SirsiDynix Symphony Training Guide Holds Maintenance and Reports
April 2011 Name of Training Guide
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Publication N am e:
SirsiDynix Sym phony Training Guid e
Upd ated :
April 2011
Ad d itional copies of this d ocum ent can be d ow nload ed from the SirsiDynix Client Care w ebsite, clientcare.sirsid . © 2010 SirsiDynix. All Rights Reserved .
The processes and all the routines contained herein are the proprietary properties and trad e secrets of SirsiDynix. Except as provid ed by license agreem ent, this m anual shall not be d uplicated , used or d isclosed for any purpose or reason, in w hole or in part, w ithout the express w ritten consent of SirsiDynix. The inform ation in this d ocum ent is subject to change w ithout notice and should not be construed as a com m itm ent by SirsiDynix. SirsiDynix grants the right of copying the enclosed m aterial solely for the internal business use of the end user if (1) this d ocum ent has been obtained by purchase or by license agreem ent in conjunction w ith SirsiDynix prod ucts, and (2) this copyright statement is includ ed w ith each copy. All other copying or d istribution is strictly p rohibited . Use, d uplication, or d isclosure by the U.S. Governm ent is subject to restrictions as set forth in sub-paragraph (b)(3) of the Rights in Technical Data and Com puter Softw are clause in DFARS 252.227-7013. Rights for non -DOD U.S. Governm ent d epartm ents and Agencies are as set forth in FAR 52.227-19(c)(1,2). Sirsi®, WebCat®, Vizion®, WorkFlow s®, Unicorn®, UnicornECOLE®, UnicornOASIS®, UnicornSTILAS®, Site Source®, DRA®, DRA N et®, Inlex®, MultiLIS®. Taos®, JurisLink™, Corinthian®, Dynix®, URSA®, H orizon™, Rem ote Patron Authentication™, and TeleCirc™ are trad em arks of SirsiDynix.
Other prod uct and com pany nam es herein m ay be the trad em arks of their respective ow ners. All titles, versions, trad em arks, claim s of com patibility, etc., of hard w are and softw are prod ucts m entioned herein are the sole property and responsibility of the respective vend ors. SirsiDynix m akes no endorsem ent of any particular prod uct for any purpose, nor claim s responsibility for its operation and accuracy.
Table of Contents Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................... iii
Introduction ............................................................................................... 1 Wizards and Helpers ..................................................................................................................................... 2 Using This Training Guide............................................................................................................................. 3 Help Files ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 Searching Basics .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Holds Maintenance ................................................................................... 9 Overview .................................................................................................................................... 9 On-shelf Holds .......................................................................................................................... 9 List Onshelf Items with Holds Report .......................................................................................................... 10 Onshelf Items Wizard .................................................................................................................................. 14 Reorder Hold Queue Wizard ....................................................................................................................... 17 Expire Holds Report .................................................................................................................................... 20 Expire Available Holds Report .................................................................................................................... 21 Clean Holds Shelf Report ............................................................................................................................ 23 Purge Inactive Holds Report ....................................................................................................................... 25 Link Order Holds Report ............................................................................................................................. 27
Creating Hold Notices ............................................................................ 30 Hold Pickup Notices Report ........................................................................................................................ 30 Notice for Cancelled Holds Report .............................................................................................................. 33
Generating Holds Statistics ................................................................... 36 Placed Hold Statistics............................................................................................................. 36 Transaction Statistics Report ...................................................................................................................... 36 Count Holds Report ..................................................................................................................................... 40 Current Holds Statistics Report ................................................................................................................... 42
Filled Holds Statistics ............................................................................................................. 45
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Count Holds Report ..................................................................................................................................... 45 Current Holds Statistics ............................................................................................................................... 47
Expired Holds Statistics ......................................................................................................... 48 Count Holds Report ..................................................................................................................................... 48 Current Holds Statistics Report ................................................................................................................... 50
Introduction The SirsiDynix Sym phony H old s Maintenance and Reports training guid e provid es instruction on maintaining the hold s shelf, generating hold notices, and extracting statistical inform ation about hold s w ithin the library system . Specifically, this guid e illustrates step -by-step w orkflow s in task-d riven settings. Instruction is supported by exercises to help you m aster the training objectives listed at the beginning of each new section. This guid e typically accom panies instructor-led training. It can also be used as a review , reference, or ind epend ent stud y d ocum ent. The SirsiDynix Sym phony H old s Maintenance and Reports training guid e consists of three main sections. Below is a short sum m ary of each:
H old s Maintenance. Discusses the steps taken to create lists of onshelf hold s, m ake holds available w ith a w izard or report, clean the hold shelf of expired hold s, and purge inactive hold s from the system . Create H old N otices. Outlines the steps taken to setting up hold notices. Generate H old Statistics. Review s the reports available to obtain statistics on hold s that have been placed , filled , expired , or rem oved .
