5.26 Aug 21-28, 2014
the entertainment weekly of omaha, council bluffs and lincoln
Get Your Guns L.A. Guns Headlines Septemberfest
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Shoutomaha.com • aug 21-28, 2014
Shoutomaha.com • Aug 21-28, 2014
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Editorial: editorial@shoutomaha.com • Calendar Listings:calendar@shoutomaha.com accounting@shoutomaha.com • Sales: shoutomaha@gmail.com Shout! Weekly, 3606 N 156th St. Ste 164 • Omaha, NE 68116 Office: 402-932-5584
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Shoutomaha.com • Aug 21-28, 2014
Get Your Guns L.A. Guns Headlines Septemberfest By Shout Omaha Staff There is a whole legion of fans that love ‘80s hair metal and other hard rock from that era. They come out in droves any time White Snake, Def Leppard or, in this case, L.A. Guns is on a bill. This year’s Septemberfest will be undoubtedly no different. Ladies are getting out their Aqua Net as the fellas are squeezing into their leather pants to catch Phil Lewis and the rest of L.A. Guns live. L.A. Guns was formed by guitarist Tracii Guns in 1983 and was briefly fronted by Axl Rose of Guns N’ Roses. The original line up included bassist Ole Beich and drummer Rob Gardner, but after several line up changes, Rose, bassist Duff McKagen, Slash, and Steven Adler convened to form the now classic lineup of Guns N’ Roses, which left LA Guns to fend for themselves. It seems to be a recurring theme in the group. Most recently, in December 2012, guitarist Stacey Blades left the group somewhat unexpectedly. According to new singer Phil Lewis, he’d had enough. “He wasn’t let go or fired or anything,” Lewis said. “He was in the band for almost ten years, and sometimes being on the road, you can have good days and bad days, and sometimes you just have to roll with the punches. He was getting burned out by it. He wanted to do something that
didn’t involve all of the travel. You could just see it. When someone is unhappy on the road, it’s impossible to hide that. But, he graciously agreed to finish the shows that we had booked until the end of last year. And we knew that the first thing that we had to do this year was to get someone to replace him, which we did. It was amazingly lucky; we got Michael Grant from Endeverafter. He sounds great and looks great. He has a great sense of humor and you need that on the road.” Before Grant joined the band, L.A. Guns had another guitarist, Frankie Wilsey from the Seahags and The Stephen Pearcy band. He only lasted a few days and many fans were left scratching their heads. “I think he didn’t realize how much work was going to be involved,” Lewis explained. “But, I don’t know, it was just one of those things. ou can rehearse hundreds of times, and it doesn’t show, but then you do a live performance and it makes sense. During rehearsals he was great, but during the shows, he seemed a bit distracted. It wasn’t the same Frankie that we were rehearsing with. But, it’s no big deal, no hard feelings. He’s still a friend and is a great player. It just didn’t work out.” Through all of this, getting Tracii Guns has remained out of the question. He’s treated L.A. Guns like a revolving door since its inception, which is surprising
Shoutomaha.com • aug 21-28, 2014
considering he founded the group. Since their 1985 debut, L.A. Guns, he’s been in and out depending on what mood he’s in. “Tracii has said some very terrible things, and he has done some really terrible things to the name of L.A. Guns,” Lewis confirmed. “He put his own version of L.A. Guns together, after the Brides of Destruction failed, because there was nothing else for him to do. And nobody wanted to play with him. o we had two bands with the name L.A. Guns out there. In the few years he had the other band, he had four different singers, and one was a chick. How can you have a chick sing “I Wanna be You Man?” It was just really insulting to the band and most importantly to the fans of the band. It would be very hypocritical for us to bring him back. Things ended pretty badly with us and Tracii. He left us high and dry when he left the band. He told us he was leaving the band right before Waking the Dead came out. He told us during a photo shoot for the record that he was leaving the band. He doesn’t really have a good reputation in the business either. I don’t want all that baggage that he has accumulated over the years to be brought onto this band now anyways.” Despite the drama surrounding Guns and their seemingly constant lineup changes, L.A. Guns is as bold as ever. From material off 2012’s Hollywood For-
ever to its more classic albums such as 1991’s Hollywood Vampires, a live L.A. Guns show covers all the bases. “We can’t do too much from Hollywood Forever because we have some many of our popular songs that we have to play,” Lewis said. “We would love to play 5 or 6 songs from the album, and believe me, we can do them live, that’s not the problem. But when most people go out to see us, they want to hear the hits. I love the new record, and you love it, and a lot of our fans do, but not all of them know of it. But, we will try to play at least a couple of them in each set and maybe switch them up every show.” It’s refreshing they mix it up. A plethora of bands from the ‘80s get criticized for playing the same old stale set list year after year, especially Poison. “That tells me they don’t have a lot of confidence in their other material,” he said. “I feel that we are a different band from a lot of those bands. We came out at the same time, but we are nothing like them. We are not a hair band, we are not. That was never us. We were leather jackets and greasy hair, not bright colored spandex and poofy hair. “Writing music is a very important aspect of what we do,” he added. “It’s like how can you be a painter, and not paint for 10-15 and still call yourself a painter? That’s the way that I fell about it.”
Shoutomaha.com • Aug 21-28, 2014
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Shoutomaha.com • Aug 21-28, 2014
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Lead Story
The May 28 US Airways flight from Los Angeles to Philadelphia had to be diverted to Kansas City after a passenger’s service dog did what dogs do, in the aisle, twice (an hour apart). One passenger used the terms “lingering smell,” “dry heaving” and “throwing up” in describing the situation. (2) On a recent (perhaps July) Delta flight from Beijing to Detroit, a Chinese couple apparently nonchalantly laid down paper on their toddler’s seat and encouraged him to address his bowels’ needs despite numerous pleas from nearby passengers to take him to the restroom. According to Chinese news reports, social media sites erupted in criticism of the family for its embarrassing behavior. Democracy in Action Steve Grossman, Massachusetts’ state treasurer, who is running for governor, performed heroically at a candidate forum in March. The Boston Globe reported that Grossman “fervently answered questions on everything from transgender rights (to) sex education (and) issues facing (the) aging members of the (gay/transgender) community” while simultaneously passing a kidney stone (which most victims rate as “level 10” pain -- the highest on the medical scale, described by some as comparable to childbirth). Steve Wiles gathered only 28 percent of the vote in his North Carolina state senate race in May after revelations that he -- lately an opponent of gay rights -- was until about four years ago a gay male who worked as the female impersonator “Mona Sinclair” at a gay nightclub in Winston-Salem. As recently as April, however (three weeks before a newspaper’s revelation), Wiles was categorically denying that he used to be Mona Sinclair. “That’s not me,” he said. “That’s him,” said a man who worked with him at the club. Said the club’s then-coowner: “I have no ax to grind against him. I just think he’s a liar.” The Alaskan government is scrambling to fulfill its obligation to welcome native communities’ votes on a state tax resolution in August. That means paying translators (at up to $50 a hour) to set out the measure for communities using the languages
Shoutomaha.com • aug 21-28, 2014
Yup’ik, Inupiak, Siberian Yupik, Koyukon Athabascan and Gwich’in Athabascan. (The tax measure must also be available on audio -- for those communities that rely on the “oral tradition.”) For example, the yesor-no tax question in Yup’ik is “Una-qaa alerquun ciuniurumanrilli?” [Washington Times, 7-29-2014]-- Tough Love: Missouri state Sen. Rob Schaaf (who is a medical doctor) was credited in a July New York Times report with leading the resistance to the state’s establishment of a database of controlled-substance prescriptions. (Sen. Schaaf champions “patient privacy” over curbing the wanton overuse of pain medications, even though the other 49 states have such databases.) In an earlier debate, Dr. Schaaf suggested drug abuse is selfregulating: “If (drug abusers) overdose and kill themselves, it just removes them from the gene pool.” Not My Fault Tom Lakin is challenging State Farm in a St. Clair County, Illinois, courtroom, claiming that the sexual abuse he was convicted of was “unintentional” and that therefore his homeowners’ insurance ought to have covered any claims by the victim. (State Farm, and other insurers, generally pay out for “negligent” events.) He said he had no idea that serving minors alcohol and drugs and encouraging them to have sex with each other would lead to their later sexual exploitation by other adults.
of the
The Redneck Chronicles (1) Has to Be Tied Down: A man was hospitalized in Shreveport, Louisiana, in June after being carried away by a wind gust as he held onto a mattress in the back of a pickup truck on Interstate 49. He suffered road burn and fractures. (2) Jenna Ketcham, 25, was arrested in Sebastian, Florida, in July after exacting a bit of revenge against an ex-boyfriend, whom she encountered squiring another woman in his pickup truck. According to police, Ketcham hit the man in the face and the genitals, and emptied his “dip spit” cup on him. The New World Order Among the foods “you wouldn’t even eat if trapped on a desert island” in a May London Daily Mirror feature: canned cheeseburger (Germany), canned whole chicken (Sweet Sue brand of USA), canned peanut butter and jelly sandwich (Mark One Foods of USA), canned bacon (Hungary), Squeez Bacon (in a plastic jar like ketchup, from Vilhelm Lilleflask of Sweden), whole peeled lamb tongues (New Zealand) and Elephant Dung Beer (from excreted coffee beans by Japan’s Sankt Gallen). Also mentioned: Casu Marzu (cheese containing live maggots that the food’s few fans swear make its taste irresistible -- and which News of
the Weird reported in 2000). Update: The first “pheromone party” is said to have been staged in New York City in 2010, but the concept was revived recently in London, with men and women bringing three-each used, unwashed, un-fragranced T-shirts in plastic bags as the price of admission (along with the equivalent of $25). Guests sniff the coded bags one after another until genes kick in and signal the sniffer that a certain shirt belongs to Mr. or Ms. Right. At that point, the sniffer projects a cellphone selfie on the wall, and whoever brought that shirt sees the sniffer, at which time things return to normal, i.e., deciding if the sniffer is sufficiently good-looking. The Italian news agency ANSA reported in July that Italy’s San Vittore prison in Milan is scheduling regular “happy hour” socials for its female inmates -- catered, with alcohol, and with “external” guests welcomed, to the displeasure of the prison guards’ union. The deputy director of the prison service was quoted by ANSA as approving the events, leading union representatives to complain to the ministry of Justice. Least Competent Law Enforcement (1) The Clay County (Florida) Sheriff’s Office twice this year arrested the wrong Ash-
ley Chiasson -- in January (for grand theft) and in May (writing bad checks) -- despite three years, five inches, 20 pounds and distinctive middle names separating them (Ashley Odessa, the suspect, vs. Ashley Nicole, the innocent victim). (“Odessa” spent five weeks in jail before deputies admitted their mistake.) (2) James Jordan Sr. died in Brooklyn, New York, in 2006, but NYPD officers have barged into his family’s home 12 times since then -- four in 2014 alone -- seeking him on various charges. His widow, Karen Jordan, even taped his death certificate to the front door, but that failed to deter the officers, one of whom shouted during a recent raid that they “know” Jordan is hiding inside somewhere. Karen recently filed a lawsuit against NYPD for the raids, which include “turning out drawers, looking in closets, harassing my children.” The Pervo-American Community (1) Among the important news learned from the July indictment of Raymond Black, 61, in Brentwood, New Hampshire, for sex crimes involving girls aged 11 and 13: The going rate for a man who wants preteen girls to kick him in the genitals is as much as $100, which is the amount Black allegedly offered them for various sexual favors. (2) Everything was completely consensual,
Ms. B.J. Geardello, 53, assured officers in Ohio County, West Virginia, who caught her taking a stroll along U.S. Highway 40 at 9:30 a.m. on July 29 -- she in purple nightgown leading her nude boyfriend, 56, by a leash, on all fours, hooded, with his ankles bound. Prosecutors were unsure whether to file charges. A News of the Weird Classic (January 2010) In November (2009), a Chicago judge ruled that former firefighter Jeffrey Boyle is entitled to his $50,000 annual pension even though he had pleaded guilty to eight counts of arson (and allegedly confessed to 12 more). Boyle is known locally as “Matches” Boyle to distinguish him from his brother, James “Quarters” Boyle, who was sentenced to federal prison for bribery involving the theft of millions of dollars in state toll gate coins. Judge LeRoy Martin Jr. concluded that Matches’ arsons were unrelated to his firefighting. s! (Are you ready for News of the Weird Pro Edition? Every Monday at http://NewsoftheWeird.blogspot.com and www.WeirdUniverse.net. Other handy addresses: WeirdNews@earthlink.net, http://www. NewsoftheWeird.com, and P.O. Box 18737, Tampa FL 33679.)
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Shoutomaha.com • aug 21-28, 2014
Shoutomaha.com • Aug 21-28, 2014
top 8
concerts, family events, comedy, musicals & more Omaha Fashion Week events
August 22 and 23, at Various Locations, Various Times. Visit www. omahafashionweek.com for more information.
The Scoop: Omaha Fashion Week kicked off its eighth fall fashion season and has grown to be come the fifth largest fashion week in the country in terms of how many designers participate and number of attendees. Omaha Fashion Week will continues through this week, leading up the Saturday Night Finale, August 23rd, in the tents at the Capitol District on 12th and Davenport. Friday’s showcase debuts brand new spring/summer 2015 collections from Avant Garde designers featuring looks from: Luis Alvarez & the official Aquage Salon Artistic Team, Angela Balderson for Get Plastered!, Kristen Van Hessche, Claire Landolt, Michelle Kleineweber for Little Shell Design and Dan Richters. Dan Richters was the winner of the OFW Designer Competition last August.
Hatch Green Chile Fest 2014
August 23-24 (Noon to 5 p.m.), at Roja Mexican Grill, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Admission is free. Visit www.rojagrill.com for more information. The Scoop: Roja Old Market celebrates 1,900 lbs. of world-famous green chiles coming to our roasters from the harvest Hatch, New Mexico. Buy roasted or raw chiles by the pound, feast on the special Hatch chile menu, enjoy the festive fire-pit patio and enter to win prizes. Hatch chiles are available for pre-order and for purchase during the festival at $3 per pound (while supplies last). They’ll fire-roast your chiles for you, or sell them to you raw. Choose mild, hot or extra hot.
Jessica Hernandez and the Deltas August 24, at Slowdown, 729 N. 14th St., 9 p.m. Tickets are $8. Visit www.theslowdown.com for more information.
