$89.00 215-70-15 ......................$89.00 225-60-16 ..................$105.00 205-55-16 ..................$105.00
6 Pleasant Valley Road, Ephrata, PA 17522 (1/2 Mile West of Walmart) • 717-738-1636
ASE Certified 2020 West Main St., Ephrata, PA Phone 733-0613
• Towing • General Repairs • State Inspection and Emission Testing • Transmission Rebuilding
Marty’s Garage
Specializing In Honda/Acura Repairs, Service & Sales 4337 Oregon Pike, Ephrata
(717) 859-2784
State Inspection, General Repairs & Service Work, Air Conditioning Service Foreign & Domestic
IVAN’S AUTO SALES & SERVICE 113 W. Church St., Denver, PA 336-6556 FORMERLY
MARTIN’S TIRE SERVICE, LLC Farm, Auto And LT Tires 102 W. Burkholder Dr. Lititz, PA 17543
Mechanic St. & Creamery Rd. Reinholds • Computer Repairs • Tires • 4 Wheel Alignment ASE CERTIFIED
(717) 336-7972
275 Woodcorner Rd., Lititz 717-733-6568 • 717-733-6696
1702 W. Main St. Ephrata, PA 17522 Phone: (717) 738-2005 Inspection/Emission Testing
Service Center Denver
Auto, Truck and Trailer Repair Towing
953 Beam Rd., Denver, PA 17517
General Repairs & Service State & Emission Inspection Computerized Alignment • Tires 39 E. Lancaster Ave. | Denver, PA 17517 717.336.6693
Front End Alignment, General Repairs, Radiator Flush, Trans Flush
• State Inspection & Emission Testing • General Repairs • Major Engine Repairs
2 Main St., Denver • (717) 336-8288
General Repairs State Inspection Emissions Inspection
112 Garden Spot Rd., Ephrata
733-1060 Tom Halligan
Owner & Head Technician
(717) 733-0171
Halligan’s Auto Repair 240 W. Fulton Street Ephrata, PA 17522
Your auto is our #1 priority!
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - 11B
HELP OFFERED: A-Clean Hometown Services. Your full service cleaning company. Homes and offices. Move-ins, move-outs. Regular service or emergency cleanings. Call 717336-4854. Say you saw it in The Shopping News!
Home & Lawn Care HELP OFFERED: We do landscaping, mowing, trimming/pruning, seasonal clean-ups, hardscaping, patios and retaining walls. Free estimates. ZJ’s Estate Maintenance, 717-3815055, visit
HELP OFFERED: Spring is here. Are you ready for a clean cut lawn? We do mowing, trimming, edging, mulch, spring clean-ups and more. Please call for a free estimate. 717-824-6251. HELP OFFERED: Retiree looking for lawns to mow. Also, trimming, edging. Also, small painting jobs and power washing. Call 717-341-4214.
385 Laurel Ridge Rd., Reinholds
Unique well-built custom German style chalet. 2.8 acres. Galen Hall Country Club Community. 3 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 2800 SF, main master suite. PRICE REDUCED TO $270,000
Many possibilities
Formerly used as Doctor & Real Estate office. 1200 sq. ft., off-street parking.
780 sq. ft. with full bath. Includes elect., A/C, heat, trash removal. $550.
Rt. 272, Denver Across from Weaver Markets.
$1475 a month Call 717-336-3663
HELP OFFERED: Will clear and clean up yard waste, trees, bushes, trash and more. Clean out homes, garages, storage units, gutter clean outs and small home repairs. Will beat all prices within reason. Jim, 717305-0385.
Commercial Space
19 Helen Avenue, Ephrata.
HELP OFFERED: Brian’s Lawn & Landscape. Mowing for $30, lawn and landscape cleaned, insured. 717-4685086.
Wonderful country location accessible to major routes. Many lots, singles, semi-detached and townhomes to choose from. Starting at $169,900 David Esh Builders. Open Saturdays 1-3
Call Mike Gordon at 738-HOME.
Dir: From Ephrata, 272N, R on W Church, L on Red Run toward Terre Hill, devel on L before Terre Hill Boro.
5 Old Mill Road Ephrata, PA 17522
60 Commerce Dr., Wyomissing PA
©2015 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC.
Beginning April 14 Licensed PA Realtors will answer your questions related to the purchase of a home. Topics will include financing options, title information, and the steps to get pre-qualified.
SHERRY BERGMAN 610-372-5633 x3212
738-4663 | Rt 272 Old Mill Rd, Ephrata Wildflower Ridge
Thursdays at 6:30 | Saturdays at 10:00
Be part of the Homesale Family!
Contact us today to learn how to get your career started!
239 Boomerang Drive - Ephrata - Host: Judy Hertzog, $169,900 Dir:
From square in Ephrata, 322E, R/Lake St, L/Boomerang Dr. SH246657
51 Dawkins Drive - East Earl - Host: Jo A Bender, $285,900 Dir: 23E thru
Blue Ball, L/897 (just before Shady Maple Smorgasbord), L/2nd entrance onto Dawkins Dr. SH245900
E p h r a t a S c h l s E p h r a t a - E p h r a t a S c h l s Ephrata - For Lease at $850/mo. 730sf E p h r a t a - E p h r a t a S c h l s Call Wayne Eichfeld, SH248345 $475. Call Wayne Eichfeld, SH247680 $550. newly finished space, great for office use. Call Wayne Eichfeld, SH244360 $930. Call Wayne Eichfeld, SH235453 $850.
Ephrata -
Timberline Estates
For Details call Diana Monger (717) 951-1990
Located off Rt 897 and 322 near Blue Ball, providing easy access to Chester County and work sites in the suburban Philadelphia area. Small and unique, rural community.
Ephrata - Cocalico Schls 2 BR, 1 Bath. Lititz - Warwick Schls 2 BR, 1 Bath. E p h r a t a E p h r a t a S c h l s R e i n h o l d s - Cocalico Schls E p h r a t a - E p h r a t a S c h l s Denver - Cocalico Schls 1 BR, 1 Bath. Call Cory Showalter, SH244368 $45,000. Call Burnell Zeiset, SH241140 $69,000. Call Gil Ochs, SH246552 $78,900. Call Deb Schmidt, SH241856 $79,900. Call Tim Shreiner, SH245549 $82,900. Call Theresa Richardson, SH243600 $90,000.
Dir: Rt 23E to 322E, Right on 897S, Left on Deerfield Drive.
River Bend Estates Large lots (1-7 acres) in rural area, scenic views of Tulpehocken Creek and easy access to Rts 422 or 419. No HOA fees. D&R Builders. Starting at $230,000.
Lititz - Warwick Schls 3 BR, 1 Bath. New Holland - Eastern Lancaster Mohnton - Governor Mifflin Schls D e n v e r - Other Schls 2 BR, Ephrata - Ephrata Schls 3 BR, 1 Bath. Ephrata - Ephrata Schls 2 BR, 1 Bath. Call Jon Forrester, SH246611 $99,900. Schls 2 BR, 1 Bath. Call Craig Hartranft, 2 BR, 1 Bath. Call Jeff Rutt, SH248170 2.5 Baths. Call Lloyd Dreibelbis, Call Judy Hertzog, SH246459 $130,000. Call Patricia Canepa-Hughes, SH246158 SH237900 $119,900. SH246017 $129,900. $122,900. $143,000.
Open Saturdays 1-3 Contact Kelley Clark or Naomi Weaver (717) 738-4663 Dir: 222N to 724W to Sinking Springs to 422W at Penn Ave, L at 419, R on W High St (becomes William Penn Blvd), development on R.
Adamstown - Cocalico Schls 3 BR, D e n v e r -
C o c a l i c o S c h l s New Holland - Tasteful 3BR Traditional- Stevens - Cocalico Schls 4 BR, Lititz - Cul-de-sac 3BR w/Field to Rear. Denver - Cocalico Schls 4 BR, 1.5 Baths. Call Kelley Clark, SH233670 Call Craig Hartranft, SH248211 style. Blt-in micro, fin bsmt. Garage, 2 Baths. Call Sherri Sweigert, SH247037 Den, Cath Ceil, hdwd flr. 2 Car Garage. 2.5 Baths. Call Mike Gordon Jr, deck. Call Matthew Trimber, SH244962 $174,900. Call Tom Risser, SH242782 $179,900. SH247737 $179,900. $150,000.
Denver - Eastern Lancaster Schls 3 BR, Denver - Cocalico Schls 3 BR, 2 Baths. Denver - Cocalico Schls 3 BR, Ephrata - Ephrata Schls 3 BR, 3 Baths. Ephrata - Conestoga Valley SD 4 Bed, Mohnton - Governor Mifflin Schls Reinholds - Cocalico Schls 3 BR, Ephrata - Ephrata Schls 4 BR, 3 Baths. Call Nancy Werner, SH248306 Call Mike Gordon, SH246002 $186,500. 2.5 Baths. Call Lloyd Dreibelbis, Call Jim Pappas, SH244946 $209,900. 2.5 Bath, 2-Story Home on Cul-De-Sac. 4 BR, 3.5 Baths. Call Ginger Volpone, 2.5 Baths. Call Dawn Fox, SH245358 2.5 Baths. Call Antoinette High, SH243507 $189,900. Call Tom Risser, SH248289 $219,500. SH240709 $219,900. SH245960 $224,900. $179,900. $224,900.
Denver - Cocalico Schls 3 BR, Denver - Cocalico Schls 3 BR, Reinholds - Cocalico Schls 3 BR, Reading - Consider this 3BR lovely E p h r a t a -
E p h r a t a S c h l s New Holland - Eastern Lancaster Schls Lititz - Discover this 3BR/2BA smart Ephrata - Ephrata Schls 3 BR, 2.5 Baths. Call Judy Hertzog, SH247698 1.5 Baths. Call Amanda Sweigert, 2.5 Baths. Call Deb Schmidt, SH234765 Traditional-style. Family room, fin bsmt. Call Wayne Eichfeld, SH244138 5 BR, 2.5 Baths. Call Ginger Volpone, Traditional-style. Family room. Call Tim 2.5 Baths. Call Lisa Miller, SH248184 SH248206 $224,900. Call Donna Shaw, SH243908 $235,000. $237,000. SH248451 $239,900. Shreiner, SH241264 $247,900. $225,000. $254,900.
Fredericksburg - 3BR/2+ BA home Ephrata - Ephrata Schls 4 BR, Denver - Cocalico Schls 5 BR, New Holland - Eastern Lancaster Robesonia - Conrad Weiser Schls Lititz - Warwick Schls 4 BR, 2.5 Baths. Robesonia - 3+ acres, Brick home,Frplc. Mohnton - Governor Mifflin Schls 3 BR,
w/8+ acres of mountain/wooded 2.5 Baths. Call Mike Gordon, SH247758 2.5 Baths. Call Gil Ochs, SH242847 Schls 4 BR, 2.5 Baths. Call Jo A Bender, 3 BR, 2 Baths. Call Kelley Clark, Call Theresa Richardson, SH248431 Family room, granite & hdwd flrs.4 car 1.5 Baths. Call Brad Wolf, SH248186 SH242665 $299,900. gar. Call Cathy Dieffenbach, SH243864 $350,000. $299,900. backdrop. Great Privacy! Call Ellen $279,900. SH244490 $285,000. $284,900. $329,900. Cowan, SH237296 $259,900.
Warwick Schls 5 BR, Ephrata - Ephrata Schls 4 BR, 2 Baths. Brownstown - Conestoga Valley Schls Stevens - Ephrata Schls 4 BR, Akron - 6 bed, 6 bath, 5003 SF, 3+ acres, Lititz - Warwick Schls 5 BR, 4.5 Baths. Robesonia - Conrad Weiser Schls Brownstown - 14.5 acres ample road 4.5 Baths. Call Carol A Weaver, Call Jeff Rutt, SH248371 $399,500. Call Theresa Richardson, SH234467 2.5 Baths. Call Lisa Miller, SH246483 sunrm, deluxe guest suite, 3 car gar Call Call Jim Pappas, SH237684 $639,000. 5 BR, 4.5 Baths. Call Lloyd Dreibelbis, frontage and great access to major Lisa Naples, SH220384 $575,000. SH244796 $849,900. highways. Call Theresa Richardson, SH248241 $388,900. $399,900. $439,900. SH223856 $1,400,000.
Lititz -
12B - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” OFFERED: Decks HELP OFFERED: Lawn and HELP Decks Construction. Build- landscape services, land- ing, decks, fences and ramps scape irrigation. Clean up, since 1979. Free estimates & lawn mowing, lawn fertil- design. Call Mark at 717PA#047954. ization. Tree and shrub 269-3549. trimming and removal. www.decksdecksconstructio Mulching. Licensed and in- sured. Over 25 years expe- HELP OFFERED: Build-Arience. 717-314-5323. Bath of PA. Bathroom ren- ovations. Specializing in acrylic bath systems. Cer- HELP OFFERED: Grade A tified in walk-in tubs, walkshowers & handicap ac- Lawn Care & Handyman in cessibility. Visit our display Service. Fully insured & at The Green Dragon Farm- Market, Building #1. free quotes. We beat PA ers Free estimates. Licensed insured. HIC# average price rates for all and PA102776. 717-471-5090.
services. 717-253-6553, m,
View all classified ads online at!
625 E. Main St., Ephrata. 1,750 sq. ft. of warehouse space plus 3 offices. $750 plus utilities.
Rt. 272 South, Behind Bright’s Restaurant
Security deposit, references and credit check required. NO PETS/NO SMOKING PERMITTED IN ANY UNIT
Call for more information
HELP OFFERED: Hartings Park Remodeling, cabinetry work, shelving, decks, fenc- ing, siding, baths, painting, plumbing, flooring. PA 115532. Bryan, 717-6826552.
Help Wanted
HELP WANTED: Experi-HELP WANTED: Drivers: Lo- enced part-time driver cal & Regional, Robesonia, needed. CDL licensed to PA. Earn up to $75K 1st haul/transport open deck year, comprehensive bene- trailers. North Eastern United States. Apply at: Bel- fits, new equipment, 2 years mont Trailers LLC, 40 Hess CDL-A exp. Call Penske Lo- gistics: 1-855-395-1826. Road, Leola. HELP WANTED: Tomlinson Bomberger has openings in landscape, hardscape, mow- ing and tree pruning/climb- er. Visit our website at or call 717399-1991. HELP WANTED: Immediate opening, Class B truck driv- er, full-time, local deliver- ies, good salary, benefits package. Apply in person. W.E.H. Supply, Inc. 5 In- dustrial Way, Denver.
MAINTENANCE FREE LIVING! 2 BR, 2.5 BA condo w/country kitchen, MBR w/BA, FR w/fireplace, 1 car detached garage. All appliances included in sale. 1 year home warranty. $125,000 4 Ashlea Village, New Holland
Directions: Rt. 23 E to New Holland, left on Mentzer.
Luxury Apartment Community
• Single Bedroom • Controlled Entry Access • Custom Open Floor Plans • Spacious Storage • Washer & Dryer In Each Unit • 2nd Story Loft In Select Apartment WELCOME TO A NEW LEVEL OF APARTMENT LIVING
“Where Luxury Meets Lifestyle”
Directions: Rt. 272 N to W on 322, 1032 Clearview Avenue, right on Academy Dr., left on Clearview, Ephrata property on left.
GREAT INVESTMENT! Multi-family/ commercial property located in downtown Denver. Building is in great shape. New, efficient heater. Call for more details. $459,000 321 E. Main St., New Holland, PA 17557
(717) 354-6416 • (866) 940-7332
Priced at
Other Models Starting at $87,890 FINANCING AVAILABLE Learn more about our specifications online and download a free brochure.
Building High Quality, Affordable Communities Since 1968!
