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SirsiDynix Symphony 3.2 Selection Lists Training Guide


Publication Name: Publication Number: Version Number: First Printing:

SirsiDynix Symphony 3.2 Selection Lists Training Guide DOC-SLLTGEN-S SirsiDynix Symphony 3.2 January 2008

Additional copies of this document can be downloaded from the SirsiDynix Client Care web site, © 2008 SirsiDynix. All Rights Reserved. The processes and all the routines contained herein are the proprietary properties and trade secrets of SirsiDynix. Except as provided by license agreement, this manual shall not be duplicated, used or disclosed for any purpose or reason, in whole or in part, without the express written consent of SirsiDynix. The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by SirsiDynix. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (b)(3) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause in DFARS 252.227-7013. Rights for non-DOD U.S. Government departments and Agencies are as set forth in FAR 52.227-19(c)(1,2). Sirsi®, WebCat®, Vizion®, WorkFlows®, Unicorn®, UnicornECOLE®, UnicornOASIS®, UnicornSTILAS®, Site Source®, DRA®, DRA Net®, Inlex®, MultiLIS®, Taos®, JurisLink(tm), Corinthian®, Dynix®, URSA®, Horizon(tm), Remote Patron Authentication(tm), and TeleCirc(tm) are trademarks of SirsiDynix. Other product and company names herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. All titles, versions, trademarks, claims of compatibility, etc., of hardware and software products mentioned herein are the sole property and responsibility of the respective vendors. SirsiDynix makes no endorsement of any particular product for any purpose, nor claims responsibility for its operation and accuracy.

Table of Contents Introduction........................................................................................................................ 3 Overview .................................................................................................................................... 3 Selection List Control Record ................................................................................................................ 3 Title Record ........................................................................................................................................... 4 List Line Record..................................................................................................................................... 4 Decision Record..................................................................................................................................... 5 Order Record.......................................................................................................................................... 5

Selection Lists Toolbars and Helpers ...................................................................................... 6 Helpers ................................................................................................................................................... 9

Getting Started ........................................................................................................................ 10 Session Settings.................................................................................................................................... 10

Selection List Activities .................................................................................................... 13 Add Selection List.................................................................................................................... 13 Making Decisions..................................................................................................................... 20 My Decisions ............................................................................................................................ 22 Display Selection List .............................................................................................................. 29 Modify Selection List .............................................................................................................. 33 Order From Selection List...................................................................................................... 36 Duplicate Selection List .......................................................................................................... 42 Delete Selection List ................................................................................................................ 46

Reports.............................................................................................................................. 49 Overview .................................................................................................................................. 49 Notice to Selectors Report ...................................................................................................... 50

Creating Selection Lists in Batch .................................................................................... 53 Overview .................................................................................................................................. 53 MARC Selection List Import Wizard ................................................................................... 54 Load Bibs for Selection Report .............................................................................................. 57 Load Bibs with Selections and Decisions Report ................................................................. 62 Load Flat Selection Lists Report............................................................................................ 66

Index ................................................................................................................................. 69

January 2008


Selection Lists


January 2008

Introduction Overview Acquisitions Selection Lists help you make informed decisions for acquiring new and replacement titles for collection development. As a component of the Acquisitions module, the Selection Lists wizards help you create and process these lists, and integrate them into the ordering process. Once you establish selection lists in SirsiDynix Symphony 3.2 , the Selection Lists wizards simplify the process you use to make buying decisions against selection list items. Once you make a decision, WorkFlows converts the list into order records using vendors and funds from the database. Selection Lists wizards use the following types of information to manage selection lists: •

Selection list control records – Provide basic information about the selection lists and how to use them.

List line records – Linked to titles in your catalog.

Decision records – Linked to list line records and user records so you can list selected titles and make purchasing decisions.

Order and orderline records – Created from selection list decisions and linked to fund records and vendor records.

Selection List Control Record •

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Manages the operation and use of the selection list. The selection process can be represented by a series of statuses. These statuses let the selection list manager control list building, decision-making, and ordering of selection list items.


Selection Lists

Stores information that describes a selection list, such as ID, name, date created, created by, and more. The selection list control record is typically linked to many list lines.

May include extended information (such as notes, comments) that can populate order extended information fields.

Must be added in SirsiDynix Symphony 3.2 before selection list lines can be created. You can add title records into the system by keyboard entry, batch load through the Load Bibliographic Records report, or SmartPort.

SirsiDynix recommends that you shadow titles that you add to the selection list at the title level. Once titles are approved for ordering with “buy” decisions, the shadow status can be automatically lifted as the selection list lines are converted into orders. Shadowing titles permits the library to conceal the decision making process from the OPAC.

