12.4.19 issue

Page 1



SAhopping newS S eRVing o VeR 38,000 h oMeS

of Lancaster County

20¢ per Copy

wedNesdAY, deCeMBer 4, 2019 • VoluMe lIV, No. 34 • reAd THe dIGITAl edITIoN oN THe weB:

In This Week’s Issue:

Supporting local businesses and sharing the good news from our community.


New Holland Christmas On Main Community Celebration This Weekend

Section A

Do You Know...? Page 4A

Christmas On Main Street Page 8A Deck The Halls Page 13A Biblical Message ............. 18A Births.................................... 16A Crossword Puzzle......... 14A “Happy Birthday”.......... 16A Obituaries ............................3A Professor Beam’s “Deitsch Eck”................... 12A Things To Do ................... 14A

Section B

Who’s Hiring

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese Christmas On Main, sponsored by the New Holland Business Association, is taking place this Saturday, December 7 and will be a day filled with oldfashioned activities for the whole family. The day kicks off with a children’s breakfast for families at St. Stephen Reformed Church from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and it will include a live nativity and a take­home craft. A food collection will take place by the manger for CrossNet Food programs. The event continues on with an indoor Christmas market, carriage rides, Santa’s arrival, hay rides and a community tree lighting at 6:00 p.m. See page 9A for more details on this event. Shown in the photo with some festive decorations are Kelly Good (Christmas On Main committee) on the left and on the right is Ed Dougherty (NHBA President/committee member). Missing from the photo is Judy Bills (committee member).

Lighted Stars Add A Beautiful Touch In Downtown Lititz

in Healthcare

Student Spotlight Ephrata High School Jackson Conover Lititz Area Mennonite School Trevor Nolt

Coupon Page



Coupons on the Back Page!! Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese The crew from the Lititz Public Works Department were busy moving through town last week mounting the traditional lighted stars on the street lights. A well­designed trailer kept the stars nicely organized as they were pulled off one by one to be mounted on the street lights. Shown in the photo is the crew getting the next star unloaded for placement near the train station.

NOTICE Black Friday Deals Extended One Week! No Interest for 12 months!*

Hurry... Sale ends December 11th!

*With payments for qualified buyers on select purchases $399 or more. See or call store for details.

740 E. Lincoln Ave., Myerstown 717-866-7555 4216 Oregon Pike, Brownstown 717-859-3131 1717 W. Main Street, Ephrata 717-733-7730

2A - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”


“Living Nativity” In Reamstown




of Lancaster County


Hocking Printing Co., Inc.

Shopping News Co-Founders - John and Janie Hocking President and Publisher - Julie A. Hocking General Manager - Harold Wenger Office Manager - Pam Boyer 615 E. Main Street, P.O. Box 456, Ephrata, PA 17522 • Phone 717-738-1151 • Fax 717-733-3900 Email: snews@ptd.net

Web Site: http://www.snews.com

The Shopping News of Lancaster County is published every week. The Shopping News of Lancaster County reserves the right to reject any advertisement. All the information contained herein is accurate to the best of our knowledge. We regret any errors or omissions. The information and advertisements found in The Shopping News do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Shopping News or any of its staff members. We encourage fraternal and civic groups, schools, churches, scouts and other local organizations to submit news releases of general interest. Related photographs of good quality are also accepted. Complete picture identification must be included. All articles will be used as space permits and are not guaranteed to be published. Every news release submitted MUST have a complete contact name, address and phone number. News information can be mailed, dropped at our office, emailed or faxed. DEADLINES: (Subject to change during holidays) DISPLAY ADS with proof - Thursday 12 noon DISPLAY ADS - Monday 8 a.m. CLASSIFIED ADS - Monday 9 a.m. NEWS COPY - Thursday 9 a.m. Photos must be submitted through email as jpegs or tiffs at least 5” wide and 300DPI or higher OR through the mail as a processed photo.





(Due to space limitations, news copy is not guaranteed to be published.)


United Zion’s December Art Gallery

The Art Gallery at United Zion Retirement Comm­ unity (UZRC), Lititz, will showcase photography from

the Lancaster Camera Club in December. Subjects of the photographs will range from Lancaster County to wildlife, people to foreign lands. Two featured photo­ graphers from the exhibit are Don Shenk and Ines Anderson. When he is photographing, Don Shenk is most excited

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to capture that one image that inspires. He focuses on improving his skills as well as finding more challenging images to capture. His photographs are as they are taken and not postprocessed. This requires having his camera with him everywhere he goes. Shenk is from the Southern End of Lancaster County and graduated from Penn Manor High School and Lancaster Bible College. He continues to love the beauty of Lancaster County, which is the theme in most of his photographs. Shenk was

On Saturday, December 14 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Salem Evangelical and Reformed Church, 12 East Church Street, Reamstown, will present a Living Nativity in the front yard of the church. The community is invited to remember the birth of Christ

as they hear the account of that first Christmas night from Scripture and view the members of Salem dressed in costumes portraying the manger scene, complete with live animals. Salem offers this event as a free gift to the community.

made Senior Fellow of the Wilmington International Exhibition of Photography in 2016. Ines Anderson is a traveler with time spent in Poland, England, the United States and Thailand. She currently resides in Lititz. Although having a passion for photography her whole life, she has focused on it during the last three years as she travels America. Anderson photographs a wide range of subjects including landscapes, nightscapes, wildlife and macro as well as people’s portraits and

events. She feels that her camera has brought her closer to nature and to people. It has taught her to notice and see things that she would have otherwise missed. The Lancaster Camera Club has been a meeting place for professional and amateur photographers to share and inspire since the 1980s. The club host monthly meetings, along with a variety of special events including juried competitions, photos shoots, trips, workshops and lec­ tures. Come to United Zion Retirement Community to see the works of the Lancaster Camera Club daily from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. during the month of December.


Dr. Lois Wida & Dr. Robert Garfield American Optometric Association Members at


Hot chocolate and cookies will be served throughout the evening. Also, Salem will offer Christmas Eve Candlelight Services on Tuesday, December 24 at 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Merry Christmas!

9 Holiday Family Storytime

A Holiday Family Story­ time will take place on Tuesday, December 3 at 6:30 p.m. and Wednesday, December 4 at 10:00 a.m. at the Lititz Public Library. Join the library for reindeer themed stories, songs, and a craft. All ages and abilities are welcome with an adult. Please call the library at 717-626-2255 to preregister.


“You can never expect too much of yourself in the mat­ ter of giving yourself to oth­ ers.” ~ Theodore C. Speers

Adamstown Eye Care 2020 RTCM Annual Sportsman Dinner


2020 RTCM


Annual Sportsman Dinner General Exams, Contact Lenses, Special Guest Speaker: Dr. Grant Woods Sports and Sportsman’s Vision Wildlife Biologist & host Sponsorship Flier of GrowingDeer.com

Sponsorship Flier

March 25, 2020

March 25, 2020

Mon. thru Sat., Convenient Hours New Patients Welcome DOORS OPEN: 5:00pm Call 717-484-0934 FELLOWSHIP MEAL: 5:30pm

Doors Open: 5:00 p.m. Fellowship Meal: 5:30 p.m. Shady Maple Banquet Hall 129 Toddy Drive East Earl, PA

Across from Weaver Markets at Routes 272 and 897

Shady Maple Banquet Hall 129 Toddy Drive, East Earl, PA

ReUzit On State 1054 S. State St., Ephrata 717-733-4934

Clothing, Housewares, Furniture & Books All Under One Roof!! December 2 - December 7, 2019

Green Tagged Items

50% OFF Monday 50% OFF Tuesday 60% OFF Wednesday 70% OFF Thursday 80% OFF Friday 90% OFF Saturday

Special Guest Speaker: Dr. Grant Woods

Dr. Grant Woods was raised in the Ozark Mountains, received a Master’s and Ph.D. based on his research of bucks, and has worked for the past 29 years specializing in habitat improvement and hunting techniques. For the past 10 years Grant has produced GrowingDeer, a weekly, year-round show to assist hunters with hunting strategies and habitat management.

Wildlife Biologist host of GrowingDeer.com 2020 RTCM Annual&Valentine Banquet & WAYS YOU CAN HELP: Dr. Grant Woods was raised in the Ozark Mountains, received a Master’s One-Day Marriage Seminar Sponsorship Be an Advertising at One the Levels Listed Below andSponsor Ph.D. based onofhis research of bucks, and has worked for the past 29

2019Valentine RTCM Annual Sportsman Dinner 2020 RTCM Annual Banquet &Prizes Give Additional Funds Towards Door years specializing in DATE: habitat improvement and hunting techniques. For the March 27, 2019 Sponsorship past 10Flier yearsRelated Grant Door has produced aFebr�ar� weekly, year-round Donate Hunting/Fishing Prizes forGrowingDeer, the Event DOORS OPEN: 5:00pm Date: 7th,show 2020 One-Day Marriage“Called Seminar Sponsorship assist huntersFELLOWSHIP with huntingMEAL: strategies and habitat management. to God’s to Country” 5:30pm DoorsDinner Open (Seminar): 7:30am YOU CAN HELP: Be an Advertising Sponsor at One of the Levels 2019 RTCMWAYS Annual Sportsman

IN Drive, PARTEast BY: ListedSPONSORED Below, Give Additional Towards Door Prizes, Donate Doors (Banquet): 6:00pm Toddy Earl, PA Open SPONSORSHIP LEVELS OF GIVING MarchFunds 27, 2019 Sponsorship Flier Date: Febr�ar� 7th,129DATE: 2020 LOCATION: Shady Maple Banquet Hall

Special Guest Speaker: Location: Yoder's Banquet Hall DOORS OPEN: 5:00pm

Hunting/Fishing Related Door Prizes for the Event

LEVEL 1: PLATINUM SPONSOR—$1500 or more Billy “Modern Day Mountain Man” Molls “Called God’s Country” 7:30am FELLOWSHIP MEAL: 5:30pm DoorstoOpen (Seminar): SPONSORSHIP LEVELS OF GIVING 14 S.guide Tower Road - New Holland, PA 20-year Alaskan big-game hunting as well as an author, public speaker, producer of The Modern Day Hall LOCATION: Shady Maple Banquet 9 tickets plus special meal in a designated area for you and your 8 guests LEVEL 1: PLATINUM SPONSOR $1500 or more DATE: Mountain Man DVD series, and a magazine March columnist 27, 2019 Doors OpenSponsorship (Banquet): 6:00pm Flier

2019 RTCM Annual Sportsman Dinner

2019 RTCM Annual Sportsman Dinner

Special Speakers James &you Ter�iand Craſt 129 Toddy Drive, EastDOORS Earl, PA tickets plus special meal inGuest a designated area for your 8 guests Includes 9 free Chinese auction tickets 5:00pm DATE: March927, 2019 WAYS YOU CAN HELP: James and Teri Craſt are licensed Foursquare pastors who have dedicatedOPEN: their lives to writing, coaching and speaking Includes 9 free God’s Chinese auction tickets Be anCountry” Advertising Sponsor at One of the Levels Listed Below Special advertising: Business listed w/logo on placemat at eventDOORS OPEN: “Called FELLOWSHIP MEAL: on behalf ofto families, and the nex� generation regarding relational, behavioral and organizational health and recover�. Special Guest Speaker: 5:00pm Give Additional Towardson Doorplacemat Prizes Special advertising: Business listedFunds w/logo at event 5:30pm They are also founders of THE NOVUS PROJECT and authors of theforbook EXPOSED: A Jour�ey of Hope and Renewal. Billy “Modern Day Mountain Man” Molls Donate Hunting/Fishing Related Door Prizes the Event Recognition on social media venues with link to your businessFELLOWSHIP website LOCATION: Shady Maple Banquet Hall Recognition on social media venues with link to your business website “Called to God’s Country” MEAL: 5:30pm DATE: March 27, 2019 20-year big-game hunting guide as well asSeries. an The Craſt’sAlaskan are feat�red on the powerf�l Conqueror Recognition on screen at event 129 Toddy Drive,Day East Earl, PA screen at event author, public speaker, producer of The Modern LOCATION: Recognition Shady Mapleon Banquet Hall

Sponsorship Flier Location: Yoder's Banquet Hall 2019 RTCM Annual Sportsman Dinner

14 S. Tower Road - New Holland, PA SponsorshipSPONSORSHIP Flier WAYS YOU CAN HELP: DOORS OPEN: LEVELS OF 5:00pm GIVING


Mountain Man DVD andofathe magazine columnist Be an Adver�ising Sponsor at One Levels Listed Below Specialto Guest Speakers James Ter�i Craſt LEVEL 2: GOLD SPONSOR - series, $1000 129 Toddy & Drive, East Earl, “Called God’s Country” FELLOWSHIP MEAL: 5:30pmGive Additional STAINLESS Funds Towardsor Doormore PrizesSpecial Guest Speaker: LEVEL 1: PLATINUM SPONSOR—$1500 orPA more LEVEL 2: GOLDJames SPONSOR—$1000 more WAYS YOU CAN HELP: 8 tickets special seating in aValentine designated area for youDay andMountain your 7 guests Donate Related Door Prizes for the Event and Teri Craſt are licensed or Foursquare pastors who have dedicated their lives to plus writing, coaching and speaking Billy “Modern Man” Molls

Be an Advertising Sponsor at One of the Levels Listed Below MOLDBOARD Special Speaker: health 20-year Alaskan big-game hunting guide as well as an Special advertising: Business listed onFunds placemat at event Includes 9 free7Chinese auction tickets on seating behalf of families, and the nex�area generation regarding relational, behavioral andGuest organizational and recover�. 8 tickets plus special in a designated for you and your guests Give Towards Door Prizes 129 Toddy Drive, East Earl, PA Additional author, public speaker, producer of Modern SPONSORED INThe PART BY:Day on Man” screen at event SPONSORSHIP LEVELS OF Related GIVING Special advertising: Business Recognition listed w/logo on placemat at event Molls Billy “Modern Day Mountain Donate Hunting/Fishing Door Prizes for the Event They are also founders of THE NOVUS PROJECT and authors of the book EXPOSED: A Jour�ey of Hope and Renewal. Mountain Man DVD series, and a magazine columnist Special advertising: Business listed on placemat at event Recognition on social media big-game venues withhunting link to your business website 20-year Alaskan guide as well as an Special Guest Speaker: LEVEL 1: PLATINUM SPONSOR—$1000 or more LEVEL 3: SILVER SPONSOR $750 or more Recognition on screen at event The Craſt’s are feat�red on the powerf�l Series.of The Modern Day author, publicConqueror speaker, producer WAYS YOU CAN HELP: Recognition on screen at event Extra “Modern entrée provided atMountain banquet Billy Day Man” Molls SPONSORED IN PART BY: SPONSORSHIP GIVING 6LEVELS tickets Be an Advertising Sponsor at One of the Levels Listed Below Man DVD series, and aOF magazine columnist WAYS YOUMountain CAN HELP: LEVEL 2: GOLD SPONSOR—$1000 or more Business name listed w/logo on website 20-year Alaskan big-game hunting guide as well as an Give Additional Funds Towards Door Prizes Recognition on screen at event Be an Adver�isingLEVEL Sponsor at One of the Levels Listed Below Business area name w/logo placemat at event 8 tickets plus special seating in a designated forlisted you and your 7onguests 1: PLATINUM SPONSOR—$1500 or more

Shady Maple 9 tickets plus special meal in aLOCATION: designated area for you and your 8 guestsBanquet


author, speaker, producer of The Modern Day LEVEL 3: SILVER SPONSOR—$750 or more YOUpublic CAN HELP: Donate Hunting/Fishing Related Door Prizes for the Event Give Additional Funds Towards Business DoorWAYS Prizes Recognition screen at event Special advertising: listed on placemat event Mountain Man DVD series, and8Below aguests magazine columnist- $400 or more an Advertising at One the Levels LEVEL 4:ofaton BRONZE SPONSOR 9 tickets plusBe special mealfor inevent aSponsor designated area you and Listed your Donate Valentine Related Door the Event 8 people perfor table included in sponsorship Recognition on Prizes screen at

Giveauction Additional Funds Towards Door Prizes 6 tickets Includes 9 free Chinese 4tickets tickets WAYS YOU CAN HELP:marriage seminar, continental Includes event registration to one-day SPONSORSHIP LEVELS OF GIVING Donate Hunting/Fishing Door Prizes forOne theat 3: SILVER SPONSOR—$750 more 7.5 FT on HEAVY $4389 SpecialLEVEL advertising: Business listed onor placemat at at event Bew/logo anRelated Advertising Sponsor ofEvent the Levels Listed Below breakfast and cold buffet lunch Recognition on screen event Recognition screen atDUTY event PLOW SPONSORED IN PART BY:Prizes Give Additional Funds Towards Door SPONSORSHIP LEVELS OF GIVING

Monday-Thursday: 9-5; Friday: 9-8; Saturday: 9-5 We’re always gratefully accepting donations of gently used clothing, housewares, books and furniture. Furniture pickup is available.

*Convenient Drive-Thru For Donations


7 Network Stores in Lancaster County Benefiting the work of Mennonite Central Committee


venues with link to your business website 6 tickets on social media LEVEL 1: PLATINUM SPONSOR—$1500 or more 8 FT EXTREME DUTY PLOW $4559Recognition LEVEL 2: GOLDRelated SPONSOR—$800 orEvent more Hunting/Fishing Door Prizes for the SPONSORED IN PART BY: Recognition on screen at event Recognition on screen at event Donate PART BY: at area 9 SPONSORED ticketsBusiness plus special meal inona placemat designated SPONSORSHIP LEVELS OF GIVING nameIN listed eventfor you and your 8 guests LEVEL 4: BRONZE SPONSOR—$400 or more LEVEL 1: PLATINUM SPONSOR—$1000 or more 8 FT TRIP EDGE PLOW $4479 LEVEL 4: BRONZE SPONSOR—$400 or more Recognition on screen at event Includes 9 free Chinese auction tickets LEVEL 2: GOLD SPONSOR—$1000 or more Extra entrée provided at banquet SPONSORED IN on PART BY: at event SPONSORSHIP LEVELS OF GIVING people per table included sponsorship LEVEL 1: PLATINUM SPONSOR—$1500 more Special8advertising: Business listedinw/logo placemat 4 tickets 8.5 FT FLARED V-PLOW $5599 or 4 tickets 8 tickets plus special seating in a designated area for you and your 7 guests Business name listed w/logo on website Includes to one-day marriage Recognition on screen at event Recognition on event socialregistration media venues with link to yourseminar, businesscontinental website 9 tickets plusname special meal in PLOW a designated area for you and your 8 guests Special advertising: Business listed on placemat event LEVEL 1:on PLATINUM or more breakfast andatcold buffet lunch 8-10 FTonEXPANDABLE $5759 Business listed w/logo placemat atSPONSOR—$1500 event Recognition screen at event Recognition on screen at event Recognition on screen at event Includes 9 free Chinese auction tickets

Recognition on screen at event 9 tickets plus special meal in a designated area for you and your 8 guests Special advertising: Business listed w/logo on placemat at event THIS EVENT HAS LIMITED UP TO BE A SPONSOR TODAY TO GUARANTEE YOUR SPONSORS MUST RESPOND BYGOLD JANUARY 31ST, 2019 TOSEATING! BE RECOGNIZED IN ADVERTISING. LEVEL 2: SPONSOR—$1000 orPLEASE more SIGN

Includesin 9 free Chinese auction tickets 3: SILVER SPONSOR—$750 or more 8 people per table included sponsorship LEVEL RESERVED AT THIS EVENT. CONTACT YOUR PAM SANTIAGO @ (717) 304-3291 OR EMAIL SPONSORS MUSTRecognition RESPOND JANUARY 31ST, TOlisted BE RECOGNIZED THISwebsite EVENT WILLIN SELL OUT!BUSINESS PLEASE SIGN UP TO SEATS BE A SPONSOR TODAYPLEASE TO GUARANTEE onBY social media venues with2020 link to your business Special advertising: Business w/logo on placemat at event Includes event registration to one-day marriage seminar, continental 8 tickets special seating in aCONTACT designatedPAM areaSANTIAGO for you and@your 7 guests OFFICEMANAGER@RESTARTMINISTRY.ORG. MUST REGISTER BUSINESS RESERVED SEATS ATplus THIS EVENT. PLEASE 717-304-3291 OR BY NOVEMBER 30TH, 2019. 6 tickets Recognition on atRecognition event on socialSIGN media venues with link to your business website ADVERTISING. THIS EVENT WILL SELL OUT! PLEASE UP TO BE A SPONSOR EMAIL OFFICEMANAGER@RESTARTMINISTRY.ORG. Sponsorships will at be event opened up to new businesses in breakfast andscreen cold buffet lunch Special advertising: Business listed on placemat at event Recognition on screen at eventRecognition on screen January, so Recognition please respondonbefore year-end to secure a table for you and your guests. screen at event LEVEL 2: GOLD SPONSOR—$1000 or more TODAY TO GUARANTEE YOUR RESERVED SEATS ATmore THIS4: EVENT. LEVEL 2:BUSINESS GOLD SPONSOR—$800 or LEVEL BRONZE SPONSOR—$400 or more

LEVEL 2: GOLD SPONSOR—$1000 or more LEVEL 3: SILVER or more mustSPONSOR—$750 respond by January 31st, 2020 to be recognized in advertising. This Sponsorships will be8 opened upname to new businesses in January, so4you please before Sponsors tickets plus special seating a designated area for and respond your 7 guests Business listed on in placemat at event 8 tickets plus seating in atickets designated area for you and your 7 guests event will sell out! Please sign up to be a sponsor today to guarantee your business Special Business onspecial placemat atcontact event on and screen atlisted event 505 E MAIN year-end to secureST a Recognition tableadvertising: for you your guests. Please Pam @6 tickets Recognition onSantiago screen at event Special advertising: Business listed on placemat at event reserved seats at this event. Sponsorships will be opened up to new businesses in January, Recognition on screen at event Recognition on screen at event in sponsorship 817557 people per table included NEW (717) HOLLAND 304-3291 orPA email officemanager@restartministry.org. Recognition on screen at event so please respond before year-end to secure a table for you and your guests. Please contact


Includes event registration to one-day marriage seminar, continental LEVEL 4: BRONZE SPONSOR—$400 or more Pam Santiago at 717-304-3291 or email officemanager@restartministry.org. SPONSORS MUST RESPOND BY JANUARY 31ST, 2019 TO BE RECOGNIZED IN ADVERTISING. breakfast and cold buffet lunch LEVEL 3: SILVER SPONSOR—$750 or more ticketsPLEASE SIGN UP TO BE A SPONSOR TODAY TO GUARANTEE YOUR THIS EVENT WILL SELL4 OUT! 6 tickets 6 tickets Recognition on screen at event BUSINESS RESERVED SEATS AT THIS EVENT. PLEASE CONTACT PAM SANTIAGO @ 717-304-3291 OR Recognition on screen at event THIS EVENT HASRecognition LIMITED SEATING! SIGN UP TO BE A SPONSOR TODAY TO GUARANTEE YOUR on screen at PLEASE event

LEVEL 3: SILVER SPONSOR—$750 or more


January, so please respond before year-end to secure a table for you and your guests. LEVEL 4: BRONZE SPONSOR—$400 more LEVEL 4: BRONZE or SPONSOR—$400 or more OFFICEMANAGER@RESTARTMINISTRY.ORG. MUST REGISTER BY NOVEMBER 30TH, 2019.

4 tickets

4 tickets


Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 3A


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39 E. Main Street Ephrata, PA 17522

717-721-3004 Dr. Randy Kalp, DDS

(Continued On Page 6A)

from all of us at Black Creek Greenhouses Thank you for your patronage!

Join Us Saturday, December 7 • 8am-5pm for Homemade Treats and

10% OFF Everything in the Store!

Denture Center of Ephrata

Paul Groff Leaman, 87, husband of Erma Lois (Groff) Leaman, Landis Homes, Lititz, passed away on Friday, November 22. Besides his wife, he is survived by four sons: Jay M. Leaman, husband of Judy (Kauffman), Harrisonburg, Virginia; Carl E. Leaman, husband of Charlene (Slagel), Leola; Stephen R. Leaman, husband of Doris (Weaver), Harrisonburg, Virginia; and Paul G. Leaman, husband of Mary (Horst), Harrisonburg, Vir­ ginia; 11 grandchildren; a brother, Sanford Leaman; and two sisters: Ruth Nissley, and Irene Shenk. Rhoda B. Metzler, 103, Landis Homes, Lititz, passed away on Friday, November

WARM HOLIDAY G REETINGS King Features Weekly Service

David Gholson, Scottsville, Kentucky, and Pamela S., wife of Andrew Brackbill, Lititz; six grandchildren; two great­grandchildren; and a sister, Doris Mitchell, Newton, New Jersey. Bernie E. Litten, 93, husband of Gail Decker Curlett Litten, Leola, passed away on Tuesday, November 19. Besides his wife, he is survived by two daughters: Trudy Perry, wife of Jack, and Sherri Jones, wife of Dale; three step­daughters: Tracy Joy, wife of Bill; Kelly Johnson, wife of Eric; and Shannon Howard, wife of Bill; two grandchildren; and six step­grandchildren. Maebelle Ann Trostle, 89, wife of Elmer Trostle Jr., Ephrata Manor, passed away on Tuesday, November 19. Besides her husband, she is survived by a son, Dennis, Denver; two grandchildren; and a sister, Jeanne V. Kramer, Stevens. Menno Z. Nolt, 79, husband of Lena (Horning) Nolt, Leola, passed away on Wednesday, November 20. Besides his wife, he is survived by two sons: Isaac, husband of Eva Nolt, Leola, and John Aaron, husband of Esther Nolt, Everett; two

wife of Thomas Boll; a stepdaughter, Erica Gon­ zalez; 15 grandchildren; 23 great­grandchildren; three brothers: Larry, Fred and Jeff; and three sisters: Rose, Ruth Ann and Teresa. Clyde F. Holmes, 72, Narvon, passed away on Friday, November 22. He was the husband of the late Nancy Schell Holmes. He is survived by a son, Craig, husband of Tammy Holmes, Texas; three step­ children in Florida; two brothers: Merrill, husband of Connie Holmes, Morgan­ town, and James, husband of Diana Holmes, Boothbay Harbor, Maine; and two sisters: Natalie, wife of Dale Grover, Hallowell, Maine, and Marguerite Holmes Fink, Narvon.

Martha Shaw, Clarksville, Iowa. Mary S. Garber, 94, Manor Care, Lancaster, formerly of Rothsville and Ephrata, passed away on Thursday, November 21. She was the wife of the late Reuben Steffy, and the late Amos Garber. Roger D. Garman, 81, Denver, passed away on Thursday, November 21. He was the husband of the late Arlene M. (Carvell) Garman. He is survived by his companion, Susan Sweigart; a son, Greg, husband of Ann Garman; four daughters: Bonnie, wife of Jason Dutill; Donna, wife of Fred Esben­ shade; Karen, wife of Randy Firestone; and Deborah,

November 18, 2019

Ronald E. “Ron” Cal­ houn, 75, husband of Linda L. Bitts Calhoun, Lititz, passed away on Monday, November 18. Besides his wife, he is survived by a son, Michael E., husband of Billie Jo Calhoun, Fortson, Georgia; a daughter, Joanna L., wife of Tyler Knosp, Millersville; four grandchildren; a brother, Stephen, husband of Tracy Calhoun; and two sisters: Pamela Gelvin, and Rhonda, wife of Doug DeAngelo. Kade Matthew Horner, 20, Ephrata, passed away on Monday, November 18. He is survived by his father, Kevin M. Horner, husband of Lea Horner; his mother, Kirstin L. Horner; a daughter, Gryphon E. Horner; two brothers: Kavan and Kyle Horner; a step­ sister, Alisha Eagan; and grandparents: Barry and Georgine Horner. Ruth E. Courtney, 96, Brethren Village, formerly of Ephrata, passed away on Tuesday, November 19. She was the wife of the late William M. Courtney. She is survived by a son, Jeffrey A. Courtney, Willow Street; two daughters: Donna E., wife of Carl

daughters: Esther Zimmer­ man, Leola, and Mabel, wife of Nelson Nolt, Woodbury; 17 grandchildren; 17 great­ grandchildren; and two sisters: Annie Nolt, and Cora Nolt. Harry G. Schuh, II, 95, Denver, passed away on Wednesday, November 20. He was the husband of the late Valda M. (Singer) Schuh. He is survived by a son, Harry G., husband of Robin (McQueen) Schuh, Port Matilda; two daughters: Marilyn A., wife of Robert Beiswenger, Bowmansville, and Janis E., wife of John Fischer, Quakertown; seven grandchildren; and seven great­grandchildren. Pastor Bill (John) Shaw, 87, husband of Barbara Rupp, Akron, passed away on Wednesday, November 20. Besides his wife, he is survived by a son, Daniel, husband of Esther Shaw, Kenya, Africa; four daught­ ers: Colleen, wife of Kevin Walters, Niger, Africa; Amy, wife of Eric Hurley, Jack­ sonville, North Carolina; Marci, wife of Stewart Stevens, Richville, New York; and Heidi, wife of Raymond Rutter, Akron; 21 grandchildren; 18 great­ grandchildren; and a sister,

(Does Not Include Plants or Greens)

1. Which book of the Bible (KJV) mentions the word “thanksgiving” the most times, at eight? Genesis, Nehemiah, Psalms, Isaiah 2. In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “In everything give thanks: for this is the ... of God.” Power, Will, Gratitude, Travail 3. From 2 Timothy 3:1-2, Paul lists which human quality as being a sign of the last days? Adulterers, Sun worshipers, Renegades, Unthankful people 4. In Psalms 106:1, “O give thanks unto the Lord; for his ... endureth forever.” Love, Good, Mercy, Spirit 5. From Leviticus 22, a sacrifice of thanksgiving is most meaningful when it is ...? Sincere, Often, At your own will, Extravagant 6. Where was Jonah when he prayed with the voice of thanksgiving? Fish’s belly, Aboard ship, Wilderness, Mountaintop ANSWERS: 1) Psalms; 2) Will; 3) Unthankful people; 4) Mercy; 5) At your own will; 6) Fish’s belly Comments? More Trivia? Holiday gift ideas? Visit www.TriviaGuy.com

Closing for the Season December 24 at 3pm

lack Creek Reopening March 2, 2020 Greenhouses, LLC Hours: Monday-Saturday 8-5

2 Miles South of Bowmansville, 4 Miles North of Rt. 23 off Rt. 625, turn East on Black Creek Road, half mile. (717) 445-5046



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4A - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

social notes women’s news

Lititz Senior Center Lists Activities

The Historical Society of the Cocalico Valley, located at 237-249 West Main Street (Route 322), Ephrata, needs your help! They are hoping that Shopping News readers can provide information regarding this photo. Shown in the photo are the members of the East Cocalico Vocational High School Class of 1937 at a class reunion held in 1987. Here are the names of the original class, however, help is needed to identify which faces go with which names: Beulah (Werntz) Sweigart, Sylvia (Krick) Monaghan, Ray Wingenroth, Majorie (Steely) Auker, Margaret (Reddig) Overholser, Clar­ ence R. Hehnly, Warren J. Keith, Dorothy (Roth) Reese, Clarence Steffy, Caroline (Treisch) Lesher, Richard Sweigart, Floyd S. Schlegel and Norman L. Lausch. If you are able to provide more details about this picture or identify any of the people shown, call The Historical Society of the

The following listing is for the Lititz Senior Center, located at Lititz United Methodist Church, 201 East Market Street, Lititz. *Note: The Cocalico Senior Center is closed and people will be transferred to the Lititz Senior Center. Lititz Senior Center The Lancaster County Office of Aging, Lititz Senior Citizens Center, Lititz United Methodist Church, Lititz, is open Wednesday, Thursday and Monday, from 8:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m., with Coffee and Chat Time at 9:00 a.m. and Lunch served at noon. The Center serves Lancaster County residents of Ephrata, Rothsville, Akron, Neffsville and Lititz areas. Ephrata is also served by van service. Reservations for lunch and transportation need to be made by 11:00 a.m., one day in advance by calling the Center at 717626-2800. Wednesday, December 4: Daily Activities Include: 9:15 a.m., Tai Chi with


Do You Know…?

