Speedball Deluxe Block Printing Kit SHOPZILLAS.TOPZBEST.INFO – LIST THE BEST DEAL AND PROMOTION ONLY.This block printing kit is designed for the true block printing enthusiast . Making reproductions of a carving technique or treatment on a flat surface is one of the oldest graphic arts. Today, printmaking is a practical form of art, and enjoyable pastime and a fun skill to learn. Kit includes one each of the following: 4-inch-by-5-inch lino block, 4-inch-by-6-inch Speedy-Carve carving block, lino handle, #1 cutter, #2 cutter, #3 cutter, #5 cutter, #6 knife,75cc water-soluble block printing ink (black), 37cc water-soluble block printing ink in three colors: (red, blue, yellow), 37cc water-soluble block printing extender (designed to create transparent color), 4-inch soft rubber pop-in brayer, dual purpose bench hook/inking plate, block printing tips and idea booklet. Instructions are tri-lingual: English, French and Spanish. Made in USA.Brought to You By Shopzillas.Topzbest.Info.. VISIT FOR MORE >> http://shopzillas.topzbest.info
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