You can remove titles that do not receive order approval using selection list reports.

Title Record

List Line Record


List lines store links to call number records. Adding a list line adds a title to the selection list. List lines also store values that might be used for an orderline if the list line is converted to an order, such as unit price and total quantity.

As you review the selection list and make purchasing decisions, WorkFlows links decision records to each list line.

List lines may include extended information (such as source, review information, or vendor title number) that can populate orderline extended information fields.

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Decision Record •

Selectors can create decision records for selection list items with buy, maybe, or don’t buy decisions. WorkFlows filters titles on the selection list so that selectors can quickly see which titles still require decisions and which titles already have decisions.

To expedite the decision process, SirsiDynix recommends that you review wizard properties before making decisions.

Selectors can create decision records system-wide. Decision records are linked to a user ID, which tracks the decisions made by selectors. A user ID representing the selector should be established in wizard properties prior to making decisions.

As selectors create Decision records, WorkFlows calculates the quantity approved for buy decisions and total dollar amount. The software allows the operator to see the total dollar amount and quantity for all decisions system-wide, as well as total dollar amount and quantity for “my decisions.”

Decisions may include extended information (such as donor, rush) which also can be mapped to orderline extended information fields.

Order Record

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Once the decision making process is complete, the selection list can be marked with a “ready”status which converts the list lines into order records.

According to wizard properties, you can generate orders in three ways: one order per selection list with one orderline for each list line, one order per list line, or one order per vendor.

The selection list decision records will populate the order and orderline fields accordingly. As WorkFlows creates the orders, it maps extended information and segment information to orderlines.


Selection Lists

Selection Lists Toolbars and Helpers

Common Tasks

Contains wizards that set specific defaults values as well as searching and other common functions.

Selection List

Contains wizards that display, create, edit, duplicate and remove selection lists.


Contains wizards that display, create, edit, duplicate, and remove fund accounts.

Session Settings - This wizard sets Acquisitions settings for the current session. Display Vendor (Specific Cycle) - Displays all orders and linked serials control records for a specified vendor in the specified fiscal cycle. Display Order - Display order and order-related information.


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SmartPORT - Connects to and searches a Z39.50 compliant database for bibliographic records. Captures a new bibliographic record for your order. Item Search and Display - Searches and displays title records, call numbers, and items. Check Item Status - Checks the status of an item and proposes an action to be taken. Help - Opens the WorkFlows Help file. Print - Prints the open record.

My Decisions − This wizard guides you through the process of adding, modifying, or removing selection list decisions, as well as determine how to fund and distribute the copies to be ordered. Display Selection List − This wizard allows you to view selection lists, the linked list lines and decision records, as well as orderlines associated with the list lines. Add Selection List − This guides you through the process of creating a selection list control record and linking titles to this selection list. Duplicate Selection List − This wizard guides you through the process of duplicating a selection list control record and the associated list lines.

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Selection Lists

Modify Selection List − This wizard guides you through the process of making changes to information in the selection list control record, list lines, and decisions. Add List Lines – This wizard allows you to add list lines to an existing selection list. Delete Selection List − This wizard guides you through the process of removing individual selection list lines, or the entire selection list. When a selection list is removed, the associated list line and decision records are also removed. Order From Selection List − This wizard guides you through the process of retrieving a selection list and using it as a source for creating orders.

Review All Funds - This wizard guides you through the process of reviewing the item, budget, and performance information for all funds (or selected funds) within a specific fiscal cycle. Review Available Funds – This wizard guides you through the process of reviewing multiple funds within a specific cycle with a free balance of greater than $0.00. Display Fund (All Cycles)- This wizard guides you through the process of displaying information about a master fund record and all its associated fund cycles. Display Fund (Specific Cycles) – this wizard guides you through the process of displaying information about a master fund and a specified cycle. Detailed order and invoice information is also available using this wizard


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Helpers Display Bibliographic Description − This helper displays bibliographic information and volume/copy information about the current item. Replace Fundings and Distribution − This helper, in conjunction with the Order Map policy, provides pattern templates for fundings and distributions. Set Options for Item Search − This helper lets you qualify/limit and sort your search using volume/copy characteristics. Display All Cycle Information − When using the Modify Fund wizard, click this helper to display the amount budgeted, encumbered, invoiced, and paid for each cycle in a particular fund. Global Adjustments − When using the Adjust Fund Budget wizard, click this helper to automatically calculate percentage adjustments and adjust multiple funds by the same amount. Display Invoices/Orders − When using the Display Fund (All Cycles) wizard, click this helper to display a list of invoices and orders for a specific fund cycle. Modify This Orderline − As you receive orderlines, you can select the Modify this Orderline helper to make a change to the orderline prior to receipt. The functionality is the same as any other time you are modifying an order. Display All Orderlines − The Display All Orderlines helper is available when a multiline order is displayed in the Display an Order wizard. The helper allows you to view all of the orderlines on the order without having to page through each orderline individually. Find a Holding Code − The Find Holding Code helper is used when creating or modifying the orderline fundings and distributions in an acquisitions wizard. The holding code must be selected from a drop-down list which contains only a ten character policy name. Create First Row – This tool inserts a new row on a blank tab. Delete Row – This tool deletes segments.