Cocalico Valley at 717-7331616 or email cjmarquet@ gmail.com. Future “Do You Know…” photos will be published in upcoming Shopping News issues. If a photo is identified, the information will be published. Regarding the photo published in the Wednesday,

October 2 issue, the students in the photo have been identified as: Doug Ansel and Linda Firestone (front) and Nancy Lorah (behind Doug’s shoulder). Thank you to Doug Ansel for these identifications! Also, regarding the photo published in the Wednesday, November 20 issue, students have been identified in

the 1936 Franklin Street School photo as, from left to right (first row) Robert Lausch, Kenneth Hall, unknown, Calvin Mull, Jack E. Roussey, Arthur Radcliff, Richard Bryson, J. Harold Sweigart, unknown, unknown, John Leber, unknown; (second row) Harry Hoffman, unknown, unknown,

Kathy; 10:00 a.m., Trivia with Bob; 11:00 a.m., Town Hall Meeting; 12:00 Noon, Lunch. Thursday, December 5: 9:00 a.m., Senior Medication and Driving; 9:15 a.m., Exercise with Kathy; 10:00 a.m., Music and Dancing with Leslie Bower; Geri-Fit; 12:00 Noon, Lunch. Monday, December 9:

9:15 a.m., Exercise with Kathy; Nutrition with Giant, Kilene; 10:00 a.m., Geri-Fit; 11:00 a.m., Bible Study; 12:00 Noon, Lunch. Senior Center Menu Wednesday, December 4: Breaded fish square, 1/2 cup mac and cheese, 1/2 cup stewed tomatoes, whole grain dinner roll, fresh fruit. Thursday, December 5:

Chicken Caesar club with lettuce, tomato and cheese, 1 cup creamy broccoli soup with crackers, sandwich roll, 1/2 cup blushed pears.




William Royer, unknown, unknown, Theodore West­ erhoff, C. Richard Beam, Carl Frankenfield, (blank) Hertzer, unknown, unknown, Jay Burkins, (blank) Donmoyer, Orpha Kinard (teacher); (third row) 1-7 unknown, Robert Demmy, unknown, Arnold Krafft and (blank) Steffy. Thank you Kathryn Sweigart for these identifications! The Historical Society of the Cocalico Valley is dedicated to discovering, gathering and preserving materials and data relative to the community known as the Cocalico Valley. For more information on the Museum and the Library, please visit their website at www. cocalicovalleyhs.org or call 717-733-1616. To see all published “Do You Know” photos, please like our Facebook page (The Shopping News of Lancaster County) and view the album titled “Do You Know?” Photos will be updated with information as it is received.


Monday, December 9: Sweet and sour roasted pork loin, 1/2 cup blended rice pilaf, 1/2 cup green beans, whole grain dinner roll, 1/2 cup mixed fruit.

Milk and bread served 2020 RTCM Annual Banquet & 2020 RTCM Annual Valentine Banquet & Valentine 2020 RTCM ANNUAL with all meals. Valentine Banquet One-Day Sponsorship One-Day Marriage Seminar 2020 Marriage RTCM Annual Valentine Banquet& & One-Day Seminar Sponsorship Marriage Seminar Sponsorship Book your holiday One-Day Marriage Seminar Sponsorship Date: February 7, 2020 Date: Febr�ar� 7th, 2020 HORTON’S

reservations now! Date: Febr�ar� 7th, 2020 Doors Open (Seminar): 2020 RTCM Annual Valentine Banquet & 7:30am DoorsDate: Open (Seminar): 7:30am Febr�ar� 7th, 2020 Doors Open (Banquet): 6:00pm Doors Open (Seminar): 7:30 a.m. Doors Open (Banquet): 6:00 p.m. Location: Yoder’s Banquet Hall 14 S. Tower Rd. New Holland, PA

One-Day Marriage Seminar DoorsDoors OpenOpen (Banquet): 6:00pm (Seminar): 7:30am Sponsorship Let us2020 be part ofRTCM your Annual Valentine Banquet & Location: Yoder's Banquet Hall6:00pmLocation: Yoder's Banquet Hall Doors Open (Banquet): 14 Craft S. Tower7th, Road2020 - New Holland, PA Date: Speakers JamesFebr�ar� One-Day Marriage14Seminar Sponsorship Location: Yoder's Banquet Hall S. Tower Road -Special NewGuest Holland, PA& Terri Doors Open (Seminar): 7:30am Special Guest Speakers James & Ter�i Craſt Grooming 14 S.andTower Road - New Holland, PA Special Guest Speakers James Ter�i Craſt James & Teri Craſt are licensed Foursquare pastors who have dedicated their lives to writing, Prices coaching and speaking

special day

James and Teri Craft are licensed Foursquare pastors who have dedicated their lives to writing, coaching and speaking on behalf of families, and the next generation regarding relational, behavioral and organizational health and recovery. They are also founders of THE NOVUS PROJECT and authors of the book EXPOSED: A Journey Hope and Renewal. James and Teri Craſt are licensed Foursquare pastors who have dedicated their lives to writing, coaching andofspeaking

Date:onFebr�ar� 7th, 2020 Doors Open (Banquet): 6:00pm $ behalf of families, and the nex� generation regarding relational, behavioral and organizational 35-$65 health and recover�.

BOARDING KENNEL & DAY CAMP & GROOMING 940 Schoeneck Road Ephrata (717) 733-4544 (484) 332-4975 Gift Certificates Available for Grooming & Boarding!

Special GuestDoors Speakers James Ter�i Th e&Craft ’s7:30am areCraſt featured on and the powerful Conqueror Series. Open (Seminar): on behalf of families, the nex� generation regarding relational, behavioral and organizational health recover�. Invitations • and Scrolls They arededicated also founders oflives THE NOVUS PROJECT and authors of the book EXPOSED: A Jour�ey of Hope and Renewal. WAYS YOU CAN HELP: Be an Advertising Sponsor at One of the Levels James and Teri Craſt are licensed Foursquare pastors who have their to writing, coaching and speaking Listed Below, Give Additional Funds Towards Door Prizes, Donate They are also founders of THE NOVUS PROJECT and authors of Open the book(Banquet): EXPOSED: A Jour�ey of Hopeare and Renewal. Doors 6:00pm The Craſt’s feat�red on the powerf�l Conqueror Series. Engraved Glass Flutes Valentine Related Door Prizes for recover�. the Event on behalf of families, and the nex� generation regarding relational, behavioral and organizational health and The Craſt’s are feat�red on the powerf�l Conqueror Series. WAYS YOU CAN HELP: Location: Yoder's Banquet Hall They are also founders of THE NOVUS PROJECT and authors of the book EXPOSED: A Jour�ey of Hope Sponsor and Renewal. Engraved Cake Knives LEVELS OF Be an Adver�ising at OneGIVING of the Levels Listed Below WAYS YOU CAN HELP: SPONSORSHIP of Ephrata Craſt’s Sponsor are feat�red on the powerf�l Conqueror Series. LEVEL 1: PLATINUM SPONSOR $1,000 orTowards more Give Additional Funds Special Guest Speakers James & Ter�i CraſtDoor Prizes Adver�ising at One of the Levels Listed Below Wedding Bulletins Be anThe 14 S. Tower Road New Holland, PA Extra entrée provided at banquet Donate Valentine Related Door Prizes for the Event Give Additional Towards Prizes WAYS YOU CAN HELP:Foursquare JamesFunds and Teri CraſtDoor are licensed have dedicated their lives to writing, coaching and speaking Business name listedpastors w/logowho on website

Location: Yoder's Banquet Hall 14 S. Tower Road - New Holland,Family PA Dentistry

Thank You Notes Special DonateGuest RelatedofSponsor Door Prizes for the BeValentine an Adver�ising at & One ofthe theEvent Levels Listedlisted Below James Ter�i Craſt Business name w/logo onrelational, placemat atbehavioral event onSpeakers behalf families, and nex� generation regarding and organizational health and recover�. Give Additional Funds Towards Door Prizes Recognition oncoaching screen and at event James and Teri Craſt are licensed Foursquare pastors who have dedicated their lives to writing, speaking SPONSORED SPONSORSHIP LEVELS OF GIVING Guest Books They are also founders of THE NOVUS PROJECT and authors of the book EXPOSED: A Jour�ey of Hope and Renewal. IN PART BY: 8 people per table included in sponsorship Valentine Related Door and Prizes for the Eventhealth and recover�. on behalf of families, andLEVELS the nex� generationDonate regarding relational, behavioral organizational SPONSORED IN PART BY: Includes event registration to one-day marriage seminar, continental SPONSORSHIP OF GIVING The areoffeat�red on the powerf�l Conqueror Place Cards They are also founders of THE NOVUS PROJECT and authors of theLEVEL book EXPOSED: A Jour�ey Hope and Renewal. breakfast and cold buffet lunch 1: Craſt’s PLATINUM SPONSOR—$1000 or moreSeries. WAYS YOU CAN HELP: SPONSORED PART BY: The Craſt’s are feat�red onorthe powerf�l Conqueror Series. LEVELS OF GIVING Extra entrée provided at banquet LEVEL 2: GOLD SPONSOR -IN $800 or more LEVEL 1: PLATINUM SPONSOR—$1000 more FavorsSPONSORSHIP Be an Adver�ising at One of the Levels Listed Below name listed onSponsor placemat at event WAYS YOU CAN HELP: BusinessBusiness name listed w/logo on website Extra entrée provided at banquet Give Additional Funds Towards Door Prizes on screen at event Be an Adver�ising Sponsor at One of theor Levels ListedRecognition Below Candles LEVEL PLATINUM more w/logo on Related placemat event Business name listed1:w/logo on websiteSPONSOR—$1000 Donate Valentine DooratPrizes for the Event peoplelisted per table included in sponsorship Give Additional Funds TowardsBusiness Door Prizes 8name Extra entrée provided at banquet Includes event registration to one-day marriage seminar, continental Recognition on screen at event Donate Valentine Related Door Prizes for the Event Business name listed w/logo on placemat at event Napkins breakfast and cold buff et lunch Business name 8 people per table included in sponsorship Recognition on screen at listed event w/logo on website SPONSORED IN PART BY: SPONSORSHIP LEVELS OF GIVING INSPONSORED PART BY: More! Business name listed w/logo on placemat event Includes SPONSORED SPONSORSHIP LEVELS OFatGIVING event registration to one-day marriage seminar, IN PART BY:continental 8&people per table included in sponsorship

Recognition on screen at event breakfast and cold buffet lunch Includes event registration to one-day marriageLEVEL seminar, continental PLATINUM SPONSOR—$1000 or more LEVEL 1: PLATINUM SPONSOR—$1000 or 1: more 8 people per table included in sponsorship breakfast and cold buffet lunch Extra entrée provided at banquet Extra entrée provided at banquet LEVEL 2: GOLD SPONSOR—$800 or more Includes eventlisted registration one-dayBusiness marriagename seminar, Business name w/logo on to website listedcontinental w/logo on website Business name listed on placemat at event andSPONSOR—$800 coldw/logo buffeton lunch Business name listed placemat at LEVEL breakfast 2: GOLD orevent more Business name listed w/logo on placemat at event Recognition on screen at event Recognition at event Business name listed on onscreen placemat at event Recognition on screen at event 8 people per2: table includedSPONSOR—$800 in sponsorship LEVEL GOLD or more 8 people per table included in sponsorship Recognition on screen at event 8 people table included in sponsorship Includes event registration to placemat one-day marriage seminar,per continental Business name listed on at event Includes event registration to seminar, one-day marriage seminar, continental Includes event registration to one-day marriage continental 8 people per table included in sponsorship breakfast and cold buffet lunch 615 East Main Street, Ephrata breakfast and cold buffet lunch Recognition on screen at event breakfast and cold buffet lunch Includes event registration to one-day marriage seminar, continental 2: SPONSOR—$800 or more 8LEVEL people perGOLD table included in sponsorship breakfast and cold buffet lunch Business name on placemat event LEVEL Includes eventlisted registration toatone-day marriage2: seminar, continental GOLD SPONSOR—$800 or more THIS EVENT HAS LIMITED SEATING! PLEASE SIGN UP TO BE A SPONSOR TODAY TO GUARANTEE YOUR This event has limited seating. Please sign up to be a sponsor today to guarantee Recognition on screen at event snews@ptd.net breakfast and cold buffet lunch BUSINESS RESERVED THIS EVENT. PLEASE CONTACT PAM SANTIAGO @ (717) 304-3291 OR EMAIL Business name listed on placemat eventSEATS youratbusiness reservedAT seats at this event. Please contact Pam Santiago

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8 people per table included in sponsorship THIS EVENT LIMITED SEATING! PLEASE SIGN UP TO BE A SPONSOR TODAY TO GUARANTEE YOUR OFFICEMANAGER@RESTARTMINISTRY.ORG. MUST REGISTER BY NOVEMBER 30TH, 2019. at (717) 304-3291 or email officemanager@restartministry.org. Hours:HAS Mon.-Fri. 8am-4:30pm; Sat. 8am-12pm Recognition on screen at event event registration to THIS one-day marriage seminar, continental BUSINESSIncludes RESERVED SEATS AT EVENT. PLEASE CONTACT PAM SANTIAGO @ (717) EMAIL Must304-3291 register byOR December 15, 2019. 8 people per table included in sponsorship breakfast and cold buffet lunch THIS EVENT HAS LIMITED SEATING! PLEASE SIGNREGISTER UP TO BE BY A SPONSOR TODAY TO2019. GUARANTEE YOUR OFFICEMANAGER@RESTARTMINISTRY.ORG. MUST NOVEMBER 30TH, Includes event registration to one-day marriage seminar, BUSINESS RESERVED SEATS AT THIS EVENT. PLEASE CONTACT PAM SANTIAGO @ (717)continental 304-3291 OR EMAIL THIS EVENT HAS LIMITED SEATING! PLEASE SIGN UP BE Abuffet SPONSOR TODAY TO GUARANTEE YOUR 30TH, 2019. OFFICEMANAGER@RESTARTMINISTRY.ORG. MUST REGISTER BY NOVEMBER breakfast andTOcold lunch BUSINESS RESERVED SEATS AT THIS EVENT. PLEASE CONTACT PAM SANTIAGO @ (717) 304-3291 OR EMAIL OFFICEMANAGER@RESTARTMINISTRY.ORG. MUST REGISTER BY NOVEMBER 30TH, 2019.

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 5A

Adamstown Santa To Stop At Lititz Public Library Area Library Local children will have the opportunity to visit with Events Santa when he visits the The following events are happening at the Adamstown Area Library, 3000 North Reading Road, Adamstown, in December. For more information or to register for any of the events, call the library at 717-484-4200. The library will be closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day – Tuesday, December 24 and Wed­ nesday, December 25. The library will be closed on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day – Tuesday, December 31 and Wed­ nesday, January 1. The library processes Passport applications and takes photos by appointment only. Please call 717-4844200. • Marine Corps Reserve “Toys For Tots” - Donations of new, unwrapped gifts are being accepted in the box located near the circulation desk through Tuesday, December 10. • Mitten and Accessory Tree - Donations of new, unwrapped mittens, gloves, hats, scarves, socks, etc. will be accepted through Friday, December 13 and distributed to local families and children in need.

Lititz Public Library on two Saturdays to listen to their wishes. He will make an appearance from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Saturday, December 7 and again on Saturday, December 14. Since Santa cherishes the gift of reading, he’ll take a break at 11:00 a.m. on both Saturdays to read his favorite holiday picture storybook, “’Twas the Night Before Christmas” by Clement Clarke Moore to all in attendance. For more information call the library at 717-626-2255.




• “Support Your Library This Christmas” Tree - Make the library’s Christmas special by choosing a book from the “Book Giving Tree.” The tree has book titles for the children and juvenile sections. Pick a title off the tree for purchase and they’ll add a beautiful bookplate. • Letters To Santa - Mon­ day, December 2 through Friday, December 20. Children can write a letter to Santa, drop it off at the circulation desk and pick up

Santa’s reply within one week. • Preschool Storytime ev­ ery Tuesday and Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. Stories and an easy craft for ages 2 to 6 with adult caregiver. Please register. • Lapsit Program - every

Thursday at 10:00 a.m. Simple stories, rhymes, puppets, songs, and finger­ plays for babies up to age two with parent or other adult caregiver. Please register.

• Toddler Storytime - every Thursday at 10:30 a.m. Stories, songs and finger­ plays, followed by an easy craft. For two and threeyear-olds with parent or other adult caregiver. Please register. • Chi Brush Twice-A-Day Challenge continues through Monday, December 9. Remember to drop off your cards in the big blue health hero mailbox! • Wheatland Federal Credit Union Storytime - Wed­ nesday, December 4 at 10:00 a.m. $immy’s Money and Savings Financial Literacy Story Time will be presented by Wheatland Federal Credit Union. • Technology Night Wednesday, December 4 at 6:30 p.m. This monthly program is dedicated to helping patrons cope with the ever-changing world of computers, mobile devices, and technology. Bring your questions on the first Wednesday of each month. Registration is required.


Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Street sweeping dates:

Monday, December 9, 2019

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(Continued On Page 10A)

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Akron Borough Residents!

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• 2019 Pennsylvania Re­ tirement Update – Thursday, December 5 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Big changes are affecting Social Security, Medicare, Medi­ caid and taxes. Get up to date! Workshop taught by George D. Sheets III and/or Phillip Richardson, Lan­caster County residents and coauthors of the book “Winn­ ing at Retirement.” • Family Movie Night – Toy Story 4 – Friday, De­ cember 6 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Watch Toy Story 4 after hours in the library. Wear your PJ’s, and they’ll have a snack! Please register. • Drop-In Christmas Party - Saturday, December 7 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Visit with Santa, enjoy cookie decorating and a holiday

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Community Holiday Service of Remembrance For those whose loved ones have died during the past years You’re invited Sunday, December 8 2:00 p.m. Music and silent reflection followed by the service. Ephrata Church of the Brethren 201 Crescent Ave., Ephrata Refreshments will be served. The program is open to the public at no cost or obligation. Sponsored by: WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital Stradling Funeral Homes, Akron and Ephrata Roseboro Stradling Funeral & Cremation Services, Inc. For more information, call 717-733-2472.

6A - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

Obituaries (Continued From Page 3A)

Clay Welcomes Veterans With Day Set To Honor Them Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese Clay Elementary School held a special Veteran’s Day Event on Monday, November 11 with numerous veterans coming in to visit. They answered questions and read to the children to let them know why this day is so special. Shown is second grade teacher Mrs. Weidler reading to students and guest of honor, veteran Nick Falstick (Army Specialist). Clay principal Tracy Blunt also shared the following story. “Veteran’s Day is one of my favorite holidays in the year. I so appreciate and am passionate about learning about Veteran’s Day and the stories of our Veterans. Every experience is so unique and inspiring and the following relates to my neighbor. Mr. Shanaman, who is now 91 years old, was a 16-yearold child in a family of 18 children when he lied about his age and signed up for the Navy during WWII. He was

22. She was the wife of the late Raymond Metzler. She is survived by a son, Steven K. Metzler, husband of Patricia (McCarthy), Lawrence, Kansas; a daughter, Nancy M., wife of Roger Gale, Woodstock, Connecticut; seven grand­ children; and four greatgrandchildren. She was preceded in death by a son, Eric C. Metzler. Glenn Lamar Demmy, 89, husband of Shirley (Reitz) Demmy, Ephrata, passed away on Saturday, November 23. Besides his wife, he is survived by a son, Randall; a daughter, Carol; and a sister, Lois Rohrer, wife of Donald. David Ivan Ressler, 71, New Holland, passed away on Saturday, November 23. He is survived by a son, Timothy, husband of Christy Lilly Montgomery Lanni­ Ressler, Sarasota, Florida. Norman S. Lannigan Sr., gan, Lititz, passed away on 96, husband of Jean S. M. Sunday, November 24.

followed the lead ship of observers of the first nuclear bomb testing that occurred. He was given no protective gear (even the dignitaries were only given sunglasses). He was witness to this time in history when we didn’t understand the devastating effects of radiation, and

we had no idea how worldchanging the introduction of the atomic bomb would be to humanity. Mr. Shanaman shared his story with me back in 2004 when I was earning my Master’s Degree. I am honored to share a small portion of his story with you now.”

He was the husband of the Besides his wife, he is survived by two sons: late Helen “Ella” Moyes Norman Jr., husband of Lannigan. Emmanuelle, Key West, Florida, and Robert, husband SUB OF THE WEEK: Regular Italian ...........................................sm. $2.99.....lg. $5.00 of Niki, Manheim; two SALAD OF THE WEEK: daughters: Sandra, wife of Mandarin Orange Chicken Salad ....................................... $5.29 Al Miller, Newark, Dela­ ware, and Lorna, Lancaster; Prices effective Dec. 2nd - Dec. 7th a stepson, Hugh Mont­ 85% Lean gomery, husband of Melissa, Ground Round ....................value pack, lb. $2.99

Manheim; a stepdaughter, Karen Montgomery, wife of Greg Williams, Lititz; 16 grandchildren; 18 greatgrandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Christian Lannigan. Melvin L. Martin, 96,



assigned to the South Pacific, where he served aboard the U.S.S. Panamount, one of the ships dedicated to the Nuclear Bomb Testing Site near Bikini Island. One of his jobs was swabbing the deck post-nuclear testing. He and his crewmen were aboard the ship that


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husband of Dorothy Z. Wenger Martin, Fairmount Homes, Ephrata, formerly of Terre Hill, passed away on Sunday, November 24. Besides his wife, he is survived by a son, Dwight, husband of Pamela Ranck Martin, Harrisonburg, Vir­ ginia; three daughters: Karen Brubaker, Port Treverton; Janice, wife of James Martin, Narvon; and Phyllis, wife of Richard Hurst, Myerstown; 17 grand­children; 33 greatgrand­children; two brothers: Elam, husband of Catherine Good Martin, Ephrata, and Lloyd, husband of Anna Mary Weaver Martin, Mem­ phis, Missouri; and a sister, Nora Hoover, Ephrata. He was preceded in death by two grandchildren. Peggy K. Staller, 91, Lititz, formerly of Ephrata, passed away on Sunday, November 24. She was the wife of the late Robert D. Staller. She is survived by a daughter, Linda, wife of Tim Burkholder, Ephrata; two grandchildren; three greatgrandchildren; one greatgreat-grandchild; and a sister, Cynthia, wife of George Hall, Ephrata. I. Elizabeth “Liz” Buff­ enmyer, 81, wife of Thomas E. Buffenmyer, Denver, passed away on Monday, November 25. Besides her husband, she (Continued On Page 9A)

Where in the world ...Do you read the shopping news?

Are you going on vacation or traveling somewhere unique? Make sure you bring along your Shopping News and a camera! Once a month one random entry will be chosen to win a


50 gift card Drop off (or email) your entry to: THE


Sharp American Cheese

of Lancaster County

615 E. Main St., Ephrata, PA 17522 comp@snews.com

Where in the world ...Do you read the shopping news?

Name:____________________________________ Address: _________________________________ _________________________________________________

Home Phone: _____________________________ Email: ___________________________________ Brief description of where your photograph was taken: _________________________________________________

Tuesdays • 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. September 10 – December 10 Enter through side portico door. Meet in Room 108.

Directions: From Rt. 272, 322W, left on Crescent Ave.

Call 717-733-1229 for more information.

No cost to attend. Child care is available upon request.


contest criteria:

Ephrata Church of the Brethren 201 Crescent Ave., Ephrata


• Photo must clearly show an issue of The Shopping News being read at a recognizable landmark. (Example: near a sign indicating a location, near a statue or monument, etc.) • Winners will choose any regular Shopping News advertiser from which they will receive their $50 gift card. • Please do not try to take photographs in an unauthorized area or on private property. • Photographs may not be altered or “photoshopped.” • Limit one entry per month, per household. You can only win one prize per year. • Photos will not be returned unless a self-addressed stamped envelope is supplied.

By submitting a photograph, you grant us permission to publish your photo, name and town in The Shopping News as well as on our website and Facebook page.

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 7A





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$ Large Wild Caught








Littleneck Clams






$ Frozen

99 Lb.








John F. Martin Golden Roast Turkey Breast




Chuck Roasts

99 Lb.

Boston Butt




99 $ Lb.


Kellogg’s Cereal Sale

Corn Pops Choc. PB 10.5 Oz., Froot Loops Bday Cake 10.1 Oz., Corn Flakes 12 Oz., Crispix 12 Oz., Raisin Bran Crunch 15.9 Oz., or Cranberry, Banana or Van. Almond Raisin Bran







at Martin’s

2 Slices

French Toast

2 Pcs. Our New Country Sausage Beverage




Grilled Reuben

Chips, Pickle & Beverage






Apple Juice


64 Oz.




Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mt Dew or Sierra Mist




Chips, Pickle & Beverage



11-12 Oz. BUY ONE, GET ONE



Turkey & Swiss Cheese on Cranberry Raisin Focaccia Bread



Mac N’ Cheese, Stewed Tomatoes





Kellogg’s Eggo


Kaiser Rolls 6 Pk.

Toaster Strudels or Toaster Scrambles





Potato Patties 15 Ct.

11.7 Oz.





DAIRY Florida’s Natural Reg. or Light

Dairy Pure Lactose Free

52 Oz.

1/2 Gal.

Orange Juice



Iced Tea


52 Oz.

59 Oz.



Gold Peak

2% Milk




A2 Whole or Reduced Fat







Milk or Dark Chocolate

Strudel Bites 12 Pk.

8” Smores Dessert Cake






Mr. Dee’s Hash Brown




$ 5/ $ 69


Waffles 10 Ct.


Potato Chips


Gourmet Turkey

Pasta Salad


Good’s Blue or Red Bag

6 Pk./16.9 Oz. or 6 Pk./7.5 Oz Mini Cans



Spring Water



Available Only 3PM-7PM


Best Yet

24 Pk./16.9 Oz.

Dec. 4 Dec. 10




Seedless Navel Oranges

Honeycrisp Apples





California Sweet! Extra Large Size

Best Seller! Extra Fancy

15.5 Oz.

Towels 6 Large Roll



16 Oz.



Deer Park Natural

Brawny Paper Towels or Pick A Size Paper





Red Grapefruits

Hanover Variety




24 Oz.




Texas Grown! Rio Star

Ribbon Salad

99 $


Quilted Northern Ultra Strong & Soft or Plush Bathroom 6 Mega Roll or 12 Double Roll



Our Own Made Sugar Free

Chicken à la King


Sweet Ripe! Whole

Golden Pineapples

Red Grapes


Beans Sel. Var.,

With Gold Card Lesser Amounts $2.99

Tissue Paper



Del Grosso Pasta or Marinara






6 $ 1099

Pork Chops

Our Own Made


14-15.9 Oz.




Potato Soup

Pork Roll



Our Own Homemade

John F. Martin



Lb. Sold Only in 2 Lb. Frozen Bag,

Medium 41/50 Ct. 99 Sold Only in 2 Lb. Lb. Frozen Bag, $13.98 Jumbo 16/20 Ct.

John F. Martin Smoked

Value Pack





Chicken Tenders



Crunchy Sweet! Seedless




Sirloin Steaks


43/50 Ct. 99 Sold Only in 2 Lb. Lb. Frozen Bag, $11.98 26/30 Ct.

Lb. Sold Only in 2 Lb. Frozen Bag,


Certified Angus Boneless


1 Lb. Pk.


EZ Peel

Cooked & Peeled (Thaw & Serve Ready To Eat)

12/14 Ct.



Lb. Sold Only in 2 Lb. Frozen Bag, $18.98


17/22 Ct. Pk.



King Crab Legs



Medium 41/50 Ct. 99 Sold Only in 2 Lb. Lb. Frozen Bag, $11.98 Jumbo 16/20 Ct.

Large Wild Caught





Adelphia New England


Cod Fillets




Clam Chowder 14 Oz.

Lb. Sold Only in 5 Lb. Box, $39.95


24 Count Box


Wild Caught USA



Cello Haddock


Frying Oysters



Large Breaded


Our Lowest Price Of The Season


Sea Scallop Pieces


Breaded Butterfiled

Lump Crab Meat

99 $






Wild Caught

Claw Crab Meat


Coating Wafers



99 Lb.

8A - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

An old-fashioned event to celebrate our community!

Saturday, December 7, 2019 Downtown New Holland Sponsored by the New Holland Business Association

Event Highlights 8:00-11:00am ~ Children’s Breakfast on Main • 10:00am-6:00pm ~ Indoor Christmas Market 3:00-6:00pm ~ Carriage Rides • 3:00pm ~ Santa’s Arrival • 4:00-6:00pm ~ Hayrides 6:00pm ~ Community Tree Lighting

Food Vendors & Many Free Refreshments • Variety of Music & Performers Special Events and Activities Taking Place at Downtown Businesses Throughout the Day!


ChristmasOnMain.com 8:00am12:00pm Free kids’ haircuts and toy giveaway along with light refreshments

100 S. Railroad Ave., New Holland, PA 17557 Joe Carcamo Owner/Barber Walk-Ins Welcome • Appointments Available Mon.-Fri. 8-8 • Sat. 8-7 • Closed Sun.


for a complete schedule of activities!

Proud Sponsor of Christmas on Main

100 S. Railroad Ave.

B eck Funeral Home, Inc. Randy Stoltzfus

315 East Main Street New Holland, PA 17557 (717) 354-2227 Sven E. Miller, Supr.

Licensed Funeral Director

Loren E. Bender

Licensed Funeral Director


☛ Railroadjoesbarbershop.com 3:00-6:00pm Kids are invited to ride Petra’s barrel train and receive a goody bag! South End of Roberts Ave. near the Christmas Market

3:00-6:00pm Stay warm with a hot cup of cocoa and get your picture taken with Santa’s furry helpers! 101 W. Main Street





Daniel C. West, DMD Call Today (717) 354-3200

or visit us at

www.gardenspotdentalcare.com 101 West Main Street • New Holland, PA


L A N C O PERFORMING ARTS MISSION Serving our local community with professional movement and performance training in order to grow artists with integrity, work ethic and confidence!


renovated facility

WAITING ROOM for parents with refreshments, wifi and more

INSTRUCTION tailored to fit your child’s needs

Offering Classes in:


1:30-2:00pm Dance routine performance at the Corner of North Roberts Avenue & Main Street

Music on Main Brass Students will perform as they stroll along Main Street


9:00am-5:30pm We will be open!

