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SHORTGRASS LIBRARY SYSTEM POLICY MANUAL Section C: Personnel C.1: Introduction -- Policies Regarding Personnel Updated and Approved: September 19, 2012

Introduction The Shortgrass Library System Personnel Committee will develop policies which facilitate mutual respect, good communication, and professionalism while endeavouring to be fair to both the Board and the staff. All policies are drawn up in accordance with the Libraries Act and Regulations, the Alberta Labour Department Employment Standards Act, and existing Human Rights Legislation. Any areas not specifically covered will be as stated in the Employment Standards Act.

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SHORTGRASS LIBRARY SYSTEM POLICY MANUAL Section C: Personnel Policy C.2: Annual Vacation Last Updated and Approved: April 20, 2011; April 16, 2008

Policy Permanent employees and long term contract employees shall be entitled to annual vacations with pay. Short-term contract employees or casual employees shall be entitled to direct pay-out of vacation time earned. Short-term contract employees are defined as employees with contracts running less than 1 year. Long-term contract employees are defined as employees with contracts running 1 year or more, continuously. Employees shall be entitled to annual vacation leave based on normal hours worked: For all permanent employees & long term contract employees (excluding Director/CEO): 

Six (6) percent (3 weeks) for the initial four (4) years of service (Years 1,2,3,4 of employment)

Eight (8) percent (4 weeks) after four (4) years of service (Years 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 of employment)

Ten (10) percent (5 weeks) after 12 years of service (Years 13,14,15 and so on of employment) For all short-term contract and casual employees: Six (6) percent paid vacation (direct payout) on each paycheque. Eight (8) percent vacation (direct payout) on each paycheque after four (4) years continuous service. Ten (10) percent vacation (direct payout) on each paycheque after twelve (12) years continuous service. Page 1 of 2

Guidelines 1. In the event that two employees sharing duties wish to take vacation at the same time, seniority of years of service will take preference. 2. For vacation calculation purposes, full-time permanent and long term contract employees beginning their service after the 15th of the month will be deemed to have begun such service on the first day of the following month. SLS administration calculates vacation earned on a monthly basis pay period for each full time permanent and long term contract employee. SLS monthly payroll is based on 1,885 hours divided by 1/12 for full time permanent and contract employees in order to have the same pay each month. 3. Employees are entitled to start taking their vacation allotments as they have earned them each month, after the end of each month. 4. In accordance with the Employment Standards Act, pay will carry on at regular rates during vacation periods. 5. Annual vacations may be taken at any time during the calendar year and may be split if so arranged. Annual vacation requests need to be approved by the employees’ immediate supervisor. Employees wishing to take more than their normal annual vacation allotment at any one given time (i.e. using vacation time from other years or taking unpaid vacation time) will require written permission from their immediate supervisor. 6. Management employees need to take into account other management employees when considering their vacation allotment. 7. An employee may carry up to ten (10) days of his/her earned vacation into the following year. 8. If a serious injury or illness occurs during an employee's vacation, the employee will submit to the Director a signed doctor's certificate stating the nature and duration of the treatment required. With the Director’s approval, the employee may charge the time lost to sick leave rather than vacation. 9. Employees who are separated from employment with the Board shall receive payment for the vacation to which they are entitled. 10. Statutory or declared holidays will not be included in the vacation period.

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SHORTGRASS LIBRARY SYSTEM POLICY MANUAL Section C: Personnel Policy C.3: Bereavement Leave Updated and Approved: September 19th, 2012

Background The Shortgrass Library System recognizes the need for employees to have time to deal with the death of a family member. Policy Bereavement leave with pay up to and including three (3) regularly scheduled consecutive working days shall be granted to all employees who are required to carry out responsibilities incurred by the death of a member of the employee's immediate family. The Shortgrass Library System may, in addition, grant additional leave with pay. Guidelines 1.

A member of the immediate family is defined as: mother, father, brother, sister, wife, husband, common-law spouse, spouse equivalent, child or foster child, guardian, motherin-law, father-in law, grandparent or grandchild of the employee.


Travel leave will be granted if the employee must travel a distance involving the equivalent of 1/2 working day or more by air (one way); or if travelling time by vehicle involves the equivalent of one working day or more (one way). Travelling time by air may include time waiting for a flight and flight connections and time required to travel to and from airports.


Bereavement leave for any person not mentioned above may be granted at the discretion of the CEO.


Additional bereavement leave (without pay) may be granted at the discretion of the CEO. An altered work week may be provided.

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SHORTGRASS LIBRARY SYSTEM POLICY MANUAL Section C: Personnel Policy C.4: Compassionate Leave Updated and Approved: September 19th, 2012

Background The Shortgrass Library System recognizes the need for employees to have time to deal with the critical illness (as defined by a doctor) of a family member. Policy Compassionate leave with pay up to and including three (3) regularly scheduled consecutive working days shall be granted to all employees who are required to carry out responsibilities incurred by a critical illness of a member of the employee's immediate family. Guidelines 1.

A member of the immediate family is defined as: mother, father, brother, sister, wife, husband, common-law spouse, spouse equivalent, child or foster child, guardian, motherin-law, father-in-law, grandparent, or grandchild of the employee.


Travel leave will be granted if travel time represents the equivalent of 1/2 working day or more by air (one way); or if travelling time by vehicle involves the equivalent of one working day or more (one way). Travelling time by air may include time waiting for a flight and flight connections and time required to travel to and from airports.


Compassionate leave for any person not mentioned above may be granted at the discretion of the CEO.


Additional compassionate leave (without pay) may be granted at the discretion of the CEO.

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SHORTGRASS LIBRARY SYSTEM POLICY MANUAL Section C: Personnel Policy C.5: Continuing Education Updated and Approved: September 19th, 2012

Background The Shortgrass Library System Board recognizes the necessity of having informed and welltrained employees. Attendance at library related courses, workshops, and conferences; as well as attendance at job related courses or seminars will enrich employee work experience and will increase employee knowledge of library concerns and services. The Shortgrass Library System Board also recognizes the system's responsibility to member libraries in terms of providing opportunities for their librarians to attend workshops, courses, and seminars. Continuing education opportunities would include in-house workshops and programs as well as workshops and programs that would be offered by other systems, libraries, or agencies. Policy The Shortgrass Library System Board encourages and supports employee attendance at library related or job-related courses, workshops, and conferences. The SLS Board also supports the provision of continuing education opportunities to libraries within the system. Guidelines 1.

Employee attendance at courses, workshops, and conferences is to be determined in consultation with the CEO.


The attendance of member library staff at courses and workshops that are not sponsored by the Shortgrass Library System will be determined in consultation with the CEO if reimbursement is being requested.


The CEO’s approval will be in accordance with the budget approved by the Board.


Employees will be reimbursed in the following manner: (a.)

Courses relative to the employees’ position or professional development: Page 1 of 2

SLS will pay the full costs of registration, as well as necessary travelling expenses. (b.)

Courses an employee wishes to take in a work related context: These will be judged on their own merits. The CEO will determine the proportion of financial assistance.


Approval to attend courses will be issued on the understanding that no additional consideration in either the form of pay or time off will be granted on those occasions when employees may be required to travel outside their normal working hours; nor in the event that a statutory holiday or regular day off occurs during their absence.


