8.3 issue

Page 1




of Lancaster County

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Denver Fair Book

• Bridal Guide In this week’s issue:


Local Artist Enlisted To Create Patriotic Mural At VFW

Denver Faiir

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erfa www.thedenv

Now A Available! v

Around Town Also see our complete calendar of events in The Bulletin Board, in this section!

Look in this week’s Things To Do section beginning on page 14A for more events, including: • Stevens Fire Company Carnivals •Mercy’s Well Southern Gospel Concert • Lancaster Barnstormers VIP Experience


Astronomy Enthusiasts will meet at the Lititz Public Library, 651 Kissel Hill Road, Lititz, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. NASA’s JUNO Mission will be the topic of discussion. For more information, or to register, call 717-626-2255.

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese The Ephrata VFW has commissioned local artist Shaun Hogarth to paint a patriotic mural on the side of their building at the corner of State Street and Fulton Street. Shaun is a talented local artist whose work has been seen by countless people along the Ephrata rail trail. His beautiful murals along the Winters Trail have transformed local buildings into works of art. He has now been enlisted to create a mural similar to the one shown in the print he is holding. Shaun often works with spray paints, but this larger project will use bucket paints and is slated to begin this week. He is shown in the photo with his tools as he prepares for this project. The mural is being funded entirely by donation, and so far, VFW veterans, auxiliary members, social members and the community at large have been very supportive. Anyone wishing to offer financial support may do so by mailing a check to VFW Post 3376 at 141 South State Street. Please enter “mural” in the memo line.

Reinholds Trinity Chapel Annual Summer Festival Planned


Late Night @ The Library will be held at the Ephrata Public Library, 560 South Reading Road, Ephrata, from 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. for ages 13 to 18. Join them for video games, movies, anime, food and costume play. Bring your favorite multiplayer video games. This month’s theme is food!


Teen After Hours will be held at the Eastern Lancaster County Library, 11 Chestnut Drive, New Holland, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Hang out, eat food, and watch the Olympics Opening Ceremony!


The Hogs and Heroes Foundation will hold their 1st Annual Motorcycle Poker Run at the Ephrata Elks, 170 Akron Road, Ephrata. Registration from 7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. Kickstands up at 9:00 a.m. There is a cost to register. Portion of proceeds to benefit Homes for Heroes. For more information, call Glider at 717-435-5241.


St. John Center Lutheran Church, 599 Reading Road, Route 625, a few miles south of Bowmansville, will hold Music In The Grove with Just Friends and Potters Clay at 6:00 p.m. A freewill offering will be received.

The Reinholds Station Trinity Chapel will be celebrating their annual Summer Festival on Saturday, August 6 at the chapel located along Route 897 in Reinholds. They invite the public to join in this celebration,

a day filled with exhibitions by well-known local artists and craftspersons. There will also be good food served by the Schoeneck Lions Club, baked goods, music in the chapel, and free admission.

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese The chapel has been in existence since 1898, and was designed as a religious education center and as a meeting place for the community. The Sunday School remained

active until 1984. The building has since been listed on the National List of Historic Places. Proceeds from this event will be directed to (Continued On Page 2A)

2A - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News�


Community Supports “Help The Fight�




of Lancaster County


Hocking Printing Co., Inc.

Shopping News Co-Founders - John and Janie Hocking President and Publisher - Julie A. Hocking General†Manager†-†Harold†Wenger†Office†Manager†-†Pam†Boyer†615†E.†Main†Street,†P.O.†Box†456,†Ephrata,†PA†17522†•†Phone†717-738-1151†•†Fax†717-733-3900




The Shopping News of Lancaster County†is†published†every†week. The Shopping News of Lancaster County†reserves†the†right†to†reject†any†advertisement. All†the†information†contained†herein†is†accurate†to†the†best†of†our†knowledge.†We†regret†any†errors†or†omissions.†The†information†and†advertisements†found†in†The Shopping News†do†not†necessarily†reflect†the†opinions of The Shopping News†or†any†of†its†staff†members. We†encourage†fraternal†and†civic†groups,†schools,†churches,†scouts†and†other†local†organizations†to†submit†news†releases†of†general†interest.†Related†photographs†of†good†quality†are†also†accepted.†Complete†picture†identification†must†be†included.†All†articles†will†be†used†as†space†permits†and†are†not†guaranteed†to†be†published.†Every†news†release†submitted†MUST†have†a†complete†contact†name,†address†and†phone†number.†News†information†can†be†mailed,†dropped†at†our†office,†emailed†or†faxed. DEADLINES: (Subject†to†change†during†holidays) DISPLAY ADS†with†proof†-†Thursday†12†noon DISPLAY ADS -†Monday†8†a.m. CLASSIFIED ADS -†Monday†9†a.m. NEWS COPY -†Thursday†9†a.m. Photos†must†be†submitted†through†email†as†jpegs†or†tiffs†at†least†5�†wide†and†300DPI†or†higher†OR†through†the†mail†as†a†processed photo.






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The Shopping News 615 E. Main Street, Ephrata, 717-738-1151



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Homegrown, Red Ripe





1/2 doz.

Homegrown Green

Extra Lg. -



99¢ ea.

Homegrown Yellow Freestone



2/$4.00 $2.39 ea.

Med. -

Homegrown Fancy Black












Bulk Food Caramel Popcorn

$2.29 lb.




Green Cabbage


2/$7.00 or $3.99 ea.



Sweet Eating Red or Black

Romaine Lettuce


Red or White

Red, Ripe Seedless

Homegrown Jumbo




$5.99 lb. Ad Effective August 2-8



$14.95 50 lb. bag

Organic Homegrown Fancy Green



treatment. Rebecca, along with her husband, Ron, her parents, the founders of Elite Service Inc., Ron and Lynne Cover, and her sister and brother-in-law, Diana and John Porter, held a very successful show with over 50 trucks in attendance. They were able to raise $15,118.81 to help Jane’s family, as well as other families involved with Help The Fight. A huge thank you from Elite Service Inc. to all of their employees, volunteers, sponsors and drivers who came to the show. When Jane passed away, Elite Service lost a family


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member and she will never be forgotten. One thing’s for certain: Jane was smiling down from heaven, but she was probably saying, “Is this really a necessity?�

9 Reinholds Chapel Summer Festival

(Continued From Page 1A)

help maintain this historic landmark. Shown in the photo are some of the artisans participating in the Festival. Seated on the grass are; Jessica Harting, tatting and printing, and Janet Fasnacht, fiber arts. In the rear, left to right, are: Sam Shoemaker, pottery; Gail Burkholder, wool rugs; Lisa Paradis, painted sea glass; Richard Getz, chair caning and woodwork; Helen Reinhold Gordon, painting; Pat Lausch, reverse painting on glass; and Michael Brown, papier mâchÊ and chalkware.

Zinck’s Fabric Outlet Back To School Sale August 8-13, 2016 Pre-Cut Flat Fold Quilters Cotton $1.00 off per yard! *no cuts on flat folds*

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Jane Harting touched many people in her 26-plus years of work at Elite Service Inc., a trucking company based in Denver. She was Elite’s office manager, as well as a surrogate mother and friend to the entire company. Don’t let the last sentence fool you. Jane was also in charge of the accounting department and handled the company payroll. Her practical side always came into play in the office and when any major purchase was needed, she’d say, “Is it really necessary?� Jane’s son, Matt, also works for Elite and she enjoyed taking her lunch breaks with him. Jane was told she had the flu in November of 2015. Unfortunately, an ultrasound revealed a cancerous tumor. After a short, hard fought battle against her cancer, Jane passed away March 16, 2016. Elite Service Inc. decided to host a cancer benefit truck show in her honor. Company president Rebecca Yoder decided to team up with Help The Fight, an organization that helps cancer patients financially while they are undergoing

From Lititz, 322 East, right on Wood Corner Rd. & From Ephrata, 322 West, left on Wood Corner Rd. (light at Horst Auction) Not responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right to limit quantities. All prices effective while supplies last.

ZINCK’S FABRIC OUTLET 1564 Main Street, Suite 500, East Earl, PA 17519

(717) 445-6123 • Store Hours: Monday-Saturday 8am-5pm Find us on Facebook or Check out our online website at


We are located 1.5 Miles east of Shady Maple Smorgasbord on Rt. 23

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - 3A

L. Gene Bucher, 79, husband of Fern (Liskey) Bucher, Brethren Village, died Friday, July 22. Besides his wife, he is survived by two daughters: Debra Bucher, wife of Mark Colvson, Poughkeepsie, New York, and Beth Martin, wife of Loren Martin, Terre Hill; five grandchildren; one great-granddaughter; and two sisters: Joanne Church, Hibbing, Minnesota, and Brenda Martz, Lititz. Stanley David Deen, Lancaster, died Friday, July 22. James Sauder, 81, hus­

Obituaries Ruth Naomi Gettle Fish­ er, wife of Stephen Fisher, Conneautville, formerly of Ephrata and Zambia, Africa, died Monday, July 11. Lela Y. Horning, 88, wife of Henry Horning, Ephrata, formerly of Alleghenyville, died Friday, July 15. Besides her husband, she is survived by two daughters: Suzanne, wife of John Baker, and Anne, wife of Kenneth Becker, all of Mohnton; five grandchildren; two greatgrandchildren; a sister, Erla Beiler, wife of Eugene; a half-brother, Richard Weber, husband of Barbara; three half-sisters: Lillian Weber, Betsy Brackbill, and Ruth Ann Hollinger, wife of Lamar; a step-brother, George Weber; and two step-sisters: Irene Horst and Diane Reitz, wife of Richard. J. Clarence Bowers, 102, Landis Homes, died Wednesday, July 20. He was the husband of the late Helen S. Bowers. He is survived by a son, James Robert, husband of Patricia (Bryant) Bowers, Wayne; a daughter, Beverly Ann Bowers, Ronks; one grandson; and one greatgrandson. Robert L. (Bob) Daven­ port, Sr., 71, husband of Betty L. Fink Davenport, Talmage, died Thursday, July 21. Besides his wife, he is sur­ vived by two sons: Bob, Jr., husband of Dawn Davenport, and Richard, husband of Tracy Davenport; a daughter, Cindy, wife of Douglas Schultz; 12 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; a brother, David Weckerly; and a sister, Elsie, wife of Thomas Lehman. Phyllis J. Houchin, 80, Lititz, died Thursday, July 21. She was the wife of the late Ray C. Houchin. She is survived by a son, Curtis Houchin, fiancé of Laurie Weit, Manheim; a daughter, Sonya L. Brenner, Lititz; six grandchildren; and a great-grandson. John Novak, 92, Lititz, died Thursday, July 21. He was the husband of the late Rita Shrader Novak. He is survived by three daughters: Marie, wife of Terry Ebersole, Lancaster; Clare Novak, Chester Springs; and Jackie Stouffer, Tampa, Florida; and two grandchildren. Mabel H. Ruhl, 94, Manheim, formerly of Lititz, died Thursday, July 21. She is survived by two daughters: Marlene D., wife of Gary W. Hartman, Man­ heim, and Sylvia J., wife of Joseph G. Cramer, New Holland; eight grand­ children; 12 great grand­ children; one great-greatgrandson; and a brother, Vernon, husband of Nancy Good, Westfield. She was preceded in death by a grandson, Shan D. Yorty. J.B. Shenk, husband of Betty (Frey) Shenk, died Thursday, July 21. Besides his wife, he is survived by a son, Jeff Shenk; two daughters: Ann Duval and Sara Shenk; three

grandchildren; two greatgrand­children; and three sis­ ters: Doris Hjelmsted, Laura Ann King and Ruth Amstutz. Franja F. “Frank” Voler, 86, husband of Vera (Dukic) Voler, Denver, died Thursday, July 21. Besides his wife, he is survived by two sons: Frank Voler, Charlotte, North Car­ o­lina, and John, husband of Melissa Voler, Reinholds; and five granddaughters.

band of Rhoda (Clymer) Sauder, Fairmount Homes, died Friday, July 22. Besides his wife, he is survived by four sons: James Anthony (Tony), husband of Kathleen (Oberholtzer) Sauder, Philadelphia; Philip, husband of Aylin (Jimenez) Sauder, Miami, Florida; David Sauder, husband of Ruth Kuhn, Elizabethtown; and Samuel, husband of Janell (Nolt) Sauder, Harris­ on­burg, Virginia; a daughter, Ronda L. Sauder, wife of Randy Weber, Harrisonburg, Virginia; 12 grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; four brothers: Martin G.,

hus­band of Jean (Slaymaker) Sau­ der, Wind Gap; John, husband of Phyllis (Miller), Lanc­aster; Warren, husband of Sally (Stoltzfus), New Holland; and Wilmer, hus­ band of Velma (Groff), Har­ risburg; and three sisters: Ruth, wife of Wilmer I. Hollinger, Goshen, Indiana; Esther, wife of Dr. Roy Wert, Lebanon; and Mar­ ian Bauman, Harrisonburg, Virginia. He was preceded in death by a son, Vernon. Richard E. Stuber, 77, Denver, died Friday, July 22. He was the husband of

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the late Stella R. (Ingram) Stuber. He is survived by a son, Randy L., husband of Brenda (Spang) Stuber, Denver; a daughter, Debra L., wife of Ronald L. Kramer; five grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. He was preceded in death by a son, Barry L. Stuber. Arthur P. Brubaker, 90, Ship Bottom, New Jersey, formerly of Hinkletown, died Saturday, July 23. He is survived by two granddaughters, two greatgranddaughters, and a sister, (Continued On Page 5A)

1324 Main Street, East Earl, PA 17519 Open Monday-Saturday, 7am-9pm Specials Effective August 3rd thru August 9th, 2016


Sugardale Hot Dogs 16 oz.

1.00 $1.00




2/ 1 $






Sweet, PA








2/ 5 $






Hamburger Patties


per lb.

New York Strip Steaks



Great Marinated on the Grill





per lb.


Mango Habanero Sausage lb.

Shady Maple Hickory Smoked

Whole Chicken




3.99 2/ 5 $


sel. var.


75 oz., sel. var.



Chicken Bacon Ranch Pizza

per lb.


Swai Fillets

Turkey T Sub




2.99 2


Cajun Frozen Swai Fillets Frog Legs

per lb.



per lb.



Walnut Creek

Cajun Crab Dip

per lb.



Menno Tea

Fudge Cups

6-8 oz.

Bottled Drinks

2.7-3.3 oz.

per lb.

5.00 Dannon


16 oz.




per lb.




per lb.


Ice Cream

Vegetables 14 oz. bags, sel. var.

1.5 qts.





Value Meals

4.85 oz.-11.88 oz., asst. var.


6 oz.

10/$10 10/$5

Shady Maple Smoked

Pork Kielbasa

Non Fat


All Spice

per lb.

per lb.




per lb.


per lb.



Gluten Free!

Ham Slices

4.3-5 oz.

3/ 5 $

Crest Cres

Toothpaste 3.5-6 oz., sel. var.



Pizza For One

5 oz.-5.9 oz., asst. var.


Merckens Great White For Wafers Melting per lb.

2/ 6 $



Soft Pretzels

Italian Ice




13 oz. bags

6 pk., asst. var.


Feminine Care



Gluten Free! Joy

Meatball Sandwich

Ice Cream Cones



2 Pancakes w/Meat & Drink

per lb.

3.99+ tax


Chips and Drink



Stayfree or Carefree


9 ct. boxes, asst. var.


Breakfast Special

Sugar Free

Strawberry Wafers

Seafood Sauces 10 oz. Save 60¢

14-60 ct. sel. var.

Bagel Bites


Cerulean Seas

One Potato Two Potato Aisle #3

Shady Maple



4.69 12.49 2.69 4.89 $

Potato Chips


2.99 3.99


Small, Sliced





4.00 Hanover





per lb.

Land O Lakes Naturally Slender


Shady Maple

160 ct.




Dry Milk

Frozen, Whole

Chicken Thighs



Top Round Braciole

Fresh, Boneless, Skinless


30 oz., sel. var.

Finger Jello Blocks


per lb.

Farmer’s Cheese


Fresh, Choice, Boneless Beef, Thin Sliced

Fresh, Australian, Boneless Beef


6 or 8 roll or Charmin


Fresh Sausage



Cooked Ham


Ground Beef

Paper Towels



Fresh, 80% Lean

2.49 2.99

Summer Fruit Salad

Cheese Bars








Crystal Farms

Cheese Shreds

4.99 3.49

Fresh, 80% Lean



Crystal Farms


London Broil or Steak


per lb.


6-8 oz.

Fresh, Choice, Boneless Beef, Top Round




Whole New York Strips


16 oz.

10.00 (Product of USA)

L b Lebus Tea Biscuits

Great on the Grill



Greek Pasta Salad


2.99 8” 5.49


Fresh, Australian Boneless Beef,

Pork Kielbasa Sausage



Cut Free

Sirloin Cutlets or Roasts

sel. var.

1.49 1.69 88



Fresh, Boneless Pork

32 oz.


Fresh, Wild Caught

Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie


11 to 20 oz., Honeycomb, Alpha Bits, Golden or Waffle Crisp, Cocoa or Fruity Pebbles & Raisin Bran

Mayonnaise Bounty Xtra Bath Tissue Pork or Miracle Paper Laundry Licorice 6 mega or 11 to 16 oz., & Beans Whip Napkins 12 double rolls, Detergent Twizzler

Sockeye Salmon




24-16.9 oz. or 24-8 oz. bottles



Shady Maple


Pork Barbecue






2 lbs.



64 oz.

6-16.9 oz. bottles or 8-7.5 oz. mini cans



Pure Life Water


Hamburger Dill Slices


Spaghetti or Butternut Squash

White or Wheat Hamburger Rolls



Essential Everyday

Essential Everyday

6 Pk., White, Whole Grain White, Honey Wheat, Cinnamon Raisin BUY 1 AT $4.39,



1/2 ppeck




Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mt Dew, Dr Pepper

English Muffi ns







17 oz., Broken or Littles BUY 1 AT $2.99,


2 lbs.



11-12 oz., Original, Homestyle or Barbecue BUY 1 AT $3.99,


Russet Baking Potatoes

Red or Yellow Delicious



“A” White Potatoes







Potato Chips

Sweet Corn

1.00 $1.00





Woeber’s Yellow Mustard 24 Oz.



Small Ice Cream Cone


1.00 4/$1


P h Peach Crumb Bread


Eggplant Radishes




Green Peppers


Shopper Value White Paper Plates 70 ct., 9”

ipe Vine Rtoes 67th Street a m To Barbeque lb. Smoked Sausage $ Cocktail in Sauce 16 Oz.

Local Grown Cantaloupes

Largest Selection of Lancaster Co. Homegrown Anywhere!


Wild Caug Steame ht d Cr ab s

Rutter’s Teas & s LemonOaz.de 16



50 ct., tablets or caplets


Cotton Swabs

Thin Sliced Blanched

Almonds per lb.

2.99 5.99 3.29 7.49 $


500 ct.


Hot Cajun Snack Mix


per lb.



Coconut Watermelon Strips


per lb.


4A - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

social notes women’s news

Local Senior Centers List Activities

The following listing is for the Cocalico and Lititz Senior Centers. Activities will be listed according to each Center. Menus are the same at each location. Cocalico Senior Center The Cocalico Senior Center, 156 West Main Street, Reinholds, welcomes all seniors, age 60 and over. The Center is handicapped accessible and is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Transportation is provided for those living in Ephrata, Akron, Clay, Denver, East or West Cocalico, Brecknock Township and Adamstown (Lancaster County only). Other residents living

in surrounding areas are welcome, but transportation is not available. Reservations for lunch and transportation must be made by 11:00 a.m. one day in advance by calling the Center at 717-336-7489. Daily Activities Include: Wednesday, August 3: 8:30 a.m., Continental Breakfast and News; 9:30 a.m., Crafts with Lana; 10:00 a.m., Bingo; 12:00 Noon, Lunch. Thursday, August 4: 8:30 a.m., Continental Breakfast and News; 9:00 a.m., Bible Study; 10:00 a.m., PO-KENO; 12:00 Noon, Lunch. Friday, August 5: 8:30 a.m., Continental Breakfast and News; 9:00 a.m., Music with Harry; 10:00 a.m., Luau Pot Luck; 12:00 Noon, Lunch. Monday, August 8: 8:30

Our Own Tree Ripened Sweet & Juicy

Peaches $395 qt. Our Own Sweet S


Our Own Homegrown Chemical Free Sweet Candy Onions 99¢ lb. Homegrown Super Sweet!

Seedless Watermelons & Cantaloupes Homegrown Chemical Free

Red Ripe Tomatoes


$ 49


The Lititz United Methodist Church (LUMC) is pleased to welcome Jonathan Richard Cring and Janet Clazzy, a duo known as “Cring and Clazzy,” with their presentation “567: Go Tell It From The Mount.” This interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount is retold through story, humor, song and music. It is designed to be a worship service for both Sunday morning services at LUMC on August 7 at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. “We are so excited to invite Cring and Clazzy to lead our worship on Sunday,” says Senior Pastor Jerry McGrath. “They bring a contemporary view of the famous Sermon on the Mount and will be a great inspiration for the entire family!”

Cring is the author of 11 books, 14 screenplays and the writer of “jonathots,” a long-running daily column online. Clazzy is the first female conductor of an orchestra in the state of Tennessee, an oboe player and a master musician on the Yamaha WX-5 Wind

a.m., Continental Breakfast and News; 9:00 a.m., Card and Board Games; 10:00 a.m., Memory Program with Coleen; 12:00 Noon, Lunch.

Tuesday, August 9: 8:30 a.m., Continental Breakfast and News; 9:00 a.m., POKE-NO; 10:00 a.m., Out to eat at Two Cousins; 12:00 Noon, Lunch.


We Hope You Stop By and Check Out Our


Cantaloupe w/$20 Purchase

1 per customer. Must have coupon. Expires 8/6/16.

Fresh Homemade

Baked Goods Friday & Saturday

Every Saturday 10-?

2101 Kissel Hill Road, 21 d Lititz, Litit PA 17543





Willow Creek Specials John F. Martin Boneless Ham Steaks Original or Honey 8 oz. 2/$4.00 Yogurt Tubes Strawberry 16 oz. 99¢ Reddi Wip Whipped Topping 15 oz. $1.79 Hickory Farms Swiss or Cheddar Cheese Chunks 4 oz. 3/$4.00 General Mills Cheerios 12 oz 2/$5.00 Ray’s Fig Bars 10 oz. 99¢ Weight Watchers Salted Caramel Ice Cream Bars 12 oz. 2/$3.00 Hood Red Sox Vanilla Ice Cream 1.5 qt. 2/$4.00 Southwest Style Chicken Meal 22 oz. $1.99 Lemons 3/$1.00 Many Other Unadvertised Specials

ONLY WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! Groceries • Meat • Cheeses • Fruit • Produce • Bulk Food HOURS: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 8AM-8PM Wed. & Sat. 8AM-5PM • CLOSED Sunday

30 Willow Street, Adamstown (off 272 at the light after Adamstown Library)


Martin’s Clothing Shoppe

School Sa le Back ToAugust 3-13

10% OFF

All Hosiery Buy 6, Get 7th One FREE!


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Stop On In and Let Us Help Supply All Your



Chicken BBQ & Corn Roast

Homemade Root Beer

Lititz UMC Hosts “Cring And Clazzy”

Men’s & Boys’ Hanes Underwear Handkerchiefs Lunch Boxes & Coolers & Lunch Accessories Stationery & School Supplies Ladies’ & Girls’ Slips & Underwear Fabric

Martin’s Clothing Shoppe

1827 West Main Street, Ephrata, PA 17522 • Phone: 717-738-4133 Located between the Sharp Plaza and Wood Corner traffic light, along Route 322 PLEASE NOTE Sale Hours: Mon. - Wed. 8-5; Thurs. & Fri. 8-8; Sat. 8-5

Credit Cards Accepted

Machine, a horn that can play sounds from 250 different instruments. Together they are in the midst of a fouryear, ongoing tour of the country including 41 states and 383 cities, with 502 performances. Pastor Jerry and the Lititz United Methodist Church congregation would like to extend a welcome to anyone searching for a church home. On Sunday mornings there are two services. A Traditional Worship Service at 9:00 a.m. uses organ music and a choir, and at the 10:30 a.m. gathering is an informal Contemporary Service, which features a Praise Band. For more information, call the church office at 717-6262710.


Lititz Senior Center The Lancaster County Office of Aging, Lititz Senior Citizens Center, Lititz United Methodist Church, Lititz, is open Wednesday, Thursday and Monday, from 8:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m., with Coffee and Chat Time at 9:00 a.m. and Lunch served at noon. The Center serves Lancaster County residents of Ephrata, Rothsville, Akron, Neffsville and Lititz areas. Ephrata is also served by van service. Reservations for lunch and transportation need to be made by 11:00 a.m., one day in advance by calling the Center at 717626-2800. Daily Activities Include: Wednesday, August 3: 9:00 a.m., Signature Living; 10:00 a.m., Trivia

with Bob; 10:00 a.m., Farm Stand comes to Lititz - All you can buy local produce; 12:00 Noon, Lunch; Celebrate August Birthdays Cake! Thursday, August 4: 9:15 a.m., Exercise with Kathy; 10:15 a.m., Music and Dancing with Clyde Spangler; 12:00 Noon, Lunch. Monday, August 8: 9:00 a.m., Walkers; 9:30 a.m., Ice Cream Social with Amber; 12:00 Noon, Lunch. Senior Center Menu Wednesday, August 3: Baked chicken parmesan with sauce and cheese, pasta with sauce, mixed greens with tomato, carrot, cabbage and dressing, Italian bread, cinnamon applesauce. Thursday, August 4: Chef salad (ham, turkey, egg and cheeses), mixed greens with tomato, pickled beets, multigrain bread, fresh seasonal fruit (melon), gelatin. Friday, August 5: Potato crusted fish, macaroni and cheese, stewed tomatoes, tossed salad with tomato, carrots, red cabbage and dressing, fresh seasonal fruit. Monday, August 8: Baked ham slice with pineapple sauce, scalloped potatoes, country meadow blend, whole wheat bread, tapioca pudding. Tuesday, August 9: Baked meatloaf with gravy, whipped potatoes, green beans, whole wheat bread, vanilla ice cream. Milk and bread served with all meals.

1031 Steffy Rd. | Stevens, PA 17578 | 717-336-7436

Back-to-School Sale

August 5 – 13

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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - 5A

Obituaries (Continued From Page 3A)

Miriam Hess, wife of Leon Hess, New Holland. Grace Alla Sinyagin, 4, daughter of Sergey and Alla (Chuprin) Sinyagin, Robesonia, died Sunday, July 24. Besides her parents, she is survived by three brothers: Pavel, David and John Sinyagin; maternal grandparents, Andrey and Irena (Karpeshova) Chuprin, Terre Hill; paternal grandparents, Pavel and Nadia (Patrusev) Sinyagin, Denver; and two maternal great-grandmothers, Larisa Karpeshova, Ephrata, and Valentina Chuprin, Terre Hill. Albert B. Stief, 78, husband of Shirley (Knoll) Stief, Ephrata, died Sunday, July 24. Besides his wife, he is survived by a son, Rick, husband of Tammy (Sweigart) Stief, Ephrata; a daughter, Bonnie Shepp, fiancée of Stan Kulikowski, Jr., Lititz; four grandchildren; and two sisters: Audrey Adams, Rothsville, and Kathy, wife of Thomas Adams, Lititz. Sadie Mae Stoltzfus, 74, wife of Daniel L. Stoltzfus, New Holland, died Sunday, July 24. Besides her husband, she is survived by six sons: Wilmer, husband of Emma Smoker Stoltzfus, Gordonville; Daniel, husband of Naomi Miller Stoltzfus, Romney, West Virginia; Elmer, husband of Bonita Gingrich Stoltzfus, Plain City, Ohio; Steven, husband

Moments in

Ryan Shupp of Denver recently completed an internship in which he volunteered 120 hours in his local community. His internship at Colonial Lodge Community focused on healthcare administration. Ryan is no stranger when it comes to volunteering. He spent two years volunteering at Colonial Lodge from his sophomore year until he graduated in 2014. From there Ryan went to Bridgewater University in Virginia. While in school, Ryan volunteered at the Bridgewater Retirement Community. He worked in the areas of administration and transportation of residents. Ryan is an active Lions Club member both from the East Cocalico and Broadway, Virginia clubs. Ryan

will be transferring to James Madison University in the fall of 2016 but will continue his volunteerism at the Bridgewater Retirement Community. At Bridgewater, Ryan was a Bridgewater College Student Senator, Class Vice President, Treas-

urer of the entrepreneurial club, member of SHRM (Society of Human Resource Management), Vice President of the Hall Counsel and a member of a couple faithbased clubs/organizations as well.

of Linda Fisher Stoltzfus, Bridgeton, New Jersey; Allen, husband of Joanne Gingrich Stoltzfus, Paw Paw, West Virginia; and Daryl, husband of Rose King Stoltzfus, Ronks; two daughters: Barbie Ann, wife of Ivan Stoltzfus, New Holland; and Rose, wife of Chrit King, Paradise; 43 grandchildren; 20 greatgrandchildren; a brother, Elam, husband of Rosanna Stoltzfoos Stoltzfus; and five sisters: Lydia, wife of the late Jonathan Lantz; Katie, wife of the late Jacob King; Verna, wife of Benjamin Lapp; Lavina, wife of Amos Ebersol; and Elsie, wife of the late John Smoker. She was preceded in death by a grandson, Matthew Ryan Stoltzfus.

