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• Fall Makeover Pages • Hometown Flavors
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wedNesdAY, sePTeMBer 26, 2018 • VoluMe lIII, No. 24 • reAd THe Full Issue oN THe weB:
In this week’s issue:
Ephrata Cares To Hold Recovery Celebration Walk 2018
Fall Makeover Pages In This Issue!
hometown FLAVORS RECIPE SECTION Chicken Recipes submitted by our readers! See Page 10A
Around Town Also see our complete calendar of events in The Bulletin Board, in this section!
Ephrata Cares will be holding a Recovery Celebration Walk on Saturday, October 6 at Grater Memorial Park. The walk begins at 11:00 a.m. at the pavilion in the
park. Everyone is invited to join the walk as they celebrate those who are in recovery from addiction. Join them back at the park following the walk for live
Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese music, food trucks and vendors. of addiction and offer the hope of Ephrata Cares is a community recovery to those in the based group who are working community. The group meets together to help remove the stigma (Continued On Page 2A)
Benefit Auction And “Kids Camp Bonanza” To Be Held
Look in this week’s Things To Do section beginning on page 13A for more events, including: • Fivepointville Fire Company Chicken Pot Pie • Living Water Mennonite Fellowship 5th Sunday Hymn Sing • Martindale Mennonite Church Night of Inspirational Singing • Maize & Snitz Fest SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 80 East Main Street, Adamstown, will hold their 62nd Free Semi Annual Community Outgrown Exchange from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Everything is free and everyone is welcome. For more information, call 717 4844885.
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Living Water Mennonite Fellowship, 160 Chapel View Drive, Reinholds, will hold their 5th Sunday Hymn Sing at 7:00 p.m. For more information, call 7172786772.
On Saturday, October 6, Woodcrest Retreat will hold its annual Benefit Auction and ‘Kids Camp Bonanza” on the retreat grounds in Ephrata. Proceeds from the auction help support
717-445-1792 PA005901
the summer camp program that ministered to over 1,400 campers this summer. The benefit auction begins at 9:00 a.m. and will feature a grand
SAVEup to
on Hard Surface Products
Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese assortment of donated items would be useful in any home. including, home décor, fall plants, At 10:30 a.m. large items and tools, gift certificates, household specialty items will be sold, and at items and hundreds of items that (Continued On Page 2A)
Sept. 13 - 29, 2018
Back to School
2A - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News�
Art Display At Lititz Public Library
SHOPPING NEWS of Lancaster County
During the month of October, artist Bonnie Wilber is displaying her artwork at the Lititz Public Library. Bonnie’s art attempts to depict the human condition with imagination and humor. Color is paramount in her paintings. Her works express her interest in the arts along with a strong love of cats. Family and event in her life also have been an influence. This show includes vacation and cat themed oil paintings and mixed media imaginary work. In recent years Ms. Wilber has experimented with combining oil paintings with etchings, making the etchings part of the scene in the paintings. Bonnie says that “each work starts with an idea floating in her head and is an experiment in progress until I decide it is done.� The mission of the Lititz Art Association is to foster and promote the fine arts
Hocking Printing Co., Inc.
Shopping News Co-Founders - John and Janie Hocking President and Publisher - Julie A. Hocking General†Manager†-†Harold†Wenger†Office†Manager†-†Pam†Boyer†615†E.†Main†Street,†P.O.†Box†456,†Ephrata,†PA†17522†•†Phone†717-738-1151†•†Fax†717-733-3900
The Shopping News of Lancaster County†is†published†every†week. The Shopping News of Lancaster County†reserves†the†right†to†reject†any†advertisement. All†the†information†contained†herein†is†accurate†to†the†best†of†our†knowledge.†We†regret†any†errors†or†omissions.†The†information†and†advertisements†found†in†The Shopping News†do†not†necessarily†reflect†the†opinions of The Shopping News†or†any†of†its†staff†members. We†encourage†fraternal†and†civic†groups,†schools,†churches,†scouts†and†other†local†organizations†to†submit†news†releases†of†general†interest.†Related†photographs†of†good†quality†are†also†accepted.†Complete†picture†identification†must†be†included.†All†articles†will†be†used†as†space†permits†and†are†not†guaranteed†to†be†published.†Every†news†release†submitted†MUST†have†a†complete†contact†name,†address†and†phone†number.†News†information†can†be†mailed,†dropped†at†our†office,†emailed†or†faxed. DEADLINES: (Subject†to†change†during†holidays) DISPLAY ADS†with†proof†-†Thursday†12†noon DISPLAY ADS -†Monday†8†a.m. CLASSIFIED ADS -†Monday†9†a.m. NEWS COPY -†Thursday†9†a.m. Photos†must†be†submitted†through†email†as†jpegs†or†tiffs†at†least†5�†wide†and†300DPI†or†higher†OR†through†the†mail†as†a†processed photo.
Recovery Celebration Walk (Continued From Page 1A)
the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at City Gate, 100 East Main Street, Ephrata. All are welcome to attend the
meetings. Shown in the photo are Brandon Hildebrand, Matth ew Hildebrand, Dr. Scott Jackson, Karen Jackson, Isaias Rodriguez, Chief Harvey, Orlando Vega, Mike Wenger, Mayor Ralph Mow en, Joanne Martin, Dawn Martin, Leslie Houck and Kim Warner.
• Comprehensive Hearing Evaluations • Hearing Aids - All Makes & Models • Easy Access and Parking Dr. Wendy K. Stafford Audiologist
3 Cardinal Drive Stevens, PA 17578
Mon., Tues., Thurs. 9am-3pm Wed. 9am-1pm Closed Fri.
Annual Benefit Auction
(Continued From Page 1A)
11:30 a.m. baked items made by summer campers will be sold. Throughout the day gift certificates will be available for cash and carry with those remaining auctioned at 2:00 p.m. “Kids Camp Bonanza� camp and carnival activities are planned throughout the day and begin at 9:30 a.m. During the morning the children will enjoy rotating between many summer camp style activity stations. At 11:00 a.m. a Jell-O eating
contest and the judging results from the baked good entries will be held. For the afternoon, the ball field will be set up with carnival style games. These fifty- cent to one dollar carnival games will test their skill and earn them prizes. Bounce house, barrel train rides and animals from the nature shack will all be part of the fun. Bring your children and grandchildren for another great day of camp fun while supporting camp ministry. For the Baked Goods Competition children are encouraged to bake cookies, cakes or pies and enter them to be judged and to earn prize money. Baked items will
Lawn Care Distributors is hosting a
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HUGE SALE Fleece Blankets AY 5 Each ONLY ONE D
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Serving Breakfast All Day
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CrossNet Food Drive Underway
A food drive coordinated by Fairmount’s Residential Living Activity Committee is now underway at Fair mount. Items will be collected until Friday, September 28. Two tables are set up, one on each side of campus in the Wheat Ridge and Crest View lobbies. A list of items most needed at this time is posted on each table. CrossNet Ministries is a non-profit organization that provides programs in the area of Youth, Food and Nutrition, Social Services and Community in the Eastern Lancaster County (ELANCO) School District. They maintain a food pantry accessible by resi dents in need in the ELANCO area. Boxed and canned food, as well as hygiene products are need ed. All donated food items must be within code date no expired food items can be accepted. Please con sider helping with this worthy cause in the local area.
Open To The Public
Gus’s Restaurant is open during construction. Visit us at our New & Improved Restaurant!
then be sold over auction at 11:30 a.m. to raise funds for the summer camp program. Pancakes, sausage, quiche and donuts will be available for breakfast between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Lunch served in the food tent includes Peter’s chicken barbecue, a baked potato bar, hot dogs, French fries, ice cream, baked items, drink and more. Woodcrest Retreat is a notfor-profit organization and located at 225 Woodcrest Drive, Ephrata. Readers may call 717-738-2233 for further information or to donate items. To reach the retreat, take 322 to stop light at 222 North exit ramp and Hahnstown Road. Follow Hahnstown Road to the second road left. Turn left onto Glenwood Drive. Proceed ž mile, turn right on Woodcrest Drive. The retreat is one mile ahead. Shown in the photo, from left to right, are Maleah Mabry, Mason Mabry, Adam Fox and Theodore Zook.
Outdoor Wood Furnaces
Come And Experience The Quick, Friendly, Efficient Service For Lunch
to attend the programs held at the library. The public is welcome to view the display of artwork during the library’s normal hours of operation.
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and to cooperate with other organizations sharing similar purposes. Membership is open to all adults with an appreciation for the fine arts. Guests are always welcome
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Free Appraisals
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News� - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - 3A
Obituaries Blaine Kenneth Yates, 26, Manheim, formerly of Eph rata, died Saturday, Sep tember 1. He is survived by his parents, April (Shreiner) Boyer, Ephrata, and Daniel Yates, Baltimore; a brother, Vaughan, Ephrata; and grandparents: Ruth and Ken Keenan, Ephrata, and Mary, West Virginia. Beverley R. Charles, 72, wife of James R. Charles Sr., Leola, died Wednesday, September 5. Besides her husband, she is survived by her mother, Doris Wade; three sons: James Charles Jr., Lancaster; Jonathan Charles, husband of Christine, Lititz; and Joel Charles, Millsboro, Dela ware; a daughter, Jennifer Charles, Leola; five grand children; three brothers: Earl Manning Jr.; Jack Manning; and Randy Manning; and two sisters: Cathy Duffney, and Rita Bull. Jon D. Heister, 53, hus band of Michelle (Good) Heister, Clermont, Florida, died Thursday, September 6. Besides his wife, he is survived by two sons: Davis and Harris; his mother, Donna; two brothers: Chip and Barry; and a twin sister, Jean. Shirley Ann Givler, 81, Country Meadows, Wyo missing, died Tuesday, Sep tember 11. She was the wife of the late Arthur Lee Givler. She is survived by three
4 2
sons: Kevin Ross Givler, Columbus, Ohio; Bradley Dean Givler, husband of Heidi C. Givler, Lenharts ville; and Kirk Douglas Givler, Splendora, Texas; a daughter, Wanda G. Givler, wife of Robert I. Steffey Jr., Reading; four grandchildren; one great-grandchild; and two sisters: Loretta, wife of Gary L. Zimmerman, Eph rata, and Cynthia, wife of Jeffery Mundy, Troutville, Virginia. She was preceded in death by a son, Mark Givler. Theresa C. Moyer, 84, Denver, died Tuesday, Sep tember 11. She was the wife of the late Richard F. Moyer. She is survived by two brothers: Eugene C., hus band of Helen Serafino, Mannington, West Virginia, and Vincent A., husband of Sandra Serafino, Fleetwood. Carole Warfield Michael, 73, wife of Charles “Arch� Michael, Lititz, died Wednesday, September 12. Besides her husband, she is survived by three sons: Charles “Mike,� partner of Nidhi Dobosh, Lititz; Tim othy, husband of Tori, New Market, Maryland; and Todd, husband of Megan, Lake Bluff, Illinois; six grandchildren; and a brother, Thomas Neff, husband of Cheryl, Mt. Airy. Arlington Miller, 94, United Zion Retirement Community, Lititz, died Wednesday, September 12.
He was the husband of the late Marian Brubaker Miller. She is survived by two sons: Carl L., husband of Karen Youndt Miller, Lititz, and John G., husband of Linda Kreider Miller, Lititz; eight grandchildren; 21 great-grandchildren; two brothers: Eugene Miller, Lancaster, and Roy Miller, Bullhead, Arizona; and a sister, Helen Kegerreis, Schaefferstown. He was preceded in death by a son, Clair E. Miller. Sandra Lee Schrock, 59, wife of Ray Schrock, Ephrata, died Wednesday, September 12. Besides her husband, she is survived by two brothers: Ronnie Bawell, and Charles S. Carroll; and five sisters: Vicki Redcay; Sherry Kreiner; Connie Reihl; Cathy McQuate; and Cindy Roof. Benjamin M. “Skip� Witmer Jr., 83, husband of Dorothy Gardner Witmer, Lititz, died Wednesday, September 12. Besides his wife, he is survived by three sons: Steven, Scott and Josh; and three grandchildren.
Ethel B. Hershey, 80, wife of Abram Hershey, Utica, formerly of Lititz, died Thursday, September 13. Besides her husband, she is survived by five brothers: Marlin, husband of Joy Hershey, LaPorte City, Iowa; Ken, husband of Jean Hershey, Rochester; James, husband of JoAnn Hershey, Maple Grove; Darrell, hus band of Suzanne Hershey, Utica; and Roy, husband of Rachel Hershey, St. Ansgar, Iowa; a daughter, Lucy, wife of John Yoder, Jackson, Kentucky; 20 grandchildren; ten great-grandchildren; two brothers: Mervin Shelly, and Wilmer Shelly; and a sister, Reba Nolt. Holly Ann Mekni, 61, Lititz, died Thursday, Sep tember 13. She is survived by a daughter, Briana J. Mull, companion of Chad T. Wiggins; and a brother, Jan A. Mull, Lancaster. Betty J. Miller, 87, The Gardens at Stevens, died Thursday, September 13. She was the wife of the late Paul E. Miller Sr. She is survived by five
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(Continued On Page 9A)
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grandchildren; four greatgrandchildren; and four sisters: Mary, wife of William Young, Bryan, Texas; Bertha â&#x20AC;&#x153;Buzzâ&#x20AC;? Holl way, New Freedom; Faye â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tootâ&#x20AC;? Taylor, Dallastown; and Carol Ann â&#x20AC;&#x153;Annieâ&#x20AC;? Bair, Wrightsville. She was preceded in death by a son, Jerry Dover. Marla J. Eby, 63, Ephrata, died Friday, September 14. She was the wife of the late George William Eby. She is survived by her parents, Dean and Nancy (Carlan) St. John; and two sisters: Laranda, wife of Lloyd Eby, Wausseon, Ohio, and LuAnn, wife of Randy Dennis, Richland. Regina M. (Adair) Scott, wife of Frank, Lititz, died Friday, September 14. Besides her husband, she is survived by a son, Brian; two daughters: Gina, and Maribeth, wife of Patrick; five brothers: Paul, husband of Teresa; John, husband of Chau; Martin, husband of Alissandra; Gerard; and Patrice; and seven sisters: Michele Previti, wife of Leo; Cheryl; Laurette Marshall,
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sons: William E. Miller; Christian E. Miller; Robert L. Miller; Paul E. Miller Jr.; and James Wesley Miller; three daughters: Linda Ann Stark; Sharon Barnett; and Paula J. Kirchner; 13 grand children; 30 great-grand children; a brother, Richard Pierce; and a sister, Rose mary Wiley Schrom. Pauline S. Stanley, 93, Stevens, died Thursday, September 13. She was the wife of the late Elijah Louis Stanley. She is survived by a son, Stephen, husband of Dianna (Windsor) Shull, Denver; a step-daughter, Brenda Stan ley Hart, Asheboro, North Carolina; nine grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by two stepsons: Baxter Lee Stanley, and Danny Allen Stanley. Betty L. Kohler (Taylor) Dover, 94, Ephrata, died Friday, September 14. She was the wife of the late J.B. Dover. She is survived by a son, Rick, husband of Cynthia Dover, Ephrata; a daughter, Katherine â&#x20AC;&#x153;Kathe,â&#x20AC;? wife of Kerry Trimble, Lititz; seven
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4A - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
social notes women’s news
Lititz Senior Center Lists Activities
The following listing is for the Lititz Senior Center, located at Lititz United Methodist Church, 201 East Market Street, Lititz. *Note: The Cocalico Senior Center is closed and people will be transferred to the Lititz Senior Center. Lititz Senior Center The Lancaster County Office of Aging, Lititz Senior Citizens Center, Lititz United Methodist Church, Lititz, is open Wednesday, Thursday and Monday, from 8:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m., with Coffee and Chat Time at 9:00 a.m. and Lunch served at noon. The Center serves Lancaster County residents of Ephrata, Rothsville,
United Zion Selects Artist Of The Month
The Art Gallery at United Zion Retirement Community (UZRC), Lititz, is pleased to feature John Renard as the UZRC September Artist of the Month. His photograph “The Ladybug” (shown in the photo) captures the bright beauty of flowers while “Timeless Denim” makes you consider the passage of time. He prefers not to specialize on any particular subject or topic but instead, he enjoys capturing the art and beauty in the many facets of our everyday life. There is so much to see and capture in the world, he believes that all one needs to do is take the time to look for it. The work display at United Zion shows his range of subjects including sports, nature, still life, scenery, flowers, and people.
Family Dentistry
Renard has won awards from the Lancaster Newspaper, the York Newspaper, Pennsylvania Magazine, and the Kodak International Newspaper Photography Contest. He has also been honored to take home first, second and third
ribbons at the York Fair as well taking home the award for Best in Show three of the years he has participated. Renard’s goal as a photographer is not to be better than his peers, but to be the best that he personally can be. Photography has
Akron, Neffsville and Lititz areas. Ephrata is also served by van service. Reservations for lunch and transportation need to be made by 11:00 a.m., one day in advance by calling the Center at 717 6262800. Daily Activities Include: Wednesday, September 26: Long’s Park Picnic Center
Closed. Thursday, September 27: 9:15 a.m., Exercise with Kathy; 10:00 a.m., GeriFit; 10:15 a.m., Music and Dancing with Lost and Found; 12:00 Noon, Lunch. Monday, October 1: 9:00 a.m., Walk/Wii Bowling; 9:30 a.m., Clothing Bank; 10:00 a.m., PSU Nutrition;
of Ephrata
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been a part of his life for the last thirty years, but it wasn’t until the last ten years that it has become his true passion. He states that photography engages and excites him and 1. Is the book of Haggai in the Old or gives him purpose in many New Testament or neither? ways and that there are times 2. Paul urged Christians to be ... of when he feels his heart rate God, as found in Ephesians 5:1? LovBelievers, Followers, Worshipquicken while setting up that ers, pers “perfect shot.” 3. From Proverbs 3, we are not to on our own ...? Riches, UnderRenard’s artwork will be lean standing, Friends, Pity on display and available 4. In 2 Chronicles, what godly priest for purchase throughout the had a wife named Jehosheba? JehoiaDemetrius, Jeremiah month of September. For da,5. Felix, What is the middle chapter of the more information on the Old Testament (KJV)? 2 Chronicles Art Gallery, please contact 3, Job 29, Psalms 34, Isaiah 41 6. On which day did God make Alyssa Wojcik at awojcik@ Adam and Eve? Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth 1) Old; 2) Followers; United Zion Retirement 3)ANSWERS: Understanding; 4) Jehoiada; 5) Job Community is located at 29; 6) Sixth Comments? More Trivia? Visit www. 722 Furnace Hills Pike, one and a half miles north of © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc. the square in Lititz. The Art Gallery is free and open to Friday, September 28: the public daily 8:00 a.m. to Chicken primavera with 8:00 p.m. vegetable cream sauce, penne pasta, tossed salad 11:00 a.m., Bible Study; with cucumber, hardboiled 12:00 Noon, Lunch. egg, Italian dressing, garlic breadstick, sliced pears. Senior Center Menu Monday, October 1: Wednesday, September 26: All Center Picnic Hot Baked ziti with meatballs, dogs, hamburgers, potato marinara sauce and cheese and macaroni salads, topping, Caesar salad, garlic sandwich and hot dog rolls, breadstick, mixed fruit salad. watermelon, brownie. Tuesday, October 2: Pork Thursday, September 27: ribette, seasoned potatoes, Salisbury steak with gravy, baked beans, dinner roll, cheesy whipped potatoes, sliced peaches. sweet peas, white bread, Milk and bread served brownie. with all meals.
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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - 5A
Lititz Junior Class Selects Yearly Officers At Cocalico Storytelling Festival The Warwick Education Foundation proudly presents the annual Lititz Storytelling Festival, Friday, September 28 and Saturday, 29. Now in its seventh year, the popular event has grown to become a premier show case for the art of storytelling both regionally and nation ally, earning a MidAtlantic Spotlight Award from the National Storytelling Net work. This year’s Festival features an international lineup of wellknown storytellers – some new to the event, others returning favorites – including Geral dine Buckley, Donald Davis, Lyn Ford, Andy Offutt Irwin and Charlotte Blake Alston. New for 2018 is the addition of musical performances by Keith Cochran and Friends. All stories are performed, rather than simply read, creating a truly interactive audience experience. “Unlike live theater where the audience is physically shown characters, plotlines and interactions, storytelling only uses words and actions,” explains Barbara Mobley, Executive Director for the Warwick Education Foundation. “With story
“The cultural tradition of storytelling has been passed down through the gener ations to teach important life principles, recall historic events, or just to have some fun,” adds Mobley. “We’re honored to help keep that tradition alive with the Lititz Storytelling Festival. And this year, we’re opening the Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese doors to downtown Lititz so visitors can enjoy both the The junior class at Cocalico High School has selected the following students as class officers. Shown, from left to right, are Vice President, Allyson Richwine; President, Brock Gingrich; Treasurer, Carrie Buckwalter; Project Leader, Emily events and our town.” Fasnacht; and Secretary, Caitlin Lesher. Missing from the photo is Katie Ziegler. For a complete scheduled, ticketing and other telling, the listener is imagin the charm of downtown Attendees can learn from own storytelling skills at information, visit LititzSF. ing the story, and that’s what Lititz as the Festival expands the masters and hone their concurrent workshops, or org. makes it such an immersive into multiple venues around experience.” town, including the Linden Evening concerts will take Hall Theater, JoBoy’s Events place at the Warwick High Hall, Brownstone Manor Lititz Elementary School Auditorium. Also and new for 2018, ticketholders School during the day on will be able to experience Saturday, September 29.
Mak e
OPEN: Monday-Saturday, 7AM-9PM; Sunday 8AM-5PM
We reserve the right to limit quantities. No sales to dealers please. Not responsible for typographical errors. Shown for illustration purposes only and do not represent items offered for sale.
Oscar Mayer
USDA Grade "A"
Chicken Drumsticks or Thighs
Sea Best Frozen
Sliced Bacon
Tilapia Fillets
Fresh Express
Caesar Salad Kit
Dannon Fruit On The Bottom
Asst. Variety, 12-16 oz.
9.75-10.5 oz. bag
1 lb bag
Yogurt 5.3 oz.
American Cheese
Cooked Ham
Heidi Ann
Swiss Style Cheese
• Won’t fade, rot, or attract termites • Environmentally friendly • Great for playgrounds • Realistic appearance • 5 colors
Deli Sliced
Fe at ur ing Playsafer Rubber Mulch Premium Black Mulch .. $30.00
Phone: 717-859-2765 •
Prices Effective Sept. 24 - Sept. 30, 2018
40 Groffdale Church Rd. 717-65 Leola, PA • 717-656-6826 • Closed Sunday
805 Main Street, Akron, PA 17501
Beef Shoulder Roast
This is the second year the Festival has been presented under the supervision of the Warwick Education Foun dation, continuing the tradition started by event founders Brenda Burkholder and David Worth. As part of that commitment to education, storytellers will present concerts to students in schools through out the Warwick School District during the day on Friday, September 28.
the Weiser C
USDA Boneless
sign up for one of two Story Swap/open mic events to present their own story.
Premium Bark Mulch ... $29.00 Colored Mulch .............. $29.00
Hardwood Mulch ......... $25.00
Mushroom Mulch ......... $10.00
Asst. Variety, 3 lb.
Delivery Available Red or White Seedless Grapes
Broccoli Crowns
A Lancaster County Favorite! Sweet
Sat., Sept. 29th 10AM-2PM Hot Dog & Sauerkraut & Drink $1.00
History of Cocalico Valley Wednesday, October 3 • 9:00 am
Join us for a Historical Society presentation about the Cocalico Valley and some of the fascinating history that exists here. Open to the community. RSVP appreciated to 717-738-5700 Event is held at KVAE!
Flavorful Nutritious
Fresh Western Bartlett
2 pk.
Large, Sweet, Juicy Seedless Navel
2/$1.00 59¢
New Crop, Crisp, Sweet McIntosh APPLES
5/$2.00 59¢
New York State Concord
$2.00 $13.99
1/2 Bushel
Broccoli Crowns
$1.29 lb. Family Pack Mrs. Wages
Chile Base
$2.19 5 oz.
SAVE 80¢
Bragg’s Apple Cider
Vinegar g
SAVE 60¢
$5.99 32 oz.
Bulk Food
Snow White
Genuine Green Giant Baking
$1.29 $2.29 8 oz.
5 lb. bag
Ad Effective
Sept. 25 - Oct. 1
Fancy Gala
99¢ lb.
$1.99 lb.
$1.59 2 pk.
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 to 6, Sat., 8 to 4
225 Wood Corner Rd., Lititz
100 North State Street, Ephrata, PA 17522
20 lb. box
(717) 721-9277
From Lititz, 322 East, right on Wood Corner Rd. & From Ephrata, 322 West, left on Wood Corner Rd. (light at Horst Auction) Not responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right to limit quantities. All prices effective while supplies last.
6A - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
Community Health Screen Program The Ephrata VFW will be sponsoring a community Health Screen on Saturday, October 20. Health Screen is a preventive health program that can determine if you have current or potential health problems. The Health Screen will be held at Cocalico Valley VFW Post 3376, 141 South State Street, Ephrata, from 7:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. There
is a cost. Optional tests are offered at an addition cost and can be added to the Health Screen. Payment may be made by cash, check or money order at the time of service. Pricing is good on the day of the event only. A Health Screen consists of blood tests and a selfscoring health lifestyle evaluation. Health Screen consists of comprehensive blood testing that includes: Complete Blood County (CBC), HDL (good cholesterol), LDL (bad cholesterol), Diabetes, Liver Disease, Kidney Disease, Gout/Anemia and
Health Lifestyle Evaluation. You receive a copy of your blood test results, which will be mailed to your home address. The Health Screen gives you the results you need to make positive lifestyle changes. Remember 80% of all diseases are preventable if diagnosed in the early stages. To take advantage of the Health Screen on Saturday, October 20, call 1-800776-6342, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. to pre-register.
WellSpan HealthTalks
Your goal is better health. We’ll help you get there.
Knee, Hip Pain & Arthritis: Options for Pain Relief Knee and hip pain and arthritis can make every day activities difficult. Learn about the anatomy of knees and hips, conditions related to arthritis and the importance of getting a proper diagnosis by board certified surgeons from our Total Joint Program coordinator.
Monday, October 2, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Garden Spot Village Chapel, 435 S. Kinzer Ave., New Holland
Makeover It’s time for a
Grow Gray Hair Out Gracefully For some people, gray hair comes with age. Both men and women have spent much time, money and energy covering their gray heads of hair with various hair dyes. But now there’s a growing trend among people with gray hair to embrace the gray. Gray hair — especially hair close to the temples — tends to be coarser and more resistant to absorbing hair color than other hair. It can be difficult to cover the gray hairs, and then once it is dyed, gray hair may end up showing through prematurely. As a result, many men and women have discovered it is more costeffective to embrace their gray hair. Just like any other hair change, whether growing out a short hairstyle or growing out bangs, it can take time to adjust to a head full of gray hair. • Prepare mentally for gray hair. Hair does not generally turn gray overnight. Therefore, people must expect to live with the gradual change and insecurities that arise as hair starts to turn gray. This requires a certain measure of
away from graying roots. • Consider a major haircut. Sometimes the process can be sped along with a dramatic haircut that removes much of the dead ends and hair that has not yet turned gray. • Stop using colorcare shampoos. Certain shampoos are designed to lock color in place. Those who want to go gray can use regular shampoos or clarifying shampoos that strip old hair dye from the hair shaft. Switch over to a toning shampoo that leaves a bit of pigment to counteract brassiness in gray hair. • Consider a makeup swap, too. Transition makeup color to give the face a warmer, rosier glow. Avoid dark eye shadows, which can wash out a complexion. With a few simple techniques, men and women can naturally transition to gray hair.
strength and perseverance. Some may even desire to give up on the process altogether by coloring their hair or, for men, shaving their heads. But sticking it out allows adults to maintain their natural hair, and many men and women even like their hair once it turns gray. • Work with a stylist. Hair colorists and stylists can make the transition to gray hair a bit easier. With careful placement of highlights, “Health is the first muse, stylists can blur the lines of and sleep is the condition to the graying hair from the produce it. other colors. A good stylist ~ Emerson also may be able to suggest a cut that will draw attention
9 9
Speaker: Roxanne Kintzer, BSN, RN, WellSpan Total Joint Program Coordinator Cost:
STEPHANIE’S HAIRSTYLING 388 Stevens Road, Stevens, PA • 717-336-4278
Registration is required for these FREE health talks. Please call (855) 237-4222 or go to
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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - 7A
Fall Makeover It’s time for a
Beautiful Hair Can Be Your Best Accessory
With a few tips and the right products, your hair can be your best accessory. • Great hair begins with a great cut. It’s all in the shape of your face and in the cut you choose. Short hair looks best on someone with more defined bone structure. If you have a round face, I recommend staying away from choppy layers as this tends to make the face even more round. For a narrow face, choose a mid-length style, halfway between long and short. Depending on the thickness of your hair, you might want to consider layers to either remove weight or add volume. For a round face, longer hair can help downplay the fullness. • Invest in volumizing and taming products. Volumizing spray adds fullness, especially to long, fine hair. Lift the hair up and spritz on at the roots before styling as usual. Do spray through the layers of the hair, not just on top. Or spray your brush with hair spray and brush through. Mousse beefs up hair and gives it a bit of structure, so
Steps Toward Sensational Skin Personal
Even on a budget, you can put your best face forward. Here are some hints that can help. When purchasing skin care products, take a look at the ingredient panel; co-enzyme Q10 and vitamin E are important skin antioxidants and will help balance skin texture, moisturize and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. To keep your skin protected and younger looking: • Apply SPF 30 or higher daily year-round to prohibit sunburn and premature aging. • Get a humidifier. If you have dry skin and cracked lips, a humidifier can bring moisture back into your skin.
it will stay where you put it, the biggest problem for women with fine hair. Use gel to give both volume and support to any straight hairstyle, short or long, but use it only at the roots. Working in gel beyond the roots defeats its purpose. It’s so heavy that anywhere else on the hair, gravity pulls the hair down and flattens it. Straightening balm enables those with very curly hair to achieve the look
• Exercise regularly for good overall health including your skin, but if you’re exercising outdoors, remember to wear a broadspectrum sunscreen that gives you UVA protection.
• Keep lip balm and moisturizing lotions by your alarm clock so you remember to apply them morning and night. • Limit your sodium intake. Reasonable sodium intake and adequate water are necessary for overall well-being, as dehydration will make you look drawn, bring out dark circles under your eyes and make wrinkles appear deeper. • Exfoliate weekly. Exfoliation unclogs pores, keeps skin clean and helps reduce acne breakouts. • Moisturize daily. Look for creams with the ingredient ALL-Q plus.
of straight hair. It should be worked into towel-dried hair then combed through. The hair can be left to air dry for a soft wavy style, or blown dry with a round brush to straighten the hair completely. • Regularly update your look. The simplest and the most natural styles are always the most beautiful. Women no longer should look perfectly coiffed with every hair in place. LET US HELP MAKE YOUR DAY
beautiful! 77 PARK AVENUE, STE. 12 - EPHRATA
Personal hygiene isn’t about just looking good. The effects of maintaining personal hygiene are myriad and include reducing one’s susceptibility to infection and decreasing the risk for disease. Personal hygiene can have such a profound impact on overall health, so some may feel that they need to go to great lengths to maintain their hygiene. But that’s not the case. In fact, the following are a handful of simple ways you can maintain personal hygiene. • Wash your hands. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that is one of the most important steps a person can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others.
• Clean and trim your fingernails. Proper grooming of nails can reduce a person’s risk for infection. For example, keeping fingernails clean and short can help to prevent and control pinworm infection, which the CDC notes is the most common worm infection in the United States. • Brush and floss your teeth. The mouth is filled with bacteria, some of which can contribute to tooth decay and gum disease, which has been linked to problems such as cardiovascular disease, stroke and bacterial pneumonia. Personal hygiene can help people look their best, but the most significant benefit to emphasizing personal hygiene might be the effects that such an emphasis has on overall health.
• Electrolysis
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8A - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
is looking back...
of Lancaster County
*These pages are re-run for entertainment purposes only. Advertised prices, locations, names and phone numbers are not intended for use or solicitation.
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - 9A
Obituaries (Continued From Page 3A)
wife of Walt; Thérèse Rut yna, wife of Charlie; Jenifer Steward; Jacqui Mellott, wife of Dwayne; and Colleen Mariano, wife of Jordan. Evelyn Elizabeth (Beck) Brown, 90, Leola, died Saturday, September 15. She was the wife of the late Adam J. Brown. She is survived by a son, Jim, husband of David
Boland; two daughters: Kim Brown, wife of Jere, and Cindy, wife of Tom Thorpe; two grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a son, Jere Brown. Glenn E. Reed, 91, hus band of Peggy (DeArmitt) Reed, Ephrata, died Satur day, September 15. Besides his wife, he is survived by a son, Terry Ross, Warriors Mark; two daughters: Peggy, wife of Bob Schade, Atlanta, and Glenda, wife of Dan Gentzel, Chester County; numerous
grandchildren; and numer ous great-grandchildren. L. Darlene Sweigart, 71, Ephrata, died Saturday, Sep tember 15. She was the wife of the late Jim Sweigart. She is survived by two sons: Bobby, husband of Grace (Copenhaver), and Chad, husband of Melissa (Young); two grandchildren; four brothers: Jay, Veryl, Tom and Glenn; and a sister, Donna. She was preceded in death by a son, Paul Robert. Herbert B. “Herb” Weid
ler, 95, husband of E. Jean Hess Weidler, Lititz, died Saturday, September 15. Besides his wife, he is survived by five sons: Joseph H., husband of Susan Weid ler, Ogdensburg, New York; Eric H., husband of Debra Weidler, Reading; Stanley G., husband of Gwen Weidler, New Oxford; Luke B., husband of Donna Weid ler, Lititz; and Herb B., husband of Heidi Weidler, Lititz; a daughter, Julia W., wife of William Melone, Manheim; 22 grandchildren; and 24 great-grandchildren.
We’re Open!
The Shopping News is undergoing renovations to the front of the building. During construction, we will be remaining open during regular business hours. Please look for signs posted outside to guide you into the building. Depending on the status of the construction, the front entrance may be open, and at times the side entrance will be used.
DivorceCare is a weekly seminar/support group that will help you heal from the hurt. It’s a warm, caring environment led by people who understand what you are going through. Learn practical information and gain hope for your future!
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Child Care is provided.
Thank you for your patience during this time!
NWOOD FOODS EFruits L G & Produce, Groceries, Bulk Foods,
2018 FALL MEAT SALE SALE DAYS: Wednesday, October 17th, 8:00am-4:00pm Thursday, October 18th, 8:00am-4:00pm WE ARE NOW TAKING ORDERS FOR:
Meat & Cheese Phone (717) 738-9086 • 1614 DIVISION HWY., EPHRATA, PA 17522 Mon., Tues., Wed. 8:00-6:00; Thurs. & Fri. 8:00-8:30; Sat. 8:00-5:00; Closed Sunday
Chocolate Torte ............................................... 2 lb., 14 oz.