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Selection Lists

Insert Row After – This tool lets you add segments after the field in which the cursor is positioned. Insert Row Before – This tool lets you add segments before the field in which the cursor is positioned.

Getting Started This section gives you step-by-step instructions on how to create and change selection lists, add Decision records, and create orders. It also describes other miscellaneous activities associated with selection lists. There are a few exercises testing your knowledge of these procedures at the end of this appendix.

Session Settings The Session Settings wizard guides you through the process of determining specific property-type settings for a range of wizards during your WorkFlows session. The values in the session settings behave in the same way that properties behave. If you save properties when exiting, SirsiDynix Symphony 3.2 saves your session settings for use in the next WorkFlows session. If you do not set these defaults at the beginning of a session, a system message appears and displays this wizard. NOTE

SirsiDynix Symphony 3.2 uses the defaults contained in these session settings in all Acquisitions wizards.

To establish the Acquisitions session settings



Click the Session Settings wizard Session Settings window appears:

. The Set

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By default, the Review Settings Each Session check box is selected. This means that the session settings will display for review the first time a wizard in the range is selected during the workstation session. If you deselect this box, you can change the session settings only by using the Session Settings wizard. Session settings behave like properties, but may be set across a range of wizards instead of at the individual wizard level.


In the Maintenance Library box, select the library whose acquisition information you have permission to modify. The options that appear are set in the policy file.


In the Display Library box, select the library whose acquisition information you have permission to display. The options that appear are set in the policy file.


Selection Lists



For more information, see the FAQ "What is the difference between a Maintenance Library and a Display Library" located in the WorkFlows Online Help.


In the Fiscal Cycle box, click the gadget to select a fiscal cycle that you will typically use for this session. Use numeric values only. The gadget displays all fiscal cycles in use by any fund in the SirsiDynix Symphony 3.2 system. If you do not use the gadget, but rather type the fund value, a "fund invalid" message may NOT appear. Do not enter a fiscal cycle in this box unless you are certain it is a valid value.


In the Fund Preference box, click the Automatically Add Audit Trail To box. Select this check box and, from the drop-down list, choose one of the extended information entries for writing audit trail information, typically Comment or Note.

January 2008

Selection List Activities Add Selection List The Add Selection List wizard guides you through the process of creating a new selection list. After entering basic information such as fiscal cycle, list owner, list name, status, and cutoff date into the selection list control record, you can add list lines representing titles already in the system.

To create a new selection list 1.

Click the Add Selection List wizard Selection List window appears:

. The Create

2. In the Enter Selection List Information area, click the gadgets for the fiscal cycle and list owner boxes, and select the appropriate entry. Click Create Selection List. The following window appears:

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Selection Lists

3. Use the Item Search to identify a title for the first list line. Select the appropriate title from the hitlist if applicable. Click Add List Line.


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Selection List Activities

4. On the List Line tab, type the unit price, ISBN/ISSN, parts in set, and binding information. Additional list line information area, such as shipping, reviews, citations, and comments can be added. Click Add List Line to save the list line. If you click Cancel, the line is not added. The following window displays. NOTE

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The Vendor ID text box will appear only if the Enter Listline Vendor default property is selected in Session Settings.


Selection Lists

5. To continue adding titles to this selection list, use the Add List Line tool found in the upper left hand corner.


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Selection List Activities


To make changes to a list line, click Modify List Line. The Change Title Link helper is available for you to change the title for this list line. To view changes to a list line, click Review List Line. To remove a list line, click Remove List Line.

7. After adding all of the necessary titles to the selection list, choose Close to exit the Create Selection Lists wizard. NOTE

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If you click Remove List Line and this is the only line on the selection list, the selection list will be removed. A warning message will display, and the Remove List and Do Not Remove List buttons will appear. If you click Remove List, the selection list and all of the linked list lines and decisions will be removed. If you click Do Not Remove List, you will be returned to the Selection List Summary window, where you can add more list lines, modify list lines, or quit the wizard.


