4.29 issue

Page 1




of Lancaster County


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WeDneSDAy, APRiL 29, 2015

Around Town


VoLume L, no. 3

20¢ perr Copy

ReAD THe FuLL iSSue on THe WeB:


Denver Park Holds Festival For entire Family

Also see our complete calendar of events in The Bulletin Board, in this section!

Look in this week’s Things To Do Section starting on Page 13A for:

• Garden Spot Fire Rescue Shrimp & Clam Boil • Schoeneck Fire Company Chicken BBQ • Weaverland Valley Fire Company Ham & Chicken Supper • Akron Fire Company Craftsman Tool Bingo • Akron Church of the Brethren Pork BBQ Dinner FRiDAy, mAy 1 Garden Spot Band Boosters will hold their 2nd Annual Vendor Bingo event at 339 East Main Street, New Holland. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and games start at 6:30 p.m. There is a donation cost. For more information or to purchase tickets, contact Jayne Olin at 717715-7788 or jlo1015@comcast.net.

SATuRDAy, mAy 2 Garden Spot Village, 433 South Kinzer Avenue, New Holland, will host Movies with a Message at 7:00 p.m. There is no cost. For more information, call 717-355-6000.

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese The Denver Park will be the location for an upcoming festival designed for the entire family. The date is Saturday, May 16 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and includes an Arts and Food Festival, Kids Playground Party with Insanity Factor Magic and Balloons, and an Armed Forces Day Cruise and Show, a car show for all makes and models. There will be live music, an Armed Forces tribute at 12:00 noon with free admission. The event will benefit the Denver Fire Company and Denver Park. Shown in the photo, from left to right, are (kneeling) Curt Pearson (Robesonia Redware Pottery), Michelle Bowers (Robesonia Redware Pottery), Charles Messner (Denver Park Vice President), Rich Reinhold (Event Sponsor) and John Weaver (Denver Fire Company) on a 2012 Harley owned by Nelson Good. The Cocalico High School Band and Chorus will play the National Anthem at 12:00 noon. Vendor space is available by calling Don Delp at 717-336-7050. The car featured in the photo is a 1949 Plymouth owned by Richard Reinhold.

Rotary Club Supports Community organizations

SATuRDAy, mAy 2 Grace Church, 62 Hahnstown Road, Ephrata, will host Outside The Box Drama as they present “An Uneasy Settlement” at 6:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served afterwards. For more information, call 717-738-1109.

SATuRDAy, mAy 2 St. Luke’s United Church of Christ, 222 North Broad Street, Lititz, will hold their annual Spring Thing Festival, from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., rain or shine. For more information, call the church at 717-6264978.

monDAy, mAy 4 Martindale Mennonite Church, 171 Hurst Road, Ephrata, will hold their Annual Perennial Exchange. The church opens at 5:45 p.m. with a butterfly seminar starting at 6:30 p.m. with the plant exchange following. For more information, call or text Esther Sensenig at 717336-3715 or email davenes@ ptd.net.

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese The Denver/Ephrata Rotary Club recently presented over $20,000 in contributions to numerous community organizations. Shown in the photo, from left to right, are (seated) Jim Hackett, Ephrata Recreation Center; Duane Crouse, Boy Scouts of America; (standing) Nancy Hamill, Cocalico Community Partnership; Steve Goble, Shelter Box and Rotary President; Todd Goshert, Rotary Member, Event Organizer; Tammy Verbonitz, Adamstown Y; Kyle Sellers, Adamstown Library; and Karen Hummel, Ephrata Area Rehab Services.

2A - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News� MACPA CIRCULATION AUDIT BY

SHOPPING NEWS of Lancaster County


LLMEA Band Festival Participants



Hocking Printing Co., Inc.

Shopping News Co-Founders - John and Janie Hocking *3*7&1 &3&, *7 &741) % *3, *7

President and Publisher - Julie A. Hocking +B(* &3&, *7 &2 4>*7

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Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese Four students from Cocalico Middle School were chosen to participate in this year’s LLMEA Middle School Band Festival, which was held at Ephrata Middle School. This festival recognizes and features some of the finest musicians from Lancaster and Lebanon Counties. Top students were chosen from each district to represent their school. Eighth grade students selected to represent Cocalico were, from left to right, Julia Leedy (Clarinet), Jacob Hill (Alto Saxophone), Will Meckley (Alto Saxophone) and Katherine Miller (French Horn). This festival is a great honor for these students who spent many hours practicing in preparation for the two-day event.



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Ephrata High School Honor Roll The following students from the Ephrata High School achieved Honor Roll status for the third marking period.

Ride Your Way To A Beautiful


Grade 9 Bogdan Balagurak, Dilyn Becker, Timothy Beever, Seth Bollinger, Isaiah Boyer, Ethan Brubaker, Spencer Buccheri, Emelia Butler, Samuel Cable, John Campbell, Brittany Cobb, Joshua Cooper, Krystal Cowan, Bryan Cramer, Edwin Cro-

Ariens Lawn Tractors • Kohler Engines • Gear or Hydrosta c Drive • Electric PTO • Cast Iron Front Axle

ckett, Aaron Cummings, Grace Dalavai, Leann Dukeman, Benjamin Eckman, Alyssa Ehrhart, Nadine Eichenlaub, Jaden Elder, Dylan Embiscuso, Luke Emmerling, Lee Enck, Trey Farlow, Erika Felpel, Alexis Firestone, Alexis Flora, Malva Fulton, Brigette Garcia, Amanda Gauthier, Aubrey Good, Kyle Good, Drake Gooding, Sadie Graeff, Alicia Groff, Kendra Groff, Racquel Hackman, Holden Haws, Samantha Heindel, Alyssa Heiser, Lindsay Helock,



Starting at


Most Insurances Accepted

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Special S i l Financing Fi i Available A * Subject to credit approval. Minimum monthly payments required. See store for details.

MUSSER’S LAWN & GARDEN, LLC 1633 Rothsville Rd., Lititz 717-626-6363

Jeulina Hildebrand, Ethan Huber, Colleen Hurst, Samantha Hurst, Madison Jones, Lauren Kachel, Peter Kitchen, Caleb Kline, Taylor Kozlowski, Karissa Lapp, Megan Lausch, Amber Lee, Connor Lehman, Paul Lowrie, Hannah Lutz, Megan Mahlandt, Jessica Mantsevich, Cheyenne Marnoch, Brian Martin, Adam Maser, Jadan Mays, Kyla McKim, Caleb McKinney, Sarah Megivern, Madison Messner, Nicholas Mich, Mary Miller, Logan Molchany, Alex Morales, Syd-

L.H. ZIMMERMAN, LTD 730 Glenwood Dr., Ephrata 717-733-4193


Dr. Wendy K. Stafford Audiologist

Mon., Tues., Thurs. 9am-3pm Wed. 9am-1pm Closed Fri.

3 Cardinal Drive Stevens, PA 17578



Appearing in our May 6th issue

Tell Mom you LOVE her.... for FREE in our special

Deadline for Tributes is Thursday, April 30 at Noon

16t h A n nu a l

Mother’s SuDay ppl e m e n t Send or drop off a tribute to your Mom with a picture (if you’d like) to:


SHOPPING NEWS of Lancaster County ty

P.O. Box 456, 615 East Main Street eet Ephrata, PA 17522 or email to comp@snews.com m (Subject Line: Mother’s Day)

Tributes should be approximately 200 words in length. gth. Pictures will only be returned with a S.A.S.E. Please include clude a contact name and phone number with your submission.* sion.*

If you have any questions, call us at


Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. *We reserve the right to edit content. Space is limited and submissions ions will be placed as space permits.This free service is provided for readers ders in our delivery area. Not intended for pets.*

You Were Always Th ere

Mom, Through thick and thin, you’ve been there. During my toughest struggles, were there. Through allyou of my y accom compl plishm ishmeents, nts, you aree here. Through everything ng life throws, you are always ways here. Not just for me, but for everyone who surrounds nds you. You never fail to lend d a helping hand. You are so strong and caring, hardworkin rkingg and generous. I’ve never er known you to give on anything or anyone. I up am proud ud to call you my Mom! I cherish erish the time we spend togeth ther er and I know Gabriel cheris ishes hes each and every mome ment nt with his Nana. You are the he best and you deserve the world! Happy ppy Mother’s Day to an awesoome me Mom and Nana. We love ove you so much! Love ve Always, Taija and Gabrie iell

Zim imm me errrma ma m an anĂŠ an nĂŠss Gre re eenh en nh hous o e ou

Bea Be eau auutif aut tifful ul Fl Flowe Flo ow ow wer errs Fo Forr Mo F M Mom m

I Love You Always An



Happy Mother’s Day, Mom. I thought about all the good times we spent togeth ogetheer, r, like sitting on n your y screened-in porchh yyou had at the one hou house, ouse, talking and just rela relaxin laxingg and going ngg to the mount m ains. We we w wen went ent een nt yardd saleing and had so some ome om me re really good ice ce crea ccream m.. In I the evening w wee w went ent spotting forr ddeer, eeer,, sat eer ee sa aatt the fire pit roas roastin sti sti ting hamb hambuurg rrgers rge rg gers and hot ott do ddogs, og , andd bes ogs, og bestt ooff all all,, m makin aking s’more aking s’mor s. Then Th hen enn life l fe took a turn aan li lif and nnd yyo you ou hhad add to to hav havee an an ope operaopera raation. tion tio onnn.. I stood sttooo ood by by you, yoou, tookk yo care of of you yyoou andd didn’t ddidn di idn i n’tt mind. mi m nd. We had haad our ups upps ps and a downs doow wns,, but but I would woul woulldn dn’t dn’t dn’ n t trade you yoou ou for anothe annoothher an err mothe mooth m therr in the whole whho hole ollee world. wor wo orrl rld rld. ld l I love loov ove you alway alwa alwa l ayyss and and forever! eeve ver er! er r!! Your Yourr daugh daugh auugh ghhter, teer, ter te Bev Messn Mess esss es ssne ssn ner er

Mother’s Day S


Buf B uufffe ffet eett wi with itthh A Allll Y You ou

C b Cra Cr $





Vegeta egeta tab ble Plan ble Pl Plants nts t Strawb Strawber awber awberr berr erry e ry

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Soil S o $9 oil $9.94 94 a sscoop sccoop coop co p Deliveryy Availablle S Scoop = 1 cu. yd yd. d


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MON-FRII, $9.95 $9 95



Food M Made Fas Dine In • P

363 N. Read Tel.: (717) 7 Fax: (717) 7

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News� - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 3A

ney Morgan, Tayler Moyer, Faith Myers, Brianna Nelson, David Novokreshchenov, Clay Oberholtzer, Zachary Oberholtzer, Reiley Oleszczuk, Andrey Patrushev, Emily Pauley, Siliphone Phommachanthone, Sarah Pstrak, Caitlin Ream, Brianna Reed, John Rider, Claire Robertson, Rhiannon Roth, Alexis Rupp, Katarina Sandell, Victor Santiago, Ella Schnoor, Adam Schwartz, Anne Sensenig, Jazmin Sensenig, Joseph Shelly, Melanie Shirk, Genesis Sholes, Mark Shyshkovskyy, Kelsie Smith, Kyle Smith, Erica Steffy, Jerel Straley, Christopher Thompson, Chyna Tillman, Hunter Trimble, Daniella Tristaino, Matthew Ueberroth, Misee Vang, Jeremy Watkins, Corbin Weaver, Christian Weber, Brie Weiler, Erielle Wiest, Abagail Winger, Jennie Young, Nathaniel Young, Jordan Zahm, Christopher Zeiset, Bradley Zimmerman, Charles Zimmerman, Joshua Zimmerman, Oksana Zimmerman, Alexis Ziolkowski. Grade 10 Taylor Barnes, Dana Battle, Jairund Baumgardner, Eshkolwein Baykeda, Wyatt Blevins, Samantha Borry, Shaianne Boyer, Collin Brandt, Chelsea Brubaker, Abigail Burkholder, Angel Castillo, Cristin Chon, Robert Crossgrove, Theresa Cummings, Faith Dalavai, Kyle Dawson, Karissa Deiter, Amber Dietrich, Quinn Donahue, Valentin Donchev, Tsveta Doncheva, Christopher Dulaney, Syd-


ney Dundon, Callie Dydo, Trent Eberhart, Nicole Eberly, Tara Eby, Elizabeth Ecenrode, Meredith Fagan, Grace Fertenbaugh, Dustin Fisher, Andrea Flores, Sarah Fox, Louis Fries, Dylan Fritz, Victor Garday, Rebecca Gehman, Eric Giwerowski, Tyler Gleason, Anna Gockley, Christopher Goodman, Emily Groff, Lawrence Hagen, Danielle Ham, Bridgette Hanna, Alexa Hershberger, Christopher Hershberger, Thai Hershberger, Mercedes Hertzog, Christopher Hevener, Johanna Hoffer, Quinn Holdridge, Sara Holtz, Steven

“Prompt, Professional and Courteous Service�


Fresh USA

*H[Ă„ ZO -PSSL[Z $


Fresh USA

Deep Sea Delight

Seafood Salad

3.49 2 lb. bag


Non Food HBC Sensodyne

sel. var., $ 13.5 oz. .................



3.99 16 oz.

5 oz. Buy 1, Get 1



Vegetable Plants Herbs Perennials

New York Strip Steak $


Fresh, Boneless Beef

Chuck Stew Cubes




10 oz.

4.88 ea.








Fresh, Boneless, Tenderized



16 or 18 oz., original or homestyle ........


2/ 6 2/$4

Pork Chops



Gluten Free Rice Cakes

Angel Food Cake

32 oz., sel. flavors ............... Maxwell House



5/ 5

$ 28-30.6 oz., sel. var........... Maxwell House or Gevalia





Tollhouse Cookies

Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Coke Zero

18 oz., original or honey ...


Mayo or Miracle Whip 22-30 oz., sel. var. ............


Leg Qtrs.



¢ lb.





Corn Flakes, Crispix, Cocoa Crispies, Raisin Bran Crunch, Raisin Bran Omega 3, Raisin Bran, Rice Krispies Regular or Gluten Free $ 10.8-18.7 oz. ........................


Chunk Light Tuna 5 oz., water or oil .....................


Aunt Jemima





2.29 1.29


Apricot Donuts



6 pk.




Orange Juice

Shamrock Farms


59 oz. ................... Got Milk

Flavored Milk 12 oz. ....................... Chobani

Flavored Straws


5-6 pk.................... Walnut Creek

Shredded Cheese

Greek Yogurt

5.3 oz. ..............


Select Brand

6-8 oz. ....................


Butter Qtrs. 1 lb. (16 oz.) ............

Pancake Mix or Syrup 24-35 oz., sel. var...................



Frozen Culinary Circle

Dinners & Pot Pies

Rising Crust Pizza asst. var., 14.1-33.5 oz. ...........


Stone Ridge



asst. var., 16 oz.. ..................


does not include flips and oats

Ice Cream


Bumble Bee

Barbeque Sauce

4 oz.

2 oz. all varieties


6 pk.

Try Our New

River Valley

18-20 oz., sel. var................

3.07-5.99 oz., sel. var........ KC Masterpiece



1.79lb. / $ 40 lb. case 1.65lb.

Drink Mix

Gatorade Thirst Quencher

K-Cups Coffee

12/12 oz. or 8/7.5 oz. cans or 8/12 oz. btls.....................


asst. flavors, 1.5 qts... ..................

Country Time or Kool-Aid

6 pk., white, whole grain white, honey wheat, cinnamon raisin ........Buy 1 at $4.39, Get 1


Strawberry Bread


Chicken Breasts


Bone-In, Value Pack lb. $ lb.



10.25-16 oz. ..........

Fresh, Boneless Pork

Breaded Pork Cutlets



Boston Market


5 lb. box





Fresh, Bone-In, Whole or Split

Hamburger Patties

Shoulder/Bolar Roast or Steak


Potato Chips

6.39+ tax

2.49lb. 3.49lb. Chicken Pudding Bread Cordon Bleu Thick $ Casserole Crust 2.99 lb. $ 3.49lb. Sausage Turkey Pizza Cherry Yum Sandwich

asst. flavors, $ 1 qt. ...................


Frozen, 85% Lean

Fresh, Boneless Beef



Homemade Goodness! Soups,

Ice Cream

Pork Riblets



Bacon Cheeseburger Wrap w/chips, pickle & drink

Culinary Circle Frozen, Hormel Bone-In


Apple Pork & Beef E S U O Sausage Ring H SMOKE 2.39 3.99


Hours: Mon.-Fri, 8am-8pm; Sat. 8am-5pm

3.48 qt.

Organic Spinach & Bananas Spring Mix







10 or 11 oz., sel. var. ...........



Sirloin Roast & Chops (Panko or Pako Italian breaded) $ $ lb. lb. lb. Shady Maple Shady Maple Shady Maple Shady Maple Shady Maple Shady Maple Hickory Smoked Hickory Smoked Hickory Smoked Hickory Smoked Pork Bacon


Rt. 322, 2 miles west of Ephrata, left onto Wissler Rd., 1/2 mile on right

3.995 lbs.


Unique Splits

150 Wissler Road


Hamburger Patties

n Great Oill! r G e h T Fresh, Boneless Beef

From the

New Jersey Frozen

Fresh, 80% Lean


4.99+ tax



(Good for one visit to our pharmacy only.)





& drink

Mocha Milkshake

Donald Duck

3/ 1



3.49 lb.


Ground Beef

Fire up the grill!


in our Maple Leaf CafĂŠ.

Washington Grown Gala Apples

Fresh, 80% Lean


American Cheese



Ham, Asparagus & Cheese Omelete w/toast



John F. Martin 120 ct. pre-sliced

California Navels



Pork BBQ Sandwich


bring a new or transferred prescription to our Pharmacy and receive a gift certificate for




1.6 Oz. 2/$6


Green Squash


Coffee & Milk Flavorings


Sweet Onions


2.99 lb.

Got Milk & Johnny Moo Infusions

Lite Cooked Ham

Blue Cheese Crumbles

Maple Leaf Cafe

T he Snack Shack


For any first-time customer,




White American Cheese

Stuffed Chicken Breasts


8.99 lb.

Guernsey’s Gift

Fresh Boneless Skinless



from 10am-2pm Also...Watch for Gluten Free Items Featured Each Week

2.49 lb.

Chicken Breast

Mozzarella Cheese

all var.

planned for

MAY 15-16 & MAY 29-30


Shady Maple

Di Bruno Brothers


Stewed Tomatoes



We will be celebrating by having in-house demos all month with

1.59 lb.

4 ct., 29W, 43W ¢ $ 53W, 72W ...........

Essential Everyday



Light Bulbs


Hanging Baskets

Wild Caught



G re a P r ic e t s

Ocean Perch Fillets

Essential Everyday halogene soft white

* cucumber * lavender cham. * clear * vanilla * aloe 7.5 oz. .........................

3.99 lb.


5 W. Main Street, Ephrata • 733-8800

1324 Main Street, East Earl, PA 17519 ‹ www.shady-maple.com Open Monday-Saturday, 7am-9pm


Liquid Hand Soap



5.66 + tax

sel. var., $ 3.4-4 oz. ................



We are paying top prices for your

macaroni salad, chips and a drink $



(Continued On Page 5A)

Salads Homemade Goodness! “Prompt, Professional and Courteous Service� & Desserts French Toasted SUPER TUESDAY Crunchy Cucumber Cheese Bake May Is SPECIALS MAY 5, 2015 $ GLUTEN FREE 3.49lb. Vegetable Salad Salad



Babunga, Allison Turner, Kasey Umana, Joseph Valent, Nicholas Vanderwende, Karen Vazquez,


8.99 2.5 lb. bag



Ella Stewart, Madison Stoltzfus, Kayci Strous, Simon Stull, Juan Suarez Monsalve, Cameron Terry, Julea Truskey, Rachel Tuli-

Specials Effective April 29 thru May 5, 2015

r Bette ing p Shop

Baltimore Crab family pack


Pert Plus

Thomas Mull, Ceili Neufeld, Abigail Newswanger, Sean O'Hanlon, Kiareliz Ortiz, Juan Pastrana, Hannah Peterson, Alexis Ramos, Daniel Reimel, Gabriella Rios, Jordi Rios, Payton Roberts, Kennedy Root, Alexander Rummel, Kyle Sadorf, Jennica Schafer, Haley Schaller, Darren Schlemm, Wyatt Schwanger, Gavin Seidle, Christine Sensenig, Gabriel Sensenig, Jaden Sensenig, Ryan Sheaffer, Zachary Shellhammer, Tessa Sherk, Isabella Sickafus, Carly Snyder, Halle Snyder, Pamela Sola, Alaina Soldner, Caroline Stauffer,

Tilapia Fillets

6.99 lb.



Homan, Isabella Hoppman, Bradley Horst, Kyra Horst, Sydney Jantzen, Timothy Jefferson, Gladys Johnson, Sarah Johnson, Austin Jones, Carl Joos, Madison Kachel, Molly Kamide, Jazlyn Keith, Rebecca Killinger, Rock Kitch, Mason Klaus, Jordyn Klepchick, Zachary Lefever, Sarah Leisey, Caitlin Luong, Brooke Lutz, Megan Mahoney, Tatyana Mantsevich, Pierce Martin, Timothy Martin, Sean-Michael McCabe, Molly McDyer, Kiersten Miller, Taylor Moore, Christopher Morris, Sierra Mortimer, Eliza Mull,



Zap Ems Entrees asst. var., 7.5 oz.. ........................


Blue Bunny

Frozen Food Value Center

Mini Swirl Peanut Butter Cones $ 8 pk. ............................



Homestyle Lime Jell-O Soup $ 2.79lb. Chicken Mix $ Organic 5.99lb. Banana Chips Garlic Powder $ 4.19lb. $4.99lb. Save




Save $ 2.80

Enjoy Life Authentic Food Gluten Free Multi-Blend Gluten Free Cookies Flour $ 3.99 3 lb. $11.49 Sawyer’s Premium Soup Mixes some var. gluten free 2/$6 Bulk Candy Roasted Salted Mixed Nuts $ 7.99lb.

Green Bean Chips $ 11.19lb.

Peanut Butter Mini Pretzels $ 5.69lb.

is Right Around the Corner GIFT SHOP (located under Smorgasbord)

has Willow Tree Angels, Jewelry, Candy, Bath & Body, Candles, Ladies Handbags & an assortment of Unique Gifts to select from for Mom. S885629

4A - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

social notes women’s news

Engaged Huber-Hurst

The following listing is for the Cocalico and Lititz Mr. and Mrs. Floyd B. Senior Centers. Activities Huber, Denver, announce will be listed according to the engagement of their each Center. Menus are the daughter, Miss Courtney M. same at each location. Huber, Denver, to Mr. Kyle Cocalico Senior Center E. Hurst, New Holland, son The Cocalico Senior of Mr. and Mrs. E. Leon Center, 156 West Main Hurst, New Holland. Street, Reinholds, welcomes The bride-elect is a graduall seniors, age 60 and over. ate of Garden Spot High The Center is handicapped School and is attending accessible and is open Alvernia University for Monday through Friday Nursing. She is employed from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. by Garden Spot Village, Transportation is provided New Holland. for those living in Ephrata, Mr. Hurst is a graduate of Akron, Clay, Denver, East or West Cocalico, Garden Spot High School Brecknock Township and and Universal Technical Institute. He is employed by (Lancaster Hurst Tire Service, East Adamstown County only). Other resi- Earl. dents living in surrounding A July 11, 2015 wedding areas are welcome, but is being planned. transportation is not available. Reservations for lunch and transportation must be Wednesday, April 29: 9:00 made by 11:00 a.m. one day in advance by calling the a.m., Town Meeting; 10:00 a.m., Game Day; 12:00 Center at 717-336-7489. Daily Activities Include: Noon, Lunch.


OPEN HOUSE Conestoga Christian School Thursday, May 7 • 5:30 PM-7:30 PM Open House Highlights • Campus tours • Treasure hunts for the kids • Opportunity to meet faculty and administration • Refreshments • Play area and supervision for the littlest ones

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Thursday, April 30: 9:00 a.m., Bible Study; 10:00 a.m., Trivia; 12:00 Noon, Lunch. Friday, May 1: 9:00 a.m., Exercise; 10:00 a.m., Music by Rick Kilby; 12:00 Noon,

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)/225,1* 7,/( :,1'2: 75($70(176 $5($ 58*6 &$53(7 &/($1,1* ) / 2 2 5 , 1 * 7 , / ( : , 1 ' 2 : 7 5 ( $7 0 ( 1 7 6 $ 5 ( $ 5 8 * 6 & $ 5 3 ( 7 & / ( $ 1 , 1 *


1985 - 2015

Lunch. Monday, May 4: Center Closed - Senior Games at Spooky Nook. Tuesday, May 5: 9:00 a.m., PO-KE-NO; 10:00 a.m., Wii Games; Visit to

*Of Offer ffer cannot be combined combine with other discounts, PA005901 P A005901 p offfers, fers, or previous purchases. other promotional offers, PA005901. A See store for details. PA005901.


Adamstown Library; 12:00 Noon, Lunch. Lititz Senior Center The Lancaster County Office of Aging, Lititz Senior Citizens Center, Lititz United Methodist Church, Lititz, is open Wednesday, Thursday and Monday, from 8:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m., with Coffee and Chat Time at 9:00 a.m. and Lunch served at noon. The Center serves Lancaster County residents of Ephrata, Rothsville, Akron, Neffsville and Lititz areas. Ephrata is also served by van service. Reservations for lunch and transportation need to be made by 11:00 a.m., one day in advance by calling the Center at 717626-2800. Daily Activities Include: Wednesday, April 29: 9:00 a.m., Walkers; 11:00 a.m., Town Meeting; 12:00 Noon, Lunch. Thursday, April 30: 9:15 a.m., Exercise with Lucy; 10:15 a.m., Music and Dancing with “Lost and Found”; 12:00 Noon, Lunch. Monday, May 4: Center Closed - Senior Games. Senior Center Menu Wednesday, April 29: Roast pork, whipped potatoes, sauerkraut, rye bread, applesauce*. Thursday, April 30: Grilled chicken Caesar • New Items Arriving Weekly! • Specializing in Sizes Infant to 4 •

Local Senior Centers List Activities

salad, mixed greens with tomato, homemade noodle soup, crackers, whole wheat brad, diced pears*. Friday, May 1: Potato crusted fish, macaroni and cheese, stewed tomatoes, whole wheat bread, pineapple tidbits and mandarin oranges*. Monday, May 4: Centers Closed - Senior Games at Spooky Nook. Tuesday, May 5: Roast chicken breast with gravy, baby carrots, fresh sweet and sour slaw, whole grain biscuit, sliced peaches*. Milk and bread served with all meals. *Denotes availability of Healthy Choice dessert.

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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 5A

Ephrata President Of Ladies Auxiliary To Visit President of High School theDepartment Ladies Auxiliary to the Honor Roll Veterans of Foreign Wars of (Continued From Page )

Annie Vogt, Ellis Vogt, Calvin Walker, Emily Walker, Alec Weaver, Danika Weaver, Cayla Weitzel, Jordan Welsh, Philip Wenger, Amanda White, Nicholas Wiest, Andrea Wilson, Shane Wright, Lena Zakharov, Aubrey Zimmerman, Macie Zimmerman. Grade 11 Laura Abreu, Cheyenne Angelo, Samwel Anyona, Nicholas Auker, Alexa Axmacher, Brianna Bair, Brianne Balmer, Brandon Beard, Nathan Becker, Tara Bomberger, Ryan Borchert, Alyssa Bricker, Desirae Butler, Jordan Carvell, Justin Carvell, Makenzie Colton, Brittany Contres, Alicia Deiter, Cassandra Dhliwayo-Vaitl, Joshua Dixon, Alexander Dufresne, Anna Dunia, Shaniece Ebelhar, Jesenya Eberly, Joshua Eberly, Peter Ehrhart, Kurt Enck, Laird Farrington, Ethan Fasnacht, Nathaniel Fassnacht, Valerie Fetter, Alexander Fisher, Leah Folkner, Evan Frees, Breana Friday, Lillian Furlow, Patrick Gallagher, Tatianna Garcia, Michelle Gehman, Andrew Gerges, Kelsi Getz, Angel Giroux, Deanna Gockley, Dillon Good, Nicholes Goodman, Gillian Green, Rachel Hackman, Lindsey Halerz, Sara Halligan, Rhett Hart, Amanda Hauser, Cassandra Heil, Kevin Helock, Kelsey Hess, James Hickey, Michael Hirsch, Ryan Holochuck, Samantha Hoover, Hailee Hornberger, Mason


the United States, Brenda M Johnson, will be meeting with the Ephrata VFW Ladies Auxiliary District Nine President, Edith Snyder for an official inspection visit on Sunday, May 3. The inspection meeting will be held at the Columbia VFW. Brenda M. Johnson of Morrisville, was elected Department President of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States at the 90th Department convention held in June 2014. Her theme is “Love for our Veterans” and her colors are White and Navy Blue. On Monday, May 4, President Johnson and President Snyder will be making a tour of the Veterans Coatsville Hospital to spend time with the veterans.


Hornberger, Timothy Horning, Kenzie Horst, Fang Huang, Andrew Husson, Monica Ingram, Drake Jacobs, Oumie Jallow, Elizabeth Johns, Zachary Johnson, Malachi Jones, Emily Karl, Jasmeen Kaur, Brittany Keener, Lauren Kemler, Nicholas Kitchen, Ronald Klopp, Zoe Korpi, Matthew Kreider, Jade Lamoreaux, Abigail Lapp, Jonathan Lausch, Kay Liebl, Spencer Linton, Alex Lopez, Allison Ludwig, Taylor Mahlandt, Alexander Mantsevich, Emily Martin, Erin Martin, Jannah Martin, Keller Martin, Matthew McGillan, Seth McKinney,


Day Meat Sale MAY 14th, 15th & 16th Beef, Pork, Chicken & Fish

MEAT Bone-In

New York Strip Steaks (Value Pk.) ........... $5.99 lb. Boneless

Top Round Steaks or London Broil.......... $4.99 lb. Freirich Petite

Filet of Beef (Asst. Varieties) ..................... $8.69 lb. Boneless & Skinless

Chicken Breasts........................................ $2.49 lb. Boneless & Skinless

Chicken Thighs ......................................... $2.99 lb.

Edras Mendez-Hernandez, Josiah Mercer, Jeffrey Metzler, Hayley Miller, Alexzandra Minnich, Alexander Modrzecki, Kevin Moore, Timothy Moore, Nicholas

mon, Arkadiy Novokreshchenov, Anna Ogilba, Patrick Palma, Nikita Patrushev, Rebekah Pauley, Keegan Peterson, Leah Pfautz, Miranda Pierce, Alexa Potts, Karly Potts, Alexis Presloid, Alex Prince, Roselynn Quick, Anthony Ramos, Kaitlyn Rathman, Jacob Rearich, Taylor Reider, Jeremy Reiff, Idaly Rendon, Savannah Rhoades, Brittany Ritter, Hannah Rodriguez, Mollie Rohrer, Emma Romig, Natalia Roth, Lawrence Rupp, David Schwartz, Erica Sensenig, Grace Sensenig, Makenna Sensenig, Megan Shultz, Alexis Smith, Ashley Smith, Noah Snelson, Jolene Snodderly, Megan Snyder, Nicolas Stauffer, Alexis Steely, Mitchel Storb, Tanna Straley, Kyle Sweigart, Margaret Swenson, Alexandria Tristaino, Yer Vang, Rachel Waddell, Nicole Walker, Charles Warden, Chase Weik, Julie White, Kayla White, Madison White, Stefan Wiebe, Tyler Winters, Rebecca Ya, Kyle Morgan, Christian Morris, Yang, Andrea Zimmerman, Cordell Moyer, Lauren Conrad Zimmerman, ReMoyer, Justin Murphy, bekah Zimmerman, BeaRachel Murphy, Utopia Myers, Sarah Ngernwathana, Joseph Nguyen, Josiah Ni-

Boneless Rolled Shoulder

Picnic Pork Roasts.................................... $2.79 lb. Hatfield

Sweet or Hot Italian Sausage ................... $3.49 lb. Bar S

Meat Franks (Asst. Variety) (Beef Not Included) ................................................... 1 lb. pkg. 5/$5.00 Best Yet

Sliced Bacon ............................. 1 lb. pkg. 2/$5.00

DELI Clearfield American Cheese .................... $5.99 lb. Swiss Cheese ........................................... $4.99 lb. Weiser’s Baked Ham ................................ $5.99 lb. Weiser’s Roast Beef ................................. $9.99 lb. Weiser’s Whole Rotisserie Chicken ......... $5.99 lb. Weiser’s Baked Beans ............................. $2.99 lb. Rotelli Pasta Salad................................... $3.79 lb.




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Phone: 717-859-2765 • weisersmarket.com We reserve the right to limit quantities. No sales to dealers please. Not responsible for typographical errors. Shown for illustration purposes only and do not represent items offered for sale.

Our Own Fresh Cut

Red, Ripe Homegrown

spinach $ 99



a bag

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733-1048 APRIL HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8-7; Sat. 8-5

Mother’s Day!

- Perfect Gifts For Her Huge Assortment of

Hanging Baskets & Planters

Gerbera Daisies IN FULL BLOOM!!

$2.95 a pot

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tomato plants Large Selection of Trellises & Shepherds Hooks


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330 Akron Rd., Ephrata, PA

Large, Red, Seedless

Sat., May 2 • 10AM-2PM

Prices Effective April 27 - May 3, 2015

3/ 34

Fresh Fruits & Vegetables


8” Cherry Pie ........................................... $5.49 ea. Chocolate Chip Cookies........................ $3.49 doz. Vienna Hard Rolls ........................... $1.99 1/2 doz.

Peren nia ls



Hilltop Greenhouse & Produce

Annamary Stoltzfus

Golden Ripe Bananas ...................................44¢ lb. Apples (Asst. Variety) ...................... 3 lb. bag $2.99 Russet Potatoes ............................. 5 lb. bag $1.88 Jumbo Vidalia Onions ...................................88¢ lb. California Iceberg Lettuce ...................... 99¢ head Grape Tomatoes ................................. pint 2/$4.00 Crisp Cucumbers ...................................... 3/$2.00 California Premium Celery Hearts 2 ct. pkg. $1.89 Yellow Cooking Onions ...................... 2 lb. bag 99¢ Georgia Gourmet Stuffing Mushrooms10 oz. $1.99


Knock Out Roses $1999 Garden Seeds Blueberry & Onion Sets $ 99 Bushes 12 Tomatoes


Pork Flat Spare Ribs ................................. $2.49 lb.

Hanging Baskets $

Homeg row n

Minute Maid OJ (Asst. Variety) .......... 59 oz. 2/$5.00 Gatorade (Asst. Variety) ..................... 32 oz. 5/$5.00 Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes ............... 19 oz. 2/$6.00 Kingsford Charcoal (Asst. Variety) ........................................... 11.6-16.4 lb. bag $8.99 Best Yet Aluminum Foil ................ 200 sq. ft. $5.99 Best Yet Peanut Butter .................... 16.3 oz. $1.88 Old El Paso Taco Shells (Asst. Variety) ......... 3/$5.00 Old El Paso Refried Beans (Asst. Variety) ........................................................ 16 oz. 4/$5.00 Old El Paso Taco Sauce ..................... 8 oz. 2/$3.00 Old El Paso Salsa (Asst. Variety) ......... 16 oz. 2/$4.00

(Continued On Page 6A)

18th Anniversary Sale

Get Your Body Summer Ready Naturally


trice Zorrilla, Steven Zuziak. Grade 12 Brandon Adams, Ralph Babunga, Bogdan-Alexander Balagurak, Megan Barolak, Zachary Bartens, Viktoria Bollinger, Edward Bondarenko, Samantha Boyd, Janelle Bradford, Julie Brubacher, Amber Brubaker, Nicole Buitrago, Ryan Burkholder, Andrea Castillo Romero, Grace Chabak, Jeremy Crills, Millo Dadebo, Sarah Dover, Theodore Elliehausen, Michelle Ellis, Kyle Enck, Sara Engle, Ryan Evans, Thomas Evans, Vince Evans, Austin Faust, Madison Fox, Angel Frederick, Julia Freidly, Nataisha Galarza Sanchez, Daryl Gbur, Nathen Gehman, Sarah Gehman, Alicia Getz, Henry Giroux, Bret Goodling, Elizabeth Governanti, Tyler Graham, Jacob Groff, Travis Groff, Katie Hammaker, Kaitlyn Hart, Bree Heagy, Erica Helms, Kylie Helzer, Sarah Heydt, Marissa Hilsher, Matthias Hoffer, Bobbi Horning, Adam Horst, Tyler Jantzen, Tiffany Johns,

$ 50 Heirloom 2pots/ 2 pots/ & MORE!



Huge Selection of Perennials! Jacob’s Ladder • Heuchera • Shasta Daisies Bleeding Heart • Knock Out Roses

Hundreds of Varieties to Choose From! Prompt Delivery!

All Ready To Plant NOW!!!


• Hoover’s Premium Blend .............................. $25.95 • Premium Bark .............................................. $27.95 • Colored Black ...................................... $27.95 • Mushroom Soil................................... $10.95 Prices do not include delivery fee.

a scoop a scoop a scoop

a scoop (1 cu. yd.)