205 E. Main Street 328B E. Main Street, New Holland, PA 717.351.5376 • lancoperformingarts@gmail.com

Toshiba Z50-A-12K




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Many Other Computers of All Makes & Models to Choose From! 205 E. Main St., New Holland, PA (Entrance In Rear) (717) 351-5750 • www.fixmycomputerplease.com Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 9am-6pm; Wed. 9am-5pm; Sat. 9am-2pm

1:00-2:00pm Learn to make Creative No Bake Christmas Treats with our Dining Services Team at Northwest Bank, 201 W. Main Street

433 S Kinzer Ave New Holland, PA 17557 717.355.6000 gardenspotvillage.org

Large Selection of New & Used Instruments & Accessories Band Instruments Buy & Sell • Repair 3709 Division Highway, East Earl, PA 17519 717-351-5598 • www.musiconmainllc.com

Register to win a laptop!

Ballet • Lyrical & Contemporary Tap • Jazz • Acro • Hip Hop • Theatre

Music on Maiin

1:30-4:00pm Enjoy model train layouts, talking Thomas the Tank Engine and more at our Train Room Open House, 433 S. Kinzer Ave.

9:00am12:00pm Participate in a Scavenger Hunt. With a donation to CrossNet Ministries Food Pantry, you’ll receive a clue card. Return to the office with all the puzzle pieces & you’ll be entered into a drawing to win a gift basket. Visit elancocrossnet.org for a list of needed items.

310 W. Main Street

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 9A

PMEA Youth Honors Band Event

Obituaries (Continued From Page 6A)

is survived by two sons: William T. McBride, Lan­ caster, and Scott J., husband of Trisha McBride, Denver; five grandchildren; one great­grandchild; and four brothers: Wilmar, husband of Madeline Miller, Adams­ town; George, husband of Josephine Miller, Mohnton; Robert, husband of Ruth Ann Miller, Denver; and Irvin, husband of Audrey

Miller, Lebanon. James E. Gaffney Jr., 69, husband of Marian (Fox) Gaffney, Stevens, passed away on Monday, November 25. Besides his wife, he is survived by two brothers: William Gaffney, Thousands Oaks, California, and Chris­ topher Gaffney, husband of Lillian, Glenside; and a sister, Marilyn, wife of Michael Scartoli, Doug­ lassville. John Landis Horst, 96, husband of Carolyn, Garden Spot Village, New Holland, passed away on Monday,

November 25. Besides his wife, he is survived by three sons: David K., husband of Vonnie Lausch Horst, Akron; Mark J., husband of Luanne Horst, Ephrata; and Dan R. Horst, husband of Diane, Lititz; a daughter, Susanne Horst, wife of Eugene Brenneman, Kinzers; ten grandchildren; ten great­grandchildren; a brother, T. Glenn Horst, Akron; and a sister, Martha Kurtz Gascho, New Holland. He was preceded in death by a son, Jonathan L. Horst and a grandchild.


On Call Service Thru Archery Season (Please Call After Hours To Drop Off Deer)

98 E. E. Rosebud 98 Rosebud Rd., Rd., Myerstown, PA 17067 Myerstown

Mon., Wed., Thurs., Mon., Wed., Thurs.,Fri. Fri. 7:30-5:00; 12:00-5:00 7:30-5:00; Tues. Tues. 12:00-5:00 Saturday 99 am - 12 Noon; Saturday am-12 Noon; Closed Sunday Sunday Closed



•Plenty Of Cooler Space •We Offer Skinning & Cutting LOTS OF OPTIONS: •BOLOGNA •SNACK STICKS

We are approved to process Deer from DMA-4

Flash Sale Prices will be revealed one at a time throughout the evening Many More Items • Limited Quantity • Food & Prizes

Yeti Tundra 45 Charcoal

Shop Vac Wet/Dry Vac 1 Gal.







Unique Holiday Gifts Airplants! 20+ varieties Succulents! » Unique terrariums and pottery » “Build Your Own” Terrarium Bar » Stocked with a stunning array of options!

Yeti Roadie 20 Charcoal Tree/Wreath/Garland 6 Pc. Combo

We Would Be Happy To Process Your Deer!


Blues Hog Charcoal 20#

Wentzel ­ trombone, Fiona Chisholm ­ baritone, and Elizabeth Amudala and Aidan McCurdy ­ per­ cussion. This festival is a great honor for these students who spend many hours practicing in preparation for the two­day event.

Ace Wild Bird Seed 20#

counties. Top students were chosen from each district to represent their school. Sixth grade students selected to represent Cocal­ ico were: Lydia Knepper ­ flute, Zoe Miller and Lily Ahrens ­ clarinet, Alex Good ­ saxophone, Cole Gable and Benjamin Block­ som ­ trumpet, Tanner

Bear Mt. Gourmet BBQ Pellets 20#

Four students from Co­ calico Middle School were chosen to participate in this year’s PMEA Youth Honors Band event, which was held at Garden Spot High School on Friday, November 8 and Saturday, November 9. This festival recognizes and features some of the finest musicians from several

1739 West Main St., Ephrata, PA 17522



Mon.-Fri. 8-8, Sat. 8-5

Christmas is Coming! FIVEPOINTVILLE *

Receive a FREE $20 Gift Card at Weaver’s Store on

Dec. 11 & 18, 2019!

(5pm to 9pm, *with purchase of $100 or more)

Ladies’ Night Out Dec. 11 • 5pm-9pm

Ladies age 16 years and older will receive a FREE $20 gift card between 5pm and 9pm, December 11 *with merchandise purchase of $100 or more.

Men’s Night Out

25+ types of wind sculptures in stock!

Dec. 18 • 5pm-9pm

Men age 16 years and older will receive a FREE $20 gift card between 5pm and 9pm, December 18 *with merchandise purchase of $100 or more.

Register to receive a $100 Gift Card. 5 Winners each night at Fivepointville & Leola stores.

$5 OFF

any purchase of $20 or more! Coupon Code: 5202019 Expires: December 31, 2019

No purchase necessary.


26 99


18 $ 15 99

4,600 BTU Keystone Electric Stove


12-Cup Mr Coffee Coffeemaker 32-Oz. Citrus 1480144 /SK13 Juicer with Pulp Adjuster Detacha






door Double swing steel opening. Sturdy n constructio

$ 99




5 Speed HandHeld Mixer


ble pitcher for easy CJ625

24-In. Removable Organizer




2-Qt. Iced Tea Maker




Removable rack.




20 Volt Jigsaw


1" 0-3,000 SPM, stroke length. dust Adjustable line of blower keeps chips. cut clear of


22-In. Electr ic

Extra-large, Griddle nonstick surface cooking 4424206



20 Volt 1/4-In. Cordless Max Kit Impact Driver 0-3,200 IPM, 1.5-Q 0-2,800 RPM, Includes 1/4"t. Slow




Bit ElectDrill ric Can ning Kit OpenSharpe /Knife Sharp7747223 ener Extra-tal Snackmas cans up l and accommodates

to 49.5 oz. APPLY ter® Encore EC500W 7020837 Food Dehydrato EXCLUSIONS 10-Lb.




Stainless Steel Percolator

One Step Steam Cord Reel Iron

Brews instantly FCP240




Broom 16-Qt. 23-Qt. Pressure Pressure Multiple rows of PVC ActionPacker® 24-Gal. Cooker Cooker Canner plastic Canner

Easy to read dial gauge for 9156795 accurate pressure control. 6910996

Easy toContainer read dial gauge for Storage accurate

6220537 6377097

pressure control.

Pot® Slow re with glass



2-Step Folding Step Stool




151 Specials!

www.weaversstoreinc.com Certain exclusions apply. See store for details.


Sturdy tubular steel frame. Non-slip step surface.

December Flyer ble stonewa




Snap-on, stay-tight lid.

34 99

7-Qt. Crock




18-Gal. Storage Tote





r Saw capacity 7-1/4-In. Circula

Amps Watts, 57 degrees beveling Cook15 1,500 in-lbs. 20V er 1950 (2)Dishwas her impact driver, warm setting.safe crock and 5200 RPM, 45 and 22.5 degrees. at glass Remova lid. Keep with stops Max batteries 2840973 ble crock. ,33015 2341055 9962911

2-Qt. Casserole Baking Dish

4-Cup 8242034


Lightweigh t Steam 8-Lb. Electric Iron



$ 59





Square Cake Dish


Makes great tasting iced tea. Easy-to-pour pitcher. TM70

Meat r 6485692 Features 500 watts Grinder MeatXR 4-Tool Combo of drying Grinder power. Adjustable 575 Watt motor. 20 Volt Max thermostat dries Includes grinding Includes (3) stainless plates, different foods. Includes steel grinding plates grinding knife and DCF887 4 trays Kit Drill/Driver, (3) (for fine, medium and is expandable Compact or coarse grinds), stuffing to 12 trays. FD60 funnels. Driver, stuffing funnel, Includes DCD791 2827285 ing 3-Speed Impact stomper, stainless 7561426 compact Reciprocat steel grinding knife, Brushless 1/4" and large grinder (2) batteries, tray. Crock-Pot DCS367B Brushless Flashlight, charger, SCR450 1578368 -S Slow Cooker, Saw, DCL040 4.5 qt Capacity and a bag. , Crock Pot Ceramic /Stainles 4504874 Slow Cook SCCPVL s Steel, Silver 500-MC REMOVABLE er-5 Qt. 5496344 7019987 STONEW ARE


4-Qt. Oval Glass Roaster


2-12 Cup Stainless Steel Percolator

Anchor Hocking 84603L13 Central Park Tumbler, 17 oz Capacity, Glass, Clear


$ 29

99 69 $ 41 $

Brews instantly and automatically switches to keep warm temperature. FCP412 6207625

5-Lb. 2735579 Covered Oval Roaster

r Oven 18-Qt. Roaste pan. Easy lift-out


$ 29


30 cupPie Plate capacity. 9-In.

Made with highquality durable borosilicate glass with stainless steel parts and chrome Metal Steam accents. Iron For steam or dry ironing. Fabric




Tight seal. Stackable, microwave

Aluminum Coffee Urn

guide for easy 3-Qt. Rectangular tempera ture selection F67E . Baking Dish $

5-Cup Square Food Container

Container 2.4-Gal. Rectangle Food reheatable

3537958 DR4 4039392

Coffee Press


6 Speed

175 Watts Held Mixer 1.6-Qt. PrimulaMX1500W of power. Boost PacePlus 6208516 Iced Coffee 250 Watts of power. MX3000 Maker With W Heat-proof, borosilicate Tote 6492839 glass coffee maker.










Auto pause & serve.43501Y



Features auto-off, spray smart steam, stainless mist, soleplate steel

, surge and of steam, Mix 360 degree 2-Qt. swivel cord 10' IR1070S Cup. -3 Measuring 8-Cup

One-touch pulse control and durable stainless steel blades.CGB100S



$ 29Coffeemaker

$Iron 99 4200390



$ 99


2-Cup Measuring Cup


6247563 Steam

Smart Grind Coffee Grinder

BUNN 49715.0100 Coffee Decanter, 50 oz Capacity, Glass 7006406


Monday to Friday 8AM - 5PM Saturday 8AM - 2PM Sunday CLOSED 175 West Main Street Leola, PA 17540



4-Cup Coffee Maker


$ 13 99$ 39$28 99 $ 99 99 $579 18$13 99 56 7 10 $ E OUT 2399 $1599 LADIESERNIT 9PM 11 5PM$1149 DECEMB $1049 $ 4399 E OUT NS 99NIT5PM$ $ 99899 ME$35 9PM $ 10 12 18 99 23 DECEMBER D GIFT CAR $ $ FREE $20 4999 $ 99 99 $ ASE 99 11 $ 79 122 29 0 PURCH 99 $ 414 $ 6 99 $ $ 9999 WITH $10 $1199 78 3187 $ 99 18 $ $ 19499 27 99 $ 14 99 $ 11699


Vacuum Sealer FoodSaver® operation. Includes Latch and lock (2) gallon bags, Kit (3) quart bags, 6877278

Primula TCP-2908 Coffee Press, 8 Cups Capacity

per 1.5 cup capacity food chopper. Single speed pulse control 72500RY 5118633

23 99



Powerfu l 450 watt motor. Brushed stainless chrome finish.68 steel 11-COO 6867303

$2 -4914, 2019 99 $

ChopMaste Food Chop r®


Stainless steel tank.

16-Speed Electric

5443353 offers enough power for all blending needs. 6640-02 2



11'' x 10' roll, hose. and a accessory




11 99



10 Cup Home Coffee Brewer

41 99

2-hour auto shut-off SKX23RB


10-Speed $ 3199 Electric Blender SKX20RB 450-wat t motor




19 99


8-Speed Blender

58130NY 9925991



AND HAPPY NEW $ 79 4R YEA $ 8999



12-Cup Programmable Coffeemaker

1011 Dry Tavern Road, Denver, PA (Fivepointville) • (717) 445-6791 Regular Store Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri., 8am-9pm; Wed. & Sat., 8am-5pm



3-Step Folding Step St 1825843

10A - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

Adamstown Area Library Events (Continued From Page 5A)

movie. For all ages. • Light-Up Holiday Cards – Saturday, December 7 at 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Make your own light up holiday cards with paper circuits during the Christmas party. Ages 7 and up. • Denver Borough Tree Lighting – Sunday, Decem­ ber 8 starting at 4:00 p.m. at the Denver Municipal Build­ ing. Join Miss Jess for stories at this event! • American Girl: After School Craft Program – Monday, December 9 at 4:00 p.m. Make an American Girl Christmas ornament. Ages 6 to 12. Space is limited and registration is required. Register at the library or by calling 717­484­4200. • “Get Your Brick On”!

Join the library on Tuesday, December 10 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. for their Lego® Club. Have fun making an individual creation with a surprise theme. Kids (and parents) pick their favorite and prizes awarded. Evening concludes with a teamwork project. Join them for lots of laughter and creativity on the second Tuesday of each month. For all ages. Please register. • Library Board Of Trustees Meeting – Wednesday, December 11 at 6:30 p.m. • Bedtime Stories - Wednesday, December 11 at 6:30 p.m. Enjoy stories, a craft and snack. Don’t forget to wear your pajamas! Please register. • Genealogy Interest Group – Thursday, Decem­ ber 12 at 6:30 p.m. The group will be led by genealogy researcher Ken McCrea. For older students and adults. Please register. • Stem - Block Party –

Saturday, December 14 at 10:00 a.m. – Block party with Legos, Keva Planks, Bristle Blocks, Magna­Tiles and more! The library have suggested design challenges if kids want to work together to build the tallest tower with Magna­Tiles, design a spiral with Keva Planks, or just enjoy free play with lots of different building materials! Ages 6 and up.

Please register. • Mystery Guest Book Club – Tuesday, December 17 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. What are you reading right now? Bring it along to discuss with the other children at the book club. A mystery guest will appear and they’ll play “20­questions” to try to guess their job. Parents love



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• Read To Pigs – Monday, December 23 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Read to friendly pigs from FairyTail Acres Pig Rescue. For all ages. • Duplo and Lego Free Play – Monday, December 23 All Day. Drop by the library for a free play with Legos and Duplos. Build with the library’s Lego and Duplo bricks. Your child learns math and physics through play. No registration required. Each family group must include a responsible adult. • Parachute Play – Thursday, December 26 at 10:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. For ages 1 to 3 at 10:00 a.m. For ages 4 to 6 at 10:30 a.m. They will be playing with para­ chutes, singing songs, and having fun! No Lapsit and Toddler Storytimes this day. Registration is requested, walk­ins welcome.

Cleason N. Martin • East Earl, PA 17519 Phone (717) 354-8049 • Fax (717) 351-9227 (PA 116638)

Breakfast & Lunch Available


this club as much as children! Great way to be introduced to members in the community. For families. Please register. • American Girl Program: “Rebecca’s Hanukkah Cele­ bration” – Thursday, Decem­ ber 19 at 4:00 p.m. Learn all about the Jewish Hanukkah holiday! Make a craft and have a treat! Ages 6 to 12. Space is limited and regis­ tration is required. Register at the library or by calling 717­484­4200. • Walk-In Craft - Children may stop into the library anytime between 9:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Friday, December 20 to make and take home a seasonal craft. No registration needed. • Blood Drive – Saturday, December 21 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The Central PA Blood Bank will be stationed in the library parking lot. They are having a blood shortage and asked the library to help!

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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 11A




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Shop at these Good’s Store locations for friendly, helpful service, low prices and unique merchandise. SALE DATES: December 2-7


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(Rt. 222 & Rt. 372 Intersection)

(Rt. 501 N. in Dutchway Plaza)

333 W. 4th St. 717-786-9028

2499 Stiegel Pike 717-949-2663

Store Hours: Weekdays, 8 a.m.-9 p.m. • Saturday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. • Closed Sunday

Services at most stores:

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12A - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

Es Pennsilfaanisch Deitsch Eck By: The Late C. Richard Beam A collection of “Deitsch Eck” columns from past issues of The Shopping News honoring the late C. Richard Beam.

(Originally published in the May 5, 1982 issue of The Shopping News) Pennsilfaanische Schprichwadde By Paul B. Horning Do will ich iwwer der Damm geh; Was mer net wees, macht eem net bees; Er is es liebscht, wu die Arewet gschaft is. Geh mer yuscht aweck; Kumm ich net heit, so kumm ich marige; Wer lewe will vun Fische un Yaage, Der muss verrissene Gleeder draage. Wann der Hund mol Gold scheisst, Er schitt’s net in die Schuh. Owwe druff Hui, unne drin Fui! Er schprecht viel wann der Daag lang is; So hendlich as en Sack im Hemm fer nachts tschaae.

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Net gschosse is aa verfehlt; He likes to be where the work has been done; Don’t bother me! So langsam as Mellassich im Yenner; If I don’t come today, I’ll come tomorrow; En dinner Gaul fer en lange Reit; He who wishes to live from fishing and hunting Vanne Blacke, hinne Blacke, in der Mitt en grosser; Must wear tattered clothes. Wann gross Gschwetz Gold waer, waer er en reicher Mann. Should the dog defecate gold, Gross Gegrisch, awwer wennich Woll; He won’t pour it in your shoes. Kummt mer iwwer der Hund, so kummt mer iwwer der Up above Hui (nothing), Schwanz; And down inside Fui (nothing). Ich daed mich im Aarsch nei schemme, so zu schwetze. He gets a great deal said when the day is long; Ee unehrlicher Daaler fresst dreizeh annere; As handy as a pocket in your dress in order to be able to chew at night. Sie hot in der Peffer gfatzt; Not having fired is also missing the mark; Er is so dabbich as er iwwer sei eegne Fiess fallt; As slow as molasses in January; Wu ken Hoi in der Scheier is, is aa die Millich raar. A lean horse for a long ride; Er wees wu er sei Brod gebuddert grickt. In the front patches, Er kann en Haas heere huschde, awwer er heert die Karicheglocke net Sundaag mariyets. In the back patches, Ich un die Fraa sin eens: In the middle a big one. Sie hot naase Fiess ghat un ich hab’s Kalt gfange. If big talk were money, Er waar allemol glicklich, bis es letscht Mol; He’d be a rich man. Much screaming but little wool; Es is denkich nix an der Sach; If one gets over the dog, Waer es erscht riecht, aus dem schtiecht’s; One will get over the tail. Drei Leit sin eenich, wann zwee dod sin; I would be terribly ashamed to speak so; Er is immer am Gratze un beisst ihn doch nix. One dishonest dollar consumes 13 others. *** She let it fly in the pepper; Pennsylvania Dutch Proverbial Sayings He’s so clumsy, Here I want to go the dam; He falls over his own feet. What one doesn’t know, doesn’t bother one. Where there’s no hay in the barn Milk is indeed rare. He knows where his bread is buttered. 515 Fivepointville Road, Denver, PA He can hear a rabbit cough, But he doesn’t hear the church bell Sunday morning. My wife and I are one:

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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 13A

She had wet feet And I caught the cold. He was lucky each time, Except the last time. I guess there’s nothing to it. He who sniffs first, out of him it…(?) Three people are on one mind, When two of them are dead. He’s always scratching, But nothing itches him. *** On Wednesday, March 10, Paul B. Horning of 1137 Fifteenth Street North, St. Petersburg, Florida 33705 dispatched to us three sheets entitled Pennsilfaanische Schprichwadde. We are presenting the first page of the three this week. Of these proverbs, Paul wrote as follows: “Viel vun denne Schpruchwadde hab ich als gheert, wu ich en yunger Bu waar, awwer schun lang nimme. Hoscht du? ­ Heit is eens vun der schenschde Daag as mir shun lang ghat hen. Des macht mich denke as es Friehyaahr do is. So denke die Veggel aa.” (Many of these proverbs I used to hear when I was a young fellow, but I haven’t heard them for a long time. Have you? ­ Today is one of the most beautiful days we have had for a long time. It makes me think that spring is here. The birds think so too.) There wasn’t enough space available to present in more detail the meanings and uses of these proverbial expressions, however, we would welcome responses from those readers who recognize many of these proverbs and can tell us how they were used. Perhaps this piece will inspire our local poets and writers to send us something of a similar nature. May 5, 1982 Es Bischli­Gnippli, as vielleicht iwwer der Damm is un es net wees!

Lincoln Fire Company Fund Drive

The Lincoln Fire Company of Ephrata’s 2019 Fund Drive continues until the end of the year. This year’s goal is $200,000 to reduce the debt on the company’s recently required rescue truck. This past year, the com­ pany purchased a 2014 truck from the Hazle Twp. Fire Company in Luzerne County. The five-year-old rescue was purchased for $450,000, half the cost of a new truck. The unit has much more space for the eight­person crew and one third more space for equip­ ment compared to the previous truck. Richard Gehman (Chief) states, “Besides firefighting equipment, the truck carries multiple rescue equipment for vehicle accidents, con­ fined space incidents, water rescue, building collapse and trench incidents. It is truly a “Tool­Box” on wheels for our fire district, as well as the multiple communities we assist with mutual aid.” The Fire Company has over 50 active volunteers. The members are on track to

Deck Halls THE

Safety Vest Frolic At Fairmount

join Fairmount residents on have over 5,000 man­hours Friday, December 13, at 9:30 of training in the skills a.m. for a Safety Vest Frolic. necessary to utilize the The frolic will be held in the equipment on the rescue Crest View Gathering Room truck and Lincoln’s other at 1100 Farm Crest Drive on apparatus. Residents of the local the east side of the Fairmount Gehman went on to state “There is no direct tax in the community are invited to (Continued On Page 19A) Ephrata Area for fire and rescue services. Over 80% of our operating cost comes from donations and is critical to maintain the volunteer system. The purchase of this truck saved hundreds of Premium Fraser Fir thousands of dollars to the community and will meet 6-7 ft w on lay our future needs.” p no starting at $59.99! s di The first due district of the Lincoln Fire Company Douglas Fir includes the western parts of starting at $19.99 Ephrata Borough and Ephrata Township, as well Balled Douglas Fir $ as eastern Clay Township. 69.00 The station is located at 38 Wreaths, Roping, South Market Street and residents are invited to stop Pin Stands in and see the rescue truck Visit our and other apparatus.


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14A - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

hings to do... and PLACES TO GO


Bulletin Board

THURS., DECEMBER 5 - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 167 East Main St., Ephrata, will host a Free Community Meal. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Serving at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Meal will not be held if Ephrata Schools cancel or dismiss early due to weather. For more info., call 717-733-6646. FRI., DECEMBER 6 Ephrata Cloister Associates, 632 West Main St., Ephrata, will host a Bus Trip to Historic Bethlehem. Depart

at 10:00 a.m. There is a cost. For more info. or tickets, call Drew Myers at 717-3142445. FRI., DECEMBER 6 Stevens Fire Company, 91 Stevens Rd., Stevens, will hold a Cash Bingo, from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. There is a cost. The kitchen will be open. SAT., DECEMBER 7 Free Lunch at City Gate, 100 East Main St., Ephrata, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. SAT., DECEMBER 7 The Delaware Valley Golden Retriever Rescue will hold a canine holiday party at 60 Vera Cruz Rd., Reinholds, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Open to the public. For more info., call 717-484-4799. SAT., DECEMBER 7 Reinholds Station Trinity Chapel, 114 East Main St., Reinholds, will hold a free

Shopping News Crossword Puzzle

afternoon Concert in the Chapel with the Swamp Lutheran Church Handbell Choir at 2:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-336-6846. SAT., DECEMBER 7 An Indoor Flea Market will be held at the War Memorial Building, 54 West Main St., Leola, from 6:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. For more info., call 717-656-6154. SAT., DECEMBER 7 Akron Church of the Brethren, 613 Main St., Akron, will hold their 1st Annual Clothing and Gift Giveaway, from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. For more info., call 717-859-2156. SAT., DECEMBER 7 Wiest Church, 48 South King St., Schoeneck, will hold a Christmas Cooie and Sub Sale, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. SAT., DECEMBER 7 -

The Annual Brickerville United Lutheran Church Christmas Bazaar will be held at 340 East 28th Division Highway, Lititz, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. For more info., call the church at 717-627-2202. SAT., DECEMBER 7 Coleman Memorial Chapel, 1980 Furnace Hills Pike, Lititz, will hold a Christmas Bazaar, from 9:00 a.m. to

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Gifts for scheduling a 9:00am-5:00pm party or opening your Evenings by appointment Tupperware business!


December 10th-12th OPEN HOUSE 9:00am-5:00pm

Call or text 717-333-9369

Please come and bring friends, family and those in need on

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 2019 from 7-10am in the church gym There will be a selection of the following items to take as needed: Men, Women & Children’s Clothing, Shoes, Diapers, Toys, Puzzles, Books, Games, DVDs and/or CDs.

Due to the fire at the Ephrata Amvets, the Ladies Auxiliary will NOT be hosting Bingo on December 8.

There will be no money exchanged and we will have plenty of items to go around! There will also be a gift wrapping station so you can wrap all your gifts. Everyone is welcome!

They are hoping to restart in January.

Akron Church of the Brethren

Ephrata Amvets • 614 S. State Street

613 Main Street, Akron, PA 17501 • 717-859-2156


Baron Stiegel Lions Club & Brickerville Fire Co.

Saturday, December 7

Gifts for scheduling a party or opening your Gift Baskets December • 9:00am-5:00pm Tupperware business! 10th-12th by appointment Gift giving Evenings

December 10th-12th made easy! CallHuge or text 717-333-9369 Evenings by appointment 9:00am-5:00pm Gift Baskets selection of Gifts for scheduling a Call or text 717-333-9369

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Gifts for scheduling a Tupperware! party or opening your Tupperware business!

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at the Brickerville Fire Co.


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Contact Cindy Roof • 717-940-6927 Stan Roof • 717-875-7736

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Stevens Fire Company 91 Stevens Rd., Stevens, PA

kitchen will be open!

Gift certiicate available


Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 15A

hings to do... and

2:00 p.m. There will be chapel tours and various crafts and goodies for sale. SAT., DECEMBER 7 The Smokestown Fire Com­ pany, 860 Smokestown Rd., Denver, will hold a Haus and Pinochle Card Party at 7:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-336-2687. SAT., DECEMBER 7 An Evening of Bluegrass Music with Lykens Valley Bluegrass Band will be held at the Reinholds Fire Company Banquet Hall, 138 West Main St., Route 897, Reinholds. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Music begins at 6:00 p.m. There is a set donation. SUN., DECEMBER 8 Bergstrasse Evangelical Lutheran Church, 9 Hahns­ town Rd., Ephrata, will present an organ concert by Daniel T. Umholtz at 4:00 p.m. The public is invited to attend. SUN., DECEMBER 8 Adamstown Community Days will hold a Cash Bingo at the Comfort Inn, Denver. Doors open at 1:00 p.m. Bingo starts at 2:00 p.m. Food and drink available for purchase. SUN., DECEMBER 8 First United Methodist Church, 68 North Church St., Ephrata, will host a Carol Singalong at 6:00 p.m. A time of fellowship and some light refreshments will follow. SUN., DECEMBER 8 The American Cancer Society Team Misfits On A Mission is holding a New York City Bus Trip. The bus departs Ephrata Walmart at 7:00 a.m. Depart New York City at 7:00 p.m. There is a cost. For more info., call Sharon at 717-354-2656. SUN., DECEMBER 8 The 4th Annual Christmas at the Wenger Meetinghouse will be held at the 1871 Historic Wenger Meeting­ house, 16 Supervisors Dr., Jonestown, at 3:00 p.m. There is no fee to attend. Light refreshments will be served. An Open House of the meetinghouse will be held at 2:30 p.m., a half-hour before the program begins. THURS., DECEMBER 12 - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 167 East Main St., Ephrata, will host a Free Community Meal. Doors



open at 5:30 p.m. Serving at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Meal will not be held if Ephrata Schools cancel or dismiss early due to weather. For more info., call 717-733-6646. FRI., DECEMBER 13 & SAT., DECEMBER 14 Historic Schaefferstown Inc. will host the 15th Annual Christkindlmarkt in the Thomas R. Brendle Mu­ seum, 111 North Market St., Schaefferstown, from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Friday, and from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday. Free admission. For more info., call Peg Fitzkee at 717-9492697, Harriet Faren at 717304-9398 or Historic Schaefferstown at 717-9492244. SAT., DECEMBER 14 Stevens Fire Company, 91 Stevens Rd., Stevens, will hold an All You Can Eat Breakfast, from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. There is a cost. SAT., DECEMBER 14 Hope United Methodist Church, 3474 Rothsville Rd., Ephrata, will hold a


Family Advent Celebration, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. All are invited. For more info., call the church at 717738-3774. SAT., DECEMBER 14 Santa’s Workshop will be held at Garden Spot Fire and Rescue, 339 East Main St., New Holland, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Gift wrapping by donation. Food, raffles. Bring any pet item to be donated to a pet rescue. Proceeds benefit the

Bingo Y Let’s PLA

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American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life. For more info., contact Sharon at 717799-5379. SAT., DECEMBER 14 The Baron Stiegel Lions Club of Clay and Elizabeth Townships and the Brick­ erville Fire Company will hold a Buffet Breakfast with Santa, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at the Brickerville Fire Hall, Hopeland Road at


THE SHOPPING NEWS 615 E. Main St., Ephrata, PA 17522



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Fried Shrimp...$19.95

by Easily Amused


(Continued On Page 17A)

Panko Breaded Shrimp Served with Remoulade Sauce and Lemon

Saturday, December 14

A 5th

THURS., DECEMBER 19 - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 167 East Main St., Ephrata, will host a Free Community Meal. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Serving at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Meal will not be held if Ephrata Schools cancel or dismiss early due to weather. For more info., call 717-733-6646. THURS., DECEMBER 19 - Wiest UM Methodist Church, 48 North King St., Schoeneck, will hold a Community Dinner, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Fun, fellowship and food. THURS., DECEMBER 19 - A Meeting for Widows

Friday & Saturday, December 6 & 7



Route 322. There is no charge. Donations will be appreciated. SAT., DECEMBER 14 Delaware Valley Golden Retriever Rescue will hold its Monthly Open House, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at 60 Vera Cruz Rd., Reinholds. No admission charge. For more info., call 717-484-4799. SUN., DECEMBER 15 Hope United Methodist Church, 3474 Rothsville Rd., Ephrata, will hold their Annual Blue Christmas service from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. This drop-in serv­ ice is open to the public. There will be refreshments, seasonal music and time for prayer. For more info., call 717-738-3774. SUN., DECEMBER 15 Reamstown Church of God, 400 Pfautz Hill Rd., Stevens, will host The King Is Here at 6:00 p.m. Free admission. An offering will be received. For more info., call 717575-8178.