Sandy 717-341-2607
New and newly remodeled homes For Sale or Rent available now!
No Pets Accepted In Any Property
1 Sunflower Drive, Ephrata, PA 17522
3 BR 2nd flr. Apt., 401 S. State St., Apt. B, Ephrata. $750, stove, refrig. NO SMKG 3 BR Semi, 116 W. Main St., Terre Hill. $725, stove, refrig., w/d*. NO SMKG 2 BR Semi, 49 N. Church St., Apt. #2, Ephrata. $825, stove, refrig., w/d. NO SMKG 2 BR Townhouse, 10B Scenic Dr., Denver. $800, 1-car garage, heat, trash, stove, refrig. NO SMKG 2 BR Apt., 108 W. Main St., Ephrata. $750, heat, w/s, stove, refrig., w/d. NO SMKG 2 BR 1st fl. Apt., 139 N. State St., Apt. #1, Ephrata. $725, heat, trash, stove, refrig., micro. NO SMKG 2 BR 1st fl. Apt., 93 Irene Ave., Apt. #4, Ephrata. $650, w/s, stove, refrig., d/w. NO SMKG 2 BR 1st flr. Apt., 543 E. Main St., Apt. #2, Ephrata. $635, w/s/t, stove, refrig. NO SMKG 1 BR 2nd flr. Apt., 6 W. Church St., Apt. #4, Reamstown. $495, trash, stove, refrig. NO SMKG
CALL US TODAY! Lancaster Ephrata 733-4777
2 bedroom, 1 bath, very good condition.
Yardley - 1,507 sq. ft. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths.
Sunday, April 10th • 1-3 PM
1991 Mobile in Blue Bell Mobile Village
“All Homes Include Basement!”
1433 West Main St., Ephrata, PA 17522 • 733-4158
WELL MAINTAINED HOME! Lovely neighborhood on a corner lot, close to park/playground. Eat-in kitchen, FR w/ FP, finished LL, large deck/patio and so much more! $254,900
HELP WANTED: Experi- enced sewers, proficient if flat lock, over lock, and cover stitch. Full or part time. Call 717-336-2700 or email resume to info.ultimatesports@gmail .com.
Formerly Schoeneck Elementary School
Saturday, April 9th • 1-3 PM
HELP WANTED: Part-time front desk night audit. Must work weekends, holidays. Flexible hours. Fill out ap- plication at Red Roof Inn, 2017 N. Reading Road, Den- ver.
FOR SALE 80 West Queen Street, Stevens, PA 17578 Call to RENT TODAY!!!
A Local Name You Can Trust Serving Our Community For Over 40 Years
HELP WANTED: Concrete. Flatwork, pads, sidewalks, curbing, minimum 2 years experience. Must possess drivers license. Full time position available. 717629-4204.
1-877-345-3886 1-888-454-6499 B U Y N O W, S AV E B I G !
Contact UMH at
Financing available for qualified buyers.
Local communities located in Ephrata, Jonestown, Narvon & Honeybrook Call or stop in
today to tour our community!
(717) 875-2736 for details
UMH Sales & Finance is licensed by the PA Dept. of Banking NMLS200331
Working Together To Serve You Better Dave Hertzog Licensed Assistant
Judy Hertzog Realtor
SUNDAY, APRIL 10 • 1:00 TO 3:00 P.M. Download our App for all your mobile searching!
239 Boomerang Drive, Ephrata Stop by on Sunday to tour this well-kept bi-level home. Has 3 bedrooms, 11/2 baths. Nicely finished lower level with brick circular pad & Kodiak wood stove. Replacement windows, new roof in 2012. Central air. Oversized 1-car garage. Great yard & patio area. Is a must see! ML#246657 $169,900 Directions: From square in Ephrata, go east on Main to right on Lake Street & then left on Boomerang. House is on the right.
AFFORDABLE SINGLE HOME You can own a single home in Ephrata with 3 bedrooms for this great price! Has 2 bedrooms & full bath on first floor. 1 bedroom plus office/computer room on second floor. Replacement windows, brand new furnace and has central air. 1-car garage. Call Judy for more information at 371-9303. ML#246459 $130,000
BEAUTIFUL ARTS & CRAFTS 55+ 1 /2 STORY SPACIOUS 3 BR, 2 BA RANCHER IN PRIVATE N. MAPLE ST., EPHRATA - 3 BR, 2 BA BRICK ENJOY THE HUGE YARD w/GARDEN CUSTOM DWELLING - 2/3 BR, 3 full BA, SETTING! - 3.8 acres of wooded seclusion! 2 RANCHER - New kitchen, huge FR with AREA! Well-maintained 3 BR, 11/2 BA 2,771 SF, spacious kit. w/granite, 10’ 1st flr. ceilings, wood stoves, 4 car att. garage & sep. barn w/5 vaulted ceiling, finished bsmnt., office, deck + home w/3-car garage. Bright & sunny WIC & baths in BRs. $510,000 ML239349 horse stalls. $289,900 ML247993 screened porch, 2-car gar. $239,000 ML248242 home in Cocalico! $182,900 ML248313 1
LET DAVE & JUDY HELP YOU WITH ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS - THEY HAVE THE EXPERIENCE, KNOWLEDGE & INTEGRITY YOU NEED FOR TODAY’S REAL ESTATE MARKET! BRAND NEW 3 BR, 21/2 BA Master BR & BA, 2nd flr. laundry, walk-in closets, huge finished lower level & all new appliances. $168,800 ML243852
FULLY RENTED 2-UNIT w/GARAGES 1-STORY BRICK 2 BR HOME w/OPEN 2 BR, 1 BA SINGLE FAMILY HOME IN DENVER - Low maintenance, large FLOOR PLAN - Spacious LR w/fireplace, dining IN ADAMSTOWN BORO - 1-story backyard, separate utilities, very good area & remodeled sunroom/FR, 2-car gar. + colonial, needs some work, call for more condition. $149,900 ML246405 storage bldg., 1/2 acre. $149,600 ML246144 information! $75,000 ML248022
Office: 738-0888 x263 Direct: 371-9303
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - 13B
Public Sales
HELP WANTED: Multiple positions available. Inspec- tion mechanic, truck driver and pdi tech. Apply in per- son, RV Value Mart, Inc. 3152 Lebanon Road, Man- heim.
HELP WANTED: Hardwork- ing, fit individual(s) needed for a small but fast growing company in the Denver area. Must be high school grad or GED. Great benefits. Heavy lifting required. Call 717-336-4630 or email: nielsen@proguardcoatings. com to set-up an interview, 7am to 3pm.
HELP WANTED: Drivers: CDL-A, 1 year experience, earn $1,250+ per week. Great weekend hometime, excellent benefits and bo- HELP WANTED: Prevo Cab- nuses, 100% no touch/70% inetry is accepting applica- D&H. 1-888-406-9046. tions for the following po- finisher/sprayer, HELP WANTED: CNA care- sitions: giver for elderly woman general woodworkers, driv- (Reamstown). Must have ex- er. Full time day shift or perience with eldercare, part time evenings. Apply adult diapers & lifts. Also, in person at 26 Cocalico must be ok with a house Creek Rd, Ephrata. cat. Hours needed are every other weekend, Friday, HELP WANTED: Asphalt ex- 5pm-1am and Sunday, 9am- perience. Looking for roller 2pm. And the opposite operator. Minimum 2 years weekend every-other Sat- experience, drivers license urday, 2pm-1am. $12/ a must, applications avail- hour. Please call, 717-917- able at 7055 or email, or call 717-627-0364, ext. 221.
HELP WANTED: For sub making and sales positions at Root’s and Green Dragon Markets. Call 717-821-5532.
HELP WANTED: Part time person for register and warehouse, Friday 2pm9pm, Saturday 11am-9pm and some weekdays. Some HELP WANTED: Adver-heavy lifting required, must tising Sales Reps, FT/PT, be 18 years of age, $11/ unique, hot, proven prod- hour. Call Scott at Denver uct. Set own hours, gen- Beer, 717-336-2277.
erous commission pack- age. Call for interview. HELP WANTED: Concrete Mag/Net Enterprises. 570- finisher. Growing pole 366-0160. No investment, barn company seeking ex- perienced concrete fin- not MLM. HELP WANTED: Part-time ishers to manage/super- caregiver for Reinholds visor our concrete flat man in wheelchair. Current work. Must be qualityopenings Tuesday, 4:30pm6:30pm; Wednesday, oriented & self-motivated. 1:00pm-3:00pm; E/O week- Competitive wage and end mornings. Starting pay, package. Call $10/hour. For details, call benefits 717-413-7930 for details. 717-989-4490.
SAT. APRIL 30, 2016 at 8:30 A.M. REAL ESTATE at 2:00 P.M.
LOCATED AT: 319 Wanner Rd. Ephrata, PA 17522 DIRECTIONS: From Rt. 322 & Rt. 222 intersection, travel East on Rt. 322 for 2 miles and turn left on Wanner Rd. Property is 1 mile on left. LISTING: A 2 story house w/ 3 bedrooms & attached 2 car garage on .52 acre corner lot. Antiques; JD mower; tools; toy tractors; furniture; local collectibles; coins; selling w/ 2 auctioneers part of the day; please see our website or future ad for all details. Attorney Kling & Fanning. OPEN HOUSE DATES: Saturdays April 16 & 23, from 1-3 PM. Call/text auctioneer with questions at 717-587-8906 Please visit our website at Auction By: John J. Rutt II 717-587-8906 Michael J. Martin 717-371-3333 AU-2189-L
Auction For:
NEW HOLLAND, PA Member of PA & National Auctioneers Assoc.
SAT., MAY 21, 2016 AT 9:00 A.M. Real Estate at 11:00 A.M.
Located at 55 N. Church St., SW, Ephrata, PA. Turn off Rt. 272 in Brownstown at PNC Bank onto Church St., property is located between Rt. 272 and E. Main St. CV School District. Lot Size 0.56 Acres M/L - Zoned R1 - Corner Lot N. Church St. & Allen Rd. 1160 Sq. Ft. Holland Stone Rancher w/416’ One Car Garage w/Half Bath. Eat-in Kitchen w/ Wooden Cabinets, Double Oven, Dishwasher, Pantry, Glass Sliding Doors Leading to Heated Enclosed Sunroom w/Country View; LR; Foyer w/Coat Closet; 2 BRs w/ Closets; Full Bath w/Walk-in Tile Shower, Tub, Linen Closet. Full Basement w/Finished FR w/Stone Fireplace; Workshop; Laundry Hookup & Laundry Tub; Outside Entrance; Elect. Heat; Central Air; Public Water & Sewer. Open House: Sat., April 9 & 16 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. or call for appt. 717203-5415. $10,000 down day of auction, balance on or before July 5, 2016. Real Estate Taxes Approx. $2650. Auctioneer’s Note: Well-built home sitting on large corner lot w/country view. Accessible to every day activities, schools, stores, healthcare, etc. H. Charles Benner, Atty. 717-656-4201
Terms By:
(LATE CLARENCE) No Out-of-State Checks.
Harriet M. Meyer Estate
Robert E. Martin & Sons, Auctioneers - Terre Hill Area -
2 Sty. 4 Bdrm. House - Horse Barn - Greenhouse 3 Acres +/Furniture - LP Tank and Heater - Misc. Personal Property
Friday, April 29, 2016 @ 6:00 PM
Location: 326 Black Creek Rd., East Earl PA 17519 (Brecknock Twp., Lanc. Co.) Directions: Take Wentzel Rd. out of Terre Hill to left onto Black Creek Rd. to property on left OR 625 South of Bowmansville, turn right onto Black Creek Rd. Follow to property on right.
advancement opportu- HELP WANTED: Growing nities, benefits, clean driv- landscape company seeking ing record required. 717motivated, hard working in- 859-2403 ext. 2. dividual full or part time,
Jeffrey R. Martin - Michael L. Martin - Randall L. Ranck AU001573L 717-656-7770
MONDAY, MAY 2, 2016
5:30 PM
402 Fairview Ave., Terre Hill, PA 17519
Directions: From Rt.222 & Rt 322 take Rt. 322 East approx. 1.5 mile to left onto Martindale Rd. approx. 2.5 miles bear right onto Hurst Rd. which turns into Lancaster Ave. approx. 1.5 mile to Right onto West Main Street (Rt. 897), Terre Hill approx.5 mile to right onto South Earl St. (Rt. 897) to 1st Left on Fairview Ave. Destination on Left. Watch for Signs! Kitchen – ALL NEW APPLIANCES - Tile Flooring, Granite Counter Tops, Amana Stainless Steel Stove w/Glass Cook Top, matching Overhead Amana Microwave, Stainless Steel Refrigerator, Built-in Amana Stainless Steel Dishwasher, Stainless Steel Double Sink w/Garbage Disposal & Goose Neck Faucet. Dining Room – New Vinyl Sliding Door, Built-in Pine Corner Cupboard. Hallway – Built-in Closets. Bedroom 1 – Built-in Book Shelf & Closet, Ceiling Light. Bedroom 2 & 3 – Built-in Closet & Ceiling Light. Bathroom – Subway Tile Floor, Tile around Bath Tub, Ceiling Light & Fan, Built in Oval Mirror Medicine Cabinet. One Car Garage – New Garage Door, (2) New Walk in Doors. Full Basement – Heated, New Amana Washer & Dryer, Bilco Out Side Entrance, 275 Gallon Oil Tank, Weil-McLain Oil Fired Hot Water Furnace. Refinished Hardwood Floors Throughout, New Crank Vinyl Windows, Baseboard Hot Water Heat Throughout, New Central Air Unit, Paver Patio, Upgraded Electric w/New Fixtures & Lighting, Fresh Paint Throughout, New Roof in 2015, Upgraded 100 AMP Service. Open House Dates: Sat. April 9th 12:00 – 2:00 PM, Mon. April 11th 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM. Real Estate Terms: 10% Down Day of Sale. Settlement within 60 days. Cash, PA Check or Preapproved Out of State Check.
Sale for
Ted & Sue Baxter
Attorney: Kling & Fanning AUCTIONEERS, INC. PA-AY-000144L – Tom Fanning 12 N. Railroad Avenue • P.O. Box 99 • New Holland, PA 17557 Phone: (717) 354-6671 • Auctioneers: Paul Z. Martin Jr., Roger Spencer, Patrick K. Morgan & Dustin Spencer Property Sold as is. All announcements made day of sale take precedence over printed materials.
“Horst Auctioneers” PUBLIC SALE
SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 2016 AT 9:00 A.M.
Located at 856 Fairview Ave., Ephrata (17522), Lancaster County, PA (Directions: Rt. 322/W. Main St., turn north on Academy Drive, right on Fairview Ave.)
THURS., MAY 12, 2016 SALE AT 6:00PM
Located at 515 Edwards Rd., Narvon (Caernarvon Twp., Lanc. Co.) From Rt. 23 in Churchtown, take N. Churchtown Rd. to a slight right on Hammertown Rd. Turn left on Edwards Rd. to property on left. OR from Rt. 625, just south of Bowmansville, turn onto Laurel Rd., and continue to a right on Edwards Rd. Property will be on right.
- Real Estate 3 Acres farmette with House, Barn and Greenhouse 2 sty. house w/ 2,732 sq.ft., 4 Bdrm., (could be 5), 2 full baths, eat-in kitchen w/ oak raised panel cabinets, living room, sitting room, laundry, full basement w/ outside entry, and a wrap-around porch. 1st floor has floor heat, 2nd floor HW baseboard. OUTBUILDINGS: 36’x52’ Horse Barn/Shop/Garage w/3 stalls, carriage parking and shop area and 2nd floor for hay storage. 24’x80’ greenhouse, and a 10’x16’ utility shed. All situated on 3 Acres +/- w/on site well and septic, macadam drive, spacious lawns, blueberry patch w/450 bushes, and 35 apple trees. Zoned AG, Brecknock Twp., Elanco Schools NOTE: The Hursts are moving to New York and want to sell. Come prepared to buy this beautiful farmette w/newer buildings, built in 2005. Enrolled in Clean & Green. TERMS: 10% down, settlement on or before July 13, 2016. For complete terms contact Kling and Fanning, Attorneys at 717-354-7700.