Turkey Hill All Natural Vanilla Fudge Ice Cream ........................... 1.5 qt. $2.09 Baskin Robbins Tiramisu Delight Ice Cream ......................... 3 gal.
Stir Fry Blend ................... 2
Sea Queen Crunchy Fish Fillets .......................... 19 oz.
$2.39 $3.19
Pepperoni Pizza
Snack Rolls ............................... lb. $1.49 Red Baron Chipotle Chicken Pizza......................................19.25 oz. Kraft Mild
Cheddar Cheese .........16
Peanut Butter Cereal ............................................................11 oz.
Kraft Shredded Smoky Bacon Cheddar Cheese ....... 6.6 oz.
Best Yet Wide Ribbon Egg Noodles..........................12 oz. Best Yet Mini
Marshmallows...............16 White Grape Juice .. 64
Welch’s 100%
Arm & Hammer Clean Burst
Laundry Detergent
..........................................................150 oz.
Oven Roasted
Turkey $3.19 John F. Martin
Oscar Mayer
Roast Beef ............................10
Shredded Mild
Tavern Hams ....................................approx. 8 lbs., lb.
............................................................ 20 ct.
McIntosh Apples .................................. basket
$6.95 or 59¢ lb. Oranges ......................4/$1.00
Simply Sweet PA
Lance Cream Cheese & Chives
Sandwich Crackers
Tavern Ham ............................. lb. $2.99
Golden Legacy Oven Roasted
................................(average 6 lb.), lb.
$3.25 Turkey Breast
..................................(2-10 lb./case), lb.
................(average 2/13 lb./case), lb.
$1.49 Turkey Sausage Rope
................................................(20 lb.), lb.
Ground Beef .............. (fresh $2.39
Sweet Onions ............................. lb. 69¢ Carrots....................................... 5 lb. $2.49
John F. Martin
Cooked Ham
10 lb.), lb.
Turkey Thighs .................................(frozen, 40 lb.) lb.
.................................. (fresh, 40 lb.), lb.
Chicken Thighs .................................. (fresh, 10 lb.), lb.
.................................. (fresh, 40 lb.), lb.
.................................. (fresh, 10 lb.), lb.
Turkey Scrapple ........................................(6 lb. pan), lb.
Bacon Ends ............................. (average, 15 lb.), lb.
Turkey Roll $1.59
$1.99 $1.50 $1.19
..................(average, 2-7 lb./case), lb.
John F. Martin
Pork Roll $1.79
................. (average, 2-5 lb./case), lb.
Sweet Bologna
Chicken Legs ....................................... (fresh, 40 lb.), lb.
....................................(2-7 lb./case), lb.
...............................................(20 lb.), lb.
John F. Martin
Turkey Ham
Pork Sausage Rope
John F. Martin
Boneless Skinless
Chicken Breast
John F. Martin
Boneless Skinless
Chicken Breast
Turkey Sausage John F. Martin
Boneless Skinless
Chicken Thighs
John F. Martin
..................................(loose, 20 lb.), lb.
Boneless Skinless
Boneless Skinless
$1.99 $1.49
Toasted Whole Wheat Berry Flakes & Flaxseed Cereal .......................................13 oz. $1.79
Peanut Butter Cups ...8
Roast Beef Hormel
Reese’s Mini
Cheddar Blend ........... 5
Barbaras Puffins
Sweet Street Flourless
Tuesdays 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. September 11 – December 4 Ephrata Church of the Brethren 201 Crescent Ave., Ephrata 717-733-1229
Find Help Discover Hope Experience Healing
Office Hours: Monday, 7:30am-4:30pm; Tuesday-Friday, 8am-4:30pm; Saturday, 8am-12noon
Cape Cod Waffle Cut Sea Salt Chips ..........................................12 oz.
(Continued On Page 17A)
of Lancaster County
Gary Lee Good, 62, East Earl, died Monday, Sep tember 17. He is survived by his mother, Reba J. Smith Good, East Earl; two brothers: Thomas Good, husband of Barbara, East Earl, and Joseph Good, husband of Susan, Schaefferstown; and two sisters: Maxine Blount, wife of David, New Holland, and Ann Good, wife of Karl, Terre Hill. Katie N. Zimmerman, 70, wife of J. Jacob Zimm erman, Leola, died Monday,
Peanut Butter Madness Pie ....................................................... 10”
He was preceded in death by a son, Leonard Weidler, and a grandchild. Anna Mary Bowman, 97, Lititz, died Sunday, Sep tember 16. She was the wife of the late Warren M. Bowman. She is survived by a son, Jay, husband of Rachel Myer Bowman, Manheim; a daughter, Joyce, wife of Dave Klase, Bedford; four grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Linda Ecen rode.
................. (average, 2-7 lb./case), lb.
All orders must be placed by 3:00pm, September 29th.
Ph: 717-738-9086 • Fax: 717-738-0451
hometown FLAVORS
10A - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
From weeknight meals to Sunday dinner, chicken is a staple in almost all of our homes. This lean protein is not only inexpensive, but incredibly versatile, lending itself well to many different cooking techniques. We asked readers to share their favorite recipes with us. We received many responses, including those below. To view all of the recipes submitted, along with those submitted for past Hometown Flavors sections, visit
Sunday Dinner Chicken
1 cup rice, uncooked
Grease a 9”x13” glass baking dish. Add rice, dot with butter and pour a package of onion soup mix over it. Salt and pepper chicken and place it in pan. Janice Martin, Add one can of water to East Earl soup and mix. Pour over chicken and raise chicken 4 cups cooked rice so soup can go under it. ½ cup butter, divided Cover with aluminum ¼ cup flour foil. Bake 1 hour at 375°F covered. Uncover and bake 2 cups milk an additional 30 minutes at 2 teaspoons chicken bouillon 400°F.
Joyce Stoner, Denver 1 chicken or chicken legs and breast 1 package dried onion soup mix 1 can mushroom, golden mushroom or celery soup
Bread Our next Hometown Flavors theme will be
Calling all cooks! Share your favorite recipes!
Creamy Chicken Rice
Recipes will be published as space allows in the October 31st issue.
Recipes must be received in our office by 12:00 noon on Monday, Oct. 22. Submissions may be emailed to, dropped off in person or mailed to our office at 615 E. Main Street • PO Box 456 • Ephrata, PA 17522 Submission open to residents of The Shopping News delivery area. Please include your name, address and phone number with your recipe. Limit 3 recipes per person. By submitting your recipe, you grant us permission to publish it and your name/town in The Shopping News as well as on our website and Facebook page.
Rolls or loaves, muffins or toast, our next Hometown Flavors section will feature a food that can be enjoyed with any meal:
Send or drop off your favorite bread recipes to The Shopping News at 615 E. Main St., PO Box 456, Ephrata, PA 17522 or email to by Oct. 22. Recipes will be published in the Oct. 31 issue as space permits. Limit 3 recipes per person. See ad below for more details.
½ to 1 teaspoon seasoned salt ½ teaspoon garlic salt ¼ teaspoon pepper 4 to 5 cups cooked chicken, cubed 12 oz. Velveeta cheese 2 cups sour cream 1¼ cups crushed crackers Spread rice into a greased 9”x13” pan; set aside. In a saucepan, melt 1/4 cup butter; stir in flour until smooth. Gradually add milk, bouillon, seasoned salt, garlic powder and pepper. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 2 minutes or until thickened. Reduce heat and add chicken, cheese and sour cream; stir till cheese is melted. Pour over rice. Melt remaining butter and toss with cracker crumbs. Sprinkle over casserole. Bake uncovered at 425°F for 10 to 15 minutes. Very good!
Chicken Stuffed Potatoes
Coating for Baked Chicken
Janice Martin, East Earl 6 potatoes 2 cup diced chicken 1 teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon pepper ½ cup sour cream ½ cup mayonnaise 1 cup cooked peas 2 tablespoons chopped onion 1 cup grated cheese Bake potatoes. Cut in half lengthwise and remove pulp, saving skins. Mix all remaining ingredients well, reserving cheese. Whip potatoes. Put potato mixture in skin halves. Sprinkle with cheese. Bake at 350°F for 20 minutes. Note: Can be prepared ahead - keeps well!
Joyce Stoner, Denver ½ cup flour 4 teaspoons dry mustard 2 teaspoons paprika salt and pepper Melt margarine or butter in a baking dish. Mix and put all ingredients into a bag. Add chicken, 1 to 2 pieces at a time, and shake to coat. Put in baking dish, skin side down. Bake chicken at 350°F for 45 minutes. Turn and bake at 450°F for 10 to 15 minutes until browned.
“To eat bread without hope is still slowly to starve to death.” ~ Pearl S. Buck
Your Choice of Breakfast Sandwich
Buy 1, Get 1
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This Th Thi T hi W Week’s k’ S Specials: iials: l September 24-29, 9, 2018
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Effective 9/17/18 - 9/29/18. While Supplies Last. Refrigerated
Farmer Rudolph’s Yogurt (All Varieties) 32 oz. $2.79 Medium Brown Eggs 1 doz. 89¢
Bella Fransesca Provolone Cheese lb. $3.99
Cooked Ham lb. $1.99 Hippey’s Hotdogs 10% OFF Bartlett Pears 1 bushel $13.50 Kauffman’s Apple Cider
Walnut Creek
(Available in gallons and 1/2 gallons)
EcoBlaze Wood Pellets NOW IN
Many Other Unadvertised Specials
Locally Made Frozen Soups (All Varieties) 12 oz. 99¢ Jimmy Dean Pancake & Sausage Bites 23 oz. $3.99
Apple Pie Filling & Topping 32 oz. $1.99 Field Harvest Lima Beans 15 oz. 69¢ Southgate Beef Lasagna 7.5 oz. 89¢ Name Brand Frosted Mini Wheats 15.2 oz. $2.29 Name Brand Chocolate & Peanut Butter Toasted Oats 18.8 oz. $2.50 Dark Chocolate Pistachio Nourish Bites Country Gardens
5.5 oz. 2/$3.00
General Merchandise
Cat Litter Pellets 20 lb. $8.99
Coming Soon!
October 15-20, 2018
1011 Dry Tavern Rd., Denver, PA 17517 (Fivepointville) • 717-445-6791 • 1-800-856-4031 • Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8am-9pm; Wed. & Sat. 8am-5pm
Family Owned & Operated in Lancaster County Since 1959 Not Responsible For Typographical Errors
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - 11A
Lemon Cauliflower Crockpot Chicken Chicken & Chicken with Thyme Dumplings Nuggets Joyce Stoner, Denver
Kris Zimmerman, Lititz “Our family LOVES this recipe. It’s very easy to throw together on a busy day & tastes wonderful in cold weather.”
3 tablespoons flour ¼ teaspoon pepper ½ teaspoon salt 4 boneless chicken breasts 1 tablespoon margarine 1 medium onion 4 to 6 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (or 1 cup chicken broth 3 tablespoons lemon juice, thighs) divided 2 tablespoons butter ½ teaspoon thyme 2 cans cream of chicken soup 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 1 to 2 cans chicken broth In a plastic bag, combine 1 onion, diced flour, salt and pepper. Add Kris Zimmerman, Lititz 1 tablespoon dried parsley “This is a delicious way to chicken and shake. Brown chicken in 1 tablespoon 4 Grands flaky have chicken & very handy margarine. Brown each side refrigerator biscuits (I use to have in the freezer for about 5 minutes. Transfer a pack of 8) days when you just don’t chicken to plate and add have time to prepare a meal. chopped onion to pan. In your crockpot, put I often do several bags of Cook until softened, 2 to 3 chicken breasts, butter, these when I buy a case of minutes. Stir in rest of flour, soup, onion, chicken broth stirring until all used up, & parsley. Let cook on high chicken.” about 1 minute. Add broth, for 4 to 6 hours. After 4 to 4 boneless, skinless 2 tablespoons lemon juice 6 hours, break chicken into chicken breasts (or 8 and thyme. Bring to a boil, pieces. (Can use tongs and boneless skinless thighs) stirring constantly. Return do this while chicken is still 1 package Hidden Valley chicken to the skillet and in crockpot.) ranch dressing reduce heat to medium low. 1 cup milk Cover skillet, and cook Cut biscuits into small until chicken is tender. Stir pieces (can use kitchen 1 cup mayonnaise the remaining 1 tablespoon shears to do this). Stir 2 tablespoons garlic lemon juice into sauce and biscuits into chicken & let powder pour over chicken. Sprinkle cook for an additional 30 to Mix all ingredients and put with parsley. Delicious! 45 minutes. Delicious! in freezer bag. Freeze. Remove from freezer, thaw and put in crockpot on low for 4 hours. Notes: Can also be put in crockpot frozen and cooked all day, approximately 8 Groom hours. Also delicious if you Full Service Grooming throw fresh broccoli and cauliflower in with it the last Style Book 2 hours of cooking. Yum!
Creamy Ranch Chicken Chicken Enchiladas Marinade Janice Martin, East Earl 2 cups cooked chicken 1 cup chopped green pepper 8 oz. jar picante sauce, divided 8 oz. cream cheese, cubed 8 flour tortillas ¾ lb. Velveeta cheese, cubed ¼ cup milk Stir chicken, green pepper, 1/2 cup picante sauce and cream cheese in saucepan over low heat until smooth. Spoon 1/3 cup chicken mixture onto each tortilla; roll up. Place seam side down in greased baking dish. Stir cheese spread and milk in saucepan over low heat until smooth. Pour sauce over tortillas. Cover with foil. Bake at 350°F for 20 minutes. Pour remaining picante sauce over tortillas. Serve with shredded lettuce and sour cream.
Express Bath Club Same day appointments often available Board Indoor & Outdoor Activities Spacious Indoor Runs 3 Daily Exercise Periods 717-484-2583
Gloria Dougherty, Akron “These nuggets are really good and they are baked, not fried.”
2 cups cauliflower florets ½ cup plus 1/3 cup whole wheat bread crumbs, divided ½ lb. ground chicken breast /3 cup grated Parmesan
1 teaspoon dried parsley ½ teaspoon paprika ½ teaspoon garlic powder ¼ teaspoon salt ketchup or sweet and sour sauce for dipping
a baking sheet with cooking spray. Place 1/2 cup bread crumbs in small bowl; set aside. In the bowl of a food processor, add cauliflower, chicken, Parmesan, parsley, paprika, garlic powder, salt and remaining 1/3 cup bread crumbs. Process to combine well, stopping to scrape down the sides of the bowl as needed. Use a 1 tablespoon measur ing spoon to portion out the mixture; roll into rounds and flatten slightly. Coat all sides of nuggets in the reserved bread crumbs, pressing lightly to adhere. Place nuggets onto prepared baking sheet. Bake for 12 to 14 minutes, turning them over halfway through.
Add cauliflower to a pot fitted with a steamer basket and 2 inches of water (or cook in a pan with 2 inches of water if you don’t have a steamer basket). Cover and steam about 8 minutes or until very tender. Drain and place onto a clean kitchen towel to dry thoroughly. Serve with ketchup or other Preheat oven to 400°F. Coat sauce for dipping.
Sept. 25 - Oct. 1
Fresh Baked Bread & Rolls
Senior citizen discount every Monday
from South Phila. Every Friday
Bananas ......................................................... lb. 39¢ Murcott Tangerine ................................... 8/$1.89 Navel Oranges .................................................6/$1.89 Gala Apples ................................................10/$1.89 Granny Smith Apples ....................... 10/$1.89 Bartlett Pears .......................... 10/$1.89 100 Monroe St., Denver, PA Custom Made Baskets! (717) 336-3001 HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8am-6pm; Sat. 8am-4pm; Sun. Closed
Ephrata Re-Uzit Shop
Give a Re-Uzit Gift Card!
Clothing & Housewares Sept. 24-29, 2018
Frigidaire – Electrolux Truck Loads Scratch & Dent Appliances
It’s hurricane season. The question is, when will we feel the effects of one? Wind and rain can knock out power for hours or days. Then what? If you have a whole house power generator, you’ll never have to worry about losing power again. Give us a call to have one installed. Along with reliable service and fair pricing, we do a free 10 point safety inspection with every service call. To your safety,
Shawn Iddings Owner, Iddings Electric
1 Year Manufacturers Warranty Dryers ....................................................................$449-$599 Washers .................................................................$399-$699 Pedestal............................................................................. $149 Central Laundry ............................................. $799 & $849 Dishwasher ..........................................................$219-$629 Refrigerator....................................................... $399-$1599 Chest Freezer ......................................................$199-$749 Upright Freezer ..................................................$389-$749 Over The Range Microwave ....................... $179 & $199 Wall Oven .............................................................$749-$929 Range .....................................................................$399-$699 Gas Cook Top ......................................................$399-$599
Downgraded Building Material Metal Roofing, Siding & Liner ....................$.40 per sq. ft. Owings Corning Shingles ................. $12 & $19/bundle 3/4” Plywood ...........................................................$20.79 @ 7/16 OSB ...................................................................$10.99 @ Composite Decking ................................ $1.49 - $1.79 LF
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Donations of New & Gently Used Clothing, Shoes, Linens, Housewares & Books Accepted Benefiting the work of Mennonite Central Committee
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M-F 7AM-5PM - SAT 7AM-11:30AM - Closed Sunday
7 Stores in Lancaster County for locations & hours
1054 S. State St., Ephrata • 717-733-4934 Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-5 • Fri. 9-8 • Sat. 9-4
12A - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
Es Pennsilfaanisch Deitsch Eck By: The Late C. Richard Beam A collection of “Deitsch Eck” columns from past issues of The Shopping News honoring the late C. Richard Beam.
(Originally published in the February 18, 1981 issue of The Shopping News) EE Winder In Pittsbarig By Paul B. Horning
As sie gedenkt hen an Deel vun ihre Friend, Die gebrallt hen vun scheene Heiser un Geld Iwwerich zu schpende un ken gude Zeide verseimt.
“In eener Woch meh Geld as ich grick in zwee!” Iwwernacht hot der Joli sich bsunne, Bis Mittwoch waar er uff der Train, datt hie zu geh.
Verschpott waare sie ebmols wege ihr Gleeder, As net zum Beschde waare un net nei. Schuh un Hut, altfrenkisch un blass, Un ‘Oi, du liewer!’ noch ledderne Schtiwwel dabei.
Die Sarah un die Kinner daheem Waare ganz verlore wie en Ratt unni Loch. En Woch schpaeder kummt en Brief vum Joli: “Grick Sache zuweg fer ziege die naegscht Woch.”
Oft hot die Sarah, wann der Joli fatt waar, Gedraamt un gewunnert weeich der Kinner eb lang Mol in die Schul geh misse mit annere Kinner aus em Schteddel - sie waar bang -
Uff der Train do waare noch annere Leit, Weibsleit un Kinner, deel schwatz; un viel Noch Pittsbarig am Geh, wu ihr Menner Arewett grickt hen in der Schtaalmiehl.
Vier Yaahr gheiert un zwee gleene Kinner; Net viel Geld, awwer herrlich dabei. So waar’s beim Joli un der Sarah im Beind Busch: Vier Schtubbe im Haus, en Kuh un zwee Sei.
Die bessere Gleeder Gleeder hedde un anner Sache fei. Doch waare ihre Kinner so brav, nie verschennt. Des kann mer doch aa net iwwer en Seit lege; So waar sie zufridde un nix zum Joli genennt.
Die Yaahre waare darr, es Eikummes glee. Summers im Daagloh, winders im Barig uff der Saegmiehl. Zwee Daaler der Daag darich Hoiet un Arn; En Daaler un e halb die iwwerich Zeit net arig viel.
“Sie gucke fer Schaffleit in Pittsbarig!” Saagt der Joli wie er heemkummt vum Schtor. “In der Schtaalmiehl, Finf Daaler der Daag Un yuscht acht Schtund der Daag schaffe es ganz Yaahr!”
En Daalers Glaffder ver Holzhacke am Barig, Un allegebott nemmt’s wiescht Wedder en Daag fatt. Ebmols gnapps genunk fer Esse un Gleeder Un der Rent Wann doch yuscht kens grank watt.
Des hot die Sarah denke mache: Scheene Gleeder; gut Esse; un Schteil. “Awwer ich kann yo schier ken Englisch; Bleibt besser wu mer is fer en Weil!”
Herrlich waare sie yo; doch kumme Zeide,
Drei Kalls sin noch Pittsbarig letscht Woch:
Der Joli hot en Haus gleent ghat: Drei Schtubbe un en Kich, all glee, En gleene Bordsche hinne am Haus; Vanne nunner drei Dreppe vun gschpaltene Schtee. En glee, blutt Hinnerheefli, En Bordfens, un hinner der Fens net viel, As wie der Riggelweg, alles dreckich un schwatz Vum Schtaab un Rauch vun der Miehl. Glee un dreckich wie es waar, Es waar doch en Heemt; un glei Waare sie bekannt mit Gas un Kohle, Un Wasser aus em Schpigot; des waar fei. Do waar Butzes un Feges un Wesches,
(Continued On Page 19A)
Trade In Your Old Grill,
Get $50
- Barn & House Paint - Roof Coa�ngs - Deck & Fence Paint - Stains & Varnish - Epoxy & Sealers - Spray Equipment
A Charcoal, Gas Grill or Cooler Table Limited Time Offer
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20 lb. 1/2 Price Cylinder $ 00 649 w/Trade In Inspection Special Good till Sept. 29 (Saturdays Only) Limited Mon. to Fri. 7:00am-5:00pm Time Offer! 676 N. Shirk Road, New Holland, PA 17557 Sat. 7:00am-11:30am 717.354.5691 Closed Sunday
Quality Products, Low Prices Benjamin Moore - Pi�sburgh Paints - Coronado Valspar - Zar - Sikkens - Flood - Cabot
4054 E. Newport Road Kinzers, PA 17535
711 E. Main Street Ephrata, PA 17522
Check The PETS & ANIMALS Section Of The Classifieds
“One Of The Few Things In Life That’s Free…”
SHOPPING NEWS of Lancaster County
Below is a list of convenient locations where you can pick up your weekly issue if you are not in our regular hand-delivered area. AKRON
• Horst Outdoor Power & Equip. • King’s Snack Food • Ranck’s Family Restaurant
• • • • • • •
• The Pretzel Hut
• Weaver’s Store
• Daniel’s Farm Store • Dutch Lanes
• Giant • Weaver’s Hardware
• Weiser’s Market BOWMANSVILLE
• • • • • • •
A Step In Time Antique Center Deer Country Fulton Bank (Denver) Red Roof Inn Turkey Hill (300 Main Street) Turkey Hill (2501 N . Reading Rd.) Weaver Markets (Adamstown & Blainsport)
• • • • •
Good’s Store Horst Farm Market Martin’s Trailside Express Shady Maple Smorgasbord Shady Maple Farm Market
• Elm Post Office EPHRATA
• Ebenezer Groceries • Ephrata Area Chamber of Commerce • Friendly Mini Mart • Glenwood Foods • Good’s Store • Green Dragon • Gus’s Keystone Family Restaurant • Key Aid/Ace Hardware • Martins’ Country Market • Next Door Food Store • Redner’s Warehouse Markets • Royer Pharmacy, Sharp Ave.
• • • • • •
Sharp Shopper Turkey Hill (4 Hahnstown Road) Turkey Hill (903 S. State Street) Turkey Hill (1010 Sharp Avenue) Turkey Hill (3585 Rothsville Road) Wawa Weis Markets
Bomberger’s Store Giant Lititz Family Cupboard Oregon Dairy Restaurant PaulB Weiser’s Market
• Eby’s Store MORGANTOWN
• Turkey Hill MYERSTOWN
• • • • •
Fix My Computer Please Grocery Outlet Garden Spot Village J .B. Zimmerman Yoder’s Country Market
• Redner’s Quick Shoppe REINHOLDS
• BB’s Grocery Outlet • Dutch-Way • Good’s Store
SHOPPING NEWS of Lancaster County
Meineke Car Center has been a fixture on the Ephrata landscape for more than 20 years. But as of August 2018, they have changed their location. Meineke loved being based in the Ephrata area, and they were sad when they had to leave. But they had to find a new location and they hope their customers follow them there, since it’s only four miles down the road. They are now located at 1807 North Reading Road, Stevens, Pa. 17578. They still give the same top-notch service as they did in their former location, but as owner Jon Drexler is quick to point out: “We get even more exposure being on Route 272, with our proximity to the 222 Interchange and the Pa. Turnpike.” Drexler likes to thank The Shopping News for helping spread the news of his recent change of location, citing that, “We’ve always had great success running ads and coupons in The Shopping News, and our advertising representative Greg has done a great job in helping us promote our change of address.” Even though Meineke has gone from being an Ephrata-based business to a Denver-based business, Drexler wants all the residents of Northern Lancaster to know that he still plans on delivering the best value and superior customer service that Meineke has become synonymous with. Drexler wants to spread the word to all the vehicle owners in the Northern Lancaster area that if you bring your car down to Meineke, he’ll get you back on the road quickly, and treat you right. Look for money saving coupons from Meineke in the upcoming 2018 Fall Car & Truck Guide Promotion, which will be in the October 3rd issue of The Shopping News.
1807 North Reading Road, Stevens, PA 17578 • 717-733-4090
Hours: Monday thru Friday, 7:30am to 6:00pm • Saturday, 7:30am to 4:00pm• Sunday Closed
For Advertising Results
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - 13A
hings to do... and PLACES TO GO
Bulletin Board
THURS., SEPT. 27 - A Community Dinner will be held at Wiest UM Methodist Church, 48 N. King Street, Schoeneck, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Fun, fellowship and food. SAT., SEPT. 29 - Fair mount Homes Retirement Community, 333 Wheatridge Drive, Ephrata, will host the Gap Male Chorus in concert at 7:00 p.m. Admission is free, but a love offering will be received. SAT., SEPT. 29 - St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 80 East Main Street, Adams town, will hold their 62nd Free Semi-Annual Comm unity Outgrown Exchange from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Everything is free and everyone is welcome. For more info., call 717-4844885. SAT., SEPT. 29 - Paws in the Park Dog Festival will be held at Lititz Springs Park, 18 North Broad Street, Lititz, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Dogs are welcome.
There will be dog games, contests, vendors, food trucks and more. SAT., SEPT. 29 - Ephrata High School Class of 1988 will hold its 30 Year Reunion at Supply in Manheim. Organizers are looking for more contact information of class members. For more info., call Melinda Hehnly at 717-286-3673 or melhilton SUN., SEPT. 30 - The Eicher Arts Center, 409 Cocalico Street, Ephrata, will host Mitch and the Moodswings at 2:00 p.m. There is no cost. Bring folding chairs. Refreshments will be provided. SUN., SEPT. 30 - Living Water Mennonite Fellow ship, 160 Chapel View Drive, Reinholds, will hold their 5th Sunday Hymn Sing at 7:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-278-6772. TUES., OCT. 2 THURS., OCT. 4 - Salem Lutheran Church will hold a Bus Trip to Newport, Rhode Island. There is a cost. Reservations are due by Sunday, August 12. Call Stephanie Frymyer at 717733-6057. WED., OCT. 3 - The Living With Loss Support Group will meet at Garden Spot Village, 433 South Kinzer Ave., New Holland, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00
Shopping News Crossword Puzzle
a.m. The program is free and open to the public. For more info., call Jenny Snyder at 717-355-6259. THURS., OCT. 4 Bethany United Church of Christ, 140 East Main Street, Ephrata, will hold a Free Community Meal. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Serving at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. For more info., call 717-733-6646. SAT., OCT. 6 - Vinemont Community Lutheran Church, 1278 Fritztown Road, Reinholds, will hold a Chicken BBQ, from 11:00 a.m. to ? There is a cost. For more info., call 717-4842590. SAT., OCT. 6 - Garden Spot Village, 433 South Kinzer Ave., New Holland, will host Musical Memories, from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the Chapel. There is a no cost. For more info. or to register, call 717-355-6500.
SAT., OCT. 6 - Reamstown Fire Company, 12 West Church Street, Reamstown, will hold a Chicken BBQ from 9:30 a.m. until sold out. There is a cost. For more info., call 717-288-7552. SAT., OCT. 6 - The Smokestown Fire Company, 860 Smokestown Road, Denver, will hold a Haus and Pinochle Card Party at 7:00 p.m. For more info., call (Continued On Page 14A)
11am - 7pm
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Berks County Parks & Recrea�on Department
This Year
ONLINE AUCTION OCT. 18 - NOV. 1 ConestogaChristian
2760 Main Street Morgantown, PA 19543 Purchase BBQ Tickets Online At Our Auction Website,
October 7th 11am - 4:30 pm
11:30 am 12:30 pm 1:45 pm & 3 pm
Berks County Heritage Center
1102 Red Bridge Road Reading 19605 $5 Parking Dona�on
Displays, Demos, Tours, Great Food, and Much More! • Trick Roping with Sue Kies • Carriage & Wagon Show • Dra� Horse Demonstra�ons • An�que Autos (1959 and earlier) • An�que Farm Equipment • Children’s Pedal Tractor Pull
• Family Ac�vi�es • Arts & Cra�s Vendors • Lenape History with Darius Puff • Guitar Workshop with Butch Imhoff • Storytelling with Karen Terri Ludwig • Ma� Dodd music at the Canal Center • Running of the O�o Engine • Tours of the Hiester Canal Center, Gruber Wagon Works & Wertz’s Covered Bridge g • Book signing “A Place I Called Home” with author Beth L. Hartman
On Stage
• Pawnshop Bound nd • Dr. Witzelsucht & Ken Gehret • Tom Vollmer & Friends with Haley Sheeler • Wahoo Medicine Show with George Esparza • Awards Presenta�on For more information...
610-374-8839 •
Berks Quilters Guild
...Include 2 Vegetables or 1 Vegetable & All You Can Eat Salad Bar (on Fridays & Saturdays only), Club 429’s Famous Onion Butter & Crackers Served While You Wait
Wednesday & Thursday, September 26 & 27 (Eat In Only - No Takeouts)
Wings $7.25 dozen • Burger Basket w/Fries $7.75 • Steamed Clams $6.50 doz. Also on Thursdays: Cheese Steak Special & French Fries $8.95
Friday & Saturday, September 28 & 29 Closed for the Ephrata Fair
Dining Room Hours Wed.-Sat. 5pm-9pm OPEN for Lunch Wednesdays & Fridays starting at 11am Bar
Hours: Wed., Thurs. 5pm-10pm; Fri. 4pm-11pm; Sat. 5pm-11pm; Sun., Mon. & Tues. Closed
Ephrata Park, Ephrata, PA
Call For Dinner Reservations or Information on Banquets
Quilt Show 2018 “QUILTS FROM THE HEART OF BERKS” October 5 & 6 2018 Friday: 9 am - 5 pm Saturday : 9 am - 5 pm
Leesport Farmers Market 312 Gernant’s Church Road Leesport PA 19533
14A - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
hings to do...
Bulletin Board (Continued From Page 13A)
717-336-2687. SAT., OCT. 6 - Bluegrass Music will be held at the Reinholds Fire Company, 138 West Main Street, Reinholds, featuring “The Lykens Valley Bluegrass Band.” Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Music starts at 6:00 p.m. There is a donation cost. For more info., call 610-573-0797. SAT., OCT. 6 - The Berks History Center will hold the annual 4 Centuries in Berks Historic Property Tour from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. There is a cost for tickets. For more
info., call Alexis Campbell at 610-375-4375 or email SAT., OCT. 6 - Stevens Fire Company, 91 Stevens Road, Stevens, will host ACW Wrestling at 6:30 p.m. For more info., call 717336-4200. SAT., OCT. 6 - 6th Annual Bark For Life of Lancaster County (formerly known as Relay For Life of Norlanco) will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Manheim Township Community Park. For more info. or to register, visit barklancasterpa. SUN., OCT. 7 - St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 80 East Main Street, Adamstown, will hold a Gift Care/Filled Bags Bingo. Doors open at 1:00 p.m. Bingo begins at 2:00 p.m. There is a cost. For more info., call 717-4844885. SUN., OCT. 7 - The movie “I Can Only Imagine” will
be shown at Weaverland Anabaptist Faith Comm unity, 210 Weaverland Valley Road, East Earl, at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome. For more info., call 717445-5736. MON., OCT. 8 - The Caregiver’s Support Group will meet at Garden Spot
Reamstown Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary
Chicken Pot Pie Sale Saturday, October 13 Pick up from 10AM-2PM
Sold by the quart - $7.00 a quart Advanced orders, call Shirley Achey at 717-336-4172 or Cheryl Sweigart at 717-336-3363.
RTCM Fall Banquet
Ephrata United Zion Church
408 E. Fulton Street, Ephrata
Wed. Evenings Starting Oct. 3 7:00-8:10pm
Bring Your Children To Get Registered The First Night. Transportation To The Local Neighborhoods Begins Oct. 10. Bible Teachings • Games • Snack Ages K through 12th Grade
Come & Enjoy Every Wednesday Night With Your Friends At KIDS FOR CHRIST!!
Village, 433 South Kinzer Ave., New Holland, at 10:00 a.m. The program is free and open to the public. For more info., call Marcia Parsons at 717-355-6239. WED., OCT. 10 - The Conestoga Herb Guild will meet at the Upper Leacock Township War Memorial Building, 54 W. Main Street, Leola, at 6:30 p.m. Guests may attend for a fee. For more info. or to register, call Deirdre at 717-288-2126. WED., OCT. 10 & SUN., OCT. 14 - LifeSpring
Fellowship Church, 490 West Lincoln Avenue, Lititz, will be hosting Missions Emphasis Services at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday and at 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. on Sunday. Following the 6:30 p.m. services, refreshments will be available. The event is open to all. THURS., OCT. 11 Bethany United Church of Christ, 140 East Main Street, Ephrata, will hold a Free Community Meal. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Serving at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. For more info., call 717-733-6646. THURS., OCT. 11 - The Essential Tremor Support Group will meet at Garden Spot Village, 433 S. Kinzer Ave., New Holland, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The program is free and open to the public. For more info., call Sherilyn Lapp at 717355-6264. THURS., OCT. 11 - The Low Vision Support Group will meet at Garden Spot Village, 433 South Kinzer Ave., New Holland, at 3:00 p.m. The program is free and open to the public. For more info., call Mary Beth Villafane at 717-355-6010.
Bingo Y Let’s PLA
Ephrata American at Legion
Great Place - Great Games Great Food Ephrata Park • 717-733-2576
Every Wednesday Doors Open at 5:00 P.M. Games Start at 7:00 P.M.
Join Us For A 5th Join Sunday Us For A
Hymn Sing
Join u the fus for n!
Craft Fair & Raffle 4PM - 7PM Auction 6PM
Living Water Mennonite Fellowship Questions? Call 717-278-6772 Guest Speaker: Evangelist David Ring “I have Cerebral Palsy-what’s your problem?”