The Scoop: Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas have arrived at last with their long awaited Instant Records debut, Secret Evil. The album sees the Detroit-based band serving up a brilliantly polyglot sonic stew – equal parts rockabilly and surf pop, cabaret jazz and funky reggae, Latin psych and Gypsy punk – all cooked up on the hot Motor City pavement and seasoned by that distinctly Detroit combination of blasted R&B, showband theatrics, and limitless rock ‘n’ soul energy. Songs like “Caught Up” and the syncopated “No Place Left To Hide” showcase Hernandez’s unstoppable vocals and breath of musical ambition, braiding contemporary pop thrills with an original and unmistakable creative persona all her own.
Shoutomaha.com • aug 21-28, 2014
August 29-30, CenturyLink Omaha, 455 N. 10th St., Begins 5 p.m. on Friday, August 29. Admission is $4. Visit www.septemberfestomaha.com for more information.
The Scoop: Presented by Shout Omaha, Z-92 and various local sponsors, the 38th annual SeptemberFest kicks off Friday, August 29. Music from L.A. Guns, Kiss Army and a Battle of the Bands is just the tip of the iceberg. Parades, Sunday Cook Off, Omaha Roller Girls, a car show, and more highlight the entire Labor Day Weekend. Get ready!
concerts, family events, comedy, musicals & more
entertainment Omaha Farmer’s Market,
August 23. Old Market, 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Admission is free. Visit www. omahafarmersmarket.com for more information.
The Scoop: Nothing says summer more than the Farmer’s Market. The Omaha Farmers Market is located near 11th and Jackson streets in the Old Market and help each Saturday from 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m., May through October. Omaha Farmers Market celebrates 21 seasons of making locally-grown foods accessible to our community. Fresh produce, one-ofa-kind products and valued relationships have made the Market what it is today. Join growers, vendors and other Market-goers as we celebrate 21 seasons.
with deM atlas, Prof and DJ Fundo, August 26, at Bourbon Theatre, Lincoln, 8 p.m. Tickets are $25. Visit www.bourbontheatre.com for more information.
The Scoop: Minneapolis is known for many things — pretty lakes, the Mall of America, lutefisk. But 17 years ago, hip-hop act Atmosphere transformed the city into something else entirely: a nexus from which underground rap spiraled-out to the masses. And thanks to the duo’s indefatigable touring habits, Top 20-charting albums, and their galvanizing artist-owned label Rhymesayers (MF Doom, Aesop Rock), they’re still pushing the boundaries of what indie rap can mean. It’s with that overachieving-underdog spirit that MC Sean “Slug” Daley and producer Anthony “Ant” Davis have named Atmosphere’s eighth studio album Southsiders, a shout-out to their native neighborhood.
Yellowstone and the West: The Chromolithographs of Thomas Moran
August 21-September 7, at Joslyn Art Museum, 2200 Dodge St., All Day. Admission is free. Visit ww.joslyn.org for more information. The Scoop: In 1876, the publisher Louis Prang is-
sued a portfolio of fifteen chromolithographic reproductions of watercolors by Thomas Moran titled The Yellowstone National Park. With exquisitely-printed images by an artist renowned for his monumental paintings of the West, and a text by the famous geologist Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden — who called the portfolio a “just subject for national pride” — Moran and Prang capitalized on the recent establishment of Yellowstone as the first national park and the public’s growing fascination with western landscape. Joslyn Art Museum celebrates Thomas Moran through September.
Creighton Make-A-Wish 5K and 10 K Run/Walk
August 23, at Lake Zorinsky Lake Shelter, 3808 S. 156th St., 7:30 a.m. Admission is $25. Visit www.active.com for more information.
The Scoop: The 30th Annual Creighton Make-A-Wish (R) 5k&10k Run/Walk is an event put on by the Creighton University School of Medicine Class of 2017 and the Omaha Running Club with all proceeds to benefit Make-A-Wish Nebraska. The event will be run at Zorinsky Lake (meet at shelter #5) in West Omaha on Saturday August 23rd with a 9 am start time for both races. All participants will receive an event Dry Fit T-shirt and free food and beverage after the race. Top 3 male and females will receive prizes in both the 5k and 10k races. The event is open to walkers and those wishing to push a stroller. Thank you for your support. Check In opens at 7:30 a.m. on August 23rd, and the race starts promptly at 9 a.m. Upon check-in, you will receive your athletic Dri-fit shirt and participant number. Shoutomaha.com • Aug 21-28, 2014
Shoutomaha.com • aug 21-28, 2014
2014 Guide Aug 29 - Sep 1
Monday, Sept. 1 LA Guns
Sunday, Aug. 31
Shoutomaha.com • Aug 21-28, 2014
CenturyLink Center Omaha • Parking Lot D 455 North 10th Street
de 2014 Guie 1 p S 9 2 g u A
A Salute to Labor
Friday, August 29 – 5 p.m. to Midnight Saturday, August 30 – Noon to Midnight Sunday, August 31 – Noon to Midnight Monday, Sept. 1 – Noon to Midnight Admission $4.00 • Children under 5 admitted FREE FREE PARKING WITH SHUTTLE, PARK AT GALLUP AND GET THE SHUTTLE TO THE EVENT DAILY!
Omaha’s Septemberfest features award winning celebration! Not only has the SeptemberFest Celebration been a crowd pleaser more than 34 years, it has also been recognized by professionals in the travel and tourism industry. • In 1996, SeptemberFest was named one of the top 50 Old West Trail Events in Old West Trail Country and was named the number one event in Omaha. • SeptemberFest ranked second in a survey of visitors by the Greater Omaha Convention and Visitors Bureau asked to rank fairs, festivals and special events they attended in Omaha. • SeptemberFest was listed by the American Bus Association as one of the top 100 events in North America. SeptemberFest shared the top 100 with internationally known events such as the Tournament of Roses Parade and the Quebec Winter Festival. The award was selected by an independent committee comprised of bus operators and travel authorities. • The Nebraska Committee for the Humanities presented the “Sower Award” to SeptemberFest for reaching a mass audience with the stage production “A Night of History and Music”. The award recognized those who significantly further the public understanding of humanities in the state. • SeptemberFest has also received the “Trailblazer” award from the State of Nebraska Department of Economic Development division of Travel and Tourism. The event was honored for bringing new tourism to Nebraska. This award is not given annually, but only to recognize events that have been a clear success. • Recently SeptemberFest was voted one of the best in Omaha Magazine’s “best of Omaha” survey.
Shoutomaha.com • aug 21-28, 2014
MUSIC Saturday, August 30th Shout Battle of the Bands presented by Shout 2:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Your favorite bands compete; the top two bands will win the opportunity to play before Kiss Army on Sunday 3-D in Your Face 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 pm. (after the Omaha Roller Girls) Sunday, August 31st Two winning bands from Battle of the Bands Kiss Army
John Doe 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Septemberfest BBQ and Rib Eye Steak Cookoff Challenge
Save the Hero 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Monday, September 1 Parade 10a.m. Omaha Musicians Association Concert Band will perform during the parade
LA Guns 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
EVENTS/ COMPETITIONS Friday, August 29th Military Appreciation Day 6p.m. 10p.m. Pro/Am Mixed Martial Arts 7:35p.m. Saturday, August 30th Military Appreciation Day Noon-4p.m.
Monday, September 1st Sponsored by Z92
Omaha Roller Girls 6p.m.
Doc Throttle 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Septemberfest BBQ and Rib Eye Steak Cookoff Challenge
Bound by Flames 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Sunday, August 31st Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament starts at Noon
All American Car and Truck Show 10a.m. - 3:30p.m. Koncrete Khaos Stunt Riders 1p.m. and 3p.m. OPPD Respect Trailer Open till 5p.m. Free Belgian Horse and Buggy rides
t f o e l t t a
B & g n i k r
s d n a B e h
Let the Battle Begin!
Local bands compete at Septemberfest for cash and chance to open for Kiss Army
Shout Battle of the Bands Presented by Sweet Revenge & Septemberfest Saturday, August 30 Entertainment Tent @ Septemberfest CenturyLink Center Parking Lot D, 455 N. 10th St. Admission to Entertainment Tent is FREE
sic fans, to pick the winner of the 2014 Shout Battle of the Bands, which is being presented by Shout. On Saturday, August 30, Bands from across the area will battle it out on stage for a cash prize of $1,000 – and the opportunity to open the show on Sunday when Kiss Army performs. It’s going to be a competitive show, so don’t miss your chance to vote on who is the BEST!
Are you ready to be the judge? It’s up to you, mu-
Parking at this year’s Septemberfest just got a whole lot easier. There’s no more worrying about find a good place to park – there’s a FREE shuttle service that drops you off right at the front gate! Park for FREE at Gallup and then take the shuttle to the front gate of Septemberfest. Here are the shuttle
hours: Friday, August 29 6 PM to 9 PM Saturday, August 30 2 PM to Midnight Sunday, August 31 2 PM to Midnight Monday, September 1 Noon - 8 PM
Shoutomaha.com • Aug 21-28, 2014
Kiddie Kingdom There’s plenty of fun for children at the annual Septemberfest celebration From magic to a stilt walker to cool super heroes and hotrods, there is all kinds of ruin to be had in the Kiddie Kingdom at this year’s Septemberfest. Here’s a look at some of the attractions for kids: Poppin Penelope & Amazing Author See Amazing Arthur or Amazing Lindy (strolling Magic and/or Balloons) 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday, August 30th. Saturday, August 31st: The Magic of Travis Newcombe or Amazing Lindy (strolling magic) 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Also on Saturday, “The Fire Guy” Street Performance Show starting at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept 1: The Amazing Lindy or The Magic of Travis Newcombe (strolling magic) 5 p.m. tp 9 p.m. Monday: Poppin Penelope (stiltwalking) in the parade and on the grounds after the parade. Very seldom do you see a female stilt walker! Penelope walks around towering over everyone on her stilts. She also twists balloons into anything; if you can dream it, she can twist it. Ken Hill Considered to be an innovator in the world of spinning, Ken mixes creative aesthetic techniques with a fast and furious martial arts flow. The recipient of many international awards, Ken brings an exciting edge to fire dancing in an exciting, breathtaking performance. Strolling Magic of Amazing Lindy See Amazing Lindy Saturday, Sunday and Monday from 2:30 to 6:30 PM Travis the Tree Get your cameras ready for Travis the Tree! A
roving, towering tree standing nearly 10 feet tall, Travis the Tree will have people flocking to him like birds! See Travis the Tree on Saturday and Sunday from 3-4 PM, 4-5 PM and 7-8 PM and on Monday from noon - 1 PM, 2-3 P and 4-5 PM Travis Wizardry: Magic Like You Have Never Seen The “Travis Wizardry: Magic Like You Have Never Seen” magic show is a performance that has audiences laughing one minute and on the edge of their seat the next. With the perfect blend of magic, music, and sideshow stunts, Travis keeps all ages entertained with a show people will be talking about for weeks to come. This is a unique magic show unlike any you have ever seen. Everything in Travis’ show is 100% family friendly and safe. Princesses See Belle, Cinderella and Elsa in the Kiddie Kingdom on Saturday and Sunday from noon till 3 p.m. and 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. Elsa will be in the Labor Day Parade and then in the Kiddie Kingdsom from 2 p.m. till 4 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Spider-Man Spider-Man will be making an appearance at Septemberfest on Sunday, August 31st! A meet & greet for the popular comic book character will take place in the Kiddie Kingdom in Lot D. Spider-Man character will be available for photos and autographs from 2 p.m. till 8 p.m. with a 15 minute break each hour.
Shoutomaha.com • aug 21-28, 2014
e v o L e W
e d a r a P A
END 10th & Mike Fahey St.
California St. Cass St.
Abbot Drive
SeptemberFest Event—LOT D
Burt St. Mike Fahey St.
10th St.
11th St.
12th St.
13th St.
14th St.
15th St.
16th St.
Cuming St.
17th St.
LABOR DAY — Parade Starts at 10:00 a.m.
START 16th & Cass
Chicago St.
CenturyLink Center
Davenport St. Capitol Ave. Dodge St. Douglas St.
The annual SeptemberFest parade starts at 16th and Cass Streets, travels south on 16th Street to Capitol Avenue, continues east on Capitol to 10th Street and concludes by proceeding north on 10th Street to Webster Street. The two-hour parade goes on rain or shine. There will be flag-carrying honor guards, marching bands,
Labor Unions, businesses, floats, animals, horses, clowns and roaming artists. More than 100 units will participate with approximately 3,000 people expected. There will be five gigantic balloons made of the same quality and scale as the Macy’s parade. Dozens of labor volunteers arrive at 6 a.m. to fill the balloons and guide them along parade route. These gigantic balloons require about
38,000 cubic feet of helium! Omaha Musicians Association Concert Band For the 10th year in a row a Concert Band provided by the Omaha Musicians’ Association and consisting of a mix of players from freelance to symphony musicians will perform a free concert of Patriotic and Pops selections for the crowds gathering at the parade. “This all-volunteer band provides great family en-
tertainment for the pre-parade crowd,” said Dan Cerveny, secretary-treasurer of the Omaha Musicians Association. “It’s a super way for our member musicians to give something back to the community.” The concert band, organized by Mr. “Dik” Weiner and under the direction of Steve Dygert, will be located along the parade route near 13th & Capitol Avenue. The concert will begin at 9 a.m. on Monday.
Shoutomaha.com • Aug 21-28, 2014
Food &
Who’s Hungry?
TwoWheel Wonders
There’s plenty of food options again this year at Septemberfest
Koncrete Khaos motorcycle stunt team set to dazzle
Koncrete Khaos Motorcycle Stunt Team 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Monday, Sept. 1 Septemberfest, CenturyLink Center Parking Lot D, 455 N. 10th St.
Make sure you come hungry to this year’s Septemberfest – there’s plenty to eat at the four-day event! Here’s a look at this year’s vendors: Maui Wowi Featuring smoothies and shaved ice “Smokin Pig” Southern Style BBQ and Lemonade Stand Turkey legs, pulled pork, baby back ribs, lemonade, sweet tea Dippin Dots Ice Cream Dippin Dot Cups, Dippin Dots Floats and sundaes
Pacific Rim Noodles Noodles with fresh veggies Liquid Nitrogen Infused Ice Cream O’Donnell’s Popcorn Italian Ice, Pop, Popcorn, Italian Sandwiches Renear Inc. Gyros, corndogs, heros, veggie rolls, egg rolls Mama’s Diner Featuring hamburgers, fried tortellini, funnel cakes.
