Amana 13 SEER 2.5 Ton Heat Pump Condenser
SHOPZILLAS.TOPZBEST.INFO – LIST THE BEST DEAL AND PROMOTION ONLY.Amana 13 SEER2.5 TonHeat PumpCondenser ASZ13 Heat Pump 13 SEER Performance R-410A Chlorine-Free Refrigerant The Amana(R) brand ASZ13 Heat Pump uses the chlorine free refrigerant R-410rating sound levels that are believe to be among the best in the heating and cooling industry.The ASZ13 features an energy-efficient Copeland(R) scroll compressor that provides improved temperature and humidity control. Product Features: R-410A chlorine-free refrigerant Energy-efficient scroll compressor SmartShift(TM) technology with short-cycle protection Factory-installed suction line accumulator High-density foam compressor sound cover Factory-installed high-capacity muffler High- and low-pressure switches Amana brand sound control top for quiet operation Factory-installed filter dryer Compressor short-cycle protection Factory-installed compressor …Brought to You By Shopzillas.Topzbest.Info.. VISIT FOR MORE >>
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