Selection Lists


Once all of the List Lines have been added, go to the Selection List tab


In the Selection List Tab enter the following information: a.


In the List Description section, type entries that are unique to this selection list. •

Type a descriptive List Name.

In the List ID box, type a specific ID number, or select AUTO from the list to automatically assign an ID.

In the List Category boxes, click the gadget to select appropriate values.

The List Owner and Fiscal Cycle boxes contain information that was entered in

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Selection List Activities

step #2, but you can modify it if necessary.


In the Status box, select an appropriate status from the list. The default status is ACTIVE.

The Alert Count box displays the number of alert notices sent to the selection list owner and selectors. This field is updated by alert notice reports.

In the Dates section: •

WorkFlows maintains information that appears in the Date Created and Date Modified fields.

In the Cutoff Date box, click the gadget to display a calendar to set the deadline for selectors to have their decisions made. The Date Alert Sent is updated when alert notice reports are run.

c. Under List Extended Info section you can type specific Comments, Notes, and Instructions regarding this selection list. Extended Info can be viewed by selectors during the decision making process.

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Selection Lists

Making Decisions Selectors make decisions on the list lines as to whether or not they think the materials should be purchased. The selection list must have an Active status to allow decisions to be made. The Selection List Owner can add his or her decisions when the list lines are being added.

To make decisions while creating the list 1.

If not already on a specific list line, use the Modify List Line tool. When you open the list line record, you’ll be on the List Line tab. Switch to the Decisions tab.

2. Click on the Add Decision tool. The following window displays.


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Selection List Activities


Select your Decision from the dropdown menu. Indicate the Quantity, the Fund ID, Holding code and other distribution information as necessary. Click on the Add Decision button to save your changes.


Continue adding decisions to other list lines as needed.

More about selection list statuses There is a range of statuses to choose from when working with selection lists. Whether or not you decided to use them depends on how your library handles the overall selection process. The following statuses indicate different stages of the selection process. •

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ACTIVE – This status indicates that decisions can now be made against selection list titles. The selection list can be modified; however, the titles cannot be converted into orders.


Selection Lists

BUILDING – This status indicates that the list owner is in the process of creating the selection list. Decisions cannot be made. Titles cannot be converted into orders.

INACTIVE – This status indicates that selection list has been built but is not being used. The list cannot be modified. Decisions cannot be made. Orders cannot be created.

READY – This status indicates that the selection list is ready to be converted into orders. The list cannot be modified. Decisions cannot be made.

REVIEW – This status indicates that decisions against the selection list are being reviewed. Once the decisions have been reviewed, the status must be updated to create an order.

My Decisions Once a selection list is created, selectors can review the selection list items and add buy, maybe, and don’t buy decisions. The My Decisions wizard guides you through the process of adding decision records to selection list lines. Establishing default properties prior to making decisions is helpful for efficient decision-making.

To add decision records 1.


Click the My Decisions wizard . If the Set Properties window appears, establish appropriate defaults. Defaults helpful to the decision making process include selector ID, decision, fund ID, quantity, and holding code. Click OK.

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Selection List Activities


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It is important to indicate your selector ID in the defaults of the My Decisions wizard. This is how the decisions are connected to each selector. If you do not fill in a selector ID in the defaults, the selector ID in the decisions will be listed as the WorkFlows login user ID (i.e. DEWEY_LIBTECH)


Selection Lists



On the My Decisions screen, you can search by List ID as well as a variety of other access points to locate the selection list. You can also click Search without entering any search criteria in order to view a listing of all selection lists available for decision-making. Click on one of the selection lists and select the Modify Selection List button.

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Selection List Activities

3. Once you locate the selection list, you are presented with a series of tabs containing selection list and decision information.

The Undecided tab displays selection list lines that do not contain decision records. Once decisions records have been added, the titles move from the Undecided tab to the Decided tab.

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Selection Lists

The Selection List tab presents control record information including description, dates, and list extended information. The selector can use this tab to review, among other things, the list name, cutoff dates, and instructions established by the list owner.


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Selection List Activities

The All Lines tab displays all of the titles on the selection list, including the number of decisions and quantity specified for each list line. Since many selectors may add decision records to the same list line, the All Lines tab provides an overview of the decision making process library system wide.

The All Lines tab displays all of the titles on the selection list, including the number of decisions and quantity specified for each list line. Since many selectors may add decision records to the same list line, the All Lines tab provides an overview of the decision making process library system wide. The Decided tab displays selection list lines that contain decision records. Titles are organized by decision type, grouping buy, maybe, and don’t buy decisions accordingly. 4. To add a decision for a title on the selection list, highlight a title and click on the Add Decision tool. The following window displays.

