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At the Alherte Library Conference
needs, showing that ongoing develop
this year, one of the most impressive
ment of both concepts and equipment
installations and operations, recog
presentations was 'made by the
would be required to keep the first
nizing that many inexperienced
Simplification was the theme for
Chinook Arch Regional, Shortgrass
participants involved and to attract
people would eventually be pan of
and Marigold Library Systems.
more participant libraries.
the network. Even the equipment
Together they have planned and
When the decision was made
carts had to be rethought to fit into
implemented an innovative technol
to expand beyond the model for four
tiny libraries with no extra space.
ogy project named RISE, or Rural
regional nodes to a model for all
The independence of individual
Information Services initiativE.
80 libraries in the three systems, the
libraries was respected by designing
The vision is "Improved community
group applied for substantial funding
the system to allow each library to
information resources and the
from the Alberta Rural Development
conference with any other, avoiding
creation of new services provided by
Fund. The size of the funding request
the costs and bureaucracy of central
communiry libraries thereby building
itself was indicative of the sophisti
rural development and sustainability."
cation of the organizers. A common
Over and over again, the
In my view, their greatest accom
information technology formula for
presentation speakers emphasized the importance of having clear goals,
plishment is overcoming the many
estimating projects is that only
distance and training barriers
of funding is needed for equipment;
understanding everyone's critical
encountered in delivering rural
the other
needs, planning in phases, listening
library services.
83% is needed for software,
training, project management, etc.
to feedback and responding to
Because hardware is often the easiest
change. Community involvement
the detailed, sustained planning that
part to estimate, grossing up from
was sought and respected, a rarely
led to the achievement of their
that cost is the most reliable way to
considered approach to information
goals. These library systems did not
understand the size of a project.
technology projects. Much more
What really impressed me was
underestimate what was required,
In asking for funding, the RISE
information is available at
yet they did not succumb to the
project group acknowledged the need
intimidation of complexity - neither
for dedicated staff and scoured the
technical nor organizational. This
community for almost 400 letters
from concept to realization was
project demonstrates that we need
of support. They spent a year meeting
rough, because that is the nature
not be driven by circumstances,
with private sector sponsors, poliri·
of interpersonal relations on a
because human ingenuity and
cians and various provincial depart
macro scale. Nevertheless, vision and
determination can solve all problems
ments to finally obtain
leadership addressed one of Canada's
if people work in concert over time.
from the provincial government,
most serious cultural issues: the
a portion of the almost
enhancement of rural life in an
$3.7 million $5 million
http://wikirise.pbworks.com. Undoubtedly, the RISE journey
urban age.
CLA member Judith M. Umbach
According to the presentation, RISE was initially a project for video conferencing and sharing of programs.
Crucially for success, RISE
is the Chair of the Calgary Pubhc
Evaluation of needs, many meetings,
standardized everything possible.
Library Board. She can be reached
and training for staff resulted in
Communications and equipment
at jumbach@canada.com.
beneficial results from the pilot.
were planned with consideration for
Early feedback revealed additional
both larger and smaller libraries.
#5, 2009
w ww.cla.ca
Canadian Library Association