- Personal Property 160,000 BTU greenhouse heater, 1,000 gal. LP tank, 1,000+ 40” oak stakes, row cover anchors, shop wood stove, hay & straw, sm. air compressor, rabbit cage, small boys bikes, leather harness, pony saddle, compound bow, tree stand, misc. hand and garden tools, pea and beam scales, drexel french 5 pc. bdrm. suite, cherry 4 pc. bdrm. suite, round table, knee hole desk, matching sofe and loveseat, bookcase, endtables, clothes tree, child’s desk and chair, Maytag dryer, wine making supplies, Pathway, Golden Days, Keepers at Home, and hunting magazines, misc. books.
- Auction Info. Real Estate offered at 6:00, Personal Property sold after Real Estate. See more at ID #25403 Tim Weaver Dave Stoltzfus Lic. # AY2109 Phone: 717-354-9524
OPEN HOUSE: SATURDAY, APRIL 16 & 23, 1-3 PM or by appointment. Auction for: Kenneth and Mary Ann Hurst 717-445-0664
Real estate consists of a, one owner, 2 story dwelling, built in 1987, containing a large, custom oak kitchen w/ all commercial grade appliances as well as an island and a built-in roll-top desk w/ hutch; a dining area; a living room with brick hearth and flue; two bedrooms; a full bath; and a breezeway connecting the attached two car garage, all on the main level. Upstairs, there are two bedrooms, each with their own full bath, and undereave storage. The full, walkout, basement contains additional finished living space including a second kitchen along with a wood/coal combination stove. There is also a half bath, laundry room, cold cellar, and a workshop all in the lower level. To sum it all up, this meticulously maintained home features over 2,000 sq. ft. of finished living space including 4 bedrooms and 3.5 Bathrooms. Electric baseboard heat. AC wall units & whole house fan. 200 amp electric. Well and septic onsite w/ water softener. All this is situated on 2.5 (+/-) acres of open land (Zoned R-1) along with a stocked pond, two large storage sheds, and a u-shaped driveway. There is plenty of room for gardening as well as plenty of room for the children to run! Enjoy the mornings and evenings on the wrap around porch. This home was originally built as a bed and breakfast, known as the “Jeric Inn” but would also make a prime homesite. The seller is relocating out-of-state, and is motivated to sell. Do not miss this excellent opportunity! Open Houses to be held Sat., April 30 and Sat., May 7 from 1-3PM, or by appointment, contact Auctioneer at (717) 371-9603. 10% down day of sale, balance due at settlement. C. Sheidy, Att’y
Art Pannebecker & Brad Wolf Auctioneers Inc. #AU001476-L #AU005308-L 717-336-6983
Terms By:
BRICK RANCH STYLE DWELLING (Approx. 1520 sq. ft. of first floor living space w/additional 420 sq. ft. finished in basement) The first floor contains a living room; dining room; kitchen w/cherry raised panel cabinets; master bedroom; master bathroom; two extra bedrooms; full bathroom; covered front porch; concrete patio; attic w/pull-down steps. Full basement contains a large finished family room w/brick raised hearth fireplace; laundry hookup w/laundry sink; electric heat pump w/central A.C. ATTACHED 21X29 TWO-CAR GARAGE. LOT SIZE - 90’ X 140’ (M/L) EPHRATA SCHOOL DISTRICT - $4,200 TOTAL YEARLY TAXES This well-built circa 1974 brick rancher is currently in need of painting & new floor coverings, but does offer a nice floor plan with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, lg. basement family room and a 2-car garage on a level lot in a fine residential development in Ephrata Borough. Be sure to inspect this valuable property being sold on an estate public sale! OPEN HOUSES - Saturdays, April 9 & 16 from 1 P.M. to 3 P.M. or for information or inspection call (717) 733-4824. * TERMS OF REAL ESTATE SALE - $10,000 down payment on the day of sale, balance at settlement on or before June 26, 2016. Purchaser pays both realty transfer taxes. Property sold as is. Sale For:
14B - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” HELP WANTED: Self-moti- vated, hard working indi- vidual, full or part-time to run register, organize/ stock shelves and list/prep items for shipping. Some heavy lifting required. Mon- day-Friday, 11-7, Saturday, $12/hr. Call 717-278-3315 or email: zebbiesdiscounts1 to set-up an interview. It’s easy to place a classified ad! Visit our office at 615 E. Main St., Ephrata, or submit your ad at!
WANTED: Wristwatches, WANTED: Watches, jew- pocket watches. Serious elry, instant cash for your cash paid for old wind up unwanted rings, necklac- wristwatches and pocket es, costume gold/silver, WANTED: I’ll take TVs again, this week only. You watches. Check your jew- diamonds, anything jew- bring them to me, you pay elry boxes, drawers, safe elry. Even broken jewelry. me, $15 per TV. Call 717- deposit boxes. Call 610Wrist/pocket watches, old 733-4309. 780-6873. Bob Reed, hon- coins, old radios, sterling piece to an entire estate. est, dependable, confi-flatware. Why sell to any- Buying estate jewelry, dential. To Buy body else? Honest, de- gold/silver. All costume pendable, confidential. WANTED: I buy almost jewelry including old Don’t delay, be smart call anything old, (no hus- rings, vintage clothes, WANTED: Buying dia- bands or wives). Look in Bob Reed today, anytime. hats, furs, hankies, record monds, gold, estate jew- your attics, basements, Holiday cash. 610-780elry, coins, paper money, albums, advertising me- garages and closets. Buy- morabilia, watches, CD’s. antique jewelry of all ing entire estates. Call 6873. Uncle Funky’s 1-484-432- types, Parkhill Jewelry, 5 Bob Reed with what you WANTED: Old baseball, West Main St. Ephrata, football cards, sets, me- 9770, 717-733-0003. have. Cash paid. Call any- morabilia, toys, just about 717-733-8800. time, 610-780-6873. anything. Call me 1st, pay- WANTED: Paying cash for old
WANTED: Gently used items for mission yard sale, Saturday, May 21. Call Syl- via, 717-733-9460 if you wish to donate items, setup, pick-up or drop off time. WANTED: Metals, any- No large furniture. Items ac- cepted until May 1. thing big or small, all ap- pliances and cars and trucks. Call Joe at 717WANTED: Antiques, one 733-4309.
WANTED: Like new or slightly used digital hear- ing aids. Call 717-2036521.
“Horst Auction Center” COIN SALE
INSPECTION - Thursday, April 14, 2016 at 9:00 A.M. thru the Sale
Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center, located at the corner of Rt. 322 and Durlach Road, Ephrata, Lancaster Co., PA.
Selling many nice type coins; silver dollars in singles (some slabbed) and bulk. Special mention: 1947, 1948 & 1949 Red books. Approximately $300 face in various bulk lots of 90% silver. 1910 $2 1/2 gold and 1881 $5 gold. Many partial sets including Indians, Lincolns, Walking Liberty half dollars, Franklin half dollars, etc. ************************************************************************************** A catalogued listing can be picked up at the Auction Center for free. Listing is also available on our website, ************************************************************************************** Accepted Payments: Cash or PA check, Visa, MasterCard and Debit Card with 3% fee. No out of state checks without prior approval.
(New Holland/Blue Ball Area)
SAT. APRIL 9, 2016 at 8:30 AM REAL ESTATE at 1:00 PM Located at: 105 New Street, Blue Ball, Pa.
shaving razors, typewriters, camping equipment, old kitchen & household. Jeremy in Akron, 717-201-8501.
WANTED: Highest cash paid for junk or good cars. Li- censed professional. 717278-9539.
WANTED: Toys & collect- ables. New used loose boxes WANTED: Paying cash for manuals. Eric, 484-300- junk cars/trucks, $250 and up for most vehicles. Fast 9772. service, free towing. Call Kevin at Gring’s Towing 484-955-8889.
MON., APRIL 11, 2016 SALE AT 10:00 A.M. FURNITURE AT 12:00 NOON
To be held at Renningers Antique Market, 2500 N. Reading Rd., Denver, Rt. 272, near Adamstown.
3 Pc. Taylor Cherry Bedroom Suit; Dining Room Suit; Globe Welsnicke Sectional Bookcase; Secretary Desk; Leather Sofa; Marble Top Table; White Metal Soldiers; WWII Letters; Postcards; Golden Books; Pennsbury Pottery; Pfaltzgraff; Cabbage Patch Dolls; Little Miss Seamstress Set; Atari; Grumman 17’ Aluminum Canoe W/ Registration And Oars; And Many Other Items Too Numerous To Mention. We Will Be Full! For pictures, visit (Auctioneers ID #1536) weekend before sale date. All announcements made day of sale take precedence over prior advertisement.
Art Pannebecker & Brad Wolf Auctioneers Inc.
SATURDAY, MAY 21, 2016 9:00 A.M. QUILTS 12:00 NOON
Auction By: Michael J. Martin 717-371-3333 John J. Rutt II 717-587-8906 AY-2189-L
NEW HOLLAND, PA Member of PA & National Auctioneers Assoc.
Auction For:
(Clair 405-2217 Fred 278-5804)
WANTED: Purchasing old clothing pre-1970, mens/ womens and accessories. Fast and friendly service. Call Bill in Ephrata. 717-7380864.
WANTED: Classic cars, muscle cars, sports cars, antique cars, trucks, etc. Always Buying. Jeff Gast 717-575-4561. WANTED: We buy houses, apartment buildings. Any condition. Quick cash, no hassle or fees. 717-5982661.
FRIDAY, MAY 6 • 5 P.M.
220 Akron Rd., Ephrata. Rt. 322 E. from Ephrata. Right Akron Rd. Cross Fulton St. to property on left.
LIC. #001476-L & #005308-L 717-336-6983
125 N. King Street, Denver, PA 17517
Directions: From Rt.23/322 in Blue Ball, Pa. follow Rt. 23 W. ½ mile to right on New St. to home on left. Real Estate: consists of a 1,704 sq. ft. custom-built (1958) 3-bdrm brick rancher on .66 ac. lot. Main floor features an eat-in style custom raised-panel cherry kitchen w/DW & microwave; 14x14 family/dining room; 16x9 covered front porch; 14x18 formal living room w/bay window; 3-bdrms & full bath; laundry w/ ½ bath; 2-car garage; walk-up attic; basement w/oil furnace HW heat; 2-275 gal tanks; central AC; cistern for irrigation; public water & sewer; 2015 taxes: $3162; 12 x 14 utility shed; wide macadam driveway. Open House: For info call auctioneer @ (717) 371-3333. TERMS: 10% down day of sale, balance on or before 60 days. Attorney: Charles Benner 656-4201 Note: Exceptionally clean well-maintained 3-bdrm brick rancher w/custom kitchen; quiet side street setting; large level lot w/garden area! For photos & listing visit Van: 2007 Chrysler Town & Country van, 52k mi., blue, 6-cyl.; auto trans; power loaded! CLEAN! 40+ Milk Bottles: Birch-Mar, Blue Ball; FM Stauffer, Blue Ball; Cream Top, Lancaster; Med-O-Farms Rohrers, Lancaster; White Oak, Terre Hill; SE Weaver, New Holland; Fairview, Ephrata; Frank H. Rohrer-qt., Strasburg (RARE!); Hershey’s Chocolate; Aaron B. Stoltzfus, Bareville; Honey Brook Dairy; plus many other local dairies; painted milk cans; Pensupreme & Turkey Hill dairy boxes. Guns: Remington 30.06 pump rifle #760 Gamemaster w/Tasco scope; H & R 12 ga single shot hammer gun; misc. ammo & hunting items; whitetail buck mounts. Coins: 2-$20 gold coins 1895 & 1900 (EX cond); 2-New Holland Nat. Bank $10-bills, 1921 & 1929; New Holland Farmers Nat. Bank $5-bill 1929 (A.B.C. Groff Treas.); Ephrata Nat. Bank $10-bill 1929; Phila N-West Nat. Bank $10-bill 1929; Manheim Nat. Bank $10-bill; Confederate $1-bill 1864. NOTE: GUNS & COINS NOT ON PREMISES TILL SALE DAY! Lawn/Garden & Tools: Toro LX423 20hp. lawn tractor 42” mulching deck, 5-sp. (like new); Honda SP 22” mower; Honda ES3500 generator (like new); Ariens ST724 snow blower; Stihl gas blower & string trimmer (1-yr); 2-alum. ext ladders 40’, 24’; wheelbarrow; lawn roller; spin spreader; vise; bench grinder; express wagon; misc. hand & power tools; sled; gas grill; handyman jack; croquet set; hyd. lawn mower jack; 1-row garden cultivator; etc. Antiques/Personal Prop: SS fridge; SS range; upright freezer; Bosch W & D set; studio piano; floral sofa; ext table w/10-leaves; china hutch; 4-acorn chairs; acorn rocker; cherry TV cabinet; carved oak dbl bed, bedding & dresser; bunk bed; lg safe; blanket, cedar & steamer chests; spool-leg table; old school desks w/ink wells; marble-top washstand; child’s rocker; 2-8’ Lifetime tables; vintage 1900’s SS class complete annual card sets; carved frame Hans Herr House picture; Martyr’s Mirror & other books; Weaverland communion tub 1886; pitcher/bowl set & stand; early Oak telephone; green insulators; Bell Telephone toy trucks; Enterprise & Frontier items; local adv plates, Harris Bros. New Holland, S.Rubinson, NH & Churchtown, etc.; Adams plates; glass baskets; beam scales; oil lamps; Ingraham mantle clock; quilts, comforters, etc.; crocks & jugs; agateware; vintage kitchen items; wooden cheese boxes; sad irons; White Mt. ice cream freezer; whiskey barrel; Eterna guitar (nice) by Yamaha; Singer sewing mach.; shuffleboard set; ping pong table; silver-plate flatware; lots of misc. kitchen & cookware items. Sale Order: Tools @ 8:30; Coins & Guns @ 12; Real Estate @ 1; then Van, Mowers, Generator & Furniture. Terms: Cash, Pa. check or (credit card w/3% admin fee) Food by GSF&R aux.; sale held under tent; lots of nice clean valuable personal property! Plan to join us for the day!
WANTED: Purchasing old & collectible items. Fast & courteous service. Bill in Ephrata, 717-738-0864.
ing cash. 4214.
1½ sty. brick/vinyl dwl. w/1864 SF, eat-in kitchen w/maple cabinets & appliances, dining/family rm. w/corner cupboard, living rm., 1st floor laundry w/washer & dryer, mud rm., 3 bdrms. plus 12x8 nursery/walk-in closet, 2 baths, full bsmt. w/21x13 shop & bsmt. area, oil HW heat, central AC, covered porch, built-in garage & storage plus 20x32 garage/storage bldg. 9/10 acre lot w/public water, on-site septic, large lawn & garden area & rear farmland boundary. NOTE: After 46 years owner relocating to retirement home & serious to sell. “Move in” condition, economical & low maintenance. Ideal as residence or investment. Minutes to Ephrata, Akron & Rt. 222. Personal inspection by appointment or open house Sat., April 16, 23 & 30 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-733-1006 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956
Mildred S. Mohler Ken Mohler: 717-926-2436
Food Stand by Fire Company Auxiliary. All proceeds benefit Schoeneck Fire Company.