Employees who attend a course, seminar, workshop, etc. under the sponsorship of the Board shall be entitled to only their regular rate of pay.


On those occasions when an employee attends a course at the request of the CEO, and the course occurs during the evening or on the weekend, the employee will be allowed timein-lieu equivalent to the course attendance hours.

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Section C: Personnel Policy C.6: Employee Files Updated and Approved: November 16, 2011; September 21, 2005

Background In the interests of fostering a communicative environment, Shortgrass Library System Board wishes to ensure the employees right to access information which pertains to their conduct and work. In the interest of personal privacy, the Shortgrass Library System Board wishes to ensure that personal information is protected from invasion.

Policy All records of personal information collected by staff shall be collected, used, and disclosed in accordance with current freedom of information and protection of privacy legislation.

Guidelines 1.

Only information necessary to the Shortgrass Library System’s operations will be collected from employees.


Information will only be collected from the employee directly.


Information collected will only be used for the purpose for which it has been collected or as required by law.


Personnel files and their contents will be kept confidential and will be released to a third party only on request in writing by the employee or for required legal purposes.


Employees may view the contents of their file and request a review of the information.

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Section C: Personnel Policy C.7: Grievances Updated and Approved: June 15, 2011; February 22, 2006

Background In the interests of maintaining communication and sound working relationships, clearly defined methods of handling grievances shall be developed. A grievance shall be defined as any dispute, disagreement, or difference arising between any employee or group of employees, and the Shortgrass Library System. Termination of employment is not a grievance.

Policy Grievances are to be reviewed and settlement attempted by the appropriate channels in order as listed: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

Immediate Supervisor CEO Grievance Committee The Board The Labour Relations Board

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Guidelines 1.

Grievance Committee The Grievance Committee will consist of the Chair of the Finance and Personnel Committee, the Board Vice-Chair, and two employees chosen by the staff on a case by case basis. The Committee Chair will be the Board Vice-Chair.


Time Off Grievance committee members who are staff members will be allowed time off during their regular working hours in order to participate on the Grievance Committee. No staff members shall leave work without the permission of the supervisor, and such leave is solely to discharge duties relating to the grievance procedure.


Time Limits The limits fixed in the grievance procedure may be extended by written consent on the part of the Board Chairman and the CEO.


Grievance Procedure Grievances shall be reviewed and settled in the following manner with resolution being seriously attempted at each level.

Grievance Procedure

Step I ďƒ˜ An employee or a representative of a group of employees, with a grievance discusses the matter with his/her immediate supervisor, or the CEO if the grievance concerns his/her immediate supervisor, or the Chair of the Finance and Personnel Committee if the grievance concerns the CEO. ďƒ˜ A grievance shall be brought up within one month of an incident, unless the grievance arises out of a situation developing over a period of time.

Step II ďƒ˜ If the immediate supervisor is not able to resolve the grievance, then the grievance is presented to the CEO for resolution.

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Step III  If the grievance is not resolved through the Steps I, or II processes, then the grievance is presented in writing to the Grievance Committee.  The Grievance Committee shall gather facts as required from the griever within ten working days of the submission of the grievance. This Committee will present a resolution plan within 20 days of receiving the grievance.

Step IV  If there is no settlement through the Grievance Committee's actions, the grievance shall be presented by the griever in writing to the SLS Board, and if necessary the Labour Relations Board.

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Section C: Personnel Policy C.8: Violence and Harassment Updated and Approved: February 22, 2006

Background The Occupational Health and Safety Code of Alberta require employers to:  Recognize and assess workplace violence as a hazard  Develop a policy and procedures on potential workplace violence  Communicate the organization’s policy and procedures related to workplace violence  Instruct workers on recognizing workplace violence  Develop appropriate responses to workplace violence  Develop procedures for reporting, investigating and documenting incidents of workplace violence Because it is related, many employers have added workplace harassment to the policy. The Canadian Human Rights Act gives each of us an equal opportunity to work and live without being hindered by discriminatory practices, including harassment. Statement of Belief The Shortgrass Library System promotes an abuse-free environment in which all people respect one another and work together. Any act of violence or harassment committed by or against any individuals affiliated with this organization is unacceptable conduct and will not be tolerated. We are committed to: 1. Investigating reported incidents of violence and harassment in an objective and timely manner; 2. Taking necessary action; and 3. Providing appropriate support for victims.

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Purpose The purpose of this policy is to ensure that: 1.

Individuals are aware of and understand that acts of violence or harassment are considered a serious offence for which necessary action will be imposed; Those subjected to acts of violence or harassment are encouraged to access any assistance that they may require in order to pursue a complaint; and Individuals are advised of available recourse if they are subjected to, or become aware of, situations involving violence and harassment.

2. 3.

Policy Employees or any other individuals affiliated with this organization shall not subject any other person to workplace violence or harassment or allow or create conditions that support workplace violence or harassment. No action shall be taken against an individual for making a complaint unless the complaint is made maliciously or without reasonable and probable grounds. Guidelines 1.

Acts of violence and harassment can take the form of physical contact or nonphysical behaviors and can include but would not be limited to:   

 

Threatening behaviour – such as shaking fists, destroying property or throwing objects Verbal or written threats – any expression of an intent to inflict harm Harassment – any behaviour that demeans, embarrasses, humiliates, annoys, alarms or verbally abuses a person and that is known or would be expected to be unwelcome. This includes words, gestures, intimidation, bullying, or other inappropriate activities. Verbal abuse – swearing, insults or condescending language Physical attacks – hitting, shoving, pushing or kicking


Acts of violence and harassment destroy individual dignity, lower morale, engender fear, and break down work unit cohesiveness.


Supervisors at every level must be knowledgeable about and sensitive to the many forms that violence and harassment can take. It may in fact be unintended; the test is whether a reasonable person knows or ought to have known that the behaviour would be considered unwelcome or offensive by the recipient.

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Violations of the policy may be subject to disciplinary action commensurate to the incident, up to and including dismissal.


For acts of violence or harassment by individuals outside of this organization, action taken would be commensurate with the incident up to and including temporary or permanent withdrawal of services or legal action.

Procedures 1.

Staff faced with an urgent situation involving threatening of violent conduct, where there is reasonable belief that the safety of persons may be threatened, should contact the police immediately.


For other incidents: (a)

(b) (c) (d) 3.

Discuss the matter with your supervisor. Prior to filing a formal report of the incident, the person subjected to workplace violence or harassment, with the assistance of the supervisor, should let their objections to the behaviour be known to the alleged offender. If not satisfied at this time, the complainant and/or their supervisor will document the incident and notify the CEO of the incident. The CEO will document the incident and inform the Finance and Personnel Committee of serious incidents. If the complainant is not satisfied with the actions taken by the CEO, follow the Shortgrass Library System Grievance Procedures Policy.

Management is responsible to ensure confidence is maintained and the victim receives support as necessary.