Nelson “Goody” Good, 61, husband of Anita M. (McCreary) Good, Reinholds, died Monday, July 25. Besides his wife, he is survived by his parents: Lloyd G. and Alta M. (Nolt) Good, Lititz; two daughters: Elizabeth A. Olson, Terre Hill, and Janelle, wife of José Sevilla, Jr., East Earl; three grandchildren; a brother, Sidney, husband of Cindy (Sauder) Good, Ephrata; and a sister, Charlotte, wife of Ron Knauer, Easley, South Carolina. Clifford R. Steely, 84, husband of Ruth I. (Good) Steely, Lititz, formerly of Ephrata, died Tuesday, July 26. Besides his wife, he is survived by two sons: Bruce

L. Steely, husband of Nancy, Eagle River, Alaska, and Bryan R. Steely, husband of Jody, Rothsville; two daughters: Debra Ann, wife of Michael McKinney, Lancaster, and Sharon L., wife of Sheldon Hartman, Fort Myers, Florida; 12 grandchildren; 12 greatgrandchildren; and a brother, Robert L. Steely, Reamstown. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Cassandra Gainer.



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Mon.-Fri. 8-8; Sat. 8-5

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a lb.

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Gourmet Turkey Breast ..........................................lb. $5.79 John F. Martin


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....................................... lb. $1.99 All Seasons Kitchen

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.........................................5 oz. 3/$1.00

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Vegetable Salad

...................................... lb. $2.49 All Seasons Kitchen

Cranberry Cherry Salad ....................................... lb. $2.29 All Seasons Kitchen

Cherry or Blueberry Pretzel Delight Dessert ......................................... lb. $2.69 Italian Sausage & Meatball Sandwiches $

3.75 • Thurs., Fri., Sat.

Rt. 625, 1 mile north of Bowmansville




$ 00

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Our Own Homegrown Field Grown

Our Own Homegrown Sweet, Ripe




$ 95


THE HISTORY CHANNEL • On August 2, 1776, Amsterdam warehouse. The members of Congress sign Franks had taken shelter an enlarged copy of the there in 1942 out of fear Declaration of Independence. of deportation to a Nazi Fifty-six delegates signed concentration camp and the document, going by were aided by Christian state from north to south, friends. beginning with New • On August 1, 1966, Hampshire and ending with Charles Whitman goes Georgia. on a shooting spree at the • On August 7, 1782, University of Texas, killing Gen. George Washington 14 people and wounding 31 creates the “Badge for from atop a 300-foot tower. Military Merit,” a purple silk He had told his doctor that he decoration to be presented was thinking about shooting to soldiers for meritorious people from the tower with action. In 1932, the U.S. War a rifle, but the doctor never Department announced the followed up. creation of the Purple Heart. • On August 3, 1977, • On August 5, 1914, the “The Spy Who Loved Me,” world’s first electric traffic starring Roger Moore as signal is put into place in James Bond, is released in Cleveland. Four pairs of theaters. The film features red and green lights, each one of the most memorable mounted on a corner post, Bond cars ever – a sleek served as stop-go indicators. Lotus Esprit that does double • On August 6, 1928, duty as a submarine. renowned pop artist Andy Warhol is born in Pittsburgh. He took literally the advice of an art teacher who said he should paint the things he liked. Warhol liked ordinary things, such as canned soup QUALITY FOODS and soft drinks, and so he painted them. SNACK • On August 4, 1944, WAREHOUSE the Nazi Gestapo captures STORE 15-year-old Jewish diarist Anne Frank and her family Open To The Public in a sealed-off area of an

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a pk. bas.

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Join us for breakfast and learn about the Improved Pension, available to veterans and their widows. RSVP required to 717-738-5700. 100 North State Street, Ephrata, PA 17522 KeystoneVilla.com

6A - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

Adamstown Library August Events

The following is a listing of the events at the Adamstown Area Library, 3000 North Reading Road (Route 272), Adamstown, for the month of August. Register for any of the events by calling 717484-4200. The 2016 Summer Reading Program continues through Saturday, August 13. • Family Fitness Challenge – continues through Saturday, August 13. Earn prizes while spending quality time with your family. The library challenges you to walk at least one mile per week together as a family. The more miles you walk, the better your chance of winning prizes. For each mile your family walks throughout the week, you can enter your name at the library for a prize. Drawings take place each week through August 13 during the Summer Reading Program. Gold, Silver and Bronze grand prizes will be awarded on Saturday, August 13, at the End-of-SummerReading Olympic Party from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon, to those families that walked the most throughout

Ice Cream Social Planned

the entire summer. • Preschool Storytime – every Tuesday and Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. Stories and an easy craft for ages 2 to 6 with adult caregiver. Please register. • Boomers And Beyond – Tuesday, August 2 from 10:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. They will play household bingo. • “Spider Web Wonders,” presented by Sallie Gregory from the Lancaster County Conservation District – Tuesday, August 2 at 2:00 p.m. at Peace United Church of Christ, 37 E. Swartzville Road, Denver. There are more than 37,000 spider species on the Earth. Rather than running from them, befriend the eightlegged creatures that benefit humans and the food they eat. For ages 4 to 12. Please register. • Junie B. Jones Book Club – first and third Tuesdays, August 2 and 16 at 6:30 p.m. They will read the books in the series and enjoy an activity and snack. Please register. For ages 5 and up. • Technology Night will not be held in August. • Lapsit Program – every Thursday at 10:00 a.m. Simple stories, rhymes, songs and fingerplays for babies up to age 2 with parent or other adult

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese An ice cream social is planned for Sunday, August 7 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Ephrata Cloister. Plans include harp music, a radio personality and a visiting therapy dog. A small charge for ice cream will be collected. Shown in the photo, from left to right, are: Elizabeth Bertheaud (Cloister Director) along with Jane and Tom Koch. caregiver. Please register. • Book Buddies – Thursdays, August 4 and 11 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Children of all ages pair

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up to read together, followed by a possible hands-on activity. • Toddler Storytime – every Thursday at 10:30 a.m. Stories, songs and fingerplays, followed by an easy craft. For 2 and 3-year-olds with parent or other adult caregiver. Please register. • Library Board Of Trustees Meeting – Wednesday, August 10 at 6:30 p.m. • Genealogy Interest Group – Thursday, August 11 at 6:30 p.m. The group will be led by genealogy Goldner’s

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1. GEOGRAPHY: Where are the Atlas Mountains located? 2. LITERATURE: Who wrote an 1841 essay called “Self-Reliance”? 3. AD SLOGANS: Which fast-food company urged customers to “think outside the bun”? 4. MUSIC: Which band performed the gender-bending hit “Lola”? 5. PSYCHOLOGY: What is the fear represented in panophobia? 6. MOVIES: Which movie contains the line, “The problems of three little people don’t amount to a hill o’ beans in this crazy world”? 7. FIRSTS: Who was the first recorded person to swim the English Channel? 8. ART: Who painted the 1665 work titled “Girl with a Pearl Earring”? 9. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Who were the two presidents whose first names were Andrew? 10. FOOD & DRINK: The hybrid Ugli fruit is a cross between which three fruits? Answers 1. Northwest Africa 2. Ralph Waldo Emerson 3. Taco Bell 4. The Kinks 5. Fear of everything 6. “Casablanca” 7. Capt. Matthew Webb 8. Johannes Vermeer 9. Andrew Jackson and Andrew Johnson 10. Tangerine, orange and grapefruit © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.

Health personnel during this time. • Regular Saturday Hours Return On August 20: 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. • STEM Program: MakeIT AAL presents “Straw Rockets” – Saturday, August 20 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. They will design and build straw rockets, then test them using their special launching devices. Students will learn about aerodynamics, design, testing and refining. Join them for this STEM program and learn in a fun handson manner. Registration is limited and required. • Hit The Links For The Library – Saturday, August 27 at 1:30 p.m. Second annual golf tournament to benefit the Adamstown Area Library. Four-person scramble at the Manor Golf Club. There is a cost to register (by Monday, August 15).

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researcher Ken McCrea. For older students and adults. Registration is required. • Saturday, August 13 – End-Of-Summer-Reading Olympic Party – drop in any time from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. They will watch the Olympics and enjoy snacks, games and crafts. Grand prizes will be awarded to those families that walked the most throughout the entire summer during the Family Fitness Challenge. For all ages. All summer reading and activity log sheets must be completed and returned by this date in order for children and teens to receive their prize coupons. • Page Turners Book Discussion Group – Wednesday, August 17 at 6:30 p.m. The August title is “Inside the O’Briens” by Lisa Genova. • Kirsten’s Pioneer Summer Hike – Thursday, August 18 at 2:00 p.m. Based on the American Girl juvenile fiction series. They will take a nature hike around the library, make a pioneer craft and enjoy a game and treat. For ages 6 to 12. Registration is required. • Walk-In Craft – children may stop in at the library any time between 9:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 19 to make and take home a seasonal craft. No registration needed. • Hank The Health Hero “Power Pack Pickup Day” – Friday, August 19 from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Children in the age 5 to 9 summer reading group who participated in the “Healthy Habits, Healthy Smiles! Brush Twice-ADay Challenge” may pick up their prizes at the library from the CHI St. Joseph

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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - 7A


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Martin’s Country Market reserves the right to limit quantiti.

8A - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

Cloister FFA Members Excel At Regional Competition, Move On To States The Cloister FFA sent eight of its members to the Pennsylvania FFA State Convention held at Penn State in June. Several students in the chapter, however, had the chance to compete at both county and regional levels of the CDE competitions (CDE stands for Career Development Events), which included Creed Speaking, Wildlife, Vet Science, and Food Science. Freshman Joel Potts moved on to the state level contest after he placed first in the Eastern Region Creed

Speaking CDE in April. For the creed speaking contest, members had to memorize and present the five paragraph creed and then answer questions about its meaning for a panel of judges. Their FFA advisor, Mrs. Stauffer, in addition to retired EHS English teacher, Mrs. Hauser, helped coach them individually after school for several weeks prior to the contest. Earning a spot at the next level of this contest is a huge accomplishment because each of the four regions in the state is only allowed to send

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three individuals, so there are only 12 students who compete on the state level. Mariana Sanchez, Alexia Jones, Safitaj Sindhar and Destiny Ovensen, also competed but unfortunately did not qualify to move on to states. They placed 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th, respectively. The chapter had several seniors with impressive placings in the Wildlife regional level contest held in May. The contest consists of memorization of native species of birds, mammals and plants. The students also had to understand and identify certain wildlife signs, bird calls, and ecology and wildlife management principles. Brittany Keener placed 1st in the county and in the region, Angel Giroux placed 8th in the county and Kelli Kauffman placed 13th in the county. Both Angel Giroux and Kelli Kauffman planned to compete at the state convention. Junior Danielle Oberholtzer, senior Brianne Balmer and

sophomore Taylor Kozlowski competed in the regional level Vet Science CDE. This contest is similar to the Wildlife CDE, except that students must memorize and identify breeds, equipment and common diseases seen in the veterinary field. The students must also perform dosage calculations, demonstrate how to properly restrain a rabbit and fill a prescription. In the regional competition, Danielle placed 1st in the county and 7th overall, Brianne placed 2nd in the county and 8th

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overall, and Taylor placed 3rd in the county and 9th overall. The girls spent many hours after school studying for this CDE with the help of Dr. Scott Adams from Conestoga Animal Hospital. Both Brianne Balmer and Taylor Kozlowski planned to compete at the state contest. Finally, freshman Brooke Wilson, sophomore Cheyenne Marnoch and junior Heather Miller competed in the regional level Food Science CDE. This contest helps prepare students for careers in food safety and product development. In addition to a written test, the students must properly identify flavors using sensory evaluation, recognize food safety errors in food preparation and work as a team to develop their own food product based on ingredient and consumer information provided. In the regional competition, Brooke placed 2nd in the county and 5th overall, Cheyenne placed 6th in the county and Taylor placed 8th in the county. The

girls spent time after school studying for this CDE with the help of their advisor, Mrs. Stauffer. Cheyenne and Heather went on to the state level. In addition to members who placed 1st or 2nd in their respective CDEs, several other Cloister members were recognized for their achievements at the Lancaster County FFA banquet held at Lancaster Mennonite High School in May. Alexa Potts received a check for placing first in the county record book contest where she kept records on the hours she spent caring for animals both at home and at school. Heather Miller was also acknowledged for earning the county level Red Rose degree. The Red Rose degree is for individuals typically in their third year of membership. To be eligible for the degree, the applicant must have logged 225 hours or earned/invested $750 in their SAE projects. Cloister FFA is proud of the accomplishments of all its members. Shown in the photo, (front to back, left to right) are Cloister FFA members Cheyenne Marnoch, Taylor Kozlowski, Brianne Balmer, Brooke Wilson, Kelli Kauffman, Angel Giroux, Heather Miller, and Danielle Oberholtzer at the Spring Regional CDEs. Missing from the photo is Brittany Keener.

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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - 9A

A Conversation With Ryan Aument PA State Senator 36th State Senate District

Taxes, Spending and the Economy The General Assembly recently finished its work on the 2016-17 state budget, which thankfully avoided many of the problems we experienced in 2015. The adopted budget increased spending by 4.7% and required a $1.3 billion revenue package, including new taxes on digital downloads, tobacco and other items. While I supported the budget, I could not vote to support the new taxes. Like everyone, I was pleased that a compromise solution was reached in a far timelier manner than last year; however I can’t help but think the General Assembly missed another opportunity to position our state for economic growth and ensure all our citizens have the chance to experience earned success. Since I have been in Harrisburg, political leaders have presented the public with what I believe is a false choice – to balance the budget by either cutting spending or raising taxes. This “either/or” scenario ignores what I believe is the best way to generate new and recurring revenue for government – through increased economic activity and output. A strong, working economy built on the free enterprise system is achievable if state government would adopt and foster policies that promote it. Instead of reaching back into the pocketbooks of taxpayers, state government should be looking at ways to expand our economy, reduce unemployment and underemployment, and foster manufacturing and other industrial processes. The difference between these two choices is real and it greatly matters. One approach, which is often the preferred method for government, takes from the economy through additional taxes. This results in a reduction in economic output and further limits opportunity for individuals, families, businesses and industries who now have less disposable income to spend, save or invest. Additionally, this vicious cycle of new taxes can also create additional financial stress on fixed and low-income people. As these citizens are required to give government more of their already limited means, they have less to meet their needs. In some cases, this results in driving them to use public programs to make up the difference, further increasing costs for taxpayers, resulting in more dependence on government, not less. And even though state government realizes an initial



benefit from the taxes it increases or creates, it eventually suffers from the subsequent economic stagnation that results, necessitating more or new taxes again in the future, which only further harms the economy. The other approach, which is predicated on a wellbalanced and strong economy, allows everyone – including government – to benefit from increased revenues through growth. Here, government spurs economic activity through policies that allow the private sector to expand, not contract. Pro-growth strategies are used to grow our economy by working to control or reduce anti-businesses taxes, such as Pennsylvania’s Corporate Net Income Tax. Additionally, unnecessarily high-cost regulations are avoided in an effort to promote additional production and output. Government should partner with the private sector to enhance economic opportunity and allow small businesses, entrepreneurs and industries to grow, to the benefit of working people. In this model, everyone wins. Businesses and industry flourish by fully experiencing their economic potential. People have meaningful employment opportunities and can take advantage of additional wage growth, advancement or other job prospects. And state government realizes additional revenue based on existing tax structures to pay its bills, rather than new or increased taxes. However, revenue is only one side of the equation. These economic realities are strained even more when you consider that of the $1.4 billion increase in new spending for 201617, $1.2 billion of it was due to mandated cost increases. In total, non-mandated (discretionary) spending only went up 1.8%. If those cost-drivers that we know exist do not get addressed, no amount of pro-growth policy will meet the financial challenges that await us. For example, one of the largest cost-drivers for our state budget is human services. Despite this, Governor Wolf recently expanded Medicaid through the Affordable Care Act to an additional 500,000 people. Now, in addition to trying to manage the high Sealed bids will be received in the

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until August 24, 2016 at 11:00 A.M. for the following: Bid specifications and forms can be obtained by visiting our website at https://sites.google.com/a/cocalico.net/ district-office/rfp-bid-information or from the Business Office.


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See store for details.


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r Anniversa


year-to-year increases in the existing programs, these new, additional costs will be coming due as well. Another example is the pension system for public employees and teachers – which has strangled both the state budget and our local school district budgets. In the 2016-17 budget, $345 million in new contributions was necessary to pay for teacher pensions and $140 million more was needed for state employee pensions. The total taxpayer contributions for public pensions now tops $5.8 billion each year, which increasingly limits our ability to fund other needed programs, particularly those K-12 initiatives that would benefit Pennsylvania students. And for years we have avoided having a substantive discussion on seriously identifying waste, fraud and abuse in state government spending, programs and services. Pennsylvania can no longer – nor could it ever – afford to pay or financially reward cheaters. That must end. In the end, I believe that there is a better way. The goals of having a responsible spending plan as well as consistent revenues are not mutually exclusive. However, how we accomplish those goals makes all the difference. I intend to promote pro-growth ideas that will help ensure that Pennsylvania will be a place where everyone has opportunity.

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with Chips & 16 oz. Drink

Asst. Colors 3 mo.-24 mo. 2T-4T

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$10 delivery charge - any size order, anywhere in Lancaster County, PA Orders must be placed by

Freedom Ranger broiler chicks are a great alternative to fast-growing white broiler chicks or slow-growing heritage breeds. Freedom Ranger chicks grow at a moderate rate, reaching their peak weight of 5-6 lbs. in 9 to 11 weeks. These active, robust chicks are suitable for free range, foraging and pasture environments and produce tender, succulent meat with more yellow omega 3 fat and less saturated fat than fast growing breeds. Unlike fast growing broilers, Freedom Rangers will not start having health issues at 8 or 9 weeks, and will have a normal life span. They will lay eggs as well, the feed conversion is not excellent, but the eggs are huge.

1-15 $2.35 each

Our Freedom Ranger chickens feature either red or tri-colored feathers and have yellow shanks, skin and beaks. They are an active breed and thrive when allowed to free range, scratch and dust bathe in natural sunlight.

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10A - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

College News University Of The Sciences Dean’s List

University Of Delaware Dean’s List

The following local students have been named to the University of Delaware Dean’s List for the Spring 2016 semester: • Aubrey Aranowicz of Lititz • Conner Aranowicz of Lititz • Andrew Barton of Brownstown • Daniel Bucolo of Denver • Blaise Casselbury of Lititz • Sara George of Lititz • Laura Hepp of Ephrata • Christi Johnson of Lititz • Alexa Meinhardt of Lititz • Lauren Mieszkalski of Lititz

The following local residents have been named to the spring 2016 Dean’s List at University of the Sciences. Selection for this award is based on completing and passing all assigned courses with no grade below a “C” and attaining an academic average of at least 3.4 for courses taken in the spring of 2016. • Hayley George of Lititz is a Doctor of Occupational Therapy student. • Austyn Grim of Lititz is a Doctor of Pharmacy student. • Ashley Nguyen of Leola is a Doctor of Pharmacy student.

• Justin Mitchell of Lititz • Hollie Sanders of Lititz • Laurel Schappell of Lititz • Anna Voystock of Lititz • Jillian Voystock of Lititz The Dean’s List, an honor conferred at the end of the fall and spring semesters, recognizes outstanding academic performance by undergraduate students. Undergraduate students who have been graded in a minimum of 12 credits counting toward their GPA for the semester and who have earned a minimum 3.33 GPA for a given semester are honored with Dean’s List recognition for that semester.

9 Wilkes University Dean’s List

The following students from the local area were named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2016 semester at Wilkes University.

Lebanon Students Named To Honor Roll

• Courtney Calamia, Lititz • Susan Gerencser, Lititz • Robert Nye, Ephrata. To be named to the Dean’s List, students must obtain a minimum 3.4 grade point average and carry at least 12 More than 150 Lebanon credits. Valley student-athletes have been named to the Middle Atlantic Conference’s (MAC) Winter and Spring Aca­demic Honor Roll. The fol­ lowing students from the local area have achieved this honor. • Kyra Valent of Stevens. The following students Valent, a graduate of Ephrata from the local area graduated Senior High School, is from Ithaca College in May. pursuing a bachelor of • Jonathan Husson, Ephrata science in biochemistry and molecular biology and was • John McQuaig, Lititz a member of the women’s • Rachel Gerrity, Lititz swimming team.

9 Ithaca College Graduates

Sealed bids will be received in the

Cocalico School District, Business Office 800 S. Fourth Street, P.O. Box 800 Denver, PA 17517 until August 18, 2016 at 1:00 P.M. for the following:

• 2017 Four Wheel Drive Truck Bid Bid specifications and forms can be obtained by visiting our website at https://sites.google.com/a/cocalico.net/ district-office/rfp-bid-information or from the Business Office.

Fresh Cut Flowers

40% OFF

• Kara Hess of Reinholds. Hess, a graduate of Cocalico Senior High School, is pursuing a bachelor of arts in music business and music and was a member of the women’s swimming team. • Megan Kimmel of Ephrata. Kimmel, a graduate of Ephrata Senior High School, is pursuing a bachelor of science in biochemistry and molecular biology and was a member of the women’s golf team. Kimmel was also named to the conference’s Spring AllAcademic Team and Spring Sportsmanship Team. • Rachel Anderson of Ephrata. Anderson, a graduate of Ephrata Senior High School, is pursuing a bachelor of science in health science and was a member of the women’s lacrosse team. • Kimberly Ortiz-Marrero of Ephrata. Ortiz-Marrero, a graduate of JP McCaskey East High School, received a bachelor of arts in Spanish and was a member of the softball team. • Colin Albright of Ephrata. Albright, a graduate of Ephrata Senior High School, is pursuing a bachelor of arts in economics and accounting and was a member of the baseball team. He also received a MAC AllConference Honorable Mention nod. • Austin Minnich of Lititz. Minnich, a graduate of Warwick High School, is pursuing a bachelor of science in biochemistry & molecular biology and was a member of the men’s lacrosse team. He was also named to the MAC Academic AllConference Team and the MAC Commonwealth AllConference First Team.

Evergreen Acres Produce

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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - 11A

• Coleman Wagner of Lititz. Wagner, a graduate of Warwick High School, is pursuing a bachelor of science in business administration and was a member of the men’s lacrosse team. • Dakota Keefer of Ephrata. Keefer, a graduate of Ephrata Senior High School, is pursuing a bachelor of arts in economics and was a member of the men’s lacrosse team. He was also named to the MAC Academic AllConference Team and the MAC Commonwealth AllConference First Team. • Alexander Bushong of Lititz. Bushong, a graduate of Warwick High School, is pursuing a bachelor of science in digital communications and was a member of the men’s lacrosse team. • Christopher Kurtz of Lititz. Kurtz, a graduate of Manheim Township High School, is pursuing a bachelor of science in early childhood education and was a member of the men’s swimming team. • Jacob Ilgenfritz of Adamstown. Ilgenfritz, a graduate of Cocalico Senior High School, is pursuing a bachelor of science in actuarial science and was a member of the men’s swimming team. • Adam Wagaman of Lititz. Wagaman, a graduate of Warwick High School, is pursuing a bachelor of science in actuarial science and was a member of the men’s indoor and outdoor track and field team.

9 Federer Named To Dean’s List

Tiffany Federer, a Fashion Merchandising and Marketing major from Lititz, has been named to the Spring 2016 Dean’s List at Mount Ida College in Newton, Massachusetts, for achieving a GPA of 3.33 or higher. (Continued On Page 12A)

Guess who’s

Wimpy & Dee’s 5th Anniversary Celebration On Saturday, August 6, Wimpy and Dee’s Diner, located on Route 322 in Honey Brook, will be holding a huge 5th



• S HO

Anniversary Bash from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The event will be held rain or shine under the tent. Please bring chairs. Along with live music featuring Flamin’ Dick and the Hot Rods and a car show, the event will feature a bounce house, a Hula Hoop Contest, face painting and other events geared toward


Honey Brook’s most worthy causes. Owned by Lyn and Bev Kemper, the diner is named after Bev’s parents, Dave “Wimpy” and Dorothy “Dee” Glauner, lifelong residents of Honey Brook. The diner itself was moved to Honey Brook from Texas and opened in the fall of 2011.

children. Donations will be taken to benefit Honey Brook Food Pantry, MakeA-Wish and the Presbyterian Church Shepherd’s Kitchen. “I never realized the impact Wimpy & Dee’s would have on the community,” commented owner Lyn Kemper. This week the diner and its owners will “give back” to the locals and




The diner still adheres to its original premise: to be a meeting place that’s equally popular with all ages, offering a 50’s style atmosphere with great American diner comfort food. For more information about the celebration, please call 484-645-4833.











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turning another year older this week!

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July 31 – August 6 I was born on August 1, 1981, in Redding, CA. I recorded the album Soundtrack to Your Life. Who am I?

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I was born on August 2, 1992, in East Brunswick, NJ. I played Erika in How to Eat Fried Worms. Who am I?



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Answer: Hallie Eisenberg

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• Henley or Crew in Sizes M-2X Answer: James Hetfield


I was born on August 4, 1989, in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia. I recorded the album The Journey. Who am I? Answer: Jessica Mauboy

I was born on August 5, 1952, in Kiltimagh, County Mayo, Ireland. I serve as a judge on The X-Factor in the UK. Who am I?






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Services at most stores:

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Answer: Louis Walsh

12A - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

College News (Continued From Page 11A)

Rochester Dean’s List The following local residents made the Dean’s List at Rochester Institute of Technology for the spring 2016 semester: • Robert Cybulski of Leola, who is studying mechanical engineering. • Jordan Sellers of Denver, who is studying game design and environment. • John Tran of New Holland, who is studying computer science.

Rochester Roderick Institute Of Makes Technology Dean’s List Wittenberg University Graduates congratulates Meghan Local residents who recently graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology include: • Katharine Beyerle of Lititz, who received an MS in packaging science from RIT’s College of Applied Science and Technology. • Jordan Sellers of Denver, who received a BS in game design and development from RIT’s B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences.


Roderick of Lititz for making the spring semester 2016 Dean’s List. To earn a place on the Dean’s List, students must maintain a 3.5 or higher grade point average for the semester.


Saint Joseph’s Dean’s List

The following students from the local area earned Dean’s List honors for the spring 2016 semester at Saint Joseph’s University. • Kelly Liebl of Ephrata, Economics major • Morgan Allen of Lititz, Leadership Ethics and Organizational Sustainability major

• Michael Efstration of Lititz, Accounting major • Matthew Engle of Lititz, Finance major • Ryan Mitchell of Lititz, Food Marketing Co-Op major • Bridget Neslund of Lititz, Food Marketing major • Austin Norton of Lititz, Undecided Business major

9 Loyola University Dean’s List

The following students from the local area were named to the Dean’s List in the spring 2016 at Loyola University, Maryland. A student must achieve a minimum QPA of at least 3.50 for the term, provided that, in the term they have successfully completed courses totaling a minimum of 15 credits.


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9 Alvernia University Dean’s List

The following students have been named to Alvernia University’s Dean’s List for the spring 2016 semester. To be eligible for the Dean’s List, students must carry a semester GPA of 3.5 or better and take a minimum of 12 credits. Local honorees include: • Brian Barnes of Denver. Barnes is studying Business Management • Cassandra Bean of Reinholds. Bean is studying Occupational Therapy and is a graduate of Cocalico Senior High School • Kallie Cardenas of Lititz. Cardenas is studying Occupational Therapy and is a graduate of Warwick High School

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Tomato or Pickle Mixes ............. 2/$5.00 Best Yet Family Pack Facial Tissue .................. $1.47 Best Yet Napkins ............... 400 ct. $1.97 Best Yet Plastic Party Cups ........... 50 ct. $3.97 Best Yet Plastic Wrap 200 sq. ft. 2/$4.00 Xtra Laundry Detergent............. 75 oz. $1.88 Best Yet Bleach................96 oz. 2/$3.00 Best Fabric Softener Sheets ..................... 80 ct. $2.47

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BULK FOODS Gummi Candy Sale!!!