The purpose of this training guid e is to provid e quick and accurate inform ation about using the SirsiDynix Sym phony system . This introd uction begins w ith an orientation to the screen layout and how to navigate w ithin the system . When opening SirsiDynix Sym phony, a screen like this displays:
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These are the parts of the Sym phony screen, as called out in the preced ing screen shot:
Mod ule Toolbar. Grants access to available m od ules. Only m od ules relevant to your job d isplay. Move betw een m od ules by clicking on the m od ule toolbar. Menu Bar. Provid es context-sensitive tools to perform tasks. The system has built-in red und ancies (m enu bar, buttons, field inform ation, key com m and s) to perform tasks. Wizard Groups. Organizes w izard s into grouped sets that perform related w orkflow s. The arrow in the upper right-hand corner opens or closes the group. Double click on a w izard to open it on the w orkspace. Workspace. Displays the w izard s that have been opened . If your system is profiled to d o so, w ind ow s open one on the top of another so you can have m any w izard s open at once, m oving freely betw een them .
Wizards and Helpers Wizard s and H elpers are tools used to cond uct w ork w ithin SirsiDynix Sym phony. Wizard s are labeled icons—the icon visually represents w hat the tool d oes, and the label d escribes the tool’s function . A H elper d isplays a balloon tooltip w hen you hover over the icon.
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Each entry in a Wizard Group is a w izard . A H elper d isp lays at the top of a w orkspace in a H elper bar. (A H elper has the sam e nam e and label as its equivalent w izard). A H elper is a Wizard that has conveniently been placed insid e of a w izard so that related w orkflow s can be ad d ressed from a single reference point.
The Discharging w izard is the tool you w ould use w hen perform ing Checkin-related w orkflow s. A User Registration w izard or H elper is the tool you w ould use to create a new user on the system . A library ad m inistrator has the ability to organize toolbars and change the labels of w izard s. This custom ization of the SirsiDy nix Sym phony user interface lets you organize SirsiDynix Sym phony for specific groups of people or those perform ing a specific job function.
Using This Training Guide This guid e has been designed for use d uring a SirsiDynix instructor -led training. It also has been d esigned to be used as a reference w ork for the class. Icons are used throughout the m anual for d ifferent purposes. The purpose of each icon is described below . This icon denotes additional helpful information.
This icon is a warning. Pay special attention to this information!
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This icon indicates reference information available in another manual or to another chapter within this manual.
This icon directs you to the SirsiDynix Symphony online Help file where you can find additional or related information.
Help Files The SirsiDynix Sym phony system com es w ith an extensive set of online H elp files. Every toolbar in your SirsiDynix Sym phony system has a H elp icon (a purple book w ith a yellow question mark on it). You can access H elp files through the toolbar icon , from the H elp option on your m enu bar, or by pressing the F1 key w hen w ithin SirsiDynix Sym phony. H elp files or organized either context sensitive to the screen presently d isplaying, or topically through a table of contents:
The H elp File screen has been divid ed into three parts for explanation:
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Icons are available to m ove forw ard s and backw ard s through the H elp topics, to print, to access an ind ex, and to search. Inform ation is organized topically in the left-hand w ind ow . Click on a plus sign (+) to open a fold er; click on a m inus sign (-) to close it. The H elp file is presented in the right-hand w indow . The inform ation in the H elp file assists in understanding m ore about softw are functionality and how to perform relevant w orkflow s.
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When you need help with a task, consult the online Help Files first. Your online Help Files are a comprehensive information set of SirsiDynix Symphony WorkFlows.
Searching Basics Searching for record s w ithin the SirsiDynix Sym phony client is straig ht forw ard . In each case you are searching the d atabase for record s—once you find the d esired record you put it to use in the current w orkflow . When using SirsiDynix Training Guid es, specific tasks w ill instruct you to ―search for a record ,‖ or, ―perform a search and select a record .‖ This section review s the basics of searching for and selecting record s in SirsiDynix Sym phony.
To search for a user record :
Open the Checkout w izard .