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SHORTGRASS LIBRARY SYSTEM POLICY MANUAL Section C: Personnel Policy C.9: Health Care/Life Insurance Updated and Approved: September 19th, 2012

Background The Shortgrass Library System acknowledges a shared responsibility for the well-being of employees thus protecting both the employer and the employee against loss of work and wages due to accident or illness. Policy Health Care benefits are available to all permanent full-time and permanent part-time employees. Health Care benefits will be reviewed by the management team every three (3) years. Employee participation in the following is required1       

Group Life Insurance (Coverage set at twice the employees’ annual salary) Accidental Death and Dismemberment Coverage Extended Health Care Dependents Life Insurance Weekly Income Replacement (Short Term Disability) Long Term Disability Dental Plan (80% coverage) is available only after 12 month continuous service

Shortgrass will pay for 100% of the premiums for the following benefits  Group Life Insurance  Accidental Death and Dismemberment  Dependent Life Employees will pay for 100% of the premiums for the following benefits  Weekly Indemnity  Long Term Disability

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Shortgrass will pay for 65% of the following premiums  Extended Health  Dental Details can be found in the employee’s benefit handbook 1

Shortgrass employees who receive benefits through another extended health care plan are not required to participate in the Shortgrass benefits plan.

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Section C: Personnel Policy C.10: Holidays Updated and Approved: June 15, 2011; September 21, 2005;

Policy Headquarters will be closed and staff will receive full pay on the following statutory and general holidays:

New Year's Day

Family Day

Good Friday

Easter Monday

Victoria Day

Canada Day

August Civic Holiday

Labour Day

Thanksgiving Day

Remembrance Day

½ day Christmas Eve Christmas Day

Boxing Day

½ day New Year's Eve

Guidelines 1. 2.

If the above holidays fall on a Saturday or Sunday, employees will be eligible to the equivalent time off during the work week with no deduction in wages or salary. Employees shall take the first working day following the general holiday.

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Section C: Personnel Policy C.11: Hours of Work Updated and Approved: September 21, 2005

Background In order to provide for the operational needs of the Shortgrass Library System and to provide a work environment that helps meet the needs of staff, flexibility will be provided in the regular working hours scheduled.

Policy Core business hours are set at 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Regular working hours shall be determined as an average of 7.25 hours per day for a total of 72.5 hours in a two week period. Regular daily working hours shall normally be between the hours of 7:45 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

Guidelines 1.

For full-time employees, daily hours shall be scheduled with an additional 30 minutes per day for seven days and every second Friday afternoon (3.5 hours) off.


The scheduled additional 30 minutes may be added at the beginning or the end of the day on a consistent basis, notwithstanding guideline number 6.


One 15 minute coffee break shall be provided for each half day and shall be considered as part of paid time.


One 60 minute meal break shall be provided where daily hours exceed 3.5 hours and shall be considered as unpaid time.


Full-time employees and part-time employees who work full days will be expected to be at work for the core business hours (8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.), except for guideline number 6 circumstances.


Occasional flexibility in the regular schedule may be granted where the employee’s request does not unduly impinge on normal operations. Page 1 of 1

SHORTGRASS LIBRARY SYSTEM POLICY MANUAL Section C: Personnel Policy C.12: Leave of Absence Updated and Approved: September 19th, 2012

Background Circumstances may result in the need for a justifiable leave of absence without pay. Policy Employees may, for valid reasons, be granted a definite leave of absence without pay, provided satisfactory arrangements can be made for the performance of their duties during their absence. Guidelines Duration of leave of absence will be decided upon by the CEO, the employee’s supervisor and the employee.

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SHORTGRASS LIBRARY SYSTEM POLICY MANUAL Section C: Personnel Policy C.13: CEO Probation and Performance Evaluation Updated and Approved: November 16, 2011 Policy The CEO will receive performance evaluations and feedback in accordance with the following guidelines. Guidelines 1.

The CEO will have a probationary period of twelve months beginning with the CEO employment contract start date.


During the twelve month probationary period, unsatisfactory performance may result in termination provided that the procedure for termination follows the rules of natural justice.


A satisfactory performance evaluation at the end of twelve months employment will result in a recommendation to the Board for permanent status.


Performance deemed to require improvement may result in recommendation for extension of probation period by the Board.


The Board Chair and the Chair of the Finance and Personnel Committee will conduct formal performance evaluations according to the following procedures: (a)

The first formal evaluation of the CEO will take place at the end of the first twelve months employment.


The second formal evaluation of the CEO will take place within eighteen (18) months of the first evaluation.



Further formal evaluations will take place every three (3) years or at the discretion of the Board. Other performance evaluations associated with terms outlined in the employment contract may also take place. A formal evaluation will include an assessment on at least the following measures: (a) The degree to which the CEO fulfils his/her role description and meets the terms of the employment contract. Page 1 of 2

(b) The degree to which the CEO practices the values, beliefs and mission statement of the SLS while conducting the business of the System. (c) The degree to which the CEO implements the SLS Board’s Plan of Service and policies. (d) The level of confidence in the CEO as held by the Board, Staff, Member Library Boards and Library Managers. 7.

The Performance Evaluation Instruments (see Attachments C.13(a), C.13(b), C.13(c) and C.13(d)) are to be reviewed by the Board Chair, Chair of the Finance and Personnel Committee and the CEO prior to each evaluation taking place.


Feedback on the CEO’s employment evaluation will be provided to the CEO by the Board Chair and/or the Chair of the Finance and Personnel Committee, both orally and in writing.


An in-camera meeting of the Board and the CEO will be held to review the evaluation.


Evaluation reports will become part of the CEO’s personnel record and will be managed in accordance with the employee records policy and guidelines.

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POLICY ATTACHMENT C.13(a) Shortgrass Library System Performance Appraisal of the CEO By the Board of Trustees CEO: Date of appraisal: ______________________________________________________________________________ Scoring Scale: AE

Achieved Expectations: Overall performance related to required skills met expectations.


Expectations Not Met: Overall performance related to the required skills was significantly below expectations. (Considered an area for concern)


Not Able to Assess: The evaluator does not have sufficient knowledge to make a judgement.

Communication Exhibits strong verbal and written communication skills. Promotes open and honest internal and external communication. AE Trustee comments:

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Leadership Demonstrates skill in effectively leading people through change. Encourages team-building by facilitating open communication and positive working relationships with all stakeholders. AE



Trustee comments:

Interpersonal Skills Demonstrates diplomatic and effective negotiating skills and the ability to work towards win-win situations on internal and external matters. AE Trustee comments:

Job Responsibilities Performance Appraisal of the CEO by the Board of Trustees Revised: November 16, 2011

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A. Board Relations Develops agendas in consultation with Board and Committee Chairs and ensures accurate recording of all minutes. Attends or assigns designate to attend all Board and Committee meetings. Ensures effective and efficient reporting to the Board on the general operations, financial status and library system services. Provides the Board with pertinent information (such as legal issues, funding methods, service trends, issues, legislation and regulations) necessary to keep the Board informed regarding the developments in library systems in Alberta. Advises and assists the Board in developing strategic plans, goals, and objectives. Maintains and enhances level of knowledge of the library management field through professional development. AE ENM NA Trustee comments:

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B. Human Resources Management Directs the selection, employment and evaluation of staff, in accordance with Board policies, to ensure the maintenance of a qualified, effective workforce. Develops human resource policies and practices for Board approval. Ensures a cooperative relationship with staff to support the provision of quality service. Creates opportunities for ongoing communications and cooperation among the staff and member librarians. Creates an atmosphere that encourages new ways of doing library system business including partnerships in the community, new uses of library facilities and technology, and new ways of meeting public library needs. AE ENM NA Trustee comments:

C. Community and Public Relations Acts as a liaison and maintains good public relations with other library systems, member libraries, government agencies, provincial associations, the general public and other stakeholders. Acts as an effective spokesperson and advocate when representing the library system to the media, municipal councils and other external organizations. Establishes and maintains an effective communication strategy to keep all stakeholders informed, and fosters partnerships with these stakeholders. AE ENM NA Trustee comments:

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D. Administration/Planning Directs the development, updating, and implementation of the Plan of Service. Ensures regulations, legislation and Board policies are implemented and enforced. Recommends bylaw and policy changes, as appropriate.