Worms, Bears, Sour Bears, Peach & Watermelon Rings ....lb. $1.69 Instant Vanilla Pudding......................lb. $1.29 Strawberry Gelatin lb. $1.59 Peach Gelatin...........lb. $1.99 Sour Cream & Onion or Cheddar. Powder ........................lb. $3.39

• Amanda Carter of Leola. Carter is studying Occupational Therapy and is a graduate of Conestoga Valley Senior High School • Kaitlin Griel of Leola. Griel is studying Forensic Science and is a graduate of Conestoga Valley Senior High School • Rachel Hargenrater of Denver. Hargenrater is studying Political Science • Erin Horst of Narvon. Horst is studying Accounting and is a graduate of Garden Spot High School • Jessica Ingraham of Denver. Ingraham is studying Nursing and is a graduate of High Point Baptist Academy • Daniel Keener of Lititz. Keener is studying Behavioral Health and is a graduate of Warwick High School • Brittany Lantz of New Holland. Lantz is studying Business Management and is a graduate of Garden Spot High School • Steven Long of Ephrata. Long is studying Accounting and is a graduate of Lancaster Catholic High School • Justin Mains of Denver. Mains is studying Criminal

The Hahnstown United Zion Church invites yyou to their concert with

Garments of Praise

on Aug.

7, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.

Service will be held outdoors, weather permitting, please bring chairs. Church is located on the corner of Glenwood Drive and Frysville Road. More info. - 381-8878 or 572-8394.



Macaroni & Cheese

• Cassandra Houser, a member of the class of 2017 from Lititz • Emily Kurisky, a member of the class of 2019 from Leola • Charlotte Schreyer, a member of the class of 2019 from New Holland

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Chicken Corn Noodle Soup ............ lb. $3.49 Eby’s

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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - 13A

Justice and is a graduate of Garden Spot High School • Cayla McCarty of Denver. McCarty is studying Athletic Training and is a graduate of Conestoga Valley Senior High School • Caitlin Miller of Stevens. Miller is studying Psychology and is a graduate of Cocalico Senior High School • Sara Nevling of Stevens. Nevling is studying Criminal Justice and is a graduate of Cocalico Senior High School • Alla Prysakar of Reinholds. Prysakar is studying Nursing • Emily Reed of Akron. Reed is studying Social Work and is a graduate of Ephrata Senior High School • Brett Reifsnyder of New Holland. Reifsnyder is studying Criminal Justice and is a graduate of Pequea Valley High School • Brett Rissmiller of Stevens. Rissmiller is studying Nursing and is a graduate of Cocalico Senior High School • Courtney Roseberry of Denver. Roseberry is studying Psychology and is a graduate of Cocalico Senior High School • Colin Rothweiler of Ephrata. Rothweiler is studying Accounting and is

Swiss Pioneer Preservation Association’s Big Spring Farm Days

was demonstrated since Rough and Tumble restored it to operating condition. Following next is NH model 73 baler (first model made in New Holland). Also new is the demonstration of NH

model 166 self-propelled baler SPPA restored this year. Come for supper Friday evening and watch the horse training demonstration in a round pen from 6:00

a graduate of Ephrata Senior High School • Kayla Schreiber of East Earl. Schreiber is studying Sport Management and is a graduate of Twin Valley High School • Makenzie Sensenig of Reinholds. Sensenig is studying Occupational

Therapy and is a graduate of Cocalico Senior High School • Casey Shirk of Leola. Shirk is studying Healthcare Science and is a graduate of Conestoga Valley Senior High School • Cody Shirk of East Earl. Shirk is studying Accounting

and is a graduate of Garden and is a graduate of Garden ver. Zakharov is studying Spot High School Spot High School Nursing and is a graduate of • Margaret Wentzel of East • Alisa Zakharov of Den­ Cocalico Senior High School Earl. Wentzel is studying Healthcare Science and is Give a a graduate of Garden Spot Re-Uzit High School Gift Card! • Jordan Wissinger of Denver. Wissinger is Clothing & Housewares studying Athletic Training




p.m. to 8:00 p.m. This is a new activity for SPPA done by Melvin King – Horsemanship. On Saturday, August 6, at 9:00 a.m. see wheat threshing by hand with a


50% OFF All Red Tagged Items

Rules and Regulations

Specials Week of August 2-8

Bananas ........................................... lb. 39¢ Washington Red Delicious ...... 10/$1.89 Golden Ripe Pineapples ............ ea. $2.99 8 lb. California Navels ............. bag $3.99 Red or Green Seedless Grapes .. lb. $1.89 Plums ................ container $3.00 or 2/$5.00 Pint Blueberries .......................... ea. $2.99 Snow Peas ................................... lb. $1.99 Cabbage ......................................... lb. 49¢ Asparagus ................................... lb. $1.99 Artisan Lettuce ...................container $2.19 Assorted Pastas ................. container $2.49 8 oz. Parmesan or Romano Cheese ea. $1.99 All Size Honeys ...................... 20% Off

10% Senior Citizen Discount on Monday Also check out in-store specials!

100 Monroe St., Denver, PA

Custom Made Baskets!

(717) 336-3001

HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8am-6pm; Sat. 8am-4pm; Sun. Closed

“One Of The Few Things In Life That’s Free…”

1) One entry per person per week. One winner per household per 90 days. Winners must be age 18 or older. 2) One winner will be selected in a random drawing from all eligible entries received. Winner will be notified by phone. 3) Winner will receive 4 field box tickets* to a 2016 Lancaster Barnstormers baseball game during their regular season. The Shopping News or the Lancaster Barnstormers will not be responsible for lost or stolen tickets. 4) Prize must be picked up at The Shopping News office within 2 weeks of winning. Photo ID will be required. 5) Deadline for entries will be one week from the publication date (by 12:00 noon) in which the photo appeared. The winner’s name will be published in the issue following the drawing. 6) How to submit entry forms (photo copies not accepted): • Mail to The Shopping News, P.O. Box 456, Ephrata, PA 17522 • Drop off during business hours at 615 East Main Street, Ephrata, or place in the 24-hour drop box • Fax to 717-733-3900 • E-mail to snews@ptd.net (e-mail entries must contain entrant’s name, address, city, telephone, description of Bella’s location, and the date of the Shopping News [found at the top of page]) 7) Telephone and Facebook entries will not be accepted. 8) All prizes must be accepted as awarded.

50% OFF All Yarn

20 East Main St., Ephrata • 733-4982 Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-5 • Fri. 9-8 • Sat. 9-4

Donations of New & Gently Used Clothing, Shoes, Linens, Housewares & Books Accepted Benefiting the work of Mennonite Central Committee

Ephrata Re-Uzit Stores

50% OFF

Entry form requires the following information: Name _________________________________________________

All Red Tagged Items

Address _______________________________________________ City _______________________ Telephone __________________

Furniture, Books, Etc.

Email _________________________________________________ Description of Bella’s Location _____________________________ _______________________________________________________

7 Stores in Lancaster County thrift.mcc.org for locations & hours


1054 S. State St., Ephrata • 733-4934

Bella Promotion

The Shopping News

Issue Date: 8/3/16

Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-5 • Fri. 9-8 • Sat. 9-4


of Lancaster County


• Harting’s Bakery • Horst Outdoor Power & Equip. • King’s Snack Food • Ranck’s Family Restaurant BRICKERVILLE

• The Pretzel Hut


• Daniel’s Farm Store • Dutch Lanes

• A Step In Time Antique Center • Deer Country • Fulton Bank (Denver) • Turkey Hill (300 Main Street) • Turkey Hill (2501 N . Reading Rd.) • Weaver Markets (Adamstown & Blainsport) EAST EARL

• • • •

Good’s Store Horst Farm Market Martin’s Trailside Express Shady Maple Smorgasbord

We Will Pick Up Good Donated Furniture

Furniture & Books

* Excludes All Star Game.




Ephrata Re-Uzit Shop

Where’s Bella?

AKRON • Turkey Hill (106 7th Street) • Weiser’s Market

flail. New this year will be a demonstration on how the McCormick Deering binder works, followed by setting the wheat sheaves into standing shocks. Small and large threshing machines will be running, powered by a horse treadmill, a horsepowered sweep and big steam engines. Other activities will include German singing, an antique tractor and equipment parade at 1:00 p.m. and other early American activities like chair-caning and lace making. There will be a lot of good country food, bread baked in a beehive oven and soft ice cream made with a hit-andmiss engine available both days. For more information, call Dan Hostetter at 717587-6895 or Raymond Zimmerman at 717-3547139.

The public is invited to a free demonstration of early farm life at the Big Spring Farm Days sponsored by the Swiss Pioneer Preservation Association. The event is Friday, August 5 and Saturday, August 6 at 735 Spruce Road, New Holland. Friday from 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. is the Hay Day, and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. is the Threshing, Sawmilling, Tractor Parade and lots of other crafts and early rural life displays. The hay making demo starts at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, August 5 with the sharpening of a scythe with a Dengleschtock, cutting, gathering, loading and – new this year – unloading hay in the barn with a hay hook pulled by a horse. Also new this year will be baling with Ed Nolt “Automaton” Baler made in 1939/1940 by Art Young of Kinzer. This is the first time this baler


• Elm Post Office EPHRATA

• Ebenezer Groceries • Ephrata Area Chamber of Commerce • Ephrata Diner • Friendly Mini Mart • Getty Mart • Glenwood Foods • Good’s Store • Key Aid/Ace Hardware • Martins’ Country Market • Redner’s Warehouse Markets • Royer Pharmacy, Sharp Ave. • Sharp Shopper

Below is a list of convenient locations where you can pick up your weekly issue if you are not in our regular hand-delivered area.

• Turkey Hill (903 S. State Street) • Turkey Hill (3585 Rothsville Road) • Two Cousins • Wawa • Weis Markets









• Weaver’s Store LEOLA

• Giant • Weaver’s Hardware LITITZ

• Oregon Dairy Restaurant • PaulB

• Eby’s Store • Turkey Hill

• Dutch-Way • • • • • • •

Grocery Outlet Garden Spot Village J .B. Zimmerman National Penn Bank New Holland Restaurant The Pub Yoder’s Country Market

• A-1 Repair

• Redner’s Quick Shoppe • Getty Mart • Redner’s Quick Shoppe ROTHSVILLE

• Getty Mart


• BB’s Grocery Outlet • Dutch-Way • Good’s Store WOMELSDORF

• Fred’s Auction


14A - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

hings to do... and PLACES TO GO

The Bulletin Board

WED., AUG. 3 ­ The Living with Loss support group will be held in the Village Square Board Room at Garden Spot Village, 433 South Kinzer Avenue, New Holland, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. For more info., call 717-355-6259. WED., AUG. 3 ­ Astronomy Enthusiasts will meet at the Lititz Public Library, 651 Kissel Hill Road, Lititz, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. NASA’s JUNO Mission will be the topic of discussion. For more info, or to register, call 717-6262255. WED., AUG. 3 ­ Lifetree Café will meet at the White Swan Restaurant, 1264 East Newport Road, Lititz, at 7:00 p.m. Theme: Hope For Gangs: Surprising stories from the Bloods and Crips.

Everyone is welcome. For more info., call 717-6270335. THURS., AUG. 4 ­ Late Night @ The Library will be held at the Ephrata Public Library, 560 South Reading Road, Ephrata, from 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. for ages 13 to 18. Join them for video games, movies, anime, food and costume play. Bring your favorite multiplayer video games. This month’s theme is food! FRI., AUG. 5 ­ Teen After Hours will be held at the Eastern Lancaster County Library, 11 Chestnut Drive, New Holland, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Hang out, eat food, and watch the Olympics Opening Ceremony! SAT., AUG. 6 ­ Reinholds Station Trinity Chapel Preservation Committee will present its annual Summer Festival at 114 East Main Street, Reinholds, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Free admission. Baked goods will be available. The Schoeneck Lions Club food trailer will be serving a light lunch. For more info., call 717-336-6846.

SAT., AUG. 6 ­ The Hogs and Heroes Foundation will hold their 1st Annual Motorcycle Poker Run at the Ephrata Elks, 170 Akron Road, Ephrata. Registration from 7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. Kickstands up at 9:00 a.m. There is a cost to register. Portion of proceeds to benefit Homes for Heroes. For more info., call Glider at 717-435-5241. SAT., AUG. 6 ­ The Caernarvon Fire Company is hosting their Annual Pancake and Sausage Breakfast, from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. There is a cost. Takeouts available. SAT., AUG. 6 ­ Benefit Brunch and Shopping at Ten Thousand Villages, 240 North Reading Road, Ephrata. Proceeds benefit Delaware Valley Golden Retriever Rescue. There is a cost. For more info. and brunch tickets, visit www. dvgrr.org. Deadline for tickets is August 3. SUN., AUG. 7 ­ St. John Center Lutheran Church, 599 Reading Road, Route 625, a few miles south of Bowmansville, will hold Music In The Grove with Just Friends and Potters Clay at 6:00 p.m. A freewill offering will be received. MON., AUG. 8 ­ The


Cloister Restaurant, Inc.

32nd Annual

Mt. Gretna Tour of Homes

607 West Main, Ephrata • 733-2361 Famous Pennsylvania Dutch Cooking


Sat. Aug 6, 10am - 5pm

Cheese Omelet w/Homefries - $4.65 2 Eggs w/Homefries or 8/3/16 Hash Browns - $3.25 8/9/16

Advance tix $20, $25 day of the tour at Gretna Post Office GretnaMusic.org 717-361-1508 Self-guided walking tour through cottages, homes, historic buildings, and gardens. Ride the trolley to one of the homes! Special thanks to Expressions Limousine of Lancaster.

DAILY SPECIALS Wednesday 8/3 Beef Croquettes Ham Steak Stuffed Pepper Thursday 8/4 Spaghetti w/Meatsauce Dutch Fried Chicken Fish Sticks Friday 8/5 Baked Chicken Pie Pepper Steak Baked Tilapia Fish

Saturday 8/6 Hot Beef or Pork Sandwich Fish Sticks Chicken Tenders Sunday 8/7 Roast Turkey w/Filling Baked Meatloaf Monday 8/8 Baked Meatloaf Batter Dipped Fish Roast Turkey w/Filling Tuesday 8/9 Stuffed Cabbage Clam Patties Major Credit Cards Accepted Chicken Livers Chili w/Roll & Butter Now Serving Fresh Homegrown Corn Pie & Fresh Blueberry Pie & Peach Pie




...Include 2 Vegetables or 1 Vegetable & All You Can Eat Salad Bar (on Fridays & Saturdays only), Club 429’s Famous Onion Butter & Crackers Served While You Wait

Wednesday & Thursday, August 3 & 4 (Eat In Only - No Takeouts)

Wings $7.00 dozen • Burger Basket w/Fries $7.75 Also on Thursdays: Cheese Steak Special & French Fries $8.95

Friday & Saturday, August 5 & 6 Petite Filet & Crab Cake...$21.95


Hours Wed.-Sat. 5pm-9pm OPEN for Lunch Wednesdays & Fridays starting at 11am Bar Hours Wed., Thurs., Sat. 5pm-10pm; Fri. 4pm-10pm; Sun., Mon. & Tues. Closed Dining Room


Ephrata Park, Ephrata, PA

Call For Dinner Reservations or Information on Banquets


Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver’s Support Group will be held in the Concord Room at Garden Spot Village, 433 South Kinzer Avenue, New Holland, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. For more info., call 717-355-6076 or 717-3556239. MON., AUG. 8 ­ Red Rose Council for the Blind will meet from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. at VisionCorps, 244 North Queen Street, Lancaster. For more info, call John Horst at 717-3676346. WED., AUG. 10 ­ The Conestoga Herb Guild will meet at 7:00 p.m. at the Upper Leacock Township War Memorial Building, 54 West main Street, Leola. There is a cost. For more info. and to register, call Deirdre at 717-288-2126.


THE SHOPPING NEWS 615 E. Main St., Ephrata, PA 17522


Sponsored by Brownstone Real Estate Co. to benefit Music at Gretna

50 Year Anniversary “Different Specials Every Day!”

T N A R U A T S E R S ’ T H G I R B 1025 S. State St. & Rt. 272, Ephrata • 738-1177



FREE French Fries with the purchase of a Fish Sandwich (Garnished with Lettuce, Tomato, Mayonnaise)

FISH FRY: BREADED HADDOCK (Yuengling Beer Battered) French Fries & Slaw - $6.99

SHRIMP DINNER (13 Shrimp, French Fries, Pepper Cabbage) - $8.25

Family Chicken Meal - $20.99 Broasted Chicken - 12 pieces, tub of French fries, quart of slaw, pepper cabbage or macaroni salad Additional 4 pieces $4.50 Your independent restaurant, serving good food to the fine people of the Ephrata area for over 55 years. Celebrating our 50th year Anniversary at this location.

hings to do... and


Guess “Where’s Bella?” And Barnstorm

Every Wednesday Doors Open at 5:00 P.M. Games Start at 7:00 P.M.

Join u the fus for n!


registration is encouraged for children. Family Fun Day will be held Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.





4 733-81 2 ó 55 E ast

Sunday, 12pm-10pm; Mon day Tuesday & Wednesday, , 11am-10pm; 11am-10pm; Thursday, 11am-12:30am ;

Summer time Special

Seafood Bucket

1 lb. Clams 1/2 lb. Crab Legs 1/2 lb. Shrimp

A special worship service will be held at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, followed by a lunch meal. For more info. or to register, call 717-3545213. THURS., AUG. 18 ­ First United Methodist Church, 68 North Church Street, Ephrata, will hold a Free Community Meal. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Serving at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. For info., call 717-733-4134. SAT., AUG. 20 ­ Lancaster County Postcard Club will hold its 24th Annual Postcard Expo at the Farm & Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. There is a cost. For more info., call 717-413-6882. SAT., AUG. 20 ­ The Stevens Fire Company Carnival will be held at 91 Stevens Road, Stevens, featuring Burning House. Kitchen opens at 4:00 p.m. Bingo begins at 6:00 p.m. Show starts at 6:30 p.m. There is a cost. SAT., AUG. 20 ­ St. John Center Lutheran Church, 599 Reading Road, Route 625, a few miles south of Bowmansville, will hold

Music In The Grove with Dual County at 6:00 p.m. A freewill offering will be received. SAT., AUG. 20 ­ Zion’s Reformed UCC Church, 1356 Apple Street, Ephrata, will host a free community movie night at 8:00 p.m. Zootopia will be shown on the side lawn area or inside if raining. Bring blankets or chairs. Refreshments will be provided. SUN., AUG. 21 ­ St. John Center Lutheran Church, 599 Reading Road, Route 625, a few miles south of Bowmansville, will hold Music In The Grove with Chestnut Ridge at 6:00 p.m. A freewill offering will be received. SUN., AUG. 21 ­ Faith United Methodist Church, 1290 Fruitville Pike, Lititz, will host Weaver Believers in concert at 7:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-2038662. MON., AUG. 22 ­ The Parkinson’s Support Group will be held in the Theater at Garden Spot Village, 433 South Kinzer Avenue, New Holland, from 2:00 p.m. to (Continued On Page 16A)

Come enjoy a great family style meal & some

SOUTHERN GOSPEL MUSIC by Mercy’s Well $35 (www.mercyswell.com)

Mon., Aug. 15, 2016


d, Stevens

Great Place - Great Games Great Food Ephrata Park • 733-2576

Classes for three year olds through adults will be held Wednesday through Friday, 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Pre-


Ephrata American at Legion

lunch. Shown bringing Bella her tray of treats is Mark Ebersole, Director of Human Resources. Can you name the market Bella was visiting? The winners who correctly identified Bella’s location in the July 20th issue are: Anita Faust, Denver, and Sandy Schmitt, Reinholds. Bella was visiting Dr. Wenger at Conestoga Animal Hospital in Hinkletown.


Bingo Y Let’s PLA

be selected. This week, the contest entry form, rules and regulations can be found on page 13A. Lancaster County is known for its delicious food, and going to the market is a much-anticipated event for many folks. Bella is always ready to beg for a tasty morsel, and when she saw “The Wagon” open its serving window recently, she got right in line to order



599 Reading Road, Route 625, a few miles south of Bowmansville, will hold Music In The Grove with New Found Grass at 6:00 p.m. A freewill offering will be received. WED., AUG. 17 ­ SUN., AUG. 21 ­ Hinkletown Mennonite Church will hold Summer Bible Adventure.

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese


The “Where’s Bella?” contest continues with a new photo and location. Shopping News readers have the opportunity to win four field box tickets to a 2016 Lancaster Barnstormers baseball game during their regular season. By correctly identifying the location in which Bella, the black lab, is photographed, your entry will be entered to win a weekly random drawing. One winner will


THURS., AUG. 11 ­ The Low Vision Support Group will be held in the Garden South Conference Room, Lower Level, at Garden Spot Village, 433 South Kinzer Avenue, New Holland, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-355-6010. THURS., AUG. 11 ­ First United Methodist Church, 68 North Church Street, Ephrata, will hold a Free Community Meal. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Serving at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. For info., call 717-733-4134. SAT., AUG. 13 ­ Delaware Valley Golden Retriever Rescue will hold its monthly “Meet and Greet the Goldens” from 10:00 a.m. until noon at 60 Vera Cruz Road, Reinholds. Food will be available to purchase. For more info., call Inza Adams at 717484-4799. SAT., AUG. 13 ­ The Stevens Fire Company Carnival will be held at 91 Stevens Road, Stevens, featuring The Nomads and Cruise Night. Kitchen opens at 4:00 p.m. Bingo begins at 6:00 p.m. Show starts at 6:30 p.m. There is a cost. SUN., AUG. 14 ­ Keystone Record Collectors Music Expo will be held at the Continental Inn, 2285 Lincoln Highway East, Lancaster, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Free admission. For more info., call 610932-7852. SUN., AUG. 14 ­ St. John Center Lutheran Church,

The Pengu


Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - 15A

per person. (Includes meal & concert)

Held at Good & Plenty Restaurant 150 Eastbrook Rd., Smoketown, PA 17576

Meal starts at 5:45pm & the concert will start at 7:00pm Deadline for Tickets is 8/14/16! Call Liz Hess (717) 278-6787 or email Liz.hess.1986@gmail.com today for tickets










Buy One

Ice Cream Cone

60’s, 70’s, 80’s and more Soul, Motown & Dance Rock

50% OFF

Get One Of lesser value. Expires 8/18/16.

ALL SHOWS START AT 6:30 P.M. Good Food and Refreshments

SN The Brickerville House Ice Cream Shop Lititz (Intersection of Rt. 322 & 501) • 717-625-2525

Kitchen Opens at 4:00 P.M. - Rain or Shine ADMISSION $6.00 • UNDER 12 FREE


Inside Fire Hall - Starts at 6:00 P.M.

Contact Melissa Tucker 717-577-8615

Summer Hours:

Mon., Tues. 4-9pm; Wed., Thurs. 12-9pm; Fri.-Sun. 12-9:30pm

16A - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”


Bulletin Board

(Continued From Page 15A)

3:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-355-6264. THURS., AUG. 25 - Wiest UM Methodist Church, 48 North King Street, Schoeneck, will hold a Community Dinner from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. THURS., AUG. 25 - First United Methodist Church, 68 North Church Street, Ephrata, will hold a Free Community Meal. Doors

open at 5:30 p.m. Serving at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. For info., call 717-733-4134. SUN., AUG. 28 - St. John Center Lutheran Church, 599 Reading Road, Route 625, a few miles south of Bowmansville, will hold Music In The Grove with Al Shade with Debbie Ann at 6:00 p.m. A freewill offering will be received. TUES., AUG. 30 The Warwick Education Foundation will hold their 16th Annual Golf Classic at Fairview Golf Course. Registration at 12:00 noon and golfing starts at 1:00 p.m. Dinner, raffles and prizes at 6:00 p.m. For more info. or to register (by Monday, August 15), call 177-285-3141.

adamstown,, pa

SHUPP’S GROVE Beautiful Outdoor Antique Market This weekend’s theme:

TUES., SEPT. 6 - Ephrata Area Women’s Connection “Empty Nest Refilled” will be held at Foxchase Golf Club, 300 Stevens Road, Stevens, at 11:45 a.m. There is a cost. For reservations, call Ellen Arms at 717-5874189 or Jan Moyer at 717721-3627. TUES., SEPT. 6 - The Friends of Eberbach will be sponsoring a Bus Trip to Mt. Vernon. There is a cost. Bring a lunch. Dinner is included in the price. For more info. or to make reservations, call Bill Donecker at 717-587-6350. SUN., SEPT. 11 - Faith United Methodist Church, 1290 Fruitville Pike, Lititz, will host Sweet Life in concert at 10:30 a.m. For more info., call 717-2038662. WED., SEPT. 14 - The Farm Women Society of Stevens will hold an Ultimate Chocolate Tour to Maryland departing Elite Coach at 8:00 a.m. and

returning at 7:15 p.m. There Weaver at 717-733-6811. is a cost. For more info. SUN., SEPT. 18 - The or to register (by Friday, Akron Fire Company will August 12), call Mary Lou host Vera Bradley/Coach Bingo. Doors open at 11:30 a.m., games begin at 1:00 p.m. There is a cost. Contact Karen Leisey at 717-215-8800 for tickets or more info. SAT., SEPT. 24 - Family Outdoor Sports Day and THE TOMATO PL ACE Picnic will be held from Red • Yellow • Heirloom • Cherry 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at 585 Sportsman Road, Our Own Homegrown: Tomatoes, Peppers, Eggplants, Cantaloupes, Sweet Corn, Potatoes, Denver. Activities include String Beans, Cucumbers, Zucchini...you name it! firearm, archery and fly fishing instruction. There Local Peaches Are Here! W Large OW is a cost. Proceeds benefit Cantaloupes Sweet Corn Desilker For Rent the Cocalico Sportsmen’s 2 for $3 $20/day -OR- $10/half day Association. For more info., call Julie at 717-381-6536. 661 Ranck Road, New Holland, PA 17557 SAT., OCT. 1 - Ephrata 717-354-8114 • Hours 8-8 • We accept Visa, Mastercard & Discover Public Library, 550 South

Postcards, Paper, Books, Comics, Superheroes & Film Open Sat. & Sun., 7am-4pm

Back Again!

1st Saturday of Every Month

Yard Sale & Swap Meet August 6th

$5 tables • Special Section Directions: PA Turnpike Exit 286, right on Rt. 272 North, right on Rt. 897 South, 1 mile on left.

717.484.4115 • shuppsgrove.com



Our Own Fresh Pulled Sweet Corn

Our Own Tree Ripened Yellow & White

Prices Effective August 1 - August 7, 2016

Zucchini & Cucumbers

Home Grown


Canning Tomatoes

Home Grown Sweet & Mild

Candy Onions



Phone: 717-859-2765 • weisersmarket.com

We reserve the right to limit quantities. No sales to dealers please. Not responsible for typographical errors. Shown for illustration purposes only and do not represent items offered for sale.

Home Grown

Quantity Discounts.



a lb.

Our Own Fresh Dug

Fresh Picked


White & Red

3.50 qt.



Home Grown Jumbo Green

Home Grown Green & Yellow

Bell Peppers

String Beans


Available By The Basket

Crisp, Red Seedless

Sweet & Tasty Home Grown

Watermelon Cantaloupes $




Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-8; Sat. 8-4 FARM MARKET est 1988

805 Main Street, Akron, PA 17501

Make the “Weiser Cho ice!”

OPEN: Monday-Saturday, 7AM-9PM; Sunday 8AM-5PM


White & Bi-Color.

Reading Road, Ephrata, will host Author Talk by Janice Ballenger. Music by Shanience Ebelhar from 2:00 p.m. until talk at 3:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-738-9291. SAT., OCT. 8 - The Schoeneck Fire Company, 125 North King Street, Denver, will hold a Chicken BBQ Dinner from 10:00 a.m. to ? There is a cost. For more info., call the fire hall at 717-336-6767. SAT., OCT. 22 - The Schoeneck Fire Company, 125 North King Street, Denver, will hold a Soup and Sub Sale, from 8:00 a.m. until sold out. There is a cost. For more info., call the fire hall at 717-3366767. SAT., OCT. 29 - Fall Vendor Bingo at the Ephrata American Legion, 300 Cocalico Drive, Ephrata. Doors open at 1:30 p.m. Bingo starts at 3:00 p.m. There is a cost for tickets. For more info. or tickets, call Nadia at 717-419-3058. TUES., NOV. 8 - Faith United Methodist Church, 1290 Fruitville Pike, Lititz, will host Re-Creation in concert at 7:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-2038662. SAT., NOV. 19 - The Schoeneck Fire Company, 125 North King Street, Denver, will hold a Craft Show, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. For more info., call the fire hall at 717-3366767.

