3 minute read
Annual Senior Citizens Luncheon
from 07.05.23 issue
The East Cocalico Lions Club recently honored over 80 senior citizens in their community with a luncheon to congratulate and thank them for the contributions they have made over the years. This annual event was chaired by Lion Doyne Atkinson, emceed by Lion Craig Ebersole and the food was prepared by various Lion members. After eating, the seniors were amazed by character juggler Chris Ivey and were treated to door prizes, gifts, and surprises.
Shown in the photo are Lion Craig Ebersole welcoming the seniors and thanking them for their “Service” to their community.
The East Cocalico Lions Club is part of the largest service organization in the world with clubs in 209 countries or geographic areas with over 1.35 million members. Sponsoring this annual Senior Citizens Luncheon is just one of
Adamstown Library Events

many ways in which the East Cocalico Lions serve their community.

If you are interested in finding out more about the East Cocalico Lions or would like to join, please call 717-336-5311.
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• Dino Dig with Mike & Roberta StrakaWednesday, July 26 at 1:00 p.m. All the different skills that come together on a paleontological dig will be showcased. Audience members can experience the thrill of digging up a real Triceratops dinosaur bone and then help construct a dinosaur on a large cut-out.
Ages K-8.

• Animal CahootsMonday, July 31 at 10:00 a.m. After hearing the story, The Perfect Plan by Leah Gilbert, preschoolers can see animal specimens and pictures to help understand these animals and their habits. They finish by playing a variety of games that emphasize cooperation.
Presented by Lancaster
County Department of Parks & Recreation. Ages 3-5.
• Kid’s Yoga - Friday, July
28 at 10:30 a.m. Ages 6-9. Register online two weeks prior to the program.
Serving The

Adamstown Area Library hosts a variety of free programs and events for children and adults. These programs are open to everyone, with or without a library card. The library is located at 110 West Main Street in Adamstown, next to the post office. Regular library hours are Monday through Thursday 9:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Friday 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Learn more and register for events at AdamstownAreaLibrary. org.
The library’s popular Summer Reading program continues with a variety of great programs for children, teens, adults, and families throughout the summer. This year’s theme is “All Together Now!” and kids from birth to age 19 can earn great prizes for logging their reading and activities between now and August 12.
July Events
Library Closed – Tuesday, July 4 – The library will be closed for the Fourth of July.
(Continued On Page 10B)
For Sale
FOR SALE: Yoyo quilt, 74” x 84”, $295. 717-553-2980.
FOR SALE: Oil base stain, natural, cedar, redwood, 1 gal., $18.95, 5 Gal. $70, 52” new Quality Max ceiling fan, $59. Slate Rd. 717-4455222.
FOR SALE: New scratch & dent Danby, 12,000 BTU, portable air conditioner, $349, 12,000 BTU, window, $299, Friedrich, 18,000 BTU, $549. Slate Rd., 717445-5222.
FOR SALE: Washer & dryer set, good condition, $300, elliptical, great condition, $150. Cavapoo puppies, family raised, ready soon, $800. 717-733-8318.
FOR SALE: Have a truck load of yard sale stuff. Must take all of it, very low price. My loss is your gain, $400. 717-859-8721.
FOR SALE: Motorized handicapped scooter, works, comes with battery, can disassemble for travel, must pick up, $400. Denver area, 586-872-5071.
FOR SALE: Roof leaking? We have low priced metal roofing. Will consider extra discount for low income or hardship. Slate Rd. Supply, 717445-5222.
FOR SALE: Authenticated Beanie Babies! I have (3) 1/ 1 prototypes. Be the only person in the entire world to own these beanies! $7M/ each or buy 2 for $12M or buy all 3 for $17M. All are Museum Quality! Call Sherry, 484-721-9998.
FOR SALE: Custom built replacement windows and doors. Professional installation. Call Ronafa Window & Door, 717-733-7534 or visit our showroom at 400 W. Main St, Ephrata in the Ephrata Business Complex. Thank You!
FOR SALE: Flags, flagpoles, cases, etc. Mailboxes on sale, $10, posts, $10, various colors, store stock only, while they last. American Flag Shoppe near Adamstown, 717-484-1183.
FOR SALE: Firewood. Mixed hardwoods, no maple, no pine. Split and cut to 18”, well seasoned, stored in greenhouse for 1 year. $195/ cord plus delivery. 717-7333952.
FOR SALE: Plumbing and electric fixtures. Retired, everything must go away. Too much to mention, come give a price. 717336-5257.
FOR SALE: Cherry slabs, perfect for live edge tables, 2-3/4” thick, 9’ long, 24” to 40” wide. 12 slabs available, air dried, $100 each or $950 for the lot. 717-6156873.
FOR SALE: Foosball table, classic sport 56, lightly used, fun, needs assembly, 56”x31”, $200. 717-4682316.
FOR SALE: Fibered roof coating, 5 gal., $30, can be used for driveway sealer. Asphalt driveway sealer, $69, 5 gal.; Roof cement, 5 gal., $35. Slate Rd., 717-445-5222.