Guest Singers: Jameson Road Band
Special Note: During the banquet we will be auctioning off a variety of items (to be determined)
Shady Maple Banquet Facility 129 Toddy Drive, East Earl, PA
November 5, 2018 Doors open at 5:30pm for fellowship, hors d’oeuvres & singing by Jameson Road Band. Meal served at 6:30pm. Dinner will include: door prizes and a Chinese auction from local businesses. A freewill offering will be taken to help with the mission of Restart Training Center Ministries, Inc. Individual Tickets:
40 per individual ticket • $300 per table of 8
To reserve your seat or be an advertising sponsor, contact Pam Santiago, Office Manager, at 717-304-3291 or Please purchase your tickets by October 15, 2018 to reserve your seat. Tickets will go on sale September 1st, 2018 to the general public.
We still need Business Sponsors and items for the Chinese Auction please contact Pam Santiago at 717-304-3291 for more information. Proceeds Benefit:
Sponsored In Part By Area Businesses For more information, please visit
Baked Goods & Donations Needed Questions? Call 717-445-4526
T N A R U A T S E BRIGHT’S R 1025 S. State St. & Rt. 272, Ephrata • 717-738-1177
877 Martin Church Road New Holland, PA 17557
Sept. 30, 2018 M • 7:00 PM
160 Chapel View Drive, Reinholds, PA 17569
SAT., OCT. 13 - The Reamstown Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary will hold a Chicken Pot Pie Sale. Pick up from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. There is a cost per quart. For advanced orders call Shirley Achey at 717336-4172 or Cheryl Sweigart at 717-336-3363. SAT., OCT. 13 - The Schoeneck Fire Company, 125 North King Street, Denver, will hold a Big John Nolt Chicken BBQ Dinner, from 10:00 a.m. until sold out. For more info., call 717336-6767. SAT., OCT. 13 - Delaware Valley Golden Retriever Rescue will hold its monthly “Meet and Greet the Goldens” from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at Golden Gate way, 60 Vera Cruz Road, Reinholds. No admission charge. For more info., call 717-484-4799. THURS., OCT. 18 Bethany United Church of Christ, 140 East Main Street, Ephrata, will hold a Free Community Meal. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Serving at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. For more info., call 717-733-6646. SAT., OCT. 20 - The Smokestown Fire Company, 860 Smokestown Road, Denver, will hold a Haus and Pinochle Card Party at 7:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-336-2687.
THE SHOPPING NEWS 615 E. Main St ., Ephrata, PA 17522
FREE French Fries with the purchase of a Fish Sandwich (Garnished with Lettuce, Tomato, Mayonnaise)
FISH FRY: BREADED HADDOCK (Yuengling Beer Battered) French Fries & Slaw - 6.99
SHRIMP DINNER (13 Shrimp, French Fries, Pepper Cabbage) - 8.25
Great For Weekend Football!
Fun • Fellowship • Food
4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Family Chicken Meal - 21.70
Thursday, Sept. 27 Thursday, Oct. 25
Always More Value For Your Dollar! Your independent restaurant, serving good food to the fine people of the Ephrata area for over 58 years.
at Wiest UM Methodist Church 48 N. King Street in Schoeneck
Broasted Chicken - 12 pieces, tub of french fries, quart of slaw, pepper cabbage or macaroni salad. Feeds 3 to 5.
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - 15A
hings to do... and
SAT., OCT. 20 Caernar von Fire Company, 2145 Main Street, Churchtown, will hold a Fall Fundraiser Turkey Supper, from 1:00 p.m. to ? Takeouts available. SAT., OCT. 20 Stevens Fire Company, 91 Stevens Road, Stevens, will have a Pig Roast Dinner at 4:00 p.m. For more info., call 7173364200. SAT., OCT. 20 The Adamstown Area Library will host Wine Tours in the Poconos, from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Board bus behind Weaver Markets parking lot by 8:00 a.m. There is a cost. Proceeds benefit the Adamstown Area Library Room to Grow Capital Campaign. Deadline to register is Thursday, October 5. For more info., call the library at 7174844200. MON., OCT. 22 The Parkinson’s Support Group will meet at Garden Spot Village, 433 S. Kinzer Ave., New Holland, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. The group is free and open to all persons with Parkinson’s and their caregivers, family and friends. THURS., OCT. 25 A Community Dinner will be held at Wiest UM Methodist
Church, 48 N. King Street, Schoeneck, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Fun, fellowship and food. THURS., OCT. 25 Bethany United Church of Christ, 140 East Main Street, Ephrata, will hold a Free Community Meal. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Serving at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. For more info., call 7177336646. THURS., OCT. 25 A “Shock the Block” Trickor Treat Night will be held at Pod 2 at Rock Lititz, 201 Rock Lititz Boulevard, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. There is a cost for tickets. Admission benefits the Warwick Education Foundation. SAT., OCT. 27 The Schoeneck Fire Company, 125 North King Street,
Denver, will hold a Soup and Sub Sale, from 8:00 a.m. until sold out. For more info., call 7173366767. SAT., NOV. 3 The East Cocalico Lions Club will be holding their Fall Dinner from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Reamstown Fire Hall, 12 West Church Street, Reamstown. Takeouts are available. There is a cost. For more info., call 717 3365311. SAT., NOV. 3 The Smokestown Fire Company, 860 Smokestown Road, Denver, will hold a Haus and Pinochle Card Party at 7:00 p.m. For more info., call
7173362687. SAT., NOV. 3 Garden Spot Fire Rescue Auxiliary, 339 E. Main St., New Holland, and 4309 Division Hwy., Blue Ball, will hold a Craft Show and Soup Sale, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Soup must be preordered by calling Rosella at 717354 8094. For more info. on the Craft Show, call Sue at 717 3549718. SAT., NOV. 3 Bluegrass Music will be held at the Reinholds Fire Company, 138 West Main Street, Reinholds, featuring “Blue stone.” Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Music starts at 6:00
Maize & Snitz Fest
p.m. There is a donation cost. For more info., call 6105730797. SAT., NOV. 3 The Cocalico High School Class of 1978 is holding a 40th Class Reunion at Foxchase Golf Club, Stevens. Mark your calendars and share with other classmates, and forward your mailing and/or email address to tessf822@ for more infor mation. SAT., NOV. 3 Swamp Christian Fellowship will hold a Benefit Auction at 390 Swamp Church Road, Reinholds. Doors open at 2:00 p.m. Live auction begins at 4:00 p.m. Kitchen opens at 3:00 p.m. For more info., call 7173307800. SAT., NOV. 3 Stevens Fire Company, 91 Stevens Road, Stevens, will host ACW Wrestling at 6:30 p.m. For more info., call 717 3364200. MON., NOV. 5 Restart Training Center Ministry,
A Night Of Inspirational Singing By
Reflection CHORUS
Saturday, October 6, 10 am to 3 pm
Cloister Restaurant, Inc.
Sunday, September 30 • 6:30 PM
Martindale Mennonite Church 171 Hurst Road, Ephrata
607 West Main, Ephrata • 717-733-2361 Famous Pennsylvania Dutch Cooking
WEEKDAY BREAKFAST SPECIALS 2 Slices of French Toast with Ham - $4.95 2 Eggs with Home Fries 9/26/18 or Hash Browns - $3.25 10/2/18
DAILY SPECIALS Wednesday 9/26
Sunday 9/30
Thursday 9/27
Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce Dutch Fried Chicken Fish Sticks
Roast Turkey w/Filling Baked Meat Loaf
Friday 9/28
Chicken Tenders Baked Meat Loaf Roast Turkey w/Filling
Baked Chicken Pie Pepper Steak Baked Tilapia
Monday 10/1
Tuesday 10/2
Major Credit Cards Accepted
Clam Patties Stuffed Cabbage Chicken Livers
Now Serving Fresh Homegrown Corn Pie & Fresh Peach Pie
Rt. 23, Morgantown • 610.286.9315
Corn Maze Celebrating C Ce e Over 17 Years of Fall Family Fun! Fa
Sept. 15 Nov. 10
Our Mazes Are Family Friendly, Nothing Haunted!
Open Columbus Day
• Jumbo Jump Pillow • Ziplines • Hay Jump • Bale Mazes • Tractor Pedal Carts • Potato Slingshot • Petting Zoo • Straw Mountain • Hay Ride • Barrel Train Ride • Tube Slides • Good Tasty Food • Nigh N Ni t Maze... Bring Flashlight! Night
1719 Herr House & Museum 1849 Hans Herr Dr., Willow Street, Pa. Lancaster Roots Sponsored by Garden Spot Village; Herr Foods, Inc.; Landis Homes
$12 Adults, $6 Children (7-12) 6 and under free
adamstown,, pa
SHUPP’S GROVE Beautiful Outdoor Antique Market Since 1962
Saturday 9/29
Hot Beef or Pork Sandwich Fish Sticks Chicken Tenders
Beef Croquettes Stuffed Pepper Ham Steak
Inc., will hold their Fall Banquet at Shady Maple Banquet Facility, 129 Toddy Drive, East Earl. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. There is a cost. For more info. or to reserve a seat by Monday, October 15, call 7173043291. FRI., NOV. 9 & SAT., NOV. 10 Ephrata Manor in conjunction with the United Church of Christ Woman’s Auxiliary will be hosting their annual Christmas Market from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Friday, and from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday. For more info., call Jessica Kistler at 7177384940 ex. 7474. SAT., NOV. 10 The Reamstown Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary will host a Craft Show, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Vegetable soup and chicken noodle soup will be available. For advanced orders, call Shirley at 7173364172. For stand information, call Cheryl at 7173363363.
Bring this ad for
$2.00 OFF per person Plan Birthday Parties, Youth Yo Yout th Group Time & Scout Outings
Group G r Rates Available
Sat. 9 A.M.-9 P.M. • Closed Sunday • Last Admission At 9 P.M.
September 28, 29 & 30
Homecoming Extravaganza • 7am-4pm
(Sept. 28, Early Buyers, 7am-11am, $10.00 Gate Fee. General Admission, 11am-4pm, Free!) All Paying Early Buyers Bring One Guest FREE!
Saturday, October 13 at 3 p.m. Till SOLD OUT
Back Again! 1 t Saturday 1st S t d of Every Month
Meal Includes: Chicken Pot Pie, Coleslaw, Dinner Rolls, Pickles, Apple Crisp, Ice Cream
Yard Sale • Oct. 6
$5 tables • Special Section
Adults: $12.00 • Children 5-12: $10.00 4 & Under - FREE
The Sunday S d off Every E 2nd Weekend
Special Section Oct. 14
October 6th & 7th Theme: Advertising, Wooden Boxes & Small Cabinets Open Sat. & Sun., 7am-4pm
Take Outs Available for Meals - $10.00 Quart for $6.00
Directions: PA Turnpike Exit 286, right on Rt. 272 North, right on Rt. 897 South, 1 mile on left.
Fivepointville Fire Company
717.484.4115 •
1087 Dry Tavern Rd. (Rt. 897), Denver • (717) 445-4933
Under New Ownership Come check out our new menu! Kids menu available
Monday-Friday • Happy Hour 4-6 $1.00 OFF all Drinks (5 oz. not included)
Monday • 4-9 50¢ Wings, $2.50 Rum & Cola Singles Tuesday • 4-9 $3.00 Wobbly Bob Pints, Kids Under 12 Eat Free off kid’s menu with purchase of adult meal
ENTERTAINMENT Saturday, September 29 • Matt Miskie Friday, October 5 • Adriano Sica Saturday, October 20 • David Cullen Friday, October 26 • Dead Jimmy Sunday, October 28 • Open Jam Session
Wednesday • 4-9 1/2 Price Appetizers (wings not included) $2.50 Vodka & Cranberry Singles
Thursday • 4-9 $3.00 Uncle Fester Pints
7:30 Poker - Win up to $15 off food tab, additional gift card winners Sunday $3.00 Mai Bock Pints All Day
6 N. Reamstown Rd., Reamstown | Reservations Suggested
New Hours: Mon.-Wed., 4-9 | Thurs.-Sat., 12-10 | Sunday, 12-8
16A - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
New Holland Food Pantry
SMITH, Adam and Jaimie Joan (Zimmerman), East rata, a daughter, at WellSpan Earl, a daughter, at home. Ephrata Community Hos (Moyer), Lititz, a daughter, at UPMC Pinnacle Lititz. GESSWEIN, Kyle and pital. Ashley, Ephrata, a son, at KELLY, Michael and STOLTZFUS, Benuel and Women & Babies Hospital. Kara (Zimmerman), Leola, a Anna Mary (King), Leola, a H A C K E N B E R G E R , daughter, at UPMC Pinnacle daughter, at home. Austin and Julie, Adams Lititz. DAVIS, Rodney J. and Hospital. STOLTZFUS, Douglas town, a daughter, at Well LAPP, Timothy J. and Lauren (Scorzetti), Ephrata, ECHTERNACHT, Bran Span Ephrata Community Renita (Weaver), Leola, a W. and Kelsey (Martin), a son, at UPMC Pinnacle dy, and Robert R. Medora Hospital. daughter, at Women & Narvon, a daughter, at Well Lititz. Jr., Ephrata, a daughter, at Span Ephrata Community H E F F E N T R A G E R , Babies Hospital. DIETRICH, David M. WellSpan Ephrata Comm Isaac J. and Chelsea (Mc MARTIN, Curvin B. and Hospital. and Courtney (Beiler), unity Hospital. Clary), Fivepointville, a son, Arlene (Martin), Ephrata, a Lititz, a son, at Women & STOLTZFUS, Jonas and FISHER, Roy and Naomi at Women & Babies Hos son, at WellSpan Ephrata Babies Hospital. Katie (Esh), Leola, a son, at Grace (Stoltzfoos), New pital. Community Hospital. DUNA, Andrew M. and home. Holland, a son, at home. HORST, Mervin and MARTIN, Scott C. and Ashley, Ephrata, a daughter, WEAVER, Vernon P. and GARMAN, Bryan Z. and Elaine (Zimmerman), Eph Roxanna (Seibel), Denver, a at Women & Babies son, at WellSpan Ephrata Valerie, Leola, a son, at SUB OF THE WEEK: Women & Babies Hospital. Community Hospital. Eby’s Combo $2.99.....lg. $5.00 MAURER, Jerome E. and YANG, Teng and Christine SALAD OF THE WEEK: Classic Cobb Salad ................................................................ $4.79 Mary (Saint), Ephrata, a HertzlerYang, East Earl, a daughter, at WellSpan Eph daughter, at WellSpan Eph rata Community Hospital. rata Community Hospital. MILLER, David and 80/20 Lean ZOOK, Amos and Hatfield Everyday Low Price Elizabeth (Champ), Lititz, a Ground Beef Cooked Ham ....... lb. $2.89 Rebecca (Beiler), Lititz, a son, at home. .................. value pack, lb. $2.69 Martindale • (717) 445-4212 Kunzler Black Forest son, at home. Turkey Ham ........ lb. $4.59 Bone-In STORE HOURS: SHIRK, Nelson M. and Pork Chops Vincent Giordano Mon., Thurs. & Fri. 7am-8pm; ZOOK, Nathan Ray and Luetta (Reiff), Ephrata, a .................. value pack, lb. $1.97 Roast Beef ............ lb. $6.99 Tues., Wed. 7am-6pm; Sat. 7am-5pm Sadie Ruth (Lapp), New daughter, at WellSpan Eph Chicken Legs, Jennie-O Oven Roasted Check out our website! rata Community Hospital. Drumsticks Holland, a son, at home. Turkey Breast ..... lb. $3.89
- MEAT -
or Bone-In Thighs
from jane’s kitchen
Chicken BBQ ......... lb. $5.19 Eby’s
Ham, Potatoes & Green Beans ...... lb. $4.79 Eby’s
Baked Beans ........... lb. $3.79 Eby’s
Broccoli Cheese Soup .......................... lb. $3.49 Eby’s
Creamy Coleslaw ... lb. $2.79
.......................value pack, lb. 87¢ Boneless, Skinless
Chicken Tenders
.................. value pack, lb. $1.99
- Grocery Pepsi ..............12 packs $4.99 Best Yet
Coffee .......10-11.3 oz. $2.47 All
Laundry Detergent
............................ 50 oz. $4.27 Herr’s
Potato or Tortilla Chips ..............9-13 oz. $1.77
Quaker Cap’n Crunch or Life Cereal ..........12-14 oz. $2.47
Broccoli Salad........ lb. $4.09 Pumpkin Dessert ... lb. $3.59 Eby’s
Apple Crisp ............ lb. $3.59
*All prices subject to availability
Garden Spot Village will collect nonperishable food items for the New Holland Food Pantry during the New Holland Farmers Fair and Parade (Wednesday, October 3 through Saturday, October. The community is invited to donate canned goods, laundry detergent and personal hygiene products. Other needs include peanut butter, salad dressing, crackers, canned vegetables and more. To view a list of current needs, please visit whatwedo/foodnutrition programs/. Volunteers walking with the Garden Spot Village float will collect food during the parade. Donations may be dropped off at the Garden Spot Village booth on South Roberts Avenue throughout the fair. Please call 7173556000 with questions.
- DELI -
American Cheese
.................................. lb. $4.39 Heidi Ann Swiss Cheese....... lb. $4.99 J.F. Martin
Muenster Cheese
.................................. lb. $4.99
- BAKERY Petite
Kaiser Rolls .....12 ct. $1.99 Sourdough Bread .......................... $2.49 Apple Cider
Doughnuts ........ 6 ct. $2.99 Blueberry Pie ................................ $5.49 Father’s Table Variety Pack Cheesecake .....4 slice $4.99
We Want Your Photos!
The Shopping News is looking for our readers to submit event photos and press releases*! We are looking for photos from the following areas: • Local Sporting Events • Community Events • Church Programs • Non-Profit Organization Events • School-Related Programs & Events
Watch for your friends’ names every week! This service is free - all you need to do is provide the required information.
September 23
Samara Ruth Eberly, 1, daughter of Matt and Katrina Eberly, Reading, granddaughter of Clair and Ruth Ann Hoover, Bowmansville.
September 27
Elvin S. Leid, 9, son of Mark and Susan Leid, New Holland. Kyrie Janese Martin, 5, daughter of Gerald and Rosene Martin, New Holland. Andrea Grace Zimmerman, 11, daughter of Marvin Lee and Delphine Zimmerman, East Earl.
September 28
Emily Lee Schrack, 1, daughter of Lee Shrack, Lebanon.
September 29
Rylan Brett Auker, 3, son of Lamar and Lovina Auker, Denver. Dakota B. Hoover, 6, son of Lester and Doreen Hoover, East Earl. Lydell Z. Leinbach, 7, son of Larry and Eva Mae Leinbach, East Earl. Matthew Howard Messner, 11, son of Kelvin and Melissa Messner, Terre Hill.
September 30
Elvin Lee Sensenig, 9, son of Elvin and Susan Sensenig, Ephrata.
October 1
Clayton Z. Leinbach, 3, son of Larry and Eva Mae Leinbach, East Earl.
October 2
Randall Lee Snyder, 8, son of Merle and Charlene Snyder, Reinholds.
1. In order to have your child’s name in the list of birthdays, simply complete the form below and mail to: THE SHOPPING NEWS, P.O. Box 456, 615 E. Main Street, Ephrata, PA 17522 or it may be dropped off at the office. 2. NO NAMES will be accepted over the phone. 3. This service is provided for local children and their parents. Exception: If grandparents are local and child is out of the area, then local grandparents’ names will also appear. Local is defined as The Shopping News distribution area. 4. Limited to ages 1 through 12.
PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Deadline is 3 weeks prior to birthday. Age limit 12. Child’s Name ________________________________________________ Age _______ (First)
Email your photos and press releases to: or mail/drop off to: 615 E. Main Street (P.O. Box 456), Ephrata
SHOPPING NEWS of Lancaster County
*Note: A submission does not guarantee placement in the newspaper. All photos that are chosen will run in The Shopping News on an “as space permits” basis.
Birth Date __________________________________________________ Gender _____ (Month)
City ___________________________________________________________________ Phone _________________________________________________________________ Parent’s Name __________________________________________________________ Local Grandparents’ Names & City (ONLY if child is out of the area): _______________________________________________________________________
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - 17A
Obituaries (Continued From Page 9A)
September 17. Besides her husband, she is survived by two daughters: Anita Zimmerman, Leola, and Ellen, wife of Reuben Burkholder, Greenwood, Wisconsin; 19 grand children; one great-grand child; three brothers: Paul; Elmer, husband of Mary; and Leroy, husband of Annetta, East Earl; and four sisters: Esther; Anna Mary; Sarah; and Elsie. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Marian, and a son, Elvin. Mildred “Millie” (Gon zalez) Wolf, 76, Denver, died Tuesday, September 18. She was the husband of the late Kenneth J. Wolf. She is survived by a son, Kenneth S. Wolf, husband of Sally, Tustin, California; six daughters: Millie Curley, wife of Pat. Sr., Philadelphia; Elizabeth Allison, Esq., wife of Terri, Doylestown; Susan Radick, wife of John, Newtown; Linda Besecker, wife of Bob, Deltona, Florida; Diane Olszewski, wife of David, Stevens; and Christina Krueckeberg, wife of Roger, Angola, Indiana; 17 grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren. Florence Arline Zimm erman, Ph.D., 93, Lititz, died Tuesday, September 18. She is survived by three brothers: Carl, Earl and Kenneth Zimmerman; and two sisters: Mary Yocum and Ruth Eckert.
Growing Ephrata VFW Post 3376 Ladies Auxiliary Officers Named Church Adds Third Service Cocalico Community Church (CCC) in Reinholds, PA is adding a third service beginning Sunday, Septem ber 30. CCC began with just five people in September of 1991. The move three years ago into their facility in Reinholds has resulted in steady growth. The church has grown to over 500 attendees each Sunday morning. As seating has become more limited, the church is planning to offer a third service to ensure there are seats for the steady flow of guests who are coming. The new service times will be: 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. CCC’s core purpose is to love God fully and to love others deeply. Attendees at CCC will find a group of Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese people who desire to Ephrata VFW Post 3376 Laides Auxiliary is proud to announce the following officers for the coming year. Shown in the authentically follow Christ. photo, from left to right, are (front) Edie Snyder (Jr. Vice President), Mary Getz (President), Peggy Steininger Croft (Sr. CCC provides a place to Vice President); (back) Gale Martin (Chaplain), Keith Klopp (Patriotic Instructor), Jessie Pierce (Treasurer), Kathy Barr investigate Christianity, (Guard) and Linda Miller (Secretary). experience true biblical community, wrestle with the daily struggle of following Christ and deepen your love for Christ. In addition to Sunday morning services, CCC offers growth opportunities for all ages. This includes environments for children, students, young adults, men, women and couples. These take place on Sunday mornings and throughout the week.
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HORTON’S BOARDING KENNEL & DAY CAMP & GROOMING 940 Schoeneck Road Ephrata (717) 733-4544 (484) 332-4975
Gift Certificates Available!
Monday, October 1 - Sunday, October 7
New Membership Promotion! Join October 8 - October 21 and receive a 13 month membership for the price of a 12 month membership! And we’ll waive the startup fee!
130 S. Academy Dr. Ephrata, PA 17522
Tobacco-Free Wellness
Thursdays, October 4-November 15; 6:00-7:30 p.m. This free program uses a positive behavior-modification approach that emphasizes group interaction and support, developing a quit plan, strategies to cope with urges and relapse prevention. Individual appointments also are available at no cost.
Taking Charge of Your Diabetes
Wednesdays, October 3-November 7; 6:30-8:30 p.m. or Tuesdays, October 23-November 27; 9:00-11:00 a.m. Diabetes patients will learn essential day-to-day skills for better blood sugar control from WellSpan’s certified diabetes educators, who are registered nurses or registered dietitians. The program includes 10 hours of group instruction, initial assessment and follow-up. Fees are covered all or in part by Medicare and most health insurance plans. Please check your coverage.
CPR & First Aid Classes
CPR & First Aid classes are available to teach you the skills needed to successfully handle medical emergencies. Please call (717) 721-8790 for more information on the following courses: Basic Life Support Tuesday, October 16 5:00-9:00 p.m. Cost: $55
Taking Charge of Your Diabetes Review
Heartsaver AED Tuesday, October 23 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. Cost: $50
This program is for those who have previously completed the 10-hour diabetes program and are in need of a refresher. Meal planning, carb counting, recipe modification, treatment options, dealing with unexpected situations and goal setting are discussed in this two-part program. Fees are covered all or in part by Medicare and most health insurance plans. Please check your coverage.
Safe Sitters (Babysitting Class) Saturday, October 27 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Cost: $45
Monday, October 15 and 22; 6:30-7:30 p.m. WellSpan Garden Spot Health Center, 435 S. Kinzer Ave., New Holland
Grocery Store Tour
Monday, October 22; 6:30-8:30 p.m. Yoder’s Country Store, 14 S. Tower Rd., New Holland Cost: $5 Join a registered dietitian as she travels the aisles of a local supermarket providing information on reading food labels and shopping tips to save money and make healthier choices. Unless indicated, all programs will be held at the Wellspan Cocalico Health Center, 63 W. Church St., Stevens.
Registration is required for all programs. Please call (717) 721-8790. 0013 FC 09/18
18A - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
Biblical Message
A Virtuous Woman by Pastor John Fredericksen Proverbs 31:10 asks the question: “Who can find a virtuous woman…?” Webster’s dictionary defines the word virtuous as general moral excellence, goodness of character, or chaste. The
end of verse ten goes on to say if you can find such a woman, “her price [or value] is far above rubies.” The standard here is not an unrealistic perfection in all areas of life. Instead, it is an inward beauty of character and morals that can make any woman who seeks to cultivate these qualities a highly valued woman to all who know her. We actually have biblical examples of virtuous women. Ruth was told that all the city knew she was a “virtuous woman” (Ruth 3:11) for her devotion to Jehovah, loving care for her elder motherinlaw, work ethic, and humility to listen to instruction. The virtue of Sarah is described in 1 Peter
3:46 for her submission to her husband with a “meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.”
Proverbs 31 emphasizes several qualities of a virtuous woman. She is worthy of her husband’s trust (verse 11), will always do her husband
good and not evil (verse 12), diligently and consistently “worketh willingly” to advance family finances (verse 1324), she conducts herself with “strength and honor” (verse 25), “opens her mouth with wisdom [or discretion, and]… kindness” (verse 26), and “looketh well to the ways of her household” without engaging in “idleness” (verse 27). Verse 30 seems to also imply that while she may possess or desire outward beauty, she realizes this is “vain,” or empty, and fleeting. Therefore, she places a higher value on the inner beauty of the virtues studied above, and she does so because she has godliness or is “a woman that feareth
the Lord.” If you are a man who has found a virtuous woman, you are greatly blessed. Proverbs tells us “a prudent wife is from the Lord” (19:14), and she is “a crown to her husband” (12:4). Tell your virtuous woman today that you greatly appreciate her godliness, which makes her a true “trophy wife.” If you’re not yet married, this is the kind of woman you should be looking for. If you are a woman who is not satisfied that these qualities are developed fully enough in you, don’t be discouraged. Instead, take one of these qualities, ask the Lord to help you grow in this virtue, and prayerfully work on it today.
Join Us in Ephrata United Zion Church
Evangel Assembly
(Across from WaWa on State St.)
Bible Baptist Church
Cornerstone Baptist Church
45 S. Ninth Street Akron, PA 17501 717-859-8771
622 Lauschtown Road, Denver, PA 17517
408 E. Fulton St., Ephrata
Sunday Worship - 10am & 6pm Wednesday Bible Study - 7pm
Pastor George Frantz Sunday School - 9:30am Church Service - 10:30am Sunday Night - 6:00pm Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting - 7:00pm
515 West Metzler Road, Ephrata, PA 17522 Church Voicemail
717-723-9839 Lead Pastor
Nevin S. Horning Sunday School: 9:00am Worship: 10:00am
“Teaching & Preaching the Doctrines of Grace
Pastor Melvin Horst
Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. Worship: 10:00 a.m.
Parkview Mennonite Church Reamstown, PA
Sunday Worship: 9:00am Sunday School: 10:00am
939 Linden Rd. Ephrata, PA
Kevin Sylvester, Pastor Sunday Worship: 10am Clubhouse Kids, Nursery Wednesday Activities: 7pm Momentum Youth
Reamstown Church of God Arthur T. Karick, Sr. Pastor “Empowered to bring Jesus’ love, healing, and hope to the world” Sunday worship services at 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. 565 Airport Road • New Holland (717) 354-5394 Senior Pastors Lester & Erma Zimmerman
400 Pfautz Hill Rd. P.O. Box 98 Stevens, PA 17578
717-336-2147 Sunday Services 10:00 AM, 6 PM Sunday School - 9:00 AM Wednesday Night - 7:00 PM
Liberty Baptist 47 Cindia Lane, Ephrata 717-733-0396 Pastor Jim Taylor
Assoc. Pastor Keith MacDougall
Old Hymns - KJV Traditional Services Sunday School 9:30 AM Sun. Worship 10:30 AM & 6:00 PM Wed. Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM
Independent - Fundamental Soul Winning
Zion’s UCC 1356 Apple Street, Ephrata
Rev. Bob Peiffer Worship - 8:45am
Practice Limited To Orthodontics
150 W. Fulton Street Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 738-4901
This page sponsored by these area businesses:
Office Hours By Appointment Paul L. Home for Funerals, Inc.
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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - 19A
Es Pennsilfaanisch Deitsch Eck By: The Late C. Richard Beam A collection of “Deitsch Eck” columns from past issues of The Shopping News honoring the late C. Richard Beam.
(Originally published in the February 18, 1981 issue of The Shopping News) (Continued From Page 12A)
Un Koches der ganze Daag lang. Ebmols en Schtund am hinnere Fenschder, Der gross Inschein beguckt in seim Gang.
So waar es Wasser, der Gas un die Kohle; Em Joli sei Loh verschwunne wie Darrholz im Feier.
Uff dem dunneriche, rabbliche Riggelweg Der naegscht Marye daheem in ihrem Hof.
Hot oft gschneet, der Schnee glei schwatz Mit Rauch un Schtaab un Russ. Viel feicht Wedder un newwelich dazu Bis der Abrill kummt mit Friehyaahrs Gruss!
Der ganz Daag gekehrt un gebutzt; nimme mied! Selli Nacht gschlofe bis Sunnuff; es waar waarem. Es Graas waar grie; Veggel gsunge im Beind Busch. Sie waare widder daheem, so herrlich un aarem.
Doch hinne un vanne, hiwwe un driwwe, Nix Grienes; alles blos un groh; Kummt die Friehyaahrs Sunn, waert’s waremer. Der Newwel vergeht, der Hiwwel widder bloh.
Die Yaahre sin kumme; die Yaahre sin gange. Im Beind Busch schteht’s glee Heisel bis heit; Do Joli un die Sarah, Pittsbarig vergesse; Nau herrlich un reich in der Ewichkeit. *** EE Winder In Pittsbarig has been in our files ever since it reached us from St. Petersburg, Florida, in November of 1975. We want to share it with our Shopping News readers before this winter is over. Our friend Paul “Papa” Horning again spins a fascinating tale and compares life in the country with life in the city. Because of the length of EE Winder In Pittsbarig, we have not provided the usual translation. You’ll have to call upon your nearest Dutch neighbor for help if some of the words are not in your vocabulary. There would be much to comment on in this long poem: the splendid vocabulary; the absence of English words; the social settings; and the sturdy Dutch traits which win out in the end. We are again indebted to the Dutch bard in the Southland! Es BischliGnippli
Alle Daag meh Unruh un Elend, Gnapps in Geld, ken Iwwerfluss, nix fei. “Ei, mer sin do eigschpatt wie die Jail!” Saagt die Sarah un die Kinner schtimme ei.
Verbei geh hinner der Bordfens, Der Kaers all gelaade mit Kohle un Schtaal. Oweds kummt der Joli heem vun der Arewett Dreckich un schmutzich, brutzich un kaahl.
Ee Sunndaag Owed, mied un betriebt, Saagt der Joli: “Siwwe Daag alle Woch gschafft ghat, Un ken Gelt gschpaart mit allem grosse Loh: Des maag der Deiwel hole. Ich bin satt!”
Mied waar er un hungerich un kalt. Frieh; Maryets widder noch der Arewett in aller Widder acht Schtund im Dreck un der Zucht, Der letscht Daag Abrill hot’s geregert, Siwwe Daag die Woch: “Was bin ich? Mensch odder Vier?” Un der Joli hot sei letschder Daag nei. “Mer packe uff den Owed un verlosse; So is die Zeit vergange, der Joli fatt, Gehn uff die Train un gewwe Pittsbarig ‘Good-bye’!” Die Sarah am Butze un Koche, oft aus Mut. Die Kinner ken Schpielkummeraade, oft zannich: Uff em Heemweg waare sie am letschde Es waar es Schtadtlewe, am Beschde net gut. Zeideweis gelacht, ebloms gebrillt, ken Schlof.
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20A - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
Friendly Circle Meeting
everyone and also conducted the meeting. A monetary collection for Ephrata Area Social Services General Fund was held. President Putt reminded the members the price of the meal for members will be increased starting in October 2018, due to the increase of food prices. This also helps to pay for the cook, hall rental, pastors and entertainment.
The Friendly Circle held it’s September 2018 meeting on Wednesday, September 12 at Akron Church of the Brethren. Bob and Carolyn Ober greeted 112 members and one guest. President Charlotte Putt welcomed
• S HO
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The theme song “The More We Get Together” was sung followed by “The Little Brown Church In The Vale” and “Bringing In The Sheaves” led by Chorister Bob Groome. Lorena Gock ley played a piano piece entitled “Sweeter As The Years Go By” in honor of Grandparents. President Putt introduced meditation speaker, Pastor
H Y• R E N
Kevin Kirkpatrick, from Terre Hill Bible Fellowship Church in Terre Hill. He talked to them about describing themselves with a written selfie as Paul did in his letter to the church. Paul tells them he is a servant of Jesus Christ. They have received grace “God’s riches at Christ’s expense.” Jesus got the death for the life everyone lives. Obedience
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by faith, but you also need grace. People have the same job or message as Paul but they need to let others know they are a servant of God. Pastor Kevin also gave the blessing before the meal. After the delicious meal cooked and served by the kitchen committee, Carol Landis introduced Sandy Heisey, vocalist and pianist from Mount Joy. She has
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sung “The Stars Spangled Banner” for the Philadelphia Phillies and the Lancaster Barnstormers. She invited the members to sing along with any song she sings. She sang “School Days,” “Charlie Brown,” “What A Wonderful World,” “Great Balls of Fire,” “Goody Goody,” “Kissing and Hugging With Fred” and “Proud To Be An American.” Secretary Libby Rupp read the minutes from the August 2018 meeting. Treasurer Debbie Moyer gave a balance as of August 2018. Pat Bunting led the singing of 17 September birthdays. She also led the singing for the September anniversary of Gail and Jeff Donahue, 44 years. Linda Fahnestock reported on the sub sale asking the members for help in selling more subs, which bring in funds for the clubs donations to organizations in the community. Subs will be made and delivered on Wednesday, September 19. Pat Witmer introduced two new members, Verna Mc Daniel and Elaine Ziol kowski. President Putt reported for Shirley Pierce sending three get well cards and receiving one thank you card. President Putt also reported for John Rice, nominating committee as needing a Second Vice President, Assistant Treas urer, a Membership Chair person plus a Trip Secretary. Linda Fahnestock reported on the trips planned for 2018 with seats still available for the October trip (information at the end of the article). The head table was dec orated by Shirley Wise. The napkins were donated by Almanara Buffenmyer. The free meal ticket was won by Faye Siglin. The meeting was ad journed after the singing of the “Doxology.” The next board meeting will be held on, Wednesday, October 3, 8:00 a.m. at Gus’s Keystone Diner in Ephrata. The regular club meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 10 at 11:30 a.m. at the Akron Church of the Brethern, 613 Main Street, Akron. Attention: The Friendly Circle has a coach trip planned for Thursday, Oc tober 11, “Wheels, Wheels and Wine.” Seats are still available. If you would like to join The Friendly Circle on this trip, please call 717859-3367 for more infor mation.