Trustee comments:

E. Financial Management Implements the Board’s policies for the allocation and distribution of resources. Advises the finance committee. Provides the Board with regular statements of revenues and expenditures. Administers the funds according to the budget approved by the Board. Ensures all approved funds are expended in an efficient and effective manner. Ensures all system assets are appropriately managed and maintained, including the physical plant and other capital assets. AE ENM NA Trustee comments:

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Overall Summary

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POLICY ATTACHMENT C.13(b) Shortgrass Library System Performance Appraisal of the CEO By Member Library Managers CEO: Date of appraisal:

Scoring Scale: AE

Achieved Expectations: Overall performance related to required skills met expectations.


Expectations Not Met: Overall performance related to the required skills was significantly below expectations. (Considered an area for concern)


Not Able to Assess: The evaluator does not have sufficient knowledge to make a judgement.

Please circle the appropriate response and write a comment. COMMUNICATION Exhibits strong verbal and written communication skills Comment:




Ensures a cooperative relationship with member library managers to support the provision of quality service Comment:




Is an approachable, willing listener who is receptive and responsive to member libraries’ ideas and concerns Comment:


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Acts as an effective liaison between member libraries and other regional/ provincial library organizations Comment:





















LEADERSHIP Encourages team-building by facilitating honest and open communication and positive working relationships Comment:

Demonstrates skill in successfully leading people through change Comment:

Works in collaboration with member library managers to accomplish objectives and to fulfill responsibilities Comment:

Takes a leadership role in the library community and acts as an effective advocate on behalf of member libraries Comment:

Demonstrates diplomatic and solid negotiating skills and the ability to work towards win-win solutions Comment:

MEMBER SERVICES Directs the development, updating and implementation of the SLS Plan of Service in consultation with stakeholders, including Library Managers Comment:

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Fosters an environment that encourages and supports professional development and training of member library managers Comment:



Responsibly oversees handling of materials’ levy funds held at SLS on behalf of member libraries Comment:






INNOVATIVE PRACTICES Creates an atmosphere that encourages new ways of doing library system business, including partnerships in the community, new uses of library facilities and technology, and new ways of meeting public needs Comment:


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POLICY ATTACHMENT C.13(c) Shortgrass Library System Performance Appraisal of the CEO By SLS Staff CEO: Date of appraisal:

Scoring Scale: AE

Achieved Expectations: Overall performance related to required skills met expectations.


Expectations Not Met: Overall performance related to the required skills was significantly below expectations. (Considered an area for concern)


Not Able to Assess: The evaluator does not have sufficient knowledge to make a judgement.

Please circle the appropriate response and write a comment. COMMUNICATION Exhibits strong verbal and written communication skills. Comment:



Provides consistent and regular communication to inform all staff members about what is going on in SLS. Comment:



Ensures a cooperative relationship among staff to support the provision of quality service. Comment:



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Is an approachable, willing listener who is receptive and responsive to staff ideas and concerns. Comment:









Works in collaboration with staff to accomplish objectives and to fulfill responsibilities. Comment:




Demonstrates diplomatic and effective negotiating skills and the ability to work towards win-win solutions. Comment:







LEADERSHIP Encourages team-building by facilitating honest and open communication and positive working relationships. Comment:

Demonstrates skill in effectively leading people through change. Comment:

HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Directs the selection, employment and evaluation of staff, in accordance with board policies, to ensure the maintenance of a qualified, effective workforce. Comment:

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Develops human resource policies and practices in consultation with staff for Board approval. Comment:







Ensures that each staff member is appreciated and recognized for their personal value and contributions to SLS . Comment:



Assists individuals in developing the necessary skills to be successful within SLS. Comment:










Supports and encourages staff initiative. Comment:

Provides regular, appropriate and constructive feedback. Comment:

TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Fosters an environment that encourages and supports professional development of staff. Comment:

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Incorporates the tenets of the Seven Habits of Effective People in the culture of the SLS workplace. Comment:



ADMINISTRATION/PLANNING Sets priorities; obtains, allocates and manages resources; evaluates results and meets deadlines. Comment:




Directs the development, updating and implementation of the Plan of Service. Comment:







INNOVATIVE PRACTICES Creates an atmosphere that encourages new ways of doing library system business, including partnerships in the community, new uses of library facilities and technology, and new ways of meeting public needs. Comment:


Performance Appraisal of the CEO By Staff Revised November 16, 2011 Page 4 of 4


CEO: Date of appraisal:

Relationship with SLS Board of Trustees: Use the following guidelines:  Communication  Relationship building/management  Policy development/maintenance  Resource management  Change management  Innovative Practices



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SLS Staff Management: Use the following guidelines:  Communication  Relationship building/management  Policy development/maintenance  Resource management  Change management  Innovative Practices  Training and Development



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Relationship with SLS Library Managers/Member Library Staff: Use the following guidelines:  Communication  Relationship building/management  Policy development/maintenance  Resource management  Change management  Innovative Practices  Training and Development



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SHORTGRASS LIBRARY SYSTEM POLICY MANUAL Section C: Personnel Policy C.14: Overtime Updated and Approved: September 19th, 2012

Background In order to maintain satisfactory operations and services to its library members, the Shortgrass Library System may require work in addition to the regular hours of work from time to time. Policy Overtime work shall be any hours worked in excess of regular hours. Overtime may be compensated with time in lieu of overtime pay. Guidelines 1.

Overtime shall be additional time worked by an employee as requested by a supervisor and approved by the CEO.


Overtime will usually be compensated by time in lieu but may be paid where operations may be significantly affected by the additional time off.


As per Government of Alberta current Employment Standards, the employee must agree, in writing, if they are willing to take time in lieu of overtime pay.


Time in lieu of overtime pay may accumulate up to 37.5 hours per calendar year.


Time in lieu of overtime pay shall be scheduled to be taken at any time within a twelve month period as long as it does not unduly affect operations, and has been approved by the supervisor.


Time in lieu of overtime pay not taken before the employee’s last day of employment will be paid at the current rate established by current Government of Alberta Employment Standards.