Also Complete Selection of Bagged Mulch

6A - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

Ephrata High School Honor Roll (Continued From Page 5A)

James Johnson, Shane Johnson, Kellee Knauer, Lisa Kramer, Elizabeth Kreider, Lane Kurtz, Samantha Lane, Amanda Latshaw, Kirsten Leach, Katelyn Lehman, Elizabeth Lesher, Kelly Liebl, Richard Long, Austin Lowrey, Robert Lowrie, Regan Luecke, Kylie Luter, Katharine Mahan, Juliya Mantsevich, Jose Marrero Morales, Laura Martin, Linda Martin, Marissa Martin, Anthony Mayer, Scott McChesney, Miranda Means, Christian Miles, Alexis Morgan, Lokav Moua, Melina Moua, Autumn Muckle, Mario Murcia, Daphne Myers, Danielle Newswanger, Benjamin Nicholson, Cherise Nolt, Lukas Olson, Esteban Osorio, Michael Pacheco, Zachary

Peters, Alaysia Pfautz, Brittany Pleger-Bell, Logan Pogwist, Hannah Raezer, Nicholas Ramos, Brittany Reeder, Skyler Reeves, Laura Reinert, Tiana Rios, Zachery Roberts, Nicholas Russo, Debby Saenz, Marta Santos, Zachary Schaller, Katarina Scheck, Brandon Schwark, Austin Sensenig, Alex Shaver, Daniel Sheaffer, Emily Sherk, Allison Smith, Matthew Smith, Hailey Steffy, Lauren Stewart, Erin Sweigart, Brooklyn Thomas, Mercedes Tibbins, Hayley Turner, Erica Voigt, Scott Waller, Lakin Wanous, Logan Weaver, Morgan Weaver, Rachael Weaver, Brian Wentz, Shirley Wentzel, Joseph Wheeler, Colt Willwerth, Samantha Wingenroth, Annie Wise, Julia Witmer, Peneal Wolde, Storm Wright, Emily Yarger, Jenna Yarger, Nicholas Yoder, Katelyn Young, Shirley Young, James Zeamer, David Zimmerman, Noah Zimmerman, Taylor Zvitkovitz.

Akron Lions Club Makes Donation To Ride For Site $249,000 over the last 25 years. All of the money helps to support Vision Corps of Lancaster and the Lebanon County. Many of the lions from the district and the motorcyclist who attend this event make it all possible. The Ride is hosted by the Shoeneck Lions Club. This event starts off with a breakfast from 7:00 a.m. till 9:30 a.m. The ride will take place on Sunday, June 21. The ride is about 75 miles long through Lancaster and Lebanon County with about 150 riders. There is a fee to register, breakfast and dinner are extra. There is entertainment and door prizes at the end of the ride. Join the many motorcyclists on this escorted ride to make a difference for the many people who have sight problems in our own area. Further information and application forms will be at the many motorcycle shops or call 717-859-1614.

ZimmermanÊs Greenhouse

Beautiful Flowers For Mom Lots of Planters & Basket Arrangements...

A Great MotherÊs Day gift!

We Have Roses!

Hanging Baskets Potted Plants Bedding Plants

Closed May 14 Ascension Day

1136 Oaklyn Drive, rive, Narvon

(Off Rt. 625, just South of Bowmansville) Herbs Candy Onions Seed Potatoes Monday-Friday 8am-8pm; Saturday 8-5 Vegetable Plants Strawberry Plants


The Akron Lions Club held its joint meeting with the Schoeneck

Lions club. In the picture on the left is Akron president Bob Hoffman pre-

Sealed bids will be received in the

Cocalico School District, Business Office

senting Schoeneck Lions president Walter Lesher with a check for Ride for Sight. The Akron Lions have been supporting this event for many years. Ride for Sight has raised

800 S. Fourth Street, P.O. Box 800 Denver, Pennsylvania 17517-0800 until May 6, 2015 at 11:00 A.M. for the following:

• Winter Sports Bid specifications and forms can be obtained by visiting our website at https://sites.google.com/a/cocalico.net/ district-office/rfp-bid-information or from the Business Office.

Come see what all the talk is about! 717-445-5445 hawkvalleygolfclub.com 1309 Crestview Drive, Denver, PA 17517 Just minutes from Routes 897 & 625

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RU N MU L F F O40 Groffdale Church Rd. C H R G Leola, PA • 717-656-6826

Premium Bark Mulch .......... $29.00 Colored Mulch ...................... $29.00 Hardwood Mulch ................ $25.00

Mushroom Mulch ................ $10.00 Delivery Available


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Seats are limited. Pre-registration is required.

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10th Anniversary Sale Fri., May 1 & Sat., May 2

Refreshments • Door Prizes • Discounts

Beat Be at tthe hee M Mother’s othe ot her’ he r s Da Dayy ru rush sh & ssave! ave! av e!

Hanging Baskets • Planters • Annuals • Perennials • Veg. Plants • Potting Soil • Neat Gifts • Garden Décor

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r i ng Fe at u Playsafer Rubber Mulch Closed Sunday

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Sc ho en ec kR d

Longhorn.......................................................lb. $2.99 Picnic Roll......................................................lb. $1.99 Ocean Spray Drinks ........................................64 oz. 2/$3.00 Strawberry Fruit Twists .........................................3.8 oz. 99¢ Dr. Pepper .............................................16 oz. bottles, 24 cnt. $8.99

Av e

Specials for April 27 - May 2

Monday, May 11, 2015 6:00 p.m.

Ch ur ch


2 O’Clock k Creations Crea C reattion ions

at Cocalico Creek Greenhouse

Distressed Furniture &

ng Chic Chalk Paint selli Tables & Chairs,Country Hutches, Desk, Vanity, Buffets, End Tables, Sideboards, Servers & Dressers

VOC free paint goes on anything. Very little prep work, goes over stain. 30 beautiful colors in stock. Available in qts., qt pts. & 4 oz.

NEW! Limited Edition Colors coming April 1st!

Snyder’s Salted Caramel

Pretzel Pieces 10 oz. $1.89

Post Berry Pebbles Cereal 11 oz. Crunch ‘n Munch Buttery Toffee 3.5 oz.

Popcorn w/Peanuts


Hills Country Fare Lean, Frozen 8 oz.


Dinner Variety


Clover Valley Corn or Vegetable

Oil 48oz. $2.49

Groceries • Meat • Cheeses • Fruit Produce • Bulk Food HOURS: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 8AM-8PM Wed. & Sat. 8AM-5PM • CLOSED Sunday

30 Willow Street, Adamstown (off 272 at the light after Adamstown Library)


Credit Cards Accepted

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News� - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 7A

Loyalty – A Commitment

The first day of May is Loyalty Day and as such, it is filled with activities designed to involve the community in an overt display of loyalty to the flag and country. Therefore, every loyal citizen should eagerly participate in the festivities in an effort to make this Loyalty Day the best. Loyalty Day has become a tradition with the Veterans of Foreign Wars. With the passage of Public Law 85-529 on July 18, 1958, the VFW won a long, hard battle to have Loyalty Day approved by Congress. However, this day does not belong to the VFW alone. It belongs to all Americans. Most Americans have heard the quote, “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.� This is a sound principle to live by in a country such as ours, where the people elect the government and where public is expected to participate in the governing process. In these times of global turbulence, Americans should pause and ask themselves, “What have we done and what are we now doing to demonstrate to the world just how we feel about our country?� After all, ours is a country that held high the beacon of liberty and asked nothing of other nations except that they send to her, in the words of Emma Lazarus emblazoned on the Statue of Liberty, “their huddled masses yearning to breathe free.� Ours is a country that has taken the abstract ideal of “freedom and justice for all� and made it into a way of life. We must pledge ourselves to maintain a free society in which loyalty is always encouraged and respected, for without loyalty, the United States, the world’s best hope for a future blessed with freedom, cannot long survive. If you fail, the flame will diminish and fade forever. So, join in and become a part of the Loyalty Day celebrations. Let the world, and especially our service men and women who are fighting to keep this freedom, know that Americans are behind their country and that America, because of this, is a strong and vibrant nation. The National Department of PA, District 9 and the local VFW and Ladies Auxiliary of Lititz Springs Post 1463 urge everyone to fly the United States Flag on this important date in history. Anne Loechner Patriotic Instructor Lititz Springs VFWLA Post 1463

Obituaries Robert K. Rivard, 67, husband of Michelle (Bennett) Rivard, Lititz, died Monday, April 6. Besides his wife, he is survived by two sons: Robert Rivard, husband of Joanna, Landisville, and Royce Rivard, Lititz; a daughter, Lauren Rivard, Lancaster; a stepdaughter, Devin Neu, Syracuse, New York; five grandchildren; and a sister, Gay Parsons, Carmel, California. Albert L. Ferguson, 88, husband of Helen E. (Breese) Ferguson, Lititz, died Tuesday, April 14. Besides his wife, he is survived by a son, Carl “Billy� Ferguson, York; a daughter, Sandra, wife of Timothy Bupp, York; two grandchildren; a stepson, Rex White, husband of Sandra, Pittsburgh; a stepdaughter, Wen-dy White, Lancaster; a brother, Raymond Ferguson, husband of Janet, Mercer; and a sister, Edna Nulph, Grove City. Jeanette Shaw, 59, wife of Matthew Shaw, Ephrata, died Wednesday, April 15. Besides her husband, she is survived by a son, Matthew Jones, III, Willow Grove; two daughters:

Now thru April 30, 2015 Window Treatments

Maureen Jones, Rockledge, and Katherine Jones, Ephrata; two grandchildren; and a brother, William, husband of Linda McKee, Huntingdon Valley. She was preceded in death by a son, John Jones. Lina L. Thomas, 68, Ephrata, died Wednesday, April 15. She is survived by a son, Robert L. Curtis II; four brothers: Charles Thomas, Uniontown; Barry, husband of Ramona Thomas, Uniontown; Bruce, husband of Ida Thomas, Uniontown; and Samuel, husband of Jodi Thomas, Ephrata; and four sisters: Gloria Kostelnik, Union-

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Phone (717) 738-9086 1614 DIVISION HWY., EPHRATA, PA 17522 Mon., Tues., Wed. 8:00-6:00; Thurs. & Fri. 8:00-8:30; Sat. 8:00-5:00; Closed Sunday

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1985 - 2015

(Continued On Page 8A)

Classified Advertising Network



Elizabeth Hornberger, Mount Vernon, Ohio. Robert F. Tompers, 68, husband of Janice E. (Zell) Tompers, Ephrata, died Thursday, April 16. Besides his wife, he is survived by a daughter, Dennie, wife of Kendra Frederick, Cambridge, Massachusetts; two grandchildren; six sisters: Yvonne, California; Colette, California; Pat, Pennsylvania; Diana, Pennsylvania; Cindy, Texas; and Susan, Austria; a stepfather, John Erbaugh, California; and a stepmother, Elizabeth Tompers, Texas. Elam R. Zimmerman, 85, husband of Ellen Z. Zimm(Newswanger) erman, Ephrata, died Thursday, April 16. Besides his wife, he is




town; Charlene, wife of Wilbert Blackstone, Uniontown; Ada, wife of Robert Clark, Uniontown; and Lelia Thomas, Uniontown. Jacob A. Messner, 93, Denver Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, formerly of Douglassville, died Thursday, April 16. He was the husband of the late Edna I. (Shober) Messner. He is survived by two sons: Brent A., husband of Janet (Mehle) Messner, Sinking Spring, and Kerry L., husband of Sandra (Hurst) Messner, Pottstown; three grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; two brothers: John Messner, Mohnton, and James, husband of Susan Messner, Mohnton; and two sisters: Mary Ellen, wife of Robert Althouse, Mohnton, and

*Offers cannot be combined with other discounts, other promotional offers or previous purchases. PA005901 PA005901

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Fully Cooked

Salisbury Steak Patties ....................................... lb. $1.69 Sausage Pepperoni Pizza.....................................17 oz.


Fine Line Cut Beans .....................................2 lb.


Uncooked Breaded

Chicken Pattie Fritters ..................................... lb. $1.49 ct.

Turkey Hill Vanilla Ice Cream ..................3 gal.



“My new apartment already feels like home! Stop in, take a tour, and see for yourself.� – resident, Judy High

OPEN HOUSE Sunday, May 17 1 - 3pm Entertainment by Sentimental Journey

lb. pk.


Nestle Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ....... 32 oz.



Cheese Slices ...........12



Cheddar Wedges .... 7.1


Lance Variety Pack Crackers .......................... 8 pk.

100 North State Street, Ephrata, PA 17522 www.KeystoneVilla.com |





Cheddar Cheese Soup ..........................................15


Palmolive Variety




DELI: Mozzarella

Cheese Chunks ............ lb. $2.69 J.F. Martin Dutch Country Ham..............................whole, lb. ............................................. sliced, lb.

$3.09 $3.29


Marble Cheese ............. lb. $3.39



FRUIT & PRODUCE Cameo Apples ...... basket $8.95 ................................................. lb. 79¢ Beefsteak

Gatorade Powder ... 51


Daiya Dairy Free

New York

NOW OPEN with immediate availability in


Riptide Rush


Hormel Lemon Garlic or Mesquite BBQ Pork Loins ........................... lb. $1.99

Canadian Bacon...1


Nature Valley Sweet & Salty Granola Bars............. 30 ct.

Dish Detergent ..... 25

Turkey Hill Round Vanilla

Ice Cream Sandwiches ................ 24

Mom’s Natural Mallow Oats Cereal ................................16 oz.

Tomatoes ........................... lb. 89¢


Onions .................. 3

lb. bag


New Crop B Size

Red or White Potatoes ... lb. 79¢ Broccoli Crowns ........ lb. $1.19


8A - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News�

Obituaries (Continued From Page 7A)

survived by four sons: Amos, husband of Susie Zimmerman, Mifflinburg; Elam, husband of Pauline Zimmerman, Stanley, New York; Luke, husband of Mary Zimmerman, Lititz; and Jonathan Zimmerman, at home; six daughters: Edna, wife of Melvin Martin, Ephrata; Florence, wife of Warren Nolt, Leola; Lydia, wife of Amos Zimmerman, Ephrata; Elva, wife of Ervin Zimmerman, Ephrata; Ellen Zimmerman, at home; and Susan Zimmerman, at home; 56 grand-

children; 59 great-grandchildren; and a sister, Frances, wife of Paul Burkholder, Leola. He was preceded in death by a great-grandchild. Earl B. Petticoffer, 98, Lititz, died Friday, April 17. He was the husband of the late Pauline Hollinger Petticoffer, and the late Esther Wolgemuth Petticoffer. He is survived by two daughters: Carolyn, wife of Thomas Fritz, Manheim, and Kathleen, wife of William (Dale) Fry, Jr., Lititz; three grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Julia Ann

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Petticoffer. Elijah Louis Stanley, 88, husband of Pauline (Stro-ther) Stanley, Stevens, died Friday, April 17. Besides his wife, he is survived by two sons: Stephen W., husband of Dianna (Windsor) Shull, Denver, and Baxter Lee Stanley, Halifax, Nova Scotia; a daughter, Brenda Stanley Hart, Asheboro,

North Carolina; and nine grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a son, Danny Allen Stanley. Beverly Ann Sauder Milanowicz, 64, wife of Roman Milanowicz, Lititz, died Saturday, April 18. Besides her husband, she is survived by a son, John, husband of Michelle Shoultz, Lititz; a daughter,

Who Says You Can’t Carpet The Outdoors?

# / z

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• Carpet • Tile • Vinyl • Laminate

• Porches • Pool Side • Patios


Michelle Storrs, Greenville, New York; two stepsons: Matthew Milanowicz, Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Chief Petty Officer Jeffrey Milanowicz, Virginia Beach, Virginia; and 12 grandchildren. Travis S. Ewell, 38, Narvon, died Sunday, April 19. He is survived by his parents: James H. Ewell, Narvon, and Bonieta L. (Wise) Shenk, Leola; a stepfather, Rickie Shenk, Leola; and a brother, Robert J. Ewell, Lancaster. Ying Yuk Leung, 74, Lititz, died Sunday, April 19. She is survived by four sons: Steven Van Liang, husband of Suzanne, Lancaster; John Huy Liang, husband of Kaylin, Lancaster; Dr. Anthony T. Liang, husband of Dr. Anh Nguyen-Liang, Lancaster; and Vinh Liang, Lancaster; two daughters: Cynthia Phung, wife of Hao, Lancaster, and Rebecca Tran, wife of Tho, Lititz; and ten grandchildren. June B. Stauffer, 85, Pleasant View Retirement Community, formerly of Akron, died Sunday, April 19. She is survived by a brother, Everett B. “Tim� Stauffer, Pleasant View.

Mon. & Thurs. 9:30-7; Tues., Wed. & Fri. 9:30-5:30; Sat. 9:30-5

She was preceded in death by her companion, Ben Daniels. Lester Clayton Weber, 89, husband of Lydia Weber, Lititz, died Sunday, April 19. Besides his wife, he is survived by two sons: Steven Weber, and Philip, husband of Sharon Esterly; two daughters: Louisa, wife of Thomas Martin, and Bonnie, wife of David Lehman; seven grandchildren; and three brothers: Elvin Weber; John Weber, husband of Arlene; and Richard Weber, husband of Viola. Harold Dale Weaver, 74, husband of Barbara (Axe) Weaver, Lititz, died Monday, April 20. Besides his wife, he is survived by three sons: Douglas, husband of Arlene Weaver, Sarasota, Florida; Curtis, husband of Jackie Weaver, Sarasota, Florida; and Terry Weaver, Lancaster; five grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a son, Michael.

Sealed bids will be received in the

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Bid specifications and forms can be obtained by visiting our website at https://sites.google.com/a/cocalico.net/ district-office/rfp-bid-information or from the Business Office.

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Only 1/2 mi. from Ephrata Walmart

Petunia DAYS!! 20-30 APRIL

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Horst Auctioneers & Boyer Motor Co.

Adair’s Brunnerville Carpet Shop, Inc. Aevidum Financial Services Backof, Dr. John S., DDS Bareville Bathcrest Associates Berlanco Insurance Agency Bicycle Barn, LLC Bill’s Carpet & Flooring Blue Ridge Furniture Boyer Motor Co. Cocalico Plumbing & Heating Colliflower, Inc. Colonial Lodge Community Country Lane Flowers Dance Studio, The Douple Agency Inc. Eby Exteriors, Inc. Elite Services, Inc. Ephrata East End Mart, Inc. Ephrata National Bank Ephrata Re-Uzit Stores Flomerfelt, Christine (State Farm) Floor World Fritz, C.L. & Son Electrical Contractor Frontier Communications Fruittastic Gehret Associates, Inc. Georgelis Orthodontics, PC Gingrich Builders Good, Lin & Son Grove, George J. & Son, Inc. Groves, The

Harvest Dental Hertzog’s Garage & Used Cars Ingham’s Powder Coating Johnny’s Bar & Steakhouse Kwik Family of Businesses Kyma Seafood Grill Lancaster Mennonite School Laser Lab, Inc. Latanishen Chiropractic Leid, Lorah & Co., P.C. Maaco Collision Repair & Auto Painting Marte, Matthew Agency, The (Nationwide) Martin’s Flooring, Inc. Morphy Auctions Mountain Top Financial Advisors Musser’s Excavating New Holland Veterinary Hospital Poole, Dr. William E., DDS, P.C. Schuylkill Valley Sports Schwanger Brothers & Co., Inc. Senior Helpers Sensenig Hardware Sheidy, Charles W., Law Office Signature Dance Studio, LLC Styles Consignment Boutique Transitions Solutions for Seniors, LLC Unruh Insurance Vito Vino Wine Shop Weaver’s Store, Inc. White Family Dental Yocum Plumbing & Drain Cleaning Zimmerman, Pfannebecker, Nuffort & Albert, LLP

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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 9A




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1717 West Main Street, Ephrata

717-738-3754 Hours: Mon.-Sat. 7am-9pm; Closed Sunday



WHILE SUPPLIES LAST • NO RAIN CHECKS Phone Orders Accepted Mon. Thru Noon On Wed., April 29, 2015

85% Lean

Ground Beef Sold in 10 lb. Bags


John F. Martin

Bottom Rounds



Boneless 3-4 Lb.



Boneless & Skinless

Chicken Thighs

Sold in 10 lb. Bag





Chicken Breasts

Cut Free into Chops/Roasts


5 Lb. Block ($1.95 lb.)

Boneless & Skinless

Pork Loin





Sold in 10 lb. Bag




Quantity Rights Reserved. No Rain Checks. Not Responsible For Typographical Errors.

339 899 699 69¢ 169 189 379 599

Whole Eye

Round Cut into Roasts or Steaks ............


Frozen Haddock

Whole Rib

Eyes (Delmonico) Cut Free into Steaks........


41-50 Ct. Ez Peel Shrimp

Whole NY

Strip Cut Free into Steaks..........................


Littleneck Clams


Claw Crab

Reg. or Turkey - 1 lb. Pack ..


Round Farmers

Ham Sliced .................................


John F. Martin • Reg. Franks


John F. Martin • Cheese Franks


John F. Martin Pork

Whole Chicken

Legs 40 lb. case ONLY ............

John F. Martin Scrapple Hormel Cooked

Kunzler Bologna

Lebanon or Sweet............................

Salmon Fillets Frozen, Boneless, Wild Caught..24oz.

Day mEAT SALE Thurs., April 30th


Large Cheese

Danish $ 59

Pizza $ 59



Whole Boneless 8-10 Lb.

Pork Roast





American Cheese

Sold in 5 Lb. Packs

Cut Free into Roasts & Steaks


John F. Martin • Pre-Sliced

Whole 12-15 lb.



Orig. $3.99




at Martin’s

Café Specials

April 27 - May 2

Orig. $5.99


399 549 2/500 799 225 169 189 149

Sold in 5 lb. Box ($19.95) ................


Sold ONLY in 2 lb. Bags...

Frozen, 1 lb. Bag............................


Meat 1 lb. Can ........................................


Cheese 4 lb. Roll ...................

1 lb. Packs ....................

lb. lb.

1 lb. Packs ...............


Roll Deli Sliced ........................


Café One Day Meat Sale Special Available Thursday, April 30 BREAKFAST 7-11 AM

¢ 99 Egg & Cheese Muffin Hot Dog, Chips & Drink 99¢

11-7 PM •

All Prices With Gold Card • Effective Mon., April 27 Thru Sat., May 2, 2015



Tropical Sweet! Sweet!

California Crisp!

Georgia Grown!

“Golden Ripe”

“Large Size” Iceberg Lettuce

“Jumbo Sweet” Vidalia Onions


39¢ 99¢ 88¢ 19 ¢ 1 Apples 99 Celery lb.

hea head


Crisp Sweet!

California Fresh! Fresh!

“Royal Gala”

“Large Stalk”


Seafood Tent

is BACK!

Wed. 4/29; Thurs. & Fri. 4/30-5/1 10AM-7PM; Sat. 5/2 10AM-2PM Or SOLD OUT

Martin’s Country Market reserves the right to limit quantities.

Fish or Crab Cake Sandwich Drink & Chips

$ 75


Oyster Sandwich Drink & Chips

$ 75


10A - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News�

Elanco Library Programs ELANCO Library, 11 Chestnut Drive, New Holland, will be offering the following events in May. Registration is required for all library programs. To register, or for more information, please call the library at 717-3540525. The library will be closed on Saturday, May 23 and Monday, May 25 for

the Memorial Day holiday. Preschool Story Time Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. For ages three to five. Preschoolers will enjoy themed books, songs, rhymes, movement activities or a craft while building language and literacy skills. In May, our stories will be about places to go. • Wednesday Wii - Wednesdays from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. For all ages! Join the library in the children's library to play Wii games. • Friday Frolic for Toddlers - Fridays at 10:30

a.m. For walking toddlers ages one to three. Get ready to move! Toddlers will dance, zoom, scoot and hop between stories selected to promote language development. All adults are expected to participate and encourage the children to join in the fun. • Stay & Play - Fridays at 11:15 a.m. For ages one to three. Approximately 15 minutes after the toddler story time ends, they'll get out the toys! Chat with other parents and caregivers while the kids play.

Akron Elementary Mountaineer Slip Winners

Our Highly Anticipated 14th Annual Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese The Mountaineer Prize Slip winners were chosen at Akron Elementary School recently. They include: Josiah Durling, Michael Straubel, Samantha Bickel, Brynn Raski, Jianna Long, Kayla Campalans, Iris Lehman, Bryce Mizeras, Madison Wenger, Daniel Weaver, Stephen Marquis, Anastasia Lehman, Mason Diehm, Alexis Kanter and Emma Kanter.


Flower Sale 1st Weekend: Thurs., April 23 thru Sat., April 25 2nd Weekend: Thurs., April 30 thru Sat., May 2 8am to 8pm • Closed Sundays

Wholesale Prices for These Two Weekends Only!

Bedding & Gerbera Daisies, Vegetable Plants ts


Over 100,000

Non-Stop & Rieger Begonias

3 10 or more $3.35 each Sale Price*

$ 50

Sale Price*



5 or more only $11 each Mix or Match Any Packs!

Tropical Plants

10% OFF

18 each, $ 2 for 35, $ * 3 for 45



Hanging Baskets

Over 120 Varieties

Perennial Plants

10% OFF

Boston Fern Baskets Sale Price* $ each $ or 3 for





Roses Sale Price* $ 95 each

18 or 3 for $50

Sale Price*

up online alerts of new publications from your favorite authors and reserve a book or DVD from home from any library in the county and pick it up at Elanco Library. There will be ample time for questions, optional library tour included. • Super Readers Council: Kids Book Club - Monday, May 4 at 6:30 p.m. For grades kindergarten through sixth. Read a book. ANY BOOK! Bring it along for discussion and fun!

A. B. MARTIN Roofing Supply, llc



Come see our NEW

Garden Railway!

April 27


10 or more $2.35 each

Sale Price*

May 2

100 100 off


Accent Plants

$ 50

*Prices and discounts valid for these two weekends, while supplies last. Sorry, no rain checks. No other discounts applicable. Come early for best selection.

Comic Store in Lancaster. • Meet the Artist: Barb Baxter - Saturday, May 2 at 11:00 a.m. Barb Baxter is a local artist specializing in water colors. Her art will be on display in the library during the month of May; join us for a reception and meet the artist. • The Power of a Card Library Orientation Saturday, May 2 at 11:00 a.m. Want to save time and maximize your use of your library card? At this library orientation, learn how to set

5 or more baskets for only $12 each

Geraniums, Dahlias, Wave Petunias & Others Sale Price*

Flowering 12� Combo Baskets

• Math and Science Tutoring - Tuesdays and Thursdays, by appointment. Advance registration is required. The ELANCO Library is partnering with L&T Engineering to provide free tutors for ELANCO students. Tutors are available to help with math and science for all grade levels. • Free Comic Book Day Saturday, May 2 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Stop by the children’s library and get a free comic book! Comics provided by The



$ 75


10 or more $1.50 each


M18 kit & accessory sets

+ Free 4.0 4.0 Battery See store for details.


Bring big summer plans to life with the l ow-rate H ome Equity Line of Credit from JBT. Use the funds to get the job done, plus consolidate several bills into a single monthly payment. Nothing is more convenient! With JBT, you can always Bank on a Smile.ÂŽ

bankjbt.com *These are ranges of APR’s available. Actual APR is based on creditworthiness. Introductory APR is ďŹ xed for the ďŹ rst year. Thereafter, APR is a variable rate, based on an index ( Wall Street Journal Prime ) plus a margin of 0% to 1.5% ( currently 3.25% to 4.75%). APR’s are accurate as of 4 / 08 /15. The maximum APR is 18.0 0% . Offer applies only to new JBT Home Equity Line of Credit customers. Fees from $75 to $ 2,5 40 will apply. A property evaluation or appraisal is required. Property insurance is required. Depending on the loan amount and the purpose of the loan, title insurance may be required (which is included in the range of fees above ). You will be required to pay these third - party charges at settlement.Consult tax advisor regarding deductibility of interest. • Jonestown Bank & Trust Co.


While supplies last. Not responsible for typographical errors. Does not include lumber and building materials. Special pricing and discounts valid from 4/26/15 - 5/3/15. Cash, Check and Credit Card sales only. *Can not be combined with any other offers, discounts, or promotions.


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Only y at Ephrata p Location 82 Garden Spot Road Ephrata, PA 17522

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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 11A

1. Is the book of 2 Samuel in the Old or New Testament or neither? 2. In Luke 22, Jesus’ disciples followed Him to what “Mount of”? Carmel, Zion, Olives, Pisgah 3. What future Israelite leader as a baby was described as “exceedingly fair”? Solomon, David, Herod, Moses 4. From Judges 16, how many times did Delilah say Samson mocked her? 1, 3, 5, 7 5. According to Ecclesiastes 6, what has already been named? Everything, Stars, Fishes, Great Sea 6. The name Lucifer means what kind of “bearer” in Latin? Gift, False, Light, Demonic ANSWERS: 1) Old; 2) Olives; 3) Moses; 4) 3; 5) Everything; 6) Light Wilson Casey’s “Bedlam on the West Virginia Rails,” a firsthand true account of America’s last moving-train robber, is available from HistoryPress.net. © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

• Readers’ Roundtable Book Discussion - Monday, May 4 at 7:00 p.m. This month, the book club will discuss Eighty Days by Matthew Goodman. • Mother’s Day Craft Wednesday, May 6 at 6:30

p.m. Ages 3 to 12. Make a craft for mom! • All Aboard! Sensory Story Time - Saturday, May 9 at 8:30 a.m. For children with specials needs, ages three to eight. This story time is designed for children with special needs. Participants will enjoy stories, songs, and activities that will improve literacy and social skills. This program will take place when the library is closed, so preregistration is imperative. This program is funded by the Kiwanis Club of New Holland. • Lego Block Party Monday, May 11 at 6:30 p.m. For ages three and up. Join the Lego Design Team! Once a month, they’ll build creations out of Lego® Bricks that will be displayed in the Library. • Danger Club - Thursday, May 14 at 6:30 p.m. For grades kindergarten through sixth. They’ve made bottle rockets, crushed fettuccine bridges and shocked themselves. Wondering what they’ll do

Ephrata Re-Uzit Shop

Give a Re-Uzit Gift Card!

Clothing & Housewares Green Tagged Adult Clothing & Housewares

50% OFF 20 East Main St., Ephrata • 733-4982 Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-5 • Fri. 9-8 • Sat. 9-4

next? You have to sign up to find out! • Garden Spot Middle School Art Show - Friday, May 15 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Saturday, May 16 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Enjoy refreshments, music, and outstanding art created by local middle school artists. Students in Ken Herr’s art classes at Garden Spot Middle School will be here to showcase items that they have created

throughout the semester. Don’t miss this opportunity to support local youths, the fine arts, and your community library! • After Hours Teen Fandom Event - Saturday, May 16, 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. For grades 7 to 12. Teens are invited to dress in costume to represent their favorite fandom and join the Elanco Library for games, snacks and karaoke.

• Teen Advisory Group Monday, May 18 at 6:30 p.m. For grades 7 to 12. Help plan future teen events at the library. • Teen Book Club Monday, May 18 at 7:00 p.m. For grades 7 to 12. They’ll talk about books and eat. Bring along a book you’ve read recently for discussion. • Book Bingo - Thursday, May 28 at 2:00 p.m. Family Event – for all ages. ELAN-

CO Schools have early dismissal! They're playing bingo at the library and the prizes are books! Win some new titles to read this summer! The Eastern Lancaster County Library’s hours are Monday through Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., and Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

won’t want to let this rate go.

3.49 3.25









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Visit one of our conveniently located Branch Offices to experience our friendly service. Centerville 301 Centerville Road, Lancaster, 717-735-3871 Columbia 921 Lancaster Avenue, Columbia, 717-684-6872 Columbia 10 South 18th Street, Columbia, 717-684-5619 Elizabethtown 1275 South Market Street, Elizabethtown, 717-367-9652 Ephrata 1759 West Main Street, Ephrata, 717-733-9930 Hempfield 190 Stony Battery Road, Landisville, 717-898-3531 Lancaster 38 East Roseville Road, Lancaster, 717-581-0948

Lancaster 1625 Old Philadelphia Pike, Lancaster, 717-735-3626 Lancaster 600 Richmond Drive, Lancaster, 717-560-2040 Manheim 701 Lancaster Road, Manheim, 717-665-6518 Marietta 1205 River Road, Marietta, 717-426-2602 Maytown 100 West High Street, Maytown, 717-426-4129 Mount Joy 101 East Main Street, Mount Joy, 717-653-0637 Rohrerstown 2134 Marietta Avenue, Lancaster, 717-299-4016

Friday, May 1 • Book Sale

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3.49% Home Equity Term Loan Special: Minimum $50,000 loan and maximum 80% loan to value (LTV). Minimum $50,000 of new money loaned. Minimum credit score of 675. 3.49% Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is for first lien position only. Term of the loan is 180 months. Requires a UCB account with automatic monthly loan payment. Payment example: 3.49% APR for 180 monthly payments of $7.14 per $1000 borrowed. A $50,000 loan payment would be $357.20 per month. Other rates and terms available. Collateral must be a single-family owner-occupied residence. $250 processing fee waived (excluding appraisal fees if required). Homeowner’s and flood insurance (if applicable) required. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Subject to credit approval. Offer not applicable for home purchases. Published rates subject to change. 3.25% Home Equity Term Loan Special: Minimum $50,000 loan and maximum 80% loan to value (LTV). Minimum $50,000 of new money loaned. Minimum credit score of 675. 3.25% Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is for first lien position only. Term of the loan is 12 to 120 months. Requires a UCB account with automatic monthly loan payment. Payment example: 3.25% APR for 120 monthly payments of $9.77 per $1000 borrowed. A $50,000 loan payment would be $488.60 per month. Other rates and terms available. Collateral must be a single-family owner-occupied residence. $250 processing fee waived (excluding appraisal fees if required). Homeowner’s and flood insurance (if applicable) required. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Subject to credit approval. Offer not applicable for home purchases. Published rates subject to change.

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12A - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

Es Pennsilfaanisch Deitsch Eck


C. Richard Beam 406 Spring Drive Millersville, PA 17551

Die Mommy Im Haus Urias Weber

Vun die Mommy im Haus. Die Mommy is fleissich (diligent) Am ihrn Eppel schnitze (slice) Un Eppelsass mache Bis sie is am schwitze (sweat); Dann gehn ich aus Weg (out of the way) Un ab die Daer naus (out the door), So bin ich keh Badde (bother) Fer die Mommy im Haus. *********************************************** Another poem by our Dichterfreind in Mt. Forest. *********************************************** Yuscht en Bischli-Gnippli, April 29, 2015 as wees was es mehnt en Mommy im Haus zu hawwe


Es is yetz schon aa deel Yaahr Das mei Fraa heest - Die Mommy, Von sell dann so is So bin ich der Doddy (grandfather)! Es geht ya sehr gut, Hot yedes sein Lauf (his run). Ich schtiffel (shuffle) draus rum, Un die Mommy im Haus.


College News

Sie kann so gut koche Ich muss als acht gewwe (pay attention) Wenn ich duh aafange Uff der Deller zu scheppe (to dish); Ich duh nie net wisse Wenn ich neikumm vun draus (come in from outside) Was ich grick fer Middaag (for the noon meal)

Have you decided to eat healthy, be active and lose weight? We can help!

Kutztown University Degrees Kutztown University has conferred degrees on more than 750 students during the

A Healthy You Part of the “Healthy You” series

summer, fall and winter terms. The following local students have been awarded degrees since the summer 2014 announcement. • Joshua Scott Bailey of Ephrata, Bachelor of Science, Art Education. • Chelsea E. Banks of Reinholds, Bachelor of Science, Psychology. • Kristin Nicole Gockley of Ephrata, Bachelor of Science, Leisure and Sport Studies Cum Laude. • Joseph Thomas Lawville Jr of Reinholds, Bachelor of Arts, Communication Studies. • Ashley E. Mills of Reinholds, Bachelor of Science, Psychology.

• Janine Noelle Raps of Reinholds, Master of Education, Elementary Education Summa Cum Laude. • Jennifer N. Raps of Reinholds, Master of Education, Elementary Education Summa Cum Laude. • Zachary B. Snyder of Lititz, Master of Education, Elementary Education Summa Cum Laude.

9 Collins Named To Dean’s List Edward Collins of East Earl, who is majoring in environmental sciences, earned a semester average of 3.3 or higher and was named to the Dean’s List at Paul Smith’s College.

9 Winter Athletes Recognized Three local student athletes were recognized for participating in winter sports at Lebanon Valley College. • Christopher Kurtz of Lititz, a graduate of Man(Continued On Page 19A)

MILITARY MAILBAG Katherine M. Hurd Air Force Airman Katherine M. Hurd graduated from basic military training at Joint Base San AntonioLackland, San Antonio, Texas. The airman completed an intensive, eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Airmen who complete basic training earn four credits toward an associate in applied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force. Hurd is the daughter of Paul E. Hurd of Lititz, and Kathleen H. Hulsizer of Mohnton. She is a 2012 graduate of Warwick High School, Lititz.

This five-class program will help you:

Times: 6:30 - 8:30 PM Cost: $15

A Healthy You Series

Beautiful 10” Baskets $ 10.99 ea. and

11” Baskets


12.99 ea.

Seed Geraniums $ 1.00 ea. Bedding Plants 89¢ pk.

3 1/2” pot Wave Petunias ¢



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Sale Prices April 27 - May 9


We Can Help!

Tobacco-Free Living Series New Session Starting!


Powerlock 25’ $9.99 30’ $11.99




Zinsser White Primer Bonds to glossy surfaces without sanding.

Limited Supply

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Garden Seeds for your Flower and Vegetable Gardens!