• On September 30, 1889, the Wyoming state convention approves a constitution that includes granting women the right to vote. Admitted into the union the following year, Wyoming became the first state to allow its female citizens to vote. • On September 29, 1907, Gene Autry, perhaps the greatest singing cowboy of all time, is born in Tioga, Texas. While Autry was no cowboy, he was, at least, a genuine Westerner who had lived on a ranch. Autry was one of America’s most popular movie stars in the 1930s and ‘40s, appearing in almost 100 films. • On September 28, 1918, a Liberty Loan parade in Philadelphia prompts a huge outbreak of a flu epidemic that would leave an estimated 30 million people dead worldwide. The 1918 flu pandemic likely originated with a bird or farm animal in the American Midwest. • On September 25, 1965, the Kansas City Athletics start ageless wonder Satchel Paige in a game against the Boston Red Sox. The 59-year-old Paige, a Negro League legend, gave up only one hit in his three innings of play. • On September 24, 1988, Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson runs the 100-meter dash in 9.79 seconds to win gold at the Summer Olympics in Seoul, South Korea. Three days later he tested positive for steroids and was stripped of the medal. • On September 27, 1999, operatic tenor Placido Domingo makes his 18th opening-night appearance at the Metropolitan Opera House, breaking an “unbreakable” record previously held by the great Enrico Caruso, who died in 1921.
of Lancaster County
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Wednesday, September 26, 2018 • Volume LIII, No. 26
Ephrata Students Participate In Patriot Day Activities
Students in all Ephrata Area School District schools participated in activities and lessons to recognize Patriot Day on Tuesday, September 11. District administrators and teachers developed age-appropriate content to help students learn more about Patriot Day and the many heroes who took part in the national response to the tragic events of September 11, 2001, many of whom continue to keep us all safe
today. “As a District, we recognize the importance of our students having an age-appropriate understanding of the significance of 9/11, Patriot Day. Through the events of that tragic day there were so many stories of heroism, resiliency, and grit – dispositions we want all of our students to embody,” stated Mr. Josh McCracken, Fulton Elementary School Principal. The scope of the content looked
Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese very different at each age level. and more. While some high school activities Highlights of the activities in may have included watching the District included elementary news coverage from the morning students wearing red, white of September 11, 2001 and discussing how the effects of that and blue, a special school-wide day impacted the world, students assembly coordinated by Akron in elementary schools had a much Elementary School second-grade broader experience recognizing teachers, and participation in the heroes who go above and beyond national Patriot Day moment of in times of need, including silence at the Ephrata Intermediate military, emergency responders (Continued On Page 3B)
Rothsville Community Day Was A Great Event For Families
Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese Rothsville Community Day was recently held under sunny skies at Forney Field with a huge turnout of area residents looking to take part in a day of great activities. A 5K started the day, followed by children’s activities, a helicopter candy drop, barrel train rides, sack and wheelbarrow races, a concert by Steven Courtney and the ever popular pie eating contest. Shown clockwise in photos are: the fun barrel train, a tight battle in the wheelbarrow race, a bounce castle and children scrambling for candy that was dropped from a helicopter.
2B - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
AARP Driver Safety Course
An AARP Driving Course will be offered at Fairmount Homes in two Tuesday morning sessions, October 9 and 16. The sessions are open to anyone 55 years of age and over. The course is eight hours long, split into two four-hour sessions from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. each day. They will be held in the Crest View Gathering Room at 1100 Farm Crest Drive on the east side of the Fairmount campus. The course is open to the public. There is a cost for the course for AARP members and for non-members. It may qualify participants to receive an insurance dis count. To get the discount, you will receive a certificate of completion to show your insurance company after attending both sessions. If both husband and wife are on the insurance policy, both must attend the sessions to qualify for the discount. This is an excellent program that not only will
help save you money, but will address ongoing chang es in seniors, vehicles, roads, and driving laws and offer helpful defensive driving techniques and proven strategies to keep you safe on the road. The information is all given in the classroom, with no on-the-road driving and no tests. For anyone who has taken the course less than four years ago, a refresher course will be offered on Thursday, October 2, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. To receive a certificate, eight hours for beginners and four hours for the refresher course must be completed. If you wish to participate, please call Ferne at 717-3541895 or Denise at 717-3541893 to pre-register by Wed nesday, September 26. Payment is due at the start of the first session. Please bring your Driver’s License to the sessions. For the refresher course, verification of having taken the full course previously is required - either your previous certificate or a bill from your insurance company showing your discount. AARP members should also bring their AARP cards.
Bulletin Board The following is a listing of ongoing events. See our list of dated activities beginning on page 13A.
EVERY MONDAY Lifetree Café is being hosted at The General Sutter Inn, 14 East Main Street, Lititz, at 7:00 p.m. Topic changes weekly. Everyone is invited. For more info., call Pastor Jason at 717-333-9238. FIRST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH - The Ephrata Area Garden Club will be meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Udder Choice. Open to everyone. For more info., call or text Steve at 717-9170925 or email sksmiller@ FIRST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH – Meet ing of the Cocalico Creek Watershed Association, 7:00
Classified Advertising Network Announcements BIG TICKET SPECIAL! Are you selling a property/home, classic/ antique cars, farm/ construction equipment, etc. We give you a FREE week when you place your ad in the network for Two Weeks. Call our office at 800-4506631 or contact a representative at this publication for more details. This is not intended for commercial use.
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AFCP has tried to verify the authenticity of all the ads listed in the PennCanNetwork, but has found this almost impossible. We suggest before making any kind of financial commitment you contact the local Better Business Bureau and under NO circumstances send any money in advance.
p.m. at the Cocalico Sports man Club Building on Sportsman Road, just north of Reinholds. FIRST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH - The Ephrata Public Library, 550 South Reading Rd., Ephrata, will host the support group “You are not alone” from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Open to those who have lost a loved one to a drug overdose. For more info., email Lea Hornerand at patzilling@ SECOND MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH – Mem ory Loss Support Group meets from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the 3rd floor Conference Room at Lan caster General Health Suburban Outpatient Pavil ion. For more info., call Shelby Swartley at 717-5443280. THIRD MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH – TriCounty Scrollers meet from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Stevens Fire Hall. All Scrollers, lathe turners and decorative woodburning are welcome. For more info., call Michael Freitag at 717-
723-7825. SECOND AND FOURTH MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH – Ephrata Cloister Toastmasters meet at the WellSpan Ephrata Hospital, 6:15 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-3360321. SECOND AND FOURTH MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH – East Cocalico Lions Club meeting held at Reamstown Fire Hall, 12 West Church Street, starting at 6:30 p.m. For more info., call 717-336-5311. EVERY TUESDAY (NOW - DEC. 4) - Petra Church, 565 Airport Road, New Holland, will hold Grief Share, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in Room 124. For more info. or to register, call Pastor Titus Kauffman at 717-354-5394. Walk-ins are welcome. There is no cost. EVERY TUESDAY (NOW - NOV. 20) - Grief Share (13-week couse) will be held at Ephrata Bible Fellowship Church, 491 Peach Road, Ephrata, at 6:45 p.m. For more info., call 717-733-2526.
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Located in Denver at Cheesy Bagel & Gehman’s Feed Mill Parking Lot
EVERY TUESDAY DOVE Westgate, 1755 W. Main Street, Ephrata, will hold a parent support group, PAL (Parents of Addicted Loved Ones) at 7:00 p.m. Participants must be 18 or older. Childcare is not provided. EVERY TUESDAY - The Brickerville Fire Company, 10 Hopeland Road, Lititz, will hold Bingo. All cash program. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Bingo starts at 7:00 p.m. EVERY TUESDAY Akron Church of the Breth ren, 613 Main Street, Akron, will hold “Walking Down God’s Path” at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome. For more info., call 717-859-2156. EVERY TUESDAY Akron Church of the Breth ren, 613 Main Street, Akron, will hold a Nicotine Anony mous Meeting, from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. EVERY TUESDAY – AlAnon Family Group, 12 Step Program of Recovery, United Methodist Church, 120 West Main Street, New Holland, 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. EVERY TUESDAY – AlAnon Family Group, 12 Step Program of Recovery, Heart of Lancaster Regional Medical Center, 1500 Highland Drive, Lititz, 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. EVERY TUESDAY Inter-Denominational Group Bible Study will be held at 670 Lancaster Avenue, New Holland, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Open to men of all ages including families. For more info., call 717-4455413. EVERY OTHER TUES DAY – PATH will meet at Ephrata Reformed Presby terian Church, from 6:00 (Continued On Page)
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an American Standard Walk-In Bathtub. Receive up to $1,500 off, including a free toilet, and a lifetime warranty on the tub and installation! Call us at 1-844-374-0013 AT&T High Speed Internet Starting at $40/month. Up to 45 Mbps! Over 99% Reliability! Bundle AT&T Digital TV or Phone Services & Internet Price Starts at $30/month. Call 1-833-707-0984 Unable to work due to injury or illness? Call Bill Gordon & Assoc., Social Security Disability Attorneys! FREE Evaluation. Local Attorneys Nationwide 1-855-498-6323 [Mail: 2420 N St NW, Washington DC. Office: Broward Co. FL (TX/NM Bar.)] Sleep Apnea Patients - If you have Medicare coverage, call Verus Healthcare to qualify for CPAP supplies for little or no cost in minutes. Home Delivery, Healthy Sleep Guide and More - FREE! Our customer care agents await your call. 1-844-545-9175 Have a CPAP machine for sleep apnea? Get replacement FDA approved CPAP machine parts and supplies at little or no cost! Free sleep guide included! 1-855-7672808 Pregnant? Considering Adoption? Call us first. Living Expenses, housing, medical, and continued support afterwards. Chose Adoptive Family of your choice. Call 24/7 1-866-957-3580 Not valid in FL, GA, CO, IN, IL, NJ, NM, NY, NC or SC Wanted to Buy Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201 TOP CASH FOR CARS, Any Car/ Truck, Running or Not. Call for INSTANT offer: 1-888-417-9150
Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the above classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada.
Say You Saw It In â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Shopping Newsâ&#x20AC;? - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - 3B
100th Ephrata Fair Events
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss the last days of the 100th Ephrata Fair! Thursday evening, Septem ber 27 at 7:30 p.m. the Swing Time Dolls will be bringing their Swing Era music to the stage at the Whistle Stop. Prior to that, look for a special event on the Midway. Friday evening, September 28 at 6:30 p.m. an old favorite of the Ephrata Fair will be brought back - the Cow Milking Contest. This fun event will be held in the baseball diamond at tent city. Watch and cheer the cow milking contestants, Rich Creeger, I-105, WIOV cohost Rich & Casey Show; Phil Eisemann, co-author of 100 Years of the Ephrata Fair history book; Andy Fasnacht, Editor of The Ephrata Review and Lititz Record Express and 100th Anniversary Committee member; Dr. Scott Galen, Principal of Ephrata High School; Meredith Jorgensen, WGAL News 8 Anchor and Reporter; Lisa Landis, WJTL Afternoon Drive Host &
Kids Cookie Break Host (she will be bringing the Cookie Car); Mike Wenger, TNT; and State Represen tative David Zimmerman. Meanwhile, there will be music on the Main Street Midway. The Den & Terry Duo will be performing music from the 1950â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s to today at the Whistle Stop Plaza at 6:30 p.m. on Friday. On Saturday, September 29, the 62nd Annual Baby Parade will start at 1:00 p.m. For entries the judging begins From Minor Tune-Ups to Major Repairs!
at 12:15 p.m., at the starting point, which is South Church Street. The parade starts at South Church Street, moves east on Main Street, then south on South State and west on Sugar Alley. In the event of rain, judging will only be held at Grater Memorial Park at 1:00 p.m. Saturday evening join Devon Nickoles at the Whistle Stop from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. for some country and pop music as the Fair comes to a close at 11:00 p.m.
Patriot Day Activities (Continued From Page 1B)
and Middle Schools. Ephrata High School Social Studies Teacher and Department Supervisor Mr. Larry Hagan said recognizing Patriot Day is important for two reasons. â&#x20AC;&#x153;On a human level, our
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students are reminded of the bravery and the courage of the heroes who risked their lives to help others that day. On an academic level, students are reminded of the importance of our institutions, our form of government, our history, and our freedom,â&#x20AC;? he said. Patriot Day also provided an opportunity to discuss the importance of living a life with Resiliency and Grit â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a key component of the
Ephrata Area School District Life Ready Graduate profile. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The inspiring stories of resilience and service associated with Patriot Day is something I am proud to have teachers elevating across the District,â&#x20AC;? said Dr. Brian Troop, Superintendent. Shown are students at Akron Elementary School as they make a chain to symbolize the strength and bond that Americans share.
27 West Mohler Church Road, Suite 1 Ephrata, PA 17522
Mon. & Wed. 7am-8pm Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 7am-6pm; Sat. 8am-2pm
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Free Estimates 1613 Dry Tavern Road Denver, PA
The Stump Grinder Since 1985
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Our Services Include: Stump Grinding, Clean Up, Filling In with Top Soil and Seeding, Lawn Mowing, Mulching, Tree & Shrubbery Trimming and Yard Liming. Call for a conservative estimate. Mid Atlantic Stump and Lawn Service
This Size Space Available As Low As $41.15 Per Week
17 E. Mohler Church Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522 (Phone) 717-738-2838 | (Fax) 717-738-0704 (E-mail) | PA012283
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Andrew Ebersol, Owner
Garages â&#x20AC;˘ Decks â&#x20AC;˘ Siding â&#x20AC;˘ RooďŹ ng Additions â&#x20AC;˘ Electrical â&#x20AC;˘ Plumbing Replacement Windows â&#x20AC;˘ Pole Barns Commercial Roofing
4B - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
Everybody’s Marketplace FOR SALE: Bullet proof backpacks and rear guard light weight, flexible bullet proof inserts for any backpack. Sizes 10 x 13 and 8 x 10. We also carry Stun Guns, Pepper Sprays, Personal Alarms, key chain self defense items and more. Robin’s This-N-That Shop, Green Dragon Market Building #1.
For Sale FOR SALE: Small straw bales. Can deliver any amount. Electric Generator, 4000 watt, B/S, warranty, $149. 717-203-5359. FOR SALE: Electric Mobil- ity Rascal P321 Scooter, ex- cellant condition, holds up to 250lbs., includes a Bruno AWL-150 lift, $500-OBO. 717-475-5824.
FOR SALE: Custom built re- placement windows and doors. Professional installa- tion. Call Ronafa Window & Door, 717-733-7534 or visit our showroom at 400 W. Main St, Ephrata in the Eph- rata Business Complex. Thank You!
FOR SALE: 2 Sansui SP3500 multi-directional speakers, $400. Sansui 4000 AM/FM stereo turner amplifier, $500. Sony com- pact 5 disc player, $150. Sony dual cassette player, $100. Mahogany stereo component cabinet, $100. Call 717-314-1094.
FOR SALE: 2 Cemetery plots, Conestoga Memorial Park, $400. for both. Call 570-9565744.
FOR SALE: Electric and 250 cc scooters at Auction, Wednesday, 4pm at Sensenig Hardware. Check auction zip. 717-330-6979.
FOR SALE: Firewood by
FOR SALE: Mixed hard- woods, ready to burn, $160 the cord, $150. Call Cush- per cord. Delivery available. ion Peak Rod and Gun for Call 717-690-6846. information. 610-670-9558.
Med Tech or LPN Direct Care Aide
Ray & Randy’s Auto Repair Needed for our Ephrata & Elizabethtown locations. Min. 2+ years experience. PA State Safety & Emissions license a plus.
Apply within or online.
Apply in person or call Ray:
3555 Rothsville Rd. Ephrata, PA 17522
2015 N. Reading Road, Denver, PA 17517 EOE
FOR SALE: Firewood, sea- soned, split hardwood. Nice, ready to burn. $160/ cord. Delivery available. 717-752-0108.
FT Auto Mechanic
We will train.
FOR SALE: Firewood, sea-
FOR SALE: Aluminum soned cherry and ash, $150 Flag Pole, 30ft. high, 1/4” per cord. Delivery available for small fee. Depends on dis- thick wall, 7” diameter tance. 717-471-6696. bottom, new rope. $250, FOR SALE: Eagles Super OBO. 717-475-4273. Bowl flags, banners and garden flags. Area’s larg- FOR SALE: Oak firewood. Cut to 18”, split, seasoned, est selection of flags and delivery available. 717-733- flagpoles. American Flag 3952. Shoppe, near Adamstown. 717-484-1183.
FOR SALE: Philosophy Purity One Step facial cleanser, 8oz. $10. 717-431-0626. FOR SALE: 12’x24’ storage shed (used). Fair condition, $1,000 OBO. Call or text, 717-336-4240. FOR SALE: Truckloads. New Scratch & Dent appliances. Refrigerators, $349 to $1,149, washers, dryers, ov- ens, gas cook tops, over the range microwave. Slate RD Supply, 717-445-5222.
717-464-2006 or
FOR SALE: Harman Pellet Stove XXV, 48,000 BTU’s, totally automatic, used 2 seasons, $2,100. 717-6735104.
Five Ways To Place Your Classified Ads! By Phone 717-738-1151 Talk to customer service during business hours. Charge to your MasterCard, Visa or Discover. A phone charge of $1.00 per ad will be added to the price of each ad.
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615 E. MAIN ST., P.O. BOX 456, EPHRATA, PA
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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - 5B
Antiques FOR SALE: Lancaster Red Roses Baseball Years Books, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1949, $50/each. Call 717-7157339.
FOR SALE: Pick-up Caps/ aluminum, fiberglass. Hard/ soft tonneau covers, mats, bedliners. Trade ins. 717336-3141. FOR SALE: Fresh Chevy 355 motor with 480 lift cam, in- take to pan, first $1,500 takes it. 717-733-3354. FOR SALE: 99 Chevy Blazer, 4x4, 9/19 inspection, 155K, call for more details, $900. 717-725-5077.
Farm/Livestock FOR SALE: 13 year paint gelding, trail rides, jumps; Hunter Jumper for free lease until May; 500 lb, organic chicken grower. 717-3275336.
FOR SALE: 2 wood chip- pers, 1986 F350 stakebody dump truck, 1989 F700 bucket truck, $10,000 FOR SALE: Mattress full size OBO. Call 484-467-4205 be- with boxspring and frame, no tween 2pm-7pm. rips, tears or stains, $250 OBO. 717-419-4163. FOR SALE: 2001 conver- sion van, runs good, new Say you saw it in tires, 130K, $6,000. 484The Shopping News! 529-4349. FOR SALE: 17 cubic foot up- right freezer, nice condition, very clean, $250. 717-445- FOR SALE: ‘98 Buick Cen- tury deluxe, great shape, 9414. 98K, $2,200. 717-2036521. FOR SALE: Truckloads. New Scratch & Dent appliances. Refrigerators, $349 to $1,149, washers, dryers, ov- ens, gas cook tops, over the range microwave. Slate RD Supply, 717-445-5222.
FOR SALE: Custom built re- placement windows and doors. Professional installa- tion. Call Ronafa Window & Door, 717-733-7534, or visit our showroom at 400 W. Main St, Ephrata in the Eph- rata Business Center. Thank You! FOR SALE: Dresser mirror, $40. Armoire, $55. Snow blower, $325. Leather sofa, $165. Book cases, $65. Oak computer desk, $100. Desk, $50. Lazy Boy chair, $35. Call for pictures, 717-3688333.
FOR SALE: Bunk beds, like new mattress includ- ed. $400. Small roll top desk in perfect condition. $200. 717-314-8076.
FOR SALE: 2012 Buick La- Crosse, new inspection, FOR SALE: Minn Kota trol- 62,000 miles. Great ride, ling motor, $75. 717-7333354. $9,499 OBO 717-344-1804.
We are seeking an individual to make local farm deliveries. Class B CDL preferred. Some evening or early morning hours required. Must be able to frequently lift 100 lb. bags. Full time position with overtime. Benefits include paid holidays, vacation, health insurance and retirement plan. Apply At:
Local Trash and Recycle Company seeking Drivers. Normal work week Monday through Friday. Requirements: Must be 21 years of age. Air Brake endorsement. Position offers a competitive salary and a full benefits package. Send resume or apply in person: Eagle Disposal Human Resources 1245 Eagles Way PO Box 288 • East Earl, PA 17519
Lawn & Garden
FOR SALE: Some free furni- ture from a storage cleanout. Beds, sofas, dressers, chairs and more. Farmers- ville Road, New Holland. 717330-6979. FOR SALE: Succulents and barn wood furniture. 295 Mill Road, Ephrata. 717445-5203.
FOR SALE: J.D. LX188 Rider with new power vac, $800. J.D. LX178 Rider with bag- ger, $700. Cub Cadet 10-22, $600, and more, must see, nice. 717-445-5090. FOR SALE: Used lawn mower and riding, some with bag- gers for fall clean-up. 717445-5090.
We are now hiring to assist with the needs of our growing company. The following positions are available:
Service Technicians • Install Technicians Experience preferred but will train. Servicing commercial and residential customers. Competitive wages and benefits provided.
Apply at: 1020 Reading Rd., Narvon, PA 17555 or email
201A Commerce Drive New Holland, PA 17557
Must be able to lift 50 lbs. regularly. Pay dependent on experience. Call and leave a message.
Gehman Feed Mill, Inc.
44 North 3rd Street, Denver, PA 17517 Phone: (717) 336-5585
P.O. Box 414 Denver, PA 17517
WOODMASTERS Cabinetry Woodmasters Custom Cabinetry LLC
is seeking Productive, Responsible individuals for custom Cabinet Manufacturer in the following departments.
Now accepting applications for part-time work on an as needed basis for people to...
Hardware/Shipping Dept. Woodmasters is seeking a responsible individual with the desire for perfection in our hardware department. The job consists of hanging doors, installing drawers and putting together many other cabinet components along with a final inspection of the product before shipment.
Finish Sprayer Woodmasters is also looking for an individual who likes to spray. The job consists of spraying sealers, primers and top coats. Experience preferred. Along with a competitive salary, we offer a benefit package that includes: Health, Dental, Life/Disability and IRA Plan. Paid Holidays and Vacation Pay. If you are interested, please apply at our plant location at 204 Rod and Gun Road, Newmanstown, PA 17073 between the hours of 8:00am & 4:00pm, Monday thru Friday or fax resume to 717-949-3924 or email to or
Collate Inserts into The Shopping News Requirements: • Able to work Mondays* from 8:00am-4:30pm • Able to work Tuesdays from 7:00 am-4:30pm • *Occasional Fridays when the following Monday is a holiday • Able to lift up to 20 lbs. • Able to stand for long periods of time Stop in and fill out an application at:
SHOPPING NEWS of Lancaster County
615 East Main Street, P.O. Box 456, Ephrata, PA 17522 Email:
CounterTek Inc.
Your Custom Countertop Company
Countertop Fabricators & Production Manufacturing Technicians We are looking for good people with great attitudes and work ethic.
Customer Service Representative Signature is looking for positive individuals who are passionate about serving others. Individuals must enjoy interacting with customers, while helping to simplify complicated situations. Strong candidates can describe themselves as patient, calm, approachable, good listener, humble and team player.
CounterTek manufactures custom countertops for the kitchen and bath industry. There is a pre-employment drug screening required. No experience needed. We will train the right candidate.
Main responsibilities: • Provide excellent customer service through multiple forms of verbal & written communications.
NO WEEKENDS! NO ROTATING SHIFTS! CounterTek offers competitive wages. We also offer 100% paid employee health insurance, paid vacation, holidays and a matching 4% 401K plan. We are a fast-growing company that is looking for people that want to grow with us. We are located at
1215 Ridge Avenue, Ephrata, PA 17522
Email: CounterTek is a team-oriented company with many things to offer.
We look forward to meeting & talking with you. Please come in and fill out an application.
FOR SALE: New Kirby vac- cuum with all attachments, never been used, $1,100. 717-572-5797.
FOR SALE: Beautiful solid oak, coffee table w/beveled legs, scalloped bottom. Matching end table w/draw- er. $100 OBO. 717-3547595.
• Assess the nature & root cause of issues & provide timely resolutions • Expert in Signature’s products/industry & partner with peers throughout organization; Industry experience is very beneficial, but not required • Perform various computer related tasks within order system & manage high volume of emails/phone calls • Experience with Microsoft Word/Excel; AutoCad & 20/20 knowledge is beneficial, but not required In addition to competitive wages, Signature offers an attractive benefits package, including immediate enrollment in Health Insurance, Short-Term Disability, and Life & AD&D Insurance (Company covers 100% of the cost for associates). Other benefits include Dental, 401k plan, and paid Vacation/ Holidays. Candidates should submit an online application at or in person at our Welcome Center located at 434 Springville Road, Ephrata, PA.
Now Hiring F/T Qualified Personnel To Do Agricultural Framing, Roofing And Siding. Must Be Self Motivated And Work Well With Other People.
We OfferWe Health offerInsurance, PaidHolidays Holidays & & Vacations Paid Vacations
Crew Members Needed To Set Up Modular Homes Job Requirements and Qualifications: • Willing to train qualified candidates • Valid driver’s license preferred • Roofing experience helpful • Willingness to travel • Competitive salary based on experience
Qualified Candidates Can Call
(717) 733-0506 To Apply.
PUBLIC WATER & SANITARY SEWER SYSTEMS CERTIFIED OPERATOR OR TRAINEE The East Cocalico Township Authority (ECTA) is seeking a qualified applicant for the above position. This is a full-time, year-round position with an excellent benefits package. The successful candidate will perform a variety of skilled and semi-skilled tasks related to maintenance of the ECTA public water and sanitary sewer infrastructure, buildings, and facilities. Mechanical, electrical/plumbing, public water and/or sanitary sewer maintenance experience is desirable. Backhoe experience is a plus but not required. Working conditions are mainly outdoors in all kinds of weather and will require physical activity including occasional moderate to heavy lifting. Applicants must have a high school diploma or GED equivalent and the ability to perform basic computer tasks. A valid PA state driver’s license is required. Applicant must be able to pass a criminal background check, a PA Dept. of Transportation driver information check, as well as drug and alcohol screening. Compensation is commensurate with the successful candidate’s experience, skills and knowledge. Applicants may obtain the job description and employment application at the ECTA office at 102 Hill Road, Denver, PA between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM Monday through Friday. Both can also be downloaded from the ECTA website at: www.eastcocalicotownshipauthority. com. Return the application along with an optional resume to the ECTA office either in person or by mail. Applications will be received until the position is filled.
6B - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” FOR SALE: Commercial trac-vac, 10” hose, dump trailer, excellent condition, great for landscapers, vac- uum leaves, grass, etc. $8,500. Call Dave at Star- lite, 717-471-5321.
Machinery/Tools FOR SALE: Craftsman 12” bandsaw, 10” DeWalt radial arm saw, both with stands, $200/each. 717-733-3354.
FOR SALE: 8” professional jointer Delta Model 37-380, $300. Call Bill, 717-2010301. FOR SALE: Craftsman top and bottom toolboxes, plus 3 small boxes, all full of tools, $300. Rigid air compressor, like new, $200. 717-7333354.
FOR SALE: Piano D-2, Na- tional Piano Co., $150 OBO. FOR SALE: Registered mini dashound puppies, very 717-354-4155. friendly, love attention, $800. 717-466-4890.
Pets & Animals
FOR SALE: 11 week old Col- lie puppies, health certificate, shots, dewormed, farm raised, males/females, $400. 717-205-6812.
FOR SALE: Yorkie Poo pup- pies, cream, tan and black, males and females, Shots and wormed. $595. 717656-0137.
FOR SALE: ACA Golden Re- triever puppies. Ready now. FOR SALE: Welsh Corgi male, 2 years old, dark red $625. Call 717-445-9762. and white, friendly, but shy with strangers, not fertile. $100 OBO. Call 717-3545450.
Grounds Maintenance These are year-round careers offering strong compensation/benefits plans!
Seeking FT team members who can maintain the appearance/upkeep of our Lancasterarea residential communities. Work involves mowing, trimming, pruning, planting, snow removal and other related outdoor tasks. These positions are year-round. Qualified individuals must possess a PA driver’s license, familiarity with lawn care equipment and the
ability to work in a team environment with limited supervision. Great pay rates, full benefits and more. Apply at:
FOR SALE: 210 acres with six cabins, near Homer, Alaska. Great view of mountains and Cook Inlet. Located in the wilderness, but connected to road system. Well and sep- tic. Total of 19 lots in- cluded. $550,000. Lots of bears and moose. Owner financing pos- sible with 15% down. Call 907-299-7252. It’s easy to place a classified ad! Visit our office at 615 E. Main St., Ephrata, or submit your ad at!
Real Estate
FOR SALE: 2 acre com- mercial property w/shop, 4BR house, 2 car attached garage, finished base- ment, shop and office has 5640 sq. ft., 2nd floor lunchroom and storage is 1200 sq. ft., 110 solar panel system, heated paintbooth, fenced in se- curity lot. Rothsville Sta- tion Road, Lititz. Asking $1,100,000. Contact Ed, 717-615-6891.
Sporting Goods FOR SALE: New and used bi- cycles, sales and service. Jack’s Bike Shop, 717-7336042, Open Mon., Wed, and Friday, 6-8p.m., Saturday, 9-5p.m.
EEO M/F/Disability/Vet
FT Bakery Assistant wanted for day shift at TnT Bakery, Bowmansville to help with all steps from preparing ingredients through cleaning up after production. Must be able to lift 50 lbs. and stand the majority of the day.
Send resume to:
Automation Technician Tyson Foods has immediate openings for Industrial Automation Technicians, in its New Holland, PA location. The successful candidates will perform various automation/electrical repair duties as needed. No tools required, Tyson Foods will provide the tools you need to complete your job. Tyson Foods will also provide you with uniforms and reimbursement for safety shoes. Work the skills that you have acquired through prior work experience or formal schooling.
To apply for this opportunity, please visit our website under the professional section or apply in person at 403 S. Custer Ave. New Holland, PA 17557.
up to $5,000 sign on bonus within the first year of employment, recently increased competitive wages, vacation, five (5) days prearranged absences first year of employment, medical Insurance, educational assistance, 401k plans, Tyson Stock Purchase Plans, nine (9) paid holidays, work/life balance with every other weekend off from Friday through Sunday.
SMORGASBORD Cook Host Buffet Saturday Only Positions Gift Shop Stocker
FARM MARKET Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time Full Time
Interested candidates may apply at:
Route 23, East Earl, PA 17519
Baker/Mixer 1st Shift, Full Time Stockers 1st & 3rd Shift, Full Time Market Clerks Full & Part Time Checkout Cashiers Part Time Bulk Foods Packer/Stocker Part Time Snack Shack Part Time Seafood Manager Full Time Customer Service, Cashiers Office Full Time
Shady Maple offers excellent benefits: health/dental/vision, 401K/matching contribution, paid vacations, holidays, employee discounts.
Tyson Foods in an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, national origin, color, religion, age, genetics, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or veteran status.
EXPERIENCED LABORERS FOR OUR BOX CULVERT & SPECIALTIES DIVISIONS AT OUR PRECAST PRODUCTION PLANT IN LEBANON, PA Ideal candidates will have a strong background in precast concrete production, general construction, carpentry, and/or heavy manufacturing environments, etc. Must be willing to work overtime hours and have reliable transportation. These full-time, hourly positions offer competitive wages, full health & dental benefits, paid vacation & holidays and more! Qualified applicants are encouraged to APPLY IN-PERSON at:
42 South Butler Road, Lebanon, PA 17042 Monday-Friday, 8:00am-3:00pm
MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN Terre Hill Concrete Products has an immediate opening in our Corporate Maintenance Department. We are seeking a maintenance technician to repair and maintain equipment in our block manufacturing and precast concrete plants. Experience in electrical, mechanical, and welding preferred but not required.
Qualified applicants should possess the following skills: able to troubleshoot, repair, and perform preventative maintenance on a wide variety of industrial equipment including hydraulics, pneumatics, mechanical drives, fabrication, welding, and electrical up to 480 volts. Qualified applicants should possess the following attributes: strong mechanical aptitude, able to work with others, strong problem solving skills, good organizational skills, good communication skills. Opportunity for advancement.
These full-time, hourly positions offer competitive wages, full health & dental benefits, paid vacation & holidays and more! Qualified applicants are encouraged to APPLY IN-PERSON at:
42 South Butler Road, Lebanon, PA 17042 Monday-Friday, 8:00am-3:00pm
OR download our application at (email completed application to
OR download our application at (email completed application to
An equal-opportunity employer | Committed to a drug-free work environment |
An equal-opportunity employer | Committed to a drug-free work environment |
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - 7B FOR SALE: P.S.E. Compound Bow L.H. sights, quiver arrows, ready to hunt, $50. Treestand Timbertall, $50. Dog house ground blind, $30. Goose decoys, 4 full-body floating decoys, 12 Magnum Shell decoys, $25. each set. 717-336-0204. FOR SALE: New Nikon Monarch, 8x42 Binoculars, mint condition Mossberg 535, ATI stock. 717-445-0160. FOR SALE: Browning A Bolt III Hunter, hang on tree stands, Grand Slam Model GS-2400 climbing tree stand, Horton Vision 175 Reverse Limb Cross Bow w/ extra bolts, soft bow case. Call 717-368-0588. FOR SALE: (7) 20” bikes, all popular name brands, $500 takes them all. 717-7333354.
RV’s & Campers FOR SALE: 2001 Jayco Eagle MK, 12 pop-up camper, 3 slideouts, stove, furnace, water heater, refrigerator, sleeps 6, awning, lots of storage, nice. 717-5873875.