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SHORTGRASS LIBRARY SYSTEM POLICY MANUAL Section C: Personnel Policy C.15: Parental Leave Updated and Approved: September 19th, 2012

Background The Shortgrass Library Board recognizes that employees, as parents, need to spend uninterrupted time with their newborn or adopted child. The Shortgrass Library Board will provide maternity, paternity, and adoption leaves in accordance with the current Government of Alberta Employment Standards Code. Eligibility Requirements Permanent, full-time or part-time employees that have become a new parent in the following regards shall be eligible for either Maternity or Parental Leave. Maternity Leave – Biological birth mother Parental Leave – Father Adoptive Parent Domestic Partner Guidelines 1. To ensure that Shortgrass Library System can make the necessary arrangements to accommodate an employee requiring Maternity or Parental Leave, employees are asked to provide six weeks’ written notice before commencement of leave. 2. To be eligible to receive full Maternity or Parental leave, employees must have completed a minimum of one (1) year (52 consecutive weeks) of continuous service with Shortgrass Library System. 3. Employees are expected to give four (4) weeks notice regarding their expected date of return to work. Shortgrass Library System should be contacted as soon as possible in the event of any changes, 4. Maternity leave can start at any time within 12 weeks prior to the estimated date of delivery. Parental leave begins on the date of, or after, the date of birth or adoption and has to be completed within 52 weeks of the date of birth or adoption. Page 1 of 2

5. Shortgrass Library System will ensure that all employees who require Maternity and/or Parental leave are provided with up to 15 weeks of Maternity Leave, and up to 37 weeks of Parental Leave. The maximum duration of leave available shall be equal to 52 weeks. 6. The CEO will review the current Employment Standards Code with the employee. 7. The CEO will act reasonably in the Code’s areas of discretion. 8. If there are unresolved issues for employees, they should discuss the issue with their supervisor and/or the CEO. Benefits Should the employee choose to continue with their health and disability insurance, or any other benefits made available by Shortgrass Library System, the employee may continue to receive such benefits by continuing to pay any employer-paid portions of the monthly premiums.

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Section C: Personnel Policy C.16: Pay Days Updated and Approved: September 21, 2011; November 16, 2005

Policy Employees will be paid twice a month via direct deposit.

Guidelines 1.

If a pay day falls on a holiday or a non-working day, the pay day shall advance to the last working day before the holiday or to the last banking day.

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Section C: Personnel Policy C.17: Pension Plan Updated and Approved: November 16, 2005

Background The Shortgrass Library System Board recognizes that a pension plan represents a required employee benefit which provides for retirement income.

Policy Participation in the Shortgrass Library System pension is a condition of employment for all permanent full-time and part-time employees following one full year of continuous service.

Guidelines The following guidelines are in accordance with Local Authorities Pension Plan procedures: 1.

A full-time employee works a minimum of 30 hours per week.


A part-time employee works a minimum of 14 hours per week.


Employee contributions are based on a percentage of the employee's salary. For information re: the current contribution rate, please refer to the Local Authorities Pension Plan participant handbook.


The Shortgrass Library System will make contributions on behalf of participating employees at a rate of salary 1% higher than the rate of contributions withheld from the employee's salary payment.

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Section C: Personnel Policy C.18: Performance Evaluation Updated and Approved: April 21, 2010, November 16, 2005

Background At the Shortgrass Library System supervisors and employees are strongly encouraged to discuss job performance and goals on an informal, day-to-day basis to provide both supervisors and employees the opportunity to discuss job tasks, identify and correct weaknesses, encourage and recognize strengths, and discuss positive, purposeful approaches for meeting goals. The Shortgrass Library System also recognizes the need for establishing a formal opportunity for communication about the employee's progress and performance, and the employer's expectations of the employee. This serves not only as an opportunity for recognition of merit, but also as a means of defining the work to be done.

Policy All permanent and contracted (not probationary or casual) employees shall have their performance evaluated formally at least once every two years on or near the anniversary of the original date of employment.

Guidelines 1. Performance evaluations shall be conducted by the employee's immediate supervisor and the C.E.O. or his/her designate. 2. Performance evaluations shall be reviewed by the CEO.

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3. The Performance Evaluation Instrument (see Attachment C.18) is to be reviewed

regularly by the C.E.O. with input and feedback from Shortgrass staff. 4. The performance evaluation shall include a review of the employee’s job description for input on any possible changes. 5. The performance evaluation shall include both the employee’s own appraisal of his/her performance and the supervisor’s assessment. 6. The performance evaluation shall also include a professional development plan created jointly by the supervisor and the employee. The plan shall outline possible training opportunities as these relate to the employee’s job description and also provide direction by identifying employee and employer goals and objectives. 7. A copy of the signed evaluation report shall become part of the employee’s confidential personnel record, and shall be managed in accordance with employee records policy and guidelines. 8. A staff member who wishes to appeal the results of his/her performance evaluation can do so under the terms outlined in Policy C.7: Grievances. Staff member can do so within ten (10) working days.

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Shortgrass Library System Performance Evaluation Feedback Session Employee’s Name: ________________________________

Date: ____________________________

Position: ____________________________ In preparation for this session the employee should receive a blank copy of this form (for their written feedback), a copy of their most recent performance evaluation (if applicable), and a copy of their job description. Both the job description and the previous evaluation should be reviewed during this session.

Performance Feedback

1.) Job Knowledge – degree of familiarity with all aspects of current position Employee’s Comments Aspects of my job I am very familiar with:

Supervisor’s Comments Aspects of your job you are very familiar with:

Aspects I need to become more familiar with:

Aspects you need to become more familiar with:

2.) Quality and Quantity of Work - value of work produced and speed at which work is completed Employee’s Comments Supervisor’s Comments In terms of value and speed of work, what I am In terms of value and speed of work, what you are doing well : doing well :

In terms of value and speed of work, what I could be doing better :

In terms of value and speed of work, what you could be doing better :


Shortgrass Library System Performance Feedback Session

3.) Communication / Interpersonal Skills – ability to work with other staff members and members of the public Employee’s Comments Supervisor’s Comments I am strong at communicating in the following You are strong at communicating in the following ways: ways:

I need to become better at communicating in the following ways:

You need to become better at communicating in the following ways:

4.) Initiative and Adaptability - willingness to take on additional tasks and ability to adapt to circumstances Employee’s Comments Supervisor’s Comments Areas where I take initiative and am adaptable: Areas where you take initiative and are adaptable:

Areas where I need to take more initiative and be more adaptable:

Areas where you need to take more initiative and be more adaptable:


Shortgrass Library System Performance Feedback Session

5.) Punctuality and Appearance – readiness to begin work and appropriateness of dress Employee’s Comments I am punctual for work and dress appropriately in the following ways:

Supervisor’s Comments You are punctual for work and dress appropriately in the following ways:

I need to become better at being punctual and dressing appropriately in the following ways:

You need to become better at being punctual and dressing appropriately in the following ways:

Professional Development Plan 1.) What educational opportunities related to the position would you be interested in participating in over the next year?

2.) Are there any educational opportunities the supervisor recommends for the employee?

3.) What professional goals would you like to accomplish over the next year?

4.) How can SLS assist you with accomplishing these goals?

Please note that this professional development plan will be reviewed with the employee again in six months. 3

Shortgrass Library System Performance Feedback Session

Supervisor’s Name (printed): _________________________________ Supervisor’s Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _______________________

C.E.O. or designate’s Name (printed): __________________________ C.E.O. or designate’s Signature: _______________________________ Date: _______________________

Employee Statement I have reviewed this performance evaluation with my supervisor and have been given the opportunity to add my comments to the form. My signature does not necessarily reflect my agreement with all comments stated here. Employee’s signature: ______________________________________ Date: _______________________



Section C: Personnel Policy C.19: Probationary Periods Updated and Approved: November 16, 2005

Background The Shortgrass Library System recognizes the need to have a probationary period during which time an employee will learn the expectations of the employer, will be evaluated, and may resign or be dismissed without penalty, before permanent status is granted.