This FREE seven-session tobacco cessation program includes:


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Reg. $19.99

Valspar Paint • Hardware Tools • Electrical • Plumbing 717-733-8040

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• • • • •

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Location: Wellness Center WellSpan Cocalico Health Center 63 West Church Street, Stevens, PA

of Lancaster County

Dates: Tuesdays, May 12, 19, 26, June 2, 23

A winning combination... in print and online.

Class details:



Registration is required. Please call 851-3500 or 1-800-840-5905. 717-336-6578.


Homestead Gardens

Use a step counter to increase daily physical activity Choose and eat healthy foods Lose and maintain weight Set healthy and realistic goals Overcome barriers that get in the way of being active and eating healthy

We’re Always On!

• • • • •


Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 13A

hings to do... and PLACES TO GO


Bulletin Board WED., APR. 29 Keystone Villa, Ephrata, will hold Senior Day and Fellowship Day, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. All are welcome. For more info., call Gene Consylman at 717-733-8373. THURS., APR. 30 - Free Community Meal at Bethany United Church of Christ, 140 East Main

Street, Ephrata. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Serving at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. For more info., call 717733-4134. FRI., MAY 1 & SAT., MAY 2 - The U.C.C. Homes Auxiliary is sponsoring the annual Flea Market at Ephrata Manor, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Friday, and from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday. Open to the public. FRI., MAY 1 - Garden Spot Band Boosters will hold their 2nd Annual Vendor Bingo event at 339 East Main Street, New Holland. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and games start at 6:30 p.m. There is a donation cost. For more info. or to

ShOPPing newS CrOSSwOrd Puzzle

purchase tickets, contact Jayne Olin at 717-715-7788 or jlo1015@comcast.net. SAT., MAY 2 - Schoeneck Fire Company, 125 North King Street, Denver, will hold a Chicken BBQ Dinner from 9:00 a.m. until sold out. Takeout only. There is a cost. For more info., call 717-336-4642. SAT., MAY 2 - Garden (Continued On Page 14A)

Garden Spot Fire Rescue (Formerly Blue Ball Fire Company)

Join us for our

Shrimp & Clam Boil Saturday, May 16, 2015 2 PM until 6 PM or until sold out Sponsored by The East Station, Rt. 322, Blue Ball, PA

In Memory Of Angels In Heaven Relay For Life Team


with EARL

• 10 Shrimp • 10 Clams • 2 Pcs. Sausage • Apple Sauce



Over, $3,100 in prizes to be handed out!

Food & Beverages Available For Purchase

*21 Years & Over Please* To join us, please contact

Kim at 717.406.6438


20 Eat-In or Take-Out

• Potatoes • Corn on the Cob • Carrots & Onions • Roll & a Drink

• Cole Slaw

Contact us at www.gsfr39.net


Tickets cost $15 per person Doors Open at 7pm Show Starts at 8pm

Pre-sold tickets available at Town Hall, Good’s Store, J.B. Zimmerman & Yoder’s Country Market

All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society

Mother’s Day 2015 300 Stevens Rd., Stevens, PA

Akron Volunteer Fire Company

Serving From 11:00am-2:00pm Sorry, NO Coupons Will Be Accepted Today.

All Entrees Include The Following: Salad, Beverage, Bread & Butter, Vegetable and Starch Soup ~ $4.00 a bowl


Four Grilled Shrimp and Sauteed Chicken Breast

over a bed of Penne Pasta Alfredo .................................$18.00 Eight Shrimp (No Chicken)............................................ $20.00 Child’s Chicken Alfredo ...................................................$12.00

Sunday, S d M May 3 3, 2015

Stuffed Chicken Breast with Bread Filling

served with a Chablis Wine Sauce.................................. $14.25

Doors open at 11:30am with Games starting at 1:00pm

Admission Donation: $20 in Advance/$25 At The Door

Seafood Newburg with Lobster, Shrimp & Scallops

over Puff Pastry ..............................................................$18.00

1229 Main Street, Akron

Three Cheese Chicken with Roasted Red Peppers

over Baby Spinach ..........................................................$16.00

To reserve tickets, email avfcbingo@gmail.com or call 717-283-9196

10 oz. Grilled Ham Steak with a Pineapple Sauce .........$14.00

Child’s Portion ....................................................................$7.75

8 oz. Roast Filet Mignon (twin 4 oz. filets)

with a Madeira Sauce .....................................................$25.00

Schoeneck Fire Company

4 oz. Roast Filet Mignon & Crab Cake ............................ $24.00

125 North King St., Denver, PA 17517

Twin 3 oz. Broiled Crab Cakes with Tartar Sauce ........$21.00

chicken BBQ dinner

prepared by Big John

Saturday, May 2, 2015 9:00 am. till Sold Out UNCLE JERRY’S Chicken, Cheesy Potatoes, Baked Beans, Apple Sauce, Roll, Will Also Be There. Drink , Baked Goods out Cost: $9.00/Dinner Take only.

Yard Sale 7am • Call 336-4642 for info. If raining, held indoors. Limited space available.



Pulled Pork, Baked Potato, Baked Beans, Applesauce, Drink

Saturday, May 2 Carry Out Only: 10:00 a.m. - Sold Out

Akron Church of the Brethren 613 Main Street, Akron

Child’s Portion .................................................................$12.00

6 oz. Broiled Salmon with a Lemon Dill Sauce...............$18.00

Y Let’s PLA

Ephrata American at Legion


Great Place - Great Games Great Food « À>Ì>Ê*>À ÊUÊÇÎÎ ÓxÇÈ

Every Wednesday Doors Open at 5:00 P.M. Games Start at 7:00 P.M.

Join u the fus for n!

Ham & Chicken Supper Saturday, May 2 • 2pm till 6pm

Served Family Style for All-You-Can-Eat Value

Baked Ham • Marinated Chicken Breast • Sweet Corn Fried Potatoes • Baked Beans • Pickles • Carrot & Celery Sticks Peaches/Applesauce • Rolls & Butter • Cake • Ice Cream • Coffee

Adults: $12 Children (5-10): $5 Under 5: FREE Take Out: $12

Toddler Meal: Chicken Fingers, Apple Sauce, Vegetable & Potato....$6.25 Assorted Desserts $3.95

Happy Mother’s Day from the employees and owners at Foxchase!

Please Call 717-336-3673 for reservations




...Include 2 Vegetables or 1 Vegetable & All You Can Eat Salad Bar (on Fridays & Saturdays only), Club 429’s Famous Onion Butter & Crackers Served While You Wait

Wednesday & Thursday, April 29 & 30

Wings $6.00 dozen (Eat In Only - No Takeouts) • Burger Basket w/Fries $6.50 (Thursdays) Cheese Steak Special & French Fries $8.95

Friday & Saturday, May 1 & 2

Classic Beef Stroganoff with Brown Butter Egg Noodles...$16.95


Dining Room Hours Wed.-Sat. 5pm-9pm OPEN for Lunch Fridays starting at 11am Bar Hours Wed., Thurs., Sat. 5pm-10pm; Fri. 4pm-10pm; Sun., Mon. & Tues. Closed


Weaverland Valley Fire Company (Formerly Goodville Fire Co.) Rt. 23, 2 miles east of Shady Maple For more info, call (717) 445-4040

Ephrata Park, Ephrata, PA

Call For Dinner Reservations or Information on Banquets


14A - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”


hings to do...


Bulletin Board (Continued From Page 13A)

Spot Village, 433 South Kinzer Avenue, New Holland, will host Movies with a Message at 7:00 p.m. There is no cost. For more info., call 717-355-6000. SAT., MAY 2 - St. Luke’s United Church of Christ,


222 North Broad Street, Lititz, will hold their Spring Thing Festival, from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Open to the public. SAT., MAY 2 - Vinemont Community Lutheran Church is having takeout chicken BBQ at the church along Fritztown Road between Reinholds and Sinking Spring, starting at 11:00 a.m. There is a cost. For more info., call Linda at 717-484-2590. SAT., MAY 2 - Grace Church, 62 Hahnstown Road, Ephrata, will host Outside The Box Drama as they present “An Uneasy Settlement” at 6:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served afterwards. For more info., call 717-738-1109.


SAT., MAY 2 - Delaware Valley Golden Retriever Rescue will hold its spring event “Spring Fling: A Wedding Day to Remember” at 11:00 a.m. at 60 Vera Cruz Road, Reinholds. There is a suggested donation. For more info., email events@dvgrr.org. SAT., MAY 2 - 8th Annual Ride for Autism at the Riverboat Saloon in Shartlesville. Proceeds benefit Aaron’s Acres. There is a cost. For more info., call 610-562-1288 or 484-6515842. SAT., MAY 2 - St. Luke’s United Church of Christ, 222 North Broad Street, Lititz, will hold their annual Spring Thing Festival, from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., rain or shine. For more info., call

Students Of The Month

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese Garden Spot High School students Abby Fulmer and John Armstrong were selected as Students of the Month. Congratulations to these two students!

TUPPERWARE OPEN HOUSE Th d Thursday, Ap April il 30th 8 8:30am-8:00pm 30 8 00p Friday, May 1st 8:30am-5:00pm We invite you to come and see what’s Yard Sale on Friday! new and exciting with Tupperware!

Ginormous Cash ‘N Carry Sale on current and discontinued products! Save $$$ when you buy it here! Bring your friends!

Contact Lafaye Hurst at (717) 333-9369 or thetupperwarelady@frontier.com

• for more info • to open your own Tupperware business • to see a current catalog • to have broken pieces replaced


No Early Birds, Please!

Announces We Are Now A Smoke Free Hall!

The savings are in

full bLOOM!

Directions: Between Terre Hill & Bowmansville, E. Black Creek Rd. (across from Brubacher Excavating). 1st place on right. #150

All Cash Program Every Tuesday Night Starting At 7:00






Daily Specials



Special Menu

w/1 Small Pitcher (Miller Lite, Coors Light or Lager) . . . ......




THE SHOPPING NEWS 615 E. Main St., Ephrata, PA 17522



Steamed Clams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4 1/2 lb. Shrimp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6 : Steak Tacos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.25 Fish Tacos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.25 Cheese Quesdilla w/32 oz. Domestic Pitcher ....... Chicken or Steak Quesdilla $7 w/32 oz. Domestic Pitcher ......$8.50 Corona & Corona Light Bottles .................. House Margarita ........................... $3 ..$4 : Black Diamond Steak & French Fries . . . . . . . . . $10.99 : (All Day) Dozen Wings . . $8.95 : Chef Specials Dozen Wings (Mild, Med., BBQ , Hot)

Wednesday Thursday Friday & Saturday Sunday:

Sunday, May 10th


ch Road, Steve

The P



Mother’s Day


Food $ Specials?


Intersection of 1025 S. State St. & Rt. 272, Ephrata



717-733-8142 ó

ó tel


T N A R U A T S E R BRIGHT’S 738-1177



the church at 717-626-4978. SAT., MAY 2 - The Lititz Lioness Club is sponsoring a “Do As You Please” trip to New York City. Leaving John Bonfield School at 6:15 a.m. and A.C. Moore, Lancaster, at 6:45 a.m. There is a cost. For more info., call Lioness Deb Olsen at 717-413-0576. SAT., MAY 2 - Big John Nolt Chicken BBQ Dinner to benefit the Schoeneck Fire Company, 125 North King Street, Denver, from 9:00 a.m. to ? There is a cost. For more info., call 717-336-6767. SAT., MAY 2 - Yard Sale to benefit the Schoeneck Fire Company, 125 North King Street, Denver, from 7:00 a.m. to ? There is a cost. For more info., call 717-336-6767. SAT., MAY 2 - The Bareville Fire Company, 211 East Main Street, Leola, will hold an All You Can Eat Breakfast from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. A Soup Sale will also be held. There is a cost. MON., MAY 4 Martindale Mennonite Church, 171 Hurst Road, Ephrata, will hold their Annual Perennial Exchange.

Open Daily at 11:00am!

Fresh Strawberry Pie

Family Chicken Meal $20.99 Broasted Chicken - 12 pieces, tub of French fries, quart of slaw, pepper cabbage or macaroni salad

Cold & Hot Subs Made Just for You

Additional 4 pieces $4.50

Buy One Sub, Get One FREE!

Sundays - Chicken Takeout

Good on 6” or 12” sizes. Free Sub equal or lesser value. Expires May 6.

12 pieces - $13.95 20 pieces - $21.95

16 pieces - $17.95 24 pieces - $25.95

Stop by for Lunch!


1520 Division Hwy Ephrata, PA 17522

Serving breakfast 7 days a week Daily breakfast specials 5:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.

(717) 733-5340

SATURDAY Early Bird Specials, 2 to 4 p.m., including Prime Rib $9.99 Your independent restaurant, serving good food to the fine people of the Ephrata area for over 50 years.

Bakery • Deli • Produce


Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 15A

hings to do... and


The church opens at 5:45 p.m. with a butterfly seminar starting at 6:30 p.m. with the plant exchange following. For more info., call or text Esther Sensenig at 717336-3715 or email davenes@ptd.net. TUES., MAY 5 - Ephrata Area Women’s Connection will hold a meeting “Tea Party and Mother/Daughter Lunch” at Foxchase Gold Club, 300 Stevens Road, Stevens, at 11:45 a.m. There is a cost. For more info. or to make reservations, call Ruth Lausch at 717-733-3979 or Jan Moyer at 717-721-3627. THURS., MAY 7 - Free Community Meal at First United Methodist Church, 68 North Church Street, Ephrata. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Serving at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. For more info., call 717-7334134. THURS., MAY 7 Weaver Markets, located on Route 272 in Adamstown, will hold a National Day of Prayer Community Breakfast at 7:00 a.m. There is a cost for tickets, which must be pre-purchased. For more info., call 717-3367262 and ask for Sandy. FRI., MAY 8 & SAT., MAY 9 - Friendship Community will hold their 22nd Annual Fest and Auction at 1149 East Oregon Road, Lititz. Admission and parking are free. For more info., call 717-656-2466. SAT., MAY 9 - Faith Day will be held at Faith United Methodist Church, 1290 Fruitville Pike, Lititz, beginning at 7:00 a.m. with a Yard Sale and Book Sale. There will be a bounce house and games from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. A chicken BBQ will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Rain or shine. For more info., call 717560-0321. SAT., MAY 9 - Annual Faith Day will be held at

Faith United Methodist Church, 1290 Fruitville Pike, Lititz, from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. SAT., MAY 9 - In Memory of Angels in Heaven Relay For Life Team will host a Comedy Show with Earl David Reed at the Reamstown Fire Hall, 12 West Church Street, Reamstown. There is a cost. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Show starts at 8:00 p.m. 21 years old and over. For more info., call Kim at 717-406-6438. SUN., MAY 10 - The 26th Annual Mother’s Day Truck Convoy will be held to benefit Make-A-Wish foundation. A fun-filled day will be

held at Burle Business Center starting at 8:30 a.m. and the truck convoy leaves at 1:30 p.m. For more info., call Paulette Battenfelder at 717-283-4872. WED., MAY 13 - The Conestoga Herb Guild will meet at the Upper Leacock Township War Memorial Building, 54 West Main Street, Leola, at 6:30 p.m. For more info. or to register to attend, call Roxanne at 717-393-4022. THURS., MAY 14 - Free Community Meal at First United Methodist Church, 68 North Church Street, Ephrata. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Serving at 6:00 p.m.

607 West Main, Ephrata • 733-2361 Famous Pennsylvania Dutch Cooking

WEEKDAY BREAKFAST SPECIALS Baked Oatmeal - Apple, Blueberry or Cherry cup $2.85 bowl $3.60 4/29/15 Western Omelet w/Homefries - $5.45 5/5/15

DAILY SPECIALS Wednesday 4/29 Homemade Lasagna Pork Chopette Batter Dipped Fish Thursday 4/30 Snitz & Knepp w/Ham Chicken & Waffle Stuffed Pepper Friday 5/1 Virginia Baked Ham Clam Patties Baked Tilapia Fish Major Credit Cards Accepted

Saturday 5/2 Beef Cubes & Noodles Baked Haddock Chicken Tenders Sunday 5/3 Roast Turkey w/Filling Baked Meat Loaf Monday 5/4 Baked Meat Loaf Batter Dipped Fish Roast Turkey w/Filling Tuesday 5/5 Shepherds Pie Chuckwagon Steak Chicken Livers

United Methodist Church, 68 North Church Street, Ephrata. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Serving at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. For more info., call 717-7334134. THURS., MAY 28 - A Community Dinner will be held at Wiest U.M. Methodist Church, 48 North King Street, Schoeneck, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. FRI., MAY 29 - The Farmersville Fire Hall, 74 East Farmersville Road, Ephrata, will host a Bluegrass Concert featuring The Horst Brothers and Goldwing Express, at 7:00 p.m. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. There is an admission cost. SAT., JULY 25 & SUN., JULY 26 - The Lititz Summer Showcase Youth Soccer Tournament will be held in Lancaster. Open to boys and girls U10 through U19 youth soccer teams. For more info. or to register, go to www.lititzsummershowcase.org.

Specials Week of April 28-May 4 Bananas ..................................................................... lb. 49¢ Cantaloupe & Honeydews ................. ea. $2.99 or 2/$5.00 Red Seedless Grapes ................................................lb. $1.89 Kiwi Fruit ............................................................... 8/$2.00 All Varieties 88 Size Washington Apples ........... 8/$2.00 Mangos ......................................................... .................. case 8 ct. $6.00 Fresh Baked Green Beans .................................................... ......................................... 1 lb. bag $1.89 Bread & Rolls Romaine Lettuce ..................................................... ............................................ head 99¢ from South Phila. Celery ..................................................................... ..................................... stalk 89¢ Every Friday 11AM Vine-Ripened Tomatoes ............................................lb. 89¢ 2 lb. Cooking Onions ............................................... bag 89¢ Asparagus ............................................ ea. $2.99 or 2/$5.00 Also check out in-store specials!

10% Senior Citizen Discount on Monday Custom Made Baskets Baskets!!

100 Monroe St., Denver, PA

(717) 336-3001 HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8am-6pm; Sat. 8am-4pm; Sun. Closed

Mother’s M th ’ D Day D Dinner S Specials $21.95

© 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

Ephrata. Meal at 6:00 p.m. with meeting to follow. All widows welcome. THURS., MAY 21 - Free Community Meal at First United Methodist Church, 68 North Church Street, Ephrata. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Serving at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. For more info., call 717-7334134. SAT., MAY 23 - Bethany Christian Services will hold a Walk Them Home - 5K Run/Fun Walk from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at WJTL’s Junction Center. Check-in time begins at 8:30 a.m. For more info. or to register, go to www.bethany.org/5KCentra lPA. SAT., MAY 23 - Lititz Trinity E.C. Church will sponsor a Bus Trip to Washington D.C. There is a cost. For more info., call RoseMarie Null at 717-6265457. THURS., MAY 28 - Free Community Meal at First

Cloister Restaurant, Inc.

Friday, Saturday & Sunday, May 8th-10th

1. PRESIDENTS: Which U.S. president graduated from Southwest Texas State Teachers College? 2. ASTRONOMY: Which planet rotates on its axis once every 243 Earth days? 3. TELEVISION: On “M*A*S*H,” what was the real name of the character called “Hawkeye” Pierce? 4. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which year’s World’s Fair had the theme of “The World of Tomorrow”? 5. LITERATURE: Who wrote the nonfiction book “Working”? 6. HISTORY: What was the date of the stock market’s “Black Tuesday” in 1929? 7. MOVIES: What movie based on a Henry Fielding novel won the 1963 Oscar for Best Picture? 8. RELIGION: Which book of the Bible first describes how God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses? 9. GEOGRAPHY: Where is Prudhoe Bay? 10. MYTHOLOGY: Who was the Roman goddess of the hearth? Answers 1. Lyndon Johnson 2. Venus 3. Benjamin Franklin Pierce 4. 1939 5. Studs Terkel 6. Oct. 29 7. “Tom Jones” 8. Exodus 9. Alaska 10. Vesta

Everyone is welcome. For more info., call 717-7334134. THURS., MAY 14 Turtle Trotters Relay For Life Team is holding a Pampered Chef Fundraiser at 6:30 p.m. at 133 West Sunset Avenue, Ephrata. All proceeds benefit the Relay For Life of Norlanco. For more info., call Mary at 717733-7219. SAT., MAY 16 - Highland PTO is hosting a Do As You Please NYC trip. Leaves from Elite Coach, Ephrata. For more info. or tickets, call Faye Schwanger at 717989-8528. SAT., MAY 16 Consignment and Quilt Auction to benefit the Schoeneck Fire Company, 125 North King Street, Denver, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-336-6767. THURS., MAY 21 - A Meeting for Widows will be held at the Udder Choice, 1812 West Main Street,

• Prime Rib Kissed on the Char Broiler • Broiled Seafood Combo • Surf and Turf ...addt’l $6.99

EBY’S GENERAL STORE Martindale • (717) 445-4212 STORE HOURS: Mon., Thurs. & Fri. 7am-8pm; Tues., Wed. 7am-6pm; Sat. 7am-5pm Check out our website! www.ebysgeneralstore.com


(Broiled Lobster Tail & Rib Eye Steak)

• Chicken Stuffed w/Crabmeat topped with Hollandaise Sauce

• Potato Crusted Cod over Spinach Rice • Shrimp or Chicken Alfredo • Bruschetta Chicken Parm • Twin Lobster Tails ...addt’l $6.99 • Broiled Crab Cakes • Flounder Florentine

ALL ENTREES SERVED WITH: Shrimp Cocktail Soup or Salad • Vegetable or Potato • Choice of Dessert

15% OFF Monday through Thursday Not valid with any other offers. Limit 1 per transaction. Not valid on holidays. Expires 5/14/15. The Brickerville House

Buy One

Ice Cream Cone Get One


Of equal or lesser value. Expires 5/31/15. The Brickerville House Ice Cream Shop

Enroll at pafamilydining.com for news & coupons. Lititz (Intersection of Rt. 322 & 501) • 717-625-2525

Rest. Hrs.: Mon. thru Sat. 6 am to 8 pm; Sun. 7 am to 7 pm Ice Cream Shop Spring Hrs.: Mon. thru Thurs. 4pm-9pm; Fri., Sat. & Sun. 12noon-9pm

Best Yet Vac Pack

Sliced Bacon n 1 lb. Limit 2


Gatorade 32 oz.

5/$5.00 Shurfine

Granulated Sugar 4 lb. bag $2.29

bale of 40 lb. $20.75



Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies ..............8 pk. $3.89


Sweet Bologna ........................... sm. $2.99 .......................lg. $5.00 EBY’S SALAD OF THE WEEK:

Mandarin Chicken ................................................................. $4.99

- MEAT -

Fresh Boneless

John F. Martin

Provolone Cheese .lb. $3.99 John F. Martin

Chicken Breasts .. lb. $2.29 Yogurt Cheese ........lb. $4.39 ............... 5 lb. or more, lb. $2.19 Eby’s Fresh Choice

New York Strip Steaks

.................................. lb. $9.49 Hatfield Bone-In Pork Chops .......... lb. $1.99 Hatfield Bone-In Pork Roasts.......... lb. $1.99 Eby’s Fresh Pepper Encrusted

Eye Round Steaks

.................................. lb. $5.49 Bar-S Meat Franks ...1 lb. 5/$5.00 .......................case of 24 $21.50 Bar-S Smoked - Plain or Cheese Sausage...............2.5 lb. $4.99 Kemp’s Seafood Delites .. 8 oz. $1.99 Healthy Ones Honey Smoked Turkey Breast ........ lb. $5.99 Giordano Roast Beef ............... lb. $8.79 Kunzler Sweet or Lebanon Bologna .................... lb. $4.99 Kunzler Olive or Mac & Cheese Loaves....................... lb. $4.19 John F. Martin Honey BBQ Chicken Breast ...... lb. $6.19 Best Yet Swiss Cheese .......... lb. $4.99

- Frozen -

Best Yet

- Grocery -


Oreo Cookies .15.25 oz.$3.69 Shurfine Flour ...........5 lb. bag 2/$4.00 Shurfine Mini Marshmallows..10.5 oz. 79¢ Best Yet Honey .........12 oz. bears $2.99 Best Yet Peanut Butter .16.3 oz. $1.79 Scott Bath Tissue .........8 roll $5.79 Kingsford Charcoal ...........15.4 lb. $8.99

from jane’s kitchen Eby’s

Meatloaf .......... 2 lb. tin $7.99 Eby’s

Baked Corn............. lb. $2.99 Eby’s

Ham, Green Beans & Potatoes ................... lb. $3.79 Eby’s

Italian Pasta Salad ..lb. $3.79 Eby’s

Cherry Cheese Dessert

..................................... lb. $3.29 Eby’s Fresh Fruit Salad .. lb. $2.49

Ice Cream ..... 48 oz. 2/$4.00 Chocolate Cream Cheese Best Yet Cupcakes ............. 6 pk. $3.29 Ice Cream Sandwiches

Best Yet

Cornbread .......8” pan $3.29

Best Yet



*All prices subject to availability

.................................. 12 ct. $2.99 Lindy’s Italian Ice ....... 6 pk. 2/$5.00

- Dairy -

Sour Cream.... 16 oz. 2/$3.00 Cream Cheese...8 oz. 3/$5.00

16A - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

Rotary Club Held “Volunteer Day Of Service”

Births BAUMAN, Marlin and Janice (Sensenig), Leola, a son, at Birth Care and Family Health Services, Bart. BEILER, Amos L. and Martha (Riehl), Narvon, a son, at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital. BEILER, Elam and Amanda (King), Leola, a daughter, at home. BOWDEN, Dennis J. and Christina (Kline), Lititz, a daughter, at Women & Babies Hospital. CARPER, Amanda, and Ephesus Yang, Ephrata, a son, at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital. COOPER, Christopher J. and Brandi (Rambler), Lititz, a son, at Women & Babies Hospital. GILOTTE, Bethany, and Matthew R. Hall, Ephrata,

a daughter, at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital. GINGERICH, Tiffany, and Colton Gosshert, Reinholds, a daughter, at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital. HALLER, Alexis, and Joshua Kreiser, Lititz, a daughter, at Women & Babies Hospital. KING, John Mark and Susie Ann (Stoltzfoos), Leola, a daughter, at home. KURTZ, Gerald P. and Sonya (Boley), East Earl, a son, at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital. LAUGHMAN, Jason E. and Cayla (Martin), Ephrata, a daughter, at Women & Babies Hospital. MOTTER, Jeremy S. and Victoria (Surkin), Ephrata, a daughter, at Women

“Volunteer Day of Service.” On Saturday, April 18, members from the Rotary Club of Lititz participated in a “Volunteer Day of Service” that was promoted

by Rotary International. The object was to show the power and dedication of Rotary in addressing community needs. Being the first year for this activity, the Lititz Club identified

Lititz Springs Park as having specific needs in which they could provide community service. Rotary's motto and mission is "service above self". The membership is made up of professionals who willingly donate their time to projects that benefit the community and the world. The Lititz Club is always looking for those men and women that share our same values and dedication. If anyone is interested in becoming a member of the Rotary Club of Lititz please contact Barry Miller, Membership Chairperson bemiller@dejazzd.com or 717-847-0547. Meetings are held every Tuesday evening, 6:00 p.m., at the General Sutter Inn in downtown Lititz.

& Babies Hospital. son and Lisa (ZimmOBERHOLTZER, Nel- erman), Narvon, a son, at home. RUTT, Nelson L. and Christa (Martin), Ephrata, a son, at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital. SENSENIG, Alicia Rose, and Barry Lee Esser, Stevens, a daughter, at Heart of Lancaster Regional Medical Center, Lititz. SHOWERS, Melanie, Lititz, a daughter, at Wom-

en & Babies Hospital. TOMPKINSON, Brian and Tiffany (Jenik), Ephrata, a son, at Women & Babies Hospital. WEISBERGER, Jennifer Lynn (Boyd), Washington Township, New Jersey, and Shane M. Hyman, Ephrata, a daughter, at Women & Babies Hospital. ZEISET, Joel A. and Anita (Burkholder), Ephrata, a daughter, at Well-

Span Ephrata Community Hospital. ZIMMERMAN, Alvin W. and Linda H. (Zimmerman), East Earl, a daughter, at home. ZIMMERMAN, Gary L. and Amy (Zimmerman), Stevens, a son, at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital. ZOOK, Jacob and Mary (Lapp), New Holland, a son, at home.

Shown in the photo, from left to right, are Rotarians Dave Hager, Dave Pusey, Barry Miller, Jeff Rinehimer, Jeff Bricker and Lou Deering participating in the Rotary International



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y a d h t r i B y p p Ha to You

Watch for your friends’ names every week.



SHOPPING NEWS of Lancaster County

This service is free - all you need to do is provide the required information.

April 23

Adylin Hope Young, 5, daughter of Kayla Messner and Brandyn Young, Denver.

April 29

Amy Louse Martin, 12, daughter of Melvin and Darlene Martin, Stevens. Kevin Z. Nolt, 4, son of Clifford and Esther Nolt, East Earl. Zander M. Young, 11, son of Misty Young, Denver.

April 30

Hannah Grace Schwartz, 9, daughter of Michael and Jodi Schwartz, Akron.

May 1

Ethan Hunter Sauder, 10, son of Dell and Fran Sauder, Lititz. David Grant Sauder, 10, son of Dell and Fran Sauder, Lititz.

We have been auctioneering for over 50 years! Over 34 years ago we formed Kline, Kreider Auctioneers and then approximately 28 years ago the partnership grew and changed to Kline, Kreider & Good, Auctioneers to better suit the needs of our customers. We focus our business on conducting public auctions of all sorts, specializing in farms, real estate, personal & business liquidations. The Shopping News has been an integral part of our advertising strategy and has given our customers a large base of auction buyers each week. In addition to advertising public auctions, I (Randal) am a Realtor/Broker with Kingsway Realty in the Ephrata area. The Shopping News is one of my main advertising mediums for properties in the Northern Lancaster County area. We get many calls from the ads we place to sell real estate. We have had our auction brochures printed at Hocking Printing Co., Inc., which publishes The Shopping News. Excellent customer service, fast service (two days), good prices and great quality is why we have our brochures printed there. You may contact Kline, Kreider & Good Auctioneers by calling Randal V. Kline at (717) 733-1006 or Roy E. Good, Jr. at (717) 445-4309.


For Advertising Results

May 2

Logan Robert Styer, 3, son of Derek and Ashley Styer, Ephrata.

May 3

Ronde Devon and Rylan Durrel Horning, 8, sons of Roy and Ruth Ann Horning, Leola. Samantha Jo Martin, 10, daughter of Richard and Dorcas Martin, East Earl.

May 4

Alyssa Faye Martin, 3, daughter of Joe and Joanna Martin, East Earl. Elijah Xavier Morales, 4, son of Carlos and Michelle Morales, Ephrata.

May 5

Lisa Martin, 12, daughter of Leon and Edna Martin, Ephrata. Kenton Roy Sensenig, 3, son of Frank and Louann Sensenig, Lititz.

1. In order to have your child’s name in the list of birthdays, simply complete the form below and mail to: THE SHOPPING NEWS, P.O. Box 456, 615 E. Main Street, Ephrata, PA 17522 or it may be dropped off at the office. 2. NO NAMES will be accepted over the phone. 3. This service is provided for local children and their parents. Exception: If grandparents are local and child is out of the area, then local grandparents’ names will also appear. 4. Limited to ages 1 through 12.

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PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Deadline is 3 weeks prior to birthday. Age limit 12. Child’s Name ________________________________________________ Age ________ (First)



Birth Date __________________________________________________ Gender _____ (Month)



City ___________________________________________________________________ Phone__________________________________________________________________ Parent’s Name____________________________________________________________ Local Grandparents’ Names, City, State (ONLY if child is out of the area): _______________________________________________________________________

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 17A

Petra Church Held Groundbreaking Celebration The Student Life Center at Petra Church, New Holland, is one step closer to reality. Petra held its groundbreaking celebration for the Student Life Center on Sunday, April 19, at both its 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. services. Members of the congregation stood around the perimeter of the facility, which had been painted on the grass, while first the Elder Team and then the Pastoral Team dug their shovels into the ground. The children were each given a toy shovel and invited to dig into a pile of sand. The Student Life Center, designed to meet the ministry needs of the next generation of children and youth, is expected to be completed sometime next winter. It will attach to the existing building near the Sanctuary. It will provide much-needed space for Petra’s children’s and youth ministry, with building and renovated space totaling approximately 57,100 square feet. It will provide better security for children and ample space for growth. “The Student Life Center will enable us to reach many more families, our neighbors and friends,” said Senior Pastor Lester Zimmerman. “We believe people matter to God, and we are actively making room for more people.” In addition to classrooms and meeting rooms, the Center will offer a dedicated auditorium for children on Sunday and for youth and young adults during the week. It will also

“We have an amazing opportunity before us,” stated Pastor Zimmerman, “to raise up a God-honoring generation and to reach many more people through our children’s and youth programs. God has given us both tremendous blessing and responsibility.” Shown in the photo, from left to right, is Pastor Ken Reinford, Dwane Reitz, Delmar and Kathy Martin, Senior Pastors Lester and

house a multi-purpose gymnasium for recreation, larger events, fellowship meals, and the like. High-quality audio and video will be installed throughout. The contractor for the Student Life Center is Ames Construction; the engineering firm, Larson Design Firm; the architect, Cornerstone Design Architects; and the interior design company, Godshall Commercial Interiors.

TO RESIDENTS OF EPHRATA BOROUGH The Borough of Ephrata will be providing collection service the week of May 4, 2015 for the following source separated recyclable materials: • Tires (No tractor tires) • White Goods (Large appliances weighing more than fifty pounds) Collection is the same day as recycling. All items must be placed by the curb or alley the night before collection. Please be aware that these items will require an extra service tag. Tire tags are $2.00 each and White Good tags are $20.00 each. Tags are available for purchase at the Borough Business Office located at 124 South State Street. For additional information, please call 738-9222, stop by the Borough Business Office, or visit our website at www.ephrataboro.org. Super Sweet Genuine



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Construction work at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital will cause some traffic and parking restrictions on the hospital campus, starting now and continuing through late 2016. Effective now, the hospital has closed a portion of Hospital Drive, between Martin Avenue and Ephrata Avenue, impacting access to the Ephrata Health Pavilion and the main hospital entrance. Incoming traffic entering the campus at Martin Avenue will be rerouted via a temporary access road through the Health Pavilion Parking Lot to Hospital

Drive near Ephrata Avenue. This temporary access road will be one-way, for incoming traffic only. Outgoing traffic leaving the hospital will be required to use either the Ephrata Avenue or Route 272 campus exits. The temporary access road through the Health Pavilion Parking Lot will result in the loss of approximately five parking spaces. In addition, the valet parking drop-off will be relocated to the edge of the construction zone, just off the Health Pavilion circle on Hospital Drive. Additional valet staff will be available to park cars and direct traffic. WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital is relocating water lines in preparation for planned improvements at the Ephrata Health Pavilion.

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Erma Zimmerman, Esther and Titus Kulp, and Kevin Esh. Missing from the photo is Leroy Zimmerman.

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Divorce Hurts. Find Help at DivorceCare. DivorceCare is a special weekly seminar and support group for people who are separated or divorced. It’s a place where you can be around people who understand what you are feeling. It’s a place where you can hear valuable information about ways to heal from the hurt of divorce. DivorceCare groups meet every Tuesday night, February 17 through May 12, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Ephrata Church of the Brethren, 201 Crescent Ave., Ephrata (enter through side portico door). Meet in Room 108. Call 717-733-1229 for more information. Childcare will be provided for free. No cost to attend. Directions: From Rt. 272, 322W, left on Crescent Ave.

18A - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

THREATS WITHOUT & WITHIN Background Scripture: 3 John. Devotional Reading: 2 Timothy 2:14-19. People often make the mistake of assuming that the epistles of 1 John, 2 John and 3 John were writ-

ten by the same person to the same congregation, concerning the same problems and offering the same solutions. While one person might have written all three epistles, some scholars believe that there is evidence suggesting that they could also have been written by two or three different authors, one or more of whom may have been the author of the Gospel According to John. It was not uncommon in those days for a disciple to write, not in his own name, but in the name and to the honor of his teacher. When studying any passage of scripture there are two questions which we

need to ask. The first of these is: what is the situation to which the writer is addressing himself. In 3 John the purpose is evident: a member of the congregation, Diotrephes (dye-OT-tref-feez), is dividing the church and defying authority (vs. 9,10). But it is not Diotrephes alone: “For certain individuals among you, people who long ago were designated for this condemnation as ungodly, who pervert the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our Master and Lord, Jesus Christ” (v.4). So, that brings us to the second question: What then does 3 John have for

us today? ”I have written something to the church; but Diotrephes who likes to put himself first, does not acknowledge my authority. So if I come, I will bring up what he is doing, prating against me with evil words And not content with that, he refuses himself to welcome the brethren, and also stops those who want to welcome them and puts them out of the church.” (1:9-13) OUR “DIOTREPHES” Notice that, although the writer recognizes the danger to the church and the culpability of Diotrephes, he does not neglect to display the love that is distinc-

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tive of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That doesn’t mean that he will pat his detractor on the head and assure him “It’s OK!” He recognizes the seriousness of the situation. It is not “OK,” but the elder will confront this man face to face and seek to deal with him as a brother in Christ, not as THE ENEMY! As a pastor I did not have to deal with itinerating missionaries and evangelists, but I encountered some of Diotrephes’ sisters and brothers. In fairness to those who may have resented my leadership, I would have to admit that they may have had good reason to resent my leader-

“Church The Way It Used To Be” Independent - Conservative Family Values Pastor Kelly Allen Sensenig

ship. Fresh out of seminary - and I do mean “fresh” - my Bishop sent me a rural church that was about to become suburban. I was to supervise the construction of a new building to replace the little white frame church that had stood on that lonely spot since Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden. I soon found that there were some parishioners who didn’t want a new and changed church. Today, sixty years later, it pleases me to know that the church building we built has been substantially enlarged, in addition to the assigned minister there is a staff of several clergy and

Church of God in Christ, Mennonite Meets in the Social Hall at New Holland Fire Co.