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16A - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

Births BLATT, Justin E. and Karen (Kelly), Denver, a son, at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital. CEPEDA, Mildred Lor­ ensa, and Jose Alberto Aguero Martinez, Ephrata, a son, at Women & Babies Hospital. CRESPO, Kyle and Lena (Cammauf), Lititz, a son, at UPMC Lititz.

DECK, Michael E. and Megan, Reinholds, a son, at Women & Babies Hospital. EBERLY, Krista, and Jonathan L. Thompson, Ephrata, a daughter, at WellSpan Ephrata Comm­ unity Hospital. ELMER, Jared Ryan and Alexandra Lynn, Lititz, a son, at Women & Babies Hospital. FISHER, Jeffrey P. and Melissa Marie (Kulp), Bow­ mansville, a son, at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hos­ pital. GLICK, Levi M. and Elizabeth K. (King), New Holland, a daughter, at home. HERRING, David W. and Heather, Leola, a son, at Women & Babies Hospital. MARTIN, David and Alma (Martin), Narvon, a daughter, at home.

ROSALES, Josiah and Christina (Bellitto), New Holland, a son, at Birth Care and Family Health Services, Bart. RUTT, Travis L. and Emily (Ramer), Ephrata, a son, at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital. SHIPLETT, Britany Mar­ ee, and Cody M. Foreman, Ephrata, a son, at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hos­ pital. STOLTZFUS, Abram F. and Anna Mae (Esh), Narvon, a daughter, at home. STOLTZFUS, Elmer Wayne and Arie Lynn (Stoltzfus), Leola, a son, at UPMC Lititz. VOLLMER, Kyle R. and Heidi (Nonnenmocher), Ephrata, a daughter, at Women & Babies Hospital. ZIMMERMAN, Chad A. and Regina, Ephrata, a son, at Women & Babies Hos­ pital. ZIMMERMAN, Paul Ray and Pauline S. (Zimm­ erman), Narvon, a son, at home.

Decorations Going Up Community Blood Drive At Fairmount

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese Crews from the Ephrata Electric Division braved some rather chilly temperatures recently to make sure the downtown lights were placed on the trees and wreaths hung on the lampposts in preparation for the Christmas season and for Santa’s arrival which was held on Friday, November 29. Shown is a crew of three using a bucket truck to get the lights perfect and wreaths set out ready to hang.

M&M Succulents

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December 4

Emily S. Hoover, 2, daughter of Wayne and Erla Hoover, Narvon. Shawn Denver Martin, 4, son of Dale and Mary Ann Martin, Denver. Derlyn Kade Reiff, 2, son of Nelson and Christine Reiff, Denver.

December 5

Martha Ann Shirk, 2, daughter of Albert and Lillian Shirk, Liberty, Kentucky, granddaughter of Titus and Mary Weaver, Ephrata.

December 6

Kenton Michael Martin, 1, son of Michael and Norma Martin, Denver.

December 7

Lyla M. Whittaker, 3, daughter of Vernon Whittaker and Kayla Beenick, Lebanon, granddaughter of Karen and Vernon Whittaker, Reinholds.

December 8

Arya Grace Roth, 2, daughter of Jason and Elena Roth, Lititz. Nathan S. Royer, 2, grandson of Susie Miller, Ephrata.

December 9

Joselynn Elizabeth Eby, 11, daughter of Jason and Crystle Eby, Akron. Easton Christopher Wyniawskyj, 11, son of Jared and Melissa Wyniawskyj, Ephrata. Stacy M. Zimmerman, 1, daughter of Carl and Rachel Zimmerman, Denver.

December 10

Lydian Annabelle Leed, 6, daughter of Dylan and Natashia Leed, Denver. Kaylene H. Martin, 4, daughter of Dwayne and Rosie Martin, Ephrata.

1. In order to have your child’s name in the list of birthdays, simply complete the form below and mail to: THE SHOPPING NEWS, P.O. Box 456, 615 E. Main Street, Ephrata, PA 17522 or it may be dropped off at the office. 2. NO NAMES will be accepted over the phone. 3. This service is provided for local children and their parents. Exception: If grandparents are local and child is out of the area, then local grandparents’ names will also appear. Local is defined as The Shopping News distribution area. 4. Limited to ages 1 through 12.


PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Deadline is 3 weeks prior to birthday. Age limit 12. Child’s Name ________________________________________________ Age _______ (First)



Birth Date __________________________________________________ Gender _____ (Month)




The Central Pennsylvania Blood Bank is planning a Community Blood Drive at Fairmount in Ephrata on Thursday, December 12, from 11:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. The blood drive will be held in the Crest View Gathering Room at 1100 Farm Crest Drive on the east side of the Fairmount campus. You may schedule an appointment by calling 1­800­771­0059, but walk­ ins are also welcome until 6:00 p.m. Please bring a photo ID with you when you come to donate. Please take this oppor­ tunity to donate blood. Since there is no substitute for human blood and donors are the only source, this is a wonderful gift to those in need from all walks of life. Every two seconds, some­ one needs blood, and the demand for blood continues to increase. In Central Pennsylvania, 275 to 300 units of blood and blood products are needed at area hospitals daily. An adequate supply is crucial to the survival of cancer patients, accident victims, children with blood disorders, and many others. Your donation helps to save and enhance the lives of these people, as just one pint of your blood can save as many as four lives.

WO O D F O O D N E L Fruits & Produce, Groceries, S Bulk Foods, Meat & Cheese

Phone (717) 738-9086 1614 DIVISION HWY., EPHRATA, PA 17522

Mon.-Wed. 8:00-6:00; Thurs. & Fri. 8:00-8:30; Sat. 8:00-5:00; Closed Sunday Strawberry Sundae Ice Cream .................. 1.75 qt. $1.99 Orange Cream Swirl Ice Cream ..................... 1 gal. $3.99 Trickling Spring Vanilla Bean Ice Cream ..................3 gal. $16.95 Yanola Triple Berry Yogurt Bars...............4/3 oz. $1.49 Caramel Apple Crisp Pie ............10” $2.99 Spring Decorated Gold Cake ............................8” $3.49 Fine Line Cut Green Beans ............. 32 oz. $1.89 Ruby Farms Mild

Country Sausage

........................................ 6 lb. rolls, lb. Herb, Garlic and Cheese


Shrimp Quesadilla

.....................................................12 oz. $2.89 Kozy Shack Tapioca Pudding 6/4 oz. $1.69 Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs ................................1 lb. 99¢ Crystal Farms Cheddar Cheese Chunks .................................... lb. $1.89 Orchard Pure 100% Orange Juice .................52 oz. 99¢ Tri-Colored Pepper Pork Loin Filets ........... lb. $1.59

Cheese Pizza

Lunchables ................ 15.6




Lifesaver Candy ........7

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Pecan Halves ..............16





Heinz Tomato Ketchup .......................... 44 oz.



Grape Jelly ................. 30 Welch’s 100%

Concord Grape Juice .............................................. 14 oz. 2/$1.00 .......................................... 12 ct. case $5.99 DELI: Wilson Off The Bone Ham............................................. lb.


Spring Meadows Honey Turkey Breast.................. lb.


Mrs. Ressler’s

Roast Beef ............................ lb. $4.89

City ___________________________________________________________________ Phone _________________________________________________________________


Parent’s Name __________________________________________________________ Local Grandparents’ Names & City (ONLY if child is out of the area): _______________________________________________________________________

Clementines .................... 2


Navels 113 ct. 5/$1.00 or case $21.95 King’s Potatoes ............ 5 lb. $1.49 $2.49 PA Onions ................................3 lb. 99¢


Fuji Apples ..............................3


Broccoli & Cauliflower


99¢ Florets ......................................2




Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 17A


Bulletin Board (Continued From Page 15A)

will be held at Gus’s Family Restaurant, 3687 Rothsville Rd., Ephrata. Eat at 6:00 p.m. with meeting to follow. All widows welcome. If it snows, meeting is cancelled. SAT., DECEMBER 21 The Smokestown Fire Com­ pany, 860 Smokestown Rd., Denver, will hold a Haus and Pinochle Card Party at 7:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-336-2687. THURS., DECEMBER 26 - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 167 East Main St., Ephrata, will host a Free Community Meal. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Serving at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Meal will not be held if Ephrata Schools cancel or dismiss early due to weather. For more info., call 717-733-6646. SAT., JANUARY 4 - The Smokestown Fire Company, 860 Smokestown Rd., Den­ ver, will hold a Haus and Pinochle Card Party at 7:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-336-2687. SAT., JANUARY 18 The Smokestown Fire Com­ pany, 860 Smokestown Rd., Denver, will hold a Haus and Pinochle Card Party at 7:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-336-2687. SAT., FEBRUARY 1 The Smokestown Fire Com­ pany, 860 Smokestown Rd., Denver, will hold a Haus and Pinochle Card Party at 7:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-336-2687. SAT., FEBRUARY 15 The Smokestown Fire Com­ pany, 860 Smokestown Rd., Denver, will hold a Haus and Pinochle Card Party at 7:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-336-2687. SAT., MARCH 7 - The Smokestown Fire Company, 860 Smokestown Rd., Den­

Denver Elementary School Fire Safety Program

ver, will hold a Haus and Pinochle Card Party at 7:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-336-2687. SAT., MARCH 21 - The Smokestown Fire Company, 860 Smokestown Rd., Den­ ver, will hold a Haus and Pinochle Card Party at 7:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-336-2687. SAT., APRIL 4 - The Smokestown Fire Company, 860 Smokestown Rd., Den­ ver, will hold a Haus and Pinochle Card Party at 7:00 p.m. For more info., call 717-336-2687. SAT., APRIL 18 - The Smokestown Fire Company, 860 Smokestown Rd., Den­ ver, will hold a Haus and Pinochle Card Party at 7:00 The Denver and Schoeneck Fire Companies visited the Denver Elementary School to present their fire prevention/safety p.m. For more info., call program to the students and to give them a tour of their equipment recently. Shown are children checking out all the gear. 717-336-2687. We Hope You Stop By and Check Out Our





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A.B. Martin Roofing Supply, LLC AFP Advanced Food Products LLC Art Pannebecker & Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. Benjamin F.D. Chikes, D.D.S. Berlanco Insurance Agency, Inc. Buehler Family Dental C&S Furniture Choice Windows, Doors & More, Inc. Clay Book Store C.L. Fritz & Son Electrical Contractor Cocalico Plumbing & Heating Colliflower, Inc. County Line Mechanical DC Eager Emergency Services LLC Eagle Building Solutions LLC Enck’s Gun Barn Ephrata National Bank Ephrata Re-Uzit Stores Fairmount First Citizens Community Bank Fox Country Sheds George J. Grove & Son, Inc. Georgelis Orthodontics, PC Gingrich Builders Good’s Lawn Care Hampton Inn & Suites Heritage Design Interiors

Hertzog’s Garage & Used Cars Hornberger’s Auto Body Huber’s Auto Group Jeffrey R. Eby, D.M.D. Kingsway Realty Kreider’s Canvas Service, Inc. Lancaster BBQ Supply Lancaster School of Cosmetology & Therapeutic Bodywork Leid, Lorah & Company, P.C. Luke Martin Siding & Exteriors Mountain Top Financial Advisors New Holland Veterinary Hospital Raber’s Tire Ray and Randy’s Auto & Truck Repair Ressler & Mateer Robert M. Lombard Hyperbaric Oxygenation Medical Center, Inc. Russell, Krafft & Gruber LLP Schwanger Brothers & Co., Inc. Signal Control Garage Door Co. Tom B. Morrissey TV & Appliances Weaver Eye Associates Weaver’s Garage, Inc. Weaver’s Store, Inc. William E. Poole Family Dentistry Zimmerman, Pfannebecker, Nuffort & Albert, LLP

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18A - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”


Biblical Message

The Cat’s Out of the Bag by Pastor Ricky Kurth Did you ever wonder how the figure of speech found in our title came to be used for the revealing of a secret? Some say it goes back to a time when piglets were sold in bags in open­air markets. In those days, an

unscrupulous merchant might sell an unsuspecting patron a bag containing a cat instead of a piglet, and it wasn’t until the hapless patron got home that the cat was out of the bag, and the merchant’s dishonest secret was revealed. And since cats have always been far less valuable than pigs, the patron was always less than thrilled to learn that the pork he thought he had purchased was only pork substitute! Well, beginning with the ministry of the Apostle Paul, an infinitely more pleasing secret was revealed! “Paul…an apostle…in hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world

began…But hath in due If you’re not sure what that times manifested His word word “manifested” means, it through preaching, which is is well defined in something committed unto me…” the Lord said: (Titus 1:1­3). “…nothing is secret, that

shall not be made manifest, neither any thing hid, that shall not be known…” (Luke 8:17). So to make something manifest means to make known something that was secret or hidden. That certainly applies to the promise of eternal life that God made to a Gentile like Titus! God promised the Jews eternal life throughout the pages of the Old Testament, and Gentiles who wanted to get saved in those days had to get in on that promise by becoming “proselytes” (Acts 2:10). But Paul was raised up to reveal that Gentiles no longer had to become Jews to get the eternal life that

God promised the Jews. Paul revealed that Gentiles had their own promise of eternal life, one that God made before the world began, but didn’t let the cat out of the bag until Paul came along. Humorist Will Rogers is said to have quipped, “Letting the cat out of the bag is a whole lot easier than putting it back in.” If you’ve ever released a cat that somehow managed to get trapped in a bag, you know he’s right! But there are many who are trying to put Paul’s cat back in the bag. That is, there are many who hold that Gentiles who want to be saved today must still try to get in on Israel’s promise of eternal life by


Join Us in Bible Baptist Church 45 S. Ninth Street Akron, PA 17501 717-859-8771 Pastor George Frantz Sunday School - 9:30am Church Service - 10:30am Sunday Night - 6:00pm Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting - 7:00pm

Parkview Mennonite Church Reamstown, PA


Sunday Worship: 9:00am Sunday School: 10:00am

Liberty Baptist

Ephrata United Zion Church

47 Cindia Lane, Ephrata 717-733-0396 Pastor Jim Taylor

408 E. Fulton St., Ephrata



Pastor Melvin Horst

Assoc. Pastor Keith MacDougall

18 Hahnstown Rd. Ephrata, PA



Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. Worship: 10:00 a.m.

Kevin Sylvester, Pastor Sunday Worship: 10am HighpointKids, Nursery

Reamstown Church of God Arthur T. Karick, Sr. Pastor “Empowered to bring Jesus’ love, healing, and hope to the world” www.petra.church Sunday worship services at 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. 565 Airport Road • New Holland (717) 354-5394 Senior Pastors Lester & Erma Zimmerman

400 Pfautz Hill Rd. P.O. Box 98 Stevens, PA 17578


Old Hymns - KJV Traditional Services Sunday School 9:30 AM Sun. Worship 10:30 AM & 6:00 PM Wed. Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM Thurs. Bible Study 6:30 PM

Independent - Fundamental Soul Winning

Mellingers Evangelical Lutheran Church 80 Gockley Road Stevens, PA 17578 Pastor - Timothy Craven

Sunday Worship: 9:00 AM Sunday School: 10:30 AM All Ages Tuesday Bible Study: 2:00 PM



Metzler Mennonite ChurCh

515 West Metzler Road, Ephrata, PA 17522 Church Voicemail

717-723-9839 Sunday School: 9:00am Worship: 10:00am www.metzlerchurch.org

Orthodox Christian

Transfiguration Orthodox Church

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Ephrata, PA 17522

Ephrata, PA 17522



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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 19A

keeping the Law that God gave them through Moses. Others insist that Gentiles who want to be saved must submit to water baptism “for the remission of sins,” as Peter told “the men of Israel” at Pentecost (Acts 2:38,22). If you’re an unsaved Gentile, don’t you fall for it! God promised you eternal life long before the Law was given, and the apostle who revealed this promise says that eternal life can’t be obtained by the “works of righteousness” of the Law (Tit. 3:5). He further declares that it is “by the washing of regeneration” (Tit. 3:5) that we are saved, and not the washing of water baptism. The “regeneration” or new birth of which he speaks is yours “by grace…through faith” (Eph. 2:8), faith in the fact that Christ died for your sins, and rose again (I Cor. 15:1-4). And if you’re an unsaved Jew, things have changed for you too! Just as Gentiles who wanted to be saved in time past had to look to Moses, the spiritual leader of the Jews, and be saved through the Law, so Jews who want to be saved today must look to Paul, “the apostle of the Gentiles” (Rom. 11:13), and be saved by grace through faith. That’s how the Body of Christ came to be made up of Jews and Gentiles (I Cor. 12:13; Gal. 3:28)! So whether you’re a Jew or a Gentile, “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).


Adamstown Elementary School Unveils Updated Library

* If you are serving hot rolls on a buffet, line the basket with aluminum foil before you line it with a towel. The foil will help reflect heat, keeping the rolls warmer longer. * Metal skewers are great for a barbecue, but the tip also can be used to create fancy designs on an iced cake, just like a pencil. * “If you get stuck in the snow, try using your car mats to get a little traction. Keep some kitty litter or sand in the trunk too just in case you run into trouble.” -D.C. in Michigan * “Running the heater is expensive, especially when there’s only one person in a house. I find that I can get by with a much cooler overall temperature by using my space heater for about 15 minutes in the bathroom and lounging on the couch and in bed with my electric blanket. Those two things cut down on the need to have the house toasty warm, and truly keep my heating bill in check.” -B.J. in Pennsylvania * A pot of mulling spices on the stovetop will both fill your house with a lovely holiday smell and add a respectable amount of humidity. Simply keep a watch on the kettle or pot, and add water as necessary. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

The Adamstown Elementary School library recently held an Open House for visitors to come see it’s newly-renovated look. The new space includes multiple collaboration areas, a green screen area, a projection

9 Safety Vest Frolic At Fairmount

(Continued From Page 13A)

campus. Kay L. Moyer, Safety Nurse Educator from the Cooperative Extension Service, supplies the materials to make vests and assemble kits to donate to local school children who walk or bike on back roads. If you would like to help cut pieces of Velcro or reflective tape for the vests or assemble the cut pieces into kits, please come to the frolic and lend a hand. In response to concerns for

area for classwork and a wide variety of comfortable seating for reading. The library now also has two TV screens to allow teachers to co-teach in the library. All of the seating moves easily to allow for the many

Shopping News Photo by Crystle Eby different activities that the furniture showing a visitor library occupies, and better some entry-level coding lighting was also installed. with Dash the robot. Shown Shown in the left photo is in the right photo is Madison Carson seated on a section working the camera in the of the new comfortable new green screen area.



the safety of the many Amish and Mennonite children who walk, bike or ride a scooter on back roads to and from their schools during the school year, Moyer came up with a program to make and distribute reflective vests for the children to wear when traveling the roads. The vests allow cars and trucks to quickly notice them. However, very few companies make children’s

vests. Since the beginning of this project, more than 30,000 vests have been given to students. The demand has been so great that it is hard to keep up when school is in session. If you are not able to attend the frolic, but are interested in helping in your own home, please call 717394-6851. Due to increased demand, there is a great need for more people to sew, as

well as for someone to cut fabric for vests. Donations are needed also to purchase additional materials for more vests. Parents or teachers of young students who may need vests are welcome to call. Your participation in this worthy project to keep our community’s children safe will be greatly appreciated.


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SHOPPING NEWS of Lancaster County

20A - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”


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• On December 4, 1783, George Washington, commanding general of the Continental Army, informs his officers that he will be resigning his commission and returning to civilian life. In 1789, he was coaxed out of retirement and elected as the first president of the United States. • On December 7, 1805, explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, having made a difficult trip across the rugged Rockies, set up winter camp near the mouth of the Columbia River. They named it Fort Clatsop, after the local Indian tribe. • On December 6, 1865, the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution, officially ending the institution of slavery, is ratified when Georgia votes to ratify. Mississippi, however, would not submit documentation to abolish slavery until 2013. • On December 5, 1945, five United States Navy Avenger torpedo-bombers take off from Florida on a routine three-hour training mission near the Bahamas. Two hours later, the planes disappeared. Mariner aircraft, sent to locate the planes, also disappeared. No trace of the men or aircraft were ever found. • On December 2, 1954, the United States Senate votes 65 to 22 to condemn Senator Joseph R. McCarthy for conduct unbecoming a senator. The censure was related to McCarthy’s controversial investigation of suspected communists in the United States government, military and civilian society. • On December 3, 1979, 11 people are killed when a crowd of general admission ticket-holders to a Who concert surge forward in an attempt to enter Cincinnati’s Riverfront Coliseum and secure prime unreserved



SHOPPING NEWS of Lancaster County


Wednesday, December 4, 2019 • Volume LIV, No. 34

Ephrata Cares Plans Evening Of Remembrance/Candlelight Memorial

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese Ephrata Cares, a community united around addiction prevention and recovery invites the public to come out to the Whistle Stop Plaza to join in an evening of remembrance on Wednesday, December 11 at 6:30 p.m. and take part in a candlelight memorial to remember and honor those lost to the disease of addiction. The keynote speaker at this memorial service will be Penn Ketchum of Penn Cinema. Shown in the photo are, from left to right, (front row) Tom Jensen, Ephrata Public Library; Erin Wynn, GOAL Project; Karen Jackson; Kim Warner; (back row) Andy Tomicheck, Independence Recovery; Mayor Ralph Mowan; Dr. Scott Jackson; and Justin Ball, Independence Recovery. seats. The glass entrance doors shattered as the 8,000-strong crowd pushed forward. • On December 8, 1980, John Lennon, a former member of the Beatles, is shot and killed by Mark David Chapman, an obsessed fan, in New York City. Chapman was sentenced to 20 years to life, and he remains behind bars at Attica Prison in New York.

Ephrata Public Library Events The following events are happening at the Ephrata Public Library, 550 South Reading Road, Ephrata, in December. For more information or to sign up for any of the programs, call the library at 717-738-9291.

• Monday, December 2, 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. – Story Time. Preschoolers are invited to this 40-minute story time that integrates songs and concept-enriched finger plays. Early literacy skills, including letter and sound introduction, are included in each story time. Large and small motor skills are practiced with simple activities and art. Ages 4 to 7.

• Monday, December 2, 10:00 a.m. – Monday Morning Movie. Start your week off by joining the library for a movie selected by members’ choices. This month’s movie is “True Grit.” Donuts and coffee!

PG-13. 110 minutes. • Monday, December 2, 6:30 p.m. – Great Books. The Great Books discussion group will meet from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. the first (Continued On Page 3B)

E.A.S.S. Receives Donation

Community Pancake Breakfast Benefitting Two Charities

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese

Cocalico High School’s National Honor Society is hosting a community Pancake Breakfast in the Cocalico High School cafeteria this Saturday, December 7 from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The event is being held to raise money

and donations for two local charities: Jan’s Circle of Friends and Peter’s Porch. The event is accepting nonperishable food donations. The Pancake Breakfast will feature various types of pancakes, beverages and other breakfast themed

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese foods. The breakfast is row) Payson Elmore, Ally holiday themed with Santa Richwine, Miguel Prysakar, attending. Come meet Austin Buskirk (committee Santa, create snowflakes chair); (back row) Andrew and play with Rudolph. Stevens, Grant Swann, Shown in the photo, Austin Sauder and Kibson from left to right, are (front Elmore.

Shown in the photo, from left to right, is Joy Ashley (E.A.S.S.) accepting gift cards from David Worth (General Manager of Ephrata ReUzit). Community neighbors in need often visit the Ephrata Area Social Services (E.A.S.S.) Hand UP Exchange Food and Clothing Bank to select much needed clothing items, shoes, or linens. There are times, however, when E.A.S.S. does not have available what is needed. Additionally, E.A.S.S. does not carry furniture, mattress sets or other larger items, which are often needed

when moving into a new home. Ephrata ReUzit signif­ icantly helps to fill these gaps by donating hundreds of dollars in gift cards to E.A.S.S. “Many don’t realize that this partnership exists and has existed for some time,” said Joy Ashley, executive director of E.A.S.S. “It is a great relationship because helping people in need fulfills both of our missions.” ReUzit on State recently relocated to its new, expanded facility at 1054 (Continued On Page 3B)

2B - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

Student Spotlight Conover



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Jovial Jackson Conover, a senior at Ephrata High School, bubbles over with school spirit in the school hallways and in the student section at sporting events. Though that doesn’t come as a surprise when one finds out how involved he is. What Conover likes most during his days at Ephrata are the people. A class he enjoys is his Team/Individual Sports gym class which speaks to his competitive nature. He also is an active participant on the school baseball team, being seen fielding balls at the second-base position. In addition, Conover is a Link Crew Leader, and is the student section leader for high school athletic events. As student section leader, Conover runs the Twitter account for the section, comes up with the themes for student attire, and leads the section in prideful chants. Conover is also humbled about his greatest accomplishment. “It [his greatest accomplishment] is being a part of the 2018 Ephrata Baseball Team,” he recollects with fondness. The EHS team this past year brought home the Section League and District titles this past spring. After graduation, Conover plans to put his skills and personality to good use by pursuing a career in business. He is unsure about where he will go to school, though. “I feel as if I am good at talking and interacting with people,” he says. Having self-confidence and possessing business acumen are attributes one will need in the field, so his confidence comes as no surprise. And leaving his mark on the world will come as no surprise as well. Written by: Cheyenne Amick


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Trevor Nolt is a positive, hard working, honest, sixth grader that attends Lititz Area Mennonite School. During school Trevor enjoys hanging out with the friends he has made over the years at LAMS. He also is an outstanding student that loves to do hands-on activities in science and other classes. Trevor is involved in the student council, band, Academic Enrichment Program (AEP), archery, and basketball. After Trevor graduates from LAMS he is planning to be a positive influence at Ephrata High School or continue being a good influence at the LAMS, Collaborative Academy. When Trevor is not busy at school he likes to have fun with his family, play trombone, and watch the Eagles and other football games along with baseball. Trevor can also be seen going to Hinkletown Mennonite Church with his family. When asked what his greatest accomplishment was so far Trevor firmly replied by saying that accepting Jesus and becoming a Christian is his greatest accomplishment and always will be. When asked the question, if you were to change something in the world today, what would it be and why? Trevor answered by saying he would rid the world of poverty, because people who live in poverty don’t have the basic necessities for life and that is not what God wants for people. Trevor is a distinguished friend and great servant. Anyone who doesn’t know Trevor Nolt is missing out. Written by: Caleb Zimmerman

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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 3B

Ephrata Public Library Events

Pack 148 And Troop 48 Scouting For Food

(Continued From Page 1B)

Monday of every month from October through June. New members are welcome. Contact John K. Stoner, convener at 717-859-3388. • Tuesday, December 3, 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. – Toddler Time. Toddlers and their caregivers are invited to this 30-minute story time that includes songs, short stories and learningenriched art activities. Ages 2 to 4. • Tuesday, December 3, 1:00 p.m. - Digging Up Your Roots. The genealogy group is open to anyone interested in learning about their ancestry. It’s a way for “amateur” genealogists to connect by sharing ideas and suggestions, and offering help to others who are studying their family histories. Beginning genealogists to the most advanced genealogists are welcome to attend. Be sure to bring your research and questions! • Tuesday, December 3, 3:30 p.m. – Tween and Teen Gamers Club. Join the library for some relaxation and video games on their Nintendo Switch! Feel free to bring any multiplayer (four or more players) games you wish to share with the group. Ages 10 to 18. • Tuesday, December 3, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. – Smiles of Joy Mobile Dentist. Smiles of Joy is a Dental Outreach program that helps those in the community gain access to dental care at various locations within Lebanon and Lancaster counties. A public health dental hygienist will be coming to the Community Commons on a monthly basis to set up her portable dental equipment on-site for

(Continued From Page 1B)

New Holland Cub Scout Pack 148 and Boy Scout Troop 48 recently collected over 3,500 pounds of donated food from residents

in the New Holland Area as part of the annual Scouting for Food Program. Donated food was collected and transported to New Holland

area CrossNet Ministries Food and Nutrition Center.

dental appointments. The services provided are dental screenings, cleanings, and fluoride application. If you are interested in making a dental appointment, please sign up online at our events calendar with your information. A medical history will need to be completed prior to your appointment time. Please bring your insurance card with you on the day of your appointment. • Tuesday, December 3, 4:00 p.m. – Fostering Your Child’s Success in Mathematics in the Primary Years. This hour-long session will provide information, a chance to practice working on developing specific skills and materials to follow-up at home. Session is taught by retired school teacher, Susan Daub. Ages 5 to 12. • Wednesday, December 4, 10:30 a.m. – Preschool STEAM Time. Science, technology, engineering, arts, and math are included in this program for preschoolers. You’ll be amazed how much learning occurs with intentional and guided play activities! Ages 3 to 6. • Wednesday, December

4, 12:30 p.m. – Afternoon Tea with the BBC. Join the library and enjoy watching different BBC selections while sipping tea and devouring delicious treats. • Thursday, December 5, 10:00 a.m. – Lapsit Story Time. Young toddlers and their caregivers sing songs, recite fun rhymes, and read together. Participants also learn fingerplays, basic sign language and play together. Ages 0 to 24 months. • Thursday, December 5, 4:30 p.m. – Holy Guacamole: Kids’ Foodie Lab. Healthy food-making fun. Learn while you cook and bake! Please alert the library to any food allergies upon registration. Ages 5 to 12.