Looking for good quality consignments sold on commission - Donations appreciated.
No tires, AC units, windows, doors, NO JUNK. Fire Company has the right to refuse any items. Terms: Cash or PA Check. Drop Off: Thursday, May 19, 3-8pm; Friday, May 20, 8am-8pm No items will be accepted on sale day! Call 717-336-6767 for more information.
- Red Run Area -
PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AUCTION 6.3 ACRES 3 Bdrm. Rancher - 32’x36’ Garage/Shop 20’x20’ Barn
Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 6:00 PM Location: 1324 Red Run Rd., Stevens, PA 17578 (Lanc. Co.)
Directions: Follow Church St. out of Reamstown. Turn left onto Red Run Rd. to property on left. OR from Red Run follow Red Run Rd. north to property on right.
THURS., APRIL 7, 2016 SALE AT 6:00PM
Located at 372 Preston Rd., Wernersville (S. Heidelberg Twp., Berks Co.) From Rt. 422 in Wernersville, turn onto Furnace Rd. Make a slight left onto Preston Rd. and continue to property on right. Real estate consists of a 2½ story frame dwelling, built in approx 1910, containing a kitchen with breakfast bar and dining area; a large living room; a mud room; and a storage room all on the main level. Upstairs, there are three bedrooms and a full bath. Attic storage. The full basement, with outside entrance, contains the laundry hookup and a commode. Oil hot water heat. Well, with a UV light, and septic onsite. All this is situated on 0.62 acre lot along with a beautiful covered rear deck, a storage shed, and off-street parking. This is a solid, affordable, home on a peaceful country lot. Do not miss this great opportunity! Open House by appointment, contact Auctioneer at (717) 371-9603. 10% down day of sale, balance at settlement. Victoria Schutt, Att’y
Art Pannebecker & Brad Wolf Auctioneers Inc. #AU001476-L #AU005308-L 717-336-6983
Terms By:
House 6.3 Acres
32’ x 36’ Garage/Shop
- Real Estate House, Garage and Barn on 6.3 Acres. 1 Sty. Rancher w/1296 sq.ft., 3 Bdrms., 1 bath, kitchen w/oak cabinets open to dining room, living room, office, full basement w/outside access and 20’x24’ finished room. Front porch and rear deck. Oil/forced air heat, central AC, central vacuum. OUTBUILDINGS: 32’ x 36’ shop/garage w/15’ x 36’ addition. 20’ x 20’ Barn. All situated on 6.3 Acres w/pasture, stream, woodland and tillable field. On-site well and septic. E. Cocalico and Brecknock Twp. Zoned AG and conservation. NOTE: An attractive farmette type property w/a roomy rancher and oversized garage/ shop. A must see property to fully appreciate. Sellers are relocating to New York and are very motivated to sell, come prepared to buy. Just minutes from Reamstown and Terre Hill. Easy access to turnpike and 222. TERMS: 10% down, balance on or before June 27, 2016. Call Kling and Fanning, Attorneys at 717-354-7700 for complete terms. Available for possession Mid-May. OPEN HOUSE: SATURDAY, APRIL 16 & 23, 1-3 PM or by appointment. Call auctioneer with any questions @ 717-354-9524. See more at ID #25403 Tim Weaver Dave Stoltzfus Lic. # AY2109 Phone: 717-354-9524
Auction for: Nate & Arlene Zimmerman 717-335-8159
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - 15B WANTED: $50-$500 paid for FOR RENT: Time to think junk autos. Free removal. Call anytime, licensed, in- about summer vacation at sured, bonded. All paper- Rehobeth Beach in town, work taken care of legally. 2 houses, sleep 8, WI-FI, 717-989-6980. WANTED: Need cash? I will buy your car or truck. Cash. Brooks Motor Company, 3242 Oregon Pike (Rt. 272) Leola, PA, 717-656-4038. WANTED: Pre-1970’s Christmas/Halloween, cos- tume jewelry, postcards, antique clothing buttons, dolls clothes and misc. old items. Downsizing? Stella 717-355-2142.
HBO. $1,400 and $995 per week. No pets. 717-6296556.
FOR RENT: Nice large 2nd floor, 1BR, 19 E. Main Street, Ephrata. Hardwood floors, stove, fridge, built-in micro- wave, dishwasher, ceiling fans. Off-street parking, on site laundry, private court yard, $700 includes W/S/T. Call Dale, 717-203-6350. Cat allowed, no dogs.
FOR RENT: 3 bedroom 1/2 house, Ephrata. Washer/ dryer hook-up, stove, yard, basement, diswasher. Offstreet parking, no smoking, no pets! $795 month plus se- curity. 717-336-2748.
FOR RENT: Warehouse space, 1750 sqft. plus 3 of- fices, located in Ephrata, $750/month. 717-7381151. FOR RENT: 5,026 sq.ft. con- crete pad with 12’ high con- crete sides. No roof. 717-6297025, leave message
FREE: Antique piano, you haul, leave message, 717445-7609.
FOR RENT: Warwick school district, 2-story semi, old charm with new convenienc- FREE: 19” color TV, 26” color es, completely redone, wood FOR RENT: Martindale/Eph- floors, 3BR, 1.5BA, dining TV, 11,000 BTU air condi- rata, 2BR house, 1,100 SF room, laundry/mud room tioner. 717-738-0574. plus large attic. Two-story, 1 combination, includes: stove, refrigerator, bath, W/D, stove, refrig., & microwave, FOR RENT: Bowmansville off-street parking. No yard. dishwasher, basement and UCTIONEERS area. 1BR apartment, $700 + electric. No pets. No attic. Fenced in yard, out side $625/month, heat includ- smoking. Credit check re- storage, off-street parking, $900 per month plus util- quired. 717-738-5223. ed. 717-445-4340. ities. 717-587-6543. FOR RENT: Leola, 2 bed- room, 1st floor apartment. Includes W/S/T, washer/ 6:00 P.M. dryer hook-up, brand new Location: 124 Engle Lane, Manheim, PA 17545 carpet, off-street parking, Rapho Township, Lancaster County basement, $625/month plus security. No pets. Call 7172-1/2 story sandstone house w/carport PUBLIC AUCTION 627-1687. & detached frame two-car garage, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, surrounded by state 1 STY. BRICK 3 BDRM. RANCHER – 2 CAR GAR. FOR RENT: One bedroom/ game lands. Within minutes from Routes ¾ ACRE LOT two bedroom apartments, 72, 322 & Turnpike Lancaster/Lebanon BRICKERVILLE – CLAY AREA half houses, single houses. Interchange. Manheim Central School WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13 • 5 P.M. Ephrata/Akron/Denver are- District. Lot size 0.9 acres, approx. as available. Some pet friend- 1700 sq. ft., other amenities. ly. Yeager’s, 717-733-7988, LOCATION: 423 E. 28th Division Hwy., Lititz. From Brickerville Rt. 322 E. to BE SURE TO SEE THIS ONE! house on left (corner of Rt. 322 & Elser Hill Rd.). (Elizabeth Twp., Lanc. Co.)
Witman A
, INC.
For Rent
FREE: Horse manure for gardens. Great fertilizer. Self-serve, no delivery. Call 717-445-6335 if interested.
FOR RENT: Twin Pine FOR RENT: Rooms available Storage Units, 24hr. ac- with kitchenette, weekly or at Econo Lodge Inn cess, $20.00 per month monthly and Suites, Denver/ RT272, and up. 717-733-6549. Or near Dunkin Donuts and Red stop in at 1932 W. Main, Roof Inn. No pets. Call 717Ephrata. M-Th, 9am-5pm, 336-7000. classified ads F 9am-3:30pm, Sat., 10am- Place your online at 12pm.! PUBLIC AUCTION
107 Hahnstown Rd., Ephrata. Rt. 322 E. from Ephrata just past Rt. 222 bypass (overpass). Left Hahnstown Rd. Property on right just past Mohler Church Rd.
Solid brick 1 sty. rancher w/1566 SF, eat-in kitchen w/maple cabinets, living rm. w/bay window, 1st floor family rm. w/stone pad & flue for stove, 3 bdrms., full bath, full bsmt. w/12x26 cold cellar, 13x16 utility rm., heat pump, central AC (only 3 yrs. old), partial finish rec rm., attached 2 car garage, low maintenance w/covered soffit & fascia all on ¾ ACRE lot w/double width driveway, lawn & garden area, on-site well & septic. Owners relocating to larger property & serious to sell! Solid, low maintenance rancher. Convenient location, minutes to Rt. 501 & Turnpike entrance. Warwick Schs. Personal inspection by appointment or open house April 9 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood. com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-445-4309 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956
Philip N. & Janelle F. Zimmerman 717-201-3667
VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Thursday, May 5, 2016
Open House Dates: Sat., April 16 & 23, 12:00-2:00 p.m. For Financing, Photos, Terms, Full Listing, See Website: Auction For: Marie A. Engle
Auction By: Witman Auctioneers, Inc. Luke R. & Clarke N. Witman, Douglas L. Ebersole (717) 665-5735 • 665-1300 AY 000155-L
PUBLIC AUCTION STUNNING MANHEIM TWP. 6BR HOME Monday, April 18 ~ 6PM 361 Sarsen Drive, Lititz, PA 17543
“Horst Auction Center” VARIETY SALE
2½ sty. w/2012 SF, eat-in kitchen w/custom cabinets & pantry, living rm., family rm. w/brick fireplace, 1st floor laundry, 4 bdrms. (4th bdrm. unfinished), 1½ baths, attic, daylight bsmt. w/cold cellar, low maintenance dwl., oil HW heat. Garage/shop 20x54 w/3 car garage & shop, 1 ACRE rural lot w/lawn, large garden, macadam drive & parking. Zoned Ag. After 43 years, owner downsizing & relocating. “Move-in” country dwl., economical & convenient. Minutes to Hinkletown, Terre Hill, Ephrata. Personal inspection by appointment or open house Sat., April 16, 23 & 30 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood. com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Jesse W. & Roy E. Good, Jr. Betty (Byler) Aaron Z. Nolt Miller Curvin M. 717-351-4617 or Horning 717-733-1006 717-344-6116 AUCTIONEERS Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956
SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 2016 AT 9:00 A.M.
Preview Times - Friday, April 8 from 2:00 P.M. thru 5:00 P.M. and Saturday, April 9 from 7:00 A.M. This is just a partial listing of items to be sold and may be subject to minor changes. *Photos representing the entire auction will be posted on our website on Friday, April 8. Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center, 50 Durlach Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522 ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES - Vintage Game Wheels, Cast Iron, Copper/Brass, Woodenware, Agate, Longaberger Baskets & Pottery, Christmas Decorations & Ornaments; MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS; CHINA & GLASSWARE; PEANUT BUTTER GLASSES; POTTERY; JEWELRY; LINENS; BOOKS & PAPER; TOYS; MODEL TRAINS; DOLLS & STUFFED ANIMALS; BASEBALL CARDS & SPORTS MEMORABILIA; ARTWORK; HOUSEHOLD GOODS; TOOLS; BOX LOTS & MUCH MORE! * Accepted Payments: Cash or PA check. Visa, MasterCard and debit card w/3% fee. No out of state checks without prior approval.
FRI., APRIL 8, 2016 SALE AT 6:00PM
Located at 80 Resh Rd., Reinholds (W. Cocalico Twp., Lanc. Co.) From the intersection of Rt. 272 and Rt. 897, take Rt. 897 north towards Reinholds. Turn right on Ridge Rd., followed by a left on Resh Rd., to property on left. Real estate consists of a brick and vinyl sided rancher, built in 1968, containing a custom cherry kitchen with granite countertops; a dining area; a large living room; three bedrooms; and a full bath all on the main level with hardwood floors (under carpets) and replacement windows throughout. There is approx. 1,056 sq. ft. of finished one floor living space. Attic storage above, and the partially finished basement includes a family room as well as two additional bedrooms/hobby rooms. There is also a laundry hookup, shower and sink, and a large storage/workshop area. Oil hot water heat. Central air. Well and septic onsite with a 100 gallon high efficiency lifetime water heater. All this is situated on a 5.31 (+/-) acre lot along with two storage sheds; a 40x20 inground pool; and a 600+ sq. ft. covered back porch. Approximately half of this land is wooded, with wildlife abound; however, there is a large yard with plenty of room to run and/or garden!! This property is peacefully situated in a rural area as well as ideally located close to many major routes. Owners are downsizing, and are motivated to sell. Do not miss this rare opportunity! Open house to be held by appointment, contact Auctioneer at (717) 371-9603. 10% down day of sale, balance at settlement. M. Kane, Att’y
Terms By:
#AU001476-L #AU005308-L 717-336-6983
Auction For: Carl & Mary Katherine Colton John M. Hess Auction Service, Inc. AY000253L 717-664-5238 or 877-599-8894 •
Art Pannebecker & Brad Wolf Auctioneers Inc.
- Picturesque 2.72 Acre Lot in Prestigious Stonehenge Development - 7200 Sq. Ft., 6BR, 6BA, Expertly Designed Home - In-Ground Heated Pool & Patio Area w/ Wrought Iron Fencing - Must See Property w/ Host of Unique Architectural Features. See Web-Site For More Details - SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT RE Terms and Conditions: 10% down day of sale. Balance due at settlement on or before 60 days. Announcements made on day of sale take precedence over advertised information.
THURS. APRIL 21, 2016
1585 Reading Rd., Mohnton (Bowmansville). Rt. 625 N. from Bowmansville to property on left corner E. Bowmansville Rd. & Rt. 625/Reading Rd.
Rural Holland stone/vinyl split level w/1720 SF finished area, eat-in kitchen w/custom country craft cabinets, Quartz counters & appliances, living rm., family rm. w/office/study, 3 bdrms., 2 baths, bsmt. 25x22 w/walk-out door. Special Features: house totally renovated & updated w/new kitchen, appliances, bathroom fixtures, flooring, interior décor, new siding, soffit, fascia, spouting, attached 26x11 carport w/paver floor, deck & patio. 2 car garage/shop 30x26 w/elec. & water, 9x9 doors, lawn, garden & pasture area. 2.4 ACRES w/board fence boundary, small stream, professional landscaping, macadam drive & parking. NOTE: A “must see” property in absolute “move in” condition. Owners serious to sell. Well maintained & completely updated throughout. Convenient location w/easy access to Rt. 222, Rt. 272 & turnpike. Personal inspection by appointment or open house Sat., April 9 & 16 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Drew T. & Randal V. Kline Amanda K. Roy E. Good, Jr. Hoober Aaron Z. Nolt 717-445-6095 Curvin M. Horning 717-733-1006 AUCTIONEERS Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956
at 6:30 PM
LOCATED AT: 1407 Knob Hill Rd. Lititz, PA 17543 DIRECTIONS: From Clay Rd. & E. Newport Rd. intersection, travel North on Clay Rd for 1 mile. Turn right on Knob Hill Rd. to property on left. REAL ESTATE LISTING: A wonderful brown brick/wood siding 2 story Colonial house w/ attached 2 car garage on 1.05 acre. Main level has kitchen w/ abundant Oak custom cabinetry, laminate flooring, custom countertops, Miele dishwasher, built-in oven & stove top, view over farmland from kitchen sink, open to dining area w/ Oak plank flooring, chair rail & wainscoting; front living room w/ large front window; oversized sunken family room w/ brick fireplace, large rear window, & wood beam ceiling; screened in porch out the back w/ nice view; laundry room w/ cabinet storage; full bathroom; 2 car garage w/ openers. Second level has master bedroom (closet storage) & private entrance to full bathroom; 3 additional bedrooms all have closet storage; steps to attic storage. Basement has large finished area w/ linoleum flooring & counter space (has variance for home occupation); full outside stairway for private entrance (all concrete); large utility room. Newer elec. heat-pump; central A/C; updated roof; new windows upstairs & in garage; newer Kinetico water treatment system; approx. 1,870 SQ. FT. (w/ additional 775 SQ. FT. in basement); total taxes are approx. $4,608.00. Very clean house in move-in condition, make plans to buy. Attorney Melvin Hess 717-291-1700. OPEN HOUSE DATES: Saturdays April 9 & 16, from 1-3 PM or schedule private showing. Call/text auctioneer for more info at 717-587-8906. Please visit our website at FREE REFRESHMENTS AT OUR AUCTION Auction By: John J. Rutt II 717-587-8906 Michael J. Martin 717-371-3333 AU-2189-L
NEW HOLLAND, PA Member of PA & National Auctioneers Assoc.