339 East Main Street, New Holland, PA 19577

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515 West Metzler Road, Ephrata, PA 17522

Sunday Worship: 9:00 AM Sunday School: 10:30 AM All Ages Tuesday Bible Study: 7:00 PM Vesper Service: 2nd Tuesday of Every Month at 6:45 p.m.

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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 19A

the church serves the community and environs in a laudable fashion. In retrospect, who was “right” and who was “wrong”? I suspect the Bishop was right in his vision for that church, but wrong in not preparing the congregation for that momentous change. I think the people were wrong in not speaking-up to the Bishop before I was sent there. I think I was right in trying to carryout the mission to which I had accepted, but wrong in not knowing how to lead them in a direction they feared. Further, my seminary did a good job in preparing me for the pastorate, except it gave me no tools with which to handle conflict. Eventually, love won out. AN “INSIDE JOB” 3 John also warns us that there are likely to be individuals who, like Diotrephes, will think of the church as “MY church.”

The church does not really belong to them, nor does it belong to the Bishop, the presbytery, the synod, the pastor or the even the congregation. It does belong to Christ and that is something of which all of us need to be reminded constantly. There are lots of hazards to threaten the churches, but usually the problem is “an inside job.” I believe that today the greatest spiritual dangers are not so much from outside religious groups, as from that influences of our secular society that each of us unknowingly brings to our religion. This allows secular values to become part of what we regard as our “faith” without us recognizing the difference. For example, in the days of the Soviet Union, many members of the Orthodox Church believed that support of Communism was an essential part of their faith. Well, of course, we knew

College News (Continued From Page 12A)

that was so. But, what many of us don’t recognize today is that the mixture of religion and politics in our own country not only compromises our Christian faith, but also paralyzes our government and undermines our Constitution.

heim Township High School, was recognized for participating in men’s swimming. Kurtz is pursing a bachelor of science in early childhood education. • Ibsen Powers of Ephrata, a graduate of Randolph High School, was recognized for participating in men’s indoor track and field. Powers is pursuing a bachelor of science in actuarial science.

The writer or writers of the three epistles of John were aware of the dangers within and without the churches, but they also recognized that meeting these challenges required more, not less, love.


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• Alexander Whitsett of Reinholds, a graduate of Exeter Township High School, was recognized for participating in men’s indoor track and field. Whitsett is pursing a bachelor of arts in undeclared/open major.

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20A - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

Cloister FFA Chapter Held Their 54th Annual Awards Banquet If you would have walked into the Ephrata High School Cafeteria on Saturday, March 28, you would have thought one of two things: did a blue and gold bomb explode or did the FFA members really outdo themselves in setting up the chapter FFA awards banquet? The Cloister FFA chapter went “all out” in organizing the awards banquet, perfectly connecting with the FFA 2014-2015 theme, “Go All Out!” The awards banquet offered opportunities for FFA members to share with the community what the chapter has done over the 2014-2015 year, and it was also a night of recognition for the FFA members who won awards for their outstanding commitment to FFA. Also, another

purpose of the event was to show appreciation to all the members of the community and businesses who helped make the Cloister FFA successful. After the opening ceremonies, Kelli Kauffman, the Cloister FFA 2014 President, greeted the audience by giving an overview of what the chapter had done in the past year. Alexa Potts gave a special recognition of all the businesses, organizations, and people that had supported the chapter in the past year. Victoria Herr, the Pennsylvania FFA State Secretary, gave a special welcome on behalf of the PA FFA officers to the Cloister FFA chapter, encouraging them to keep on working hard and to make a difference. Then, the new

2014-2015 officers were recognized: Kelli Kauffman and Brittany Keener were elected as Co-Presidents, Danielle Oberholtzer as Vice President, Alexa Potts as Sec-

nowledged for earning their Red Rose degrees from the Lancaster County FFA. Certificates were presented to the FFA members who helped care for the chapter’s layer chickens in the fall. The members recognized for being “apprentice” level, or first year, helpers were Brianne Balmer, Lydia Belfiore, Seth Bollinger, Angel Giroux, Maddie Jones, Lauren Kachel, Taylor Kozlowski, Amber Lee, Kara Martin, Nicole Martin, Kyla McKim, Heather Miller, Taylor Pierce, Alexis Pilat, and Abigail Winger. Those recognized for being at the “technician” (2nd year) or “prevet” (3rd year) levels were Danielle Oberholtzer, Mercedes Hertzog, Philip Hinerdeer, Heather Miller, Jo Hof-

retary, Brie Weiler as Treasurer, and Karly Potts and Seth Bollinger as CoReporters. Next, the award ceremony began. The first award given out was the Green-hand Degree. The Greenhand degree was presented to Lauren Kachel, Alexis Pilat, Brie Weiler, Cheyenne Marnoch, and Seth Bollinger, with Brie Weiler and Seth Bollinger both winning Star Greenhand awards for showing outstanding effort in FFA. Alexa Potts, Karly Potts, Brittany Keener, and Danielle Oberholtzer each earned a Chapter Degree for being in their second year of membership, and Brittany, Alexa, and Karly received star awards. Kelli Kauffman, Alexa Potts, and Karly Potts were also ack-

fer, Alexa and Karly Potts, and Brittany Keener. The FFA members who were awarded proficiencies for being involved in career development events were Kelli Kauffman, Alexa and Karly Potts, Brie Weiler, Brittany Keener, Danielle Oberholtzer, and Seth Bollinger. Finally, the FFA members recognized the volunteers who helped with many projects and fundraisers in the past year. Parents Sue Weiler, Ann Kauffman, Jen Marnoch, and Amy Potts were each recognized by their daughters. Volunteers who were recognized included Chris Hainley, Sam Beamesderfer, Mary Saylor, Dr. Langlois, and Colleen Hauser. Dr. Scott Adams received special recognition for all the time he donated over the past several years to help the chapter’s Vet Science CDE team and for his work on the district’s Ag Advisory Board. The FFA chapter Advisor, Sarah Quigg, recognized each member of the 2014 officer team by highlighting what each individual brought to the leadership team. The officers than returned the appreciation by recognizing all the things Ms. Quigg had done to help them in their journey as officers.

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• On April 29, 1429, 17-yearold French peasant Joan of Arc leads a French force in relieving the city of Orleans, besieged by the English. At the age of 16, "voices" of Christian saints told Joan to aid Charles, the French dauphin, in expelling the English from France. • On April 27, 1805, in North Africa, a small force of U.S. Marines marches against Tripoli's port city of Derna to depose the ruling pasha. The phrase "to the shores of Tripoli," from the official song of the U.S. Marine Corps, has its origins in the Derna campaign. • On April 28, 1916, Ferruccio Lamborghini, the founder of the company that bears his name, is born in Italy. After experiencing mechanical difficulties with a Ferrari, Lamborghini decided to start his own rival sports-car company, even hiring a former Ferrari engineer. • On May 3, 1933, James Brown is born. Known as "The Godfather of Soul," Brown honed his musical talents in prison, where he was to serve 8-16 years for stealing at the age of 15. The Georgia parole board was impressed enough to release him after only three years. • On April 30, 1945, holed up in a bunker under his headquarters in Berlin, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler commits suicide by swallowing a cyanide capsule and shooting himself in the head. Soon after, Germany unconditionally surrendered to the Allied forces. • On May 1, 1958, President Dwight Eisenhower proclaims Law Day to honor the role of law in the creation of the United States of America, followed by Congress passing a joint resolution establishing May 1 as Law Day. The idea of a Law Day had first been proposed in 1957 by the American Bar Association.





of Lancaster County

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WeDneSDAy, APriL 29, 2015 • VOLuMe L, nO. 3

Adamstown FireQuacker 1000 Coming Soon

Adamstown’s FireQuacker 1000, which has been a fun-filled family event for 12 years, will be held Saturday, May 9, with a rain

date of Saturday, May 16. There is a cost for tickets. Tickets will be available at the finish line on the day of the race as well as at

ephrata Mennonite Annual Plant exchange

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese Adamstown’s borough office dur- urday mornings from 9:00 a.m. to ing business hours and at the 12:00 noon. Adamstown Post Office on Sat(Continued On Page 2B)

9th Annual LAMS Spring Drama

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese

Ephrata Mennonite School invites you to its annual plant exchange on Friday May 1. The event starts at 1:00 p.m., with the exchange taking place at 1:30 p.m. Container gardening and butterfly

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese gardening are the themes for this school. Each student designed a year’s plant exchange. The stu- Butterfly Garden for the Hershey dents have planted succulents in Gardens scholarship program, and recycled containers found at (Continued On Page 2B)

Lititz Area Mennonite School (LAMS) is slated to present its 9th annual middle school spring drama on Wednesday, May 6 at 12:30 p.m. and Thursday, May 7 and Friday, May 8 at 7:00 p.m. This year's offering will be Joseph Robinette's staged adaptation of C.S. Lewis's The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. The show follows the four Pevensie children Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy, as they enter the mysterious world of Narnia through an equally mysterious old wardrobe. Suddenly confronted with a cast of mythical creatures and oversized, talking animals, the children must immediately choose sides in what shortly escalates into an epic battle between the forces of

Good and Evil. This story of redeeming, sacrificial love touches on the depths of the human condition, even as it entertains through its whimsy and charm. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe includes the dedicated work of over thirty middle school actors, stage technicians, and sound/lighting crew members. The show is under the direction of Ms. Kristen LeFever, with production/stage management by Mrs. Evalyn Harris, and technical oversight by Mr. Jim Bulgrien and Mr. Tom Turley. The students shown are (from left to right) Zachery Horst, Annie Mowery, Olivia Harrington, and Aidan Sommers.

2B - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News�

(Continued From Page 1B)

their designs will be on display. Seeds have also been started under grow lights. The students are also anticipating opening a roadside stand in the near future fea-

turing plants from the Nature Center and various garden items grown and made by the students. The plant exchange will feature perennials, annuals, bulbs, seeds, fruits and vegetables, shrubs and trees, house plants, water garden plants, and ground covers. Visitors are invited to become involved by bringing one or more potted and labeled (kind of plant, flower color and growing condi-

SENSENIG’S GREENHOUSE BEDDING PLANTS Hanging Baskets $990 & Flats $990 Mother’s Day Planters • Bubble Gum Petunias RT. 272 to RT. 897N RIGHT ON HOLTZMAN RD. 1 MILE TURN RIGHT ON BLACKHORSE RD., 1/2 MILE ON LEFT


tions) plant to the exchange in exchange for the same number of plants of their choice. To keep the selection of plants attractive for everyone, only one invasive plant will be allowed per person. The plant exchange is held rain or shine on the grounds of the Ephrata Mennonite School, 598 Stevens Road, Ephrata, at the corner of Stevens Road and Schoeneck Road. For directions or more information call the school office at 717-738-4266. Shown in the photo, from left to right, are students in the Backyard Ag Program (front row) Jennika Zimmerman, Logan Snyder, Kendrick Copenhaver, Adriann Zimmerman; (back row) Joel Groff, Andrea Eberly, Megan Weaver, Chelsea Weiler and Brandon Alwine.

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Adamstown FireQuacker 1000 (Continued From Page 1B)

The fun will begin around 10:30 a.m. at the Willow Street bridge, across Route 272 from Dave’s Diner, with kids’ games, a chance to sit in an Adamstown Fire Company fire engine and a chicken barbecue dinner. Dinners can be eaten at the site or taken home. The Adamstown Duck will make an appearance and pass out prizes to the younger children. Shortly before noon, Adamstown Community Days chairman Joe Dietrich will tumble hundreds of brightly-colored plastic ducks into the steam in the vicinity of Boehringer’s Ice Cream. As the ducks bob merrily downstream toward the finish line, fans will line

the banks and cheer them on. The first twelve ducks in the flock to reach the finish line will win cash prizes for the lucky ticket holders. Prizes range from $25 to $200. Dietrich said the duck race has always been a wonderful community event. “While families are having fun and possible winning cash prizes,� said Dietrich, “they are also helping support Adamstown Community Days events.� Adamstown Community Days is held over Memorial Day weekend and is wellknown for free quality entertainment and a Sunday night fireworks display that brings spectators from miles around. Shown in the photo keeping the duck dry until race day are, from left to right, Gavin McManimen, Kira Lehman and Clare Kelly.

College News Shope Named To Honor Society Eric Shope, of Denver, was inducted into the Becker College chapter of the Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society. Alpha Delta Lamda Delta is a national honors society through which Becker recognizes exceptional first year students. Membership qualifications include first-time, full-time students, with a 3.5 GPA during their first semester.

9 Binkley Named To Dean’s List

Abby Binkley was named to the Dean’s List for the fall 2014 semester at East University, Stroudsburg where she is a junior majoring in Early Childhood EduEducation/Special cation. She is also the President of the National Honor Society. A 2012 graduate of Ephrata Senior High School, she is the daughter of Michael and Vanessa Binkley, Ephrata.

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Ephrata Mennonite Plant Exchange


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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 3B

Everybody’s Marketplace For Sale FOR SALE: 6 x 10 trailer frame, no deck, no title, $250 OBO. For more information, 717-627-3509. FOR SALE: Firewood, mixed hardwood, stock up now and save. Call 717-406-4590. FOR SALE: Nikon digital D60 35mm camera, lenses, flash, tri-pod, case, excellent condition, $350. 717-627-0351.

FOR SALE: Custom built replacement windows and doors. Professional installation. Call Ronafa Window & Door, 717-733-7534 or visit our showroom at 400 W. Main St, Ephrata in the Ephrata Business Complex. Thank You!

FOR SALE: Snapper 21” selfpropelled mower, like new, $250; Tanka weed whacker, excellent condition, $150. Rigid pressure washer, 3,300 PSI with commercial grade cat pump, like new, $600. Phone, 717-201-0605.

FOR SALE: Indian Chief blacksmith 6” vise with leg posts, $125. Generator 7000 running watts, 5200 continuous watts, $195. 717-2035359.

FOR SALE: Fence wire and parts for rabbit cages. Screen and window repairs, including insulated windows. www.sensenig-hardware.com. 717-445-5383.

FOR SALE: 4 vending machines with stands, each $45, all four, $160. Call 717859-3151.

FOR SALE: Mario Cart steering wheels for Wii. $3 each, like new. 717-431-0626.

FOR SALE: Flags, flagpoles, bunting, flag cases, lapel pins, hats, garden flags, eagles, brackets, etc. American Flag Shoppe, near Adamstown. Our American flags are made in America! 717484-1183.

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Apply within. No phone calls, please.

FOR SALE: Like new tail gate carrier with ramp, must see. Call 717-9171844.


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FOR SALE: New Total gym with videos, must see. Call 717-917-1844.

Now Accepting Applications For


FOR SALE: Moving: 2 suede maroon couches, $50 each; Summit beer kegerator, $100; Miller Lite neon sign, $75; Budweiser neon sign, $50. All very good condition. Call 717-471-8992.

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181 South Reading Road, Ephrata All trademarks owned by Am. D.Q. Corp. or O.J. of Am. ©2015.


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15 words or less, $5.75 per week. 20¢ each word over 15 words. COMMERCIAL RATE: $7.75 first 15 words + 20¢ each additional word.



FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000000-0000.

FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000000-0000.

FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000000-0000.

FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000-000-0000.

New Categories & Boxed Ads Now Available!

15 words or less, $6.75 per week. 25¢ each word over 15 words. COMMERCIAL RATE: $8.75 first 15 words + 25¢ each additional word.

Your Name _______________________________________________________


Phone Number_____________________________________________________

FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000000-0000. FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000-000-0000.

Address __________________________________________________________ City _______________________________ State ______ Zip ______________

Reg. Bold Jumbo Bold Commercial Rate Boxed Ad (additional cost)

Number Of Weeks To Run: ________

Run My Ad In:

Commercial businesses are defined as: Any person or group normally engaged in offering goods or services in a business environment and include: rentals, items manufactured or bought for sale or resale, babysitting services, business listings, multiple animal listings, multiple yard sales, etc.

Boxes can be added at a rate of $2.00 per week.

CHECK ONE OF THESE CATEGORIES: 100 105 110 115 120 125

FOR SALE Misc. For Sale Antiques Appliances Automobiles/Trucks Boats/Motors Computers/Office Equip.

130 135 140 145 150 155

Farm Equipment/Livestock Household/Furniture Lawn & Garden Machinery/Tools Motorcycles/ATVs Musical Items

160 165 170 175 180 185

Pets & Animals Produce/Edibles Real Estate/Mobile Homes Recreation/Sporting Goods RVs/Campers Seasonal

200 210 220 230

NOTICE Misc. Garage Sale Announcements Lost and Found

300 310 320 330

HELP OFFERED 350 HELP WANTED Misc. 360 BUSINESS Childcare/Babysitting OPPORTUNITIES Cleaning Services WANTED Home & Lawn 400 Misc. 410 To Buy

500 510 520 530 540

FOR RENT Misc Apartments Houses Mobile Homes Shared Living

600 FREE

Print ad text below, ONE WORD IN EVERY BLOCK. Each ad must start with one of these headings: FOR SALE; NOTICE; HELP OFFERED;

HELP WANTED; BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY; WANTED; FOR RENT or FREE. Heading is counted with total number of words. 1

















































Total Number of Words in Ad ....... ____________ Basic Ad Cost .......................... $ ____________ Additional Word Count ..........................Addt’l Words _____ x Cost per word _____ = $ ____________ *We reserve the right to interchange or adjust certain term(s) in order to conform with state and federal regulations. Cost for Boxed Ad (optional) ....................................................................................... $ ____________ Total Cost of Ad ....................................................................................................... $ ____________ Payment Method: Number of Weeks to Run x ____________ Cash Check # _____________ Money Order # ______________________ Credit Card # ________________________________ Exp. Date_____________ Authorized Signature ___________________________ AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ ____________ 50

50 Word Max.

4B - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” FOR SALE: Homegrown tomatoes and cucumbers, flowers, hanging baskets, bedding plants. Glenwood Produce now open for the season. Monday-Saturday. 927 Glenwood Drive, Ephrata. FOR SALE: Small straw bales, possible delivery. 717-203-5359. FOR SALE: Bruno stair glider 2700 series, needs battery charger, $450 OBO. 717341-8279. FOR SALE: Maple firewood, Bergstrasse Church. Call Larry, 717-725-4418.

FOR SALE: Geraniums, petunias, marigolds, vinca, snapdragons, passion vines, mandevilleas, dipladenias, ferns, gerberas, calibrocoas, fairy gardens, planters, hanging baskets, vegetable, bedding plants, perennials. Come now for best selection. Kramer Mill Greenhouse. 717-336-4626. FOR SALE: 2 seat couch, $35; apt. size entertainment stand; 55 gallon aquarium with all pumps, $75; air conditioner, $20; floor/table and wind fans, best offer; Disney VHS collection. 717-859-4249.

Antiques FOR SALE: 30 year collection of Blue Ridge Southern pottery glassware, $300 final. To view, call 717-3367706.

FOR SALE: Huge selection of blemished freezers and misc. closeout appliances. Many with full warranties. Free delivery. Financing available. Martin Appliance, 1717 West Main, Ephrata. 717-7337730.

FOR SALE: Three black kettles, $150, $175, $250. 610334-9767.

FOR SALE: Washer, dryer, stove, refrigerator, $75 and up. Delivery available. 717951-3172.


FOR SALE: Washer, dryer, GE brand, good condition, $300 for set OBO. Call 717336-7168.

getting ready to graduate? looking for a career choice right out of high school? do you want to work outside?

Steffy Concrete Inc.

FOR SALE: Hamilton Beach family size 6 slice toaster oven/broiler, tried once, asking $30. Whirlpool hood combo microwave oven, white, 120 volt, never used, asking $200. Call 717-271-9511 after 5pm. FOR SALE: Friedrich 18,000 BTU room air conditioner, 230V, window or wall, two year warranty, $450, Denver. 717-283-7691.

(717) 336-8115

Laundry Aide

A Shellenberger Family Company

at Mennonite Home


Full Time Requires alternating weekends and holidays with alternating hours of 5:30am-2pm/ 8am-4:30pm. Valid PA drivers license required.


Various PT positions, food service/activities. We offer competitive wages and a smoke-free atmosphere. Apply in person or send resume to:

Mennonite Home Communities

Attn: Recruiter, 1520 Harrisburg Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601 recruiter@mennonitehome.org • www.mennonitehome.org EOE, M/F/D/V

Mennonite Home Communities seeks candidates with a genuine love for the elderly and a stable job history.

Harvey Achey Construction is seeking applicants for

Laborers for ICF -andStone/Stucco Crews

Competitive wages & benefits package. Must have valid driver’s license. Apply at:

65 E. Swartzville Rd., Denver Inquiries: 717-484-0189


PART-TIME/ON-CALL VARIOUS SHIFTS/DAYS INCLUDING WEEKENDS HOURLY PAY 1 YEAR RECENT JOCKEY EXPERIENCE USING YARD TRUCK REQUIRED. Must be able to pass Criminal Background Check and work in a fast paced environment. Apply Online www.sandhexpress.com Click on Career tab and fill out the app

Musser’s Excavating has job openings for experienced, motivated individuals.

Full-Time: • Pan/Scraper Operator • Job Foreman • Heavy Equipment Operator • Utility Pipe Layers Part-Time: • Heavy Equipment Lowboy Driver (CDL required) Requirements: • Pre-Employment Drug Testing • Valid driver’s license • Must be 18 or older

Good Benefit Package.

To submit resume/application: Mail to 116 E. 28th Division Hwy. Lititz, PA 17543 Drop off at address listed above Fax to 717-626-6641 • Email to info@mussersexcavating.com


FOR SALE: ‘94 Camry, V6, auto, 4-door, mileage 224,444, needs inspection, $850. 717-484-2104.

FOR SALE: 1999 Pontiac Sunfire Coupe, automatic, 2.4L, twin-cam, 185,000 miles, green/blue, $1,000. 717-406-7314.

FOR SALE: 1994 BMW 540-i, V8, 5-speed, auto, needs new parts installed, already purchased water pump, fan radiator, $1,200 OBO. 215205-4005.

FOR SALE: 2003 BMW 325I, 81,811, auto, real sharp, blue leather, $8,250. Call 717-413-6495.

FOR SALE: 2004 Volvo S40, 195,000 miles, 1/16 inspection, salvage title, $2,000. 717-341-8279.


WINDOW - SIDING - GENERAL CARPENTRY FT Join a growing company offering health benefits & excellent wages. Must have valid drivers license

174 E. MAIN ST. • LEOLA, PA 17540 HIC# PA105411

Phone (717) 843-7663 x5


Synergy Employment Group Now Hiring • Production Workers (1st/2nd shift) • Forklift Drivers (2nd shift) • Foundry Workers (all shifts) • Welders • Machine Operators (1st/2nd shift) • Electricians • Trailer Mechanic • Maintenance Mechanic (2nd shift) Surrounding Lancaster Areas DS/Background Req. • Must bring 2 forms of ID 14 Greenfield Rd. Lancaster, PA 17602 Please contact Synergy Emp. Group at 717-824-4005

TOP PAY RATE AFTER 90 DAYS We are looking for

TRUCK MECHANIC NEEDED Rohrer’s Service Center needs a truck mechanic! In addition to our own fleet, our shop serves commercial clients as well as the general public. Responsibilities include service, repair and maintenance of heavy trucks and equipment. A Class 7 inspection and a minimum of a CDL “B” license are required. Core work hours are 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. weekdays, with OT required as needed. We offer competitive pay and benefits including health, dental, vision, disability, life insurance, vacation, 401(k), long term care, uniforms, and a tool reimbursement program. Company sponsored continuing education & training as well as tuition reimbursement is available. Candidates should complete an application or submit a resume to the attention of Human Resources by email, fax, mail or in person. Visit our website at www.rohrers.com.

Rohrer’s Incorporated 70 Lititz Rd., P.O. Box 365 Lititz, PA 17543 Attn: Human Resources Fax: 717-626-9425 Email: kelli.ohara@rohrers.com

Exp. Class A Drivers Are you a caring person who wants to make a difference in someone’s life? We are currently looking for creative, caring, dependable and personable team members who desire to make a difference in someone’s life, to provide non-medical, in-home care to our community’s senior citizens.

Now Hiring In-Home Caregivers Currently Hiring Team Members: Weekends, Days, Evenings Call Today 717-738-0588 or apply online at http://www.seniorhelpers.com/lancastercounty *Must have driver’s license and reliable car*

who value safety and are looking for a place to call home. Successful candidates with 3 years of Class A exp. and clean driving record will be provided with assigned, well maintained equipment. Excellent pay and benefit package, sign-on bonus after 90 days and be home most nights and weekends.

For consideration, stop in, call or email Steve at: Summers Trucking 40 Garden Spot Rd. Ephrata, PA

(717) 733-6556

safety@summerstrucking.com E.O.E.

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 5B FOR SALE: 2006 Dodge Grand Caravan, 113,143 miles. $4,500 OBO. Call 717336-7972. FOR SALE: 2000 Volkswagon Jetta TDI, 5-spd., 250K miles, many recent parts, $4,450 OBO. 717-598-0269. FOR SALE: Large selection of used parts. Installation available. ASE certified mechanic with 30 years experience, on duty M-F, 7-4. Will meet or beat your written estimate. We also have used vehicles for sale. Call Randy, 717-984-8542. FOR SALE: 2001 Mercury Sable, runs well buts needs inspection and some repair. Still looks good, KBB value is $3,300, price is $2,100. Hurry! 717-304-2986. FOR SALE: 2000 Volvo S40, 145,000 miles, AT/PW/PDL, 4/16 inspection, $2,000 OBO. 717-341-8279. FOR SALE: 2002 Chevy Silverado, regular cab pick-up, 8’ bed, excellent condition, 4.3 V6, AT, AC, PS, PB, bed liner. Asking $5,000. Possible trade accepted. Call 717-471-4736. FOR SALE: 1988 Corvette, 2-tops, 42,300 original miles, runs like new, first $5,950. 717-413-4792. FOR SALE: 2007 Ford Fusion, 4 door, 4-cyl. engine, good condition, $5,000. 717725-0331.

Snyder Is Student Of The Month Recently the Ephrata Lions Club recognized Ephrata High School student Carly Snyder as their Student of the Month for March. She is shown in the photo with her parents, Gregory and Susan Snyder, and Ephrata Lions President, Nevin Rutt. Carly is a sophomore and has spent many hours over the past years helping with Coats with Kids coat drive along with volunteering at the Ephrata Outdoor Community Pool assisting with swim lessons to children. She also has run in a 5K in support of AVEDIUM to raise awareness, which is an organization that fights against childhood depression and suicide. She enjoys swimming, softball and FOR SALE: 1996 Buick Regal, good shape, solid body. PW/PDL/PDS, color blue/ green or teal, just inspected in February, passed emissions was exemp, has 127K, asking $3,000 OBO. Call or text, 717-875-7463.

Have Experience with Printing Presses? We are looking for Printing Press Assistants! • Full Time/Temp-to-Hire • 1st and 2nd Shift Available • Lancaster-Leola Area • Opportunities for Advancement • $11/Hour to Start • Experience with Printing Press, Drug Screen and Background Check Required

FOR SALE: 1994 Oldsmobile 88 Royale, automatic, green/grey, 67,435 miles, $1,700. 717-406-7314. FOR SALE: 2000 Pontiac Grand Am, black, 127,000 miles, inspected, good condition, $1,300 OBO. 717629-0271. FOR SALE: 2006 Ford Taurus SE, 55,000 miles. Inspected 4/15. $4,500 OBO. Call 717-336-4337.

FOR SALE: 12’ V boat, bottom alum, + 6HP Johnson motor, anchor and fish finder, oars, aluminum trailer, good shape, $1,395. Please call 717314-5592.

FOR SALE: 1999 Dodge Dakota Sport V-8, 199,000 miles, red in color, extended cab, 4x4, $3,000 OBO. Call 717-336-1623 before noon.

Boats/Motors piano. She plans to continue in her studies to ultimately become an English teacher. Carly and another Ephrata

High School sophomore have been nominated to attend COBY which is a youth leadership conference in May of this year.

FOR SALE: Tag, title transfers. Reasonable. 384 Reinholds Road. Hours vary, call for an appointment. 717371-5652.

FOR SALE: 1989 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera car, garage kept. Needs some TLC. Must sell, moving. Call 717445-4677.


Computers/Office It’s easy to place a classified ad! Visit our office at 615 E. Main St., Ephrata, or submit your ad at www.snews.com!

Non-CDL Driver

FT driver for inter-state deliveries. Min. 1 yr. exp. Must have CLEAN driving record. If not, DO NOT APPLY! Must be able to meet physical demands of this position, which include lifting and moving of stairs, loading and unloading trucks. Keeping of a Log Book, DOT knowledge required. M-F days. Require pre-emp drug & background checks. Wages TBD. Excellent hours for a family man!! If qualified, email resume to: Subject: Cocalico Distribution marybethm@durawood.biz or stop by 18 Industrial Way, Denver, PA to fill out an application


Esbenshade Mills FEED TRUCK DRIVER 2nd Shift, Full-Time

Must have CDL Class A License. Excellent pay and benefits. Esbenshade Mills 220 Eby Chiques Road Mount Joy, PA 17552 717-653-8061 • Fax 717-653-6922 Email: heath@esbenshadefarmmill.com

Synergy Employment Group, Inc. 14 Greenfield Road Lancaster, PA 17602


Now Hiring

Now accepting applications for part-time work on an as needed basis for people to...

ELECTRICIANS With 2-4 Years Experience.

Shady Maple has the following employment opportunities available.


Customer Service - Part Time Grill - Part Time Buffet Attendant - Part Time Bus Person - Part Time Housekeeper - Part Time Dish Room - Part Time Hostess/Cashier - Part Time Salad/Dessert - Full Time & Part Time Beverage Bar - Part Time Utilities Manager

(Oversee dishroom & housekeeping) Full Time

Commercial/Residential Installations

Collate Inserts

into The Shopping News

We offer:

Requirements: • Able to work Mondays* from 8:00am-4:30pm • Able to work Tuesdays from 7:00 am-4:30pm • *Occasional Fridays when the following Monday is a holiday • Able to lift up to 20 lbs. • Able to stand for long periods of time

Clerk/Cashiers - Part Time

Paid Vacation • Paid Holidays • Overtime • Uniforms Competitive Wages for the Right Candidate Call or email your resume to:

Benefits: Holidays & Weekends Off Stop in and fill out an application at:


SHOPPING NEWS of Lancaster County

615 East Main Street, P.O. Box 456, Ephrata, PA 17522 Email: snews@ptd.net


FT Warehouse Laborer Wanted

Denver Cold Storage, Inc.


Need Some Extra Cash?

Why not earn money while making people smile? ROYER’S FLOWERS AND GIFTS is in need of floral delivery drivers for Mother’s Day. Drive your own vehicle. Valid driver’s license and insurance required. Register in person at:

ROYER’S FLOWERS & GIFTS 165 S. Reading Road, Ephrata (717) 733-6588

Locally Owned Warehousing company seeking Able Bodied candidat es with prefe rred selection going to those with previous warehousing experience. Ability to provide Precise Counts and Attention to Detail IS A MUST. Other duties can include order picking, forklift operation, and other general warehouse duties.

Benefits Include: x Competitive Hourly Rate + Over Time x Comprehensive



(Medical, Rx, Retirement Package, Supplemental Insurance Offering)

x On the Job Training & Forklift Certification

Interested Candidates should apply in person at: Denver Cold Storage, Inc. 555A Sandy Hill Road Denver, PA 17517 (717) 336-3900

Denver Cold Storage, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Gift Shop


Cook - Part Time Cashier/Server - Part Time

Farm Market Bakery Production

Donuts - Nights, Part Time Donuts - Day Shift, Part Time Snack Shack - Food Server - Part Time Meats - Wrapper - Part Time Checkout - Cashier/Baggers - Part Time


Meat Slicer - Nights, Full Time Clerks - Part Time Housekeeping - Housekeeper - Part Time Dairy - Stocker - 2nd Shift, Full Time

RV Center

Cleaning - Part Time Seasonal Lot Person - Part Time Seasonal

Houston Run

Community Center in Gap, PA

Housekeeper - Part Time Groundskeeper - Part Time Seasonal thru October Interested candidates may apply at

Shady Maple

Route 23, East Earl, PA 17519 717-354-4981 Ask for Diane Adamczyk ext. 640

Shady Maple offers excellent benefits; health/dental/vision, 401K/matching contribution, paid vacations, holidays, employee discounts.

6B - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” FOR SALE: Twin size bed with mattress; inside dog kennel; hunting blind; old fashion push mower; outside plastic furniture; small hand sweeper plugs into your car; wooden bookcase, $40; four white kitchen chairs. Must sell. Call 717413-6444.

FOR SALE: Fix My Computer Please, 205 E. Main Street, New Holland offers computer sales, repairs and web services. Desktop and Laptop computers at great prices, comes with lifetime support, 6 month warranties. All repairs guaranteed. Bring this ad in for a free diagnosis and 10% off any repair. 717351-5750.

FOR SALE: Hewlett Packard laptop, $150. 717-336-7417.

Household/Furniture FOR SALE: Recliner rocker, large, excellent condition, maroon. Call 717-4466344.

FOR SALE: Moving. Maytag refrigerator with icemaker, like new, 1 year old, $500; Samsung washer and dryer, high capacity, paid $1,550, 2 years old, $650/both. White stand alone pantry, $100; humidifier, $50. 717413-9616. FOR SALE: Oak jewelry Armoire on legs, $75; walnut dresser seat, $35; black wrought iron bakers rack, $60; Dirt Devil bagless upright sweeper, $75. Call after 5PM, 717-738-4813.

Domino’s Pizza in Ephrata Is Looking For Qualified Delivery Drivers Earn $10-$12/Hour With Tips

To drive for Domino’s Pizza, you must be at least 18 years of age, have a valid driver’s license and a good driving record.

Hours Available: Part time Apply at the

Cloister Shopping Center Store


JANITORS Looking for reliable, detail-oriented individuals with commercial cleaning experience to join our team. Part-time positions available. Mostly evening shifts with occasional daytime work. Must have valid PA driver’s license and reliable transportation.

Apply within or online: 280 Earland Drive New Holland, PA 17557 www.cleannrg.net

FOR SALE: Custom built replacement windows and doors. Professional installation. Call Ronafa Window & Door, 717-733-7534, or visit our showroom at 400 W. Main St, Ephrata in the Ephrata Business Center. Thank You! FOR SALE: 71st anniversary edition Howard Miller Grandfather clock, Hammond organ, two dining room sets, tables with chairs, drysink, TV stand, hutch, china cupboard, full size bedroom suite, dressers with mirrors, John Deere snowblower. Must sell, moving! Call 717-4454677.

FOR SALE: Pressure treated wooden lawn furniture, swings, frames, Adirondack chairs, gliders, etc. Come and see our set up and display at 1297 Clay Road, Lititz. Call 717-626-0329. FOR SALE: Heirloom Tomato and Pepper plants. Experience old fashion flavor. Over 40 varieties of tomato and sweet/hot peppers. 240 Hillside Road, Stevens. No Sunday Sales. FOR SALE: Older 12HP lawn tractor, runs and mows, $150; CubCadet lawn tractor, $500. 717-572-9417.

FOR SALE: Coffee & end table, Bassett collection, 2 months old. $125; Electric Krups slicer, $20; Shark rotator with all attachments, $100. 717-799-7523.

FOR SALE: Ariens lawn tractor, 42” hydro, 19HP, Kohler, exe. condition. 717-336-3937.

Lawn & Garden

FOR SALE: Case 444 lawn tractor with snow blower, $450. 10’ Brillion culti-packer, $225. 717-484-2104.

Trucks Parts Counter Person Busy Truck Parts & Industrial Supply store is seeking a Parts Counter Person. Full Time Monday-Friday. Position requires previous parts experience, excellent customer service, proven work history and ability to perform heavy lifting. Excellent benefits include, 401(k), health, dental, vision, life, accident, employee purchase program and competitive pay. CTE is an EOE. Veterans are encouraged to apply. Drug free candidates may send resume, or apply in person:

Cumberland Truck Equipment Co. 889 East Main Street Ephrata, PA 17522 wwatert@cumberlandtruck.com

Warehouse Receivers & Order Pickers 1st & 2nd Shift

1st and 2nd Shift Warehouse Workers! • New Holland Area • Temp/Temp-to-Hire • Entry Level Positions • Drug Screen and Background Check Required

Synergy Employment Group, Inc. 14 Greenfield Road Lancaster, PA 17602

717-824-4005 HELP WANTED

Must be highly motivated, w/excellent attention to detail. Refrigerated environment. Frequent lifting, order picking, operate RF scanners/electric jacks & loading trucks. Competitive wages w/benefits available.

FT Mechanic

Please apply at:

w/PA Inspection & Emission License

Aides needed to care for our clients If you have the heart to assist people in their own homes with their activities of daily living, we would like to meet you. Reliable transportation and driver’s license required. Must pass company run background clearances. Part-time hours, days, evenings and weekends. Start at $9.00/hour.