• Thursday, December 5, 6:30 p.m. – Page Turners Book Club. This book club is driven by members’ choices; books will always be available at the library. Join the library for lively discussions and meet new friends. This month’s selection is “Gone Girl” by Gillian Flynn. Adult. • Saturday, December 7, 11:30 a.m. – Spanish/ English Story Time. This story time is for the whole family. Whether you know Spanish or not, join Patricia



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E.A.S.S. Receives Donation

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Barnes, who will read short stories, sing songs and have a craft activity in both Spanish and English! Ages 2 to 10. • Monday, December 9, 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. – Story Time. Preschoolers are invited to this 40-minute story time that integrates songs and concept-enriched finger plays. Early literacy skills, including letter and sound introduction, are included in each story time. Large and small motor skills (Continued On Page 4B)

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South State Street, and is one of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Thrift Stores whose mission is to respond to basic human needs and to work for peace and justice. E.A.S.S. and ReUzit share many of the same clients. “We are very pleased to work with E.A.S.S. to help with local needs. We are all working together - local churches and social agencies - to meet local and global needs,” said Dave Worth, General Manager of Ephrata ReUzit Stores. Ephrata Area Social Services has served the Cocalico and Ephrata areas since 1971, and is 100% privately funded. Monetary gifts are always appreciated to support the Hand UP Exchange Food & Clothing Bank, and the other services provided by the organization, including Transportation, Community Support Services and the Ephrata/Cocalico Meals on Wheels program.

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AFCP has tried to verify the authenticity of all the ads listed in the PennCanNetwork, but has found this almost impossible. We suggest before making any kind of financial commitment you contact the local Better Business Bureau and under NO circumstances send any money in advance.

4B - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News�

Ephrata Public Library Events (Continued From Page 3B)

are practiced with simple activities and art. Ages 4 to 7. • Tuesday, December 10, 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. – Toddler Time. Toddlers and their caregivers are invited to this 30-minute story time that includes songs, short stories and learningenriched art activities. Ages 2 to 4. • Tuesday, December 10, 3:30 p.m. – Tween and Teen Gamers Club. Join the library for some relaxation

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and video games on the Nintendo Switch! Feel free to bring any multiplayer (four or more players) games you wish to share with the group. Ages 10 to 18. • Tuesday, December 10, 4:00 p.m. – Kids Reading Tales to Tailwaggers. KPET-certified dogs and their handlers will be in the library ready to listen as children choose a story of their own to read to them. Ages 5 to 12. • Tuesday, December 10, 6:00 p.m. – Project Linus. Share your love of knitting, crocheting and quilting! Provide love, a sense of security and comfort to children in need by volunteering your skills to become a “blanketeer.â€? To join, email Judy at blankets4linus@ptd.net. • Wednesday, December 11, 10:30 a.m. – Preschool STEAM Time. Science,

• Wednesday, December 11, 6:00 p.m. – Family Movie Night. Join the library for a movie night with the family. Popcorn provided! This month’s movie is “Polar Express.â€? “Polar Expressâ€? is an inspiring adventure based on the beloved children’s book by Chris Van Allsburg. When a doubting young boy takes an extraordinary train ride to the North Pole, he embarks on a journey of selfdiscovery that shows him that the wonder of life never fades for those who believe. Not rated. 100 minutes. • Thursday, December 12, 10:00 a.m. – Lapsit Story Time. Young toddlers and their caregivers sing songs, recite fun rhymes, and read together. Participants also learn fingerplays, basic sign language and play together. Ages 0 to 24 months. • Thursday, December 12, 11:00 a.m. – Movin’ & Groovin’. Join the library


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technology, engineering, arts, and math are included in this program for preschoolers. You’ll be amazed how much learning occurs with intentional and guided play activities! Ages 3 to 6. • Wednesday, December 11, 1:00 p.m. – Adult Workout Wednesday. Chase the stress of the day away with workouts that include Yoga, Just Dance, Zumba and outdoor walks. Have fun and get your heart rate pumping! Featuring Jenny Bones, certified yoga instructor. All fitness levels welcome. • Wednesday, December 11, 4:00 p.m. – Kids Gamers Club. Join the library and play on the Wii, Xbox and other gaming systems! Parents and guardians will appreciate our settings and age appropriate games. Ages 5 to 12.

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for an interactive program with music, motion, sound, dance, games, and storytelling! A new healthy habit will be included during each session. Ages 4 to 7. • Thursday, December 12, 4:00 p.m. – Tween & Teen Coders Club. Designed for tinkerers and makers – beginners and coding experts – to learn basic coding skills in a free play setting. They will explore different types of coding each month. Feel free to bring projects from school or home to share with other learners. • Thursday, December 12, 6:00 p.m. – Kindle Users Anonymous. Are you a Kindle addict? That’s OK! They want you to be. Come join the library at Kindle Users Anonymous to meet other Kindle users, share your love of Kindle and get the tech support you need. This group is specifically designed for Kindle Fire

users. You should have a Kindle Fire to attend. • Thursday, December 12, 6:00 p.m. – Cookies & Milk with Santa. Join the library for a special visit with Santa! Enjoy a snack and childfriendly beverages as well as holiday art activities and fun with family and friends! • Saturday, December 14, 7:00 p.m. – Late Night at The Library. Join them after hours for three hours of video games, board games, flashlight tag and more! Attendees are invited to bring their favorite multiplayer games for Nintendo Switch, Wii U, Xbox 360, and PS3. Ages 13 to 18. • Monday, December 16, 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. – Story Time. Preschoolers are invited to this 40-minute story time that integrates songs and concept-enriched finger plays. Early literacy (Continued On Page 17B)


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Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 5B

Everybody’s Marketplace Boy Scout Troop 48 Of New Holland Bike Hike

For Sale

FOR SALE: Firewood, mixed hardwood, half cord, $80 your truck or $100 delivered. 717-336-4437.

FOR SALE: Samsung Galaxy J3 black cell phone with case and cover for Consumer Cel-­ lular phone plan. Great con-­ dition, $40, retails $99. Call 717-803-9430.

FOR SALE: Black laptop bag, brand new, $20 OBO. 717803-9430. FOR SALE: Hoover vacuum cleaner, allergen filtration, full attachments and extra belt, good condition. For sale due to move to Europe. $35. Please call 717-875-0374.

FOR SALE: Firewood. Is your wood pile getting low? Check out the new bin at the Wood Wagon located at 107 Hahnstown Road, Eph-­ rata, 1 mile off of 322. Selfserve Tuesday-Saturday. 717-733-9673.

FOR SALE: Lori Greiner black pocketbook organizer, new, $8 OBO. 717-8039430.

FOR SALE: Old barn beams, posts, assorted lumber. Call Tom, 610-207-4098.

FOR SALE: Widdy dart set, 34”x40-1/2”, scoring for six, overhead light. 717-7335574, leave message.

FOR SALE: Cobra 40 channel handheld CB. Antenna and charger included. 717-7335574, leave message. FOR SALE: Custom built re-­ placement windows and doors. Professional installa-­ tion. Call Ronafa Window & Door, 717-733-7534 or visit our showroom at 400 W. Main St, Ephrata in the Eph-­ rata Business Complex. Thank You!

Troop 48 of New Holland recently participated in a 25 mile Bike Hike. The troop started the excursion in Brunswick, Maryland and ended at the Antietam Battlefield, where they

camped for the weekend. During the hike they were able to enjoy the various sights of the C&O Canal, Harper’s Ferry, and the educational landmarks of the Battle of Antietam.

Shown in the photo is the famous Burnside’s Bridge where Union Soldiers seized the bridge forcing the Confederates back towards Sharpsburg. Interested in what scout­

ing has to offer? Contact Charles Ulrich at 717-3715284, or email ulrichc@ outlook.com




FOR SALE: New in box Ari-­ zona brown ankle boots, women’s size 6.5M, $25, paid $52. Call 717-803-9430. FOR SALE: New cedar win-­ dows, 9/6, 6/6 plus 4-lite, all vintage replica w/ antique glass, primed. 610207-4098.


Five Ways To Place Your Classified Ads! By Phone 717-738-1151 Talk to customer service during business hours. Charge to your MasterCard, Visa or Discover. A phone charge of $1.00 per ad will be added to the price of each ad.


By Fax 717-733-3900 Charge to your MasterCard, Visa or Discover.

615 E. MAIN ST., P.O. BOX 456, EPHRATA, PA

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By Internet On-line ad form on our website: www.snews.com. Charge to your MasterCard, Visa or Discover.

By Mail

THE SHOPPING NEWS P.O. Box 456, 615 E. Main St.


Enclose advertisement with payment. Must arrive no later than Saturday.

DEADLINES: 9 A.M. Monday for that week’s paper. Mail-ins must arrive no later than Saturday. CANCELLATIONS & CORRECTIONS: Cancellations and minor ad changes will be accepted until 4 P.M. Friday. Refunds, credits or transfers will not be given. A $30.00 SERVICE CHARGE WILL BE ADDED TO ALL RETURNED CHECKS. OFFICE HOURS: Monday 7:30 A.M.-4:30 P.M.; Tuesday-Friday 8:00 A.M.-4:30 P.M.; Saturday 8:00 A.M.-12 Noon.


15 words or less, $4.75 per week. 15¢ each word over 15 words. COMMERCIAL RATE: $6.75 first 15 words + 15¢ each additional word



15 words or less, $5.75 per week. 20¢ each word over 15 words. COMMERCIAL RATE: $7.75 first 15 words + 20¢ each additional word.



FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000000-0000.

FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000000-0000.

FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000000-0000.

FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000-000-0000.

New Categories & Boxed Ads Now Available!

15 words or less, $6.75 per week. 25¢ each word over 15 words. COMMERCIAL RATE: $8.75 first 15 words + 25¢ each additional word.

Your Name _______________________________________________________


Phone Number_____________________________________________________

FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000000-0000. FOR SALE: Dog houses, all sizes and shapes. Call 000-000-0000.

Boxes can be added at a rate of $2.00 per week.

Address __________________________________________________________ City _______________________________ State ______ Zip ______________

� Reg. � Bold � Jumbo Bold � Commercial Rate � Boxed Ad (additional cost)

Number Of Weeks To Run: ________

Run My Ad In:

Commercial businesses are defined as: Any person or group normally engaged in offering goods or services in a business environment and include: rentals, items manufactured or bought for sale or resale, babysitting services, business listings, multiple animal listings, multiple yard sales, etc.

CHECK ONE OF THESE CATEGORIES: � 100 � 105 � 110 � 115 � 120 � 125

FOR SALE Misc. For Sale Antiques Appliances Automobiles/Trucks Boats/Motors Computers/Office Equip.

� 130 � 135 � 140 � 145 � 150 � 155

Farm Equipment/Livestock Household/Furniture Lawn & Garden Machinery/Tools Motorcycles/ATVs Musical Items

� 160 � 165 � 170 � 175 � 180 � 185

Pets & Animals Produce/Edibles Real Estate/Mobile Homes Recreation/Sporting Goods RVs/Campers Seasonal

� 200 � 210 � 220 � 230

NOTICE Misc. Garage Sale Announcements Lost and Found

� 300 � 310 � 320 � 330

HELP OFFERED � 350 HELP WANTED Misc. � 360 BUSINESS Childcare/Babysitting OPPORTUNITIES Cleaning Services WANTED Home & Lawn � 400 Misc. � 410 To Buy

� 500 � 510 � 520 � 530 � 540

FOR RENT Misc Apartments Houses Mobile Homes Shared Living

� 600 FREE

Print ad text below, ONE WORD IN EVERY BLOCK. Each ad must start with one of these headings: FOR SALE; NOTICE; HELP OFFERED;

HELP WANTED; BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY; WANTED; FOR RENT or FREE. Heading is counted with total number of words. 1

















































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50 Word Max.

6B - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” FOR SALE: Downsizing, 18’ aluminum extension ladder, 10’ Werner step ladder, Craftsman thatcher, Crafts-­ man aerator, Echo chipper, vac, shredder, rototiller. 610693-6185.

FOR SALE: New Nike Phila-­ delphia Eagles men’s medi-­ um, DriFit, green, short sleeve shirt. $20 OBO. 717803-9430.

FOR SALE: New Philadelphia Eagles gray, men’s large, short sleeve shirt, $10 OBO. 717-803-9430.

FOR SALE: Firewood, sea-­ soned, split hardwood. Nice, ready to burn. $170/ cord. Delivery available. 717-752-0108.

FOR SALE: 2003 Suburban, 176K miles, runs good, some work needed. $2,500. Call/ text, 717-475-9509.

Antiques FOR SALE: Antique dealer closing down after 40 years. Serious inquiries, hundreds of pieces of glass, porcelain, tin, pewter, etc. Text or call, 484-332-6154.

FOR SALE: Lionel train sets, FOR SALE: Adidas Notre MTH, Williams, extra cars, Dame, men’s medium pull-­ transformers, track, Plastic-­ over windbreaker, $10 OBO. ville accessories, most NIB. 717-803-9430. 717-341-2800.



FOR SALE: Old games, etc. dating back to 1940’s. Call 717-466-6607, ask for Bet-­ FOR SALE: Remington com-­ ty. pact hot rollers, good condi-­ tion, $8 OBO. 717-803FOR SALE: Flags, flag-­ 9430.

FOR SALE: 2000 Buick Century, white, 4 door, FWD, V6, 101K miles. Good tires, runs good and well maintained. $1,800. 717202-9340.

FOR SALE: Sparrow resist-­ ant bluebird houses, T-14 Martin houses, Martin gourds, sparrow traps, suet log feeders, Starling resistant suet feeder. 717-733-2030.

FOR SALE: 2008 Chevy HHR panel wagon, 54,000 miles, runs good, just serviced, new battery, $3,900. 717-3366819 or 717-336-4536.

poles, bunting, flag cases, lapel pins, hats, garden flags, eagles, brackets, etc. American Flag Shoppe, near Adamstown. Our American flags are made in America! 717484-1183. FOR SALE: S&W Bodyguard with laser. Also, five boxes ammo. $350. 717-725-6659. FOR SALE: Men’s Nike grey Dri-Fit golf pants, size 32, brand new, never worn, $10 OBO. 717-803-9430.

FOR SALE: All terrain truck tires, set of 4 Nitto AIT Terra Grappler G2 (size 265/ 70R17). We paid $760 and are asking $600, less than 75 miles on the tires, in excellent shape. Call Jeff at 717-9892939.

FOR SALE: Firewood, 1/4 cord for $30. Seasoned, split hardwood. 920 West Fairview Road, Lititz. 717-626-0077. It’s easy to place a classified ad! Visit our office at 615 E. Main St., Ephrata, or submit your ad at www.snews.com!


FOR SALE: 2019 Suburban, 4WD, VS, PS, trailer package, many extras, leather, “One Owner”, 21K miles, $48,600. Lancaster County, 717-7331006.

Team Player, Shop/Production Labor

Cleaning all facets of facilities within 1 hr. radius

Full-time position. Position requires general skills like operating forklifts, chopsaws.

Must have valid license and vehicle to travel. Apply with Sovereign to learn more about this job.

Greenway is a young but fast growing Fence & Deck Manufacturer/Supply Company on a back road in New Holland, PA. Lots of opportunities for you to excel and grow within a company. If you are self-motivated, love to work with customers, want to work in a Christian environment, goal oriented, you should call today! We offer competitive pay, nice benefits and easy to work with people. Email all resumes to ray@greenwayfence.com or call 717-354-8098.


EOE and Drug Free Workplace


Entry level position loading trash and recycle for residential customers. Position offers a competitive salary and a full benefits package. Please apply in person:

Eagle Disposal

1245 Eagles Way, East Earl, PA 17519

GreenWay is a growing family owned business with faith based values. 601 Overlys Grove Rd., New Holland, PA

NOW HIRING  Store Manager (at Ephrata)  Outside Sales Representative  Sales Associate (at Ephrata)

Apply at: office@fisherpaints.com 717-768-3239 ext. 3

Now Accepting Applications For

Line Cooks

>> Apply Online - Hiring Code 101 www.myapplebeesjob.com

HELP WANTED Counter Help Needed.

Days, evenings and weekend hours. Apply in person at:

FOR SALE: 2000 Chevy Impala, runs nice, nice in-­ terior, like new tires, under body rust, $1,000 OBO. 717-738-1427, cell 717-669-3349.

FOR SALE: Six boat stands, powder coated, $80 each. Call 717-626-5202.

Farm/Livestock FOR SALE: Beef, 3 grass fed Black Angus. No chemicals, antibiotics, 11-1200 lbs. $1.35/lb. 717-665-6647.

Household/Furniture FOR SALE: Custom built re-­ placement windows and doors. Professional installa-­ tion. Call Ronafa Window & Door, 717-733-7534, or visit our showroom at 400 W. Main St, Ephrata in the Eph-­ rata Business Center. Thank You!

FOR SALE: 1980 Honda CB900, not running, needs battery and tires, with many extras, $750. Call 717-8218262.

FOR SALE: 84x42 dining ta-­ ble with six chairs and a hutch. Red oak, excellent condition, smoke free home. $1,300. Downsizing. 717497-4349.

FOR SALE: 2011 Ford Taur-­ us, 67,000 miles, leather seats, like new condition, $9,999. Call 717-803-9430.

FOR SALE: Pool table, excel-­ lent condition, smoke free home, 8’ regulation size. $1,500. Downsizing. 717497-4349.


Local Trash and Recycle Company seeking Drivers. Normal work week Monday through Friday. Requirements: Must be 21 years of age. Air Brake endorsement. Position offers a competitive salary and a full benefits package. Send resume or apply in person: Eagle Disposal Human Resources 1245 Eagles Way PO Box 288 • East Earl, PA 17519

Immediate Employment Opportunities Available Come join our team and be a part of a family owned business since 1967. We offer Custom Spraying/Fertilizer application along with top of the line seed for customers.

Employment Opportunities: • Experienced Applicators (willing to train) • Delivery and Tender Drivers • Sales/Field Scouting • Fall Time Harvesting Research Plots In this career you must be willing/flexible to working hours due to weather conditions, and timely applications for customers during the spring and summer rush. Full-time employment offers vacation and sick days, 401k, health care.


1550 State Street, P.O. Box 218 East Petersburg, PA 17520

717-569-3296 / 800-374-3326 / Fax 717-560-0117

NOW HIRING Experienced Finisher: We are seeking an experienced finisher to apply sealers, paints and topcoats to high end cabinetry. Must work well with a small team and be accurate and detailed in workmanship. Since 1979, Foxcraft Cabinets has been providing L_JLSSLU[ KLZPNU L_JLW[PVUHS ZLY]PJL HUK ÄUL custom cabinetry to homeowners. Our key values are Excellence, Integrity, Innovation, Commitment, and Christian Faith.

848 East Main Street • Ephrata

Mill Stream Landscapes Landscape Driver Equip Operator (CDL) JOIN OUR TEAM! Partner with us as we serve the needs of the community around us! Our services include Landscape, Seeding, Excavation and Hardscape.

Call Foxcraft Cabinets at 717-859-3261 or email hiring@foxcraftcabinets.com

CALL US TODAY! (717) 768-8288 Narvon, PA


In search of a highly motivated Shop Foreman for our Maintenance department. Requirements: electrical background & troubleshooting, PLC experience, plumbing, steam, pneumatic experience, mechanical skills and fabrication (troubleshooting and design). FULL TIME hours for the position are Monday through Friday 6:00am-2:30pm.

Apply in person Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Bollman Hat Company,

110 East Main Street, Adamstown, PA 19501

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 7B FOR SALE: Flex steel sofa and glass tables, excellent condition, smoke free home, $650. 717-497-4349. FOR SALE: Amish made oak extension table, self storage, 6 chairs. Excellent condition. $1,000. 717-606-5436. FOR SALE: Rustic furniture. Succulents for Christmas. M&M Succulents, 295 Mill Rd., Ephrata, 717-4455203.

Pets & Animals FOR SALE: Kitten, 10 weeks old, mix British short hair, $250. 328 W. Maple Grove Rd., Denver. FOR SALE: Purebred Yorkie puppies, one female, two males, S/W, health certificate. $1,200. 717-6201336, heartbeatatmyfeetpuppies.com. FOR SALE: Boston Terrier puppies, vet checked, vaccinated and dewormed, cute and playful, perfect Christmas gift, $650. 717-3542041. FOR SALE: Poodle mix pups, cute and cuddly, ready 12/4. 3 females, 1 male, shots and wormed. $475. 717-3545325.

Real Estate FOR SALE: 3.2 acre wooded lot, Brecknock Twp., perked/probed, very nice area. Private, near Knauers. 610-207-4098. FOR SALE: Wooded lot .84 acres, camping, hunting, logging. Boating 1/2 mile to Pequea, public boat launch, $20,000. 717-715-5751.

NOTICE: Start your Christmas shopping with us. Thirty One Clearance Sale. Discontinued patterns, grab bags and more. Come early for best selection. Sit and enjoy a free cookie and drink. Hope to see everyone Saturday, December 7, 12-4, 977 Rettew Mill Road, #75, Ephrata. Cheri, 717-917coordination 7117.

Military mailbag Griffin Stoeckl

Culinary Specialist Seaman Griffin Stoeckl, from Brownstown, is shown hauling a helicopter cargo hook on the flight deck of the Arleigh Burke-class guidedmissile destroyer USS Milius (DDG 69) as the ship conducts a replenishmentat-sea with the Lewis and Clark-class dry cargo


Sporting Goods FOR SALE: New tree climber, Horton cross bow 35th anniversary, new knife, new deer cart, new 8x40 binoculars, new cross bow pistol, package deal, $600. 484-7845199. FOR SALE: Hoyt Ruckus bow. Case, arrows, release. 15-45lb, 15-28” draw. Great shape. $250-OBO. 717-5758825. FOR SALE: New Rocky Mountain 390 crossbow, 2 orange hooded sweatshirts, 1 heavy orange pants, 2 hunting boots, size 6, and size 9, 1 orange hat, 2 sleeping bags, everything, $450. 484-7845199. FOR SALE: Savage rifle, 7mm magnum, 3x12 scope, $475. New 8x40 binoculars, $35. Marlin 35 cal. rifle, lever with scope, $450. New hunting knife, $25. Take everything, $950. 484-784-5199.

ship USNS Washington Chambers (T-AKE 11) during Annual Exercise (ANNUALEX) 19. Milius is participating in ANNUALEX 19, a bilateral exercise which further


FOR SALE: New and used bicycles, sales and service. Jack’s Bike Shop, 717-7336042, Open Mon., Wed, and Friday, 6-8p.m., Saturday, 9-5p.m.


develops and interoperability of the premier alliance between the United States Navy and Japan Maritime SelfDefense Force.


Say you saw it in The Shopping News! FOR SALE: Firewood, bundles, pallets, camp fire, fire pit, fireplace. $20-$80. Please call, 717-940-9038.

FOR SALE: Lots of good used books for your holiday shopping lists. Large asst. at $1.00 each. Call evenings, 717-445-5574.


Help Wanted

NOTICE: We accept brush, trimmings, grass clippings, trees and stumps for a small fee. Call Martin Mulch for information. 717-7331602. NOTICE: For Rent, SVL-75 Kubota skid loader with various attachments. With or without operator, Terre Hill area. Very reasonable rates, delivery available. Also, do small excavating jobs and post hole digging. 717-4055812.

NOTICE: Anyone with information pertaining to the ownership of a 2010 Covered Wagon Trailer, VIN 53FBE1421BF001038, please contact Steffy’s Towing, 717-490-0491. NOTICE: Custom built replacement windows and doors. Professional installation. Call Ronafa Window & Door, 717-733-7534, or visit our showroom at 400 W. Main St, Ephrata in the Ephrata Business Center. Thank You!

Garage Sale NOTICE: New Holland Indoor Estate Sale for Ken Myers, 105 West Broad Street, December 7, 8am1pm. NOTICE: Moving Sale, Saturday, 12/7, 8am-? Furniture, household, Christmas items, misc. 800 Willow Road, Lancaster.

WHO’Sin HIRING Healthcare?

A Conservative Christian-owned company is looking to hire someone for

See our special section on

Customer Service, Accounting & Purchasing

Page 8B

Full Time or Part Time

No experience necessary.

Conestoga Woodworking Supply


(supplier of woodworking supplies & machinery)

1564 Main St. Suite 108, East Earl, PA 17159

Submit resume to: conestoga@emypeople.net, apply in person or call 717-445-4669, ask for Wayne Hoover

Plumbing & HVAC Service Tech • Medical Insurance • Vacation • Holidays • 401K • On Call Pay Local Work. Drug Screening required. E.O.E. M/F Valid Driver’s License required.




Get FAA approved maintenance training at campuses coast to coast. Job placement assistance. Financial Aid for qualifying students. Military friendly. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance

Apply in Person 8am-2pm at:

Quality Aluminum Casting

603 Lauschtown Road, Denver, PA 17517

P/T Pharmacy Technician & Sales Associate for Community Pharmacy


Seeking A Professional Attitude, Good Customer Service And Attention To Detail; Opportunity For Advanced Training.

Experience is preferred, but not required. We will train the right people. If you are willing to work hard, exceed customer expectations and be rewarded for your efforts, Gus’s will be a great fit for you. Apply in person at the restaurant.


Insert Flyers into The Shopping News Requirements: • Able to work Mondays* from 8:00am-4:30pm • Able to work Tuesdays from 7:00 am-4:30pm • *Occasional Fridays when the following Monday is a holiday • Able to lift up to 20 lbs. • Able to stand for long periods of time Stop in and fill out an application at:


SHOPPING NEWS of Lancaster County

HIRING EXPERIENCED SERVERS & HOSTS 3687 R Rothsville th ill Rd., Rd Ephrata (717) 738-7381 1050 W. Main St., Mount Joy (717) 653-2140

615 East Main Street, P.O. Box 456, Ephrata, PA 17522 Email: snews@ptd.net

Now Available

We are accepting applications for a

Carrier Requirements

• 18 years or older • Provide own transportation • Have/maintain valid driver’s license • Have/maintain motor vehicle insurance • Able to lift up to 35 lbs.


E.O.E. M/F

Your Custom Countertop Company

Various Routes Now accepting applications for part-time work for people to...




E-mail resumes to josh@rxsds.com or fax to (717) 355-9302

Apply in person or email application to jandj@jandj.net Download employee application from the “Contact Us” page on our website www.jandj.net

If interested, stop by

SHOPPING NEWS of Lancaster County

to fill out an application, 615 East Main Street, Ephrata

Manufacturing Techs CounterTek Inc. is a fast-growing company that manufactures quality custom countertops for the kitchen and bath industry. We are looking for motivated individuals that want the opportunity to join our team! We are looking for a few good people with great work ethic and attitudes. You will have an opportunity to work with the best people in the countertop industry. We are a family-oriented company with great benefits.

Standard work week: Monday through Friday, 6am-2:30pm plus overtime

Skills/Qualifications: • • • • •

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Employees of CounterTek are offered the following compensation and benefits: • • • • •

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If you are a team player that is willing to learn, consider CounterTek! Applications may be submitted Monday through Friday, 8am-4pm

1215 Ridge Avenue, Ephrata, PA 17522

717-336-2371 Fax: 717-336-2381 Online Applications Available:

www.countertek.com CounterTek is an Equal Opportunity Employer

8B - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” Read your ad the first week it appears! This publication will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement.

NOTICE: “Step Back In NOTICE: Keystone Record Time” Christmas Ball, Fri-­ Collectors Music Expo., day night, December 13, Sunday, 12/08, 9am-3pm, 7pm-midnight at The Junc-­ East Petersburg, PA 17520. tion Center. All are wel-­ Spooky Nook Sports LAN-­ come. Proceeds benefit CO, 1901 Miller Road. Deal-­ NOTICE: Heated Garage charity. Live band & fun ers buy, sell, trade albums, Sale, December 6-7. Tonka ballroom dance instructor 45s, CDs, DVDs. Reasonably metal dump truck, toys, puz-­ included. Call 717-459- priced. All music styles. zles, books, games, new Can-­ 3701 or ChristmasBall.org Free admission. Info. please on digital camcorder, house-­ for tickets & info. Group call, 610-932-7852. hold, Tupperware, kettles, discounts available. www.recordcollectors.org. towels, floor puzzles, baby clothing, blanket sleepers, NOTICE: Holiday Stop-nnew Bath & Body items, Shop, December 4 at Fair-­ view Reception Center, 141 misc. (See Craigslist) Route Jackson Road, Lebanon, 897 between Kountry Korner 8:30am-2pm. Tupperware, and Weaver Markets, Blain-­ Thirty-One, Norwex, Cutco, sport. 655 West Route 897, Usborne, Creative Expres-­ Reinholds. sions, That’s Sew You, Close to My Heart, Creative Memo-­ NOTICE: Found. Bible in ries, Pampered Chef, Taste-­ black Bible case with Isaiah fully Simple, Child’s Bou-­ 40:31 on cover, including tique by Kate, Simply Styled, bulletins from Christian Fel-­ K&R Creative, Party-Lite and lowship Church, 717-3369050. so much more.

Lost & Found


HELP OFFERED: New shin-­ gles, roofs, rubber roofing systems, roof repairs, com-­ HELP OFFERED: Light posite flooring systems, in-­ tree trimming, debris terior 1/2 bath, trim, dry-­ removal, hedge trim-­ HELP OFFERED: Home en-­ wall repairs, fully insured. ming, mulching and hancement. No job too Free estimates, call Jim gutter cleaning. Great small. Painting, plumbing, 717-305-0385. electrical. Be king or queen prices, free estimates. of your castle again. Let the HELP OFFERED: Experi-­ Call Tim at 717-824peasants do the work. Call enced electrician and han-­ 2831. Fishers 717-696-7308. dyman services, licensed and insured. Free esti-­ HELP OFFERED: Cory’s mates. Call Jim, 717-575HELP OFFERED: Hauling Handyman Service is looking 2147. anything and everything, 7 to fix those things around the days a week, clean up and house in need of repair, so you don’t have to. No job too HELP OFFERED: Interior clean outs, appliance re-­ small. So call, 717-723- Painting, call about our moval, handy man repairs. 0277. Reasonable rates/in-­ winter specials. Call Da-­ Call Fishers 717-696-7308. sured. PA#103368.

Help Offered

HELP OFFERED: Moving or relocating? Will help clean out 1 room or whole house, for items or cash. Call for details. 717-341-4214.

mien 717-940-5912, PA#032157. HELP OFFERED: Cleaning or experienced cooking. 717859-2472.

HELP OFFERED: Deb’s Dog Grooming, worked for Dean and Lisa Martin at kennel 16 years. For appointment call, 717-917-1851.

WHO’S HIRING Healthcare in

NOW HIRING CAREGIVERS! Apply Online or In Person

Join the team at Your Neighborhood Connection as a caregiver/companion! YNC is a licensed not-for-profit In-Home Care Agency, formed as a joint partnership between two well-respected senior care providers - Luthercare and Moravian Manor. We pride ourselves on our reputation for providing superior services to the clients we serve. YNC offers competitive wages, weekend shift differential and flexible hours to meet client and caregiver needs.



706 Rothsville Rd., Lititz, PA 17543

Your Neighborhood Connection is an equal opportunity employer

Moravian Manor is a premier not-for-profit life care community located in downtown Lititz, PA. We pride ourselves on our reputation for providing superior nursing services.