Shoutomaha.com • aug 21-28, 2014
Dillon Brothers wants all of their customers to have the best motorcycle experiences possible. Their staff is made up of motorcycle enthusiasts who customize their our bikes, wear the gear, run the runs, ride the trails, and even ski the same lakes. But more importantly, their goal is to share this experience with you. Dillon Brothers has more street bikes, dirt bikes, atv’s, utv’s, and watercraft than anyone in the area. They carry full lines from seven manufacturers... Harley-Davidson, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, KTM, Triumph and Suzuki. Not only do they carry seven brands but they service them all as well with the friendliest and best-trained service department around. Dillon Brothers will be sponsoring two free Motorcycle Stunt Shows today featuring the stunt team of Koncrete Khaos at 1PM and 3PM Stunt riders Dan “Dizzle” Laird and his fiance Stevie Hart are Chicago natives who have
been riding together professionally since 2004. Street bike freestyle is one of the fastest growing disciplines in the booming action sports industry. Having trust in their partner, Dan & Stevie perform extreme tandem tricks on a custom built 2004 Kawasaki 636 and 2008 Harley Davidson Nightster 1200 !!! Make sure you check out the DILLON BROTHERS stunt shows featuring Koncrete Khaos today in Lot D. Texas Hold’em Tournament Sunday, Aug. 31st FREE PLAY, must be 21 to play Tournaments start at noon Check-in time by 11 a.m. Lots of great prizes! For sponsoring info or questions, call Jim or Sandy: 402-706-2792 SeptemberFest BBQ and Rib Eye Steak Cookoff Challenge Saturday, Aug. 30 and Sunday, Aug. 31 Prizes Grand Champion $1,500 Reserve Champion $750 Total prize money $7,000
! s n o i t c ra
Support The Military
Military Appreciation Days Friday (Aug. 29) 6 - 10 p.m. & Saturday, August 30, noon to 4 p.m. Show your military ID at the front gate and the whole family gets in free! Bring your family to the Mega Ride Booth and show your military ID and receive 10 (2 rides for the price of 1 coupons) per child!
Wheels on Display
Annual SeptemberFest car show expected to draw over 100 cars The 37th annual Septemberfest 2014 will be filled with rides, music and fun! Summer’s grand finale will be the four-day Septemberfest celebration at Centurylink Center in Lot D, Omaha. Just look for the giant thrill rides against the skyline - drive down Abbott Drive and turn in Lot D to enter “The Street of Dreams” Car Show. The show will be on Monday, September 1st and is sponsored by Advanced Auto Part and Car Quest. The car participants need to enter the event using Cuming Street to Abbott Drive to avoid parade traffic. Car shows are a big part of the festival and so are the contests for kickboxing, Texas card holdem ,BBQ & Ribeye Steak Cook-off Challenge.The Omaha Roller Girls will be performing on Saturday night.
The participants will find a new format for the Car Show as winners will be chosen, not by classes but by the 15 category “Best of Awards” including from: Street Rod pre-1939/ Custom 1940-1954/ Trifive 1955-1957/ Muscle 1964-1972 Trucks all years (non 4x4)/ 4x4 all years/ Best Ford/ Best Mopar / GM Two seater/ Convertible/ Supercharged engine/ Paint/ Interior/ Best of Show The car show starts with 10:00 a.m. registration; show ends at 3:30 p.m. Registration is only $10.00. The first 100 participants will receive a grab bag and there will be no pre-registration. For more information, call Septemberfest at 402346-4800 or go to septemberfestomaha.com
Shoutomaha.com • Aug 21-28, 2014
Shoutomaha.com • aug 21-28, 2014
Shoutomaha.com • Aug 21-28, 2014
What’s going on in Omaha? You’ll find out here! Submit calendar listings to calendar@shoutomaha.com. Be sure to include NAMES, DATES, TIMES, ADDRESSES and COSTS, and please give us AT LEAST 7 days notice. Events are included as space allows.
music Every Tuesday at House of Loom, it’s everything you love about karaoke with the volume turned up. Don’t be afraid to go crazy: bring your own costumes, create your own choreography, bring your back up dancers or just grab some in-house props we’ll have on hand. Join the community here: http:// www.facebook.com/karaoketheatre.
Metal sound with a Grunge aesthetic. The band has released three albums on Rise Records, and completed 16 US/Canadian tours. They are currently in support of their most recent release, Strangers Only. My Ticket Home with Devil in the Details, August 26, at Slowdown, 729 N. 14th St., 8 p.m. Tickets are $8. Visit www.theslowdown. com for more information.
Karaoke Theatre, August 26, at House of Loom, 1012 S. 10th St., 9 p.m. Admission is free. Visit www.houseofloom.com for more information.
Portugal. The Man
Anthems Anthems started in 2012 in a basement with four guys and have went through some members in that time period. Mim and Jess are Brothers and our Cousin Jeremy is on the drums. Our lead guitar player hails all the way from Nepal. We have been writing and recording music since the band started and this band ain’t going to stop anytime soon. Were endorsed by The Famous Weber Speaker company out of Kokomo, Indiana. We’ll be heading out there for a Music Festival, August 2nd, 2014 Opening for Cracker. Yeah those dudes that were around back in the 90′s? I guess there still around. We love to play our Rock N Roll and it’s not about the money for this band. It’s always been about the music and it always will be. The more people who know who Anthems is and what there doing and hear there sound is what gets us going. New Music Monday, August 25, at The Waiting Room, 6212 Maple St., 8 p.m. Admission is free. Visit www.onepercentproductions.com for more information. Hailing from Columbus, Ohio, My Ticket Home has been stirring up mosh pits across the country since 2009. Forming the band as teenagers, MY TICKET HOME has matured their sound from hyper-aggressive Metalcore into a new band of heavy music that the band lovingly refers to as “puke rock.” Abandoning the Metalcore genre’s repetitive breakdowns, and dime a dozen lyrics, the band’s original influences have inspired them to create a more modern Nu-
Portugal. The Man released its first album in 2006 on Fearless Records. Titled Waiter: “You Vultures!,” the album introduced the world to very ‘60s psychedelic-inspired rock-n-roll. After a few line up changes and new deal with Equal Vision Records, the group’s notoriety began to build. A slot at both Lollapalooza and Bonnaroo in 2009 kicked it up another notch and they released The Satanic Satanist that same year. The following year, it was announced Portugal. The Man had signed with Atlantic Records, but all was not as joyous as it seemed on the surface. After 2011’s In the Mountain In the Cloud, the group’s first for Atlantic, they went in the studio to record 2013’s Evil Friends. Portugal. The Man with Grouplove, August 22, at Stir’s Concert Cove, Council Bluffs, 7 p.m. Tickets are $45. Visit www. harrahscouncilbluffs.com for more information. The OEA Showcase kicks off with performances at The Waiting Room, Barley Street, PS Collective, Burke’s Pub, The Sydney, and The 402 Collective. Check out the OEA website for specific details. OEA Showcase, August 22-23, Benson Area (Maple Street Corridor), 8 p.m. Tickets are $10. Visit www.oea-awards.com for more information. Featured artists include Da’Truth, Swoope, NF with special local guest Andre Right. The concert will take place at Hope Skate. Hip Hope Fest is an inspirational concert event that combines fun and entertainment, hip-hop culture and authentic messages of struggle and hope. This family-friendly event open to all ages and is an exciting experience for all. The 4th Annual Hip Hope Fest is one of Omaha’s premier urban outreach events, featuring some of the top hip-hop artists in the music industry. The goal of the concert
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event is to raise awareness and funds to support The Hope Center for Kids. In 2014, all of the net proceeds will go toward sponsoring youth in Omaha’s inner city to go on the summer adventure of a lifetime at Kids Across America camp in Branson, Missouri. We hope to raise $20,000 to enable us to send 40 kids. The 4th Annual Hip Hope Fest, August 23, Hope Center for Kids, 2220 N 20th St., 7 p.m. Tickets are $10-$15. Visit www.hopecenterforkids.com for more information. House of Loom has dedicated its Sunday nights and classic wood floors to all things salsa, buchata, merengue, cha-cha-cha, pachanga, and guaguanco. And to host and DJ the night, they’ve chosen long-time loom collaborator and the most charismatic, talented salsa dancer in Omaha, Mr. Blandon “Salserodalante” Joiner. Every Sunday kicks off with a salsa dance lesson for all levels of social dancers at 7 p.m., and you don’t need a partner. Dancers requested and spectators welcome as we offer fresh mint leaf in our Cuban Bacardi Mojitos.
the filed of architecture participate, with four firms designing and building full-scale structures and the additional firms creating scaled models. Once complete, the full-scale structures travel to KANEKO from their various locations of construction around the country. The scaled models will be displayed atop a 44-foot long semi trailer parked in the Bow Truss. Truck-A-Tecture, August 22-August 23, at KANEKO, 1111 Jones St., 6 p.m. Admission is free. Visit www.thekaneko.org for more information.
Salsa Sundays, August 24, at House of Loom, 1012 S. 10th St., 7 p.m. Tickets are $7. Visit www.houseofloom.com for more information.
ART ‘Truck-A-Tecture’ examines architecture as redefined by mobility and technical expansion. This exhibition generates a unique conversation and offers a new perspective on modern housing. A mashup of popular and elite cultures, ‘Truck-ATecture’ transcends the current definitions of “pre-fab” and “mobile architecture.” Topics of nomadism, transportation, trucking culture, and the nature of “home” are among the topics to be explored in this exhibition. This exhibition features trucks, trailers, pre-fab home designs, custom architecture and road movies. Leaders in
Ric Stultz The Union is pleased to present a selection of works by Milwaukee artist Ric Stultz. Stultz’s bright colors and pop culture imagery are built from a childhood steeped in cartoons, video games, and comic books. Incorporating adult interests in graphic design, illustration, and fine art, Ric’s work willfully evades easy categorization. Commercially his images have been used by dozens of clients, including Nike and MTV. His paintings have been exhibited
Dusty Stehl, Open Mic Night at Barley Street tavern widely, including group shows in New York, Los Angeles, and London. Ric is also faculty at the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design where he teaches senior illustration students. This exhibition includes paintings and drawings on paper spanning the past five years. Artist Ric Stultz, August 22 thru September 12, at The Wanda D. Ewing Gallery, 2221 N. 24th St., 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Admission is free. Visit www.u-ca.org for more information.
SPORTS Join the Side Door Lounge for another installment of its weekly event, Lounge Against Humanity. Every Tuesday evening, they boast good cocktails, relaxed atmosphere and everyone’s favorite party game for terrible people. They have several sets of cards to loan out to you and your friends, but if you have a set of your own, feel free to bring it along. Lounge Against Humanity, August 25, at The Side Door Lounge, 3530 Leavenworth St., 7 p.m. Admission is free. Call 402-504-3444 for more information.
COMEDY Local comedian Dusty Stehl hosts an open mic night every Wednesday. Bring your best material and come on down. Open Mic Night, August 27, at Barley Street Tavern, 2735 N. 62nd St., 10 p.m. Admission is free. Visit www.barleystreet.com for more information. Calling all quizzies and quizzettes. If you are looking for a way to cram some knowledge into your brain and cram some beer down your gullet – why not try to do both at the same time? If you would like a chance to get that beer for free along with a night of fun and facts – you should head down to the Sydney on Tuesdays. Grab a team of 5 or fewer and answer 40 fun questions for lots of opportunities to win great prizes (most of them obviously and awesomely include alcohol). Don’t mind your own quizness. Sydney Pub Quiz, August 26, at The Sydney, 5918 Maple St., 8 p.m. Admission is free. Visit www.thesydneybenson.com for more
FILM The Side Door Lounge continues its series of Sunday Night Movies with two movies chronicling the artistic and personal lives of visual artists Frida Kahlo and Jean-Michel Basquiat: Frida & Basquiat. Frida begins at 7 p.m. and is followed by Basquiat at 10 p.m.
Sunday Night Movies, August 24, at Side Door Lounge, 3530 Leavenworth St., 7 p.m. Admission is free. Call 402-504-3444 for more information.
“Quadrophenia” Come watch a great movie with killer scooters, eat some food, drink some beer, and get information on the Hell on Wheels Scooter Rally and the Omaha Scooter Club. Check out the scooters and motorcycles showing out front and hang with Mods and Rockers. Movie Night: Quadrophenia, August 24, at The Waiting Room, 6212 Maple St., 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Admission is free. Visit www. onepercentproductions.com for more information.
FASHION Stroll, shop and save at Midtown Crossing’s Summer Sidewalk Sales. They have the area’s freshest deals and discounts. Come for Sunday brunch at one of their fabulous restaurants and make a day of it at the stores of Midtown Crossing. Summer Sidewalk Sales, August 24, at Midtown Crossing, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. No admission. Visit www.midtowncrossing.com for more information. Shoutomaha.com • Aug 21-28, 2014
14 Taps, Cocktail/Shot List, Live Music, Comedy, Darts, Pool Table
TUESDAY $3 Call Cocktails and Microbrews WEDNESDAY $2 Off Everything THURSDAY Open-Mic Comedy, sign ups at 9:30, show starts at 10pm. $7 Wristband Gets $1 Pints of Anything On Tap
FRIDAY/SATURDAY $1 House Shots between 7pm-10pm. SUNDAY/MONDAY Closed
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There’s a place where people go to get ahead in life. A place where civilians become superheroes: the Army Reserve. There, you can stay in your community to get an education and build your career while also serving your country. As an Army Reserve Soldier, you will gain an edge in life like never before. There’s strong. Then there’s Army Strong. Learn more at goarmy.com/reserve. Visit the Omaha Army Career Centers at 7634 Dodge Street, (402) 3973890 and 6304 N. 73rd Plaza, (402) 453-2071. In Bellevue, visit the Twin Creek Plaza location at 3906 Twin Creek Drive, (402) 291-8264. In Council Bluffs, IA visit The Plaza at 20 Arena Way, (877) 422-1380. In Millard, visit 17150 Lakeside Hills Plaza, (402) 691-4578.
©2009. Paid for by the United States Army. All rights reserved.