Click on the User Search helper at the top of the Checkout w ind ow . A user search pop -up like this one d isplays:
The User Search and Item Search helpers are highlighted at the top of the w ind ow . Within the Search w ind ow there are options to specialize a search by ind ex, Boolean operators, library, or type.
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Enter a search term , refining it w ith any of the special search functions, and click Search. The system displays the results of your search. When there are m ultiple m atches to your search, they display as a list in the low er part of the w ind ow :
N otice that the m ost recent (current) borrow er d isplays by d efault. The names that m atched your search entry d isplay in list form .
Select the d esired user and click Checkout to User.
To search for an item record:
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Click on the Discharge (Checkin) w izard .
Click on the Item Search helper. An Item Search w ind ow displays:
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Enter a search term , refining it w ith any of the special search functions, and click Search. Within the Search w ind ow there are options to specialize a search by ind ex, library, or type. Your search results d isplay:
Matches d isplay in the upper w ind ow , w hile bibliographic, call num ber, and item inform ation display in the low er w ind ow .
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Select the d esired item and click D ischarge Item to check the book back in. The system autom atically d irects you if there is block, fin e, transit, or other inform ation for the item .
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Holds Maintenance Overview When a user requests a title or an item that is alread y checked out, or w hen a library d epartm ent need s an item for binding, m end ing, or reclassification, you can place a hold . When you place a hold , Sym phony creates a hold record that links the item and the user. When m ore than one user places a hold on a title, Sym phony creates a hold list (queue). Any num ber of users can w ait in the hold s queue for the next available title. Sym phon y uses the inform ation in hold s record s, hold s policies, item policies, and user policies to determ ine w hich user in the hold queue receives the title w hen it becom es available. There is a hold s maintenance report that need s to be run for staff to generate lists of item s to be pulled from the collection for hold s (if your library allow s for on-shelf holds). Another hold s m aintenance report m ust be run to create lists of item s to be pulled from the hold s shelf once they have expired and have not been claim ed .
On-shelf Holds Libraries that allow on-shelf hold s and m aintain a hold s shelf w ill use reports to create lists of item s to be pulled from those shelves. SirsiDynix Sym phony WorkFlow s requires tw o other hold s-related reports to be run: the first provid es a list of expired hold s that have not been filled , and the second id entifies hold s that have been filled and are read y to be rem oved from the hold s shelf. In this section you w ill learn to:
Set up and sched ule the List Onshelf Item s w ith H old s report.
Use the Onshelf Items w izard .
Reord er the holds queue.
Set up and sched ule the Expire H old s.
Set up and sched ule Expire Available H old s reports.
Set up and sched ule the Clean H old s Shelf report.
Set up and sched ule the Purge Inactive H old s report
Set up and sched ule the Link Ord er H old s report
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List Onshelf Items with Holds Report The List Onshelf Item s w ith H old s (pullonshelfhld ) report prod uces a list of item s that are qualified to satisfy a hold and are available to be picked up som ew here in the library system . These cond itions m ust be m et for onshelf item s to be available to be picked up:
The item m ust currently be available for circulation (Circulate check box is enabled in the copy). The item m ust not already be available for another hold (cannot have a hold status AVAILABLE).
The item m ust not be on reserve.
The item’s current location m ust be hold able.
The item s current location cannot be in the list of hold able locations exclud ed in the Selection phase.
To run the List Onshelf Items with Holds report:
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On the Reports toolbar, click the Schedule N ew Reports w izard .
Click the Circulation tab.
Double-click the List Onshelf Item s w ith H old s report or highlight it and click Setup & Schedule.
Click the Closed D ay tab. Select the button next to Tod ay or Tom orrow . This tab is used to prevent SirsiDynix Sym phony from processing hold s for the library on a day w hen the library w ill be closed .
If your library is part of a m ulti-library system that uses Dem and Management and if it is necessary, click the N umber of Copies tab to change the num ber of copies to be selected by the report.
If you w ant to lim it the list of items to be pulled by the report, click on the Hold Selection tab and fill in a Date Placed in the field .
To ad d ad d itional locations to be exclud ed by this report, click the Holdable Locations tab.
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Using the gad get, select locations from the List to Choose From , place them in the List Selected , and click OK.
If you w ant to create a separate list for each library, click the Print Separate Reports for Each Library tab and click in the box to create a separate list of results for each library.
Click the Run N ow button to run the report im med iately or click the Schedule button to run the report at a later tim e and / or d ate.
