SAhopping newS S eRVing o VeR 37,000 h oMeS
Community Newspaper
of Lancaster County
wedNesdAY, NoVeMBer 9, 2022 • VoluMe lVII, No. 31 • reAd THe dIGITAl edITIoN oN THe weB:
In This Week’s Issue:
Your Local
A Salute To The Veterans Of The United States Armed Forces
Section A
Do You Know...? Page 2A Biblical Message ............. 14A Births.................................... 15A Crossword Puzzle......... 12A “Happy Birthday”.......... 15A Obituaries ............................3A Professor Beam’s “Deitsch Eck”......................6A Things To Do ................... 12A
Section B
“Where In The World” Winner Page 1B
This Friday, November 11 marks Veterans Day, and it is a time to show gratitude and honor and celebrate the service of all United States
military Veterans, both living and deceased. Take time to thank a Veteran for their role in keeping freedom alive for all of us.
Shown are Veterans who proudly served in the four branches of the military, and they include (from left to right) Marine Sergeant Clay
Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese Brubaker; Robert Trout, Look on page 10A for an Navy PO1; Army Colonel additional photo of the Vet Dave Basile; and Air Force Colonel Richard Shaefer. 21 Salute Honor Guard.
Warwick Middle School To Perform “Sherlock Holmes” “Pieces From The Past” Page 1B
Who’s Hiring in Transportation
Student Spotlight Cocalico High School Hailey Haldeman Lititz Christian School Tyler Velkly
Our NEW guide to
VOLUNTEERING with organizations that support our local community.
The Warwick Middle School theatre will be performing their fall play titled, “Sherlock Holmes and the 1st Baker Street Irregular” on Friday, November 18 at 7:00 p.m.,
and Saturday, November 19 at 1:00 p.m. Ticket sales start on Wednesday, November 16, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the Middle School auditorium lobby, and are also available
at the door before the show. There is a cost for tickets. Directors stated, “Everyone likes trying to solve a mystery and in ‘Sherlock Holmes and the 1st Baker Street Irregular,’ we have
Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese three. This show is fun for Asher Shroyer as Sherlock all ages and we hope to see Holmes; Leah Turnbull as you there!” Mrs. Hudson; and Soren Shown in the photo, Miller as Dr. Watson. (Continued On Page 2A) from left to right, are