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council bluffs
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401 Veterans Memorial Highway Council Bluffs
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Texas Hold ‘Em @7 Thu & Sun Karaoke Fri & Sat
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Shoutomaha.com • aug 21-28, 2014
If you’re looking for a way to build a strong future, there’s no better place to find it than in the U.S. Army. That’s because the Army offers you unlimited opportunity — with advanced training in one of more than 150 highly sought-after careers along with many other great benefits. Plus, upon completion of service, the Army Career and Alumni program helps you put that training to work — with assistance, counseling, and resources to help you quickly find the perfect job. There are many great ways to serve — one is sure to fit your needs. Learn more today at goarmy.com.
Visit the Omaha Army Career Centers at 7634 Dodge Street, (402) 397-3890 and 6304 N. 73rd Plaza, (402) 453-2071.
© 2010. Paid for by the United States Army. All rights reserved.
Shoutomaha.com • Aug 21-28, 2014
scene or not. Don’t get me wrong. Gregg Ginn is amazing. I’m not saying that. It was just a different kind of music. It wasn’t like Led Zeppelin and Cream where you had to be a virtuoso. You can make up your own rules. I was like, ‘oh shit I can do that.’ Do you listen to any music that would surprise people? Any secrets? I listen to a lot of Lil’ Wayne. I’ve been listening to a lot of Nikki Minaj, too. Oh no! Tell me you’re joking. I’m not kidding you. It’s good. I have a few dark secrets. I’m into like everything, man. I have to confess. A managing editor of mine is extremely jealous I am talking to you right now. Tell that guy I love him and I’m sorry. He told me, ‘you don’t even like garage rock!’ [Laughs] Don’t you think the whole genre thing has gotten out of control anyway? I just try to keep it simple. Rock-n-roll is rock-n-roll. I don’t know. It gives me a headache thinking about all that stuff. Keep it simple.
Flying High
Ty Segall Lands in Omaha Once Again By Kyle Eustice In June, Laguna Beach native Ty Segall announced a monumental international tour in support of his upcoming album, Manipulator. It kicks off in Los Angeles, California on August 23 and wraps up November 12 in London. Along the way, he makes a stop in Omaha at The Waiting Room on September 25. He’s come a long way since playing in underground bands around Orange County. With his penchant for fuzzed out guitars and ‘60s-inspired psychedelic rock, Segall electrifies the soundscape on every track he plays. His last three albums have been with Drag City Records and his fourth is no exception. Manipulator swells with Segall’s polished guitar playing and brilliantly showcases his love of vintage sounds. From opening track “Manipulator” to its closing track, “Stick Around,” not a single song on the 17-track effort is worth skipping. Segall took some time to talk about growing up in Laguna and
fleeing for his new town of San Francisco. Shout Omaha (Kyle Eustice): I read somewhere that when the MTV reality show, Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County debuted; it kind of ruined your hometown. What were some of the differences you noticed? It just got too much attention and all of these new business showed up and all of these new kids that were going to school for all the wrong reasons. Some kids wanted to get famous and their parents supported that. A lot of the really cool, older restaurants shut down because they couldn’t keep up with all of the new businesses. New laws popped up for awhile, like no skateboarding. For real, it was super weird. A lot of really weird things happened. It’s getting better now. The notoriety has worn off, which is cool. It’s just a trip. It happens to every town because of a show. Is that why you fled for San Francisco? The show didn’t come out until I was in college so I was already in S.F, but I liked
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everything about S.F. It’s far enough away that I had to be completely independent, which is what I wanted to do. I just wanted something different. Also, I loved the music scene and all of that stuff, too. The city itself is just amazing. I was a fan of the San Francisco early 2000 scene like The Numbers, The Hospital, The Coach Whips and stuff. I loved all of that before I moved there. I was super psyched. It was the noise rock of San Francisco. When you did first realize you had a talent for guitar and that you wanted to try being a professional musician? I’ve seen you play guitar behind your head. That doesn’t look too easy. [Laughs] That was a big joke. It was Black Flag that made me go ‘I want to play the guitar.’ I just interviewed Keith Morris before a performance with OFF! Keith rules. That’s so cool, so cool. Black Flag made me think I could learn riffs and that it didn’t really matter if I was good
I always wanted to be a drummer because you don’t see too many females doing it these days. You have Emily Rose Epstein behind the kit. Does that ever cause problems? Originally, we didn’t think about it as sexes. Emily just rips. There has been some funny baggage that comes along with that with morons that say stupid shit, but she rips so hard that they always look like morons. It’s pretty annoying, but it’s really great to blow their minds when she gets up there and rips. That’s the coolest part. It’s awesome to prove a point. It’s awesome to operate on that level. That’s how we operate just inherently because we don’t think that way. It’s been nothing but positive and awesome. Proving people or making morons thinks differently is rad. It shuts them up, I bet. For sure. You played drums on your first record, Twins. Does Emily play the drums permanently now? She’s on Slaughterhouse. We all wrote that together. She’s on Melted. I played all the drums on Twins and most of the drums on my solo stuff, but she’s on a couple of the songs and on Slaughterhouse, she’s the dominating force. Is there anything you don’t like about being in the spotlight or “fame?” The only thing that bums me out is I
try to operate on a normal level with people and it’s hard when people don’t reciprocate that, like if someone’s rude. Like when I’m having a conversation with someone and they interrupt to give me a compliment, which is nice, but it’s still like the normal things of being a human being aren’t there. I try my best to talk to people in a normal way. That’s my only complaint. We’re just people. We’re not different than anyone else. It’s awesome and a massive compliment, but it’s hard to get across that we’re just people. I hate groupies. I’m not a fan of groupies. It makes me uncomfortable. It’s very strange. I can understand worshipping the music or an album, but that’s it. Do you sometimes have to run to your hotel rooms to hide? It’s not that crazy. We don’t have those kinds of things. People are usually pretty nice. In London, I was freaking out a little because it was a little overwhelming. Nothing like Lil’ Wayne. [Laughs]. Exactly. So do you skate? 100 percent, man. I cruise. I’ve always used it as transportation. I cruise around and can do some stuff. All of my friends are skaters. That’s how I got into music, was through skateboarding. All of those 411 videos are how I found out about everything. I’ve been reading Thrasher since I was 15. Tell me about your experience on The David Letterman Show. I heard you couldn’t be on it if you’ve already been on network television. Weird. Then we shouldn’t have been on it. I guess it wasn’t network television. We had played on cable before. So what was it like? [Pause] I will preface it with this. I am so thankful we got to play that show and everyone that works there is super awesome, but David Letterman is an asshole. And he doesn’t care about anything, I’m pretty sure. He seems like a real big dick. He was making fun of us and thought we were a joke. We’re way too loud and weird. We won though and somehow snuck through the system. I don’t know how it happened, but yeah, he’s a total jerk. Well at least you can say you’ve been on stage where hundreds of incredible musicians have played. It was so awesome. No, don’t get me wrong. I’m so thankful to have played it. So happy, so cool, so rad. I mean what do you expect? He’s David Letterman. He will be David Letterman forever, you know. Are there any artists you’ve worked with that have blown your mind? We opened up for Jesus and Mary Chain.
We played a couple festivals with people that were just insane. I met Rollins twice now and that was awesome. I played with OFF! and hung out with Keith Morris and he’s said things about me in magazines before and that was insane. That was pretty crazy. Have they offered you any valuable advice? Mostly just stick to your guns and do what you want to do and don’t compromise if you don’t want to, which is awesome advice. It’s going well so far. With some many young kids dying from substance abuse these days, do you think artists have any social responsibility not to glorify those things? I do feel that everyone has their own social responsibility to at least share their opinions. I mean, we have microphones and we’re in front of crowds. Drug use and experimentation in a healthy way is perfectly fine. I never felt comfortable with speed, heroin or hard shit like that. I’ve tried some hallucinogenics in my life and some other drugs. I drink alcohol and that’s about it. I don’t smoke weed or anything like that. Substance abuse is just more recognized now than it was in the past. I think it’s good for people to have it on their minds that you can get out of control. I think that’s been a problem for people for as long as there have been substances. It’s worth sharing how they feel. My fans are always surprised that I don’t smoke weed. I get a lot of flack for not smoking. Do you struggle with that paradox then? I mean dude, it’s hard to tastefully be social communicative and share your ideas. That’s the hardest part. You can’t go on stage and go fuck drugs! People are going to be like, that’s not fun. They will probably go to the bar. To be honest, I’ve been sober this whole tour. I’ve been kind of sick and I don’t think I’ve even had a beer. My whole thing with substances is maybe it’s ok for the right occasion, but people shouldn’t feel the need to get fucked up every night. It’s all a matter of choice. Letting people know, also, too. I’ve noticed a lot of people that have parents who didn’t let them experiment a little bit, those kids end up being way more fucked up on drugs and alcohol. I was one of those kids that didn’t get to experiment that much. I kind of flipped out when I was 18 or 19 and drank too much. I still get drunk, but I pulled back a lot. People should try things, but if you take mushrooms 100 times, I’m sure you’re brain will be different than it was before [laughs]. [Laughs] True. It’s better to be open minded and talking about it. Just talking to people about it is rad. My mom is an alcoholic and a super messed up person so I don’t really talk to her, so it’s all good. My sister didn’t get into drinking and drugs as much as I did. Shoutomaha.com • Aug 21-28, 2014
MAHA’s Best Year Yet By MarQ Manner
The sixth annual Maha Music Festival took place this past Saturday at Stinson Park in front of a record crowd of 7,000 people. The predicted rain never came, but a brutal sun beat down upon us through the clear sky. I was working backstage at the event, hustling bands and making sure the artists’ needs were met. This year ran like clockwork. The show opened with Lincoln’s Domestica and the former Mercy Rule members played hard on the Weitz Main Stage, which set the tone for the rest of the day. Matt Whipkey opened up the Omaha Gives stage playing
music from his acclaimed Penny Park album and debuting some new tracks from his forthcoming project. Twinsmith were up next on the Weitz stage and were introduced by Mayor Jean Stothert as “nice guys.” Before the band played, Omaha Girls Rock band, Snot, played a fun and catchy song about, well, snot. Twinsmith’s fun songs and energy onstage were perfect for the mid-afternoon slot. Omaha hip-hop group M34N STR33T was a highlight of the festival. They set up their stage with street signs and handed out protest signs to the crowd with positive messages that would be seen throughout the day at Maha. The band impressed with their energy, flow and beats and put
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on one of the strongest performances of the day. They included their new single “Nite Owl,” a doo-wop influenced track, even though they stated they didn’t like to play it ‘during the daylight.’ Minneapolis hip-hop collective Doomtree took the Weitz Stage next, and while the group has played Omaha before, this was the first time many had seen them. This was also the first national hip-hop group to play the Maha festival. The group brought everything they had for their 2 p.m. set and many people told me that they were the highlight of the day for them, and most of those people had never heard the group. There were some hardcore fans down front that I watched from backstage that
knew the words to every one of their songs. That was fun to watch. Radkey, a trio of brothers from Missouri, took the Omaha Gives Stage with a 1-2-3 count off reminiscent of The Ramones and plowed through an aggressive and fun 45-minute set unlike anything else on the Maha lineup. The Both (featuring Aimee Mann and Ted Leo) had the 4:30 p.m. slot on the Weitz Stage, a spot that legends such as J. Mascis of Dinosaur Jr. and Bob Mould have played. Like their predecessors, they played a solid set of material for “the older crowd” off their new album, including stand out track “Milwaukee.” The set ended with the group doing “Voices Carry” from Mann’s early band Til’ Tuesday to the delight of many of us and to blank stares of the younger people pressed up against the stage barrier waiting for Local Natives. Maha really kicked into gear during the dinner hour with regional group Envy Corp leaving everything they have on the Omaha Gives stage. I have seen the group many times and this was the best performance I have seen from the band. Local Natives followed with the best set of the festival. The band’s sound has really grown as has their fan base. They played a gorgeous set and the band were tight and energetic and one could see a huge change that years of touring have brought them. Icky Blossoms returned to Maha and closed out the Omaha Gives stage with style. The band, with the men in dresses, brought Icky Blossoms favorites back to the stage they won people over on two years prior and also debuted four new songs off their upcoming album. Perfect pick to close out that stage. Maha went into headliner mode with The Head and the Heart taking the stage as the sun started to go down giving many of us relief. The band was coming off a sold out show at Red Rocks in Colorado and referred to Maha as a really cool block party type festival. Working with the band backstage, I can say they really enjoyed the vibe of Maha. They put on a 60-minute set that had the fans wanting for more. They are fantastic musicians with a cache of songs they barely dipped into, but they gave the fans the best of the best. Deathcab For Cutie closed out the set and it was predicted that this would be too mellow to close out a festival. They came out strong as if to disprove this and really only slowed down once for a Ben Gibbard solo slot. This was also one of the final performances from guitarist Chris Walla who is leaving the band. Death Cab For Cutie was engaging, intense and excelled musically. It turned out the organizers were right to book the band to close out their sixth and most successful festival.
McFoster’s Natural Kind Café
By Shout Omaha Staff At first glance, one might expect a cadre of elves to run out of McFoster’s Kind Café due to its workshop-like outer appearance. The English Tudor style building sits on the corner of 38th street between Harney and Farnam in a neighborhood that is a melting pot of residential and commercial structures and a variety of ethnic groups. On the façade of the structure sits a roughly 10 foot by 3 foot hand painted sign containing the businesses name in an obviously psychedelic looking style of typography. This is the first hint that you’re in a place like no other in the Omaha area. McFoster’s is where vegetarianism, veganism and being “heady” all come together to form quite a unique place to eat. As soon as you enter the establish-
ment you walk into the foyer of what was obviously someone’s house at one time, long, long ago. In the foyer you have an assortment of different brochures and pamphlets so if you want to, you can read and educate yourself about urban gardening or the latest political scandal that deserves a protest. As you make your way through the foyer you have the choice of sitting in one of three dining areas, the outside patio, the bar/seating area, or the separate dining area containing booths. All the while throughout the restaurant you will most likely notice the mixture of homemade artwork by people who could easily be employees of the restaurant or their kids and few more quality pieces sprinkled throughout. The finishes on the structure as well as everything contained within it are not the brand new, rhinestone coated bling you would find adorning a Michelin Star restaurant in the Ritz Carl-
ton, but that’s ok, because McFoster’s isn’t that “kind of restaurant.” It feels like a friends house that you just barged in on and forced them to hurriedly hide their bong before you could see it. The carpet is a little dingy but it’s just clean enough for you to feel ok eating there. We ordered sautéed brussel sprouts to start and truth be told, I wish I ordered three orders and made these my entrée. Speaking as a carnivore that appreciates veggies, the brussel sprouts that were cooked in vegan butter and tiny bits of garlic are easily the best thing on the menu at McFoster’s. They melted in my mouth and I couldn’t get enough. After eating our appetizer I moved on to my red bean burrito, which was wrapped in a whole-wheat tortilla and doused in ancho chile sauce. The burrito had a mixture of bell peppers, onions and red beans within it and was served with brown rice and a house
made, vegetarian style pico de gallo. When I say “vegetarian style” I mean that it’s obviously different from normal pico de gallo you see at most other restaurants. That’s typical for dishes at the Kind Café. They are atypical variations on things people eat all the time. My lovely date enjoyed her eggplant sandwich with vegan pesto along with a salad with cucumber ranch dressing. She loved the vegan pesto as well as the salad, but we both agreed that the brussel sprouts stole the show. All in all, the service was mediocre and we were served luke-warm tap water with no ice in it and the ambiance was hurting, but the food was good, enjoyable and healthy and I was in good company so if you have someone you love, who hates eating meat and loves veggies that taste great, take them to the little elf house on 38th St.., you won’t regret it.