FW_Z >eb_ZWoi LWYWj_ed Air Conditioned Shop Email resume to: fishersgarageinc@yahoo.com or apply within: Fisher’s Garage 5 Creamery Rd., Reinholds, PA 17569 s (OURS AM PM

55 Lower Hillside Road • Stevens, PA 17578 or mail resume to: P.O. Box 137, Stevens, PA 17578 or fax (717) 336-0538 or email bobwatts@johnfmartinmeats.com


at 717-464-2006 or visit www.PA-HomeCare.com for more details. EOE

Maintenance Mechanic Service Advisor Heavy duty truck dealership is seeking a full-time Service Advisor. Person must be dependable, courteous, self-motivated, communicate well with drivers/dispatchers to authorize repairs. Some industry knowledge helpful. Comprehensive benefits package includes 401(k), health, dental, vision, life, accident, employee purchase program and vacation pay. Compensation is commensurate to experience, incentive available. Veterans are encouraged to apply. CTE is an E.O.E. Drug free applicants may apply online at www.cumberlandtruck.com/more/employment.aspx

Cumberland Truck Equipment Co. 889 East Main Street Ephrata, PA 17522

Immediate Long Term Light Industrial Positions Available Friday Only Work Available For Part Timers

Morgan Corp is looking for a Full-time Maintenance Mechanic to work 1st shift in our Denver PA location. • Knowledge & ability to safely operate required hand and portable tools both power/non-powered; Understand and comprehend measurements and have the ability to apply based on instruction; ability to read precision measuring equipment, dial indicators, calibers, electrical test equipment, etc.; knowledge of PLC troubleshooting, repair, and programming; knowledge of electrical circuits both AC and DC.; experience with CMMS system requirements.; knowledge to operate forklifts, scissor lifts, basket trucks, and overhead cranes; ability to read English and interpret work orders in and apply to task at hand; understanding of code, regulations of state, local and federal government. (OSHA, NEC); maintain manufacturing equipment. Drills, impacts, paint booth, cranes, electrical, shear, press; Proficiency with electrical schematics. • Possess High School Diploma or GED. AA Degree preferred but not required, 5 years exp. in maintenance in manufacturing, valid driver’s license, be able to pass a drug screen and background check.

Raber’s has a Tire Changer position available. Must be motivated and at least 18 years old. This is a long term, permanent position. Willing to train the right person. Competitive salary. Apply in person. 6 Pleasant Valley Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522 1/2 mile west of Walmart

HELP WANTED Yoder’s Country Market and Restaurant have the following positions currently available: • Full-Time Meat Cutter: Previous experience in a retail meat department is required. • Part-Time Cashier: Excellent customer service skills required. • Part-Time Deli Clerk: Must be at least 18 years of age. • Part-Time Short Order Cook • Part-Time Waitress: Previous experience preferred. • Part-Time Pharmacy Cashier: Must be at least 18 years of age and have excellent customer service skills. • Part-Time Produce Clerk: Must be available for daytime and evening shifts. Some heavy lifting required. • Part-Time Grill Cook: Must be at least 18 years of age. Apply in person or online at


To apply, please send resume to


Apply Online at:

Apply in person at


485 Wenger Drive, Ephrata or 1656 Dry Tavern Road, Denver



No phone calls. EEO Employer



14 S. Tower Road, New Holland, PA 17557

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 7B



FOR SALE: Cash paid for motorcycles and ATVs. Will pick-up. Ask for John, 610637-9447.

FOR SALE: 2000 Harley Dyna Wide glide with Voyager Trike kit, $10,000. 717-9174706.

FOR SALE: Motorcycle trailer, $250. 717-917-4706.

FOR SALE: 2004 Yamaha Roadstar Silverado, 10,000 miles, excellent condition, inspected, extras, CB/audio system, dyno tuned, $6,750. Call 717-201-8204. FOR SALE: 2000 Harley Road King Black, dealer maintained, runs and looks great, $7,500 OBO. 717330-2946. FOR SALE: 2004 Harley Davidson Sportster 1200R. Like new, 163 actual miles. Black with cream tank. Serious inquiries only. $5,350 OBO. 717-471-8216.

FOR SALE: 2002 Road King, one owner, 10,600 original miles, extra chrome, new back tire, tach, $9,500. Call 717-6664640.

FOR SALE: 2007 Honda Silverwing with Danson Trike kit, $8,000. Automatic, great for female. 717-723-7753.

FOR SALE: 2004 Ultra-Classic Harley Davidson, six speed, 48,000 miles, good condition, $10,500 firm. Call Lee, 717-278-5249.

FOR SALE: Harley FLHR, 2011, excellent, 3,000 miles, $16,500, garage kept, 6speed, ABS, alarm, cruise. 717-335-0460.


FOR SALE: 2005 Black Honda VTX 1800F, only 8,000 miles. Garage kept, great condition. Corbin custom seat, saddlebags, highway lights, windshield. $6,000 OBO. Call 717-471-6047.

FOR SALE: Currier piano, excellent condition, $275 or make offer. 717-733-7185.

Pets & Animals FOR SALE: 4 Society Finches and large bird cage included. $75 OBO. 717-743-1138.


Now Accepting Applications For

Line Cooks

We are seeking energetic installation crew members and production workers with a willingness to learn the precast concrete business. Installers should have a valid drivers license and previous construction experience. All employees must be able to move/lift 100 lbs. Weaver Precast is a safety oriented and drug free workplace offering excellent wages and benefits package. Please apply in person.

Apply Online

www.myapplebeesjob.com Hiring Code 101

Full-Time & Part-Time



Lititz branch. Banking exp. required.


Please contact Jeff at (717) 721-5242.

Full-time and part-time positions available to become part of our “clean team”. We have won awards for cleanliness and need team members with high standards! Must be available to work some weekends. Hours start at 8:30 am weekdays and 9am weekends. We are looking for individuals with a steady work record. We have a great training program! Apply in person at 380 E. Main Street, Ephrata

“You’ll feel the difference”

Ephrata National Bank


31 East Main Street, (PO Box 457) Ephrata, PA 17522


Synergy Employment Group

Spray: Sealer, Primer & Topcoat on Cabinets & Components

Now Hiring for

FINISHER / SPRAYER Stainer / Glazer

Fairway Building Products

Apply Stain & Glaze to Cabinets, Doors & Components

JOB FAIR Thurs., May 14th • 9AM-2PM

Competitive Wages Based on Experience

• Maintenance Mechanics (2nd shift) • Machine Operator (2nd shift) • General Production (1st shift) DS/Background Req. • Must bring 2 forms of ID

Experience Required Applicant must possess: Willingness to work with others, willingness to learn, good attitude, dependability. We Offer: Excellent Insurance Package, Paid Vacation & Holidays, Simple IRA

has immediate first shift openings. We are seeking dependable, QUALITY minded individuals to assist in the operation of our production line. Benefits include: Paid Holidays, Bonuses & Profit Sharing. Previous applicants need not apply. No phone calls, please. Apply in person at:

GOOD’S POTATO CHIPS 306 E. Main St., Adamstown, PA 19501


Apply in person to:

RED ROSE CABINETRY, INC. 740 Rothsville Road, Lititz, PA 17543


Fairway Building Products

Please contact Synergy Emp. Group at 717-824-4005

In business since 1962, we build equipment that delivers wellengineered, reliable solutions for all types of transportation challenges.

1st & 3rd Shift Welders Responsible to layout, fit and weld fabricated, cast and forged components to assemble products. Must be proficient MIG welder with print reading and layout skills.

Material Handler (9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.) Responsible to load, unload and move material within plant and around the worksite. Prior tow motor experience preferred.

3rd Shift Wash Bay Responsible to wash and prep product for painting. We offer competitive wages, medical, dental, vision, life insurance, 401(k), profit sharing, paid holidays and vacations. Apply to: MGS, Inc. 178 Muddy Creek Church Road Denver, PA 17517 jobs@mgsmail.com

TEMPORARY SEASONAL SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES Temporary Bin Driver: The primary duties will be driving a bin truck and grounds maintenance. Operate bin truck or skid loader as needed, perform daily clean-up duties, assist in operation, maintenance, and repairs primarily in the crushing and quarry operations. Perform some mowing, trimming, and weed whacking. Temporary Bin/Block Assistant: The primary responsibility of this position is to take care of precast production. Set-up forms, pour, strip forms, and clean-up. Use hand shovel to keep the area around bins and the reclamation plant clean and free from spillage. Assist with keeping the concrete plant bins full of material and the reclamation plant bins empty. Successful candidates must have a valid driver’s license; safe driving record; stable employment history, be able to lift up to 75 lbs., and work outside in all kinds of weather, heat, cold, dusty & muddy places, with extremely loud equipment, and be available for regular overtime. Experience with heavy equipment, concrete operations, and/or any type of plant maintenance is preferred, but not required. Candidates should complete an application or submit a resume to the attention of Human Resources by email, fax, mail or in person. Visit our website at www.rohrers.com.

Rohrer’s Incorporated 70 Lititz Rd., P.O. Box 365 Lititz, PA 17543 Attn: Human Resources Fax: 717-626-9425 Email: kelli.ohara@rohrers.com



• Call Center Representatives • Banquet Manager • Accounting, QuickBooks • Banquet Servers • A/R, A/P • Dishwashers • Machine Operators Part-Time Weekends 1st & 2nd Shift • Machine Operators - Bindery, • Picker & Packer CNC, Extrusion, All Shifts All Shifts • Customer Service/ • 1st & 3rd Shift Account Managers Forklift Operator/ Order Selector • Landscapes - PT • Housekeeping - PT/FT • Experienced Painters • Digital Print Manager • 3rd Shift Extrusion • Bindery Associate • Saturday Help: Bussers, • Print Production/Finisher Hosts, Dishwashers, • Assembly/QC/Inspection Grill Cooks

LEBANON OFFICE • 1st Shift Supervisors • 2nd Shift Grinders • Certified Stand Up Forklift Operator • Maintenance Technician • Part Time 3rd Shift Janitorial • Receptionist / Admin. Assistant - Bilingual





(717) 336-5959

(717) 945-6601

(717) 272-4243

(610) 376-1771


53 Eby Chiques Rd. Mount Joy, PA 17552

8B - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” FOR SALE: Beautiful bl/ white mini horse. 6 years old. Raised with children, $300. 717-721-7950.

FOR SALE: Ephrata Boro. Great view, sloped lot, any builder, .20 acre. $92,500, realtor. 717-627-2325.

FOR SALE: Toy Yorkie male, 6 years old, brown grey, $300. Call 717-2012712.

FOR SALE: By owner summer cottage at Mt. Lebanon Campmeeting, RT 343, furnished, $23,000. Call 717279-7908 or 717-829-6481.

FOR SALE: Beautiful Standard poodle puppy, male, dark red, ready May 17. 610621-2894.

FOR SALE: Stevens/Reamstown area. 3 bedroom raised ranch with basement and 1 car garage. Master Suite, central air. $1,278/year taxes. $120,000. Call Thom Smucker Direct, 717-3145963, Coldwell Banker office voicemail, 717-738-7389, Realtor.

Real Estate FOR SALE: 1018 New Street, Akron. Recently remodeled 2 bedroom, bath, living room and new eat-in kitchen. Finished basement, appliances including washer/dryer. One car garage. 717-354-7416.

Sporting Goods FOR SALE: Schwinn treadmill 820p, must see. Call 717-917-1844.

HELP WANTED INSULATION INSTALLERS NEEDED ASAP Construction experience is helpful. Insulation experience is a plus. Will train. Benefits available after probationary period.


Call Tim at 717-336-2999 or apply in person at:

Service Professionals 82 West Main Street • Reinholds, PA 17569

FOR SALE: Spring bear hunt to Quebec, Canada. May 30 till June 6, 2015. This is 6 days of hunting and fishing, we also have hundreds of miles to ride our ATV. Call 717-4714576.

FOR SALE: IZip hybrid electric bike. Almost new, less than 10 miles. Selling because of health. 3 mode electric assist. 8-speed transmission. Premium lithium batteries. 36 mile travel distance. Locally sold and serviced. Bargain priced. 717-5750584.

FOR SALE: OL Hausen pool table, 3/4” slate, Accu Fast cushions, 4’x7”, drop pockets, pool sticks, pool racks, set balls, 6 years old, $600 firm. Call 717-314-5592.

• Good comprehension & composition skills • Minimum typing skills 40 WPM • Offering 25-30 hours per week Some weekend work required Call to schedule interview & screening test


M-F 9am-4pm • Submit resume to wcs@dejazzd.com

WOODMASTERS Cabinetry Woodmasters Custom Cabinetry LLC is currently seeking an experienced

Estimator/ Order Processor to join our team. Applicant must be able to read and understand prints and drawings. Prepare estimates and quotes. Generate drawings for approvals. Process daily sales orders. Along with a competitive salary, we offer a benefit package that includes: Health, Dental, Life/Disability, and IRA Plan. Paid Holidays and Vacation Pay. If you are interested, please apply at our plant location at 204 Rod and Gun Road, Newmanstown, PA 17073 between the hours of 8:00am & 4:00pm, Monday thru Friday. Or fax resume to 717-949-3924, or email to cindy@woodmasterscabinetry.com or jason@woodmasterscabinetry.com

FOR SALE: Cocalico Creek Campground is now welcoming new campers. seasonal Sites available. Spacious wooded, shaded, friendly, quiet, independently owned family campground. Please call for more information, 717-336-2014. FOR SALE: 2004 Rockwood Premier pop-up camper with slide out dinette. Very good condition. Call 717-6272934 .

Automotive section FOR SALE: 1998 Skyline 40’ Layton Park Model with 2 Tip-outs on a permanent rented site near Dagsboro, Delaware, 6 miles from Bethany Beach, $16,900. 717-269-4429. FOR SALE: 1977 Sunline 17.5’ camper, $500. 717940-1726.

FOR SALE: 22’ Shasta, no title, sleeps 6-8, $350. 717725-5077. FOR SALE: 2005 Holiday Rambler Admiral SE motorhome. 2 slides, 30,000 miles, excellent condition, $46,000 OBO. 610-8237636.

NOTICE: For Rent. Trailer Man lifts, reasonable rates. New Holland. 717354-9410.

LANDSCAPE CREWMAN Now hiring a full-time landscape crewman. Previous exp. w/edging, mulching, trimming, planting and snow removal preferred. Must pass a drug screen, physical and have a valid PA driver’s license with clean driving record.

NOTICE: We accept brush, trimmings, grass clippings, trees and stumps for a small fee. Call Martin Mulch for information. 717-7331602.

Apply within or online: 280 Earland Drive New Holland, PA 17557 www.cleannrg.net SEASONAL HELP NEEDED: General maintenance help, grounds work, minor plumbing. I need a jack-of-all trades. All maintenance staff must have a valid driver’s license. Also, we are looking for help in our Snack Bar, Housekeeping and Activities areas. These are great summer jobs for people who like working with the public and having fun. We encourage students, retirees or those looking to supplement your income. Must be able to work flexible hours. WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS A MUST and be able to work MAY 1 - NOV. 1. Serious applicants only! Please stop by Sun Valley Campground at 451 East Maple Grove Road, Bowmansville, PA.

PARTS AND INSIDE SALES Position requires good verbal and written communication skills, ability to work well in an unsupervised and/or team environment, computer and data entry abilities. A working knowledge of the farming industry, especially in the feed & grain handling environment is important. Must be non-smoking. Offering competitive wages with benefits.

(717) 274-5333 Grain & Feed Handling Equipment Dust Collection Systems

NOTICE: Custom built replacement windows and doors. Professional installation. Call Ronafa Window & Door, 717-733-7534, or visit our showroom at 400 W. Main St, Ephrata in the Ephrata Business Center. Thank You!

Garage Sale NOTICE: Massive Tool Sale, weekends. Power, hand, tile saws, plumbing, electric, carpentry, automotive, lawn, 7550W generator, compressors, drills, bits, blades. 1055 White Oak, Denver. Craigslist.

608 E. Evergreen Rd. Lebanon, PA 17042

22 West Main Street, Ephrata, PA 17522

We are currently hiring for:

Shipping/Forklift Production/Packaging Machine Operators Restoration/Cleaners Lumber Handlers Unable to attend, apply online: www.tpgworks.com

NOTICE: Schoeneck Fire Company Yard Sale, Saturday, May 2, 7am. Reserve your space with 1 table for $10 by calling, 717-336-4642. 125 N. King St, Denver. NOTICE: Clearview Gardens Community Yard Sale, Friday, May 1, Saturday, May 2, 7am-? Rain or shine, off Clay School Road, Ephrata.

‘00 Neon Sdn. ..................$3,295 ‘06 Caravan .......................$3,995 ‘00 Grand Am ..................$2,995 ‘06 Cobalt .......................... $4,495 ‘04 Cavalier........................$2,295 ‘07 Saturn Ion, 99K...... $5,495

Bob’s American

Garden Spot Equipment Auction Auto Sales 519 W. Main St., Ephrata







‘04 VW Beetle Conv.


HELP WANTED PART TIME Clerical/Receptionist

Lester R. Summers, Inc. 40 Garden Spot Rd. Ephrata, PA E.O.E.


‘04 Audi TT Conv.




16 hrs./wk.; Thurs. & Fri. 8:30am-5:00pm

Local trucking company is looking for an ACCURATE & RELIABLE person to assist with payroll functions, answer phones and perform various other clerical duties. Applicants should have previous office experience with a multi-line phone system, strong verbal communication skills, computer knowledge (Word & Excel) and accurate data entry skills. Interested persons should email resume to: stacey@summerstrucking.com Or apply in person at:

Warranty available on most.

Rt. 272, Ephrata, PA • 733-7890



NOTICE: Multi-Family Yard Sale, May 1/2, 7am. Baby Trend travel system, boys/ girls clothes 9M-3T, books, snare drum, toys, household, lots more! 1986 W. Main St, Ephrata.

‘98 Cutlass, 92K ..............$3,295 ‘04 LeSabre .......................$3,995 ‘00 Cadillac Catera, 75K $3,495 ‘06 Cobalt Sdn. ............... $3,495

Foundry Workers Wanted!!! • All Shifts - 1st, 2nd, 3rd • General Labor, TIG Welders, Machine Operators • Reamstown Area • Full Time/Temp to Hire Synergy Employment Group, Inc. 14 Greenfield Road Lancaster, PA 17602

Job Fair Thursday, April 30th

NOTICE: Annual Voganville Community Sales, Saturday, 5/2, rain or shine. Clothing, HH goods, flowers, fabric, subs, baked goods, shoes, eggs, much more. Lindengrove and Wissler Roads.

May Specials


automatic farm systems

NOTICE: Multi-Family Yard Sale, Fri/Sat, May 1/2. Lots of items, kids games, books, Fundraiser food stand with wooden and gourd birdhouses (great Mother’s Day gift)! Handmade jewelry, portable dishwasher. 595/ 598 Greenview Dr, next to Fivepointville Fire House.

NOTICE: Multiple Yard Sales, May 9, 7am-1pm. Something for everyone. Cocalico Self Store, 99 West Church St, Denver.


NOTICE: Got radon? Free estimates. Local. 25+ years experience. Call Jay, 717949-2011. PA-DEP #1657. PA40570.

Join the team at Weaver’s, helping our business and professional clients create “A friendly voice at the end of the line” Needed inbound call center telephone operator

RV’s & Campers

‘12 Subaru Outback

‘06 Hyundai Santa Fe



‘05 GMC Sierra Truck




‘05 Subaru Outback Wagon


Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 9B

Denver Elementary Spring Concert

Multi-Family Yard Sale Saturday, May 2

6:30 am 2063 West Main St., Ephrata (near Clay)

When: Saturday, May 2nd

Time: 7am-11am Where: 136 School Lane, Brownstown

Name brand children’s clothes (Girl’s 5/6-8, Boy’s 3/4-10), Women’s clothing (Medium-XL), games, toys, books, KitchenAid mixer, HH, Civil War books, perennials. NOTICE: Moving Sale, May 2, May 3. Everything priced to sell. TV’s, 2 stereos, metal office desk, entertainment center, sofa, chairs, books, basket making supplies, Tupperware, microwave, upright freezer, general household items, much more. 213 S. 11th St, Akron. NOTICE: Garage Sale, May 2, 7am. Furniture, clothes, video games, lots of toys and games, primitives, household items. 224/230 Woodchuck Dr, Ephrata. NOTICE: Garage Sale, 5/2, 7am. Name brand clothes, teen girl, women’s sm/med, shoes, coats, jewelry, housewares, DVDs, guitar, PS2 games, pictures. #1873 Rt. 322, Hinkletown. Rain/ shine. NOTICE: Yard Sale, May 2nd, 7:00am. Old pocket knives, jewelry, antiques. 24 East Orange Street, Ephrata.


Brand name men’s and women’s clothing and shoes. Maternity clothes (size small). Children’s clothing, boy’s newborn-4T and girl’s NB-size 12. Children’s shoes and toys. Baby items include a walker, bouncy seat, infant seat/ stroller combo, diaper genie. DVD’s, handbags (a few gently used, genuine COACH purses), household items, iPad accessories, TV and much, much more!

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese The Denver Elementary Chorus and Band performed their Spring Concert on Tuesday, March 24 under the direction of Mrs. Kristin Burkholder and Mrs. Tess Kennedy. Staff and parents couldn’t be more proud of the ninety-four talented young musicians. Both ensembles perform again on Wednesday, May 27 at the Denver Elementary Talent Show and Pops Concert. NOTICE: Garage Sale, 5/1, 8am-11am, 3pm-?. Teen & adult clothing, artwork, household items and decor. Longaberger baskets. 1649 Lincoln Rd, Lititz. NOTICE: Multi-Family Yard Sale, Friday, May 1, Saturday, May 2. Adult and children’s clothes, housewares, decor, lots more. Glenwood Drive, Ephrata.


NOTICE: Garage Sale, Friday, May 1, 7am-noon & 3pm-8pm. No early birds! Baby items, changing table, Pottery Barn crib bedding, breast pump, child/adult clothing, toys, household good & Williraye collectibles. 945 Clay Rd, Lititz. NOTICE: Yard Sale, Sat. May 2, 8am-2pm. Lots for everyone. 21 Dawn Ave, Akron.

NOTICE: Yard Sale, May 2. Lots of children’s clothing, boy’s 2T -16, lots shirts, jeans, lots of girl’s dresses, jackets, shoes. 118 Royer Road, Ephrata.

NOTICE: Community Yard Sale, May 1st and 2nd, starts at 8am. Jeff Avenue, Ephrata.

6 Pleasant Valley Road Ephrata, PA 17522

NOTICE: Multi-Family Yard Sale, Thursday, April 30, 3:00pm til 7:00pm. Men’s, women’s, children’s clothes, housewares, home decor, fabric, Christian fiction books, scrapbooking supplies, much more. Rain or shine. 150 Miller Road, Denver. NOTICE: Neighborhood Yard Sales, 5/2, 7am. Clothing, books, toys, household items, perennials. Royer Rd, Ephrata.

NOTICE: Annual Ridgeview Estates/Carriage Hill Development Garage Sales, Friday, 5/1, Saturday, 5/2, 7am-1pm. Clothing, toys, books, home decor, indoor/outdoor furniture, small appliances, tools, garden, bikes, electronics and more. Behind Reamstown Elementary School, South Reamstown Road to Ream Road. Say you saw it in The Shopping News!

Garden Spot Equipment Auction Auto Sales 4412 Oregon Pike (Rt. 272), Ephrata, PA





1/2 Mile West of Walmart





“Big And Small, We Do Them All”

‘07 Toyota Highlander

Touring 65,000 mi.

HTS Tires


















$82.00 205-55-16








P 235-70-16 P 245-70-16 P 265-70-16 P 255-70-16 P 265-70-17 LT 265-75-16 8pl LT 245-75-16 10pl LT 265-75-16 10pl LT 285-75-16 8pl

Avid Ascend


85,000 Mi. 195-60-15 $89.00 195-65-15 $89.00 215-70-15 $89.00 225-60-16 $107.00

195-70-14 185-65-14 215-70-15 195-65-15

$65.00 $65.00 $75.00 $69.00

‘02 Honda CR-V

195-60-15 235-75-15 235-70-16 245-65-17

$69.00 $84.50 $99.00 $129.00

$119.00 $125.00 $137.00 $137.00 $147.00 $157.00 $157.00 $167.00 $177.00





‘11 Nissan Rogue



‘08 Honda Odyssey


‘99 Jeep Grand Cherokee



‘05 Dodge Ram Quad Truck



• Towing • General Repairs • State Inspection and Emission Testing • Transmission Rebuilding

Marty’s Garage Specializing In Honda/Acura Repairs, Service & Sales 4337 Oregon Pike, Ephrata


3430 Division Hwy., New Holland, PA 17557 shop 717.351.8033 • cell 717.799.5019 www.ZHCustoms.com • jim@ZHCustoms.com

State Inspection, General Repairs & Service Work, Air Conditioning Service Foreign & Domestic

IVAN’S AUTO SALES & SERVICE 113 W. Church St., Denver, PA 336-6556 FORMERLY




MARTIN’S TIRE SERVICE, LLC Farm, Auto And LT Tires 102 W. Burkholder Dr. Lititz, PA 17543


1702 W. Main St. Ephrata, PA 17522 Phone: (717) 738-2005 www.zimmermanscars.com Inspection/Emission Testing

“Specializing in Rust Repair”

275 Woodcorner Rd., Lititz


717-733-6568 • 717-733-6696

Service Center Denver


Auto, Truck and Trailer Repair Towing

Front End Alignment, General Repairs, Radiator Flush, Trans Flush

953 Beam Rd., Denver, PA 17517

Mechanic St. & Creamery Rd. Reinholds • Computer Repairs • Tires • 4 Wheel Alignment ASE CERTIFIED




112 Garden Spot Rd., Ephrata

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General Repairs State Inspection Emissions Inspection






Route 23 • 354-4381 or 1-800-J-SAUDER

General Repairs & Service State & Emission Inspection Computerized Alignment • Tires 39 E. Lancaster Ave. | Denver, PA 17517 717.336.6693

4x4 Wheel Alignment Quick Lube State Inspection Hours: 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri.

• State Inspection & Emission Testing • General Repairs • Major Engine Repairs

2 Main St., Denver • (717) 336-8288


738-1151 Tom Halligan

Owner & Head Technician

(717) 733-0171

Halligan’s Auto Repair 240 W. Fulton Street Ephrata, PA 17522

Your auto is our #1 priority!

10B - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

The Best Product In Gutter Protection

CALL 393-0859 The secret is out... Waterloov® is far superior in performance to Gutter Helmet®, Gutter Topper, Waterfall® and Leafguard™ ...keeps gutter clean and free flowing ...bird and animal free. Installs to all types of gutters, roof pitches (flat to mansard) and all styles of roofing. Collects valley water too!

NOTICE: Huge Multi-Family Yard Sale, 5/1-5/2, 7am? Children’s, household, antiques, china, much more. 1329 Firestone Road, Lititz. NOTICE: Yard Sale, May 1 & 2, 6:30AM-? Seven Lady sets, $10, Vera (cheap), shoes galore, K-cups, flea meds, household, cookbooks, yard stuff, nice variety. 652 Gault Road, Narvon.

Yard Sale, NOTICE: Thursday April 30, Friday May 1, 7am. Baby swing, highchair, childrens and junior girls clothing, mens leather jacket, home school and other books, kerosene heater, toys, DVD’s, household, much more. 554 West Maple Grove Rd, Denver (Fivepointville).

Schmuck’s Painting & Powerwashing

Since 1970 Reasonable Rates Free Estimates

1219 Manheim Pike Lancaster (717) 393-0859 Ced # <h_ .Wc#,fc IWj .Wc#'fc www.georgejgrove.com PA962

NOTICE: Huge Yard Sale, Friday and Saturday, 5/1 and 5/2, 8am-1pm. Glassware, kitchen items, Crystal, collectibles, carousels, music boxes. Additional items daily. 212 Irene Ave., Ephrata.

NOTICE: Adamstown Lions Club Community Yard Sale, Saturday, May 2, 7am-noon. Downtown Adamstown.

NOTICE: Meadow View Estates, Leola Development Yard Sale, Saturday, May 9th, 8am-2pm. Rain/shine. Vintage & collectibles, baby items, clothing, toys, household, furniture, food, plants and more.


HANDY MANNY Cleaning Services LLC

Property Maintenance



Mowing • Mulching Hardscape • Spring Clean-Up Trimming Shrubs • Tree Work Decks • Fences • Fertilization

John C. Schmuck

Financing Available GEORGE J. GROVE & SON, INC.

NOTICE: Garage Sale, Friday, all day, Saturday, 7am? Lots childrens clothing, girls 7-8 and 8+ juniors, men’s, women’s, toys, plastic Radio Flyer wagon, pool table, books, shoes, purses, household items, furniture, John Deere seat, quilt rack, pump, glassware and much more misc. items. 321 East Mohler Church Road, Ephrata.

Great Rates! Licensed & Insured



Need a HANDYMAN for odd jobs? Roofing • Painting • Trash Hauling Housekeeping • Pressure Washing Doors/Windows • Other Services

Phone: 717-507-7418 dayankee30@yahoo.com Fully Insured

NOTICE: Multi-Family Yard Sale, Friday, May 1 & Saturday, May 2, 7am-1:00. Household items, exercise equipment, baby items, clothing, pot belly stove, old windows. 405 N. Academy Drive, Ephrata. NOTICE: Multi-Family Garage Sale, Friday, May 1, 8am11am & 6pm-8pm. Name brand boys clothing 5-10, girls 3-5 & 12-14. White dresser, toys, books, household items, more. 351 Balmer Rd, Lititz.

NOTICE: Huge 3-Bay Garage Sale, R.O.S. Saturday, 5/2, 7-3. Brand new things at garage sale prices. Summer items, health, beauty, household, jewelry. You name it, it’s here! Perfect gifts. Must see. 1365 S. Cocalico Rd, Denver.

CALL THESE BUSINESSES FOR THE FINEST SERVICE donsqualitypainting.com Interior/Exterior Neat Clean Work Fully Insured References

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This Size Space Available As Low As $20.45 Per Week


Vinyl Replacement Windows


Tilt, Slider, Picture, Bow, Steel Casement. Also soffit, fascia, gutter, siding and windows for all homes.

Your Residential Specialist Interior & Exterior Painting, Staining, Power Washing, and Wallpaper Removal Quality Craftsmanship Free Estimates • Fully Insured


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336-4543 Specializing in: • Roof Leaks • All Types of Roofing • Roof & Spouting Repairs 28 Years Experience

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Advertising in The Shopping News Since 1994 Lic. PA004710


7/8” Insulated Glass

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WILLIS BURKHOLDER (717) 336-7306

Denver, PA

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Need that extra storage space? Various sizes: 5x10, 6x10, 10x10, 10x15, 10x20, 14x34 Call for prices & availability.

717-738-1605 816 Pleasantview Drive




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This Size Space Available As Low As $40.15 Per Week

10-40 Yd. Containers

The Stump Grinder Since 1985

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Are you still mowing around that stump in your yard? We offer grinding of any size stump including surface roots and hedge removal. Also, topsoil available. Call for a conservative estimate. Mid Atlantic Stump and Tree Service



Quality - Experience

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Advertise Your Business Here!

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 11B

Yard Sales

Annual Fundraiser

Saturday, May 9 • 6:30 A.M. - ? Christian Aid Ministries Parking Lot Rt. 322, Hinkletown

Featuring Multi-Yard Sale Stand Holders! Chicken BBQ • Ice Cream Baked Goodies • Subs Pony Rides & More! Benefitting the Adults Handicap Workshops NOTICE: Large Multi-Family Garage Sale, May 1/2. Lots of girls clothing newborn-5T, boys clothing 4T7T, household items, toys, decorations, keyboard. Something for everyone! 1179 Dry Tavern Rd, Denver. NOTICE: Yard Sale, Friday/ Saturday, May 1-2 from 7am-12pm. Baby and toddler clothing, baby and toddler furniture, car seats, toys, luggage, paver stones and bricks, household items, electronics, tools, Christmas items and much more. 115 Red Stone Circle, Reinholds.

NOTICE: Third Annual Parking Lot Space Yard Sale, Saturday, May 30th at 7am to 1pm at Mt. Zion UMC, 105 North Eleventh Street, Akron. Spaces available $15. Benefits Everyday Mission Team. Call Sylvia, 717-733-9460 to reserve your spot today. We welcome gently used items donated for mission table.

NOTICE: Chapel Gate Development Garage Sale, May 1/2. Boys clothing, toys, camel back sofa, wing back chair, solar reel, bar stools, old windows, yard cart, boys bike. 40 Chapel View Dr, Reinholds. NOTICE: Yard Sale, Friday & Saturday, 7am-1pm. Tons of plus size clothing, household goods, personal care products, toys, video game systems and games, movies and much much more. 10 Parkview Dr, Reinholds. NOTICE: 6-Family Garage Sale, Friday/Saturday, May 1/2, 7am-2pm. Lots of childrens clothes: boys 0-4T, girls 0-6, girls dresses. Double stroller, housewares, fabrics, birdcage, perennials, gas grill. 583 Greenview Dr, Denver. NOTICE: Yard Sale, 5/2, 8-? Hess trucks, baskets, toys, Hershey Park tickets, misc. 410 S. Cedar Street, Lititz.

NOTICE: Multi-Family, May 1/2. Clothing galore infant thru adult, dresses, jeans, sweaters, fabric, bassinet, swing, pac-n-play, decor, household, John Deere air compressor. 243 Witmer Rd, East Earl. NOTICE: Multi-Family Garage Sale, 5/1, 7am. Wooden rocking chair, children’s clothes, Spanish language course, home decor, bread cart, laundry tub. 898 N. State Street, Ephrata.

JEC STORAGE SELF STORAGE Rt. 272 South, Behind Bright’s Restaurant


NOTICE: Garage Sale, May 1 and May 2, 7am. Brand name kid’s, adult clothes. Toys, stools, play work bench, stools, cane seat rocker, clothes tree, material, lamps, new sheet sets, cast irons, braided rug, old dishes, peanut butter glasses, hens on nest, handmade quilt. Rain/ shine. 284 Lauschtown Road, Denver.

NOTICE: Multi-Family Garage Sale, April 30, 3-7pm and May 1st, 7-? Clothes, children’s, some adults, plants, lamps with victorian lamp shades, crib, dry sink, two stereos and more. 679 Reinholds Road, Denver.

1433 West Main St., Ephrata, PA 17522 • 733-4158 www.hauensteinagency.com No Pets Accepted In Any Property

FOR RENT 3 BR Townhouse, 708 Lincoln Gardens Rd. $1,200, 1 car garage, stove, refrig, d/w, w/d, disp., micro. NO SMKG 3 BR House, 125 Old Mill Rd., Ephrata. $995, shed, refrig., stove. NO SMKG 3 BR House, 385 Creek Rd., Denver. $950, w/s, 1 car garage, shed, stove, refrig., d/w. NO SMKG 3 BR Townhouse, 508 W. Marion St., Lititz. $795, shed, stove, refrig. NO SMKG 2 BR Semi, 122 Main St., Denver. $650, stove, refrig., w/d. NO SMKG 2 BR 1st flr. apt., 700 S. State St., Ephrata. $695, stove, refrig., d/w. NO SMKG 2 BR 1st flr. apt., 2089 Division Hwy., Apt. A, Ephrata. $650, w/s, stove, refrig. NO SMKG 2 BR 1st flr. apt., 51 E. Chestnut St., Apt. A., Ephrata. $625, trash, stove, refrig. NO SMKG 1 BR 1st flr. apt., 10 N. Church St., Apt. A, Ephrata. $595, stove, refrig., w/d. NO SMKG

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www.ownalandmark.com Community Sales Manager: Kelly Bricker 717-286-6698 or kellyb@ownalandmark.com

G Great Lincoln Heights location! Living room, dining room and kitchen are on the main level. Great lower level family room, bar room and laundry area, Roughed-in 1/2 bath. Nice owner’s suite w/private bath. Large 2-car garage. Nice rear yard. Rear wood fence belongs to property. Close to schools, pool, rec and park areas! $214,900! Dir. - 322 West, L on Crescent, R on Marilyn. Home on left. Please check our website for many other listings! Call your local experts for your real estate needs!

12B - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” NOTICE: Yard Sale, May 2nd, 7am until 1:30pm. AVON bottles, baskets, household items, Christmas items, purses, two chairs and coffee table. 308 Pool Road, Akron. NOTICE: Huge Moving Sale, May 1-2. Tools, clothes, HH goods, John Deere mower, golfing items, patio set, luggage, desk, 2 twin beds, some vintage items. 50 years of stuff! 444 Adamstown Road, Adamstown. Rain/shine. NOTICE: Multi-Family Yard Sale, May 1, 8am-1pm, May 2, 7am-1pm. Women’s plus size, maternity, girl’s clothes to size 14, boy’s clothes up to 4T. Joovy sit and stand stroller, Kelty backpack, junior size bikes, toys, lots more. 503 High Point Drive, Denver. NOTICE: Garage Sale, Friday, May 1. Furniture, china, goblet sets, kitchen, glassware, clothes, husky boys suit, electric adding machine, wooden crates, books, 1939 magazines. 17 East Mohler Church Rd, Ephrata.