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Selection Lists

5. Select your Decision from the dropdown menu. Indicate the Quantity, the Fund ID, Holding code and other distribution information as necessary. Click on the Add Decision button to save your changes. 6. Continue adding decisions to other list lines as needed. 7.


Click Close once you make your decisions.

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Selection List Activities

Display Selection List The Display Selection List wizard allows a staff member to view all selections lists that are in the system. Selection Lists that have been ordered, are under construction, or are in the decision making process can be displayed. Look up options provide a variety of access points to the selection lists. The number of decision records and quantity specified appear for each title. If orders have been created from this selection list, the order ID and orderline number display for each ordered title.

To display a selection list 1.

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Click the Display Selection List wizard following window appears.

. The


Selection Lists

2. You can either enter search criteria or click the Search button without entering search criteria in order to display selection lists in the system. If you get a list of selection lists after clicking and want to view and individual list, select the appropriate selection list and click Display List.

The Lines tab displays all of the titles on the selection list, including the number of decisions and quantity specified for each list line. Since many selectors may add decision records to the same list line, the Lines tab provides an overview of the decision-making process from all of the selectors.


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Selection List Activities

The Selection List tab presents control record information including description, dates, and list extended information. The selector can use this tab to review, among other things, the list name, cutoff dates, and instructions established by the list owner.

3. To display an individual selection list line, select a title from the Lines Tab and then click Display List Line helper. The following window appears.

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Selection Lists

The List Line tab contains title, unit price ISBN/ISSN, binding, and extended information. If available, this tab also displays parts in set and vendor information. The Decisions tab displays the decision, quantity specified, and selector ID for each decision record. 4.


After reviewing the List line and Decision tabs, click one of the buttons to exit this window.

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Selection List Activities

Modify Selection List The Modify Selection List wizard guides you through the process of editing selection list control records, individual list lines, and decisions. Use this wizard to convert the selection list into order records by changing the selection list status to “ready.�

To modify a selection list 1.

January 2008

Click the Modify Selection List wizard following window appears.

. The


Selection Lists



You can either enter search criteria or click the Search button without entering search criteria in order to display selection lists in the system. If you get a list of selection lists after selecting Search and want to modify and individual list, select the appropriate selection list and click Modify Selection List.

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Selection List Activities

4. List lines can be added, modified, or removed. Decisions to individual list lines can also be added, modified or removed. When the selection list is ready for ordering, the status must be changed to ready. Select the Selection List tab and change the status to Ready.


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After changing the status to ready, click Modify Selection List to save your changes.


Selection Lists

Order From Selection List The Order From Selection List wizard guides you through the process of retrieving a selection list and using it as a source for creating orders. After the selection list is set to a Ready status with Modify Selections List wizard, the list is available for ordering. Only list lines with buy decisions will be converted into orders. Orders will not be created for maybe and don’t buy decisions.

To order selection list items 1. Click the Order From Selection List wizard


If the Set Properties window appears, establish appropriate defaults. Choose how the orders should be generated: one order per selection list, one order per list line, or one order per vendor. The option to create one order per vendor will only be available if you chose to enter list line vendor in the Session Settings. Additionally, the shadow flag can be turned off for order titles if the behavior is set in the Order from Selection List wizard.


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Selection List Activities

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Search for the Selection List you wish to order from.


On the Selection List tab, review the selection list control information. Only the selection list extended information can be modified on this tab. The Lines tab will show the summary of decisions and quantities.


Selection Lists



To place an order, click Order From Selection List on the Selection List tab, and the Enter Order Information window opens.


Type a Vendor ID, or use the Lookup Vendor gadget to select an ID. Select an Order Type from the dropdown list. Mark the order Ready in order to generate the Purchase Order, if needed.


Click OK.


If the Review Orderlines behavior property is selected, the following tabs appear. Review the information on these tabs to verify the orderline information.

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Selection List Activities

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Make any necessary changes and click Save Your Changes. If there are multiple orderlines, the next orderline appears. Continue reviewing and saving orderlines.


When you click OK for the last orderline, the Order and Orderlines tabs appear.


Selection Lists

10. If you need to modify an orderline, click on the Modify Orderline tool, and repeat steps 8 and 9. 11. If the Review Orderlines behavior property is not selected, only the Order and Orderlines tabs appear. The Display All Orderlines helper is available for reviewing details of all orderlines. If you need to make changes to an orderline, select an orderline and click Modify Orderline. Repeat steps 8 and 9. 12. Once all of the orderlines are correct, click on Finish. The Mark Order Finished window appears.