Auction For:
16B - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
544 Chapel Ln., Denver (Fivepointville). Rt. 897 N. thru stop sign. Left Chapel Ln. to property on right. (Brecknock Twp., Lanc. Co.)
1 sty. stone/vinyl rancher w/2178 SF finished area, eat-in kitchen w/birch cabinets w/L-shaped granite top & appliances, dining rm., living rm. w/stone gas fireplace, picture window, foyer, 3 bdrms., 1½ baths, office/den, family rm., full daylight bsmt. w/walk out entrance, attached 16x32 garage, electric basebrd. heat, window AC, insulated/tilt windows. Solid stone dwl. on private setting. Updated 2 yr. appliances included, kitchen updated 2 yrs., beautiful hardwood flooring, clean “move in” condition. Low taxes, economical & low maintenance. Easy access to Rt. 272, Rt. 222 & Turnpike. Personal inspection by appointment. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-7331006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956 717-445-4309
Marie E. Hanley 610-301-2340
SAT., APRIL 9 • 3 P.M.
718 Narvon Rd., Narvon. From Blue Ball/East Earl area take Rt. 322 E. Right Narvon Rd. to property on right OR from White Horse & Rt. 340 take Meeting House Rd. Right Seldomridge Rd. Left Meeting House Rd. Right Meadeville Rd. Left Narvon Rd.
WED., APR. 6 - 2:00 p.m. - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Antiques, collect ibles, household goods, tools. Horst Auctioneers. THURS., APR. 7 - 2:00 p.m. - Fivepointville Fire Hall, 1087 Dry Tavern Road, Denver. Lawn and garden tractors and mowers, chainsaws, tools, collect ibles, primitives, toys, coins, fishing items. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., APR. 7 - 4:00 p.m. - Ruth S. Zimmerman, 31 Robert Road, Ephrata. 2008 Chevy Express Van, guns, woodworking tools, Kubota tractor, mechanic tools, plumbing and elect rical. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. THURS., APR. 7 - 5:00 p.m. - Samuel M. and Annie S. Stoltzfus, 881 Narvon
Road, Narvon. Country 1-1/2 story 4 bedroom dwelling, 2 story barn, garage 30x56 with shop, 2.1 acres. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., APR. 7 - 5:00 p.m. - War Memorial Hall, 54 West Main Street, Leola. Antiques and collectible auction. Progressive Auction Company. THURS., APR. 7 - 6:00 p.m. - Dorothy M. Beavens, 372 Preston Road, Wern ersville. 2.5 story frame dwelling on .62 acre lot. Art Pannebecker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. FRI., APR. 8 - 8:00 a.m. - Enck’s Banquet Center, 146 Lancaster Road, Man heim. 1998 Coachman Lep rechaun 32’ motorhome V-10, artwork, federal duck stamp prints, rugs, antiques,
Tractors, ‘47 Plymouth, Antiques, Carnival Glass, 100+ Peanut Butter Glasses
SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 2016 9:00 A.M. REAL ESTATE 12 P.M.
Location: 455 Swamp Rd Morgantown, PA. Caernarvon Township, Lancaster County. From Churchtown take Rt. 23 East to left on California Rd. to right on Swamp Rd. to farm on right. Farm has Early stone farm house with frame and siding addition. 1st floor has eat-in kitchen with custom made cabinetry, Living /dining room with stone hearth and wood stove, newer addition Family room with many windows, for view of farm, laundry and half bath. Second floor has master bedroom with bath and walk in closet, two additional rooms on second floor. Covered front porch and deck on back. Long paved drive and packing area. Approx. 35ft. x 60ft. 8 Stall Horse barn and approx. 35ft. x 55 ft. bank barn. fenced pasture and approx. 17 acres tillable. Approx. 810 ft. of road frontage. Elanco Schools, taxes; $5133. Not in clean and green. Open House: Saturday Apr. 9 1-3 p.m. and Thursday Apr. 21 5-7 p.m. or by appointment Terms: 10 % down, balance due at settlement on or before 60 days. Well cared for farm in a nice location, many possibilities! Seller is down sizing.
Terms by: Harold G. Shirk Attorney: Kling & Fanning AY 2082
610-286-7834 Rural split foyer w/2152 SF, eat-in kitchen & dining area w/oak cabinets & appliances, living rm. w/door to 14x20 deck, family rm. w/brick hearth & wood/coal stove, laundry, 4 bdrms. (master bdrm. w/bath & walk-in closet), 2 full baths, full finished lower level w/2nd kitchen for canning, entertaining, etc., low maintenance exterior, elec. BB & gas heat. Bank barn/garage/ shop bldg. 40x44 (new 2011), (2) horse stalls, tack rm., 2 car garage, drive-in 2nd floor 40x44 shop & 8x17 utility bldg. 2 ACRES w/lawn, garden & pasture area, partially wooded. NOTE: Owners starting farming & serious to sell. “Move in” condition, well maintained, spacious dwl. Minutes to East Earl, New Holland, White Horse & Honey Brook. Personal inspection by appointment. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956 717-733-1006
233 Reading Rd., East Earl. Rt. 23 E. of Blue Ball. Left Rt. 625 N. to property on left. (East Earl Twp., Lanc. Co.)
Amos S. Jr. & Verna S. Fisher 717-799-1145
THURS., APRIL 14, 2016 SALE AT 6:00PM
Located at 512 N. State St., Ephrata (Ephrata Boro., Lanc. Co.) From Ephrata exit off Rt. 222, take Rt. 322 (Main St.) west. Turn right on State St. to property on left (near Pine St. intersection). Real estate consists of a 2½ story frame dwelling, built in 1915, containing an eat-in kitchen with softwood floors; a dining room; a living room; and an enclosed porch all on the main level. Upstairs, there are three bedrooms (one with a balcony) and a full bath. Attic storage. The full basement is unfinished. Propane forced air heat. Updated 100amp service. Public water and sewer. Replacement windows throughout. All this is situated on a 0.17 acre lot along with a detached one car garage, carport, and off-street parking. There is also a covered brick patio attached to the house, as well as a nice yard to play. A little sweat equity will go a long way here. Owners are motivated to sell. Do not miss this excellent opportunity for an affordable property! Open Houses to be held Sat., April 9 from 1-3pm, or by appointment, contact Auctioneer at (717) 371-9603. 10% down day of sale, balance at settlement. A. Kilkuskie, Att’y
Terms By:
JANET C. FRITZ Art Pannebecker & REVOCABLE Brad Wolf Auctioneers Inc. #AU001476-L TRUST #AU005308-L 717-336-6983
Custom 1½ sty. Holland stone/vinyl Cape Cod style L-shape dwl. w/2376 SF, eat-in kitchen w/custom cherry raised panel cabinets & appliances, family rm. w/corner cupboard & bow window, 4 bdrms., 2½ baths (one bdrm. w/built-in cabinets – could be den), 1st floor laundry & ½ bath. Special Features: Walk-in closet, 13½x16 deck, covered front porch, Kenetico water sys., fireplace w/coal stove insert, insulated/tilt windows & numerous upgrades thru out, full bsmt. w/oil HW heat & central AC, maintenance free exterior all on country 9/10 ACRE lot w/professional landscaping, macadam driveway, on-site well & septic, attached 2 car garage & 12x12 utility bldg. NOTE: Move in ready custom house, spacious rms., low maintenance, economical family dwl. Convenient location, minutes to Rt. 322, 23 & 897. A “must see” property to appreciate. Personal inspection by appointment. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Furniture – Appliances: 3pc. Early Bdrm. Suite, Bow Front China Closet, Glass Front Bookcase, (4) Painted Dec. Plank Btm. Chairs, Oak Press Back Rocker, Single Bed, Dresser, Cedar Chest, Kitchen Table w/5 Brds., Island Serving Counter, Sofas, Uph. Love Seat, Asst. Uph. Chairs, Metal Child’s Table & 2 Chairs, Wood Entertainment Center, TV Stand, Knee Hole Desk, 2-Drawer File Cab., Wood Folding Table, Office Chair, Clothes Tree, Wood Child’s High Chair, Child’s Crib & Dressing Table, Pole & Floor Lamps, Fans, Seth Thomas Mantle Clock, Thomas Kinkade Pitcher, Dec. Child Chair, Stereo System, Ping Pong & Pool Tables, Lawn Chairs, Rainbow Sweeper, Pfaff Sew. Mach. w/Cab., Window AC, G.E. Dehumidifier, Kettle Grill, Maytag Washer & Dryer, Philco Refrigerator, Hotpoint Range, Frigidaire Chest Freezer, Misc. Sm. Kitchen Appliances. Glassware – Housewares: Approx. 70 Peanut Butter Glasses (3 Sizes), Noritake Dinnerware (service for 12), Carnival Glass, Dec. Vegetable Bowls, Water Pitcher Set, Pfaltzcraft Dinnerware Set, Ceramic Coffee Pot, Cream & Sugars, Egg Plates, Asst. Glassware, Oneida Flatware, Ice Chests, Misc. Cookware, Wicker Suitcase, Asst. Toys & Games, Asst. Books & Cookbooks, Crock, Gallon Jugs, Pint, Quart & 2-Quart Canning Jars, Asst. Tins, Metal Doll House, Jumping Horse, 78 RPM Records, Manual Typewriters, Weaverland Coverlet, Bedspread, Towels & Misc. Soft Goods. Snowblower – Tools: MTD 8/26 Snowblower w/Elec. Start, JD 20 Pedal Tractor, Werner 24’ Alum. Ext. Ladder, Davidson 7’ Fiberglass Step Ladder, Asst. Bikes, Sled, Milk, Garbage & Gas Cans, Tree Trimmer, Shovels, Buffer/Polisher. NOTE: Auction to begin w/tools, followed by glassware & household goods. Peanut butter glasses 10:30 AM. Furniture 12 Noon. Real Estate 1PM. Terms cash, PA check, or credit card w/3% fee. Food Stand. Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956 717-445-4309
Kenneth E. & Esther M. Martin 717-468-7617
furniture, China/glassware and much more. Witman Auctioneers, Inc. FRI., APR. 8 - 6:00 p.m. - David C. and Christine L. Walters, 80 Resh Road, Reinholds. Brick and vinyl sided rancher on a 5.31 (+/-) acre lot along with 2 storage sheds and an in-ground pool. Art Pannebecker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. SAT., APR. 9 - 8:30 a.m. - Elma L. Groff, 391 East Main Street, Leola. 32.8 acre Groff Farm (Zoned Agri culture). 2-1/2 story frame dwelling with siding, 75’x70’ frame bank barn with metal siding, 60’x30’ frame with metal siding tobacco shed, 28’x24’ con crete stone garage, 25’x24’ concrete block garage. Real estate at 3:00 p.m. Antiques, household goods, farm items and harvestore. Robert E. Martin and Sons, Auction eers. SAT., APR. 9 - 8:30 a.m. - Elmer E. and Grace R. Martin, 105 New Street, Blue Ball. 3 bedroom rancher with 2 car garage, .66 acre lot. Real estate at 1:00 p.m. 2007 Chrysler T/C van, guns, coins, milk
bottles, antiques, Toro mower, Honda generator, personal property. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. SAT., APR. 9 - 9:00 a.m. - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Antiques, collect ibles, toys, dolls, musical instruments, household goods, tools. Horst Auction eers. SAT., APR. 9 - 9:00 a.m. - Elton M. Vogt, 143 Scenic View Drive, Akron. Mobile with garage on .56 acre lot. Real estate at 12:00 noon. Power King tractor, JD mower, mopeds, tools, guns, and personal property. Guns at 11:30 a.m. Tractor at 12:30 p.m. Art Pannebecker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. SAT., APR. 9 - 9:30 a.m. - Kenneth E. and Esther M. Martin, 233 Reading Road, East Earl. Country 1.5 story 4 bedroom Cape Cod dwelling, 2 car garage, util ity building, 9/10 acre rural lot. Real estate at 1:00 p.m. Snowblower, furniture/app liances, personal property. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. WED., APR. 13 - 2:00
418 W. Maple Grove Rd., Denver. Rt. 897 S. to Fivepointville. Left W. Maple Grove Rd. to property on left. OR Rt. 625 N. to Bowmansville. Left. W. Maple Grove Rd. to property on right. (Brecknock Twp., Lanc. Co.)
21.4 ACRE Farm w/2½ sty. frame/siding dwl. w/2028 SF, eat-in kitchen w/cherry cabinets, living & family rms., 1st floor laundry/mud rm., 3 bdrms., 2 baths, attic & bsmt. w/gas forced air heat (furnace new ‘15), large flagstone 17x27 patio & covered porch. Outbldgs: 2 sty. stone/frame bank barn 38x68 w/steer stable, barn yard w/storage bldg., corn crib 12x29 & attached 18x26 equip. bldg., detached masonry 2 car garage 24x32 w/8½x24 shop all on 21.4 ACRES w/approx. 19 acres tillable, balance woods, approx. 1000’ frontage along W. Maple Grove Rd. Ideal farm for produce farm. Zoned Ag. NOTE: Unique opportunity to purchase small farm w/mostly tillable land, tree lined & farmland boundary. Convenient location, just off Rt. 897 & 625. Economical & low taxes (clean & green). Personal inspection by appointment or open house April 9, 16 & 23 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956 717-445-4309
Paul H. Freeman Estate Bob, 717-445-7601 Nelson, 717-917-0683
SAT., MAY 7, 2016 SALE AT 2:00PM
Located at 210 N. 5th St., Denver (Denver Boro, Lanc. Co.) From Rt. 272, take Church St. into Denver (becomes Main St.). Turn right on 5th St. to property on left. Real estate consists of a brick, 2½ story, semidetached dwelling, built in 1949, containing a kitchen with dishwasher and electric stove; a dining room; a large living room; and a half bath all on the main level. Upstairs, there are three bedrooms with ample closets and a full bath. There is approx. 1,286 sq. ft. of finished living space. Attic storage. Full basement w/ laundry hookup and outside entrance. There are hardwood floors throughout (under the carpets) as well as replacement windows. Oil hot water heat. Public water and sewer. All this is situated on a 0.16 (+/-) acre lot along with a one car attached garage, covered front porch, off-street parking, and a cute backyard. This is a solid, well-maintained, home conveniently situated in Denver Boro. This is an estate and sellers are motivated to sell. Do not miss this fantastic opportunity! Open houses to be held Sun., April 24 and Sun., May 1 from 1-3pm, or by appointment, contact auctioneer at (717) 371-9603. 10% Down day of sale, balance due at settlement. D. Hartranft, Att’y Terms By:
Art Pannebecker & Brad Wolf Auctioneers Inc. #AU001476-L #AU005308-L 717-336-6983
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - 17B
p.m. - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Antiques, collect ibles, household goods, tools. Horst Auctioneers. WED., APR. 13 - 5:00 p.m. - Philip N. and Janelle F. Zimmerman, 423 East 28th Division Highway, Lititz. 1 story brick 3 bedroom rancher, 2 car garage, 3/4 acre lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auction eers. THURS., APR. 14 - 5:00 p.m. - Arnold M. Rubin and Beverly H. Williams, 421 Wynwood Drive, Willow Street. Custom 1 story brick 3 bedroom rancher, 2 car garage 24x34, utility build ing, 1/2 acre lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., APR. 14 - 6:00 p.m. - Janet C. Fritz Revo cable Trust, 512 North State
Street, Ephrata. 2.5 story frame dwelling on a .17 acre lot with a detached one car garage. Art Pannebecker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. THURS., APR. 14 - 6:00 p.m. - Douglas R. Stoner and Diane L. Brandt, 240 South Broad Street, Lititz. 3-4 bedroom 2.5 story dwelling, custom kitchen, 2 story garage/shop, pool, abundant amenities. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. FRI., APR. 15 - 1:00 p.m. - John B. and Dorothy S. Seldomridge, 111 and 113 Engletown Rd., and Dude Court, Honey Brook. 7 acre mobile home park invest ment (6 pads on individual lots). Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. FRI., APR. 15 - 5:00 p.m. - Elizabeth T. Balthaser Estate, 320 Chapel Hill
431 E. 28th Division Hwy., Lititz. From intersection of Rts. 501 & 322 in Brickerville Rt. 322 E. to property on left. (Elizabeth Twp., Lanc. Co.)