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If you would like to send each library its own list, refer to the FAQ topic “Listing Onshelf Items with Holds” in the WorkFlows online Help file. This report can be scheduled to run every d ay the library is open and at a certain tim e. If the library’s policy is to pull item s fr om the shelf for hold s m ore than once a d ay, then this report can be run on d em and . Once the list has been created by the report, the item s can then be pulled by library staff to fill hold s using the Trap Holds w izard in WorkFlow s Circulation. The w izard can be configured to print hold slips, hold w rappers and/ or transit slips.
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In a m ulti-library setting, if an item need s to be shipped to another location, the system w ill prom pt staff to put the item in transit. The hold w ill rem ain in an IN TRAN SIT statu s or Current Location until the receiving library checks it in to make the hold available.
If you use Demand Management and have enabled the Order Hold Fill configuration, refer to the FAQ topic “List Onshelf Items with Holds Report – Demand Management – Order Hold Fill Option Enabled” in the WorkFlows online Help file.
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Onshelf Items Wizard The Onshelf Items w izard is used to d isplay item s from the holditem d atabase. Rather than view ing the output of the List Onshelf Item s w ith H old s report from the finished report list or em ailing the output to ind ivid ual users, you can view the output from a single w izard on the Circulation toolbar. By d efault, the w izard w ill d isplay item s from the station login library selected to fill hold s. For your station library only, you can perform one of the follow ing actions:
Trap a selected hold
Mark a selected item m issing
―Un-fill‖ a hold
You can configure the Onshelf H old Item s list to be upd ated in real-tim e as hold s are placed , cancelled , or suspended / unsuspend ed m an ually throughout the d ay. By d efault, this option is d isabled . Contact SirsiDynix Client Care to enable the d ynam ic updating of the Onshelf H old Items list. It is important that you run the List Onshelf Items with Holds once each night before using this wizard during the day. This is needed to catch any holds that automatically become suspended or unsuspended by the system, or to update the holditem database for any library “closed days” parameters.
To use the Onshelf Items wizard:
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N avigate to the Circu lation toolbar.
Open the H old s group of w izard s and click the Onshelf Items w izard .
To print the current list, click Print.
To trap a hold , highlight the title and click Trap Hold for Selected Copy. You m ay also right-click on the title and click Trap Hold.
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Click Make Hold Available.
To m ark an item m issing, highlight the title and click Mark Item Missing. You m ay also right-click on the title and click Mark Item Missing.
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Click OK.
To unfill a hold and cause the hold to be filled w ith the next available item , highlight the title and click Unfill Hold. You m ay also rightclick on the title and click Unfill Hold.
Click OK.
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To view the Onshelf hold item s for another library, click the Select A nother Library helper.
Select the library or All Libraries from the d rop dow n list and click OK.
When you are finished w ith the list(s), click Close.
Reorder Hold Queue Wizard The Reorder Hold Queue w izard allow s you to re-ord er the hold queue for a title and m ove a hold or group of hold s up or d ow n in the queue. Only unavailable/ active hold s (includ ing suspend ed hold s) can be reord ered by this w izard .
To reorder the hold queue:
N avigate to the Circulation toolbar.
Click the H old s group of w izard s and click on the Reorder Hold Queue w izard .
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Type your search term s in the Search for field and click Search.
If m ore than one record m atches your search, select the one you w ant and click OK.
To reord er a hold or a group of hold s, highlight the line(s) by clicking the line (and d ragging the cursor d ow n or up to select m ultiple lines), right-click and in the shortcut m enu, select Cut. The selected lines w ill appear in italics.
H ighlight the hold line w here you w ant to insert the hold (s), right click, and select Insert Before or Insert After in the shortcu t m enu.
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Click Close. The list order indicates the order in which holds will be considered to be filled. How the holds are filled after reordering depends on Demand Management policies, hold ranks, and hold priorities.
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Expire Holds Report The Expire H olds (expirehold s) report helps staff m anage expired hold s. The report selects ACTIVE hold s for w hich the date the hold expires has passed , and sets the hold status to IN ACTIVE w ith a hold inactive reason of EXPIRED. The report is read y to run w ithout any other selections.
To run the Expire Holds report:
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On the Reports toolbar, click the Schedule N ew Reports w izard .
Click the Circulation tab.
Double-click the Expire H old s report or highlight it and click Setup & Schedule.
Click on the Sorting tab and select a sorting option.
If you w ant to create a separate list for each library, click on the Print Separate Reports for Each Library tab and click in the box to create a separate list of results for each library.