2902 Rothsville Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522


Boneless & Skinless

80% Lean

Ground Beef



Chicken Breast Tenders



Best Yet 97% Fat Free

Cooked Ham



Nature's Finest Baby Cut Peeled



16 oz.


3 Day Meat Sale PRODUCE AUG. 25th, 26th & 27th Beef, Pork, Chicken, Fish & MORE!

MEAT Boneless Top Round

London Broil............................................. $3.49 lb. Boneless Top Round

Steaks ...................................................... $3.69 lb. Boneless & Skinless

Chicken Thighs ........................................ $2.99 lb. Perdue Short Cuts Breast Tenders (Asst. Variety) ................. 9 oz. $3.49 Shady Brook 85% Fat Free Ground Turkey ............................... 1 lb. pkg. $3.29 Shady Brook 99% Fat Free Turkey Breast Cutlets ............................... $5.49 lb. Fresh Assorted

Bone-In Pork Chops ................................. $1.99 lb. Country Style

Pork Spare Ribs ........................................ $2.69 lb. Hatfield Traditional or Flavored Boneless Ham Steaks .......................... 8 oz. $2.49 Hatfield Sliced Bacon ......................................... 1 lb. $4.49 Hillshire Farm Polska Kielbasa or Smoked Sausage ....................................................... 13-14 oz. $3.49 On-Cor Redi Serve Asst. Products ............................ 18-27.5 oz. $3.49

California Nectarines, Red or Black Plums and Local Peaches ................................... $1.49 lb. Jumbo Cantaloupes ................................ $2.49 ea. Fresh Mangoes ......................................... 5/$5.00 Fresh Juicy Lemons .................................. 3/$2.00 Large Head California Iceberg Lettuce ....$1.49 ea. Grape Tomatoes ................................. pint 2/$3.00 Fresh Express Bagged Salads (Asst. Variety) ....................................................6-11 oz. 2/$5.00 Red, Yellow or Orange Peppers ............... $2.99 lb. Premium Slicing Tomatoes ...................... $1.49 lb. Jumbo Pennsylvania Sweet Onions ............ 99¢ lb.


Best Yet 1893 Swiss Cheese.................... $5.99 lb. Marble Longhorn Cheese ........................ $4.99 lb. Kunzler Black Forest Turkey Ham ........... $5.99 lb. Hatfield Cooked Salami ........................... $3.99 lb. Weiser's 8 pc. Rotisserie Chicken .......... $5.99 ea. Weiser's Fresh Made 8" Italian Sub........ $2.99 ea.

BAKERY 8" Single Layer Decorated Cakes ........... $6.59 ea. Iced Mini Cupcakes .............................. $3.69 doz. Pennant Cookies ................................... $2.49 doz. Steak & Hoagie Rolls ........................... $2.59 4 pk.

LUNCH on the PORCH! Sat., August 6th • 10AM-2PM

Pork BBQ Sandwich & Drink



Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - 17A

East Cocalico Lions Install New Officers Polka Mass Es Recently, Past District And Brass ernor Floyd Doner Pennsilfaanisch Gov and the East Cocalico Band Club installed their Deitsch Eck Lions A Polka Mass, led by officers for the Lionistic


C. Richard Beam 406 Spring Drive Millersville, PA 17551

Wann Baem uns saage kennde Russell W. Gilbert Wann Baem uns saage kennde, Was schun sie gsehne hen, Daed’s viel verschtennich mache, Net verschtanne im Gerenn. Wann Baem uns saage kennde, Was sie erfaahre hen ­ In Rinn vergratzt schtehn Naame. Zu oft gracht’s Watt “Verbrenn!” Wann Baem uns saage kennde, Was schun sie gheert hen ghat, Do waer dann ken Geheemnis. Gedanke macht em matt. Wann Baem nau schwetze kennde Un saage was waer waahr, Do misst mer brille, lache, Erfaahre waer ken Gfaahr. Wann kennt der Baam uns saage, Was er doch gsehne hett Im Paradeis mit Eva, Dann waer die Schlang ken Kett. *********************************************** If Trees Could Tell Us Stanza 1: “If trees could tell us what they have seen, the incomprehensible in life’s rush would seem sensible.” Stanza 5: “If the Tree could tell us what it had seen in Paradise with Eve, the snake would not be a chain.” Geheemis: secret / matt mache: to make one weak (feel faint) / Erfaahre waer…: to experience would not be dangerous. *********************************************** August 3, 2016 Yuscht en Bischli­Gnippli, uns saage kennde

year of 2016-2017. Lion Forest Trucker became the 73rd president of the club which was chartered in 1944 and is part of the largest International Service Organization in the world which is made up of over 1.4 million men and women covering 209 countries and geographic areas. Other officers that were installed were: Secretary Leo Maynard; Treasurer Carol Maynard; 1st Vice President John Danielson; 2nd Vice President Tim Hegeman; 3rd Vice President Paul Keller; Lion Tamers Dennis Ensinger and Barbara Noel; Tail Twisters Charlie Cutts and JamesOwen Cutts; Two Year Directors Bruce Carpenter and Sidni Schlegel; One Year Directors Ron Horning and Ray Wolf and Membership Chairperson Chuck Blattenberger. Pictured here is new Lion President Forest as he addresses the club as their president for the first

time. The members of the East Cocalico Lions Club are looking forward to the new Lionistic year and are excited to follow Lion Forest’s leadership during his term of office. If you are interested in

Rev. Glenn Beard, Jr. and the Heidelberg Brass Band, will be held at Bergstrasse Evangelical Lutheran Church, 9 Hahnstown Road, Ephrata, on Sunday, August 7 beginning at 9:30 a.m. This service is based on a mass developed by Father Frank Perkovich of Minnesota with music contributed by Pastor Edward Battiste of Ohio and Pastor Carl Witt, Jr. of Nevada. Dr. C. Jay Hertzog, a former member of the Band, arranged the musical parts for brass band and Lisa Beard wrote original lyrics for the “Lamb of God” and four hymns within the service: “God of Love,” “I Love to Go A’Wandering,” “Rise Up Disciples” and “Let Us Sing.” The present Mass was first performed on May 17, 2015 at Rev. Beard’s 25th ordination finding out more about anniversary at Trinity the East Cocalico Lions or Lutheran Church in New would like to join, please Holland. The public is invited to participate in this service. call 336-5311.

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18A - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

GOD IS FOR US! Background Scripture: Romans 8:28-39. Devotional Reading: Psalm 194. Most of us are accustomed to reading the Bible in just one translation. Then when we find a favorite quote in another translation, we are often surprised, shocked or even annoyed. But, when

we think about it, we need to realize that we frequently read the Bible as if we are reading it exactly as it was written. Jesus’ daily language was Aramaic, possibly in several local dialects. But we may assume that he also knew the scriptures in Hebrew and in daily life also used Greek and maybe even Latin. So, today we have many translations of the Old and New Testaments. And, although there are generally not huge differences in translations, there are enough differences so it is well to be aware of them and profit from them. In studying the books of the New Testament, I often refer to The Six Version Parallel New Testament in which I can

compare the renderings of the King James Version, Living Bible, Revised Standard Version, New English Bible, Phillips Modern Language and the Jerusalem Bible. Another source is The New Testament from 26 Translations, and the Holy Bible From Ancient Eastern Manuscripts by George M. Lamsa, a translation in English from Lamsa’s native Assyrian Aramaic that Jesus spoke. I also find helpful the 17 paperback commentaries on the New Testament books by William Barclay: The New Daily Study Bible, and commentaries on the various New Testament books. I cite all of this simply to demonstrate that there is more than one way to

translate a New Testament text. The differences may not be great, but often the meaning of the text becomes clearer from different translations. This is very apparent in a text for today’s lesson in which one translation expresses a crucial text more clearly – to me – than another. The text is Romans 8:28. The King James Version (KJV) renders it as: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.” ALL THINGS This verse has been the subject of many disagreements. So why might we profit from a different

translation? In the KJV the verse is stated as: “all things work together for good.” As it stands in the KJV, I would be troubled by that. It might be thought that sin, evil and resistance to God are all seen as “good.” But, if we try some other translations, we are freed of that supposition. For example, the Centenary version translates it as: “And we know that all things work together for them that love God.” The last four words make a substantial change in the sentence. The RSV goes a step further: “We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him.” Here it is the presence of God, not “things,” that work for good in those who love him (TCNT). So Paul

is not necessarily saying that all things (by themselves) work together for good, but that, with God, good can be experienced in all situations. There is another text that makes Romans 8 very special: “What then shall we say to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? (8:31, Phillips). The KJV is quite similar: “If God be for us, who can be against us?” What Paul is writing to the Romans is something we need to remember every day of our lives: “If God is for us, who can be against us.” In a day’s time there may be several people or entities standing against us, but if God is for us, we can see it through.


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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - 19A

MORE THAN CONQUERORS Paul goes on to buttress this question that is really an affirmation (8:31: “Since God did not spare even his own Son, but gave him up to benefit us all, we may be certain after such a gift that he will not refuse anything he can give. Could anyone accuse those whom God has chosen? When God acquits, could anyone condemn? Could Christ Jesus? No, He not only died for us — he rose from the dead, and at God’s right hand he stands and pleads for us” (8:32-34, Jerusalem Bible). There is a third major truth to be taken from Romans 8; write it on a card and carry it with you in any translation: “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, not things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (8:37,38, RSV). The love of God is the admonition, the anchor and the answer – for, unless we release it from ourselves, nothing or no one can take it from us. William James, the “Father of American psychology,” confessed, “Fear was so incisive and powerful that if

I had not clung to scripture texts like ‘The eternal God is my refuge,’ and ‘Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden,’ and ‘I am the resurrection and the life,’ I think I should really have gone insane.” Hard times are either a threat or an opportunity. They can be a threat to our morality and sanity, or they can be an opportunity for us to find the power of our internal resources. The choice is really ours to make. Actress Deborah Kerr was interviewed by a newspaper journalist, particularly about the making of the motion picture, Quo Vadis. She recalled a place in the film where lions rushed at her as she was tied to a stake in the Roman Colosseum. A reporter asked her, “Weren’t you afraid when the lions rushed at you?” “No,” she replied, “I am one of those actresses who read all of a script of a movie. I had read to the end of the script, and I knew that Robert Taylor would come and rescue me. I had read the script to the end.” As Christians, we have the opportunity to read to the end of the script and know we can overcome, because “God is for us!”

Births AKULOV, Ivan I. and Olesya (Dolberg), Ephrata, a son, at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital. BEATTY, Erik R. and Kristie (Young), Lititz, a daughter, at Women & Babies Hospital. BEILER, Levi S. and Becca Faye (Stoltzfus), New Holland, a daughter, at home. BESANCON, Andrew D. and Meagan (Bomberger), Lititz, a son, at Women & Babies Hospital. BOLANOS, William A. and Fatima Lainez Watkins, Leola, a daughter, at Women & Babies Hospital. BROBST, Kyle M. and Jennifer (Sumner), Ephrata, a son, at Women & Babies Hospital. COLON, Gregory L. and Tonia (Graybill), Terre Hill, a son, at Women & Babies Hospital. CONNOR, Anthony and Dan-Yale (Lloyd), Narvon, a son, at Women & Babies Hospital. ELLIOTT, Ryan P. and Christina (Spohn), Ephrata, a son, at Women & Babies Hospital. FIGGINS, Ryan M. and Rachel (Bich), New Holland, a son, at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital.

GARNER, Matthew E. and Victoria (Rohrer), Leola, a son, at Women & Babies Hospital. HOESCHELE, Greg and Brittany (Hiltz), Lititz, a daughter, at Women & Babies Hospital. KING, Benuel and Verna K. (Petersheim), Denver, a daughter, at home. KING, Leon and Anna, Leola, a son, at Heart of Lancaster Regional Medical Center. KING, Shane and Myrna (Stoltzfus), Ephrata, a son, at home. LEINBACH, Aaron M. and Eva W. (Brubaker), Narvon, a son, at home. LUCKENBILL, Daniel E. and Courtney (Williamson), Lititz, a daughter, at Women & Babies Hospital. MARTIN, Jourdan E. and Alyssa R., Manheim, a

son, at Heart of Lancaster Regional Medical Center. MARTIN, Jonathan L. and Gwenda (Lefever), Lititz, a daughter, at Women & Babies Hospital. MIGNEAULT, Lucas and Jaymie Gallup, Lititz, a son, at Heart of Lancaster Regional Medical Center. MILLER, Christine, Ephrata, and Donald E. Forsythe, Denver, a son, at Wellspan Ephrata Community Hospital. NORDALL, Robert and Jennifer (Babic), Lititz, a son, at Heart of Lancaster Regional Medical Center. OSTERLOF, Ryan and Samantha (Bixler), Ephrata, a son, at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital. PAGAN, Susanne, Ephrata, and Tyler J. Leh, New Holland, a daughter, at Women & Babies Hospital. PEIFLEY, Dylan and Aia, Leola, a son, at Heart of Lancaster Regional Medical Center. REIFF, John J. and Nancy

H. (Martin), Lititz, a son, at home. SENSENIG, Josh N. and Rebeca (Benitez Vidal), East Earl, a son, at Women & Babies Hospital. SHOFF, Jason A. and Vani (Scorvialita), New Holland, a daughter, at Women & Babies Hospital. SMUCKER, Benuel and Rosanne Smucker, East Earl, a son, at Birth Care & Family Health Services. STAUFFER, Noah and Esther, Ephrata, a daughter, at Heart of Lancaster Regional Medical Center. STOLTZFUS, John and Leah (Esh), Leola, a daughter, at home. WALKER, Nathaniel and Kaitlyn, Ephrata, a daughter, at Heart of Lancaster Regional Medical Center. WENGER, Christopher D. and Cassandra (McKie), Lititz, a daughter, at Women & Babies Hospital. ZIMMERMAN, Timothy and Louise (Hoover), East Earl, a son, at home.

4th Annual

Car Show Extravaganza

Happy Birthday TO YOU!

Watch for your friends’ names every week!

This service is free - all you need to do is provide the required information.

July 30

Darryl N. Leid, 4, son of Mervin and Wilma Leid, Ephrata.

August 3

Hayley Jade Hackman, 12, daughter of Jeremy and Kelly Hackman, Lebanon, granddaugther of Jim and Sandy Miller, Ephrata. Cheyenne Rose Martin, 4, daughter of Ervin and Carolyn Martin, New Holland.

August 6

Weston Scott Hoffert, 3, son of Bret and Amanada Hoffert, great-grandson of Gary and Diana Hoffert, Denver. Emma Jean Martin, 4, daughter of Timothy L. and Kristi L. Martin, New Holland.

August 7

August 4

Brody Scott Garman, 7, son of Kirby and Kelli Garman, Leola. Brendon Nolt Weaver, 7, son of Vernon and Julia Weaver, Ephrata.

August 5

Shannon Lee Zimmerman, 6, son of Erwin and Norma Zimmerman, Ephrata

Mason Scott Ward, 8, son of Gary and Jamie Ward, Denver. Savannah Faith Martin, 10, daughter of Gary and Jessica Martin, New Holland. Kayla S. Nolt, 9, daugther of Eugene and Elaine Nolt, East Earl.

August 8 August 9

Angie Z. Zimmerman, 9, daughter of Lester and Mary Jane Zimmerman, Ephrata.

1. In order to have your child’s name in the list of birthdays, simply complete the form below and mail to: THE SHOPPING NEWS, P.O. Box 456, 615 E. Main Street, Ephrata, PA 17522 or it may be dropped off at the office. 2. NO NAMES will be accepted over the phone. 3. This service is provided for local children and their parents. Exception: If grandparents are local and child is out of the area, then local grandparents’ names will also appear. 4. Limited to ages 1 through 12.

~ Cut Here ~


WO O D F O O D N E L Fruits & Produce, Groceries, S Bulk Foods, Meat & Cheese

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Praline Pecan Ice Cream .................. 1.75

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Birth Date __________________________________________________ Gender _____ (Month)



City ___________________________________________________________________ Phone__________________________________________________________________



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Child’s Name ________________________________________________ Age ________












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Local Grandparents’ Names, City, State (ONLY if child is out of the area): _______________________________________________________________________


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Colossal Crunch Cereal ................................14 Weight Watchers

Oat Clusters


Parent’s Name____________________________________________________________

Nacho or Original Bugles ............................ 14.5 oz.

Potatoes ......................... 5 Local



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20A - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

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St. John Center Lutheran Church again welcomes Just Friends and Potter’s Clay to Music in the Grove on Sunday evening, August 7 at 6:00 p.m. Just Friends is a local group that plays old-time country and gospel music. The members of Just Friends are Vera Kochel, Leon Gehman, Raymond Weidman and Theresa King. Just Friends will perform the first part of the program, followed by Potter’s Clay playing all gospel music for the second segment. The members of Potter’s Clay are Rick Kochel, Kevin Sensenig, Marlin Hartranft, Jerry and Brandon Parmer, and Lee and Vera Kochel. For the final set of the night, both groups will play and sing together. The program will be outdoors in the Grove, so bring your lawn chairs. In case of rain, the program will be indoors. St. John Center Lutheran Church is located along Route 625, a few miles south of Bowmansville at 599 Reading Road, East Earl. The Youth will have sandwiches and refreshments. A freewill offering will be received. Come and join them for a relaxing evening of music. Overflow parking is available on the vacant ground next to the cemetery.


Music In The Grove Program





of Lancaster County

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Wednesday, August 3, 2016 • Volume LI, No. 17

Yoga For Kids Program Held At Lititz Public Library


Thought for the Day: “Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward.” ~ Kurt Vonnegut


Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese

The Lititz Library recently hosted a six week Yoga For Kids program led by yoga instructor Denise Lorah. The program emphasized strength, flexibility, balance, confidence, self esteem, creativity, imagination, relaxation, self control, feeling of well-being, respect for others, inner strength and body awareness. Shown are a group of young girls as they learn a relaxation pose from instructor Lorah.

Cocalico School District Students Participate In Summer Band Program

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese The Cocalico School District held its annual summer band program from July 18 to July 21 at the Cocalico Middle School. This program was open to all students in the Cocalico School District in grades five through twelve. Approximately 90 students attended each of the four days of this summer camp. During each day, students worked on basic instrumental skills, small group sectional rehearsals, and large group band selections. In addition to the rehearsals, students performed a concert open to the public, which showcased the selections that the students worked on during the camp. Pieces that were rehearsed and performed included many different genres – from “Bring On Da Band” to the haunting “Shockwave” to the current movie hit “Ghostbusters.” This camp allows students the opportunity to keep up with the playing of their instruments over the summer months, the learning of new musical skills, a sampling of new music which may be featured in next year’s band programs, and most importantly, the joy of getting together and creating music! Based on the outstanding results of this year’s camp, the students of Cocalico should have an excellent school year to look forward to in the fall!

2B - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”


Bulletin Board The following is a listing of ongoing events. See our list of dated activities beginning on page 14A.)

FIRST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH – Meeting of the Cocalico Creek Wat­ ershed Association, 7:00 p.m. at the Cocalico Sports­ man Club Building on Sports­man Road, just north of Reinholds. SECOND MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH – Memory Loss Support Group meets from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the 3rd floor Conference Room at Lancaster General Health Suburban Outpatient Pavilion. For more info., call Shelby Swartley at 717-5443280. THIRD MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH – The Can­cer Support Group meets at the Ephrata Cancer Cen­ter,

460 North Reading Road, Ephrata. For more infor­ mation call WellSpan Eph­ rata Cancer Center at 717738-4070. THIRD MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH – TriCounty Scrollers meet from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Stevens Fire Hall. All Scrollers, lathe turners and decorative woodburning are welcome. For info call Char­ les Long, President, at 717733-1004. SECOND AND FOURTH MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH – Ephrata Cloister Toastmasters meet at the WellSpan Ephrata Hospital, 6:15 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-3360321. SECOND AND FOURTH MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH – East Cocalico Lions Club meeting held at Reamstown Fire Hall, 12 West Church Street, starting at 6:30 p.m. For info call 717-336-5311. EVERY TUESDAY - Eph­ rata Church of the Brethren, 201 Crescent Avenue, Eph­

rata, will hold Tuesday Morn­ ing Bible Study “Raw Faith,” from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. For more info., call Carol at 717-587-2202 or Cheryl at 717-721-4686. EVERY TUESDAY - Ak­ ron Church of the Brethren, 613 Main Street, Akron, will hold “Walking Down God’s Path” at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome. For more info., call 717-859-2156. EVERY TUESDAY – Al-

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Anon Family Group, 12 Step Program of Recovery, United Methodist Church, 120 West Main Street, New Holland, 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. EVERY TUESDAY – Al-Anon Family Group, 12 Step Program of Recovery, Heart of Lancaster Regional Medical Center, 1500 Highland Drive, Lititz, 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. EVERY OTHER TUES­ DAY – PATH will meet at


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! W O W $$$ 19 Cu. Ft. Stainless Freezer Bottom Refrigerator 20 Cu. Ft. Black Counter Depth Freezer Bottom Refrigerator 23 Cu. Ft. Stainless Side by Side Refrigerator 25 Cu. Ft. Stainless Freezer Bottom Refrigerator

MONTH – New Holland Lions Club meeting at Yoder’s Restaurant, New Holland, at 6:30 p.m. For more info or to get involved with the Lions Club, contact Les Prizer at 717-354-2748. SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH – The Lancaster County Chapter of the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance meets from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Zion’s Reformed United Church of Christ, 1356 Apple Street, Ephrata. For more info., call 717-925-6520. THIRD TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH (SEPT. THRU JUNE) - Willow Valley Genealogy Club holds monthly meetings from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Willow Valley Community, Willow Street. For more info., contact George Nettle­ ton at 717-397-0439. THIRD TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH - Loyal Christian Benefit Association (LCBA) Local Branch 1557 holds monthly meetings at 6:00 p.m. at the Udder Choice Restaurant. New members welcome. Bring a friend. THIRD TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH – PALS (Pregnancy After Loss Sup­

Approximately 175 truckloads. Will load your truck.


Refrigerators R fi t - Cl Closeouts t and dB Blemished

Ephrata Reformed Presby­ terian Church, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. For more information call Patty at 717682-9976. FIRST TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH – The Worship Center, 2384 New Holland Pike, Lancaster, is offering “Standing To­ gether” a cancer support group to those with cancer, their caregivers and cancer survivors, from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH – Bible Study Group at the Lititz Church of the Brethren, 300 West Orange Street, Lititz, at 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m., in classroom #218. All are invited to attend. SECOND TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH – Browns­ town Young At Heart Seniors meet at the Ephrata Diner at 11:30 a.m. There is a cost. All seniors are welcome. For more info., call Abe Shrom at 717-859-1091. SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY OF EVERY

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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - 3B

port Group) is open to anyone pregnant after a miscarriage, stillbirth or infant loss. Meets at the Lancaster General Health Campus, second floor Pain Center, 2100 Harrisburg Pike, Lancaster, 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. For more info., contact Share of Lancaster at 717-823-2789. LAST TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH (MAYDECEMBER) - Community Services Group will hold webinars, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. for those wanting to become an adoptive, foster, respite or permanency parent. For more info. or to register, call 877-907-7970. EVERY TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY – Pre-school

story time at 10:00 a.m. for children ages 2 to 6 at Adamstown Area Library, 3000 North Reading Road, Adamstown. EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY (JUNE 14 THRU SEPT. 6) - The War­ wick Ministerium will be providing lunches for the community from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Warwick Township Lions Park, 20 Twinbrook Road, Lititz, and Lititz Springs Park, 24 North Broad Street, Lititz. EVERY WEDNESDAY (DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR) - Bible Fellowship Church of Ephrata, located at the corner of Fulton Street and Diamond Station Road,

Ephrata, will hold Awana from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Awana provides fun time learning about the Bible, Jesus and God. EVERY WEDNESDAY - St. Luke’s United Church of Christ, 222 North Broad Street (Route 501-N), Lititz, serves a Free Lunch from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. All ages. For more info., call 717-626-7100. EVERY WEDNESDAY – Al-Anon Family Group, 12 Step Program of Recovery – Hope United Methodist Church, 3474 Rothsville Road, Ephrata, 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. EVERY WEDNESDAY

– Overeaters Anonymous meeting at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital, Cafe­ teria Conference Room, at 7:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-391-2950. EVERY WEDNESDAY – Gam-Anon Meeting every Wednesday evening, 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Ephrata Church of the Brethren, 201 Crescent Avenue, Ephrata. For more info., call Shirley at 717-413-6789. THIRD WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH – Historic Conservation Trust of the Ephrata Area will hold its monthly meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the meeting room of the Old Railroad Station in Ephrata. The public is

invited. Use the rear entrance of the building. THIRD WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH – Vietnam Veterans of Amer­ ica, Lancaster County, Chap­ ter 1008 meets at the Park City Community Room at 7:00 p.m. FOURTH WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH – Epilepsy Foundation Eastern Pennsylvania will host a support group meeting at Lancaster General Hospital in Stager Room 5 on Duke Street from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Meetings are free and open to the public. For more info. or to register, call Kerri Michnya at 1-800-887-7165 ext. 104.

FIRST AND THIRD WED­NESDAY OF EVERY MONTH – Lititz United Methodist Church in part­ nership with Bethany Chris­ tian Services invites you to The Adoptive Parents’ Group meeting at Lititz United Methodist Church, 201 East Market Street, Lititz, 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Adoptive families in all stages of the adoption journey are wel­ come. Free childcare is provided. For more info call Kelly Kirk-Wentzel at 717808-4138. EVERY THURSDAY Akron Grace Church, 101 North 7th Street, Akron, will hold Thursday Worship from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Continued On Page 12B)


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4B - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

Everybody’s Marketplace For Sale FOR SALE: Pinball machine. 717-940-0940.

FOR SALE: Pampered Chef Cash and Carry. Call 717-733-4369. FOR SALE: Custom built re-­ placement windows and doors. Professional installa-­ tion. Call Ronafa Window & Door, 717-733-7534 or visit our showroom at 400 W. Main St, Ephrata in the Eph-­ rata Business Complex. Thank You!

FOR SALE: Stun Guns, Pep-­ per Sprays, Key-Chain Self Defense items, Personal Alarms for children and adults and more. Robin’s This-N-That Shop, Green Dragon Market Building #1. robinsthisnthatshop@gmai l.com. Your safety is up to you, protect what matters most!

SALE: White Whirlpool FOR SALE: Flags, flag-­ FOR SALE: The best thera-­ FOR peutic massage ever! A quest microwave, $40; electric Auto/Truck poles, bunting, flag cases, of Balance, located in Akron self-clean oven, $150; dish-­ lapel pins, hats, garden is seeking people who want washer, $100; Amana 2010 fridge, $250, excel-­ flags, eagles, brackets, the benefits of a true profes-­ 22CF lent condition. Take all, FOR SALE: 2009 Subaru sional massage. Fourteen outback, 114K, auto, new etc. American Flag years experience and spe-­ $450. 770-823-3904. tires, gray, runs well, Shoppe, near Adamstown. cializing in Swedish, Neuro-­ FOR SALE: 30” Maytag glass $8,900. Call 717-733-9596. Our American flags are muscular, Connective Tissue top self clean stove; GE fridge SALE: 2004 Chevy Cav-­ made in America! 717- and craniosacral. Best value 20.7 cubic feet, almond, FOR around! 717-271-4538. $150 each or both for $250; alier, newly inspected, $2000 484-1183. laundry pure for automatic OBO. 717-656-6003.

FOR SALE: Beanie Babies and Teddy Bears, $1.00 to $10.00. 717-336-0711.

FOR SALE: Chicken pen for out back yard. 717-9400940.

FOR SALE: Concrete equip-­ ment, straight edges, steel forms, pins, bull floats, fin-­ ishing machines. 717-2784634.

FOR SALE: John Deere 555 track loader dozer with backhoe attachment, 2400 hours, very good condition, $12,500. 717278-8300.


FOR SALE: Approx. 3 cords of cut, split and seasoned hickory firewood, $500 for everything, you haul. Bow-­ mansville area, 717-5759152.

FOR SALE: Set of 16” alloy rims for Ford Focus, $150 for all four. 717-859-2936.

Part-Time Deli Help

FOR SALE: Swing set, $950. 717-940-0940.

Must be 18 years or older. Stop in and apply or apply online at ebysgeneralstore.com

FOR SALE: Generator, Troy-Bilt, 5,550 watts, $400. 717-575-6869.