Policy All employees shall have a probationary period, at the end of which time employees shall receive a performance appraisal (See policy on performance appraisals). The performance appraisal will recommend granting or withholding permanent status. Probationary periods are as follows: Professional employees - 12 months Para professional and clerical employees - 6 months

Guidelines 1.

Professional employees shall receive a preliminary evaluation after six months. This evaluation will be conducted by the Director and/or the Personnel Committee.


Para professional and clerical employees shall receive a preliminary evaluation after three months.


During the first three months of the probationary period unsatisfactory performance can result in termination without notice under the current Government of Alberta Employment Standards Code.

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Section C: Personnel Policy C.20: Relatives (Dealing With) Updated and Approved: November 16, 2005

Background In the interest of maintaining a sound working relationship, it is important that employees are treated with fairness and non-discrimination. Where there are employees who have a family relationship with other employees there is potential for discrimination.

Policy The Shortgrass Library System Board shall ensure that, where immediate family members are concerned, all employees are dealt with in fairness and non-discrimination with respect to their employment.

Guidelines 1.

Employees who exercise a regulatory or discretionary control over others shall, wherever possible, disqualify themselves from dealing with immediate family members including mother, father, brother, sister, wife, husband, common-law spouse, spouse equivalent, child or foster child, guardian, mother-in-law, father-in law, grandparent or grandchild of the employee, with respect to those functions.


Employees who have contractual responsibilities for the Shortgrass Library System shall, wherever possible, disqualify themselves from decisions which may involve members of the immediate family.


Employees who have evidence that discrimination has occurred should follow the grievance procedure.

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Section C: Personnel Policy C.22: Termination of Contract Updated and Approved: November 16, 2005

Background The Shortgrass Library Board recognizes that fairness to both the employee and the employer is important should an employee resign or be dismissed from a position. The policy on employee termination is in accordance with the current Government of Alberta Employment Standards Code.

Policy Non-management employees are expected to give two weeks notice in writing of intent to resign. Management employees are expected to give four weeks notice in writing of intent to resign, and are encouraged to give three months notice if possible to facilitate the selection process. Except for just cause, when a permanent employee is dismissed, the employee shall be given a minimum of two weeks notice or in lieu thereof, two weeks pay. Additional notice or wages the employee would have earned for the applicable period of notice (in accordance with the Code) will be given if the employee has been employed for more than two years. Due to budget restrictions, the Board may be required to eliminate a position or amalgamate positions. Should this occur, all concerned employees will be given as much notice as possible.

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Guidelines 1. Procedures pertaining to dismissal: 1.1

The supervisor shall have a private conversation with the employee to define the problem of that employee's performance.


When a reasonable period of time, determined by the supervisor in conjunction with the employee, has elapsed and the required improvements in the employee's work have not been made and the quality of the work of the employee is still deemed to be unsatisfactory, then the Director shall take the following course of action:

1.3 Write a letter to the employee in question outlining the problems with the performance. 1.4

This letter will be discussed by the Director, the Supervisor, and the employee in the Director's office and a copy of said letter will be initialed and dated by both parties to the effect that the discussion has taken place.


If it is resolved that the employee's performance will not improve, then the Director will give the employee notice of dismissal.


A notice of dismissal shall indicate the date it was issued and will be sent by registered mail.


No notice of dismissal or payment of money in place of notice of dismissal is required if the employee has been employed 3 months or less.

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SHORTGRASS LIBRARY SYSTEM POLICY MANUAL Section C: Personnel Policy C.21: Sick Leave Updated and Approved: September 19th, 2012

Policy Permanent full time employees with three months service shall be allowed 18 days sick leave with pay for each calendar year. Any unused portion shall be cumulated from year-to-year. Employees can draw on their accumulation to a maximum of 36 working days. Permanent full time with less than three months service, part-time employees and temporary employees shall be allowed to draw sick leave pay to the extent that such leave has accumulated on a month-to-month basis at a rate of 1.5 days per month. Guidelines 1.

Any employees absent because of sickness should inform the immediate supervisor within the hour they are to report for duty.


A medical certificate may be required for any sick leave beyond 3 days.


Sick leave is a means of ensuring that an employee will not suffer loss of income in the event of personal illness or illness of an immediate family member (mother, father, brother, sister, wife, husband, common-law spouse, spouse equivalent, child or foster child, guardian, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandparent or grandchild of employee) where no one at home other than the employee can provide for their needs to a maximum of 8 days.


Each employee is entitled to leave of absence with full pay for medical and dental appointments falling on a regular working day following notification of their supervisor. This time is to be deducted from accumulated sick leave.


Employees as expected to inform their supervisor in advance of any medical/dental appointments they have made.


All employees who meet the minimal hourly threshold as specified by the benefits provider will participate in the Short Term Disability Program as part of the Benefits Program. Short Term Disability is designed to cover the employee during periods of Page 1 of 2

extended illness until they are eligible for Long Term Disability. Elimination periods are set by the benefits provider and details can be found in the Group Benefits Booklet. Short Term Disability premiums are paid by the employee. Rebates received by Shortgrass Library System as a result of employee paid Short Term Disability will be returned to the employee quarterly. 7.

Employees are obligated to use the Short Term Disability Program for any sick leave meeting its criteria after the elimination periods have passed. That means, that accumulated sick leave days cannot be used for more than 6 consecutive days.


Unused sick leave time is not eligible for compensation upon termination or resignation of employment.

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Section C: Personnel Policy C.23: Travel Policy Updated and Approved: June 15, 2011; November 16, 2005;

Background The Shortgrass Library System Board recognizes that library system employees and Board trustees should not incur travel costs when traveling on behalf of the library system. Policy Expenses incurred by employees and Board Trustees while on authorized library system business will be reimbursed. Approval for travel must be obtained from one of the following: 1. SLS Board Chair for Board Trustees and CEO. 2. CEO for employees of the Shortgrass Library System

Guidelines 1. Attendance at courses, seminars, and conferences is to be rotated on an equal basis amongst Board Trustees and staff where appropriate. 2. All travel is to be by the most direct route and the most economical means of transportation bearing in mind the purpose of the trip. 3. Staff members are expected to use Shortgrass vehicles when traveling on Shortgrass business by car. 4. If a staff member chooses to take his/her own vehicle when a Shortgrass vehicle is available, s/he must check with his supervisor prior to the date of travel if it is the employee’s intention to claim mileage reimbursement. When it is necessary for employees to use their own vehicles (i.e. when no Shortgrass vehicles are available), mileage/kilometer rates will be paid at the rate adopted by the Shortgrass Library System Board. 5. Shortgrass staff are expected to comply with all traffic laws while traveling on Shortgrass related business. Drivers will be personally responsible for the payment of any fines Page 1 of 2

resulting from violations of parking or traffic regulations. 6. Meals will be covered at the rate adopted by the Shortgrass Library System Board. 7. Where applicable, registration for events should take advantage of all ‘early bird’ fee reductions. 8. Board Trustees and Library employees may request a travel advance if necessary, by completing a Travel Advance Voucher (Attachment C.23A). Upon return, all essential documentation must be provided to substantiate receipt. Any unused funds must be returned to the Shortgrass Library System. 9. Receipts will be required for hotel accommodation, personal charges incurred during a hotel stay are excluded from reimbursement. Where Board Trustees or Library System employees make private arrangements for overnight accommodations, they shall be reimbursed at the rate adopted by the Shortgrass Library System Board. 10. Official Telephone Calls – Board Trustees and Library employees will be reimbursed for long distance telephone calls relating to official business. 11. Participants at events where expenses are covered by the library are required to present an oral and/or written report of their experience. a. Board Trustees will report to the SLS Board. b. CEO will report to the SLS Board and, where appropriate, will brief staff. c. SLS staff will report as deemed appropriate by their immediate supervisor and/or CEO. 12. Meal allowances are not authorized when: a. Breakfast – The departure time from Medicine Hat is later or the arrival time back in Medicine Hat is earlier than 0800 hours. b. Luncheon – The departure time from Medicine Hat is later or the arrival time back in Medicine Hat is earlier than 1300 hours. c. Dinner – The departure time from Medicine Hat is later or the arrival time back in Medicine Hat is earlier than 1830 hours. d. When provided.