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Selection List Activities

13. Once orders have been created for selection list lines, you can send the vendor your purchase orders through one of the Acquisitions purchase order reports, or transmit your orders to the vendor through EDI. NOTE

You may only create selection list orders for the libraries allowed by the acquisition maintenance libraries settings. If Turn Off Shadow Flag for Ordered Titles is selected in behavior properties, when selection list titles are converted to an order, they are automatically “unshadowed.� If you want specific titles to remain shadowed, use the Shadow Options helper.

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Selection Lists

Duplicate Selection List The Duplicate Selection List wizard guides you through the process of duplicating a selection list control record and the associated list lines. The decision records and order information are not duplicated.

To duplicate a selection list 1.

Click the Duplicate Selection List wizard following window appears.

. The

2. You can either enter search criteria or click the Search button without entering search criteria in order to display selection lists in the system. If you get a list of selection lists after selecting OK and want to order from an individual list, select the appropriate selection list and click Duplicate Selection List. The following window appears.


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Selection List Activities


The Lines tab displays a list of titles linked to the selection list. Select the check boxes next to the list lines you wish to duplicate, or select the Select All check box to duplicate all list lines. The following options will also display if the Selection list you are duplicating has been converted to an order: •

Ordered List Lines to duplicate only those lines that have been ordered


List Lines Not Ordered to duplicate only those lines that have not been ordered

After you make your selection, click the Duplicate Selection List button. The following screen appears.

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Selection Lists



Enter the list ID and fiscal cycle and click Create Selection List. The following window appears.


Click the Selection List tab to display the duplicated selection list control information. Review the information on this tab and make necessary modifications.

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Selection List Activities


Click the Lines tab to display a list of titles linked to the selection list. Because the decision records and linked order information are not duplicated from the source selection list, the Decisions and Quantity columns will display zeroes. Using the list line tools you may add, modify, display and remove list lines, depending on the selection list status.

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You can make new selection list decisions if the selection list status is ACTIVE.


After making necessary changes click Save Your Changes and then, click Close.


Selection Lists

Delete Selection List The Delete Selection List wizard guides you through the process of removing a selection list control record and the associated list lines.

To remove a selection list 1.


Click the Delete Selection List wizard following window appears.

. The

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Selection List Activities

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You can either enter search criteria or click the Search button without entering search criteria in order to display selection lists in the system. If you get a list of selection lists after selecting OK and want to order from an individual list, select the appropriate selection list and click Delete Selected Lines. The following window appears.


The Select Search window displays the selection list lines. The title, number of linked decision records, and quantity to order will display. To remove specific list lines, click the Selected radio button and select the check boxes next to the list lines you want to remove. Click Delete Selected Lines. Or, select the All radio button remove all titles from the selection list. If the Selection list you are deleting has been converted to an order, you will also see the Ordered list lines and List lines not ordered radio buttons


Click Delete Selected Lines and the list lines and associated decision records are removed. The number of list lines selected and the number of list lines removed display in the dialog box.


Selection Lists


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Reports Overview Selection List reports can accomplish the following tasks.

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Count or list selection lists, listlines, distributions, fundings and decisions that meet one or more specific criteria

Remove selection listlines and lists

Send Notices to selectors



Count Decisions

Count decision items matching

Count Selection Fundings

Count of selection funding segments

Count Selection List Distributions

Count of selection list distributions

Count Selection List Lines

Count list line items

Count Selection Lists

Count selection lists

List Decisions

List decisions.

List Selection List Distributions

List selection list distributions

List Selection List Funding Segments

List selection list funding segments

List Selection List Lines

List listlines

List Selection Lists

List selection lists

Notice to Selectors

Notify user of selection list status

Remove Selection List Items

Remove items

Remove Selection List Lines

Remove selection list lines.


Selection Lists

Notice to Selectors Report After the list owner has created a selection list, selectors can be notified by the Notice to Selectors report about the selection list’s availability for decision-making. The Notice to Selectors report can look for selection lists set to a particular status. Specific user ID’s can be chosen in this report in order to notify specific selectors about the availability of the list. The Output options permit you to format the letter under particular parameters. If you can choose to run the notice with the count as notice sent option enabled, the Alert Count will be incremented in the selection list control record, and the report run date will be used to update the Date Alert Sent. Each selector specified by user ID will receive identical notices, with variation only in the user address and salutation. A combination of notice text and information about each selected selection list will make up the body of the notice.

To set up the Notice to Selectors report 1.

Change toolbar to the Reports toolbar.


Select the Schedule New Reports wizard.


Review the Session Settings if displayed and click OK.