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Click the Run N ow button to run the report im med iately or click the Schedule button to run the report at a later tim e and / or d ate. This report can also generate notices to be sent to users for these expired holds using the General Notice tab. Or if you do not select the Count as a Notice Sent check box General Notice tab, you may later run the Notice for Cancelled Holds Report to produce notices for expired holds. This report depends on the Days for Holds to Expire attribute in the Library policy. This must be determined and set before running the report.
Expire Available Holds Report The Expire Available H old s (expshlfhold s) report helps staff to m anage the H old s shelf efficiently. The report selects ACTIVE available hold s that have been on the H old s shelf for at least the num ber of d ays specified in the library policy, and sets the hold status for each hold to IN ACTIVE w ith an inactive hold reason of "H old Expired While On Shelf" (EXP_ON SH LF). The report is read y to run w ithout any other selections.
To run the Expire Available Holds report:
On the Reports toolbar, click the Schedule N ew Reports w izard .
Click the Circulation tab.
Double-click the Expire Available H old s report or highlight it and click Setup & Schedule.
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Click on the Sorting tab and select a sorting option.
If you w ant to create a separate list for each library, click on the Print Separate Reports for Each Library tab and click in the box to create a separate list of results for each library.
Click the Run N ow button to run the report im med iately or click the Schedule button to run the report at a later tim e and / or d ate. This report can also generate notices to be sent to users for these expired holds using the General Notice tab. Or if you do not select the Count as a Notice Sent check box General Notice tab, you may later run the Notice for Cancelled Holds Report to produce notices for expired holds. This report depends on the Days for Available Holds to Expire attribute in the Library policy. This must be determined and set before running the report.
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Clean Holds Shelf Report Occasionally, after a hold has becom e available on the H old s shelf, a user w ill cancel a hold in the OPAC, staff w ill rem ove or suspend a hold , or the hold w ill expire w hile the item is on the hold s shelf. The Clean H old s Shelf (cleanholdshelf) report generates a list of IN ACTIVE hold s that have been cancelled , removed , or expired , or a list of ACTIVE hold s that have been suspend ed . These hold s need to be cleared from the H olds shelf. The Expire Available Holds report must run prior to running the Clean Holds Shelf report.
To run the Clean Holds Shelf report:
On the Reports toolbar, click the Schedule N ew Reports w izard .
Click the Circulation tab.
Double-click the Clean H old s Shelf report or highlight it and click Setup & Schedule.
Click on the Sorting tab and select a sorting option.
If you w ant to create a separate list for each library, click on the Print Separate Reports for Each Library tab and click in the box to create a separate list of results for each library.
Click the Run N ow button to run the report im med iately or click the Schedule button to run the report at a later tim e and / or d ate. This report can be scheduled to run every d ay the library is open and at a certain tim e.
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This list can also be emailed to an individual at that library by following the instructions given in the FAQ called “Listing Onshelf Items with Holds� in the WorkFlows online Help file.
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Use the Check Item Status w izard to verify the action of the item being rem oved from the hold shelf. It w ill inform you if the item should be reshelved , put in transit, or placed on your hold shelf for another user. The w izard can be configured to print hold slips, hold w rappers and / or transit slips.
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Purge Inactive Holds Report The Purge Inactive H olds (purgehold s) report selects IN ACTIVE hold s and IN ACTIVE blanket hold s, and purges them from the system . The IN ACTIVE hold status is selected by d efault, and cannot be m odified , so only inactive hold s can be d eleted . The Purge H old s report cannot rem ove AVAILABLE hold s w aiting to be m ad e unavailable by the Clean H old s Shelf report. Typically, you w ould select hold s that w ere m ade inactive before a certain d ate, or w ere m ad e inactive for a certain reason.
To run the Purge Inactive Holds report:
On the Reports toolbar, click th e Schedule N ew Reports w izard .
Click the Circulation tab.
Double-click the Purge Inactive report or highlight it and click Setup & Schedule.
To lim it the record s removed from the system , click the Date Inactive gad get. Enter the d ate of those record s you w ish to expunge.
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For exam ple, if you w ant to keep three m onths of hold inform ation w ithin user record s, select the follow ing d ate range using the Date Depends on the Report Run helper.
Click the Run N ow button to run the report im med iately or click the Schedule button to run the report at a later tim e and / or d ate. Consid er sched uling this report to run regularly as you w ould a m aintenance report. H ow often you sched ule it to run d epend s on the how m uch hold activity you have at your library. It is strongly recommended that you run your statistics reports first. Only after you have finished compiling all of the statistics should you run the Purge Inactive Holds report.