FOR SALE: 2013 Brecken Ridge, 42”, 3 slideouts, 2BR, 1 loft, 1-1/2 bath, fireplace, 2 air conditioners, original $44,200, sale $20,000. 215-872-4253.
Notice NOTICE: We accept brush, trimmings, grass clippings, trees and stumps for a small fee. Call Martin Mulch for information. 717-7331602. NOTICE: Susan Lambert Piano Teacher, lessons for all ages. 11 Brookfield Drive, Ephrata, PA. 717-3714742. NOTICE: Custom built replacement windows and doors. Professional installation. Call Ronafa Window & Door, 717-733-7534, or visit our showroom at 400 W. Main St, Ephrata in the Ephrata Business Center. Thank You!
Garage Sale NOTICE: Yard Sale, Sat., 9/ 29, 7am-? Household, DVD, books, crafts, $1 clothing & accessories, men, women & teen, halloween decor & adult costumes and much more. 930 Broad St., Akron.
Consignment Sale! Spooky Nook LANCO
1901 Miller Rd., East Petersburg
October 5-7
Friday, 10/5, 9am-9pm Saturday, 10/6, 8am-5pm Sunday, 10/7, 8am-3pm Many items 50% off all day Sunday!
Just Between Friends Fall/Winter Sales Event
Children/teen/maternity clothing, shoes, accessories, changing tables, swings, port-a-cribs, strollers, toys, bassinets, high chairs, DVDs, exersaucers/walkers, books, maternity/ nursing items & so much more! Admission Is FREE! We accept Cash, Visa, M/C & Discover.
NOTICE: Yard Sale, 9/29. Books, bike, air mattress, rice cooker, HH. 220 Joshua Lane, Ephrata. NOTICE: Moving Sale, Friday, Saturday, 9/28, 9/29. Shupp Lane, Denver. More in neighborhood. Hot dogs, brownies too!
NOTICE: Huge Garage Sale, September 28th and 29th, 7am to ? Housewares, electronics, Weber charcoal grills, movies, books, handcrafted items, jewely, dehumidifier, electric heater, Bose iPod speaker, cellphone cases, holders and kickstands, plus much more. Everyone who buys, gets to enter a drawing for a prize. 94 Summerlyn Drive, Ephrata. NOTICE: Multi-Family Yard Sale, Friday, 9/28, 4pm7pm, Saturday, 9/29, 7am11am. Girl’s dresses, sweaters, coats, shoes, boots, skates, cape dresses, boy’s clothes size 6-8, house decor, Thirty-One bags, scrap booking supplies, Canon Power Shot S515 Digital Camera, tag-along bike, baseball cards, canning jars. 350 Woodcorner Rd, Lititz.
Owner/Operator to pull our trailer or Class A CDL Driver
Call Nicole • 484-880-1481
Call 717-799-1043
Please apply in person:
Eagle Disposal
1245 Eagles Way, East Earl, PA 17519
Experience is preferred, but not required. We will train the right people. If you are willing to work hard, exceed customer expectations and be rewarded for your efforts, Gus’s will be a great fit for you. Apply in person at the restaurant.
NOTICE: Multi-Family Garage Sale, 9/28 and 9/29. Rain or shine. Quality clothing hanging by size, boy’s size 10-14 including many jeans, junior girl’s, woman’s small, some plus size, coats for all. Books, Toys, Lego table, beach toys, purses and much more. Early birds welcome. 35 West Queen Street, Stevens.
AIRLINE CAREERS Get FAA approved maintenance training at campuses coast to coast. Job placement assistance. Financial Aid for qualifying students. Military friendly. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance
NOW HIRING/MULTIPLE POSITIONS Several IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for Installers. Experienced installers will enjoy competitive piece rates. Some construction experience is preferred. On the job training for the motivated individual.
or apply at 135 Brethren Church Rd., Leola
NOTICE: Giant Multi-Family & Moving Sale, 9/27, 27pm, 9/28 and 9/29, 7-5. Suits, vests, men, women, children clothing, cape dresses, ladies tops, jackets, shoes, fabric, sewing, craft supplies, Flowbee, books, CDs, HH, furniture, bikes, outside toys, tools, lawn mowers, some items free after noon Saturday. 1534 Division Highway, Ephrata (Hinkletown).
Applicants must be hard working and reliable. Seasonal Employment, November thru February
NOTICE: Multi-Family Yard Sale, 10/5, 10/6, 7am-? Household, collectables, TV’s, DVD’s, cassettes, seasonal, mirrors, paintball, mattress, sporting goods, cards, small fridge, clothing. 32 Ephrata Ave., behind hospital.
Monday-Friday, 3 runs per day from Harrisburg to York
Tobacco Receiving Station
Entry level position loading trash and recycle for residential customers. Position offers a competitive salary and a full benefits package.
NOTICE: Large Multi-Family, Saturday, 9/29, 7am1pm. Longaberger baskets and pottery, toys, glass dishes, men’s and ladies coats and sports coats, jewelry, complete set of Dessert Storm cards, misc. 415 Linden Street, Terre Hill.
NOTICE: Garage Sale, Oct., 5th-6th, 7am-? Something for everyone. 1320 Edgewood Dr., East Earl.
USA Burley Tobacco
Warehouse Positions Available
NOTICE: Multi-Family Garage Sale, Saturday, 9/29, 7am. John Deere riding mower, bagger and trailer, Chicco car seat, stroller combo, name brand clothes, baby thru adult, home decor, Thirty One, much more. Coffee, donuts. Don’t miss it. 261 Jalyn Drive, New Holland.
3687 Rothsville Rd., Ephrata (717) 738-7381 1050 W. Main St., Mount Joy (717) 653-2140
Immediate opening for experienced Estimator working Residential and Light Commercial Installed Insulation & Seamless Gutters. Requirements: Maintain existing accounts. Contact perspective customers. Able to do manual blueprint takeoffs in preparation for proposals. Strong understanding of residential construction process. Must be computer literate.
Email resume and/or qualifications to or apply in person.
2 forms of ID (including Valid PA Driver’s License) will be required. For full time employees, benefits are available after 90 day waiting period.
Service Professionals 82 West Main Street • Reinholds, PA 17569
Daytime Hours.
Experience preferred, but will train right candidate.
Quality Control Technician AFP advanced food products llc, the premier co-pack manufacturer of aseptically packed cheese sauce and puddings located in New Holland, Lancaster County, has an immediate opportunity available for a Full-Time 2nd Shift Quality Control Technician.
FT position includes Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, Disability, Discount card, Vacation options PT & FT include 401k w/Company Match
AFP offers competitive pay and bonus programs. Benefits (including medical, dental, and vision) start date of hire. Enrollment into the 401k also starts date of hire, including company match. Starting pay is negotiable based on experience and education. Please apply online.
Applications may be placed at Weaver Markets - Adamstown. Questions regarding the position should be directed to Mark at 717-484-4302.
is sponsoring a
Thursday, September 27 • 2pm-5pm 41 Weaver Rd., Denver, PA 17517
Material Handlers • Case Pick Shipping • Pickers/Packers Full Time and Part Time Positions Available.
Questions? Call (717) 336-5959 or email
AFP advanced food products llc
General duties include testing of all products on a routine basis to ensure quality. This fast-paced position requires the ability to use simple math, continual standing, and lifting 50 lbs. Hours are from 3:30 PM to 12:00 AM with some weekend work and overtime as needed.
ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK These positions will strive to support and work within the values and mission of Paul B. Zimmerman, Inc.
717-738-0380 x399
Apply in person or at our website at:
8B - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” NOTICE: Multi-Family Gar- age Sale, September 27, 3pm-7pm, September 28, 8am-? Beside Glenwood Foods in Hinkletown.
NOTICE: Yard Sale, 9/27-9/ 29, 7am-5pm. 1970 GMC truck, antiques, dryer, snow- mobile suite, jewelry, gun cabinet, radio, clothing, 1975 7-UP cans, tools, books. NOTICE: Garage Sale, Sept. 1934 Bowmansville Road, 28th & 29th, 7am-2pm. across from Deer Country, Household items, glass-Adamstown. ware, clothes, tools, bas- kets, too much to list. 217 NOTICE: Outdoor Antiques Ironstone Dr., Lititz. and Collectibles Flea Mar- NOTICE: Multi-Family Gar- ket Extravaganza, Septem- age Sale, 9/28 and 9/29. ber 26 thru September 30. Rain or shine. Boy’s clothing, No charge for early buyers. Muck boots, stand mixer, Free admission all week. collectibles, toaster oven, refrigerator, Antiques, baby saucer, some baby tools, blacksmith and neat clothing and toys, camp stove old stuff. Vendor spaces and more. Early birds wel- available, call 610-914come. 35 West Queen Street, 3903. Adamstown Denver, 2400 North Reading Road, Stevens. Denver. NOTICE: Yard Sale, MultiFamily, 9/27, 2pm, 9/28, NOTICE: Leola Thrift Shop 7am. Clothing, housewares, 5th Saturday Event, Satur- misc. 1060 Reading Road, day, 9/29, 8-4, 1/2 price Bowmansville, at Clearwater. sale. 265 W. Main St., Leola.
NOTICE: Fabric Sale, Friday, September 28th, 7am till gone. 2 fabric hoarders sell- ing their stash, fabrics, trims, zippers, sewing ma- chine. 30 E. Mohler Church Rd., Ephrata. NOTICE: Garage Sale, Sep- tember 28, 7am to 4pm. Sep- tember 29, 8am to 12pm. Women’s clothing 1X to 2X, Precious Moments figurines, jewelry, housewares, lots of bargains. 20 Meadow View Drive, Ephrata. NOTICE: Huge 10 Family Garage Sale, Saturday, Sep- tember 29, 6am. Lots of brand name clothing infantadult, dresses, all sizes, fab- ric, home decor, HH, 6 per- son tent, Christian fiction books and lots more. 80 Farmland Road, Leola.
NOTICE: Huge Yard Sale at Mook Fabrics, 247 W. Main Street, Leola. One Day Only, 9/29, 7am4pm. Space available to you to set up your table. Call 717-556-8546 to re- serve your free space. Tupperware, baby items, boxed cards, puzzles, fleece blankets, quilting fabric & much more.
NOTICE: Yard Sale, Fri- day, 9/28 and Saturday, 9/29, 8am to approx. 2pm. Samsung TV sound- bar, Alexa-capable alarm clock, HH items, holiday items, collectibles, books, jigsaw puzzles, misc. guy stuff, some- thing for everyone. 1237 West Swartzville Road, (Route 897), Reinholds, just 3 miles from Weaver Markets.
Plumbing & Heating
Cocalico Plumbing & Heating is looking to add an HVAC Service Technician to our team! Responsible for troubleshooting, repairs and maintenance of residential heating and cooling systems all while providing excellent customer service.
Are you cut out for this ride? Apply — text FLAGGER to 555-888.
Facility cleaning positions. $11.00-$13.00 Pending Locations Great part time job Mon.-Fri. 20-25 hours a week
Sheet Metal Fabricator
Call Ammon at Keystone Wood Turning (717) 354-2435 • Ephrata, PA
EOE and Drug Free Workplace
Pickers/Packers • Shipping/Receiving Merchandise Processors 1st & 2nd Shift - $11.00-$12.78/hr APPLY ONLINE AT ELWOODJOBS.COM Lancaster Office 1384 Harrisburg Pike 717.409.8901
Help Wanted
Qualified individuals need to: • Be willing to do what it takes to get the job done • Work well with a team • Be serious about performance and quality • Have a positive/good attitude • A valid driver’s license is required Good wages with benefits including: Paid Vacation, Paid Holidays, Performance Bonuses.
Call to apply:
Country View Fencing, LLC. 626 Ranck Road, New Holland, PA 17557
Help Wanted Now Hiring For
Part Time Waitress Evenings & Weekends
Also Hiring For
Full Time Waitress Mornings
Apply in Person
Bright’s Restaurant
Your Independent Restaurant for over 57 Years
1025 S. State Street & Rt. 272, Ephrata
Flagger Force is an equal opportunity employer.
DeMuth Steel Products, Inc.
Call Ivan today! 570-343-8546 191 ext.
Must be 18. Some woodworking experience preferred, but will train a qualified person. Competitive pay, 50 hours a week. Paid holidays, Christian environment.
Full-time & part-time positions. Must have valid driver’s license & reliable vehicle.
Lancaster, Reamstown, Columbia Areas.
>> Apply Online - Hiring Code 101
Machine Operator needed in Wood Turning Shop.
Work Now Available!
All Positions
ture, fabric, Uncle Arther sto- ries, and lots more, subs and NOTICE: Huge Indoor/Out- door Garage Sale, September donuts. 956 Reading Rd., 28th and 29th, 7am. Over East Earl. 1,000 items for sale, every- thing you can imagine, in- cluding: New, used, antiques, collectibles, tools, clothing, lawn and garden, household and much more. Spend $50 or more and get 10% of your NOTICE: The voice of truth is total. 200 S. Ridge Rein- coming to Ephrata through- out the month of September. holds. Pastor Leonard Stine of New NOTICE: Yard Sale, 9/28, Covenant Church of God, 7am. ERTL collectibles, lots 111 E. Chestnut St. Ephrata of girls/teens/women’s cloth- will be ministering under the ing size 10 and up, paper power of the Holy Spirit on dolls, housewares. 884 the authority of the believer. Sunday 10:30am and Pointview Ave., Ephrata. 6:30pm.
Please submit resume to
Now Accepting Applications For
NOTICE: Multi-Family Yard
NOTICE: Yard Sale, Fri- Sale, Friday, Saturday, Sep- 28, 29, 7am-? House- day, September 28 and tember hold, baby items, decor and Saturday, September much, much more. 72 Park 29, 8am-? Huge “Pay St., Stevens. what you think is fair” NOTICE: Multi-Family Yard sale. Last before win- Sale, Thursday, 9/27, 2pm, ter. Wide variety. 38 Friday, 9/28, 7:30am. Lots of and adult clothing, Keeler Ave., Ream- children toys, Cricut cartridges, rugs, stown. hand painted signs, furni-
is currently seeking a full-time
Position involves setting up/operating shears, brake/punch presses, CNC plasma, saw, unitized punches and other duties as assigned. Candidate should have 3 to 5 years’ experience and be mechanically inclined. Must be capable of standing, bending, lifting for 8 hours and be capable of lifting up to 75 lbs. occasionally. Drug screen and criminal background check required. Apply within or send resume to: DeMuth Steel Products, Inc. 25 Eby Chiques Road, Mount Joy, PA 17552 Email:
Full-Time Sales Position
Contractor/Counter Sales, Customer Service •Building materials knowledge helpful • Able to multi-task • Familiar with computer, QuickBooks
*****Willing to Train the Right Person***** Applications available at
The opportunity you’ve been waiting for is a phone call or email away!
201 A Commerce Drive, New Holland, PA17557
Reach out to us now and seize the opportunity to move forward with an industry leader by joining our growing and winning team as a
CDL Class A Driver You finally have the chance to utilize your skills and abilities at a company that values and rewards your hard work and dedication! The co-workers we are looking for: • Have clean driving records with a minimum of 2 years CDL Class A experience • Exhibit professional attitudes and strong work ethics • Are at least 24 years of age • Take pride in doing things the right way Our professional Drivers are KEY players on the Risser’s Poultry Team which is a live Poultry transport company located in Lititz. Check us out at to learn more. We reward your dedication with highly competitive wages based on experience, paid health, life and disability insurance, paid vacation and holidays, 401(k) plan with company match, designated truck, and more!
Those are all things we can talk about later but right now YOU need to take the first step! Go ahead… seize the opportunity… and start your rewarding career NOW at a company that recognizes and values your contributions to our team! To express interest, please:
Call 717-626-5466 between 8-5 or e-mail: for details.
BUS CLEANERS & DETAILERS Elite Coach is adding to our team of cleaners & detailers for our fleet of luxury coaches. Candidates must be in excellent physical condition, able to bend, stoop, kneel, lift up to 40 pounds, and move quickly in and around bus interiors for up to 8 hours per shift. Candidates must also be detail oriented and demonstrate their ability to work successfully as part of a team. These are evening/night shift positions. We prefer applicants that are available to work at least 2-3 shifts per week. Hourly rate starts at $12.00/hr. Additional compensation may be available for candidates who are able to yard jockey buses, or have demonstrated leadership ability.
Apply in person:
1685 West Main St., Ephrata, PA 17522 For more information, call (717) 721-5166
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - 9B
Help Offered HELP OFFERED: Roof repairs, new roofs, sid- ing, gutter systems, driveway seal coating, free estimates, fully in- sured, PA#132025. Call now, Phillip, 717-6965052.
HELP OFFERED: Caregiv- HELP OFFERED: Need a HELP OFFERED: Joe’s ing, companion, transport/ caregiver? Will do house- short procedure visits, daily work, yard work, as well as Lawn Mowing Service. hygiene, in-home haircuts, personal care. Will assist in Trouble mowing that nursing background. 717- any way I can. Call 717-283lawn? No time, energy or 327-3994. 5944.
Help Wanted
HELP WANTED: Drivers, CDL (A or B): Local Recruit- ing Fair, Mon., 10/1-Wed., 10/3, 8am-4pm. Truck- Movers Terminal 3203 Or- chard Rd., Macungie, PA 18062, 18 months Class A or B CDL Apply: Truck- & call Amanda, 855-329-8211.
do not like mowing lawn? HELP WANTED: Part-time Give Joe a call, 717-869- retail, Saturdays included, no Sunday’s, apply within. 3237. Achenbach’s Pastries, HELP WANTED: Full-time or Inc. 375 E. Main St., Leola, Part-time front desk, night auditor, competitive wages, HELP OFFERED: Groff EOE. we will train. Must work Painting. Clean, quality weekends. Apply at Red Roof at reasonable HELP WANTED: Babysitter Inn, Route 272. 717-336Home & Lawn Care work price. Specializing in in- for 2 school age boys, Blue 4649. HELP OFFERED: Carpentry Cleaning Services terior work. Free esti- Ball area, call for details. HELP WANTED: Full-time work, additions, remodel- HELP OFFERED: Exterior mates. Same people, 717-205-3223. person for register and ing, Ephrata. Call John S. and Interior Home Im- warehouse, some evenings, new phone number. Weaver, 717-203-3042, Make your ads stand out! HELP OFFERED: A-Clean provements, windows, sid- every other Saturday, some 717-336-7497. Ephrata. 717-723-5734. Boxed classified ads heavy lifting. Must be 21 or Hometown Services. Your ing, roof repairs, decks. PA118129. older, $14 per hour. Call available for as little HELP OFFERED: full service cleaning com- Concrete pads/walks. Re- Denver Beer, 717-336moval of debris. Mobil as $2.00 extra! Schmuck’s Painting and 2277. Powerwashing. Free esti- pany. Homes and offices. home repairs. Competitive mates. Reasonable rates. Move-ins, move-outs. prices. Call Jim, 717-305- HELP OFFERED: Need a 717-625-1102. helping hand? Mulching, Regular service or emer- 0385. Maintenance HELP OFFERED: Experi-gency cleanings. Call 717- HELP OFFERED: Expert clean-ups, weed control, enced electrician and han- 336-4854. Machine Mechanic home repairs, remodeling, al- and more. Honest, reli- dyman services, licensed terations, improvements. 40 able, affordable. Please Experience working with knit/sewing and insured. Free esti-HELP OFFERED: Ladies, years experience. Call Rick, machines. Good mechanical abilities and mates. Call Jim, 717-575- come home to a clean house. 717-733-8331, PA008632. call Matt, 717-738-4360. communication skills a must. Welding, 2147.
HELP OFFERED: Gutter guard installation, roof re- pairs, and home improve- ments. Low prices, 30 years experience. Russ 717-9567117. HELP OFFERED: Deb’s Dog Grooming, worked for Dean and Lisa Martin at kennel 16 years. For appointment call, 717-917-1851.
HELP OFFERED: Cory’s Handyman Service is looking to fix those things around the house in need of repair, so you don’t have to. No job too small. So call, 717-7230277. Reasonable rates/in- sured. PA#103368.
Christian lady will do your cleaning. Honest, depend- able. Call 717-859-2502. HELP OFFERED: I clean homes, apartments spotless. References, reliable. Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly. Low rates. Call Tammy, 717-7335124 and 717-271-1220.
HELP OFFERED: L. Martin Cleaning Services. I clean residential homes and busi- ness offices, can provide references upon request. Call 717-826-7739.
Love the restaurant business but want a different environment?
Would you love Sundays and most evenings off? The Kling House Restaurant and Harvest Café at Kitchen Kettle Village is hiring for key back of the house positions! This is an excellent career opportunity to work in one of the premier tourist destination spots in beautiful Intercourse Pennsylvania! We are hiring for:
machining and fabricating skills a plus. Full time. Benefits after 90 days.
Please apply in person:
Bollman Hat Company, 110 East Main Street, Adamstown, PA. Applications accepted Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Full-Time Assistant Kitchen Manager $16.00 per hour Full-Time Prep Line Cook $12 to $14 per hour Part-Time Prep Line Cooks $10.50 to $11.50 per hour In addition to competitive compensation, we offer comprehensive benefits that include* • Affordable healthcare • Life insurance • Paid time off • Short-term disability benefits
Lancaster Mold, Inc. is a wellestablished, family-owned company in the plastic injection molding and mold making industry. We are looking for a professional individual to assist the human resource, administration and quality departments with the following: • Answer telephones and direct calls • Create new employee files • Perform reference checks by phone • Data entry • Assist with employee events • Temporary help administration • Create and update Word, Excel and Power Point documents • Filing and scanning invoices and distribute incoming mail • Print production labels • General administrative functions
Full-time Dedicated Customer UPS Truckload | Kutztown, PA • $7,000 Sign-on potential! • Hazmat required • Great home time. UPS is an Equal Opportunity Employer 877-702-4814
Full & Part Time
Days, Evenings & Weekends • Excellent Starting Pay, (Up to $9.00 an hour!)
• Free Meals • Free Uniforms • Flexible Hours
If you are a motivated, energetic person, apply in person at:
Sharp Plaza Ephrata
We are looking for an individual that possesses the following: honesty/ integrity, confidentiality, good work ethic, team-oriented, dependable, detail-oriented and able to follow instructions. Minimum qualifications required: strong math, reading, comprehension, communication, strong detailorientation and problem-solving skills, intermediate to advanced computer skills including MS Office, valid PA Driver’s License. If you have the qualifications listed above, and are interested in working for a family-owned company with great benefits including: health insurance, retirement plan, paid vacation and holidays, etc. Submit resume along with wage requirement to:
Lancaster Mold, Inc.
2501 Horseshoe Road Lancaster, PA 17601 EOE
Looking for a friendly individual with an interest in fashionable eyewear to join our eye care team. Four days per week with no weekend hours. Primary optician responsibilities will include frame and lens sales, adjusting, repairing, dispensing and inspecting prescription eyeglasses. Some office work will also be required. The ideal candidate will be computer literate and comfortable with technology, highly motivated, able to multi task, have a service oriented personality, strong math skills and critical thinking skills. Training is available for optician responsibilities.
Send cover letter and resume to:
101 E. Main St., PO Box 699 Ephrata, PA 17522
• 401(k) retirement and profit sharing plan • Employee assistance program • Employee wellness program • Bereavement leave
* Eligibility requirements must be satisfied Visit our website,, and click on the “job opportunities” link at the bottom right to connect you to our Kitchen Kettle Career Center. EOE Questions call 717-768-2718 • 3529 Old Philadelphia Pike, Intercourse, PA 17534
Are You The Missing Piece? Top Pay with Full Benefits after 60 Days Profit Sharing & 401k with Company Match Hourly Pay with OT after 8 Hours Top Assigned Equipment Home Most Nights and Weekends 3 Year Class A CDL Experience Needed with 12 Months Clean Driving Record.
Grace Point Learning Center is a non-profit Christian organization with immediate openings in our learning center for full-time staff, with a minimum of 2 years of documented experience working with children.
For More Information or To Apply: STOP IN or CALL (717) 733-6556 and Ask for Rob or visit our website: NOW
Interested in applying? Go to or call
Now Hiring
Class A Over-the-Road Truck Driver You Will Be Home Every Weekend! Come join our family-owned company, one of the largest manufacturers in Lancaster County who maintains a strong set of values and commitment to our people!
The Cocalico School District is accepting applications for the following positions:
Special Education Paraprofessional* Hourly, part-time
*Highly qualified status required (Associate’s Degree, 48 post-secondary credits or Credential of Competency for Paraprofessionals)
Food Service Hourly, part-time
Substitute Food Service
Hourly, as needed Visit the employment page of our website to obtain a support staff application OR
apply in person or mail to
Cocalico School District
Attention: Human Resources 800 South Fourth Street, P.O. Box 800 Denver, PA 17517 Deadline for applications is October 8, 2018 Cocalico School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer
We Offer You:
• Total driver compensation packages that include: Mileage, per diems, stop pay, detention time pay, safety bonus, and paid vacation • Excellent medical, dental, and vision care benefits • 401k with company match • Opportunity for advancement • Fleet of new model Peterbilt and Freightliner tractors • In-house garage and mechanics to maintain our fleet in top-notch condition
We Require:
• Class A driver • 21 years of age and older • 1+ years of driving experience • Ability to pass a DOT drug/alcohol screening • Clean Motor Vehicle Report For timely application review or to learn more about our opportunities apply online to: or Call 717.445.3492 for more information or apply in person between the hours of 7am and 4pm M-F at
Conestoga Wood Specialties 245 Reading Road (Rt. 625) East Earl, PA 17519
10B - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” HELP WANTED: Veteran, Honorable Service, seeks per- sonal aide, 2-3 days weekly, appointments, errands, driv- er, housekeeping a plus, rea- sonable compensation with bonus for efficient service. Please call, 610-273-7435, leave message with phone number.
HELP WANTED: Affordable Paving is looking for Class A or B CDL Dump truck driv- ers. 2 years experience, competitive wages, bene- fits, health, dental and eye, retirement package. 717627-0364 x4, or
HELP WANTED: Construc- tion Company looking for HELP WANTED: Warfel Con- full-time employees. Skilled struction Company is seek- applicants preferred, but willing to train. Ave. 55 ing laborers, carpenters, hours/week, competitive foremen and superinten- pay, paid holidays, paid va- dents for projects across cation after 90 days. For Pennsylvania. Learn more more company information at an Employment Open or to fill out an application, House on Wednesday, Oc- visit www.zimtech tober 10 from 4-7pm. Com- For ques petitive pay and benefits of- tions, please call Titus 717fered. Interviews available Zimmerman, on site. Contact careers 629-0974. for more HELP WANTED: Looking for information. part-time workers, mowing For information on placing your ad in The Shopping News, call our office at 717-738-1151.
and landscape work. Could be full-time. Also, looking for help selling Christmas trees. Call 717-587-5011.
HELP WANTED: Lawn care/landscaping com- pany looking for a reli- able, self-motivated and hardworking employee. PT/FT opportunities available. Duties include mowing, landscaping, snow removal and con- struction. Pay based on experience. Contact us at 717-587-8542.
HELP WANTED: Cocal- ico Poured Walls, LLC is looking for CDL driv- ers, drivers, foreman and laborers. Medical insurance, paid holi- days, paid vacation, benefits. 717-445-9321.
HELP WANTED: Now hiring. HELP WANTED: Now hir- Faithful Transport is looking for drivers to transport spe- ing cashiers at Charlies cial needs students to and Fuel & Deli, 1634 West from school. No CDL re- quired, part-time hours. Be Main, $10.00 hour, 36 part of a team that is making hours week. Call 717-629a difference in the lives of 8907. students every day. Please call 717-286-1650 ext. 2 to apply. Retirees welcome. HELP WANTED: FT/PT HELP WANTED: Full-Time Driver for Landscaping and Hardscaping Co. 717-9404431.
caregiver for a young adult male between 9pm9am. 717-656-0219.
HELP WANTED: Residential and commercial cleaning company looking for hard- working, dedicated indiduals to join our team. We have both PT and FT available. Please contact, Christy Ma- dara, 717-823-1900.
WANTED: 1BR apt. for 60 year old woman, quiet, respectful of property, with small well behaved dog, 1st floor. 860-2304718, Patricia.
WANTED: Antiques, one piece to an entire estate. estate jewelry, WANTED: Paying cash for old Buying shaving razors, antiques, gold/silver. All costume typewriters, cameras, lan- terns, old audio equipment, jewelry including old old kitchen & household. rings, vintage clothes, Jeremy in Akron, 717-2018501. hats, vinyl records, watch- WANTED: Highest cash paid es, CD’s, wool sweaters, for junk or good cars. Li- Harley Davidson T-shirts. censed professional. 717278-9539. Uncle Funky’s 1-484-4329770, 717-733-0003. WANTED: Like new or slightly used digital hear- ing aids. Call 717-2036521.
To Buy
for the career that is right for you?
Do you have excellent customer service skills? Do you enjoy working in a team environment? Do you want to grow with a stable and community minded organization? We may have the opportunity that is right for you!
All positions require some weekend and evening hours, unless noted. All motivated candidates must be able to lift 50 lbs. and stand/walk for an 8 hour shift. Please only apply if you can meet these requirements.
GROCERY STORE Produce Clerk - Part-time,
This full-time, hourly position offers competitive wages, full health & dental benefits, paid vacation & holidays and more!
Night Janitor - Part-time Night Grocery Stocker -
must be at least 18 years old
Qualified applicants are encouraged to APPLY IN-PERSON at:
Cake Decorator -
Full-time, days
42 South Butler Road, Lebanon, PA 17042
PETAL PERFECT FLOWER SHOP Seasonal Help - Part-time,
Monday-Friday, 8:00am-3:00pm
OR download our application at (email completed application to An equal-opportunity employer | Committed to a drug-free work environment |
weekdays and weekends
RESTAURANT Banquet Server - As needed Host/Hostess - Part-time, weekdays and
weekends, must be at least 18 Buffet Attendant - Part-time, weeknights and weekends Salad Bar Attendant - Full-time/part-time Store Bar Attendant - Part-time Deli Cook - Full-time/part-time, days Busser - Part-time Dishwasher - Part-time Server - Part-time, weekends, must be at least 18 Short Order Cook - Full-time/part-time Grill Cook - Part-time
Apply online at or in person at 14 S. Tower Road, New Holland, PA 17557
Applications can be submitted on our website:
Cer�fied Nursing Assistant
• Full-time evenings (2:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.) with comprehensive benefits package including medical, dental and vision insurance options. • 24 hr./week evening (2:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.) with benefits package including dental and vision insurance options. • Part-time every other weekend day or evening plus PRN.
WE ARE HIRING! Like hands-on work? Have a positive attitude and a willingness to learn? Our 3rd-generation, family-owned local company is looking for: Parts Counter Rep • Service Mechanics • Truck Body Installers • • • •
Full-time position, 5 days per week with overtime Experienced preferred, but all applicants considered All required tools and equipment company supplied Job duties may include general trailer/truck body service, brake repairs, wiring repairs, welding, fabrication, as well as other types of mechanical repairs on livestock semi/gooseneck trailers, grain trailers, and aluminum truck bodies.
800-292-4752 or 717-354-4971 Email: •
• Full-time RN Rehab; busy fast-paced “household” overseeing residents and staff. Autonomous, self starter who enjoys teamwork. Excellent assessment skills and critical thinker preferred. • Multiple shifts available.
• 32 hr./week evening shift (2:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.), including every other weekend, with comprehensive benefits package including medical, dental and vision insurance options. • 16 hr./week evening shift (2:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.), including every other weekend. • Part-time every other weekend day shift (6:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.).
• Full-time days (6:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.) with comprehensive benefits package including medical, dental and vision insurance options. • Every other weekend.
• Resident Assistant: Part-time every other weekend, every other Holiday and PRN - day shift (6:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.), must be 21 years of age, must have a High School Diploma or GED, CPR/First Aid as well as med-tech a plus.
• Every other weekend (6:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.) includes light maintenance and some security. 333 Wheat Ridge Dr. Ephrata, PA 17522 717.354.1800 Fax:717.354.1844
*All applicants must support the mission & values of Fairmount* EOE
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - 11B
Automotive September 10, 2018
1. SCIENCE: What is the study of heat and its transformation to mechanical energy called? 2. LANGUAGE: What is the symbol associated with the Greek letter “Delta” (uppercase)? 3. MUSIC: Which city is hometown to the Red Hot Chili Peppers band? 4. PSYCHOLOGY: What is the fear represented in tachophobia? 5. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a male rabbit called? 6. GEOGRAPHY: Which two African nations joined to become Tanzania in 1964? 7. LITERATURE: Who wrote the children’s classic book “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”? 8. MEASUREMENTS: How many centimeters are in a foot? 9. MOVIES: Who was the Oscar-winning director of “The Deer Hunter”? 10. CHEMISTRY: What is the symbol for the element arsenic? Answers 1. Thermodynamics 2. Triangle 3. Los Angeles 4. Fear of speed 5. A buck 6. Zanzibar and Tanganyika 7. Roald Dahl 8. 30.48 9. Michael Cimino 10. As
King Features Weekly Service
WANTED: Need cash? I will buy your car or truck. Cash. Brooks Motor Company, 3242 Oregon Pike (Rt. 272) Leola, PA, 717-656-4038.
WANTED: Will purchase your home for cash. Fixer uppers welcome. Quick settlement, usually in two weeks. Call 717-278-5880.
FOR RENT: Akron/Ephra- ta, upscale 2BR condo style apt. 1-1/2BA, all ap- pliances, off-street park- ing, quiet neighborhood, no pets, no smoking, se- curity deposit, $900 plus utilities, credit check. 717587-7441.
FOR RENT: Tom Ave., Ephrata, 3BR, 1st floor. Includes: stove, refriger- ator, dishwasher, wash- er/dryer, central air, pat- io, outside storage, offstreet parking, trash/re- cycling, mowing and snow removal. No pets, no smoking. Fresh paint and new flooring. $835/ month plus utilities, se- curity deposit and credit check. 717-738-1151.
FOR RENT: Four bedroom apartment, $1,200/month FOR RENT: “Refreshed” first plus security deposit. In- floor, 2 bedroom apt., fridge, cludes water/sewer, landlord DW, stove, S. State Street, FOR RENT: Storage, helps with oil, tenant pays Ephrata. Close to 14x34x16’ high, 476 sq.ft. electric and trash. Use of “everything.” No smoking/ with 12’w x 14’high over- large basement and garage, pets. $800/month includes head door, campers, boats Ephrata. Call 717-572-8793. heat. 717-606-6386. or storage warehouse. $235. 717-738-1605.
For Rent
e b r a RT I R E S ’s
FOR RENT: Twin Pine Storage Units, 24hr. ac- cess, $20.00 per month and up. 717-733-6549. Or stop in at 1932 W. Main, Ephrata. M-Th, 9am-5pm, F 9am-3:30pm, Sat., 10am12pm.