Join Our Team


Dietary Aide


Human Resources Internship (Student)

PT - 1st and 2nd Shift FT - 1st and 2nd Shift PT - 2nd Shift; EOW


PRN or PT Position

Security Guard

PT - 2nd or 3rd Shift, EOW

FT position

PT position

Med Tech/CNA Personal Care FT - 1st Shift

Day & Evening Cook




FT position

PT position

FT and PT FT position Unique benefits offered:

• Employer Assisted Housing • FREE Rock Med Membership • Pension Plan

***New wages & generous sign on bonuses for RNs, LPNs & CNAs***

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• Education Assistance • Onsite Daycare Services • FREE Wellness Program

Interested in joining a great team of caring people, please stop by or apply online.

careers@moravianmanor.org Moravian Manor • 300 W. Lemon Street • Lititz, PA 17543

∙ CNA: PRN 2pm-10pm ∙ LPN: FT 3pm-11:30pm & 11pm-7:30am PT 7am-3:30pm ∙ RN: FT 7am-3:30pm & 3:00pm-11:30pm PT 7am-3:30pm & 11pm-7:30am PRN 3pm-11:30pm ∙ Also Hiring For Dietary Aide and Floor Technicians/Housekeepers


Alternatively, apply at gardensstevens.com/#careers or Message us on facebook.com/GardensatStevens 400 Lancaster Avenue, Stevens, PA 17578 | 717-336-3878

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 9B HELP OFFERED: PA His-­ toric Consultant, will help with any architectural problems, Farmhouse to Queen Anne. PA Dutch HELP OFFERED: A-Clean quality repair or reproduc-­ Hometown Services, spe-­ tion of details. 35 years ex-­ cializing in offices, apt. perience. Call Tom, leave turnovers, move ins and message, 484-525-5035.

Cleaning Services

HELP OFFERED: Have peace of mind knowing your clean-­ ing is done. Christian lady will do it for you. Honest, re-­ liable. Call 717-859-2502.

Home & Lawn Care

HELP OFFERED: Cocalico Tree Service. Tree removal, pruning, cabling/bracing, stump grinding. Free esti-­ mates. Call 717-682-4591.

HELP WANTED: PT Deliv-­ HELP WANTED: Caregiver to help mornings with bath-­ ery Driver, Friday and Sat-­ ing and dressing a disabled urday, 3rd shift, (with 39 year old man, hours 9 to some holiday hours). Lo-­ 11. 717-951-5159. cal deliveries - no CDL re-­ HELP WANTED: Now hiring Help Wanted quired. Full-time or part- PT general help, including time cake decorator, maintenance and laundry, work weekends. Apply some cake decorating ex-­ must at Red Roof Inn, 2017 N. HELP WANTED: Full-time perience necessary. Ap-­ Reading Rd., Denver, PA presser/laundry atten-­ ply within: Achenbach 17517. dant, shirt, cuff & collar machine presser/spotter, Pastries Inc. 375 E. Main Place your classified ads clothing presser, final online at clothing inspector/bagger. Street, Leola. EOE. www.snews.com!

move outs, churches, daycares, and banks. Serving Lancaster County HELP OFFERED: Need a HELP OFFERED: Roof for 25 years. Call 717-336- helping hand? Mulching, repairs, new roofs, we clean-ups, weed control, specialize in: Asphalt 4854. call 717-738-2679, and more. Honest, reli-­ Please ACR/West End Cleaners, shingle and rubber flat East Queen Street, roofs, composite floor-­ HELP OFFERED: Provid-­ able, affordable. Please 17A Ephrata, PA 17522. ing cleaning services, of-­ call Matt, 717-738-4360. ing, interior and exteri-­ or home improvements. fices, banks, residential, churches, We are fully licensed commercial, and insured. Free esti-­ move-in, move-out, and mates. PA#132025. Call apartment turnovers. Call Four Days, No Weekends now, Phil, 717-723- Time2clean, 717-874-8455 Seeking a friendly individual to join 5817. or 717-341-0417. our eye care team.



Office Help/ Truck Dispatch Email resume to:

KBFreight@gmail.com or call

Primary responsibilities will include working with patients in a reception role, record keeping and filing, and office work. Position may include cross training as an optometric technician. No prior technician experience necessary. The ideal candidate will be computer literate and comfortable with technology, highly motivated, able to multi-task, have a service oriented personality, and strong critical thinking skills. Send cover letter and resume to:





Come work for the #1 voted alarm company in Lancaster county over 15 years running! Dependability is a must. Electronics background, troubleshooting skills, CCTV, DMP, Honeywell, Firelite, Bosch, GE-EST/I-O systems, NICET certification a plus. WILL TRAIN. We offer competitive wages, paid medical & life insurance, 401k, vacation & holiday benefits. Salary/wages dependent on experience. Clean background check/ driving record is required.

Apply within or send resume to jreigner@yarnellsecurity.com

101 E. Main St., PO Box 699 Ephrata, PA 17522

Josh at 717-271-3264



Growing Alarm company in need of 2nd Shift (hours 4pm-12 midnight) Alarm Dispatchers. Data entry and phone skills a plus. Must be able to work every other weekend as scheduled. Competitive wages and co. paid benefits, including health and life insurance, 401k, holiday and vacation pay. Apply within Yarnell Security: 131 Elmwood Rd., Lancaster, PA or email to tyarnell@yarnellsecurity.com


COMING SOON to WHO’S HIRING December 11: Transportation December 18: Construction/ Mechanical December 25: Temp-to-Hire

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Dining Server

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Part Time - Maintenance/Security 2 weekends/month

Comprehensive Benefits Packages are available. Interested applicants can stop by or apply at www.FairmountHomes.org

Welcome Home Come join our family. We have positions available for responsible, dedicated LPNs, RNs, and CNAs. Take a closer look at what Zerbe Retirement Community has to offer: • Matching 401K • Great CNA to resident ratios • Company pays 75% of healthcare expenses • Dental and Vision • Teledoc available with current insurance plan • AFLAC supplemental insurance offered • $10,000 free life insurance for all full-time employees 38.00/hr. depending on experience and shift RN rates - $33.00 $31.00 – 36.00/hr. LPN rates- $22.00 – 27.00/hr. depending on experience and shift CNA rates- $16.00 – 18.00/hr. depending on shift Come and work where you are not just an employee number, but a part of our family-owned business!

Candidates can apply at www.zerberetirementcommunity.com

GARDEN SPOT VILLAGE SEEKS COOK SUPERVISORS & PREP COOKS! Garden Spot Village is currently seeking experienced full-time Cook Supervisors & Prep Cooks and is extending a bonus up to $1,000. Apply now and discover why people say, “Working at Garden Spot is the best job they’ve ever had.” To view more details and to apply visit: WEAREGSC.ORG

10B - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” HELP WANTED: Looking for a few extra hours a week? PT help available at deli/sandwich shop. Food experience preferred. Flexible lunch time hours, no Sundays. 717627-4411. HELP WANTED: Part-time office assistant. 30 hours per week. Qualifications: 1-2 years office experience preferred. QuickBooks experience desirable. Send resume to Eckert Signs, 291 Wabash Road, Ephrata or stop in to fill out application. HELP WANTED: Full-time, Part-time front desk, must be available weekends. Apply at Red Roof Inn, 2017 N. Reading Road, Denver.

HELP WANTED: Now hiring cashiers at Charlies Fuel & Deli, 1634 West Main, $11.00 hour, 36 hours week. Call 717-6298907.

Wanted WANTED: Classic cars, muscle cars, sports cars, antique cars, Low mileage trucks, etc. Jeff Gast 717575-4561. WANTED: Highest cash paid for junk or good cars. Licensed professional. 717278-9539. WANTED: Like new or slightly used digital hearing aids. Call 717-2036521. WANTED: Rusty, used or new canning rings, wide mouth or regular. Will pay shipping or 9-5. 717-7687330. View all classified ads online at www.snews.com!

SINDALL Truck Service

has an opening for a Full-Time/Part-Time person with a CDL license to pick up and deliver Class 8 vehicles (requiring a CDL license)/truck parts and assist the parts department with stocking shelves as needed. This is an excellent opportunity for a retired truck driver looking to work a few days a week. If you are looking for full-time work, this position might be for you as well. All full-time positions are eligible for our ggenerous benefit package. g

Lions Club Citizen Of The Year And Lion Of The Year At the Denver Lions Club August Family Picnic, the Denver Lions recognized Steve Martzall as Citizen of the Year and Ed Shafer as Lion of the Year. Steve Martzall was selected as Citizen of the Year from a list of potential recipients recommended by Denver Lions Club members. Steve has volunteered with the Denver Fire Company as a fireman and fire police personnel for many years. Also, Steve helps with the Denver Lions/ Denver Fire Company on the weekly Bingo held in the Denver Fire Hall. Also, the Denver Lions recognized Lion Ed Shafer as Lion of the Year for 2019. Ed can be found helping at many Lion projects and fundraising events that


WANTED: Buying estate jewelry, gold, silver, watches, wrist/pocket, costume jewelry, sterling flatware, antiques, vintage clothes. Nobody beats Uncle Funky’s price. 1484-432-9770, 717-7330003.

We Are A Premier Truck Repair Facility Located In New Holland, PA Please respond by email paul@sindalltransport.com, by phone at 717-354-3288 or in person at 465 Diller Ave., New Holland, PA to schedule an interview.


Local company is in need of experienced CDL B drivers. This is a part-time position. Great opportunity for retired drivers and others who have a flexible schedule looking for additional income. On-call ondemand time sensitive, time critical p/up and delivery. Home daily. Well maintained equipment - excellent p/t pay - up to $17 per hour. Must have minimum 3 years verifiable CDL B driving experience. Must have minimum 3 years clean MVR and minimum 3 years accident free. Must meet all DOT requirements. Call our voice mail number


benefit the community. Currently, Ed is serving as Secretary for the Denver Lions Club. Ed joined the Denver Lions Club in the Spring of 2016. Again, the

Denver Lions Club wants to thank Ed for his continuous support of the people of the Denver and Cocalico areas. Shown in the photo is Lion

of the Year Ed Shafer (left) and Lion Chairman Mike Grant (center) and Citizen of the Year Steve Martzall (right).

To Buy

WANTED: Vinyl records & musical instruments: Paying cash. Top dollar paid for your vinyl records- all styles and genres, 33s, 45s & 78s. Guitars, amps, clarinets, trumpets, anything music! We love it all. Call or stop by today, Lititz Music Company, 47 S. Broad Street in Lititz. 717627-4929. www.lititzmusic .com.

WANTED: Costume jewelry, vintage Christmas decorations, doll clothes, clothing button collections, postcards, other small antiques. Stella 717-875-7884.


WANTED: String and Wind instruments. All conditions considered. Will pay cash. Please call, 717-368-3337. WANTED: $50-$500 paid for junk autos. Free removal. Call anytime, licensed, insured, bonded. All paperwork taken care of legally. 717-989-6980. WANTED: Reclaimed lumber, siding and floor boards, etc. Call 717-413-8393. WANTED: $100-$2,000 paid for unwanted and junk vehicles. Local, insured and bonded dealer. Free removal. Call anytime, 717-350-1208.


WANTED: We buy junk cars for cash. Licensed and insured salvors. Call 717-4900491.


For Rent FOR RENT: Prime commercial space along busy Route 501 North, 1,000 sq.ft. Excellent exposure, ample parking. Join other successful businesses in this commercial center. Retail office or professional uses. All ok. 717278-5880.

W JOB OPPORTUNITIES W • WELDER FABRICATOR • ELECTRICIAN • INSTALLATION / SERVICE TECH Experience preferred for these positions, but we will train a qualified candidate. Offering competitive wages and benefits. If you desire to work in a wholesome and friendly environment, please send us your resumé! 608 E. Evergreen Rd. Email to vernonm@afsproducts.com or mail to:

Automatic Farm Systems

CLASS A CDL TRUCKER NEEDED FT, Good Pay, Benefits, Clean & Updated Rigs. Job requires approximately 2-3 nights out per week. GreenWay is willing to train, but must be comfortable in a big rig.

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If interested, contact Albert Yoder

717-354-8098 albert@greenwayfence.com

Cooks Full Time Salad & Desserts Full Time & Part Time Grill/Buffet Full Time & Part Time Dishwashers/Janitor Part Time Saturday Buffet/Grill/Cook Part Time

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Dutchette Cashier

GreenWay is a growing family owned business with faith based values.

Part Time

Shady Maple offers excellent benefits: health/dental/vision, 401K/matching contribution, paid vacations, holidays, employee discounts.

Interested candidates may apply at:

Route 23, East Earl, PA 17519 www.shady-maple.com


STARTING RATE - $13/hour!! In search of highly motivated full time employees to work for America’s Oldest Hat Company. We are looking for individuals with the following skills: ability to occasionally lift up to 40 lbs. No allergies to wool is required. Attention to detail and a passion to do things right is a must! Must have reliable transportation. On the job training is available! FULL TIME hours for the position are Monday through Friday 6:00am- 2:30pm.

Apply in person:

Bollman Hat Company,

110 East Main Street, Adamstown, PA 19501



Full-time, mostly within 150 miles. Great Pay & Benefits. Experience is a plus!

601 Overlys Grove Rd., New Holland, PA

If interested, contact Albert Yoder

717-354-8098 albert@greenwayfence.com GreenWay is a growing family owned business with faith based values.

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 11B

FOR RENT: 607 East Main Street, Ephrata. First floor office space with off-street parking, water/sewer, electric and trash included. $310 per month. One-year lease, security deposit and credit check required. 717738-1151. FOR RENT: Office Space, 24 Orange St., Ephrata. 2-3 of-­ fices, large meeting room, two bathrooms, closet/ storage space, lobby/vesti-­ bule area. Off-street parking for 5-6 vehicles. Includes heat, water/sewer and trash. $830 per month plus security deposit and credit check. 717-738-1151. FOR RENT: Storage units, 31’x 18’ with 9’x 10’ overhead door. Dry storage only. $175/month. Denver area. Call 717-917-9987.

FOR RENT: Brownstown sin-­ gle ranch home, 3BR, 1.5BA, CA, gas heat, garage, $1,350+ utilities, security de-­ posit and credit check. Small pets allowed, no smoking. Call or text, 717-606-3675.

Go Wacky, Artsy With Slow-Cooker Granola Plain Clay Flowerpots Is a Game-Changer

Flowerpots are more than

FOR RENT: Attractive 3 bed-­ We’re a granola-eating family. When justtall containers forreads fragrant jar in our pantry almost room townhome located only the time to stir up and bake a herbs,it’s summer’s begonias minutes from Turnpike/ empty, new batch. It’s never a chore, because or fresh fall’s chrysanthemums. Route 222. This home in-­ the homemade taste of heartcludes 1 car garage, family healthy Grab oats a plain clay pot fruit the with nuts and dried room, gas heat, CA. Appli-­ always satisfies, combined next time youwhether and your kids ances. No smoking, $1,150/ with berries at or breakfast, or are yogurt at aand nursery garden month. Please call Dogwood sprinkled over a scoop of ice cream for center, hold it up and think an evening dessert. Property, 717-733-5152.

Free FREE: Fabric. Must be used for relief purposes such as for Christian Aid. Call 717-4456066. FREE: To a good home. 8 year old, 20 pound cat. De-­ clawed and has vet records. Very independent, but likes to be with people. Owners retired to Fairmount. Twen-­ ty pounds of food included. Call 717-201-5941.

No itwonder I was curiouscanvas, when a of as an artist’s friend suggested make granola in waiting for I your creative my slow cooker instead of baking it expression. Purchase in the oven. Skeptical, I gave it a try several, or results. repurpose and loved the In fact,empty it’s a game-changer. clay pots you have at home, I stick with my basic recipe that and you’re onThe your way to never disappoints. hand-crafted, this fun family economical blend isactivity. open to variations, like substituting cashews for the Onceor you almonds pecans.and Whenyour I buy akids jug have added the I leave artistic of fresh local maple syrup, out the brown sugar entirely. embellishments to For thevariety, pots, I’ll cut up something unusual, like fill them with fresh potting dried persimmons, to toss in at the end soil,theplant cuttings from your with raisins.

summer garden or pot new TASTY SLOW-COOKER flowers for fall and watch GRANOLA your Cooking livingspray“windowsill or olive oil masterpieces” grow. 4 cups old-fashioned rolled Use (not quick cooking) extra oatsdecorated pots as 1/2 cup brown sugar catchalls for desk supplies, 1 teaspoon cinnamon hair 1/2 accessories, teaspoon bakingetc. powder 1/2 teaspoon salt Here are three easy 1/2 cup coarsely chopped whole

FOR RENT: Twin Pine Storage Units, 24hr. ac-­ Advertise your unwanted cess, $20.00 per month items in The Shopping News! Call our office at and up. 717-733-6549. Or 717-738-1151. stop in at 1932 W. Main, almonds 1/2 cup coarsely chopped pecans Ephrata. M-Th, 9am-5pm, 1/2 cup canola oil F 9am-3:30pm, Sat., 10am1 teaspoon vanilla extract 12pm. 2 egg whites, slightly beaten • General Construction



cup raisins

• Competitive Wages andthe Benefits 1. Prepare slow cooker: Spray • Valid Driver’s License Required

FOR RENT: Rooms available with kitchenette, weekly or monthly at Econo Lodge Inn and Suites, Denver/ RT272, near Dunkin Donuts and Red Roof Inn. No pets. Call 717336-7000.

Automotive section

Slather tile grout on the outside of a clay pot like you are frosting a cake. Dig through your toy box, junk or desk drawer and choose tiny, lightweight, whimsical items such as plastic spiders or sea creatures, a pocket mirror, leftover game piece, badge, button or coin. Embed the pieces in the grout. Let dry thoroughly. SAND DESIGNS Create a Southwest look, NOTE: for Substitute brownasugar with ideal potting cactus. 1/2 cup maple syrup, honey or agave Drawanddesigns like zigzags, syrup, combine with liquid ingredients before tossing dry ingredients. triangles andwith circles on the In addition to (or instead of) raisins, pot with a pencil or marker. use your favorite dried fruit, chopped. Trace the TIP: design with GIFT-GIVING Let kids draw a label to glue to a mason jar. It might white household glue on say “The Johnsons’ World’s Best Graone For section of gift, thetiepot, then nola.” a holiday a colorful sprinkle clean, ribbon around the jar. colored craft sand over the*** glue.

November 11, 2019

FOR RENT: Sarasota Flori-­ da vacation rental, $650 weekly, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, golf cart use, in nice mobile home court, nice community pool. Available January and March. Call 717-283-8293.


bottom and sides of a 3-quart or larger slow cooker with the cooking spray, or lightly coat with oil. 2. Combine the oats, brown sugar, cinnamon, baking powder, salt and nuts in the slow cooker. 3. Stir together the oil, vanilla and egg whites in a small bowl. Add to dry ingredients and toss well until fully coated. 4. Turn slow cooker to high. Set a wooden spoon under one side of the lid to hold the lid open, slightly ajar. Cook for 1 1/2 to 2 hours until toasted, stirring mixture well every 30 minutes. 5. Stir in raisins and spread mixture techniques: on a baking sheet to cool. Store in jarsWACKY or in an airtight container. Makes JUNK about 6 cups.

King Features Weekly Service

FOR RENT: 10x18 storage space, Ephrata/Lincoln. Clean, secure, concrete floor, easy access, $70/mo. 717-380-2206.

Or, cover the entire pot with tile grout (see above) and sprinkle colored sand over the grout. Embed small objects such as marbles into the sand and grout. SIMPLE PAINTING Paint a clean clay flowerpot with acrylic paints using a paintbrush or a painting sponge. Experiment with a crazy, splashy design of swirls, stripes and spots (dip the eraser end of an old pencil in the paint to dab on the dots). For a spattered look, older children can dip the bristles of an old toothbrush in paint and run their thumb across the bristles to spray flecks on the pot. *** Donna Erickson’s awardwinning series “Donna’s

Donna Erickson’s award-winning series “Donna’s Day” is airing on public television nationwide. To find more of her creative family recipes and activities, visit www.donnasday.com and link to the NEW Donna’s Day Facebook fanTIRES page. Her latest book is “Donna Erickson’s Fabulous Funstuff for Families.”

Day” is airing on public television nationwide. To find more of her creative family recipes and activities, visit www.donnasday. com and link to the NEW Donna’s Day Facebook fan page. Her latest book is “Donna Erickson’s Fabulous Funstuff for Families.”



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SHOPPING NEWS of Lancaster County

Below is a list of convenient locations where you can pick up your weekly issue if you are not in our regular hand-delivered area. AKRON

• Horst Outdoor Power & Equip. • King’s Snack Food • Ranck’s Family Restaurant

• • • • • • •



• The Pretzel Hut

• Weaver’s Store



• Daniel’s Farm Store • Dutch Lanes

• Giant • Weaver’s Hardware



• Weiser’s Market BOWMANSVILLE

• • • • • • •

A Step In Time Antique Center Deer Country Fulton Bank (Denver) Red Roof Inn Turkey Hill (300 Main Street) Turkey Hill (2501 N . Reading Rd.) Weaver Markets (Adamstown & Blainsport)


• • • • •

Good’s Store Horst Farm Market Martin’s Trailside Express Shady Maple Smorgasbord Shady Maple Farm Market


• Elm Post Office EPHRATA

• Ebenezer Groceries • Ephrata Area Chamber of Commerce • Friendly Mini Mart • Glenwood Foods • Good’s Store • Green Dragon • Gus’s Keystone Family Restaurant • Key Aid/Ace Hardware • Martins’ Country Market • Next Door Food Store • Redner’s Warehouse Markets • Royer Pharmacy, Sharp Ave.

• • • • • •

Sharp Shopper Turkey Hill (4 Hahnstown Road) Turkey Hill (903 S. State Street) Turkey Hill (1010 Sharp Avenue) Turkey Hill (3585 Rothsville Road) Wawa Weis Markets

Bomberger’s Store Giant Lititz Family Cupboard Oregon Dairy Restaurant PaulB Weiser’s Market


• Eby’s Store MORGANTOWN

• Turkey Hill MYERSTOWN


• • • • •

Fix My Computer Please Grocery Outlet Garden Spot Village J .B. Zimmerman Yoder’s Country Market




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12B - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

DEAR DR. ROACH: You have mentioned acupuncture as a treatment for several conditions. I have read otherwise. How strong is the evidence for its use? -R.L. ANSWER: The effective­ ness of acupuncture for over 50 different medical con­ ditions was reviewed by the Cochrane Collaboration, an evidence-based medicine group. Some of these show significant benefit; for

example, acupuncture improves pain and function in people with fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis, when compared with placebo pills. Acupuncture also was better than doing nothing and better than some other treatments. On the other hand, the Cochrane group could not find enough evidence to say whether acupuncture is effective for many other conditions, such as de­ pression or shoulder pain. More importantly, some authors have argued that the benefit from acupuncture is a placebo response, and that the apparent benefit of acupuncture compared with a placebo pill is merely that acupuncture is a more effective placebo than just a pill.

There certainly is evidence that even surgery has a potential for a placebo response, and one interesting recent study showed that people with Parkinson’s disease got more improve­ment in motor skills from a placebo pill they were told cost $1,500 than they did with the identical placebo if they were told it cost only $100. This shows me that our minds have a tremendous ability to improve our bodies if we really believe we can. I think that to a very large extent, and perhaps entirely, the real benefits seen by people who undergo acu­ puncture are a manifestation of the placebo response. Acupuncture has far fewer

side effects than many medications and helps people with a variety of conditions. Whether its effect is “real” or placebo is almost not an issue. *** DEAR DR. ROACH: Last year, I started getting Raynaud’s. I can remember from my youth that my father had it, so it didn’t seem too terrible. It’s not just the fingertips that turn white, but also some of my toes are affected. I asked people who know of it or have it how one gets this. What is the cause? No one knows. So I asked my doctor. Even he said he did not know. How do I get these episodes, and what can I do to prevent them? -- R.S.

ANSWER: Raynaud phen­ omenon is an exaggerated response to cold or stress, causing color changes in the skin of the fingers and toes. There is a long list of causes of Raynaud phenomenon. Often, no cause is ever found (in which case it is called primary Raynaud, which just means we don’t know what’s causing it). The most common known causes are the autoimmune rheumatic diseases, especially sclero­derma, lupus and Sjogren’s syndrome. Hypothyroidism is an unusual cause, and some drugs can cause it as well. The current thinking is that primary RP is caused by abnormalities in the


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Touring 65,000 mi. 215-70-15 .....................



205-70-15 .................... $89.00 215-60-15 ...................... $87.00 195-65-15 ...................... $87.00 205-60-16 .....................$89.00 195-60-15 ...................... $87.50 215-65-15 ...................... $87.50 205-65-15 .....................$88.00 215-65-16 ......................$99.50 225-60-16 .....................$99.50 215-60-16 ......................$99.50 205-55-16 .....................$99.00

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124.00 $ P 245-70-16 .............. 124.00 P 265-70-16 .............. $134.00 P 255-70-16 .............. $134.00 P 265-70-17 .............. $152.00 LT 265-75-16 8pl ..... $162.00 LT 245-75-16 10pl ... $162.00 LT 265-75-16 10pl ... $172.00 LT 285-75-16 8pl ..... $179.00 P 235-70-16 ..............


alpha receptors in blood vessels (alpha receptors respond to adrenaline and similar molecules). Keeping the whole body -- and especially the hands -- warm is the first step. Sudden temperature changes can trigger the effect. Warming the hands in warm water at the onset of an attack can stop it. Anxiety makes it worse, so a positive attitude can really affect this condition. Medications, such as amlodipine, may be necessary for prevention in more severe cases. *** DEAR DR. ROACH: Two years ago at my yearly physical, my doctor said I was low on vitamin B-12 and that the only way to increase it was through a shot in the arm. I received my first shot that day, and my arm was paralyzed for four days. I went in a week later for my second shot, only to have the same thing happen again. I didn’t get any more shots. It still hurts to this day, even though an MRI shows nothing wrong. The specialist says it was just coincidence. I cannot hold my arm over my head or stretch it out. What’s your take? -- D.R. ANSWER: Well, I don’t believe it was just coincidence. Nerve damage following injection is extremely rare, but it sounds like what you are describing. This can be due to direct trauma to the nerve by the needle, or by an inflammatory reaction. The treatment is physical therapy, but unfortunately for you, it works best if begun right away. I still think it is worth your while, however. Also, vitamin B-12 deficiency absolutely can be treated with oral vitamin B-12. Although pernicious anemia, the most common form of vitamin B-12 deficiency, is due to poor B-12 absorption, this can be overcome simply by giving much more B-12 than the



195-60-15 ......................$94.00 195-65-15 ......................$94.00 215-70-15 ......................$94.00 225-60-16 .................. $110.00 205-55-16 .................. $110.00

Mention this ad at time of service.

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 13B

body usually needs. A dose of 1 mg daily by mouth is a safe, inexpensive and effective treatment for vitamin B-12 deficiency. Many of my patients still want the injection, however, even though it seems inexplicable to me. DEAR DR. ROACH: Yesterday, while walking barefoot in my back yard, I stepped on a bee. This has happened to me before, and it seems that each time the results are a little worse. After I removed the stinger from the underside of one of my toes, I put ice on the sting and took a Benadryl. Since this happened in the evening, I was able to elevate my leg for the rest of the night. In the morning, the area was swollen, red, hot and painful. Now, after my usual three-mile morning power walk, the swelling and soreness is spreading up my foot. I am notorious for going barefoot and stepping on bees. I just know this will happen again. Do you have any suggestions for what might help prevent a bee sting from going “viral”? ANSWER: Your best bet is not to get stung in the first place, which for you means not stepping barefoot where bees might be. It’s particularly important for you, as local reactions to bee stings do tend to get worse over time. Fortunately, they do not usually predict the lifethreatening anaphylactic reaction. Once stung by a bee, remove the stinger, within seconds if possible, since the venom can continue to

be released for several seconds. The local reaction usually lasts less than a day in most people, but it can last up to five days. The reason the swelling and soreness spread after your walk is that the exercise and increased blood flow to the area allowed the venom to move to different areas, and the inflammatory response also progressed. I would recommend that you continue cold compresses and avoid your power walks for at least another day or two after a sting. *** Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med. cornell.edu.

East Cocalico Lions Donate To Park Association Each September, the Reamstown Memorial Park Association sponsors “Reamstown Days.” This two-day event offers the local community food, games and live concerts while raising funds for the maintenance of the Reamstown Memorial Park. Each year the East Cocalico Lions Club sell their delicious French fries at this event, donating the fries and supplying the manpower. All monies taken in that weekend are donated back to the Park Association. Recently, Lion Mark Janke presented a check for $1,318 to the Park Association, representing this donation. Also each year, the President of the club is allotted $1,500 to contribute to an organization of his or her choice. Past President, Tim Hegeman decided to donate $1,000 of his “President Project” to the Park Association, which was

Call today 717-517-9257 Equal Housing Opportunity


1 B/R OPEN NOW 55 & Older only. Accessible apartments. Rents $715 includes most utilities, resident pays electric only, heat is provided. No Pets. Minimum income $16,000. Section 8 accepted & waives minimum income.

is part of the largest service organization in the world with clubs in over 209 countries or geographic areas consisting of over 1.35 million members. As they continue to celebrate their 75th Anniversary of “Lighting the Way” in the community, the East Cocalico Lions will

continue their support of the Reamstown Memorial Park Association and will continue to “Serve” into the future. If you are interested in finding out more about the East Cocalico Lions or would like to join, please call 717-336-5311.

800-383-3535 | Homesale.com Rt 272 Old Mill Rd, Ephrata

Kitchen/Woodworking Company FOR SALE

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Located in the Susquehanna Valley Business and Real Estate for Sale

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New Holland - EASTERN LANCASTER D e n v e r -

C O C A L I C O S c h l s Reinholds - COCALICO Schls Ephrata - EPHRATA AREA Schls COUNTY Schls 3 BR, 2 Baths. Call 3 BR, 2 Baths. Call Craig Hartranft, 4 BR, 1.5 Baths. Call Brandy Houck, 3 BR, 1.5 Baths. Call Leah Landis, Michael Gordon Sr., SHPALA141328 SHPALA137858 $119,900. SHPALA138822 $130,000. SHPALA143648 $149,900.


NDA Required

email: business4sale4you@gmail.com for information and NDA

Denver - COCALICO Schls 4 BR, Denver - EASTERN LANCASTER Stevens - COCALICO Schls 3 BR, Reinholds - COCALICO Schls 2.5 Baths. Call Theresa Richardson, COUNTY Schls 2 BR, 2.5 Baths. Call 1.5 Baths. Call Russell H. Renninger, 2 BR, 3 Baths. Call Sherri Sweigert, SHPALA130228 $187,000. Donna Strenko, SHPALA143272 $214,900. SHPALA139690 $225,000. SHPALA137662 $239,900.

PA Licensed Realtor and Business Broker



Reinholds - COCALICO Schls 3 BR, Ephrata - EPHRATA AREA Schls 4 BR, S t e v e n s - COCALICO Schls Lititz - WARWICK Schls 3 BR, 2.5 Baths. Call Theresa Richardson, 2.5 Baths. Call Jeff Rutt, SHPALA141126 4 BR, 3 Baths. Call Jennah Good, 2 . 5 B a t h s . C a l l J i m P a p p a s , SHPALA138864 $249,900. $299,900. SHPALA140652 $374,900. SHPALA143848 $399,900.