NOTICE: Large Multi-Family Yard Sale, Saturday, May 2, 7-? Household items, clothing and more. 346 Walnut Street, Denver. NOTICE: Barn/Yard/Camping Sale, May 8/9, 7am3pm. 50 years of stuff! Antiques, home school, Instatent, animal cages. 199 Voganville Rd, New Holland. NOTICE: Multi-Family Yard Sale, Saturday, 5/2, 7:00am. Household goods, children’s books, toys, adult/children clothing, baskets, furniture. 225 Eighth Street, Akron. NOTICE: Multi-Family Yard Sale, 5/1, 8:30am. No early birds! Homeschool books and maps, gas range, toys, clothes for the whole family, home decor, and lots more. Also Tupperware open house, see ad. 150 E. Black Creek Rd, Bowmansville.



4 Bedroom, 21/2 Bath in Akron Borough


Stately brick/vinyl bi-level in lovely Akron neighborhood. Many recent updates including lifetime triple pane Appleby windows, Garaga garage door, Cambria quartz countertops, ceramic tile foyer, Pella sliding patio doors leading to a screened-in second-story back porch, eat-in kitchen, oversized 2-car garage, large 14’x20’ storage shed. Beautiful landscaping reflects the colors of the season.

$229,900 • 859-5974



Lancaster County Outdoor Flea Market

East Earl Multi Developments Yard Sales

Every Friday & Saturday • 6 am - ?

65+ Homes Participating!

Located 370 W. Main St., Rt. 23, Leola, PA 17540

Saturday, May 2, 7am-? Rain or Shine Developments off of Rt. 897, south of Rt. 322. Earl Ave., Sheephill Rd., Farmview Dr. & Edgewood Dr. Food & Bargains for Everyone! American Girl & Bitty Twin Dolls, Accordion, Chicken BBQ


Fri. $4.00 - Sat. $8.00

10’x21’ • Bring your own table. No reservations needed.


7am-Noon Rain or Shine

Local antiques, milk bottles, crocks, pictures, furniture, Gettysburg memorabilia, tools and other nice items.

1008 Earls Ct. Lititz, PA 17543 Erbs Quarry Rd., left on Snyder, right on Earls Ct. (Brighton Development)

NOTICE: Yard Sale, May 2, 7am. Two in-line double strollers, pedal sewing machine, bow, mens clothing, DVD’s, books. 1210 Diamond St, Akron.

NOTICE: Garage Sale, May 1/2, 7am-? Vintage china cabinet, stool, flat-screen monitors, keyboards, VHS player, changing pad, decorative Korean dolls, Ottobre, gerbil aquarium, ball caps, hard hats, toys, Tupperware, Christmas, craft and many misc. items. 15 Market View Dr, Ephrata.

NOTICE: Garage Sale, 5/2, 6-? Home decor, household, glassware, collectibles, old cedar wardrobe, tea cart, tree stand, boy’s infant to 5T, woman’s clothes, leather fur lined coat, fishing items, old trestle table, train table. No early sales. 122 East Division Highway, Lititz, near Brickerville Restaurant.

NOTICE: Garage Sale, Saturday, May 2, 6:30am-? Lots of girls T-XS & boys small/ medium 6-8 clothing, toys, games, household items, etc. 159 3rd St, Akron on corner of 3rd and West View.

NOTICE: Garage Sale, May 2. Boy’s 10-14, girl’s 0-3T, 812, dresses, highchair, strollers and more. 205 Pleasant Valley Road, East Earl (Bowmansville).

NOTICE: Multi-Family Garage Sale, Friday/Saturday, May 1-2. Baby swing, crib, changing table, 2 AC window units, infant-adult clothing, HH item, much more. 1596 Division Hwy., Ephrata, beside Glenwood Foods.

NOTICE: Yard Sale, Friday and Saturday, May 1-May 2. HH items, tools, mowers, small pontoon boat. 1290 Sheep Hill Road, East Earl.



Office Space: 607 E. Main St., Ephrata. Includes off-street parking, electric, water/sewer, heat, and trash removal. Approx. 450 sq. ft., $560/month. Warehouse/Office Space: 625 E. Main St., Ephrata. 1,750 sq. ft. of warehouse space plus 3 offices. $750 plus utilities. All units require security deposit, references and credit check. NO PETS/NO SMOKING PERMITTED IN ANY UNIT

Call for more information

Building High Quality, Affordable Communities Since 1968!

Ephrata, 2 BR, 2nd Floor. Includes: range, refrigerator, washer/dryer, heat pump w/central air, outside storage, balcony, off-street parking, trash removal, mowing and snow removal. $625/month. (187-C) All units require security deposit, one-year lease, references and credit check. NO PETS/NO SMOKING PERMITTED IN ANY UNIT

New and newly remodeled homes For Sale or Rent available now!

Rental applications can be picked up at The Shopping News/Hocking Printing Co., Inc. 615 E. Main St., Ephrata, PA or printed from www.snews.com 717-738-1151

1 Sunflower Drive, Ephrata, PA 17522 Contact Shari

Financing available for qualified qualified buyers.

Local communities located in Ephrata, Jonestown, Narvon & Honeybrook Call or stop in

today to tour our community!

NOTICE: Huge Multi-Family Yard Sale, Saturday, 5/ 2, 6am. Air conditioner, fax machine, double bed, bike cart, changing table with 3 drawers, new quilt, toys, books, coats, men’s, shirts, fabric, cape dresses, lots of girl’s and boy’s clothing, various sizes. 1260 Edgewood Drive, East Earl. NOTICE: Garage Sale, Saturday, 5/2, 7am-? Household, clothes, cordless phones, microwave. 245 Linda Terrace, Ephrata. NOTICE: Garage Sale, Saturday, 5/2, 7am to ? Hunting, fishing supplies, antiques, yarn, wood, rubber stamps, misc. 425 South 9th Street, Akron. NOTICE: Neighborhood Garage Sales, May 1-2. Household items, clothing, crib, stroller, sewing cabinet, baked goods, subs. Near Westfield Egg Farm, 147 North Shirk Road, New Holland.

OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-3 PM 727 Timothy Lane, Ephrata • $184,900

2 story home with lots of charm and warmth backing to a wooded area. 3 bedroom, 11/2 baths, 1,412 square feet with 490 square foot lower level family room and office area. First floor laundry. Newer propane furnace, dishwasher, wall oven and hot water heater. Rainsoft water softener. New living room carpet. Directions: From Ephrata square, north on State, right on Irene, left on Timothy.

NEW TO MARKET • 1314 Oberholtzer Rd. • $232,900



Ask the local pros... sets you and your broker apart from the competition? Q What

Saturday, May 2

NOTICE: Yard Sale, 5/2. Riding mower, furniture, jewelry, locker clean out. Third Street/Westview Drive, Akron.

Great split-level home in Garden Spot School District on almost an acre lot. 1,808 square feet of living area, 3 bedroom, 21/2 baths with a master bedroom bath. New kitchen counter tops, ceramic tile floor, new heat pump/ central air. Located on a secluded culde-sac. Oversized deck, 2-car side load garage.

MOTIVATED SELLER • 68 Oriole Drive • $144,900 Very nice end of row townhouse in the Lincoln area. 1,254 square foot open floor plan with 120 square foot lower level family room. 3 bedroom, 11/2 baths, styled ceilings, covered rear deck, walk out basement, 2 off street parking spaces. New heat pump/central air, newer water heater, Energy Star replacement windows.


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AMAZING VIEWS OVERLOOKING BETTER THAN NEW RANCH HOME IN BRICK 21/2 STORY HOME IN MOVE-IN EPHRATA - NICE 2-STORY ON A SHORT COCALICO VALLEY! Spacious flr. plan, 4 BR, EPHRATA - Major mechanicals upgraded, CONDITION! Eat-in kit., formal DR, LR & QUIET CUL-DE-SAC - 4 BR, 21/2 BA, LR, DR, 1 2.5 BA, finished walkout bsmt., low taxes, quality 3 BR, 2.5 BA, propane FP in LR, lg. master, 1st flr. FR., 1 /2 sty. 32x36 heated garage/shop, eat-in kit., 1st fl. FR & LL game rm., newer roof, built Landmark home. $304,900 ML233290 fin. LL, huge patio. $299,450 ML234135 all on 6/10 ac. lot. $239,600 ML234339 rear patio, 12x14 shed. $237,900 ML233809

3 BR, 1 BA ON OVER 1/2 ACRE COUNTRY LINCOLN HEIGHTS 3 BR RANCHER READY GREAT 2-STY. NEAR DOWNTOWN BEAUTIFULLY REMODELED TOWNHOME SETTING - 1st fl. FR, rec rm., wood stove, FOR NEW OWNERS! 1-car gar., 1st fl. laundry, EPHRATA - Country oak kit., new built-in w/GREAT VIEW! 3 BR, 1.5 BA, new paint/ 2-car heated garage, 20x12 utility building 2 full BAs, spacious rec/fam. rm. & covered patio wall oven, lots of ceramic tile, new carpet flooring, remodeled kit. & bath, backing to park plus 10x8 building. $198,600 ML233894 overlooking lvl. yrd. $189,900 ML231188 & paint, 3 BR, 1.5 BA. $184,900 ML234576 w/great sledding hill. $134,900 ML233342

- Susan .

Susan Shirk & Wayne Eichfeld 717-738-9986 Susan 717-575-6463 Wayne 717-203-1527 skshirk@homesale.com • eeichfeld@hotmail.com

GREAT EPHRATA LOCATION - 3 BR, 1.5 BA SPARKLING CLEAN & UPDATED HOME SOLID BRICK 2.5 STY “EASY TO OWN” AFFORDABLE SINGLE FAM. HOME OR TOWNHOME - 1 mile from Walmart/222, AT GOOD PRICE! 2 BR, 1.5 BA, new kitchen, Economical, updated kit, bath, furnace. INVESTMENT PROP. - 3/4 BR, 1.5 BA, 1274 SF, new flooring and paint, 1-car garage, newer roof & flooring, updated baths & paint, new hot water heater, close to major routes, Convenient East End loc., macadam heat pump, C/A, all for $136,500 ML234414 Cocalico School District. $124,900 ML234278 parking for 4 cars. $124,800 ML230964 low taxes, priced to sell! $84,900 ML227469

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News� - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 13B

Weaver Receives Unit Leader Of The Year Award

NOTICE: 7th Annual Community Yard Sale, 5/ 2, 7:00am-1:00pm. Ephrata Church of the Nazarene, 110 Durlach Road, Ephrata. Space rentals, 2 car spaces plus car space, $10, 2/$15. Church stand, lots baby equipment, toys, yard nativity, seasonal. Contact Pam, 717-733-2000 ext. 305, Kathy, 717-738-4176, Julie, 717-271-9980. Will return calls. NOTICE: Conservative Anabaptist Book Fair and Curriculum Sale, May 2 from 9-2 at Living Hope Christian Fellowship, 1488 Reading Road, Mohnton. New and used vendors including CLE and Wholesome Books.

NOTICE: Huge Yard Sale, 5/1-2, 7:00am. Rain/shine. Clothes, household, books, shoes size 8 & 9, grill, lots misc. 638 Gault Road, Narvon.

In 2014, Roy Weaver was selected to receive the 20132014 Unit Leader of the Year Award from the Horse-Shoe Trail District of the Pennsylvania Dutch Council, Boy Scouts of America. Mr. Weaver was selected by members of the District Leadership Staff for his exceptional service to Scouting and the members and families of Troop 38, chartered to Bethany United Church of Christ in Ephrata. Throughout his tenure, Mr. Weaver has impacted the lives of hundreds of young men as their mentor and Scouting guide. Quality unit leadership is the key to a quality unit program. The BSA’s influence stays with the youth for the rest of their lives. Roy's dedication to Scouting and the success of Troop

NOTICE: Garage Sale, May 2, 7am. Girls clothes 5-10, boys clothes 4-5, kids bikes, coffee/end tables, GE washer, baked goods, fresh eggs, roller blades, kids items, HH. 220 Millway Rd, Ephrata.

NOTICE: Chapel Gate Development Yard Sale, Reinholds. Friday, 5/1, Saturday, 5/2. Rain or shine.

NOTICE: Huge Neighborhood Garage Sale, Friday, May 1, 9am-7pm, Saturday, May 2, 7am-12. Westgate Development, Brownstown.

NOTICE: Yard Sale, Friday, 5/1, Saturday, 5/2, from 7am til ? 1331 Firestone Road, Lititz. More along this road.


38 under his leadership led to his selection as the 20132014 Unit Leader of the Year and the Horse-Shoe Trail District is proud to recognize him for his exceptional service.

Troop 38 is chartered to Bethany United Church of Christ, Ephrata. For more information about Troop 38, please call Kevin Gingrich at 717-733-9904. Shown in the photo are

Colin Romberger, Sr. District Executive/Explor-ing Programs Coordinator of the Horse-Shoe Trail District; PA Dutch Council, BSA (left) and Roy Weaver, Troop 38 Scoutmaster.

NOTICE: Multi-Family Garage Sale, May 1-May 2, 7am. Rain or shine. Lots of girl’s clothes, newborn-2T, Jumperoo, bassinet, walker and crib, boy’s clothes, 6 monthsize 6, ladies clothes smalllarge, decor, Craftsman tool box. 582 Voganville Road, New Holland. More sales in community.

NOTICE: May 2. futon, 8 pc dining set, 50� Sony, sectional and more. Moving! Everything goes! 654 Pointview Ave, Ephrata.

NOTICE: Guys Huge Yard/ Tool Sale, 5/2, 7am-3pm. Husky, Ridgid, Craftsman, Dewalt, many more. All kinds of handtools, toolboxes, bags, weedeaters, chainsaws, mostly new, 30-40% off of new price. 652 East Main Street, Ephrata. Rain date, 5/9.

Place your classified ad online at wwww.snews.com!

738-4663 | Homesale.com Rt 272 Old Mill Rd, Ephrata Š2015 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC.


Wonderful country location accessible to major routes. Many lots, singles, semi-detached and townhomes to choose from. Starting at $160,000 David Esh Builders. Open Saturdays 1-3

Dir: From Ephrata, 272N, R on W Church, L on Red Run toward Terre Hill, devel on L before Terre Hill Boro.


NOTICE: Garage Sale, Fri. May 1, 5-8pm. Sat. May 2, 7am-1pm. Girls Justice/ C P / G y m b o r e e / K o h l ’s / more, sizes: 5/6, 7, 8, 8.5, 10, 10.5, 12, 12.5, 14, 14.5, 16, 16.5, 18, 18.5, 20, juniors: 5, 7, 9. Toys, Barbie house & dolls, games, some household, booster seats. 1449 Martin St, East Earl.


932 Fairview Avenue - Ephrata -

Host: Jeff Rutt, $209,900 Dir: 322W from Ephrata,R on Academy,L on Fairview,property on left. SH233778

33 Runway Avenue - New Holland

Lost & Found NOTICE: Missing cavalier king charles tri-colored female, Jameca, lost in Schaefferstown area on 4/13/15. Melanie, 717-949-3037.

Be part of the Homesale Family!

Contact us today to learn how to get your career started!



- Host: Judy Hertzog, $239,900 Dir: From New Holland, S on Kinzer Ave, L on Airport Rd. L on Runway Ave.

NOTICE: Keystone Record Collectors Music Expo., Sunday, 05/03, 9am-3pm, Continental Inn, 2285 Lincoln Highway East (US RT30) Lancaster. Next to Dutch Wonderland. Dealers buy, sell, trade albums, 45s, CDs, DVDs. Reasonably priced. All music styles. Free admission. Info. please call, 610-932-7852. www.recordcollectors.org.

YOU COULD WIN $50,000 Stevens - For Lease at $975/mo. 3 rm Ephrata - 3,400 sf warehouse/light RI¿FH RQ WKH ¿UVW ÀRRU *UHDW YLVLELOLW\ &DOO manufacturing space for lease at $1,416/ Wayne Eichfeld, SH232942 $11,700. mo. Call Wayne Eichfeld, SH168459

and a consultation with the stars of HGTV’s hit show Fixer Upper



Homesale.com/50K W


Timberline Estates

For Details call Diana Monger (717) 951-1990

Located off Rt 897 and 322 near Blue Ball, providing easy access to Chester County and work sites in the suburban Philadelphia area. Small and unique, rural community.

Reading - Reading Schls 5 BR, 1 Ephrata - Ephrata Schls 2 BR, 2 Baths. Denver - Cocalico Schls 2 BR, 2 Baths. Reinholds - Cocalico Schls 2 BR, New Holland - Gorgeous lot with Bath. Call Matthew Trimber, SH232917 Call Patricia Betz, SH231920 $39,500. Call Larry Klaassen, SH233116 $66,900. 1 Bath. Call Mike Gordon, SH233697 panoramic views of farm land. Easy access to Rt 222. Call Jim Pappas, $34,900. $83,000. SH221219 $89,000.

Ephrata - Home needs TLC. Great Location. 3 BR, Finished Basement, Fenced Yard. Call Tom Risser, SH234141 $99,000.


5LYHU %HQG (VWDWHV Large lots (1-7 acres) in rural area, scenic views of Tulpehocken Creek and easy access to Rts 422 or 419. No HOA fees. D&R Builders. Starting at $230,000.

Lititz - Mstr bath,huge closet eat in Denver - Cocalico Schls 3 BR, 1 Ephrata - Ephrata Schls 3 BR, 1.5

Mohnton - *RYHUQRU 0LIĂ€LQ 6FKOV %5 Denver - Cocalico Schls 2 BR, 1.5 Akron - Ephrata Schls 3 BR, 1.5 Baths. Kitchen No HOA fee cozy and charming Bath. Call Donna L Strenko, SH227289 Baths. Call Craig Hartranft, SH232998 1 Bath. Call Sandra Martin, SH232851 Baths. Call Stephen Brillhart, SH233104 Call Jen Dinatally, SH232541 $122,800. Call Cathy Graver, SH229367 $99,900. $109,900. $115,000. $121,500. $122,000.

Contact Kelley Clark or Naomi Weaver (717) 738-4663 Dir: 222N to 724W to Sinking Springs to 422W at Penn Ave, L at 419, R on W High St (becomes William Penn Blvd), development on R.

Ephrata - Ephrata Schls 3 BR, 2 Lititz - Inviting 3BR Cape Cod Bungalow Denver - Eastern Lancaster Schls 4 BR, Terre Hill - Eastern Lancaster Schls Denver - Cocalico Schls 3 BR, 1.5 Adamstown - Cocalico Schls 3 BR, Baths. Call Sherri Sweigert, SH231277 on a corner lot. Loft, storm windows. Call 2.5 Baths. Call Kelley Clark, SH218554 3 BR, 1.5 Baths. Call Mike Gordon, Baths. Call Craig Hartranft, SH233004 1.5 Baths. Call Kelley Clark, SH233670 Tim Shreiner, SH233437 $135,000. SH231189 $144,900. $129,900. $135,900. $150,000. $154,900.







Reinholds - Cocalico Schls 4 BR, 1 Ephrata - Ephrata Schls 3 BR, 1 Denver - Cocalico Schls BR, Baths. Lititz - Warwick Schls 3 BR, 2 Baths. Call Ephrata - Ephrata Schls 2 BR, 2.5 Lititz - Warwick Schls 3 BR, 1.5 Baths. Lititz - Warwick Schls 4 BR, 1.5 Baths. Lititz - Warwick Schls 3 BR, 1.5 Baths. Bath. Call Lloyd Dreibelbis, SH233439 Bath. Call Craig Hartranft, SH231999 Call Mike Gordon, SH234250 $159,900. Joyce Schnupp, SH234211 $163,900. Baths. Call Jim Pappas, SH231348 Call Zack Polito, SH232581 $169,900. Call Jeff Rutt, SH232300 $174,900. Call Tina Reese, SH234237 $175,000. $155,000.



Ephrata - Ephrata Schls 3 BR, 2 Baths. Lititz - Cul-de-sac 3BR Traditional-style. Denver - Cocalico Schls 3 BR, 1.5 Stevens - Cocalico Schls 4 BR, 2.5 Ephrata - Ephrata Schls 3 BR, 1.5 Lititz - Warwick Schls 3 BR, 2 Baths. Lititz - Discover this 3BR lovely Lititz - Come visit this 4BR/2+BA choice Call Anne Pyle, SH227636 $189,900. )USOF )DPLO\ URRP QHZHU ÀU &DOO 'RQQD Baths. Call Gary Hoover, SH231309 Baths. Call Patricia Betz, SH233092 Baths. Call Judy Hertzog, SH233247 Call Mark Will, SH233628 $214,900. Traditional-style on a corner lot. Call Traditional-style. Frplc. Call Matthew Shaw, SH230305 $192,400. Donna Shaw, SH231197 $219,500. Trimber, SH227943 $219,900. $209,900. $210,000. $214,900.





Adamstown - Cocalico Schls 3 BR, Ephrata - Ephrata Schls 4 BR, 2.5 Stevens - Cocalico Schls 4 BR, 2.5 Lititz - Warwick Schls 4 BR, 2.5 Akron - Ephrata Schls 3 BR, 2 Baths. Stevens - Cocalico Schls 4 BR, Denver - Cocalico Schls 4 BR, 3 Baths. Call Mike Gordon, SH234267 2 Baths. Call Theresa Richardson, Baths. Call Gil Ochs, SH227758 Baths. Call Craig Hartranft, SH232869 Baths. Call Craig Hartranft, SH234295 Call Jim Pappas, SH233524 $299,900. 2.5 Baths. Call Gil Ochs, SH228448 Baths. Call Diana Monger, SH232876 $289,900. $314,900. $319,900. SH219666 $239,900. $284,900. $289,900.

Denver - Cocalico Schls 4 BR, 2.5 $224,900.



Lititz - Warwick Schls 3 BR, 2.5 Baths. Call Don Helsel, SH233446 $359,900.

Lititz - 3 bed, 2 bath, 2675SF, sunrm Lititz - Warwick Schls 7 BR, 4.5 Akron - 6 bed, 6 bath, 5003 SF, 3+ acres, Lititz - 5 bedrms and 2 1/2 baths plus Lititz - Warwick Schls 4 BR, 3.5 Lititz - Warwick Schls 4 BR, 4.5 Lititz - Consists of 4000+ sq. ft. addition, many recent updates. Call Lisa Baths. Call Carol A Weaver, SH234235 sunrm, deluxe guest suite, 3 car gar Call addition built-in 2004. Well maintained. Baths. Call Marilyn Berger, SH232468 Baths. Call Marilyn Berger, SH233474 sandstone home. Six unit apartment Call Tim Shreiner, SH233561 $575,000. $695,000. building. Call Tim Shreiner, SH229255 $995,000. Naples, SH220532 $449,900. Lisa Naples, SH220384 $575,000. $489,750. $1,250,000.

14B - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”


Public Sales

Help Offered HELP OFFERED: Hauling offered, 7’x14’ van trailer available or open trailer. Call 717-484-0359 or 717629-4179. HELP OFFERED: Cory’s Handyman Service is looking to fix those things around the house in need of repair, so you don’t have to. No job too small. So call, 717-7230277. Reasonable rates/insured. PA#103368.

HELP OFFERED: Matt The Plumber. Professional plumbing services include general repairs, installation, water treatment, clog repair and more. Call or text, 717-327-3972. M a t t T h e P l u m b e r. c o m . PA094767. HELP OFFERED: Rent driver-truck and 6x12 enclosed trailer, open trailer also available. For more information, call George, 717572-4756. HELP OFFERED: Schmuck’s Painting. Powerwashing. Free estimates, reasonable rates. Established 1980. 717-625-1102.

17th Annual Nursery Auction at Weaverland Produce Auction 1030 Precast Rd., New Holland, PA 17557


Trees, Shrubbery, Flowers, Etc.

SAT., MAY 2, 2015 at 8:30 A.M. Location - From Rt. 23 take 625 N. 2 miles. Turn left on Precast Rd. (first road past Conestoga Nursery). Go thru two crossroads to auction on left. From Reading take 625 South 10 miles and turn right on Precast Rd.

A large retail, homeowner oriented Nursery and Flower Auction, having the option to buy a single plant or a whole block! Featuring - Hundreds and hundreds of hanging baskets, flats of annuals, perennials, and more Flowering shrubs and trees including - Dogwood, Pear, Redbud, Cherry, Magnolia, Spirea, Butterfly Bushes, Weigelia, Roses, etc. Shade and ornamental trees - Maples, Oaks, Birches, Beech, Cryptomeria, Atlas Cedars, etc. Evergreens (over 100 5-6’) - Blue Spruce, White Pine, Douglas Fir, Norway Spruce, Leland Cypress, and Arborvitae. Fruit Trees, Blueberries, Rhodos, Azaleas, etc. Many rare and unusual plants. Plants too numerous to mention coming from our local growers and consignors from eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Note: Large evergreens, arborvitae, and shade and flowering trees sold at 11:00 a.m. with fourth auctioneer. Consignments welcome. Consignors need nursery license. Buyers need tax number to be exempt. Three to four auctioneers will be selling simultaneously shortly after auction begins. Terms are cash or good PA check. Everything sells to highest bidder! Bring lawn chairs for the flower auction. Lunch stand. We will have door prizes. To consign or other questions, call: 717-445-4076. Note: Plants already consigned are of excellent quality. Auctioneer: Tim Weaver (AU005513) and others



291 Skyline Dr., Denver (Bowmansville Area). Rt. 625 N. thru Bowmansville. Left Lauschtown Rd. Left Clearview Dr. Right Skyline Dr. to property on left. OR From Reading Rt. 625 S. Cross under PA Turnpike bridge. Right Lauschtown Rd. Left Clearview Dr. Right Skyline Dr. to property on left. (Brecknock Twp., Lanc. Co.)

Reinholds Lions Student Of The Month

At a recent club meeting, the Reinholds Lions Club was pleased to honor Matthew Mohlenhoff as a Cocalico High School Student of the Month. Matthew, shown in the photo with Reinholds Lions President Kevin Fleming, is the son of Craig and Amy Mohlenhoff of Reinholds. Matthew is a member of Cocalico’s track & Field and cross-country teams. He is also involved in the Theater Department’s many musicals and plays. A member of the National Honor Society he also received a scholar athlete award (cross-country). He plans to compete in the Short Story contest of the Student TV Network Competition being held in San Diego in April. Matthew’s community

activities include participation in the Adopt-A-Highway program, Lan-caster Community Break-fasts, and Gain Internation-al. He is a member of Coc-alico Community Chapel. His interests relate to the TV/film industry and he plans to

study film in college, possibly at Point Park in Pittsburgh or Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida. The Reinholds Lions Club members congratulate Matthew for his achievements to date and extend well wishes to him in his chosen career.

HELP OFFERED: CNA, 20 years experience, good references. Non-smoker, Christian, reliable, looking for overnight shifts, 8 hour/10 hour/12 hour shifts. 717330-4240.

HELP OFFERED: Auto cleaning/detailing, like new finish, reasonable rates. Phone, 717-7381427, 717-669-3349.

HELP OFFERED: General and MOBILE HOME renovations and repairs. Specific knowledge of and experience with mobile homes, including electric and plumbing. References. Fully insured. PA contractor 113496. 717-3839530.

HELP OFFERED: Don’t overpay for Pond Spring Cleaning. Call us today. Experienced, Professional, Affordable. 717-3764635.


3 PM Personal Property ~ 6 PM Real Estate 406 Eshleman Drive, Lititz, PA WELL-MAINTAINED 3BR, 1-1/2BA LITITZ RANCH HOME BOASTS FANTASTIC LOCATION w/view overlooking neighboring pond & scenic farmland. INTERIOR INCL. eat-in kitchen, dining area w/window showcasing scenic backyard, lg. LR, FINISHED DAYLIGHT BASEMENT incl. lg. FR, half bath, laundry & oversized 2 car garage.

James R. & Betty W. Martin 717-445-4313

AUCTIONEERS www.klinekreidergood.com

HELP OFFERED: Childcare in my home. Safe, experienced, reliable, meals Backyard, included. crafts. Katie, 484-5098379.

Cleaning Services



815 Grandview Dr., Ephrata. Rt. 272 to Ephrata. Right Grandview Dr. to property on right. (Ephrata Twp., Lanc. Co.)

OPEN HOUSE: SAT., MAY 2ND, 10AM-12PM & MON., MAY 4TH, 5PM-6:30PM or call for an appointment. *For information about financing, call 717-664-5238.* Real Estate Terms and Conditions: 10% down day of sale. Balance due at settlement on or before 45 days. Announcements made on day of sale take precedence over advertised information. Auction For: Nevin Bucher Estate • Attorney: John Gibbel

John M. Hess Auction Service, Inc. AY000253L 717-664-5238 or 877-599-8894 • www.hess-auction.com

- Pike’s Corner / Martindale Area -


3 Bdrm. Rancher - 23’x29’ Barn/Garage 3/4 Acre +/Located along 322 between Blue Ball and Hinkletown

Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-445-4309 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956

HELP OFFERED: 30+ year loving in home daycare has openings available. Fulton School district, large outdoor play area, near 222 & 322. All clearances available. Call Liz or Linda, 717-738-1366.


Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 6:30pm

NMLS ID #834368)



Location: 2620 Division Hwy., New Holland, PA 17557 (Lanc. Co.)

1 sty. stone/vinyl custom rancher w/2446 SF finished area, eat-in kitchen w/ cherry raised panel cabinets & appliances, custom pantry, living/great rm. w/ cathedral ceiling & picture window, family rm. w/gas fireplace & wainscoting, 3 bdrms., 2½ baths (master bdrm. suite 11x20 w/bath), 1st floor laundry w/ washer & dryer included, 14x15 covered patio & porch, utility rm. 13x15, full bsmt., heat pump, central AC, attached 2 car garage, 10x14 utility bldg. House Features: cathedral ceiling in kitchen & living/great rm., Anderson insulated/tilt windows, Kinetico water system all on level ½ ACRE m/l lot w/ public sewer and on-site well. Immaculate “move-in” condition dwl. Owners relocating to retirement facility & motivated to sell! Well planned residential community. Easy access to Rt. 897, Rt. 222, Rt. 272 & Turnpike. Personal inspection by appointment or open house May 2, 9 & 16 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood.com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender

HELP OFFERED: Roofing repairs. Chimney repair and rebuilding, inspections and maintenance contracts, gutter repair and leaf proof protection. You tried the rest, now try the best. All work guaranteed or won’t it be done by us. Call anytime, 717-208-0814.

3 Bedroom Rancher

23’x29’ Barn/Garage Real Estate: Single level 3 Bdrm. Rancher w/ 1410 sq. ft. Country eat-in kitchen, family room w/ fireplace w/ wood burning insert, living room w/ bay window, full bath, covered front porch, and enclosed rear porch w/ laundry. Outbuilding: 23’x29‘ block/ frame Barn/Garage w/ 10’ overhead door, horse stall, 2nd floor storage and 10‘x19’ forbay. All situated on a nice ¾ acre +/- lot w/ spacious lawns, macadam drive, garden area, and on-site well and septic. Zoned residential, Earl Twp., Elanco Schools. Taxes approx. $2,961. Note: Sellers have bought larger property and are serious to sell. Nice country property with convenient location just minutes from New Holland, Ephrata, Martindale, Blue Ball, etc. Borders farmland. Terms: 10% down, settlement on or before July 6, 2015. Attorneys: Kling and Fanning. Open House on Tues. April 28, 6-8pm or by appointment. See Auctionzip.com #25403 for Photos Tim Weaver Dave Stoltzfus Lic. # AY2109 Phone: 717-354-9524

Auction for: Edward and Margaret Newswanger (717) 354-5450

Custom “one owner” stone rancher w/1525 SF, eat-in kitchen w/Rutt custom maple cabinets & appliances, large living rm. w/stone fireplace & bow window, entrance foyer, 3 bdrms., 1½ baths, 1st floor laundry, sun porch, attached 2 car garage w/attic, insulated tilt windows thru out, maintenance free exterior w/covered soffit & fascia, elec. basebrd. heat all on level ½ ACRE lot w/lawn & garden area, macadam drive, on-site well & septic. Very nice quiet residential community of Ephrata. Minutes to stores, restaurants & hospital. Spacious & convenient. Personal inspection by appointment or open house May 9, 16 & 23 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood.com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-7331006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Miriam L. Henly Roy E. Good, Jr. Estate Aaron Z. Nolt Diane Martin, Curvin M. Horning Exc. 717-445-4309 717-445-5169 AUCTIONEERS Lic. #499, #2116, www.klinekreidergood.com #5064, #3956



306 Vinemont Rd., Reinholds. Rt. 897 N. to Reinholds. Right Fritztown Rd. go approx. 2 miles. Right Vinemont Rd. to property lane on right. (Spring Twp., Berks Co.)

Country custom split level dwl. w/1964 SF, eat-in kitchen w/appliances, family rm. w/Holland stone fireplace, living rm., 3 bdrms., 1½ baths, slide door to rear covered porch 22x11, laundry/mud rm., bsmt., oil HW heat w/ coal/woodstove, attached 2 car garage, front & rear covered porches all on 3 ACRES m/l w/mature trees & shrubbery, on-site well & septic. “Move in” condition house w/plenty of area to expand. Ideal country setting w/lawn & garden area & approx. 1 acre fenced pasture. Convenient location, minutes to Denver, Ephrata, or N. to Sinking Spring. Easy access to Rt. 222, Rt. 272 & Rt. 422. Seller serious to sell! Personal inspection by appointment or open house May 2, 9 & 16 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood.com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956 717-445-4309

Harlan R. & Carolyn A. Rissler 717-629-4975

AUCTIONEERS www.klinekreidergood.com

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 15B HELP OFFERED: Clean homes, apts., weekly, biweekly, monthly. Spring cleaning. References, honest, reliable, 20 years experience, low rates. Tammy, 717-7335124, 717-271-1220. HELP OFFERED: Ladies, come home to a clean house. Christian lady will do your cleaning. Honest and dependable. Please call 717859-2502.

HELP OFFERED: A-Clean Hometown Services. Your full service cleaning company. Homes and offices. move-outs. Move-ins, Regular service or emergency cleanings. Call 717336-4854.

Home & Lawn Care HELP OFFERED: Two old men with tools. One call does it all. Renovations, decks, additions, plus much more. 25 years experience. Free estimates. Licensed & insured. HIC# PA013856. 717-471-5090. HELP OFFERED: S&E Home Improvement, LLC. specializing in roofing, decks, additions, garages and more. Fully insured, PA#107604. 717-947-0127.

HELP OFFERED: Brian’s Lawn & Landscape. Free mowing estimates by phone. Insured. Denver, PA 717468-5086. HELP OFFERED: Roofing, siding, gutters (clean-outs), soffit/fascia, windows, basements, remodeling. Free estimates/insured. 717-673-4471.

HELP OFFERED: Will do your painting, exterior, interior. Reasonable rates. Many years of experience. Please call, 717-336-4643.

HELP OFFERED: Schedule pool opening. One-time, weekly service, Complete Pool & Spa, 2683 N. Reading Rd, Denver. Phone 717-4841983. Pools, liners, spas, pumps, filters, steps, ladders, chemicals, toys, floats, more. Save 20% with this ad. HELP OFFERED: Build-ABath of PA. Bathroom renovations. Specializing in acrylic bath systems. Certified in walk-in tubs, walkin showers & handicap accessibility. Visit our display at The Green Dragon Farmers Market, Building #1. Free estimates. Licensed and insured. HIC# PA102776. 717-471-5090.

HELP OFFERED: Retired painter looking for large and small paint jobs. Also, mowing, edging, trimming, powerwashing, cleaning jobs. Call Steve, 717-3414214 or email woodsy@ptd.net. HELP OFFERED: Need lawncare: Mowing, trimming, pruning, mulching, spring clean-up? Call Frysinger Lawncare, reasonable rates, fully insured. 717-475-1069. HELP OFFERED: Mowing, shrubbery, trimming, no job too small. Call Bob, 717808-8076. Insured, reasonable rates. HELP OFFERED: Scott High Pool Service. 24’ round above ground pools starting at $5,400 installed, liner replacements, pool services, opening pools, fiberglass pools. Spas starting at $3,995. 717-627-0152.

HELP OFFERED: We do landscaping, mowing, trimming/pruning, seasonal clean-ups, hardscaping, patios and retaining walls. Free estimates. ZJ’s Estate Maintenance, 717-3815055, visit landscapinglancasterpa.com. HELP OFFERED: Tree removal/trimming, gutter cleaning, power washing, pool service, clean-outs, clean-ups, odd jobs, big/ small, any job. Need help, call us, Complete Odd Jobs, 717484-1983. HELP OFFERED: Lawn and landscape services, landscape irrigation. Clean up, lawn mowing, lawn fertilization. Tree and shrub trimming and removal. Mulching. Licensed and insured. Over 25 years experience. 717-314-5323.



SATURDAY, MAY 2, 2015 AT 9:00 A.M..

Sale to start with catalogued guns followed by collectibles & accessories. PREVIEW: Friday, May 1 from 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. and Saturday, May 2 from 7:00 A.M. Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center, 50 Durlach Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522 **************************************************************************************************************


************************************************************************************************************** * A detailed catalogue listing can be picked up at the Auction Center for $2.00 or is available with many photos on our website www.horstauction.com. ** All firearms will be sold subject to Federal and State Firearms Laws. *** Accepted Payments: Cash, PA check, Visa, MasterCard and debit cards. No out of state checks without prior approval. 3% auction house fee will be added to all invoices and will be discounted to 0% when payment is made with cash or PA check.