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2375 – 10th Ave. S.W., Medicine Hat, AB., T1A 8G2 Phone: 529-0550 Fax: 528-2473 POLICY ATTACHMENT C.23 Travel Authority and Advance Voucher Name:

Date of Trip:

Address: Location and Purpose of trip: Vehicle_______km @ $0.505/km** Air Taxi Public transportation without a receipt – $12.75** *Hotel (single occupancy rate) Private Accommodations (daily rate $20.15) *Hotel upgrade costs are the responsibility of the individual Other – At least 24 hours on the road, extra $7.35/day Meals (alcohol not included)** Breakfast $ 9.20 Lunch $ 11.60 Dinner $ 20.75 TOTAL expenses for trip TOTAL travel advance requested *Please attach receipts for air fare, taxi, hotel accommodations and meal expenditures over the allocated amounts. **Rates as per Government of Alberta Travel Expense policy, most recent update October 2009



Round trip from Medicine Hat to: Bassano................................316 km Bow Island...........................120 km Canmore...............................840 km Dunmore..................................28km Etzikom..................................168km Gem………………………….350 km Jenner.....................................200km Lethbridge.............................334 km Patricia...................................270km Rainier..................................294 km Rolling Hills...........................200km Schuler...................................136km Strathmore…………..………468 km

Brooks.................................220 km Calgary................................580 km Duchess...............................260 km Edmonton.........................1,182 km Foremost..............................220 km Jasper................................1,408 km Irvine……………..…………..64 km Manyberries..........................168km Ralston..................................100km Redcliff..................................20 km Rosemary..............................280km Seven Persons.........................48km Tilley....................................200 km

Round Trip from Brooks to: Bassano......................................................... 84 km Bow Island .....................(via Medicine Hat)320 km Bow Island ......................(via Rolling Hills)200 km Foremost ........................(via Medicine Hat)440 km Foremost ..........................(via Rolling Hills)280 km Calgary........................................................ 348 km Medicine Hat................................................220 km Rainier ............................................................74km Redcliff.........................................................200 km Rolling Hills ...................................................100km Rosemary ………….………….……………….35 km Round Trip from Bow Island to: Foremost.............................100 km Redcliff................................140 km Round Trip from Foremost to: Bow Island…………………………96 km Round Trip from Tilley to: Rosemary……………………..120 km Bassano…………………………146 km Rolling Hills………………………….66 km Brooks……………………………….50 km Round Trip from Bassano to: Rosemary………………………40 km Updated and Approved: February 16, 2011


Section C: Personnel Policy C.24: Work Alone Updated and Approved: November 16, 2005

Background In the interest of fostering a healthy and safe environment for staff who work alone, and in accordance with the Province of Alberta’s Occupational Health and Safety Act and the General Safety Regulation, the following policy has been established.

Policy The Shortgrass Library System Board shall ensure that individuals who work alone at Shortgrass Library System headquarters and individuals - Driver/Clerk- who work away from headquarters and alone in the routine delivery of SLS materials shall have work alone guidelines in place to ensure their health and safety.

Guidelines Driver/Clerk 1.

The employee is competent to work alone safely; has been informed of hazards associated with working alone when travelling alone and has some knowledge of emergency situations on the highway.


The employee follows safe work procedures and has adequate rest during work periods when travelling alone.


The vehicle used by the employee is in good working condition.


The employee is provided with appropriate first aid supplies.


The employee has an effective means of communication.

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SLS Headquarters Staff 1.

The employee is competent to work alone safely and has been informed of hazards associated with working alone in headquarters building.


The employee follows safe work procedures.


The employee is provided with appropriate first aid supplies.


The employee has an effective means of communication.

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Section C: Personnel Policy C.25: Criminal Record Checks Updated and Approved: June 15, 2011; February 16, 2005

Background As a precaution to protect the Board, staff and people who work with the SLS staff, the following policy is established. Policy All candidates who are being considered for employment on a temporary contract or a permanent contract must provide a criminal record check for a review by the CEO.

Guidelines 1.

Successful applicants will be reimbursed the cost of the criminal record check by Shortgrass Library System.

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SHORTGRASS LIBRARY SYSTEM POLICY MANUAL Section C: Personnel Policy C.26: Employee Use of Shortgrass Computer Resources and Internet Services Approved: February 21, 2007

Background Shortgrass Library System necessitates the use of computer resources and internet services by employees in the performance of their regular duties. All employees are responsible for using computer resources and internet services supplied by the System in an effective, ethical and lawful manner. Policy The Shortgrass Library Board and the CEO are responsible for the distribution of this policy to all Shortgrass Library System employees. All of those employed by the Shortgrass Library System must be familiar with the guidelines included in this policy and will conduct their activities accordingly. Definitions For the purpose of this policy the expression: a) “System” refers to Shortgrass Library System Headquarters Guidelines 1. The System is unable to guarantee the privacy of information in personal emails. As part of managing the email service System technical services’ staff may see personal information belonging to other System employees. 2. Unless it is part of an employee’s normal job duties, providing private information about those employed by the System or member libraries to parties outside of the System is strictly prohibited and is a violation of the Freedom of Information Act.

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3. Personal use of System supplied computer resources and internet services is permitted within reason unless such use interferes with the needs of the organization or scheduled operations. This includes personal email. Instant messaging for personal use is not permitted during working hours. 4. Employees must take appropriate security precautions when transferring data between computer resources owned by the System, and personally owned external storage devices or independent websites. (Warning: there is no privacy of information unless it is stored on one’s own secure and private device). 5. All information regarding how to access and use System computer resources and internet services is considered proprietary and will not be released to anyone who is not authorized to access these resources. 6. Use of System supplied computer resources and internet services for malicious purposes is prohibited. 7. Employees must immediately notify the technical services’ staff or management if there is any evidence, suspicion or likelihood of either a breach in security (informational or physical) or damage to computer or internet resources supplied by the System. 8. The creation, transmission and viewing of inappropriate material through the use of computer or internet resources supplied by the System is prohibited. 9. Under no circumstances is an employee of the System authorized to engage in any activity that is illegal under local, provincial, federal or international law while utilizing resources supplied by the System. Employees using these resources for illegal or criminal activity will be subject to prosecution. Procedures 1. Any employee found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment via summary dismissal. 2. The CEO of Shortgrass may remove any employee’s right of access to resources supplied by the Shortgrass Library System if (s)he believes such action to be in the organization’s best interest. Employees have no right of retrieval of information or email from the System’s computer environment upon termination of employment. 3. The CEO’s decisions shall be final in all matters pertaining to the interpretations of these procedures and guidelines.