WANTED: $100-$2,000 paid for unwanted and junk vehi- cles. Local, insured and bonded dealer. Free removal. Call anytime, 717-350-1208. FOR RENT: Akron, 2BR, 1st floor, with laundry room, WANTED: $50-$500 paid for full bath, 1 car garage, junk autos. Free removal. electric heat, new carpet, includes Call anytime, licensed, in- $795/month sured, bonded. All paper- trash/plowing. No pets, no work taken care of legally. smoking. Credit check. 717-989-6980. 717-314-7262.
Easy Application. 4x4’s Approval isn’t based on your credit score. Available Affordable weekly or bi-weekly payments. Easy Trade In and Trade Up! Pay for the periodic use of a car with the option to purchase at any time. ✓ Low Start Up Fees! ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
2006 Ford Ranger XLT Red, 5 Speed Manual, 2.3L I4, 119,951 miles $
ek e W e h T Of 215-50-17 Specials 195-65-15 $
195-70-14 $
195-60-15 $
2012 Chevrolet Malibu
Silver, Automatic, 2.4L I4, 92,661 miles
235-75-1 $
215-70-15 $
Touring 65,000 mi. 205-70-15 .................... $85.00 215-60-15 ..................... $82.00 195-65-15 ..................... $82.00 205-60-16 .................... $85.00
Length of terms may vary, plus tax + tags, call for details. Email
86.00 6
235-70-1 $
7 245-65-1 $
Tom Halligan
Owner & Head Technician
(717) 733-0171
Halligan’s Auto Repair
240 W. Fulton Street, Ephrata, PA 17522 $
10 OFF with ad
Your auto is our #1 priority!
2 Main St., Denver • (717) 336-8288
Service Center Denver
Auto, Truck and Trailer Repair Towing
953 Beam Rd., Denver, PA 17517
P 235-70-16 .............. $119.00 P 245-70-16 .............. $119.00 P 265-70-16 .............
P 255-70-16 ............. $129.00 P 265-70-17 ..............
LT 265-75-16 8pl ..... $157.00 LT 245-75-16 10pl ... $157.00
195-60-15 ..................... $82.50
LT 265-75-16 10pl ... $167.00
82.50 205-65-15 .................... $83.00 215-65-16 ..................... $94.50 225-60-16 .................... $94.50 215-60-16 ..................... $94.50 205-55-16 .................... $94.00
LT 285-75-16 8pl .....$175.00
215-65-15 .....................
Avid Ascend 85,000 Miles 89.00 195-65-15 ..................... 89.00 215-70-15 ..................... $89.00 225-60-16 ................. $105.00 205-55-16 ................. $105.00 195-60-15 .....................
Mention this ad at time of service.
743 East Main Street, Ephrata, PA 17522
General Repairs & Service State & Emission Inspection Computerized Alignment • Tires 39 E. Lancaster Ave. | Denver, PA 17517 717.336.6693
Lititz MARTINʼS TIRE SERVICE, LLC Farm, Auto And LT Tires 102 W. Burkholder Dr. Lititz, PA 17543
$ $
2010 Toyota Corolla
Need some extra cash? Call our office at 717-738-1151 to sell your unwanted items in The Shopping News!
• State Inspection & Emission Testing • General Repairs • Major Engine Repairs
HT Tires
Black Sand Pearl, 5 Speed Manual, 1.8L I4, 91,055 miles
Blue, Automatic, 4.7L V8, 122,479 miles
FREE: Kittens to a good home. 717-335-3032.
2004 Dodge Durango Limited $
FREE: Kittens, 6 to choose from, yellow and white, black and white. 717-445-9776.
215-70-15 ..................... $85.00
2034 W. Main St. Ephrata, PA 17522
FOR RENT: Open minded shared apartment Browns- town area, no drinking, no drugs, no smoking, must have income, reduced rent for household chores, in- cludes: all utilities, washer/ dryer, cable. Phone calls only. 717-419-4163
FOR RENT: Small econom- ical 2BR with yard, Lititz WANTED: Costume jewelry, area. Peaceful, clean, re- range, non vintage Christmas decora- frigerator, tions, doll clothes, clothing smokers only, references, button collections, post-credit check, security de- cards, other small antiques. posit, $690 plus utilites. Call 717-626-7764. Stella 717-875-7884.
FOR RENT: Ephrata up- scale apartment, 2BR, all appliances, off-street parking. No pets, no smoking. Creidt check, security deposit. $780 month plus utilities. 717587-7441.
Shared Living
“Big And Small, We Do Them All”
© 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.
WANTED: Classic cars, muscle cars, sports cars, antique cars, Low mileage trucks, etc. Jeff Gast 717575-4561.
FOR RENT: 2nd floor, 1BR, Ephrata Borough, includes heat and trash, $550/ month. 717-205-5622.
INSTANT REBATE On any set of 4
Yokohama Tires Must present coupon. Expires 9/29/18.
Wood Corner Garage, Inc. STATE INSPECTION TUNE UP • REPAIRS • TIRES ALIGNMENTS • CAR SALES 275 Wood Corner Rd., Lititz
717-733-6568 • 717-733-6696
Mechanic St. & Creamery Rd. Reinholds • Computer Repairs • Tires • 4 Wheel Alignment ASE CERTIFIED
(717) 336-7972
CHECK YOUR INSPECTION STICKER! Have Your Car Inspected Before It Expires!
12B - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
Adamstown Library Events
The following events are happening at the Adamstown Area Library, 3000 North Reading Road, Route 272, Adamstown. For more information or to register for any of the events, call the library at 717-484-4200. • The library processes Passport Applications and takes photos by appointment only. Please call 717-4844200. • Chi St. Joseph BrushTwice-A-Day Challenge continues until December. Stop in at the library to pick up your kit (toothpaste, toothbrush and cards). • Preschool Storytime every Tuesday and Wed nesday at 10:00 a.m. Stories and an easy craft for ages two to six with adult caregiver. Please register. • Technology Night –
Thursday, October 4 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the library conference room. (Please note this change from Wednesday to Thurs day for the month of October). This monthly program is dedicated to helping our patrons cope with the ever-changing world of computers, mobile devices, and technology. Bring your questions. Regis tration is required. • Lapsit Program - every Thursday at 10:00 a.m. Simple stories, rhymes, puppets, songs and finger plays for babies up to age two with parent or other adult caregiver. Please register. • Toddler Storytime – every Thursday at 10:30 a.m. Stories, songs and fingerplays, followed by an easy craft. For two and three-year-olds with parent or other adult caregiver. Please register. • Family Place ParentChild Interactive Play-And-
SUN., SEPTEMBER 30• 1-3 PM 6 Wild Deer Dr., Reamstown $224,900 Stop in to see this home and see how you can make it your own! You will not find a more beautiful setting. Situated on a 1/2 acre lot with a small creek running along the edge of the property you can enjoy while sitting on the back deck. Inside this home is a welcoming open floor plan with a formal living room, eat-in kitchen and family room with updated French door onto the back deck. The formal dining room has an added built-in hutch and box bay window allowing for lots of sunshine. Upstairs, a roughed-in 4th bedroom, including plumbing for a private full bath, is ready to finish off. It already has a walk-in closet ready to use now. Central air/heat pump, hot water heater, and insulated windows are all newer. New carpet throughout the upstairs. All appliances will stay. Close to Pa. Turnpike and 222. 100% financing available. Directions: 272N to right on Church St. in Reamstown, continue thru 4 way stop, left on Summers, left on Wild Deer.
Sherri Sweigert 717-738-0888 x247 717-475-0501
APARTMENTS FOR RENT Tom Ave., Ephrata, 3 BR, 1st Floor Apartments. Includes: stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, washer and dryer, central air, patio, outside storage, offstreet parking, trash/recycling, mowing and snow removal. Quiet neighborhood, close to small community park and easy access to Rt. 222. Fresh paint and new flooring. $835/month plus utilities. Available in September & October. Tom Ave., Ephrata, 2 BR, 2nd Floor Apartment. Includes: stove, refrigerator, full-size washer/ dryer, central air, outside storage, balcony, offstreet parking, trash/recycling, mowing and snow removal. Quiet neighborhood, close to small community park and easy access to Rt. 222. $690/ month. Available in November. (185-G) Tom Ave., Ephrata, 2 BR, 2 BA Townhouse. Charming end-of-row townhouse with first floor bedroom and bathroom. Large pantry, spacious yard and off-street parking. Includes: stove, dishwasher, refrigerator, washer/dryer and central air. Quiet neighborhood, close to small community park and easy access to Rt. 222. $950/month plus utilities. Availability negotiable. All units require security deposit, one-year lease, references and credit check. NO PETS/NO SMOKING PERMITTED IN ANY UNIT Rental applications can be picked up at The Shopping News/Hocking Printing Co., Inc. 615 E. Main St., Ephrata, PA or printed from 717-738-1151
Learn Sessions – Fall 2018 five-week series of sessions for children ages one to three with parents/caregivers con tinues each Friday morning through October. The remaining sessions will be held at Peace United Church of Christ, 37 East Swartzville Rd. (Route 897), Denver, on October 5, 12, 19 and 26 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. It is recommended that parents and children try to attend all five sessions. • Family Place™ is a center for early childhood information, parent edu cation, early literacy, social ization and family support. Each Family Place™ workshop session features art, blocks, books, puzzles, a storytime, puppets and more! Since an integral part of the project is the collaboration between community agencies and the library, there will be resource people from the community on hand to informally answer parenting questions and concerns. Funding for
the Adamstown Area Library’s Family Place™ is made possible by a Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by Penn sylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf, Governor. • MakeIT AAL: FLASH ING ROBOT CARDS Saturday, October 6 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Get creative with Robot Parade Flashing Cards! Kids will decorate their own robot cards, then make them light up with electric paint and LED’s. This engaging group activity teaches the youngest students how electricity flows through circuits and introduces simple circuit design. Participants will be introduced to circuit sym bols, component polarity and have the opportunity to attach an LED and coin cell
2 BR at 3 Center Square Apartments in Maytown
2 BR at 3 Center Square Apartments in Maytown
Accessible, first floor, $831 a month includes ALL utilities (heat/hot water/ sewer/trash/electric) except telephone & cable. Applicant must need the features of the apartment. NO PETS. On-site laundry room, community room. Some income restrictions apply, the minimum income is $1,662 a month or $19,900 per year. Section 8 vouchers accepted. Credit, criminal, landlord, income & income from assets will all be verified during processing.
Rent $831 a month includes ALL utilities (heat/hot water/sewer/trash/ electric) except telephone & cable. NO PETS. On-site laundry room, community room. Some income restrictions apply, the minimum income is $1,662 a month or $19,900 per year. Section 8 vouchers accepted. Credit, criminal, landlord, income & income from asssets will be verified during processing.
Call today 717-517-9257 Equal Housing Opportunity
Call today 717-517-9257 Equal Housing Opportunity
battery to bring their own blinking robot card to life! For ages six and up. Registration is required. • Dungeons & Dragons Group – Saturdays, October 6 and 20 from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Join the library for Dungeons & Dragons, the adventure role-playing and collaborative storytelling game. Anyone over 13 who likes to play or who wants to try it out for the first time is welcome to join. For teens and adults. Please register. • Fire Prevention Storytime - Tuesday, October 9 at 10:00 a.m. They will be walking to the Adamstown Fire Company for storytime, firetrucks and firemen. For ages two to six with caregiver. Please register. • Bedtime Stories –
Wednesday, October 10 at 6:30 p.m. Enjoy stories, a craft and snack. Don’t forget to wear your pajamas!! Please register. • Library Board Of Trustees Meeting – Wed nesday, October 10 at 6:30 p.m. • Genealogy Interest Group – Thursday, October 11 at 6:30 p.m. The group will be led by genealogy researcher Ken McCrea. For older students and adults. Registration is required. • Traveling Trunk Pre school Storytime – Tuesday, October 16 and Wednesday, October 17 at 10:00 a.m. • Social Security Work shops – Thursday, October 18 and Tuesday, October 30 at 6:30 p.m. Please call 1-800-955-2604 to register.
Is Your Home For Sale? Make sure it is being advertised to
SHOPPING NEWS of Lancaster County
For advertising information, call 717-738-1151
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - 13B
• Walk-In Craft – Children may stop in at the library any time between 9:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 19 to make and take home a seasonal craft. No registration needed. • Wine Tours In The Poconos – Saturday, October 20. There is a cost which benefits the Room to Grow AAL Campaign. They will board the bus in the parking lot behind Weaver Markets by 8:00 a.m. and return around 7:00 p.m. Sign up at the library circulation desk or by mail to: Adamstown Area Library, P.O. Box 356, Adamstown, PA 19501. Please direct questions to Kathy Thren at kthren@ Please register and pay by Friday, October 5. • “Mystery Guest Children’s Book Club” - Tuesday, October 23 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Do you have a special book that’s your favorite or something you’re reading now that you love? Bring it along to discuss with the other children at the book club. A Mystery Guest will show up at the meeting and they will play a “20-question” game to try to guess the job of the special mystery guest. This club will meet every fourth Tuesday of the month from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. starting on Tuesday, October 23. Please register. For grades K-5. • Charles Adams Ghost Stories – Wednesday, October 24 at 6:30 p.m. Ghosts may be closer than you think! Well-known storyteller Charles Adams will have you on the edge of your seats with ghostly tales from this area. The author of Ghost Stories of Berks County, Charles J. Adams III brings a sense of drama and suspense to these local ghost stories. For elementary ages to adult. Registration is required. • Trunk Or Treat –
Denver-Ephrata Rotary Welcomes New Officers “A Sweet Night Of Music” To Be Held
Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese The Denver-Ephrata Rotary is pleased to announce the installment of the 2018-2019 officers. At a recent rotary meeting, Nate Hoffer welcomed the new officers and committee chairs. Shown in the photo, from left to right, are (front) Michael Leid (Appropriations Committee Chair), Gil Ochs (Secretary), Larry Maier (President Elect 2019-2020); (back) Ralph Mowen (Sgt. At Arms), Randy Goshert (Treasurer), Eric Nissley (Incoming President) and Nate Hoffer (Past President). Missing is Tyler Eberly (Membership and Fundraising Chair). Saturday, October 27 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Join us by signing up at the circulation desk to hold your “parking” spot to hand out goodies to the children for a happy and safe Halloween. Decorate your car trunk for the festivities. Prizes will be awarded for the best decorated trunk! This event will be held at the new library building site, located at 110 West Main Street in Adamstown.
Lancaster County: 4 BRs OPEN NOW. Country Club Apts., Conestoga Valley School District. Rent $1,285 includes ALL utilities (heat/hot water/sewer/trash/electricity). NO PETS. Minimum income $30,850 required. Section 8 accepted & does not require minimum income. Call today!
Call 717-391-8950 for an application. Equal Housing Opportunity
“A Sweet Night of Music” to help the missionary family of Cindy, Drew, Isaiah and Moses Metcalf will be Sunday, September 30, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at beautiful Stoltzfus Homestead and Gardens, 3716 East Newport Road, Gordonville, with guest speaker Dr. Enos Daniel Martin. Five Christian music groups will be playing, all from various styles of music, so please come out and hear them. Enjoy a large selection of sweet desserts and coffee as you listen to great music! Then Cindy and Drew will share about their work changing the lives of children in crisis. Admission is free, just let them know if you are coming by emailing HelpChildrenWithUs@ or calling 717517-2359. Please invite your friends and family. An offering will be taken to help children.
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321 E. Main St., New Holland, PA 17557
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1433 West Main St., Ephrata, PA 17522 • 717-733-4158 See Website For Complete Listings 3 BR House, 673 Springville Rd., Ephrata. $1,050, barn storage, w/s, stove, refrig., w/d*. NO SMKG. 3 BR Semi, 1849-1 Division Hwy., Ephrata. $910, 1-car garage, w/s, stove, refrig. 2 BR 1st flr. Apt., 1605 W. Main St., Apt. H, Ephrata. $950, trash, stove, refrig., d/w, w/d, micro. Pet welcome. NO SMKG. 2 BR 2nd flr. Apt., 302 S. Oak St., Apt. #5, Ephrata. $750, w/s/t, stove, refrig., coin laundry. NO SMKG. 1 BR 1st flr. Apt., 305 E. Fulton St., C8, Ephrata. $700, w/s/t, stove, refrig., d/w, coin laundry. Pet welcome. NO SMKG. 1 BR 2nd flr. Apt., 38 N. Stage St., Apt. #2, Ephrata. $695, stove, refrig., w/d*. NO SMKG.
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6 Wild Deer Drive - Stevens Host: Sherri Sweigert, $224,900 SH1001985378
Denver - COCALICO Schls 3 BR, Ephrata - EPHRATA AREA Schls Ephrata - CONESTOGA VALLEY Schls Ephrata - CONESTOGA VALLEY Schls Lititz - Over 2,100 Square foot Lititz - WARWICK Schls 4 BR, Ephrata - Check out this 4BR/2BA 2 Baths. Call Brad Wolf, SH1004116714 3 BR, 1.5 Baths. Call Dawn Fox, 3 BR, 2.5 Baths. Call Troy McClarigan, 3 BR, 2.5 Baths. Call Mike Gordon Jr., 4 Bedroom 1.5 Bath on Over 1/3 1 . 5 B a t h s . C a l l To m R i s s e r, updated split-level. Two-car garage. Call SH1000406520 $149,900. SH1002131888 $199,900. SH1003686794 $203,900. Acre. Call Tom Risser, SH1001804822 SH1003006824 $237,500. Matt Trimber, SH1002068588 $239,900. $146,900. $209,900.
Ephrata - EPHRATA AREA Schls Lititz - WARWICK Schls 3 BR, Ephrata - EPHRATA AREA Schls Denver - COCALICO Schls 3 BR, Lititz - WARWICK Schls 4 BR, Lititz - WARWICK Schls 3 BR, New Holland - EASTERN LANCASTER Ephrata - EPHRATA AREA Schls 4 BR,
4 BR, 2.5 Baths. Call Antoinette High, 1.5 Baths. Call Ginger Volpone Team, 4 BR, 2.5 Baths. Call Craig Hartranft, 1.5 Baths. Call Dawn Fox, SH1001945852 2.5 Baths. Call Beth Andrew, 2.5 Baths. Call Mark Will, SH1002163462 Schls 3 BR, 2 Baths. Call Mark Will, 2.5 Baths. Call Gil Ochs, SH1001822024 SH1001899626 $245,900. SH1002122352 $260,000. SH1001955824 $275,000. SH1002280460 $293,000. SH1002287140 $299,900. $280,000. $294,900. $324,900.
Everything you need. All under one roof. Ephrata - EPHRATA AREA Schls 4 BR, Ephrata - EPHRATA AREA Schls Lititz - WARWICK Schls 4 BR, 3 Baths. Lititz - WARWICK Schls 3 BR, Denver - EPHRATA AREA Schls Lititz - WARWICK Schls 4 BR, 3.5 Baths. Call Gil Ochs, SH1002057420 4 BR, 3 Baths. Call Craig Hartranft, Call Brad Zimmerman, SH1005965597 2 . 5 B a t h s . C a l l J i m P a p p a s , 6 BR, 4.5 Baths. Call Merlin Weaver, 2 Baths. Call Mark Will, SH1000295210 SH1000090210 $499,999. SH1002117754 $649,900. $397,500. $2,200,000. SH1001541106 $335,000. $324,900.
14B - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
Public Sales
Bulletin Board (Continued From Page 2B)
p.m. to 8:00 p.m. For more info., call Patty at 717-6829976. FIRST TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH – The Worship Center, 2384 New Holland Pike, Lancaster, is offering “Standing Together” a cancer support group to those with cancer, their caregivers and cancer survivors, from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH – Bible Study Group at the Lititz Church of the Brethren, 300 West Orange Street, Lititz, at 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m., in class room #218. All are invited to attend. FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH - Denver Lions Club will hold a meeting at the Denver Fire Company, Locust Street, Denver, at 6:30 p.m. For more info., call John at 717-615-0414. SECOND TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH – Brownstown Young At Heart Seniors meet at Olde Hickory Grill, 709 Olde Hickory Road, at 11:30 a.m. There is a cost. All seniors are welcome. For more info.,
call Abe Shrom at 717-5882214. SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH – New Holland Lions Club meeting at Yoder’s Restaurant, New Holland, at 6:30 p.m. For more info. or to get involved with the Lions Club, contact James Bronson at 717-3550230. SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH – The Lancaster County Chapter of the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance meets from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Zion’s Reformed United Church of Christ, 1356 Apple Street, Ephrata. For more info., call 717-9256520.
MON., OCT. 1, 2018
THURSDAY, OCT. 18 at 4:00 PM REAL ESTATE at 6:00 PM
THIRD TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH – The Cancer Support Group meets at the Ephrata Cancer Center, 460 North Reading Road, Ephrata, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more info., call WellSpan Ephrata Cancer Center at 717-7214835. THIRD TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH - Loyal Christian Benefit Associ ation (LCBA) Local Branch 1557 holds monthly meet ings at 6:00 p.m. at the Udder Choice Restaurant. New members welcome. Bring a friend. THIRD TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH – PALS (Pregnancy After Loss Support Group) is open to anyone pregnant after a miscarriage, stillbirth or
To be held at Renningers Antique Market, 2500 N. Reading Rd., Denver (Rt. 272, near Adamstown)
LOCATED AT: 305 Yummerdall Rd. Lititz, Pa. 17543
This week our entire auction will be held outside, under the pavilion! We Will Be Full! Come And See What We Find!
DIRECTIONS: From Rt. 322 in the town of Clay turn on Yummerdall Rd. and travel half mile to property on right. REAL ESTATE: A 1,548 sq. ft. Colonial 2½ -story house with Alum. Siding and 3 bedrooms on .58 acre level lot. Central A/C; detached carport for 2 vehicles; detached 30’x18’ workshop w/elec. & double door opening; total property taxes approx. $3,588.00. Buildings seem solid, but needs updating. Attorney Michael P. Kane. OPEN HOUSE DATES: Saturdays Oct. 6 & 13, from 1-3 PM. For information about this property please call/text the auctioneer at 717-587-8906. PERSONAL PROPERTY: Green/Silver 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo w/117,000 miles, runs good; Burkholder 8’x5’ open trailer; John Deere LT-133 riding mower (nice); older Snap-On tools; other mechanic & carpenter tools; nice guns; see our website or future ad for more details. Please visit our website at
Auction By: John J. Rutt II 717-587-8906 Michael J. Martin 717-371-3333 AY-2189-L
Auction For:
EPHRATA, PA Member of PA & National Auctioneers Assoc.
(late Ronald)
For pictures, visit (Auctioneer ID#1536) weekend prior to auction date, or follow us on Facebook! 10% buyer’s premium. Cash, credit card or good PA check accepted as payment. No out of state checks without bank letter or prior approval. All items sold as-is, where-is. Food & restrooms available. All announcements made day of sale take precedence over prior advertisement.
Lic. #AU001476-L Lic. #AU005308-L 717-336-6983
LOCATION: 870 Mount Airy Road, Stevens, PA 17578, Lancaster County, PA.
“Horst Auction Center” PUBLIC SALE AT 1:00 P.M.
Preview Times - Tuesday, October 2 from 2:00 P.M. thru 5:00 P.M. and Wednesday, October 3 from 8:00 A.M. *The following is just a very general list of items to be sold. Photos representing the entire auction will be posted on our website on Tuesday, October 2. Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center, 50 Durlach Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522 (The corner of Rt. 322 & Durlach Rd., approx. 2-1/2 miles west of Ephrata) FURNITURE - Antique, Vintage, Reproduction & Modern Incl. Bedroom, Dining Room, Living Room, Family Room, Kitchen, Office & Patio (Sets & Individual Pcs.); APPLIANCES; KITCHENWARE; CLOCKS; STERLING SILVER; COPPER & BRASS; CAST IRON; (2) H.K. DUCK WROUGHT IRON SPATULAS; AGATE; TINWARE; WOODENWARE; MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS; CHINA & GLASSWARE; POTTERY; LINENS & TEXTILES; BOOKS & PAPER; ESTATE & COSTUME JEWELRY; ARTWORK; ORIGINAL VICTOR SHEARER PAINTINGS; CHRISTMAS & SEASONAL DECORATIONS; TOYS; ANTIQUE C.I. TAMMANY MECHANICAL BANK; TOOLS; ANTIQUE BUTCHERING TOOLS; LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT; BOX LOTS & MANY OTHER ITEMS TO BE SOLD! * Accepted Payments: Cash or PA Check. Visa, MasterCard & Debit Card with 3% fee. No out of state checks without prior approval.
Sale For:
EVERY WEDNESDAY The Ephrata American Legion will host Bingo. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Games start at 7:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-7332576. EVERY WEDNESDAY Kids For Christ will be held at Ephrata United Zion Church, 408 E. Fulton Street, Ephrata, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:10 p.m. Bring your child to get registered the first night. For ages K through Junior High. EVERY WEDNESDAY St. Luke’s United Church of Christ, 222 North Broad Street (Route 501-N), Lititz, serves a Free Lunch from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. All ages. For more info., call 717-626-7100. EVERY WEDNESDAY – Al-Anon Family Group, 12 Step Program of Recov ery – Hope United Methodist Church, 3474 Rothsville Road, Ephrata, 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
166 W. Reistville Road; Myerstown, PA 17067 2 Mi. N. of Schaefferstown, just off Steigel Pike (Rte. 501)
Lots of Mums, Kale, Perennials, Fall Specialty Plants, Pumpkins, Grapevine Wreaths, Birdhouses & More! FLOWERING SHRUBS: Crape Myrtle, Hydrangea, Roses, Weigelia, Spirea, Burning Bush, Winterberry Holly, Pyracantha, Azaleas, Dwarf Barberry, Sweet Spire, Dwarf Rhododendron, Wisteria, Etc. EVERGREENS: Over 100 Various Arborvitae, Leyland Cypress, Boxwoods, Japanese Hollies, Fern Leaf Cypress, Dwarf Alberta Spruce, Junipers, Goldy Arborvitae, Gold Thread Cypress, Birds Nest Spruce, Weeping Alaskan Cedar, Etc. PERENNIALS: Ornamental Grasses, Black Eyed Susan, Sedum, Hosta, Daylilies, Asters, Ferns, Coneflowers, Coral Bells, Etc. TREES: Corkscrew and Weeping Willows, Red Maple, Oak, Weeping Redbuds, Dogwoods, Weeping Cherries, Bald Cypress, Japanese Maple, Etc. SEMI-DWARF FRUIT TREES: Peach, Apple, Pear, Sour Cherry, Plum, Etc. SM. FRUIT: Blueberries, Concord Grapes, Raspberries, Etc. TERMS: Cash or PA Check Only. No Credit Cards. NOTE: Fall is a good time to plant trees & shrubbery and we have a nice selection for you! Possibly selling double. Food Stand. Questions or Consignments? Call Joel at 717-949-3211. RECEIVING CONSIGNMENTS on Fri., Sept. 28, 10:30-8:00. See complete listing & photos (w/Updates on 9/28): or Lic.# AY002338 Produce Auction Is Now Open Tuesday, Thursday & Friday At 9:30 AM w/Local, Seasonal Produce.
infant loss. Meets at the Lancaster General Health Campus, second floor Pain Center, 2100 Harrisburg Pike, Lancaster, 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. For more info., contact Share of Lancaster at 717-823-2789. EVERY TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY – Preschool story time at 10:00 a.m. for children ages 2 to 6 at Adamstown Area Library, 3000 North Reading Road, Adamstown. EVERY WEDNESDAY Codependents Anonymous Support Group meets every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at Hope United Methodist Church, 3474 Rothsville Road, Ephrata. For more info., call Bob at 717-3804911. EVERY WEDNESDAY A Women’s Devotional Gathering will be held at Scratch Bakes, Main Street, Ephrata, from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. All welcome. For more info., call Luann at 717-723-5603.
TRACT #1: Farm buildings with 29.62 acres. Includes a nice 21/2 story house with 4+ bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, modern kitchen, new addition, new roof, a 2 car attached garage. Bank barn with attached block 71 stanchion cow barn plus other additions with bed pack for 30 cows +/-. Includes 8 milkers, 2” pipeline, 2,500 gal. tank. Farmer is presently milking 100 cows. 5 Silos: 20’x60’ stave w/unloader, 221/2’x54’ Seal Store w/Big Jim unloader; 22’x48’ Seal Store w/ring drive for unloader, plus 2 small silos, feed room, bunk feeders, Roto Mix feed mixer, manure storage for 21/2 months. Covered heifer facilities: 28 locks for closed heifers & dry cows; 42 locks for bred heifers; 28 locks for open heifers; 24 locks for smaller calves. Large Equip. Shed: 50’x138’, 5 large feed bins & 1 poly tank. TRACT #2: 26.5 acres open farmland with frontage on Mt. Airy Road, Gockley Road & Binder Road. TRACT #3: 4.4 acres open farmland on the corner of Mt. Airy Road & Binder Road. TRACT #4: 14.9 acres open farmland along Mt. Airy Road adjoining the farm buildings to the east. TRACT #5: 3.6 acres open farmland along Mt. Airy Road to the east of tract #4. TRACT #6: 19.81 acres open farmland along Sandy Hill Road with lots of road frontage. NOTE: All tracts will be sold from tract #1. All tracts are zoned OS Woodland District. All tracts are in “Clean & Green” program, tracts #3, #4 & #5 for only 1 year. All the tracts are good producing sandy or shale soil. None of the tracts are in Ag Preserve. May have potential for development on some tracts of land, contact W. Cocalico Twp. with your ideas before bidding. OPEN HOUSE & LAND INSPECTION: Saturdays, October 6 & 13, 1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. or by appointment. For appointment to see or help to obtain bank financing, contact Aaron E. Martin, Auctioneer, at (717) 733-3511. TERMS: 10% down at the auction, balance on or before March 15, 2019. Any announcement at the auction will take precedence over any written material. Attorney: Tony Schimaneck (717) 299-5251
1141 W. Main Street Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 733-3511
Auction By:
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11 • 5 P.M. 1769 Newport Rd., Manheim. Rt. 501 N. of Lititz to Sheetz. Left W. Newport Rd. thru Elm & Penryn, house on left OR from Manheim E. Doe Run Rd. Left White Oak Rd. Right Newport Rd.
Custom Rancher w/2992 SF, large eat-in kitchen w/cherry cabinets, appliances, family rm. w/cathedral ceiling & skylights, living rm., large rec rm., 1st floor office, 3 baths, bonus rm., 1st floor laundry, bsmt. w/cold cellar, oil HW baseboard heat, central AC, whole house fan sys., attic, poured concrete bsmt. walls, 2 sty. shop/garage 24x36 w/2 car gar. w/8x9 doors, finished 2nd floor, oil air heat, barn/garage 14x20, 1½ ACRES w/lawn, garden, pasture, mature trees, shrubbery. Zoned Ag. Owners relocating to farmette in Leb. Co. & serious to sell. All brick “Sauder Built” dwl. w/plenty shop/garage area. Minutes to Manheim, Lititz, Penryn & Elm. Personal inspection by appointment or open house Sat., Sept. 29 & Oct. 6 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-733-1006 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956
Brian L. & Kendra J. Weaver 717-821-3123
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - 15B
EVERY WEDNESDAY – Gam-Anon Meeting every Wednesday evening, 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Ephrata Church of the Brethren, 201 Crescent Avenue, Ephrata. For more info., call Shirley at 717-413-6789. FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH Korean War Veterans (of all service branches) meet at the Oak Leaf Manor (North), 2901 Harrisburg Pike, Landisville. Doors open at 2:00 p.m. Light buffet lunch at 2:30 p.m. along with a short business meeting. Meeting concludes at 3:45 p.m. For more info., call Bill Kelley at 717-560-9424. FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH Golden Trail Senior Activity Center will be held at New Holland U.M.C., 120 West Main St., New Holland, for seniors 60+ years, at 10:00 a.m. PA Coop Ext. will teach healthy food shopping and eating. For more info., call 717-940-0386. THIRD WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH – Historic Conservation Trust of the Ephrata Area will hold its monthly meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the meeting room of the Old Railroad Station in Ephrata. The public is invited. Use the rear entrance of the building. THIRD WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH – Vietnam Veterans of America, Lancaster County, Chapter 1008 meets at Pheasant Ridge Community Center, Lancaster, beginning at 2:00 p.m. FOURTH WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH –
Epilepsy Foundation Eastern Pennsylvania will host a support group meeting at Lancaster General Hospital in Stager Room 5 on Duke Street from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Meetings are free and open to the public. For more info. or to register, call Kerri Michnya at 1-800-887-7165 ext. 104. EVERY THURSDAY Celebrate Recovery, a Christian 12-step recovery program for anyone with hurts, habits and hang-ups, meets at Petra Church, Student Life Center (east entrance), 565 Airport Road, New Holland, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-587-2202. EVERY THURSDAY – East Cocalico Church of the Brethren, 4 Bunker Hill Road, Reamstown, Ladies’ Bible Study, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. For more info., call 717-336-7616. EVERY THURSDAY – LAPSIT and Toddler program at 10:30 a.m. A program with stories, music fingerplays and crafts for ages 2 to 3. At the Adamstown Area Library, 3000 North Reading Road, Adamstown. EVERY THURSDAY – Al-Anon Family Group, 12 Step Program of Recovery, Ephrata Community Hospital, 169 Martin Avenue, Ephrata, use main entrance, 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. EVERY THURSDAY – Al-Anon Family Group, 12 Step Program of Recovery, St. James Catholic Church, 505 Woodcrest Avenue, Lititz, 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. SECOND THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH - 1st U.M.C. of Ephrata - Senior Moments - 11:30 a.m. There is a small cost for a meal and
the Multi-Purpose Room. For more info., email ephratamomsclub@yahoo. com. EVERY FRIDAY - Live Country Music at the Denver Fire Hall, from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-738-3323. FIRST AND THIRD FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH - St. James Catholic Church, 505 Woodcrest Avenue, Lititz, will hold Memory Café (a memory support group), at 6:00 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. For more info., call Mary Read at 717-333-0689 or email lcaPeru717@aol. com. SECOND FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH – Lovin’ Lititz Every 2nd in downtown Lititz on Main and Broad Streets, from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sponsored by Downtown Lititz Merchants. For more info., call 717-626-6332. FIRST SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH - Faith United Evangelical Lutheran Church, 357 Walnut Street, Denver, will distribute food to families in need, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. For more info., call 717-3362141. SECOND SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH Free Clothing Giveaway at Bible Fellowship Church of Ephrata, 491 Peach Road, Ephrata, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. For more info., call the church at 717-733-2526. SECOND SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH – Widow 2 Widow in Room #132 at Worship Center, 2384 New Holland Pike, Lancaster, 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. A ministry to bring comfort, support,
1841 Amity Dr, Lancaster, PA 17601
• Corner Lot in Quiet Development • Detached Oversize 2-Car Garage w/Finished 2nd Floor & Half Bath • Granite Counters • Manheim Township SD • 0.35 Acres • Covered Outdoor Living Area Open House: Sept. 29, 10am-12pm & Oct. 1st, 5pm-6:30pm Auction For: George & Georgia Nicozisis AY000253L Attorney: Young & Young
1086 Alleghenyville Rd., Mohnton. Rt. 625 N. of Bowmansville to Knauers. Right Rt. 568 to Alleghenyville. Bear right Alleghenyville Rd. to property on right. (Brecknock Twp., Berks Co.)