Select the Selection List tab.


Select the Notice to Selectors report and click Setup and Schedule.


Select the User IDs tab.


Using the gadget, identify several user IDs.


Select the Selection List Selection tab.


Accept the default status as ACTIVE.

10. Accept the default alert count as =0. 11. Accept the default library. 12. Select the Sorting tab. 13. Choose your preferred sorting option.


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14. Select the Notice to Selectors tab. 15. Check the Count as notice sent option. 16. Verify the other output options and schedule the report to run as often as needed.

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Selection Lists


January 2008

Creating Selection Lists in Batch Overview For sites that have purchased the optional 9XX/MARC Order Loader module, the Acquisition Load group of reports allows libraries to use book vendor web sites to create selection lists. The book vendor provides a file of MARC bibliographic records that can be loaded into SirsiDynix Symphony 3.2. These bibliographic records may contain selection list information. The Acquisition Load reports for Selection Lists accomplish the following tasks.

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Matches and loads bibliographic records from the vendor into the catalog and creates flat selection records that may be used to create SirsiDynix Symphony 3.2 selection records.


Loads flat selection list records (with or without decisions) into SirsiDynix Symphony 3.2; selection list records can then be converted to orders.


Selection Lists

MARC Selection List Import Wizard The MARC Selection List Import Utility wizard, located on the Utility toolbar, imports and manages vendors' MARC records and the selection list records created from them. This wizard imports files of bibliographic records from the workstation to the /Unicorn/Marcselimp/Bibs directory on the SirsiDynix Symphony server. Once the bibliographic record files are imported to this server directory, the wizard can list, view, or remove the files. The bibliographic records can then be added to the SirsiDynix Symphony 3.2 database with the Load Bibs for Selection report or the Load Bibs with Selections and Decisions report. To import a file of bibliographic records with Selection List information 1.

On the Utility module toolbar, click the Marc Selection Import toolbar and click OK.



wizard on the Common Tasks

Specify the file name to use when importing records from the vendor. In the Source box, type the source file name as it exists on the workstation or server, or clicks the Open File gadget to select the source file. The gadget will display the entire file path name, including the drive.

January 2008

Creating Selection Lists in Batch


In the Destination box, type the name you want to give the file when it is imported, and then click Import. The following confirmation window appears.


Click Yes to begin importing records. The Confirmation window displays the Are there more files to upload? prompt when the import finishes.


Select one of the following options:

Yes – Displays the More Files window for you to select another records file to import. Type the file name in the Source box, or click the Open File gadget to browse for the file, and click OK. Any additional imported files will be appended to the original imported file. No – This completes the import process and returns you to the Import tab. To view the processed records click on the Bib Files to Load tab. Select file and click on View. When finished click on Cancel to exit the wizard.

January 2008


Selection Lists


January 2008

Creating Selection Lists in Batch

Load Bibs for Selection Report After the bibliographic records are imported to the server with the MARC Selection List Import wizard, one of two reports must be run. Which report will depend on whether or not selection information is embedded in the bibliographic records. If the bibliographic records do not contain any selection list information, the Load Bibs for Selection report will need to be run. If the bibliographic records contain selection list information, the Load Bibs with Selections and Decisions report will need to be run. Both reports will load bibliographic records into the catalog and create flat files of selections list records to be loaded by the Load Flat Selection Records report.

To load bibliographic records with the Load Bibs for Selection Report 1.

On the Reports module toolbar, click the Schedule New Reports wizard on the Common Tasks toolbar and click OK.

January 2008


If the Properties window displays, click OK or press ENTER to accept the defaults. The Display Template Reports window opens.


Click the Acquisition load tab.


Selection Lists


Select the Load Bibs for Selection report, and then click Setup & Schedule. The Schedule Load Bibs for Selection window appears.

5. Click the Load tab. 6. In the File to load list, select your file.

7. Complete the remaining selection criteria accordingly. When the Load Bibs for Selection report is run, these values on the Load tab are required.


File to load

Title Control Number Source for Incoming Items

Default Record Format

Class Scheme

January 2008

Creating Selection Lists in Batch

8. Click the Selectionlist Options tab.

9. Complete the remaining selection criteria accordingly. When the Load Bibs for Selection report is run, these values on the Selectionlist tab are required.