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90th & Fort, Omaha 36
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Nebraska Crossing Outlet Mall, Gretna
dining nibbles
Written by Jim Delmont
STEAK HOUSES ANTHONY’S.. 72nd and F streets. 331-7575. Closed Sunday. One of the old-line steakhouses, big and friendly. A good family spot. Huge menu. BROTHER SEBASTIAN’S STEAKHOUSE AND WINERY. 1350 S. 119th St. 330-0300. Seven days. Not old and not new, this 1980s steakhouse that resembles a California monastery has a great salad bar, romantic little rooms with fireplaces and a great party room. Prices remain reasonable. CASCIO’S. 1620 S. 10th St. 345-8313. Seven days. Been here forever and still cookin.’ This venerable steak emporium has been a mainstay of the College World Series crowd. CHARLESTON’S. Just north of West Dodge Road at the Boys Town exit. 431-0023. Open seven days. Don’t let the chain ID fool you – this is a top notch restaurant – casual, with an eclectic menu that includes upscale burgers, lots of salads, fish entrees, steaks, sandwiches, soups, ribs, crisp veggies and rich desserts – including a knockout bread pudding. Management is the key to success here. The ambience is gaslamp hideaway with a bar area popular on weekends. THE DROVER. 2121 S. 73rd St. 391-7440. Open seven days. Tucked away on a side street, this longtime steakhouse favorite draws customers from the medical neighborhood at 72nd and Mercy Road. Cozy fireplace, good service. 801 CHOP HOUSE (in the Paxton House). 1403 Farnam. 341-1222. Open seven days. Formerly the Paxton Chop House, this beautiful, masculine spot is a twin to one in Des Moines and a major draw for elegant service and classic steakhouse fare. Perfect for memorable occasions, but Sunday night specials are affordable for anyone. FLEMING’S. Next to Regency Court Shopping Center (south side). 393-0811. Open seven days. Big deal wine offerings here from climate controlled wine closets. Very attractive main dining room with some extra nooks and bar-side service, too. Char-grilled steaks are reasonably priced, with huge sides, and some major seafood offerings. Excellent service and a very nice ambience for a special evening out. GENJI STEAK HOUSE. 14505 W Center Road. 333-8338. Popular Japanese, group-style “teppanyaki” cooking with items sliced and diced on a hot metal surface, then tossed about in entertaining ways. Very healthful meals, with lots of protein (several kinds of beef, plus shrimp) and delicious chopped vegetables. Reasonably priced and fun for kids and adults alike. JERICO’S. 11732 West Dodge Road. 496-0222. Open seven days. Longtime family-run steakhouse known for its prime rib. JOHNNY’S CAFÈ. 4702 S. 27th St. 731-4774. Closed Sunday. One of Omaha’s most famous steakhouses, it was opened in 1922 by the Kawa family at the stockyards, where the family still operates it. Many loyal customers love the place for lunch or dinner. JOHNNY’S ITALIAN STEAKHOUSE. 305 N. 170th St. in Village Pointe. 289-9210. Open seven days. Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr. and Dean Martin would have loved this place – tricked out like a Hollywood 1940s supper club, Johnny’s Italian Steakhouse is one of an Iowa-based chain offering Italian pasta favorites along with steaks and chops. Desserts, made on the premises, are popular.
KOBE STEAKHOUSE OF JAPAN. 16801 Burke 402-391-1755. Seven days. Long-running Japanese steak house offers healthy cuisine, entertaining chefs, reasonable prices and an attractive Regency location. KONA GRILL. 295 N 170th St. 779-2900. Kona Grill is a sushi restaurant with lots more, including very imaginative appetizers and entrees with Hawaiian, Chinese, japanese and American touches (macadamia nut chicken, satay, potstickers, steamed soybeans, saki-marinated bass, sweet chili-glazed salmon and even a meatloaf made with sweet Italian and Louisiana sausage!). Loads of interesting dipping sauces, too, plus full sushi offerings LONE STAR STEAKHOUSE & SALOON. 3040 S. 143rd Plaza. 333-1553. Open seven days. Last of a chain here, they do a good job with burgers and sandwiches, homemade soups and chili, sirloin and ribeye, their own salad dressings, and good service. MAHOGANY PRIME STEAKHOUSE. 13665 California St. 4454380. Boasting the top two per cent of Nebraska prime beef, this once very expensive spot also offers Australian lobster, grilled salmon filet with capers, shrimp and crabmeat; plus lots of salads, lamb, porkchops, bacon-wrapped scallops, king crab legs and a famous house martini. Prices have moderated recently. OMAHA CHOPHOUSE. Omaha Marriot, 10220 Regency Circle. 399-9000. This is the latest entry at Regency, which once had Allie’s and the fabulous Chardonnay fine dining restaurant. Now it’s a steak place with the usual cuts, plus seafood, fancy sandwiches, various chicken entrees, salads and a pretty extensive wine list.
r e n CoProcket DAILY SPECIALS
4201 S 38th st Omaha, Nebraska 68107 (402) 505-7377 Mon-Sat 9am-2am Sun 10am-2am
10am-6pm Daily $250 aluminum pints $275 12oz. Bottles
| $2 Crafts and Imports | $3 Straight shots of anything | $1 Busch Light cans | South O Happy Meal Shot of Blackberry Brandy and a Busch Light can for $3 SUNDAY | $11 Domestic Buckets
OMAHA PRIME. 415 S. 11th St. in the Old Market. 3417040. Closed Sunday. Mo Tajvar’s beautiful Old Market spot has a lovely bar area and a handsome room for his prime cuts of beef in this second floor Old Market beauty, complete with rear views of the Old Market Passageway and a smoking room behind glass. A la carte and expensive, like other “prime” beef establishments, but offering a lot of visual charm. OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE. 7605 Cass St. 392-2212; 2414 S. 132 Street. 697-1199; 10408 S. 15th Street. 991-9275. Open seven days. From the opening of the Cass Street original, this Florida-based chain has been one of the most successful chains here. Basically an American steakhouse, it puts up an Australian façade, but the menu offers steaks, ribs and chicken plus baked potatoes, slab fries and barbecued chicken. You can toss a shrimp or two on the Barbie, too. Omahans love them all. PICCOLO PETE’S. 2202 S 20th St., 342-9038. In South Omaha since 1933, Picolo Pete’s is a classic Omaha Italian steakhouse, with Italian pastas to augment the steaks – plus big salads, burgers, hot roast beef, many breaded items, many fish, kids menu and even pizza. Try the chicken gizzards – folks love them. Prices are low to moderate. PINK POODLE. 633 Old Lincoln Highway in Crescent, Iowa, just east of I-680. 545-3744. Closed Monday. The famous doll collection is gone, but lots of folks think this rustic-style atmosphere and the steak and prime rib specialties are worth the short drive. Steaks, chops, lots of seafood, gizzards and livers, and an inexpensive children’s menu. SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE, 222 S. 15th St. 342-0077. Seven days. Across from the Public Library and very near the Holland Performing Arts Center, Sullivan’s is a handsome, friendly ’40s-style steakhouse downShoutomaha.com • Aug 21-28, 2014
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dining nibbles town featuring fine steaks and seafood, top-of-theline martinis, and an enormous wine choice from its 15,000-bottle cellar with an hand-cut Italian stone floor. 360 STEAKHOUSE at Harrah’s, One Harrah’s Blvd., Council Bluffs, (712) 329-6000. This upscale steakhouse sits at the top of Harrah’s Hotel, on the 12th floor, offering a unique view of the Omaha skyline. The menu offers elegant beef entrees, seafood (lobster, tiger shrimp, scallops), lots of interesting sides and salads. Private dining room available. BOURBON BBQ & STEAK at Ameristar Casino, 2200 River Road, Council Bluffs, (712) 328-8888, has replaced the Waterfront Grill there with a menu chock with barbecued pork and chicken items, plus some steaks, salads, sandwiches, seafood in an eclectic mix. Less high hat than its predecessor, it aims for a more regular crowd, including kids. FINE DINING BISTRO 121. 12129 West Center Road. 697-5107. Former location of Claudia’s, this handsome spot is now Walter Hecht’s new version of his Old Vienna Restaurant, a south Omaha fixture for decades. This Swiss chef offers European fare, including liver dumpling soup, escargot, mussels, Provencal shrimp, duck, lamb and veal entrees, plus risotto with grilled chicken and even Oysters Rockefeller – and you can get a New York strip steak, too. Some of the same plus excellent sandwiches, salads and soups at bargain lunch prices. Lots of California wines. Hecht is a real veteran of the
Omaha dining scene. THE FLATIRON CAFÈ. 17th and Howard streets. 344-3040. Closed Sunday; dinner only six days. Steve and Kathleen Jamrozy have established the gold standard for Omaha restaurants in a lovely room in a triangleshaped building reminiscent of old New York, complete with huge window walls and a tree-shaded patio. Great service, great food, very popular with Orpheum-going crowds all year. LE VOLTAIRE. 155th Plaza at West Dodge Road (north side). 934-9374. Closed Sunday, Monday. French owner-chef Cedric Fichepain has combined Paris with Alsace in his unpretentious suburban bistro, where the menu offers what you’d expect: French onion soup, bouillabaisse, escargot, duck liver, duck confit, coq au vin, filet mignon and even crepes suzette. Nice wine choices, good service, intimate, very reasonably priced. LIBERTY TAVERN. In the Hilton Hotel, at 1001 Cass St., across from the Qwest Center. 998-4321. Open seven days. This fine dining restaurant now has a unique and appealing outdoor dining area, California style, that seats 80 – it’s centered on a modernist fireplace and you can order from the indoors restaurant.menu or the less expensive bar menu. The indoors area is attractively modern and has a menu reflecting the “farm to table” movement, with an emphasis on locally provided items, including Iowa pork and Nebraska chicken. Chef Michael Rhodes is doing upscale comfort foods: corn chowder, corn fritters, sweet potato and duck hash, seafood pot pie, flatiron steak,
meatloaf, mac and cheese, but also elegant steak and fish entrees. The big deal dish is the imperial Wagyu beef strip steak from Blair, Neb., with Iowa Maytag blue cheese butter. Creative desserts add to the fun. V. MERTZ. 1022 Howard St., 345-8980. V. Mertz has to be one of the two or three best restaurants in Nebraska. Irresistibly attractive at the grotto level of the Old Market Passageway, it provides a womb of old brick, wine racks, sprays of flowers and an ancient Roman style wall fountain, it is perfectly romantic, half- hidden and mysteriously likeable. Executive Chef John Engler oversees a menu that makes the best of organic produce from nearby Crescent, Iowa, lamb, beef and seafood. Artisan cheeses are available after dinner along with some sumptuous desserts. The wine selection is extensive and sophisticated (a semi-finalist for wine service in the James Beard awards). V. Mertz is one of the city’s most expensive restaurants but is worth it (the tasting menu is $100). NEIGHBORHOOD Anchor Inn, 5413 S. 72nd St. 402-341-1313. anchorinnbar.com – Home of the famous watermelon – and still the best party in town – the Anchor Inn offers daily lunch specials, including the new roasted chicken! Keep an eye our for some new dinner specials in the very near future. Until then, do your stomach a favor and take it to the Anchor Inn for some of “Junior’s Jumbo Hot Wings” or the “Flour Sandbar Nachos.” And that’s just for starters. Make sure to try “Anchor Inn’s Famous 1/2 Pound Burger” or “Anchor Inn’s Famous Chicken Sandwich.” BAILEY’S BREAKFAST AND LUNCH. 1259 S. 120th St. 9325577. Comfort food done with flair. For breakfast; all your favorites, featuring Omaha’s finest Eggs Benedict – 6 varieties, (and Crepes, too) topped with Hollandaise made fresh every day. Come try the best bacon you will ever eat! Breakfast served all day.
And treat yourself to some of Omaha’s finest Salads, Soups, and Sandwiches, plus Chicken Fried Steak, fresh Angus burgers, and Bloody Mary’s and Mimosas. When is the last time you had really good Egg Salad or Chicken Salad??? Open 7 days a week 7:00 – 2:00. BARRETT’S BARLEYCORN. 4322 Leavenworth, 558-5520. A neighborhood place with burgers, phillies and other sandwiches. Daily specials and a sports bar ambience. BENE PIZZA AND PASTA. 12301 West Maple Road. 4980700. Open seven days a week. Retro pizza spot with ‘70s look – sandwiches, too. BIG FRED’S PIZZA GARDEN. 119th and Pacific streets. 3334414. Open seven days. Hugely popular pizza joint that attracts crowds all the time, especially on weekends. Sports bar atmosphere with lots of noise. BILLY FROGGS. 1120 Howard St. in the Old Market. 3414427. 8724 Dodge St. (397-5719; 84th and Giles. Open Seven days. The original on Howard Street has a very nice tree-shaded outdoor dining area and all three pull in a younger crowd for burgers, hot dogs, pub fare and a broad selection of domestic and imported beers. Good hang-out spots. BOB MONKEY’S NOODLE ZOO. 4950 Dodge Street. 932-9971. Offbeat lunch place with soups, salads and sandwiches. BRAZEN HEAD IRISH PUB. 319 N. 78th St., just off West Dodge. 393-3731. Seven days. Irish pub, close to the real thing (the owners imported some parts of it from Ireland). Mixes Irish/English fare with American pub favorites. Huge beer list. BREWBURGERS. 4629 S. 108th St. 614-7644. Lots of TVs – lives up to its name.