FOR SALE: Gorilla tree stand, $40; Cabela’s tree stand, $35. Call 717-4842221.

FOR SALE: Chest freezer with light, 8 cu. ft, $100 OBO. 717-445-4147.

Martindale, PA 17549



FOR SALE: Air conditioner, Nano Max portable, 14,000 BTU, good condition, $175. 717-431-0626.

FOR SALE: Pickup trailer, 8’ long, 4’x2’ wide, tires are MSP215/75R14, has sides, $570. 717-354-9442.

FOR SALE: 2004 Trail Blaz-­ er, 4.3 motor, automatic FOR SALE: Office chairs, FOR SALE: Black refrigera-­ transmission, 271,000 miles, good condition, $25. 717- tor, 2 years old, moving must $500 OBO. 717-989-4407. sell, $150. 717-756-7412. 431-0626. FOR SALE: 2000 Escort coupe. $1,150. Ask for Rich-­ FOR SALE: 48”x26” LP gas FOR SALE: Used Amish car-­ ard Weaver, at 717-355griddle, ideal for cabin or re-­ riage, fiberglass box, wooden 9522. stuarant, good condition. wheels, gray interior, good Call 717-278-9565. FOR SALE: 2014 Buick En-­ front brakes, LED lights, core, 21,000 miles, gray, 1.7, stained dash, back shelf, $2,500. Ephrata. Please call, FOR SALE: Huge selec-­ 4-cyl, awd, leather, lots of op-­ tion of blemished freezers tions, $20,900 OBO. 717717-733-1766. 278-2301.

at Both Locations

Eby’s Store

washer, 9131.

and misc. closeout appli-­ ances. Many with full war-­ ranties. Free delivery. Fi-­ nancing available. Martin Appliance, 1717 West Main, Ephrata. 717-7337730.

FOR SALE: 2005 gray Toy-­ ota Camry LE, sunroof, new tires, recently inspected, many new parts, no issues, runs excellent, 157,000 miles, very reliable car, $3,500. Calvin, 717-6068931.


Five Ways To Place Your Classified Ads! By Phone 717-738-1151 Talk to customer service during business hours. Charge to your MasterCard, Visa or Discover. A phone charge of $1.00 per ad will be added to the price of each ad.


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FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000000-0000.

FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000000-0000.

FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000000-0000.

FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000-000-0000.

New Categories & Boxed Ads Now Available!

15 words or less, $6.75 per week. 25¢ each word over 15 words. COMMERCIAL RATE: $8.75 first 15 words + 25¢ each additional word.

Your Name _______________________________________________________


Phone Number_____________________________________________________

FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000000-0000. FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000-000-0000.

Boxes can be added at a rate of $2.00 per week.

Address __________________________________________________________ City _______________________________ State ______ Zip ______________

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Number Of Weeks To Run: ________

Run My Ad In:

Commercial businesses are defined as: Any person or group normally engaged in offering goods or services in a business environment and include: rentals, items manufactured or bought for sale or resale, babysitting services, business listings, multiple animal listings, multiple yard sales, etc.

CHECK ONE OF THESE CATEGORIES: � 100 � 105 � 110 � 115 � 120 � 125

FOR SALE Misc. For Sale Antiques Appliances Automobiles/Trucks Boats/Motors Computers/Office Equip.

� 130 � 135 � 140 � 145 � 150 � 155

Farm Equipment/Livestock Household/Furniture Lawn & Garden Machinery/Tools Motorcycles/ATVs Musical Items

� 160 � 165 � 170 � 175 � 180 � 185

Pets & Animals Produce/Edibles Real Estate/Mobile Homes Recreation/Sporting Goods RVs/Campers Seasonal

� 200 � 210 � 220 � 230

NOTICE Misc. Garage Sale Announcements Lost and Found

� 300 � 310 � 320 � 330

HELP OFFERED � 350 HELP WANTED Misc. � 360 BUSINESS Childcare/Babysitting OPPORTUNITIES Cleaning Services WANTED Home & Lawn � 400 Misc. � 410 To Buy

� 500 � 510 � 520 � 530 � 540

FOR RENT Misc Apartments Houses Mobile Homes Shared Living

� 600 FREE

Print ad text below, ONE WORD IN EVERY BLOCK. Each ad must start with one of these headings: FOR SALE; NOTICE; HELP OFFERED;

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50 Word Max.

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - 5B

FOR SALE: 1997 Pontiac Boneville, 126K, new inspection, $800. Randy, 717-305-8220. FOR SALE: 2005 Chevy Malibu, 71K, a/c, gray metallic paint, $6,500, 5/17 inspection. Call 717-733-3127. FOR SALE: 1991 Buick Century inspected new tires, 189K, $500 OBO. Leave message, 717-201-5857. FOR SALE: 95 S-10 2 door blazer, V6, auto PS, PB, PW, inspected, runs good, not the nicest looking, $1,400 OBO, as is. 717-627-3509. FOR SALE: 1998 Nissan Maxima, $1,300, 4/17 inspection, 3.0LV6, auto., 171K. See Craigslist ad or call after 6pm. 717-4318665.

FOR SALE: Tag, title transfers. Reasonable. 384 Reinholds Road. Hours vary, call for an appointment. 717371-5652.

FOR SALE: 5-pc. cherry bedroom suite, curio cabinet, rolltop desk and much more. Eddie’s, 127 Vinemont Road, Reinholds. 610-678-5368.

FOR SALE: 2004 Buick LaSabre, 45K, 1 owner, excellent condition, full car history, $5,395. 717-413-9821.

FOR SALE: Ethan Allen dark wood, stereo cabinet with Panasonic stereo. 54”Lx17”Wx28.5”H, top opens and front doors open. $75. 717-466-6332.


FOR SALE: Broyhill floral upholstered love seat, good condition, $75. Phone evenings, 717-445-6047.

FOR SALE: Outboard motor, eight HP Johnson, $400 OBO. Fifteen foot old town canoe, $250 OBO. 717-2039661.

FOR SALE: Claw foot oak extension table, great condition, $400 OBO. 717-3510861.

Farm/Livestock FOR SALE: Approx. 90’ fence wire, 10-8 ft. poles, 67 ft. poles, 1-4 ft. fence gate, $350 for all. Call 717733-8474.

Household/Furniture FOR SALE: Custom built replacement windows and doors. Professional installation. Call Ronafa Window & Door, 717-733-7534, or visit our showroom at 400 W. Main St, Ephrata in the Ephrata Business Center. Thank You!


Polymar is a local thermoplastic injection molding company seeking secondary/ assembly operators for a full-time position for the second shift. Duties include secondary operations to individual molded parts, inspection, light assembly & packaging. Candidates must be able to read and follow written instructions. The ideal candidate also must possess superior manual dexterity and be self-motivated. Apply in person at

POLYMAR 1 Lark Ave. Leola, PA 17540

Tel.: (717) 656-2166

Lawn & Garden FOR SALE: John Deere LX 173 lawn tractor with 44” rear discharge deck, also included 42” snow blade, chains, 3 mulching blades with spike lawn aerator, $1,150 negotiable. 717575-6869. FOR SALE: JD JA65 self propelled mower with bagger, $185. 717-445-4464.

FOR SALE: Patio set: 4 chairs (very comfortable), lounge chair, large table and chair pads which are 2 years old, $100; 4 year old gas grill, used very little, $30, 717-575-6869.

FOR SALE: Local organic sweet corn, available now. Call 717-725-1044. FOR SALE: Wheel Horse 14HP hydro trans. and lift, 42”, rear discharge, deck completely restored, everything new, $2,100. Call 717-335-2082. FOR SALE: Troy Bilt garden tiller, electric start, works good, $1,000. 717-454-8189 leave message. FOR SALE: Electric weed wacker and electric hedge trimmer with 100’ extension cord, $25; aluminum 22’ extension ladder, $100; aluminum 6’ folding step ladder, $20; several 25’ and 50’ extension cords cheap. 717-575-6869.

Machinery/Tools FOR SALE: Delta 2-speed heavy duty wood shaper, 3HP 230V, 1 ph with spindles, spindle guards, sliding jig, good condition, $1,200OBO. 717-656-6749.

Motorcycles/ATV’s FOR SALE: Red 2000 Suzuki GZ250 in very good condition with current inspection and recent service. Odometer is at 12,134 miles. $1,200. Scott at 717-466-8720. Say you saw it in The Shopping News!

FOR SALE: 2002 Honda CBR F4I, 600 CC, red/ black, 14,985 miles, new battery, almost new tires, good condition, $3,700 OBO. 717-715-2553.

Pets & Animals FOR SALE: White male Bichon, 16 weeks old, shots, wormed, ACA registered and vet checked, comes with a health guarantee, family raised around children and other pets, this puppy will make a great pet! Asking $450. 717-298-0287. FOR SALE: AKC Beagle. 5 years old. Needs good home. $50. Text or call 717799-3008.

Brickerville House Family Restaurant


Weekday AM

Dishwashers & Servers FT & PT Weekends a Must Apply within:

PACE Afterschool Program is seeking a qualified, caring individual to work with our school age program. This year-round, part-time position is approx. 25-30 hours/week. Must have 2 years documented experience working with children or 2 years of education college credits.

2 E. 28th Division Highway Lititz


PT Direct Care Aide

PACE is an equal opportunity employer.

Will train.

If interested call Renee at 733-7223 or email resume to

Apply within.


HIRING PT Truck Washers

2015 N. Reading Road, Denver, PA 17517 EOE

No experience necessary. Must be 18 years old. NEW APPLICANTS ONLY Interested applicants please call

FilterShine Northeast

Full-time position available. You will be trained for a crew leader position to clean commercial kitchen exhaust systems. Work week is 38-44 hours, mostly 3rd shift, Mon.-Thurs. Successful applicants must be teamwork oriented, have a valid Driver’s License and be reasonably fit with good health. Job requires lifting more than 50 lbs. and use of extension ladders. Good salary.

Call 1-800-540-4251 x202

Temporary Warehouse Workers Ten Thousand Villages seeks temp Warehouse Workers at our Brownstown warehouse. Must be 16 or older to apply. To request an application, email: careers@tenthousandvillages.com

Risser’s Poultry, Inc. 717-626-5466

email resume to: hr@martinsflooring.com See website for details: www.martinsflooring.com Full-time positions available. CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT - Must be a state-certified nursing assistant. ACTIVITIES ASSISTANT - CNA - Must be a state-certified nursing assistant. Experience coordinating activities for seniors is a plus. We offer great pay and benefits in a team-oriented environment. Lee_Dalessandro@LCCA.com LifeCareCareers.com Eq ual Op portunity Employer

Are You Tired of Not Getting Paid for Your Time? We Are Looking for

Exp. Class A Drivers


Welders, Painters, CDL Drivers, Production Associates, Maintenance Mechanics, Material Handlers

$10-$22/Hr. Direct Hire Hiring for Denver, Ephrata, Morgantown Locations • Bring 2 Valid Forms of ID - On the Spot Interviews


Wed., Aug. 3 - 9am-2pm At the Comfort Inn in Denver

Who Value Safety and Are Looking for a Place to Call Home. Successful Candidates with 3 yrs. of Class A Exp. and Clean Driving Record Will Be Provided with HOURLY PAY WITH OVERTIME AFTER 8 HOURS Assigned, Well Maintained Equipment Complete Benefit Package Sign-on Bonus after 90 days And Be Home Most Nights & Weekends

For more information and to apply, visit www.summerstrucking.com or call Steve at: (717) 733-6556

1 Denver Rd. Rd., Denver, PA 17517 348 N. Reading Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522

(717) 336-5959

Commercial Scheduling Supervisor

Between 8am-5pm

Your Time Is Of Value www.morgancorp.com

Career Opportunity

40 Garden Spot Rd., Ephrata, PA E.O.E.



In business since 1962, we build equipment that delivers well-engineered, reliable solutions for all types of transportation challenges. We are looking for dependable and dedicated people to join our 1st & 3rd shift teams who like to make cool, quality products in an environment where you can learn, grow, and thrive.

Welders Layout, fit and weld fabricated, cast and forged components to assemble products. Must be proficient MIG welder with print reading and layout skills. Tig/aluminum experience a plus. Able to lift up to 50 lbs.

Punch Press Operator Operate a punch press in a safe and efficient manner. Able to check parts produced according to router and identify parts that are out of tolerance. Operator will learn to set up a variety of equipment as they build metalworking skills. You will use your experience to fabricate parts running brake presses, shears, mills, punches and other metal forming equipment. Fabricating knowledge and machine set-up a plus. Able to lift up to 50 pounds. Tow motor experience a plus.

Painters WIll perform required prep work and spray surfaces of heavy steel and casting fabrications with protective prime and top coat paints per customer requirements. Previous industrial painting experience and the ability to perform moderate to heavy lifting required. We offer competitive wages, medical, dental, vision, life insurance, 401(k) with company match, profit sharing, paid holidays and vacations. Apply to: MGS, Inc. 178 Muddy Creek Church Road Denver, PA 17517 jobs@mgsmail.com www.mgsincorporated.com

6B - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” FOR SALE: ACA registered Cavalier King Charles, 5-year old male, very loveable and friendly. $400. 717-9172032. FREE: Tiger striped kittens, one “Hemingway” male, one female, eleven weeks old. Text or call 610-441-5152. FOR SALE: Siberian Husky pups, AKC, farm raised, vet checked, shots, S/W, males $595, females $795. 717634-8179. FOR SALE: Choose yours now! Purebred Lab puppies. Vet checked, ready 7/30, $750. Call 717-989-1224.

Produce/Edibles FOR SALE: Canning tomatoes $2.50 per basket. Bring containers. 300 Conestoga Creek Rd., Ephrata 717-7332764.

FOR SALE: 2001 mobile home, 3BR, 2BA, recent major upgrades, beautiful park, surrounded by farms, location, location, location. $39,000, motivated seller. 717-355-9331.

Real Estate FOR SALE: Remodeled semi-attached home, 702 N. 6th Street, Denver. Florida room, laundry room, kitchen, dining room, living room, 3 bedrooms, 1-1/ 2 baths, full attic, unfinished basement, 2 detached garages. $159,000. Call 717-949-4068 for an appointment.

RV’s & Campers

FOR SALE: 1995 Liberty mobile home, 3 BR, 1.5 baths, upgrades done inside and the outside of the home. Located in country setting. Call for more info., $17,000. 717-201-6887. FOR SALE: Property 3 bay garage, house and 2 rental units, $435,000 neg., in Akron. 717-733-0530.


Polymar is a local thermoplastic injection molding company seeking a receiving warehouse worker. Qualifications & duties include: Managing inventory of raw materials, receiving of items & preparation of UPS shipments, basic computer skills including a working knowledge of Microsoft Excel, good communication skills & the ability to work independently, minimum of three years forklift experience & the ability to drive a standard transmission. Non-CDL box truck. Apply in person at

Drivers Wanted!

For more information, call 800-544-5181 or check us out online at www.erbgroup.com. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer

POLYMAR 1 Lark Ave. Leola, PA 17540


Tel.: (717) 656-2166 E.O.E.


Part-time positions available.

RN | LPN 11 p.m.-7 a.m. position available to a state-licensed nurse. Unit Clerk

Evening position available and every other weekend. Previous experience in longterm care is required. Must have medical terminology background.

Hickory House NursiNg Home

Lee_Dalessandro@lcca.com | LifeCareCareers.com E q u a l Op p o r t u n i t y E m p l o y e r




Sales Associate & Deli Clerk FT & PT

Weekends a must. Apply Within.

2 E. 28th Division Highway, Lititz (at the intersection of 501 & 322 behind Brickerville Family Restaurant)

Bus Cleaning Positions

Welders � Painters Quality Inspectors � CDL Drivers � Maintenance Mechanic

New Holland Area

• Material Handlers • Order Selectors - $11/hr.

Mt. Joy Area

Direct Hire • $22/hr. DOE

• Envelope Stuffers • Sanitation • Production

Skilled • Mechanics (HVAC/Electrical) • CNC Machinist - $19/hr. • Machine Operators/

Hospitality Work Area’s Top Events!!

• Banquet Servers/ Kitchen Help • Hi Lo Crown lift Operators *Training Provided Clerical • Kitchen Cooks/Food Prep • Call Center Representatives, PT/FT • Dishwashers • Office Assistant/Bilingual • Bussers • Chat Room Representative

Direct Hire


(717) 336-5959


(717) 945-6601


(717) 272-4243


FOR SALE: Camper 18’ Sunline 1981, $400. 717-2784634.

NOTICE: Custom built replacement windows and doors. Professional installation. Call Ronafa Window & Door, 717-733-7534, or visit our showroom at 400 W. Main St, Ephrata in the Ephrata Business Center. Thank You!

FOR SALE: 29ft. Coachman fifth wheel. 12ft. slideout. Sleeps 6, rear bunks, 20-ft. awning, AC, Satellite dish, aluminum framing, abundant storage, clean. $13,500. 484-889-7416. Denver, PA.

Garage Sale NOTICE: Garage Sale, Saturday, August 6, 8 until tired. Canning jars, pressure cooker, Longaberger baskets, Christmas, DVDs, much more household stuff. At 213 South Ninth Street, Akron.

Domino’s Pizza in Ephrata Is Looking For Qualified Delivery Drivers Earn $10-$12/Hour With Tips

To drive for Domino’s Pizza, you must be at least 18 years of age, have a valid driver’s license and a good driving record.

Hours Available: Part time Apply at the

Cloister Shopping Center Store


Help Wanted

PT WAITRESS Evenings & Weekends

Bright’s Restaurant

Your Independent Restaurant for over 45 Years

Bus Washer (Exterior) Every other weekend. Fri. & Sat. nights. Hours vary. Shifts begin approximately 6pm and occasionally last until 3am-4am. Must be able to yard jockey buses - experience driving large vehicles preferred. Apply in Person

1025 S. State Street & Rt. 272, Ephrata

Interior Bus Cleaner Every other weekend. Fri. & Sat. nights. Hours vary. Shifts begin approximately 6pm and occasionally last until 3am-4am. Apply in Person

Full Time Positions Available Excellent Benefits Offered On the Spot Interviews - Apply Today!


Luther Acres invites you to join our team!


To apply - visit our website for an online application:


Health/dental insurance available! Enjoy paid time off and free access to our fitness center and pool! And Much More!

1685 West Main St., Ephrata | 717.733.7710, ext. 118

EOE/Drug & Tobacco Free Workplace/www.luthercare.org


• Pickers/Packers - $12/hr.

NOTICE: We accept brush, trimmings, grass clippings, trees and stumps for a small fee. Call Martin Mulch for information. 717-7331602.

Apply in Person

Medical/Gen. Assemblers � Injection Molder Maintenance Mechanic – $20/hr. PT Bookkeeper � Quality Control


FOR SALE: 2002 36 foot Chateau camper, queen size bed, full bath, living room, full kitchen. 2016 site fee included, $7,500 negotiable. 717-371-7932.

FOR SALE: 1993 26’ Sunline Solaris travel trailer, sleeps 6, needs some work. $2,000 OBO. Call after 6pm, 717-354-5638.

Erb Transport is one of the largest, family-run refrigerated trucking companies in Ontario, and we have a terminal in Elverson, PA. While we are a Canadian carrier, there are driving positions available that do not require the drivers to cross the border. Applicants must be 21, have a class A CDL, and have a clean background check and driving record. Erb offers top industry wages and an excellent benefit package.



FOR SALE: 2007 Freedom pop-up trailer, good condition, $4,000 or best offer. 717-859-1486.

FOR SALE: 1998 Coachman RV, $13,000. Call 717-9400940.

Get FAA approved maintenance training at campuses coast to coast. Job placement assistance. Financial Aid for qualifying students. Military friendly. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance

NOTICE: Will do driving for Amish and other people between 8am-3pm. Also, tools for sale. Call 717-203-3912. NOTICE: Join us for a fall foliage bus tour to Maine, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, Sept. 27 to Oct. 8, 2016. Call for itinerary. 717738-4870.

FOR SALE: 2008 36’ Coachman motorhome. Full wall slide, 22,000 miles, full paint, located in Intercourse. Call 863-604-5488.




Teachers, College Students, School Bus Drivers, School Employees Need Extra $$$ This Summer Hiring for all hours. Training Provided. Apply Now.

Call Today 717-738-0588 or apply online at www.seniorhelpers.com/lancastercounty *Must have driver’s license and reliable car*

Career Opportunities • Flooring Installers • Carpet Cleaning Technician (experienced or will train)

Apply online or in person: 608 Dwight Road, Denver PA 17517 www.martinsflooring.com

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - 7B NOTICE: 35 Family Com-­ munity Yard Sale, Saturday, August 6th, 7-noon. Early birds are welcome. Crafts and baked goods. Hosanna! A Fellowship of Christians, 29 Green Acre Road, Lititz.

Crossroads Community Fellowship corner of Newport & Clay Roads in Lititz

Saturday, August 6 • 7:00 am-12:00 noon with many NEW stand holders

Household Items, Clothes, Baby, DVDs, Vintage

Something for everyone! Food is available to purchase.

Sneakers the Clown will do balloons from 9:00 am - 11:00 am

NOTICE: Yard Sale, 8/5, 5:30PM, 8/6, 7AM-? Nice stuff, household, clothes. The Willows in New Holland. 421 East Conestoga Street.

NOTICE: Huge Benefit Garage Sale and Food Sale. Saturday August 6. 8am-1pm. Lots of items: household goods, clothes all siz-­ es, games, glassware, many miscellaneous items. Bergstrasse Lu-­ theran Church on Hahnstown Road, Eph-­ rata. Sale is inside.

Full Time Driver/Laborer

NOTICE: Yard Sale, Fri, 8/5. Household, clothing, crafting supplies, Cricut, cartridges, stamps, old windows, much more. 965 E Main St, New Holland.

Jack Rd, Narvon.

NOTICE: Book Sale, rain or shine, August 6th, NOTICE: Moving Large 7AM-3PM (1PM-3PM 25% Sale, Friday and Saturday, off with some exceptions). 7AM-Noon. Household At Ephrata Mennonite items, tools, photography School, 598 Stevens props, toys. Something NOTICE: Garage Sale, Au-­ Road, Ephrata. Thou-­for everyone! 108 West-­ gust 4/5/6, rain/shine, 7AM-2PM. Children and NOTICE: Yard Sale, Sat-­ sands of quality used view Drive, Akron. adult clothing, scrubs, urday, August 6, 7am. books! punch bowl, cedar chest, Craft NOTICE: Moving Sale, Fri-­ supplies, toys, rocking chair, corner cabinet, NOTICE: Yard Sale, August clothes, household, large 5/6, 6am. Furniture, cloth-­ day and Saturday, 8/5 & 8/ books, toys, craft and much more. 517 West Lincoln Ave-­ upright, freezer, 28’ in-­ ing, books, and misc. 17 Gar-­ 6, 7am to 2pm. At 230 nue, Lititz. Beech Street, Denver. dustrial alum. ext. ladder, field Dr, Ephrata. and much much more at NOTICE: Yard Sale every Sat-­ urday in August 7-? House-­ 25 South Ninth St, Akron.

NOTICE: Downsizing/Mov-­ NOTICE: Yard Sale 8/6 8Futon, TV, VCR, mow-­ ing Sale, Saturday, Au-­ 1pm. ers, car ramps, desk, bed gust 6, 7am-12. Rain or frame, sewing machine, hold items, books, freebies shine. Antiques, collect-­ clothing, National Geo-­ View all classified ads Avon, much more. and more. Priced low to go! online at ibles, crafts, decorative, graphics, 38 N. 9th St. Akron. Rain/ 272 Mason Drive, Ephrata. www.snews.com! household, Christmas, Shine. tools, clothing, books, fur-­ NOTICE: Yard/Porch Sale, niture & much more. 230 Friday/Saturday, August 5 Woodchuck Drive, Ephra-­ & 6, 7AM-? Hundreds new Must have valid Pa. driver’s license & clean discounted school supplies, ta. most $2.00 or less. Chil-­ dren’s books, toys, pet items, Christmas decora-­ tions, girls 24mo.-3T cloth-­ ing, miscellaneous. Quality merchandise. 431 Walnut Street, Denver.

Huge Multi-Family NOTICE: Yard Sale. Mas-­ NOTICE: Yard Sale, 8/6. Racks of boys sive Sale of everything & girls clothing all sizes, and anything from years books, shoes, household, equipment, fabric from of accumulation. Thurs-­baby Ada, 12” miter saw great con-­ day, 8/4, Friday, Saturday, dition, solid brass gold plated 8/6. 205 N. Reamstown bath tub accessories, fresh doughnuts from M & A Sweet Road, Denver. Treats, iced coffee. 110 Boot

driving record. CDL a plus but not required. Must be self-motivated & prompt. Ag. background preferred.

Call Jason at

WANTED: PART-TIME DRIVER Part-time Driver needed. Flexible hours, 12-20 hours a week. Must be reliable, motivated, flexible, and have a clean driving record. Send Resume or Apply in Person To:

WEST SIDE RADIATOR 1107 North Reading Road P.O. Box 129 Denver, PA 17517 NO PHONE CALLS

Blue Ridge Silo LLC



Person to wash and/or detail trucks and equipment several evenings a week and some Saturdays. Flexible hours. Must be at least 17 years old.

To apply email info@martintreeservice.com or call 717-354-5939

Shady Maple has the following employment opportunities available in the following departments.

Now Accepting Applications For

Line Cooks

>> Apply Online - Hiring Code 101 www.myapplebeesjob.com


Local trash and recycle company seeking Roll Off Drivers. Normal work week Monday through Friday. Requirement: Must be 21 years of age. Air Brake endorsement. Position offers a competitive salary and a full benefits package. Eagle Disposal, HR

AM Line Cook • Deli Associate AM Meat Wrapper Experienced Cake Decorator Produce Prep Kitchen PM Cashier/Bagger • PM Busser/Dishwasher Various ous weekend only positions positions.

Applications available at www.oregondairy.com or in person at 2900 Oregon Pike, Lititz, PA 17543 No phone calls.

Looking for a Rewarding Career? Now Hiring Caregivers for all hours. We offer: • Competitive hourly wage • Flexible hours & clients within 30 minutes of your home • Workers Compensation & liability insurance • 401K retirement plan • Continuing education/training programs •Paid Senior Gems & Parkinson’s Care Training Program • Recognition and Reward Program Call Today 717-738-0588 or apply online at www.seniorhelpers.com/lancastercounty *Must have driver’s license and reliable car*

• AM-PM Assistant Teachers (20-30 hours a week) - Must have 2 years experience working with children. Year-round employment. • PT PM Cleaning Staff (15-20 hours a week) - Year-round employment.

Please mail your resume or call today!

Cocalico Care Center


PO Box 37 • Denver, PA 717-336-4007 EOE/Keystone Star 4 Center

Gift Shop

Cashier -

Full Time & Part Time

Dutchette Grill - Part Time Cook - Part Time

Farm Market

Housekeeper - Full Time Donut Production

Bakery Retail Cake Decorator - Part Time Maintenance/Grounds Keeper - Part Time

TEACHERS • FT School Age Teacher (40 hours a week) - Must have a degree in Elementary Education or a related field. Year-round employment.

Flexible Schedule (Work Events)

Banquet Setup & Catering Supervisor - Full Time

Full Time Night Shift Part Time Thursday & Friday 7am-6pm


• Preschool Lead Teacher (40 hours a week) - Must have degree in Early Childhood Education or related field. Year-round employment.

Dining Room Supervisor - Full Time Dish Room Supervisor - Full Time Janitorial Supervisor - Full Time Customer Service - Full Time Cook - Full Time Fryer/Broaster Cook - Full Time Salad Bar - Full Time Hostess/Cashier - Full Time Busser - Full Time

Catering & Banquets

Send resume or apply in person. 1245 Eagles Way, P.O. Box 288, East Earl, PA 17519


w/Seasonal Full Time

CARPENTERS: Landmark Homes is hiring carpenters for residential construction. No experience required. Full-time with benefits. Please apply in person at

1737 W. Main St., Ephrata, PA 17522 or by forwarding resume to hr@ownalandmark.com No phone calls please.

Soup & Salad Clerk - Part Time Dairy Stocker - Full Time Cashier - Full Time Stocker - Full Time 3rd Shift

Maple Leaf Café Grill - Part Time Cook - Part Time Floater - Part Time

Interested candidates may apply at:

Shady Maple

Route 23, East Earl, PA 17519 www.shady-maple.com

Shady Maple offers excellent benefits; health/dental/vision, 401K/matching contribution, paid vacations, holidays, employee discounts.