Road, Sinking Spring. Coun try 1 story stone 3 bedroom rancher, 2 car garage, utility building, pool, 1 acre rural lot, 1978 Mercedes 240D car. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., APR. 16 - 9:00 a.m. - Martin “Rufus” Martzall Estate, 714 Pine Street, Denver. 1.5 story brick dwelling with a one-car attached garage on .11 (+/-) acre lot. Real estate at 1:00 p.m. Antiques and personal property. Art Pannebecker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. SAT., APR. 16 - 8:00 a.m. - Anna Mae Houser Estate, 303 Ridge Road, Annville. 1 story stone 3 bedroom ranch
er, 2 car garage. Real estate at 1:00 p.m. Personal prop erty, antiques, collectibles, furniture. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., APR. 16 - 9:00 a.m. - Clyde and Frances Martin, 1260 Weaverland Road, East Earl. JD 316 lawn tractor, 8 guns, local milk bottles, antique gaudy Welsh, Dutch, Adams rose and flow blue, “Annals of Conestoga Valley,” personal property. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. SAT., APR. 16 - 9:00 a.m. - Martin “Rufus” Martzall, 714 Pine Street, Denver. 1-1/2 story brick dwelling built in 1949 on a .11 (+/-) acre lot. Real estate at 1:00 p.m. Antiques and personal
Saturday, April 9, 2016 at 8:30 AM
LOCATED: AT 136 S. CACOOSING DRIVE, SINKING SPRING, SPRING TWP., READING, BERKS CO., PA. Turn off Penn Ave. (Rt. 422) at Boro. Hall in Sinking Spring onto Columbia Ave. & Fritztown Rd. for 2 miles & right onto Wernersville Rd. to S. Cacoosing Drive to auction. NOTE: Very clean auction with many quality & interesting items. Approx. 7-8 hour auction. Plan to attend. TERMS: Cash or PA check.
AUCTIONEERS: KENNETH P. LEIBY, (PA L#AU001541) BRIAN GELSINGER (PA L#AU0005528) 610-562-3929 - ID #5718
(East Earl Area)
Rural 1 sty. brick rancher w/1692 SF finished area, eat-in kitchen w/birch cabinets, living rm. w/bow window, 1st floor laundry, 3 bdrms., full bath, large finished family rm., full bsmt., oil forced air heat, attic storage, attached 1 car gar. House Features: New roof 2011 & beautiful oak hardwood floors all on level 110x155 lot w/on-site well & septic, mature shade trees & macadam drive. NOTE: Solid rancher, economical & convenient. Minutes to Ephrata, Lititz, Manheim & Lancaster. Owners relocating to retirement facility & serious to sell! Personal inspection by appointment or open house April 9 & 16 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956 717-445-4309
SAT. APRIL 16, 2016 at 9:00 AM 1260 Weaverland Rd., East Earl, Pa.
Melvin M. & Mary N. Martin Ron Martin, 717-940-6545 Wilma Martin, 717-634-6186
property. Art Pannebecker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. MON., APR. 18 - 6:00 p.m. - Carl and Mary Kath erine Colton, 361 Sarsen Drive, Lititz. Stunning Man heim Township 6 bedroom home. John M. Hess Auction Service. WED., APR. 20 - 2:00 p.m. - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Antiques, collect ibles, household goods,
TUESDAY, APRIL 26 • 5 P.M. 2044 Kramer Mill Rd., Stevens. Rt. 272 N. from Ephrata just past Denver/ Reamstown traffic light. Right Park St. Left N. Reamstown Rd. Right Kramer Mill Rd. 2½ sty. country dwl. w/1136 SF, eat-in kitchen, dining rm. w/corner cupboard, living rm., 1st floor laundry & mudroom, 3 bdrms., 1½ baths, oil air heat, low maintenance exterior, 3 car garage 24x44, macadam drive/ parking, barn 20x20 w/stable/stall area, utility bldg./shop 10x22. 1.6 ACRES w/lawn, garden, pasture area, public water & sewer. After 58 years, owner relocating to retirement & serious to sell. Ideal property as residence or investment. Minutes to Rt. 222 & turnpike. Personal inspection by appointment or open house Sat., April 9, 16 & 23 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood. com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-733-1006 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956
Fivepointville Fire Hall 1087 Dry Tavern Rd., Denver (Fivepointville). Rt. 897 S. from Adamstown to Fivepointville to fire hall on right. (Brecknock Twp., Lanc. Co.)
OUTSTANDING ESTATE AUCTION Friday, April 8, 2016 8:00 AM (Inspection auction day only, 7:00 AM) Location: Enck’s Banquet Center, 1461 Lancaster Road, Route 72, Manheim, PA 17545
• 1998 Coachman Leprechaun 32’ Motorhome V-10 Engine Sleeps Eight, Queen Size Bed, 48,000 Miles
Artwork • Prints Federal Duck Stamp Prints Oriental Rugs • Tapestries • Antiques Furniture • China/Glassware Southwest Indian Items • Books 1500+ Comic Books Harley Davidson Motorcycle (Barn Find) Canoe • Fishing Equipment • Bikes Button Collection
Directions: From Blue Ball, Pa. Rt. 23 take Rt. 897 N. ½ mi to right on Weaverland Rd. to sale on right. Antiques & Glassware; Guns; Lawn, Garden/Tools; 40+ Milk Bottles; Personal Property/Furniture Note: Nice CLEAN personal property! Join us for the day! Complete listing to follow or visit
Auction By: Michael J. Martin 717-371-3333 John J. Rutt II 717-587-8906 AY-2189-L
Auction For:
NEW HOLLAND, PA Member of PA & National Auctioneers Assoc.
Lawn & Garden – Chainsaws – Weedeaters: Honda 4514 Hydro w/13 HP Water Cooled Twin Cylinder Eng. & 42” Deck Riding Mower, Snapper LT 1538 w/17.5 HP Hydro w/38” Deck Riding Mower, Snapper 1438H w/14.5HP Hydro w/38” Deck Riding Mower, White LT 542G w/18HP Automatic w/42” Deck Riding Mower, Elite Series Port. Gen. w/10HP Briggs 5500 Running Watts & 8500 Starting Watts, Troy-Bilt TB 110 21” Push Mower w/Bagger (used less than ½ hr.), JD JE75 6HP S. Prop w/Elec. Start & Bagger, JD JS20 6.75HP SP w/Bagger, JD 14 SZ 21” S. Prop, Snapper 5.5HP Mulching Convertible S. Prop Mower, Ariens 6.75HP Push Mower & Other Mowers, MTD 5HP Shred-it Chipper/Shredder, Ace 10cu.ft. & Agri. Fab. Dump Carts, Montgomery Ward F. Tine & Ryobi 410R Sm. Rototillers, Turf Green Lawn Sweepers, Clean Power 1600 PSI Press. Washer, Wheelbarrows, Approx. 30 – 40 pcs. of Name Brand Chain Saws, Leaf Blowers, Weedeaters, Shop Vacs, Lg. Asst. of Hand & Garden Tools. Tools – Fishing Items: Lg. Asst. Dewalt 18V Cordless Tools Including: Saws, Hammer Drills, Sawzalls, Impact Wrenches, Flashlights & Chargers, Craftsman Machinist Tool Box, Craftsman Drill Index, Stanley Bench Vise, Rigid Pipe Wrench, Log Chains, Craftsman ½” Elec. Drill, Asst. of Hand Tools & Air Tools, Ext. Cords, Copper Tubing, Elec. Wiring, Drill Press Vise, Tob. Spears, Approx. 200 Lots of Fishing Equip. Including: Shakespear, Brown South Bend & Other Fishing Rods, Ocean City Pflueger, Bass Pro & Other Reels, Landing & Minnow Nets, Fishing Creel, Bait Buckets & Misc. Fishing Supplies. See website approx. March 15 for catalog. Collectables – Primitives – Furniture: Mini Salesman’s Sample Singer Sewing Mach., Demuth Snuff Lanc. Co. Crocks, Thomas Pacconi Classic Blown Glass Ornaments, Nest of Hall Bowls, Kero Lamps, Lig Lighters, Cream Top Milk Bottle, Log Cabin Bank, McCoy Planter, Refrig. Dishes, Fluffy Cookie Jar (damaged), Cast Iron Trivets, Prizerware, Cast Iron Skillets Including Lodge & Wagner, Cacoosing Dairy Milk Box, Approx. 40 Pc. Of Pottery Including: Eldreth, William Coleman & S. Leonard and Other Duck Decoys, Old Door Hardware, S.S. Milk Buckets, Little Golden Books, Family Bibles, Longaberger Baskets, 22 Qt. Mirro Stock Pot, Asst. Cookware, Dutch Ovens, H.H. Scales, Southwest Blankets, Sewing Items, 3 Pc. Wicker Patio Set, Patio Chairs, Park Bench, Wooden Porch Glider. Toys – Coins: Approx. 100 Toys Including: Hess, Ertl, Gear Box, 1st Gear, Big A Auto, Tonka, Nylint, Lionel Train Trucks, Alarm Clock, Hershey Toy Tanker Truck, 5-Dollar Mint Mark Tribute Proof Collection, Rare Gold Coin Tribute Proof Collection, C.C. Gold Tribute Proof Set, Buffalo Nickels, Foreign Coins, 1930 & 1940 Walking Liberty ½ Dollars, Mercury Dimes, Silver Quarters, V-Nickel, Indian Head Pennies, Lg. Cent, Wheat Pennies, 1900 & 1903 Morgan, 1922 & 1925 Peace Dollars & 1964 Silver ½ Dollars. NOTE: Auction to begin at 2PM w/tools followed by primitives. 2nd auctioneer 3PM w/coins & toys followed by household items. Cataloged fishing items 4PM. Terms are cash, PA check or major credit card w/3% service fee. 6% Sales Tax. Food Stand. Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956 717-445-4309
Agent For Owner 717-629-4557
Clarice M. Haws Kathleen Hainley, POA 717-587-1221
Witman Auctioneers, inc.
tools, car. Horst Auctioneers. THURS., APR. 21 - 4:00 p.m. - Kathryn Hohenwarter, 332 Druid Hill Road, Mountville. Household goods, collectibles and tools. Horst Auctioneers. THURS., APR. 21 - 6:30 p.m. - Sharon Krall, 1407 Knob Hill Road, Lititz. 2 story brown brick colonial, 1+ acre, 4 bedrooms with closets, view farmland, finished basement with
(Karen 717-209-0652)
303 Lauschtown Rd., Denver. Rt. 625 N. thru Bowmansville. Left Lauschtown Rd. to property on left. (Brecknock Twp., Lanc. Co.)
THE HALL WILL BE FULL! Make plans now to attend! For Photos, Terms, Full Listing, See Website:
Auction By: Witman Auctioneers, Inc. Luke R. & Clarke N. Witman, Doug L. Ebersole (717) 665-5735 • 665-1300 AY 000155-L
19 Crestview Dr., Akron. Rt. 272 S. to Akron. Right Main St. Left Crestview Dr. to property on left. (Akron Boro., Lanc. Co.)
2½ sty. 1800’s sandstone dwl. w/1440 SF, eat-in kitchen w/oak raised panel cabinets & appliances, family rm. w/exposed beams, den w/walk-in fireplace, 3 bdrms., 1½ baths, laundry w/washer, dryer & mudroom, full attic & bsmt., gas forced air heat (new 2015), central AC, 16” wide window sills. Upgrades Include: Insulated replacement windows, replaced exterior doors, 200 Amp electric, covered soffit & fascia, 14x20 patio & covered front porch. Outbldgs: 1½ sty. stone/ frame barn 24x48 w/2 horse stalls, overhead hay storage, insulated heated shop 16x20 w/overhead door, detached 2 car garage 16x24 all on country 1 ACRE lot w/professional landscaping, circle drive, on-site well & septic. Ideal solid sandstone dwl. Very clean “move in” condition. Owners moving to farm & serious to sell! Convenient location w/easy access to Rt. 222 bypass & Turnpike. Ideal 1800’s dwl. w/abundant original features. A “must see”. Personal inspection by appointment or open house April 9, 16 & 23 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956 717-445-4309
Jason S. & Donna Faye Zimmerman 717-725-5279
Brick/vinyl split foyer dwl. w/1426 SF, eat-in kitchen w/birch cabinets & appliances, L-shape living rm. w/bow window, sun rm. w/Western Cedar walls & ceiling, 3 bdrms., 1½ baths, lower level family rm. w/brick fireplace w/wood pellet stove insert, slide door to 12x11 patio, laundry, elect. baseboard heat, central AC, insulated/tilt windows, attached 2 car garage. Outbldg: 2 sty. frame/ steel garage/shop bldg. 24x40 w/overhead door, radiant floor heat, spray foam insulation, 15x7 office, 24x10 rear storage rm. w/overhead door & 2nd floor 24x10 storage w/walk up stairs (shop new 2008) all on ½ ACRE lot w/public water & sewer, along quiet no outlet street w/rear of lot joining rail/bike trail. NOTE: Low traffic street & well established residential community. Economical & low maintenance. Both house & shop “move in” condition. Owner downsizing & serious to sell! Minutes to Brownstown, Rothsville & Ephrata. Easy access to Rt. 222 bypass Brownstown/Rothsville Exit. Personal inspection by appointment or open house April 9, 16 & 23 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956 717-445-4309
Richard I. Justice 717-471-1151
18B - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
home occupation. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. FRI., APR. 22 - 9:00 a.m. - H.W. Nauman and Sons, Inc., 351 Sprecher Road, Lancaster. Bobcat skid loader, JCB Loadall 40’, storage trailers, power tools, air compressor, generators. FRI., APR. 22 - 5:00 p.m. - Drew T. and Amanda K. Hoober, 1585 Reading Road, Mohnton. Country Holland stone 3 bedroom split level dwelling, 2 car garage/shop 30x26, carport 26x11, 2.4 acres with stream. Kline, Kreider and Good Auction eers. FRI., APR. 22 - 5:00 p.m. & SAT., APR. 23 - 8:30
a.m. - Dr. Stanley and Harriet Regitz Estate, 214 West Main Street, Leola. Car, cycles, lawn and garden, furniture, antiques, house hold goods. Robert E. Martin and Sons, Auctioneers. SAT., APR. 23 - 8:00 a.m. - Gerald G. Martin and Sons, Exc., 451 Diller Avenue #246, New Holland. Complete welding shop liquidation (former “Fisher’s Welding Shop”), welders, iron worker, industrial equipment, tools. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. SAT., APR. 23 - 9:00 a.m. - Harold G. Shirk, 455 Swamp Road, Morgantown. Valuable 23.3 acre farm. Real estate at 12:00 noon.