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dining nibbles BUFFALO WILD WINGS. 48th and L streets (734-8088); 76th and Dodge streets (343-9464); 10525 S. 15th St. (9919464); 146th Street and West Maple Road (492-9464); 4287 S. 144th St. (861-9464). Popular wing spot with lots of beer. CAFFEINE DREAMS. 4524 Farnam St. 932-2803. Multi-level outdoor seating, under the trees, is a dream here, in this ‘60s kind of coffee house. Great brew plus pastries, sandwiches, granola, smoothies and the like. THE CHEESECAKE FACTORY. 10120 California St. at Westroads. 393-1166. Seven days. Enormous chain restaurant done up in exotic architecture and interiors that resemble a British officers’ club in Egypt in the 19th century. Big operation with a huge menu: glamburgers, white chicken chili, Asian fare, fish ‘n chips, all kinds of sandwiches, soups, salads; imaginative items mixing culinary styles – crabcake sandwich, Cuban sandwich, stuffed mushrooms, pizza, fried zucchini, mini corndogs, steaks, beef ribs, pork chops, salmon, tuna, shrimp scampi and, of course, lots of different cheesecakes. It would take months to work your way through this menu. Good family spot. CHEESEBURGER IN PARADISE. 168th and West Dodge Road (Village Pointe). 289-4210. Outrageous Caribbean/island décor frames a restaurant with all kinds of exotic burgers and sweet-flavored specialties and tropical drinks. DOC & EDDIE’S BBQ. 168th and Harrison (on west side of 168th, a block north of Harrison). 895-7427. Bare bones spot where the food is everything. Established
by Dr. Jeffrey DeMare, a pediatric physician, and his late partner, Eddie Vacek. Tasty, slow-cooked meats – does a lot of take-out via drive-through. DON CARMELO’S. 2647 S. 159th Plaza (333-5256) In Rockbrook at 108th and Center Streets (933-3190); 3113 N. 120th St. (333-5256); 1024 N. 204th Ave (289-9800) New York-style pizzerias offering pizza, calzones and similar fare. THE DUNDEE DELL. 5007 Underwood Ave. 553-9501. Seven days. Dundee classic known for its fish and chips, hot sandwiches and burgers. A neighborhood spot with a big following (especially at lunch), its bar has well over 100 imported beers plus some superb Scotch offerings. FAMOUS DAVE’S. Several Omaha metro locations, including a new one at Eagle Run on West Maple Road. This chain BBQ spot has good basic BBQ fare, plus lots of sides, generous portions, nice atmosphere and good service. FIREWATER GRILLE. 7007 Grover Street, in the Comfort Inn. 452-FIRE (3473). Live music and offbeat island cuisine in this Hawaiian-themed bar/restaurant attached to a motel. FUDDRUCKERS. 7059 Dodge St., 556-0504. 16920 Wright Plaza #118, 932-7790. Fuddruckers boasts the “World’s Greatest Hamburgers,” and they have a big variety of them. Good spot for kids. GOLDBERG’S GRILL & BAR. 2936 S. 132nd St., 333-1086 and
GOLDBERG’S IN DUNDEE, 5008 Dodge St., 5562006. Especially popular at lunch with sandwiches, soups, burgers, salads. HARKERT’S BBQ. 4865 Center St., 554-0102. Old time and small BBQ spot favored by insiders. Hickor-smoked meats and sides. Does a lot of take-out. JAMS. 7814 Dodge St. 399-8300. Closed Sunday. One of Omaha’s best restaurants and one of the most popular. Mark Hoch’s long room with a bar is still a cool place, with an eclectic, inventive menu that changes often but always offers a two-tier selection ranging from inexpensive burgers, sandwiches and meatloaf to very original, often Southwest-inspired entrees. Great bar is a watering hole for thirtyish and fortyish singles. Not easy to get a table on weekend nights, but worth the wait. JAZZ: A LOUISIANA KITCHEN. 1421 Farnam St. 342-3662. Now that Butsy Ledoux’s is closed there aren’t many Louisiana-style places around here, but Jazz offers a version of Cajun and Creole fare that resembles a place you might stumble into just off Bourbon Street. JOE TESS’ PLACE. 5424 S. 24th St. 731-7278. Closed Monday. Oldtime neighborhood place famous for fish, fish, fish (trout, walleye, tilapia) and all fresh, plus shrimp, oysters – many fried items, with the catfish renowned, but they do steaks, chicken and other entrées on their huge menu. Chicken and fish sandwiches galore, plus seafood stews and chowders. Lots of sides, kids’ menu. The “famous fish” is served on rye bread for $6.50. Pitchers of beer, cream cheese cakes. Big Friday night crowds. Prices are low, but cash preferred. Live fish market, lots of carryout business. KING KONG. 4409 Dodge St., 553-3326. 5250 S. 72nd St., 932-6420. 3362 S. 13th St., 934-8988. Don’t let the name fool you – this is basically a Greek restaurant, with
excellent gyro’s, but they do burgers and phillie sandwiches and lots more. LA BUVETTE WINE BAR AND DELI. 511 S. 11th St. in the Old Market. 344-8627. Open seven days. Despite the limited offerings, La Buvette is one of the city’s better restaurants. Technically (in France) a bistro is a wine shop that also offers food – that’s La Buvette. It is crammed with bottles of wine and you can have a terrific dinner consisting of only wine, fine cheeses and baguette French bread – and that’s the truth. But they do have appetizers and entrees, too: foi gras, pate’, mussels, salmon, chicken, lamb shanks, veal cheeks and other bistro fare. French doors open to make the whole place a sidewalk café. La Mesa, 156th and Q streets; 110th and Maple streets; 84th and Tara Plaza; Hwy 370 & Fort Crook Rd, Bellevue, and Council Bluffs (Lake Manawa Exit). Voted as Omaha’s best Mexican restaurant 8 times times in a row., La Mesa offers free chips and salsa, great portions and a fun atmosphere. The menu is broad, with everything from classics, such as burritos, fajitas, enchiladas, tacos, tamales and tostadas. Specialties include Chilaquiles Mexicanos, the El Magnifico, Chicken Chipolte Salad and El Patron (shrimp). La Mesa offers over 100 tequilas, the largest selection in the area! LANSKY’S PIZZA, Pasta and Philly, 4601 S. 50th St., 7311919; 3909 Twin Creek Dr., Bellevue, 502-0555; 1131 N. Broadway, Council Bluffs, (712) 329-5400. Philly steak sandwiches and pizza – they dominate here. LE PEEP, 2012 N. 117th Ave. 991-8222; (other locations in Pepperwood Village at 156th and West Dodge, and at 177th and West Center Road). Aneel and Hope Taj oversee three locations where everything is fresh and the huge pancakes rival those at the Market Basket (ask for pecans and bananas in yours); eggs Benedict and other egg creations are ambrosial, bacon and sau-
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dining nibbles sages lean and substantial, huge list of omelets, but also lunch items, too, as they are open until 2 p.m. Great table service and high quality food. LISA’S RADIAL CAFÈ. 817 N. 40th St. 551-2176. Open seven days for breakfast, Friday only for dinner. Lisa Schembri and family run a very special place here – a neighborhood breakfast spot that brings a touch of California to Omaha (Lisa did culinary studies there). In a very old building they offer one hundred different kinds of French toast, elegant egg dishes, every kind of pancake, a vast number of omelets, Farmer Brothers coffee and downhome cooking on Friday nights. THE MARKET BASKET. 87th and Pacific streets in the Countryside Village Shopping Center. 397-1100. Breakfast and lunch seven days; no dinner on Monday. One of Omaha’s little wonder restaurants, long a favorite with the carriage trade, especially for breakfast and lunch. Liz Liakos’ place is also a bakery, with two dining rooms and she has waxed on the breakfast lunch business while also endeavoring to build up the dinner business with a succession of top notch chefs. Coffees and teas here are wunderbar, as are the pancakes, quiches, French toast, egg dishes, potato dishes, muffins, pastries and everything breakfast. Liz has homemade ice cream, elegant luncheon sandwiches – some longtime favorites such as the Custer and the herb roast beef; marvelous salads, all kinds of sophisticated touches in soups, burgers, sides, desserts. Chef Justen Beller does a fusion Euro-American dinner menu at bargain prices. Great Sunday brunch, too. This restful, tasteful little place would be right at home in the Fine Dining section of this publication. MCKENNA’S BLUES, BOOZE AND BBQ. 7425 Pacific Street. 393-7427. Seven days. Opened almost twenty years ago with a Texas/Louisiana road house look and menu, McKenna’s has popular BBQ offerings that are less sweet and drippy than most (brisket, pulled chicken and pork, ribs), plus New Orleans gumbo, and great side dishes, including baked beans, a creamy red potato salad, Louisiana red beans and rice, melt-in-your-mouth cornbread and more. Good desserts, too. M’S PUB. 422 S. 11th St. in the Old Market. 342-2550. Seven days. With La Buvette, M’s is one of the Old Market’s top neighborhood restaurants and pubs – and one of the city’s better dining spots. The bar has been hugely popular since the place was opened in 1972 (it is now run by Ron Samuelson of Vivace, with Anne Mellen). Pub fair shares the menu with exciting dinner specials. The Iowa grilled pork sandwich is famous as is the Omaha grilled beef sandwich. The salad, appetizer and sandwich lists go on forever and the sophisticated evening fare includes ribeye, halibut, pastas, salmon, halibut, and duck breast, but the burger/sandwich/salads are available all day, too. This is a great place with wonderful ambience and tends to be jammed at lunch and dinner. MILLARD ROADHOUSE. 13325 Millard Ave. 891-9292. Seven days (brunch on Sunday, too, plus lunch buffet other days). Karen Menard’s family-style restaurant favors downhome cooking (broasted chicken, chicken-fried steaks, French dip and other hot sandwiches, roast beef Phillies, grilled cheese, liver and onions, prime rib, pork chops). Great for kids and reasonable on the pocket book. MIMI’S CAFE. 301 N. 175th Plaza, 289-9610. A wide array of appetizers, homemade soups, unique salads and seasonal features are waiting just for you at Mimi’s. Signature sandwiches and burgers include an excellent Meatloaf Ciabatta sandwich and a succulent patty melt. A fish market, great steaks and chops as
well. Don’t forget the espresso bar and wine menu. NEWMAN’S PASTA CAFE. 2559 S. 171st St., near West Center Road (Lakeside Plaza). 884-2420. Open seven days. Another “oodles of noodles” spot in the fastservice mode. In addition to lots of noodle dishes, you can get Thai lettuce wraps, fresh mozzarella drizzled with olive oil, Thai curry beef, chicken Florentine, spicy Thai peanut noodles and cranberry spinach salad with almonds. Pastas are Asian, Southwest, stroganoff, Japanese. Desserts include key lime pie, cotton candy and pastry tubes. NICOLA’S in the Market. 13th and Jackson streets in the Old Market. 345-8466. Lunch Monday-Friday; dinner Tuesday-Sunday. Italian meets Mediterranean at Nicola Nick’s Old Market trattoria where you can browse through a menu sporting authentic country Italian favorites: eggplant, cheeses, Italian sausage and ham ingredients, a wonderful lasagna Mediterranean, grilled chicken, stuffed pastas. But the star of the menu is ravioli in many tempting, delicious combinations. Sauces here are important and the long pasta menu will intrigue. Excellent little spot with bargain prices considering the care taken in preparation NOODLES & COMPANY. 203 S. 72nd St. 393-0586 and 16920 Wright Plaza, 330-1012. Open seven days. Like Newman’s, it’s an “oodles of noodles” spot in fast-service mode (no servers). There are at least a dozen noodle dishes, plus chicken/vegetable pot stickers in a mostly Asian style but with Wisconsin macaroni and cheese, too, and some Italian pastas. Flat Tire beer is available, but few desserts.
+ s e s s a l C R SCA
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OZONE. 7220 F St. 331-7575. Ozone offers hand-cut steaks, slow-cooked prime rib, baby back ribs, classic salads, Southwest-inspired appetizers, steak and pork tenderloin sandwiches, rosemary chicken, plus live entertainment. PETROW’S. 5914 Center St. 551-0552. Closed Sunday. Diner style restaurant in older Omaha neighborhood, Petrow’s is a legend. They offer soda fountain goodies (old-fashioned malts and sundaes), hot sandwiches: pork tenderloin, French dip; their own chili, liver and onions, chopped beef steak, onion rings, waffle fries, footlong hot dogs, reuben, smoked turkey melt, chicken fried steak, classic Nebraska burger; homemade pies, floats and freezes and lots more. Forget about calories here and dream your way back to the ‘60s, when it opened. PIZZA KING. 1101 N. Broadway, Council Bluffs, (712) 323-9228; Longtime family-run spot has T-bones, a filet mignon, a NY strip and a Rib Eye, plus Alaskan King Crab – and, of course, plenty of pizzas. Big place, reasonable prices. PIZZA SHOPPE. 6056 Maple St. 556-9090. The mission of the Pizza Shoppe Collective is to provide a unified vehicle of expression to artists and a positive atmosphere of performance within the community. The Collective will host a combination of local/national concerts, gallery shows, theater performances, dance, poetry, comedy, and ethnic cuisine in an effort to support the restoration of spirit within all art forms, so that we may encourage all to support each individual perspective of the human condition. And their pizza is pretty darn good, too!