8B - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” NOTICE: Multi-Family Gar-­ age Sale, 8/5, 8/6, 7amnoon. Early birds welcome. Simplicity chipper, shred-­ der, bicycle for 2, uncut sports sheets, Winross trucks, children’s clothes and toys, vintage metal chairs, 200 hardback books, comic books, Tiny Tykes police car and much more. Charity Gardens, Ephrata, Hoover Drive.

NOTICE: Garman’s Book Sale! August 6, 73. Thousands of books. School, children’s, re-­ ligious, history, local, collectible, more. Re-­ freshments. Ephrata Mennonite School. 598 Stevens Road, Ephrata.

NOTICE: Yard Sale, Aug. 6, 7am-1pm. Wicker furniture set, Harley Davidson clothes and items, 31 bags, tools, outside ornaments, and much more. Rain date Aug. 13. 213 Locust St, New Hol-­ land.

Read your ad the first week it appears! This publication will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement.

We’re Hiring Machine Operators in Denver, PA!


Staff Management at Kalas has Immediate Openings for Machine Operators Full-Time 3rd Shift!

• Prior Experience Preferred • Paid Training • Weekly Paychecks Apply Online at: http://apply.smjobs.com Job Code: 410S


Certified and Non-Certified Needed in Lititz FT, PT, and Pool open now at a great facility to work in! If you are genuinely interested in making resident lives meaningful every day, are interested in a competitive salary and rich, flexible benefit options, we want to meet you. Exp. Pref’d, but will train the right candidates! Visit us at uzrc.org for more information. *Ask for details. EOE

CALL: (717) 335-4468 EOE

Where love & care walk hand in hand.

NOTICE: Multi-Family Gar-­ age Sale, 8/5, 8/6, 7:30AMNoon. Ping Pong table, young men’s AE and women’s clothes, guinea pig cage, skateboard ramps and grin-­ drail, fooseball/pool table, girls 4T clothing, infant tub and bouncy seat, household items. Lantern Circle, Roths-­ ville.

Help Offered HELP OFFERED: Debs Dog Grooming, I worked for Dean/Lisa Martin for 16 years. Now on my own. If you’d like to continue or try my services please call 717-917-1851.

Apply: 222 Dutch Lanes, Inc. 4311 Oregon Pike, Ephrata


Customer Service Rep.

Receives and processes calls from customers in a growing disposal/recycle company. Must have excellent verbal, written and computer skills. Full time position with a competitive wage and benefit package. Please send resume or complete application in person at Eagle Disposal 1245 Eagles Way, East Earl, PA 17519

HELP OFFERED: LPN with 30 plus years experience will take care of your loved ones in your home. 717-2057701.

HELP WANTED Multiple part-time janitorial positions available throughout Lancaster. Flexible shifts starting at 6PM for 8 to 20 hours per week. 3 days per week or 5-6 days per week, depending on where you live. Areas include New Holland to Bridgeport. Requires commercial janitorial experience, own vehicle, light travel, background and reference checks. Please leave DETAILED message to receive phone interview.


HELP OFFERED: Handy man services including: electrical, light plumbing, light carpentry, car recon, painting, odd jobs. Reno-­ vations. Call Roger at 717419-1628.

Calvary Fellowship Homes, a retirement community in Lancaster, has immediate openings for custodians: full time (40 hrs./wk) 3pm-11:30pm and every 3rd weekend, and part time (24 hrs./wk) 3pm-11:30pm Fri., Sat., Sun. Must have 2+ years’ custodial experience incl. floorcare. Stop by Calvary: 502 Elizabeth Drive, Lancaster for an application, or call 717-393-0711 EOE

Sodexo – A global leader in facilities and food service management is accepting resumes for the following positions at a Corporate Headquarters building outside of Mohnton, PA. • Grill Cook Breakfast/Lunch (Very Fast Paced Position) • Lead Utility • General Café Attendant • Deli Attendant All positions are FT with benefits available after 90 days. No nights, weekends, or major holidays. Culinary Degree and/or 2+ years STRONG foodservice experience required – preferably with a contract management company. Please submit a professional resume to corporatecaferdg@hotmail.com along with salary requirements. Your experience drives wages. Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action (EEO/AA) Employer

HELP OFFERED: Experi-­ enced baby sitter in Denver, year round available. Maria, 717-669-9313.

Cleaning Services

717-847-6420, 7465.


cal handyman, 45 years HELP OFFERED: Homes experience. Minor repairs and offices 28 years ex-­ professional and painting. No job too perience small. All work guaran-­ cleaning, references avail-­ teed. Free estimates. Call able, dependable. 717627-7709, 717-203-6886. 717-465-8249.

HELP OFFERED: Groff HELP OFFERED: Painting. Clean, quality Schmuck’s Painting. Pow-­ work. Call today for a free erwashing. Free estimates, estimate. PA118129, Eph-­ reasonable rates. Estab-­ lished 1980. 717-625-1102. rata, 717-466-6382.

HELP OFFERED: Will clean residential and commercial, monthly, weekly, bi-weekly, 20 years experience, refer-­ ences, reliable. Call for esti-­ mate. Call Terry, home 717721-9046, cell 717-9891946.

Eastern Lancaster County School District New Holland, PA 17557

Food Service Manager Full-Time

Anticipated Shift: 7:00am-2:00pm Qualifications: • Food Service Experience Required • ServSafe Certification Preferred • Hourly Range: $13.96-$17.25 • Additional Requirements: www.elanco.org Please send support staff application, letter of interest & resume to:



HELP OFFERED: Experi-­ enced electrician and han-­ dyman services, licensed and insured. Free esti-­HELP OFFERED: Spring mates. Call Jim, 717-445- cleaning, monthly, weekly, HELP OFFERED: Yard work, 9395. bi-weekly. Hard worker, ref-­ house cleaning, cooking, erences, trustworthy, reli-­ shopping, pet care. Seven-­ able. Low rates. Call 717teen years experience. Refer-­ HELP OFFERED: Power 733-5124 or 717-271-1220, ences available. Free esti-­ washing mobile homes Tammy. mates. 717-413-3127. (spring special), $90. Lo-­

HELP OFFERED: Base-­HELP OFFERED: Mature ments, Bathrooms, Cabinet Christian woman will give Installs, Demo, Decks, Framing, Kitchens and tender, loving care while More. David J. Rightnour pampering your beloved Construction Services, pet when you’re away. PA023015. 717-371-0247.

Mechanic’s Helper Part-time & Full-time positions in the Mechanic/General Maintenance departments. Some General machine experience is required. Must be at least 19 years old to apply. Must be able & willing to work evenings, e/o weekend, some holidays.

HELP OFFERED: Cory’s Handyman Service is looking to fix those things around the house in need of repair, so you don’t have to. No job too small. So call, 717-7230277. Reasonable rates/in-­ sured. PA#103368.

Human Resources ELANCO District Office 669 East Main Street, New Holland, PA 17557

Inquiries for the above position will close August 10, 2016 or until successful candidate is selected.



Calvary Fellowship Homes, a beautiful retirement community in Lancaster known for quality resident care and excellent staffing, is seeking PT LPN’s in skilled nursing and personal care: all shifts available, flexible hours. We offer a team environment, competitive salary and shift diffs. For info, call 393-0711 or send resume to cbazzel@ calvaryhomes.org EOE

yons Hohl L Site Contractors & Paving Lyons & Hohl Paving is seeking:

• Experienced CDL-A Drivers • Experienced Lowboy Drivers

If you are an ambitious, hardworking individual looking for a great place to work, apply in person from 8am-4pm at

We offer competitive wages and benefits including med/dental/401K/profit sharing plan/paid vacation & holidays.

1315 Sheephill Road East Earl, PA 717-355-9219

An Equal Opportunity Employer

Manufacturer of Outdoor Living, Lawn & Garden, and Pest & Animal Control

NOW HIRING DUE TO EXPANSION Customer Service Call Center Representatives $12.50 or more/hour based on experience Additional Benefits • Performance Bonus • Health, dental, vision, paid vacation and holidays • 401k w/company match and profit share

Apply Online: www.woodstream.com/careers or stop by 69 N. Locust Street Lititz from 9am-4pm

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - 9B

HELP OFFERED: A-Clean Hometown Services. Your full service cleaning com-­ pany. Homes and offices. Move-ins, move-outs. Regular service or emer-­ gency cleanings. Call 717336-4854.

Neighborhood Children Planned Food Drive

Children from a local neighborhood recently dis­ tributed papers around their development, inviting neighbors to place canned goods and non-perishables on their porch as a donation for Ephrata Area Social Services. On the morning Thursday, July 7, the Home & Lawn Care on children walked around the neighborhood, with adults, and HELP OFFERED: Pressure supervising washing, free estimates will collected a large assortment match or beat and reason-­ of food to stock the shelves able offer. 717-626-2812 or of Ephrata Area Social 717-681-7398. Services. HELP OFFERED: 10% prun-­ The neighbors responded ing/trimming and any so positively that the children hardscaope (paver patios, paver side walkds and re-­ are planning another food taining walls). Free esti-­ drive in August. mates. ZJ’s Estate Mainte-­ Shown in the photo, from nance, 717-381-5055, visit left to right, are (seated) l a n d s c a p i n g l a n c a s t e r -­ Caleb Byrom, Gavin For­ Ram­ier­ez, Madelynn Sna­ Forney, Josh Byrom, Emma Rocco Strazza and Carter pa.com. ney; (standing) Esteban der, Sydney Texter, Jarrett Byrom, Emma Snader, Allen. HELP OFFERED: Joe’s Lawn Mowing Service. Need help in that yard? No time, no energy, just don’t like yard work? No job too small. Please call us at 717869-3237.



HELP OFFERED: Decks Decks Construction. Build-­ ing, decks, fences and ramps since 1979. Free estimates & design. Call Mark at 717HELP OFFERED: Will clear 269-3549. PA#047954. and clean up yard waste, trees, bushes, trash and www.decksdecksconstructio more. Clean out homes, gar-­ n.com. ages, storage units, gutter Say you saw it in clean outs and small home The Shopping News! repairs. Will beat all prices within reason. Jim, 717305-0385.


HELP OFFERED: Grade A Lawn Care & Handyman Service. Fully insured & free quotes. We beat PA average price rates for all services. 717-253-6553, gradeAlawn@outlook.co m, www.gradeAlawn.com.



HELP OFFERED: Roofing, siding, gutters (clean-outs), soffit/fascia, windows, basements, remodeling. Free estimates/insured. 717-673-4471.

Needed, full time 2nd and 3rd shift operator/inspectors for immediate opening in local custom injection molding company. Experience preferred but not required. Apply in person at

POLYMAR 1 Lark Ave. Leola, PA 17540

Tel.: (717) 656-2166 E.O.E.

EOW Nurse Aides

Calvary Fellowship Homes, a beautiful retirement community in Lancaster known for quality resident care and excellent staffing, has immediate openings for EOW nurse aides, 1st and 2nd shifts. We offer a team environment, competitive salary and shift diff. Stop by Calvary for application: 502 Elizabeth Dr., Lancaster, call 393-0711 or send resume to cbazzel@ calvaryhomes.org

WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital


HELP OFFERED: Lawn and landscape services, land-­ scape irrigation. Clean up, lawn mowing, lawn fertil-­ ization. Tree and shrub trimming and removal. Mulching. Licensed and in-­ sured. Over 25 years expe-­ rience. 717-314-5323.

HELP OFFERED: Power washing, $35/ hour. Mini-­ mum $50. Trailers $70$125, 10’x10’ deck $50, garden furniture, patios. 717-738-0574. HELP OFFERED: Light tree trimming, debris removal, hedge trim-­ ming, mulching, and gutter cleaning. Great prices, free estimates. Call Tim at 717-8242831. For information on placing your ad in The Shopping News, call our office at 717-738-1151.

Denver Wholesale Foods Seeking Full Time Order Selector Working in freezer and cooler environments. Experience is required to operate equipment. Lifting requirements up to 80 pounds. Fast paced environment. Apply at DWF Warehouse Shipping/Receiving Office Ask for Jason Heft or Paul Weaver at 717-738-0454.

LPNs and RNs Needed in Lititz

PT & Pool open now at a great facility to work in! If you are genuinely interested in making resident lives meaningful every day, are interested in a competitive salary and rich, flexible benefit options, we want to meet you. Exp. pref’d, but will train the right candidates!

HELP OFFERED: Retiree looking for lawns to mow. Also, trimming, edging. Also, small painting jobs and power washing. Call 717-341-4214.

20 West Mohler Church Road Ephrata, PA 17522

(717) 738-0454


RISSER’S POULTRY, INC., a live poultry transport company, is seeking Class A drivers for expanding business.

Visit us at uzrc.org for more information. *Ask for details. EOE

APPLICANT Requirements: • Clean driving record • Minimum of 2 years experience • Ability to pass random drug screening • 23 years of age RISSER’S POULTRY, INC. offers: • Very competitive wages based on experience • Paid health, life and disability insurance • Paid vacations and holidays • 401(k) with company match • Designated truck

12 Wynfield Drive Lititz, PA 17543 CALL BETWEEN 8AM & 5PM FOR MORE DETAILS:

Where love & care walk hand in hand.

Nursing Assistants • • •

Manufacturer of Outdoor Living, Lawn & Garden, and Pest & Animal Control

Explore full and part time positions Various inpatient nursing units Evening and night shifts available


Apply online at www.wellspan.org/careers EOE


Seeking a

KITCHEN MANAGER with 5 years of experience in managing a kitchen. Must have cooking experience and the ability to effectively lead a team.

24 hr./week. Must be an RN with proficient computer skills and experience with Point Click Care. Will be required to provide education to staff and assist in problem solving to promote the implementation of the health care system.

(avg. starting wage, incl. premium)

(avg. starting wage, incl. premium)

Applications can be submitted on our website:


Clinical Informa�on Systems Nurse

2nd & 3rd Shifts Machine Operators $13.55/hour

2nd & 3rd Shifts Assemblers $11.28/hour

Submit resume to: Kitchen Manager c/o The Shopping News P.O. Box 456, Ephrata, PA, 17522

333 Wheat Ridge Dr. Ephrata, PA 17522 717.354.1800 Fax:717.354.1844


*All applicants must support the mission & values of Fairmount*

Cer�fied Nursing Assistant

Several positions open; would include weekend and PRN hours.

Temp RNs and LPNs Needed

Required to do 1 shift a month, which could include weekends. EOE

2nd Shift Maintenance Technician $18.81/hour (avg. starting wage, incl. premium)

Additional Benefits • Attendance & Safety Bonus • Increases of $0.40-$0.75/hour for certifications • Health, dental, vision, 401k, paid vacation and holidays • Overtime hours available

Apply Online: www.woodstream.com/careers or stop by 69 N. Locust Street Lititz from 9am-4pm

10B - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

Help Wanted HELP WANTED: Sell/buy Avon. Call 717-733-0691 or join online for only $15.00, www.startavon.com enter code LMartin3069. Buy Avon online, www.youravon. com/LMartin3069.

HELP WANTED: House sit-­ ter, just house sit, 2 cats no work necessary, Lititz/Man-­ heim area. 717-569-2730. HELP WANTED: Looking for automobile technician/me-­ chanic, medium duty trucks, license for inspec-­ tion and emissions. Qual-­ ifications a must, at least 2 years experience. Superior Car & Truck Repair. Email resume superiorcar@ hotmail.com. 717-3363934.

HELP WANTED: New Hol-­ land Construction firm has several full-time car-­ penter and foreman posi-­ tions. Minimum 5 years experience in rough/finish carpentry. Must pass background check and PA State Driver’s License. Hourly/Salary DOE, Medi-­ cal, Holidays, Vacation. Send resume to rzeiset@ezgeneralconstr uction.net or fax 717-3545216.

HELP WANTED: The Eph-­ HELP WANTED: Part-time rata VFW is now hiring ex-­ tow truck driver, must be re-­ perienced bartenders. liable, motivated, flexible and Club experience pre-­ mechanically inclined. Must HELP WANTED: Highly mo-­ live in Ephrata. Clean driving ferred. We start at $7.25/ tivated individual driver/ record, health card. Perfect hour. Flexible schedule, worker for steel erection job for retired truck driver. but evenings and week-­ crew. Must be 18 years old Will train the right candidate. or older with valid drivers ends required. Call 717- license. Competitive wages HELP WANTED: Shipper/ Email steffys@ptd.net. 733-9904 or stop by to ap-­ and benefits. 610-273maintenance for local HELP WANTED: Drivers: Av-­ ply. Ephrata VFW, 141 S. 2809. $1,000-$1,200 per manufacturing company. erage week. Venezia has local tank-­ State St, Ephrata. HELP WANTED: Looking for Looking for well orga-­er work. Home daily + great HELP WANTED: Green Drag-­ part time cook willing to nized, efficient, innovative benefits. CDL-A w/1 year T/ T exp. 855-867-3412. on fish stand, Fridays from learn the culinary trade. 4pm-9:30pm. Apply at Mul-­ Hours are 3pm-9pm Wednes-­ person. Call 215-327-5786 www.runforv.com. day-Saturday. Experience in ligan’s in Building #1. email janemcgrath915@ HELP WANTED: Part-time line servie also a plus for this position. This person works gmail.com experienced cleaning help.


Grow your career at a 35 year old company, repeatedly voted the BEST in Lancaster County! We’re looking for experienced hardscape maintenance workers with a desire to lead a crew to create gorgeous landscapes, including dry laid pavers and wall installations. A PA Driver’s License and prior landscape industry experience needed. Rewards include competitive compensation, 401k, health insurance, paid vacations/ holidays. Join our team of professionals. Call 717-399-1991, apply online at www.MyTomBom.com or email your resume to HR@TBLL.com.

directly with the chef. Call the chef at Cloister Post 429 at 717-733-2576.

HELP WANTED: Local trans-­ portation company needs experienced CDL B drivers, HELP WANTED: Drivers: above average pay, regional Great hometime. $1,250+ per trips, home daily, mostly week+ monthly bonuses. Ex-­ no touch freight, must cellent benefits. Newer meet all DOT requirements, trucks. No touch. CDL-A, 1 including pre-employment year experience. 855-842- drug screen. Leave a mes-­ sage at 717-295-6803. 8498.

Join the team at Weaver’s, helping our business and professional clients create “A friendly voice at the end of the line”

Needed: Inbound call center telephone operator

• Good comprehension & composition skills • Minimum typing skills 40 WPM • Offering 25-30 hours per week • Second Shift, Some weekend work required

Good wages. Call 717-3364854.

HELP WANTED: PT deli clerk position available at Kings Quality Foods Store, must by 18 years of age. Ap-­ ply in person at Kings Qual-­ ity Foods, 1451 Reading Rd. (RT 625), Mohnton, PA 19540 or call 717-4454521.

Wanted WANTED: Highest cash paid for junk or good cars. Li-­ censed professional. 717278-9539.

WANTED: Consign your chil-­ dren’s gently used items. JBF Consignment Event. Do it one of three ways: 1. Tag your own items (make the most $), 2. We’ll buy your items (restrictions apply) 3. Valet tagging (we’ll tag for you). Register today at www.lancaster.jbfsale.com.

WANTED: Couple seeks tem-­ porary living quarters, RV, apartment and/or barn, warehouse or outside space in rural area to live inexpen-­ sively while building tiny house on wheels. Interested in work share, caretaking in exchange for space. 484-5296466.

WANTED: Antiques, one To Buy piece to an entire estate. Buying estate jewelry, Pre-1970’s gold/silver. All costume WANTED: cos-­ jewelry including old Christmas/Halloween, tume jewelry, postcards, rings, vintage clothes, antique clothing buttons, clothes and misc. old hats, furs, hankies, record dolls items. Downsizing? Stella albums, advertising me-­ 717-355-2142. morabilia, watches, CD’s. Uncle Funky’s 1-484-432- WANTED: Buying any-­ thing old. Rings, costume 9770, 717-733-0003. jewelry, gold, silver, wrist WANTED: Paying cash for old and pocket watches, shaving razors, antiques, typewriters, cameras, lan-­coins and coin collec-­ terns, old audio equipment, tions, anything old. No old kitchen & household. husbands or wives. We do Jeremy in Akron, 717-201estates. Call Bob Reed to-­ 8501. day, honest, dependable, confidential. 610-780WANTED: Like new or 6873. slightly used digital hear-­ ing aids. Call 717-2036521.

WANTED: Cash paid for vinyl records. 717-627-2081.

Call to schedule interview & screening test


M-F 9am-4pm • Submit resume to wcs@dejazzd.com

Now Accepting Applications For: LOOKING FOR: Experienced Meat Cutter and/or Deli Operator Warehouse Processing • Experience is a must! • Competitive Salary • Benefits


CDL w/Tanker and Hazmat Endorsement. All DOT Qualifications Required.

Martindale Propane Inc. 251 Commerce Drive, New Holland, PA 17557

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615 E. Main St reet, P.O. Box 456 Ephrata, PA 17522 717-738-1151 • Fax: 717-733-3900 E-mail: snews@ptd .net

Ephrata Rt. 272


Classified Advertising Network Announcements Acorn Stairlifts. The AFFORDABLE solution to your stairs! **Limited time -$250 Off Your Stairlift Purchase!** Buy Direct & SAVE. Please call 1-800-410-7127 for FREE DVD and brochure.



465 North Reading Rd. 717-738-1107


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Full Time

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - 11B

WANTED: Classic cars, muscle cars, sports cars, antique cars, trucks, etc. Always Buying. Jeff Gast 717-575-4561. WANTED: Purchasing old clothing pre-1970, mens/ womens and accessories. Fast and friendly service. Call Bill in Ephrata. 717-7380864.

Apartments FOR RENT: 2nd floor, 1 bedroom apartment in New Holland. Water, sewer and garbage included. Off-street parking, $625/month. No pets and no smoking. 717354-4596. FOR RENT: 2nd floor, 1 bed-­ room apartment, Ephrata, off-street parking, includes heat/trash/stove/fridge, $545/month. 717-7384364.

FOR RENT: Ephrata, 2nd floor, 2BR apartment. In-­ cludes: stove, refrigera-­ tor, washer/dryer, offstreet parking, mowing and snow removal. $610/ month plus utilities, se-­ curity deposit and credit check. No pets, no smok-­ ing. 717-738-1151.

195-70-14 $


185-65-14 $


Free FREE: Fill available. Approximately 175 truckloads. Will load your truck. 717-9409909.

FOR RENT: Rooms available

with kitchenette, weekly or WANTED: We buy houses, monthly at Econo Lodge Inn apartment buildings. Any and Suites, Denver/ RT272, condition. Quick cash, no near Dunkin Donuts and Red Roof Inn. No pets. Call 717hassle or fees. 717-598336-7000. FOR RENT: Ephrata, 2BR, 2661. 2nd floor. Includes: stove, FOR RENT: One bedroom/ WANTED: $50-$500 paid for refrigerator, washer/dryer, two bedroom apartments, junk autos. Free removal. houses, single houses. Call anytime, licensed, in-­ central air, outside stor-­ half For Rent Ephrata/Akron/Denver are-­ sured, bonded. All paper-­ age, off-street parking, as available. Some pet friend-­ work taken care of legally. 717-989-6980. trash/recycling, mowing ly. Yeager’s, 717-733-7988, blhoff@ptd.net. FOR RENT: Warehouse WANTED: Purchasing old & space, 1750 sqft. plus 3 of-­ and snow removal. No collectible items. Fast & fices, located in Ephrata, pets, no smoking. $640/ FOR RENT: 2BR 2nd floor courteous service. Bill in $750/month. 717-738- month plus security de-­ apt. Bowmansville, all appli-­ ances included, plus W/S/T, Ephrata, 717-738-0864. 1151. posit and credit check. no pets, $725. 717-4454878. WANTED: Need cash? I will 717-738-1151. buy your car or truck. Cash. FOR RENT: Twin Pine Brooks Motor Company, Storage Units, 24hr. ac-­ FOR RENT: Pleasant 1BR, 3242 Oregon Pike (Rt. 272) cess, $20.00 per month close to downtown Lititz, Houses Leola, PA, 717-656-4038. appliances plus and up. 717-733-6549. Or kitchen washer/dryer, off-street WANTED: Paying cash for stop in at 1932 W. Main, parking, no smoking/pets, FOR RENT: 3BR center eph-­ junk cars/trucks, $100 and up for most vehicles. Fast Ephrata. M-Th, 9am-5pm, $600 plus security deposit, rata, oil heat, $875 plus util-­ water/sewer/ ities, available immediately, service, free towing. Call F 9am-3:30pm, Sat., 10am- includes trash. 717-626-5472, 717- security deposit. 717-341Kevin at Gring’s Towing 12pm. 4348. 626-5755. 484-955-8889.


e b r a ’ RT I R E S s


195-65-15 $


Touring 65,000 mi. 215-70-15 ......................$82.00

195-60-15 $

205-70-15 .....................$82.00


215-60-15 ......................$82.00

235-75-15 $

82.00 205-60-16 .....................$82.00 195-60-15 ......................$82.50 215-65-15 ......................$82.50 205-65-15 .....................$83.00 215-65-16 ......................$89.50 225-60-16 .....................$89.50 215-60-16 ......................$89.50 205-55-16 .....................$94.00 195-65-15 ......................



215-50-17 $


235-70-16 $


245-65-17 $


4412 Oregon Pike (Rt. 272), Ephrata, PA








We’ve Moved!








Auto, Truck and Trailer Repair Towing

953 Beam Rd., Denver, PA 17517


HT Tires P 235-70-16 .............. $119.00

Avid Ascend 85,000 Miles

P 245-70-16 .............. $119.00

195-60-15 ......................$89.00

129.00 $ P 255-70-16 .............. 129.00 P 265-70-17 .............. $147.00 LT 265-75-16 8pl ..... $157.00 LT 245-75-16 10pl ... $157.00 LT 265-75-16 10pl ....$167.00 LT 285-75-16 8pl ..... $175.00

195-65-15 ......................$89.00

P 265-70-16 ..............


2 Main St., Denver • (717) 336-8288

Owner & Head Technician

(717) 733-0171

Halligan’s Auto Repair 240 W. Fulton Street Ephrata, PA 17522

Your auto is our #1 priority!

Marty’s Garage


• State Inspection & Emission Testing • General Repairs • Major Engine Repairs

General Repairs & Service State & Emission Inspection Computerized Alignment • Tires 39 E. Lancaster Ave. | Denver, PA 17517 717.336.6693

CHECK YOUR INSPECTION STICKER! Have Your Car Inspected Before It Expires!

‘08 Toyota Avalon $



‘12 Chevrolet Sonic LTZ



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‘09 Ford Mustang Convertible



‘08 Nissan Titan Quad Truck $

89.00 $ 225-60-16 .................. 105.00 205-55-16 ..................$105.00 215-70-15 ......................



‘10 Volvo C-70 Convertible

Specializing In Honda/Acura Repairs, Service & Sales 4337 Oregon Pike, Ephrata

(717) 859-2784


1702 W. Main St. Ephrata, PA 17522 Phone: (717) 738-2005 www.zimmermanscars.com Inspection/Emission Testing

Front End Alignment, General Repairs, Radiator Flush, Trans Flush

‘08 Honda Accord $


‘10 Toyota Corolla


Ephrata AL’S EXXON


‘02 Cadillac Escalade


For information on placing your ad in The Shopping News, call our office at 717-738-1151.

‘07 Chevrolet Silverado

743 East Main Street, Ephrata, PA 17522 • 717-738-1636


FREE: Kittens, 8 weeks old to loving homes. Don or Judy, 717-335-7375, 717-3304667.

Garden Spot Equipment Auction Auto Sales

“Big And Small, We Do Them All”

215-70-15 $

FREE: Will lend quality trail or lessened horses to fami-­ lies or riding facilities, until June 2017. Call Jane, 717336-5798.



MARTIN’S TIRE SERVICE, LLC Farm, Auto And LT Tires 102 W. Burkholder Dr. Lititz, PA 17543



Wood Corner Garage, Inc.