Country 1 sty. raised ranch style modular dwl. w/2603 SF finished area, kitchen w/raised panel cabinets & appliances, breakfast counter & pantry, dining rm., living & family rms., 1st floor laundry, den, sun rm., 3 bdrms. (master bdrm. w/whirlpool tub), 2 baths, slide door off family & sun rms. to deck & gazebo, large rec rm., LP gas heat, central AC, built-in 2 car garage, insulated/tilt windows & new roof ‘15. Outbldgs: Detached 2 garage/shop bldg. 30x32 insulated & heated + free standing 12x32 carport all on rural 2 ACRES partially wooded, professional landscaping, macadam drive, on-site well & septic. NOTE: Owner downsizing, relocating out of area & serious to sell. Convenient location w/easy access to Rt. 222 Bypass & Turnpike. Minutes to Bowmansville, Mohnton & Shillington. Gov. Mifflin Schs. “Move in” condition & spacious country property w/plenty of garage & shop area. Personal inspection by appointment or open house September 29 & October 6 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Helen B. Fritz 267-261-5273
encouragement and guidance to women who have lost their husbands through death. For more info., contact Elaine Severein at 717-397-1272. SECOND, THIRD AND FOURTH SATURDAY EVERY MONTH – East Cocalico Church of the Brethren Men’s Bible Study meets 7:00 a.m. at the church at Bunker Hill Road, Reamstown. Call 717-336-7616 for details. SECOND AND FOURTH SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH – Paws to Read, holds three sessions at 10:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., and 11:00 a.m. at the Lititz Public Library, 651 Kissel Hill Road, Lititz. EVERY SUNDAY Divorce Care will be held at Petra Church, 565 Airport Road, New Holland, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Join at any time. For more info. or to register, call Pastor Titus Kauffman at 717-3545394. EVERY SUNDAY – Celebrate Recovery, a Christian 12-step recovery program, meets at 409 N. State Street,
Ephrata, 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Call 717-733-2000. EVERY SUNDAY – AlAnon Family Group, 12th Step Program of Recovery, Zion Lutheran Church, 18 Quarry Road, Leola, 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. FIRST SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH - A Free Jam Session of Blue Grass, Gospel and Country Music at the Denver Fire Hall, 425 Locust Street, Denver, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Open stage. (First Sunday of each month except July, August and September). Donations appreciated. FIRST & THIRD SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH - The Norlanco Parent and Family Support group meets from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Ephrata Hospital Cedar Conference Room, 169 Martin Ave., Ephrata. Peer support for families facing their loved one’s addiction. For more info., email norlanco2@gmail. com.
Saturday, Sept. 29, 2018
8:00 A.M. • Real Estate 12:00 Noon
LOCATION: 758 West Newport Road, Lititz, PA 17543 (Elm Area) Penn Township, Lancaster County
Thursday, October 11 • 6pm
Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-445-4309 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956
entertainment. All seniors welcome. For more info., call Carol at 717-738-2465. SECOND THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH Young Homeschoolers Book Bingo will be held at the Ephrata Public Library at 1:00 p.m. Bring a gently used children’s book for a prize. Space is limited. Sign up at younghomeschoolers@ SECOND AND FOURTH THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH - A M.O.M. Group will be held at Ephrata Church of the Nazarene from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Childcare will be provided for school aged children. There is a cost. FIRST AND THIRD THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH - West Earl Lions Club (Brownstown) will hold a meeting at West Earl Fire Hall at 6:30 p.m. For more info. or to get involved with the Lions Club, contact Abe Shrom at 717-5882214. THIRD THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH - The Terre Hill Historical Society meets in the Terre Hill Community Center at 7:00 p.m. Anyone interested in preserving the history of Terre Hill is invited to attend. For more info., call 717445-6678. THIRD THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH - The Woman’s Club of Ephrata will hold their meeting at the Eicher Arts Center, 409 Cocalico Street, Ephrata, at 1:00 p.m. For more info., call Deb at 717-738-1632. THIRD THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH – MOMS Club of Ephrata Monthly Business Meeting and Social, 10:00 a.m. at the Ephrata Public Library in
2-1/2 STORY FRAME ALUMINUM SIDED FOUR (4) BEDROOM HOUSE & FRAME BARN ON 1.89 ACRES - Three (3) Block Garages, Storage Shed, Pavilion, Manheim Central School District. THIS IS A PROPERTY YOU CERTAINLY DO NOT WANT TO MISS! For Photos, Financing, Full Listing, Terms, See Website: Auction For: Ray D. Burkholder Sadie A. Summy P.O.A.
Auction By:
Witman Auctioneers, Inc.
Luke R. & Clarke N. Witman, Douglas L. Ebersole (717) 665-5735 • (717) 665-1300 AY 000155-L
See for more details. 717-664-5238 877-599-8894
MON. OCTOBER 8 at 6:30 PM LOCATED AT: 3848 S. Blackhorse Rd. Parkesburg Pa. 19365
12 Marlin Dr., Stevens (Reamstown). Rt. 272 N. of Ephrata to Denver/ Reamstown light. Right E. Church St. thru Reamstown. Left Park St. Right Marlin Dr. to property on left. (E. Cocalico Twp., Lanc. Co.)
3 sty. steel frame & masonry bldg. w/stucco w/full daylight bsmt. w/total of 21,000 SF. Main entrance to bldg. on ground floor containing several large areas 21x57 & 45x36 used for sitting & social areas, (2) lavatories, boiler rm., walk-in cooler & kitchen. 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors contain 16-18 rms. each of varying sizes most w/bathrooms. Formally used as a personal care facility to house approx. 70 residents. Central oil fired furnace w/2 zones, 400 Amp 3-Phase service, public water & sewer. All on 2.2 ACRES w/macadam parking lot. Zoned Suburban Residential (R1). NOTE: Owner motivated & serious to sell! Potential for personal care facility, apartments or church related uses. Solid built in nice setting. Personal inspection by appointment or open house September 29 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-445-4309 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956
CGL, LLC. Grant Wise: 610-914-2614
DIRECTIONS: From Gap Pa., travel East on Rt. 30 for 4 miles to right turn on S. Blackhorse Rd., to second property on right. HOUSE: A real stone 1.5 story dwelling has rear dormer w/65’x 45’ 2-level woodshop & 28’x24’ detached 2 car garage on 12.87 acres of property zoned Low Density Residential. House is approx. 1,720 sq ft. and is in move-in condition. West Sadsbury Twp.; Octorara School District; mostly level & gentle slope (some wooded & some open); total taxes approx. $4,587.00. Attorney Kling & Deibler. 2-DETACHED BUILDINGS: Newer 65’x45’ 2-level building w/30’x30’ addition. Upper level is perfect set-up for woodshop w/dust collection ductwork & air lines w/compressor; 2 room work area; office room; all insulated; 3-phase elec.; large double doors for skids. Lower level has concrete floor & 10’ ceilings; (3) 8’x9’ high overhead doors; (1) 18’x9’ high overhead door; great area for storage or easy conversion for horse stable. 30’x 30’ addition w/16’x10’ high overhead door & 12’ ceilings; stone floor. DETACHED 2-CAR GARAGE has (2) overhead doors; walk-in door; concrete block walls & concrete floor; second level storage. 2015 POLARIS RANGER w/570 CC-EFI; 160 MILES; CAMO COLOR; 1-OWNER; LIKE NEW. OPEN HOUSE DATE: Saturday Sept. 29, from 1-3 PM. Call/text auctioneer with questions at 717-587-8906. Please visit our website at FREE REFRESHMENTS AT OUR AUCTION
Auction By: John J. Rutt II 717-587-8906 Michael J. Martin 717-371-3333 AY-2189-L
EPHRATA, PA Member of PA & National Auctioneers Assoc.
Auction For:
16B - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
SALES REGISTER WED., SEPT. 26 - 4:00 p.m. - Sensenig Hardware, LLC, 1020 Sensenig Road, Ephrata. Tools, hardware, coins, vintage items. Sen senig Auctioneers, LLC. THURS., SEPT. 27 - 6:00 p.m. - D. Mark and Kath
erine A. Hurst, 1232 Mill Street, Denver. 3 bedroom, 2 bath sandstone dwelling, barn/garage, 6/10 acre. Art Pannebecker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. THURS., SEPT. 27 - 6:00 p.m. - Richard and Lois
SATURDAY OCT. 20 at 8:30 A.M.
LOCATED AT: 551 Stevens Rd. Ephrata Pa 17522
BRIEF LISTING: 1930 Ford model-A Roadster w/rumble seat & trunk (beautiful restoration, very nice); JD-2440 tractor; JD-410-B backhoe; Horseless Carriage w/ Honda engine; custom built Cat. Mini bulldozer w/Honda engine; custom built mini scraper pan w/4x4 & 2 engines (runs perfect); 2015 17’ Viking Camper trailer (like new); Ferris IS-2100Z zero-turn mower (like new); (2) 4-wheelers; lots of shop & mechanic tools; nice guns; pedal cars/tractors/bulldozer; collectibles; toys; see our website of future ad for more details. Please visit our website at over 120 pictures.
Auction By: John J. Rutt II 717-587-8906 Michael J. Martin 717-371-3333 AY-2189-L
Auction For:
NEW HOLLAND, PA Member of PA & National Auctioneers Assoc.
Millhouse, 466 Surrey Dr., Lancaster. Brick ranch style dwelling with 3 bedrooms and 14’x27’ oversized one car garage. Horst Auction eers. SAT., SEPT. 29 - 8:00 a.m. - Northampton Farm Bureau, 300 Bushkill St., Tatamy. Going Out of Business Auction - Trucks, fertilizer spreaders, forklift, store fixtures, inventory, mowers, greenhouse and supplies. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., SEPT. 29 - 9:00 a.m. - Melvin E. Newcomer, Atty., 301 Washington St., Birdsboro. Historic Brooke mansion and contents outstanding 3 acre real estate with 3 story mansion. Real estate at 1:00 p.m. Furniture, oriental rugs, artworks, collectibles, household goods. Horst Auctioneers. MON., OCT. 1 - 5:00 p.m. - CGL, LLC, 12 Marlin Drive, Stevens. Spacious 3 story residential facility, commercial type building, 21,000 sq. ft., 2.2 acres, zoned Suburban Residential (known as Parkside Manor facility). Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers.
MON., OCT. 1 - 6:00 p.m. - Timothy A. and Bess P. Martin, 17 Wicker Drive, Lititz. 4 bedroom Cape Cod (1986) with 1,600 sq. ft., 1.03 acre lot, 1 car garage, daylight basement, 2 utility sheds. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. TUES., OCT. 2 - 5:00 p.m. - Carl E. and Linda G. Zimmerman, 2095 Main Street, Narvon. 2-1/2 story 5 bedroom dwelling, 2 car garage, woodworking shop building 32x76 with 24x26 addition, 2 utility buildings 14x26 & 14x24, 1 acre lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers.
(Ephrata Area)
FRI. SEPT. 28 & SAT. SEPT. 29, 2018
SAT., SEPTEMBER 29, 2018 AT 9:00 A.M. REAL ESTATE AT 1:00 P.M.
Located at 301 Washington St., Birdsboro (19508), Berks County, PA (Directions: Rt. 422 east of Reading to Rt. 82 South to Birdsboro, right on W. 1st St, left on Washington St.) HISTORIC BROOKE MANSION - 3 STORY CUT SANDSTONE & CEDAR SHAKE MANSION (Approx. 14,000 sq. ft. living space) DANIEL BOONE SCHOOL DISTRICT - $17,000 TOTAL 2017 REAL ESTATE TAXES LOT SIZE - 3 ACRES (M/L) w/PLENTY OF ROAD FRONTAGE CONTENTS OF BROOKE MANSION - This is just a very general list of items to be sold at this public sale. Photos representing the entire auction will be posted on our website after 8/23/18. FURNITURE - Will consist of a Lg. Variety of Antique, Vintage & Modern Pcs., “Highlights” - VICTORIAN & EASTLAKE - Walnut Desk w/Bookcase Top; Marble Top Dresser; Marble Top Tables; Several Parlor Sets; Sofas; Loveseats; Platform Rockers; Chairs; Chest of Drawers; Arch Top & Flat Top Trunks; Steamer Trunks; Quilt Racks; Needlepoint Chairs; ANTIQUE OAK Dresser w/Mirror; Pedestal Extension Tables; Dropleaf Extension Tables; Settee; Empire Buffet; Treadle Sewing Machine; Fainting Couch; Clothes Trees; Cane Seat Chairs & Rockers; Desk Chairs; Dropfront Desk; ANTIQUE & VINTAGE MAHOGANY - Empire Library Table; Tea Cart; Arm Rocker; Inlaid Flip Top Game Table; Coffee & End Tables; DEPRESSION & DECO Beds; Dressers; 5 Pc. Red/White Breakfast Set; Mid Century Walnut Table; Maple Chest of Drawers & Beds; Console Sewing Machine & Much More! ARCHITECTURAL FIXTURES, HARDWARE & TOOLS - Oak Mantel; Many Sets of Antique Panel & Louvre Shutters; Doors; Lighting Fixtures; Hardware; Industrial Iron Legs; Treadles Grindstone; Antique Singer Commercial Treadle Sewing Machine; Buck Saws; Wooden Cylinder Butter Churn; Several Wooden Ammo Crates; Pr. Andirons. LAMPS & RADIOS - Lg. Assortment of Floor & Table Lamps; Student Style Desk Lamp; Gone w/Wind Parlor Lamps; SONORA TABLE TOP RADIO; Conversophone Institute Box w/Records; Vintage Adding Machines & Check Writer; Vintage L.C. Smith Typewriter; Several Vintage Cameras & Accessories. ORIENTAL RUGS - A Large Assortment of Anitque, Vintage & Modern Rugs to include Room Size, Area Size & Throw Rugs in various conditions. Also Chinese Style Rugs; Wilton Room Rugs; Hooked Room & Throw Rugs. ARTWORK & ACCESSORIES - Original Oil & Watercolor Paintings; Antique, Vintage & Modern Framed Prints; Lg. Assortment of Mirrors (Including Ogee, Eastlake, Gilt Framed, etc.); Ladies Dress Form; Vintage Dresses & Clothing; Vintage Hats & Boxes. TOYS & COLLECTIBLES - Child’s Electric Stove; Tonka Trucks; Assorted Farm Toys. BOOKS & PAPER - Early Set of Funk & Wagnall Encyclopedias; Several Sets of Books w/Fancy Bindings; Reference Books; Antique Books; Vintage Sheet Music; Paper Ephemera. CHINA & GLASSWARE KITCHENWARE Lots Of Box Lots & Many Other Items To Be Sold! Accepted Payments: Cash and PA check. No out of state checks without prior approval.
Sale For:
at 9 AM Both Days!
850 Greenville Rd., Denver. Rt. 272 N. Left Church Rd. (at Sunoco). Straight Main St. thru Denver. Just past Denver Park bear right Leisey Rd. Straight Greenville Rd.
Directions: From Ephrata, Pa. Rt. 322/222 take Hahnstown Rd. (at Turkey Hill) north 2-miles to left on Glenwood Rd. to sale on left. FRIDAY AUCTION ITEMS: Motorized toy NH baler & detailed Massey Harris corn picker (custom built by Gilson Riecke); JD & Texaco full scale gas pumps; 7’ Gilbert & Baker visible gas pump; toy gas pumps; weather vanes; toy wind mills; tin windup toys; unique canes; coffee mills; wooden trucks; advertising yardsticks; asst. tractor seats; tractor clocks, thermometers, signs & old calendars; 1925 Ephrata National Bank calendar; Titanic plates, books, news, puzzles, boats & literature; toy horse-drawn wagons, stagecoaches, covered wagons, & carriages; 24” detailed replica covered wagon (by Harry Kreider, Quarryville, Pa.); Ertl toys include: Ford, Oliver, Farmall, John Deere, Massey Ferguson, Massey Harris & Caterpillar tractors; Ertl NH combines, windrower, baler, etc.; Precision toys: 2-JD model A tractors, JD 4020 diesel, JD model A w/290 series cultivator; Fendt F-20 1:25 scale tractor; 4-Ertl JD E engines (1-rare w/reverse/mistake crank!); 100’s farm toy implements, Hubley Jr. tractor (Lancaster, Pa. 1969); Giant climbing tractor (NIB); 2-Millenium Case steam traction engines (NIB); Case threshing dioramas; 2-Case steam engines; toy “Domestic” steam engine (by K & J machine Shippensburg, Pa.); Singer sewing machine tractors; numerous toy garage dioramas; motorized toy hit-miss engine dioramas; wrenches by Ford, NH, Oliver & JD; bench vises; Craftsman & Snap On tool sets; cast iron doorstops; early stereoscope & cards; asst. foot traps & Oneida Newhouse 150 bear trap (Lititz, Pa.); 100+ lots asst. John Deere clocks, toys, signs, radios, scales & merchandise; lots of early farm equipment books; manuals & literature; painted milk cans & saw blades; ride-on toys; pocket knife sets; Structo trucks; early wooden Schwinn tool box & signs; JD pto air pump; Oliver advertising items (Ivan Nolt, Ephrata, Pa.); plus much more! SATURDAY AUCTION ITEMS: 1939 John Deere “L” tractor; 1945 Oliver 60 Row Crop tractor; 1951 Ford 8N tractor; custom built scale model Ford 8N w/10hp Kohler engine (one-of-a-kind); 2-John Deere 110 lawn tractors 1965 & 1968; Ford Model T power unit; JD #4 ground drive sickle-bar mower; Buch’s #7 ½ corn sheller; Black Hawk corn sheller; Dearborn 2-btm plow; JD 1-btm walking plow; many wooden wheelbarrows & wagons; line shaft; NH MACHINE: 1 ½ hp. NH hit-miss engine 1915; 4 hp. NH hit-miss engine 1913; NH machine #2 bucksaw; NH #10 mill; NH #65 mill; NH #6 mill; 2-NH machine #10 anvils; rare NH machine waffle iron, NH bull dog, doorstops, signs, bell banks, NH baler twine salesman’s samples & box, fuel can, lighted sign; grinding mill plates, 2-amp testers, hit-miss engine clutch pulley, hit-miss engine cranks & parts; lots of literature & advertising items; Maytag engines; numerous old porcelain & metal auto, petro, & farm advertising signs & clocks; BOOKS: on pedal cars, tractors, cars, trucks, tools & JD equip., etc.; 3-Sensenich propellers (Lititz, Pa.); 50+ PEDAL TOYS: rare 1949 Caterpillar D4 diesel bulldozer w/grip handles; Oliver 66 Row Crop tractor w/open grill; rare 1949 JD “A” tractor w/open grill; 1949 Farmall “H” tractor w/open grill; rare 1955 Ford tractor w/lights; 36” replica sleigh (by Harlan Good, Hahnstown, Pa.) plus many more cars, trucks & tractors; 1971 Schwinn Apple Krate bike; Schwinn Black Phantom bike; 3-1970’s JD bikes; 3-newer JD bikes; lots of early bicycle memorabilia & Martin’s Bike Shop items; Schwinn Black Phantom model, detailed Whizzer bike model; RAILROAD: lanterns by Dietz, Dressel, etc.; large PRR locomotive bell; RR clocks, bells, oilers, spikes, tools, watches, rare PRR shovel, Lionel train sets asst. gauges & accessories; 2-Marx train sets (original box); wooden train whistles; 14-asst. size brass & bronze steam whistles & valves; RR doorstops, cookie jars, etc.; tin wind-up engines; Lionel engines 5350 & X1110 plus many more train sets; COKE: 5’ Coca Cola school crossing guard; early Coke machine; coolers, trays, trucks, trash cans, bar stools, etc.; CHICKENS: egg scales, signs, chicken crates, egg baskets, egg crates, feeders/waterers, Mountville troughs, etc.; Gulf oil tank & pump, trash can; cast horsehead ties; original Model T parts collection; early screw jacks; Conestoga wagon jacks-1796 & 1868; life size Holstein cow & calf; license plate collection; 8-early qt. oilers/carrier; Martin’s Bike Shop diorama 6-horse team (by Riegsecker, Shipshewana, Ind.); pocket knife sets; coin & stamp sets; pewter toys; beam scales; ice tongs; blacksmith tools; sleigh bells; broad axes; brass bucket; brass car horns; miners’ lamp; Zausner, New Holland cheese boxes; Fair’s store dustpan (Hinkletown); early tin toys; 40+ valuable 15-17 jewel pocket watches (by Hamilton, Lancaster, Waltham, Elgin, etc.; plus much more not listed. Terms: Cash, PA check, credit cards w/3% admin fee; food by Martindale FC aux.; sale held under tent, bring a chair, all sale day announcements take precedence over prior ads. For live auction internet bidding visit for details. For complete listing & photos visit
Rustic country 2 sty. dwl. w/3176 SF, dated mid 1700’s w/eat-in kitchen w/appliances, living rm. w/stone fireplace, large 1st floor family rm. w/beam ceiling, 3 baths, L shape rec rm. w/sandstone/gas fireplace, full bsmt., 11x30 garage/shop, wide window sills, exposed stone walls, wrap around deck, original millstone walk, 3.1 ACRES w/lawn, garden, partially wooded & Cocalico Creek running thru entire tract. Retreat type setting. Ideal as country residence. Zoned OS. After 47 years, owner relocating to Utah & serious to sell. A “must see” unique “one of a kind” dwl. loaded w/character & charm. Convenient location. Minutes to Rt. 222 bypass & turnpike. Personal inspection by appointment or open house Sat., Sept. 29, Oct. 6 & 13 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368)
Located at 785 Glenwood Dr., Ephrata, Pa. 17522
“Horst Auctioneers” PUBLIC SALE
WED., OCT. 3 - 1:00 p.m. - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Antiques, collect ibles, household goods, tools. Horst Auctioneers. THURS., OCT. 4 - 5:00 p.m. - E. David and Lillian M. Groff, 505 Hertzog Valley Road, Denver. Country split level 3 bedroom dwelling, 1 car garage, utility building, 3/4 acre lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., OCT. 4 - 5:00 p.m. - Aaron W. and Eliza beth S. Weaver, 47 West Mohler Church Rd., Ephrata. Updated Cape Cod, 4 or 5 bedrooms, clean, 2 car garage, .46 acre, 24’x12’ workshop. Real estate at
6:00 p.m. John Deere and Cub tractors. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. FRI., OCT. 5 - 5:00 p.m. - Arlene B. Schaal Estate, 61 Timberline Drive, Leola. Custom split level 4 bedroom dwelling, 2 car garage, 4/10 acre lot, 2011 Honda Accord EX-L “one owner” car. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., OCT. 6 - 9:00 a.m. - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Outstanding fire arms, hunting, fishing and military collectibles and accessories. Horst Auction eers. SAT., OCT. 6 - 9:00 a.m. - Anthony and Sherry Hurst, 150 Grings Hill Road, Sinking Spring. #1 - 1.94 acres commercial property, 2 deeds, commercial building with large shop bays and office, car lifts, diagnostic equipment, tools. #2 2-story house, 3 bedrooms, clean, A/C. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. SAT., OCT. 6 - 9:00 a.m. - Clyde and Mary Jane Stoltzfus, 240 North Red School Road, Morgantown. 6.4 acre farmette, tractor, equipment, bobsled, horse cart, personal property. Real estate at 1:00 p.m. Tracey L.
Auction By: Michael J. Martin 717-371-3333 John J. Rutt II 717-587-8906 AY-2189-L
NEW HOLLAND, PA Member of PA & National Auctioneers Assoc.
Auction For:
Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-733-1006 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956
Barbara M. Solley 858-254-5500
THURS., OCT. 11, 2018 SALE AT 6:00 P.M.
Located at 80 S. Cocalico Rd., Denver (W. Cocalico Twp., Lanc. Co.) From Reinholds, take Rt. 897 North. Turn left on Cocalico Rd. to home on left. OR from Schoeneck (once bridge construction is complete) take King St. (which becomes Cocalico Rd.) to property on right.
Real estate consists of a brick, ranch-style dwelling, built in 1967, containing a large eat-in kitchen; a dining area; a large living room; three bedrooms (w/ ample closets); two full baths and a laundry room all on the main level. (Approx. 1,288 sq. ft. of one floor living space). Attic storage above. The full basement, with outside access, contains a family room with fireplace as well as a large workshop area. There is also an attached two car garage. New central vac. Radon mitigation system. Radiant electric heat. Well and septic on-site. This solid and well maintained home is situated on a ½ Acre Lot across from, and beside, the middle creek wildlife game preserve. There is a covered side porch overlooking the preserved land; as well as a level rear yard bordered by fields. This is a prime piece of real estate in an excellent location. Seller is relocating to a retirement home and is motivated to sell. You will not want to miss this excellent opportunity! Open Houses to be held Sun., Sept. 30 and Sat., Oct. 6 from 1-3PM, or by appointment, contact auctioneer at (717) 371-9603. 10% down day of sale, balance due at settlement. E. Richard Young, Att’y
Art Pannebecker & Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. Lic. #: AU001476 & AU005308 717-336-6983
Terms By:
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - 17B
Jones Auctioneers. MON., OCT. 8 - 5:00 p.m. - Helen B. Fritz, 1086 Alleghenyville Road, Mohn ton. Country 1 story 3 bed room modular dwelling, 2 car garage, shop/2 car garage 30x32, 2 acre rural lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. TUES., OCT. 9 - 5:00 p.m. - Eberly and Gerhart Partnership, 200 Lancaster Ave., Terre Hill. 2 separate investment properties. #1 2-1/2 story 2 unit apt. dwelling w/garage. #2 2-1/2 story 2 unit apartment dwelling. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. WED., OCT. 10 - 1:00 p.m. - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Antiques, collect ibles, household goods, tools. Horst Auctioneers. THURS., OCT. 11 - 5:00 p.m. - Brian L. and Kendra J. Weaver, 1769 Newport Road, Manheim. Country brick 1 story 3 bedroom rancher, 2 car garage, 2 story shop/garage 24x36, 1-1/2 acres. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., OCT. 11 - 6:00 p.m. - George and Georgia Nicozisis, 1841 Amity Drive, Lancaster. Corner lot on 0.35 acres with a detached
oversize 2-car garage with finished 2nd floor and half bath. Hess Auction Group. THURS., OCT. 11 - 6:00 p.m. - Francis H. Heffner, 80 S. Cocalico Road, Denver. 3 bedroom, 2 bath rancher, 2 car garage, 1/2 acre lot. Art Pannebecker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. FRI., OCT. 12 - 5:00 p.m. - Luis I. and Diane Padilla, 330 Mohns Hill Road, Reinholds. Country 1 story 4 bedroom rancher, 2 car garage, 24x34 barn, 2.4 acres. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., OCT. 13 - 9:00 a.m. - Minnie H. Martin/Horning Estate, Michael Horning, 460 Royers Road, Myers town. Personal property, furniture, woodworking tools, books, toys, JD mowers, 14’x42’ utility shed, van, popup camper. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. WED., OCT. 17 - 1:00 p.m. - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Antiques, collect ibles, household goods, tools, Chrysler convertible car. Car at 6:30 p.m. Horst Auctioneers. WED., OCT. 17 - 5:00 p.m. - Barbara M. Solley, 850 Greenville Road, Den
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25 • 1 P.M. 475 Wabash Rd., Ephrata. Rt. 272 N. from Ephrata. Left Wabash Rd. to property on right.
Mobile home investment property known as “Haldemans Mobile Court” consisting of 40 pads, each w/public water, sewer, macadam circle driveway, electric, cable, metered water & sewer (paid by tenants). Convenient mid size mobile court. Low maintenance, full occupancy. Current yearly pad rental $144K. NOTE: Property has been in Haldeman family for 49 years & estate is serious to sell. Ideal investment opportunity w/solid return & minimal expense. Modest rent at $300 per pad. Zoned Mobile Home Park. Convenient location, minutes to Ephrata, Denver, Reamstown, Rt. 222 & Turnpike. Personal inspection by appointment only. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood. com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline John E. Haldeman Roy E. Good, Jr. Estate Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Calvin E. Haldeman, Exc.: Horning 717-517-1980 717-733-1006 Harold L. Haldeman, Exc.: AUCTIONEERS Lic. #499, #2116, 717-629-7696 #5064, #3956
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24 • 5 P.M. 5325 Hammond Rd., New Holland. From East Earl Rt. 897 S. Right Diem Rd. Right Hammond Rd. OR from White Horse area & Rt. 340 take Rt. 897 N. Left Diem Rd. Right Hammond Rd.
Custom built “one owner” dwl. w/3358 SF, eat-in kitchen w/custom cabinetry, service/breakfast island & pantry, dining area, large great/family rm. w/stone gas fireplace & open beam ceiling, den/office, 4 bdrms. (master bdrm. w/15x8 bath & walk-in closet), 2½ baths, 12x25 attic (future 5th bdrm.), 1st floor laundry & mud rm., full bsmt. w/Superior Walls, gas forced air heat, central AC, large paver patio 30x32 w/built-in grill & oven. Rural country 2 ACRE lot, lawn, garden area. NOTE: Custom “must see” 4 bdrm. dwl w/spacious rms. Quality built, quiet, peaceful location. Plenty of room to add shop or barn. Low traffic road, minutes to East Earl, New Holland, Intercourse & White Horse. Personal inspection by appointment or open house Sat., October 6, 13 & 20 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-733-1006 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956
Eric D. & Beth A. Alderman 717-723-0554
ver. Country 2 story stone/ frame 5 bedroom dwelling, pond, Cocalico Creek, 3.1 acres. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., OCT. 18 - 4:00 p.m. - Betty L. Eckman Estate (late Ronald), 305 Yummerdall Road, Lititz. 2.5 story 3 bedroom house, .58 acre. Real estate at 6:00 p.m. Jeep, tools, small trailer, furniture. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. THURS., OCT. 18 - 5:00 p.m. - Marilyn J. King, 40 Cupola Road, Honey Brook. 1-1/2 story 3 bedroom
dwelling, 2 car garage/shop with family/in-law apart ment, 3/4 acre lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auction eers, Inc. THURS., OCT. 18 - 6:00 p.m. - Ricky E. and Patricia A. Landis, 30-32 North King Street, Denver. Large 2 unit dwelling, garage, 1/3 acre lot. Art Pannebecker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. THURS., OCT. 18 - 6:00 p.m. - Elsie M. Harnish, 120 N. Hoover St., Myerstown. Holland stone ranch style dwelling with 2 bedrooms (Continued On Page 18B)
Inventory Reduction Plus Consignments
Wednesday, September 26 - 4:00 P.M. Guns at 5:30 P.M. • Coins at 6:00 P.M. w/second auctioneer Auction Location: Sensenig Hardware, LLC, 1020 Sensenig Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522
TUES., OCTOBER 16 at 6:00 PM LOCATED AT: 221 E. Farmersville Rd. Ephrata Pa. 17522
DIRECTIONS: From East Farmersville Rd & Rt. 322 intersection (Martin’s Bike shop), travel West on E. Farmersville Rd. for 2 miles to property on left (on corner at Fairmount Rd.) REAL ESTATE: A very clean Brick/Siding Rancher w/daylight basement & horse barn on .50 acre. Built in 1977, house has an approx. 1,440 sq. ft.; beautiful updated Oak eat-in kitchen w/(2014) Corian counter tops; large front living room w/Bay style front window; 3 roomy bedrooms all w/closets; main level laundry hook-up; oversized full bathroom; 22’x 16’ treated wood deck. Full daylight basement has large family room w/ Brick fireplace; storage room w/sink & canning shelves; patio under deck; deep 2-car garage w/work area; on-site well & septic; new macadam in 2016; heatpump & central A/C (2014); oil H/W baseboard heat (2007); elec. domestic water heater (2017); water softener & UV light; insulated windows; attic storage; beautiful wooden privacy fence (2016); 24’x 20’ HORSE BARN w/12’x 12’ stall & 12’x 12’ feed room, covered For-bay, water, electric, built-in 2016; West Earl Twp.; desirable CV School District; total property taxes approx. $3,265.00. Attorney Kling & Deibler OPEN HOUSE DATES: Saturdays Oct. 6 & 13, from 1-3 PM. Call/Text auctioneers for information at 717-587-8906. Please visit our website for details & more pictures at FREE REFRESHMENTS AT OUR AUCTION
Auction By: John J. Rutt II 717-587-8906 Michael J. Martin 717-371-3333 AY-2189-L
Auction For:
EPHRATA, PA Member of PA & National Auctioneers Assoc.
JAY PAUL & LOUANNE MARTIN (717) 354-9966
THURS., OCT. 18, 2018
Guns: Savage Bolt action 30-30 with clip, Marlin model 25 22LR open sights, Win. 94 30-30 open sights, Left Hand Rem. 700 BDL 270 with Weaver scope base, Rem. 1100 vent rib with poly choke, Excel Single shot 12 ga. (Background checks through Kerper’s Gun Shop). Kubota diesel light tower; Grasshopper 614 zero-turn mower; Yard Machines gas wood chipper; Kobalt cement mixer; DeWalt 20v cordless string trimmer, DeWalt batteries, 200 lots Coins (1929 Gold $2.50 Quarter Eagle, 1935B Gold Swiss 20 Francs, 2017 & 2018 U.S. 1/10 oz. Gold American Eagles, 56 pc. Silver state quarter proof set, 1878 CC Morgan & 1921P high-relief Peace dollar, large cents, flying eagle cent, Indian head cents, silver nickels, dimes, quarters, halves, dollars, foreign coins, proof sets, silver cert. s, $2 red seal). Log cabin quilt; elec. pressure washers, string trimmers, mowers, roto-tiller, Enterprise 32 meat grinder, table saws, radial arm saw, tile saw, 70K BTU Reddy Heater; vintage items. New and used items from Sensenig Hardware. Plus much more! Food stand. 6% Sales Tax.
Auctioneer: Peter A. Sensenig AU#006002 • (717) 445-5383 •
216 E. Main St., Terre Hill. Rt. 897 N. to Terre Hill. Left Main St. to property on right. (Terre Hill Boro., Lanc. Co.)
2½ sty. frame/vinyl dwl. w/1724 SF, eat-in kitchen w/birch cabinets & appliances, spacious living rm., 1st floor laundry/mudrm., 3 bdrms., 1½ baths, screened patio, full bsmt., oil HW heat, attic, low maintenance exterior w/ covered soffit & fascia. Outbldg: 2 sty. frame barn/garage 22x30 w/2nd floor storage, macadam parking area all on level ¼ acre lot w/public water & sewer. NOTE: Convenient small town 2 sty. 3 bdrm. Well maintained “move in” condition. Economical & low taxes. Ideal as residence or investment. ELANCO Schs. Estate serious to sell. Personal inspection by appointment or open house September 29, October 6 & 13 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-7331006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Earl B. Good Roy E. Good, Jr. Estate Aaron Z. Nolt Joe Good: Curvin M. Horning 717-445-7812 717-445-4309 AUCTIONEERS Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956
SALE AT 6:00 P.M.