1 sty. w/1500 SF, eat-in kitchen w/custom cabinets, island w/breakfast counter, living rm., 3 bdrms. (master bdrm. w/bath & walk-in closet), 2 baths, 1st floor laundry, full bsmt., oil air heat, central AC & oversized 2 car garage 24x36 (4 car capacity). 1½ sty. horse barn 32x40 w/3 horse stalls, workshop, garage/carriage area, 2nd floor storage, diesel bldg. 8x8 w/diesel (selling with property) & 10x16 utility bldg. 1 ACRE rural lot w/lawn, garden, fenced pasture, professional landscape & hardscape, macadam drive, parking area. Zoned Ag. NOTE: “Move in” condition, well maintained house, country kitchen, oversized garage & horse barn. Ideal location. w/easy access to Rt. 340, Rt. 897. Minutes to White Horse, Honey Brook & East Earl. Personal inspection by appointment or open house Sat., May 2 & 9 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood.com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-733-1006 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956

Samuel B. & Rachel F. Stoltzfus 717-768-4621

AUCTIONEERS www.klinekreidergood.com

“Horst Auctioneers” PUBLIC SALE

Located at 245 N. Clay Rd. (Lititz 17543), Clay Township, Lancaster County, PA. (Directions: Rt. 322 west of Ephrata to village of Clay, turn north on Clay Rd.)


Auction For:





25 Woodcrest Dr., Ephrata. Rt. 322 E. of Ephrata just past Rt. 222 overpass. Left Hahnstown Rd. Left Glenwood Dr. Right Woodcrest Rd.

2 sty. dwl. w/2920 SF, country eat-in kitchen, living rm., den, 1st floor laundry, 4 bdrms., bonus 5th bdrm., 3 baths, large family rm., sun porch, full bsmt. w/ cold cellar, oil HW heat. Outbldg: 2½ sty. custom 46x48 shop/garage (new ‘08) w/4416 SF, oil HW radiant floor heat, 1st floor open span w/(3) 9x10 doors, drive-in lower level w/(3) overhead doors, 10” poured concrete walls & large 3rd floor storage area 16x48. Solid, well built bldg. w/corrugated concrete floor, steel beam construction & 12 vehicle+ capacity (ideal for varied uses) 1.25 ACRE lot w/mature trees, lawn & garden area. NOTE: Spacious country family dwl. w/custom heated shop/garage on rural lot. Convenient location w/easy access to Rt. 322 & Rt. 272. A “must see” property. Personal inspection by appointment. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood.com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368)

Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr., Aaron Z. Nolt, Curvin M. Horning 717-733-1006 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956

AUCTIONEERS www.klinekreidergood.com

Abram Z. & Mary Ellen Zimmerman Call Linford 717-368-7617 or Jack 267-750-8320




AT 6:00 P.M.

Auction By: John J. Rutt II 717-587-8906 Michael J. Martin 717-371-3333 AU-003383-L

HELP WANTED: Excavation Company hiring Class A Driver dump truck drivers. Responsibilities include: loading and hauling equipment w/25 ton trailer, hauling aggregate and soil, assisting with the excavation trades. Competitive wages and benefits. Contact, 717-859-6699.


THURS., MAY 7, 2015

Located At: 209 East Farmersville Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522 Directions: From Rt. 322 & Rt. 222 intersection, travel East on Rt. 322 for 1.8 miles and turn right on E. Farmersville Rd. Follow E. Farmersville Rd. 2.5 miles to property on left. (Close to Fairmount Homes) Real Estate Details: A one owner, 3 bedroom Rancher w/ brick & siding built in 1972. Main level includes eatin kitchen w/ nice cabinetry; open to dining area w/ a view out the back for miles; front living room w/ Bay window; 3 bedrooms (all have closets); full bathroom; hall closet; nice back deck. Finished daylight basement has large open family room; roomy half bathroom; laundry w/ wheel line out back; 1 car garage w/ work bench. Elec. baseboard heat; updated roof; 3 year old water treatment system; updated 200 amp elec. service; approx. 1,250 sq. ft on main level, plus 500 in finished basement; hardwood flooring under main living area; West Earl Twp; total taxes only $2,360.00; wonderful small town living. Open House Date: Saturday May 2, from 1-3 PM. For questions about this auction please call or text auctioneer at 717-587-8906. Personal Property: Extension table w/ 13 boards; (12) plank seat chairs; 3 pc depression bedroom suite; depression style china & server; 3 pc Waterfall bedroom suite; Cedar chest; antique high chair; hide-a-bed; knee-hole desk; end & lamp tables; Almond color frig.; auto washer & dryer; Silver dollars & other coins; older toy trucks; Aladdin kero. lamp; quilts & blankets; soft goods; hand painted milk cans & saw blades; approx. 3 dozen Peanut Butter glasses; Carnival glass; lots of veg. bowls; marbles & older games; Jadeite glass; small collectibles figures & birds; S.S. kettles; cookware; Club Alum. kettle; push mower; penny banks; small tools; plus more unlisted. Please visit our website at www.martinandrutt.com

HELP WANTED: Experienced dump truck driver. Apply in person or on website: affordablepaving.net. Affordable Paving and Excavating, 201 Briar Hill Road, Lititz. (Rothsville). 717-627-0364.

319 Jacobs Rd., Narvon. Rt. 322. E. of Blue Ball. Right Churchtown Rd. Right Cambridge Rd. Left Jacobs Rd. OR from White Horse Rt. 340 E. Left Churchtown Rd. Left Wanner Rd. Right Jacobs Rd.



HELP OFFERED: Decks Decks Construction. Building, decks, fences and ramps since 1979. Free estimates & design. Call Mark at 717269-3549. PA#047954. www.decksdecksconstructio n.com.

Help Wanted



HELP OFFERED: Christian business specializing in roof leaks, roof coatings, all types of roofing, roofing and spouting repairs, gutter guards, gutter cleanouts, 28 years experience. Advertising w/The Shopping News since 1994. #PA004710. Dan 717-336-4543.

ALUMINUM SIDED RAISED RANCH STYLE DWELLING (1664 sq. ft. main level living space w/additional finished & semi-finished in daylight basement) The first floor contains a living room w/brick fireplace/woodstove insert, entry foyer w/closet, large eat-in kitchen w/oak cabinets, stove, dishwasher, laundry hookups; 3 bedrooms w/closets; 1-1/2 bathrooms; full daylight basement contains an extra large semi-finished family room w/brick fireplace; bedroom; full bathroom. 22’X30’ BASEMENT LEVEL TWO CAR GARAGE LOT SIZE - 1.1 ACRES - 93’X510’ (M/L) EPHRATA SCHOOL DISTRICT - $3,900 TOTAL YEARLY TAXES 81/2X17 FRAME SHED - 12X20 FRAME SHED - 8X20 STEEL SHED This circa 1975 raised Ranch style dwelling is currently in need of some updating & cosmetic work but offers many possibilities to someone looking for an affordable one acre residential property! OPEN HOUSES - Saturday, May 2 from 1 P.M. to 3 P.M. or for information or inspection call (717) 951-1363. * TERMS OF SALE - $10,000 down payment on the day of sale, balance at settlement on or before June 22, 2015; purchaser pays both realty transfer taxes; property sold as-is. Nikolaus & Hohenadel, Atty.

Sale For:


DIRECTIONS: From Ephrata, Rt. 322 West, right onto Durlach Rd. at Horst Auction Center, follow into Mt. Airy, left at Mt. Airy Hotel onto Forest Hill Rd., right onto Furnace Hill Rd. Clay Township, Lancaster Co., PA. 1325 Furnace Hill Road, Stevens (Mt. Airy) 3 BEDROOM BRICK RANCHER: with large eat-in kitchen with Rutt cherry cabinets & a fireplace, large living room, sitting room, bathroom, 3 bedrooms including Master bedroom with private 1/2 bath, full basement, partially finished with coal stove, powder room, outside entrance, attached 2-car garage with 1/2 bath, enclosed rear porch & a large deck. Well & septic, attic storage, built in 1974, approx. 1560 sq. ft. + basement. GARAGE/SHOP: 26’x34’ insulated shop with heat & 2 overhead doors. Frame barn w/lean-to, mobile home for storage. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: early Gibson mandolin w/case; Francini accordion; Roland HP-3000 digital keyboard; Estry pump organ; Baldwin upright piano & organ; Casio keyboard; old piano stool. TRACTORS & TOOLS & CARS: Farmall F-Cub tractor; IH Cub Lowboy w/finish mower; Cub blade & plow; 1986 Dodge Caravan 118k miles; 1995 Chrysler Concord car 117k miles, new insp.; Promark stump grinder w/ Kohler eng.; 2 titled utility tractors; Snapper riding mower; 1400w generator, lk. new; alum. ladders; garden tools; hand tools; socket sets 1-3/4”; air compressor; bar clamps; standing seam roofing tools; 115V. stock welder; scrap piles; brass quoits; pipe wrenches; lawn roller; coal. COINS & GOLD: 1859 1/4 $ gold coin; silver quarters, dimes, halves; V nickels, IH pennies; old pennnies; some currency. GUNS: early G. Feder long gun; Marlin model 336 30/30 w/scope; Sears Ranger 16 ga. ANTIQUES: “MANHEIM” John Heinselman TALL CASE CLOCK; blue decorated crock; Sunshine oak C-164 antique stove; Lionel O-scale train set, org. box; Lionel engines; Columbia pot belly stove; cuckoo clock; old toys; egg scales; arrowheads; Albino mounted groundhog; crocks & jugs; large hay hooks; marbles; cookie cutters; old child’s bike; Lititz thermometer; beam scales; old license plates; marble roller; drying rack; Express wagon; National Safe coin bank. MISC.: quilts; fish rods; dolls; tricycles; pocket knives; kettles; canning jars; Winross; Sunbeam mixer; lots of books & tapes; pocket watches; lantern. FURNITURE: Oxford (Hoosier type) cabinet; jelly cupboard; cherry ext. table w/11 boards; Governor Winthrop desk; dropleaf tables; old stand w/ drawer; cottage dresser; 3 rocking chairs; blanket chest; buffet; 6 pc. oak BR suite; 4 pc. BR suite; Tempus Fugit grandfather’s clock; wash stand; glider-rocker; sofa & chair; high chairs; sewing machine; freezer; glider; school desks. OPEN HOUSE: For appointment to see or help to obtain bank financing, call Aaron E. Martin, Auctioneer, at (717) 733-3511. TERMS: 10% down at the auction, balance on or before July 1, 2015. NOTE A nice country property, be prepared to bid, property to be sold! Coins sold at 11:00 a.m., Manheim clock & guns 12 noon. Come early, bring chairs. No out of state checks. Attorney: Dennis Hartranft 717-738-2626 www.aemauction.com


1141 W. Main Street Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 733-3511

Auction By:


Harry 717-733-0713

16B - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

HELP WANTED: Helper needed for my residential cleaning business. Must be reliable, thorough, hard working and energetic. Must have transportation. Great opportunity for the right person. Above average pay based on experience/quality of work. Call 717-917-1487.




CDL-A, 1 year experience. Earn



HELP WANTED: Part-time server/short order cook for snack bar at golf course near Denver. Evenings and weekends. Call Brenda, 717-951-2466.


Guaranteed home time. Excellent benefits & bonuses. 100% no touch, 70% D&H. 1-855-842-8498.

HELP WANTED: Janitorial. 2 part time positions in Adamstown to Blue Ball areas, 12-15 hours per week. Monday-Friday, 6pm-8pm start. Must have own vehicle and experience. Call 717-335-0649, leave detailed message.

HELP WANTED: Driver, full and part-time. Also, waitress. Slice of Brooklyn Pizzeria, New Holland. 717355-0333.

“Horst Auction Center” COIN SALE


INSPECTION - Thursday, April 30, 2015, 9:00 A.M. thru the Sale Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center, 50 Durlach Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522



Selling bust halves and other type coins in better collectible grades. Key and semi-key dates including 1864-L, 1877, 1931-S cents, etc. (23) pieces proof silver eagles. A rare group of small size national currency including: Mountville, Intercourse, Gap, Lititz, Denver, Quarryville, Honeybrook, etc., (2) Series 1902 $20 national currency Mt. Joy and Columbia, (2) original 100 piece packs of $1 silver certificates. Single and bulk lots of silver dollars. **************************************************************************************

A catalogued listing can be picked up at the Auction Center for free. Listing is also available on our website, www.horstauction.com. ************************************************************************************** Accepted Payments: Cash or PA check, Visa, MasterCard and Debit Card with 3% fee. No out of state checks without prior approval.

HELP WANTED: Local construction company seeks full-time laborers. Must have valid driver’s license. Experience in all types of construction work preferred. Paid vacation days 3 months of employment. Permanent positions are available. Must start immediately. Please call for information, 717-3367551. HELP WANTED: Landscape and lawn maintenance, fulltime and part-time, must have PA valid drivers license. 717-587-5011. HELP WANTED: Local milk hauler is looking for qualified farm pick-up drivers with 1+ years Class A experience and a clean driving record with tanker endorsement. Competitive pay and health benefits. Call 717-351-4087. HELP WANTED: Full time diesel truck mechanic needed. Inspection license preferred, but not required. Call L.W. Martin Truck Repair, 717-733-0611.

HELP WANTED: Equipment operator. Specifically Bobcat/skid loader, grader, trackhoe, etc. Fine grading a must in your experience level. 5 years experience needed, full time position, must poses a drivers license, CDL preferred. Affordable Paving and Excavating, 717-627-0364. HELP WANTED: Part-time housekeepers needed, weekends and holidays a must. Apply at Red Roof Inn, 2017 N. Reading Road, Denver. HELP WANTED: Pretzel Twist Green Dragon, Ephrata; Farmstead Farmers Market, Palmyra; Saturdays Market, Middletown. 717-940-9947. HELP WANTED: Local family amusement company. Ride operators. No experience necessary. Drug free zone. Food concession workers to prep, serve, clean up. Some transportation provided. Mostly second shift hours. Start $7.50/hr with weekly bonus potential. Leave message or text, 610-781-7996.

Hope For Haiti Benefit Auction

Sat., May 16, 9:00 AM 470 West Metzler Road, Ephrata, PA

Flowers, Shrubs, Quilts, Tools, Crafts, Gift Certificates, Lawn & Garden Equip. Bring Something ~ Buy Something Call Katelynn: 914-850-2826, Reuben O. 717-859-2880 Terms By: Haitian Connection Network

Beiler-Campbell Auction Service #Au005928

HELP WANTED: Janitorial. Part time position in Ephrata to Adamstown areas, 12-15 hours per week. Monday-Friday, 6pm-8pm start. Must have own vehicle and experience. Call 717-3350649, leave detailed message. HELP WANTED: Experienced stone, stucco/EIFS installers and mason laborers. Pay and benefits on experience. Drivers license and transportation needed. Call 717-6298494. HELP WANTED: Bookkeeper/Customer Service Rep. Position available immediately. Experience required in Accounting and Customer Service. Knowledge of Quick Books helpful. Join a Lancaster County company with over 34 years of success. Great company with great benefits. Email resume to: clarkt@tbll.com or call 717399-1991. HELP WANTED: Over the road truck driver with CDL, must have good driving record and need owner operator to pull my trail. Sauder Truck, 717-3716523.

HELP WANTED: Part-time front desk, night audit. Must work weekends, holidays. Flexible hours. Fill out application at Red Roof Inn, 2017 N. Reading Road, Denver.

Wanted WANTED: Old baseball cards, 1950-1970 only. Call Steve, 717-341-4214. WANTED: Highest cash paid for junk or good cars. Licensed professional. 717278-9539.

WANTED: Cub Cadet & Wheel Horse tractors, running or not. Also, any attachments, literature or manuals. 610-495-6273. WANTED: Paying cash for old shaving razors, typewriters, camping equipment, old kitchen & household. Jeremy in Akron, 717-201-8501.


SATURDAY, MAY 16 • 10 A.M.

593 Rose Hill Dr., Narvon. Rt. 322 E. from Blue Ball. Right Rt. 897 S. Left Gault Rd. Left Rose Hill Dr. OR Rt. 322 W. of Honeybrook. Left Churchtown Rd. Right Cambridge. Bear right Gault Rd. Right Rose Hill Dr.



WED., MAY 6, 2015 SALE AT 6:00 P.M.





1990 N. Churchtown Rd., East Earl. From Blue Ball Rt. 23 thru Goodville. Left Pool Forge Rd. Left N. Churchtown Rd. to property on left. (Caernarvon Twp., Lanc. Co.)

2 sty. brick Colonial “one owner” dwl. w/2580 SF plus 672 SF lower level, eat-in kitchen w/birch cabinets & appliances, living rm., family rm., 4 bdrms. (master bdrm. suite w/bath), 2 baths, large family/rec rm. 30x32, full bsmt. w/partial finished area w/Surdiac coal stove & 2nd kitchen, canning rm., gas forced air heat, attached oversized 2 car garage & utility bldg. all on country 1.1 ACRE lot w/farmland boundary, lawn & garden, macadam circle drive, on-site well & septic. After 50 yrs. owners relocating & serious to sell this “one owner” country property. Minutes to town, easy access to New Holland, Churchtown & Morgantown. Personal inspection by appointment or open house May 2 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood. com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Yard/Garden / Tools: JD LA 115 w/42” Deck Hydro w/Bagger Approx. 300 Hrs. 1 Owner, Yardman 5 HP Snowbird Snow Thrower, Yardman Reartine Roto Tiller, Toro Elec. Start SP Lawn Mower, Shredder/Chipper, Wheel Horse Tractor (No Deck – As Is), Early Homelite & Mall Chain Saws, Wheelbarrow, Alum. & Wood Stepladders, Hose & Reel, Lawn Spreader, Lawn Sprayer (As Is), 16 Gal. Shop Vac, Handyman Jack, Bench Vises, 1500 lb. Elec. Winch, Floor Jack, Jack Stands, Midget Air Wrench, Air Hoses, Elec. Cords, Tow Bar, Asst. Hand Tools, Fence Posts, Hedge Trimmer, Toboggan, Grizzly Air Rifle, Recurve Bow, Fishing Rods. Furniture/Appliances: Ext. Table w/8 Brds. Made By David Hoover, (6) Martin Shirk Arrow Back Chairs, Oak Server, 3 Pc. Inlaid Waterfall Bdrm. Suite, Porcelain Top Table, Waterfall Cedar Chest, Chest Of Drawers, Rockers, (2) 2 Pc. Living Room Suites, Misc. Sofas, Chairs, Sm. Tables / Shelves, Trunks, Sessions Mantel Clock, Lester Piano, Wood Wall Hanging Shelf, Card Table w/Chairs, Folding & Lawn Chairs, Blue Glass Inlaid Table, Pole & Table Lamps, Hanging Oil Lamp, Sm. Hankie Chest, Kitchen Cart, Hampers, Asst. Wall Hangings & Pictures, 6-Gun Cabinet w/Etched Glass, Toy Chest, Doll Bed, High Chair, Child Ironing Brd., Child Kitchen Set, Window AC’s, Hotpoint Chest Freezer. Glassware/Collectibles: T.F. Cooper Hand London Pocket Watch (1 Hand Missing), Tastee Bread Totes, Remington Man. Typewriter, Crocks, Agate Bucket, Homemade Soap, Bone Saw, Flour Sifter, F. Fry Cutters, Food Grater, Pedestal Cake Stand, Lefton Accessory Set, Car Water Pitcher Set, Gold Rim Glasses, McCoy Cookie Jar, Bosch Mixer, Covered Candy Dish, Pyrex Bowls, H. Laughlin Bowls, Relish Platters, Hen-on-Nest, Candle Stick, Glass Serving Bowls, Corelleware, Misc. Kitchen Utensils & Flatware, Misc. Sm. Kitchen Appliances, Asst. Dinnerware, Cookware, Glassware, Dishes & Platters, Adv. Pieces. Soft Goods/Books/Toys: New Quilts, Comforters, Bed Ticking, Bolster Pillow Cases & Others, Wall Hanging, Braided Rugs, Table Clothes, Cloth Napkins, Sheets, Musser Bros. Bag, Misc. Soft Goods, Sm. Dolly Clothes, Works Of J. Fennimore Cooper Series, Song Books, Inspirational & Other Paper Back Books, Coloring & Children Books, Game News, Ping Pong Table, Wood Blocks, Bean Bag Game, Globe, Misc. Tonka Toys, Tootsie Toy & Other Misc. Metal Toys. Note: Auction to begin at 9AM w/tools, lawn & garden items followed by household & soft goods. Real Estate at 1PM followed by furniture. Terms are cash, PA check or major credit card w/3% service fee. Food stand. Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-445-4309 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956

P. Wilmer & Naomi R. Bowman 717-445-6915

AUCTIONEERS www.klinekreidergood.com

Located at 402 Spruce St., Denver (Denver Boro, Lanc. Co.) From Main St., in Denver, turn onto N. 4th St. Turn left on Spruce St. to property immediately on left. Real estate consists of a 1,008 sq. ft. brick rowhome, built in 1900, containing a kitchen; dining area; laundry hookup; and living room all on the main level. There are also covered front and rear porches. The second floor contains two bedrooms and a full bath (the one bedroom has a privacy violation). There is attic storage and a full basement. Replacement windows mostly throughout. Capped trim. Oil hot water heat. Public water and sewer. All this is situated on a 0.05 Acre lot along with a storage shed and alley access to the rear. This is a solid home with just some cosmetic updating needed. This would make a prime investment property, or a very affordable home. You will not want to miss this great opportunity! Open houses to be held Sat., May 2 from 1-3pm, or by appointment, contact auctioneer at (717) 371-9603. 10% down day of sale, balance at settlement. J. Noel, Att’y

Art Pannebecker & Brad Wolf Auctioneers Inc. Lic. #: AU001476 & AU005308 717-336-6983 www.artsauctionservice.com www.auctionzip.com (ID#1536)

Terms By:


2 sty. w/1808 SF, eat-in kitchen w/beautiful panel cabinets, SS appliances, formal dining rm., living rm., sunken 1st floor family rm. w/gas FP, 14x52 rear deck, 4 bdrms., 2½ baths (master bdrm. w/bath & balcony deck overlooking country side), attic, full bsmt., heat pump, central AC. Special features: updated appliances, flooring, fresh interior paint, insulated windows, covered soffit, fascia & utility bldg. 1.17 ACRE lot w/fenced lawn, rear farmland boundary. NOTE: After 19 years owners relocating to Florida & serious to sell. “Move in condition.” Ideal country/farmland view. Personal inspection by appointment or open house Sat., May 2 & 9 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood.com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368)

Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-733-1006 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956

Rickey D. & Mary V. Webb 717-330-6410

AUCTIONEERS www.klinekreidergood.com



SAT., MAY 2, 2015 at 9:00 A.M. REAL ESTATE at 1:00 P.M.



SAT., MAY 16, 2015 at 11:00 A.M. Located at: 1480 Indian Grave Rd. Warfordsburg, Pa. 17267 Union Twp. Fulton Co. Directions: From (Rt. 76) Pa. Turnpike exit 161 (Breezewood) take Rt. 70 E. 15-mi. to exit 163 (Aramanth) to right on McKees Gap Rd. 3-mi. to right on Indian Grave Rd. 1-mi. to property on right. Real Estate: consists of a 5-bedroom 1,438 sq. ft. rancher on 6+acres of prime woodland. Main floor includes a 26 x 32 open space great room w/ woodstove; large dining area; complete custom kitchen w/Corian tops/bar & all appliances; 10 x 20 sunroom & 12 x 24 rear deck; 5-bedrooms (sleeps 16+) 2-full baths; washer & dryer; 10 x 24 covered front porch w/stone facade; baseboard electric heat/AC unit; (totally renovated 2010 included roof, windows, flooring, kitchen, rustic log furniture; etc.!) on-site well & septic, total annual taxes: $1,387; also a 24 x 30 frame/vinyl 2-car garage. Retreat sells completely furnished including 2012 650 Yamaha Rhino ATV, etc. Property has served as seasonal family retreat/vacation rental camp w/positive cash flow, call for annual income figures! For brochure visit www.indiangraveretreat.com or www.vrbo.com hit US map, Pa, Bedford Co. Indian Grave Retreat #431097. Open House: Sat., May 2 from 1-3 pm for info call auctioneer @ (717) 371-3333. Terms: 10% down day of sale, balance on or before 60 days. Attorney: Thomas Steiger (717) 328-3525 Note: Hiking & ATV trails; lighted volleyball court & quoits pits; playground w/16’ slide & 2-fishponds; fire-pit & BBQ area; stream & footbridges; deer feeders & food plots! Tranquil wooded setting to enjoy natures’ beauty! Abundant wildlife; State Game Lands ¼ mile from camp! For photos & listing visit www.martinandrutt.com

Auction By: Michael J. Martin 717-354-3197 John J. Rutt II 717-721-7515 AU-3697-L

Auction For:


(717) 354-9427

Located at: 15 Weaver Ave., New Holland, Pa. 17557 Directions: From Main St. (Rt. 23) New Holland take N. Ranck Rd. (at Turner Buick) to left on Grandview to left on Weaver to home on left. Real Estate: consists of a 3-bdrm custom-built Cape Cod w/stone façade featuring over 2560 sq. ft. main floor includes a formal LR w/bay window & stone FP; formal DR w/bay window; foyer; custom eat-in style Birch kitchen w/island bar & appliances; mud room/laundry w/ ½ bath; family room; master suite w/HW floors & closets; full bath; 2nd bdrm w/HW floors & closets. Upper level includes large 14’x22’ bedroom w/closets; full bath; cedar closet & attic storage. Finished 612 sq. ft. basement family rm w/ FP; recreation area; 2nd kitchen; full bath; food pantry; office; utility room/shop; central AC/heat pump; aux. oil forced air heat; public water & sewer; annual taxes approx. $3700. Covered front & rear porches; deck & breezeway to detached 2-car garage; 10’x16’ utility bldg. Open House: For info call auctioneer @ (717) 371-3333. Terms: 10% down day of sale, balance on or before 60 days. Attorney: Kling & Fanning 354-7700 Note: Spacious custom-built (1959) home w/detached 2-bay garage located along quiet cul-de-sac close to stores & Garden Spot HS. Level lot w/garden & raised flowerbeds, mature landscaping. Sellers have downsized to retirement home & are motivated to sell! For photos & listing visit www.martinandrutt.com Personal Property: dining table, 5-chairs & server; (blue) sofa & chair; wing chair; recliner; sleep sofa; Tambour desk & chair; needlepoint stool; dinette set; Danish BR suite; 6-twin beds & bedding; BR furniture; 2-wood rockers; 5-file cabinets; Ping-Pong set; Norwegian folk art; collectible glassware & plates; Hummel figurines; sterling silver dresser set; Waterford crystal; flatware; Noritake dinner set; mirrors, prints & home décor items; books; owl collection; 30-glass paperweights; cooking & baking items; antique glass washboards; old license plates; brass belt buckles; early baskets; plus much more. Lawn & Garden, Tools: Craftsman 5.5hp snow blower; Honda 2000 generator; roto-tiller; 3-Toro SP trim mowers; Toro 13hp riding mower w/38” deck; wheelbarrow; air compressor; string & hedge trimmers; leaf blowers; bench grinder; metal shelving; lanterns; bikes; Rigid pipe threader set; pipe clamp/ cutter; socket & wrench sets; lots of hand & power tools; lots of gardening tools; much more not listed. Terms: Cash, Pa. check or credit card w/3% admin fee. Food stand provided, sale held under tent bring a chair. All sale day announcements take precedence over prior ads.

Auction By: Michael J. Martin 717-354-3197 John J. Rutt II 717-721-7515 AU-3697-L

Auction For:

LEIF & RUTH V. ERICKSEN (POA John Ericksen (505) 231-2338) NEW HOLLAND, PA

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 17B

WANTED: Antiques, one piece to an entire estate. Buying estate jewelry, gold/silver. All costume jewelry including old rings, vintage clothes, hats, furs, hankies, record albums, CD’s. Uncle Funky’s 1-484-432-9770, 717-733-0003. WANTED: Genuine Crafters, NH Arts and Crafts Fair, Saturday, June 27, 9am2pm. Community Memorial Park, New Holland. Call Sue, 703-282-6959; susanressler@gmail.com. WANTED: 5 people to lose weight. I’ve lost 85 lbs. You can too. Call 717-366-4451. WANTED: Like new or slightly used digital hearing aids. Call 717-2036521.

To Buy WANTED: Buying diamonds, gold, estate jewelry, coins, paper money, antique jewelry of all types, Parkhill Jewelry, 5 West Main St. Ephrata, 717-733-8800.

WANTED: Paying cash for junk cars/trucks, $250 and up for most vehicles. Fast service, free towing. Call Kevin at Gring’s Towing 484-955-8889. WANTED: Historian/collector buying American or Foreign swords, daggers, knives, leather flying jackets, paratropper items, patches, wings, medals, insignia, uniforms, photos, helmets, flags, toy soldiers, etc. No games, just serious buying. Peter Bennethum, PO Box 6523 Wyomissing, PA 19610. 484388-9045.

WANTED: Need cash? I will buy your car or truck. Cash. Brooks Motor Company, 3242 Oregon Pike (Rt. 272) Leola, PA, 717-656-4038.

WANTED: Old racing Go Karts, parts and memorabilia. Any condition considered. Call 717-6294997. WANTED: Junk cars and trucks. Fair prices. Quick service. 717-875-9597. WANTED: Purchasing old clothing pre-1970, mens/ womens and accessories. Fast and friendly service. Call Bill in Ephrata. 717-7380864.

WANTED: Sports Cars, Classic Cars, Muscle Cars, Antique Cars, etc. Jeff Gast 717-575-4561. WANTED: I buy almost anything old, (no husBuying now. bands or wives). Look in WANTED: We buy houses, your attics, basements, apartment buildings. Any garages and closets. Call condition. Quick cash, no Bob Reed with what you hassle or fees. 717-598- have. Cash paid. Call any2661. time, 610-780-6873. WANTED: $50-$500 paid for junk autos. Free removal. Call anytime, 717-989-6980. WANTED: Purchasing old & collectible items. Fast & courteous service. Bill in Ephrata, 717-738-0864. WANTED: Cash paid for vinyl records. 717-627-2081.



TUESDAY, MAY 26 • 5 P.M.

WANTED: Pre-1970’s Christmas/Halloween, costume jewelry, postcards, antique clothing buttons, dolls clothes and misc. old items. Downsizing? Stella 717-355-2142.

WANTED: Rings, jewelry. Need money? Cash for rings, necklaces, bracelets, costume, gold, silver, diamonds, anything jewelry, even broken jewelry. Wrist watches, pocket watches, (especially Hamilton and Dudley), also sterling flatware, coins, old radios. Bob Reed. Honest, dependable, confidential. Call 610-7806873, anytime.

For Rent FOR RENT: Large barn, storage space, Ephrata area. Overhead entrance door 11’x11’, $200/month. 717629-6658. FOR RENT: Professional office space. 607 East Main Street, Ephrata. Offstreet parking, snow removal, electric, water/ sewer & trash removal included. Approximately 450 sqft, $560/month. 717-738-1151.




187 Country Dr., Denver (Fivepointville). From Terre Hill Rt. 897 N. past Good’s Feed Mill. Left Millstone Dr. Left Country Dr. to property on left. (Brecknock Twp., Lanc. Co.)

1110 Orchard Rd., Lititz. From Lititz Rt. 501 N. Right Newport Rd. Left Orchard Rd. to property on left. OR Rt. 772 W. thru Rothsville, at White Swan Hotel bear right on Newport Rd. Right Orchard Rd. to property on left. (Warwick Twp., Lanc. Co.)

Colonial style brick/vinyl split foyer dwl. w/1800 SF finished area, eat-in kitchen w/cherry cabinets w/pantry, appliances & breakfast bar, living rm., 3 bdrms., 2½ baths (master bdrm. w/bath), large family rm. w/brick hearth & wood/coal stove, full lower level, elec. forced air heat, central AC. Colonial trim & panel doors, covered soffit & fascia, insulated windows, 10x18 deck, 10x18 patio, 2 car garage all on 1.38 ACRES w/lawn, garden and rear of lot fronts Muddy Creek, on-site well, public sewer, macadam drive. Owners relocating to another county to farm. House is in absolute “move in” condition. Convenient location, quiet well planned residential community. Easy access to Rt. 272, Rt. 222 & Turnpike. Personal inspection by appointment or open house May 9, 16 & 23 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood.com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368)

2½ sty. frame/alum. farm house w/1314 SF, eat-in kitchen w/oak cabinets, large living/ family rm., 3 bdrms., bath, 1st floor laundry, 14x22 utility/storage rm., attic, bsmt. w/outside entrance, oil HW heat, insulated/tilt windows, low maintenance exterior w/covered soffit & fascia. Outbldg: 2 sty. frame barn 36x40 w/2 car garage, 20x40 shop, (2) horse stalls & shop area all on 1½ ACRES w/over 559’ frontage, lawn & garden area, public well & septic. Zoned R1. Ideally located rural property w/1½ ACRES. Plenty of garage & shop area. Convenient location, minutes to Lititz & Rothsville. Easy access to Rt. 772 & Rt. 501. Owners serious to sell!! Personal inspection by appointment or open house May 9, 16 & 23 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood.com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368)

Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956 717-445-4309

Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956 717-445-4309

Ronald S. Shirk 717-381-1017

AUCTIONEERS www.klinekreidergood.com




1141 W. Main Street Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 733-3511

AUCTIONEERS www.klinekreidergood.com

Auction By:

DALE & DEAN ZIMMERMAN (717) 799-1410

FOR RENT: Warehouse space, 1750 sqft. plus 3 offices, located in Ephrata, $750/month. 717-7381151. FOR RENT: Warehouse space and office area, approx. 2100 sq.ft., electric, bathroom and UGI natural gas heat. (2) 10x10 overheard doors. Drive-in bays. Call for details, 717-7381605. FOR RENT: Small Commercial Space: 77 Park Ave., Ephrata. Lower level space in old converted warehouse. Ideal for insurance, office, nail salon, etc. $425/month. Please call 717-859-2010 or visit www.wolfkline.com for more information.

FOR RENT: Twin Pine Storage Units, 24hr. access, $20.00 per month and up. 717-733-6549. Or stop in at 1932 W. Main, Ephrata. M-Th, 9am-5pm, F 9am-3:30pm, Sat., 10am12pm.

Apartments FOR RENT: Lincoln area, 2nd floor, 2 bedrooms, all major appliances included. Recently updated & freshly painted. No smoking preferred. Small, quiet pet possible. $750. Applications and security deposit required. Walt Eby Realty, 717-9483800. FOR RENT: 1 bedroom efficiency located in Ephrata. New stove and new carpeting. Off-street parking, nice quiet neighborhood. $650 per month. Please call A. Hunter, 717-274-2104. FOR RENT: 1BR 2nd floor, newly refurbished, nice appliances, dishwasher, builtin microwave, hardwood floors, off-street parking, on-site laundry/exercise room, courtyard. 23 E Main St, Ephrata. $625, W/S/T included, electric baseboard heat, cat ok. Dale, 717-2036350. FOR RENT: 1BR on 1st floor in Denver. W/S/T included, off-street parking, good condition, pets negotiable, $545. 717-735-2330, Reznik Real Estate.


WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 2015 AT 2:00 P.M.

Preview Times - Tuesday, May 5 from 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. and Wednesday, May 6 from 8:00 A.M. *This is just a partial listing of items to be sold and may be subject to minor changes. Photos representing the entire auction will be posted on our website www.horstauction.com on Tuesday, May 5. Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center, 50 Durlach Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522 FURNITURE - Antique & Modern Incl. Bedroom, Dining Room, Living Room, Family Room, Kitchen, Office & Patio (Sets & Individual Pieces); APPLIANCES; CLOCKS; LAMPS; CAMERAS; SILVER; COPPER/ BRASS; CAST IRON; AGATE; TINWARE; WOODENWARE; CHINA & GLASSWARE; MILK BOTTLES; POTTERY; LINENS; JEWELRY; BOOKS & PAPER; ARTWORK; TOYS; LG. SCALE A.F. TRAIN SET; J. CHEIN CHILD’S PLAYER PIANO; TOOLS & MUCH MORE! ** Accepted Payments: Cash or PA check, Visa, MasterCard and Debit Card with 3% fee. No out of state checks without prior approval.

Sale For:


ABSOLUTE AUCTION Cocalico/Middlecreek Wildlife Preserve Area

REAL ESTATE 23 ACRE FARMETTE Tuesday, May 5, 2015 at 7:00 P.M.


#1 – 24 ACRE FARM – 2½ STY. DWL. – BANK BARN – GAR. #2 – 6 ACRES – 1 STY. 1 BDRM. DWL. – CARPORT – UTILITY BLDG. #3 – 5.2 ACRE BLDG. TRACT #4 – 5.3 ACRES – 1 STY. 2 BDRM. DWL.


MONDAY, MAY 18 • 5 P.M.

590 Holtzman Rd., Reinholds. Rt. 897 N. to 4-way stop in Reinholds. Right Fritztown Rd. Right Holtzman Rd. to properties on right. (E. Cocalico Twp., Lanc. Co. & Spring Twp., Berks Co.)

Location: 107 & 109 S. Main Street, Manheim, PA 21/2 STORY BRICK BUILDING: Both 1st floor units could be 1 or 2 bedroom apartments. Upstairs units are 1 bedroom plus 1 has a complete separate in-law quarters. All units include appliances. Property has many updates including replacement windows, alum. wrapped; updated wiring, natural gas furnaces; some new flooring. Each unit has separate utilities except water and sewer. Private laundry for tenants produces extra income. Off-street parking. 12 UNIT GARAGE/STORAGE: 26’ x 133’ block building in good condition with rubber roof, all new garage doors and cemented floors. Property has macadam driveway and recent new storage barn. NOTE: This is well kept property with many improvements made by present owners. All units are rented. Some long term tenants. Be prepared to bid!! OPEN HOUSE: Saturday, May 2 from 1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. Also open 1 hour before auction time. TERMS: 10% down at auction, balance on or before July 1, 2015. For help to obtain bank financing, call Aaron E. Martin, Auctioneer, at (717) 733-3511. Attorney: J. D. Young, Jr. 665-2207 www.aemauction.com


Paul Strauss 717-672-4757

FOR RENT: Rehobeth Beach Houses, weekly. Walk to beach, boardwalk. No pets. $995 and $1400. 717629-6556.