General Repairs State Inspection Emissions Inspection

112 Garden Spot Rd., Ephrata




275 Woodcorner Rd., Lititz 717-733-6568 • 717-733-6696


Mechanic St. & Creamery Rd. Reinholds • Computer Repairs • Tires • 4 Wheel Alignment ASE CERTIFIED

(717) 336-7972

12B - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”


Bulletin Board (Continued From Page 3B)

For more info., call Pastor Les Cool at 717-951-8433 or email revcool@ptd.net. EVERY THURSDAY – East Cocalico Church of the Brethren, 4 Bunker Hill Road, Reamstown, Ladies’ Bible Study, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. For more info., call 717-336-7616. EVERY THURSDAY – LAPSIT and Toddler program at 10:30 a.m. A program with stories, music fingerplays

Yardley - 1,507 sq. ft. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths.


and crafts for ages 2 to 3. At the Adamstown Area Library, 3000 North Reading Road, Adamstown. EVERY THURSDAY – Al-Anon Family Group, 12 Step Program of Recov­ ery, WellSpan Ephrata Com­ munity Hospital, 169 Martin Avenue, Ephrata, use main entrance, 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. EVERY THURSDAY – Al-Anon Family Group, 12 Step Program of Recovery, St. James Catholic Church, 505 Woodcrest Avenue, Lititz, 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. SECOND AND FOURTH THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH - A M.O.M. Group will be held at Ephrata Church of the Nazarene

from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Childcare will be provided for school aged children. There is a cost. THIRD THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH Coc­alico Area Women’s Christian Fellowship will hold a meeting at Weaver’s Banquet Hall. Meal served at 12:00 noon. There is a cost. Reservations are required. Call Jeanne Lorah at 717336-2499. THIRD THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH – MOMS Club of Ephrata Month­ ly Business Meeting and Social, 10:00 a.m. at the Ephrata Public Library in the MultiPurpose Room. For more info. email ephratamomsclub @yahoo.com. EVERY FRIDAY - Live Country Music at the Denver Fire Hall, from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Doors open at

5:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-738-3323. FIRST AND THIRD FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH - St. James Catholic Church, 505 Woodcrest Avenue, Lititz, will hold Memory Café (a memory support group), at 6:00 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. For more info., call Mary Read at 717-333-0689 or email lcaPeru717@aol. com. SECOND FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH – Lovin’ Lititz Every 2nd in downtown Lititz on Main and Broad Streets, from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sponsored by Downtown Lititz Merchants. For more info., call 717-6266332. FIRST SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH - Faith United Evangelical Lutheran Church, 357 Walnut Street,

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Saturday, August 6th • 12-2 PM

Sometimes the littlest things can make the biggest difference between a home that sells for top dollar and one that languishes for months on the market. Don’t lose big money because of something small. Call now for our home seller’s report on “27 Free-and-Easy Fix-Ups” before you put your home up for sale.

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LOCATED IN BOWMANSVILLE AREA! New Townhouse Community. 3 BR, 2.5 BA, stainless steel kitchen appliances. Some upgrades available to early buyers. 3% closing cost assistance available, call for more details. Prices starting at $159,900 Directions: Rt. 23 E to 625 North, Left on Lauschtown Rd., 1st Right. UPDATED RANCH HOME! Features 3 BR, large MBR, full basement and 1 car garage. Located in Cocalico School District. $155,000

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Denver, will distribute food to families in need, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. For more info., call 717-336-2141. SECOND SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH Free Clothing Giveaway at Bible Fellowship Church of Ephrata, 491 Peach Road, Ephrata, 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. For more info., call the church at 717-733-2526. SECOND SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH – Widow 2 Widow in Room #132 at Worship Center, 2384 New Holland Pike, Lancaster, 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. A ministry to bring comfort, support, encouragement and guidance to women who have lost their husbands through death. For more info contact Elaine Severein at 717-397-1272. SECOND, THIRD AND FOURTH SATURDAY EVERY MONTH – East Cocalico Church of the Brethren Men’s Bible Study meets 7:00 a.m. at the church at Bunker Hill Road, Reamstown. Call 717-3367616 for details.

JEC STORAGE SELF STORAGE Rt. 272 South, Behind Bright’s Restaurant


SECOND AND FOURTH SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH – Paws to Read, holds three sessions at 10:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., and 11:00 a.m. at the Lititz Public Library, 651 Kissel Hill Road, Lititz. EVERY SUNDAY – Cele­ brate Recovery, at Ephrata Church of the Nazarene, 30 East Main Street, Ephrata, 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Call 717-733-2000. EVERY SUNDAY – AlAnon Family Group, 12th Step Program of Recovery, Zion Lutheran Church, 18 Quarry Road, Leola, 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. THIRD SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH - Motor­ cycle Show and Breakfast Ride to Amvets Post 136, 614 South State Street, Ephrata. Best in show gets a free breakfast! For more info., call 717-738-1367. THIRD SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH THRU SEPTEMBER - Cushion Peak Rod and Gun Club, 180 Vinemont Road, Reinholds, will hold a 3D Archery Shoot, from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. There is a cost. For more info., call 610-670-9558.


FOR RENT 19 Helen Avenue, Ephrata.

780 sq. ft. with full bath. Includes elect., A/C, heat, trash removal. Call for details.


FOR SALE BY OWNER 21/2 Story Home with Oversized Two Car Garage on 1.6 acre lot Four bedrooms, 1-1/2 bath, kitchen, living room, family room, office, attic, unfinished basement, 1950 sq. ft., wood stove, forced air heat. Central vac. 28x32 two car garage, insulated, propane floor heat, 17x32 second floor storage area with ground level access. New well and septic system.

More pictures at zillow.com. $246,000 • 750 Durlach Road, Stevens, PA Call Jeremy Good 717-383-0400

APARTMENTS FOR RENT Ephrata, 2 BR, 2nd Floor Apartment, End Unit. Includes: range, refrigerator, full-size washer/dryer, heat pump w/central air, outside storage closet, balcony, off-street parking, trash/recycling, mowing and snow removal. $640/month.

ONE OF A KIND 3-4 BR, 2.5 BA HOME GREAT PRIVATE SETTING ON 1.7 ACRE LOT EPHRATA “PRIVACY AT ITS BEST” BRICK/VINYL ON 4 ACRES - Mature landscaping, woods, IN FRITZTOWN - 3BR, 2.5 bath home w/finished 3 BR, 2 BA RANCH HOME - Brick LR fireplace, creek, & 20x32 2-story gar./shop bldng. walk-out bsmnt, leading to lrg deck overlooking spacious MBR w/full BA, full daylight bsmnt w/2 car On quiet cul-de-sac. $463,000 ML252015 a small stream. $249,500 ML251905 gar & rear/side porch. $209,900 ML253825

AFFORDABLE 3 BR HOME IN REAMSTOWN - Updated windows, siding, kitchen & a 2-car gar. All for ONLY $155,900 ML253123

Ephrata, 2 BR, 1st Floor Apartment. Includes: range, refrigerator, full-size washer/dryer, outside storage closet, patio, off-street parking, mowing and snow removal. Property located at end of cul-de-sac. $610/ month. All units require security deposit, one-year lease, references and credit check. NO PETS/NO SMOKING PERMITTED IN ANY UNIT

EFFICIENT LIVING 3BR, 1.5BA TOWNHOUSE WELL CARED FOR SEMI STONE COTTAGE ON 1.4 ACRE Finished LL, private backyard w/deck, new tile Offers 3 BR, 2 full baths, cool central air, WOODED LOT - 2 small streams, large flring in bsmnt, new carpeting, & low utilities. and much more, schedule your private wooden deck, tons of nature & charm, $149,900 ML251704 showing today! $139,900 ML253422 2 BR, 1 BA, needs TLC. $99,900 ML249370

3 BR, 2.5 BA HOME IN DENVER Cocalico School District, 0.26 acres, handyman special! $84,500 ML249154

Rental applications can be picked up at The Shopping News/Hocking Printing Co., Inc. 615 E. Main St., Ephrata, PA or printed from www.snews.com 717-738-1151

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - 13B

SALES REGISTER WED., AUG. 3 - 2:00 p.m. - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Antiques, collectibles, household goods, tools. Horst Auctioneers. THURS., AUG. 4 - 6:00 p.m. - Bruce and Debra Guinn, 212 Wecaf Road, New Holland. 3 bedroom well-maintained and updated Cape Cod on quiet street in New Holland Boro. Martin Auctioneers, Inc. THURS., AUG. 4 - 6:00 p.m. - Kenneth C. Noll, 535 West Church Road, Ephrata. 3 bedroom/2 bath dwelling with garage on 1-1/2 (+/-) acre lot. Art Pannebecker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. THURS., AUG. 4 - 6:00 p.m. - Mary Ann Fritz, 28 E. Swartzville Rd., Denver. Brick ranch style dwelling with 12x23 attached one car garage, 9x13 attached storage shed. Horst Auctioneers. FRI., AUG. 5 - 3:00 p.m. & SAT., AUG. 6 - 8:30 a.m. - Ruth McGowan, 3848 South Blackhorse Road, Parkesburg. Huge 2 day estate auction - John Deere tractors and equipment, guns, sportsman items, antiques, toys, quality and antique tools, coins. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. SAT., AUG. 6 - 8:30 a.m. - 125 Church Avenue, Ephrata. Instruments, books, jewelry, antiques. Rich Harry, Auctioneer. SAT., AUG. 6 - 9:00 a.m. - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Outstanding firearms,



625 E. Main St., Ephrata. 1,750 sq. ft. of warehouse space plus 3 offices. $750 plus utilities. Security deposit, references and credit check required. NO PETS/NO SMOKING PERMITTED IN ANY UNIT

Call for more information


hunting, fishing and military collectibles and accessories. Horst Auctioneers. MON., AUG. 8 - 5:00 p.m. - Allen H. and Regina S. Martin, 1343 Oaklyn Drive, Narvon. Southern colonial 3 bedroom 2 story dwelling, 28x46 bank barn, 10x32 horse barn and kennel, 2.8 acres. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. WED., AUG. 10 - 2:00 p.m. - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Antiques, collectibles, household goods, tools and car. Car at 7:30 p.m. Horst Auctioneers. THURS., AUG. 11 5:00 p.m. - Amos K. and Liz F. King, 1101 Pennsy Road, Pequea. Country split foyer 3 bedroom dwelling, garage, barn, pool, 2.2 acres. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. FRI., AUG. 12 - 5:00 p.m. - Eli S. and Rachel L. King, 1504 Brunnerville Road, Lititz. Country split foyer 3 bedroom dwelling, 2 car garage, horse barn, utility shed, 1.36 acres. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., AUG. 13 - 9:00 a.m. - Martin and Judy Wise, 1158 Main Street, Akron. 2-1/2 story vinyl sided dwelling with 25’x27’ oversized 2 car garage and a 6’x10’ frame garden shed. Horst Auctioneers. SAT., AUG. 13 - 9:00

a.m. - Samuel D. and Mary Ann Kauffman, 117 Hershey Church Road, Kinzers. Country 1-1/2 story brick 5 bedroom dwelling, 42x52 barn/garage/shop building, 1.14 acres. Real estate at 1:00 p.m. Personal property, tools, equipment, hit and miss engine. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., AUG. 13 - 10:00 a.m. - Tony Jarema Jr., 327 East Meadow Valley Road, Lititz. 2 unit 2 story dwelling, 2500 sq. ft., .43 acre lot, 40x20 barn/shop. Real estate at 11:00 a.m. Personal property, trucks, boat and trailer, Kubota tractor, dump trailer. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. WED., AUG. 17 - 2:00 p.m. - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Antiques, collectibles, household goods, tools. Horst Auctioneers. THURS., AUG. 18 - 9:00 a.m. - Allen and Arlene Weaver, 1797 Robert Fulton Highway, Quarryville. Vintage cars, pickup/trailer/ tractors, farm antiques, equipment, lawn and garden, tools. Martin’s Auction Service. THURS., AUG. 18 - 4:00 p.m. - Noah and Joan Stahl, 538 Ridge Avenue, Ephrata. 1 story stone rancher, 2 car attached garage, 14’x28’ shed, 1 acre +/-. Real estate at 6:00 p.m. Tools, electric scooter, collectibles, furniture, household goods. Tim Weaver Auction Service, LLC. THURS., AUG. 18 - 6:30 p.m. - Folker Family Trust, 155 Lowry Road, New Holland. 3 bedroom 2 story dwelling, .80 acre tract,

43’x17’ 2 story barn/garage and shop addition. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. FRI., AUG. 19 - 3:00 p.m. - Charles D. and Joanne M.

OPEN HOUSE SUN 8/7 1-3pm 20 N. 6th St., Denver

Nice borough semi w/2 hall-entered BDRs, updated kitchen, 2 full BA, 1st flr. laundry, cool central air, detached 2 story barn & a wrap around porch! ML253422 $139,900

Dir.: Through Denver, turn on 6th Street, home on left befor Walnut St. 1433 West Main St., Ephrata, PA 17522 • 733-4158

Debby Moore


Office: (717) 733-4777 Cell: (717) 475-1603

No Pets Accepted In Any Property



3 BR Townhouse, 53 Chickadee Circle, Leola. $1050, 1-car garage, stove, refrig., w/d, d/w, NO SMKG. 3 BR Apt., 631 Main St., 2nd & 3rd fl., Denver. $675, w/s, stove, refrig. NO SMKG. 2 BR Semi, 2605 Heidelberg Ave., Newmanstown. $875, heat, electric, water, dryer*. NO SMKG. 2 BR 1st fl. Apt., 1338 W. Main St., Ephrata. $735, heat, w/s/t, stove, refrig., w/d. NO SMKG. 1 BR 1st fl. Apt., 244 W. Main St., Apt. #1, New Holland. $725, w/s/t, refrig., stove, d/w. NO SMKG. 1 BR 2nd fl. Apt., 308 N. State St., Apt. B, Ephrata. $565, stove, refrig, w/d*. NO SMKG.

375 E Fulton Street - Ephrata - Host:


©2015 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC.

Wildflower Ridge

Wonderful country location accessible to major routes. Many lots, singles, semi-detached and townhomes to choose from. Starting at $169,900 David Esh Builders.

Ephrata - FOR LEASE-930 SF office E p h r a t a E p h r a t a S c h l s Ephrata - Wash/dry incl, central air, ceil E p h r a t a - E p h r a t a S c h l s Denver - Cocalico Schls 3 BR, 1 Bath. space. $930/mo. rent includes all Call Bill Sandoe, SH248995 $1,500/mo. fans. Covered patio, deck. Call Karol Call Gil Ochs, SH246552 $78,900. Call Brad Wolf, SH252463 $125,000. utilities. Call Wayne Eichfeld, SH244360 Symanowicz, SH252448 $37,000. $930/mo.

Lititz - Ephrata Schls 2 BR, 2 Baths. R e i n h o l d s -

Cocalico Schls Ephrata - Ephrata Schls 2 BR, 1 Bath. Stevens - Cocalico Schls 2 BR, 1 Bath. Lititz - Warwick Schls 3 BR, 1 Bath. Denver - Cocalico Schls 5 BR, Call Donna L Strenko, SH239422 Call Cory Showalter, SH240123 Call Patricia Canepa-Hughes, SH246158 Call Brad Wolf, SH248497 $157,900. Call Cheri L Bushong, SH250608 2.5 Baths. Call Brad Wolf, SH253936



Contact us today to learn how to get your career started!



Andy Sollenberger

Office: (717) 733-4777 Cell: (717) 669-8813

Be part of the Homesale Family!



Dir.: From Denver, head North on 6th St., L on Hawthorne Dr., R on Cedar Ln., L on Larch Ln., home on L.

(717) 733-4777

Rt 272 Old Mill Rd, Ephrata OPEN SUN 1 PM - 3 PM

154 Larch Ln. Denver

SPACIOUS CORNER LOT HOME IN DENVER HEIGHTS 4 BR 2.5 BA, 2,396 SF, open layout 2-sty foyer, master BR w/vaulted ceiling, 2-car garage. OWNER MUST SELL - BRING OFFERS! ML250401 $256,800

Download my app

717-738-4663 | Homesale.com

Kathleen O’Connell, $239,900 Dir: From 222, 322 W, L/Bethany, R/E Fulton, home on L. SH253212

Fullmer, 349 Kratz Road, Birdsboro. Farm equipment, furniture, antiques, household. Horning Farm Agency, Inc.

SAT., AUG. 20 - 9:00 a.m. - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Antiques, collectibles, toys, dolls, household goods and tools. Horst Auctioneers. TUES., AUG. 23 - 6:00 p.m. - Delores E. Kelleher Estate, 641 Valley Road, Lancaster. Brick/vinyl sided ranch style dwelling with 2 bedrooms and an attached 12x25 one car garage. Horst Auctioneers. WED., AUG. 24 - 5:00 p.m. - Anna Ruth Riehl, 2918 Church Road, Birdin-Hand. 1-1/2 story 4 bedroom dwelling, garage 14x20, shop/garage 30x32, 6/10 acre lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., AUG. 25 - 5:00 p.m. - Ricky J. Kolb, 5 Austin Drive, Robesonia. Household goods, furniture, collectibles, tools. Ben Habecker, Auctioneer. THURS., AUG. 25 - 5:00 p.m. - William J. Jr. and Nancy W. McMahon, 130 Schoolhouse Road, Kirkwood. 1-1/2 story 3 bedroom Cape Cod dwelling, 2 car garage, 1.1 acre country lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., AUG. 25 - 6:00







Open Saturdays 1-3

Call Mike Gordon at 738-HOME.

Dir: From Ephrata, 272N, R on W Church, L on Red Run toward Terre Hill, devel on L before Terre Hill Boro.

River Bend Estates Large lots (1-7 acres) in rural area, scenic views of Tulpehocken Creek and easy access to Rts 422 or 419. No HOA fees. D&R Builders. Starting at $230,000.

Open Saturdays 1-3 Contact Kelley Clark or Naomi Weaver (717) 738-4663

Lititz - Warwick Schls 3 BR, 1.5 Baths. Terre Hill - Eastern Lancaster Schls 3 Ephrata - Ephrata Schls 3 BR, 3 Baths. Ephrata - Ephrata Schls 4 BR, Mohnton - Governor Mifflin Schls 3 BR, Fredericksburg - 3BR 2+BA home w/ Call Mark Will, SH253988 $195,000. BR, 1.5 Baths. Call Gil Ochs, SH250636 Call Jim Pappas, SH253876 $209,900. 2.5 Baths. Call Randy Myers, SH252070 2.5 Baths. Call Craig Hartranft, SH251863 8+acres of mountain backdrop. Call Ellen Cowan, SH237296 $249,900. $234,900. $195,400. $229,900.

Dir: 222N to 724W to Sinking Springs to 422W at Penn Ave, L at 419, R on W High St (becomes William Penn Blvd), development on R.

Ephrata - Ephrata Schls 3 BR, 2 Baths. Ephrata - Ephrata Schls 4 BR, Lititz - North of Lititz. Upgrades Robesonia - 3+ acres, Frplc. Family Lititz - Warwick Schls 4 BR, 2.5 Baths. Adamstown - Cocalico Schls Adamstown - Cocalico Schls Adamstown - Berks Cty Line.1st fl Call Patricia Canepa-Hughes, SH250882 2.5 Baths. Call Craig Hartranft, SH251843 throughout, including granite counters. room & hdwd flrs. 4-car gar. Call Cathy Call Barbara Ries, SH251684 $328,000. Call Gil Ochs, SH243377 $395,000. Call Gil Ochs, SH243385 $395,000. flex space/2nd fl studio/lovely Apt. Call Call Tom Risser, SH252212 $284,900. Dieffenbach, SH243864 $305,000. $249,900. $282,499. Marilyn Berger, SH243150 $399,000.

14B - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”


Public Sales

p.m. - Reduas, LLC, 130 Church Avenue, Ephrata. 2-1/2 story frame semidetached dwelling on a .06 acre lot. Art Pannebecker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. THURS., AUG. 25 - 6:00 p.m. - Kathryn F. Hollinger, 2612 Sutton Place, Lanc­ aster. Brick ranch style dwelling with 4 bedrooms and a 12x24 attached one car garage. Horst Auctioneers. THURS., AUG. 25 - 6:30 p.m. - Gary K. and Mandy K. Auker, 273 Lauschtown Road, Denver. 3 bedroom bi-level home, 1,508 sq. ft., .70 acre lot, 2 car garage, oak kitchen, 1.5 bath,

Central A/C. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. FRI., AUG. 26 - 5:00 p.m. - Anetta B. Zohn, 6350 Hollow Drive, East Petersburg. 1 story 4 bedroom rancher, 1 car garage, level residential lot, 2000 Chevy Malibu car (one owner). Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., AUG. 27 - 8:30 a.m. - Irene (and the late Joel) Showalter, 5436 Meadville Road, New Holland. Huge Snap-On hand and power tool collection, automotive related, welders, air com­ pressors. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. MON., AUG. 29 - 5:00

(South New Holland Area)


THURS., AUGUST 18, 2016 at 6:30 P.M. Located at: 155 Lowry Rd. New Holland, Pa. Earl Twp. Lancaster Co. Directions: From Rt. 23 New Holland take Brimmer Ave. S. becomes New Holland Rd. 3-miles to left on Lowry Rd. to sale on left. Real Estate: consists of a rustic 1860s 2-story frame farmhouse & barn on a .80 acre tract. Dwelling offers 1,500 sq. ft. living area. Main floor features an eatin style kitchen w/appliances; laundry; family room; living room; dining room; enclosed rear porch. Upper level includes 3-bedrooms & full bath; attic storage. Basement is unimproved, 100-amp electric; oil hot water heat; on-site septic & shared well. 2015 taxes: $2155. Outbuildings: include a 43’x17’ 2-story barn/1-car garage w/a 16’x13’ shop addition. OPEN HOUSE: SAT. AUG. 6 from 1-3 pm for info call auctioneer at (717) 371-3333. TERMS: 10% down day of sale, balance on or before 60 days. Attorney: Kling & Fanning (717) 354-7700. Note: Rural farmland setting just south of New Holland, borders horse farm, older home has rustic charm, nice barn w/box stalls & shop, large level lot offers room pasture, garden & animals! Desirable ELANCO schools & low taxes! For photos & listing visit www.martinandrutt.com

Auction By: AY#2189-L Michael J. Martin 717-371-3333 John J. Rutt II 717-587-8906

Auction For:

NEW HOLLAND, PA Member of PA & National Auctioneers Assoc.


(Ron 717-575-7481)

p.m. - Gene L. Parmer, 313 Broad Street, Terre Hill. 2-1/2 story 4 bedroom dwelling, 2 car garage. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. TUES., AUG. 30 - 5:00 p.m. - Dorothy L. DillerSpringer Trust, 15 & 17 Queen Road, Intercourse. 4 unit investment real estate 2 separate 2 unit dwellings, 25x30 garage/shop rental, 6/10 acre lot with macadam parking area. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., SEPT. 8 - 4:00 p.m. - Gar Realty, 158 Toddy Drive, East Earl. 5.7 acre lot, Zoned Commercial (CGD), highly visible multiuse property. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. THURS., SEPT. 8 - 5:00 p.m. - Cloister’s Flooring America, 100 Durlach Road, Ephrata. Annual

floor­ing inventory reduction - carpet, vinyl, hardwood. Kline, Krei­ der and Good Auctioneers. THURS., SEPT. 8 5:30 p.m. - Levi F. Jr. and Fannie F. Stoltzfus, 10151017 Narvon Road, Narvon. 2-1/2 story 5 bedroom stone house, 2 story 1 bedroom carriage house apartment, 3.8 acres. Tim Weaver Auction Service, LLC. FRI., SEPT. 9 - 5:00 p.m. - Bowmansville Apartments, LLC, 1267 Mill Street, Denver. 2 story investment apartment dwelling, 5 sep­ arate 2 bedroom units, 1-1/2 acres. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., SEPT. 10 - 8:00 a.m. - Public lawn, garden and ATV consignment auction in Schoeneck. Riding mowers, push mowers, chainsaws, weedeaters, compact trac­

“Horst Auction Center” PUBLIC SALE



FURNITURE - Antique, Reproduction & Modern Incl. Bedroom, Dining Room, Living Room, Family Room, Kitchen, Office & Patio (Sets & Individual Pcs.); GRAIN DECORATED MILK CUPBOARD; APPLIANCES; CLOCKS; LAMPS; SILVER; COPPER & BRASS; CAST IRON; TINWARE; AGATE; WOODENWARE; CHINA & GLASSWARE; POTTERY; LINENS; BOOKS & PAPER; JEWELRY; ARTWORK; TOYS; TOOLS; ARIENS SNOW BLOWER; 1986 BUICK LESABRE CUSTOM 4-DOOR SEDAN; BOX LOTS & MANY OTHER ITEMS TO BE SOLD! * Accepted Payments: Cash or PA check. Visa, MasterCard and debit card w/3% fee. No out of state checks without prior approval.

Sale For:



AT 6:00 P.M.

Located at 28 E. Swartzville Rd. (Denver 17517), East Cocalico Township, Lancaster County, PA. (Directions: At intersection of Rt. 272 & Rt. 897 in Swartzville, turn east on Swartzville Rd. (Rt. 897))



Monday, August 15, 2016 3:00 P.M. • Auto 5:00 P.M.

Location: 210 Frederick Street, Mount Joy, PA 17552 Mount Joy Borough, Lancaster County

“This Is A Very Clean Line Of Furnishings!” Inspection of Items Auction Day Only! • 1995 Infiniti J30 Auto • Softwood Two-Part Twelve (12) Pane Step Back Dutch Cupboard • Taufscheins • Antiques • China & Glassware • Toys • Costume Jewelry • Dept. 56 Snow Babies • Artwork & Prints • Appliances • Cook & Bakeware • Lg. Amount Of Seasonal Decorations, Plus Much More. For Photos, Full Listing, Terms, See Website: www.witmanauctioneers.com Auction For: Barbara A. Bair Estate, Tom Bair Ext.

Auction By:





MONDAY, AUGUST 8 • 5 P.M. 1343 Oaklyn Dr., Narvon (Bowmansville). Rt. 625 N. to Bowmansville. Right E. Maple Grove Rd. Left Oaklyn Dr. to lane on left. (Brecknock Twp., Lancaster Co.)

Pike, Kinzers. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. MON., SEPT. 12 - 4:00 p.m. - B&S Woodcraft, 722 Truce Road, Quarryville. Masonry/steel commercial building, 29,204 sq. ft., warehouse, manufacturing space, loading docks, 3.2 acres (zoned commercial). Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. TUES., SEPT. 13 5:00 p.m. - Mahlon L. and Martha A. Fisher, 35 Mazzotta Road, Stevens. Country 1 story 4 bedroom rancher, 28x54 garage/ office building, 3.1 acres. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. WED., SEPT. 14 - 8:30 a.m. - Aaron E. Beiler, 11225 County Rt. 119, Addison, New York. A&B Repair and Beiler Lumber - JD log skidder, log loader and equipment, chip trailers, shop equipment, lumber, new and used hardware, chain­saws, household goods. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., SEPT. 15 - 9:00


AT 2:00 P.M. • CAR AT 7:30 P.M.

Preview Times - Tuesday, August 9 from 2:00 P.M. thru 5:00 P.M. and Wednesday, August 10 from 8:00 A.M. This is just a partial listing of items to be sold and may be subject to minor changes. *Photos representing the entire auction will be posted on our website www.horstauction.com on Tuesday, August 9. Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center, 50 Durlach Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522 (The corner of Rt. 322 & Durlach Rd., approx. 2-1/2 miles west of Ephrata)

“Horst Auctioneers” PUBLIC SALE


tors, rototillers, ATVs and various other lawn and garden equipment items. Philip Hurst, Auctioneer. SAT., SEPT. 10 - 9:00 a.m. - Ellis Z. and Lois W. Zeiset, 1508 Weaverland Road, East Earl. Country 1 story 3 bedroom rancher, 2 car carport, 1 story garage/ shop building 26x32, 6/10 acre lot. Real estate at 12:00 noon. Personal property, furn­iture, Grasshopper, coins, tools. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., SEPT. 10 10:00 a.m. - Miriam M. Horning, 97 Hahnstown Road, Ephrata. Country 1 story brick rancher, 2 car garage, 1/2 acre rural lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., SEPT. 10 - 2:00 p.m. - Elam Ray, Elam R., and Nora H. Hoover, 558 Farmersville Road, New Holland. 1.6 acre farmette. Beiler-Campbell Auction Service. SAT., SEPT. 10 - 3:00 p.m. - Catherine M. Mellina Family, 5102 Old Phila.

Witman Auctioneers, Inc.

Luke R. & Clarke N. Witman, Douglas L. Ebersole www.witmanauctioneers.com (717) 665-5735 • 665-1300 AY 000155-L



SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 2016 8:30 A.M.

BRICK RANCH STYLE DWELLING (Approx. 1250 sq. ft. living space) The first floor contains a living room; eat-in kitchen with cherry raised panel cabinets, stove and microwave, 3 bedrooms with closets; full bathroom; sm. covered front porch; concrete back patio; full basement contains a laundry hookup; oil fired hot water furnace. 12X23 ATTACHED ONE CAR GARAGE 9X13 ATTACHED STORAGE SHED LOT SIZE - 80’X150’ M/L COCALICO SCHOOL DISTRICT - $3,800 TOTAL YEARLY TAXES This circa 1957 brick rancher offers 3 bedrooms, an attached one car garage, and a full basement on a level lot in a convenient location just east of Weaver Markets in Swartzville, and across Rt. 897 from Peace United Church of Christ. Be sure to inspect this affordable property being sold at Public Sale! OPEN HOUSE - For information or inspection call (717) 738-4576. TERMS OF SALE - $10,000 down payment on day of sale, balance at settlement on or before October 3, 2016. Purchaser pays both Realty Transfer Taxes. Property sold as is. A. Anthony Kilkuskie, Atty.