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Link Order Holds Report The Link Ord er H old s (Linkord erhold s) report links on –ord er hold s to copies. H aving hold s linked to ord er lines places som e restrictions on the rem oval of call num bers linked to ord er lines. When a call num ber is linked to an ord er line that has hold s linked to its d istribution(s), the call num ber cannot be rem oved . Once ord ered m aterial is available in the library and item s have been created, it is useful to m ove the hold links from ord er lines to item s. The Link Ord er H old s report allow s staff to run ord er lines through a program that links on –ord er hold s to item s. The Link Ord er H old s report w ill take hold s currently linked to a d istribution and link the hold s to item s. Once the hold s are linked to item s, the rem oval of a call num ber linked to an ord er line is no longer blocked and the hold queue position w ill appear in Display User. SirsiDynix recom m end s that this report be run nightly for custom ers that utilize the On Ord er Title H old s functionality. It is recom m end ed that this report be run on a d aily basis.
To set up the Link Order Holds report:
On the Reports toolbar, click the Schedule N ew Reports w izard .
Click the Circulation tab.
Double-click the Link Ord er H old s report or highlight it and click Setup & Schedule
Click the Order Selection tab.
Using the gad get, select the library, if necessary.
Make any other necessary selections. For exam ple, to includ e ord ers w ith greater than 0 line item s and greater than 0 copies on ord er, use the respective gad gets to select those values.
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Click the Order Line Selection tab.
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Make any necessary selections. For exam ple, to includ e ord er lines w ith greater than 0 segments, use the gad get to select that value.
To sched ule the report to run on a d aily basis, click Schedule.
Click Daily and select the d ate and tim e this report should begin running.
Click Schedule.
Click Close.
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Creating Hold Notices Libraries can send notices to users to inform them of hold s read y for pick up and hold s that have been cancelled . These notices can be emailed or printed on paper. In this section you w ill learn to:
Set up and sched ule the H old Pickup N otices report.
Set up and sched ule the N otice of Cancelled H old s report
Hold Pickup Notices Report The H old Pickup N otices (pickup) report selects hold s that are ACTIVE and available and prints a notice to inform the user that the hold is read y for pickup.
To run the Hold Pickup Notices report:
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On the Reports toolbar, click the Schedule N ew Reports w izard .
Click the Circulation tab.
Double-click the H old Pickup N otices report or highlight it and click Setup & Schedule.
Enter ad d itional selection criteria on the various tabs to lim it results.
Click on the Hold N otice tab.
Select the Count as notice sent check box.
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Click the Date Range gadget next to the Message 1 d ate box and enter a d ate range.
If necessary, d o the same for Message 2 or rem ove the inform ation in the field com pletely. The d efault setting w ill continue to send notices to the user until they either pick up the item or the hold expires w hile on the hold shelf.
If you w ant to create a separate list for each library, click on the Print Separate Reports for Each Library tab and click in the box to create a separate list of results for each library.
If you w ant to create m ailing labels, click on the Produce Mailing Labels tab and click in the box to activate the option.
Click the Run N ow button to run the report ASAP or click the Schedule button to run the report at a later tim e and / or d ate.
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As w ith all notice reports, you can set up this report to run autom atically and send em ail notifications to those users w ith an em ail ad d ress in their user record . The notices that w ere not sent via email can then be printed and sent to users.
If your library uses two part self-mailers, you can notify users of holds available for pickup with the Circulation Mailer report.
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Notice for Cancelled Holds Report The N otice for Cancelled H old s (hold cancelntc) report prints notices for users w hose hold s have been cancelled, for w hatever reason. This report selects hold s w hose status has been set to INACTIVE as long as the user has never been notified previously of a hold cancellation for that material.
To run the Notice for Cancelled Holds report:
On the Reports toolbar, click the Schedule N ew Reports w izard .
Click the Circulation tab.
Double-click the N otice for Cancelled H old s report or highlight it and click Setup & Schedule.
Click the Hold Selection tab and m ake any necessary selections. For exam ple, to send out notices specifically to let users know hold s have been cancelled because the library w ill no longer be acquisitioning that title, use the Inactive Reason d rop d ow n to select ORD_MODIFY.
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When a title on order is cancelled in the Acquisitions module, the system uses the ORD_MODIFY reason to remove the on-order holds.