#1 REAL ESTATE: 24 ACRE FARM – 2½ sty. dwl., eat-in kitchen, living rm., dining rm., laundry/mud rm., 3 bdrms., bath, family rm. w/brick fireplace, bsmt., attic. Outbldg: 2 sty. bank barn 34x36, on-site well & septic. 24 acres mostly wooded. #2 REAL ESTATE: 6 ACRE property w/1 sty. 1 bdrm. dwl., 600 SF, elec. basebrd. heat, laundry, 20x24 carport, 8x14 utility bldg., on-site well & septic. 6 acres is mostly wooded. #3 REAL ESTATE: 5.2 ACRE bldg. lot w/frontage along Holtzman Rd. Has been perced & probed. Ideal location. #4 REAL ESTATE: 5.3 ACRES w/1 sty. rancher w/1500 SF, eat-in kitchen, large living rm., 3 bdrms., bath, bsmt., oil HW heat (as is), covered patio & porch. House needs TLC/handyman property. 5.3 acres m/l w/new septic system. NOTE: Unique opportunity to buy multiple acreage tracts at auction. Tracts sold separately from 590 Holtzman Rd. Ideal as residence or investment. Convenient location, minutes to Rt. 222 & Turnpike. Personal inspection by appointment or open house May 2, 9 & 16 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood.com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956 717-445-4309

AUCTIONEERS www.klinekreidergood.com

Peter Day & Beth Beam Linda Kling, Atty. 717-354-7700 Cheryl Rowe, Atty. 610-478-7725

310 South Cocalico Road, Denver, PA 17517 West Cocalico Twp., LANCASTER COUNTY, PA

REAL ESTATE: Consists of a large 2 story solid sandstone home (date stone 1846), with modern raised panel solid cherry eat-in kitchen, full bath, living room, bedroom, laundry and breezeway on the 1st floor, 2nd floor has 4 large bedrooms, attached oversized 1 car garage, oil hot water heat, on site well and septic, standing seam metal roof (2011), replacement windows w/capping (maintenance free exterior), full front porch, also a 33’x45’ frame tobacco shed, 44’ wide x 57’ deep x 13’ high ceiling shop with (2) 14’ wide x 13’ high doors, 1/2 concreted and insulated. All situated on 23 M/L acres, approx. 10 acres tillable, balance fenced pasture with Cocalico Creek flowing through, frontage on 2 sides of Cocalico Road and 1 side on Shenks Mill Road, Zoned AG-A2 (favorable for hogs, chickens, steers, B and B, greenhouses, produce, or ag related in home businesses. Check with township for possible uses. Currently not enrolled in clean and green or ag preserve, BEING SOLD ABSOLUTE COME PREPARED TO BUY. Please Visit: www.auctionzip.com For More Photos. NOTE: A LARGE ROUND MILLSTONE WILL BE SOLD AFTER REAL ESTATE. OPEN HOUSE: By appointment. TAXES: Spring: $1654.15 Fall: $6374.59 SETTLEMENT: 10% down, balance due on or before June 22, 2015 (with buyer having tilling and planting rights before settlement, call for details.)

Auction For Nora Hurst (Raymond) Richard (717) 821-5437 Earl (717) 926-4119 Call HURST FIRST

(717) 336-0473 AU-003375-L

Atty. Mike Kane

(717) 299-5251

18B - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

FOR RENT: Akron/Ephrata, upscale 2BR condo style apt. 1-1/2BA, all appliances, off-street parking, quiet neighborhood, no pets, no smoking, credit check, security deposit, $795 plus utilities. 717-587-7441.

FOR RENT: Lititz brand new Garden Apartments, available 5/1. One and two bedroom units ranging in size from 940 sqft to 1280 sqft, gas heat, c/a, covered patios, laundry, modern kitchen with all appliances. Water/sewer/trash, lawn/snow care included. Call 717278-5880.

Make your ad stand out! Boxed classified ads available for as little as $2.00 extra!

FOR RENT: One bedroom/ two bedroom apartments, half houses, single houses. Ephrata/Akron/Denver areas available. Some pet friendly. Yeager’s, 717-733-7988, blhoff@ptd.net. FOR RENT: Rooms available with kitchenette, weekly or monthly at Econo Lodge Inn and Suites, Denver/ RT272, near Dunkin Donuts and Red Roof Inn. No pets. Call 717336-7000.

FOR RENT: Ephrata, 2BR, 2nd floor. Includes: range, refrigerator, washer/dryer, heat pump w/central air, outside storage, balcony, off-street parking, trash removal, mowing and snow removal. $625/ month plus utilities. No pets, no smoking. Credit check/references required. 717-738-1151. (187-C).

Read your ad the first week it appears!




MON., MAY 4, 2015 SALE AT 10:00 A.M.

To be held at Renninger’s Antique Market, 2500 N. Reading Rd.,Denver. Rt. 272, near Adamstown.

PA House drop leaf table; cedar chest; oak chest of drawers; double bedroom suite; recliner; sofa; wooden bench; arrowback settee; GE dryer; chest freezer; smoking stands; Akro Agate light; Cowden jug; Bryer horses; painted saws; Longaberger baskets; Hess trucks; Texaco truck; dolls; wicker doll coach; M&M dispenser; cast iron fry pans and banks; slaw board; milk bottles - Cloister, Blue Ball, Miley, Stauffers; Firestone tire ashtrays; bb gun; 1931 Walter Good Reamstown calendar; milk can and boxes; Sunshine “Peacemaker 45” plaque; pitcher pump; wood planes; broad axe; Stricker axe; box lots and many other items not mentioned. 1999 Nissan Sentra GXE, 93,000 miles, good condition. All announcements day of sale take precedence over prior adv. visit website www.auctionzip.com (auctioneers ID # 1536) weekend before sale for pictures.

FOR RENT: Reamstown, 3BR duplex, 1.5BA, garage, includes: stove, fridge, washer/dryer, microwave, dishwasher, all new carpet and paint, no smoking, no pets. $895/month plus utilities and security, credit check. 717-314-7262.


FOR RENT: Akron two bedroom rancher, new kitchen, garage in basement, nice lot, stove, refrigerator. No smoking/pets. Security deposit. References. Available May 1st. $900 per month. 717587-9219.

Thurs., May 28th - 6 PM

Shared Living

This publication will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement.


FOR RENT: 2BR, 2BA, recently remodeled ranch house. Ephrata/Akron area. Country setting. One car attached garage. Basement. Laundry. All appliances included. Heat pump with central air. No smoking. No pets. $950 plus utilites and security. W/S/T included. 717629-6557.

AFFORDABLE LITITZ 3 BR RANCH STYLE SEMI-DETACHED 441 Fort Ross Ave., Lititz, PA 17543 WELL-LOCATED LITITZ PROPERTY in need of cosmetic restoration incl. eat-in kitchen, LR, 3 BRs & full BA. BASEMENT consists of finished FR & workshop. OTHER AMENITIES incl. utility shed.

FOR RENT: Room for rent, Ephrata, half house, $150/ week. Call 717-808-8172.

OPEN HOUSE: SAT. MAY 16TH 10AM-12PM & MON. MAY 18TH 5PM-6:30PM or call for an appointment.


*For information about financing, call 717-664-5238.* Real Estate Terms and Conditions: 10% down day of sale. Balance due at settlement on or before 45 days. Announcements made on day of sale take precedence over advertised information. Auction For: April Kellenberger Estate • Attorney: John Gibbel

Art Pannebecker & Brad Wolf Auctioneers Inc.

FREE: Horse manure for your gardens and flower beds. 717-859-2403 ext. 0.

FREE: Will haul away free unwanted scrap metal, washers, dryers, stove, refrigerators, freezers, water heaters, car parts, and batteries. Anything metal. No TV’s. Call Mike at 717-419-2711, leave message.

College News Frisch Named To Honor List David Frisch, Lititz, was named to the Honor List of Oxford College, the two-year liberal arts division of Emory University located in Oxford, Georgia, for the 2014 fall semester. Students must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher to be named to the Honor List.

9 Caramenico Initiated

Stephen Caramenico of Stevens was initiated at Widener University into the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi.


LIC. #001476-L & #005308-L 717-336-6983 www.artsauctionservice.com or www.auctionzip.com



John M. Hess Auction Service, Inc. AY000253L 717-664-5238 or 877-599-8894 • www.hess-auction.com

SATURDAY, MAY 2, 2015 AT 8:30 AM



Hometowne Auction, LLC

Quilts & Quilt-Related Items

AUCTION Tues., November 19, 2013

Tues., May 12, 2015 at 9:00 AM AM at 9:00

Preview: Mon., May 11,18 Noon to to 4 PM Preview: Mon., November Noon 4 PM 914 New Street, Akron 17501

Brick rancher, 3 BR w/garage, nice hardwood floors & yard.

Open house by appointment. Details on Auctionzip.com or www.lifetransitionserv.com Auctioneer: Pete Shaub AU22352






NEXT AUCTION DATE: JANUARY 21, Tuesday, July 21,2014 2015 CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED Quilts & Tops; Wall Hangings & Tops; Quillows, Pillows & Quilt-Related Items AY002166 Aaron Z. Nolt (717) 354-5599 AU5064

23 Pinacle Dr., Mohnton. Rt. 625 N. of Bowmansville approx. 3 miles. Right Chelsea Dr. Immediate right Stone Ln. 4/10 mile to property on left. (Brecknock Twp., Berks Co.)


Fivepointville Fire Company

Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956 717-445-4309

David D. & Cheryl Clark 610-777-7874


(New Holland Boro)


AUCTIONEERS www.klinekreidergood.com

Located at: 600 Grandview Drive, New Holland, PA 17557 Directions: From Main St. (Rt. 23) New Holland take N. Ranck Rd. (at Turner Buick) to left on Grandview Dr. to home on left. Real Estate: consists of an 1870 sq. ft. multi-level dwelling (1969) on a .47 acre lot. Main floor includes foyer w/stunning open curved staircases & closets; 12’x18’ formal LR w/bay window; 10x14’ formal DR w/builtin corner cupboard & Pergo HW flooring; beautiful Rutt custom kitchen w/appliances, pantry & patio door to east; laundry w/cabinetry; powder room. Upper level includes master suite w/WIC & private bath; 2nd bedroom w/double closet & private bath; attic storage area. Mid-level features a spacious 14’x20’ family room w/stone FP & Pergo HW flooring; office area; access to oversized 2-car garage w/auto-opener. Basement is unimproved storage area, central AC/heat pump; public water & sewer; annual taxes approx. $3400. Wide paved driveway & parking area; new PVC fenced side yard w/space for garden, level corner lot! For info call auctioneer @ (717) 371-3333. Terms: 10% down day of sale, balance on or before 60 days. Attorney: Kling & Fanning 354-7700. Note: A “must-see” property! Exceptional spacious home w/many valuable upgrades throughout; located along quiet side street close to stores & Garden Spot HS. Owner relocating out-of-state & serious to sell! For photos & listing, visit www.martinandrutt.com Auction By: Michael J. Martin 717-354-3197 John J. Rutt II 717-721-7515 AU-3697

Auction For:


Member of PA & National Auctioneers Assoc.

Call 717-278-8077 or Fire Hall 717-445-4933

S848667 S819194

SAT., MAY 2, 2015 at 1:00 P.M. 1½ sty. (passive solar) dwl. w/1832 SF, eat-in kitchen w/oak cabinets w/ quality stainless steel appliances including 5-burner gas range, stainless steel refrigerator, (2) Jenn-Aire convention ovens, large living/family rm. w/open beam ceiling, 3 bdrms., 2 baths (master bdrm. & bath). Special Features: oak doors, hardwood trim, Baldwin brass hardware, radiant floor heat, insulated windows. Very well insulated & efficient. Outbldgs: open front 24x24 equipment shed, 12x20 shop w/elec. all on 12½ ACRES woodland w/mature timber, on-site well & septic. Currently not enrolled in Clean & Green, but could be. Zoned Rural Conservation. After 35 yrs. the Clarks are relocating out of state and serious to sell! Unique “one of a kind” country property w/private secluded setting. Minutes to Rt. 222 Bypass & Turnpike. Easy access to Adamstown, Bowmansville, Alleghenyville & Knauers. Short Notice Auction. “Must see” property. Personal inspection by appointment or open house May 9, 16 & 23 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood.com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) * 1944 JD B Tractor, Completely Restored w/New Rubber, Cultivators & Plow * JD 301-A Ind. Diesel Tractor w/Loader & Davis Mfg. 3 Pt. Backhoe Attach. to be sold separately. NOTE: Terms are cash or PA check. Be prompt. Selling only listed items immediately after RE at 6 PM.

Early consignment; Kubota BX2350 with loader and mower, like new; John Deere X500 with 48” deck, nice; John Deere 2X277 all wheel steer; John Deere LX178 with mower, bagger & snow blower; John Deere LT133; Craftsman GT500 with loader; Toro Z420 zero turn; Cub Cadet 100 with snow blade; Kubota B6100 with new 3 pt. mower, sold separate; New Howse 5’ brush hog; Honda 3500 generator; Bushhog 50” 3 pt. rototiller; 3 pt. disk; 2 bottom 3 pt. plow; John Deere pull type Brushhog; John Deere #10 lawn cart; 3 pt. 1 bottom plow; 1 - 10x15 mini barn; 1 - 10x14 A frame; 1 - 12x24 Dutch Garage with 7-9 overhead door; 2 swing sets; Cub Cadet 3235 with mower & power angle blade; 3 pt. 5’ blade; large selection of tools; large selection of nursery stock, shrubs, plants, flowers, crafts, lawn furniture. This is only a partial listing. Receiving dates: Wednesday, April 29 through Friday, May 1, from 8am to 8pm. No items received sale day. Terms By:


FRIDAY, MAY 29 • 6 P.M.

1087 Dry Tavern Rd., Denver, PA. Located on Route 897, Fivepointville.

(505) 231-2338


FRIDAY, MAY 15 • 6 P.M.

6164 Guy Rd., Narvon. Rt. 340 E. of White Horse. Left Churchtown Rd. Right Guy Rd. OR Rt. 322 E. from East Earl toward Honey Brook. Right Churchtown RD. Left Guy Rd.

2 sty. Colonial dwl., country eat-in kitchen w/granite tops & pantry, living rm., family rm., large rec rm., 4 bdrms. (master bdrm. w/bath & walk-in closet), sewing rm./5th bdrm., full bsmt. w/Superior walls & 2nd set kit. cabinets, oil air heat, central AC, low maintenance exterior & wraparound porch/deck. Bank barn 52x64 w/8 horse stalls, garage & carriage area, drive in 2nd floor, new roof & siding. 2 ACRES m/l w/spring fed stream, fenced pasture, lawn, garden, mature plantings. Zoned AG. Ideal location, rural agricultural area. Minutes to Honey Brook, White Horse & Compass. Easy access Rts. 340, 322 & 10. Spacious country house & bank barn. A “must see” property. Personal inspection by appointment or open house Sat., May 2 & 9 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood.com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956 717-733-1006

Samuel K. & Barbara B. Stoltzfus 717-656-2861

AUCTIONEERS www.klinekreidergood.com

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 19B

SALES REGISTER WED., APR. 29 - 2:00 p.m. - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Antiques, collectibles, household goods, tools. Horst Auctioneers. THURS., APR. 30 - 5:00 p.m. - Abram Z. and Mary Ellen Zimmerman, 25 Woodcrest Drive, Ephrata. 2 story country 4 bedroom dwelling, 2 car garage, 2-1/2 story heated shop/garage 46x48, 4,416 sq. ft., 6 overhead doors, 1.25 acres. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. FRI., MAY 1 - 1:00 p.m. William and Stephanie L. Tell, 1236 East King Street, Lancaster. 2-1/2 story brick dwelling, office building 2,100 sq. ft., 12 car parking, 2 car garage. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., MAY 2 - 8:30 a.m. Fivepointville Fire Company, 1087 Dry Tavern Road, Denver. 58th Annual Consignment Auction. SAT., MAY 2 - 9:00 a.m. Francis L. Bottner Sr., 641 Compass Road, Honey Brook. 2-1/2 story, 6 bedroom, 3 bath home with barn on 2 acres, vehicles, tractors, household goods, tools and personal property. Horning Farm Agency, Inc. SAT., MAY 2 - 9:00 a.m. Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Outstanding firearms,

hunting, fishing and military collectibles and accessories. Horst Auctioneers. SAT., MAY 2 - 9:00 a.m. Leif and Ruth V. Ericksen, 15 Weaver Avenue, New Holland. 3 bedroom stone Cape Cod dwelling, 2,561 sq. ft., .57 acre lot, custom kitchen, 3.5 baths, finished basement, 2 car garage. Real estate at 1:00 p.m. Antiques, personal property, lawn and garden tools. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. SAT., MAY 2 - 11:00 a.m. - Arthur and Karen Pannebecker, 42 Marlin Circle, Shade Gap. Hunting cabin on 5.45 acres, along with a storage shed and dog kennel. Art Pannebecker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. SAT., MAY 2 - 1:00 p.m. John L. Ericksen, 600 Grandview Drive, New Holland. 2 bedroom split-dwelling, 1,870 sq. ft., 1/2 acre lot, Rutt custom kitchen, 2.5 baths, 2 car garage. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. MON., MAY 4 - 10:00 a.m. - Renningers Antique Market, 2500 North Reading Road, Denver, Route 272, near Adamstown. Antique, personal property, 1999 Nissan Sentra GXE. Art Pannebecker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc.



TUES., MAY 5 - 7:00 p.m. - Nora Hurst (Raymond), 310 South Cocalico Road, Denver. 23 acre farmette at Cocalico/Middlecreek Wildlife Preserve Area. Philip Hurst, Auctioneer. WED., MAY 6 - 2:00 p.m. - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Antiques, collectibles, household goods, tools. Horst Auctioneers. WED., MAY 6 - 6:00 p.m. - Rachel L. Shimp Estate, 402 Spruce Street, Denver. Brick row home on .05 acre lot with storage shed. Art Pannebecker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. THURS., MAY 7 - 2:00 p.m. - Elsie W. Martin, 209 East Farmersville Road, Ephrata. Rancher with 3 bedrooms on .42 acres. Real estate at 6:00 p.m. Antiques, household items. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. THURS., MAY 7 - 5:00 p.m. - Earl F. and Vera F. Smoker, 1070 Sun Valley Road, Stevens. Country brick 3 bedroom rancher, 2 car garage, 3/4 acre rural lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., MAY 7 - 6:00 p.m. - Jill M. Shaeffer, 245 North Clay Road, Lititz. Aluminum sided raised ranch style dwelling on 1.1 acres. Horst Auctioneers. THURS., MAY 7 - 6:30 p.m. - Edward and Margaret Newswanger, 2620 Division

Highway, New Holland. 3 bedroom rancher, 23’x29’ barn/garage, 3/4 acre +/-. Tim Weaver Auction Service, LLC. FRI., MAY 8 - 1:00 p.m. Matthew J. and Peggy A. Heisler, 1929 Thompson Avenue, Jonestown. 2-1/2 story farm house, 4 car garage, truck garage/shop 40x60, barn, 4 acres m/l. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., MAY 8 - 5:00 p.m. Joseph D. and Dorothy E. Armstrong, 2391 Stumptown Road, Bird-in-Hand. Country 2 story 5 bedroom dwelling, 2 car garage, 1.2 acres. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., MAY 8 - 6:00 p.m. Ella Nolt, 18 Mountain Street, Ephrata. Well-kept 4 bedroom log home with finished basement. John M. Hess Auction Service, Inc. SAT., MAY 9 - 8:30 a.m. John M. and Alma G. Weaver, 943 West Quarry Road, New Holland. Personal property, antiques and collectibles. Farm Folk Realtors and Auctioneers. SAT., MAY 9 - 9:00 a.m. 6101 Perkiomen Avenue, Reading. Hit and Miss engines, tools and antiques. Horning Farm Agency, Inc. SAT., MAY 9 - 9:00 a.m. 6101 Perkiomen Avenue, Reading. 18 Hit-and-Miss engines, tools, antiques, guns. Horning Farm Agency, Inc.

SAT., MAY 9 - 9:00 a.m. Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Antiques, collectibles, toys, dolls, household goods and tools. Horst Auctioneers. SAT., MAY 9 - 9:00 a.m. Daniel E. and Mildred Wenger, 1325 Furnace Hill Road, Stevens. 3.5 acre property with shop, 3 bedroom brick rancher. Real estate at 2:00 p.m. Tractors, cars, coins, guns and antiques. Aaron E. Martin Auction Service. SAT., MAY 9 - 9:00 a.m. Henry W. and Lela Y. Horning, 179 Kramer Road, Mohnton. #1. 3 bedroom custom Cape Cod with 2 car garage, 1.03 acres. #2. 3 acre wooded tract. Real estate at 1:00 p.m. Antiques, tools, guns, coins, personal property. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. SAT., MAY 9 - 9:00 a.m. Edwin D. Huseman Estate, 254 South Hull Street, Sinking Spring. Antiques and personal property. Art Panne-

becker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. MON., MAY 11 - 5:00 p.m. - Samuel B. and Rachel F. Stoltzfus, 319 Jacobs Road, Narvon. Country 1 story rancher, 2 car garage 24x36, 1-1/2 story 32x40 horse barn, 1 acre rural lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. TUES., MAY 12 - 5:00 p.m. - Phyllis K. Murdoch, 645 Kurtz Mill Road, Mohnton. Country rancher, 2 car garage, 1.8 acres. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. WED., MAY 13 - 2:00 p.m. - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Antiques, collectibles, household goods, tools. Horst Auctioneers. WED., MAY 13 - 5:00 p.m. - David L. and Terry L. Schaeffer, 301 East Maple Grove Road, Narvon. Country 3 bedroom split foyer dwelling, 2 car garage, shop/ garage building 44x80 with (Continued On Page 20)


THURS., MAY 28 • 6PM

917 Dawn Ave., Ephrata 17522

Exceptional BRICK RANCHER 3 BR, 2 Car Gar., Central Air, Fin. Base.

Open Houses:


Sun., May 10 & 17 from 1 to 3 p.m. Auctioneer: Pete Shaub AU22352




SATURDAY, MAY 9 • 8:30 a.m.

Details on Auctionzip.com

Address: 943 West Quarry Road New Holland PA 17557 Directions: From Ephrata, 322 East thru Hinkletown, turn left on White Oak Road, straight on West Quarry Road; from Blue Ball, Route 322 West, turn right on White Oak Road, straight on West Quarry Road, to property on left.



Located At: 1235 Red Run Rd. Stevens, PA 17578. Directions: From Hahnstown, travel toward Reamstown on Hahnstown Rd. and turn right on Red Run Rd., travel .6 mile to property on right. Real Estate Details: A wonderful 12.4 acre farmette w/ updated 2 story house, bank barn, & pasture area. House has approx. 2,200 sq. ft.; very clean; extra large kitchen/dining area. 30’x 36’ bank barn w/ hip roof; elec., abundant storage; please visit our website or see future ad for all details. Auctioneer Note: This is a special property, ideal for growing vegetables or raising horses, excellent location. Pasture area w/ small stream; 6/10th acre pond; zoned Ag.; Clean & Green; total property taxes are only approx. $3,010.94 Open House Dates: Saturdays May 9 & 16, from 1-3 PM. To set up private showing please call owner at 717-989-4153. If you have questions please call or text auctioneer at 717-587-8906. Please visit our website at www.martinandrutt.com FREE REFRESHMENTS AT OUR AUCTION FREE REFRESHMENTS AT OUR AUCTION Auction For: Auction By:

John J. Rutt II WENDELL R. & 717-587-8906 DAWN L. Michael J. Martin ZIMMERMAN 717-371-3333 717-989-4153 AU-003383-L EPHRATA & NEW HOLLAND, PA Atty. Kling & Fanning



Antiques & Collectibles Partial List: Solid Walnut China Hutch; Early “Hamiller” Jelly Cupboard; Double Barrel Shotgun; 22 Mag. Rifle; Toyota Sienna; Like New Appliances; 3 Piece Dining Suite; 1912 $5 Gold; Milk Bottles, “Harvey Weaver Quart, Aaron B. Stoltzfoos” & Many Others; Zimmerman History Book; Martyrs Mirror; 3-D Pic of Kurtz’s Mill; Bedroom Suite; Octagon Picnic Table; Quilts; Cedar Chest; Glassware; Kitchenware; JD Riding Mower; Tools; Silver Dollars/Coins; Earl Union School Desk & Presidential Pictures; Strawberry Cookie Jar; Weaverland Church Bench & Spindle Railing; Lefever Green House Crate; Painted Milk Cans; Wooden Antique Jack; Several Plastic 8’ Folding Tables & Chairs; Unique Wooden Extension Table. Food Stand by: Blue Ball Fire Dept. Auctioneers Terms By: Matt Martin John M. & Steve Martin Alma G. Brian Groff Weaver Lane Rutt AY002177, AU005764, AA019378, AA019465

- Narvon / Welsh Mtn. Area -


42’x50’ Shop/Truck Garage - 2 Bdrm. Dwelling 2.2 Acres +/-

Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 6:30pm

1070 Sun Valley Rd., Stevens (Hopeland/Clay Area). Rt. 322 W. to Clay. Right N. Clay Rd. to Hopeland. Right Hopeland Rd. Left Sun Valley Rd. OR Rt. 897 S. to Kleinfeltersville. Right Hopeland Rd. (which becomes Kleinfeltersville Rd.). Right Sun Valley Rd.

Location: 6052 Wertztown Road, Narvon, PA 17555 (Lanc. Co.)

Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956 717-733-1006

AUCTIONEERS www.klinekreidergood.com

Earl F. & Vera F. Smoker Call Charlene 717-286-8474

OPEN HOUSE: Call for an appointment. *For information about financing, call 717-664-5238.* Real Estate Terms and Conditions: 10% down day of sale. Balance due at settlement on or before 45 days. Announcements made on day of sale take precedence over advertised information. Auction For: Ella Nolt • Attorney: Jeff Goss John M. Hess Auction Service, Inc. AY000253L 717-664-5238 or 877-599-8894 • www.hess-auction.com



Custom “one owner” w/2516 SF, eat-in kitchen w/cherry cabinets, dining rm., living rm., 1st floor laundry, 3 bdrms., 2 baths, large rec/family rm., lower level w/2nd kitchen for entertaining, 1-car gar. plus second 1-car gar. in back, 12x20 utility bldg., heat pump, central AC, LP gas stove. Well maintained, low maintenance house, 3/4 acre lot w/farmland boundary. Rural setting w/pond & mountain view, lawn & garden area, macadam drive & parking. Owners relocating to retirement facility & serious to sell. Move in condition rancher. Ideal as residence or investment. Personal inspection by appointment or open house Sat., May 4 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood.com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-7331006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368)

18 Mountain Street, Ephrata, PA 17522 WELL-KEPT 4BR, 2BA LOG HOME situated on lot that backs up to wooded ground. FEATURES INCL. eat-in kitchen, great room w/FP, sunroom, covered brick patio, FINISHED BASEMENT w/family room, laundry & oversized garage.




301 E. Maple Grove Rd., Narvon (Bowmansville). Rt. 625 N. to Bowmansville. Right E. Maple Grove Rd. to property on left. (Brecknock Twp., Lanc. Co.)

Directions: 322 East of East Earl to Beartown, turn right onto Narvon Rd. to left onto Wertztown Rd to property on right. OR 322 West of Honeybrook to left onto Churchtown Rd. to right onto Wertztown Rd. to property on left.

Real Estate: A 2.2 acre +/- lot w/ a large shop and a 2 bedroom, 840 sq. ft. dwelling. Dwelling consists of a Skyline mobile home w/2 Bdrms., full bath, laundry, eat-in kitchen, living room, porch and 12’x12’ deck. Shop consists of a 42’x50’x17’6” high block bldg. w/ 2-12’x13’6” overhead doors, concrete floor, and a 3’x28’x5’4” deep mechanic pit. All situated on a 2.2 acre +/- partially wooded lot. Zoned Residential, Salisbury Twp., Pequea Valley Schools, Taxes approx. $1,710. Auctioneer Note: Owners motivated to sell, come prepared to buy. A nice quiet location w/ 2.2 acres +/- and a large shop. Lots of potential and opportunity. Easy access to Rt. 322 and beyond. Terms: 10% down, settlement on or before July 20, 2015. Attorneys: Kling and Fanning. Open House on Sat. May 9 & 16, 1:00-3:00 pm or by appointment. See Auctionzip.com #25403 for Photos Tim Weaver Dave Stoltzfus Lic. # AY2109 Phone: 717-354-9524

Auction for: Melvin S. and Rachel Kauffman (717) 656-0399

Custom Holland split foyer w/1560 SF, large eat-in kitchen w/granite tops, SS appliances (only 4 yrs. old), slide door to covered patio, living rm., 3 bdrms., 2 baths, large family rm. w/Holland stone fireplace, 11x20 canning rm., laundry & bath, 2 car garage. Special Features: insulated/tilt windows, updated carpet, custom window treatments, roof 7 yrs. old, elec. heat, AC unit, maintenance free exterior. Outbldg: shop/garage 30x80 w/2 sty. insulated shop w/heat & central AC, 14x16 show rm., 12x9 office, air compressor & air lines included, 2 horse stalls, 2nd floor storage w/walkup stairs, 14x80 addition, 12x14 overhead door all on 1.6 ACRES m/l country lot w/macadam drive & parking area, on-site well & septic, above ground pool 15x30 w/13x23 vinyl deck. Owners relocating out of state & serious to sell. Ideal rural setting, very low maintenance bldgs. “Move in” condition. Convenient to Rt. 625, Rt. 272, Rt. 222 & Turnpike. Personal inspection by appointment or open house May 2 & 9 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood.com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956 717-445-4309

David L. & Terry L. Schaeffer 717-471-7995

AUCTIONEERS www.klinekreidergood.com

20B - Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”


• S HO


H Y• R E N






Ephrata. Beiler-Campbell Auction Service. SAT., MAY 16 - 11:00 a.m. - Kenneth and Judy Gingrich, 1480 Indian Grave Road, Warfordsburg. 6+ acre mountain retreat/cabin, sleeps 16+, 5 bedroom rancher, 2 baths, 2 car garage/barn and includes ATV. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. SAT., MAY 16 - 1:00 p.m. - Dale and Dean Zimmerman,




Pet Toys

iCrate Single Door

Dog Crates

for Cats & Dogs

• Easily Sets Up and Folds Down to Portable Size • 6 Sizes: Small - XLarge



OFF Reg. Price

All Dry

Dog Food

OFF Reg. Price

10% OFF


Reg. Price Pr


54% 5



Stain & Odor Remover



$ 79 $ 49 S A L E

Reg. $5.59

•A Attracts Cardinals, Chickadees, Juncos C and Nuthatches

20% OFF

32 oz oz.

16 oz.

Wild Bird W Food

B Bird Seed S

• For Use on Carpets, Floors,, Furniture, Clothing and Moree


20 lb.

SAVE 33% S

Reg. Price Pr

Reg. $11.99



$ 99 Reg. $8.99

(Country Pride brand available at Ephrata location.)


Wild Bird Feeder

2-in-1 2 -in Feeder




Reg. $39.99





99 Reg. $29.99

Thistle Seed Se eed

33% 33




$ 99

Mixed Seed

Reg. $5.99

Mealworm To Go® 5.5 oz.

Dried Mealwormss S




$ 99 Reg. $6.39


10x50mm Binocular • InstaFocus® Lever for Rapid Focusing





99 SAVE $ 20

Reg. $69.99

Shop at these Good’s Store locations for friendly, helpfull service, i llow prices i and d unique i merchandise. h di SALE DATES: April 27-May 2 S


Rt. 23 717-354-4026

(Next to Shady Maple Farm Market)


1686 W. Main St. 717-733-7356 (Rt. 322, East of Martin's Country Market)



(Rt. 222 & Rt. 372 Intersection)

(Rt. 501 N. in Dutchway Plaza)

333 W. 4th St. 717-786-9028

2499 Stiegel Pike 717-949-2663

Store Hours: Weekdays, 8 a.m.-9 p.m. • Saturday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. • Closed Sunday

I was born on April 27, 1932, in Paris, France. I played Anne Gauthier in A Man and a Woman. Who am I?

I was born on April 28, 1966, in Los Angeles, CA. I recorded the hit single, “Blow the Whistle.” Who am I?

• Great for all Insect Eating Wild Birdss



Answer: Too Short

• Cast Iron Construction onstruction • Antique ique Bronze Powder-Coat er-Coat Finish


Answer: Anouk Aimée



• All Metal Mesh Design • Feeds Either Sunflower Seeds or Peanuts

• 2-in2-in-1 Ports Switch Switc from Mixed Mixe Seed to T Thistle

Great Leaf


Fly Through


107 and 109 South Main Street, Manheim. 2-1/2 story brick building (4 unit apartment building) and 12 unit garage/storage. Aaron E. Martin Auction Service. SAT., MAY 16 - 3:00 p.m. - Curt and Shirley Enck, located in the small town of Evendale (between McAlisterville and Richfield). 1.5 story wood siding cabin, 3 wooded acres, private location, beautiful small stream. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. MON., MAY 18 - 5:00 p.m. - Peter Day and Beth Beam, 590 Holtzman Road, Reinholds. #1 - 24 acre farm, 2-1/2 story dwelling, bank barn, garage. #2 - 6 acres, 1 story 1 bedroom dwelling, carport, utility building. #3 - 5.2 acre building tract. #4 - 5.3 acres, 1 story 2 bedroom dwelling. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. TUES., MAY 19 - 5:00 p.m. - Emanuel B. and Lavina S. King, 27 North Weavertown Road, Ronks. Country 1 story 3 bedroom dwelling, garage, 1-1/2 story 34x52 barn/shop, 1 acre rural lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. WED., MAY 20 - 5:00 p.m. - Windswept Farm, 312 Dampman Road, Honey Brook. Excellent quality nursery stock, approximately 1,000 trees and shrubs in root bags. Barr Davis Auctioneers, LLC. WED., MAY 20 - 5:00 p.m. - Harlan R. and Carolyn A. Rissler, 306 Vinemont Road, Reinholds. Country 3 bedroom split level, 2 car garage, 3 acres with meadow. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., MAY 21 - 6:30 p.m. - Melvin S. and Rachel Kauffman, 6052 Wertztown Road, Narvon. 42’x50’ shop/ truck garage, 2 bedroom dwelling, 2.2 acres +/-. Tim Weaver Auction Service, LLC. THURS., MAY 21 - 6:30 p.m. - Wendell R. and Dawn L. Zimmerman, 1235 Red Run Road, Stevens. 12.44 acres, pasture with stream, nice 3 bedroom house, many updates, hip roof bank barn, 6 acres tillable. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. SAT., MAY 23 - 10:00 a.m. - Lester Burkholder Family, 932 Whippoorwill Hollow, Millmont. A frame hunting/ vacation cabin, 10 acres woodland with stream. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers.

Services at most stores:

• Gift Registry • UPS Shipping • Fax Service • Dry Cleaning Service • Rug Shampoo Rental

We were born on April 29, 1978, in Wesley Chapel, KY. We won the gold in the men’s tennis doubles at the 2012 Summer Games. Who are we?

I was born on April 30, 1981, in East Acton, London, England. I play Rajesh Koothrappali on The Big Bang Theory. Who am I?

I was born on May 1, 1969, in Houston, TX. I wrote, directed and produced The Royal Tenenbaums. Who am I?

Answer: Wes Anderson




der and Good Auctioneers. SAT., MAY 16 - 9:00 a.m. Ralph A. Fifield Estate, 316 Willow Lane, New Holland. 1,104 sq. ft. ranch-style vinyl sided dwelling with attached one car garage. Real estate at 11:00 a.m. Household goods and shop items. Robert E. Martin and Sons, Auctioneers. SAT., MAY 16 - 9:00 a.m. - Hope for Haiti Benefit Auction, 470 West Metzler Road,

Answer: Kunal Nayyar


SAT., MAY 16 - 8:00 a.m. - Elam and Cathryn Martin, 2403 Main Street, Narvon. Antique cars, pickup trucks, antiques and collectibles, household goods and personal property. Horning Farm Agency, Inc. SAT., MAY 16 - 9:00 a.m. - George and Shirley Carnog, 1087 Dry Tavern Road, Denver. Precision Classic, Franklin Mint, pedal tractors, literature, advertising. Kline, Krei-

Answer: Bob & Michael Bryan

- Elam and Cathryn Martin, 2403 Main Street, Narvon. Lawn and garden equipment and coins. Horning Farm Agency, Inc. FRI., MAY 15 - 6:00 p.m. - Samuel K. and Barbara B. Stoltzfus, 6164 Guy Road, Narvon. Country 2 story (Continued From Page 19) 4 bedroom Colonial dwelling, shop/horse stalls, 1.6 acres 2 story bank horse bar 52x64 m/l. Kline, Kreider and Good with 8 stalls, 2 acres with Auctioneers. stream. Kline, Kreider and FRI., MAY 15 - 4:00 p.m. Good Auctioneers.

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