THURSDAY, APRIL 21 • 5 P.M. 5714 Meadville Rd., Gap. From East Earl Rt. 897 S. Left Gault Rd. Right Meadville Rd., property on left.
Tractors, ’47 Plymouth, antiques, carnival glass, 100+ peanut butter glasses. Tracey L. Jones Auctioneers. SAT., APR. 23 - 9:00 a.m. - Fred E. Myers Estate, 856 Fairview Avenue, Ephrata. Brick ranch style dwelling with attached 21x29 two-car garage. Real estate at 1:00 p.m. Collectibles, household goods, tools, cars. Cars at 12:30 p.m. Horst Auction eers. SAT., APR. 23 - 9:00 a.m. - Melvin M. and Mary N. Martin, 431 East 28th Division Highway, Lititz. 1 story brick 3 bedroom rancher, garage, 4/10 acre lot. Real estate at 1:00 p.m. Furniture/appliances, lawn and garden, personal prop erty, books, toys, deeds, milk bottles. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers.
SAT., APR. 23 - 10:00 a.m. - Eagle Rental Center, Inc., 2530 Quentin Road, Lebanon. Equipment, tools and miscellaneous. Horning Farm Agency. SAT., APR. 23 - 11:00 a.m. - Jann C. Dickinson and the late John B. Dickinson III, 1811 North Churchtown Road, East Earl. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 story home with 2 car garage on .24 acre country lot with stream. Jay M. Leary, Auctioneer. TUES., APR. 26 - 5:00 p.m. - Clarice M. Haws, 2044 Kramer Mill Rd., Stevens. 2-1/2 story dwell ing, 3 car garage, barn, 1.6 acres. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. WED., APR. 27 - 5:00 p.m. - Marie A. Laboranti, 2 Masters Dr., Denver. 2 story
REAL ESTATE - MOBILE W/GARAGE ON 0.56 ACRE LOT - POWER KING TRACTOR, JD MOWER, MOPEDS, TOOLS, GUNS AND PERSONAL PROPERTY 1 sty. rancher w/1222 SF, eat-in kitchen w/appliances, living rm. w/stone fireplace, 1st floor laundry, 3 bdrms., 2 baths (w/master bdrm. w/master bath), oil air heat, central AC, insulated/tilt windows, 1 ACRE premium country lot overlooking farmland, lawn & garden area. Plenty of expansion area. Zoned Ag. NOTE: Convenient rural location between East Earl & Narvon. Easy access to Rt. 322, Rt. 340 & Rt. 897. Ideal as residence or investment. Personal inspection by appointment or open house Sat., April 9 & 16 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Eli S. & Roy E. Good, Jr. Rebecca S. Aaron Z. Nolt King Curvin M. 717-656-4574 Horning 717-733-1006 AUCTIONEERS Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956
881 Narvon Rd., Narvon. Rt. 322 E. from Blue Ball/East Earl area. Right Narvon Rd. just past Red Hill Rd. to property on left.
1½ sty. dwl. w/2862 SF, country eat-in kitchen, living rm., large family rm., 1st floor laundry/mud rm., 1st floor office/sewing rm., 4 bdrms., 2 baths, bonus/ bdrm., full bsmt. w/elec. & stove heat, cold cellar, covered deck 14x24 (new 2010). Outbldgs: 2 sty. barn/garage/shop bldg. 30x56 w/10x21 lean-to all new 2014, (2) 13x16 horse stalls, 28x40 garage area & full 2nd floor & 29x55 insulated shop. 2.1 ACRES partial wooded lot with ½ acre fenced pasture, lawn, garden. NOTE: Owners relocating to start farming & serious to sell. “Move in” condition, very well maintained house & (like new) barn/garage. Ideal location w/easy access to East Earl, New Holland & White Horse. Minutes off Rt. 322, 10 & 897. A “must see” to appreciate size & condition. Personal inspection by appointment. For brochure or land plotting visit www. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID
SAT., APR. 9, 2016
Located at 143 Scenic View Dr., Akron (Ephrata Twp., Lanc. Co.). From Ephrata, take Rt. 272 towards Akron. Turn right on Main St., followed by a left on 3rd St. (3rd St. becomes Scenic View, and property will be on right.) Real estate consists of a 720 sq. ft. mobile home, built in 1969, containing an eat-in kitchen, living room, two bedrooms and a full bath with laundry hookup. There is also a 24x24 garage situated on this 0.56 (+/-) acre country lot along with plenty of off-street parking. Well and septic onsite. Oil forced air heat. This property would make a great investment or provide for very affordable housing. Do not miss this great opportunity. Open house to be held by appointment, contact auctioneer at (717) 371-9603. 10% down day of sale, balance at settlement. Honda C70 deluxe moped; Honda 50 urban express moped; 1978 Puch 1.5hp moped; Agway 3300 watt generator; McCulloch Powerpac 600E generator; Sears 250amp welder; acetylene torch set; large metal band saw; anvil marked “England”; Sears 4hp air compressor and pneumatic tools; Craftsman stack on stack tool chest; new compound saw; Craftsman drill press; router and bits; vises; bench grinder; angle grinders; floor jacks; chain hoists; tow chains; comealongs; tap and die sets; Cclamps; socket sets; wrenches; parts cabinets; auto repair manuals; scrap metal. Power King 2418 tractor & attachments - 60” & 48” belly mowers, rototiller, cultivator, and plow; John Deere 285 18hp mower w/bagger & snowblower; Pequea 10’x6’ two wheel trailer w/drop ramps; 1977 E350 Cube Van (as-is); lawn roller; small 2 wheel trailer; Echo 702evl & 280e chainsaws; Echo straight shaft weedeater; Werner ext. ladder; sledge hammers; grain shovels; digging bar; posthole digger; fishing rods and tackle boxes. Guns: Charles Daly Superior, Miroku, over/under 12 ga; Winchester model 94 lever action .32 cal; Stevens model 311 double barrel 12 ga; Stevens model 311 double barrel 16 ga; ammuntion. G.E. refrigerator; Kenmore front load washer; treadmill; Hamilton mantle clocks and others; kerosene lamps; yardsticks; Bearcat scanner; binoculars; “History of Erie Co. 1884” & “History of Crawford Co. 1884” books; Briggs & Stratton adv thermometer; pocket knives; puss n’ boots creamer; oil cans; galv. buckets; milk crates; and many other items too numerous to mention. E. Richard Young, Att’y
Terms By:
Samuel M. & Annie S. Stoltzfus 717-355-0887
car garage, 2 story shop/ garage 24x40, 1/2 acre lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. FRI., APR. 29 - 6:00 p.m. - Kenneth and Mary Ann Hurst, 326 Black Creek Road, East Earl. 2 story 4 bedroom house, horse barn, greenhouse, 3 acres +/-, furniture, LP tank and heater, misc. personal property. Tim Weaver Auction Service, LLC. SAT., APR. 30 - Annual lawn and garden consign ment auction at the Rocherty Picnic Grounds, Lebanon. Joel Heisey, Auctioneer. SAT., APR. 30 - 8:30 a.m. - Miriam E. Sensenig, 319 Wanner Road, Ephrata. 2 story house in country, .52 acre. Real estate at 2:00 p.m. Lots of antiques, tools, household, toy tractors, books, glassware. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. SAT., APR. 30 - 9:00 a.m. - Estate of Mary H. Parbel, 545 Woleber Road, Myers town. Holland stone rancher with in-law quarters, att ached garage, 1 acre. Real estate at 12:00 p.m. Personal property, car, lawn tractor. Les Longenecker Auction eer. SAT., APR. 30 - 9:00 a.m. - Donald R. Ansel Estate, 137 E. Church St., Stevens. 1-1/2 story brick dwelling with 2 garages on 7-1/2 (+/-) acres, Ford 1710 tractor, Ariens zero turn and Cub Cadet mowers. Tractor and mowers at 11:00 a.m. Guns,
THURS., MAY 5, 2016 SALE AT 6:00 PM
Located at 813 Pointview Ave., Ephrata (Ephrata Boro., Lanc. Co.) From Main St. (Rt. 322) in Ephrata, take State St. south towards Akron. Turn left on Gerhart Ave. followed by a right on Pointview Ave., to property on right. Real estate consists of a vinyl sided rancher, built in 1947, containing an eat-in kitchen; living room; two bedrooms; and a full bath all on the main level. There is approx. 840 Sq. Ft. of finished, one floor, living space in addition to an enclosed porch and an attached one car garage. Attic storage above. The full, walkout, basement contains a finished family room as well as laundry area and plenty of storage. Oil hot water heat. 100 Amp electric service. Public water and sewer. All this is situated on a 0.19 (+/-) Acre lot along with a fenced-in backyard and alley access to the rear. There is both on and off street parking. This is a cute property, in a great location, with great potential for investment or economical living. This is an estate and sellers are motivated to sell. Open Houses to be held Sat., Apr. 23 and Sun., May 1 from 1-3 PM, or by appointment, contact Auctioneer at (717) 371-9603. 10% down day of sale, balance at settlement. M. Kane, Att’y
Terms By:
Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-733-1006 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956
Colonial 4 bedroom dwelling, 2 car garage, 1/2 acre lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., APR. 28 - 9:00 a.m. - Paul H. Freeman Estate, 418 West Maple Grove Road, Denver. 21.4 acre farm, 2-1/2 story farm house, bank barn, equipment building, garage. Real estate at 1:00 p.m. Furniture/ appliances, cars, glassware, coins, lawn and garden, tools. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., APR. 28 - 5:00 p.m. - Jason S. and Donna Faye Zimmerman, 303 Lauschtown Road, Denver. 2-1/2 story 1800’s sandstone dwelling, 24x48 barn/shop, 2 car garage, 1 acre country lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., APR. 28 - 6:00 p.m. - Vernon Mowrer Estate, 20 Creek Road, Christiana. Frame raised ranch style dwelling on 3.5 acres (m/l) with a 14’x28’ frame workshop/shed and large frame lumber/imple ment shed. Horst Auction eers. THURS., APR. 28 - 6:00 p.m. - Nathan and Arlene Zimmerman, 1324 Red Run Road, Stevens. 6.3 acres, 3 bedroom rancher, 32’x36’ garage/shop, 20’x20’ barn. Tim Weaver Auction Service, LLC. FRI., APR. 29 - 5:00 p.m. - Richard I. Justice, 19 Crestview Dr., Akron. Split foyer 3 bedroom dwelling, 2
Art Pannebecker & Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. Lic. #: AU001476 & AU005308 717-336-6983 (ID#1536)
Art Pannebecker & Brad Wolf Auctioneers Inc. #AU001476-L #AU005308-L 717-336-6983
Thursday, April 7 • Starts at 5:00 P.M. Location: War Memorial Hall
54 W. Main Street, Leola, PA 17540 Preview: Wednesday, April 6 and Thursday, April 7. Noon - 5 PM
Terms and Conditions available day of sale.13% buyers premium, Cash or Check. Exciting items: Old German Hatter’s metal hat, Wurlitzer Jukebox, Uranium depression green glass, 8 foot country store candy counter, 1800’s writers deck, 1800’s National cash register, 1800s Butter churn, Ritter 1914 dental air compressor with cover, early 1800’s port hole with mirror, four movie theater seats with iron bases, 1800’s floor safe with combination, puppet show theater with background panels and more. Furniture: Old chimney cupboard, wash basin stand and set including face & water bowls, pitcher and stand, oak high chair, repurposing wooden boxes, wall mirrors, floor lamps, humpback trunk, chests, old wooden rocker, old dresser, baby high chair, single bed head and foot board with rails, cedar trunk, foot stool and Tiffany style hanging lamps. Collectibles: Cast iron and brass bells, old ox yoke with bent headlocks, cow station headlock, milk can, old bottles, 1950’s ice tea container with bakelite lid, oil lamps, old toys, old fishing reel, linens, 45 RPM records, some LPs, cassettes, salt glazed jug, Singer sewing machine in cabinet, display cabinet with Normal Rockwell houses, Norman Rockwell plates, books and more.. Tools: New Central Machinery Cement mixer (orange), olds tools, wooden clamps, floor jack, ice saw, wood saws, chain saws, cement tools, bottle jack, painting supplies, wood extension ladder, Craftsman snow plow and grass bagger, grease gun, hose reel, yard tools, etc. Other: Old shutters, garden pond kit, porch/deck spindles, push reel mower, shampooing machine, metal corner stand, large metal chair frames, large coffee maker, metal cabinet, bicycles and more.
Progressive Auction Company, PAC • (717) 917-4224 • PA Auction License AY002223 Check Us Out On AuctionZip: 29667 or
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - 19B
tools and personal property. Art Pannebecker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. TUES., MAY 3 - 5:00 p.m. - Jonathan B. and Den ita J. Schreier, 914 Bellaire Road, Elizabethtown. Coun try brick 4 bedroom split foyer dwelling, 2 car garage, 2 story 24x32 horse barn, 4 acres. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., MAY 5 - 6:00 p.m. - Dennis C. Lehman Estate, 813 Pointview Aven ue, Ephrata. Vinyl sided rancher on a .19 (+/-) acre lot. Art Pannebecker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. FRI., MAY 6 - 9:00 a.m. - Agent for Sellers, 33 Malsnee Road, Reinholds. Farm and construction equipment, vehicles, trac tors, trailers and more. Horning Farm Agency. FRI., MAY 6 - 5:00 p.m. - Mildred S. Mohler, 220 Akron Road, Ephrata. Rural 1-1/2 story 3 bedroom dwelling, garage, 20x32 garage/storage building, 9/10 acre lot. Kline, Kreider
and Good Auctioneers. SAT., MAY 7 - 9:00 a.m. - Jesse W. and Betty (Byler) Miller, 107 Hahnstown Road, Ephrata. 2-1/2 story country 4 bedroom dwelling, 3 car garage/shop 20x54, 1 acre rural lot. Real estate at 1:00 p.m. Personal property, antiques, furniture, collect ibles, appliances, glassware. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., MAY 7 - 2:00 p.m. - Helen G. Knerr, 210 N. 5th Street, Denver. Brick 2.5 story semi-detached dwell ing with approx. 1,286 sq. ft. on a .16 (+/-) acre lot. Art Pannebecker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. MON., MAY 9 - 5:00 p.m. - Henry J. and Barbie A. Glick, 6225 Main Street, Honey Brook. Custom 2-1/2 story 5 bedroom dwelling, 5 years old, 1-1/2 story barn/ shop building 42x48, 1-1/2 acre level lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. WED., MAY 11 - 5:30 p.m. - Kenneth E. and San dra L. Sensenig, 227 Grant
2 Masters Dr., Denver. Rt. 625 N. to Bowmansville. Left W. Maple Grove Rd. Right Horning Rd. to auction on left (corner of Horning Rd. & Masters Dr.). (Brecknock Twp., Lanc. Co.)