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QUAKER STEAK & LUBE. 3320 Mid-America Drive, Council Bluffs. 322-0101. Quaker Steak & Lube markets itself as “America’s No. 1 motor sports family restaurant.” Buckets of chicken wings with nearly 20 different sauces – some tongue-tingling hot. Shoutomaha.com • Aug 21-28, 2014
dining nibbles RICK’S CAFÈ BOATYARD. 345 Riverfront Drive (6th Street). 345-4545. Open seven days. They keep changing the name – is it Rick’s Café Boatyard or Rick’s Boatyard Café? Either way, the huge place offers a view of the Missouri River and seats as many outside as inside. This is a place for drinks, the view and lots and lots of seafood: fresh, fried, every which way. Huge menu with something for everyone. RUBY TUESDAY. 10387 Pacific St. (One Pacific Place). Open seven days. 391-3702. Ruby’s is a chain survivor because of its ever-changing menus, attention to detail, good service, and an always good salad bar. The interior has been spiffed up a bit recently, but the menu remains eclectic and family-oriented. This is one of the city’s best chain restaurants. SAM & LOUIE’S NEW YORK PIZZERIA 6920 N 102nd Circle. 445-4244; 2416 Cuming St. 884-7773; 2062 N 117th Ave. 496-7900; 7641 Cass St. 390-2911; 1125 Jackson St. 884-5757; 541 N 155th Plaza 965-3858; 2062 N 17th Ave. 496-7900. 5352 S 72nd St., Ralston 505-9200; 14208 S St. 895-0811; 607 Pinnacle Dr, Papillion. 6140077. Open seven days. New York style pizza with hand-tossed crusts, plus a load of other items – salads, Stromboli, calzones, hoagies, burgers, sandwiches, lasagna and other pastas. SGT. PEFFERS. 1501 N. Saddle Creek Road. 558-7717. 13760 Millard Ave. 932-6211. Authentic, old world ingredients and techniques provide delicious traditional specialties and the unique. Sgt. Peffers offers call ahead take out service for the gourmet on the go, as well as home delivery and catering. Recipes are designed to
offer low sodium, low cholesterol and low sugar while providing complex carbohydrates and protein. SHUCKS FISH HOUSE & OYSTER BAR. 1218 S. 119th St (402827-4376), and also in the Shops of Legacy, SW corner of 168th & Center (402-763-1860, just north of Lifetime Fitness). Open 7 days a week. Have you ever been to a fish shack on the coast? You’ll like Shucks! Open 7 days a week. Shrimp or Oyster Po’ Boys, Fried Clam Strips, Shrimp, Walleye, Calamari and Oysters (all VERY lightly breaded). Plus Crab Cakes, Clam Chowder, Gumbo, Salads and Daily Fresh Fish Specials. Featuring a large variety of Oysters on the Half Shell, shucked right in front of you. Significant Happy Hour 2-6, every day. SPIRIT WORLD. 7517 Pacific St. 391-8680. Closed Sunday. By far the best deli in Omaha, Spirit World is a wonderful place to wander around in, loaded as it is with imported wine, cheeses and other food items. Much of the business is take-out but there is sit-down for the terrific deli salads, sliced meats, gourmet sandwiches, soups, hot specials, cheese plates, desserts and other goodies. A bit expensive (lots of the deli salads are $12/pound), it is worth it. STOKES. 646 N 114th St. and 12th and Howard streets, in the Old Market, 498-0804. A Southwestern restaurant known for imaginative mixing of styles, sauces, foods – always in an eclectic direction. Don’t expect pure mom and pop Mexican or predictable Tex-Mex. This place has a mind of its own – the enchiladas slathered with white and poblano sauces and the steak tacos are renowned. It is regularly recognized
Shoutomaha.com • aug 21-28, 2014
by Wine Spectator Magazine for wine offerings and service. Lots of exotic drinks and drink specials. Nice patio at the Old Market location. The original is in Miracle Hills.
do raspberry-glazed chicken breast, shrimp linguini, bacon-wrapped shrimp, braised lamb shank, and smoked gouda beer soup. A fun place for lunch, dinner or some food at the long bar.
SUMMER KITCHEN CAFÈ. 1203 Cornhusker Road, Bellevue, 291-4544. Three Omaha locations. Another Omaha restaurant-cum-bakery place for downhome family fare and lots of pies, cakes and pastries. Big on breakfast and lunch (many specials at lunchtime) and for dinner – again lots of specials (pot roast, hot turkey dinner, hot beef sandwiches, chicken specials, etc.). Great cakes, pies and breakfasts (all day).
WHEATFIELDS. One Pacific Place (1224 S. 103rd). 9551485. Open seven days. Ron Popp started with the Garden Café operation years ago and has continued the restaurant-cum bakery concept with his very popular Wheatfields, an attractive and popular spot in One Pacific Place. The garden room is cool and nestled in greenery and the main dining room is packed most of the time. There is a huge bakery off to one side. Breakfasts are big here with all the usual egg dishes, plus casseroles, waffles, French toast, pancakes, fruit dishes, quiche and lots more; lunches offer Midwestern sandwich favorites, plus entrees with a Mitteleuropa touch (a Swiss hotel salad, fondues, Swiss baked steak, spaetzle, Alsatian baked beef), plus a cornucopia of other dishes beyond counting (honey-baked chicken, eggplant Romero, a $10 fruit bowl, untold salads with 15 homemade dressings). Dinner has a Euro touch, too, with Dusseldorf and Black Forest casseroles, halibut Lyonnaise, Swiss steak, beef and noodles, but also steaks, seafood and BBQ ribs! How they do it all, I don’t know, but their basic stuff is very good, as are the cobbler desserts, pies and cakes. On top of all this, they have nightly specials.
TANNER’S BAR AND GRILL. 156th and West Maple Road. 884-5100. Open seven days. Big sports bar with burgers and pub food, it is famous for its “Blair wings,” a hotter version of the restaurant’s regular chicken wings. At Tanner’s they mix up five gallons of fresh salsa each day. Lots of happy hour and other drink specials TGI FRIDAY’S (3 locations). 3636 N. 156th St. 965-8443. 17535 Gold Plaza 330-8443. 10000 California St. 3902600. Eclectic chain restaurant that does good lunch business. Menu is all over the map: Mexican, Asian, American, Italian – potstickers to surf ‘n turf; fajitas to burgers; buffalo wings to BBQ ribs; Cobb salad to shrimp scampi; sirloin to honey mustard chicken sandwich; nachos to Cajun shrimp pasta. How can they do it all? Well, they try. Bar, reasonable prices. UPSTREAM BREWING COMPANY. 11th and Jackson streets in the Old Market (344-0200) and 171st and West Center. 778-1161. Open seven days. Big, friendly restaurants for family dining – the original in the Old Market is a gem, with perhaps the best bar in town. Locals own and run Upstream with meticulous attention to detail. The menus are fairly imaginative despite all the comfort foods: pot roast, meatloaf, halfpound burger, pork schnitzel, pizza. But they can also
ZIO’S PIZZERIA. 1213 Howard St. 344-2222. 7834 West Dodge Road 391-1881. 12997 West Center Road 3301444. Usha and Daniel Sherman founded the Zio’z chain in 1985 – an instant success. The thin-crust New York style pizzas, with hand-stretched, homemade dough, have a huge range of toppings, are transfat free and use natural chicken. Pastas are fresh, some vegetarian, and offer a vast range of sauces. Hot wings, calzones and hoagies are also available. Desserts are few but rich and tasty. These are exceptionally well run restaurants, eager to please.
Sunday, auguSt 31 from 10 p.m. to midnight Century Link, Lot d • $4 gate admission
august 29 ( friday), omaha fight Club august 30 (Saturday), omaha roller girls/3d in your face august 31 (Sunday), Shout Band Contest, Kiss army September 1st (monday) downtown Labor parade, Z-92 day in Entertainment tent. Shoutomaha.com • Aug 21-28, 2014
bar briefs
Hey, bar owners, do you want your bar included here? Send a note to editor@shoutomaha.com
The Lauter Tun Fine Ales and Spirits, 3309 Oak View Drive #102, 402-934-6999. thelautertun.com – You’ll find a large selection of craft and import beers on tap and in bottle, as well as craft spirits from around the country. Rather have a cocktail? The Lauter Tun’s cocktail list uses only fresh ingredients and well crafted spirits. Choose from one of their signature drinks, or go old-school with a classic. Check out the Lauter Tun’s weekly cocktail and beer specials. And there’s live jazz and acoustic music. Anchor Inn, 5413 S. 72nd St. 402-341-1313. anchorinnbar. com – One word: Watermelon! It’s the famous watermelon cocktail, at the Anchor Inn, still the best party in town. You’ll find all kinds of drink specials at the Anchor Inn to go along with a ton of food specials, including the all-you-can-eat fish fry (5-10 p.m.), which comes with fried and coleslaw ($8). Nowhere On the Lake, 4150 S. 144th St., 402-894-9411 – Wednesday night is S.I.N. Night (Service Industry Night), with half-price appetizers from 10 p.m. to midnight; flip off your favorite bartender for free drinks from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m., and a DJ spinning music all night. On Thursdays, it’s “Thursday Night Countdown,” with free salsa lessons from 8 to 10 p.m., and drink specials galore! Door 19, 1901 Leavenworth St., 402-933-3033 – Thursdays is “Singles Night” featuring drink specials. On Fridays, it’s karaoke. Firewater Grille, 7007 Grover St., 402-452-3473. firewatergrille.com – Located inside the Comfort Inn & Suites, the
Firewater Grille has specials every night of the week – including “Monday Monday Madness,” with $2 off burgers and $7 domestic pitchers and 25-cent wings. Wednesday is “Ladies Night,” and Friday is “Luau Night.” Spearmint Rhino Gentlemen’s Club, 2449 N. 13th St., Carter Lake, Completely renovated, the world-renowned Spearmint Rhino Gentlemen’s Club is now open. Look for a special deal on their ad in this week’s issue of Shout!
Varsity Sports Cafe, Dundee (402-934-9439); Ralston (402-339-1944); Millard (402-505-6660); Bellevue (402-9321944). varsityromanpizza.com – Happy hour Monday-Friday 3-7 p.m. and a late-night happy hour Sunday-Thursday from 10 p.m. to close. Quaker Steak & Lube, 3220 Mid America Drive, Council Bluffs. thelube.com – Mondays are kids eat free nights, with prizes and fun for the kids; Tuesdays are all you eat wings for $11.99; Wednesdays are bike night, with live music, a beer garden and any burger for $5.99; and Thursdays are classic car nights, with a DJ and her garden. La Mesa, 156th and Q streets; 110th Street and West Maple Road; Ft. Crook Road and Hwy 370, Bellevue; Lake Manawa Exit, Council Bluffs. la-mesa.com – Today, La Mesa serves over 10 locations in Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri and Kansas. In addition. expansion plans for more locations are in the works. The ingredients of success for La Mesa include a stable, strong employment team which recognizes performance through management advancement. In fact, many of La Mesa’s employees have over 10 years of service. It’s this consistency that is reflected in every meal La Mesa serves. La Mesa’s “authentic”
Shoutomaha.com • aug 21-28, 2014
taste is created from family recipes made with only the freshest quality ingredients. Each location is decorated to promote a fun, colorful atmosphere and create a unique customer experience. Finally, La Mesa’s prices make it an affordable value for the entire family to enjoy. La Mesa is committed to striving for excellence and is annually recognized as the “Best Mexican Restaurant” in many of its markets. Holiday Lounge, 7846 West Dodge Road, 402-391-4442. – Where tradition meets today, the Holiday Lounge is right in the middle of Omaha, and offers DirectTV, big screens and a fun atmosphere. The Pipeline, 1300 S. 72nd St. – Hawaii’s own Pipeline beach is brought to the Omaha crowd with legendary college night and a fun bar atmosphere. The drinks are always cold and the scenery is sure to please the eyes, with burgers and Phillies cooked to order. Monday is half-priced wings! Specials every night of the week! Argus 109, Carlisle Hotel, 10909 M. St. – Wednesdays offer Happy Hour all night, no cover and $1.50 wells and $1 draws. Thursdays is Ladies Night (ladies are free, fellas, $5). There’s also a “Hot Bikini Contest” on Thursdays! On Fridays everyone free until 11 p.m., $5 after. And Saturdays are “Club Night”! Maloney’s, An Irish Pub, 1830 N. 72nd St., maloneysomaha. com – Maloney’s got the most votes from our Facebook friends for best outdoor drinking area. The Irish judge their pubs based on “craic” (Irish for atmosphere) and this pub has it. There’s pool, darts, shuffleboard, mega-touch and volleyball leagues, a 100-inch big screen and several other screens to watch the game. Maloney’s has a variety of beer and alcohol, as well as the largest selection of Irish Whiskey in the state of Nebraska. Glo Lounge, 3201 Farnam St., glomidtown.com - It’s dinner and a movie with accommodating style. Glo Lounge is new and it’s located right inside Midtown Crossing’s Cinedine Theatre.