MAYTOWN, PA 2 BR Apartments At the Square. Rent $925 includes ALL utilities (heat/hot water/sewer/trash/ electricity). NO PETS. Minimum income $18,888 required. Section 8 accepted & waives the minimum income.

presented at the same time. Shown in the photo, from left to right, are Park Association members Dean Witmer, Mike Burkholder, Judy Burkholder, Carol Smith and Kelly Tressler accepting these donations from Lion Mark Janke. The East Cocalico Lions

1433 West Main St., Ephrata, PA 17522 • 717-733-4158 See Website For Complete Listings www.hauensteinagency.com 3 BR Townhome, 700 Lincoln Ave., Ephrata. $1195, one car garage, stove, refrig., micro. NO PETS OR SMKG. 3 BR House, 793 Hackman Rd., Ephrata. $1195, well/septic, 4 car garage, stove, refrig. NO PETS OR SMKG. 2 BR 1st fl. Apt., 1601 W. Main St., Apt. H, Ephrata. $950, trash, stove, refrig., d/w, w/d, micro. PET WELCOME, NO SMKG. 2 BR 2nd fl. Apt., 24 N. Church St., Ephrata. $825, heat, w/s/t, stove, refrig., w/d. NO PETS OR SMKG. 2 BR 1st fl. Apt., 1210 Dawn Ave., Ephrata. $795, w/s/t, stove, refrig., d/w, w/d. NO PETS OR SMKG. 1 BR 2nd fl. Apt., 6 W. Church St., Apt. #4, Reamstown. $565, trash, stove, refrig. NO PETS OR SMKG.

Is Your Home For Sale? Make sure it is being advertised to

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FOR RENT Commercial Office Space

Call today 717-517-9257 Equal Housing Opportunity


2 & 3 BR OPEN NOW Rents start $857 & $990 includes ALL utilities (heat/hot water/sewer/ trash/electric). On-site laundry, off-street parking. No Pets. Minimum income $20,568 required. Section 8 accepted & waives minimum income.

Call today 717-351-0855 Equal Housing Opportunity

24 Orange Street, Ephrata First floor office space includes 2-3 offices plus large meeting room, two bathrooms, abundant closet/ storage space, lobby/vestibule area, off-street parking for 5-6 vehicles. Utilities include heat, water/ sewer, trash, lawn and snow removal. $830.00 per month, 1-year lease, security deposit and credit check required.

607 E. Main Street, Ephrata Single office (14x14), first floor. Includes: off-street parking, water/sewer, electric, heat/air and trash removal. $310.00 per month, 1-year lease, security deposit and credit check required. Call 717-738-1151 or email snews@ptd.net for more information.


SHOPPING NEWS of Lancaster County

For advertising information, call 717-738-1151

14B - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”



is looking back...

of Lancaster County


*These pages are re-run for entertainment purposes only. Advertised prices, locations, names and phone numbers are not intended for use or solicitation.


Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 15B


Public Sales

Veterans Recognized During Special Program • It was pioneering British director of suspense films Alfred Hitchcock who made the following sage observation: “The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.” • If you’re an arach­ nophobe, you probably don’t want to know that a tarantula can live for up to two years without eating a single thing. • If you’re like the average American man with a job, you spend 8 minutes per day cooking. If you’re like the average American woman who works, you spend 50 minutes a day preparing meals. • There are four times more astrologers than astronomers in the United States. • You may not think it significant that in 1921, Earle Dickson’s wife had a tendency to injure herself while working in the kitchen. He kept bandaging her wounds with gauze and adhesive tape, but the bandages always seemed to be slipping off. Finally, in exasperation, he put a small piece of gauze in the center of a piece of adhesive tape, which worked beautifully. None of this would have made any difference to us today, except that Dickson

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese Shown in the above photo are the following veterans who were recognized for their service during the Friendly Circle monthly meeting. They include: Nevin Snader, Jerry Reinhold, Robert Groome, Don Siglin, Sam Sherk, Tom Williams, Jack Smith, Rob DeBow, Glenn Buffenmeyer, Richard Binner, Bud Garner, Chet Hoover, Jeff Donahue, Harold (Bingy) Bingeman, Jim Hagy, Don Eisenberger, Robert Ober, Ronald Spangler, Melvin Ressler, Norman Hainley, Charlie Becker and John Rice.

was an employee of Johnson & Johnson. He took some samples of his invention into work, where the owner, James Johnson, loved the idea. The Band-Aid went into production shortly thereafter. • In the 1979 gubernatorial election in Louisiana, a man named Luther Knox was fed up with the candidates on the ballot. In order to give like-minded Louisianans an option, he ran for the office himself -- after legally changing his name to “None


We’re Always On! THE

SHOPPING NEWS of Lancaster County

of the Above.” • You might be surprised to learn that rock star Elvis Presley’s idol was General Douglas MacArthur. • It was the 32nd president of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, who made the following sage observation: “Government by organized money is just as dangerous as government by organized mob.” • You might be surprised

to learn that Helen Keller, best known as the first blind and deaf person to earn a bachelor’s degree, loved performing. She spent years on vaudeville tours, and in 1919 she starred in “Deliverance,” a silent film about her life. • In the Canadian town of Churchill, Manitoba, most people don’t lock their car doors. The primary motivation for this practice isn’t trust (although, of

“Horst Auctioneers” PUBLIC SALE


THURSDAY, DEC. 12, 2019 AT 1:00 P.M.

Located at 138 N. Groffdale Rd., (New Holland 17557), West Earl Township, Lancaster Co., PA (Directions – Rt. 23 between New Holland & Leola, Turn North onto N. Groffdale Road)

A winning combination... in print and online.



THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12 • 1 P.M. 143 Rothsville Station Rd., Lititz. Rt. 772 into Rothsville. Bear right Newport Rd. Right Rothsville Station Rd. OR N. of Lititz & Rt. 501 at Sheetz, E. Newport Rd. to Rothsville. Left Rothsville Station Rd.

2 sty. dwl. w/2510 SF, eat-in kitchen, family rm., rec rm./living rm., 4 bdrms., 2 baths, oil HW heat, central AC, attached 2 car gar., body shop/ gar. bldg. 66x72 w/28x32 addition (5648 SF bldg.), shop/gar. w/multiple lifts, paint rm. w/air & bake booth,, work rm., paint storage rm., 2 offices, parts rm., equip. rm., 2 baths rms., 13’ ceilings, 3 phase elec., air lines, 40 KW generator, 110 solar panels providing elec., (3) additional detached garages, 1.9 ACRES w/public water, septic, lateral for public sewer, parking for 10+ vehicles & fenced security lot. (Known as Ed Good Auto Body.) Zoned Community Commericial. After 33 years owners discontinuing busines & serious to sell. Varied permitted & special exception uses. Ideal business property. Personal inspection by appointment or Open House Sat., Dec. 7 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood.com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-733-1006 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956

Edward H. & Susanna H. Good 717-627-3653 or 717-615-6891

AUCTIONEERS www.klinekreidergood.com


WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11 • 1 P.M. 239 Lowry Rd., New Holland. Rt. 23 E. to New Holland. Right Brimmer Ave. Left Lowry Rd. OR from Intercourse Rt. 340 E. Left New Holland Rd. Right Lowry Rd.

Custom 2 sty. w/5862 SF, beautiful eat-in kitchen w/custom cabinets, high end appliances & granite tops, great rm. w/cathedral ceiling, gas fireplace, 1st floor office, 4 bdrms. (1st floor master bdrm. suite), 31/2 baths, finished lower level w/private entrance, 2nd kitchen, living rm., 2 bonus bdrms., bath, laundry, 2056 SF finished lower level (previously beauty salon, ideal for inlaw quarters), gas air heat, central AC, wrap-around porch, panel doors, colonial trim, tray & cathedral ceilings, 4 car gar./shop 36x50, insulated/ heated w/carport, (2) gazebos, utility bldg., 4 ACRES w/spring-fed pond. Owner relocating to farm & serious to sell. Truly “one of a kind” custom dwl. w/7 car garage area. Ideal country location. Minutes to New Holland, Intercourse, White Horse & Bird-in-Hand. Personal inspection by appointment or Open House Sat., Dec. 7 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood.com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368)



course, trust is required), but public safety: A pedestrian who unexpectedly encount­ ers a polar bear will be able

to find refuge in any car along the street. • With warmer weather approaching, you might want to consider heading to Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, to witness an annual rite of spring. Students at Lake Superior State University gather on (or near) the first day of spring for the annual Snowman Burning. Started in 1971 by a campus club known as the Unicorn Hunters, the tradition involves setting alight a 12-foot-tall “snowman” -usually built of recycled paper, wood and wire -- to celebrate the end of winter. • If you haven’t listened to any new music in a while, chances are you’re over 33. Those who study such things say that’s the age at which Americans would rather stick to what they know than try out new tunes. • If winter seems to be dragging on endlessly, be glad you don’t live on Uranus; there, winter lasts 21 years.

ATGLEN STONE/VINYL SIDED RANCH STYLE DWELLING (Approx. 2,300 sq. ft. first floor living space & approx. 1,500 sq. ft. finished daylight basement living space) First floor contains a foyer; large family room with stone fireplace; living room/den; large kitchen with cherry cabinets & center island; dining area; master bedroom with his & her closets; 2 guest bedrooms; full bathroom; laundry/half bathroom; extra-large sun room; large Azek composite deck. Full semi-daylight basement contains an extra-large finished rec room; full bathroom; electric heat pump with central A.C. LARGE ATTACHED 650 SQ. FT. TWO CAR GARAGE 13½ X 30 FRAME STORAGE SHED/GARAGE 16 X 24 FRAME STORAGE SHED/BARN 8 X 12 VINYL STORAGE SHED LOT SIZE – 220’ Frontage x 200’ Depth (M/L) CONESTOGA VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT – APPROX. $5,600 TOTAL YEARLY R.E. TAXES This circa 1970 stone/vinyl rancher is currently in need of cosmetic work and updating but offers a spacious first floor plan with three bedrooms and 1½ bathrooms; an extra-large finished daylight basement; an oversize attached two car garage and three extra storage sheds on an outstanding one acre country lot surrounded by Lancaster County farmland. Be sure to inspect this valuable residential property being sold at an estate public sale! OPEN HOUSE – Saturday, December 7 from 1 P.M. - 3 P.M. or for information/inspection call Horst Auctioneers at (717) 738-3080. *TERMS OF SALE - $20,000 down payment on the day of sale; balance at settlement on or before 2/10/2020. Purchaser pays both realty transfer taxes. Property sold as-is. Gibbel, Kraybill & Hess, Atty

Sale For:


Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-733-1006 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956

William L. Deihm, Sr. 610-656-1899

AUCTIONEERS www.klinekreidergood.com




880 N. State St., Ephrata. Rt. 322 E. to Ephrata. Left N. State St. thru Ephrata to house on left OR from Reamstown take S. Reamstown Rd. Straight State St.

11/2 sty. dwl. w/2716 SF, eat-in kitchen, custom cabinets, formal dining rm., living rm., 1st floor family/sun rm., 4 bdrms., 2 baths, 1st floor office/study, full bsmt. w/laundry/utility rm., shop, cold cellar, oil HW heat, central AC, brick porch, brick patio, insulated & heated 2 car garage 24x28 plus 2nd 1 car garage 12x20, utility bldg. w/overhead door, level 2.6 ACRES w/lawn, garden area & macadam parking area. Zoned Industrial. House & outbldgs. in good state of repair. Spacious house w/upgraded mechanicals. Personal inspection by appointment or Open House Sat., Dec. 7 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood. com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-733-1006 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956

Eugene H. & Elanor S. Horst 717-368-4893

AUCTIONEERS www.klinekreidergood.com

16B - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

Freshman Officers Welcomed At Cocalico High School

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese Freshman officers have been named at Cocalico High School and they include, from left to right, Olivia Reider (Secretary), Cameron Nye (President), Lia Finnegan (Vice President) and Kaden Lehman (Treasurer).

Saturday, December 28, 2019 at 10:00 AM 713 Elm St., Richland, PA 17087

From W. Main St./Chestnut St. in Richland take Elm St. to Property on Right.

Approx. 1100 SF 2-Sty. Home w/Lg. Eat-In Kitchen Open to Family Rm.; Laundry/Half Bath; 2nd Sty.: 2 BR/1 Bath; Attic; 598 SF; Basement; Oil/Hot Water Heat; RO Water System. 28’x21’ 1-Car Garage/Shop. Jackson Twp.; ELCO School District; Lebanon Co. OPEN HOUSE: Sat, 12/7 & 12/14, 1-3 PM or by appointment. For appt. to see or help to obtain bank financing, call Joel (717-949-3211). NOTE: Great investment property/starter home in a country setting. House is wellinsulated, low-maintenance w/vinyl siding & recently-installed steel roof. TERMS: 10% Down; Balance in 45 Days. SEE MORE INFO & PHOTOS: www.heiseyauctions.com Auction For:

* “To remove paint or stain from hands (even oil-based), use an old dry washcloth with liquid hand soap -- no water. After the paint is loose, rinse with warm water.” -- H.P. in Washington * “I found a terrific metal

magnet strip that is for use in the kitchen. It was a great price at a local resale shop. I have used it in my mini workshop to hold jewelrymaking tools by my craft desk. It is especially handy now that I am making many ornaments for gifts.” -- E.L. in New Jersey * Use baking soda as a dry cleaning agent for fabric items such as suitcases, backpacks, boots, canvas items, etc. * “Try this baking tip from my mother: When


Walter M. & Arlene H. Horst

2pm Personal Property • 5pm Real Estate


2116 Main St. Lititz, PA 17543

Attorney: Anthony J. Fitzgibbons 717-279-8313

This affordable & charming Rothsville home is well located between Lititz & Brownstown. The 1st floor of this home hosts an eat-in kitchen, living room, den, laundry room, & full bath. The 2nd-floor features 3 bedrooms. Additional amenities include hardwood floors & a 2 2-story barn.


2.8+/- Acre Property w/4 BDR, 21/2 Bath House Garages, Bank Barn, Workshop, Pasture Trucks, Trailers, Construction Tools & Equipment

Saturday, December 28, 2019 at 10:00 A.M. Real Estate at 12:00 Noon 75 Bowers Rd., Mertztown, PA 19539-Berks County From Fleetwood, take Fleetwood Lyons Rd. E. to right on Bowers Rd. to property on right.

Property Descrip�on: 2.8+/- acre country property w/4 BDR, 2½ bath ranch house w/garages & daylight basement. 14’x11’ kitchen w/food file. Full bath, dining rm. & 18’x13.5’ living rm. 3 bedrooms including 13’x13.5’ master w/½ bath. Concrete pa�o & walks leading to daylight basement w/lge. office area w/recessed lights. Also, 26’x14.5’ family rm., full bath, bedroom, & storage rm. Newer forced air coal furnace. Recently installed mini-split for basement cooling. Lots of closets & ceiling fans. 24’x36’ garage/workshop. 18’x30’ bank barn w/horse stalls. Lge. garden areas, fenced pasture & play area w/swing set. Doghouse w/outside cage. Sm. chicken coop w/scratch area. On-site well & sep�c. 200’ long wash reel line. Open House Dates: Sat. Dec. 14 & 21, 1-3 pm or call sellers or auc�oneers for private showing. Terms: Down payment of $20,000.00 required day of auc�on. Se�lement on or before February 12, 2020. Transfer taxes to be paid by buyer. Real Estate taxes shall be prorated. Annual Taxes: $ 5,620.00 +/-. Truck, Trailers, Tools & Equipment: 2011 F-350 Super Duty crew cab diesel truck 138K mi.; 2016 Bri-Mar 14’ dump trailer, 14K axles; 2006 King Cobra 14’ enclosed job trailer w/ladder rack, workbench & shelves, 7K axles; Kubota L225 tractor on bel�ng wheels; Classen DS-20 over seeder w/Honda engine; Grizzley 5HP dust collector w/return air & piping; IR air compressor w/5.5 HP Honda; Dewalt compressor; (4) Warner pole jacks w/12’ ext.; (2) 24’, (1) 20’ & (4) 16’ alum planks; (2) 32’ alum., (1) 32’ & (1) 28’ fiberglass ext. ladders; (3) Warner comb. Step/ext. ladders; roof & ladder jacks; Bos�tch & Paslode framing, roofing & joist hanger nailers; Simpson 22 shot nailer; Milwaukee HD right angle drill; Makita & DeWalt saws, drills & drivers; Bosch miter saw; misc. new saw blades; shingle shovels; safety harnesses; misc. hand tools: drywall sanders, staplers, levels, jack, cords, hoses & safety cones; (12) boxes 2 3/8” & (6) 3¼”framing nails; caulking & insula�on; misc. screws, nails, plywood clips, joist hangers, HVAC, rubber roofing, spou�ng, electrical & plumbing supplies; misc. lumber, doors & windows, skylights, roofing, siding, & soffit, appx. 600 pcs. roof slate. Misc.: 40’ shipping container w/sliding door & electric; 18’ caboose playhouse w/2 porches & lo�; appx. 9 yr. old standardbred gelding TSS; 16 laying hens & 1 rooster; 3 PT 1-bot plow; 3 PT potato plow/furrower; CI pump & stove panels; old door & hardware; misc. harness parts; 275 gal. tank; basketball pole & backboard; pedal go cart. Auc�oneers Note: This country property has some of everything as pastures & wooded area, several large gardens, spacious yard & play area complete w/sm. stream. Sellers have purchased a farm & are serious to sell. Star�ng w/remaining items from RZB Construc�on @ 10:00 A.M. w/property at 12:00 noon. Shipping container, dust collector & caboose playhouse to be sold directly a�er real estate. Be prompt. Not a long sale. For more informa�on, pictures and forms, go to: www.beiler-campbellauc�ons.com, www.auc�onzip.com or www.GoToAuc�on.com

Seller: Russel & Janet Burkholder (610) 641-0530 A�orney: Sher & Associates (610) 683-0771


Auctioneers: Noah Shirk 717-354-0192 AU#005928 AU C T I O N S E RV I C E S Harold Martin 717-738-4228 AA#19488 www.beiler-campbellauctions.com • 888-209-6160 Christ Taylor 717-371-1915 AU#005421 AY# 002026

you have a recipe that calls for dry spices (cinnamon, ginger, ground clove, etc.), cream them with the butter instead of sifting them with the dry ingredients. I do feel like they become infused in the recipe better.” -- A. in Illinois * Want to keep certain rooms off limits to wandering little ones? If you slip a baby sock over a doorknob, then secure it with a heavy-duty rubber band, it will keep toddlers out! -- E.R. in Ohio

Complete Personal Assets of Arlene G. Carvell Estate Furniture: clean, upholstered, mid-century; antiques & collectibles, general merchandise, appliances, textiles, seasonal decorations, box lots, and so much more!

Shown By Appointment


Auction for: Arlene G. Carvell Est. Attorney: Ann Martin of GKH

See hessauctiongroup.com for more details.

717-664-5238 877-599-8894


9, 9:00 1 0 2 , 7 . C E D SATURDAY,



J.D. 445 with Loader, Equipment, Tools, Antiques, Collectibles, Personal Property Location: 2570 Valley View Road, Morgantown, Pa. 19543 From Churchtown take Rt. 23 East to left on California Rd. to right on Valley View, Sale on right.

Tractors and Equipment: John Deere 445 with mower deck and 40 loader, 584 hrs., Front mount snowblower, front mount angle blade, pair of ag tires, tandem trailer, dump lawn cart, John Deere 265 Lawn Tractor, Mantis tiller, Troy bilt jet blower, Shindawa trimmer, and other items. Woodworking Tools and Mech. Tools: Delta table saw, Delta Joiner, Bosch Router, DeWalt Compound miter saw, drill press, Delta 12” planer, Ryobi scroll saw, Ryobi Drum sander, Craftsman, Socket sets, wrench sets, Dremel tool, Garden hand tools, vises, pullers, Rolling tool box, industrial shelving, shelves, dry rough cut wide lumber, alum. Ladders, and other items.

Antiques and collectibles: cast iron pots and tri pod, cast iron pans, Fruit press, church pews, milk cans, signs, Mail pouch thermometer, metal lawn chairs, Brass bed, license plates, Wide Cast iron sink, early General Electric Refrigerator on legs, shoe shine box, saws, and other items. Misc.: Telescope, Yamaha keyboard, Valley Road Speeder wagon, Cedar wardrobe, 4 matching book shelves, grand mothers clock, rabbit and pet cages, aquarium, Foose Ball table, Rolling Trash cans, planters, Rolling Garden seat, Lawn irrigation tractors, porch swing and many other items.

AY 3607-L

Real Estate has been sold and sellers are down sizing. Churchtown Ladies will have food, come enjoy the day! Starting with smaller items, then larger pieces and finish with Equipment.



Terms: Cash Pa. Check or credit card ( 4% service fee with cards)

Terms by:

Joseph Leofsky

* “An oldie but a goodie, and certainly considerate of dear old Mom: In my family, you come to Thanksgiving dinner with your own plastic containers for leftovers. If you don’t bring your own, you don’t go home with tomorrow’s lunch. Mom instituted this rule after the first Thanksgiving when all the kids had moved out. We practically cleaned her out of Tupperware!” -- E.Y. in New Mexico Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

cars, homes, pets, automotives, antiques, appliances, garage sales, etc.


Check t! The Classifieds Are Where It’s At! Everything you need is here! it ou


Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 17B

Ephrata Public Library Events (Continued From Page 4B)

skills, including letter and sound introduction, are included in each story time. Large and small motor skills are practiced with simple activities and art. Ages 4 to 7. • Monday, December 16, 4:00 p.m. – Teens Make: Holiday Cookies. Learn how to make delicious holiday themed cookies from scratch! • Monday, December 16, 4:30 p.m. – “Who Was? What Is?” Biography Club. Explore the impact of famous individuals and/or landmarks throughout his­ tory. Engage in fun projects, discover interesting facts that have helped to shape who you are today. Ages 5 to 12. • Tuesday, December 17, 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. – Toddler Time. Toddlers and their caregivers are invited to this 30-minute story time that includes songs, short stories and learning-enriched art activities. Ages 2 to 4. • Tuesday, December 17, 3:30 p.m. – Tween and Teen Gamers Club. Join the library for some relaxation and video games on the Nintendo Switch! Feel free to bring any multiplayer (four or more players) games you wish to share with the group. Ages 10 to 18. • Wednesday, December 18, 10:30 a.m. – Preschool

STEAM Time. Science, technology, engineering, arts, and math are included in this program for preschoolers. You’ll be amazed how much learning occurs with intentional and guided play activities! Ages 3 to 6. • Thursday, December 19, 10:00 a.m. – Lapsit Story Time. Young toddlers and their caregivers sing songs, recite fun rhymes, and read together. Participants also learn fingerplays, basic sign language and play together. Ages 0 to 24 months. • Thursday, December 19, 11:00 a.m. – Movin’ & Groovin’. Join the library for an interactive program with music, motion, sound, dance, games, and storytelling! A new healthy habit will be included during each session. Ages 4 to 7. • Thursday, December 19, 4:30 p.m. – Holy Guacamole: Kids’ Foodie Lab. Healthy food-making fun. Learn while you cook and bake! Please alert the library to any food allergies upon registration. Ages 5 to 12. • Thursday, December 19, 6:00 p.m. – Blockheadz Construction Challenge. Build, design and create with Lego bricks, figures and accessories all supplied by the library. Challenge yourself! Ages 5 to 12. • Monday, December 23, 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. – Story Time. Preschoolers are invited to this 40-minute story time that integrates songs and concept-enriched finger plays. Early literacy

Magician Wows Crowd At Ephrata Library

Shopping News Photo by Donald Reese Magician Matty Whipple visited the Ephrata Public Library recently to perform mindboggling magic before an excited crowd. Matty left the audience puzzled as to what they actually witnessed and his amazing ability kept everyone on the edge of their seats. He is shown performing a trick with the help of a young married couple. skills, including letter and sound introduction, are included in each story time. Large and small motor skills are practiced with simple activities and art. Ages 4 to 7. • Tuesday, December 24 – Closed. The Ephrata Public Library, Government Serv­ ices Office and Northern Lancaster Hub are closed for Christmas Eve Day. • Wednesday, December 25 – Closed. The Ephrata Public Library, Government

Services Office and Northern Lancaster Hub are closed for Christmas Day. • Thursday, December 26, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. – Career Advising with CareerLink. Schedule a free half-hour career advising appointment with PA CareerLink® Lancaster County. Get resume assis­ tance, skills and interests assessments, interviewing tips, career exploration and job search assistance. Registration required in



THURS., DEC. 5, 2019



AT 4:00 P.M.

To be held at 502 S. State St., Ephrata, PA 2003 GMC 3500 BOX VAN – VIN#1GDHG31UX31901646, YELLOW, 15’6” LONG, 8’ WIDE, 6.0L, AUTO TRANS, 165,120 MILES 2005 SATURN ION – VIN#1G8AL52F85Z147982, SILVER, 2.2L, AUTO TRANS, 115,840 MILES, ALUM. WHEELS, NO KEY 2006 CHEVROLET IMPALA LT – VIN#2G1WT589K469338268, SILVER, 3.5L, AUTO TRANS, 118,344 MILES, ALUM. WHEELS, NO KEY For pictures, visit www.auctionzip.com (Auctioneer ID#1536). Cars will need to be removed/towed at the expense of the new owner. Cash or good PA check accepted as payment. No out of state checks without bank letter or prior approval. All items sold as-is, where-is. All announcements made day of sale take precedence over prior advertisement.

Terms By:


MON., DEC. 9, 2019 SALE AT 10:00 A.M.


To be held at Renningers Antique Market, 2500 N. Reading Rd., Denver (Rt. 272, near Adamstown) This Week, Our Entire Auction Will Be Outside, Under The Pavilion. We Will Be Full With Lots Of Quality Items! For pictures, visit www.auctionzip.com (Auctioneer ID#1536) weekend prior to auction date. 10% buyer’s premium. Cash, credit card or good PA check accepted as payment. No out of state checks without bank letter or prior approval. All items sold as-is, where-is. Food & restrooms available. All announcements made day of sale take precedence over prior advertisement.


Lic. #AU001476-L Lic. #AU005308-L 717-336-6983 www.pannebeckerwolf.com

Lic. #AU001476-L Lic. #AU005308-L 717-336-6983 www.pannebeckerwolf.com

advance. Please be aware that any registration and/or change must be done with at least a 24-hour notice. This program is made possible by the Northern Lancaster Hub. Powered by the United Way of Lancaster County. • Thursday, December 26, 10:00 a.m. – Lapsit Story Time. Young toddlers and their caregivers sing songs,


SAT., DECEMBER 21 • 2 P.M.

228 Spotts Ln., Narvon (Bowmansville). Rt. 625 N. to Bowmansville. Right E. Maple Grove Rd. Right Oaklyn Dr. Left Spotts Ln. Rustic cabin w/Flitch-sawn wide board siding. Main floor 16x26 w/ Fisher wood & coal stove, ladder to 16x26 2nd floor (future bdrm. area), covered porch & underground electric service to cabin. Outbldg: barn/shed 12x26 (needs repair), very nice 7.8 ACRE wooded tract w/mature timber. Quiet, peaceful setting of bldgs. in middle of tract. Access by Spotts Ln. (macadam, recorded private driveway). After 60+ years, Estate serious to sell. Unique rural location, minutes to Terre Hill, East Earl, Bowmansville, Rt. 222 bypass & turnpike. Ideal for custom home site, hideaway or investment. Personal inspection by appointment or open house Sat., Dec. 7 & 14 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood.com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-7331006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-733-1006 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956

AUCTIONEERS www.klinekreidergood.com


SHOPPING NEWS of Lancaster County

For more information on advertising, call 717-738-1151

Our Sales Register is also online every week at www.snews.com!

recite fun rhymes, and read together. Participants also learn fingerplays, basic sign language and play together. Ages 0 to 24 months. • Thursday, December 26, 11:00 a.m. – Movin’ & Groovin’. Join the library for an interactive program with music, motion, sound, dance, games, and story­ telling! A new healthy habit will be included during each session. Ages 4 to 7. • Thursday, December 26, 6:30 p.m. – Pajama Party Story Time. No PJs! No Noise! Kids gently bend the rules for this sleepy-time party at the Library. Stories, not snores, fill the air. Sucked thumbs come out to create crafts. Tip-toes turn to stomps and songs for a noisy parade through the Library. Bring a stuffed animal friend to join the fun! Ages 2 to 10. • Monday, December 30, 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. – Story Time. Preschoolers are invited to this 40-minute story time that integrates songs and concept-enriched finger plays. Early literacy skills, including letter and sound introduction, are included in each story time. Large and small motor skills are practiced with simple activities and art. Ages 4 to 7. • Tuesday, December 31 – Closed. The Ephrata Public Library, Government Serv­ ices Office and Northern Lancaster Hub are closed for New Year’s Eve Day.

Alta H. Paul Estate Patricia E. Paul, Exc.: 302-740-0757

18B - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News”

Fine Arts Student Of The Month

SALES REGISTER WED., DEC. 4 - 1:00 p.m. - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Antiques, collect­ ibles, household goods, tools, snowmobile. Horst Auctioneers. THURS., DEC. 5 - 2:00 p.m. - Arlene G. Carvell Estate, 2116 Main St., Lititz. 3 bedroom Rothsville home with barn. Hess Auction Group. THURS., DEC. 5 - 4:00 p.m. - Dwayne L. and Bonnie L. Martin, 1745 Bowmansville Rd., Mohn­ ton. 4 bedroom 2 bath 2 story dwelling, 1.60 acre lot, garage, 14’x40’ shed, garden and fruit trees. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. FRI., DEC. 6 - 9:00 a.m. - Consignment Auction, 220 Covered Bridge Rd., Eph­ rata. Produce, greenhouse, fruit and vegetable equip­ ment, growing, picking, packaging and marketing supplies, tractors, skid loaders, farm equipment, new tools and hardware. Beiler-Campbell Auction

Services. SAT., DEC. 7 - 9:00 a.m. - Horst Auction Center, Eph­ rata. Antiques, collectibles, toys, model trains, dolls, household goods, tools. Horst Auctioneers. SAT., DEC. 7 - 9:00 a.m. - Joseph Leofsky, 2570 Valley View Rd., Morgan­ town. J.D. 445 with loader, equipment, tools, antiques, collectibles, personal prop­ erty. Tracy L. Jones, Auctioneers. SAT., DEC. 7 - 2:00 p.m. - Jeremy S. and Michele L. Getz, 124 Ridge Ave., Eph­ rata. 4 bedroom 2 bathroom 1-1/2 story dwelling on a 0.35 acre lot. Art Panne­ becker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. MON., DEC. 9 - 10:00 a.m. - Renningers Antique Market, 2500 North Reading Rd., Denver. Antiques and personal property. Furniture at 12:00 noon. Art Panne­ becker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. MON., DEC. 9 - 3:00

(Bowmansville/Mohnton Area)



THURS., DEC. 5, 2019 at 4 PM

Located at 1745 Bowmansville Rd., Mohnton, Pa. Brecknock Twp., Lancaster Co. Directions: From Bowmansville Rt. 625 N. to left on E. Bowmansville Rd. to right on Bowmansville Rd. to property on left. Real Estate: Consists of a 1,680 sq. ft. 2-story frame dwelling on a 1.6-acre rural lot. Main floor features an eat-in style kitchen w/appliances, vinyl flooring & walkin pantry; 12’x16’ living room w/HW floors & open staircase; full bath/laundry combo; office/den/BR w/closet & HW floors; attached 504 sq. ft. garage; upper level includes 4 bedrooms & full bath; basement is unimproved w/LP furnace/aux. electric heat; water softener system; outside entrance; canning storage; 200-amp svc; on-site well & septic; 500 gallon LP tank; annual taxes: $2,700; ELANCO schools; zoned residential; 14’x40’ storage shed. OPEN HOUSE: For info call auctioneer @ (717) 371-3333. Terms: 10% down day of sale, balance on or before 60 days. Attorney: Kling & Deibler (717) 354-7700. Note: Rural setting borders farmland; charming 4-bdrm home situated on a level 1.6 acre tract offering many possibilities, nice driveway & truck parking area; fruit trees & large garden; horses OK! For photos & listing visit www.martinandrutt.com

Auction By: Michael J. Martin 717-371-3333 John J. Rutt II 717-587-8906 AY-2189-L

Auction For:


DWAYNE L. & BONNIE L. MARTIN (484) 345-8807

Member of PA & National Auctioneers Assoc.