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Enter ad d itional selection criteria on the various tabs to lim it results.
Click on the General N otice tab.
Select the Count as notice sent check box and m ake any other changes or selections.
If you w ant to create a separate list for each library, click on the Print Separate Reports for Each Library tab and click in the box to create a separate list of results for each library.
Click the Run N ow button to run the report im med iately or click the Schedule button to run the report at a later tim e and / or d ate.
SirsiDynix Symphony Training
The Hold Reason message may be changed by system administrators. As w ith all notice reports, you can set up this report to run autom atically and send em ail notifications to those users w ith an em ail ad d ress in their user record . The notices that w ere not sent via email can then be printed and sent to users. You may also choose to create a new notice text to use for particular circum stances.
Both the Expire Holds and the Expire Available Holds report are also capable of generating notices for patrons to inform them of cancelled holds.
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Generating Holds Statistics Libraries can run reports to get statistics on hold s that have been placed , hold s that have been filled , and hold s that expired w hile sitting on the hold s shelf (am ong other possibilities). There are three hold s-related statistical reports in SirsiDynix Sym phony: Count H old s, Current H old s Statistics, and Transaction Statistics. In this section you w ill learn to:
Und erstand how to obtain statistics on hold s that have been placed by users in the system . Und erstand how to obtain statistics on hold s that have been filled in the system . Und erstand how to obtain statistics on hold s that have expired w hile sitting on the holds shelf.
Placed Hold Statistics SirsiDynix Sym phony provid es three key reports to get a count of hold s placed , w hether at a w orkstation in the library or in the OPAC:
Transaction Statistics (statistics) report,
Count H old s (hold cnt) report,
Current H old s Statistics (hold stat)
The steps to run these reports are d iscussed in ord er.
Transaction Statistics Report To run the Transaction Statistics report:
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On the Reports toolbar, click the Schedule N ew Reports w izard .
Click the Administration tab.
Double-click the Transaction Statistics report or highlight it and click Setup & Schedule.
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Click on the Transaction Selection tab.
Click the Transaction Date Range gad get and enter a d ate range.
If you w ill be running this report period ically and w ould like to see the hold s placed last m onth, select ―Before,‖ change the value in the box to ―1,‖ and change the d rop d ow n to ―Months‖ for the start d ate. For the end d ate select ―Before‖ and change the d rop d ow n to ―Months.‖ Finally, click OK.
Click on the Command gad get and d ouble-click on Create H old to place the com m and in the list selected .
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Click OK.
Click the Transaction Statistics tab and choose output options for the colum n and row .
If you w ant to create a separate list for each library, click on the Print Separate Reports for Each Library tab and click in the box to create a separate list of results for each library.
Click the Run N ow button to run the report ASAP, or click the Schedule button to run the report at a later tim e and / or d ate.
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Count Holds Report To run the Count Holds report:
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On the Reports toolbar, click the Schedule N ew Reports w izard .
Click the Circulation tab.
Double-click the Count H old s report or highlight it and click Setup & Schedule.
Click on the Hold Selection tab.
Click the Date Placed gadget and enter a d ate range.
If you w ill be running this report period ically and w ould like to see the hold s placed last m onth, click on the Date Depends on the Run Date helper. Select ―Before,‖ change the value in the box to ―1,‖ and change the d rop d ow n to ―Months‖ for the start d ate. For the end d ate select ―Before‖ and change the d rop d ow n to ―Months.‖ Finally, click OK.
SirsiDynix Symphony Training
Enter ad d itional selection criteria on the various tabs to lim it results.
Click the Run N ow button to run the report im med iately or click the Schedule button to run the report at a later tim e and / or d ate.
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Current Holds Statistics Report To run the Current Holds Statistics Report:
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On the Reports toolbar, click the Schedule N ew Reports w izard .
Click the Circulation tab.
Double-click the Current H old s Statistics report or highlight it and click Setup & Schedule.
Click on the Hold Selection tab.
Click the D ate Placed gad get and enter a d ate range.
SirsiDynix Symphony Training
If you w ill be running this report period ically and w ould like to see the hold s placed last m onth, click on the Date Depends on the Run Date helper. Select ―Before,‖ change the value in the box to ―1,‖ and change the d rop d ow n to ―Months‖ for the start d ate. For the end d ate select ―Before‖ and change the d rop d ow n to ―Months.‖ Finally, click OK.
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Click the Transaction Statistics tab and choose output options for the colum n and row .