January 2008

Maintenance library

Selectionlist ID

List owner

Selectionlist status

Fiscal cycle


Selection Lists

10. Click the Print Options tab and make necessary selections.

11. Schedule the report to run. 12. Click on the Display Finished Reports button.


January 2008

Creating Selection Lists in Batch

13. From the list of finished reports choose the Load Bibs for Selection report you just ran and click on View. Click on OK on the Report to View: Load Bibs for Selection screen. 14. Scroll down the finished report log to view the following section: ********************************************************************* ****** ********************************************************************* ****** Flat selection records have been written to /j/Multi/Unicorn//Marcselimp/Sellists/2006121800041s ********************************************************************* ****** ********************************************************************* ******

15. Make note of the file name. This file will be loaded with the Load Flat Selection Records report.

January 2008


Selection Lists

Load Bibs with Selections and Decisions Report The Load Bibs with Selections and Decisions report can be run instead of the Load Bibs for Selections report if the selection list info is embedded in the bibliographic record. This report will load bibliographic records and create flat selection list records which will be added with the Load Flat Selection Records report. To load bibliographic records with the Load Bibs for Selection Report 1. On the Reports module toolbar, click the Schedule New Reports wizard on the Common Tasks toolbar and click OK. 2. If the Properties window displays, click OK or press ENTER to accept the defaults. The Display Template Reports window opens. 3. Click the Acquisition load tab.

4. Select the Load Bibs with Selectn & Dscn report, and then click Setup & Schedule. The Schedule Load Bibs with Selectn & Dscn window appears. 5. Click the Load tab.


January 2008

Creating Selection Lists in Batch

6. In the File to load list, select your file.

7. Complete the remaining selection criteria accordingly. When the Load Bibs with Selectn & Dscn report is run, these values on the Load tab are required.

January 2008

File to load

Title Control Number Source for Incoming Items

Default Record Format

Class Scheme


Selection Lists

8. Click the Selectionlist Options tab.

9. Complete the remaining selection criteria accordingly. When the Load Bibs for Selection report is run, these values on the Selectionlist tab are required.


Maintenance library

Selectionlist ID

List owner

Selectionlist status

Fiscal cycle

Purchase decision

Selector ID

Segment information

January 2008

Creating Selection Lists in Batch

10. Click the Print Options tab and make necessary selections.

11. Schedule the report to run. 12. Click on the Display Finished Reports button.

13. From the list of finished reports choose the Load Bibs with Selectn & Dscn report you just ran and click on View. Click on OK on the Report to View: Load Bibs for Selection screen. 14. Scroll down the finished report log to view the following section.

15. Make note of the file name. This file will be loaded with the Load Flat Selection Records report.

January 2008


Selection Lists

Load Flat Selection Lists Report The Load Flat Selection Records report loads the flat ASCII selection list records created by the Load Bibs with Selections and Decisions or the Load Bibs for Selection reports. Follow these steps to complete the selection list load process.

To load a file of flat selection lists 1.

On the Reports module toolbar, click the Schedule New Reports wizard toolbar.


on the Common Tasks


If the Properties window displays, click OK or press ENTER to accept the defaults. The Display Template Reports window opens.


Click the Acquisition Load tab.


Select the Load Flat Selection Records report, and then click Setup & Schedule.


Click the Selection List File Selection tab. The following window appears:


In the File to Load list, select your file, (2006082100010o, for example)


In the Maintenance library list, select a maintenance library.


Decide whether or not you want to run the report in test mode.

January 2008

Creating Selection Lists in Batch

January 2008


Select the Print Selection tab and make necessary selections.


Click Run Now to run the report immediately or Click Schedule to run the report at a later time.


Selection Lists

To view loaded selection lists



After the report has been scheduled, click on Display Finished Reports button, or the Finished Reports wizard on the Reports module toolbar.


From the list of finished reports choose the Load Flat Selection report you just ran and click on View. Click on OK on the Report to View: Flat Selection Lists screen.


Scroll down the finished report log to view the loaded selection lists information.

January 2008

Index C Create selection lists, 13

D Decision record, 5 add, 22 Display selection lists wizard, 29 Duplicate selection lists wizard, 42

H Helpers selection list, 9

L List lines, 4

decision, 5 list line, 4 order, 5 selection list control, 3 title, 4 Remove selection lists wizard, 46 Reports notice to selectors, 50 selection lists, 49

S Selection list helpers, 9 orders, 5 reports, 49 status, 21 toolbar, 7 Selection list control record, 3 Selection lists create, 13 overview, 3 Session settings, 10 Status on selection list, 21

M Modify selection lists wizard, 33 My decisions wizard, 22

N Notice to selectors report, 50

O Order selection lists wizard, 36 Orders selection list, 5


T Title record, 4 Toolbar selection list, 7

W Wizard display selection lists, 29 duplicate selection lists, 42 modify selection lists, 33 my decisions, 22 order selection lists, 36 remove selection lists, 46


January 2008


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