Broan MD6TU 6? Universal Make-Up Air Damper
SHOPZILLAS.TOPZBEST.INFO – LIST THE BEST DEAL AND PROMOTION ONLY.Designed to provide the best technology to equalize pressure between indoors and outdoors, while providing effective ventilation for a cleaner, healthier home. Eliminate gases, smoke or particulates generated from naturally vented combustion devices like a fireplace or water heater. Only BROAN offers such a complete and simple solution for automatic and controlled fresh air into the home every time you turn on the range hood! This is an interlocked, synchronized system that installs easily and requires only low voltage wiring to the sensor. Perfect for new construction or retrofit into an existing home. Kit includes damper, sensor, pick-up tube and air probe for easy installation in new construction or retrofit.Fits 6" ductwork. Works with any BROAN or BEST ducted hood over 300 CFM saving you time and money; sensor installs directly to ducting connected to range hood. Opens automatically only when the range hood is in use, thereby saving money on utility bills. Meets Industrial Residential Code M1503.4 requirements for effective ventilation for a cleaner, healthier homeBrought to You By Shopzillas.Topzbest.Info.. VISIT FOR MORE >>
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