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SHORTGRASS LIBRARY SYSTEM POLICY MANUAL Section C: Personnel Policy C.27: Moving Expenses Updated and Approved: February 16, 2011; January 19, 2011 (new)

Purpose The Shortgrass Library System recognizes that the best qualified candidate for a permanent senior library position cannot always be found locally. When recruiting outside of Medicine the Board may compensate a newly appointed employee for specified costs associated with relocation. Guidelines 1.

An employee approved as eligible by the Board may claim the following expenses: 1.1.

Relocation expenses for the employee, his/her spouse and dependent children. 1.1.1. Actual and reasonable expenses for transportation from the new employee’s former location to Medicine Hat. 1.1.2.Where transportation is by privately owned vehicle – actual fuel costs for one automobile. 1.1.3.Actual and reasonable expenses for food and lodging while enroute.

1.2. The full cost of transportation of usual household effects from the former to the new residence, including loading, shipping, unloading, up to a maximum of 5% of starting salary. 2.

No allowances may be claimed for legal services or real estate fees.


Compensation for any other expenses directly related to relocation may be negotiated prior to written acceptance of the offer of employment.


The employee is required to: 4.1. Accept the level of assistance offered at the time of appointment by signing the written offer of employment. In so doing, the employee acknowledges a requirement to reimburse the Shortgrass Library System all or a portion of the moving expenses reimbursement received should the employee not complete a full two years of service. This shall be calculated at 1/24 of the moving expenses reimbursement for every month not worked of the initial two years.

4.2. Obtain necessary vouchers, receipts or other appropriate documents to substantiate all moving and relocation expenses: and 4.3. Obtain two estimates from established and reputable moving companies and each firm must guarantee invoice billing for a move not exceeding ten (10) percent of their estimate.

SHORTGRASS LIBRARY SYSTEM POLICY MANUAL Section C: Personnel Policy C.28: Code of Conduct Last Approved: September 21, 2011

Purpose Shortgrass Library System employees must demonstrate the highest professional and ethical standards when dealing with co-workers, board members, member library staff, customers and other individuals who deal with Shortgrass in the conduct of business. Any violation of the Code will be cause of immediate and appropriate disciplinary action. It is the responsibility of all employees to become familiar with the Code of Conduct and to govern their conduct and behavior in accordance with the guidelines below. If unsure, employees should proactively consult their supervisor. Guidelines 1. Employees shall, in the course of their duties, uphold the laws. 2. Employees shall ensure that their conduct, whether in a personal or official capacity, does not bring Shortgrass into disrepute or damage public confidence. 3. Employees shall, at all times, act responsibly in the performance of their public duties. 4. Employee shall behave professionally, respectfully and courteously at all times, including with their co-workers and the public. They shall endeavor to resolve any work- related disagreements in a respectful manner based on reasonable expectations. 5. Employees shall ensure their positions are not used improperly for personal advantage. 6. Employees shall ensure that personal or confidential information obtained in the course of their employment is not divulged.

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Financial Matters: 1. All assets and liabilities of Shortgrass shall be recorded in the regular books of account. No undisclosed or unrecorded fund or asset shall be established or maintained for any purpose. 2. No false or artificial entry or entry that obscures the purposes of an underlying financial transaction shall be made in the books and records for any reason. 3. No payment of any nature using Shortgrass funds or assets that is in violation of any applicable law or regulation shall be made. 4. Unauthorized removal of materials, property or money belonging to Shortgrass is strictly prohibited. 5. Falsification of an application, time sheet, work schedule or other financial or legal records is prohibited. Credit Cards 1. Shortgrass credit cards shall be used for Shortgrass Library System business only. 2. Receipts for all transactions shall be submitted promptly with notations for the purpose of the credit card purchase. 3. Credit card statements shall be examined, verified and signed by the Office Manager and CEO or Assistant CEO, as well as the Chair of the Finance & Personnel Committee or another designated signing officer. 4. A Shortgrass credit card will be immediately withdrawn by the CEO or Assistant CEO if there is any evidence of abuse.

Conflict of Interest A conflict of interest occurs when an employee is in a position to influence a business decision that may result in a personal gain. 1. All employees have an obligation to conduct business to avoid actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest. 2. Employees shall not accept a bribe, favour or fringe benefit from anyone who conducts business with Shortgrass Library System. Page 2 of 3

3. If an employee has any influence in a business transaction involving a purchase or contract, full disclosure must be made to the CEO so that safeguards can be established and recorded. 4. Employees shall not use their influence to obtain advantage on behalf of a family member or relative of the employee.

Shortgrass Property 1. No employees shall use Shortgrass property or permit Shortgrass property to be used for purposes not associated with the performance of their duties.

Political Activity 1. All employees shall maintain all appearances of being politically neutral in their official employment duties.

Penalty for Non-compliance 1. Any employees who contravene any section of this Code may be subject to disciplinary action: a. b. c. d.

verbal or written warning; suspension; dismissal; OR such other action or penalty as may be appropriate and permitted by law under the circumstances.

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SHORTGRASS LIBRARY SYSTEM POLICY MANUAL Section C: Personnel Policy C.29: Privacy & Confidentiality Last Approved: September 21, 2011

Purpose Shortgrass Library System is committed to protecting the privacy of its volunteer board members, member library staff and patrons, employees and business partners. Guidelines 1. Shortgrass employees share responsibility for taking all reasonable steps to ensure personal information is collected, used, and disclosed in a manner which ensures privacy protection provisions are met. 2. In addition to personal information, Shortgrass Library System retains information considered confidential including all financial information and information related to planned organizational change. 3. Employees shall not repeat or distribute confidential information that was not intended for or prepared for public viewing unless otherwise approved by the CEO or Assistant CEO. 4. Inquiries from the public regarding access to confidential information shall be forwarded to the CEO or the Assistant CEO. 5. An employee shall not alter, destroy or disclose information, except upon authorization from the CEO or Assistant CEO in accordance with established policy. 6. Any breach of confidentiality will be cause of immediate and appropriate disciplinary action including the possibility of termination of employment.

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Privacy Definition: All records that are in the custody or under the control of Shortgrass Library System are subject to the FOIP (Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy) Act. Custody of records means the record is in the physical possession of Shortgrass Library System. The control of a record means that Shortgrass Library System has the authority to manage a record, including the authority to determine records retention practices. Any confidential information to which Shortgrass staff may have access is to be used only in the performance of necessary staff duties. Such information is not to be collected or disclosed, except as authorized by policy or legislation (Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of Alberta (FOIP), and is to be used only for the purpose(s) for which it was collected. 1. The FOIP Act defines a record as information in any form including notes, images, drawings, photographs, audio-visual recordings, and print and electronic records. 2. The FOIP Act does not apply to information or research requests that are based in any of the public collections. 3. All circulation and other records concerning Library cardholders are considered confidential in nature and staff should actively ensure that this confidentiality is maintained. 4. Employees do not have the right to access the personal information of others, even if they have the individual's Library card or Library card number. 5. Personal information that may threaten the health and safety of an individual may not be released, whether submitted as FOIP or as a routine request. 6. Employees have the right to access their own personal information and this is considered a routine request.

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