Sale For:


To be held at 125 Church Ave., Ephrata, PA. Watch for sale arrows. Custom & upgraded 2 sty. Colonial w/2576 SF, country eat-in kitchen w/ maple cabinets & pantry, living rm. w/brick hearth, gas stove, slide door to rear covered 12x50 paver patio, 1st floor laundry, office/den, 18x26 family rm., 3 bdrms., 1-1/2 baths (master bdrm. 12x22 w/slide door to sun porch), 12x16 deck, elec. basebrd. gas heat, low maintenance exterior & Pella insulated windows. Outbldgs: 2 sty. bank barn 28x46 w/2 horse stalls, garage & full 2nd floor storage w/roll door, water & elec. all new ‘14, 1 sty. horse barn 10x32 w/horse stalls & dog kennel, utility bldg. 12x14 & chicken coop 10x16 all on 2.8 ACRES (partially wooded), lawn & garden, on-site well & septic, professional landscaping, mature trees, long macadam driveway to very private quiet setting. NOTE: Owners relocating to New York state & serious to sell! Spacious, upgraded & modified 2 sty. A “must see” property. Ideal family property minutes to Rts. 625, 222, 272 & Turnpike. Personal inspection by appointment or open house August 6 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood.com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Allen H. & Roy E. Good, Jr. Regina S. Aaron Z. Nolt Martin Curvin M. Horning 717-445-6168 717-445-4309 AUCTIONEERS Lic. #499, #2116, www.klinekreidergood.com #5064, #3956

Pattern Glass, Vaseline, Majelica, End of Day, Cookie Cutters, Sm. Tins, Old Reading Beer Tray, Yuengling Beer Sign, Spool & Needle Cabinets and others, Ice Cream Parlor Light (as is), Ansonia 8-Day Clock, Furniture inc. Settee, Book Rack, Nursing & Child’s Rockers. INSTRUMENTS Inc., Banjo, Cymbals, Bell Accordion, Conn Trumpet, Mandolin, Wyomissing Industrial Band French Horn. Phon-ola. PICTURES Inc., Reverse Paintings on Glass, Martha & Geo. Washington, Battle of Gettysburg & others, Old Photos, Old Sale Bills. JEWELRY Inc., Bracelets, Pins, Pocket, Wrist & Cartoon Watches, Sterling, Belt Buckles, Pocket Mirrors, Pocket Knives, Bottle Tops. BOOKS Inc., Old Reference Books, Children’s, Roosevelt Hunting Experiences, Collection of 18th Century PA German Books, Civil War, Machinist Tools, Book of Pencil Sketches, Postcard Album. Berillum Pry Bar plus loads of other items. Not Responsible for Accidents.

Rich Harry, Auct. AU-002183L Daryl Shupp, App. Auct. AA-018931

Phone: (717) 336-3625

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - 15B

a.m. - B&S Woodcraft, 501 Furnace Road, Quarryville. Complete liquidation for B&S Woodcraft. Wood­ working machinery, tools, forklifts, Iveco diesel, air compressors, (2) U.S. meat slicers, shavings wagons, guns. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., SEPT. 15 - 5:00 p.m. - Lloyd K. and Emma S. Stoltzfus, 52A Slaymaker Hill Road, Kinzers. 1 story country 3 bedroom rancher, 3 car garage, barn 14x30, utility building 12x20, 3 acres with pasture. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. FRI., SEPT. 16 - 9:00 a.m. - H.C. Rineer Sons, Inc., 904 Strasburg Pike, Strasburg. Shop equipment, tools, truck parts, pallet racking. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. FRI., SEPT. 16 - 9:00 a.m. - Martha D. Keller Estate, 635 West Lexington Road, Lititz. 72 acre m/l prime Lancaster County farm. Real estate at 12:00 noon. Antiques, furniture, personal property. Witman Auctioneers, Inc.

FRI., SEPT. 16 - 5:00 p.m. - Timothy M. and Stephanie A. Norton, 112 Norton Drive, Gap. Country 1-1/2 story 4 bedroom salt box dwelling, 2 story garage/shop 30x40, guest/ in-law suite, 3.4 acres. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., SEPT. 17 - 9:00 a.m. - Estate of Amos B. Eberly, 124 Blantz Road, Lititz. 2 story dwellings, 6 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath, 16x30 2 story shop, .5 acre lot. Real estate at 12:00 noon. Personal property, ’05 SUV, 100’s toy trucks and tractors. Les Longenecker, Auctioneer. SAT., SEPT. 17 - 9:00 a.m. - Lamar H. Stahl, 28 Oak Drive, Lancaster. 2 tracts of real estate. #1 - Brick ranch style dwelling. #2 - Vacant 3/4 acre lot. Real estate at 1:00 p.m. Household goods, collectibles, tools, lawn and garden equipment. Horst Auctioneers. MON., SEPT. 19 - 5:00 p.m. - J. Kenneth and Tracy E. Groff, 268 Mount Airy Road, New Holland. Country


1.51 ACRES


FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 • 5 P.M. 1504 Brunnerville Rd., Lititz. Rt. 501 N. from Lititz. Right Newport Rd. (at Sheetz). Left Brunnerville Rd. thru Brunnerville to house on right OR from Clay area take Clay Rd. south. Bear right Brunnerville Rd. past Hammer Creek Mennonite Church. House on left.

Rural split foyer dwl. w/1658 SF, eat-in kitchen w/upgraded cabinets, pantry & skylight, living rm., large family rm. w/brick FP & wood stove, 3 bdrms. 1½ baths, laundry, large lower level w/2 car garage. Special Features: Oak hardwood floors living rm., bdrms. & hallway, elec. & coal stove heat, large covered & screened 14x27 deck w/skylights, soffit, fascia, siding & spouting all new 2015 & roof 2014. Outbldgs: horse barn 12x22 & utility bldg. 12x7 level 1.51 ACRE lot w/mature shade, lawn, garden, fenced pasture. Zoned Rural Estate. NOTE: Owner relocating to farm & serious to sell. “Move in” condition low maintenance & economical. Great location, minutes to Lititz, Brunnerville & Clay. Ideal as residence or investment. Personal inspection by appointment or open house Sat., August 6 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood.com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368)

Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-733-1006 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956

Eli S. & Rachel L. King 717-625-0069

AUCTIONEERS www.klinekreidergood.com

1-1/2 story 3 bedroom Cape Cod dwelling, 2 car garage, breezeway, 1.1 acre. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. TUES., SEPT. 20 - 5:00 p.m. - Betty V. Sweitzer, 1656 Reading Road, Mohn­ ton. #1 - Country brick 2 bedroom rancher with garage, 1/2 acre rural lot. #2 - Workshop building 30x42 plus 3 car garage 28x34. 5 acres. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. FRI., SEPT. 23 - 1:00 p.m. - Brendon L. and Amber N. Burkholder, 1141 East Newport Road, Lititz. Country 1-1/2 story 3 bedroom dwelling, 1 car garage, 16x14 utility building, 3/4 acre lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers.

FRI., SEPT. 23 - 5:00 p.m. - Farneth Family Trust, 2750 Brookfield Road, Lancaster. 2 story Colonial 4 bedroom dwelling, 2 car garage, 7/10 acre lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., SEPT. 24 - 9:00 a.m. - Evelyn F. Carter Estate, 4564 Stiegel Pike, Newmanstown. 22 acre farm, 2-1/2 story 1800s sandstone dwelling, bank barn, garage/shop. Real estate at 1:00 p.m. Personal property, tools, antiques, farm/shop equipment, ’86 Dodge pickup. Kline, Krei­ der and Good Auctioneers. MON., SEPT. 26 - 5:00 p.m. - Elmer L. and Anna K. Stoltzfus, 114 Summitville Road, New Holland. Country split foyer, 2 car garage, 1/2 acre rural lot.


B&S Woodcraft. Trailers, tow motors, pallet jacks, lg. shop equipment, diesel, hyd. pumps, new furniture and inventory. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. FRI., SEPT. 30 - 10:00 a.m. - John H. Hershey Estate, 474 West Newport Road, Lititz. 2-1/2 story 5 bedroom dwelling, bank barn, tobacco barn, equip­ ment pole building, 6 car garage/shop, farm equip­


MONDAY, AUGUST 29 • 5 P.M. 313 Broad St., Terre Hill. From Main St. in Terre Hill take Rt. 897 N. (Broad St.) to property on left. (Terre Hill Boro., Lanc. Co.)

(Bowmansville/Hawk Valley Area)



THURS. AUGUST 25, 2016 at 6:30 PM Located at: 273 Lauschtown Rd., Denver, Pa. Brecknock Twp., Lancaster Co.

Directions: From Bowmansville take Rt. 625 N. to left on Lauschtown Rd. 1/2 mile to home on left. Real Estate: consists of a .70 acre tract w/a (Martin Builders) 1,508 sq. ft. bilevel home w/2-car garage (New 2000). Main floor includes an oak cabinetry kitchen w/range, microwave, DW & fridge; dining area w/tile flooring; new 10x11 TimberTech deck; living rm. w/ cathedral ceiling; foyer; 3-bdrms w/closets; & full bath; attic storage; lower level includes finished family rm.; laundry w/washer & dryer; 1/2 bath; central AC/ heat pump; new water heater; on-site well & public sewer; 2015 taxes: $2,018; new 12x16 garden shed; large garden area & backyard! Open House: SAT. AUG. 6 & 13 from 1-3 PM for info call auctioneer @ (717) 371-3333 TERMS: 10% down day of sale, balance on or before 60 days. Attorney: Kling & Fanning (717) 354-7700 Note: A “must-see” exceptionally well-maintained like-new home, tasteful décor, new paint & flooring throughout; large level .70 acre lot, beautifully landscaped grounds! Easy access to Rt. 625, 272/222 & Turnpike; Desirable Elanco Schools! For photos & listing visit www.martinandrutt.com

Auction By: Michael J. Martin 717-371-3333 John J. Rutt II 717-587-8906 AY-2189-L

Auction For:

NEW HOLLAND, PA Member of PA & National Auctioneers Assoc.


(717) 283-8456

2½ sty. frame/vinyl dwl. w/1575 SF, eat-in kitchen w/maple cabinets, living & family rms., 4 bdrms., bath, full attic & bsmt. w/outside entrance, oil HW heat, covered porch w/awning, low maintenance exterior w/covered soffit & fascia, masonry 2 car garage w/rear alley access all on level lot w/ public water & sewer. NOTE: Owner retired & relocating. Property must be sold. Ideal as residence or investment. Convenient small town location. Well built dwl. Needs some cosmetic updates. E. Lanc. Schs. Personal inspection by appointment or open house August 13, 20 & 27 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood.com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-445-4309 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956

Gene L. Parmer Susie Reiff, POA: 717-445-9189

AUCTIONEERS www.klinekreidergood.com

“Horst Auction Center” PUBLIC SALE


SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 2016 AT 9:00 A.M..

PREVIEW: Friday, August 5 from 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. and Saturday, August 6 from 8:00 A.M. Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center, 50 Durlach Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522. (The corner of Rt. 322 & Durlach Rd., approx. 2-1/2 miles west of Ephrata) **************************************************************************************


“Horst Auctioneers” PUBLIC SALE


SAT., AUGUST 13, 2016

- Ephrata Area -

Appliances, refrigerator, washer, dryer. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. WED., SEPT. 28 - 5:00 p.m. - John E. and Martha F. Lapp, 363 Octorara Trail, Gap. Country 1 story 4 bedroom modular dwelling, 3.1 acres. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., SEPT. 29 - 9:00 a.m. - B&S Woodcraft, 722 Truce Road, Quarryville. Complete liquidation for

* A complete listing of firearms, collectibles and accessories is available by sending $5.00 to the Horst Auction Center, 50 Durlach Road, Ephrata, PA 17522; can be picked up at the Auction Center for $2.00 or is available with many photos on our website www.horstauction.com. ** All firearms will be sold subject to Federal and State Firearms Laws. *** Accepted Payments: Cash or PA check, Visa, MasterCard and Debit Card with 3% fee. No out of state checks without prior approval.


Located at 1158 Main St., Akron (17501), Lancaster County, PA

14’ x 28’ SHED 1 ACRE +/-

Tools - Electric Scooter - Collectibles - Furniture - H.H. Goods


Real Estate at 6:00 PM


Thurs., August 18, 2016 at 4:00 PM


MON., AUG. 8, 2016

Location: 538 Ridge Ave., Ephrata, PA 17522 (Ephrata Twp., Lanc. Co.)

Directions: 322 East of Ephrata. Turn left onto Ridge Avenue. Continue to property on left. (Along Ridge Ave. between Mohler Church Rd. and Glenwood Drive.)

2 /2 STORY VINYL SIDED DWELLING (Approx. 1600 sq. ft. living space) First floor contains a living room; family room w/semi-open staircase; lg. eat-in kitchen; laundry/mud room w/closets; lg. wraparound front porch; screened-in porch. Second floor contains 3 bedrooms; full bathroom; screened-in balcony. Lg. storage attic w/steps. Full basement w/concrete floor. Contains a full bathroom w/shower stall; recent crown oil fired hot water furnace. 25’ X 27’ OVERSIZED TWO-CAR GARAGE. 25’ X 27’ DAYLIGHT BASEMENT WORKSHOP. 6’ X 10’ FRAME GARDEN SHED. LOT SIZE - 80’ X 170’ EPHRATA SCHOOL DISTRICT - $3,400 TOTAL YEARLY TAXES OPEN HOUSE - Saturday, August 6 from 1 P.M. to 3 P.M. or for information or inspection call (717) 721-6687. * TERMS OF REAL ESTATE SALE - $10,000 down payment on day of sale, balance at settlement on or before October 12, 2016. Purchaser pays both realty transfer taxes. Property sold as is. 1

- Real Estate -

Holland stone rancher on a 1 Acre. 1 sty. rancher w/1502 sq.ft., 2 Bedrooms, (could be 3) 2 full baths, living room w/ holland stone fireplace and bay window, kitchen and dining area, laundry, sewing room, full basement, attic storage and a 22’ x 26’ attached 2 car garage, and attached 9’ x 20’ greenhouse. Oil/hot water heat. Central air. Hardwood floors throughout. OUTBUILDING: 14’ x 28’ utility bldg. w/9’ x 8’ door. All situated on a 1 Acre +/- partially wooded lot. Macadam drive and parking, spacious lawns. On-site well and septic. Zoned Residential. Ephrata Twp. Ephrata Area Schools. NOTE: Great opportunity to purchase 1 Acre property surrounded by woodland. Convenient location. Just minutes from Ephrata and Reamstown. Easy access to Rts. 322 and 222. TERMS: 10% down, balance on or before Oct. 3, 2016. Kling and Fanning, Attys. Property is available for immediate possession. OPEN HOUSE: SATURDAY, Aug. 6, 1-3 PM or by appointment. Call auctioneer @ 717-354-9524 w/any questions. See more at Auctionzip.com ID #25403 Tim Weaver Dave Stoltzfus Lic. # AY2109 Phone: 717-354-9524

Auction for: Noah and Joan Stahl

Sale For:



To be held at Renningers Antique Market, 2500 N. Reading Rd., Denver, Rt. 272 (near Adamstown) Mahogany Dining Room Suit; 4 Pc Queen Bedroom Suit; Double Bed; Daneker Grandmothers Clock; Bookshelves; Leather Side Chairs; Recliners; Cedar Chest; Wooden Rocker; Kenmore Washer And Dryer; Crackle Glass Water Set; Glass Basket; Crocks And Jugs; Cast Iron Bookends; Winchester Ammo Box; Marx ‘Royal Van Co.’ Tin Wind Up; Marbles; Men’s Lord Elgin 10K Gold Watch; Gold Firestone Service Pins; Vintage Stereo Equipment & Oscilloscopes; Jenson Bass Reflex Speaker In Cabinet; Longaberger Baskets; Blue Jars; Cookie Cutters; Corning; Books: Berks Co. Centennial Atlas, 1876; Pictorial Record Of Reading, 1923; Reflections Of Berks Co. 3 Vols.; Governor Mifflin Yearbooks – 1930’s-1970’s; Air News Yearbook 1944; Large German Family Bible; Rockford Table Top Drill Press; Dumore High Speed Sensitive Drill; Craftsman Sockets & Wrenches; Air Compressor; Car Ramps; Wooden Ladder; Prizer Glen Small Woodstove; Aluminum Step & Extension Ladders; Wheelbarrow; Galv. Buckets; Wicker Patio Set; And Many Other Items Too Numerous To Mention. For pictures, visit www.Auctionzip.com (Auctioneers ID #1536) weekend before sale date. All announcements made day of sale take precedence over prior advertisement.

Art Pannebecker & Brad Wolf Auctioneers Inc. LIC. #001476-L & #005308-L 717-336-6983 www.artsauctionservice.com

16B - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

ment, tractors, personal property. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. FRI., SEPT. 30 - 5:00 p.m. - Richard R. Winter, 385 Laurel Ridge Road, Reinholds. Country 2-1/2 story custom 3 bedroom dwelling, garage, utility building, 2-1/2 acre wooded lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. FRI., OCT. 14 - 9:00 a.m. - Larry L. and Edith S. Lausch, 241 Vera Cruz Road, Reinholds. 21.9 acre farm, 1-1/2 story log dwelling, garage, shop, horse barn. Real estate at 1:00 p.m. Personal property, tools,

equipment. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. WED., OCT. 19 - 5:00 p.m. - David E. and Elizabeth G. Anstrand, 835 Cedar Knoll Road, Coatesville. 18.2 acre farm with stream, country 1 story, 3 bedroom rancher, bank barn, equipment building, shop, pool. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., OCT. 20 - 5:00 p.m. - Glenn E. and Bernice H. Wagner, 240 Evans Road, Lititz. Country 1-1/2 story custom 4 bedroom dwelling, garage, carport, barn, 3.4 acres with stream. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers.

Woodcrest Hosts Gospel Concert


Woodcrest Retreat, located at 225 Woodcrest Road, Ephrata, will host its 24th Annual Outdoor Gospel Concert on Saturday, August 6. “Bluegrass Gospel Concepts” will be sharing in this year’s concert. They are a local bluegrass gospel group combining energetic musicianship and great harmonies. You will not want to miss being outside on a beautiful summer evening while enjoying great gospel bluegrass music. The concert will begin at 7:00 p.m. and a freewill offering will be received. Bring lawn chairs. In case of inclement weather, the concert will be held indoors at Alive Church.

PUBLIC LAWN, GARDEN & ATV CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Saturday, September 10, 2016 at 8:00 AM Sale to consist of many late model John Deere and various other makes of Riding Mowers, Push Mowers, Chainsaws, Weedeaters, Compact Tractors, Rototillers, ATVs and various other lawn and garden equipment items.

Sale to be held in Schoeneck, PA


Please call before Aug. 13, 2016 For Free Advertising!


Past Auctions Have Attracted Over 800 Registered Bidders!


For Fast Reliable Auctions

Call HURST FIRST 200A N. King Street, Denver, PA 17517

(717) 336-0473 AU-003375-L

A chicken BBQ meal, by reservation, will be served from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Call Woodcrest Retreat for meal reservations at 717738-2233. Woodcrest Retreat is a non-profit Christian camp that offers a summer camp and retreat ministry to the surrounding community. Over 1,300 campers attend the day and overnight camps. Retreat facilities, day use pavilions and family campground are available for rental.



15 & 17 Queen Rd., Intercourse. Rt. 340 E. from Bird In Hand to Intercourse. Right Rt. 772 E. & immediately right Queen Rd. Property on left.


9/10 ACRE

“Horst Auction Center” COIN SALE



TUESDAY, AUGUST 16 • 5 P.M. 5130 Primrose Ln., New Holland. From New Holland take Peters Rd. E. Left Red Well Rd. Right Diem Rd. Left Paes Rd. Left Primrose Ln. to property on left.

INSPECTION - Thurs., August 4, 2016 9:00 A.M. thru the Sale

Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center, located at the corner of Rt. 322 and Durlach Road, 50 Durlach Rd., Ephrata, Lancaster Co., PA. *******************************************************************************


Selling 150+ silver dollars in bulk and better date singles ‘89-S, ‘91-CC, ‘92-S, ‘96-S, ‘28-P some slabbed. Modern commemorative 50¢ PCGS and NGC graded. Gold including 1899 and 1932 $10, (2) Mexico 50 pesos, 1986 1 oz. $50 proof. Nice type coins and fractional currency. $400+ in various bulk lots of 90%. ************************************************************************************** A catalogued listing can be picked up at the Auction Center for free. Listing is also available on our website, www.horstauction.com. ************************************************************************************** Accepted Payments: Cash or PA check. Visa, MasterCard and Debit Card with 3% fee. No out of state checks without prior approval.

Rural split foyer w/2275 SF finished area, eat-in kitchen w/dining area, custom raised panel maple cabinets & appliances, large family rm. w/ fireplace, 1st floor laundry & office, 4 bdrms., 2 baths, high efficiency LP HW baseboard & in-floor heat, central AC, upgraded flooring, low maintenance exterior w/new insulated/tilt windows, vinyl siding & roof, 1 car garage, 12x28 utility/storage barn w/elec., 20x40 in-ground pool w/custom 14x16 pool house/pavilion w/elec. 9/10 ACRE rural lot w/lawn, professional landscaping, macadam driveway. A “must see” immaculate move in condition 4 bdrm. dwl. w/spacious rooms & tasteful décor. Convenient location within minutes to White Horse, New Holland & East Earl. Personal inspection by appointment or open house Sat., August 6 & 13 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www. klinekreidergood.com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368)

(Parkesburg/Gap Area)



FRI. AUGUST 5 at 3:00 PM SAT. AUGUST 6 at 8:30 AM

Located at: 3848 South Blackhorse Rd., Parkesburg, PA 19365

Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-733-1006 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956

2 separate 2 unit houses on level 6/10 acre lot. 15 Queen Rd: 2½ sty. 2 unit dwl. w/1856 SF, 1st floor 1 bdrm. & 2nd floor 2 bdrms. Each unit w/kitchen, living rm., laundry, attic & bsmt. storage, oil forced air & elec. baseboard heat. 17 Queen Rd: 2 sty. 2 unit dwl. w/1840 SF, 1st floor 2 bdrms. & 2nd floor 1 bdrm. Each unit w/kitchen, living rm., walk-in closets, laundry rms. & elec. baseboard heat. Both bldgs. are low maintenance w/covered soffit, fascia & 200 amp elec. Outbldg: Garage/shop bldg. 25x30 w/12x12 door, water & elec. 6/10 Acre level lot w/public sewer, on-site well & macadam parking for 10 cars. Zoned Village Residential. NOTE: Ideal investment property in the heart of Intercourse. Units are updated w/flooring & oak kitchen cabinets. Rents very modest w/higher adjustment potential. Unique opportunity to purchase solid investment w/low maintenance & greater return potential. Use garage/shop for your personal use or rent. Gross income $30,900, net income $25,400. Personal inspection by appointment or open house Sat., August 13, 20 & 27 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood.com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Dorothy L. DillerRandal V. Kline Springer Trust Roy E. Good, Jr. Kenneth E. Diller Aaron Z. Nolt 717-278-2329 Curvin M. C. Martin Diller Horning 610-331-3017 717-733-1006 AUCTIONEERS Gloria J. Schatzman Lic. #499, #2116, www.klinekreidergood.com #5064, #3956 717-682-1188


Jay Matthew & Marlene Sue Lapp 717-405-5718

AUCTIONEERS www.klinekreidergood.com




THURS., AUG. 25, 2016

Location: 635 West Lexington Road, Lititz, PA 17543 Penn Township, Lancaster County



9:00 A.M. • Real Estate 12:00 Noon

Located at 130 Church Ave., Ephrata (Ephrata Boro, Lanc. Co.) Directions: From Ephrata exit of Rt. 222, take Rt. 322 (Main St.) west, into Ephrata. Turn right on Church Ave. to property on left.

Directions: From Gap, travel East on Rt. 30 for approx. 4 miles and turn right on S. Blackhorse Rd. for .1 mile to property on right. Friday Auction: 28 guns all in good condition (both collectible & usable); old ammo. in org. boxes; mounted Moose head; knives; hunting items; toy trains & acces.; slot car games; old gas model airplane; old hunting & fishing license; gold & silver coins (contact auctioneer for catalog); see future ad or our website for more details. Saturday Auction: 2003 John Deere 4310 4x4 tractor w/430 loader, 3rd remote, 1200 hours; 2008 John Deere 3720 4x4 tractor w/300 CX loader, 475 hours, 3rd remote, cab A/C & heat; Woods BH80-X Backhoe attachment (fits JD tractor); Allis Chalmers D10 tractor w/cultivators; JD 272 3 pt. grooming mower; JD MX6 72” Brush mower; (2) 72” Buckets; Quick Attach pallet forks; Lorenz 7’ 3 pt. snow blower (new); 8’ blade w/quick attach and rubber edge; 72” 3 pt. scraper blade; Cat T50B 3 stage forklift (LP); 3 pt. 1 bottom plow; AC 3 pt. 7’ disc; 3 pt. 7’ lawn aerator; 3 pt. hole drill; 3 pt. plastic layer; 3 pt. 6’ & 7’ stone rakes; 3 pt. 7’ sickle bar mower; 60” brush mower; nice 2002 Polaris XC-600 snowmobile (5,193 miles); 14’ & 16’ flat hay wagons; 10’ dumping flat trailer; lots of newer SK tools; lots of old collectible tools; quality estate auction; selling 2 auctioneers on Saturday; please see future ad or our website for all details. PLEASE CALL or TEXT AUCTIONEER FOR MORE INFO at 717-587-8906 Please visit our website at www.martinandrutt.com

Auction By: John J. Rutt II 717-587-8906 Michael J. Martin 717-371-3333 AY-2189-L

NEW HOLLAND, PA Member of PA & National Auctioneers Assoc.

Auction For:


(Chris & Michael McGowan)

Real estate consists of a 2½ story, frame, semi-detached dwelling, built in 1915, containing a kitchen; dining room with woodstove; large living room; and laundry/ mud room all on the main level. Upstairs, there are three bedrooms and a full bath (privacy violation). There is approx. 1,298 sq. ft. of finished living space. Attic storage. Full basement. 100amp breakers. Oil hot water heat. Public water and sewer. All this is situated on a 0.06 acre lot along with a detached one car garage, alley access, and a cute backyard. This home has like new replacement windows throughout. This would make a great investment property, or very affordable living with a chance to build some sweat equity. Sellers are motivated to sell. Do not miss this excellent opportunity! Open Houses to be held Sun., Aug. 14 And Sat., Aug. 20 From 1-3PM, or by appointment, contact auctioneer at (717) 371-9603. 10% down day of sale, balance due at settlement. C. Sheidy, Att’y

Terms By:

Art Pannebecker & Brad Wolf Auctioneers Inc. #AU001476-L #AU005308-L 717-336-6983 www.artsauctionservice.com


THIS OUTSTANDING FARM CONSISTS OF PRIME LEVEL OPEN FARMLAND WITH A HIGH STATE OF CULTIVATION - Great Setting & Location, Currently Enrolled In The Clean & Green Act. THIS FARM HAS NOT BEEN PLACED IN A PRESERVE! Ideally Located Between Lititz & Manheim. 2-1/2 story (4) Bedroom (2) Bath House w/Attached Summer House & Porch, 62’x132’ Frame Bank Barn - Thirty (30) Stall Cow Barn, Calving Area, (2) Drive-Through Bays, (2) Drive-In Bays, (2) Hay & Straw Mows, Feed Room, Tobacco Hanging Area For 6 Acres, 70’x104’ Concrete Block Enclosed Loading Area, 22’x34’ Block (3) Bay Implement Shed, Block Two-Car Garage. THIS CERTAINLY IS AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY THAT YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS! OPEN HOUSE DATES: Sat., Aug. 20 & 27, 12:00-2:00 PM For Financing, Photos, Full Listing, Terms, See Website: www.witmanauctioneers.com Auction For: Martha D. Keller Estate Michael Keller Ext., Kandice Mislevy Ext.

Auction By:

Witman Auctioneers, Inc.

Luke R. & Clarke N. Witman, Douglas L. Ebersole www.witmanauctioneers.com (717) 665-5735 • 665-1300 AY 000155-L

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