Click the Run N ow button to run the report ASAP or click the Schedule button to run the report at a later tim e and / or d ate.
The Transaction Statistics report can also be used to obtain statistics on cancelled and trapped holds. For a list of commands that can be used for statistics with this report, please refer to the WorkFlows online Help topic “FAQs: Getting Tabular Statistics with a Report.�
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Filled Holds Statistics To get statistics on hold s that have been filled , use either the Count H old s report or the Current H old Statistics report.
Count Holds Report To run the Count Holds report:
On the Reports toolbar, click the Schedule N ew Reports w izard .
Click the Circulation tab.
Double-click the Count H old s report or highlight it and click Setup & Schedule.
Click on the Hold Selection tab.
Rem ove ACTIVE from the H old Status field .
Click on the Inactive Reason d rop d ow n box and select FILLED.
Click the Date Inactive gad get and enter a d ate range. If you w ill be running this report period ically and w ould like to see the hold s filled last m onth, click on the Date Depends on the Run Date helper. Select ―Before,‖ change the value in the box to ―1,‖ and change the d rop d ow n to ―Months‖ for the start d ate. For the end d ate select ―Before‖ and change the d rop d ow n to ―Months.‖ Fin ally, click OK.
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Enter ad d itional selection criteria on the various tabs to lim it results.
Click the Run N ow button to run the report im med iately or click the Schedule button to run the report at a later tim e and / or d ate.
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Current Holds Statistics To run the Current Holds Statistics report:
On the Reports toolbar, click the Schedule N ew Reports w izard .
Click the Circulation tab.
Double-click the Current H old s Statistics report or highlight it and click Setup & Schedule.
Click on the Hold Selection tab.
Rem ove ACTIVE from the H old Status field .
Click on the Inactive Reason d rop d ow n box and select FILLED.
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If you w ill be running this report period ically and w ould like to see the hold s filled last m onth, click on the Date Depends on the Run Date helper. Select ―Before,‖ change the value in the box to ―1,‖ and change the d rop d ow n to ―Months‖ for the start d ate. For the end d ate select ―Before‖ and change the d rop d ow n to ―Months.‖ Finally, click OK.
Click the Transaction Statistics tab and choose output options for the colum n and row .
Click the Run N ow button to run the report im med iately or click the Schedule button to run the report at a later tim e and / or d ate.
Expired Holds Statistics To get statistics on hold s that expired on the hold s shelf, run the Count H old s report or the Current H old Statistics report.
Count Holds Report To run the Count Holds report:
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On the Reports toolbar, click the Schedule N ew Reports w izard .
Click the Circulation tab.
Double-click the Count H old s report or highlight it an d click Setup & Schedule.
Click on the Hold Selection tab.
SirsiDynix Symphony Training
Rem ove ACTIVE from the H old Status field .
Click on the Inactive Reason d rop d ow n box and select EXP_ON SH LF.
EXP_ONSHLF will look for holds that expired while sitting on the holds shelf. EXPIRED will look for holds that were not filled and have past their expiration date. If you w ill be running this report period ically and w ould like to see the hold s that expired on the shelf last m onth, click on the Date Name of Training Guide
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Depends on the Run Date helper. Select ―Before,‖ change the value in the box to ―1,‖ and change the d rop d ow n to ―Months‖ for the start d ate. For the end d ate select ―Before‖ and change the d rop d ow n to ―Months.‖ Finally, click OK.
Enter ad d itional selection criteria on the various tabs to lim it results.
Click the Run N ow button to run the report im med iately or click the Schedule button to run the report at a later tim e and / or d ate.
Current Holds Statistics Report To run the Current Holds Statistics report:
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On the Reports toolbar, click the Schedule N ew Reports w izard .
Click the Circulation tab.
Double-click the Current H old s Statistics report or highlight it and click Setup & Schedule.
Click on the Hold Selection tab.
SirsiDynix Symphony Training
Rem ove ACTIVE from the H old Status field .
Click on the Inactive Reason d rop d ow n box and select EXP_ON SH LF.
EXP_ONSHLF will look for holds that expired while sitting on the holds shelf. EXPIRED will look for holds that were not filled and have past their expiration date.
Click the Transaction Statistics tab and choose outp ut options for the colum n and row .
Click the Run N ow button to run the report im med iately or click the Schedule button to run the report at a later tim e and / or d ate.
Remember that these statistics cannot be acquired if the Purge Inactive Holds Report has removed these inactive records from the system.
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