Located at 30-32 N. King St., Denver (W. Cocalico Twp., Lanc. Co.) From Denver, follow Main St. (becomes Steinmetz Rd.) into Schoeneck. Turn right on N. King St. to property on right. Real estate consists of a 2½ story, aluminum sided, dwelling containing two, side by side, units. These units are well maintained and ready to be moved into, with beautiful softwood floors throughout. Each unit contains attic storage and a full basement. Separate electric. Shared well & septic on-site. Electric baseboard heat & ceiling fans throughout. Each unit consists of approx. 1,600 sq. ft. of living space. Unit #30 contains an eat-in kitchen w/hearth; a formal dining room; large living room; a laundry/full bath and a mudroom all on the main level. Upstairs, there are three spacious bedrooms and another full bath. Unit #32 contains an eat-in kitchen; a formal dining room; large living room and a full bath all on the main level. Upstairs, there are three spacious bedrooms. All this is situated on a 0.33 acre lot (with ample room for a garden) along with a 2 story barn/garage, with electric & water and a ‘man cave’ above. There are also separated storage areas for each unit’s use. There is plenty of off-street parking as well as a dog/chicken house and a storage shed. After many years of living in one and renting the other, the sellers are downsizing and are motivated to sell. You will not want to miss this excellent opportunity! Open houses to be held Sun., Oct. 7 and Sat., Oct. 13 from 1-3PM, or by appointment, contact auctioneer at (717) 371-9603. 10% Down day of sale, balance due at settlement. M. Kane, Att’y Terms By:
Lic. #AU001476-L Lic. #AU005308-L 717-336-6983
Monday, Oct. 22, 2018
2:00 P.M. • Real Estate 5:00 P.M.
LOCATION: 751 Temperance Hill Road (Route 772), Lititz, PA Penn Township, Lancaster County
“ONE-OWNER” ROSE BRICK THREE (3) BEDROOMS, TWO (2) BATHS RANCH STYLE HOUSE WITH ATTACHED TWO-CAR GARAGE, FULL SIZED FINISHED BASEMENT WITH MANY AMENITIES, TWO STORY BRICK FRONT BARN, THIS IS A PRIME PROPERTY WITH MANY POTENTIAL USES!! Road frontage along three (3) roads (Temperance Hill, Lexington & Limerock Roads). YOU CERTAINLY DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS ONE!! “Highly Motivated Sellers - Sellers Are Relocating” Open House Dates: Sat. Oct. 6 & 13, 12:00-2:00 P.M. For Financing, Photos, Full Listing, Terms, See Website: Auction For: M. Jane & Carl H. Longenecker
Auction By:
Witman Auctioneers, Inc.
Luke R. & Clarke N. Witman, Douglas L. Ebersole (717) 665-5735 • (717) 665-1300 AY 000155-L
18B - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
(Continued From Page 17B)
and 20x25 oversized one car garage. Horst Auctioneers. THURS., OCT. 18 - 6:00 p.m. - David M. and Audrey Wenrich, 815 Creek Rd., Leola. Warwick country
ranch home with detached 2 car garage on 0.55 acre. Hess Auction Group. FRI., OCT. 19 - 5:00 p.m. - Clifford R. and Joyce D. Martin, 2683 Evergreen Drive, Bird-in-Hand. Cus tom 1-1/2 story 4 bedroom dwelling, 2 car garage, utility building, pole barn, 1.9 acres. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., OCT. 20 - 8:30 a.m. - Elmer and Ellen Martin, 551 Stevens Road, Ephrata. Ford Model-A, JD backhoe, Viking camper, tools. 4-wheelers, guns, mini-
PUBLIC AUCTION Fri., Oct. 12, 2018 at 1:00 PM 37 N. 16th St., Lebanon, PA 17046
From Cumberland St. (US-422) in Lebanon, Take N 16th St. 300 Ft. to Property on Left. 3.78 +/- Acre Commercial Property w/Over 27,000 SF Bldg. Combining Both Warehouse & Retail Space + 2nd-Story 2-Bedroom Apartment. Taxes (w/Discount): Spring: $4,089.45, Fall: $8,299.67, Total: $12,389.12. For Appointment to View, Contact Joel Heisey @ 717-949-3211. TERMS: 10% Down Balance on or Before Nov. 21, 2018. NOTE: Great location surrounded by new & established businesses. Property has great potential for rental income or for your own business use. Come prepared to buy, this property will be SOLD to the highest bidder! SEE MORE INFO & PHOTOS: Attorney for Owner: George Christianson (717) 273-1651
bulldozer. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. SAT., OCT. 20 - 9:00 a.m. - Earl B. Good Estate, 216 E. Main St., Terre Hill. 2-1/2 story 3 bedroom dwelling, 2 story barn/garage building. Real estate at 12:00 noon. Vehicles, furniture/appli ances, lawn and garden. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. TUES., OCT. 23 - 5:00 p.m. - John D. and Ashley N. Stauffer, 1827 Brunner ville Road, Lititz. Country split foyer 3 bedroom house, 2 car garage and 2 car garage/shop 26’x32’, 1 acre rural lot. Stauffer Auction eers, LLC. WED., OCT. 24 - 5:00 p.m. - Eric D. and Beth A. Alderman, 5325 Hammond Rd., New Holland. Country 2-1/2 story 4 bedroom custom dwelling, 2 car attached garage, 2 acre rural lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., OCT. 25 - 1:00 p.m. - John E. Haldeman Estate, 475 Wabash Road, Ephrata. “Haldemans Mobile Court”, 40 mobile dwelling pad sites, 4-3/4 acres. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., OCT. 25 - 6:00
p.m. - Hilda A. Alexander, 59 Circle Drive, Ephrata. Brick and aluminum sided bi-level dwelling with 24’x24’ lower level two car garage. Horst Auctioneers. FRI., OCT. 26 - 1:00 p.m. - Earl E. and Tamie D. Campbell, 200 Picnic Road, Lykens. 44.7 acre dairy farm, 76x240 dairy barn, 60x144 heifer barn, 14x104 calf barn, milk parlor, silos, equip. building. Kline, Kreider and Good Auction eers. FRI., OCT. 26 - 1:00 p.m. - Garden Spot Fire Hall, 339 East Main Street, New Holland. Witmer’s Quilt
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4 • 5 P.M. 505 Hertzog Valley Rd., Denver (Schoeneck). Rt. 272 N. of Ephrata. Left Schoeneck Rd. thru Schoeneck. Straight S. Cocalico Rd. Right Hertzog Valley Rd. OR from Kleinfeltersville Rt. 897 S. to Cocalico. Right S. Cocalico Rd. Left Hertzog Valley Rd.
Rural split level dwl. w/1248 SF, eat-in kitchen w/Kountry Kraft cabinets, sun rm., living rm., den/office, 3 bdrms., 1½ baths, laundry, elec. heat, wall AC, 10x16 utility bldg. 3/4 Acre country lot. Special Note: septic sys. & well new’18. Zoned OS. Owners relocating out of county & serious to sell. Country location. “Whispering Pines” area. Minutes to Kleinfeltersville, Denver, Ephrata. Ideal as residence or investment. Personal inspection by appointment or open house Sat., Sept. 29 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID
• VALUABLE REAL ESTATE • • 1967 Pontiac Firebird Convertible • • Vintage 1969 Yamaha 180cc Motorcycle • • Furniture • Antiques • Personal Property •
Monday, October 8, 2018 4:00 P.M. • Real Estate 6:00 P.M.
LOCATION: 23 East Farmersville Road, Ephrata, PA 17522 (Village of Farmersville), West Earl Township, Lancaster County 2-1/2 STORY ALUMINUM SIDED THREE (3) BEDROOMS, 1.5 BATHS HOUSE WITH A DETACHED TWO STORY FRAME BARN - GOOD LOCATION Conestoga Valley School District, “Highly Motivated Seller - To Settle Estate.” Open House Date: Sat., Sept. 29, 12:00-2:00 P.M. For Financing, Photos, Full Listing, Terms, See Website: Auction For: June L. Simmons Estate & the late Ira W. Simmons Jr.
Auction By:
Witman Auctioneers, Inc.
Luke R. & Clarke N. Witman, Douglas L. Ebersole (717) 665-5735 • (717) 665-1300 AY 000155-L
E. David & Lillian M. Groff 717-371-2516
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12 • 5 P.M. 330 Mohns Hill Rd., Reinholds. Rt. 272 N. toward Adamstown. Left Rt. 897 N. (at Weaver’s Mkt.). Right Mohns Hill Rd. OR from Reinholds Rt. 897 S. toward Adamstown. Left Mohns Hill Rd.
Custom “one owner” Rancher w/4118 SF, eat-in kitchen w/oak raised panel cabinets, SS appliances, breakfast island, living rm w/stone gas fireplace & skylights, 3 baths, 29x37 family/rec rm. w/10x10 kitchen/bar, daylight bsmt., gas air heat, central AC, wood pellet stove, deck, patio, covered front porch, 24x34 horse barn w/2 stalls, tack rm. water, elec., 12x20 utility bldg., 2.4 ACRES w/fenced pasture, partial wooded lot. Zoned Conservation. Owners relocating & serious to sell. Low maintenance property in convenient country location, minutes to Rt. 222 & turnpike. Personal inspection by appointment or open house Sat., Sept. 29 & Oct. 6 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Luis I. & Diane Roy E. Good, Jr. Padilla Aaron Z. Nolt 717-422-3571 Curvin M. Horning 717-733-1006 AUCTIONEERS Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956
Location: 240 North Red School Road, Morgantown, PA 19543. From Churchtown take Rt. 23 East to left on Red School Road, to property on right. Real estate is a 2 story Vinyl sided stone and log dwelling with approx. 1925 sq. ft. of living space. Eat in, updated kitchen with dishwasher, glass top range and adjacent laundry room/ mud room and extra pantry room. Large Dining room and Spacious living room. 2nd floor has 3 bedrooms and a 4th extra room. Replacement windows. Patio and roofed porch with beautiful view of farming valley. Bank barn with work shop, stalls and tack room. Garage attached to bank barn. 14 x 27 Horse shed and fenced pastures. Running spring on property and well. Open House: Saturday, September 29, 1-3 p.m. Reat Estate Terms: 10% down, balance due at settlement on or before 60 days. Note: Great property in an outstanding farming valley. Sellers are downsizing and may be adding other items to auction. Food by Churchtown Ladies.
Visit the website at
Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-733-1006 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956
Shop - going out of business. Hometowne Auction LLC. FRI., OCT. 26 - 5:00 p.m. - Richard Rutt, 1790 Donegal Springs Road, Mt. Joy. 3 bedroom rancher, 2.5 acres, remodeled and updated, open floor plan, large backyard, nice stream, pond. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. SAT., OCT. 27 - 9:00 a.m. - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Fall tool sale. Over 470 lots of antique tools. Horst Auctioneers. SAT., OCT. 27 - 9:00 a.m. - Benjamin B. and Irene M. Stoltzfus, 1244 Springville Road, East Earl. 3 bedroom brick and vinyl rancher with 2 car garage, 1 acre lot. Real estate at 1:00 p.m. ’09
THURS., OCT. 4 at 5:00 PM RE at 6:00 PM
LOCATED AT: 47 West Mohler Church Rd. Ephrata, Pa 17522 DIRECTIONS: From Rt. 272 on North side of Ephrata, turn South on Church St. to first left on W. Mohler Church Rd., to property on left. (corner of E. Trout Run Rd.) REAL ESTATE: An approx. 1,800 sq. ft. beautiful Brick Cape Cod style house, all updated on level .46 acre lot. Main level includes an oversized eat-in kitchen w/abundant Oak cabinetry; large living room w/front windows; full bathroom; 3 bedrooms; laundry room (includes washer & dryer) & finished breeze-way leads to nice 2-car garage w/new vinyl overhead doors; outstanding wrap-around front porch w/new vinyl flooring. Second level has 2 additional bedrooms & a second full bathroom; closet storage. Basement has large open area w/ concrete floor/block walls; second kitchen & canning cellar. All vinyl doublepane windows; new 30-year roof in 2010; very efficient LP Gas H/W baseboard heat; on-site well & septic; Vinyl White picket fence in front yard; 10,000 gallon cistern w/separate pump; detached 24’x12’ insulated workshop w/double door entry; garden area; nice backyard with swing set; great location on turn to slow down traffic; desirable Ephrata Twp. & School District; total property taxes are approx. $4,284.00. Attorney Michael P. Kane. OPEN HOUSE DATE: Saturday Sept. 29, from 1-3 PM. Call/Text auctioneer with your questions at 717-587-8906. PERSONAL PROPERTY: Restored International Cub Lo-Boy tractor w/rear brush mower; like new John Deere 318 tractor w/3pt. hook-up; portable car port; miter saw; socket set; mechanic tools; Mighty Mac 10 hp chipper; Milwaukee cordless set; Skil table saw; C/H air compressor; extension cords; hand tools; Han-D-Sew inverter; 400 watt inverter; Craftsman Scroll saw; Snapper SP mower; KHS men’s bike; Rubbermaid lawn cart; heavy floor jack; Solo 14” chain saw; wash stand; folding tables; therapy table; elec. recliner; (6) wooden chairs; park bench; chest freezer; refrigerator; toys; plus more unlisted. Please visit our website for additional pictures at
Auction By: John J. Rutt II 717-587-8906 Michael J. Martin 717-371-3333 AY-2189-L
NEW HOLLAND, PA Member of PA & National Auctioneers Assoc.
Toyota Corolla, MF & Cub Cadet lawn tractors, tools, antiques, glassware, per sonal property. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. MON., OCT. 29 - 5:00 p.m. - Robert L. and Ruth S. Freeman, 4488 Division Highway, East Earl. Brick 2 story house with 3 bedrooms, .63 acre lot, garden and shed, big backyard, attached 2 car garage, cherry kitchen. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. THURS., NOV. 1 - 6:00 p.m. - Bulah D. Dougherty, 305 Church Street, Landis ville. Single floor formed stone bungalow with 1 car garage and a 12’x24’ frame storage shed. Horst Auction eers. SAT., NOV. 3 - 1:00 p.m. - Curvin and Mary Ann Martin, 870 Mount Airy Road, Stevens. 99+/- acre working dairy farm in West Cocalico Township, 6 tracts of land to be sold separately. Aaron E. Martin Auction Service. MON., NOV. 12 - 4:00 p.m. - Larry R. and Tammy L. Martin, 1026 Beam Rd., Denver. Country 1-1/2 story 4 bedroom dwelling, attached 2 car garage, 1.13 acre lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. FRI., NOV. 16 - 9:00 a.m. - Aaron W. and Ruth Ann Hoover, 117 Frogtown
Auction For:
AY 3607-L
Terms by: Clyde and Mary Jane Stoltzfus Attorney: Kling and Deibler
(Brubaker Valley/Speedwell Lake Area)
MON., OCT. 1, 2018 at 6:00 PM Located at 17 Wicker Drive, Lititz, PA, Elizabeth Twp., Lancaster Co.
Directions: From W. Newport Rd. in the village of Elm take W. Brubaker Valley Rd. ½ mi. to right on Ironstone Dr. to left on Wicker Dr. to home on left. Real Estate: consists of a 4-bdrm 1,600 sq. ft. (1986) Cape Cod style dwelling w/1-car garage on a 1.03 ac. lot. Main floor includes a custom cabinetry galley style kitchen w/ sit-up bar; family rm.; dining area w/patio doors to 20’x8’ rear deck; full bath; 1st floor master suite; 2nd bdrm. or office/ den; attached 1-car garage; upper level features a full bath; 2-bdrms & finished bonus room/5th bdrm; daylight lower level w/finished 18’x36’ family room w/ doors to patio; 12’x14’ storage room; laundry/utility room w/water treatment system; high efficiency water heater; central AC/heat pump; on site well & septic; annual taxes: $4977. Outbuildings include 2-12’x14’ utility sheds; large backyard w/peaceful shaded picnic area along small stream. For info. call auctioneer @ (717) 371-3333. TERMS: 10% down day of sale, balance on or before 60 days. Attorney: Kling & Deibler (717) 354-7700. Note: Rural setting w/well-maintained 4-bdrm. home; rear deck & daylight basement; spacious lot w/picnic area & small stream; close to Speedwell Forge Lake; easy access to Rt. 501, 322 & 222. Motivated sellers plan to more to Midwest. For photos & listing visit
Auction By: Michael J. Martin 717-371-3333 John J. Rutt II 717-587-8906 AY-2189-L
NEW HOLLAND, PA Member of PA & National Auctioneers Assoc.
Auction For:
(717) 926-3047
Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - 19B
Denver Fair 2018 Contest Winners
Pet Show Shortest Tail - 1st - Linda Meckley (Rufus) Most Creatively Dressed Pet & Handler - 1st - Timothy Breckbill (Roscoe); 2nd Colleen Worley (Gretchen); The following is a listing 3rd - Linda Meckley (Rufus) of the contest winners from Most Unique Pet - 1st the 2018 Denver Fair. Colleen Worley (Gretchen)
Road, East Earl. Country 2 story 4 bedroom dwelling, barn, 3 car garage/shop building, 3-1/2 acres m/l. Real estate at 12:00 noon. JD tractors, shop equipment, tools. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., NOV. 17 - 9:00 a.m. - Janet W. Martin, 345 Hartings Park Rd., Denver. 2006 Toyota Tacoma 4x4 SR-5, Ford utility tractor, guns, coins, camper, car penter and mechanic tools. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. FRI., NOV. 23 - 10:00 a.m. - Robert C. Rush, 863 Winter Hill Road, Strasburg. 96 acre dairy farm, dairy barn 215x40, (2) equip. bldgs., manure pit and bunker silos, 73+ acres cropland, pasture with stream. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers.
FRI., DEC. 7 - 9:00 a.m. - Noah Shirk Farm, 220 Covered Bridge Road, Eph rata. Greenhouse, produce equipment and supplies, farm equipment and tools. Beiler-Campbell Auction Services. WED., DEC. 12 - 1:00 p.m. - The Denlinger Family, 151 Hartman Bridge Road, Ronks. 31 acre limestone farm, spacious 3 unit dwelling, bank barn, tob. barn. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. FRI., DEC. 14 - 1:00 p.m. - Daniel S. and Priscilla S. King, 204 Hill Road, New Holland. Custom 3 bedroom raised rancher, 2 car garage/ shop building 22x54, 2 story 2 unit lodging facility, fenced pasture, southern exposure, 2.9 acres. Kline, Kreider and Good Auction eers.
Smallest Pet - 1st - Colleen Worley (Gretchen) Owner Pet Look-A-Like - 1st - Timothy Breckbill (Roscoe) Best Tail Wagger - 1st Linda Meckley (Rufus); 2nd - Angela Neghiy (Felix Major) Best Stupid Pet Trick - 1st Timothy Breckbill (Roscoe) Best of Show - Timothy Breckbill - Roscoe Candy Scramble Door Prize - Age 3 and Under - Mariella Schillaci Door Prize - Age 4 & 5 Isaac Martin Door Prize - Age 6 & 7 Zane Witmer Business Expo Prize Drawing Winners Julie Marderness, Jeff Leed, Robbie Hugar, Lynn Veach, Bill Risser and Blake McGowen Baby Parade
Best Dressed - Walking: 1st - Puttin’ on the Ritz, Hailey Beiler; 2nd - Denver Fair Weather - Aubrey Sweigart; 3rd - Walking Watermelon, Natalie Hoover Best Decorated - Wheels: 1st - Jr. Jack & Sally’s Nightmare, Kyla and Sage Serrano Float - 1st - Bam Bam and Pebbles, Jaxson and Everly Sweitzer; 2nd Rosie The Riveter, Cael and Ellis Thompson; 3rd - Gingerbread House and Ginger Kids, Cohen and Bailey Wasik Coloring Contest Pre-School - 1st - Autumn Groff; 2nd - Marielle Vang; 3rd - Carter Martin K-1st - 1st - Aubrey Kurtz; 2nd - Harper Worley; 3rd Easton Fritz 2nd & 3rd Grade - 1st - Jenna Kurtz; 2nd - Abel Raihl; 3rd - Aaron Wolf
4th & 5th Grade - 1st Autumn Hall; 2nd - Fiona Chisholm; 3rd - Bianca Vang Jell-O Eating 12 Years & Under - 1st - Brandon Goodman; 2nd Ashton Martin; 3rd - Steven Dao 13 to 18 Years Old - 1st Rachel Gehr; 2nd - Miguel Urdinlos; 3rd - Madison Weaver 19 Years & Up - 1st Corey Trupe; 2nd - Kelly Moyer; 3rd - Ray Crooks Pedal Power Tractor Pull Ages 4 & 5 - 1st - Austin Fravel (21.5’); 2nd - Dante Schlack (17’)
PUBLIC AUCTION Fri., Oct. 19, 2018
Real Estate at 5 PM followed by Personal Property 118 Becker Rd., Myerstown, PA 17067 OPEN HOUSE: SAT, SEPT. 29, FROM 1-3 PM OR BY APPT. For appt. to see or help to obtain bank financing, call Joel (717-949-3211). SEE MORE INFO & PHOTOS: Auction For:
Helen M. Kegerreis & The Late John H. Kegerreis
Stanley Martin (717) 949-3420 Attorney: Kevin M. Richards (717) 274-3644
SAT., OCT. 6 at 9:00 AM RE at 11:00 AM
LOCATED AT: 150 Grings Hill Rd. Sinking Spring Pa. 19608
2095 Main St., Narvon (Churchtown). Rt. 23 E. from Blue Ball thru Goodville to Churchtown. Property on left.
Totally remodeled 2½ sty. dwl. w/3568 SF, eat-in kitchen w/oak custom cabinets, great rm., living rm., den, sewing rm., 1st floor office, 5 bdrms. (1st floor master bdrm. w/bath), 2 baths, 2 half baths. Special Features: Oak trim, wainscoting, central AC, central vac & 1st floor laundry/mud rm. Shop/ gar. bldg. 32x76 w/24x26 addition w/3056 SF area & 2nd floor storage. Bldg. has 2500 SF shop area, finish rm., office, tool rm., 15’ ceiling, outside wood furnace, AC, 3 phase electric w/600 AMP & 240 volt elec., interior dust collector sys. (10,000 CFM) w/outside 7’ diameter double ring bin, (2) utility bldgs. 14x26 & 14x24, 1 ACRE lot, macadam drive & parking, mature shade & plantings, garden & lawn. Property joins farmland to rear. Zoned Churchtown Village. After 31 years owners relocating to larger facility & serious to sell. Ideal for residence & woodworking/cabinetry home business. “Move in” condition property. Personal inspection by appointment or open house Sat., September 29 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID
DIRECTIONS: From Denver Exit on Rt. 222 travel north for 8 minutes to Mohnton Exit. Turn left to first private real estate on left (corner lot). REAL ESTATE #1: A very nice split-face concrete block commercial building & 1.94 acres. Building is current automotive business and is approx. 5,786 sq. ft. (3,621 shop/2,165 office); Large 30+ car parking lot; high traffic count; zoned LC Local Commercial; Cumru Twp.; Great location, only a short drive from Reading or Ephrata; visit our website for complete details. REAL ESTATE #2: A very clean 2-story house (1,894 sq. ft.) w/3 bedrooms & new kitchen on .38 acre commercial lot; all public utilities; large daylight basement; ready to move-in. OPEN HOUSE DATE: Saturday Sept. 29 from 1-3 PM. Call/Text auctioneer with questions at 717-587-8906. LIFTS/DIAGNOSTIC/TOOLS: 1999 GMC pick-up; Kubota 4x4 tractor; JD commercial mower; Jacobsen 11’ wing-mower; (3) car lifts; good quality car repair equipment; lots of current diagnostic equipment; mechanic tools; shop inventory; no junk; see our website for all details & 140 pictures. OFFERING 1% BROKER PARTICIPATION FOR R.E., REGISTRATION REQUIRED Please visit our website for pictures at
Auction By: John J. Rutt II 717-587-8906 Michael J. Martin 717-371-3333 AY-2189-L
Auction For:
EPHRATA, PA Member of PA & National Auctioneers Assoc.
(717) 572-4467
Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-733-1006 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956
Carl E. & Linda G. Zimmerman 717-445-7988
THURS., OCT. 4, 2018 SALE AT 6:00 P.M.
Located at 933 Orchard St., Akron (Akron Boro., Lanc. Co.) From Ephrata, take Rt. 272 South. Turn slight left onto N. 11th St. followed by a right on Orchard St. Property will be on right. Real estate consists of a brick, ranch-style dwelling, built in 1961, containing an updated eat-in kitchen; a large living room; a full bath; two bedrooms; and a TV/sitting room (3rd bedroom) all on the main level. There is approx. 1,232 sq. ft. of one floor living space with hardwood floors throughout (under carpets). Attic storage above. The full, walkout, basement is finished and contains a rec room w/Holland stone hearth & a Fisher woodstove; a laundry w/full bath; and an oversized one car garage. Oil hot water heat. Central air. Public water w/softener; public sewer. This well-maintained home is situated on a cute 0.33 Acre lot on a prime ‘no-outlet’ street across from Roland park. There is a large driveway, providing ample off-street parking, along with a carport, concrete patio and a storage shed. This is a must-see property! You won’t want to miss this excellent opportunity! Open House to be held Sat., Sept. 29 from 1-3 PM or by appointment, contact Auctioneer at (717) 371-9603. 10% down day of sale, balance due at settlement. E. Fiorini, Att’y
Lic. #: AU001476 & AU005308 717-336-6983
THURS., SEPT. 27, 2018
Art Pannebecker & Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc.
Terms By:
Ages 6 & 7 - 1st - Ashley Martin (full pull); 2nd Caleb Byrom (18’) Ages 8 & 9 - 1st Alexander Pope (17.3’); 2nd - Jaydell Sweigart (16’); 3rd - Evan Fravel (10’) Celebrity Hot Wing Contest 1st - John Clair (Schoeneck Lions Club); 2nd - John Shuman (Henry Schein); 3rd - Nate Martin (Harvest Fellowship) Cornhole Tournament 1st - Derrick Mentzer and Denny Miller; 2nd - Josh Smith and Troy Sauer; 3rd Nic Beamesderfer and Brian Lesher
SALE AT 6:00 P.M.
Located at 1232 Mill St., Denver (Bowmansville Area, Brecknock Twp., Lanc. Co.). From Rt. 897, take Lauschtown Rd. to Reading Rd. (Rt. 625), turn right followed by a left onto Church St. Property is situated on the corner of Church & Mill Streets. Real estate consists of a 2½ story sandstone dwelling, built in approx. 1890, Containing a cherry kitchen; dining area; a large living room w/pellet stove; a beautiful family room (addition) with cathedral ceiling & exposed beams; a mud room; and a laundry/full bath all on the main level. Upstairs, there are three bedrooms and a full bath. Attic storage. Full basement. Well onsite w/water softener & UV light. Public sewer. Oil hot water heat w/three zones. This well maintained home features the perfect mix of original characteristics, such as wide-plank floors and deep window sills, as well as modern updates, such as replacement windows & the family room addition. This wonderful property is ideally situated on a corner lot bordering the park. There is a 2 story barn/garage as well as a storage shed once used as a sheep pen. Featuring a 0.60 Acre lot, there is a huge selection of flowers and gardening space abound. Owners are downsizing to a retirement community and are motivated to sell. You won’t want to miss this excellent opportunity! Open House to be held by appointment, contact Auctioneer at (717) 371-9603. 10% down day of sale, balance due at settlement. E. Richard Young, Att’y Terms By:
Lic. #AU001476-L Lic. #AU005308-L 717-336-6983
200 Lancaster Ave., Terre Hill. From Rt. 23 at Blue Ball take Rt. 897 N. to Terre Hill. Left Main St. Left Lancaster Ave. dwl. on left. 200
#1: 200 Lancaster Ave. 2 unit dwl. w/1500 SF, each unit has kitchen w/ appliances, living rm., bdrm. & bath. 1st & 2nd floor units, bsmt., oil HW heat both units, attic, 1 sty. garage 14x30 & off-street parking. Gross rental $19,500.00/year. #2: 202 Lancaster Ave. 2 unit dwl. w/1352 SF, each unit has kitchen w/ appliances, living rm., bdrm., bath, 1st & 2nd floor units, bsmt., attic, oil HW heat both units & off-street parking. Gross rental $16,200/year. Both dwellings in good state of repair, low maintenance exterior, upgraded exterior stairs, updated kitchens & bath rms., plenty of off street parking, long term tenants & modest rents. Good return on investment. NOTE: Both 2 unit dwellings to be sold separately. After 33 years, owners serious to sell. Ideal as residence or investment. Very well maintained properties, convenient small town location. Personal inspection by appointment or open house Sat., September 29 & October 6 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-733-1006 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956
Eberly & Gerhart Partnership 717-336-4964
2807 Church Rd., Bird-in-Hand. Rt. 340 W. of Intercourse. Right N. Ronks Rd. Right Church Rd. to property on immediate left.
Country house w/2952 SF, eat-in kitchen, living rm., 5 bdrms., 11/2 baths, laundry/mud room, sewing rm., barn/shop bldg. w/horse stalls, carriage area, diesel shed, 2nd floor storage, pole barn w/heated shop area, runin shed, storage bldg., 1.27 ACRES w/pasture, lawn & garden. Zoned Ag. Owners relocating & serious to sell. Personal inspection by appointment or open house Sat., September 29 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368)
***Special Note: Following items sold immediately after real estate at 5 P.M.*** 45 HP Perkins Diesel Unit, 15 HP Quincy Air Compressor, 1000 Gal. Air Tank, (2) 1000 Gal. Propane Tanks, 50 Gal. Propane Tank w/Gas Bottle Tank Attachment. NOTE: Terms for personal property: cash or PA check. Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-606-2226 or 717-733-1006 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956
Levi S. & Naomi L. Fisher 717-768-7292
20B - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”
coming soon! October 3-6
Martin’s Famous Char-Grilled Cheeseburger Tent
October 10-13
Martin’s Seafood Sandwich Tent Martin’s Country Sausage Sandwich Tent
Hours: Mon.-Sat. 7am-9pm; Closed Sunday
Choose From Either:
2 Large Pizzas* or 2 Strombolis Included in each Bundle: 1 Bag of Doritos, 1 Bag of Chips & Choice of Swiss Drink (Tea, Orange, Lemonade) *Plain Cheese Pizzas Only
55 00 $23 99
*No alterations or substitutions *N ns *Must order 24 hours in advance
October 17-20
1717 West Main Street, Ephrata • 717-738-3754 4
5 Lb. Box Frozen Hamburger Patties 1 2 /2 Lb. Pack John F. Martin Regular Franks 21/2 Lb. Pack John F. Martin Cheese Franks 20 Fresh Sausage Grill Links
Value Pack
Hormel Cooked Ham
John F. Martin
Tavern Ham
Our Own Made
Tomato Bisque Soup
John F. Martin
Ham & Cheese or P&P Loaf
Our Own Fresh
Pork Shoulders
Pork Chops
Lean Trim
Bolar Roasts
Boneless & Rolled
Loin or Center Cut
FEATURE ENTREE OF THE WEEK Philly Cheesesteak Casserole
Thomas’ (Excludes Mini & Thins)
6 Pk.
4 Pk.
Tortilla Chips
$ Large
Sticky Buns
6 Pk.
Potato Chips
FREE Ring Donuts
Lb. Lesser Quantities
129 $ 69 1
29 Lb.
Fresh! Snow White
Broccoli Crowns
88 ¢ $ 28 1
Just The Tops! Fresh
LobsterFest 2018
199 $ 99 3 $
Featuring Whole Live
All Liquid
Direct From Maine
Laundry Detergent 46-50 Oz.
LobsterFest Meal
Live or Steamed
1099 $1599 Ea.
*Meal includes lobster, baked potato, corn, coleslaw and roll n’ butter.
With Gold Card Lesser Amounts $3.97
6 Pk.
Sel. Var.
Italian Bread 20 Oz.
FREE Donuts
(Excludes Bagged Donuts)
Sel. Var.
Sept. 26 CAFÉ Oct. 2 at Martin’s
Country Boy Breakfast
Bacon Blue
Scrapple, Egg & Cheese on Bread
Chips, Pickle & Beverage
Best Yet Basic Frozen
Burger $
Mrs. T’s
12.84-16 Oz.
Sel. Var., 16 Oz.
Ice Cream 48 Oz.
Chicken Tenders, Nuggets, Patties, Strips or Wyngz
24-26 Oz.
Family Packs
32 Oz.
Martin’s Original
6 Oz.
Roasted & Salted or Roasted & No Salt
Kettle Chips
12-13 Oz.
Dieffenbach’s Uglies
Lb. Lesser Quantities
Mix or Match
Sports Drinks
Value Pack/5 Lbs. or More
10 Lb. Value Pack
Chicken Breast
Chicken Drumsticks or Thighs
*Pre-order required by October 9!
Asst. Var., 15.5 Oz.
6 Pk./16.9 Oz. Bottles
Duncan Hines Brownie Mix 18-18.35 Oz. or Classic/Signature Cake Mix 15.25 Oz.
Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite or Dasani Water
Kauffman’s Fresh Pressed! All Natural Apple Cider Gal.
Hanover Variety
9-11.6 Oz.
Celery Hearts 3 Ct. Bags
Boneless Skinless John F. Martin Boneless Ham 1/2
With Gold Card - LIMIT 7 Additional Quantity $1.25
Snack Size Bags
California Fresh! Ready To Use
With Gold Card - LIMIT 4 Additional Quantity $3.49
Hershey’s Halloween
Frosted Flakes 13.2-13.6 Oz. Froot Loops 12.2 Oz., Raisin Bran 18.7 Oz., Apple Jacks 12.2 Oz., Corn Pops 12.5 Oz. or Frosted Mini Wheats 18 Oz.
Apples (All Kinds)
Feeds 3-5 People
Local Homegrown! Tote Bag
Our Own Frozen Entrees
In Our Freezer Section
Pork Chops
Our Own Made Lb. Sugar Free Our Own Made Italian Pasta Salad Cherry Dessert
John F. Martin Smoked
Value Pack
All Prices With Gold Card • Effective Wed., Sept. 26 Thru Tues., Oct. 2, 2018
Family Owned Markets
Large Eggs Doz.
Hershey’s Chocolate or Reese’s Peanut Butter
NEW Topping
Aerosol Can 7 Oz.
Ricotta Cheese 32 Oz.
Frigo Whole Milk
Mozzarella Cheese Ball 16 Oz.
Dairy Pure Lactose Free
1/2 Gal.
269 $ 2/ 7 $