Custom 2 sty. brick/vinyl Colonial dwl. w/2543 SF, eat-in kitchen w/oak cabinets & appliances, living rm., sunken family rm. w/cathedral ceiling, brick hearth & gas fireplace, French door to 12x20 deck, 4 bdrms., 4½ baths (1st floor master bdrm. w/bath & walk-in closet), laundry w/washer & dryer., oil air heat & central AC. Also Included: attached 16x18 in-law type quarters w/family rm., bdrm. w/bath & walk-in closet, laundry hook up & electric baseboard heat. Attached 2 car garage all on level ½ ACRE lot w/on-site well & public sewer, mature shade, professional landscaping & 12x24 utility bldg. NOTE: Owner motivated to sell! Spacious house w/4 bdrms., low maintenance & economical. Great Hawk Valley location, minutes to Rt. 625, 897, 222 bypass & Turnpike. Personal inspection by appointment or open house April 9, 16 & 23 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956 717-445-4309
Marie A. Laboranti (Mrs. Jerry B. Laboranti) 717-940-1102
Street, New Holland. 3 bedroom 2 story dwelling, 2 baths, garage, professionally renovated throughout. Mar tin and Rutt Auctioneers. THURS., MAY 12 - 5:30 p.m. - Jean E. Baumiller, 900 Hornig Road, East Lampeter Township. 1,750 sq. ft. m/l bi-level Holland stone/aluminum siding dwelling with 2 car garage. Real estate at 7:00 p.m. Household goods and JD riding mower. Robert E. Martin and Sons, Auction eers. THURS., MAY 12 - 6:00 p.m. - Jessie Hoffman, 515 Edwards Road, Narvon.. Custom 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath on 2.5 acres. Art Pannenecker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. THURS., MAY 12 - 6:00 p.m. - Dorothy Mae Diss
inger Estate, 24 and 46 Palmyra Road, Campbell town. Brick vinyl sided ranch style dwelling on .6 acres (m/l). Horst Auction eers. FRI., MAY 13 - 9:00 a.m. - Joseph and Doris A. Klaassen, 286 W. Maple Grove Rd., Denver. Country brick rancher, garage, 1/2 acre m/l lot. Real estate at 1:00 p.m. Furniture/appli ances, lawn and garden, books, primitives, collect ibles. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., MAY 14 - 8:00 a.m. - Fred Styer Estate, 118 Vine Street, Terre Hill. Personal property, antiques, primi tives, collectibles, furniture, appliances. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. MON., MAY 16 - 1:00 p.m. - Christian K. and Katie
THURS. APRIL 7, 2016 at 4:00 PM
LOCATED AT: 31 Robert Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522 DIRECTIONS: From Rt. 322 & Rt. 272 intersection in Ephrata, travel West on Rt. 322 for 1.5 miles to right on Robert Rd. Auction held in alleyway behind house. LISTING: 2008 White Chevy Express Cargo Van w/ only 52,000 miles, V-8, A/C, good tires, inspected, organizing bins, excellent condition; Kubota G1900 HST diesel tractor w/ 4 wheel steering, mower deck, snow blower & blade; Honda HRX-217 SP mower; Echo CS-450P 18” chain saw; Stihl FS 55RC string trimmer; Stihl blower; Jet JWP-208-1 20” planer; Delta 34-802 unisaw w/ top extension; Grizzley ¾” spindle shaper w/ cutters & guide; Delta power feeder; Delta 12” miter/chop saw; Makita & Milwaukee 1.5” rotary hammers w/ up to 4” concrete bits; Delta DJ-20 8” joiner; Delta 22-560 12.5” portable planer; Dremel scroll saw; Rockwell vertical drill on stand; Ridgid tubing cutters & benders; routers; belt sanders; angle grinders; table saw; bolt cutters; 50+ bar clamps (18”-72”); C-clamps; Quick-grip clamps; Fein multicutting tool; 8’ alum. brake; assort. Dewalt & Makita cordless tools; lots of Craftsman socket sets & wrenches; Milwaukee ½” hammer drill & dozens of good bits; ½” angle drill; Craftsman cut-off saw; assort. size Ridgid pipe wrenches; (2) Alum. & fiberglass exten. Ladders; fiberglass step ladders; torch tanks; 6000 lb floor jack; building jacks; Alum. mower ramps; 35K Reddy-Heater; small air compressor; battery chargers; bench grinder; boxes of PVC joints; lots of plumbing & electrical parts; Copper & PVC tubing; rolls of elec. wiring; elec. breakers & switches; nice hand tools; gas cans; wood stains; Remington model 7600 30-06 carbine w/ Leupold scope; Ithaca model 37 featherlight 12 gauge; bow & arrows in cases; (2) climbing tree stands; hunting ladder stand; hunting items. Ren (owner) passed away suddenly, and we are liquidating entire shop, everything is in working condition (very nice). Serving food! Call/text auctioneer with your questions at 717-587-8906. Please visit our website at Auction By: John J. Rutt II 717-587-8906 Michael J. Martin 717-371-3333 AU-2189-L
NEW HOLLAND, PA Member of PA & National Auctioneers Assoc.
Auction For:
p.m. - Robert A. Meier, Sr., 60 Mountain Spring Road, Stevens. #1 - 1-1/2 story stone 1800’s dwelling, 30x56 bank barn, garage, shop, 6.3 acre farmette. #2 7 acre woodland tract. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., MAY 19 - 6:00 p.m. - Kervin G. and Janet M. Zimmerman, 425 Blue Lake Road, Denver. 2.5 acres, 2,500 sq. ft. custom 3 bedroom split-level, 2 baths, 2 car garage, custom kitchen. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. FRI., MAY 20 - 5:00 p.m. - Brandon and Nancy Funk, 25 Ada Avenue, Strasburg. Split foyer 4 bedroom dwelling, 2 car garage. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers.
“Horst Auction Center” PUBLIC SALE
WED., APRIL 13, 2016
AT 2:00 P.M.
Preview Times - Tuesday, April 12 from 2:00 P.M. thru 5:00 P.M. and Wednesday, April 13 from 8:00 A.M. This is just a partial listing of items to be sold and may be subject to minor changes. *Photos representing the entire auction will be posted on our website on Tuesday, April 12. Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center, 50 Durlach Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522
FURNITURE - Antique, Reproduction & Modern Incl. Bedroom, Dining Room, Living Room, Family Room, Kitchen, Office & Patio (Sets & Individual Pcs.); APPLIANCES; EDISON CYLINDER PHONOGRAPH w/HORN; CLOCKS; LAMPS; SILVER; COPPER & BRASS; WROUGHT & CAST IRON; TINWARE; PEWTER; AGATE; WOODENWARE; CHINA & GLASSWARE; POTTERY; LINENS; BOOKS & PAPER; JEWELRY; ARTWORK; TOYS; TOOLS; BOX LOTS & MANY OTHER ITEMS TO BE SOLD! * Accepted Payments: Cash or PA check. Visa, MasterCard and debit card w/3% fee. No out of state checks without prior approval.
Sale For:
320 Chapel Hill Rd., Sinking Spring (Adamstown/Gouglersville area). Rt. 222 N. from Adamstown. Right Gouglersville Exit. Left Mohns Hill Rd. to Chapel Hill Rd. House corner of Chapel Hill & Mohns Hill.
1 sty. stone rancher w/1456 SF, eat-in kitchen w/Quaker Maid cabinets, dining rm., living rm., 3 bdrms., master bdrm. w/bath & walk-in closet, 2 full baths, 1st floor laundry, full bsmt., elec. heat & 2 car garage. Low maintenance house w/insulated tilt windows & new roof ‘08, 1 ACRE country lot w/farmland boundary, utility bldg., in-ground pool. NOTE: This is an estate auction & serious to sell. Solid, well built stone rancher. Ideal location. Minutes off Rt. 222 bypass & easy access to Rts. 272, 897, 568 & turnpike. Wilson schs. Personal inspection by appointment or open house Sat., April 9 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368)
Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-733-1006 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956
Elizabeth T. Balthaser Estate Betsy A. Althouse, Exc. 610-670-0978 Sally A. Rolinski, Exc. 610-777-5845
S. King, 280 Nottingham Road, Nottingham. 1-1/2 story perma stone 4 bedroom dwelling, 3 car garage, shop, barn, 8/10 acre country lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. TUES., MAY 17 - 5:00 p.m. - Arnold G. and Mel anie N. Martin, 842 May Post Office Road, Strasburg. Country split level dwelling, garage, 26x26 shop, 1 acre rural lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. WED., MAY 18 - 5:00 p.m. - Karl K. Reinhart Estate, 233 Gunhart Road, Mohnton. 17 acre farm w/ creek, 2.5 story 5 bedroom farm house, 3 car garage, 6 horse stall bank barn, shop, equip. building, riding ring. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., MAY 19 - 5:00
SAT., APRIL 30, 2016
Located at 137 E. Church St., Stevens (E. Cocalico Twp., Lanc. Co.) From Rt. 272, take Church St. through Reamstown to sale on right or from Rt. 322, take Hahnstown Rd. (which becomes Church St.) to sale on left. Real estate consists of a 1½ story brick dwelling, built in 1949, containing an eat-in kitchen; a 28’x20’ family room (with brick fireplace & sliding doors to rear concrete patio); two bedrooms; a full bath; and a room once used as a beauty shop all on the main level with ample closets throughout. The upstairs is finished into a large bedroom with plenty of undereave storage. The full basement is partially finished and also contains the laundry hookup. There is approx. 1,884 Sq. Ft. of finished living space. Public water and sewer. Oil forced air heat. All this is situated on a 7.57 (+/-) ACRE LOT along with a two car brick garage, with storage above (one bay is enclosed and finished into a barber shop, but could easily be converted back). There is also a two bay, frame, garage with concrete floor and an additional lean-to implement shed as well as plenty of off-street parking. This property is actually two adjacent parcels which will be sold together. This is a very unique piece of real estate with loads of potential. It is conveniently located and yet offers a nice yard along with acres of woodland. Do not miss this fantastic opportunity! Open Houses to be held Sat., April 16 & Sat., April 23 from 1-3 PM, or by appointment, contact Auctioneer at (717) 371-9603. 10% down day of sale, balance at settlement. No buyers premium! Food and portable toilets onsite. For pictures, visit (auctioneer ID#1536) the week prior to the auction. J. Noel, Att’y
Terms By:
Art Pannebecker & Brad Wolf Auctioneers Inc. Lic. #: AU001476 & AU005308 717-336-6983 (ID#1536)
SAT., APRIL 16, 2016
SALE AT 9:00 A.M. REAL ESTATE AT 1:00PM To be held at 714 Pine St., Denver (Denver Boro, Lanc. Co) From Rt. 272, take Church St. into Denver (which becomes Main St.). Turn right on N. 7th St. followed by a left on Pine St. to property on left. Real estate consists of a 1½ story brick dwelling, built in 1949, containing a custom Rutt cherry kitchen; a dining area; living room; full bath and laundry all on the main level, along with a one-car attached garage. Upstairs, there are three bedrooms and a full bath. The full basement contains an outside entrance and office area. Oil hot water heat. Public water and sewer. All this is situated on a 0.11 (+/-) acre lot along with an attached storage shed. This is a solid and well maintained property in which the sellers are motivated to sell. Do not miss this great opportunity! Open house to be held Sat., Apr. 9 from 1-3pm, or by appointment, contact Auctioneer at (717) 371-9603. 10% down day of sale, balance at settlement. Crawford Maple 3 Pc. Bedroom Suit; Depression Style Chest of Drawers; Oak Chest of Drawers; Oak Desk; Stepback Cupboard; Marble Top Table; Parlor Table; Bamboo Shelf; Washstand; Blanket Chest; Fernery; Curio Cabinet; Breakfast Set; Hutch; Cane Seated Rocker; Clothes Trees; Recliners; A.C. Roseville; Adams Creamer; Majolica; Hummels; Yellowware Bowls; Crocks; Foltz Redware; Fiesta; Pyrex; Depression; Kerosene Lamps; Parlor Light; Pressed/Cut Glass; Hutshenreuther, Germany Set of Dishes; Pfaltzgraf; Sterling Candleholders; Cast Iron Frying Pans; Marietta Kettle; Blue Agate Milk Can; Bookends; Metal Toys; Wooden Blocks; Baseball Cards; Comics; Noisemakers; Ladies Hankies & Hats; Jewelry – Some Gold; Pocket Watches; Pocket Knives; Lighters; Cigar Boxes; Sewing Baskets; Buttons; Table Clothes; Vintage Xmas; Baskets; Bayonet; WWII Items – Badges, Nazi Armband, Papers, Etc; Early Yank Pinups; Many Loval Advertisements Including Denver American Legion Baseball Uniform, Early Sale Bills; Denver Prints & Thermometers, Ribbons & Badges, 1957 Large Aerial of Denver, 1955 Lincoln Carnival Poster, C. Messner Punched Tin Light, A. Shupp Wood Turnings And Many More; Wooden Cutting Board; Small Anvils; John Deere Hardened Implement Hat; Wissler Pig Trough; Sprinkling Can; Galv. Buckets; Wooden Crates; Nail Keg; Milk Box; And Many Other Items Too Numerous to Mention. For pictures, visit (Auctioneer ID # 1536), the week prior to auction. C. Sheidy, Att’y Terms By:
Art Pannebecker & Brad Wolf Auctioneers Inc. #AU001476-L #AU005308-L 717-336-6983
20B - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
Student Spotlight Husson
Ephrata High School EPHRATA
NEW HOLLAND 200 Brimmer Ave. New Holland, PA 17557
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1120 S. State St. Ephrata, PA 17522
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Andrew Husson
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Driven. Determined. Leader. Over his four years of high school, Andrew Husson has shown exemplary leadership skills. He attended the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards at Messiah College this past summer. Only two students from Ephrata were chosen to go. Husson is also the Business Manager for the school newspaper and a member of National Honor Society (NHS) for the past two years. Working as a tutor to help other students is one way Andrew Husson likes to spend his time. He would consider verbal communication a strength of his. “I like to convey new knowledge onto those around me,” states Husson. He also spends his time playing soccer and building model airplanes, but not at the same time. Husson is a very focused person; therefore, he has said that multitasking is one of his greatest weaknesses. Like many high school seniors, Husson finds himself procrastinating on much of his work. Also, if he doesn’t find a meaning or purpose to something he tends to not give it his 100%. “I get frustrated when I do this, though, because everything you do should get your all,” says Husson. Husson has a few role models. One person he has always looked up to was his mother who is a professor of nursing at Penn State – Harrisburg. “No matter what life throws at her, she has always shown tenacity,” he says. “She is the strongest woman I know. I hope I can have half of her resilience.” He also looks up to Mr. Larry Hagen and Mr. Gregory LoPiccolo for their great leadership skills. They have helped shape him and push him unto the paths of Economics and Mathematics/Business as college majors. While Husson is younger he hopes to be able to travel and see other cultures. He has even thought of possibly studying abroad. Husson wouldn’t mind branching out and moving around as well. “At the end of the day, do what you want. Anything else and you will just look back and see a life of ‘what if’s.” Written by: Jade Lamoreaux
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Landon Weaver 7th Grade
Landon Weaver has been chosen as the Lititz Area Mennonite School student of the month. Landon is 13 years old and is in seventh grade this year. His parents are Clair and Gale and his siblings are Ashton, age 16 (who has graduated LAMS), and Madison, age 10, who currently attends LAMS. His favorite classes at LAMS are art and P.E. He is good at art and likes to draw. He also likes running and sports. Some of Landon’s favorite sports are soccer and volleyball (which he plays at LAMS). This year, Landon is participating in the LAMS drama “Crash.” In this play Landon is playing the character of Penn Webb and is really enjoying his part. Some of Landon’s favorite hobbies are dirt biking and working on remote control (RC) cars. He hopes to become a professional dirt biker when he gets older. Landon currently attends Ephrata Community Church (ECC). One of the reasons Landon likes going to school is because of all his friends are there. Landon is very outgoing and loves making new friends. Someone Landon looks up to in his life is Ryan Dungey. He is the reason Landon likes motocross (dirt biking). If there was something Landon could change in this world, it would be that there would be peace instead of violence. Also, that terrorists like ISIS, would be stopped and would know the love of Christ. Written by: Michael Zimmerman
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*Some additional items may be required.