The perfect end to a first date, Glo “breaks the ice” for you with smooth drinks and a relaxing bar staff ready to meet your every need. Check them out online for additional drink and daily specials. Rick’s Cafe Boatyard, 345 Riverfront Dr., rickscafeboatyard.com – Talk about a great outdoor drinking spot! There are PLENTY of seats on this riverfront restaurant and bar’s patio. Marylebone, 3710 Leavenworth St. – One of Omaha’s longtime popular bars is now serving lunch again, with daily specials worth checking out. The bar also has a great patio area for those who want to take their drinks outside. And for baseball fans, the Marylebone has your favorite team TV with their MLB package. Rock Bottom, 1101 Harney St., rockbottom.com – With an ideal Old Market patio that is always hopping, the Rock Bottom offers award-winning beers from across the country - all in one spot. The best part? You’ll never have to say, “I’ll take another please,” because you can pour it yourself. That’s right. Their party booths are equipped with a tap just for you and your friends. The Sydney, 5918 Maple St., thesydneybenson.com – One of Benson’s most popular bars, the Sydney offers great drink specials and the best in local live music. On Mondays, the Sydney offers $1 PBRs from open to close! And on Sundays, there’s free pool from open to close! Get outside and enjoy one of those on the patio! Rehab Lounge, 2615 S. 120th St., rehabomaha.com – A new lounge on the scene, Rehab offers themed nights, signature drinks, comfortable seating, and exceptional customer service. North Shore Tavern, 102nd Maple St., northshoreo-
bar briefs maha.com – Bike Night at the North Shore Tavern is back on Mondays, so bring your hog! With 16 beers on tap, foosball, darts, pool, it is a great hangout place. Especially if your are a fan of Major League Baseball. Catch all the action of MLB at North Shore. Brewsky’s, several locations in Omaha, brewskys.com – You’ll find great outdoor patios at Brewsky’s, where they offer a menu created by a certified executive chef and where they have invested in state-of-the-art technology and assembled the area’s most extensive line-up of sports programming. Sports fan? Yeah, you’ve found your home! Gator O’Malley’s, 12143 W Center Road, gatoromalleys. com – Want a taste of the Down Under? Gator O’ Malley’s is the place for you. There’s a wide host of drink specials. They are open daily with late night kitchen specials and nightly entertainment options. Monday’s are “Micro Madness” with $1 off all micro beers; Thursday’s offers live blues music; and Fridays and Saturdays it’s the hottest bands live. La Buvette, 511 S. 11th St., labuvetteomaha.com – Another popular outdoor drinking spot for our Facebook friends, who recommended this Old Market staple. La Buvette is a retail wine shop, wine bar and deli with an emphasis on French wines. Twin Peaks, 17330 West Center Road, twinpeaksrestaurant.com – Seriously: What guy doesn’t crave incredibly tasty house-made comfort food? Or draft beer so cold that ice crystals form in the glass? Or his favorite sports on state-of-the-art TVs in a rugged mountain lodge setting? Twin Peaks has all of that – and to top it off, it’s all offered up by friendly, attentive, and beautiful Twin Peaks Girls. The Hive Lounge, 19th Street and St. Marys Ave. thehiveomaha.com – The Hive Lounge, a new evening destination in downtown Omaha, is becoming the go-to spot for those looking for great drinks at awesome prices. You will find local music, local art and local craft beers among the Omaha flavors at the Hive Lounge. The lounge has a reverse happy hour, as well as darts and several big screen TVs. Don’t miss “Open Jazz Jam” on Sundays, and the “Open Blues Jams” on Tuesdays. And every Thursday it’s reggae night with Rhythm Collective, one of the city’s best groups! Club O/O Dining, 1015 Farnam St., odining.com – O Dining offers food on the downstairs and the upper area of the restaurant is reserved for lounging, that’s where Club O comes in. Every Friday and Saturday, get table service, celebrate birthdays, bachelor and bachelorette parties! Get an amazing view of the Gene Leahy Mall, too! Rose & Crown, 515 S. 20th St. – Our Facebook friends highly recommended the outdoor patio at Rose & Crown. We agree – it’s a classic, complete with a seaside vibe courtesy of fish nets and other coastal garb. Eat the Worm, 1213 Howard St. – Feel like getting crazy? Eat the Worm is the place for you! With a tequila list extending past 75 varieties, your group is bound to get a little naughty. Divided among three styles: blanco, reposado, and añejo, the wide range of flavors are sure to meet anyone’s palate. So whether you are tasting from the bottom of the shot glass or the naval of someone intriguing, Eat the Worm is sure to facilitate bad behavior! ENERGY SYSTEMS OVATIONS, 1200 Douglas St. - Ovations is a laid-back destination for wine, drinks and appetizers located on the first floor of the Holland Performing Arts Center. The bar is a casual gathering place before and after performances, including Omaha Performing Arts’ and Omaha Symphony events.
The Old Mattress Factory, 501 N. 13th St., themattomaha.com – Enjoy the new Happy Hour Specials at the Matt, which has an amazing outdoor drinking area! Every M-F from 3-6 PM and Sun-Thurs from 10PM-1AM...Happy Hour @ The Matt will make you happy! $4 Martinis, Well Cocktails and House Wine, $1 off all Tap Beers and $.75 off all Domestic Bottles. Phoenix Food & Spirits, 12015 Blondo St., phoenixfoodandspiritsomaha.com – Another popular choice for outdoor drinking from our Facebook friends. Live music, KENO, Golden Tee, Buck Hunter, Bowling, pool tables, dart boards, jukebox and the list keeps going! Food and drinks are plentiful as well! Sandwiches and burgers are served daily until 10 p.m. with endless daily drink specials to swallow it all down. Shuck’s Fish House Oyster Bar, 16901 Wright Plaza, 1218 S. 119th St., 19th and Leavenworth, absolutelyfresh.com – Open for lunch and dinner seven days a week, Shuck’s is an ideal place to throw back and beer along with an oyster on the half shell from their broad selection. Louis Grill & Bar, 5702 N.W. Radial Highway, louisbar. com – Live goldfish races, washer tournaments and plenty of drink specials. Yes you heard right! Real entertainment comes in a new form at Louis’ Grill & Bar. With authentic Chicago dogs, the food here gives you a great taste of what you’ve been missing everywhere else. A Benson staple since 1934, Louis brings new experiences to the average bar goer. Barrett’s Barleycorn Pub & Grill, 4322 Leavenworth St., barrettsomaha.com – Watch the big game (or any game!) and enjoy their great selection of cocktails and beers. While you’re at it, they’ve also got a fantastic food menu, so you can make a night of it! Enjoy the great outdoors on their wonderful patio, or get right into the action on our great sand volleyball court. O’Connor’s Irish Pub, 1217 Howard St., oconnorspub. com – Established in 2003, O’Connor’s is a locally owned and operated authentic Irish pub that has been the headquarters of the St. Patrick’s Day parade and hundreds of other local events. They take pride in serving you the best Hibernian sustenance in downtown Omaha. Go on down pull up a chair and have a Guinness with Katie and the gang. Mister Toad, 10th and Howard streets, mrtoadspub.com – Since 1970, Mr. Toad has been one of the most popular Old Market bars, with arguably the most popular outdoor patio, which our Facebook friends pointed out to us in droves. Shamrock’s Pub & Grill, 5338 N. 103rd (Fort), shamrockspubandgrillomaha.com – Enjoy live music at Shamrock’s while taking in sweet drink deals during their Happy Hour Mon.Fri. from noon to 7 p.m. There are also food specials like the “Bucket O’ Beer” and “Basket O’ Wings” for just $20 on Sundays and Mondays! Get lucky at Shamrock’s for your next night out! Stoli’s Lounge, 715 N. 120th St. stolislounge.com – Thinking of where to go for killer “Boys Night Out”? How about somewhere that offers free pool and a mean Karaoke number? That’s right! Stoli’s gives you the perfect kickoff to your week. With free pool on Mondays and live Karaoke on Tuesdays and Thursdays, come knock around with the guys and let loose. Papa Chris’ Chicago Originals, 7024 Maple St., papachris.com – Check out Gimme Mondays for free swag and prizes. Enter to win t-shirts, free food & drink, posters, & more. And there’s open mic Tuesdays, as well as Wednesday Game Night – FREE Wi-Fi, board games, galore, darts, beer pong, poker, and more! And Turnsday’s at Papa Chris’ – YOU get to be the DJ every Thursday night with Turnsday’s presented by Papa Chris’. Play your favorite tunes, dance to the music, vote for your favorites. Visit turntable.fm for more information.
Shoutomaha.com • Aug 21-28, 2014
bar briefs Big Red Restaurant & Sports Bar, bigredrestaurantandsportsbar.com – Don’t just watch your team win ... experience the thrill of victory at Big Red Restaurant & Sports Bar. With fresh food that is made to order, including humongous fresh, never-frozen half-pound burgers, Big Red is taking the love of sports here in the heartland to new levels, giving you dozens of high-def TVs, daily drink and food specials and the thrill of live ball draw keno. Plus, at many locations you will find: Sand volleyball courts and leagues, outdoor, year-round eating areas, and 14-foot super screens. Sullivan’s Bar, 3926 Farnam St., sullivansbar.tripod.com – An Omaha icon since 1954, the neighborhood bar is famous for dollar pints on Mondays. Entertainment includes open mic night on Tuesdays, Karaoke every Thursday, DJ every Saturday, and frequently scheduled live bands. Tucked away in the heart of midtown, Sullivan’s atmosphere makes you feel right at home while enjoying a cold one. Whiskey Tango, 311 S. 15th St. – Billed as “Omaha’s Only Country Party Bar”, Whiskey Tango is located downtown above Jazz Restaurant. The bar features $2 Jell-O shots daily (closed Sundays) and boasts live country music with Pre/Post show parties. Get line-dancing lessons on Mondays and show off your skills at Fridays’ and Saturdays’ wild dance parties! Zin Room, 316 S. 15th St., zinomaha.com - Located in the main level of the Hotel Deco, The Zin Room offers decadent food and sophisticated customer service. Eye capturing scenery from the wait staff to the decorative elements, Zin Room is the perfect place for an after work cocktail. Two stories, the vibrant new restaurant fits the needs of both the business man to the Indie sole searching for the newest hot spot in town! It’s comfort meets style and its now right here in the heart of downtown. Amerisports Bar, 2200 River Rd., Council Bluffs, ameristar.com – Contemplating where to catch the big game? Amerisports Casino & Bar is your place! Filled with 34 flat screen monitors, and one mammoth 167’ mega-screen, you are sure to catch every second of the action. Throughout the week, live entertainment pulls in a vibrant rock and roll crowd and with Amerisports extensive menu options, you’ve practically got a full night packed. In addition to everything to offer inside, Amerisports also provides free parking in the multi-story parking garage with a valet option available. The Penthouse Lounge, 84th & K St., 402-331-9851, penthouseloungeomaha.com – This cozy bar offers a variety of options to young professionals such as yourself. The Penthouse Lounge brings comfort and style to the Omaha metro region with new horizons and a variety of entertainment options. With Saturdays now housing Karaoke, Penthouse is a fun and relaxing venue to enjoy great drinks and good company! Burke’s Pub, 6117 Maple St. – One of Benson’s popular collection of bars, Burke’s offers spirits with an Irish flare. You’ll find a large selection of beer on tap, as well as a nice variety of micro brews. Feel like a game? Try Burke’s Golden Tee or Silver Strike Bowling or Keno while you’re throwing one back. In addition to all these options, Burke’s brings your “Happiest Hour” seven days a week! Bushwackers, 7401 Main St. jmmbushwackers.com – From live music to dance lessons to great food and drinks, Bushwacker’s is the place to be when you want to kick up your heels and throw a few back. There’s live music every weekend, free couples dance lessons on Wednesdays and Friday night line dancing! With the feel of the South in your very own town, Bushwacker’s is a creative change of pace for everyone! Caddy Shack, 2076 N. 117th Ave. caddyshackinc.com –
It’s bar is about as legendary as the classic “Caddy Shack” the movie. But no worries, you don’t have to have a good golf swing to be warmly welcomed here. Caddy Shack offers a large open area for games and socializing. Their drink specials are sure to blow you out of the water too! Monday’s is “Bomb” night with the chance for you to order your favorite bomb shots at a measly $3! California Bar, 510 N. 33rd St., calibaromaha.com – Established in 1937, this little gem, hides behind its simple exterior. Targeted towards the college crowd, California Bar makes going out affordable on the student crowd. With their I.D. drink system, students with their college I.D. receive their second drink for only a penny! For everyone else, California Bar hosts Happy Hour Mon-Fri from 5-6 pm and Mondays are FREE Pool day! Candlelight, 5031 Grover St., thecandlelightlounge.com – The Candlelight Lounge is the self-described “official home of the 68 oz. Fishbowls and $1 Busch Lights.” Known for their School Daze Thursdays, the Candlelight has been serving up the specials for 19 years. With a huge dance floor, pool tables, darts and keno, the Candlelight has something for everyone. Crescent Moon, 3578 Farnam St., Omaha, beercornerusa.com – Ever searched for the “odds” of Omaha? “Das Boot”, Hurricanes on tap, Belgian and German beers and a late bite to eat? Yes, Crescent Moon has it all! The three-in-one bar has one of the easiest bar crawls in the Midwest; housing the Huber House, Crescent Moon, and Max & Joe’s. Tucked away in midtown, this hidden secret is a great gathering place for friends and definitely worth exploring! Harrah’s Stir Live & Loud, 1 Harrah’s Blvd., Council Bluffs. , harrahscouncilbluffs.com – In addition to being a token of Harrah’s Casino, Stir Live & Loud hosts a wide range of local and regional talent weekend nights . From Indie to Alternative Folk Rock, Stir is one of the area’s best live music venues during the summer. Take the short drive across the border and get ready for great drinks and good music. Homy Inn, 1510 N. Saddle Creek Rd. - Feel like being fancy? Homy Inn is infamous for their champagne on tap! This “small feel” bar offers big taste with their variety in bottled beer and eclectic crowd. In the heart of North Omaha, the Homy reaches out to its patrons with a wide range of fun activities to partake in while enjoying a cold one. Board games, peanuts, and fun music are the common threads that make this hidden secret something worth talking about. Hooters, 12405 W. Center Rd. & 2910 23rd Ave., Council Bluffs – You may only think of Hooters as a place for great wings, but it turns out this dining hall has the full package. With a combination of choices for sauces, Hooters is sure to please you in more ways than one! Drinks and a friendly wait staff are more than enough reason to stick around after a long day’s work. If it’s breaded or naked, the Omaha and Council Bluffs Hooter’s Staff are sure to strip you down and meet all of your dining and drinking needs! I Don’t Care, 3346 N. 108th St. 402-763-2800 – The first thought after a rough day at the office is usually where is the best place to forget your worries and enjoy a stiff one. Upon walking in, the warm hospitality of bar staff actually does care as they invite you to leave your baggage at the door. Awesome drink specials and a variety of gaming units such as Golden Tee, Pool and Darts let you stick it to the boss man and say, “I Don’t Care”. Come let loose and blow off some steam in this nice little getaway. Hey, bar owners, do you want your bar included here? Send a note to editor@shoutomaha.com
Shoutomaha.com • aug 21-28, 2014
K C O R m sha music E V I L 8.22.14 FrIDay aNOTHEr LOST yEar, BLaCKLITE DISTrICT, I-EXIST, & THE IMPULSIVE 8.30.14 SaTUrDay BarE BONES & GrINDSTONE rEMEDy 9.5.14 FrIDay NaKED SUNDay, NIGHT CIrCUS 9.6.14 SaTUrDay aLTEr EGO
5338 N 103rd • Omaha, NE 68134 402-933-0277
All specials 7pm - close Monday: $5 Pitchers of PBR Tuesday: $2 Pints Coors Light Wednesday: $3.50 Captain Morgan and Burnetts Vodka Thursday: $2 Wells Friday & Saturday: $5 Jager and Vegas Bombs Sunday: $2 Coors Light Pints
facebook.com/pages/Shamrocks-Pub-Grill/307387934670 S h o u t o m a h a . c o m • A u g 2 1 - 2 8 , 2 0 1 4 49
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Shoutomaha.com • Aug 21-28, 2014
Shoutomaha.com • aug 21-28, 2014
Shoutomaha.com • aug 21-28, 2014