Elle Fisher, daughter of Kristi and Rich, displayed her artwork at the November meeting. She is a seventhgrade student at Cocalico Middle School. Inspired by nature, Elle became interested in art while in kindergarten. Her artwork encompasses clay pot, silhouette, scratch board and name design. Her other interests include lacrosse and swimming. Her future plans are to become an engineer. presenting the certificate to Elle was presented a book in school. Shown in the photo is Vice Elle Fisher displaying her donated by the Adamstown Library to promote reading President Susie Mitchell scratch board.


p.m. - Isaac Z. and Sadie Mae Lapp, 1080 West Kings Highway, Route 340, Coatesville. Country 1-1/2 story 5 bedroom Cape Cod dwelling, 2 story barn/ garage, utility buildings, 1-3/4 acres. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. WED., DEC. 11 - 1:00 p.m. - William L. Deihm Sr., 239 Lowry Rd., New Holland. Country custom 2 story 4 bedroom dwelling, 3 car attached garage plus 4 car detached garage/shop, 4 acres with pond. Kline, Kreider and Good Auction­ eers. WED., DEC. 11 - 1:00


p.m. - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Antiques, collect­ ibles, household goods, tools. Horst Auctioneers. WED., DEC. 11 - 4:00 p.m. - Richard L. and Donna E. Heck, 75 Hickory Rd., Denver. Country 1 story 3 bedroom rancher, 2 car garage, 24x32 shop/garage, 1 acre lot. JD mower, lawn equipment, appliances, per­ sonal property. Kline, Kreider and Good Auction­ eers. THURS., DEC. 12 - 1:00 p.m. - Edwin M. Nolt Estate, 138 North Groffdale Rd., New Holland. Atglen stone/ vinyl sided ranch dwelling

(Martindale Area)



THURSDAY, DEC. 12 at 4:00 P.M. LOCATED AT: 515 White Oak Rd., New Holland, Pa. 17557 DIRECTIONS: From Martindale, travel East on Martindale Rd. (towards Terre Hill) and turn right on White Oak Rd. to property on left. REAL ESTATE: A clean 1.5 story Brick house w/attached garage on .46-acre lot in the country. House was built in 1959 and has approx. 1,550 sq. ft.; eat-in style kitchen w/painted wooden cabinetry & pantry; large living room w/front Bay style window; main level laundry room; 4 total bedrooms (2-upstairs & 2-main level); 1.5 bathrooms; lots of closet storage; hobby room upstairs; full unimproved basement w/LP Gas heat; wood stove; storage under the garage; cold cellar; cistern; small treated wood deck; covered corner front porch; on-site well & septic; new thermo replacement windows; updated elec. heat pump & central A/C; 200 amp service; nice front & backyards; Earl Twp.; total taxes are approx. $3,108.00 OPEN HOUSE DATE: Saturday, Dec. 7 from 1-3 PM. Call/Text auctioneer at 717587-8906. Please visit our updated website at www.martinandrutt.com

Auction By: John J. Rutt II 717-587-8906 Michael J. Martin 717-371-3333 AY-002189-L EPHRATA & NEW HOLLAND, PA

Auction For:


Member of PA & National Auctioneers Assoc.







SAT., DEC. 7, 2019 SALE AT 2:00 P.M.

Located at 124 Ridge Ave., Ephrata (Ephrata Twp., Lanc. Co.) From Main Street Ephrata, take Ridge Ave. to property on left. Real estate consists of a one and a half story dwelling, built in 1986, containing a kitchen with dining area; a living room; two bedrooms; a full bath; and a laundry room with utility sink; all on the main level. Upstairs, there are two additional bedrooms as well as a full bath. There is approx. 1,170 sq. ft. of finished living space. Electric baseboard heat. Well onsite and public sewer. This cute and solid dwelling is ideally situated on a wooded 0.35 (+/-) acre lot along with a covered side porch/carport and a storage shed. The home features an updated roof as well as replacement windows and doors. The driveway has been macadamed with extra parking spaces, and the setting is peaceful! Sellers are motivated to sell! Do not miss this excellent opportunity! Open House to be held by appointment, contact Auctioneer at (717) 371-9603. 10% Down day of sale, balance due at settlement. E. Richard Young, Att’y Terms By:

JEREMY S. & MICHELE L. GETZ Lic. #AU001476-L Lic. #AU005308-L 717-336-6983 www.artsauctionservice.com



SAT., DEC. 14, 2019 SALE AT 2:00 P.M.

Located at 17 Blue Jay Dr., Stevens (E. Cocalico Twp., Lanc. Co.) From redlight at Rt. 272 And Church St., take Church St. towards Denver. Turn right on Blue Jay Dr. to property on right.

Real estate consists of a brick rancher, built in 1979, containing an eat-in kitchen; living room w/hardwood floor; two bedrooms; and a full bath all on the main level. There is approx. 1,200 sq. ft. of one floor living space. Walk-up attic storage; full basement with laundry, utility sink, coal stove, and outside access. Electric heat. Central air. Public water and sewer. This clean and well-maintained home is ideally situated on a level 0.29 (+/-) acre lot along with an attached one car garage and a storage shed. Featuring new spouting around, replacement windows throughout, and an updated roof, this is a cute and conveniently located rancher. You will not want to miss this excellent opportunity! Seller is downsizing to a retirement community and motivated to sell! Open House to be held Sat., Dec. 7 from 1-3PM, or by appointment, contact Auctioneer at (717) 371-9603. 10% Down day of sale, balance due at settlement. D. Ward, Att’y Terms By:


Lic. #AU001476-L Lic. #AU005308-L 717-336-6983 www.pannebeckerwolf.com


with large attached 2 car garage, 2 framed storage sheds and vinyl storage shed. Horst Auctioneers. THURS., DEC. 12 - 1:00 p.m. - Edwin M. Nolt Estate, 138 N. Groffdale Rd., West Earl Township. Atglen stone/ vinyl sided ranch style dwelling with large attached 2 car garage, storage shed/ garage and storage shed/ barn. Horst Auctioneers. THURS., DEC. 12 - 1:00 p.m. - Charles A. and Ger­ trude C. Nagle Living Trust, 474 Arch St., Honeybrook. Circa 1875 2 story home with addition on a .09 acre +/- corner lot with mature trees and shrubbery. Real

estate at 4:00 p.m. Antiques, furniture, glassware, tools and household goods. Barr Davis Auctioneers, LLC. THURS., DEC. 12 - 1:00 p.m. - Edward H. and Sus­ anna H. Good, 143 Roths­ ville Station Rd., Lititz. Commercial real estate known as Ed Good Auto Body, 66x72 garage/body shop building with 28x32 addition, 2 story 4 bedroom dwelling, 2 car garage, 2 detached garages, 1.9 acres. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. THURS., DEC. 12 - 4:00 p.m. - Elizabeth B. Hoover, 216 Koser Rd., Lititz. Country brick 3 bedroom rancher, attached 2 car garage, 9/10 acre rural lot, 2004 Volvo Sedan S60 with low mileage. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers, Inc. THURS., DEC. 12 - 4:00 p.m. - Eli and Fannie Herr Trust, 515 White Oak Rd., New Holland. Brick 1.5 story house, 4 bedrooms, A/C, .46 acre country lot, 1 car garage. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. FRI., DEC. 13 - 4:00 p.m. - Eugene H. and Elanor S. Horst, 880 North State St., Ephrata. 1-1/2 story brick 4 bedroom Cape Cod dwell­ ing, 2 separate garages, utility building, 2.6 acres. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., DEC. 14 - 9:00 a.m.

Public consignment Auction

Produce, Greenhouse, Fruit & Vegetable Equip. Growing, Picking, Packaging & Marketing Supplies Tractors, Skid Loaders, Farm Equip., New Tools & Hdwre.

Friday, December 6, 2019 at 9:00 A.M. 220 Covered Bridge Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522 Noah Shirk Farm, Lancaster County

Produce Equip: Rain Flow 1400 Water Wheel Planter w/ 2 pc. 16” space wheels; new Toddco 2 horse drawn plastic lifter/wrapper; new Pro-Line 3 pt. potato digger; Nolt’s RB 448 raised bed plastic bed layer; 2 row JM Shirk 3 in 1 sweet corn planter; Nolt’s 4’ horse drawn plastic layer; 1 row cultivator; 1 row potato planter; Holland 1265 mulch pot planter, will plant through plastic; AC 2 row MOD. 78 air champ corn planter; Kinzie 2 row finger pickup corn planter; Cole 2 row 3 in 1 planter/ plastic layer/fertilizer; Flatbed plastic layer; Modine Greehouse heaters; rolls used 78” row cover; drip line sand filter; Chemilizer & Mazzei Fertilizer injectors; rolls new 3” layflat hose. Sprayers: New Fisher sprayer pull behind shielded row sprayer; 150 gal. 25’ single boom; Iva 150 gal. 1 side 20’ hyd. boom w/hi-pressure pump; 110 gal. horse drawn produce/tob. sprayer 36’ booms 25 gal. pull type high tunnel sprayer w/100 psi 12 V pump; PB 3 pt. 100 gal. sprayer w/12’ booms; Stihl backpack mist sprayer; Fogit greenhouse sprayers, 1 single, 1 double. Tillage: JM Shirk Mod. R6503 subsoiler 3-shank AR w/rolling baskets; Oliver 3-16” 3 pt. plow; new Lower Valley Welding; 12’ 3 pt. basket harrow; 4’ 3 pt. basket harrow; 6’ pull type produce harrow; 3’ mini harrow w/shafts; Land Pride 15-30 3 pt. tiller. Irrigation: Rain Boy traveler 2” 300’ hose w/¾” tip. Picking: New Fisher sprayer Pro-veyor 24’ wagon w/hyd. rear wheel steer/hyd. sliding 28’ picking conveyer; new Rohand II solor powered strbry picking assist.; Several 28’ alum. picking conveyers, 100 pcs. new 5/8 baskets; 20’ remodl. flat bed wagon, 8 x 16’ flat bed wagon; Mod. 1600 Crop Care picking assist, solar charge, vari. speed, like new; 900 used 5/8 bu. green picking baskets. Packing: AZS 24” brusher w/top brushes & sponges; 5’ round table, receiving belt all like new; AZS 32” brusher; AZS 16” veg. brusher w/infeed belt & absorber sponges. Tractors: JD 5220 4 wd. 2578 hrs. 12x12 w/LH power rev. platform, 2 svc.; JD 5320 Rops. 1915 hrs. ISO platform 4 wd. syc. Shuttle rev. 2 svc; CIH C80 2 wd. canopy 2080 hrs. 8 spd. w/hyd. shuttle 2 svc. on good belting steel wheels; JD 6105 M, 2014 2 wd. cab, heat, air, 2537 hrs. (nice) w/Wild Cat Tiger hyd. folding 5’ brush hog mower on side; CIH 125 Maxxum 4 wd. row crop, canopy, 7543 hrs. 3 svc. dual pto. PS w/creeper; JD 6115D 2010, 4660 hrs. pr. 3 svc. 540/1000 pto.; JD 5101 E. w/553 loader, 2009, cab/h/a 4wd, 3663 hrs. LH. Rev; JD 2650 4wd. On steel, runs good but looks rough; Ford 1720 ps. 2wd w/ loader 2000+ hrs. 28 hp diesel; Farmall A w/front & rear cultivators, 12 volt system; JD 5425 LH Rec. 4wd. 4470 hrs. 12x12 gears w/creeper 2 svc. on joy stick 540E pto. Skid Loaders, Forklifts, Misc. Equip.: Kubota SVL 75-2, 2014, Compact track loader, 2 speed, hyd. quik att. Cab, 3400 hrs.; Kubota SVL90-2, 2016, cab/H/A Power Quik Att. 2290 hrs.; Cat. 303CR Mini Excavator, 2005, (3800 Hrs.); Cat D4C Series 3, 1997, Blade Dozer {6350 Hrs.} Upright SL26RT Platform Lift, 3591 Hrs.;1999 Daewoo GC20S3 4000 lb. Lp Forklift, 3 stage, 18” tires, 8900 hrs., 2002 Cat P30, LP. forklift., 6000 lb. cap. 3 stage 18’ lift, 21” cushion tires, 10622 hrs.; Wide Slab Sawmill, Thomas 4420 2” angle cut band, 20 Hp. Honda Engine, heavy duty frame, transport w. lights, very little use. Spring Wagons/Buggies: New alum. bed cab. wagon w/LED lights, & turn signals, lg. tinted rear & side windows- OH storm front on used gear; New 2 seat carriage w/lg. rear side windows, led lights & turn signals; used alum bed cab wagon; 1 seated carriage w/LED lights. Tools/Hardware: Joe will be here again w/New Milwaukee & DeWalt power tools including chain saws, blowers, weed eaters, reg. drills, impacts, lights & saws; heated jackets, LED lights, including head & flood, lots of extra batteries in 18 & 20 V up to 12 AH. Misc.: New fiberglass greenhouse tables; 400 tomato cages; 1.5 x 1.5” wood tomato stakes; 48” louvered fans; cir. fans; 23’ incline conveyor, 20” wide; 2 calf hutches; new 8 x 10 storage shed insulated w/electric; 8 sections 4’ scaffold; 2014 McMillen auger unit; 18” & 16” McMillen 2” hex shaft auger bits; Walker MT 42: 20hp mower (weak hydro). Plywood: Bundles of 1/2“& 3/4 “reject grd., also low grd. shiplap pine bds; 50 kw. Pto generator (like new) on cart; sm. batch elec. TMR mixer for feed/seed (like new) sm. 6’ wide fertilizer drop spreader; 4 cyl. Continental Eng. 2/clutch. Martin’s Produce Supply will again bring load of wooden crates, drip tape fittings, picking gloves, outdated soil, misc. decorative & designer plastic pots & trays, 3 pc. 11.5’ x 300’ 6 oz. thermal blankets. Auctioneers Note: On-line bidding available on Proxibid for select items. Watch for link to be live Wednesday, December 4, 2019. https://www.proxibid.com/Beiler-Campbell-Auction-Services/ auction-house/10747 Some items subject to reserves & prior sale. Not responsible for accidents & no shows. Lunch Stand Provided by Farmersville Fire Co. Benefit Bake Sale for Care Center for Special Children For additional pictures go to: www.beiler-campbellauctions.com, www.GoToAuction.com & www.auctionzip.com

Seller: Noah Shirk Auctions 717-354-0192


Auctioneers: Noah Shirk 717-354-0192 AU#005928 Harold Martin 717-738-4228 AA#19488 www.beiler-campbellauctions.com • 888-209-6160 Christ Taylor 717-371-1915 AU#005421


AY# 002026

Say You Saw It In “The Shopping News” - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 19B

- Ezra Kilmer, 481 South Farmersville Rd., Ephrata. JD tractors, crawler, skid­ loader, farm machinery, antiques, primitives, tools, furniture, household goods. Tim Weaver Auction Service LLC. SAT., DEC. 14 - 9:00 a.m. - Horst Auction Center, Eph­ rata. Outstanding firearms, hunting, fishing and military collectibles and accessories. Horst Auctioneers. SAT., DEC. 14 - 11:00 a.m. - Carlene J. Bair, 637 Poplar St., Denver. Spacious brick and aluminum/vinyl sided rancher on 1/2 acre lot. Art Pannebecker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. SAT., DEC. 14 - 2:00 p.m. - Blanche A. Lorah, 17 Blue Jay Dr., Stevens. Brick rancher on 3/10 acre lot with 2 bedrooms and a full bath on a level .29 +/- acre lot. Art Pannebecker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. MON., DEC. 16 - 4:00 p.m. - Lancaster Mennonite School, 2118 Millstream Rd., Lancaster. Country 1-1/2 story 3 bedroom dwelling, 2 car attached garage, 1.1 acre rural lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. TUES., DEC. 17 - 4:00

p.m. - John S. and Marian K. Smoker, 3133 Old Phila­ delphia Pk., Bird In Hand. 1-1/2 story 4 bedroom Cape Cod dwelling, horse barn 28x32, shop/garage 24x44, 6/10 acre country lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auction­ eers. WED., DEC. 18 - 1:00 p.m. - Horst Auction Center, Ephrata. Antiques, collect­ ibles, household goods, tools. Horst Auctioneers. WED., DEC. 18 - 1:00 p.m. - Ben F. and Annie K. Zook, 932 Zook Rd., Atglen. 68 acre dairy farm with stream, 2 story 5 bedroom dwelling, dairy barn, equip­ ment building, shop, out­ buildings, silos. Kline, Kreider and Good Auction­ eers. SAT., DEC. 21 - 9:00 a.m. - Horst Auction Center, Eph­ rata. Outstanding coins and currency. Horst Auctioneers. SAT., DEC. 21 - 10:00 a.m. - Michael C. Johnson, 113 Mountville Dr., Leb­ anon. Country 14x70 mobile and garage/shop, 3.8 acres with stream. Property to be sold at 1900 Route 72 N., Lebanon. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., DEC. 21 - 10:00 a.m. - Raymond Neuheimer,

“Horst Auction Center” VARIETY SALE

146 B Keller Rd., Fleetwood. 14 acres woodland and small stream, 2 acre building site, hunting land and recreation­ al. Beiler-Campbell Auction Services. SAT., DEC. 21 - 10:00 a.m. - Michael C. Johnson, 1900 Route 72 N., Lebanon. 1 story 3 bedroom rancher, 2 car garage, 1/2 acre lot. Truck, trailers, guns, gener­ ator. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., DEC. 21 - 2:00 p.m. - Alta H. Paul Estate, 228 Spotts Ln., Narvon. Country cabin hideaway property, 1-1/2 story frame cabin, 7.8 acres woodland. Kline, Kreider and Good Auction­ eers. SAT., DEC. 28 - 10:00 a.m. - Russel and Janet Burkholder, 75 Bowers Rd., Mertztown. 2.8 +/- acre property with 4 bedrooms, 2-1/2 bath house, garages, bank barn, workshop, pas­ ture. Real estate at 12:00 p.m. Trucks, trailers, con­ struction tools and equip­ ment. Beiler-Campbell Auction Services. SAT., DEC. 28 - 10:00 a.m. - Walter M. and Arlene

H. Horst, 713 Elm St., Richland. 2 bed, 1.5 bath house with detached garage/ shop on .23 +/- acre lot. Joel Heisey Auctioneer. SAT., JAN. 4 - 9:00 a.m. - Ammon P. and Anne B. Stoltzfoos, 412 Fairview Rd., New Providence. 25.8 acre farm with stream, 2 story 6 bedroom dwelling, bank barn, shop, warehouse, garage, fenced pasture with stream (formally Solanco Fence location). Real estate at 1:00 p.m. Trailers, skid loader, fork lift, equipment, materials, tools. Kline, Kreider and Good Auction­ eers. THURS., JAN. 7 - 4:00 p.m. - Hurst Dwellings LLC, 400-408 Linden Grove Rd., New Holland. 4 unit resi­ dential apartment, .62 acre, 5 garage spaces, all 2-3 bedrooms, all divided. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. THURS., JAN. 9 - 4:00 p.m. - Robert J. and Steph­ anie Hoffman, 55 South 9th St., Akron. 2 unit apartment building, utility sheds, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath each unit, separate utilities. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers.

SATURDAY, DEC. 7, 2019 AT 9:00 A.M.

Preview Times - Friday, December 6 from 2:00 P.M. thru 5:00 P.M. and Saturday, December 7 from 7:00 A.M. *The following is just a very general list of items to be sold. Photos representing the entire auction will be posted on our website www.horstauction.com on Friday, December 6. Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center, 50 Durlach Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522 (The corner of Rt. 322 & Durlach Rd., approx. 21/2 miles west of Ephrata) ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES - Cast Iron, Woodenware, Tinware, Brass & Copper, Musical Instruments; CHRISTMAS & SEASONAL DECORATIONS; CHINA & GLASSWARE; POTTERY; ESTATE & COSTUME JEWELRY; LINENS & TEXTILES; ARTWORK & PRINTS; BOOKS & PAPER; STAMPS; TOYS; MODEL TRAINS & ACCESSORIES; SPORTS CARDS & MEMORABILIA; DOLLS & STUFFED ANIMALS; DOLLHOUSES; HOUSEHOLD GOODS; TOOLS; ANTIQUE HAND TOOLS; BOX LOTS & MANY OTHER ITEMS TO BE SOLD! Accepted Payments: Cash or PA Check. Visa, MasterCard, Discover & Debit Card with 3% fee. No out of state checks without prior approval.

SAT., FEB. 29 - 10:00 a.m. - Steven C. and Deb­ orah J. Clark, 132 Edgewood Dr., New Holland. Country 1 story 3 bedroom rancher, 2 car garage, utility building, 4/10 acre lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., MARCH 7 - 11:00 a.m. - Mervin and Priscilla Beiler, 20 South Groffdale Rd., Leola. 2-1/2 story 4 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath house, barn and garage, 3,360 sq. ft. workshop, Zoned Industrial. Beiler-Campbell Auction Services. TUES., APRIL 14 - 5:00 p.m. - Glenn W. Leininger, 95 North Cocalico Rd., Denver. 10 acre farmette with stream, 1 story 3 bedroom rancher, 2 car garage, 12x30 shop/garage. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers.




SAT., DEC. 7, 2019 SALE AT 11:00 A.M.

“Horst Auction Center” PUBLIC SALE



SAT., JAN. 11 - 11:00 a.m. - Ruth Harting Estate, 315 Gockley Rd., Stevens. 3 bedroom 2 bath rancher on 1/2 acre lot. Art Pannebecker and Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. SAT., FEB. 1 - 10:00 a.m. - Stephen E. and Sonya D. Horst, 202 Oak Ln., Terre Hill. 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath 2 story Colonial, .50 acre lot, custom kitchen, new deck and pergola, utility shed. Martin and Rutt Auctioneers. SAT., FEB. 8 - 10:00 a.m. - Bertha H. (Snader) Kreider, 984 Glenview Dr., Denver. 1-1/2 story Cape Cod 4 bedroom dwelling, 2 car garage, utility building, 4/10 acre lot. Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers. SAT., FEB. 29 - 9:00 a.m. - George and Martha Horst, 2011 West Main St., Ephrata. Farm equipment, shop tools, guns, JLG Lift. BeilerCampbell Auction Services.

WEDNESDAY, DEC. 11, 2019 AT 1:00 P.M.

Preview Times - Tuesday, December 10 from 2:00 P.M. thru 5:00 P.M. and Wednesday, December 11 from 8:00 A.M. *The following is just a very general list of items to be sold. Photos representing the entire auction will be posted on our website www.horstauction.com on Tuesday, December 10 . Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center, 50 Durlach Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522 (The corner of Rt. 322 & Durlach Rd., approx. 21/2 miles west of Ephrata) FURNITURE - Antique, Vintage, Reproduction & Modern Incl. Bedroom, Dining Room, Living Room, Family Room, Kitchen, Office & Patio (Sets & Individual Pcs.); VICTOR FLOOR MODEL VICTROLA; CARVED CHIPPENDALE STYLE LOW BOY; APPLIANCES; KITCHENWARE; CLOCKS & LAMPS; SILVER; COPPER & BRASS; CAST IRON; AGATE; TINWARE; PEWTER; WOODENWARE; CHINA & GLASSWARE; POTTERY; LINENS & TEXTILES; BOOKS & PAPER; ESTATE & COSTUME JEWELRY; ARTWORK; CHRISTMAS & SEASONAL DECORATIONS; TOYS; TOOLS; LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT; BOX LOTS & MANY OTHER ITEMS TO BE SOLD! Accepted Payments: Cash or PA Check. Visa, MasterCard, Discover & Debit Card with 3% fee. No out of state checks without prior approval.

Sale For:

Located at 140 Swamp Bridge Rd., Denver (W. Cocalico Twp., Lanc. Co.) From intersection of Rt. 897 & Rt. 272 near Adamstown, take Rt. 897 North through Reinholds. Turn left on Swamp Bridge Rd. to property on left. Real estate consists of a brick and vinyl sided split-level dwelling, built in 1960, containing an updated oak kitchen; dining area, with sliding door to stamped concrete patio; living room with hardwood floor & Napoleon propane fireplace; and a half bath all on the main level. Up a few steps, and there are three spacious bedrooms with ample closets and a full bath. There is approx. 1,404 sq. ft. of finished living space above grade. Attic storage above. The full basement contains a family room, with brick hearth, as well as a one car garage and a laundry/utility room. 200 Amp electrical service. Oil hot water heat. Central air. Public water. Onsite septic. This solid, well-maintained, dwelling is ideally situated on a 1.13 (+/-) acre lot bordering beautiful farmland. With room to run, play, or garden you will not want to miss this excellent opportunity! The seller is downsizing and is motivated to sell! Open House to be held by appointment, contact Auctioneer at (717) 371-9603. 10% down day of sale, balance due at settlement. E. Richard Young, Att’y Terms By:


ROXANNE G. SEBASTIAN Lic. #AU001476-L Lic. #AU005308-L 717-336-6983 www.artsauctionservice.com









SAT., JAN. 11, 2020 SALE AT 11:00 A.M.

Located at 315 Gockley Rd., Stevens (W. Cocalico Twp., Lanc. Co.) From Denver, take Main Street towards Schoeneck. Continue straight at 4-way stop sign in Schoeneck. Turn left on Gockley Rd. to property on left.

Real estate consists of a brick & alum./vinyl sided ranch-style dwelling, built in 1980, containing a kitchen and dining area; a living room; three bedrooms; and two full baths all on the main level, with ample closets and hardwood floors throughout. There is approx. 1,300 sq. ft. of finished one floor living space. Attic storage above. The full, walkout basement contains a finished family room with baker woodstove; a laundry area; a workshop; and a cold cellar. Electric heat. Well and septic onsite. This solid rancher is perfectly situated on a 0.45(+/-) acre lot overlooking miles of farmland! There is an attached two car garage as well as a large storage shed. This is an estate, and the seller intends to sell. You will not want to miss this rare opportunity for a rancher in this location! Open Houses to be held Sun., Dec. 29 and Sat., Jan. 4 from 1-3PM, or by appointment, contact Auctioneer at (717) 371-9603. 10% down day of sale, balance due at settlement. E. Richard Young, Att’y Terms By:

RUTH HARTING ESTATE Lic. #AU001476-L Lic. #AU005308-L 717-336-6983 www.pannebeckerwolf.com


SAT., DEC. 14, 2019 SALE AT 11:00 A.M.



75 Hickory Rd., Denver (Cocalico). Rt. 897 N. from Blainsport toward Cocalico to 3 way stop sign. Left Sportsman Rd. Right Hickory Rd. OR from Kleinfeltersville Rt. 897 S. thru Cocalico to 3 way stop. Right Sportsman Rd. Right Hickory Rd.

Located at 637 Poplar St., Denver (Denver Boro., Lanc. Co.) From Main St., Denver, take 6th St. North. Turn left on Poplar St. to home on right.

Real estate consists of a brick and alum./vinyl sided rancher, built in 1983, containing a living room; a spacious eat-in kitchen opened up to a family room addition (with brick hearth & woodstove); three bedrooms; and two full baths all on the main level. There is approx. 1,624 sq. ft. of one floor living space. The full basement, with outside access, is finished into in-law quarters which contains a kitchen; dining area; living area; two bedrooms; a full bath; and a laundry room. Electric baseboard heat. Public water and sewer. This home is conveniently situated on a 0.47 (+/-) acre lot along with an attached one car garage as well as a fenced in yard, a rear deck, and two storage sheds. This home could use cosmetic updates throughout; however, with good bones and an ideal floor plan in place, the possibilities are endless! Bring your visions as this is a prime opportunity to make this your own! The seller is motivated to sell! Open House to be held Sat., Dec. 7 from 1-3PM, or by appointment, contact Auctioneer at (717) 371-9603. 10% down day of sale, balance due at settlement. J. Noel, Att’y Terms By:


Lic. #AU001476-L Lic. #AU005308-L 717-336-6983 www.pannebeckerwolf.com

Rancher w/1810 SF, eat-in kitchen, living rm., 3 bdrms., 1½ baths, 1st floor laundry, large family rm., full bsmt. w/outside entrance (mostly finished), elec. BB heat, central AC. Shop/garage bldg. 24x32 w/2 car gar. plus carport. Level country 1 ACRE lot w/mature shrubbery. Zoned Ag. Owners downsizing & serious to sell. Economical & low maintenance property. Convenient rural location. Minutes to Cocalico, Denver, Schoeneck & Reinholds. Middle Creek Wildlife area. Personal inspection by appointment or open house Sat., December 7 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood.com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-7331006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) ***Items below sold immediately after Real Estate at 4 P.M.*** Back Pack 5x8 Trailer w/Wood Sides & Title, JD GT 225 Lawn Tractor 15 HP w/Hydro 42’ Deck & Bagger (1 Owner), Ariens Sno-Thro Snowblower w/Elec. Start, 3x4 Lawn Dump Cart Trailer, B&D Edger, Concrete Float w/ Handles, Reddy Heater, Sm. Air Comp., (2) Wheelbarrows, Transit, Maple DR Table w/2 Brds. & 6 Chairs, Maple Hutch, Queen Bed w/Mattress & Box Spring, Metal Office Desk, Roper Side by Side & Frigidaire Refrigerators. NOTE: Terms cash or PA check. Only above items being sold after Real Estate at 4 PM. Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-733-1006 Lic. #499, #2116, #5064, #3956

Richard L. & Donna E. Heck 717-336-2273

AUCTIONEERS www.klinekreidergood.com

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