1 minute read
Ira Stein
from APERO May 2021
I’m from the Devil Island | 2016 Acrylic on Canvas | 27 x 24 in POR
Ira Stein
ira@irastein.com irastein.com
In Stein’s works, you are provoked to think about genetics and behavior. What his art does best is to engage our minds on this particular subject.. With Stein’s precision sight, his focus on essentialism solicits an examination of nature/ nurture philosophy contrasted with the expanding scientific knowledge of genetics. Stein is brutally honest, and this bluntness is apparent throughout his paintings, sculptures and mixed media works. A Vietnam Veteran (he served as a pilot in the thick of action), Stein brings his visceral perspective to our attention with force - either shocking our senses to conjure unease, surprise and alarm in the viewer or capturing our attention with the lurid, often vulgar stories of the subjects’ lives. text California United States of America